Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 21, 1922, Postscript Closing Stock Prices, Page 7, Image 7

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f F
Cleudy and Unsettled
Organ Plays at 9, il and 4:50
Stere Opens at 9
Stere Closes at 5
Chlmt at Noen
Seme Reasons Why People Will Be Leeking Forward te Monday
- . - - ' r hJi
Its W
Tourists Were Riding in an
Irish Jaunting Car One Day
when the rain suddenly came down.
Everybody tried te cover up, and a little
girl, five years old, had a heed placed ever
her head. The man sitting next te her
heard her say:
"There is such a pretty view."
"Why, hew is that, when you are all
covered up?"
"Oh," she replied, "I see my knees, my
shawl and my pretty little feet."
Hew very like this it is when we are
muffled up that we see very little but our
pretty little selves!
We have narrow views of things and
wonder why life has se little in it for us.
January si J, 19M
MEMO: TIw Annual Fur Sqle is going en and
there is still a fairly geed selection in it, both of
small furs and fur coats. The two important things
te remember are that the furs are all 25 per cent
below regular and that all are guaranteed.
THE fashion of the times sanctions a personal gift
te the bride from members of the family and inti
mate friends. There is no mere acceptable wed
ding gift of this kind than a piece of fine
Diamond Jewelry
It is something that she can wear with the prettiest
gowns in her trousseau. And it is often the starting
point of a collection of handsome family jewelry.
Diamond rings from $53 te $2800.
Diamond bar pins, $120 te $900.
Diamond bracelets, $250 te $2175.
(Main Fleer)
Paris Sends Seft Little
Sports Hats
They are like the English moufflen millinery, these soft and becom
ing Httle hats of straw-and-wool that pull well down en the head, and
rc se light and comfortable te wear.
They are in delightful colorings cherry red, periwinkle and morning-glory
blue, delft, navy, the soft shades of beige, brev.li and pray,
the useful black, and the always becoming .white.
A narrow ribbon encircles the crown, finishing in a loose bow.
!ttft thiee shapes are all becoming and easy te wear.
Their price is ?18.
(Heenrf l'luer)
Embroidered Net
Twe new styles with a filet
net foundation heavily braided
in gray, tan, brown and Copen
hagen; one with a great deal id
chenille work and beads, in black,
Copenhagen and brown.
The first sells at $23.75 and
tfce second at 40.
(Main Vloerl
New Silk Scarfs
Hint Strongly of
They huve taken upon theni
lelves the fashionable Spring
hades the reddish browns,
STtens, lighter blues that will be
found in the new sports costumes
and a number are in the mere
vivid Reman stripes.
All are pure silk, although
prices are as little as $10 te
(Main fleer)
Tailored Silk
Shirtwaists at $3.85
These are excellent lew-pricad
waists te wear with the plain tai
lored street, xperta or business
One model is natural pongee of
geed sturdy weight, quite un
usual for $3.85. Its Peter Pun
cellar and the cuffs of the long
eleeves are edged with fine pleat
ing. The ether model ie a striped
tab silk in various colorings, made
with yoke back, and n cellar that
buttons high or turns back from
the threat. This also is $3.85.
(Third Fleer)
Bandeaux and
Ertremely pretty bandeaux of
rche, pink or white satin, a
thvstriped material and satin
"who; prices, 46c te $1.25.
Urasaleres 'of pink broche with
P filet lace, $2.
Brassieres in cross-ever utyle
made of plain material and em
broidery, 85c.
Others of Swiss all-evor em em
trelaery with lac0 at top and bot
tom, $2.
All-evor embroidery with wide
'e edging or insertion, Snc.
(Third Vloer)
Delightful Spert Frecks
for Women
Such things as women are taking in their trunks going
Seuth straight, very simple dresses, but of immense smartness.
One of the most charming materials is the new knitted silk;
coin-dotted crepe de chine is another; candy-atriped crepe de
chine and silk spenge cloth still ethers. In one model there is a
slcoveless slip of the striped fabric, with eyelet worked blouse.
In another the sleeveless bloube is of cardinal silk and worn ever
an oyster-whlte Canten crepe slip. A hevercly tailored frock is
of shot silk of a dull blue-gray tone, and it has a high or low neck.
Prices are $-17.50 te $120.
(1'ln.t Vloer)
Women's Custom Tailoring at
Special January Prices
l 'or the remuinder of this month only orders will be taken at the
Custom Tailoring Uurcau for women's one-picco cloth tailored dresses
with long cloak te mntch, te be made te measure at the special price
of $C0.
A special price of $150 also obtains en custom-made tailored suits
of tweed or homespun ordered during thib month.
(bcoend Vloer)
New Lets Added te the
Sale of Stockings
Women's full-fashioned, pure-dye silk stockings in black only, with
extra reinforcement en the garter top, $1.25 a pair. Second grade, or
Women's black and white mixed silk-nnd-woel stockings at $1.50..
First grade and usually n dollar mere.
Menty of geed cheesing left in women's stockings at from 50c
te $2.50. , , , k
I m2kM lHH
We are just new making
suits te order from our own
imported Caleden tweeds
everplaids for only $75.
Alse the Devenshire, our
own original creation cape,
skirt and waistcoat will be
made te measure from any
of these everplaids for $70.
The materials are in beau
tiful light mixtures, which
include light blues, soft yel
lows, rose colors, tan and
brown everplaids.
All the work is done by
our best tailors.
(The Onller.T)
"Fleur d'Or"
is one of the fine but moderately
priced perfumes from Clalre of
Parie, who send3 the choicest pro
ductions of his laboratories only
te Wanamaker's.
Fleur d'Or extract and teitPt
water are each $6.50, attractively
bottled. The powders te match
its fragrance are ?1.50, in whit-,
natural or brunette.
(Main Vloer)
TTlARRINGS, both close
Mid fitting and pendant, arc
here in scores of styles and
.set with almost every fash
ionable kind of imitation
stone. There are imitation
sapphires, emeralds, jade,
pearls, topazes, lapis lazuli
and coral among ethers.
The pendant styles include
both pendant and hoop
shapes. Prices are $1 te $17.
(Main rioer)
THERE are few homes in which
some new furniture is net
needed at this very moment.
Yeu are the best judge of the
requirements of your own home.
The one thing te keep in mind
is that whether it needs much or
little, that much or little should be
of the right kind.
It takes the kind of furniture that
is best for the people te buy te make
, the kind of sale that is best for people
te buy in.
The Wanamaker
Great February Sale
of Furniture
which will be opened with three days of
advance inspection and cheesing, Janu
ary 28, 30 and 31, is bound te prove
itself the greatest thing that ever came
from selling the right kind of furniture.
It cannot fail te de this, because it
will have for a foundation and frame
work the right kind of furniture in a
supply and variety unmatched in the
world, and it will be priced en a basis
te prove that it is beyond question the
best furniture for any hemekeeper of
sound judgment and geed taste te in
vest geed money in.
Mark well the first day of inspection
and advance cheesing
Saturday, January 28th
It will be a great day for everybody
with a home and an interest in the same.
The New Camel's-Hair Coats
and Capes for Spring
They have just come and women have hardly waited long enough
for us te put them in the cases before buying them.
The coats are somewhat longer than threc-quartere and have a
decided flare at the hem. One style in the plain camel's-hair is very full
and without a belt. It is $115.
Anether very geed model is in the lattice check camel's-hair with
stitching and a belt. This one is $125.
The capes are very full and Jeng with arm slits, and they are in
jutlc green, white or the natural camel's-hatr with lattice plaids at $100.
(Vint rioer)
Fine Philadelphia-Made Shoes
for Women
In this city are some of the best-known shoemakers m America.
They have been making shoes for Philadelphia women for many yean-,
and knew exactly what kind of fine workmanship and high-gradi
materials our customers like.
Here are eight examples of
priced $15 a pair:
Chestnut brown calfskin laced
shoes with medium tees and mili
tary heels.
The same shoe with the higher
Cuban heel.
Patent leather shoes with but
toned gray buckskin tops and
Leuis heels.
Dull black calfskin buttoned
shoes with Cuban heels.
(Mr j
Specially Priced
In no ether kind of under undor under
clething is it possible te secum
at se little cost garments of
such indisputable geed taste,
with such fine needlework und
such beautiful hand embroid
eries, as these Philippino-made
The materials are geed, the
patterns well cut and ampin,
and the ornamentation such us
women of the most critical
taste prefer te wear.
On the very least-priced
nightgown at $2.05 the hand
embroidering of front and
sleeves is exquisite, and every
stitch of deep horn and seams
ie done by hand, as are the
New Sports Tweeds
Fer cape costumes, sports suits, separate skirts, and seme women
are buying them for entire dresses.
They are in the lighter Spring tones, Buch as rose, violet, tan,
leather and a meat lovely blue All-wool, 51 inches wide, and only $2
(TMrt T7enr J.
their bcst work in high shoes, each
Black calfskin laced shoes with
military heels.
The same style with Cuban
Dark tan Norwegian calfskin
laced shoes with low, bread hcelr.
Black glazed kid shoes, laced
orbuttencd, with low heels.
In addition te these eight style.,
at $15 we have ether kinds of
high ehees at the uitme prite
t Fleer)
in the White Sale
ribbon-run eyelets and the but
tonhole scalloping of neck and
eleeve edging.
Thore are low-neck and
short-sleeve nightgowns in a
variety of beautiful patterns
at $2.65, $2.85, $8.85 (quanti
ties of wide satin ribbon are
used at this price), $4.65, $5
(these are finely lace trimmed
aa well as embroidered, S7.50
and $7.85.
At $8.85 and $6.85 are high
neck and Ibng-sleeve Philip
pine gowns, buttoning in front.
Philippine chemises are spe
cially priced at S2.6K tn aa.ns.
and drawers at $1 te 81.85.
Men's Austrian
Velour Hats
New Down
te $8
Every one who knows
anything about velour
hats knows that the
finest ones come out of
Vienna. The texture is
inimitable and the
colorings are wonder
fully rich.
Fer a clearaway wc
have lowered the price
en these beautiful hats
te less than half what
similar hats were a year
New is the time for a
man te indulge himself.
(Main Vloer)
Here's a Fine
Brogue for
It is a high shoe of
fine tan calfskin with
perforated tip, perfo
rated vamp seam, brass
eyelets and rawhide slip
in sole te keep the feet
A triumph of boot beet
making from a cele
brated factory.
Price $15 a pair.
(MIn Vloer)
Eight Experts
Teach in This
Gelf Scheel
Each of these well-known pro
fessionals has his own practice
room, where you will net be dis
turbed. Yeu will be surprised te
find hew your game improve
under careful direction.
Call or phone the Gelf Scheel
for an appointment. Lessens, $5
a half hour.
(SeTenth rioer)
New Beeks
"General Rebert E. Lee Alter
Appomattox," by Tranklin K.
fliley, $2.50. An account of Gen
aral Lee as a college president
a phase of the great general's life
which is better known te South
erners than Northerners.
"Watched by Wild Animals," a
new Enes A. Mills nature book;
price, $2.50. An appeal te all
admirers of animal;., of nature
and geed writing.
"Health and Diet.," by Mary
A. Wilsen, $2.
(Main Fleer
FT1HE new Canterbury
J. dinner icare is very
charming, its color de
signs being suggestive of
the old English cathe
dral windows.
The china is "open
stock" and the complete
set of 107 pieces price
$95 provides breakfast
luncheon or d i n n c r
(Fourth l'loer i
Huckaback Linen
Towels Special at
60c Each
Full bleached, neatly hem
stitched and in a generous size
18x34 inches.
Fer pure linen towels of tliis
quality and size, the price is ex
ceptionally low GOc each.
(Vint Vloer)
Save a Third te a Half
en Demestic Rugs
We have just 152 geed rugs in broken lets and sizes, some slightly
shopworn, that "we will sell for a third te a half less than their regular
Rag Rugs Imported Axminster Rugs
9 x 12 ft $5.75 'ac x 63 in $9.75
7.6x10.0 ft $4.75 Vphwt Tfuna
6x9ft $3.50 e- e. veweiKugs
27 x 54 in .75c 8G x 63 m H76 and $7
Wnnlnn rihfr Pe 0dd fitrips of chenI1 carpet, excellent
e 10 V00ien l0er Kug8 for runners, at less than half price.
q q inV fl $8 Carpet samples one and one and a Jmlf
n ir,b $7 J'artJs in length, bound te make small rugs,
6x9 ft $4.75 50c te 3.50. '
(HetcntU Vler)
Piane Opportunities
Used Instruments Starting
as Lew as $150
We have en hand a small collection
of geed pianos and player-pianos that
have either come te us in exchange for
new instruments or have been used in qui
demonstrations. We will clear them out
at once.
30 Upright Pianos
These are all very geed instruments,
and all have been put into first-class con
dition in our factory.
Twe of them will be sold for the low
price of $150.
Most of them are marked $200 te $275.
The highest priced is a Knabe for $400.
8 Grand Pianos
Splendid instruments a Weber for
$275, a Chickering for $450, and ether
Chickerings and Schemackers up te $1150.
28 Player-Pianos
Several te be sold for as little as $400;
ethers up te $875.
Convenient terms of payment.
Excellent Plaid Blankets
at Special Prices
We have three kinds of all-wool plaid blankets in Scotch plaid de
signs, size 72x80 inches, special at $10 a pair.
Anether let comprises all-wool blankets in size- 72x81 inches, and
in distinctive p&tternp, at a special price ?15 a pair.
Thefec are in rose, blue and tan shades.
We also have a group of French Jacquard-woven blankets in gTay
and white figured designs and with floral borders in rose and blue, sij
90x00 inches, at ?8 each.
flxth rioen
Irish Linen Table Damask of
Rare Merit at $3.50 a Yard
There is solid value for the money m every yard of these geed,
The fabric is full bleached, heavy, serviceable arid 'geed looking,
und woven 70 inches wide. "
, i
Price $3.50 a yard, with napkins :e match at?9'i7u a dozen; size
J2x2'2 inches
We are showing a cream, or Mlver bleached Irish damask napkin,
ju3t the kind for hard cMivyduy U3age, made of pure linen and fre
from dressing, price ?1.75 a dozen, in size 20:;20 inches.
(Vint Vloeri
Wash Suits for Small Beys
Pretty little suits of colored or white chambwy, poplin, sateen,
sturdy cotton and, of course, there are regulation linen suits as well.
Quantities of styles, all in geed taste, and priced from $2.25 te J9
for f.17cs from two te five years.
(Third l'loer)
(Second Doer)
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