Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 21, 1922, Postscript Closing Stock Prices, Page 17, Image 17

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    fTTyiFnrrr '
4 l
Kemmel, of
Big Pitcher Says He Is Tired of
Drawing Miner Leaguo
, lCd. Itemlncl, Cennie Macks' star
hurlcr. Is a holdout.
Remmel hasn't notified Mnnngcr
Mack, but lip rushed tnte print in Haiti Haiti
mere, his home tewnfl after receiving
tls contend or next season.
The terms' offered by the Atlilctlcs
de net meet with the npprevnl of the
hurler, and he says he Is going te np
nal te .fudge Iandls (or a deciHlen.
Jyccerdlnp te mi Associated Press
disnntch from Baltimore.
'I am tired of drawing n miner
Jeitue Hilary with n major Icagiie club."
dtciared Ilemmel. "and It would please
tn if Mark would fell or trade me."
The pitcher, with mere or less dlsro dlsre
iird for the clhlcn of the thins, made
nnbllc a portion of the latter from Mr.
Mick, which accompanied the contract.
Minager Mark wrbte that "the Beard
of Director ami myself have cone ever
jfl contracts carefully, and hnve geno
te the very limit in regard te salaries,
ltd find that it will be absolutely ncrcs
lerv for our club te piny better ball If
weVre te meet with financial success the
coming year. Any player net satisfied
with his contract can submit his com
plaint te Judge I-andls."
Sir. Mack was net pleased with the
announcement of his pitcher, Having
received no Intlmntlen from Remmel
tint the hurler was dissatisfied with
the;ealary offered, the tall manager ex.
presied surprise that he should have
lint voiced his discontent through the
nrdlum et tne press.
The manager did net care te discuss
tie situation. "I guess," he said.
"Itemtuel has been readiug about thesu
blf salaries some clubs hnve been pay
ing certain stars. I regret the method
he has adopted. There doesn't seem
te be anything for him te de but appeal
te Commissioner Innuie.
fUrted With A's tn 1020
Remmel entered the big nhew, which
included seven clubs and the Athlc-
c. in 1020. Cennie captured mm
" L. . . . .-.
In NewnrK niter ue. nun maae n great
showing with the International League
The young pitcher din net de very
much bis first year. He wan taken
eiek seen after the season started and
did net set into the llnc-un regularly
vntli the last month. During the sum
mit Cennie paid blm regularly and
hit year gave him na increase in
He did very ceed work in 1021 and
was considered one of the best pitchers
la the league. lie developed the
"knuckle ball" and one dny 6truck out
three Ysnkee batters in order. Includ
ing Babe Huth.
Kemmel will net be lest, te the A's
this year. He loves te play baseball,
Cennie needs him and there will be no
difficulty in coming te terms.
,158 Mermen Frem 15 Different
Schools Compete at Penn
This Afternoon
One hundred and fifty-eight swim
Bfrs from fifteen different schools will
compete in the annual intcrschelastlc
swimming championships starting at 2
o'clock this nfternoen in the Wclgbt Wclgbt
tein Ball peel of the University of
Geerge Klstlcr. veteran coach of the
FttlU team. Is nun nt thn ntrnnpitnt- hi.
litters in the schools getting together
ry year and fight It out for the
rt&mplenship. He instituted the tour teur
ej mauy years age and has been it
ireT from a few schools In this vicinity
M fifteen from all parts' of the Kast.
It year Lane Teen, of Chloaze. en
tered the meet, the first Western school
te make an appearance at the tourney. (
rmten cnoen are listed te compete
ir today's meet, thirteen of which hnve
Mtered teams in the 400-yard relay
ira, me lenture event or tne program.
I the tchoels entered Erie HIch Scheel
two nuartcts. T.nwrencvllli. the
Ukvlna BlimMP. nnrl Ttpnnl1tn PaIv Af.
B"tlc City, Ceatesvilla. Merccrs'burg,
m i'hUadlephla and Glrard College
eh one.
Fer thn first time in years only one
greater New Yerk whenl In entered In
Hie meet, liroeklyn Poly. According te
0rd recelicd bv Hennh Tvlstlnr frnm
Jveral New Yerk schools, thn caliber
i tneir teams is net up te thf standard
'WtSnrr for Slleh n mw no mill he
V.(ld thli afternoon and thev are.
hereferc, keeping their teams at home.
"Oht Halfback of Presidents Suc
ceeds Russ Stein as Captain
TO Bienkert of Detroit, Mich..
ill ,ln'fDnck, has been chosen captain
uic may toethall tenm at Washing
W and Jeffersen te Biicceed Russel F.
n, et .Mies, O.
Brenkert wen the ceveted place ever
"Id A. Krlcksen. of Jlnvnard.
nn., left halfback, his only opponent,
lae new captain is regarded ns one
the hpst nlnvan il. t n .1.,.. .,.!
j i i.w.h ,T uniiiuiuu mil. ;
""trjOll hH timrllimi.l In vanu I In
teiTed OM from Detroit Central!
l'in,- where he made a fine reptua
tie has hnnn n ,i)tnH 1...1. ..I.,..
C'y.T,er slnre he joined the squad, but
rsU me ncignt or his form during
QQ BCflRnn rn.'nnfl.. .1PA.I I 1. ..
Itrfermed. brllllntUlv ill 'limit ....nn.
tflnie ...uw v.v...
Basketball Statistics
?t I ' "i A.n n.i. i:.'V'
lLi.nk 7 .00 Curoden.'. J
(lAitr.s TONtmiT
WtTlll. at U'llkra-narrr.
Lit Nlght'a Scores
"ten, 8, ttcndlnit. id.
ftl'T T. trn.'m ........ , .. .
lri.V.h. Fmun. rqi h. !UIli.i.ln.
.fn.lnn";.''i V
Athletics, First Hbldeut
He's a Holdout
.-"" T,'.--..'i
-iis r.0X,.f '
skit, rsiwj. r.h'V''
Athletics pllclier, net satisfied with
terms of contract, hopes te' be sold
or trailed
Military Training Keeps Stu
dents in Condition for Werk
en Athletic Field
EMY, situated in bustling 'Vcno 'Vcne
nah. N. J., has had n great year In
the scholastic sports field te date. Thr
Institution went through n wonderful
football scafen. and Is faring just as
well in basketball.
Wennnah estnbllxlicd n record during
thn gridiron campaign. Among the
notable feats afrempllshd by the
eleven was te held West Catholic High
te e tie. West Catholic had ene of
the best teams in this vicinity, and
ncnt te 'Ycnenah expecting te lake the
cadets into camp. Wonennb took the
Ilurrs by surprise, and the best West
Catholic could de was te finish the game
In a 7-7 deadlock.
In basketball, tee. Wenonah is show
ing brilliantly. Thy ether day the
a; . vv:.
8lE' r''XTi'V,,";sJ X V
S . iiS T.0X,.!' ".;, .l-
adcts took the measure of 0 Irard Cel- ZImm"mn"; m,n'm"; , e. ,
lege, 28-27. It is a common Tact in Track W. A est razler, ;'"
town that any team thnt can bent Gi- ti: Murdoch Ivendrick. Lnwrcncu
rard en its own fleer must he com!
And that's exactly what Wenonah did.
The cadets played n bang-up game and
wen in the last half-minute of piny
when D'Augustlnc netted a field goal.
Only Sixty-seven Cadets
Wenonah has only sixty-seven cadets
from which Coach Hakcr can pick ma
terial suitable for u team. This fact
proves conclusively that military train
ing docs much in keeping a boy in con
dition. "We de net have mass athletics at
Wcnennh, ns is the case in most prep
fchoels." ald Coach Baker this morn
ing. "In fact, we don't need them. The
boys nlways are in geed condition nnd
we never have te worry about them.
"Our systera of mllltnry trnining
accounts for the geed condition of the
boys. They drill, play, eat. btudy and
de everything else at appointed times
nnd must step when they are told. A
boy can get tee much of any of these
and then he gets out of condition. We
allow him w much time for ouch nnd
In that way there is no danger of the
boy getting evcr-trnlncd."
Without a doubt Coach Raker's
statement explains Wcnenah's uncanny
ability te turn out geed athletic teams.
The school always has been among the
foremost in sports in New Jersey.
Lets of Spirit
Then, loe, school spirit is something
noticeable at Wenonah. The boys fight
all af the time and never admit defeat
until after the game is ever. They go
into the games with their hearts set
en winning and play a hard, clean
game te accomplish their purpose.
An instance of bchoel spirit was
shown durlnc: the foethnll sensnn.
season, i
L'sunllv Conch Bnker lins Insl- thn minin '
et men needed te make n geed team, j
with fair substitutes. Therefore, when '
ene of the boys fractured a bone in !
his wrist and another fractured n rib '
both refused te leave the game. They I
said that they were needed by their
school nnd were going te play till the !
game was ever. I
This school spirit can be credlted in i
a large way te Coach Baker's efforts
.1.' I... 11 ' nV "...:. 1 "', "
iiiiiiiir 111111. lint. 1 iii iinnr. wnn iu e i
., 0 "- - -. w.f ..
former (Jeltvsburir all-around athlete. 1
has worked hard with the vnnnptrR
He has taught .them te held the school
llrst In CKcrvthlng and te de all in'
their power te preserve their Institu-I
lien's records.
Next Friday nhzht the mld-vcar 1
drill and dance will take place. The
drill, which is verv Kneetncnlni- trill !
start at S:lu. It will lest until 0:00
nnd will be followed by the dance. '
Parenta and friends of the cadets and '
faculty have been iuvited for the oc
casion, which premises te be al great San Francisce Featherweight Re-
BUCCCfcSl I turned Winner In Twelve Rounds
....nrs ...,, . ' New Yerk, Jan. 21. Habe Herman,
STANDARD BASEBALL San Francisce featherweight, lest night
mcnceMDV uevm r-n defeated Jehn Relsler, New Yerk, re-
NtlCbbAKY HcYDLtn celling the judges' decision after their
twelve-round bout in Madisen Square
National League President Doesn't harden. Herman's body punching in
a r uu 'he early rounds caused Uclslcr te tire.
Approve of Rubber Cere ini te fighting was slew in the Onal
Ity the At-seclnled Press ii emuls.
New Yerli, Jan. 21. A standard Clenic Talt. of Minneapolis. Minn..
baseball is essential te the umluteuuiici' i clniniant of the Canadian lightweight
of major and miner lcngue pluyiug title, ea'lly defentud Tim Drenoy. of
mernges according te President Jehn Lancaster. Pn.. and iccelved the judges'
M. Hcydler, of the National Lcagui. decision nfler a twehe-reund bout.
This btutement is made In discussing the Freddie Jncks. of l:ugland, nnd Tleh
report that (he Pacific CeiiU League lOhrlstlne, of Baltimore, lightweights,
will adept a lubber cored ball for the boxed an eight-round diaw.
1022 season.
"Play with balls of different types of PAICR MflT Tn nillT
Miiistriwtien would threw hnttinc. Held- DAILM NU I IU UUI I
j ing and pitching averages into complete!
confusion nnu, te n greai cxicnr, inn-
lify the usefulness of Mich averages," ,
i.n nin. "Hew cnuhl h mnnueer or
scout of a maier lcacue tcum act a line I
the nullity or a miner leegue
player if balls of various composition
arn te be ued?
"I believe a rule should be incorpo
rated in the major-miner league agree
ment te this encet. ine vuius new
specify that tha ball used bv nil shall
be of a certain weight and sire hut ,
'nothing Is sold regarding its component.
: ....te Tn thn miAl it hns heen ffenmulh
accepted that nil the leading leagues 1
used a sphere of similar construction. I
Lai-kln te Repreaent Pittsburgh
nm.i.n-h. . . .Taji. 21. William Larkln
will reprit)t tha Plttiburah dUtrlct la thj
vTerW" i akatW cbamptenatiln raeeu te be tuld
al Baranae la ana ai mn man. ."'
Kin wen nne flMt nlare and two atcends In
iHtt nlcht'n flimlnnilen oenlcau amenr a
. r 'd f enfuii lil1, under, the
iuid('' ' v v"t'" Pnnylvnla Skat
Ini A-lvn-'iM'""'
Athletic Council Gives Chairman
Power te Make Contracts.
Sinkler Off Grid Committee
TUB University of Pennsylvania's
new stadium, te sent R5.000 persons,
is new a surety. Yesterday the Athletic
Council empowered Sydney Hutchinson,
chairman of the council, with full
authority te negotiate contracts for the
erection of the new stadium, which Is
expected te start en May 1. '
The action of the council was the
final authority necessary te definitely
nrrange for the building. Previously
the trustees of the Pnlv,erslty gnvc
their content se thnt It remnlnOd for the
Athletic Council te give authority te
Yesterday's meeting of the council, the
yearly one and the most important In
thnt nil committees for the ensuing year
are elected, saw the re-election of Mr.
Hutchinson ns chairman of the council
nnd the election of R. C. Hill, n former
gridiron player of three decades nge.
ns the new member of the Football
Committee te succeed Wharten Sinkler,
who lins been n member of the com
mittee for the last three years. Mr.
Sinkler is nev In Europe.
The council granted the Track Com
mittee authority te send a relay team
te the University of Illinois games en
March 4, and also te send several ath
letes te the Natiennl A. A. 17. cham
pionship meet In Buffalo en February 4.
The proposed trip te Londen te com-
Scte In the Achllles Club gnmes en April
wnt O. K.'d bv the council, which
enve authority te the Track Committee
te have a team meet the French teams
In Paris in April, provided the Penn
team can compete in the meet nnd re
turn te this city in time for the nn
nunl rclnv carnlvnl en Franklin Field.
The council nlse ratified the schedules
of the following sperts: Swimming,
wrestling, lacrosse, fencing, pole, box
ing, rllle nnd gymnasium. In addition
the different committees for lt--! were
announced ns fellows :
Athletic council chairman. Sydney
Hutchinson; vice chairman. Dr. It. Tnlt
McKcnzle; bccrctnry. Dr. Themas P.
McCutcheen: acting graduate manager.
Edwnrd R. Bushncll.
Exccutlve Committee Jehn ( . Udl,
Dr. T. P. McCutcheon, Geerge H. Fni
zicr. . ,
Finance Geerge II. Frnzler. Arthur
Ii. Church. Heward Heyde.
Basketball Ralph Morgan. Heward
Ilovde, William Grnvc, cnptnln ; R. II
lirOWn, CnpiUlU Ullim jiniiu-ii. iinw.-
uger: R. J. Murphy, II. Hovde.
Football Sydney Hutchinson, R. f.
Hill, J. W. Sheedy. J. K. ("Pes")
Miller, captain; J. C. Compten, man-
Soccer .T. B. Thayer. Jehn C. Bcllj
Jr., Dr. R. Talt McKcnzie. G. Wag Wag
oner, II. Amelia, captain; R. Hamil
ten, mnnnger,
... . c - . ., , ....
Tlnwlnc lenn Artnur jirnwn. i neimii i
Reath, A. L. Church. A. B. Brchmnn,
Eddle Mitchell, captain; Corden Cook,
manager. ,.,..,,
Baseball Fletcher Stltes. T. P. Mc
Cutcheon. Oeergc AVagener. Wllllnin
Mnher. captain; Geerge Wnlheurrr,
Red and Blue Sextet Downs Co
lumbia, 5 te 4, In Extra Period
Penn staged a meekey comeback last
night, when it defeated Columbia I'nl
vcrslty, recenl conquerors of Princeton,
in an extra-period mutch nt the Ice
Pnlnce. by 5 gnnls te J.
With thc score deadlocked at four
goals each at the end of the third pe
riod, It was decided te play ovcrtlme
i until cltner team scored, in inc extra
period Captain Murray, of Penn. get
past the Columbia defense and skimmed
the puck Inte the net after two min
utes twenty-five seconds.
Columbia started out strong nnd led
Penn 3 te 2 nt the end of the second
period, due te the clever sheeting of
nrlnrcAn. hut flic Xew Yerker nn-
t ""..'..-:.:"- .t. . , v."- .-,
pearcu te tire nuur mm nnu i-enn nu-
lleil. This wns Pcnn's first match un
dcr Coddy. Winters, the new hockey
The Hnrvnrd team is ready for ita
match with Princeton tonight. It will
be Harvard's only nppcarance of the
yar here.
Geerge Owen, star of the Crimson
football team, is captain of the Crim-
"n ice headlines. He has performed
.i11 ns brilliantly en the Ice ns en the
.MJI..m TTn.-pnrrl hn nnnll,.. .,,..!
kiiuiivin iiiiuiimil nun - 1
, -.. . 1 .
ertui team, i-rincei.en is niuen uetter
'than last year, and has been pointing
t0T,ar .th,s Ram k , . .
Ueth teams will have plenty of root-
crR Tllc Ha"'nrd, Club, of Phllndel-
Phla. hns reserved a section en the
."?rth f1!1.0 of he Palace, ivhlle the
''Scr 'ollewcrs win de en the south
"" ' .
Yankee I'layer Heaay te Make
Tralninn Trie With Team
i raining i rip wun I earn
New lerlt, Jan. 21. J. Franklin
inncr, uniu iiiin-iiiuii uine utimuus,
is ln this city en a weddiug trip with
Mrs. Haker. Ilaker declared he had
nevcr said he was going te quit base
ball and that he would make the spring
training trip wiiu me vnnKeew,
linker could net Imagine who started
the rumor thnt he wn going te quit the
laiiKces aim go into tne jewelry busl-
nrm. '
"Mrs. linker has never objected te
my playing baseball," added J. Frank-
nu. "one is u rem ihh ncrscit and tue
game appeals te her."
Mercur Lehigh Soccer Captain
llrthlehein. ra,, Jan, ai.At a meellnc
of the lJv!ih Utilvnt'slty eeceer team ncbert
hayie alihcur. of Wlllkva.llarre. waa elected
captain (V next war. Altheuah a native
et Ine IMteu btatea, Mercur prepared for
college Ih Italy, Germany and flwIUctUnd,
of Season
Athletics Net Overemphasized
In Conference, Ohie and Chi-
cage Presidents Agree
Columbus. 0., .Tun. 21. Athletic
arc net evcr-emphnsl&cd in Western
Conference universities. Preldcnt W.
O. Thomsen, of Ohie State UnlvcrMty.
ami President Hurry Pratt .ludeen, of
the University of Chicago, agreed in
speeches delivered here tonight before
the Chicago University Alumni Asso
ciation of Central Ohie. Beth matin
reference te the recent statement of
President Lewell, efjyvnrd, thnt tee
much lmpeitancc weinTcing attached te
Intercollegiate sports.
"Athletics' at Ohie State University
have net been ever-emphnsixed, nnd I
believe the same is true of ether West
ern Cenfcrcnc schools," snld Prsldcnt
Thompson. "Limitations placed upon
the number of football gnmes vy Con
ference rules have eliminated that.
"Sixteen or seventeen years nge we
were confrentd with a thrut et that
nature, but it no longer exists. Our
schedules, limited te beven games, are
tn striking contrast te the tchcdulCH of
from eight te twelve games attempted
in EnsteVu schools."
"The victory et our football team m
Princeton lht year c.ime ns a surprise
(e many Easterners, who have net con cen
Hidcrc.l such a thing possible." dclurcd
Dr. Judien. "Seme of the Eastern
cellcccs Je net appreciate Middle West-
Lern Institutions te the fullest extent.
and thi'V occasionally nwruic te n sit
uation te thnt icrciitiv Muted l'. Pics
Merit Lewell In icuiiid te athletics nnd
mention It ns If ll hail never bccli dis
covered before.
"W long ije met the situation out
lined by President Lewell, ni'd under
our present hjstcin wp have :ie fear of
I'thlctics nssumlug tee grcut n shure
of import nnee. Pi evident Lewell Ih
right In savins the prlumiy piiriec uf
tin educational limit ul Ien is educa
tion." The main p.nt of Dr. Jud-en's ud
dress wa confined le n description of
pliuis for cstnblMniieiit of n new inodl inedl
in m:1ie'j1 at his institution.
Philadelphia Will Make Streng
Bid te Increase Lead
Over New Yerk
The second half of the Jntcrclt.i com
petition between the Racquet Club and
the New Yerk Racquet and Tennis Club
will be staged this afternoon In n rac
quets match and the local pinycrs ere
determiner! t( increase the lend which
..., ... .-.... i- ,. ,. r....
., , t f , T, rentC!ts win
bMl nt thc llncallPt Ciub.
Philadelphia wen three of the four
court tennis mntehes played a week nge,
(ut it Is said that thc Gethauiltcs will
present mere formidable opposition In
the racquets engagements. Seme sen
sational matches should result.
The only court tennis match lest by
the Philadelphians was dropped when
Stanley Mortimer nnd C. C. Pell de
feated the local men. Stanley Pearson
and S. Andrews. Thnt was In the first
match, but then the Philadelphians
came through with three straight wins,
Jay Gould and Jeseph W. Wear, W. C.
Wright and J. C. PelK and Geerge
Brooks and Wilsen Petter getting the
The feature match last Saturday was
ueiween trie natiennl champions, Jey
Gould iumJ Jeseph Wear, for till- cit.
unu tue mm
- " . .. ... : i
n? oretners. l niten nnd
htiydnm. for New Yerk. The
"ui'rr.l"r.3 scr- :'". '".'; ."ev
K r "' "'1' ""' ""- I
English Golfers Net Satisfied With
Showing en Columbia Links
New Yerk, Jan. 21. According te a
letter received from Geerge Duncan, he
and the long-hitting Abe Mitchell hnve
a hankering te shy their caps into the
ring for thu 1022 championship. As it
hns already been stated from foreign
advices that Harry Varden. J. T. Tay-
1nv Kfllllll' ITnr.1 ...t.t Tn..w.L 11....I.I ......
.v., u....t.j ..u tii.u u,,iiii-n jfiiiiu un
' nil iivniii'Hni, ,.. n.i.inn n .1.. ..
r.M.r,,,,,nen, I, l..l. .. .1 1. .1...
.... i..ivv..b fcv. (.1'1'V.ll l lilt' DU1I1I'
umiiiuiunH, it lueiiii nn LiiiMiirii 1 ii4 1
1 . " "
homebrew pros and the naturalized I
rarlct are In for tough sledding te keep I
thc chief golf title from taking un ocean ,
I the chief golf title from tuking un ocean
voyage. '
Neither Duncan nor Mitchell wns
' satUficd with the showing thes made '
.jit the open championship at the Ce.
luml.lu links, and It is almost a ccr-
tainty unit tliey wi I i uetter en the r '
next nppeuruncc.
Jf the urltlsh pros .110 really te bnl.hp hallwav where the light from the
rcpicsentcd by the six men named ns,l0nm slrcatned out just n glimpse of nihad gained the fire escape through the
probable starters, their team will con- ' figure e.i the stairs who leaned out ever 'window new. and new he paused for
lain virtually an the holders of the ,
lliitish open championship for the Inst
twenty years. Vurden, Tnyler and
iiruid wen thirteen open titles ameuclns though they were welded there.
themselves. 'Jed Hay, (Jeoige Duncan'
and Abe Mitchell have net this great
Has Better of Eight-Round Wind-
up at Cambria A. A.
Al Verhecken nn,l Vincent i -,,. .
Camp Dlx. were the principals In "the '
eight-round wind-up ut the Cambria
A. A. last night, mid Vcrbeeken had I
little trouble in winning out his soldier
It wn r hard light, with Verbcckcn's'
record ueiumi tnem, bill, en the ether hnve kept ner eui ei uusj u eniy. l i creat. overwhelming pnrexvsm et fear '.,' ' n mnr
hand, their prowess is new at Its height least, she worn net theie te tee. H'nreunij Teresa, and he bent his head. '"'.' can t te 1 you miy moi-e ever
ami they constitute the most formidable , couldn't lst V"u,'u '""S'-r ! Triie Mng-,,0 t lt lower l0wer still, until his faeei"1" Ph0";: but. in Heaven a njime. rt
irle thnt could be sent against the get. beyond doubt, beyond shadow of , (0 (lmt whe facc h , ,d a doctor that you can trett. njd come'
I American forces. ' tr.ckerv new. hnd had hi- hi' rf fight-1 , thr01l!,h th ,Jnrkne.ss his eves ,U ,.? ,.na'Cp "' M'""':!
i !inSi nn(i ,i,nre wns fear upon he man, p11.phpil Jt ,n nn nseny of npprehenrlen. 1ulell-T' u"e?
.,.. ihn fe.ir of nn unlucky shot front ihe , .... ,i.. i,. ,.f.i .'' ..., ,
rival. jeraeu .hiikkei iu inmi. i
It wns h hard light, with Ycrbccken's' swirling, mail gyration
.n.!fltirti .i.y...i .. ki. !.... ,. ,. '1ili Int.i tnn fiiitfle thnt.
experience proving u big tacter In the
result. In the semi-wlnd-up Jennlt tl" wall, and, turn ns he would (pressed against his breast, whose touch,
Hauber and Willie Fergusen nut un a 'new. the Scorpion could reach in around ' alternately new, brought him a sicken
hard fight, the honors going te Hauber I !l,t ?L& A JWine h?,?e
after being extended te the limit.
The only knockout of the night wan
In the opening number, when Pele Rem '
rocked Billy Ritchie te sleep in the'
llrst round. The ether results : Temmy
Devlin bent Franklc (K. O. ) Smith and
Jimmy Metievern had the better of
Ucerge Stark,
Navy Leses Star Gymnast
AnllllDOIU. Sill.. Jin. L'l Thf V,m
Academy hae lest one of lie beat irymnasle
threuch nn Injury te Mldahlpmnn Samuel
Sllvtrmnn, who took nrst place en thn
parallel bare at the teJrnament of the Intor Inter Intor
cellngUtB Ojmnuelle Aeenclatleti In New
Yeilt )at year. While iverklnjr en the Hying
rinse h fell en Ida dc, Inlllcllnjr a com
pound fracture te hie right arm near the
plbew, He probably fa nut of cymnaetlcs
for aoed, according te the attendln
Frem TNfew On
locked new like steel bands around
lila Iluvnllnn nlwl u'Pre t IslltelllnC. US the
ether's wem tightening around him In
turn. The dizziness wrs leaving him.
Tliey swung, rocking, te the strain.
TIip mnit was strong! A lace, n re
pellcnt, unshaven face, leered Inte his.
Twlce thej swirled around, nVl then
seemed te hang for an Jnst.int mntlon mntlen
lcss, 04 though the strength of one
exerted te Its utmost was exactly
counterbalanced by the s-trcngth of
the ether; nnd ever the ether's shoul
der Dave Hendersen could see nnethcr
map, a man who laughed with ugly
coolness, and who had flaming red
hair, and eyes of n blue se faded that
they looked repulsive becaupc they
looked an though they were white.
Magget and Cunny the Scorpion!
There had been some one there in thn
front of the house It had been Magget
and Cunny the Scorpion. And nt any
moment new there would be sumo ena
clse the police 1
That nicety et balance was gene.
They were struggling, lurching, stng stng
gering in each ether's embrace ngaln
he, and this Magget, who snarled and
cursed with panting breath. Their
heads were almost en each ether s
shoulders. He could see the straining
muscles In the ether's neck standing
nut like grcnt. purple, swollen cords.
And ns he whirled new tills wny and
that, he cnught glimpses of the red red
hceded ' man. The red-headed man
seemed te be quite unconcerned for the
moment with his compnnen's struggle.
He picked up the package of banknotes
from the Iloer, cxnmincd It. dropped it
again, and ran te Beekie Skarvan s
A queer, hard smile came te Dave
ri...i...v Una TMc nnntlnc tiling
ti mil I -Mii n iii'hi -...' i .... ' t
...!., ,....i..i itt.n n fIlln k nrniitul
i.,'. ''"'" .1 1L ...oetnln.- ii little
or was-It a trick? lie tightcncd his
v t,n mnn u-nMi't wcnkenlnc se much
after all 1 The man seemed te sense
his intention ; and with n sudden J.wisl,
cneh endeavoring te eut-mntieuver t he
ether, they spun in n wider circle, lily
drunken dancers in some mad revei.
and crashed against the wall, and ic ic
beiindd from it. and hung ngaln,
swaying like crazy pendulums, in tne
middle, of the fleer.
The red-headed man's voice came
suddenly from across the roem:
"Snnk him. Mngget '."
Thnt was the Scorpion. The Scot
Dien seemed te be tnklne some interest
at Insl In something besides I.oekic
Sknrvnu and the package of money.
A grunted oath from Dnve Hender Hender
eon's antagonist answered.
"Damn it. I enn't! Curse yeusc,
whv don't yeusc lend a hand!
With u quick, mddnn wrench. Dnve
Hendersen tried te free himself. H
... - ...ii.t ,. !! 1 1 n nnlr
circle that almost pitched hitn. and with
him the ether, te the fleer. But he saw
roHUited eni in "' ,M ",
i.n arnlen new. Tie Hcorpien nnu
risen te his feet from Beekie Skarvan
Mile, nnd twis balancing a revolver in his
hand : and new the Scorpion s voice
rcemed te held 'i sort of purring note,
velvet In its softness.
"All right, then. Mngget '. c might
as well hnve n clean-up here, since he h
Ftnrtcd it. I gucs we came just aheut
in time, or he'd hnve hnd the money as I
well ns our fat friend there that he i
set. It leeks as though wc ought te
even up the score." Thc revolver lifted i
in the Scorplen'p hand. "Jump away.
Magget I'm going te lead the ace of
trumps I
""''" ,...- . i.l,.. two
j.ne eyes were wiiur '!. "..""-
Was no blue In them; they were white
two little white spots neress the room.
They held n devil's menace In them
lilte the voice iikc me pimmi, '-
that was hideous because it wu se soft,
tied. could lie nein nui ""- ""
.ml wrench himself free, but held tli
.nn horn tn IiIh lirlllS keel) MllCCOt be
.., I.lin nml flinse white eyes, that,
looked like wicked little plague spots his reiifcen were gene laughed m, his Millman. ep.n thut town heiifc lifter nil this
which had eaten into that grotesquely ejes fixed en a icd-headed thing that He Mn en. Millman! Something summer te n select few." said Mlll-red-thatched
fnce. "de an unhnpeh heap at tlic feet of within him rebelled .it that. But Teresa I man quietly. His hand tightened cle-
Magget was fighting like a demon i the stairs; and laughed nt a slinking was perhaps was Nn. he would , qucntlv in ita pressure. "We'll take
new te tear himself free. A hwe.it head shadow that went along the hall, and, net let his mind even frame thc word. ' her there, Dave."
.n..t nut nn Dnve HcndcrFen's fore- . scurried out through the front deer. I Onlv one thine wns nnr.iinnune nm, '
henH nnd rolled down hii face. The
eves came dancing nearer
""" 'm ' ,rin,t ,l circled, ns he
ul circled, ns ne'
rrw .-. t"-.' . , ,:;, .
circled Magget was the shield, no
;;,,;,,, ti,iTvnv and that. The muscles
of his arms cracked, ns thev swung and
whipped Magget around in furious gy-
tIen. c cnn
A snei inns eui. .-""- -, 7
nurrn.i rne rpiver. vuiuc,
The white eyes kept tee far away
that was what was the matter tee
far away. If they would only come
near near enough se that of a sudden
he could let go hit grip and launch
ith nn nncrv hum and net Dreacu put was dark nnd he hud no lnne 10 earcii m,.,,i j .1.. .4 ...... .
. . , .i. ri'i,n ,.,.!. .i- .. ., , . .... .... ...u. ...i, nnu mn mcti wi iiui k ami i-cn.i-iiinuuL). A-uii.c wn. dl uancsiuir
IIBVC iicniH-noe '"' , n "-' iiiii-ii-r mi xu 'ii -; deserted exeent for 11 Sin" e lleliteil n-in. hiidl veurc uecKer, or iprK. in iz rounds.
'voice laughed. Magget M-ren,ne,I in ,. where he knew the way-and out ,,,w nthnt X0 out hnir-wa' h n h 'Si M "" Ml1 """ n"BW "
imhlure of rage nml fear. .through his own room. hlec,.. nc ran tewanl lt. lr ,.M i".L I Mn '" """
'fnrse vense. veusc feel. inuell, et..ri.iir. Lten...:..n in .!, J.rl. i, n -..i.. ... . ', '
i j,uiiiunn. ginBt,iuj, hi ,ut uit.n-'iji- ,,,, itii-iiiui i I'M.iuruiir. nnu ne en-1
hU ."?,' 1. iu .f .,, MnL-eet " ,1PSil1 heulinS resa in his arms, he tered it. and asked for the telephone, ' SKMn
"III get him next time. .Magget, i de hJg upstairs. The police and shut himself un in the booth. i. 1
in,- n ,in ..-. ...,..-- --. ami ne were cnugnt nere. 111s iiientinua- i.ucian iietel en the wire. JS
l.nt rvna whnt was the matter tee .. r, tj .1 .. i.:..i 1.1 lint r.. in .. . if
." "" " " ---;,,., ,.. ni.,arnis wi
this squirming "'"" ""''' m"."':'
II bllttCl'lPg rem, into IIIUM hiiii- . -.
,...........,-- ..:".,. ii.... ...
. iimi ." ?" '. . . .
A"?v 5Cln e tne c nnl'ng fe--""
""' ', e 1-et tee far awnv
'''-L'nendersn swung madly around
s ,,
rr-i ,tv 9 ir iniv nnnnri- 1 111:11: ti 11 -
nrTIendcrsen mint madlv around
D.ax', ''"?.," tn,-J bedv ns the
2 L"',n1' , Sn'i?f 1 Tte ine ide nnd then
?,?,? K mil for the first time, there,
"1 LfLcr L,; ' ' ",1 ,, nnJe Hendersen
r,c.n w cry of pnlu. Teicp.i!
t. ..no ..ir imn.ie he cut nei -
,,. :f K,i, real! Just a climpse into
the banister, and whose lace was wane
.. dnnth Itself, and whose bund" seem "d
te crip and cling te the banister rnll
Teresa ! He grew sick et heart ns nei
struggled new. Teresa I If he could only
heart ns he
sienroien. nnd he was whimpering new
and he struggled only apathetically, but
it took strength te drng even n dead
weight ofeund and around and that
trength would net Inst forever. Teresa !
She had heard these shots trem up
nbeve she had seen the Scorpion lire
ent"c "mI '"l"- nn(l ,r1,p
Thc Scorpion liiugheil
'''kp n wlre s"et new ! '
net It Innkeil
Dnve Hendersen
jerked Mngget in front of hint, but hls,newn wm-e uiaiieniiiK hi me vansP.
swirling, ninil gyrations had brought Only new It was a priceless burden that
hi"' ! the angle that the uesii mail-
Ruthless, Rich
Hit tntscfeeda pi the penalty of
Which of ht vtctim hilled Jama
7 r n vtraem hntl tnelirea. Can iuu
fiucaa tcaici one did the deedt
You'll le Kept liny aliasing the
baffling mystery and enjoying the
H'eilem romance of
"Tangled Trails"
Which begins elsere in the issue.
the end of the desk, and fl most touch
him with the revolver muszlc Itself.
"I get him, Mrtggetl" purred Ilia
Scorpion. "I get him new, the
The man's, voice ended In n startled
cry. The sweat was running Inte Davi
Hendersen's eyes, he could scarcely see
just a blurrctl vision ever Magget s
shoulder, a blurred vision of a slim
figure running like the wind into the
room, and steeping te the fleer where
the package of bnnknote lay. nnd
snatching it up, and stnrting for the
deer again. . , , , ,
And then the Scorpion fired hut the
revolver was pointed new ncress the
room, and the slight, fleeing figure
swaved, nnd staggered, nnd recovered
herself, nnd went en, nnd ever her
shoulder her voice, though it faltered,
rang bravely through the roem:
"I I thought he'd rather have this
than you, Dave. It was the only chance.
Don't mind me, Dave. He won't get
The whimpering thing In Dave Hen Hen
dereon's arms was flung from him. and
it crashed te the Cfoer. It wasn't his
ewu strength, It was the strength of one
demented, nnd of a maddened brain,
that. pesessed Dave Hendersen nevr.
And be leaped ferwa'.d. running like a
hare. Teresa had alieudy gained tn
stnirs the Scorpion In pursuit wai half
wav along the hall. And new- ks saw
nothing else Just that red-haired fig
lire running, running, running. There!
was neither house, nor hall, r.er utalrii,!
nor any ether thing only that red-1
haired figure that the soul of his ciated,
for whom there wns no mercy, thst with I
his hands he would tear te pieces in i
insensate fury.
A finish tnme Minrlinr- HluevPH: ll r-..i
pert renred in his curs and then hie
iinnds snatched ut and caught a wrig
gling thing. And for the first time he
realized that he had reached the head
" '"" v...v. ...... u...B ..-- - -- . - -
lef the stairs, realized It because, pitched
forward ever the lauding, lay a woman's
- an, then Dave Hendersen hurled
The Scorpion llrcd the slight, flee
ing figure saed. recovered her
self and went en
i. r i.. . i. ...... I .!. .,...
" " i im.- uuem .... eiu..?. tie stepped outside, and hreKe into a
He turned, and thing himself en liis,rlln ,iewn the IllI10. i,cadin, for ln.
knees beside Teresa. He called her tcrscctlng street In the opposite direction
name again and again and there wnsifrem ti10 iron Tavern, lie must cet
"u uui. one uij iin-ii-. nnu u "-'
face en the Iloer. hrr arms wound
-(around a tern package of banknotes. Ilclwas the connecting link with The Iren Hendersen caught a phrase about "gct
e rose, and locked en his feet, and his Tavern. And yet he must get help. ' ting a nurse" and then he felt MiU--,
knotted lists went up above his head. Well, there was enlv one source from i man's hand press his arm ngaln.
And then he lailKhed OKUlll. as though
Thnt was Magget like a rat leaving
u mhuiiir biup .uaggei who
j nen rensen come egam, i ne pence;
at any moment new tne police, in nn
instant he had caucht Tcre-a un in his
'arms. She wasn't, dead he could hear
her breathing only It was weak piti-
!,'" IPail' lhe l'11;!!'.? lic "n c,f.!l .!
. i-- '" - ,.u... m .1.
his mind centered en that again. Tf "he1
and ne were cnugnt nere. 111s iiieniincn-
tien ns Dave Hendersen, which would
ultimately ensue, would damn her; this
money, wrapped se tenaciously in her
arms would tlnmn her; nnd, en top 01
I that old score of the police in S.in Prnn-
Iheie hed been ugly work here
1 . . . . -.
f"r ",(
"P '
1 in ii, 1 u iene tenlcht. It 11 were net
e money, the crimiiinl hen: played
"Pn' the police in the disappearance of
Hnve Hendersen would net he se -e-
rlens hut thc money was here, and in
hat hoax he had had 11 part, and the
shadow of Mcnle Capriiuie still Inj
acT0H hpr "boulders.
. Tie 11 zht nr enme ern efu U cool
upon his face. He drew it in in great.
.gasping breaths, greedily, hungrily. He
the nrst time e usien.
sound, li.ick there ins
mere wns no
1 i . ii ,i '
ack there inside the home it
was as still as death. Death!
why shouldn't it be, there was death
I there, and
nnd began le lci.ecnd the fire-escape :
and new he groped uncnlly for foot
hold as he went. It seemed rickety nnd
unstable, this spidery thing thnt
sprawled against the side of the wnli,
and it was dark, nnd without care the
feet would slip through the openings
between the trends Tt hnd net seemed
i that wn when he hnd gene up and
nc enrnru m ' mm lay close-
that sent the bleed leaping like a mill-
race through his veins.
fie went down., step nftcr step, his
mind nnd bralrCv' "tricking at hliu te
hurry beenuTe tlvjf was net n. single
second te lese but It was slew, mad
deningly slew. He could net sec the
treads net only because it was dark,
but because Teresn'a form was In his
urin.". He could only feel with his feet
nnd new nnd then his body swajed
te preserve his balance.
ras there no end te the thing! It
teemed like Berne bottomless pit of
blackness into which be was descending.
And it seemed as though thin pit held an
abominable signification in Its blackness
and Ita depth, as though It beckoned
him en te engulf them, U seemed It
Ccpurieht, ran, bv 1'ublle Ledgtr Cemvani
seemed Ged, if she would only move,
If she would net lie se still, 80
terribly still In his arms I
Anether step another nnd then his
feet, searching out, found only space
beneath it. He must free one arm new,
se that he could cling te the bottom
tread nnd lower himself te the ground.
It was only a short drop, he knew, ter
the lower section of the fire-escape was
one of these thnt swung en hinges, nnd
when, previously, coming up, Teresa
had held it down for him, he had been
able te reach It readily with a spring
from the ground. But he dared net
jump even tliat abort distance new with
Teresa wounded, In his arms.
Ue changed her position new te threw
her weight into the hollow of his left
arm, mung ner dmii e M ui .
high upon hi shoulder and w tlf the
movement r hair brushed hw lips, it
brought a sudden, choking sob from
Dave Hendersen, and in a B".".
reaming impuU" he let his head sink
down nnttl bis cheek for nn Instant was
laid pgatnet hci-- and then, the mus
cle of his right nnn straining until they
cracked, he .eweicd himself down ana
dropped te the ground.
U ran new, lurchng, across the
lard, and ent Inte the lane, and here lie
paused again te listen. But he heard
nethijig He was clear of that cursed
-... i..i !. ir ini-
,nsiu nor If he ceum only Keep
dear i jj Ma en again, tumbling
aruin, 'jvlth his burden. And new.
though lie did net rnuc te listen nuj
mere. it eexwed as though hia throbbing
eM(jrurue caeght the seunda at last that
th,, had been itrainlng te he.r. Wasn't
ti,.lt ij.. noHce behind there new en
. . . i .( rnln Trrtn Tai'urn?
-nv HUCI. in IIUHI Ul J "' ....---
It eeuuded like it like the arrival et a
police patrol.
He i cached the shed where he had
hidden the valises, entered, and laid
Tercsj tenderly en the fleer. He ucd
his fl.iihileht then nnd n low mean
preft,. n, 1 or f. .f
'ttill tightly Cb9ped. there had spread a
crimson ntnln. He drew her arms sen
1 tly apart, laid the packngc en thu fleer,
and then, wrencuing one ei me vauses
open, snatched ut the first article of
linen thnt came te hand.
His lips trembled, ns he did his best
te stanch the flew of bleed and bind
the bound.
"Teresa! Teresa!" Dave Hendersen
Her eyes opened and smiled
She made an effort te bpcak. He bent
j his bend te catch the words.
"Dave where where are we.' still
In the house?"
"Ne!" he told her feverishly. "Ne!
We're clear of thnt. We're in the shed
here in the lnne where I took the va
lises." She made a blight affirmative move
ment of her head.
"Then go go at enceDave for
ihel I "
I Her ejes had closed again.
I "Yes!" he said. His voice was chok
ing. He called her name. "Teresa!"
, There was no answer. She had lapsed
jbaek Inte unconsciousness. And then
ithe soul of him spoke its agony. "Oh,
my lied. Teresa ! he cried brokenly,
nnd swayed te his feet.
n instant he steed there, then
steeped, picked un the packazc of bank
notes, thrust it into the open valise.
closed the valise, carried it into n darker
corner of the shed, and went te the deer.
He looked out. ncrc was no one in
sight In thc darkness. But then, what
interest would the police have in this
section of the lnne? There wns noth - neth -
fni- tn (.Annuit, If Ti.ifli HTkn Tvin T......-.. ,
;V '" '." " ."" ,".': .""' "'"i'
neip ; a queer, mirthless laugh was en I i " ' uwi ";
hfe lip. A wounded woman in the lane!0De Mc- "e whispered curncstly. Dave
n-li nh he Hnred iihk- hnln nnlv nnn
'she must have help at once. Very well he
' Knew, no could trust Millman! Onlv
there seemed some strange lrenv here
that chastened him. And yet Ye.,
this was strance. tee
Suddenly he be
came strangely content that it should be
"e ! the street, and looked up
, (0wn. Ii wns four n'clncL in tt.
A moment mere and he hed the St.
i.ucian iietel en the wire,
"Olve rae Mr. Millmun Mr. Charlr
' Millman," he requested hurriedly,
The hotel operator answered him. It
was impossible, a guest could net he
distuib-d at that hour.
It was against
the rules, and
Dave IIender-nn wns
pleading 1
henrsely Inte the phone.
"Olve me Millman ! Let me speak ,
te him! It s life and death '."
"II can't." The operator's voice,
a girl's was hesitant, le.i assured.
'Ter .heaven's ake.ghe ine Millman
-there s a life at stake : Daye TIcn-
orreeii uni-ii ir.uiwi-uuv. I(uu.
Wait!" she said.
It seemed a time interminable, and
then a drowsy voice called:
Helle! Ys'hnt's wanted? '
..... t. .. win..,.,,, v n n..
initial- iiru. iiiiiuiiflii , Vi c urn
., ,i. , .,i.n, M,iinn u tu...
Well.'1" r,.V "" J "' " l"-v
, s U
Yes," the icice answered
"U'h Dne bp'aKing.
Dave de you
It" 'i?
Enable you te keep "tab" en your cost per
mile averaged from total expense for gas,
oil, tires, miscellaneous auppliee, etc.
Send Postal te
Sixth and Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, Pa.
. Dave Hendersen turned from the
telephone, nnd thrust his head outef
the booth. He had no Idea where te
was in New Yerk,' nave that he 'wai
near The' Iren Tnvcrn. He dared Met
mention thnt. Before many heutfa thf
papers would be full of The Iren Tey
ern-r-nnd the telephone operator might
"What's the address?" he called e,ut
te a man behind the counter.
The man told him.
Dave Hendersen repeated the addresn
into the phone.
"All right, Dnve." Mlllman's velea
Came aulcklr: "I'll he H rn ennn n
i I can get my car, and pick up the doc dec
t ter."
Dave Hendersen stepped out into the
night, nnd pulled off his hat. Ills fere
head was dripping wet. He walked back
te the lane. Il.sfptllll. Imnnl iinlhlnr- mil
stele aleng-lt nnd entered the shed ngaln,
nnd knelt by Teresa's side. She was un
conscious. He bent ever her with the flashlight.
His bandage was crude and clumsy; hut
it brought him a little meanure of re
lief te see thnt nt least it hnd been ef
fective in the sense thnt the blecdlrig had
been arrested. And then his eyes went
te the white face again. It seemed na
theugli his mental faculties were blunt
ed, that they were sensible only of a
gnawing nt his brain that was almost
physical in its acute pain. Instinctively;
from time te time, he looked at bin
watch. ,
At last he get up. nnd went out into
the lnne ngaln, nnd from there te
the street. It wnH tee seen. He could
only nape up nnd down. It wns tee
seen, but he could net have afforded
te keep the doctor waiting If MMlman
nrrived, and he, Dave Hendersen, was
net there otherwlee he would haw
stayed longer in the shed. It would be
daylight before they enme, wouldn't it.?
it was an hour new, a thousand years,
wasn't it, since he hed telephoned?
A big touring car rolled down the
street. He ran toward it. Millman yts,
it wa.s Millman ! Thc car stepped.
"Quick 1" he urged, nnd sprang en the
footboard. "Ge te the corner of th
lane there!"
And then, ns thc car stepped ngaln.
nnd Millman, from thc wheel, and n
man with a little bluck bag in his hand,
sprang out, Dnve Hendersen led the
way down the lnne. running, without
a word, nnd pushed open the deer of
the shed. He held the flashlight steadily
for the doctor, though he turned new
te Millman.
"You've get n right te knew," Jie
said in nu undertone, ns the doctor best.
abserbedt ever Teresa. "Hell's broken
loose tonight. Millmun tbcrc'n been
murder further up the lnne there in
a place thev rnll The Iren Tavern. De
you understand? That's why I didn't
dare go an where for help. Listen! I'll
tell you." And. speaking rapidly, he
sketched thc details of the night for
Millman. "De you understand, Mill
man?" he said nt thc end. "De you un
derstand why I didn't dare go any
where for help?"
Millman did net answer. He wa"
looking questioning at thc doctor, ns
the lHtter iuddenl rose.
"We inunt get her te the hospital at
once." said thc doctor crisply. l
"The hospital!" Dave Hendersen
echoed the word. It seemed te jeer at
hlra. ne could have summoned an
ambulance himself! As well threw the
cards upon the table! Ills eyes invol
untarily sought that darker corner et
the shed where thc nacknee of bank
notes, bloedstnined new, wns hidden in
i the valise. Thc hospital, or thc police
. station in that respect, for TcrCBa a
'well as himself, It was all the same!
, Jt was Millman who spoke,
"Wait!" he said, and touched Dave
I I Hendersen's nrm; then turned te tha
., -,.... ..... M...... I.... !n ..ill"
mocier. . v-uu c iuu.u mi in ui) t.
, be asked.
mannae it "
L, ,ilVn, oner,.! man"8
: l "0r answered.
I "If'e nil ...-Vi(- llnvn I .m. TMl
Te be concluded Monday
Angele Hands Rete a Lacing
Yerk. ra.. Jun. 21. Billy Anrele. lecul
lihtwelsht. eave Stockyard Juhnny negs.
e: Pt. Psul. a evere lutini In th rrlnd-up
hre. Anufle havlnu eliht of the ti round.
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