'J, -u in smiles win 17- SfMPATHYfNCOURT a I Infant, Unwilling Victim of Love Tragedy, Cuddles in Grand mother's Arms ONLY CRIER IS UNMOVED "On your wayl" . ... . .. If thcre was nny lletmetlf nt the Varlnjt of Catharine Hosier in the Cen tral I'olice Court this mernlns, tills mut Imvc been It. "On your wnyl git. snarled the n-d-faced Ccrbcrtw te the cnrieiw who fathered nt the iloera and reulil show no reason why they should be let in- tide. ,,, "On your wnyl The room filled enrllcr thnn usual. Fer n while nil eyes were focused en the second row e( benches in the center ilsle, where Mrs. Rebert Held, the niethcr of Catharine Rosier, set with Airs. Hosier's bnby en her Inp. Mm. nelil Is n woman of possibly forty. two, r.i!.pr stout nnd with but cnsunl gray jialrs strewn with the blaek under her eruslie.1 fillk hnt a helpless and hope less figure. Her face nnd eyes were Rwellen from tire dais of weeping. New she sobbed methodically, with her eyes bent to ward the base of the mngistrnte'8 desk. She rooted the baby up nnd down en her knee. Baby Smiles at Court Scenes The b.ihy was geed. Against Its cushion of Mrs. Reid's coat, he turned his head from side te ttdn, regarding all about him witii uuiifrnld eyes. Some times he made soft neIf.es somewhere Inside bi.i threat nnd moved his nrm ex citedly up nnd down. Once bis ga?e halted for n geed two minutes en the blase face of n police lawyer, the cor ners of his eyes dimpled a little nnd Ms small !oep of n mouth widened Inte an Irresistible smile. .Tust then the clerk pounded nervous ly for order. The drone of conversation topped abruptly. Magistrate Renshnw appeared through the right doorway and sank Inte his place. "On your way!" shouted the Cer berus, as he pushed a man aside nnd deed the doers. The sudden stillness and then the loud shouting of the name of n prisoner frightened the baby. It whimpered a little. "Hush." said Mrs. Held seftlv. The clerk lese te the rampart of the desk. "Silence !" he reaicd, pounding and glaring at the bah . The baby, fnsclnnted appnrently bv the noise, stepped whimpering nt once, and Mrs. Held forced the nipple of u dome or mine into us mouth EVEff im fluBifc .fiBIKJBiRPKriiADBKl'HlAr, MONBAY, JANUARY 33, 1922 L I i . , i " f ''I' DIAGRAM OF DOUBLE LOVE TRAGEDY ' mi - LM.J I I OUTER emCE orrvrve HOSIERS I,, -Til ,,,, IH CMeurcusj , nVff-ii ra emcc m II TReiw HH SAKMtOM r -i lr V 1J "' HI II II I ' llllH Vwjdewcvsr. 1 fT U- r- t ' . L--l , ' HI llt STAIRS l rj d M IIHJ I III , , i-l m J i Va- 'hwm m v k I JrttTl i in C j tecsr r 1 6Ms JBTU. 1 essS I k) WHERE . -1 V JJlBCSWSfnraHi'ri'i T-55T Mill lift i IN I JML " "virCli . Vh OSTZju -ssj TKrKtsWAvvmni (Z yJrrlTfTl, ' -SSAST WOE sC court ra1 v . LA LrZ-b-- rJ" KsSKKSn r" "" -m Hack In the cellroem nfler her I ! i SVFT 1 iiu uiec iiiiikiuui R Ives ti jji-npuit: ilitiHtcatiuii of the inunar Mitiiiiiny ei uscur Itusicr, hii advertising innn, ulnl lila BleneRraphcr, Mildred IlecklUa. Tlie rooms of Mr. Hosier's olTlce at Thlrtcentli and Walnut atrccta, In Hlilch Mrs. Hosier found her husband and the stenographer, and fntnlly wounded both, are shown with the silhouettes Indicating the principal figures of the double tragedy uhldi is laid te Jenleuay A dozen photographers hed taken PSn.0.''"'1' '?.'"" V I,n'1 J hurtmrnl and MKs Heckltt nucii v.iliii.uj aib int.--j 11 1 v: 11 puuiiiuu Mrs. Rosier Held in Deuble Slaying Continued from Tate One out the Infant. Mrs. Hosier eagerly took the child In her arms. Mrs Held said: "My peer girl," nnd kissed Mrs. Hosier en the wft dark hair ever her forehead. The elder woman then collapsed In her chnlr, rocking back nnd forth nnd ulmest convulsed with grief. Mis. Hosier was sobbing, but she wan dry eyed. Hhe held the .bnby off a little and gazed at It long nnd lovingly, then she passed It te her breast, and kissed and caressed It. The child had fallen asleep, placidly taking the nursing bot tle which the mother, for nil her grief, held pressed te Us hinnll mouth. As the mother leaned ever her baby cnrcssln: it. the child opened its blue eyes, blinked nt her with n baby btnile, and then went te sleep ngnlti. The mother's sobbing diminished te nn oc casional long-drawn shuddering sigh, and tears began te slip quietly down her checks. Only Formal Evidence Heard Mr. Cenner leaned ever nnd whis pered that he would ask the magistrate te let her tnke the baby with her te prison. This seemed te console her soniewhnt. Then the testimony began, brief butF Miiucicnc te new .Mrs. Hosier for the Corener as the admitted slayer of her Mrs. Rosier' s Right te Victim's Estate in Doubt Section 123, Intestate Act et 1017, snys: "Ne person who shall be finally adjudged guilty, either ns principal or accessory, of murder of first or second degree shall be entitled te In herit or take any part of a real or personal estate of a person killed, ns surviving spouse, heir or next of kin te such person under the provis previs ions of this act." Lawyers say erdlnnrlly under the law Mrs. Hosier is entitled te one third of the estnte even though Ho sier did nnme his brother and child ns his heirs. Mrs. Hosier, they say. can take one-third or contest the will for the whole estate. de for him in prison whatever H is needful thnt n mother de for her child. "I don't intend te rush matters, nor say Just what steps will be tnken to ward luivinz Mrs. Hosier released en ball. Ah a matter of fact, I nm net sure whether thl will be the course followed. It all depends en our in vcstJgntlen, whirl! will tnicc days te complete Mrs. Rosier Asks te Sec Bedy of Slain Husband Hack In the cellroem nfter her henring today, Mrs. Oscnr Hosier asked te sec Cnptnlu Hemier. Al though the detective chief rarely visits the cellroem he went up nt 011(0. "Can't I see the body of my hus band before they teke me away," Mrs. Hosier asked as she dabbed at n tenr-wet cheek. "My dear woman, (hat is net in my power," Kouder replied. "Only a Judge has authority te allow that." brother, and my boy, Junier," was Hie Wiiispcrcd message. Telln wrote. Then he hnnded flic pencil te Hosier, who Imcrlhed bis itnmc Indistinctly. He tried again, and the seeeiid time the name wns legible. Doctors, nurses and police officials Steed about. Hosier tried te mice himself os Telln signed the will ns n wltne. Lieutenant Humphry also signed It. Then Hosier died. It Is net believed by lawyers that the deathbed will of Hosier will held. If the estate Is less thnn ?,"000, It Is pointed out, all will go te the widow. If In exenss of SiiOlM) she is entitled te $5000, It is said, nnd one ene hnlf of all remaining ever that sum, 'nti.l nltmi'nnrAa Cni her nn'll Infnht flltd Hosier's eight-year-old son by his first wife. The exact value of Hosier s estate Is net known. It Is said, however, thnt i his rtiultv In the house In Htenehurst, wns .ftlOOO and that he carried .$10,000 or ?rJ,000 llfe Insurance. .Statements made by Arthur Hosier, mid .Mr. Tellns dNclescd that the mnr rled life of the Hesiers had net been ! a happy one for some months. I The cetinli were married In Phlln- Rosier Defended Girl 'en Deatlibed circles nre exclusively ) t IbOtefc cardinal, tdncp no foreft;if0nrilhifli8 WMI ret reached Heme. The- 'Italian pre int,c, however, number thlrtyone. mein hern jiut of tlm sixty-one comprising the Sacred College, and all the Itnllnrib have new reached Heme except Cardinal I'rlsce. of Naples, who may net be nbU te nttend the conclave owing te lit advanced age nnd feeble fnt of licnHli. The cardinal who nre In Heme wcrrf te meet this afternoon te decided ileuV ..I. ..I- ........ ll.A .lnle n linl.llllir IllA CnrtU Her daughter. Dorethy, wns beside her. ,.... i....i..i.,.. i.n unniii im nffU aji arm about her shoulder. rny K0Ilt l0 ,iic cardinals throughout "My daughter was n geed girl," said i jjle ,verj Mrs. Heckltt. "That Is what matters Whether the dnte will be set for Feb metf . I want every one te knew it. I rary , or i,l,runry 2 It will he vlr want every one te knew that this ler- tllnir nhvsllcal Impossibility for th rlble tragedy was net her fault. On 7"' 'Z. .1,n?..if. nuT1 ivfnnMl mut her deathbed she said, almost with I f,1i..ji. . i, ,,reAiit. The, annvD Cenllnuril from I'nse On by any ene that my girl wns net n geed girl. "She wns net te bluinc for this ter rible deed." Mrs. Heckltt. almost exhausted from long weeping, sat In a rocking chnlr Doiiehertv. te be present, ihe nm tier inst nreatn. timt sue munet .lone i , t" -f Cnrdlnnl llegin, of Cnrmdav KJS'lS.WwIt.! BMlaffia,"' Albunuemue Cal. and te her mother." . lM!rh!..Mi .. .i.,l that nat mare A. ll II n ib - .-- " i .' Ml-a IfL'1tt wnnlfftil fcilflfif It m mn I ,nent.heV head bewe"dwkh grief: Then ffi "V ft nU?terrlVe in (ImMe her Indignation nt .Hosier hurst out. ee?J Vl'w A twe-tl M "I blame him," s.he said. "If my " , ! " , "" .-..' nr nn -lectien, daughter was mnltin? trouble In his mry ' ncceBsarj for an ejection, home. If his wife was Jealous of her. no i Mnffl. the "War Cardinal" matter hew little reason there wns for it r'...itrnl Mndl. nf PImi. Is verv nenu TI..t- -I. ..l.l !.- .1tHAU....1 .4..... -..., w- . ,"." .1-1..1.1. w.i.,'a i,mn, .,i,i .mi ih.i. l.'.. '" ""' wiuiiiu nan- uiKumiicii nr n Itnv. and is generally Known n I emesVc Ife was marked bv nlmes ai T, - .... , ,. ..- .,.. ' the "wnr cardinal." en nrceunt of hU continuous quarreling ueennse Hosier ,ew declared his wife was net In sympathy ., i i at t 1 1 1 - ii in in witn his nmunian ler success. un Umi,e MC(pt , t)lP )10(,t buHinr many uuun uur, ,,, i... iwncr "'" like Way "I pity the peer wife. I pity her deep i un'swcrvn); policy toward the energetic wn In mv heart, and I blame him. ,.miucl of ,1P war te n finish. The "I never henrd Mildred speak of ,( ,t nns rcfcr te him ns "our cardinal She then ate a lit tin hrcnknint. nml several ' nirnnglng her hair and clothing, pre- pnred herself for the ordeal of the day. a,.- 11....1 .., i .... f. ,i. "V"KV' ." .. -"B"..i ei. .leiin s .win. j -,. ... " i' 7',". , i'. k. ;tiurcii, at Sixty-ninth and Mar scrutiny of detectlvp rarlj 'te day. krt Htri.etll w M , nf er trending the nlgl.t In he , ,,,1,,,,,,, H(IW ,.,. ,n L b f , alld cell, a cell mera comfortably i i(nrlng furnished than the ethers In City Hall, i Afterun,,! i. e.,i,i n,.f i. i,.i i, ------ .... (, inn, 4i an nun itiatf(a Captain Seudcr questioned her mnny times, us did Lieutenant Helshaw. Tlieyjshe wns In every way n geed wife and get UOllllllg 1IU1I1 iter, xicr iiia ncrei lueiuer mcnslng Prison. Heluctnntlv Mis. Hosier yielded up the child. Iter mother tcek the Infant In' her nrms and cn resscd her daughter, enfolding both in a convulsive embrace. Alien Mis. Hosier was led awav prison. sealed en the advice of her attorney. The cool manner In which the young woman asked for an attorney even be be be fere she had been taken te City Hall, led Captain Bender te say he believed uii Insanity plea In her defense would be untenable. "This young woman, te my mind, Im a clever person,' said the captain. "Kuch time I talked te her she in formed me thnt Mr. Scott was her ut ut terney and she had been told te say nothing te any one. "Mrs. Hosier certainly has none ei the earmarks of Insanity. She fully i reallzud what she had done, ns was 10 1 shown by the fact that as seen as she wns locked up in the Fifteenth nnd Locust streets station she asked that Mrs. Hosier for seme time, and thnt any asKeu me te get Her n prayer book." said Mr. I'ugh. "and I shall de se. She asked ine te pray with her. which I did. She said she hoped Ged would forgive her. but thnt she had had te de what she did." Strange Angle le Case A strange angle has entered Inte the case through the medium of personal belongings found en the slain husband. In n small leather billfold, which he mm in ins upper leit vet pocket, less r i f t many occueioiip, iwuiir ivesicr pbiu, ijcc war. Hhe believed. In Its company. ""'"" ' ,tn , f pn u.,irt' Mrs. Hosier had threatened te take her sh(. B11fcwl her fnthrr t( ,nVMt ,"t , The certificate of Pepe V"-" husband's life. nml hB( Ht0(.k ,n t hr,ref. She werkcil death eferded at thn city s Bureau Says Wife Threatened Hosier bnnl and wns extremely ambitious. Hhe of Dcntlw "Aa" IcIbii hereby "Only four das a aae." he nsserted. ",, "':cu w U0H,',r "'" BrPl'raecr-l.i.i-.7l..rnt (1 Hvieek A. M.. , iTanunrr "while mr brother nnd myself were en Olrl Was Ambitious .' m Holiness Pene Benedict XVv the way te the elfirc I called his at- -jllst before Christmas she snld to.O'acemn della bsn, expired following tcntlen te the fnct thnt many mcnlne. 'Mether I'm going te be rich " nttack of bronche-pneumonia brought forewarned of tragedy j.nld no ntten-,Keme dn becaube I'm going te work en by influcnea. Ien je threats until after it wns tee ,,,.. J,he aln.nrs worked ll8rd. She , ""B"""-. rT ., .,,, r, latX, , , , .. . went through high school nnd business "DH. HAFFALLL HATTISTLNI. "Oh, nothing will happen. Hosier school, and had a job ns a stenographer ' I'er mnny fceursyesterdny te thm room said Ins brother replied, and the mat- iwhen she was sixteen. She had a jl- where the pontiff nnd made his light ter was dismissed. ,urni aptitude for business. " i for Hfe came n continuous stream of "One incident shows hew they I "It Js ntit true that her father and officials, the representatives of foreign lived," continued Hosier. "The day I did net knew where she wns living nations, high prelates and etherfl.,Then, after Christmas while my brother nndsjhe wns with a girl chum, daughter of ' lne In the afternoon, in gorgeefls pro pre myself and several ethers were in the.n Mrs. lireimrpll. Mildred came home cession, composed of Palatine guard, first llner front pnrler of the house, te u -every" Hnnday. I knew she was gendarmes, the Swiss Guard, secret Mrs. Hosier, wearing a silk nlglt- always with thin chum, for this ether 'hnmberlnins nnd honorary chamber gown, and n string of pearls around girl snld, 'JNIIIdred was alwavs with lalns, the body was solemnly tran hcr neck, took a .n8Lnllber revolver. , Hilly' 'that'll the chum's husband ported down the royal staircase, through which Oscar Had in the house, went i 'and me..." - - j tbe Clementine hall Inte the throne te her bedroom nnd fired. ' Mrs. Heckltt refuged te say what the room, where the whole Diplomatic Cerp "Oscar and I ran upstairs. We found ehum'rf ilhmc was! or . her' husbnnd's Pil deveufrcverence. Airs. Hosier with the revolver in hei-iiunie, or te dlwlese the address. It, Cardln'aU Vcrlfi-News of Death Monslgner Zatepinl, the Cardinals hlle thft nenl limn,-,,. ,ii,i nfrnru-iiril. i., r ,..i, ,, ' t...i.. ...1... m- M...i. .'-.. ..i..i. . tentisrles unceasingly clinntcJ nrayers. 1 - it.nt . ...... uiav a IIIL IltJ IVCIIllI MIIL'ri. illl .1W I lir HUH II IHUIIIIIfi . " - -. heuld be aware for fear his wife might ' lng shop at' 23."i0 North Fifteenth, an?,)yr' bl tn, KnefnS onlookers, sl-.vt nt him." 'street ' the Cardinals met yesterday morning lintWI ?Slli II nil Tlflt'l nt lllrt flint Ilia tnu .ai.a.Ia.I Mn MIMra.l 1....1 II,, I IJlt' !. I, a V (! ( ' Vf I 1 II (J (L.1 ll-IMIIILII IIIHL klllllll ril II II II IIV'I-II -! . eullet nlerclnc the rut nnd becoming , nt flie Imtue nf TInrrv 11. rineel.t.; ,.r xlia eacristan, mhi-,t,teil in iiii. Hnnr." wining. ,i nnni, nu v,i .' ,L Rive auTOlutlen, nna ins,. -..- ,.... iu,e... i .,!.. i i.. aJ.-'n-tn' .. .-ii i sDrinklcu helv water, w -L -,.0 .. HI W..vin,u.ll( lf,u . iliv VliriflliaiY.. E1VFI . II L .)ll XIITIIl I'll" -..--- ,- -.- AM.ile Arthur Heicr ; was Hl.Ing of Todeiho veKr.rtfnfly deed Ibat he wiermcil of tne l'ope a acfttb. the ijunrrelH between his. biethcr and knew nnnhlbgfutW thelgir. "Wc Ulth lhe 'eptIen of Cardinal Ona Mrs. Hosier, Mr.. SWirenk declared that have ift ledge?a h wfiuf knew , Ptn, camerlenge and the papal secret en several occasions Oscar Hosier had 'nothing alMiufUie gfrl or at v onecen- taV Vf ta,e'th3r "tharl In BenedlctV consulted him lelatlve te Instltutine dl-, necte.l with tha' cushJ .. - ' prlyntc apartments. (.Hsparri, intlue terce proceedings. Mnfr'Hw?VHtair thatnl'theuijh Mil quae ou com-efflce. Ashs for -Speedy Inetiest Mr. Cenner visited the Corener di- u lawyer be sent for. reetly alter the henring te attempt le "Mrs. Hosier Is of a very intelligent .......... . .... ' I....M n...I Ini. HllliHliili In .til. I.ltl.lll nlan.i ,... ..-. ,'. ..,.. .t. i,nnw.n. Ill--Ull nnd solemn form, escorted by tiie Swim ijtinni in tun Ureas and accompanied by the prelates nnd acolytes of the Apostolic uemDer, entered the apart ! ments a few mlnlites inter. As-Camer-, lenge he will administer the nely He i during the interregnum. With him type, and far superior te the usunl iirruiiui' n sneeuv liinueu, rrim ..(...j lJIStrir-r Ilnteetlvn Kv f ,1,,, t-i. nn nlnnu ,.. iu. f,.n i.... ,... . i of tiersmis chnreeil uMfli kiicIi ""J "' v1.,,,,tjJ:r.0.,,s;.. i !crc ,ws. an nc" tcentl. nnd Locust MreitV statle . tc". ! en bail lire I mh Imbens e Z I "1" , as thiH." another made n Tr Ice se?51 tinci1 t,l,at '" ha'l K011" te L'lU Wnlnul ng; as seen as the Inq. es h ever , V?,h Ca"ta,n au,Ie1, an'1 L cranetner inoiiea puutlcobliet. street sheitly after .1 o'clock. Haturdnv Corener's Detective Frank I. rim . Helshaw were angered been! un iem tinj ler iieryueuy , afternoon, and had found tlm two vie. is niaklnc the InvestiirnHn., i.Piin.in.... Hosier hni beaten ihem te Jheie was the usual collection of. tints badly wounded In Mr. Hosier's Monday morning prisoners speeders, efflce. lie said lie hud arrested Mrs. dope fiends, shoplifters, gunmen nnd i Hosier, nnd that she had udmltted the ti.nl hejs. Uhe testimony and the ver- ' sheeting, diets were summary in each cr.se. i Beth victims had died, the detective "Discharged, said the magistrate Je' testified, Hosier a little before "i o'clock one. "On jour way!" snapped mi anil Miss Heckltt bherlly after 0. attendant, 'le another, "tlftecn days" "Let me nsk you if you have any ""w. .5t0,.,r i tWn?V iii... . , ' mmvH et wlthesscsV" asked Mr. Con Cen Con Occ.iIeiiully the baby lest the nipple ner. vi n uuiiiu iinuu-Cd, nam UIIIU IHP "T hnv nr In H.n nr)Linlm. nt Tlnii- .'ffrtiCntlntl lirnllnilnifi' te the Inquest, snld that it did net seem likely that the Inquest could be held' earlier than Friday. Mr. Scelt. Mrs. Heslni-'u ..litf ,..,..,- Beth victims had died, the detective "'' warmly defended his client this uniTiioen. no snld t mt he wen 1,1 nn. clerk glared and shouted silence, nnd I tenant Ilarrv IInmnhrevH " fJ.-'rd' eniai,,he0,,,,,,.C1?,Vlt " ,lt,lc! """'""t && in charge ei listei nnd replaced the nipple. tle yu.,. i0iil, iistrlet then testified an? 'ether '"tLMeT a, Hha m.," i " "tamlln8 at 'fStl. nnd Waliu.t irate leUd ntl.nL S ht,et;tfc wh ,lc llw H'O Twelfth and "VllrlSht" ?.i Kli. i r I1''1"-' Kllret!l ln.n nml the Jeffersen iwIL i" '...l!t,.lc rell",nMl1 Ur- ambulance dashing te Jeffersen Iles- vvi.iiiii iiHuiu inn uv ie inu ran. leu 'cause th trick of the game by obtaining ucierc uiey nan a nance le q ner. Hue i, witliln lier legnl r refusing te tell police niiythlng, Bought Pistol in Pawn-shop reveal tli.. itn,. nf .if.,.,... .. i.i..i. ' ... , , he would net even tell them hl ?b l'l.. sv whcthwIfX TT L5,"l"ruJ,-,,i,,c,W!!!J .....V.. ..1. ....r.VW.M. ....I, lll'J SHI. llll was ene of the first things the murder llit.il Mllll liml fnlli-ii'n.l Tin fmtnrl llin icllms tiicre, he said, and learned there had been a sheeting. The lieutenant testified that Mrs. Hosier had been blamed for the sheeting and admitted It. Melhrr Is Hysterical I Mrs. Held was In hysterics while this . testimony was being taken. "My child, my child.' she sobbed. lime mid again, ceuit efiiccr.i trying te I 'I'lu. 0.1 mliliiMnn.iie !. iaI.I I. f ' t. Minn un men irem au point tltrenirli . i ' i1"", r i ,usu" rwi(ttwwji.iM"rr iuuiuit s n u'i ri iiiu .irn' u..Mt. .. ". i in iKi ii.v wns uerii. unii hi LPrirarfj - 'nn im Nnn nvd . -iiriimitiitnii v eiira bcxly. Hosier carried, unknpwn te nijr ' J,T' S,c'l,r'ni?' .'i10?1.61;, C01H at, ,m.y ' lm 'toetfunly:;Work'-nt thG of his intimates, two mcsnL'c nrlninli 0,u.w ?9PK the birth of the. child. Vlticalls Jlusettal Srei.n ii imitation typewriting and ha.idwilt- am .S1"' i!f r"apH:,.lae ?Z "?r, !"? ! "She waiC never there uldnawitli her 111?. rriiikr fAnil uiuuiviiuc iiini inai ii" uuiiui nc UUfI ,.rt,vT.. :, Mn..ni. " ..1.1 i.fc ..t ""-' -" I, f- .la ...... ..' l.i .li. lW"iJVi, jiiwmis "UiU LU UiUlllVr. , filji ttfiiu ATniiL ittinn UniAfiiri wtsrf t .. "Hlgger men than J0U have had te r,I be 1, ,.,.nv ' ' u'""fl "Other girltf. would be. there WrkIiW. of the Sil-wJ College ' """""" :C0V!'re".,;",a?!1 a""Therel,s no .doubt in I'dlefe 2 J& "" . . '"" uiu ui en ine come 1i,i ,,f i, kmi.-.. 1.1. lf. ,,j i.. ..."" "- l?.K4r.S.""Ul W'IIUH- rnnllnnls. then nreeemleil (n vllr th. a crime ' uii-eugii. housftkeeper?-VgetIatlc and eiftiWW,WAP1t'iS 'Hethettjtlit jdeHth.ofBcnedict. Extending evarnla Where these messnecs came fi-nm ,r , ........ 'V : ' ... 1 A ,V. . r "-: ' . e.V T-'rrierhani Mildred had tnken it ilewn'iif-u r...... .. n- ..,-. j ..j ...i tenant, their object could net be aiwrta ,..m I IV""".'. "J """ "n:."te" ffffLYS! .town.... turned mlfte.be the case, and ' "f b , "3"-lW Mrs. by city or Corener's dflccllvea. hut the ' X" .-" ' . "".. f """.?iC "rr ' K- "SSI KMIcplioaeil-UeK'n. r tUtiRwl He' c.t r.l,.r0 tT pT-; -nnH.mi ""X.;-! e first fact remains that Hosier evidently he- ' i..." .....i" .J J. .urV.V." iiL",'-JHeihf' vijiman hn tlie teleoUene before ! he nneJ H,e ,TrHn.i V .i.iL --d counsel lieved they were forebe.ling, for he took whs in eiesied ih making a auccc"s e 1M,.,llr,e" ""."-'i. ST" j . .declared; "DemimIJapa pouter-mer- lUMtlen cue of his bus ness cards and wrote nt Hfe threugl. the mi iu.n of linK "St . jthtla. aoneiMelnj; pfCcTallr ights In the top I,. ik. "Fei Identification." , .'jY -i vwwu and under this line. '23 Kent rea I ' vtK nn. mr dKhtr .-hfc On Uxfa U ."nentlftc.l ehmnben aienciiunt, Upper Ihirbj." ,u.nt of , Illu.lI Hotegravure HCV- ,V lLWV,V:?h-edc'9l:,iSa,llJ!, PW'fl- still -escorted by the where' lncn ".e toeK u"' Iw, messages, tlens. which supply a service te forty- ',! A iXw-..- SLil. .Vi "' J'HJ2.?".B V,":1' ,,-"qn,,c, w J?c "' "oer. t 'tn linn. f i At. KHAiaa..! i.i. i. . . - .. .. .... k.n.... .. .-1 a i i -w r t j Jin- ririT w iui iiui ij iiiiiuii:. jrnr i wi. w i iii-rr. j ! rsn nrjii im trprwa riait mn mm & k. ...u,.,.i-u ii. -in iiiuuim mi ewsiiiess i-nril ""v ni:rijuivrii ciisi or uir .llsslN.sinnI. t with the Identification u-iltten en ii This ceiniiunv. tecclhei- uifli hU n.l,t..r. nild nlaceil it in n felil if l-iu ,ell. finlti'- 1iiim1iii-kh. V'rnt lilm nml l.l.. ... ' V - ,.... ., ... ...... u. ..... in, -. r. .. - m... .p Ujl.U" fc i'ir6sIer;H witljer.'.J.trtiijr,' "was ' vned, commencing It Deliberations at there, leaning -lei tu uuy drfiig girl. 'IfC o'clock. , Sirs. Hosier Assured An uibtunt later the deer nt the left aliened, and Cnthailne Hosier was fol fel fol leiifil out by the drub figuic of n jiollee matron, i SIie walked sclf-ciinieuslv te the chair in front of the deulc. The attendant bent down and whlspeicd. Then he looked up and shouted out her address te the court. ..Mrs. Iteid hed risen and w.is stum- lllillg toward the l-nil. Tlin mntrml still lw.r lnml ivni.nln,' nml mviiilic touched Catharine en the shoulder nnd Mrs. Hosier, however, remained lie rose and took the baby fiem her , quiet. She gassed steadfastly nt the mutlicr with it culnt smile of possession, .bubj, and teemed net te hear the tes- rs. Itcid resumed her scat new ho'e- tlmeny. Dl?; I Mr. Cenner, just before the formal I se . Hie prisoner n checks were Dale and ceminltinent. nskeil if Mrs. Hosier mlcht i If her hair a little disordered. Still she net take the baby with her. I done lecincii cold nnd relaxed, and If there "Of course she can take her child with nsiui c.picsMuu in her eyes, it was her te nri.sen?" he asked Magistrate mt 'at.?.lls. Henshaw. I folio Mie gae no heed te the listless tcs- I "Dees she want te tnke it?" inquired i the timeny of the first pellccmnn, nor te the .Mairistrate Henshaw. in u cruff voice. ' te 1 llll Lt lin. 1 ........ .. t.l. .. I....I. ..... ..... .t -.. i - .... I . I 1 . . . . . -.......... B,.,. n,lu iMiicu me secenu lie was grcniiy meveu, aim ins cyea were ' cr aim ins uiecuer needs lilm vv.-.nuu uL-i-uinpiiiueu ins, nor seemcu misty, as were tiie.se et court eutccrs, - teiiced that it was an nllcn atmesiheie lawyers and most of the spectators. about her. She pressed the baby te Then Sirs. Hosier spoke, the only flmeir and moved her lips te It with- time during the proceedings. i ui limning sounds "Yes. sir." she said. "I want mv "Ut nS the Witliesn 111 li!i tlnrv lit tin flnrlln." Tlie wnrilq were unnVnn ill n low voice, full of love and longing. "Far be It from me te take the baby fteiu her," burst out the magistrate. atiti..i.t..i .i .:.'.. . .y -.... muici, ,,ver rue name or .Mildred (S. xteckltt, Catharine bent down te her beby mid cupped Its temple with n ?i 1 1 i "a, llt'rt ,llnt tup 8el)S of Sirs. Held become audible even nbeve the , ant , icl!ll,K of tlie cameras that cie Making negative after negative tin struiiBe picture of maternity lie--ue the bar. i7iT '"i1,,"1,''.01'1111' sir' ls 0,lly bree Ren h, old," Sir. Cenner was saying. Anaiigcinents uiuld he made se ?' Smiles Wlien Iavlm; tar ,L ln,,5strnlc1 nl the clerk were "lump in an undertone. "All rl"ht.T ntie;'!,M-,.C '!' !" veice.1" Tlie K 'r1''1" Catharine ngaln. tool. ---..-, .iuiu nt-!- ,IU uie gin nrese. Denied I'roseiico et LlUld I Ileie T.leuteiiant Helshaw Intervened, lie, tee, was visibly moved. I "I'm no mere unfeeling than the rest," said the lieutenant, "but I don't , believe tlii prison authorities will per I mil her te take the baby Inte Meya- mensliig." "Well, until we find out," said Mr. Cenner, "I suppose it can go with her te tlie cellroem." 1 "Certainly," said the magistrate. ! "I shall see the superintendent," ' inn i .ii r. iumiur, turn iry ie umKp nr A miithless. humorless half smile was laiiRements se that the mother can have rawn for a moment across her straiurc hcv clll,,i ,vltI' I",r hnnid ' Mev,C(l y borne curious i Magistrate- Henshaw then fermallv El0' , ,,"''.,c'.1 tewaid the spec- 'held Sirs. Hosier for the action of the unii moved ner arms from her Corener, without ball. Mr. Cenner un inmiiiii.v pica would lie mnde neverni persons whn ilhl nm hnw Sirs Ttimfie. i nil i,n... 7i.,i i ., snunil solicit te earn. Their invest- ""ere iu was leunii niter lie had tied "'lies ni ine ni nut street eutcex net J. v . -.LV2 V. r VI ""'"-1-i t v """"i "."' -b"-u;mi nucaa M Mr Scott "a, ifiv? 1 nsi'rnel'n Ka" haNe show..? a co.'d ng " Cn, - '" Jeficrseu Hospital. I only almost every Saturday afterne2u',UVl nTffihfeSft ?5ia . A il"8 y? J e?rf tlr, llme et th me te gn ahead with I ? Ii ' - t "'" Houder, that she purchased it in "Osear Hosier had consulted me about but also ou Sundays. u', ' "ftrf'w,F? r,C"lI,,?? mV, K i ft' i ll ' he UwaB n'W" fensc n"r,lin he extendi re a pawnshop In the central downtown J , Hvorre both before and after ie "In the evening,. toeSlr. He'iiw.S '' U:uhtc" '' PJ H. Ltewhc; , . velved. They told me te spare icltwr ?"' ""'ef1 ' J"Hmrca from her bus- Ir h of the baby. soul Frank II. found it uccessiiry te de some wrk, tv if1 'udrt wm- .fn 'anfuIiah.She ' Wa In AeV Uurlnc NWit tluir Heslei. the' yemirnStnf 1n.. h" h"h """induct." Jt-kln. her out showing her a geed his wife te the annual frolic of X (SeA i.S JS&rfV-'l ; '"" "'', ."""' " v'8er at H si ,. " i"-'m.""". '" l"1 '"'"ring .irs. ,...0 ... . . , i.. .,,,.. ' '" ,",,c ncncviie- .a rv. ItebertlUid of OheNen nfi... M " viecx-ur.- isautstmi.f-rmerglne house for th,- last few months, was! Hosier wes photegrui 1 In tin- police , ., 1Mr"' Hosier was jeale,,,. f UV.CPV , Stratford. Beth appeared happy at the imw "Atlantic CH . theMVeptlflc.il chamber into the "; the heneiidnry of a dying will I gallery nt City Hall. She dressed her- I i"?" c "',0,wl " ''' ''Ushand. and ! tine, nnd both said they w erf enjoying " Ileitar. camtr1 s tv t '..flhuit'roem tehl th .Klatcil Prew which disinherits Sirs. Hosier and her I "elf caiefullv for the occasion. lviljs without nny .easnu Sir. Hosier the event." - TUnfirWwV lir Infant son. 1 shall attend te this will 'Mrs. nosier went te bed in her cell nt 10 vas,' ';an' harl-werki.ig man with a Sirs. H.ler first met her husband of the lles et 'Xl.lr -AU-iii. i? tlmt alreidy hh hands and ness fe?t at the proper time. o'clock hist night. There is a regular brirtt futnre before him. while she was emple.ied ... a MnTettPlW iT !?wW. 0S? fC,t "I ..tend te de everything possible te bed in this cell instead of the regulation ,. "fnturdny morning she told Arthur! Mreet speclult, shop. Her nttldena?Kwit reartnnH Frem Uiat-.pfri.Hfn.thfr Pene nMn get Sirs Hosier's Imby le her. We plnnk upon which well prisoners sleep. I1 " t -r'j. brether. that she was num.. was Chappelle and she lived. 1,-Vought iT&ln f hfm. BreatI InS Kf.e "Should this fail. I , ,,. , hist unlet vm -self aA 1 1 , ' ,1, c, ,i thwe ni 1:20. Thci went . , ,7.: i considered me " f in ,V '.;.".. V 7 P," ' m?hBany. . IJ""' : ft. ".. nsesuen wa te the Heard of IM,,,., "Inspectors. I go te sleep." ' ' i tnurnnt nt Tenth and I.must st.eets I irls in the store in wlil-h s he Te rt ' ,. " blouse 'dn-'''?. " I1' i lT'?1" iWmfbSmingliimay Tenr ' this tails. I sin se.. hIiiii ..,i iw. I Amiiin Kirir nnd had luncheon, i urifiir v.1,1,.1, M.t She im nn !v,.,..-..,t i..Y " B-M Blouse, tlnrk -Url and dark blue hi. .;'.". .V?, 'enser. with (he courts. , .. ....":. K"lcr drank two cups of V ,V sC. pretty Im.m le , , , S fitt,ir . n"'"l ! shquliler. spoke tnt" ?':;'" ","" " c I, '? Pa "It is vital (Inn the I.nl.v , Piv.-n i." "i" . .""....... ""'.,.. ,,,,,,"B1 vas very bright and cl,ec-f,.l. st : line llcure. Sh.. Vk.i ,....'""' vmy . v'"?: I'iling tlmtv she must , ,r::r "!: ",""?'," ." e his mother's charm- "t 1 ii- i ":;,." "",'.-. "" . ". "... " ',?. '" "v ".' talked about her husbai.,1 .i , ,., i de.iarti.ient m " .. . . '.. ."'.'" .'-,. ?" the c iiidten ready t take them te ' iVl'Vfli "S".. "L'."'".V"'a ' '1 wen ever w might even becemew-hne , " V".K ": LV' V", . "wul ""' I Mini Heckltt while sneal. . U, " while iiurMih nr " u .;. , "V ' ...V, " l ' Ne plensant-loeklus .."Lt'' ' " N"H'.. "!u, "?'", BuJr m. She can aben ' 7 eX eck. " "'""'" U,UU "After luncheon he walked ,., Tin,.. '?1 ? be"w .iani ihr; gh hV o.e , 11 "b '7"'.M. "ere vwelleii with , s amUuT new beusn1 iSl f. . '"If - , tpe,,t'' nd Walniu sheets, whet,, 'he , i. ss '"I'Pelle later becumi. employed ,"iole ' i,,., :, i ,i i . J . . ' iet"1 able extinction of his blender held en. virtinnt. met Oscar Rosier and Fiank llncliele1'1 a,,0,l'"r .Market sPr'Vt sti.re and ' i. i f- .' ,,IurlnP ,tl,e M Interview, life u ue, en- VAIN REGRETS Vbm Ar,1'l- "eMj.r.W Mr . j S; '''" the efforts" of HeVier. be-, S,d,"f,,7lli,cr;i,"W,lt ,V-Uh 0t" . ha"J H1n hcart rapldl.r weakened, and at ""xk-" he was under ttrf- ii,i,-..i ." . , ?"mi' a mode in n ri,etni t.m,.i , ,!n'1. Hh the ether dobbin- nt bin eves r, ..vine.- i i11,AVnin V. 'V': "nJ!?c BTT she ,vas going heppig. 'e-u.r Heslc' '";""" nml women's npparelshep. I ); ' " .I"'rc,,,e'' f J1"'' ".at the" cad was lu ! matter eT meinVnu,. mmmmmammmmmMmmm Arthur Hosier mid ltacheler then u-,. , 'f nherty nfter she had ebt.ii.ic0 , Khin .ri"1": th"f '":, fnllirl; '" Accerdfugly, Cardinal CJnsparr , Men- mktttmmMttttttWktMttttttWkwktttttttttttttttttttttttm p . t0 .tlu' eflieM "f the lteMcr Adver- Poxltien thnt she uiariicd Hosier, i n,,'IR'I.t,iat h" utepmethur. whom signers Kamper and Vtearde and nil nNaHPfJHfllKSDiLH lt,sln?AKevy together. Oscarwent into i A,V"nA,01 !" f the ..unB worn- ' , a '"u te We, Is n mic srt of hjie pontifical household, wctc notified i KilHKXffiERH the front office, and Aithur remained ""' "M the work m well tl.ut she UH .?.,; ..... --.that the end was rapidly appreBchl. - ii'BHHBQiHf9llrH '" tllc rcar office- -'h-enil'.ue. in the even after . hW..,,s terrible thing. " aid Sirs. ' Cardinal (Jlergi. grantf iiwiltenMi?r' If'LLKflFaHaKMH Sirs Rosier WaS lllr 'n"'rS'-. It' also ns s.iliUhe hipi : , .t has overwhelmed us. My nttendcu the Pepe throughout ll.r wh .!. iFlKiHLHff1IHM5JHiiHH -v, ,, ', MM i tr-muH )hllt hlll, t llit (lill dauguers attorney hns instructed un- i,iKht. saying first mass for HU HeU- l'Hif'HHlHt''S9PKHlHH ;,. -Vlt' t- Hosier put h.u , ,(lfll net like te consider the pesmlltv ' ' . ".":v, "ething. ICveu it J were net ness shmily after midnight 110" KikiHHHrBlraaWEHaK , si(lu '"- Slihs J(. - marrying Hosier bc-.uiM- Ii- was se erbldde,, I could net talk about this (li.lv half an hoi r befeieh.i , lie.) it. IHrl'llWftSPHnHBiHHl - lliT,1Psk,wl,en ,1"'t" ' el'lw than hn. 11ms. U,.uvcr Uas " N tee awful." Uellues" rie'l T ift Wmw f uj' JK i-B:LHPT:KBnfBllHW ,ev ;,,. .n!lUs.nh0,"r1:,(,eVI",,1 Ws ceurihlnp, ami - antesl t .hess himself ..the wn-i SSSBWEW'n ( i:MSHHB Inte the wnahroem. 'U" faithful who had waited in line were "VV""',' f,T,y '" '"H ,',IM,1', 'riu iv,-w3tMm-imrnL t mmBummtet-.mium L-ft i.er about fifteen ,;,.,-'i, ,;,,,:' uk nus secret nipi pifapv " - ic vast concourse which ' ,,,. IT. WiVSKaVIlIBB JB BHB1 .3JEIBUrr!H 11.... I VKHKiUHBHaiHK BBnBHBHlBnBk' T lr3viiiarB9anBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBniBBBBBBBlBE 1 VfikitkMk$kwkWkikmMm ii!ei i Vi . Mi-ins ireiu ner v eruurr, wiuimii. uan. ir. I onner Jilef J V eeV.l,rp tllnt i!1 ns old 'ivi i learned that Patrolman Telnnd had the tiirn.,1 i n """ther touch she , list of wltnei e,h!.r"1 wn W I"ively through eager te get tl nt , num ";lllch ,lu hail fenic. 'IT... I up the case. Ler ,r m VCl1, C00ln l0 the b3bc ,n I nfT' lmlul'st sue list ei w.inessns. no lawyer was them se that he could work ' preliminary te the Cor- I Mi lJJ . n . TV"'1. ',w'1 watched the wer close behind this group. te kViV".r. "'V, !"Jl,!,,r eln,10CS SPl!"",I h'.i'0 '1,0,!li'" Uttle mother who had Jin M,, father of her child. "On your TIPPED OUT OF BED, YOUNG UTICAFRESHMAN DIES p,ank Causes Death of Fifteen- Yenr-Old Hamilton Student ilia. N. .Tan. L:5. (Hy A. I.) r.Ula kl.U II frncliirp.1 .h,... ... ...'. ',.'' 11)1... ,i. - . ""l- ' ,ini,ii- WA "1)p,il1 out nf l)p' "V H fraternity Can "$ Iln,milten We. Wimi n?, ?" s'indcrs. son of I)r. A. i aumlers, of lhe faculty of the cel e-c ThLaVI,",,t lu " UVrn '"""pltal! ' M efl,-?t "" '.'.1""',!l frpfm"in. felt no Mubwi L " ,lpv,elP:tl " headache . ueiiuiie unconwleufl. Blihep te Talk en U. S. Problems ,.'."" Mrs. Hosier nnuarcntlv did net knew whet wns taking place. She sat quietly bending ever the baby, rocking it buck and forth occasionally, kissing its foro fero fore hend and smoothing the little hand that rlutchcd the neck of the nursing bot tle. ITnullj. tlie matron touched her en the shoulder and said that they would go back te the cell room.. Mis. Rosier ipt up with difficulty, trjing te held the baby as still ns she could se as net te awaken It. The euert was tee much for her strength. At last, with n pitiful leek, she held, the bnby out te Mrs. Davis, who fold ing it le her brenst with practiced 1 hand, and with her free arm helped i Mrs. Hosier te arise. They walked slowly out of the couitreom, Mrs. Hosier holding her handkerchief te her i eyes. Return (e Cellroem Tile little nnttv uAiit ii..-..,... ,.. ,1. cellroem. .Mrs. Hosier btui.ihlcd and ,' r almost fell as she crossed the threshold ft ni iiiu ii.Mn, iinn men cunapscu as she dropped Inte a chnlr. Dr. Hgan guve ll.'nhlntnu ,..... A.. .. . ' "iteu States will i. VnVA h, ,lul"-1 " ". iuiu sue epeiicti her W'PI' WlllnViv" s'A0! ': c,.."'.,... "' J eihuiiist i'lii-criVi ti """u"- "' . i,",' "'J '"" until it was tl.ne for J'.'Mug ,f ,hn ' i,1U,lrcl1' ,t '' je go te Meynnienslng Prison. At nleiui- .1, ) , ., Ln'""'1"". Koelultlie Inst moment she learned that she I., . ,.1'",l't III the He lcvile-Mlr.-ilfni-.l vwmlil net Im iwrmlrin,! ,.. i.U i.-V. i " '?. fll "II -. IT. .1 , M "I I 1.(7 '. 1 ,11'lil t. ..,,. Mil i -... i will ihe Rev. I),. .r,.rt,.:, .',"" spc.-i B ..-h. "n . The R( 'V'l'reb'tnii IIM? I,t, will hpuak: :.i.eii n In mea at p ,h".'7 crt- ' ,1'rewliwnt away, qnd men or Philadelphia will be present. uutll H wi ' 11' I, It lw,' yix-it Held went te the cellroem n (iPJ H'rua hfirvl.- .....i .i.. i v-" t v i uiiLiiL iiiiii h in r.nii 1 starcy expression and was excited She had net seen her husband. She came with an object In view. ,lud .M, Heckltt was an incident. She locked lie bathroom deer, nnd Hnciulur left before she came out. " 'Don't tell risen p fin !... : , m,u ii..i.i ..::. -.-""I hi. v. ' '"" -i.i'iur iuier iv left he ..i i..i-i .. . i. . i nn wiiii.u iirtcin uiiuii', , ' .r thllr Hosier Interjeeleil. "Ahmn I'll.') I received a jdieue mPssnB tm, (ucuv li'tnl "'0U '"'' ' "('nt ,u "'" l'", "Winn he Sel then-," Mi. S. hrenk eent nueil . "he said he w,e, t llm;t a will Irwin Rib Tellns. ,.slnea """ri "i me venues, nf n Pelneare Reverts te Old System In Addressing Downing Street Special Cable Dlnpalih Cegurtght te'l Pails. .Inn. 1. Despite America , champ. ei.-hlp of open dpIomaej at the Paris nnd Washington Cenfcrcm es ami Prime Minister IJmil Keergt-'M insiht en.e it. 1.!-. speech Saturday lmt in tin Supreme ( mini lis the heads of ihe gn -I'Mimeuts ate talking f.ice te face 1'ie nii'T RuMiiend Pelneare M eieniu Sent four se'iei notes te Dew nil." ctll'Ct " fairjiiig out his parltamrnt.iri pledgi'. M. Peimaii- rev-rted te the uin biii- iii iiruien (iipieuiuc) in dm- in .mi; nn- mnr principles I i IvLIDll I in fmiH ..ui. ...I-. I .. t - - - Hosier wrote the will In a din -i If.,, i? "' ' ."'"n-i.'.es el Ang n- " isiiiciaxe te elect a successor te the "Ut... was 1, Wu'" I ,',1 .... ,"'' ,i:;1"i'!",S: , l,,s'' HiHlftrnrtr en hue Pepe llenedict XV will open Feb- lunlher wliile ,d was ,, il, , ' "n' i'7 K.nranlee ,lllt reparation. " 1 ... Keb.ua. '. Iiihh'." Arhut- Rosier ,0 ,' , .e.l5 ' ?yi7,V l,,V,T,,,St,, u ': s-emu. ,."'1 all the Cardinals lesideu, , " CathcrineV" and ,e re,, iei 'Y -V ' t'mt'7 "I Innce; lh,r.l. Kurop.. are ,.M.,.,cd te reaui Reme in I asked Miss Heckltt wl.ei her. ,erewn Tangier th' stn,,ls u' ' '"" f" U!c r""'wv"' ll '" 'n-lilrml aiMtl.ing I teuld de for her, and she The IVeiirl, . .. eUremel.i doubtful whether the Amen nsked me te call ,, Mrs. Hrm"" , P MH!n L baS f ' n-. n -7, """' " ''U" ' nril"ln,ls ui '' I'""Mble te be w;r' - " ' . 2 f J-i J -V'sk ','.- :i 'r & ":; rar,' I -Atfs?ia ,i?W-ar. sjks; .. ,. ,... . "' i . ... ... ' i irinir it'M i im' iiitisi uii i rnMMiiiiif ni ra i.. .. t im.-.-m-.i mrwiiiii nt tne r.glit entnince te lhe ihurch. lending dire, ih iast the Senater Vare's Celd Is Better hapi-I of ihe Ilely Siicruinent. in which y.'iinte.' w. who has been con he epes body ..tots were groups of fined te his home v itli cold several ....... priests and Sisters of Chanty days, is .s,nM,!c.nn!v ., ,..revl ihhl somber ruiment. some of 'them weep- morning. It Is 1...1 bel.eti-d. "LJJ " lug and some reyi-runtly praying ,,u, , . will be able te ,h,V li7.ifi.cu I he ex. pontiffs be.h rests enl, about for a lnv or .we. '" ",Ce a ,ard from the liumcni,. iron suites at the eiitriin.e of Chapel Neble At the - ' . ( in nn emraiic 01 (he Vatican, which adjoins St. Peter's, wcregnrhcied clus te.s f peepV eager te . atch a glimpse of the chamber in which H! Holiness died. Mingled among the crowds wen street lenders offering for sale pestcurds nml mednls bearing the iu.age of Dene, diet I'.ie meet luS i tl,,. .Sacred Cellej er d-iualitur had been taken WS llllewtfil t;i he ullli Iip , was time te start for Mejn- MRS. OSCAR ROSIKlt iv TieAi.a SBCrV M. Hosier, w.k. - v..,.;,. uucr, save HI baby was born. Makes Will as He lllrs r ." P".",Pr bc ''cprlved of nu part ... .. - I.i ------.. ,.,,,, fcU'MII-U LI .miinieu man us lie lay .. lhe epei.iiiinr I '" - ' or his estate. I 1 want te make u will. tnble. wains 11 win n,i nnccr tiil,.pn, Dispute Gets Warm; Uaea Qall Qat In n dispute lust eienini? n...i Rich... 111. Mnnten strec ," ft' Anni Z 5? by the police, struck .Jeseph xJW beaider at the same nil.lre-,. ....' ''," aHl n..b-B.b?. ba!- Nul. who untontrellablo grief vay new nnd Ihen te Mr. loin drew forth n dian .if the ' i?. sl,xl.T"' wn ll,n te the Me,,? Peer Richard Club ,,,,.1 ...e lone e S1",:' 0S1'HI Rich,, wan n Ivl ling man te proceed. C" ,lK"ml held nt the Keu-ntl. ami Can ...' "1 leave nH J have le A.thur, u K'8 ",,lft', Ma,le ' a hear tg", un uh siici-t-ssnr in t'epe Henediet In Ihese circles Cardinal Mnill npparentlv Is a pronounced favorite ven of these three prelute-. Cardinal I-uirentl Alse .Meuiiencil Curd I nu I Laurent., one of lhe met recently cieated caidlnals. who for tie prcent is Matlencd In Reme, also U uf41 "f"1' '" me nuarters He is one or the jeuiigest of the i.iideuiN and was the im, ,,, , ,,, '.",', , Henedlet olive ' ESINOL SoelInq and H&linj the home remedy for skin ills Speedilyallaysihe smart and 5tin4 of miner skin injuries, rashes or chafing Telwfceihcaffcdcdparb use mild cleArein& d;mi c " 'e "wui euap ( 4T )'l .Ul I' un i'.'i 11 W- 'U ?:i 5l fl Vi l'rl ? ihe MutJweuu rcfleciw, 'I jllLI.U aTlujiJ, IKtfii TlTM It 1-1 N mtn.TSmiSSSSSSSMSSSSSi-'m Ay v W.. ' 1 mj f" ' ...