Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 21, 1922, Postscript Closing Stock Prices, Page 16, Image 16

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JANUARY 21, 1922
irit and
Itfnder graduates and Alumni Find Recreation in Reet-
4ng for Favorite Eleven Collegiate Spert Clean
. and Most Sincere Ferm of Competition
Hpert Hdlter Ktenlnc Public I.edirr
LAWRKNTK LOWELL, president of Harvard, wlm tlgKe!tel that
football be modified In tlie college,
the educators In thi. reuntr. Sonic bnve agreed with Dr. Lewell'that vtlde
preatl Interest In football lia tended te give excessive Importance te college
athletics nnd minimize the scholar tie Mandards of the Institutions, but a large
majority Jiavp come out tint -footed ngninst the suggestion and announced they
ate greater boosters for football than ever before.
Dartmouth has supported Dr. Louell. but a statem?m from Tref. .lamen
P. Richardson, facult ieprecntatl-c en the Athletic Council, Is very sig
nificant. "The iluep rule for Intercollegiate athletic lflid deun by ex-Trealdent
William .Tewctt Tucker. ' ca Prof. Rlchnrdfn-i. "'are still gesprl with the
Dartmouth reunpll Tlicj ncrr the three point which juufie( college sports,
and or, jih fellow
'They make a gieat school for training in leadership,
"Participation In tliem Is beneflci.il because of the charauer of democ
racy liirulcatrd in members of the team
f "Tlipy prnildc n great moral tr.nluiug and discipline."
"lhr nlui rnlr rp'uin cwrj thing Athletics are beneficial re rellece
Indents. nti(l no argument :iu be advanced against li. It mljht l" that tee
much tmpetiani'p m laid 'i the game but that m something else ngalu.
I"rem what r b.te rpn ihe most enthusiastic rooters nrp members of tbe
alumni, h' come bach errh ear te ce the old college eleven in nctlen.
The HtudenU make a let of noise nnd get all worked up eter ;he contests,
hut it Is just the spirit of enth and flip bnv must let eD Meam Thp grndi
are the most excited
There are mntiv ntguments In favor of collegiate sport. Tt I" the (leanest
nnd mefct stnci'ic furm el competition and affords thp college student n chance
te have some outside intrct be'ldca his studies. Thej leek forward te the
games evcrj Satmda' nnd it N much liefier for thpm te sit out in the stands
and yell their head off than take up ether forms of excitement. Spirit ii
developed, nnd with it n lne fei their Alma Mater Hew many enne back te
college te tl-lt their proi"sers'.' Hew many come bark te see the big foot
ball game''
Frem the rhnrgei niHde irccntlv m New Yerk and some stntementB from
members of college faculties enp Is led te liellep that football teams are
composed of nthletes resembling "Spike Murphy." t lie here of Ocerge Ade's
College Widow. An outsider would bcllcie ctcrt man was en a salary and
never attended classes
AjrTHI(j hkr thnt in theie modern limn. The nthlctci are r-
'jinn nrr luntirr than Ihc 7i rmgr ttuttcnt awl if hr fnllf htleu in nny
, nf Int euriri hr nrremr? ineligible or the team.
Can't Blame Collage for Commercialism
OOMMERflALlSM might be crepping Inte college athletics, but this cannot
yJ be blnmed en the college Tf n wealthy alumnus sees a premising athlete
in prep school nnd l willing te pay his expenses through college, the college
authority .annet be blnmed. If n student passes his entrance requirements
and. then keeps up m his work, the faculty is doing its part. It Is safe te
v ay, however, that the custom of paying athletes Is net tolerated.
Yesterday the conch at Purdue I'nlversly was discharged becaue his
representative approached several high school boys with a financial offer In an
effort te induce them te go te Purdue and piny foetbnll. The same treatment
would be given te ether conches if they are discovered. This shows hew the
Sn. colleges stand en the professional athlpte
It has been claimed that football takes the student's mind off his studies.
That Is another open question. If thp plnjer flunks he doesn't play until he
it restored te geed standing. Hut here is another question Hew many stu
, dents play football?
At the htart of the spasen perhaps 1.10 candidates will report for the
team. Before a month has passed net meip than fifty remain. That means
fifty men out of n tudent enrollment which ranges from OOflf te 10,000 arc
actively engaged In a major sport
i. Foetbnll player- de net -pi nd much time en the gridiron The season
. lasts about twelve weeks- -emc le than that Practice Is held live times a
week, averaging two hours a dip That means tcD hours a week for rccrcn
I t(en, and this takes nnlj part of his time Where could n student find a mere
J7ealtn.rwn te imprme himself physically ''
r-etbaJI is distinctly American. The public loves It nnd attends the
i!2H--0tn.rI!P 7urv. "";'.'"' ,tw', ,'"mP"tlten keen and the contests are
-""" "' """" Miuiiui ei ii nmen
s"i-'b ri i up lencnrs .,( me ,ii)llc
en all sulci
1 Jflln ll. . . l. - A m . . .
A H U D0AE relteaes nrr new
r hed athletic contests Millions
vide additional stating eapacty for
fei allege athlcttcs.
I etcrans Dine Champions Monday
ri.u veteran Athletes ,I1 held their animal dinner en Monday night Tins
7w ?,m "t knV,k' 0 U ,n"i't be 3ta,cd tl,at ,bc elcl-tlmera also dine en the
ether 304 law. , the par nt aDnually the veterans break out in a big
-trill Va T.1...... irnu- 1 .... ...
..... u .yiiiiut iiiuuui 111111 .lack uritten.
that they will apply for membershln.
Other world's champions aUe will he dined The veterniiH mHke it
LaMM M'l7 th,r "n f0,'tbn" ,,ialnPlen" " "" '" '""J have picked
ChX h AVy!:?QntV" "f ,I,P J:asn'nn Institution, .lee LebecU and
Sr.irhTnb' nZl a1tI ,0 ''sl''vp,'' ''' respectlvelv, will be seated
Trenbv , -'T'" b01',r:1 Th" "'" ,, Ve(l with the Jesep H Jel ev
MZe.r""1' ,smbeinat, of "' K"n football championship. The
Maroen had a g. eat gridiron season Ever, team played during He campaign
was smeared. Including Penn. Pitt nn, Lehigh campaign
..bJn..nd(IltlT te ,,nvltinK many out-of-town champions, the veterans nle
wake it n point .0 have local champions among the guests. Bll Tilden is
$ul a nT?"' v,Ut the ki,ls of the (0,,rts " tpVent and her"
f PennsH "" be , t0 A mimb of athlete, from the Universltv
of Pennsylvania will be present. Larry Brown, the speedster who cracked
hJi 'ITn1 ,w--'"1 word; Beb Masam. rail Eby and Dewev Rr,
J1J&.K n """; brnkp tDe World's mllp relav ,nnrk- nl the lied and Blue
baskhball team of Inst season are among the guests U
Beth the 1000. mrd nnd mile relav iccerds were mn,l,. , ,hn 1
the ficiires kpi 1.. ,i,. ...:.. , . ..'i'" "ns - '" weiids under
Xti,!..!, ......."',"" ''"'. 'I'"J'"
'iDrSl'"k "'r "'""" "' ''''''''
,f affun ,mi,r, t r, ,. ,
'lir all
. i I'l
California Lightweight Read
BO.ut with Fitzgerald nt Natien
Will Sulmoeie tlie sturdy aliter
ii-i. ii. i..i.. . .
fcujicujiii is ii n-i-iinsb vommien
ferJiis ciimiiimi! tn VIiJte Fit
gerejd, the pride "I . i 'Itilmlcliihui,
1n Tn semi-windup m the National
tonight - .
SabnHeie is meie ih.m nntieii'S i
make geed in this uti for he uas
Deatwt ny tieergi I li.mex m hi), debut
here, although he demonstrated that h
Ead Iip miikiug of n Ki.1M beir
111 the niiul-iip. Jee Tipliu wih meet
nwertln .ippenent in Fiedily .l.nks. .if
Kng,lnnd lit the ether benis Jehniiv
Mealj tiicete Steckvnrd .rnhnin Ilesp
DerL.v Ciihper tmkles Jee Welch nnd
Uebhy MiCiinti opposes llnny liurke
i in- inner uiree wpi'p Knuffmiin l 1 t... .i ,-. . 7 -. -"
THie YPtclnns .w,. ... ,,. , ''"" Z -'""" "en J-'PP'"cett
for M athletics, for n number of 'their membeis TrrLZrT
Dartmouth Menter Makes Shift In
!' i Make-up of Green Five
Hamncr. N. II . Jan 21 Nine
, Members of Hip Dartmouth basketball
tni left tiPi'P for the first IntPreel-
leslnte League games n way, from home
The Green will play t'ernell tonight at
1 that'll, mid Yale Monday, at New
, Considerable dilhciilty is antiripaieil
I Rt; Ithaca by Coach (Jfeigc Zalin" A
v hlfr. has been made m the Dartmouth
',. i Jllpelip, Goldstein re'liicing Heep al
';. in a rd. niul Shuucinnu taking Geld
-". 'st el n'a position at center Cantifln
Mljfctr. titlght guanl.vund Cullcn and
,i4'nUselm,,(Vrwards, reipirlete the liner
Leve of Alma Mater Is
evidently fin few xupporters nraeiiB
ter the nteret n fnntiu, i r.
in football net the
spfnis tn be getting the worst of it
building big itadtums in irAicA te
of dollars ere hiing pint te vrn
the creuds. This is the anstrer
Among the honored cuests
but theie is no truth In the report
m "'".J Wlufli
li'iweti i the n
0,.fr, . . if
ether, and ,r laine gallic, mg
Mi mar
1 i, t dgir I .m,ny
CHI. received him toeIU at the nk.ltine
I '-"" lee
1 en ii Aii ihtie iMM a ira, , the
V , I. .. .. I
.... .. j, ,en-n air rushing te
Our I),illy
(flllP.Stll1! fnnl.l ll'L.i
.-.. . - ..i ..... -" nui
. iiius I(iny in tne .rm.v. Naw
game-: -
I'' l.'inui licit i
lint . Seme inni '
Ftcther Head-
Mav the Phillies'
of ihe celliir
next move he out
I lie
sllicerilv lulu. i,V...i, ... i
-Hinrruj twins i'lMllli and
farpent r 'i
'of a iru Ted
aelnr te find ?ut what
.i"""!, '!l',!,"r ".' r'lrnl Cellne rennrnlns:
in'Ve'iu'idLe'''r B"" 'naV fi"H " 'fUmp
Hill Myers, manaeer f I de Phito
five, hat) dropped out of the basketball
nei Cngy bird, eh. whaf
Cun I. M. C.l
Baseball Meeting Today
Cltfrlanil. Jan. 21. Decaus of tit
of a quorum yesterday'! meetlnr of
Heard of Dlarrtera of the National Uas
federation s adjourned until (edar.
ra4 of thoJdlrters Xailsd'te arrive.
was bended hv T1
Course Being Built at Willow
GroVe Can Be Acquired.
Ready for Play Soen
type of golf salps-
mnn i In our midst. He Is differ
ent from the rest because he doesn't
carry his samples with him He sells
golf courses.
Which is te Intieduce E .1.
.L Byrtje.
Is unique
of New Yerk. His business
and deserves a hcnrlne.
The company bnyn ground, builds a
golf course en it. the clubhouse and all
the rest of it and then bells it Mr
Byrne, is a golf course expert, having
had a hand in building some of the
finest courses in matn districts Ills
I firm is new engaged in building a course
1 at Willow Oreve
I The contour of the ground there is
such that a (TOO. yard course Vnn b
built en the 112 acres available. The
terrain is ideal for u course lelliii"
ground, weeds, a winding creek nnd at
least one ery tine spot for n water
There is n fine farmhouse en the prop
erty, with all modern Improvements, in
cluding electric lights, steam heat,
plenty of baths and things. There arc
I iwn narns ler loeKor neuses. The Lime
: kiln pike runs virtually te the deer.
as seen as this premising golf laveut
is ready for play the company is wiiling
t0 sl jt. lease it. or help te form a
club which can buy or lease it.
Chance for City
The preposition leeks like a fine
chance for the city te step In and an
nex the property for nnethcr public
course The Park Commissjen has two
sites, one at Tnceny and the ether at
Penny pack Creek, where It wishes te
buildnnether course as seen as it gets
me iinnnces. 1 tint is liable te be a 1
long time.
hen the finnnecs are available mere
ground will have te be purchased, ex
perts hired at from $50 te $70 a dav,
grass seed, snnd, fertiliser, machines
and se forth must be purchased. .The
cost of it all will come te far mere than
the Willow Greve project all finlbhed.
rimewill be saved.
This new company saves money en
experts, en materials, en time and se
many things that it can turn ever the
whole business rcadv for play at 11 ttc ttc
mendeuu saving. We knew the price
of the Willow Greve course, but we
dassent tell.
Anyhow the cash involved Is only 10
per cent of the price, se that the city
could step In there, ncquire the course
at a ridiculous figure for au eighteen
hole championship ceurbc, und take Its
time about paying for the whole works.
The city is badly in need of another
public course for the coming season,
and this leeks like a great chance te
get jt chtnp.
A landscape firm U backing the con
struction cempuin. The former or
ganization has the indersement of
nearly all of the large estates around
Philadelphia en which It has done
Mr. Byrne is submitting bis propo prepo
sition te City Councils and the Park
Commission, nnd some kind of nctien
I en tne matter et a public reursc is pi
pected very seen
I'aei Tnkburj- reid a tnndem
iltr clrarftte case jesterdny as hie prtia
for bainr runner-un in the amateur cham
pionship tournament et Philadelphia.
The tall runner-up la all bann nt the
theusht tf the next event at Pine Vallei'.
ill ls oft tht ePlntwi thac a total of UO-H5-185
ought te qualify there Whs' 3 veur
I ...
Despite their hectic nucceux in exhib Hen
matchea Jeck Hutchisen and Jim Barnes
i.k.v ii. iiiuwuiK me numea or ( anternla
hew come they annexed the llrltlsh and
American open titles last eeaeen Jeik wen
the .Northern California Htle and Jim made
1 a runaway or tee California State e.ent
t,,T,'' TvPPrmen,(. C.elf Aoclalen et
Philadelphia will b launched lanunn .
ft t, mnetinj In the. Hetel Walten at n 30
j;"raiil McCracken la etttnr It up an he
.. " "r " "l wn eneucn r unpen'
Ah the scribes are umed te tten 1
There are new nald te be three vacrc'
fir p.-os tn Philadelphia One i at vrini-
yV Fererv?eVa.,Vr&r1a,anh,HBt,'1ef,,h,'
... I'.m ivnu unn inomsen has
New Yerk, from Ovtrbroek
Kre te
I Alex Flndlar Is teurlni In Kurer-.
Scraps About Scrappers
Jnek West has placed himself under the
bu. with Hilly rimpu,""" ' "''"" "' u
Harl Trance, anethar d nerr a iiehi
w.iMt who comes Eust -.ah rwaw,
as a. eleier performer, ,u maker V Vr-epparan-e
here In . ne tf the me bout" at
'he Ipe, Palace en Menda nlht He roes
the elUk-Klns Kddle AVasend meets
rJl?h '-uV me.rif,lth hl fam.'v 0 New
erk Ut an, lil tert a -ampdlini fei 1
CJn.h "l "'"'n '' en next .
iri,le,.iiIi?,lunl,'i ''""''I" ch-mplnn of
:',.?trAll. "U; rr If hia debut hue en Man-
H. i"i .wmpn when he tv.v. -in,.
' lerk in th elirht.rnim I
!,K "1"' M-irphy i, nx,eu te in nzle
benw na" r Ma,M '"'"" r
.Tee finnniiii tha Phn..,.i.i
Inf ih. en , . ". .'."" : '-'-e"ta ie
let OlMnpia a C -ut ,n hUri ""h.l?
t,iS.ki0'1 th" f'-'""nr show for Janusry ae
Icsheliran Johnns Paxson is ivory
1 Esheln-.an
W ffKMlk 1 '' tvnr.W. - r. . i
"5.,'", " !irn"t '.'. 'he. .a.i ,ear
rr"""" iiii-Fju ana n .tern
te stait aifa n- ui i bois h's th'
In tlie hlllt.M Inrl.ur. al .u. -., .
, .(,rf.-.s. ;-J-.;,.' " !.. wiv.ipia nn
"i..; "",-""V."T"r...et tn!" fjiv wiu
rii ein9. uceraa llniinirl I'm. ,.t
uiner numbers' Jlmrry Sullivan
lemmy Gulden
Ilr,. ,B,lli,,ij,,e, '"'.'r1'""" '"' ."'!
"'. M'tjurnm ana r-.nf iiedle
Je IliMuihrej.. manaitei of l.iit.e Bear '
announces that his little Imnati has lust re
turned fratn als tome In .Mentana, whirs he ,
-..u . cv.u--iii, ancr nia recent l!ines
Punim.i Jee duns is' hoekeil
'aiilile Wrltien In tr twelve round wlnd-up
at the Arena In Trer.ten en Monday nliht
te n-et
ftnlLe Cerbtt. a leral amman. I. ,.ii..
hard for. hla Unite this spring nnd exne..i
te erter .the ranks et the pros next fall
Pat T)elpAy. the lven.fnrtnn 114.1.. ...v..
Is ready te met any boxer his nelrht In ihi I
Jimmy Parcr
of California and
' "r"nd.,in., u"u"t ' T','.
Al llreHn. of the Tuentieil, Ward and1
nuser Kelh pf the Seiententh v.,rrt
i futura
the wind-up at the Auditjrlum
and Penlur streets tnnifrh, 'rv.
iher numberj Patrv Reaiden n.nr. I
Helly Yeunn Georee Orlfni' is Willie Dell I
Pat Deeney is Oena Dupree Jehrnv
Michaels v Danny Te I
Murray Named ai Coach
notion Jan. 21 William A Murray
former major leaxue baseball star and pan
tain of tha Hrewn, University nine for tw
I Wostea ynlvsrsltyl baseball tsaui.
jfirs. nxs eeen raupcinira ie ci
coach the
T2'-0 . iliTl WT, TtllS WASN'T Vilr '.rcf JKCOMB Cs.D 5(
GCMN6 - (f I ii WIFBPAOTV j GZceTfil(A J? "WS J"1? WZ.
with Yog Te THe '
Akiuau COUP TeurmamcmT
it was exPResSsuY esjdgr-' ( 's,-, -VTC
6Tag APPAin rc
The Hardest Battle
of My Ring Career
Johnny Wilsen Tells of
Grudge Fight Before,
During and After Beut
in New Yerk
OXING fans throughout the ceun-
ry. no doubt, would believe that
I would name Mike O Uewtl as the op
ponent for the.
Hardest ring
battle of my
career If se, 1
they have the I
wrong d e p e,
becnuse when
I wen the mld-
il 1 e w c I g h 1 1
chnmpiensli 1 p
from the St.
Paul Irishman
in Bosten, and
ngnln defeated
him in New 1
Yerk, I de net
believe I was
hit with a sin
gle real geed
If I
was I did net feel it. and in each case
stepped out of the ring without a mark.
The contest that will always stand
out in my mind ns the toughest tussle '
1 have evpr been in wa the one with
Knockout Sweeney, of New Yeik, In I
New Yerk. Yeu knew. .Sweeney came!
from the lower East Side, while I was
n Hnrle'm resident when I mnde mv i
home in the big city. As Sweeney had
cleaned up all the local boys in his
neighborhood by the knockout route,
nnd also quite a few boxers In my own
section, a bitter feeling existed umeng
the fans of both districts.
Up until tlmti time, which was in
1015. I bail been boxing about four I
yearn, but had had comparatively few
matches. Despite the fact that Swee-
ney had it en ine for experience, my
gang get nftcr me: "Johnny, it's up te
you te get Sweeney; you've get te
tight that guy and lneck lum ileud
Faction Fight
Before I had decided befete I could
answer "yes" or "no " the match was
made. ell, my manager 'net Marty
' F11Icn- m,-v F "nagPr agreed
for my end of the bout, and I wns te
get 10 per cent of the gross receipts.
Sweeney had agreed te the same terms.
The night of the fight came. The
feeling among our respective factions,
in the meantime, hnd become mere bit
ter than ever, nnd when Sweeney and I
met In tbrf same dresdlng room we
sprang nt each ether Fer fully ten
m(iititi.H tre snclcprl unit rnpLe.l ennk
ether all n round the little room, and1
our handlers were urging us en when
the matchmaker made Ills appeal nnce,
I pulled us apart and asked us te finish
(the fuss In tlie ring. "Give the crowd
the same action, tee," he said sternly.
What a sarrg IneLing light ice
tircsentrd irhcn we Hepped into
thr ring. 1 hose in the midicnif
had learned about our dieislvy dieislvy dieislvy
roem battle and eiciybudy uas all
Fer ten leunds Sweeney nnd 1
slugged each ether tee te tee and, eh,
ley, Wlllll n iikui. euinu rminiis weni
fn,, mlniites. I think, instead of three.
luics, i niiuii, iiisifuu ui lurce,
battled after the bell in each
for we
Battle After limit
Yhen the final bell sounded back te
our dressing room we struggled, leg
weary and all but out Hut then- whh
still n let of fight spirit left in both of
us, nnd as seen us we get together
I again behind closed doers once mere wpi
dee for eaeli ether
dfluifi the nrotnetti inlrhid in.
separated us and mada sure that i
Mf did net get anywhere near laeh '
ether until after he had released ui
with our pag for tha pugtlistii
evening se fiyhttnglv spent.
Each of us lecelvcd exactly SS hO,
the gate receipts lunl.ig heen only $hS.
Outside, with our money tucked deep in
.10H.NN1 AI!.il
. . . . -.-
l .!,-
lui-ii ui""
j In Tuesday's edition of the Evening
... a-..-.-.. I... tt ..... ... .
I I'UUIIO lCtlge , l" lllirnillll Will If II (II
,,,e lutr,tet r'"C hMl" f '''S mrnr'
Harvard Leses te Hely Cresa
M'erccaUr. M'tss.. Jan Si Uariard uas
en the short und of ti 40-te-a score h re
ulth Hely Cress continuing- Ita ivlnnlni;
streak Hely f'resi outplayed the Crimson
In eiery department Harvard a scerlnit was
done en lone mldtloer shots
Harvard Dreps Swimming
( .iinbrlrtcr. Mass., Jan. 21 Swlmmlnit
has been dropped from llarvard'ii list of
Interrelletflatn tperts aacerdlnK te an an
Hfners Ia
our jeans hweency ami i again bumped f;ts ,0 iun llp n L bcerc 0 , w -into
cneh ether tills tlme, however, i iMiiladelnhlnns
with a smile. After the pay-off all the Thr V .UvitV Senior I en-,,.. ..
m.feellntr was off "All for SS fiti 1 , 0"l,".y "en'r League, com-
"LJThTLv comment wVrenM mnfc "J ??. of ,.c!ub ,?.en.,bc" rep.esenting
by UruduattfUcnagtr Fied IV. ,nal was en anced for Couch at his renuest
ck of tnlerltt and Inadequate I 'I he pitcher was. with the Detroit Americans
tt aashjnsda i-aasens. ,'ln 1'JtT. .
faciiitlsa wra
te Large Extent en
Paddock May Try for
'cw 440-Yard Recerd
halem. Ore. Jan. 21. - Charlie
Paddock. I'nivcrsity of Southern
California sprinter who holds world's
records in the 100 and 200-jnrd
dashes, probably will go nftcr the
140-yard record of 47 2-5 seconds
held by Ted Meredith, some time the
coming sensen, according te 1111 an
nouncement by Deun Cromwell, Pad
dock's trainer nnd track conch at
the University et Southern Califor
nia. "Paddock does net knew it yet,
but I may allow him te try for n
record in the 410 during the Inst
part of the season this year," said
i Eastern League Franchise May
Be Transferred After Game
With Camden Tonight
THE Reading basketball team, with
Trenten, the only original members
nt present connected with the .Eastern
Basketball League, may bid adieu t"
that organization with the playing of
teniglit'.s game in the Beading Armery
with Camden.
This was learned from the members
of the team at Trenten last evening
where the Bears werp beaten in tlie tirt
game of tlie second half by the store
of .11 te 20. One of thp surprises of
the season was sprung when "IIere"
Huggerty made ills nppenrnnce with
The big fellow hns been let loose by
i tlie teltlcs mill did net get Inte action
until the second hnlf. His entrance into
the game helped the npstaters. although
, the piny was net as close as the figures
1 indicate. Trenten just took things easy
und phncd the forty minutes.
The Heading franchise will likply go
te Lancaster. Thnt town is Interested
In basketball and up until a few weeks
age n Sunday club was drawing geed
crowds. A deal. ls new en for the trans trans
fer of the team and ls expected te be
closed some time today.
Kayenln Beats Cathedral
Twe of Ihe lending Independent teams
in hip city met nt U Antheny's Hall
Twenty-third nnd Carpenter strepts,
Inst evening and nftcr a red-het cxtin
period contest, Knveula nosed out
Cathedral, 21) te 2(1. The game was close
throughout and net merp thnn four
points sepnrated the teams at anv time, i
Knyeula enjoyed Its biggest advnn- i
tnge. at hulf tlme and when the pln
frs retiied they wern ahead by 10 'te I
12. Cathedral outplayed the home team I
in the second half, gpting H jwlnts te
10. nnd the period ended in a tie at 20. ,
In the playoff the enlv imintH were '
three foul tessps by StWensen. Cathe
drnl outplayed Knyeula. from thp field,
1,,11, f ,i, ,.., ...,., .T
I tlRtl ler tn(1 i",''1 with three
h-iiiwi, uikiii kuis 10 iivc. uegan ex-
i.,j Tin...... -si -v. i i V.i .. .
V. 'run.'1"5 51Nl1el,n1' '''' ' Heuglas
nnd O'lliieu were the stuis for Cathe
dral. Anether for TrL Council
Jehnuy Cnstle'H Trl-Council (julutet
came through with another close vic
tory by nosing out the Keystone Tele
phone, of the Philadelphia Mnnufnc-
iuii.-i.-v j.n;iiKur, m nn exciting gnmc
at Thirty -eighth nnd Market streets,
25 te 23
Tri-Ceuncll tiaieln ie Nntlvity's
Hall, at Ilelgiade nnd Allegheny ave
nue, this evening. In their last meet
ing Nntlvlty wen, 315 te 30, nnd the
Knights uie anxious te reverse the
Nativity hns only been beaten once
at home by the Sphas, und last Satur
day they tlefeated the downtewners in
u return gaunt by IS te H. Nativity
ti.tll l.n. .. I... !.. II.. i "
...ll iiiiiu nn icuiiiiii iiiiii.nii null itv -
various ceiteges, is in me midst
of a
i npplf.niwl.nf.,,1.' rn, 'Ph..
race. The leiicue lx
' rom,"eht''1 ef,sl,c tPnn,s- I'lyl"B en Wed-
! lieHllll V CVenlniTR find Hlinrlni nflnHnnnn.
I " :,-' T ,, " ,'i, "' V,',,,, ','
s id in i nuiK.i wi .tiiuiHKcr inn nuiiUH,
and the object of the organization is
te develop plnyers within the ranka of
club members Princeton nnd Dart
mouth are tied for first plnee at present
and meet for tlie lead tomorrow after
noon .
Reda Get Frisce Hurler
Krnnrlsce. Jan 111 -Johnny f mi I,
pltihcr for the last two ear with tin .Sun
Kranclsie naaeball Club, ban been tradfd tn
the Cincinnati Hens ler four p'avars ee far
uimamea publicly, it Is announced hrre The
U1llUrtaiLIULLI0 I
nr 1 imiia AiiiiiTr-r
1 nc An MP niiiMTLT
"Little Napeleon" te Receive Salary
of $65,000 Yearly, Repert
( New Yerlt, Jan. 21. Jehn J Mc
Graw. vice president and part owner
of the New lerk Giants, lias 110 thought
of retiring as manager et the world's
chniupieiii) In favor et Ilughcy Jennings
or anybody elsp.
The "Little Nnpolcen" of baseball, as
he has been called, signed a tlvc-cnr
contract as iminager of tlip New, Yerk
club of the National League yesterday,
'which means that, barring accident, lie
.will held the reins for that period just
as he has since 1002, twenty years age.
I Ne formal announcement was made
as te the terms of the contract, but en
the authority of 11 man closely identified
Iwith baseball the figures written in were
$05,000 n year. Multiply this by five
I and the total for five years reaches
Se far ns known, this makes Jehn J.
McGraw the lilchesr. nald manncef5 In
Jiascball. and nuts him in the nosltien
kif earning 100,000 u year out of the
sport ter tlie next live years by milling
te his salary the dividends en his1 stock
holdings, the third largest in the club.
Andy Smith en Rules Committee
Sen rranrlftce. Jan 21. Andy Smith,
reach of the Unlersltv of California foot
ball team, has teen named n mvmlyr et the
IntorrelleKlatB Hules Committee. It was nn nn
neunced here teduv. He, will represent the
P.iclflc const at the snrlnc meetlnc of tha
committee te be held probably In New
Grantland Rice Is Gelf Winner
ntlntilt 1Tlnli 1 la Tn.. m J- .
.u'' "lc" of. i:nrieoed. wen Ii,; anmiai
i.tinu ry aelt timrnairient at nellealr raster-
nek. by 3 and s The mntch was plajed ever
Over the Hhorier course In the
ninrnliw !'
I p.
wiwi n id. paa a lead of a
M UltimatelyWhy Net New?ii 1 rM'm' ,-"w I
PHI ULTIMATE MODEL py .-, gj 1 r
S (O e - - HI )kc !:;
IH ' 5 - passenger touring car, equipped HQ i l' r
W3 with the famous Ansted Moter I Sn i At all our Stores
IS ' $1985 HI PSISfflrWB :'
AN Special Attraction at Aute Shew sfl S IrwffiillllSMlf
I HNl Lectures Dally B wsi- 4
Q ?lx?:".SDi?.TE,, moteu iSli ewiiiiMii i
BIhhJIII nY Dli- JOSEPH HUVUHA.NCr. lllEul "" "
fl sj 'riie l'omeus Clmtauauu Lecturer IIISIll - i.
HM I Lexington Moter Ce. of Penna. Hi s I YMPT A
M . . W-A- Ku'er- Prelum gD I 1 - x AVI JT l y ,-
ttmm Lexincten Building, 851-853 North Breml stre.t 11R Bred and Bsinbridre XTTk .
HM M . US . MONDAY BVU.. JAN. 23. 1M3 '
III ll" T llltilll nitniiv pivn ;Hsm.
OI30130I30iiL.., IOPQ1 rni-,. Z
U ..w wi IOCO
Lebster Dinner, $1.50
Jlalf Jlmthd .obiter
Deviled Clam
1 i ft e Bele Tarlare Snuee
Jlarbccurd Ouster
llaked Petate
Chicken Platter, $1.50
Hull Cltichtn Naute Seuthirn Mull
J-rmih J'eas Au Qratin Petate
Asvaraaun Tip
Aulnl Vinaigrette
Fish Platter, $1.00
ill oiled Preah Flerida Shad or
tried Scallops Tarlare Auuoe
trench Filed Potatoes
Yric Brussels flpreuli
Chicken or Fresh Crab Salad, Fried Oyster $j0q
All Our llread. Holts. Ptea ani Pg,,, Ar, llnkei by Quf KUcMe Qi
R 1 I111"
and the
un I F 1 1''J aiA I Bee
im VH VWjfZ Mill
I well-known hranda this year' wewS .pVclall.ta.'K
m,mi., n,tJ'V!f" we always liaa a fu"l and f?e.h
Wi.lyr f t, ,he ,S1'knw" Maurlce Aiver Cevci
TIU ALke" ?KP "' uWii" T1J b?St " "" KS'
blnJiaij'd01 Oalris.Hnd,1ov'set2?8ael,,arnr?1 teVt"'
restaurant 1 se otie baHheiful Xi if . L.'.,0,-L ?'
:ausft nr
mwEirsW" ' KKnW.
imySrz3ir I
IKTlkl.Ai ... lX3j'l I
llL-l I. r,
V'il'7i' irnuicsatc unty
l l ffll uigj J f,
hvt- -s -ys. ""'
1(4 P& dSfr&r
yftr!lm' sZ--rd&rrTlT
KilTI rniuTMrrTrrfmithTiriTiilTM I
College Football Fields
But They Are Only two Fistic Champions Virtually
Sure te Retain, Crowns During tlie Coming
1922 Challenge Rounds
The Title Hunters
(A forecast for 1022)
Ne. 5 Boxing
An Iren Fist, nfui an Iren Jau, i
With e flash of speed in the van,
Arc tice great Kings of Material Law
Wherever it's man te man'.
Their spoors in the resin come and go,
Their icaus are up. and down.
Hut toAe is there with the winning blew
Where Dcmpscu guards his orewnt
An Iren Jaw, plus an Iren fist,
With the speed of a tlger-cat
And tpae is next en the fltlle list
Te irade his stuff with lhatt
Twe Safe Crowns
AT LEAST two fistic crowns leek
te be entirely safe as we push fur
ther ferwnrd along the unknown jungle
paths of the new year. Dctnpsey, na
king of the heavyweight division, nnd
Leenard, ns mandarin of the light
weights, arc still beyond danger. Dcmp
scy i farther from the reach of hostile
gloves than Leenard is, but the sleep of
neither is haunted by mocking night
mares of defeat.
A year from new should find both
occupying the same thrones, merely n
trifle closer te the inevitable.
Werthy and Others
DEMPSEY, Leenard, llrltten and
Buff arc worthy chnmpiens, with
the flatter pair 'facing enough robust
competition te round out a lively ycur.
Brltten Is' n trifle old as ring chnm chnm
peons go, but still holding en with n
iirm grip.
Buff is in the midst of n swarm of
bees, all possessing punishing stings.
But the odds favor his outlook for an
other year, anyway.
The situation changes a trifle when
we come te the cases of featherweight
Kllbanc and middleweight Wilsen.
Kilbanc was a geed fellow when he
had it, referring te most things a cham
pion needs.
But his day has passed nnd he new
refuses te meet any iirst-class opponent,
holding his crown under lock and pad
lock. Yeu can't beat a man who won't start
and Kilbnne won't even make a me
Wilsen's Case
JOHNNY WILSON has been tde
stormy petrel of the game for some
time. He mny net be a two-handed
hitter, but he ls certainly a forehanded
business man.
In his second O'Dewd fight he get
by with enough fouls te stock a poultry
Tlie referee he picked and took West
lifted him gently out of the Downey
muss. They held his swag out in the
second Downey' nffair, unjustly, but ap
parently in the belief that no champion
could leek quite that bad if he was
trying at nil.
In his arrangement te meet Harry
Greb, "he walked right In nnd turned
around nnd walked right out again."
Bcfore the new year was two dny?
old he hnd been barred in four or five
62D & WALNUT qtc
Meenehan'M Special, $1.50
'ehUer Thtrmider
Pilrt of Selr
1'ntltil Crab
Tarlaie- .Sniar u
t fam. C1.I..M
Saratoga l'atateti
Steah Platter, $1.00
Steak Itinute ullh Mujliroemj
rriici Fried Potatoes
Lamb Platter, $1,00
lleuit J.ee of Yearling Lamb
ie Rviiach nhrJ j,olule
l.tttuce- Hatad Frmrh n.
M '
snalOESfn .
- '
Robbins Island
Pepulnr Oak Islands
ma rieni.iArii.. - ...
ii i 1,V,,r,l",t1r ,or ",e 'roraeua
KeuuinH THlnnrl Ovulcr,.
i "'.i'
rrent & Deck Sit ill
Hell Plienet Lembard I0.93 ll
Keyslune I'henci Muln 3570 i
States, with thejpertcullls quivering la
ether sections, ready te fjill.
Ills last tbree starts have been tcrrihh
fizzles, and he doesn't knew what te da
about It.
If he doesn't fight he can't make any
money, and if he does fight any eni'
geed enough te draw, he ls pretty suit
te inhale n tidy lacing.
Pnlceil between fllinrtlvlla nnil Vi
deep blue sen, flanked by. Bey 11a and tha '
.111 1... t ...Ml In ..11 a-.m Jll-Z7 11
IIUV1I, 1U in DbJiUlCU 4U Ull WUl UiniQ.
WITH Kilbnne nnd Wilsen imp.
planted, the line of march will vre
sent a stronger championship aspect, J
It is a bit spotted nn it is. ,-
Tcndler bheuld give Leenard his belt
fight, nnd until these two meet tht!''
lightweight situation will be a trifle m '(
renc, Finding seme one strong enough
te carry Dcmpsey five or air fast reundi
is another matter. This man mny d- f,
velep with stunning abruptness, bufrw t
deuht it. Things seldem happen thnt i
way in the heavyweight division. Net
when the ehnmnlen ls only twenty-six.
eight or nine leagues nhend of nnythiaj V
in sight, mciuirci, wun nis saiuu nnd
his bush beatcra. will scare up seme one.
Se uempsey win get nt icnst one chance ii
this yenr te lnnd playfully upon a ,
rival' jaw.
DEMPSEY. Leenard, Brltten, WIN -son
nnd Kllbnne were all champions '
n rear ace. Buff is the only new Ar-
rival. There won't be many changes by s 'I
.Tnnnnrr 111.1. INef. ever two nt. tha ,"l
CovvrteM, 19Si Atl ItieMs Hcstrvti. 1
- ,,
Beets and Saddle
The best roce of the Fair Grounds'
meeting se far will be decided today
nt u mile, for u purse of $2300. Guy,
unbeaten at the meeting, appears beat;
Willi Marvin May, also unbeaten at the
Fnlr Grounds, as chief contender.
United Yerdc, perhaps, Is best of tfli
ethers. Bygone Days, Irish Kiss anij
Thimble nre ether horses which hari
been showing high speed in the Seuth,
but they appear outclassed.
Horses well placed In ethbr races ara:
First race Daniel, Duster. Hughle.
Second Helen Atkin, Ettahc. Antici
pate. Third Commander McMeekla,
Tem Hare. Jr., Omnipotent. Fourth '
Ginger, Ncddam, St. Allan. Sixth
Balance Wheel. Wickford, Tbarea.
Seventh Pit, Epcarpelctt, Midnight
At Havana: First race Moercsane,
Big Neise. Who Can Tell. Second
Judge Budrew. Currency, Billy Beet".
Third Den Pcpc, Cuba Kncante,
Moenwinks. Fourth Chimera. Light
Fantastic. Guardsman. Fifth Eleaner
S.. Lee Enfield, The Pirate. Sixth Sixth
FlrPwertJi, Hazel W., Geldpn Flint,
evuiiiuiiiuuiuuiiiuuuuiiiijiiniiiuiiiuiiiitiuudii'iiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii illiiUIIUIiUa f i.
iuimmttmmiMmnmnminmmmmN'mmimiiiiimmnFiimmiim,H.n,,...... . .
When you de your
shopping today, be sure
te get a pound of Ihc
Bread and Bainbridie
IllinilY PINO
baki. mr.T.ir.
Orn. "inline" 8 KlMl KID
uii.i.ii: a nni NHS NED
lanlcnn ue V
HhiIh nn
Filbert SIn.
ante Hchett'a Cuff. lZtb and
I'linne Inciikt 400(1.
A llth & Catharine Sti.
nnniiY hakut
MHITK.Y Villi.
All-Stnr bhetv nt the Popular Trice
HferrvfU Seats, Sl.fiU, SI.O0, Adra,, 60s
in, AViri.iV M
ixii.r Alt ST. 'i
Al Brown vs. Duser Kelly
Pennsylvania vs. Cernell
In the Armery. 32d H tnncasler At.
M.l'. f.x, a. u.nn n Kf
Ai1m)Mlen-"ltre'rvfil Steals, 7Be'a'nd t CiI
(.e, if nil Ailmtsslen, CUc. Ticket en iillfJ
iriiiikiin r if in, inniDcis', apaiainr ,
lliinclnr After tlie nucuv.
National Billiard Academy
130" Marleit rltreet and 0 North 13th Strfil
., iHiM,' .mi iiger uii ris per neur exc -,
bev IJnelieli tables Club teuinain'ls solicit"
Regent Billiard Academy
rpil BAliB
I IK nllllusivlnLl nit .. nrfinrv
v iiyiHieu.uai'llri nBM.:.
I rniCK laoee ' J
v N'''' ' ii,, i!s '.xtik'!j,V.
;? - -,.