"V"- V 'J "r '-$ 'jE"fnKrT ' i"""-' ".rsrii ' ) wr fir M m hi , . ' iap. Tin it l?i ' a ' J. U ,-v - I JJeth Jawn Respite $60,000, MACK STILL HAS IT Cennie Has Edge in Length of Service as Big League ' Manager and Is Better Eighth-Place Finisher Than Giants Bess By KOIIEIIT W. Spert Editor Kirnluc 1'nblle Lriltrr TJTJTIEN Jehn McGraw signed n contract te mnnaRe tha New Yerk Oiimts VV flve mero years lie act at rest the rumors that hi wan ready te retire from the plnjlnf end of the same nml devote his lime te executive work. Jehn will be in harness te pilot Ills club te n few mew pennants and ulse establish a record in the National League. When his contract expires he Yrtll have managed the Giants for twenty-five year. McGraw is the senior pilot Ui the National League, but doe net held first rank in the major leagues. He started in UlO'J and has put In twenty yara of active lervice. Cennlu Mack flan been en the job one year longer. , The Jean leader started with the A' in 1001. , Jnwn Jay made his dcTiut in 1M10 In Olenn. N. Y. He received 5C0 every ine'nth for bis services, which contrasts strangely with his present salary, which la (Aid te be $00,000 a jcar. He went te Cedar ILiplds In '111 and from there te Baltimore, where he made his reputation as a member of the famous Orioles. In 1000, McGraw and Wilbcrt Robinson were sold te St. I.euis for $18,000, but Jehn did net care for the deal, and when the American I.eacue Invaded the East, he trailed nleng. lie became manager of the Haltlmore Americans, but had u battle with Ban Jehnsen und quit his job. lie joined the Giants In IDOL und has been thrre ever since. Many managers have ptiBhcd out of the picture nince Mack and McGraw took charge of their clubs, and new they arc the only old-timers left. I'p te last year each had wen six pennants, but Jawn forged te the front with the 1921 victory. The score new stands 7 te (5 in favor of New Yerk. This Is because Cennle had an early lead and held it nftcr the season of Kill. 11777 Greh, Frtsch, IJancret, Kelly, Mcuscl ami the ether stars " in the line-up, it lueks as if the Hants would Increase their lead this year. Thus, McGraic s following the Mecklan jstcm -viinnina vennants tchlle the winninu is geed. McGraw and Mack Have Different Systems THE McGllllcuddy-McGraw contest started In 100-', when Counle wen his first pennant. Jehn did net kick in until 1001 and repeated in 1005. The Athletics also wen In that year and in the World Series the Giants triumphed. Cennie copped in 1010 and 1011 and made It sit 'straight by winning in 1013 and 1014. Were It net for the famous .Silk O'l.eughlln decision in 1007, the A'h probably would have wen In that yenr Although McGraw wen in 1011. 1012, Kllll and 1017. be never was able ia finish better than second In the World Series. The old jlnt was en his neck, and no matter hew geed his ball club looked, it couldn't moke a showing in the fall classic. SnedRrnss muffed a ball which would havu given him the decision ever the Bed Sex in 1012, and in 1017 the failure te remove Slim Bailee from a gome in Chicago cost him the championship. Heinle Zlm aided the White Sex In that series when he chased Eddie Cellins across the hone plate. Last fall McGraw ruined the hoodoo and trimmed the Yankees. This gave hrn bis second world's championship, nnd he wants te win one mere befere turning In his uniform for geed. That should net be se difficult. Only one year did McGraw lluish in eighth place nnd that was 1015. That means Cennie is a better ojghth-place finisher. He has been In the cellar etven straight years. McGraw and Mack have different systems. The New Yerker believes in procuring ready-made ball players and spending a bundle of money for his talent. He baa no time for experimenting. Cennie gets green players nnd trains them. We don't like te say which system is best, but New Yerk has 'been in eighth place only once. The Giant leader purchased Greh this winter and is angling for Ueuh. lit) bought Dave Bancroft from the Phillies because he needed n jeung short atop, unleaded some money in Bosten aud left with Arthur Nehf, took Irish Mtusel and llawlings from the Phils last season, and if one leeks ever hl list of regulars, only Frlsch, Yeung and Kelly gained most of their experience en the- New Yerk club. The Giants have wen nine pennants, starting in 1888. Chicago lends In the, National with eleven, Bosten copped nine times, Brooklyn five, Pittsburgh four, Baltimore three, Providence two and Detroit, Philadelphia and Cin cinnati one each. Bosten and the Athletics are tied In the American hcague, with Mx each. STst White Sex wen live, Detroit three and Cleveland nnd New Yerk one each. CT, LOUIS and Washington In ihe IJ Rational, havn un.t in in',, thpt, Yanks May Be Out of Luck TCTUEN Babe Ruth was giving an imitation of an actor in Chicago last week tf be. tried te see Judge Landis te have his suspension lifted, The Judge, however, was ill and couldn't grant an Interview until Saturday and then it didn't mean anything. That means the mighty mauler will start the season en May 20, as per schedule. However, a short dispatch trickled ever the wires which might cause some worry in New Yerk. Here it is: , "Kuth Is making such a hit in vaudeville that he wants te sidestep the training trip and train en suspension time." If Bambino means what he sny.s, the Yank owners will be out of luck taU iprlng. Kuth is the big attraction en the training trip and his absence would cost bis owners at least 520,000. The exhibition games would fall flat, for the natives down there will net kick In with the dough unless they can Be the Babe knock some home runs. Baseball attractions are as popular as the old-time circuses. The kids get up early In the morning te see the train pull In nnd try te catch n glimpse of .Ijqtb or Cobb or Speaker, if they nre traveling through Crowds greeted Kuth cverj- time the train stepped last spring, and the Babe spent meit of )vtJme en the back platform taking bows. UTITnOUT Bambino, the spring trip tclll go ftoeie and It's a cine ii ?" "I" h Prevailed uPn e forget his acting, or tchatever the "' i wncn tne- itam aeparts for Hinkey Haines May Get Chance PERHAPS the suspension of Ruth nnd Mcusel will be lucky for ninkey Haines, the State College football star. Hinkey belongs te the Yanks MiJ was farmed out te Hartferd last summer. He hit .803 and was considered one of the fastest men in the circuit. Haines has en ambition te win a peinmnent berth en seme big league ,.ub 2f lH ou,fl,'ld,! T n '"' "f territory und i said te be geed nt the plate' Hi .003 average in the New England Lengue proves that Hinkey believes he will meke geed if ghen a chance. His experience with &,TttnkJa8t, ytur Jenlls,cd et Btinjj into batting practice twice and Sffitfield! tMt tb time' W, r " being used in trjIE Yanks are looking for an outfielder and ISebbv reach, Uuggxns might una Ham,. show tchat he can de. Somebody Copyright, Itti. bV TO HONOR LAFAYETTE Will Be Awarded Football Cham pjenehlp at Dinner of 'Vet' Athletee' The athletic champions for 1021, who vfj ud me guceis ui jiunur ni iub tci1"'"! jh---siihh r iiipu et lUli ntv ern Athletes' banuuet tonight at the Hetel Adelphia, will be ureetwl by the KTMtest gathering of former champions trrer assembled ln this city. president Eugene C. Benniwcll an neances that fourteen members of the Lafayette College football team, te whom the veterans hare awarded the football championship of the Kast. Imded by Captain Jeseph I.cliecka, will ' be In attendance nt the dinner. The presence is also assured of Wil liam T. Tlldeu, world's tcnnlH chum plbu; Ijturancu A. Brown, captain of the university of Pennsylvania track team, world's record holder ln the 10Q0yard run : Captain Dante J. Mc Mc Nlchel and his five associates, who wen the American basketball championship ait year: the members of the Univer sity of Pennsylvania one-mjle relay record team; liareld B. I.cvur, world's rwerd holder for the 00-yerd dash ; Kdward iteudll, the Fieuch amateur Wjllard champion j n well ns Jehn I. XJIbane, champion of all feathcrwelshtB, Bit4 Jack Britteu, welterweight chum- PW. Yle Heckey Star Injured Knr Ilavm f.'eDU., Jan. 23 Ctrsle Tleld. Hliar en iiiea noeny i.in, i suiiarins rp'ii iraciur.u riu uii'i nt. return tu L. unu thl. a.a.aii It deublful. t'h.rlf imam, who liaa ln-rn at lila hninn In 3)ai)ln for el wttk i-urTarliiar (mm In Jtife r.e.lvnt In b early aen huCK.y s.hi., iwiii rr.iiin-i im. aiuutr. ivuii, uvi no hepe.lv held out of m nisriri im lieluy mi titnii . ana ii u ill wll Jein tWt)wiball ci luiiniiui, ari i . .l.-:j." i.x . and Cennie SALAR Y OF ON M'GRA W MAXWELI. American and St, Leuis in Arm n.,...-,.. the inch heg Aew Orleans. if they ronnet land utll havt te fill m until .Ifuy 20 Public I.tagcr C empiy (in unnerfuniru In SCRIBE GOLFERS UNITE McCready President nt w..., di,ii delphla Association ' Net te br. outdone by fcrlhe, f ether in the Het-'l Walten ycnteidny nfti-rnoen met M..u ii.miici u gi.ir noterial ion. Th new organization NfL-ru-d ns Us n,mc the n.e-.'sVa,,,r, J,en'8 Ue" Association of' 1'hiladelphia. Ti i i . Its membership will be restricted te mrinuera or Uie renortei- a nnrl Hl i"fT la' bafrs nnd cartoonists. Jeseph1 JI. .llcCreaily wah elected presldent. The ether officers : Rebert W. Miuw ell vice president , Krnnk MeCrnrken, see' retarj ; Herbert C. Crewuun,t, treas urer. The membernlilp committee Includes Jehn ' Kefnetl, chairman ; Perry lewi!l' Ll;9-J1,0-'1, m riHidt. Billy, h,vans, Bill Hykes, Sandy ArcNibllck, ' Jay I, Heuse, Uesm KautTman. ' Fowler Swlmmlne Coach ' VIIItam.tun, Jen. 23 Th Williams I awlnimlu teum will l teui-hcl this jr by ' Heb Vew'tr nt Union, who v rnrrrer' a munlur of th. tralnln i.erpu ut IIrarJ. II Inekud fir tha lvelture of tin, WUIUma ' feuiball team lait full, eucceillnK "iue" IUnett t trainer, Donevan Signs Twe Stare I New Ilnvrn. Conn,, Jan. 23 Junkln Je Karrlck. tha Weat VlrdnlA nthlat atar, ane: Jt. T. mia another atar from the Un. . rally of Maryland, have ben alirncd hy Manacar Hill Donevan, of th New Iluveni, fur nt ataaen Dederlck la New Captain New Haven, Conn.. Jan, S3, At tha and of tha Preliminary prurtlce aeaaen tha Yu, raahman rlflt M"4 hat .laet.'t l'r.aten K iiauaririt. e iiufweTiii., 41, a,, captal for tht 4DJ3 m( n. EVENING PUBLIC May Hate FL0CK1 J 0. S. Eight Stars te Enter Open and Seek Touring Dates en Yankee Links "NOBODY LEFT THERE" By SANDY tfcXIIILICK ""10LF this side is dead as unit v2" ten," writes Geerge Duncan. "We are bewailing the fact that nil our geed players are beating it for jour side, leaving us nothing wherewith te repel the Invading Americans." In wistful conclusion the former British open champion then asserts that "It Is unite en the cards" that he and Abe Mitchell will coitie ever again this year, uunenn further stntes as pest- lively as he can in this early month , that he nnd Duncan will be at Skeklc for another tilt nt the American open, both bring dissatisfied with their show -ing last year. This makes the British entry list for S'kokle what seu might call "fair." as! the following have thus far Indefinitely stated the'U be there: Harry Varden, James Braid, J II. Tayler, Siimly Herd, Duncan and Mitchell. Arthur G. Havers, the "whole show" of the jeung British professional field, Is also said te be coming, nnd Joe Klrkwoed nutieunccd his intention last car. Champien Away Stepping these eight will be an as signment no tougher for the American pros thnn u reach trjlng le go In the opposite direction en mi escalator. BUT there's a rumble of opinion ever here In the professional ranks which takes the slant at the project thnt If the British were coming here wilely te compete In the open well nnd geed. The American team went ever there and would welcotne foreigners here. . Tlie open is net liellevcu te no tne I lure, however. It's that well-known I S.'OO per day they get en exhibition 1 tour. This Is the oie point with the i hemebredx. Thej belleni that it should be "America first," that n certain amount of kow-tewing tu the foreigners Is all right, but te give them all the geed berths, te pay them exorbitant sums for tours, all this is squelching "home industry'' nnd discouraging the home bred s. TcwUsburj' Set Paul TcwUbury. ranked number nne among tliu Philadelphia amateurs for the season jiast, Is all set for a big year. "There has never been a tlme in my golf career when I have felt se keen as 1 de new," said Tcwksbury today. ' I can hardly wait for things te get gelnn ngaln. I feci it in my bones that it is going te be n big year for me. I have the confidence nnd that Is half the battle. "I am going te enter every tilt I can. and will outer the national this year, continued the tall tcesman. "And right lmi. l..t me make n little prophecy. It Is that the next national champion will be Francis Uuimet. Thcri is no one in this country who con ploy Broeklinc i like Ouiraet. ' "He beat Varden and Bay there, but it's net that It's like home te him, i nnd I don't bcllec there'll be any one te step him." I TCW'UMJUry IS new in inn pruiiiiis uuu engraving business ig business in. uen tuuiui Mreet. He lias lett AreniminK, a cioe that he has put en the tournament map, in favor of Elancrrh. He will represent the latter in the Kiilmrhiin and Delaware County cham- I pienshlps particularly, and also in the I ether tourneys hereabouts. J Douglas Leaving Alex Douglas is also leaving Areni- I mink, ami this appears te be a geed fhnnee for olio of the local clubs leek- I Ing for a pre te snatch up a real tutor , LieUglllS is one OI ine cumin piujrp , . . .,. ...i.. ..,. of the district. He did very well n the tournament season last year and j nut en some sterling rounds at the dif- , ferent clubs. , , . . , ' He reeled off his mtmi J."1! urt of them at An mink, nnd was virtually unbeatable ever his herns1 course. Douglas is also e( the reliable l,,,e, aiwas en ii m je... nne ia a V".T ."" .':"".". .."', .." TV' tlenc.1 at uveniroeK inu oilier ruins. I winie Jeney .aiiue. ... erge uriui i aim I couple et otners nre eemg cenwuereu, , at AreniminK. , Y's Krax BOOTLEGGEUS should make geed detectives. They can always pro duce the proof. I Sema hostesses even insist that the potatoes co vie te the table tnth their coats en. Our D.iilv (iiiesslug Contest What color ure the green cars used by the P. It. T. I Frank Jiruggg says hcrcsfter h will 'consider baseball a miner matter. I ... Teu mlitht think utmi ct ths ntarj hnv lutb'r cer'i. tli way they're Wins- bnui.ced. 1'itnny the I'mnleyment Bureau didn't werr ever all the people nt the auto rihew looking for "geed jobs." C C. Pell iron the second name at the Racquet Club with eight aces. Must have used tice decks. The were of a tennis match Is the net re.sult Send-Off for Kllllnger h.. I...; "'rV.n' te H ui.nn KimnT-r Inn Httefi Krat r.th etc a reu.inir apn1 oft when her. .!. a hla diploma en Jaiiu. nry i 'hilj t n ai n me luiune t.arcjer. IVKliU' er wl" ' f?euln Wltn ,,le Ne,T yrl- Yn ary 81 ;ine I , fs. ; ni. coil. k. career. Klllln - Ut-tn about th! first et Marcli. FOREIGN GOLFERS FIGURES OF LAST 20 YEARS SHOW HOW GIANTS AND MACKS FINISHED The record of Jehn Mcliraw with the tilauts and Conine Muck with tue Aiuif'ics ioiiew : -.UIJIV Year. Bank Wen Leut P.O. mei 'i 7t au ,C14 ii02 3 h: r.:i .me llMKt '2 -. 00 .B.'iO linn r, m 711 .5:111 mers 1 112 nti .021 Hum 4 78 117 .r.rts 11)07 L' SS r.7 .1107 BIOS II IIS US ,JU 1!HM V! tl.'i TiS .021 11(10 1 102 -IS .0S0 1011 1 101 r,e .000 1012 .1 00 02 .502 1111:1 1 ne r.7 .027 Kilt 1 no n:; .n.-.i 101.' 8 -i:i ion .2s:i iitBi. :m 117 .si." 1017 s .Vi os .;i."i) 101s "2 70 .-100 1010 8 llll 104 ,2.'i7 1020 8 4S 40(1 ,!!12 1021 v. 8 03 100 .84(1 '"J LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, Geed Systems, but McGraw Finished Elighth WHEN A FELLER H.H.H.TI U. S. FIELD HOCKEY IS Seek English Coaches te Beat English Team Mrs. Krum- bhaar Elected President TO PUSH SPORT HARD THE American girls' field hockey team is going te resort te the ex pedient of getting the English te beat the English. The I'nilcd Stnteii Field Ileckcy As sociation was officially formed en Satur day, and one of Us objects Is te form n team composed of the stars from many parts of the I'nited Stntes. It will be the next team te be sent abroad, n the All-Philadelphia team did u couple, of seasons nce. Anil the Amcrlcnn team wll be coached by English coaches te beat the English team, Ti,nt !, if the present plans go through. Ever since the All-England tenm came ever last autumn nnd took tne ntea-nire 0f local and ether teams uy lopsided Bcorea the girls hnve been terrifically beset with the idea of turn- ln(. tne tables. A meeting was called seen nftcr the British team sailed for home nnd the first part of the machinery of the first national field hockey association were fathered nnd started in motion. Hard Workers SInee then a' tremendous amount of work has been done by such enthusias tic nnd callable perens as Miss Helen Fergusen, Miss II. Coffin, Mrs. Edward Krumbhnar, Miss Charlette Chesten and many ethers, .!!. uuin nun Miss Coffin was en a cemmitter1 te leek ,. ... . f n,,nvl,eH nml referei:. Th, , d j , , b h , f ft ' f gathered most lm- ant htat,8tl ferBtllt, Iiew MOC,a. tlen. Her letters abroad brought line response nnd it was discovered that there bfir f ,.,,, w, , be 0Illy t00 ,,,, te Pemp 0ver nnd teach . ' of ft.,,, heckcy , N) cm, of Frhoe,, ,,,1c(;(,, ,, elxh in,i fclnI ri,.n,, It hns been determined, would be . . ,.ef(.sslnnili oeachlllg . these teams that the American tMm w, ,, ,,. ln (ff()rl f0 ,)Pnt ,,, i-iu, The KncIKh reaches. therefore, will be in the peculiar posl pesl i tlen of having te tench their American teams te beat tnc ceacnes' own country women. Dazzling Statistics The first . meeting of the new body was a great success. Nearly one hun dred young ladles utteiubtl nnd many of them were from distant cities. la.llll; Muurui," vwiu iniu iu rutin the isrewth of field he-k-y, u .empara- Dn.zling statistics were read te show thely new came ev,'r 'lf,lr. I" ell parts of tin' country from Meat tie and San Francisce, through the Seuth, North und all the rest of It. Mrs. Kdwurd Krumbhnar, of Phlla- I delphla, was elected president of the national body, and ethers honored by being among the first efliern of the new association iru .liii , ,-TDun, t iruuu sin. first vlce president; Ml"- Crcunhnw Itirnilienil, nviruiin hit iii"-iurni , .uini Helen KcrgUHeii, I'hlliidelphlu. secretary, ' ami Mian Lerlng, Uorten.' treasurer. I A -.nhle h received from tlm Hritlsli BODY FRIED ,...". i ....: t . ..... -, i...... ii.'",' uu-.na, me uuiiiTiiii iiritiKiier. in nil .i,.. nnd messages from nil nnrm ! i - n. lted States were also read " " 'tTnUB. .. 'exnrrsse n,V?? ... ... . . -- terrtt It Is proposed te divide the country In live sections for iidmluUtratlnn, te nress the matter of unuipn's. Held lieckey In every school, felli-K" und town Ii possible At th ! At the meeting Mere, pdf, t-mils and the experts of many ether sports, ull of them most enthusiastic ever Held heckev. 1 'h , ,, nrnmlKOj. In t.prn.,.n tt,.. Ulini which premises te beceme thy leading women b game in America. -McOBAW- Bank Wen Lest P.O. v.. .001 .fllllt .esd .0:12 .(!;(! .001 .full .047 .082 .(104 .." Ifi 451 .50(1 .IL'Ifl .ri7!l .021 ,rrB ,0M' K4 inn 10,1 mi 82 ns 02 in 00 ie;i 301 81 II!) 811 IIS 71 87 8(1 04 hi 47 48 fill 71 ."(I 111 li.'l M 4R 51 70 s:i nil rr, r.:i fill (18 CO 1 3 1 e 8 I 1 NEEDS A FRIEND KWU BOXERAPROMOTER AND MATCHMAKER Al Wagner, Featherweight Mitt man, 13 Making Fistie His tory at the National FITZGERALD VS. JACKSON By LOUIS II. JAFFB PUaiMSTIC history is being made In Philadelphia. It isn't anything new ln fistic circles for a promoter te bn his own matchmaker, hut seldom, if ever, has a boxer stepped into the lime glare as a promoter-matchmaker. And that Is exactly what Al Wagner, of Seuth Philadelphia, in doing. Bo Be sides keeping himself ln shape for punching purposes and ready te meet any one in the world nt 120 pounds, Al is th "man behind the bank roll" nt the National, while he also is making matches at the Seuth Eleventh btrcet arena. The boxor-premoter-matchmaker took ever the National several months age and in the last few weeks he hns ar ranged the programs. Wagner believes thnt ha can nut the National back Inte tbe fitlc field here as a "big club," and he Intends giving the fans matches of the "all-star" variety. While hn will be busy with the pro motion nnd matchmaking ends of the game, Wagner does net Intend te permit himself te get; out of shape. "It's tough work dealing with a let of manneers." smiled Wagner today, "nnd while it keeps a fellow up all hours of the night I hone te be able te cope with them suc cessfully and nt the same tlme stav ln shape se thnt I can deal with nuy of Ihe featherweights ln the ring." Auule Here Tonight Flying the colors of Australia, Ned Fitrgjrald is en hla second American invasion. He is a lightweight and Is In the United btatcs for the purpose of getting a world's championship mntch with Benny Leenard. Tonight at the Olympla here Filx yriii appear in a scheduled eight-round 1,out. w,, Willie. Jncksen, Yerlc This will be their '"f- nB Fitzgerald and Jack l, of New second meet- .flinlfftnn mnt nl jierney L-iiy wnen tne Australian was here en his first tour about two years age. T His session with Jacksen will give Phllly fana an Idea of hew Fitzgerald will shape up with top-notch light weights in this country. Willie Is ene of the hardest 135-pound punchers ln tbe States. Kid Wagner. Seuthwark product, who la boxing better than at any tlme in his coreor, will answer the tinkle ei kie gong in tne semi-imal. Opposed . , , ,.; , --- ---4.j." .v- l", '"" 'v,d ".lie (,(V?r?,'; K""..f fale veteran. Jimmy Sullivan, of New lern, tncci Temmy ueldeu, of this city, and ether beutN will be Karl Jlnrluinn h. Willie Green and Buddy lltxeerald vs. ring Bedlc. Tlpliu Socks Hani Jee Tiplltz Is punchiiiK hnrd. . i. He showed this en Saturday night at th National Club when he walloped Fred I .Mtuuimi uuu whom uc wnllunef i 1 1 llinlnj ! I...ii...l Tt. I plpl.f rninwlu Inntfa la .... .. r I ,?'. nr.mi' 's-, 71?,cnks ?" f1-"1' Jf,r , ?hn , ' t. "fti Z I.' J-BH9Jimnn Has .met me of the i.ii?".V,..aa,n.t -flpUU, Jacks found ""tt"p.""", llt"r.lflc. .'ly ' opponent. Freddy held lis uwii jrein me uisia distance with n tirnirrl.f left, but when hu get te close quarters Yusll jieunded hint hnrd and aplenty with both hands. TIplIU euffcrctl n split cye In the enventh round, when he was butted by Jacks. This ,, net slew up Tipliti any If anything, Jee iuiikiil mi iim niure iiirieusiy, Phil Salvadnrc, who several months n(?e vns kneckctl out by fJoerso Cha ney. came back and administered a boxing lessen te Whltey Fltzi-ernld. Johnny Mcaley had .little diluculty winnlni? from Lew Minsk, the latter Kelng down and out In the fourth frame. Joe Welsh anil Darby Caspnr put en a rlp'snertcr, with neither showing nny advantage at the llnish. llebuy "iicunnn wen from Harry Burke In the opener. CELTS OUTCLASS BARONS New Yerkera Have Little Trouble In Piling Up 3818 Score New Yerk. Jan.- 23. -The OrlRlnnl Celtics outclassed tbe Wllkes-Barre Club at evpry btage of the Eastern Bcsl-etball Lcaeue came in Mmllxnn Kauare Garden and wen easily. 218 te WilVes-Barre hed 11 flne collection of etar players, but they could nut setm te pet eturted m,'ulnsc the flne teamwork "l"l defense of the Celtics and Mire ncvir uaiijtereiiK, l'l. f..l l. nlle.l in. ,, l.n.1 ,.t 1U . ,,v, -. ,w.w- .... ., ... .. ,,,... 1,1 ,i, ui ,i In the first half and added materially tli In in tin Hi'cniii iinr nil. In ., I.I., Wllkcs'j'orre did Its best work, Bficn.pn Hd lonerd.were the best workers fort-no Celtics ,wth Berger and MullerJ rinc ier trie YIeltlUB club.' JANUARY 2$ 1022 W. HOPPE FAR FROM SPORTS HAS BEEN , Ex-Billiard King Is Out te Prove "They Don't Come Bach" Wasn't Much of a Guess Jay Gould Supreme By GBANTLAND IlICE Billiards Jnke Sehaefer. Sprinting Charles Paddock. Court Tennis Jay Ueuld, Football prospects. Sehaefer vs. Heppc NO ONE rguld dabble In title-hunting statistics for 1022 without con sidering the case of Jnke Sehaefer and Willie Heppc, net only billiard head liners, but also leading possessors of n let of widespread human interest up aim down the highway. Heppe Is going out le prove that the man who wrote "Tliey ueut come u"-b. had n number of bats ln bin belfry nt tbe moment and is new entitled te another guess. Listed ns ene of the supermen of sport Just a year nge, his defeat late in the closing stnges of the old year came ns ene of the stunning surprises of the campaign. . , , Heppc, Ty Cobb and Jay f'Ojiia haJ been listed nt the top of the durable sons who outclass the Held. .... Ty, after seventeen years, was nun only two basehlts from the ten ngaln. Jny Gould stuck te the peak, nut " And new against a brilliant young champion the veteran is en the trail te prove that ene teurnuinciit decsn t !'"" a complete case. , , i Mulched ngalnvt Kclmcfer ag an, there would be se little differ nce t''ut any opinion would be nil 'H-H1,,0.P"cn'f But Heppc 14 far from being any com petitive has-been. Jay Gould's Outlook COURT TENNIS, isn't a game that is closely allied with any pepulnr fCTt08n't pastime for the multitude nt large, se far ast general Interest gees. But It Is ene of the eldest ami Bjenj. est of competitions, and in Jn O urn It has a champion who takes his place among the wonders of u "'"J1 , We knew of no ether amateur cham pion who hart outclassed both t e best professionals and umuteurs along His rlgHe ts'Uen eupreme for a decade world champion by a wider innrg Iik than ""A, H& ."VlL.je V? ."ether winning year, with Jay oeiiu "" en ns the last of the super-champions. Paddock vs. Dec Time PADDOCK, sprint champion, will make a final wild flutter nt ticking off 100 jards in 0 2-5 bccends. If nnv one is te meve his feet with this nnmWwIftncss, Paddock is the n"rY,0 Califernlan JW ' nine records ast jcar, and that may "and as the summit of his Sum- But many of his ".uPPTters be 1 eve that he can clip off another fraction or two with the right break. ..,. Taking away additional rUens, when one gets down te "V", "J.."1" 100 or 20 4-5 for the 20, is 1 nru a dally eccurence. But it wll be done nt one time or another, and laddecK is the best bet new. Football Prospects OF THE stronger elevens this Inst season, Penn Stnte nnd the Navy HI l.nfrtt Iia Imril lilt. The less of Glen Killlngcr alone la a heavy blew te any machine, and at least four mere join Killlngcr in retire ment. . . . ........ ...,.ii The Navy loses) n heck et miem, jiii both Lafayette and Washington nnd Jeffersen will be jolted. Princeton loses Keck, Leurle, (Jnr rlty and Wlttmcr.-but as most of these at one time or another were out of tmr- Beets and Saddle Wnneioed, Bnternl Hwnln nnd Bnpld Traveler appear te be tire con cen tcndcii in the MeiHinntN' I'urse, the fcntuie ledny at New Orleans. Ihc rare in nt a mlle and hcvrnty yards. Heisr-s whlidi seem best In ether races ric: Flrxt nuc Uelusive, Mulenkiii imr. Old Tep. Second Ace nt Ares Njrd-U, Bn. Third Oruce Mjcrs, Cleck e' Held. Simplicity. Fifth Wal nut Hall, Bribed Veter. Day Lilly. Sixth Herald, Micky Moefe, Ih elan. Seventh Ierena Mess, Jehn Arber. W. II. Buclincr. Nanry Lee. the four-year-old daugh ter of Bmniiistick-Nauglity Lndy, whose brilliant rnclng carer r was brnuRht te u hull List reason when si e broke down, Is .'.Mii-cnd le ii-turn te racing In the spring. The I'. A. Clark stuble In .0'J-. in addition te Nancy I.ec, will Include several thrtM- ear-olds und hlx two-venr-eldi. Chewlnk, Blue Tcul, Beynl Primrose nre among the let. Scraps About Scrappers Ten my Ixiuahrnn. vremlaliiB mlililliweUht jirinluct "f Seu-h I'hlluilelphlM, will tep Inte the llrrillKl't u u wliul-un p.rferm'r to morrow nlitlit lit th Ji' Value. .Ilmmy Pare. u ( Hllfurn'nn. will bn Tem'a ou eu PQnnt. iJarcy li a runneil hattlsr. who '. i i. ...111. I. Kit-. lianil. 1'i.rl Ul.cnflJ iin.ru wiiu "' MM.if. ii rftnc( nnother t.euBt pit char. wilt ami.ar iii in dm .am nL.tlnLf Kilill. W.SOnl. l'rfl limiii Oergl Werner a I'hll Kap'an. Tftay llrederlch va Dixie Allen and Johnny May May May lioe'it Mickey Merrta. Herman Tailor, local matchmaker, la raatlnit at Het Sprlnta, Va.. together with Phil llarr. lueal apertaman They will re turn tu rnilailfli'lila Tebruary J, l'mnlile "itiirrny haa been tnalih'd te niit , rharlnv r.ay t tteadlne tomerruw nlKht- On l'ehruars n Murray win ioke en jiny TrinKie ai ouieimuaii, . Temmy IVvlln, of MHnavunlt. appeared In hla eaveiit'tnOi rlnu battle when he met Kranltle Smith at the Cambria Devlin la belne aroetn.d hy I'ele Tyreal. who bellesea ha haa u fuluru wtlttrwcleht cruck under hit wine. llnnnr Weatnii, a J'arlfle Cnaat flywlRlit, llvlnc new in Atluntle City. Ud hua placed lilmanlf under the management of JannHty and 1'nael V.ten wanti te be Jlattllng Murray Charlea Hay. ICId Wulf and Krankle Murray, Jlllly llmpna. Atlantle City youth, ii win. Ins te accommodate Hilly Duyla In u return match. Jlinmr Earan. 1. eri arrerdln-; le his mannuer, Teung Johnny Wll9tta, naa nen booked te meet Joe jiarun at tne i.jmrin. nere 1'rlday nisht Mlkri Hnnfll. I'icmI welterweight, la out with a rhallenae te any one. h'a poundage net excluding J.ick Ilrlll'jn Hewell aayM hn a In Urn fettle nnd would llku te aturt elf with Jack l'almer. rrnnkle Magulre la In geed ahape again, wrltea Jee I'nnrev. und reeily fur middle weight competition. Prankla la gnilv j0 work nut fir tt few w.eka et I'hllu lelpfila Jtclt O'llrlen'a Jee Nrlaen la lined un fnr . ... ,. ' V'ir,.uV..,.,,.rrr.?1.' " '".. "a" lliur,. Ife wll take en 'Pirry Mi Hugh in 'I biiiita 1 mm.," r imi iji'iiiiiir i uriie (1, rievMenri 1" I',?'""""" a nni1 :iXl" bu. m, uu . i '"" " "l 'a -..'. '.'".. wn ' In tin tuerta department jr. hilly OerWa manager! Johnny ' heftuJ! Jfmirtv Ueran. vi. KBniitii 4ayiur anu 1'gtt ness anyway, it "" " -- crushing as it might seeai. . Yole and Cernell slieuld be among the strong machines et the Last. Yale returns flne material that will be well seasoned by another campaign. Any backflcld that Iibr Jerdan.O llearn, Mallery. Neldllnger, Wight and Beckett doesn't hnve te worry, with most of the line material intact. .. Harvard Is lucky enough te have Buell nnd Owen back, and thnt means half a team without going further. In the West THE Western shake-up will be even mere pronounced than the Enstern. Iown nnd Notre Dame, the two crack teams of the Middle West, lese a shoal of stars. . . ,. Netre Dame loses thirteen first-string men, Including her llve leading stars and, net even a Kniitc Keckne can hope te build up as strong n team by the next campnign. , Iown loses heavily, nnd se does Ohie State. , , Machines te be feared are Michigan, Chicago and Wisconsin, who nt this frosty date have much the brighter out look. Michigan especially will have n let of speed and power en hand when the rellcnll is heard;. Centre nnd (ftergla Tech both lese stiira, but both rnturn enough tnlent tu he around the Southern crest again. , Georgia, Auburn, Vunderbllt nnd Scwnnce ure four ether machines that retain most of their strength nnd will he potent fncters in the Southern laurel hunt, ( Average football strength In the Seuth should be extremely high. CellegO' Bankings THE bnttle among leading Institutions for all-around supremacy will be keen again. The Nnvy and Cernell, or Cernell and the Navy, were two chief claim ants last year with crew, football, track and field and ether sports con sidered. The Navy is ngaln favored with the best crew prospects of the year, though shn loses n powerful athletic class In thh next graduation exit. Ynle with her crew, football nnd track nnd field nresnectR should take , high place. With the Navy ulightly ' fcvered en favored en the water, Yale, Cernell, Harvard nnd Princeton, anions ethers. will be close enough up te round out the best waterway program of many decades. Cepirijhf, 13tt. Alt rights rtsrrvtd Jack Kearns en Way East Onklnnil, Ollf., .Inn. 23. Jack Kenrns, niemiR.r of Jack Dmipey, world chnmpien IwivywHuht bexxr. I en hla way te New erk, whern he has been called en ImMneHH. Kearns would net Buy whether he expected te arrange a match (or (no champion while 111 UIO L.B.SI. Plan Armistice Day Aute Race Nan lmnrl.e. .Tati. SS. - Pirn. Iinvn ti.n announced for a r6e-mlla nutomeblio race en next ?ovemner 11, ArmiMic. uay, nt th. Greater San Francisce 8p.dwv nt Ban I Carles, Calif. A punn of SBO.OOO and lap prli.a et at leait $23,009 will U. etlcrcKl. FOn 0s mnnjinriqiiiiiiriiirna1 III 'nt iitir'iu 'Winn ,i'ini"t f i i s Lm- z Vvk E - A Vv Combination Last Narroie Seft cushion Sele will relieve callous $10 te $13 Twe Widths Narrower at instep and heel than ever the ball Write for Catalog te i -, 12 -r Improved Cushion Shee Stere ilL 37 S. 9th St., Phila., Pa. llhtll. TK COMFOHT I Pmiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin I :i:iti .iT.ni i:nr.i:iM .rrn ;in uKiTiTi:iinniTiti:iii:iir:i:iii:i:i:rrn:n:nxl THE HIGHEST TRIBUTE A piiiCE of machinery that is what a meter car really is; but few owners like te think of their cars as machinery, se the ideal car must be an efficient piece of mechanism se efficient that it withdraws attention from its faith ful service by the very faithfulness of that service. What higher tribute could be paid te a meter car! Fess-Hughes Company, 11st and Market Streets, Philadelphia. Wilmington, Reading, Bethlehem, Lancaster Pierce . I Only Once QUINN WILL JOIN SOX Sn !- m Bosten Hurler Wants te Repert Ahead of Time te .Get Ip 8hap Bosten( Jan. 23. A letter from Jack Qulnn, under .contract te pitch for tht Bosten Americans this season, has been received by Secretary Graver, of the lied Bex, which Is nt variance with the reported statement by Qulnn la Chicago that he had jumped his con. tract nnd had declded te play semi professional ball. Secretary Graver said that Qulnn In the letter asked Harry Frazee, owner of the Bed Hex, for permission te re port nt Het Hprings ahead of any of the ether pitchers in order that he might take a course of treatment nnd baths there. According te Graver, Qulnn uM that his arm "feels geed, In fact better than It has for two seasons." e LYMPI A Breid ind BiiruSrldie MONDAY KVK.. JAN. 23, 1013 nunnv pine FITZGERALD vs. B0DIE KAUI. VVILI.IK HARTMAN vs. GREEN JIMMY TOMMY SULLIVAN vs. GOLDEN rien. "Yniing" 8 ItOUNIlH KID ERNE vs. WAGNER WII.LIi: S H0DND3 NED J?cksen vs. Fitzgerald Sfnt en te RtrmM' Cafe, IStli and nisr ,.. rlienr Tienl 4l)nn. " NOTE THESE DATES Norfolk .... Feb. 2 Washington . . Feb. 8 Philadelphia . . Feb. 9 The WAR DEPARTMENT offers an enormous assort ment of surplus In three auctions AH classes of mnterlaU, textiler cletlilnB'iind caulpage, tfeneral suppllii, metal, lenther nnd harness, innchlnery, clectrle meters, laundry machinery, feed, stuffs, und n complete assortment et water transportation material, rope, Buppllc. beats, scows, etc. SEND FOR CATALOG Tour representative can nttend all three eales. Send for catalogs. Ooedi sold "os is," "where Is" te highest bidder. Fer Information uddrcsa Surplus Property Officer 1st Avenue & 59th St, Brooklyn, N.Y. VAJHL, DEBMOMENT SURPLUS MEN Heel and Instep 81 1 Pacific Av., Atlantic City HIII'IOUIOU HHOIlMAKINfi lliillllMllltlltl -Arrew lyilr SAI FS ii 'i'wiwniifi"i-iiiiiiij II $( ja si1 W A I M A 'Id xN it tj n M u u IhM'i- iWi-i.- ..-..