JV .' j t : . l'V r- If I -. U K n ii s! fi : ? '' i Suenmg Uuhttc lle&aer PHILADELPHIA, ' MOOTAY, JANUARY 23, 4922 CAN YOU RECALL ''C TBlS BIT OF OLD PHILADELPHIA"? AT THE WHITE HOUSE. President Harding is chatting with First Sergeant UNVEIL DANTE BUST. Hundreds of members, of the. Order of the Sens of Italy yPflBBBBBBBBBABBBBBxp? IIllL-uEXalCE William J. Trevitt, of an Ohie division. Trevitt was present when his com- gathered nt Concerdvillc yesterday for the dedication of an orphanage, hunt ey itu... 9VBVBVBVBVBVBK SBSSJk-- ff?SWBl manding otTicer, Captain Fred Kochli, received the French medal u.&k, organization. Ambassador Vitterio Eicci unveiled the bust ISftAiSvHHHHHHHHHBiRWP fTnXp'WgpMgf'ggmitiM - " . 3MHaHH E-fiS! t",,'t,'1s,i f . '' -"", v; 1 BBIBPf'fi, v ; A lfflK&SyBBM'BBBB!mS 'BBBBlflBBiHBBlvHlflBj"lllBBllBifllvf 9 -'jiMriKMHHBHBB HBHlPIBHBJ BBBMjHBIV'' mI " --?j-??- - tfy BBBW'yvifc' IEBBBBJHBBBFISflPSBl ilBBvjlBBMiNHHBHjMBBHHjBHHiBtf'Sfl 'BHHHHHiiK4'' tHk-.. .n iVV BBJHH IBBBBBBBJ' ' -iflBBBBBBBBBJK's'vrVifl HMvIBbIhIBvBw , HBBBBBMllHJillvBHhkJBBI I HHBBk"KJHBJ flH HM.if' HBHBHHifi '9HHHHHF . J - HHHHHHHHHHrt '-Ml Mft-iMWfc.",MWWWWa ;- HHHHHHEBBHhPFIHHhSBHkI H WILLIAM S. CULBERTSON has been SUNDAY AT ATLANTIC CITY. Twe Philadelphians toss the medicine ball about as n part DIRECTOR GEORGE F. SPROULE Klpf i f- 4 V IB MfeBKBltJIB VflHBBil made vice chairman of the United of their daily warming-up exercise. Beth have just ceme out of the chilly waters of the talks of the pert of Philadelphia in Jm4Wf fPXiHS'A KsBAV.BBfi.HII BjjSjflBBHpMBj States Tariff Commission iue Atlantic an Editorial Ptfge interview lmpfMfy W iPyifM BMMBfc :j IM l1 ' NOVEL APPEAL FROM AN EX-SOL-DIER. A New Yerker who served in France advertises for a job en Fifth ave. w. w p. FINISHING PORTRAIT OF MRS. LLOYD GEORGE. Miss Dorethy Vicaji, distinguished artist of Great Britain, shown with her painting of the Premier's wife. The work was dene in the Lloyd Geerge home wide World HIS TAME SQUIRREL. Geerge B. Christian, secretary te President Harding, caught and trained his new pet undnvoea & underwoed HELPED TO PRODUCE "MICE AND MEN." The Literary Society of the Helman Scheel, appeared in comedy in aid of the College Settlement Heuse. Grace Sltly (left) and Wynnfrcd Hablcht HER OWN CREATION. Miii Beatrice Hedge will appear la x. w. u. A.JCaBMen nnew temgu . 'OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO i mMmMumA. sAn- i-mSLr Atim IHiffliwi busy philadelphians 1I10MAS MeDONNELL, 5(U5 Applctree Btreet, weaving a willow table in the factory of Geerge Marnhout, furniture manufacturer, 317 Seuth Second street . . SOLVING CADDY PROBLEM. Henry Carnegie Phipps, New Yerk, trained his deg "Ame" te carry the bag. . They were photographed in Fleridn u. & u. LEWIS BRYANT, star for ward of the Pennn. Military Collcge basketball team ern TEACH VALUE OF PURE MILK. Alma Siber (left) and Ruth Lyinguist, in health show, given at the P. R, R. Y. M. C. A., West Philadelphia SK t!S&te i ?5 JEl wujujiiuia aveiiub JLTUSC company. tlO IB Hii . . and has two children, JHis hobbies ere football and tennis, jJ. ht' ; 0 '.ft - 7-7 i c hTi ' l- ... ,1 .. 2v , E li liMHil- - .i ,. - - .