Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 21, 1922, Postscript Closing Stock Prices, Page 9, Image 9

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' iMffiNIHG "iftlBjal- 'teBDGEftpkEbM)BLPHlA; SATURDAY, JANtrAftY 21, WSL
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K& -- .;';& Wvv '.W - v-'-'rvifflRi
Nancy Wynne Tells of the Doings of Debs of Last fear
and Several Years Age The Doughertys'
Dance Last Night Great Success. '
WE MAY well say where tire tlie
buds of yesteryear, with Melly
Tlinver, net only writing but ptiblieh-.
lne 'books anil poems j Ixnbcl Page In
the movies. I'ellv Thayer definitely
telne en the concert stnge nml wild
rumors of nil fn,'' nf thenlrlenl offers
PWv Thayer hni liml.
jinny nnil vnrlcil nre the occupations
ef" the ex-deb", mill while the iIiIukk
whlrh mnny of them lire delus may net
pound ni cxcltimr, perhaps n the ones
1 spoke of j'lft new. "till they keep
the "irlx tcry busy. Dnrethj Stevens.
IIeln Shellen. Jesephine Thompson,
Clnrie Mniytlii anil lets mere urn
utiregrni'l"'1'" ,in'' 'firflnrlPH. nml
jinn Ilewlnnrl. Vnlentlne. or "Viivn"
Mili'liell 1'ell.v "nynrd. Mnry Hnrtnw.
Mar-jarel Phelps. Fritticcs Hes'i nml
France l.eeeh nre some of these study
ing shorthand nnd tpewrltlnc.
Anne TWit-end. Mar Hlter nml
pnllv Crlflilb nre frehmen.nt Venn:
jlnr'v Thn.icr is nt Vawar: Tiibby Ueyd.
rvehn I'nse unci .Inne Yeiitninn lire nl
Jliwi .Minvr. mi'l I'lel'e U nrrlner In
Iii'iMii? "agriculture'' nt Cernell ; Mnr
rarrt ili"l I" tnklnc "illurfriitlen" nt
tfie N'boel of IniliiHti'lnl Art. und tbry
nv "he Is iIeIiib very ceed work. n
ire ltell Welsh nnd Mnry (ilenillii-
jlltl" I" l1"" Aranrmy ei mc run- .wi-.
Alary Krnestlnp Appleton. .Mnrlnnne
HerrK Charlette Stun- imd lVKKy
Fcrjpi'eii. Jen remember, nre nt the
grhnel of Design, and Klttv Merris.
lie used te go there, new hns n studio
of her own. nnd ts doing very nt
trfli'tie himlM-npes. Miirlnn Winter
end Nancy Cepe, srent friend nf
Kitty's, nre both necemplNhcd mul-duns-n
niueli for nit! Hltn Ilcek
rher Krirnh Mr-Lean. Cnreltne Mxen
and KHe du T'ent nre Inking cooking.
nd Eleaner Gtimme.v. Hemile iAoed
nH Kny King nre tnking French.
) New Isn't this n , fermidnble list?
TVe shall hnye te mi ml our i-s nnu ijs
hiith stieh nn aeremplished nnd learned,
rewd seen te be let loec in Phlln-
6,lh a
''. . . ,i. . ...!. .- ...
There nre mis ni giris.. ion. -nu n
doing wonderful nnd very hnrd ehnr
'liable work (I've done It, se I knew)
Ithrnugh the Junier league. Margaret
and Cilna Earle and. hint .ienr. lletsy
t)nvi. Hnrbarn Hensen and Klttv
ferlnteu drove nn nmbulnnee te tnkc
children te nnd from the hospitals; I'm
'net sure whether the Inst lluee nre
doing It ngnin thit ear or net. but
jthe Earles nre. IlJtli Packard does
jespital work, toe: se altogether I
think everv em uli-ileb, debs nnd
t -debs--1 i having n very busy winter.
THE Grnhnm Dougherty lmll Inst
nislit for Isabel Frazer wns lets of
fun There were nbeut (-even hundred, 1
should suv. nnd the ballroom in the
Hrllewie St ml ford was very handsome,
heinx deciir.iteil entirely in greens,
I'nlin . -inllnx and rjheilluin ferns were
Mr- llenglu'i'tj, who Is Isaliei s sis
ter. ir-elved the gue'ts looking very
ell in a gown of minimise blue sntln
ml iIiilTiin. The overdress of chiffon
.. ,.t..1iv,,i,1i.ii(l tn i:v4tnl nnd had two
" "" .. --
itralghl funds down either side of the
km nhlpli were liiilshed with crystals.
hnte . lovely In the , .lir.plcHi of j
frocks. 1 1 was of com -colored chiffon.
wudc wll'iiiut lace or ornament of any
ilisl. ami ii wns very glrlNh and quite
bei-tniilng. She were iiImi silver slippers
Siiier was eretl in the Piilni Itoein
ami we all -lined pretty late, just ile
.ft... .1... 1 !..!.. ,.!..... ......... llin ..Inl.t .
mnr nn- nf -i.r. in i (...ii.. i uv infill
I...C 1. ..I .. II .. ..., ......1,1 !
lii'li'M', it ".i-i nn u a il nn inn- iiiriitii
etrr wake up. I tried te get four dlf
fetfiii girls tn ke le tea with me yes
tm1,i), and beheld each one was sleep
ing :il I i'i' the party and it's the same
tnilji. t'lariie Clalbeine. of New Or-
Iran', who is a great friend of I-abel.
clinic up from the Seuth for the li.ill and
will Mn en for a few dnys. j
. . .
rpill. InM of the series of four da nccs '
1 which liive been gotten up at t,P I wMIl be 'NVelcenie StrnriRer. ' The mein mein
Meilen tielf Club en four Friday 1'"H, "L"1 V ,"b li'il H,d. ' !-e.?,ls.1'.1"
ii . i (.. it
nlslits for members of the elder young ,
lliiirrieil c" was held lint lllghl. and ,
it .t gienl fun. .Mrs. Intth-w llnlni
1 ilinlrinnn of the undertaking, and
he nml her able committee ceitainly
JnnnnKCil te have n delightful nnd ieii-K'-nlal
crowd out there. A koei! iiinn.N
rern enthusastii- hritlgp plnei. iiikI
one of the rooms wns given ever te
curd pla.wng entirely, while t lie-c who
liked te "shake a feet" Imd a fine time
en lhal geed ilnnce lloer out there.
"pOI.Ii had hern ipille sli-k, nml l he
J- docier decided Hint she iiad belter
liae n lltiiid diet for several 'Iiias. New
Telly is three years old nnd -ne loves
rhlcketi nnd little bits of beefsteak .inn
potntees. nnd she does nei low eups
"Ornnum" was with her at lunch line
tli second day of the diet, and n beau
tiful howl of chicken broth was brought
up. "Ne." hiiid Pelly. "I don't like
it." "Hut. deatie." said Crnniiiij. "jeu
don't knew hew geed il s, Whj meilier
ml daddj both love soup, and mi de
Aunt Mnlh nnd Vucle Ned." "Well,
biajlie tlie d." agreed I'nlh. "luit
jeu knew I deu'l believe it's geed for
I -
I Mirs Kvi-hn Redman Hrn 'en. debu-,
I Mm e daiight.i nf Mi ItebTt Mnsie I
1 pr.vten of iiui St .Ijmiiw nni', will '
, '- ,..... , ., ...
"- mii su' hi it uoiier .ti a ninner en
Fii'lji. I.hiii.i.i' .1. In he given liv Mr.
ml Mrs Uerr V. Nev ten. of .'051 l-I
cii.t -in... i.rfe,.. i, H diini-c Mr. and
J'' J Wilnu-r fliddlc. of IJInderten i
IIeu- t -,, sitmt Hill, will giw at the
JJiU-i arl'i, in honor "f 5lls Doretln
iiainiite i r(.nll. of U.iltlinern : Mis I
l"l"ii .M.it l.a ilmiglitei of Mr. Claiencn
I M.i'Un. nf New Verk. and Mr."
'Miuie u.iuglilvr.
Allhr V'lruln),! Seuili-
" i.u. d . I
ik-luit.iiitfH of tlif season
Mr .ml r- llnnv V Michell. el
"' 'li itmi urcct, will also entei-
'i i iini.i,. r.li nnd Mis. .1 Wllnic
niuill , 1,,, pi.j.j W j,Ua ,, ,ie,
"Ii- i Ii.uk In hiinni nf Miss VIlKltiJP
.. I .1 " '' dehuiaiiie d.iiightcr of M1
"" Mi. I.(duid I'fck-ilui. nf Sl.-i
epna, Mrn-i n.ni liellliigljn.nl. ISadm r.
""'' "-11-'".;' ii ni hi- i.'.'i'iitls ln.cn
nnii()Uiici in iiur, i.,j .M,..'addcii
, 'Lie Kin
w I'n iiiii'i d il Hi' d'niii i
ni i !
ti'i Jiihn
.ih.ih Mr nod Mi . I! Win
.. . .t ,ii tin . . . .
1, i-iiniii ii ii. khm' in
e. e '.. "'" ' ' l"ils-e I'ltnlmtnc, dnilKh
II or M Icni.iiid "liiib-ii tie ..f New
t-in'i" , A'' 'v I''""''".' Jaiiiii .is Hi'
r'V '.'' Vl; tnd mi .iiMc-i, .sin i -i.il i
X Kl1', H..II I'll, inn., H.ll. Imliidel
.,1 ," M.'- " t i'W(ll Heile. M
j'nii ; n.;:.;:',, i " u,n " :,n" "
r, und M, i !,!,! U I' Sheem,.l,ei
;.,.::" '' d stiee;. Hcriimnltiwti
Siimi.... .,.,11 eiiMBJiiieni of theh
--,, ,! ,1
I CL'BV Sliemii.tki'i'. und
"' .Mill
hunid V,i
Iredell .MclttMi. of Itlch-
L h ami Mrs llelMusncail Tayler, of
h .'""'s Line, Chestnut Hill,
WA u '" ,,,',,"p"alii In lioiiei' of Mi.
I A i, " l''iw,"l "sbuimi Tictb nt a
will i ""'u atlernoen ill I oVIecit
't Vl'" '' .Hl"' '" "'"lvlnB I.) .Mu.
kiiw M.S'S'f'', A,, y:"''n tl Hei-
i ij iii'A i . s. it ii- iiii iriiit
"lipei aft, i the tea. .
i"d Mi
liMil.in LIbIc, who
il e
.--'ii iiit'ii Honeymoon ut Mm
luie n ll'ul." "' tlllH " "CM week.
st t,0 ,'i , '" i-,'-'l 'in npni'tttiunt
Yt- . . """Ml
Mrs l.i.'le, iicfuie iicr
th r.y;lnjrwwu" M- ''"
l'r'Uauf..t1-c', Vi?,,n ,)v"Me licaly and i
uauuiit ; Mine. .Mnry dil-'. Oenry, '
of Chestnut Hill, who aie travellnc In
Europe, have left Uome nnd nra selntr
te Sicily. Miss Geary will be one of
next Reason s uetiuuintes.
Miss Men.a Morgan Elliett, daughter
of Mr. nnd Mrs. n. II. Ecerten Klllett.
of Flushing, Ij. I , whose engaRement
linH recently . been announced te Mr.
William II, B, Townsend, will arrive
mi evening nna will be entertained
an the Kucst of Mr. Tewnsend'n mother,
Mrc, Jehn 11. Townsend, .Ir of Itayn
hnm. Ovcrbrdek, for a few daya.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Kane H, Green, of Mont
gomery nnd Hadner rnnilrt Tlrvit TVfnwr.
entertained at dinner last nlBht befere
me uance ai tne fllcrien GDIt C1U1).
Mln.s Mary Fnlelt. daughter- of Mr.
and J!r. Frederick McQ. Kulck, of Lin
coln drive nnd SprlnKlleld avenue.
Chestnut Hill, winy will be ene of next
Bensen's debtitnntcs, will be formally
presented te Be6lety by her parents nt
a dance en Tjieday evening, November
US, nt the Ilellevuc-Stratferd. Miss
l'"alrk will graduute this spring Trem
Hprlngslde Scheel.
Mm. William P. Moeslcy, cf Aliens
lnne. entertained at luncheon In honor
of Miss Mary I.uiiIhu McCown, r,80t
Kinlen street. The guests were Mrs,
Jehn 11. McCown and the bridal at
tendants of "Miss McCown, MIsm Man
delelne KntnU. Miss Annetta McCown,
Miss Julia Davis T.ee, Miss Frances
WVIser nnd Miss Anne Tresser.
The Misses Herman, of the Wlsna Wlsna
hlclten Apartments, gave n theatre
parly en Friday In honor of Mrs. Clin Clin
eon Gardner Dickinsen, of New Verk.
Miss Winifred Nichelson, of Wlssa Wlssa
hleken nnd Mldvaln nvenuc. Is enter
mining Miss F.llzabeth Shrlver ever the
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jehn It Umstcd. of
2H Pelhnm read, gave a dance last
night for their daughter. Miss Ruth
t rr.stcd. at the Pelhani Club. The
guests were of tlm school set.
Mr. and Mr. Jehn Williams, of 507
Beyer strept, will gVe a dance at the
Pflhain Club Friday evening. January
! ?,' In J1oner of tnclr we- Jehn Wll-
Hnm, Jr.
The Pelbam Club lll give a lunch
eon and bridge party en Thursday next.
lneie will be thirty tables. Among
these entertaining will be Mrs. Belts,
Sirs. Hopklnsen and Mrs. Utnsted.
The annual concert of the Old Yerk
Kead Cheral Society will be given In
the Decehwoed forum en Thursday eve
ning, January 2G. The choral, which Is
under the direction of Bessie ICIlle
Slaugh, will be assisted by Michel
Penha. cellist of the Philadelphia Or
chestra, and Marv Neck Malpass will
be at the p'nne The choral ban recently
joined the National Federation of Music
Clubs. It ha bnen In exlstence for
many years, and until lately the weekly
meetings wern held In the parish house
of the Kplscep.il Church of Our Saviour
at Jcnklulewn. The Monday afternoon
veheHrs.il'i arc new held In the parish
liens.) of st Jehn's Lutheran Church,
Old Yerk read and Melrese avenue,
Mr ,, Ms Kdwftrd Wn!Uli of 0l,.
Line, will shortly leave for California.
where they will make their home. Mrs.
Whnil will b? retniMnhererl iih ATU
,-...,... . : . . . ' -
"r " irr, V m,b'u ?tV,, ' , SelP. Mrs. A.
'Vshb?urn Tn.l Bri.tidH-Srie'f'"!!', '" 5,rs' ;
."and'1 ItrFmthFAnA"-
formerly of Old Yerk read, Ogontz.
Tlie marrlnjre of .Ml5s I.lcaner llart.
of 2 IIS North N'lnetcenth street, and
Mr. Henry T. Nash, Jr., of Nnrberth.
will InL'n nle-rt T-nnurtn.- ni'nnliiM Tun.
. '. .. . . . . . . ..
wary -., nt me uriae k nemc, unu tney
It, , ., I .,!.,.. .. .,.. .1
Henry Hart.
l.es Oiseaux, which Is a social and
charitable club, will Klvc a theatre
benefit at the Garrlck Theatre en Men-
idiiv, Tueday and Wedneitilay evenlnus,
February fi. 7 and s. The attraction
The mem-
i.ri 1 1 tic i . vcu.i i-jiniiini iiu ijntiiii
i.-.,i 1,-einhi.pi.. i.minn t.n Vene tiiid.-i
Orllnei. Svlvla Itlehter. Belln. Unv and
I.llllan Salvln, Frances Schiller and
Ue.ssle Wiiikclinau.
Picparatlens are being made for the
flftli annual dance te b Riven by the
Vnndnlla Club at McCrea's Academy,
1517 Snyder avenue en January 27.
Tliose en the committee are Mr. Themas
I.ene, Mr. Raymond Wagner, Mr.'
Themas Bruder, Mr. Jehn Green, Mr.
KYaticIs Ttelnz, Jlr Themas Rooney,
Mi. V. T-'ecncy and Mr. William Cleary.
Mr Rdward Cudden and Mr. Edwin
'urke will entertnln nt a icceptlen and
dance In the Mount Carmel school hall,
nt Tlilid and Itltner strcels, tenlBht!
Thn pieceeds of the nffali; will go
tewnnl thn building of the new parish
The niemheis of St Themas' Dra
nuit'c Association will entertain te-
inortew iifternoeu In the Eplphan
elienl lull, at Twelfth and Jacksen I
tieew The will fv.seiit a plav called I
Tlie Intrudfts" menc theso who'
will take p.nl in the aff,tir are Mis-,
Nun Mciluckeii Miss N'an llnnnigan i
Miss Jteginn i erisn .Mr .les'pli Fin
nerty. Mr. William Caiey. Mr Jehn
Malley, Jlr. Themas Finn, Mr. Daniel
Mallej Mr. William JtcOenald, Mr.
Jehn LJiileg, Mr. Antheny McQlene, Mr.
wiiuam iinrrati,
Mr James Mc
.hlll, Mr Rel
Frank O'Hilen a
wiiuam iinrrati, .Mr. .lescpn iiickev
McLaughlin. Mr. Jehn
Rebert Fltaaerald, Jtr.
'irwt At., limn.... t . -
i ... in, i.i t ,.i ,...,. ..ii. iviiiiaiu i.it-
.. . .,
Mr and Mrs. Geerge H. Fiedricks,
'.. of 13'JS I'ltzgerald street, arc being
congratulated en the birth of a daugh-
Bride of This Week
1. ee' i? -
Pliiiln bv WlliMiu Shesell i: Iih
Mrs. .Shearer before her marriage
yesterday was Miss , Helen II,
Ilnydcn, of Merlen
ui iu;iu !iiiiiuuiaiui lur It llip m i .... ,,i,.irtc, t ..!.., -f ,,,..
Rnnilliln Tlefnrnliir- th- -lll .-,,nv Ml'9 (linrlCS LniTlbert, Mrs IleWn
v....,.u. .. .... ..,..,, ...vj 'i v......,. mi,i. lru ITn, enn Ali-a I.- f...
I their new home. Shady Kane, Nnrliertli, ;'" "-'iV ' "", V' ,," ' e.: ',. .,
I Pa Mr. Nash served durlnp the war ' ?;,,0C',, p01 a"' .j" ". 1 'row's
with the 171st Aero Squadron. Miss M3 ""'l1'. Mrfl, V aii " ,r?, rn
, Ifart Is the daughter of the late Mr Mr-"' - tMa nnd IrH 1,!m "ewan.
t .MlMm&mmmmmw
' WmMmmWmWMmWM
' mMM&aEBmWmtmWm
iftm '
t9MP"" - i
i : " i
'jss -AsuMi'VusaMis
Miss Sliecninltcr's rngngemrnt te
iMr. ,Iome Iredell Mcltce. of Vlr-
rlnln, Is nnnetinrcil ted.i
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Geldenbcrg, of
2415 North 'Napa street, are receiving
congratulations upon the birth of a baby
daughter, Mrs. Gcldenberg will be re
membered as Miss Kathrlne Feid.
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. I, Sebel, of 2072
East Clearfield street, announce the en
gagement of their daughter, Miss Esther
JI. Sebel. ie Mr. Leuis Snyder, of Brook
lyn, N. YT
The members of the Thimble Club
weie entertained by Miss Esther M.
Sobet at her home, 2072 East Clearfield
street, en Tuesday evenlng.
Mr. and Mrs. Rosenthal, of Biidge Biidge
ten, N. J., are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Allen II. Yudlzky, of 3228 Fentaln
Mrs. Adclalde Lavln, of IS 1 2 Nertll
Thirty-second street, entertained the
members of the Ten Needle Sewing Cir
cle at her home this week These pres
ent wcre Mrs. Sue Clnlr. Mrs Tlllle
C Under, Mrs. Funnle- Walker, Mrs,
i 'Inra O. Brown, Mrs. listhcr Cehen.
Mrs. Mollte Bethsteln. Mrs. Mildred
Kebcr and Mrs. Mnry Bernstein.
Mrs. Frederick B. rjersen
Hlgliland avenue. Pittsburgh
of 7ts
Is the
guest or her parenis,
Mr and Mrs.
Martin F. Mcuauicy
of ISOi North
Elchth street. Mrs. Ucrsen will be re
membered, bofero her recent marriage
as Miss Margaret McC.uiley.
The Misses Miriam Zipper. Hcba I
Kret-ge and Kllner Silver, of l.ng.iu. nre
being entertained ever the week-end by I
Miss Sadle Kline at her home in Atlantic '
Mis. It. Slp. of Ceral and Yerk
Slp. of Ceral
streets, entertained en Thursday after
noon at a Kaffe Klatch in honor of
h.r seventieth blrtnuny. I nese pres-
,,nr were mi
nt wcre Sirs. u. Krumm, Mrs. r.
Jloarery. Mrs. .. Kte-
yres and Mrs. M. Ii
Miss Alice Mendel, of K.ist Ment
gemery avenue, will spend the cemlni?
week-end in New Yerk as the fjucst of
Mrs. Paul Liidwlg.
Mrs. J. Reeves, of 2172 Kast Cum
berland street, will entertain the mem
bers of the Wesley Sewing Circle nt
her home en Thursday afternoon of
I'ha Emergency Aid of llelmeshurc
will Ive a card party en Tuesday, Jan
uaiy 31, In the HelmesburR' Mhrary for
the benefit of the Helmesbursr Pest,
American Legien The committee In
charge will be .Mrs Itudelph Snyder,
I'hnlrnian , Mtss Alma Drewn. Mrs.
H Smythe. Mrs A. H. CartlcdRO and
Jits. Clinrlcs Blaker.
Mis J AndPisen and her daughter.
Miss Marguerite nderseii. of Rhawn
street nie spi ndlng tvveral weeks In
Wheeling, W Va where they nre vis
iting Mr and Mrs. Donald Heycrs.
At a meeting of the Civic r'lub en
Thursday afternoon n demonstration In
scout work wn1 given by the Rev.
Themas A. Mcryweather and eleven of
tlie Scouts At the close tea was served
by Miss Emma Hewell, Mrs. Henry
Stackheiise, Miss Maggle O'Connell and
Mrs. Nerman Ress.
Mrs. Alfred Danser entertained the
members of her bridge club en Tuesday
Jlr J. Augustus Cadwalladcr Is en a
business trip te St. Lculs
.Mrs Simeon Van T. Jester, of Oak
avenue." gave a bridge party yestetday
te meet her guest, Miss Carel Rix.
Jllh.s Carrie Love entertained the
membtis nf her card club at her home
en Fi Iday of last week.
The Field Club will held a danca In I
Odil Fellows' Hall tonight
Mr. and Mrs Randelf Makud. of West I
Main street, entertained n few friends
.it cards en Tuesday evening
Jtr. and Jlrs. Alexander "Weed enter-'
tallied nt dinner last night bofero thn
charity ball at Camden. JIany dinners I
were glcn boferu the dance. '
Mr and Jlrs, William Keunnrd,-Jr , i
of Central avenue, gave n dinner last
Satuiday le meet .Mr. and Jlrs. Warner I
Lee, of Oak avenue.
Mi and Mrs. Glen Knnls. of (151
I'h.iln street, enturt.tlucd nt a children's
pnity In honor of the (Ifth hlrthdny of
their dauRher, Miss Sara Jane Unnls.
Jlrs nugenn Schivclper, of C2.1 Cor Cor
eon street, wan the Kuest of honor at
a surprise party of twenty friends
The cent was ,11 ranged by her d.iugh
tei. Mrs Herman inciters.
Mrs Fred M. Amonsen. of )22 West
Maishull stu-el. entertained the mem
hers of the N'orrlslewu Iteadlnir circle
at her home Mrs Geerge N. Mc- I
Glatherv was In charge of the dlbcus
slnn for Hie day, which was nn thn
life nnd fiction of Shlsley ! Selffeit.
Mr and Mrs. Llnwoed Hosier, of
It in Powell stieet, nre helnK congratu
lated en the birth of a daughter en
Januan I T
Thn marriage i,f MIbs Lydla Cenrad
I Pairs and Mr Jeseph Cesntid, of the
Ktlendn' Heme. Swede mid Powell
streets, took place en January 18 at
1 tha home. Miss Edith Williams and
Ml M Anne 1. Parry, nieces of the
bride, noted as (lower girls nnd the
usliets were Mr. Jehn T. Wllllama and
Mr Isaac Parry. Mr. and Mrs Cosand,
upon their leturn from a wedding trip
will live In Norilslewn,
. .,
.Mis ,1 V S. Hluliep, of Swarthmore,
II entertnln the Uupllcate lindye Club
ut her henna en Monday afternoon, .inn
uary "0, when her Kucsts will he Mrs.
llault Harnett, Mrs. Wesley Clyfford,
Mr Themas Downs, Jr., Mrs. Krank
Huntoon, Mrs. Ilornce Keen, Mi's Bay
ard Moirlsen and Mrs. Leuis Wheelec'lt.
Mrs. Italnh Stewart. of r.ansdewnn
Will leaVO llPXt week for Haw Ynrlf
where she: will upend n fortnight aa the
.guest of Dr. nnd Mrs. Prnnlt Northrop,
next week. Tliesn iircsent will
ii- 1
Letters te the Editor
Knox and Penrose
Te ihi Editor et the JSvertina Public Uietn
Sir With the death of Scnnters Knox
nnd Penrose both the State, nnd Natien
have suffered nit Irreparable less. As
n politician, Mr. Knex'n Idcnls were
nbevp the average conception, but as n
stntcsmnn he wns the peer of any. His
splendid work ns Secretory of Stntc
raised our standard of stntesmnnshlp
in the eyes of the world nnd wen for
him a Instlns place in the admiration
of his fellow countrymen. I leve te
think of him nleng with ".relierspn,
Adams. Tiny nnd Webster, men of high
Kicnia nna letty conceptions ei mu .luii.a
of publje servants. Uew content might
the nntlen feel te confide its destiny
Ihle the keeping of such honorable men.
Senater I'cnrese, though born te the
purple, bcrnme the idql of the mneses.
lie partly divorced nimseii irum ni m
dltiennl nristeerncy te touch elbows with
his fellow men in the humbler wnlks
of life nnd the power which came te
t.l. 1 m..ahaa nvnnnrlprl flint, ne
JII1II Jil njinfiiurin u , A v..,- ....-...-
nulred by nny ether innn In the history
of Pennsylvania politics. As n. poli
tician, he knew the gn)nc from A te A
nnd pleyed it with a master s unni . ncn
nter Quay nnd the two Camcrens loomed i (,.jps )nte the B0n(P,j COmers of the
large in their day, but I ebt. eltl"'r , earth urc net without their recom recem recom
ef them licld se firmly within his grasp j ,)Pn(,
the reins of politics as did bennter x n rhlIntlplphians te nU
Penrose. .,., i f'hlcnge, the city of the world's finest
Frem his eiuces in hip ;:""""' . ""' i
Trust Hulldlng lie moved the powers
upon the petitlcnl chessboards of city,
State nnd Nntlen nnd always "'"
,.t:f.. nf reMiilt. which nt times
seemed unennny. Tliere will be mniiy t
iisi.irnnts tn his honors nnd pretenders
te his throne, but tliere will net ue ceo cee
tercel in the hnnds of one rann, during
the next nnnrter century the power
which Penrose wielded for mere than
twenty yenrs.
AVith the death of her two most illus
trious sons Pennsylvania finds herself
once mere in lending strings n point
of senaterlnl experience, but in pe nt
of the highest type of ability, she hn
covered herself with glory in the selec
tion of Mr. Pepper. ,i,i
It is true that we of en sen things
from different points of view, but. nftcr
nil Is said nnd done. I think that we
may snfely nceept. as n ground of coin-
meit ngrcement, the fnct that no two
men will be se sadly missed ln
councils of the nation, nor will thcic ,
seen be two who stand se hlgn in uiciv
boson sphere. Time nnd expcrlence
pjenc can develop anil Mnmp lmlrllbl
upon their country's history such master
iniuds ns Knox nnd Penrose.
Pence te their ashes !
Philadclphin. .lanunry 10, 192".
The Inconsiderate Automeblllst
Te thn Editor of the Evening Public J.erferr
Sir I think the nutoraehillHt who
m () ,int.hing along the streets nt it
, . " .,i ,ICH0 ,nvs, throwing slusli
' p " "1. .,. ,ie Maim en the Mde-
walks. Is very Inconsiderate. eda I
hnve Veen n number of exhibitions or
I where such fiends have ruined the
,,.. ..... ,
clothes of a numner et peepiu hiiih
Chestnut htrcct. Te curb such incon incen incon
siderntion I think au ordinance should
be passed that where nn automobile
driver makes of himself such n de
structive nuisance, theso who are
harmed should be nllewed le toke his
number nnd report him te the Director
of Public Safety, nnd he should be
compelled te pay the damage.
I have seen automobile drivers drive
deliberately into n puddle or slush,
when ladles were passing, nnd literally
cover them from Head te feet with his
splash, nnd then drive away laughing
nt whnt he considers a geed joke. The
nuloinebllists seem te think they own
the city imd thnt nny ene without a
car has. no privileges en our streets.
An exnmplc should be maile ei mien ,
offenders, in flrder that they may be
brought te their senses and made te
understand that ether people also have
te be considered. II. W. L.
Philadelphia, .Innunry l.'0, JOL'2.
States and Prohibition
Te thr Editor at the Evenma Publir Ledger
Sir I have just read of Mr. Ciivll
licr's bill te allow hotels te sell beer
and wine, nnd predict it will pass; the
blind here are getting their eyes open te
what business men saw at first wns a
great error. If tlie bill is passed it
would probably be termed ns something
nkln te State rights being nt variance
with tlie nntiennl law.
I hepe Xew Yerk will pnss this law.
T would het advocate secession, nor a
disruption of this great Xutieu, but if
New Yerk passes a inw Mien as mis
gentleman has Introduced there is no
doubt that enough nthct Stales would
fellow te have its influence en Congress.
Them Is no doubt thnt In due
time enough States will come out boldly.,
ngnlnst this outrage snaked through nt
Washington whlle the brawn nnd sinew,
the builders of this country, wcre nbrend
fighting for the life of this great Natien. ,
' The Seuth tried te secede in order
te maintain slavery, the deprivation of
the liberty of some men; Mr. Cuvllller's
bill would be -n revolt nguinst the Vel- ,
stead idiocy nnd it contest te maintain
tlie liberty of nil the peopie the citizens I
of what we call nnd believe te be the
most enlightened und liberal nation en
. I see that the Chicago Council voted
.12 te M condemning the Foelstend Act.
Philadclphin, Jnnunry lli. I02U.
! Is Uncle Bim Saved?
Bim Should Vamp Zander
Te the Editor of the Evmina rublie Ledger:
Sir Why does net I nole Him turn
the table en the Widow Knnder nnd
ih, a little vamping himself? He should I
recognie thnt lie lias been entirely tee '
easy with the widow, nnd the thing te
de. if lie really Is infatuated, is te find i
Mime ether dnme. with whom lie will i
pietend te fall In love. Tlie widow
will seen miss the daily visits from the
jeweler, the nutomebilist, the florist nnd
the enndv manufacturer. They nre nil i
iiiercnntiie men. dear te n woman's
heart, nnd especially it widow's
If I were I'licle llim, and had plent '
of money, I would buy the finest car
en the mnrket, nml get seme ntirnctue
female te share it with me, and I would '
set such n pnee nnd tnke evcrv method I
pnssible te bring it te the notion of
Zander, that, who would have te bhew
her hand, which would either havn te
be a full one, or bhe would be com- ,
polled te draw her enrds from eeme one
else , Vamp her. Win. nnd sfsi hew I
Thickly you can bring the flirting widow
le lier senses? 1 mjself nm. nt present,
en my knees. A WIDOW.
Philadelphia, January 1 1. 1022.
The Deceitful Widow
Te fli Editor e the Evening J'uMie Ledger:
Sir I am se angry this morning
thnt I put nslde my Ironing, nftcr icnil-
lug hew tlint deceitful widow Is try-
inc te smooth out iioer I'ncle Win. imd
after pondering ever the (lunipi feri
about an hour, I have decided te write '
te you anil say thnt if Mr. Smith
allows that Zundcr woman te put one
ever en Andy, I am dene with him
forever mid will never ugnln bceome
infntuated with a cartoon movle. Talk
nbeut scheming old maids te get a
husband, they nre net In it with the
Brazen widows. Ananias waa n saint
aside of this deceitful widow. Don't
Is Ours Really a "City
"Sarcastic Raymend'a" Au Revelr
Te the Editor et the BventrtO Piibtle Ledger:
Sir I, "Sarcastic Hnymend," have
en two different occasions seen fit te
ntldrcss the People's Forum, nnd both
of my treatises hnvc, qulte properly,
been considered of sufficient moment for
dissemination among the populace via
the printed word. As result of these
letters, the citizenry hnvc, In turn,
handed me the rose nnd the rnzz. They
have wafted their plaudits nnd they
have nssnlicd me (vigorously).
ienight i note nn interesting letter
captioned "What's Become of Hay
mend h.7" It is this thnt draws me
from nty seclusion. Having become.
evidently, .vemcthlng of n chnrnctcr te
thewp former renders, who peruse Jot Jet
ters ether thou their own, I feel it
would be n breach of geed taste, ns
well as unfair te my public, were I
et en this, the eve of my departure,
t0 mv fcw ,,,na WOrds.
jjy fr(,n(Rt j Iinvc jusl rrcclved a
wire rnlling me back Hj town. I have
enjoyed tny rest In Phllly nnd, thor
oughly recuperated In body nnd mind,
I feel competent te ngnln enter the
Kit-Patina tt tv Mtn HMintn 11,41a LtrlA
"teres, universities, boulevards, parks,
uientres, etc. xnnt city et culture
rnlsed te the nth power nnd where re
fiiiement Is universal. It is civlllzn-
f lOn a -fntvnt iMnlttM nr1Inntlf An tlin
j,rew nf tlie' Middle West, te light the
iiinpm purple of unpnrnllcledly benutl
fill I.nke JTIchlgnn. Modesty forbids
thnt I should mention her chnrms.
If nny Philndelplilnns need jobs, sit
uations or positions while In Chicago,
I will sce "thnt they get work putting
wrinkles en prunes. This is n slew
nnd tedious, process nnd hence one nt
which PJiiladelphinns would excel. The
fnetery being in n rjulct zone, I feel
sure that after being provided with
roller skates (which matter I shall nt
lend te) the danger of these Philadel
phia visitors being run ever by push
carts would be grently minimized. And
se I bid you nil adieu. Mny Phllly
i est in pence. RAYMOND:
.lanunry 10, 102'-'.
Finds Phlladelphlana Polite
Te the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger:
Mr '.our column en the "City
T, ,, . ,. ., rf .. !
Hretherly I.ove gives considerable I
spice te your vnlunble nnper. The man-1
I ner in which strangers take the liberty where the peopie believe in " 'Thecrent
j of firing broadsides nt Philadelphia, and, est geed te the greatest number, nnd
1 the disposition pf the rhlindelphlnns te the greatest number is Ne. 1," it is
"pep up" nnd come back nt them is geed old "Oil." Leng innv he ware'
most interesting. ONLOOKER '
Hinging irem inn numner ei times it
let Him fall for her "mush." The i
"old friend" gug has been dead jcar.s
age. .iiisr as i was nappy ever a ,
reconciliation, then that boob Mm
seems te have swallowed all th" widow's
m eu vl km Amrimi vm ke mrm. " nr
B& ml mr m Wrni wk Wk w M7- m sif i
- m w mrsA
a word te
Qnick. profitable saJes
nre assured when you
handle Chece - Pics
Philadelphia's newest Ice
cream dish. It's a sensa
tion! One sale brings
customers beck for mere.
Ohoce-Pics please every
body. Don't run short!
Have a geed supply of
Choce-Pics en hand at
afl times.
A tid'hif
" mV ' Pm
of Brotherly Leve"?
Is mentioned, the letter of "Raymond
8." seems te have been "the most
unklndest cut of all." (I s that
quotation Jil deference te the Ues Uos
ten man, who has net heard nny
Shnkcspcnre slnce he enme te Philadel
phia, peer man I)
With refcrence te "Raymond's" let
ter, will say that It wns singularly
witty nnd sarcastic, nnd presumably
Written by fsome young mnn who was
bent upon having n little quiet fun
out of Philadelphia.
If this bo'true he hns surely been
gratified, ns nene of the replies hnve
contained the keen sense of humor which
chnrncterized his letter, but nil saver
of the fact thnt at lenst seme Phlladcl
phlanH take themselves se seriously ns
te be wholly Impervious te n joke.
Tlie- most amusing letter of the
strangers, te me, wns the one which wns
written by a Indy who commented upon
the general rudeness in Philadelphia,
comparing It te Chicago In that regard
and favorably te the latter.
It brought te mind the "Pelitenesi
Campaign," which was. promoted bj
the Chicago Tribune seinir time age.
It will be remcmbcicd that h reporter
wns sent out every morning with fifty
dollars (SeO) In his pocket, which he
was te give te the most polite person
whom he found thnt day. His experi
ences iWcrc varied, nnd sometimes quite
thrilling wns his wenry search.
It was neccssnry for him te nccest
persons, asking seme civil nuestlen, nnd
history records" that It was near
nightfall en many dnys befere he found
n person In Iho streets of Chicago who
wns sutHcienily polite te wnrrnnt the
bestewnl of the $50.
Surely it man would net have te trnmn
1l J-.. , .! -.-II. ... ., .. '
.... ..j .,, ...... ,. ."'v ,...e..u ii j una- , rac:,, unci the i:rJt atientlen p., 'I i.j a8ni-
dolphin, for there nre mnny such. Hew- Itatlen and hygiene
ever, the Tribune project gave a tern- '
perary uplift te ChlcngO. When 11 be-I "W. c T" Harps nre atrumi rh cat
enme noised nbrend thnt the mnn u-u " except the lewt string The are
out with the $f!0 it produced n wen-I
derful nmeunt of bowing nnd scraping
ueiiing or nats. yes. sir. "no, sir,'
"please, Mr." and "thank jeu." nnd
"mny I assist you, madam," the wave
of politeness reaching the high -water
mark where men even rose nnd offered
their seats te women in street cars.
New. it is only fnir le the Indy who
wrote the letter te which I referred, te
-n thnt hhe no doubt visited Chicago
while it wns tinder this magic spell, and
therefore receivtsi n radically different
impression from whet she would have1
had In nermnl times.
Clilcage Is a magnificent and lncem-
-v...w.fc,., . iiiuh,i,uvriik nnu 1III-IJIJ1-
parable city in mnny wn.s, but if there
is a nlnce In the n-hnh. wiri., n-n.i.i
I'hllnueiphla, .lanunry II). 1P22.
lies, nnd I enn see bv the expression
of his face that she has him. "teeth
nnu nail
in her claw-, once mere.
MUS. V. L. T.
Philadelphia, .Innuury 20, 1022
fn-iMrw.wrr i ! in " " T " " t,,"
r H an
Get 'em today!
thing like Choce-Pics-
ered Philadelphia Ice Cream. Yeu can never
imagine hew luscious they taste until you try
Get 'em today! These tempting, tooth
some tdd-bits of rich, smooth ice cream dipped in
a thick coating of purest chocolate, and pro
tected by a sanitary foil wrapper.
Get .'em today! Choce-Pics will awaken
thrills you thought were lest with childhood
days. Get 'em for the kiddies! Watch their eyes
sparkle when they bite into the smooth choco
late covering and reach the velvety ice cream
beneath !
rare s0W lf j s t.
compare at mm mveryiier&Z)
Questions Answered
Te Change Name
Te the Editor of the Evening Public I.eda'f
Sir Hew shall I proceed te change my
nme? Is It Atpennlvn? Would a savings
bank r.harrn for making the change en their
books? J. J. C.
Philadelphia. January 10, 1022.
The chanira may be mada by an application
te R. Juatlce of the Supreme Ceui't at a
nominal charge. Teu should be able te
atlafy the bank by ahewlnir the papera
permitting you te use your new name. Con
sultation with the bank wlir nettle thnt
point. The record of the change of name
with the Secretary of Htate nt Harrlsburg
Is an Important step In the procedure.
Our Largest Locomotive
Te the Edtter of the Evfniiie 1'ublle I.fdarr
Sir I will appreciate t If von will tell
r0, ,, i." .'T. Rr""' '"cem011' 'n "";
In the United Stale-. This Is tn ttle an
nr;,u,m",-1 .. , ' K '' ,
Thlladelphla. January 18. 10.2
The largcat locemolhe in the 1,'nlted Slate
Is en the Virginia. Itailrearl It wj built
for cea.1 freight, has tveniv drlvlmr wh'eln.
and weighs 0R4 000 neunrN. Thn total wnlirlit
of engine and lender la 80S. 300 petinda
"Postmaster" or "Ml8tre88"
t- ii.. f.m ..,... .,.... r.j....
"" '"" ' ' ". "' I ' , i '
UtrPlaaaa .1.1. In .nil, la.r.Ia'tt r.i.m
,-- """" ' " "
.ii j ii. wiu.-ii .uu .r.. "'"""" i"
charge of the
iTiii i'i.iirruTf rtr
...... .
if i.. rt.
Philadelphia. January 18, 1022.
The I'n-tofflce Departmnt eaya that
this country & person holding -the pesltlm
as head of a pnxlefflce Is known na Peet-
maei-r. regereiee- it -ht. inn vor-; pe-r
mlstreea la net need In efflHn ferreep.in-
dence. of the rostelTlce Depnrtm-nl
Most Phvsleallv Perfect Peenle
Tr the Editor nf the Evrl-na Pub'tr t.'dv'r-
Sir What peple have calned the grf
et degree of phvelcal prfegtlen In the
world tedav and whv? II V I,
Philadelphia. Jnnu-ry ID. 1022
Authorities g-nerally are of the opinion
that the Americans have xmned , ,, -r.-t.
eat degree of phyelcal perfoctlen I i we. Id
today. Th"y Httrlbute thta re 'nlxnjip of
u,ually "m cemblne'1 w"" ":nt wlr"
"R T. C." Ther rill h no Jein'
maniivff of the Atlnntle and Pa'iflc fieie
this yar. a Congre did net prride funde
for tul and ether operating "pns.
Poems and Songs Desired
"I Have Ne Mether"
Te the Editor et the Evmlng Pvhhe t.rdgri
Sir I bae bcn loeMng for imc time
for a nenin or the word- if a nenir whirli
etarts an follewi:
"1 havi no methi-r for he di'-d
When I was ry youne
Hut mill her memory round mv h-rt
I.lke mernlnc ihlst has rliinc
MPS r. I.. WAItB.
rhlladelrhla." jHnuiirv II. lPiU'.
WantB Old Seng
Te th' Editor et the Evening Publle .ertprr
Sir Kindly publlnh th words of an old
enB namn unknown but cnntHinlnc th
following werds:
"Turn out your tef tr;
"Ay. corporal, I will."
j nit? utte'., ,inj,"j finpriiv ni i"un-r'
'My fath'r was a corporal.
( And well h knw hH trad
Of women wine and sunpnwdM
-Tt.m Kn.,. .... ...4 ...... -. I .
You've never seen any--meaning
Get 'Em Tedau Wherever
Philadelphia Ice Cream Is Sold
If nver vri nfrnld."
j FfilUdtlphU, Januurr P. 10?,'&J
A Peem and Old 8chOel Ue
lllhrtfi J
! Te the Editor e) theKvmUe TiiWIe !f.rtWw Vv
,v.Hlr-"Vhen the balrnle eud'l&ivile'7n ',l ,
, lltcht" la h qdivtal.'en whjch 1 Viavbjilftiaftf
trying te run down. 'Can nny'pf yn6f)niKY-i'.
era cle me the mmn nf th nlithrl'jJk;lH
tell me where In his work I can Arid (KaJBV i.J
... " V J r-.-p...
wera7 , SliHi,
when I was a boy In school, stout 1
one of 'my tenehprs med te red fjleul tiyi
cniidren ery 'nterealin chapters, itertv"?
book called "The William IJenry f(trJ
I wwh t could get some fuel cenftrnl
tula book, especially lie author imbllilt
... . . . tt. .
i iinniiciir.iin. I'rccmDer til. ii.i .
tt.ll..t.l.t.l. x..J m anM, l '
Viral Tl,.. Km. ...m.J a. t'f4n',ttM .
.tnt . mi 1,1, 'J. .U,v-t4 ,(. 1,1111, Y J
Penn," a poem by Alexander A nderseM it
.surfaceman"), whtrh can be found i In njir"
collected poems. . ivss
re written by AbhV Morten Pif. nrfl tlrfi(-
published 1 1S70 by Klelda Owoed i '!,
They w-re i-rlnle., in an ..liMen 'ifccd ltti)
-hoels by Lolhren, l.ee A shepard .ri.-J
crtiiim, iii9 William ncnv iiirn
iitrn' later.
Mrs. I)ar nns horn ai rivmnuth, 'Ma'C.i.wfi'4
I Nnvem1
br 22. IS31, thn rtaughler pfilrh,' 7I"M
lied jind fTaltv Mnrlnri M:. wn ult rirdftntv'l
werkr In tin rati-n nf unit slavery, jarp- ji
1 early dlvinle nt New Tlmught nd was ln-fc J
tnrilad In se-lal orenomlr-. rie wK'Jt th ,,, '
feund-r and for mnnv -ar the rrealdentVii,'
I"' " Wem-n's Kdurallennl nnd lniuJrWO.' '
... .... .. ... ..... ' ..It" .
union in niiien. ner writings innuna. njanrje
honks for rhlldten Phe died In tBUI. , .i--T,
r -ii . -j
i ir i
"De It New"
te thr Editor et the Ex'rntne rublir I.tdair; SjlVjJ
fir T lnele- you Korv of nn New Year'jj." j,
card, I thought (he linen might be n (h,, H
n r-ei te your tenners 'iney were recuecvA,
by lix-cioverner t'harlta Miller In cle-lngi.vt.-A-.'
admlrn',!r. nddre le Hen. rid- ir 1 Htuar!-
at a dinner riven by Mm te ihe fflclrft
I of th tn,en t-'a"" e.. rtirti-g frnn 4i
prel4enry. Thla sort of entn nt If ptll
Inte prantlrn, will .make The new ytt
brighter for all of us
D t.. Arrn30V,
Philadelphia, Jnnuary. 11. 102.'
If with pva-ur you 'are viewing an" wert-"
n men le doing, ""t ' '
If ou lltce hint ee jeu Jb
te.i him rt -.
n m . . ,.
Don't t.Uhhen'1 OUr ' apprehii
Dur.en rnU-s 'oVetren
ti'i tin
And he lies with anew
iiti e r nj ijf
Ter no mattr hew ou n-
it i
rBlly care about n
He went knew hew man
have ah. il
t t1
tflrdren 3"ritj..fti
If you think (.one prelee ! due hlrr
the time le 'lip It te htm
Ter he . annet read
he'e dead.
hl temi en whfi(4Vji,v!
More than fame and meie hi' mi' la thTsl'" f
comment Vlnd and 'inn 3.0"
And th hearty, warm appral of m t
friend' i .
Fer it KlVej te lira a naver and It m4Ws -?"i
jeu utrnnKer. brar ijfj', '
And it Kliea you heart and aplr.t te IMiM'i'
If hi
enrtu nur Praia. rtntew It
llke him. lt hlin knew n
tt the erd of trui cm euraemenl' le;. ,.,ii
sild. ixV-1
Pn net wait till life U ewr and hfl' under- ' jl
neaih the Hever, Jfl
for he raniKH read hla tombstone wljent.a,
hi'. H.nil
he'a dad.
The People' I'nmrn will appear dully
In the Krenlmr Public Idrer. and aim
In Hie Mindiiy I'nlillr Idcer Inters
dlnrusalnc timely tnplra will be printed,
ne well na reiueted poems, anil que,
tlnns et teneral Interest will be answered.
!r ,L!
rV.1 !
4 VA
- -
J Jtqtft"
1 Uef'J
TJL, n.at
J Y '
it3iil ..i -.jtabbk , jiAa 'AMjtiawt wA
&. i
wi'-.-, .
V w
H.,$&,U.1k ,f