u 'EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 2.1, 1022 15 It Theatrical Billboard for the Coming Week New Attraction BfCdD "Tim Intimate StnuiRerj!," a new Beeth Tarklngten comedy, wltJi nilllp Uurkfc. niul a mipiiertlng cast that Includes Alfred I.unte and Oleiin Iluntw Tlie return of a mucli-'oved foverlto In tlie rele of Aunt Tsebel, a NcV England lady of doubtful age. eimjf;S7'-J-"Tlie Greenwich Village Follies." third annual production, teen here jfer llrst tlme after long New Voik run In the cast of many favorlteB are Ted howls, trene Krank lln, Hebcrt Tltkln, Ulid Mllltnan, dor der flcn Doelcy, Ula Hharen and Donald Kerr. Sliens That Kcm.iln XVALSUT "The Hltln Clame." powerful OalRWOithy play, .called lit him a ii-3El-cenied.. with Jane llrcy fea tured anda cast of Kngllsh players A story of the ceiilllct between old aristocratic Kngland and the self made modern tpc ; TORHKST "Orphans of the Storm," new arirtUh llhn spcttatlc, baed en D'Bnncrv pla. "The Twe Orphans." with Milten and Dorethy Olah In tltf leading roles, and a supporting cast that Includes Jeseph Schlldkraut. Mente nine, Frank l.esce and Shelden I pwls lYUIC "I.adlcV Night." Tutkleh hath tarde by Carlteh Andtews and Aery iloptteocl. with a cast headed by Jehn Aithur, All n King and Hehn t?0!" nell, ft successor te "Pallor, Uedrepm and B-ttli" and "Up In Mabel's Ttoem " QAURICK Zlcgfeld Frolic, fln il week for colorful icue, starring Will Hog Heg rrs, and containing In Itx cast mtch cnteitalncis aH Bintitlcn Tymu, V.a. f'lurke, Arthur West, James Tl. Car Car en and Barbara Dean. ADKLPlll "The Bat." final fortnight announced for Averv IIopweod-Mary Keberts Hlnehatt thriller .Stock OttPllCVM "Bought nnd I'd Id Ki ' the Geeige Broadhurst drama. In which Charles Rlrhman Htarreil. re-i Xn'S'S.JSJe'H". anR1aVC"nCd .hanp." Ailnlnlin tVttniifw'i, rnninim i old melodrama. In uhkh Kate Clap ton ctarred. Ma'e Dmneud ns the blind Ieulse, Mni Duncin Ktewait as Hcnilette, KranK Kleldcr ns Plerre anil Frank Camp as Jacques Vaudcxlllc t r n(7'i"S KIIh rtetfnnl. KiibIIsIi1 character cemccilcnne, llh n pre-1 frrjin of linperaenatlniia. ilame Nleps, nml palter, Hatty Iteticilnl, hatidiMirr I. ne and man of mstrrj, who thin time escape from .1 water terture1 cell, rami nnd KltH Watsen, tnusl rnl ccnicdv Mais, fun HenR and d mre "Will Vcr. .Tim " ceineih.1 with 1 erlnnc .Sales mid .1 Ki.uule Iioele thumbnail revue "liie in Ttlundcrl'itid, ' with rieienr Nines and Adelaide Wlnthiep . .Inch Mcl.illen , nd Mnj CarFOit fnice. and man fiihcr I Cit rs 7 v t ' 7 .s 7 n . k r or r: r; ir e l'n k t -QreiBla O'lt.imr. chaiactei come dienne lemembcied fiein ",l.eae 11 te .lane' nnd "The Velvet I.'ub," heads ' (ihubert Miudevllle bill. Alse, .Tames Watts, comedian from Australia: I Baenc Whipple and Walter Husten, reelt "-ketch, with clever company ; Ilari Kianr nnd Al White, RlnglnKl fiin-makera. Du Callen, Londen no ne clt artist, iille, inj Ftcrj act, Krenl.a ' Dretlurt ecccntilc Kmuasis f)ni pln les,ill. tr.ilucil heisc act and SVmmeui mil Januetlc, tuAeltv QLOBV "tlailh te the .Moen" tnui!l inl leinedv tabloid with a huge caM of fun-makers dancers and enter tnltici" "The I'lnne Mew is. farce routed picsciitnl b the IMmuml Hates lliierH. Itlnne. Xeitlilnne audi Ward fun. "What Ncf" farce with. Jack MeiKutt, Small and Shcpheid. 1 " Hetel entertainers. Willie Ij.wk. niu-, slclan Tin en Dealt nlrls. iirh and dance" and ether" ' JLlhraiinXY "rilrt.illen" timslinll cetnedt of nulh. with .lack liebelll and Jean W.iIcm " Prim e Theie wa fllin fcatuie. with Themas N JlelRliMii . l.eu C'euper, rniiiecllan Moguen nnd ICnkln dsitieis T.ec SI.i SI.i een and ininjiiint with Stun Millet. leitK ui pi Ihch 1'iaiik .mil llllii I Hull nuniei and cithcic .') t fMIM )' Mendnt I uesd.u .mil Wnedii 'The Music Win Id with a larKu tnmiimt Nnlini t.t mip mip pertnl lit Iluilulpli Valentine, In "rannlle .lulln Keltt emedieniie , J-raiK'iH and Kenttedt, dame retleit Thursdaj Ki Idav and Katuidav, Mlle Atirera, imlciue animal ait Constance TalmidRe In film, "Maiiimn'a Affair" K cress A;v.S .Mnnda. Tucsila and tcdiiCMl.iv lee Tti mini and Ills band 'A HodKC-Pedijo of Jtiflc ' . Mile uieia tilth her hoishul. heishul. rditis lien llkltm and liking, mil. Me fun and daiut- 'Oh Mi Mai' ' niiinc.il leiiicut Until lj.ni sIhrIhk i iniiilieiine Tluiinl.it I'rld n and ."ililtdii lull 1 Kcklt tew vuiri ' nlletll md Keklu fun-tiinkei.M and 'tilers. Wl":'.', '"' v M0nd.1t. 'lucsdat anil WeditCMlat .Im.k N',tr. nn.i eenipniij, n musical skit, "tlccuiiei- Ki "loll NeriTl.1 Tfllmil.lrrn I.. fllm 1 n. ..... . . .""""f " ". if neiiucriui Thing" .J. liunctcri Inen Mini f. h'Atiin.i nri'. .. .. i.. .. n.MA t cilani. rane. May and Crane. "Mcd jei Trie GeorKe Stanley nnd Sister, '""'"di ThuiHda. rrldav and Sat Vimnl",d'1 nnl's elephants, nnd JMII ,Kecers, in "DeublliiR for Re into (lint K'nJ'!Vn Scvc" Unev Re.is In " ree-hlte Kull of Hene." mln-lrel m ,I1Me1n",''l Adelaide, " c'lunpe '" anelnB' Uc.ll llumplln Hie 1 title lluniiuni r,.. ,i , . ... '.. .'lUIIIltll llllll 'Miipani "Tlie Neit StPim in . l.HKl Hill Mint,,,, "II..UI. " , .. .,.. f . -...,., ..eiuiii); 1 i nil- ",'" ""i me iisua p cturesi lit-"i-lii,B hiie ;11K,P. llr l.e!JS a,!iSl) Mme De, ee and wi epin (eiiipun ,,. Meactlneis 1 les of ItitTn ,,i MKn,, ,, l" Mil n Ne .entaliis Waltri fishier I ',',"," ,U f,,rt0 ",llM '"" 'irace 1-nir s"nR'' "n1 dances Uebbt lu Llm, S,,1" !,,,, Vc"'""' ',rlVtle vt,i. l0" 'l'"' etheiR paVn il"Ka 'Vcx1"dl-' '""1 coni ceni Ha iintri n Hkt.ltn "llaid-Heiled "me'i M.iiiJn0111, ,,le.ndl,'R3 JuBBleia . m -Mullen and Anna 1'iamla in cemedt skit, the HI,,, f'lt K01 mal.nu.tct. jln Kellx ucirlLt. ami rAL hslcI:imeChFl .Inz lie IS'I f Henw dame ml " ,h ',"' !'.Wk I'M J" bill thldi It a ..ii , !, stnntf" and Cullen sl,)K aik , nJ,!l,,",,0l0sue, fcMt "' '"'" Mar,, ,?i"f,1 'll"' ,l'll,ce" I 'ant rketL. 1 rn'lian, l.teezt coined 0 Hiirlestiue , tnnln, ;MnldH of AliiCIIca nliunh hie c,,,l?,? wl"'1"l Harrt aV In 1 .1 "rn'lSll""ns ',",d ISfPb , i""lu.. li, Hettarlh, Dnls, . mi i ' ,ex IMwhmI Minium Tlflr .!""' ' ICCfillll with lit I, .. 1 ",0 (illl.,,' !'il. M Xli! .. ' 'iifi ""!- ". i.H and lde,i ,.. ' .,Mlll K""l'. liim.eme n, s . M' "" '" "rlmesHt tonne P X ie,i ",'"' ."V1"' KluvK a, list " a1',,,';5 r-i,H """ -- . Mliifidels V.. s . Memeiui Old and Netvt Dumont's UK llll, I I ,1 i.. .... . . i'ts inlu. i. i '"""" I" "inn, lam ininl ,K,,f "".' MM "" '" "nn . mi . .""'"'''J1 ,n f'rltis will I).' eers ni i,l "" ''vu "."" """,r "!" ii.;? ?' !''c leninnnv wi I inniHi,t T.,B I'aRO (if nl.l B.h.w ..j .1.: I a in '?"' ""i minatieiay. HIIU IIM! ., ".."' " BoctlenH of t he i: v 1111(1 tta.4. 1 .. ' - ;.""U -TI1I nUn l.n V..L -. "' ire" 111. "" 'HiQ IIC Le um.nl fnlileq,. or In hi ninmiiera nt u : ' i" nun unci nuiA III Hall ill! 111 him i .. !i VM. " ,,M i-rcaem com-, rd i... rniuHuturnin l.""rft ItCUUefl liV Ullnli ... la- "J . . , - . . '"OHH n'lnVc VTtjrr'Zn:, $ Tr..l.K,,r Vc.Af,...l..n.J.... k 01" ami llrHlM.n a.uu.cS" 'Ntw'M SONll HI.CITM, MACBETH 1 "Bpught and Paid Fer" at Orpheum , iPllcu,n Meck players will Present Geerge Ilrendliurfs drama, llei glit ami lVtid Ker.".Jn whicli Charles Itlchman starred with such nirccss and which lias only thin year ? i rcvlmd ,ln Ncw Ye' Wight mada millionaire who marries n re- VL"!"!1, ,,,,cll?nt,? eePene operator (Plaed I limit Ilobinsen) and tries In I.Ih crude viy te dominate her. Harry ."Jw" '" the comedy role of "Oil- I "Transformation Scene" a Feature 3t "1IC "ni'iual feature of last jcars "Greenwich Village J'eIUck" show was the Hernia mank novelty, this tenr h production, which opens Mon day t.lnht at the Slnibert Theatre, has a transformation Rccne" that U a real novelty In srnjrecraft. This effect, w hleh weh erlglnnted and designed by Xlrnl.m iV. r pky' " !el",B K'imIqii dancer, transforms a modern salon Inte a gar den bathed In moonlight. Net n piece of scenery Is shifted nor a curtain low lew low ered for this transfotmntlen. Casine Has New Shew "The Mnldn of America." with a hie rempnnr headed by Hebby Iiarrj, will he next week's attraction at the Casine Iheatre. Hesldes the fun ninUng of Harry the show will hnte n nml .flint Includes Alfarcttn Symons. ! red Herb. Dirk Lnncastcr, Tes How Hew ".i ' ,!" IInri,I. -Tran Fex and etliers. 'I he production Is In two nets nnd sir scenes and there is an aug mented) i horns. Mystery Weman at Trocadero UtlP Of flip MllPPlnl nAAnA nnnlA.M of the "CJinger Girls' " show nt the Iroindere Theatre next week will be the appearance of PrincesH Yenne in a iTjNtnl-giiziiiR, Oriental myster act under the direction of Irving, billed as the master llliml nf i.ii.Im.. " rtii. I tlndllii; of Melcn or mUlnl.l nili : ' jW"J,!r MV8?n,?S. ' .lil ' enx4mwMMpMw stilts. Silt In B nn GranD R lluli 'r. Orrh. 17v Ine. Tin ICxrrnt llelhltM llltOAO AMI MnNTCUMKIlV AVK. V. 0. Mxnn.Mrrtlliicfr. Ofn'l Mrr. Presenting B. F. KEITH'S Walter Fisher & Ce. Ill "CIO INTO MME. DOREE'S OPERALOGUE5 Tin: KITMIKV JZ- I l'rfntlns I Mslirs Bebby Folsom ' HARRY & GRACEELLSWORTH The llM.hftil Suiter' A Ddlnhlful jrnMeld riltn TOI'lt"Ml SNELL & VERNON I n AitrmTic imKitsiev Tin; n v rvTiii: Mini n Y-O-U C-A-N P-A-R-K H-E-R-E STREET THEATRE lU'l'OMTi; TEllMINAI. JKINDAV. TKI.. MI'.n. "Get-Rich-Quick WaUingferd" lliurhilny, l'rldiiy. hnlurilnr i'liultnp Kt.irkr. Knur Illnnc nml Tell) Mnrnhull In SILENT YEARS i neM tiii: noviei., "MAM'SEI.I.K 40" &0CU4t 69 f I T.2D STP.HKT AND I.OCOST MATINEUS AT t 30 AND 3 10 MO I ITS AT 1110 TO 11 I' M. limine iiclnc Mnmlnj nOIIKKT McKIH J. J. DOM l.LNtl (lllh "MIRACI.K MAN ') I.AIUII AIIAMS. JMK ClA.NTOOin AMI lllli ( VT I.N ZANE GREY'S "THE MYSTERIOUS RIDER" Ttkeiv 52U Hel MAP.kP.T J C. DUy at 'J If. I'tenliiBS. 7 i II NEXT WECK ELM CITY FOUR i.mticii'. lI.IAAMIEtl i. t'i). Ml'M.EVa KltANXISITIIE 4 nKAIHNOS JIM FELIX AN ABSURDITY RichardTalmadge.Taking Chancei,' Cectea t.ltth bt & C(lHr Ate I 30 .1 30. U 3D te 1 1 Mun. - Tiles Mm. f lirlntj rnhennr'a "THE BARRICADE" rd.. IhnrH. "l.mrndrr unit did line" Irl. ,i(. I HtMi tlAtl '11 "I III MIXIIK tlsrrit ' TSteU i.K rt - ,fj V s- II M te 11 I. f MX'I WKhh MME. NAZIMOVA mid III HOI I'll VAIiK'II!i.'" "CAMILLE" Tfc rrtetr di'mah' tameuji novel, v.ww;;wawaW THE DANCING YOUTHS DMMIM.''' riHill.tlfll.il DE TAYS is M)Mr,rniN(. oHieiwi, "JOSEPH McSWEENEY UtlhU Jr.NOIl WOODWARD & MORRISEY "iiwij niK tn'i.i'." ACADEMY OF MUSIC Wcdneidny PPR I1' Mi.MSCi " AI 8:15 I.S1 l'l'KAUANrr. IV AMMtlCV THIS SKASON Russia's Greatest Singer in Only Concert Here iiiii-i.. m.an te 3.he. seu' e nn: At UII.M 4 HhI'1'I.'h. IUO tllKSl. .ST. WINTER CIRCUS AND HIPPODROME SHOW First Regiment Armery llrend nnd C.illettlilll Sta. I ST TI11I.S T01IA llKltMIIIN T Ml.lir r H SI'KIVI' MtriM.K I'HU'i: KIH tllll DItl.N. ISr. INC. I pnrriil iidmlvHlnn, ttllh tax, XI 10. Itri. ."ii n 1. t. 03. ItikilH nt iilnilirla'i t'nniiv'. llrllrTur-Strntfurd, It llV-l nrilnii. Adrlelilu. Millien llntrl., Uldrnrr Hide, nnd lt Heel. Ariuan. SMBJaJeACADEMY OF MUSICaSJaig ORCHESTRA fj Philadelphia Operatic Society g cd "The Queen's Lace $ Handkerchief" lu .1011 NN l...vllftnt ('aat- llSN HTItlLhS ful TlierUH of ISO jifaStaU Acid. & Hepp.'t, H19 Chetantjfaa I ilrhria our f.un .... . i iis-tf'i 1? il I'll A AllL,MMii4 A.I..I EMMETT WELCH Mmifrd. u.llr. "DOB" TAPA I.OVB MAXlA?' J ',' 3"' I r REFINED ENTERTAINMrNT II It (Q)(5FlU:,B jl tSkui .r-i.l s.iiiTd iv. $1.30 diEC CHAUAP.M a M"'"'' " (51 nJ ii ipuritl I'M 1 .1VN 11 13 Given Distinguished Order Eva Clnik, ene of the principal singers of the Ziegfeld Frolic, which starts Monday en Its -third nnd last week at the Xlarrlck Theatre, was given the decoration Palms D'er de l'erdrc dc la Couronne (Geld 1'nlm of the Order of the Crown) bj the Hclglnn Ambas sador In Washington ns the result of n song recital she gave before the King nnd QUccn of Ilclgliim in Han Francisce when the r.enl pnir visited this coun try Mme. Tctrnrsslitl is the only ether American singer te be given tills medal. Miss Clarke Is studjlng te enter giand opera. "Twe Orphans" In Stock Mac Desmond nnd her associate plajers will present Adelphc JVKn ncry's "Twe Orphnns" next week nt the Metropolitan Opcrn Heuse. Miss Desmond will piny the role of the blind sister, "Louise. nnd Marv Duncan Htewnrt will be the "Henrlctte." Frank Fitldcr will play "Pierre" : Frank Camp. "Jacques, nnd Jehn Mllljan. "Chevnller dc Viiudrey." Special music hns been nrrnnged for the Rteck production of Kate Clnxten's old play. Tlie elling is France In the eighteenth centnrv. Miss Burke and the "Movies Hlllie Hurkc. who Is feetuied in Beeth Tarkinglen's whimsical coined, "The Intimate Strange," which opens nt the Bread Street Theatre next Mon day evening, has been a stranger te the sta'ge for some time. Since her retire ment, which Included excursions Inte the film, Miss liurKe has appeared for 1.n (titftfrila In "A Ainrr nit nf fin n vcnicncc." with Henry Miller, nnd In "Caefnr's Wife" enh . She did net like the pictures, which vhc calln "tee mechanical." Miss Buikc scored her created auccenscs In "Mrs. Det." "The Vtil..4tl...-fnln' fl.rl ' ".terrv" nml u , Vninhe." ..., MSTS. "$W War '.edwr. Don't fall te rad thm Arti. Kih. 7:30 In 10:1,1 Ore. 4()r. Hele. 5S' K lni. Tin K Sntilfdn llntldnxR t Etenlne hnns R llrelnn'nc a.30 POPULAR VAUDEVILLE Frank &Ted Sabini H from I'nnieim Oprraii in "i inn ta Twe Stennards A i liflf r ( nnifiU "Nnenky n l.uliur lint" MIII"S TAIILKS MAT tthl'.Iv THOMAS MEIGH AN IV "A PRINCE THERE WAS" Ilnfteil en (Jen. M. nlinn' Fninnua I'lny IT'S A IWHAMOUNT PICTURi; cfecut TS&ItiveivI I HI. hIi ttnrKet 10. .1 10 0 311 tii 1 1 MOMI.U. TIlsIIW X UI-.IIMISIIW tlllDICUl II Minis In "THE WOMAN IN Hie uniicctg Tiirnsn.w. utiiiAV x sxti'iiiiay LIONEL BARRYMORE In "IM1 Till: I'KStl W" 0 Jl 4't i t.iuuutiter At L&MrlV( tlnndiiy 4 Turnduy ETHEL CLAYTON, "EXIT-TIIE VAMP" Wed,, Thun. Hrry Carty, "THE FOX" Fri., St. BETTY COMPSON ia "THE LITTLE MINISTER" I Cduum. ..I -. 1 .,111 n j 30 n 30 in 11 1 ;i Inu . lui. J. I Mii.itu.u 1.. "DISCONTENTED WIVES" Wfd. "(IIKATEI) IIKVUr.S" lllli" I'AIII IMI l'RT.IIFIIICK in -nil. i.ciltr, 111 .IAIIK" .m Frl. 8nt. IV1111U Men. "Dr. Jim" ! ALDINE THEATRE Cluntnut at 10th St Ph Sprticr 4"nn Dlrrrtlnn 1 RED II. & M. K. ItCi.T 11 A tf t'nn'InuniM hnttlng 11 P. AI First Time at Popular Prices i . (.nn i mi'- MAvrfci;i'H:cK le P.M. 30ci 73c Afttr U P.M. lax Icel. CIIK8TNUT SI. (IPKItv IIOU.SK tilt. Tedll. leillfht K SHUBERT VAUDEVILLE l l-STAK llll I, bVM SHUBERT aia Te,iay l.nut rime rmnalu PASSING SHOW ' '8i Ullfli: nml F.M.pm, qY"i LYRIC MATINKIJ TODAV tONiuiir w s LADIES' NIGHT IN A TI'KKIHII BVrii ADELPHI TINIJE TODA r.r.nnAMT'sns-0 "THE BAT" WALNUT v tim;i: -rnnvv 'Oi 'in tl 111 "THE SKIN GAME" Hllh .MM. t.HW ,1 l.x,.t , BROAD Last Mat. and EvK. hAtl H. Villus l'r.,nu "ONLY 38" with maui MST ICKK SKATs'm U.im, BILLIE BURKE In Itnntli Tnrhliislen'a Ilek ( .......u Hill'' INTIMTK HTH ( j""" '!y (i.MtUK It I'OI MflM.K linivi " ZIEGFELD FROLIC '" WILL ROGERS ffStV - 'iVl s" IIIIWII llll Hill 1,1 Travel talks Celer Views Motion Piclmcs T,l . 7.70 r.mJ!. n.i. I . . .' . .1 """"""'i ivutltici . nil"", our, ler. HI. llll. m.ne. nt 11,1m, y IJ fe Ft NiyIlBlTV MUaUUM-rS.turday, ai3U. r muaaiva iwiiura. "Tiia arand nyen. n I'Jfinc nalnhew." by Mlaplien H. Julinaeti. n. mm m pmittdclphm InsBl-itten! , , m CHESTNpTOTEET BEtOW TWELFTH $HEfcT A THIRD OF A CENTURY "PLAYING IHKIINNINO Mat. MIIMIW .MAT. 2:00 2i05 2t 18 2:23 ORCHESTRA AESOP'S FABLES and McDONALD TRIO A J. KEIRN BRENNAN & JIMMY RULE sineinu Tiinm own songs in thi:ir own way JACK McULLEN a ner.LtcKiNci v.ut 2:30J 1 FLORENZ AMES & 2:56 in "Ai.irii in initial ameiiica tour ELLA RETFORD ENGLAND'S FAIOUH CIIAIIACTKR COW.DIMNNE IN LONDON H(TSU HlTp AND I.MITATIQNB 3:16 Fanny-WATSON 3:31 in "iieRHrcriTAi.m' rtrlurn In vnud'tllln nf thV American who lauxrm at lsJlt, Miewman and Creative Entertainer, tvhess M)ater Remains LtlBUllCU. HOUDINI 3:50 t.'nni.n I'Atinns Hin'.r Mni.tiATett who nkkiis no pher- HIISNTIAIi I'AIIIMIN TO HE Arter Helng IOCKeil in n w.lTI.II-Tf)llTl KH t'EI.l, Whllal Stumllntf nn Tlin ltend. itln Ankles C'laniDril nml larked In the center of tn Jiaasite caver. J. Francis DOOLEY 4:15 "4:40 "4:50 "5:00 in "MME a in22 Edition nf ' WlUCft. .1IM7' BRADNA "The Circus Beautiful' PATHE EXIT Mitlnrm (IIcfpt Snturilny nnd lllllii . lOOO llnlcenr (fnta. 30ci 10(10 Urclieiitrit rtit, BSc. Incluillnr Tax. EtenlnUKi Entire Ilrnt llnlcen), nnci Entire Srretid llnlcenj, .inei Orrlieatrn SeiitH, 81.10 nnd SI. SO, Includlnc Tax. V 2 Hhetti Dnlly, 2 and T. M. Hcata Onn WeDl In Adtame l'henn rtllierl 3303 V ffi:; Chestnut Street at 19th. Direction el I'rcd D. It A. M. CO.NTIM HI'S SIIOHINC 11 I'. D. W. GRIFFITH'S First Time at Popular Prices Te 6 P. M. 50c; After 6 P.M., 75c Tax Included JV, 30TII CREATORE (iilfHt (oiiduder In (inlu .tluslcul I'racrnni Added Feature BEN TURP1N H TTPw LTL iiZifW AK!WPHA IN A SUPEKB IIEV1VAI Of KATB1 CLAXION'S FAMOUS PLAY tWO ORPHANS ok i;r:i uvt. ru oin.nmne me.sdav night m tiii: POSITIVELY NO ADVANCE IN PRICES 1 1000 Seats vtbV ihn , 2Sc 1000 SEATS-FAMILY CIRCLE. "- - -- in an mm M be rumeur MNI 12th & Chestnut Streets Finest Dance Palace in Heart of City E Under of T. and i; riirel & Ctui Kirnhtnin AnniversaryWeek Speclnli Each Dnncint Night KINGS OF HARMONY rrpfj Bftiipr ami H n (I Sren adorn N Wed. Live Baby Nieht Fri. Surprise Night Sat. Reception Night G CHICAGO OPERA COMPANY til I ItOPOI.Il W OI'l.llA HOLr. Ilruuil nml Pi,i!ur Mrrrt ENTIRE WEEK BEGINNING FEB. 27 G Ktenlngs nnd Sat. Matinee Itr.Pr.UTOIItl. hiilnnir, l.n JenKleur ilc Noire Ilnme, Itiinire et Juliette. I'elleuH ft Mt'llkimiip, Muniia t iinnn, TiiiinlineiiMT. Otlirlle, AIiriSTri Mart flanlcn (4 iiiuirnr. unrvN) I.iulrn Muniliirt. (it ni. Iirnrnnrpa) Hiinu KiiIhii; (iln iiiiiiu Illmllili I.ilttitril .InluiNuni I'lmrlra Mnraliiill; .lm.rili .Srlitvnrzj Iln tnr Iufr.iiiiit, nml eIIuth. SEASON SALF JAN. 23 TO TIB. 4 ill i) iiiiiiin'H, IKIH i lirKlnut s. t mun l'rlifi Nil V. 1 1 "II. XI.'. sij y.i ,v, uiu, ii, siu an nillMIMIIIMACUIMIv' (II Ml MriJ,imlm!l NEWMAN R9 Traveltallu ""''.'.t'nier m,, Ej&l tllMI iIm t lull rirtnrn I NEXT. FRI. 'AS- Iceland 3 SA I . luAl. i,ji ""I Nerlh ( nlr .J I lltKr I S . i"!""'" ' i I" i ll".!. t A r.n rf.n .ill!,! li'li!! i,,.,!ll,i!,il,lli:i!i,i:i!!i ll 1 l.il ,i m ; .i III, IIIIIIU il i iiiin mi ,:i; iinr' II "I'll il lIHW t itlirrMHinn II ill, Miiliittl st, lielnu llreuil -'ANl HV il, P. .tl IUI n tturr, Mountain Muruli htrln, huprHiiei IjOhU Khii. I'lnnUt HprnUtra,Mursurttllurrieu, Albtrl Ityn Nil. Iluiiia. Frune.a 1 lalirr Knnr. Km.. I'lmlrnn,. A,frif,,Ji0?i'fer.yil!'f et Builnn CUIIUren . llckatai net, m. 00, l,e. ;,oe. Ai'TnntAncnn jirpp. 1 1 in eifMnut ititfi f V '" TROCADERO EXCLUSIVELY VAUDEVILLE'S BEST" j. EVERY ACT A HEADLINER! Nihi TOPICS OF THE DAY :05 8:15 Cycle of Beauty and Daring 8:23 & MAY CARSON Net, "wiieai haiiaii' 8:36 ADELAIDE WINTHROP 8l5G nfAiNnEru.ANtJ" 9:16 SISTERS -Kitty 9:31' A Comhlntlten of Comedy. DancitBent Wizard at I'.rf.riVQ. tlin llluilv bars' nnd teclcs Tie Maittr 9:60 HIPE. lie will in'rat htmnelf & SALES Cerinnc 10:15 lOjtb 10:50 11:00 NEWS MARCH nnd AI. E. Felt MASTERPIECE Beginning Monday Second and Last Week JW. 30TII (.ltllTI.K THAN "THE SPOILERS" ur.v iiKni's "THE IRON TRAIL" in "BRIGHT EYES" MAE . IOriV lOOOSeats ; ,B;eVTt..r ., 50c EVERY PERFORMANCE 10c ii in i - f- Bance be H 3iamElanb 20th & Montgomery Ave. N rectten I Finest Dance Palace Ihrectien in North of Market TL. D1-- . r LiU i e r mce teuance m Spcclali Each Danclnf Nliht M0NARCHS OF MllSir LU ValAdlar&nli '0 M.lodteui Clitii I IVI Tii rmi:H.... n : M - -.-. w.,HUUU, wanting '"- Lonhnueus Dancing Sat. Reception Night NtANTKU VVK. 111,1 IIU ISX MM.. Silft r,f,H. 71 mat i:iu JACK NORTON & CO. IN "Ul'f'l PI IIMIQV J. Hunter Wilien & C. Fenten McEvnr CRANE. MAY & CRANE GEORGE STANLEY & SISTER llrnt West IMilimi.ini.i.. li m.-m ,i'"" (tHH 1IIK Nerma Talmadgi e III "Tl WONDERFUL THING" L 'WflLNUTflT EKHIH-MflTIMU OAIiyv UNI Wr.YK (INUlin, N MU, Tinr ki ui(,iii.vM hi , MAIDS OF AMERICA Mllll IIIM UK, linn elll BOBBY BARRY " ' ,f'lMlll S , 1( UKrrUMJlVl VJ" '"i"ii . (.imiirii ORPHEUM PLAYERs'm ' 3LIVELGHOSTS,, Half.. J!l-. Mttlf JirMe I'lfldM G - V' m 'f f w T W ' '9' i m.iQS3(f) STANLEY COMPANY of AMERICA THEATRES, CONTINUOUS II A M. TO 11 P.-M, Idnesliires The Lane Thai- Had Ne TvLvrtrn IT'S A Frem the Cast includes Theodere KoslelT. Mahlen Hamilton and Trunk Canipeau ADDED JOSLF HOLLMAN, Cellist: CAESER NESI, Tenei January 30 Anniversary Week Unp arallelcd Pictorial and Musical Program WALLACE REID in "RENTVltEE" AT 11 30-1 30 3 30 5 307 30 AND t) 30 MONDAY FIRST TIME AT POPULAR PRICES i' A-t i V w, 1 A I - - - - - - i Iln CON1INUOLS II A. M. TO 11 3D I M. II S The Law and the Weman ; ADAITED FROM "THE AT 11:0, ARCADIA I CHKsrvLi ar tTiitni u 10 A. il le I'll I tl MOM'tl The Big Spectacle! nf iue Drama "makv niiMt VICTOR HUGO JUDENT' A MASTER PIC TURE WITH THOU SANDS IN T H r CAST: STUPEN DOUS SCENES. COLONIAL euisti w intts t. cm i ii n THOMAS MEIGHAN l HA l'H 1 I n I III A PRINCE THERE WAS" Nllll. I.IIKVi VT ertherIN i 1. VI) A. I till POLA NEGRI OM, UII1N Mt.llT" GLOBE i S I 11 . MINI O' S in tl I M VI III II I 11 V M NI N I WI'BK "EARTH TO . MOON" IUI M MlICM CtiMI nv I I.Mi'.t 1U1I.D ATTKAiTtON , EDMUND HAYES' , PLAYERS I 1 I 1 i 1 u 1 uniu si mil it v i' wnurii Willi 1 .333 Market St. Theatre Monday lutnlay WeiinriU) CHARLES RAY In "A MinXKIIlT IIKI.I." I it)SyPS233Si'yf5' Market at Nineteenth VtBtiC COMMENOINO MONDAY A KEAST OF I1EAUTT 8ET PARAMOUNT PICTUKK Story by Sir Gilbert Parkei STANTON MARKET STREET AT SIXTEENTH eftlieAPOCMPSE Translated te the Screen from Ibunez's I anieus Nerl Interpreted by a cast of 50 principals, headed by RUDOLPH VALENTINO AND AN ENSEMBLE OF 1 2.500 1 7arlten Chestnut Street at Bread A I'VItAMOLNT I'lcTtltK WOMAN IN TH1 CASE,' BY CLYDE FIT(H JUL NOTLD PLA 1:30, 3.30, 5 30, 7 Je AND 9:30 VICTO .MMIKI 1 V t t Lt.r t r mm it 11 ' I' M Nfc. 1 Wliv PEARL WHITE IN FtttRT SIlntMN 1 f I PARADISE n r M VMM mi i ic ALHAMBRA nit I HI-. v I J- v vs TOM MIX Mill IN II! Ml IN VAUDEVILLE Is ll II V Mill NAZIMOVA RUDOLPH v VALENTINO " ni nv 1 n-.ii 1 "CAMILLE" I! VM ll I II H n MM M HI JOSEPH TERMINI . and COMPANY in ergaiiiaaiKm or On-aatHi. (Unnenlata Hi RIA AVIRGIN " j yt v, c v BROA0W 1 I V V v t- V I I Llv Mtlll, 1 t I v tl II I. I I , 11 , l n.i. uuNm.u 'iluJi&IlT' 1 ii. DAI,., 33e ROe EVENINQfJ, SATS. AND IIOUDAYS, Coe. 73e AMID THItlt.LS! ' nil, .IIH-. J VICTOR HERBERT GUEST CONDUCTOR Dalh 35c T.Oc. llipnlnn 8t Mat nnd Ifelldnm DOc. Tee I l. ' IMill t tl I'ltODI 1 IP'S THE LACE tl triKI l s i (tl. 1 t 1 Ti ll A 1 lull 15 I- M ni i tt ri:i ri i in i I'm si rs RUDOLPH VALENTINO Ml lltn SAMK ' BT AS T1IC KOI n IIOUSKMhV m THE CONQUERING I IJOM I!l ( S SOR L.Lt.i K (.KAN'DI I ' CAPITOL N I I tt I . MtRul.T N I Sill "SILENT YEARS" tl ttl sht I h ll) REGENT VIOLA DANA IAtt.V 50r II 1 MIMNCIH T.'iC RI' Mlirl HeIMMJ II flr 1PM htenlng Prices II "'t! ' '" ' t K I fliH&-Ki POWE ' i" Mil ttl ltl. NO Ml l,lN t ALLEGHENY IIWMl'lli ll MM I, l ' 1 h FIVE ACTS OF VAUDEVILLE THOMAS MEIGHAN and LILA LEE in "A PRINCE THERE WAS" t 1 u I I ll It I I IMPERIAL MONIMV, Ttl'HDVV Al'.t "A WAN'S H i.Tii . r ... ;.. . VUHIAV I JUKI? fx ' ''. 't "' I1 tfH J V i's"i C Ji.tyi'v , -.j . .,,-SS' . . r.-jgwi w j. ',