-. ' j rw-;n "vr ;.$' V ij;,v W"" . v, ! y,, V1' ' . EVENING PXJBIilC ILDGEIPHllSaXEJCPBli BAnTUBD&Tr MNTJ2tBT 21, 1922 f'R ii';yiv j m $ I" iplT pEOfOR Ftt j&ress Greup Sees Council's Action as Aid Toward U. S. Recognition . rrncnm CUM L ASK blU rcucnHL sum S.uw of th" iMillmlclpliln dclcsn , ?SnS,aB U ant that the Fed- "Ar.....ininL iinurenrinie n in rue rV.il.ii mippeU of the Scsqiil-Ccn- . llil UPPOt i ivt -- !rM Mai Kjpefiu-'" .LViVr7ef the fftir nl the rnpltnl "W th ilHlRht the news that " ii -d.p'iu":;Tr,T,r raladfbt Council ! '.7i.-f i.ennt. the advisability I " Sin. Its readiness te appie- lu mere money If ncccwary. I1.m?:ci- !, fair movement at IrwSwtten wr that action will mean KL the time comes te Beek Fed- m Ktb0 5!?ffil: .. .i.. .. K d?Cl'p iraiiw . -""v ""' 4LJ. ni mi Im enough. One mem Kf CbnRrtM cstlmatea that there Ml be at icsbi mu.uuv.wu " ,..,. .mirces Council, the State, ... ...J nrlrntn rltlrens. PrTlVnds of the movement In Washing- Wrr. BKT.inieBS notices napHa S2fMirk..l....(MM. ", sne neata. 1 nmw i' l" "'J.,2,plu,.chureh II'2 - fitvmrpr.T. Haainr. K.MnVfi MeCur'dy. Aaseclata Paster. H.&n SlirrX Musical plrecter KSrl B. ?' Wll. . t , Aj Atall IiriHll -iv v - ...... sT Tmr' Chorus slna? both am L2S radial, 7J te 7:4G V. M. 1 leu de net think It wljl be wise te seek financial support from Conceal until Imp Btntc has aclcd nnd subscriptions of citizens total -vcrnl million dollars. Just new incmberH of the Phlladel phia ileleRutleii In Congress nre con cerned with the matter of n Kite. Con Cen Krcssman Vnrc has announced that he favors the proposed Seuth 1'hlladelpbln location. There la strenR sentiment for the Parkway site, heucirr. It was suggested that In all proba bility one condition upon which Con gress will Rrant support Is a stipula tion that one of the permanent struc tures of the exposition shall become a Federal building when the fair Is ecr. PAINTING NOT RESTORED E. H. Bell Refutes Pennell's Conten tion en Jehnsen Whistler The contention of Jeenrih IVnnell In a talk at the Academy of the Flne Arts that ene of the Whistler paintings In the Jehn G. Jehnsen collection bad been ruined by a restorer, Is emphatically denied by B. Hamilton Bell, of the Itlttcnhoupe Club, In whose charge the collection has been since the death of its owner. "I must take exception te the state ment made by Mr. Pcnncll that the 'White GUI' painting has been re stored," Mr. Bell said. "While, as a general rule, I would net llke te enter into a dispute based upon any of Air. Pennell's contentions, 1 feel that it is due the people of Philadelphia te knew that tbe 'piece of vandalism he de de clares te have been committed upon one of the valuable paintings owned by tbe city. Is net a fact." mrawi Every ene new-laid Strictly Fresh Eggs 47c Carten of twelve Sold only In our Stores jniflj lira MlBlllilMW n nuii .. " ' Jir ',' r.'." Surt.. 5uin EndVurer. 6.80 ,K M. ;'.. "..tiny. miy. t p. m, rahlel Betlrtr lr nihil .80 P. M. Church iw MTurrn. 11 A. M. ".'.Siunw a rnAPSF.T will nn.uk UK KTHtCH OF T1IK PLJLTirOKM." !Tr1.nd MWCE, 18th nd RMf St.. , -SOWKl. "irauuira uuuei...... Lillian ih. iWI"" n.'.u mnili WOnSIIlPHn AT TUB raeASril MKBT1NO IIOCSE, Jfcrlen. L'ftrteuUW et Cltv line. Thli met- I SdiTiry Flrtt-ly (flundy) mernlnv. it lit.'iHi A welcome In .xt.nd.il te ll. , -w rrmbyf.rlun filTBKKT CI I UBtH. 18th and Arch. Lm Edward Mcartny. Mlntrttr . iii'Twe Tr or iveniDUinn in HfTi.ti. A ntudv In the reautti. im of hum.n llb.rty anrt rthwou rthweu i. SXi,M alto the frlend of "personal" fli-KiJS.rrK' B 7 10. .Itarttal. , B.VJ, w . t.,n- ,. Plf.l. WT V.I. nn ,ha rrA ntlnla of th .,! rellrlen. Could Jemw haw been "ti4 W lh Imagination or man e ETe f. lhara anv who can b rem- flml with Him? Could Serrate. have VA 'TTIa hemlock la. tlji cup of my !!. " "am th.W. or Me. Cem. e,rn-ii i.nE.niTKKIA. CHURCH ffiHtd end Dlumend Ms 52 wiiiiim T. Mct'ermlrk Paster :. iw?-:?.".:: "" ?S3 tU."aVn"vProUMen e?Midiy nr praer "Fnenct w i"'' THE GARRICK THEATRE Tomorrow Afternoon, 3:15 JOHN HERMAN RANDALL, of New Yerk City .Auther npd Lecturer Subject: "THE DIVINITY OF MAN" Th prnirrpssle man Is ticking nomethlnK better nnd lceps his mind open te that which uplifts antl makes for biicccss Deem Open at 2:30 All Welcome Organ Recital nt 3 o'clock Vita La Monace at the Organ THE BELLEVUE-STRATFORD HOTEL ROSE GARDEN Thursday, January 26, 8 P. M. JOHN HERMAN RANDALL of New Yerk City Subject: "THE CONQUEST OF FEAR and WORRY" Emily Stokes Hagar, Soloist All Welcome Jehn 10.11 for llartb'. meeting. rwwi PRBSBITKRIW CHURCH IW AND WAIA'OT BTT. llATf AIJK..Ai,i-'E. 4..i.ww.m . fi.' AtAIX B GUrtLET. ASSISTANT, Or.' llacCell will preeih at 11 and 18 IirlGe.. At the mernme service Jira. Htiw W. Peebedy. of Iloeten, will make iw&crmen 111 be aenth In erlea Itn "Tin lera a rrayer inp iuujtei uM. I 'Leu Ua 01 inie leniyiiinwu. ,T Bed urept u. or permit ua ie .." '""' fcl temptation for our ceed? If the lat or. nhy iheuld e pray "Lead us net lute tfmolatlen" ?) . .. . flEvmln euWect! ' Gettlnc Help rrem c.eu r la It Keil and In It Reasonable.' f JlailCll ierrlce 7 10 T. M PHILADEL PHIA COMPOSERS. l"?euH of the niBhteeua" Ir ri'O Oitmemi i.itni ..."" !rlu Di It Oently SlnltlnB" .Sfmthewa "Chirlty" I,?.r.ae': Twiiunt snaoewa- . . . ",. tunaay Scheel and Bible Class, 10 A It Htfk-nltlit eervlce In I'arlah Heus., W.d mflr, a e cieck jiuureas en ine FrLnJihln nf Tehn " VISITORS Wi:iXOMB DEDICATION AND UNVEILING Of the Historical Tablet t.KFCTKD 11Y Tll5 nOARD (II' DIRECTORS OF THK PRESBYTERIAN MINISTERS' FUND IN THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WASHINGTON SOUAItK, SRVKMII AND I.OCCST 8TRKET8 TUESDAY, JANUARY 24th, AT THREE P. M. CommemeratU. of the Feundlnc of the Presbyterian Ministers' Fund and the Granting; of Its Charter by the Colonial Gecrnment In the year 1708. Address, "A Minlstiy te Mlnlstere." hy th R.v. Corue W. Rltfiards, D.D. LX..D. Dedication of the Tiblet. by President Perry S. Allen, D.D. Umnlllnif the Tablet, by Miss Mar-Vlrelnla Allen Response by the Minister of the First Church, Rev. Kduard Yates Hill. D.D. Muele by the Choir ut the I'lrst Church People of all church. and the public cordially Invited te tnN service. ITetfMnnt Kplseenal t!BC OF ST. JUDK. ...,.., jJ W Cor. lltn and Mt. Vnrnen sts. rnr, nmrtrii that's alivk. m. JAMES COPI! CROSSON. Recter bni!tt itrilt.i January !2. H-SOA M-"Vhere the Sky n-sln" T.P, M. "Microbes and llellclen. tiinmn s Fellowship Service lint. nN- servicer- trypejy vveiceme 1 fcfclORIAL CIIAI'KL OF 1 1ll: IIOIA , nH(H0M0N. 27th and Wharten sts ) m. ana 15 JU a .m , n Hperiai enu "jln nlaa -- nam at n a Vim n& for the lieallnr of the mind the n &nd the body, built ax tin enrU8t l memorial te the Haltncr rower of i'ii ChrUt WMMMM))?mm)mmti!mmMMimnnuwnn' TODAY'S MENU at the mt 0di vtoteeim Rib. of Beef, 3 veg. 1 Reut irp A Pir WX' 'A Dinner Vtf "ffhT-TTitftllillUinu"''" 60c H$50( SEA FOOD SPECIALS: Celd Sea Feed Combination Platter, 85c Fresh Lebster Cocktail, 60c; Salad, 75c Lobsters, Crab Meat, Oysters and Clams vMmmMMMMmmMMti w, 1319 Arch Street 50' I vQaHlL. Haitn pfeffer & Needles .rciER-s ciiLRai Vlrd and Pin ais. It). EDWARD II. JKFrURYS, S. T D 1 7 tO A. M. -Helv Communion llJW A. M Merntnc rvke nnd Mrmen w BMM Hecter The Choir will nluir I & I'O PfV fnr th Peacn" Tv'nnv m iMOp.M anmuatj Hnnvirn ev iin: Us STr AGNRH ni'IM) OK Tlir. PAUtSII U Ifvltf PalW T Ttrnnn 1)1,1. ,.f ill d-l.,t-. rA ICkirth. Torresdale special preacher. 1 lir. ' d yneir will ains. 12 ..tJ't Ur Tour Heads" r.ee.rn I Slumber Sens" .. Ueva.rt IJi'f Si1."11 .a Slr" .Meiidelnsehn 1 "Ann Bhlne ' .. El.y .V v vV" " ASCO 9 J I M I .. .-yaw, ... .a -I.. .. IC RES CO Sn asce n Unitarian ; UNITARIAN CHURCH i& jn.inut at lrf rnEt)F.nif'K R rjnirriM Minister. ifcA M Mi Orlftin lll preach ?"' V lV.RC" or t'KRMANTOtt-N (.(;" ( and n. lh.lt. n ae. iMMJ. January 2.' Service nt 11 A M &h nOOEU H, I-ORniCB Minister JTp'i J,h iV.0111 " a I,em. n Life J'B!1XRE''l'lS'v'inTgftr''h nU" gt " A M' tTB Mlseellan.nua rtKr a'iJiW.L5 J ".' "k en "The Ut) l Jin 5?. H t r n.M. ai wi .. Mmlmen fr. Kvervhertv rv.lrnm. Fer Making Custards Try aai e at fJOOINE ?ea Thrift Is Spending Wisely Coffees of the same high grade as Asce Coffee are selling elsewhere at 40c and 45c per lb. but, because of our Pro-ducer-te-ConBumer Plan, we arc able te sell the splendid Asce Coffee at only 25c per lb. A difference of 15c te 20c ! Why pay fancy prices when you can't get better coffee satisfaction than you will from Asce Blend no matter what price you pay? The first cup of Asce Coffee will convince you of this fact. Real thrift is net only saving but spending wisely. Make this a real Thrift Week by starting today te buy Asce Coffee and save the 15c or 20c difference for yourself. 9p ' make C IhlB e ...I ri't. .. Ifl V..i .. . " ""' """l s ib ie start netv te de all ypur trreecrv ni,nnni .i n. ,'co Stores. V....MI i. ....' fXrl?cd nt the added natl8fnclien '". W710II villi .!- . .. r! '"" "crue nnd tli mnn.v ?W will Nne. Many ri.millM W for Liberty Uends during ' h i, hut ,ey 8vcd "' kinK advantage of our iktOhenu Prima "Wf, a P ' r 8 r V t9trTtt ONSiv'A 1 S MlrPM B ftlSE 1 1 ? mMi 1 ws 1 P S ? I fl H J 'J ! fvJCO Coffee Try a cup tedAy Sn!d only In Asce Stores, located all ever Plilla. and through, out Pennsylvania, New JcrBcy, Delaware and Muryland. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER ?. Our Semi-Annual Sale of Furniture Begins en Monday Infill I U. Ten Days Earlier Than Usual MANY OF OUR CUSTOMERS will be glad te learn that we have completed preparatiensf or our great semi-Annual Sale of Furniture earlier than in former years, and shall be able te start the Sale en Monday, January 23rd, instead of February 1st, as in previous years. Our Furniture Stere and our large warehouse at Ninth and Poplar Streets are filled te capacity. The Furniture is ready, the public is ready, and there is no reason for waiting. February is a short month, and it will be te our advantage as well as te yours, te begin earlier, and extend ever a longer period the tremendous volume of busi ness formerly confined te February. LAST FEBRUARY was the largest month in the history of this Furniture Stere. We are prepared for a still greater volume this year but we could net handle this anticipated increase in customers in February without ever-taxing our selling and delivery facilities. If you need Furniture new, BUY IT NOW. Have it delivered in January, at the reduce? Sale prices. If you have a charge account, ye may have the Furniture charged en YOUR FEB RUARY BILL, payable March 1st, if you se desire. If you wish extended time for payment, ask the salesman about our DEFERRED PAY MENT PLAN. The Fact That Our Entire Stock is New Cannet be tee Strongly Emphasized MOST OF THE FURNITURE in our stock has been bought within the past six months. Scarcely any of it has been in the Stere a year. That means, net only a splendid assortment of NEW DESIGNS and beautiful reproductions and adaptations of PERIOD FURNITURE all of it fresh from the leading factories of Grand Rapids and elsewhere. It means also that everything in our stock has been bought at the NEW LOW PRICE-LEVEL which we believe te be the BED ROCK COST for a long time te come. OUR ENTIRE REGULAR STOCK, fairly priced en the basis of this lower cost, is in the Semi-Annual Sale at REDUCED PRICES. In addition te our regular stock, every piece of which is marked at a substantial reduction, we have procured a number of large SPECIAL PUR CHASES sample lines, close-out lets and ether special groups all NEW and of desirable character at far belewr the regular factory prices. Every piece of Furniture and all Metal Bedsteads and Mattresses in the Sale at a genuine saving! The Furniture is Handsomer and the Prices Lewer Than for Seme Years OUR NEW METHOD of ticketing the Fur niture shows very clearly just what you are getting, and exactly what you are saving. Our regular stock is marked by a GRAY ticket, showing the 0regular price. During the Sale a GREEN ticket, showing the REDUCED PRICE, will be attached together with the gray ticket. All special purchases will be indicated by a YELLOW ticket, showing the present value, accurately determined, and the special Sale price. We suggest that you buy no Furniture until you have compared quality and value here and elsewhere. We shall be pleased te abide by your decision. (Jeme, compare, SAVE! Many Other Attractions for Monday MONDAY'S GOLDEN SPECIAL presents Linen Hucka back Towels, one-third under the regular price at $1.00. The Sale of Men's Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothing continues with excellent assortments marked at prices that are less than we paid for similar garments a short time age. Suits, $29.00 and $34.00. Overcoats, $34.00 and $44.00 , Sens MONDAY we shall begin a great Sale of Wm. Ay res "5 A" Moter Robes and Steamer Rugs at Half Price. Monday, home furnishers will be afforded an opportunity te cheese from mere than one hundred desirable Oriental Hugs and pay one-half the former prices. Interesting news of many ether attractions will appear in Monday morning newspapers). STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER r i V j t wl t A r our ntenty geet 'he fatlhe$t" Wfl t i. .'SS,PS5.!8' Acrn ASCO AcrTM Jjmmuimmmmmmm aftw?-3we.viiv.wisi''.. ,. - .rty.)5jR-j?S'v-i .WfraH rgi jfeyJ' ji-ftsua JfctAASWj ysit -. I'fL j-VifiiM"'ls P W US