Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 21, 1922, Postscript Closing Stock Prices, Page 13, Image 13

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'. x-l
T kSl
Comedy Rules in All of the Legitimate Theatres Next Week
Except for the Griffith Film Chat of Plays That
Are Here and te Come
WIIICHBVKtt wny llic thentrc-Recr turns next week, lip will flml comedy.
Seme of It In mixed with initBlc nnd dnneing nyri otnge ptcVurrs, some of It
Is farcical, some stralsht, peme uped te put ncrens n sorleim underbill Intent
lit.. -II AAtrtAfll' tltwl T'll(1nf1n1t1ltn It til Krt n fill f Inltntid tni ... a .(.- .
' .,,. Even Griffith's film, "OrnhmiN of
of Its pathos, se the man who believes
nnd should net be trcntcd with levity
mind the babies.
TIIF.RIi will be two new shows, the
new Tnrklngten comedy, "The In
timate StrnngerH." wltli Hllllt llurke, nt
the nrend, nnd the thlnl iinniml Orer-n-wlrh
Vllnge Follies at the Hlnibcrt.
"The Hat" remains nt the Adelplil.
'Ladles' Night" is still parking them
In at the Lyrle. the "Orphans" nre
tnnklnc thousands weep nt the torrent,
tha SHcBfrM "Frolic." with Will
Tteecrs, still glitters nt the CSnrrlck nnd
ine of the beet shows of jrars, .lelin
Galimerthy- "The Skin TJnme." tnys
t the Walnut for nuether week.
i Would-be pin) wrlghts or photeplay--..i-lita
ran ret n wonderful lessen en
hevv te construct n first net by serine
no .. "The Skin (inme"
SUn Game"
nl tin- Walnut Ml
of the ti'clinte in
there te perfection.
lias Perfect
First Act
but (Snlswerthy bus
mannged te de one thing thnt meM
wiltcra fail te de. He bn employed nil
the tlcvlcca of teelmlc nnd line, nt the
Mine lime, filled every mlnnle with
se much tenl human interest that the
technlc doesn't uhew. In this one net
Jip prff-ents nil of the principal olinr elinr olinr
ncterx of lifs Merj. he cleverly skelclic
In their Inirivldunl perennnlltles se thnt
we get n clear Idea of whrif kind el
peepii I hey lire, hew they nie likely te
set under certain clrctiitiMnnces, what
their relatien1 nie (e cncli ether, the
UTCiits which have bieugJlt them In
jrtlier In the slerj nnd the reasons fei
the ftale of dramatic tension In widen
we find them, and he forecasts the grcut
t. iin-i-lf. te route ami vltnll.c It lit Ills
curtain 1J having the euiir girl cull
the hey bad. nnd my. "Kneiny. letV j
t.,iln linnils before the buttle." Tllilt's
biz job te accomplish in the (inn'
limits of one net- anil net make It
prey or dull,
making it a
(iulswertby succeeds in s cues for the new film, nothing she has , number and special urtistii1 nrrunge
clreinelj liile nnd ' eVer done was siirli n nIi-hIm h. i,,t,l. in., nienls. and all of the glitter nnd
. . -...
Kf'nc especially hi the wny lie does. I
Frem a popular standpoint it proves
one of the big hits of the show. Which
in sinipb another way otueniennin;;
the publics lack of genuine urtlslle ,
perception. The whole import of the
ruction scene could be stnled In n
Iricf dialogue. And Jhc unfortunate
part of it Is that Ualswerthv has his
characters. Including the auctioneer, en I
the stage - facing, the audience and the ,
bidders apparently ip the body of the j
heuM. i lie auctioneer Hints ever tne
heads of the audience nnd nppurciitl)
mis bids from there: the ether clinr
'acteis spy people and point them out
and tall about them.
The effect Is te destroy nil sense of
.mueiv.i .. .... ..u . .
illusion en tlie part of tne audience
?. ?im.'i. i . '"ni tcntl?," cre I
the foetlieiits nnd enters the nudl
terium et a theatre, there Is u distinct
;nse of shock. There Is nu impulse
te leek behind jeu nnd see wlie it is
they nre Milking te or nbeiit. Yeu
knew nt ene thnt it ii an uinusing
; trick ; jeunrc being told b) the ucters
that it is nil just In fun mid thnt
' they are net rcnlly actual people, llv
inj and loving nnd suffering and tri
umphing ever obstacles that they are
only telling you a story and feeling
jeu while they nre doing it.
But in spite of this "The Skin
Game" ranks ns one of the cry best
pln)s we hnxe had In a long time.
And the acting of virtually the whole
cast is quite en n par with tlie writing.
"Tun fiKlX flAMU" Hill stnu '"
the Walnut enlu one mere ivcck.
Thtn if will 'lire irnj te a return of
"The Man- Who Came ffiic.-," the
thrilling meleilinmn, u-hich doesn't stem
te lese its appeal tcith the jxuiliiy
jfdrj. 'Vic imie lead trill hrlayed (
Arthur .t.v ;. who has just returned
te the itayr after four or fue incKs
tprnt hue avtinu in a ni(fleif picture
lulled ";;i, Kli" ai the llctzuoed
When en Fee nn. plalinrnle show like '
(he 7,ieg:eld "Krelic." al the linrrick, I
de en cer slop te wonder what lu
ll'orrfreoc of
tlie world the) de
with all these hull- i
frolic Hakes dreds of costumes
l Dii 'Jeb when thej niove
, nnd hew mi earth
tl)y keep them in hiieh ji S)steinntle
ty that eier) thing is ready for ever)
llrl for a quick chajigeV The idea im
rtesfed me meie with the "Frolic"
than It has with ether shows because
the 'Frolic" is essentially a huge suc
cession of costumed stage pictures and
ene effect fellows nnether se rapidly
that there must be a smooth working
Organization fllnctlnntne mtintli' lielilml
niiniilnthelj nbseililng. Anil lie man- i the Ice icenes for "Wnv Down Hnst. glamour nun siicn snows cui ler.
Hip iwlflnl iliftieult tusk of delnii I Sound n If r w.r,.',.rn .nnu.. i, ! The cnt't bus u let of old fun
mii f it ulth lirlsht mid brisk idlu nlw.ni ii.n tiu uJ'..'- i.. in... There nie Ted Lewis nnd Irene F
imp,u. v I Inirfrli fin.i ,,,. i,ni,c,i.,.iJ' ..e i. Iln nnd .fee Urewn nml (lorden
vJ... ., n.iivii.. mnM.tnelin it U n I here henrin,? thorn tnlLV Itnt i. I.,'. I nml Flu Sharen, one of the ye
rltr thnt he Intiedii.Th tlfat auction The answer Is wireless telephone. Sir ' "' fi8Slt,l dancers.
v me pcpiies or el
. . II I .. ,.,
floeev ;,v .- Tii... 1
sneaked back Iho ether night te de a
mile lnicstlgntlug. And I found Miss
Arlre, who lm., charge of the wardrobe,
nnd get her te leek out her books and
give me some figures figures (, well
with these costumes, ns jeu'll admit
if yeu'xe seen the giris.
There nie sixt.wme girls in the
(horns, The whole enst totals nlnetx
t.vrn persons. Seme of these gills
tnake eleven complete 'changes during
the performance; ethers make nine nnd
jn. There nre twelve maids te help
"im, and the company carries six
women who de nothing but keep the
-volumes in repair.
.uuiuj in repair.
JIlR-S Arlce's books show -157 differ-
ni complete costumes. She has UIS8
Plr of silk stockings. 110 pulrs of
"tuts nnd litlli pairs of shoes, net te
mention hats, parasols, ernaments: nnd
Uncommon Sense
T .IUST bad te let a man go," said
the hend efn nntien-wldc business
taJ)llBlinienl te the writer leccnth.
, He looked like a million dollars,
eii " M',1,lInB persennlltv, he was
"llling te de anything ynu asked htm te
. and be was personally ambitious.
J'ut he didn't knew anytblng'accuratcly.
a wnH never sure.
When I asked him the naine of a
merchant In Duluth wlm was one of our
tiiHenicrs, he would nnswer right off the
Vi'ivP" llKUnlly answer wrong.
. "hen I asked him the name of the
V , !,nffic' uuinngei- of u railroad.
" weiilij give me the naine of one of
trrn l,rcshlents.
"' l asked the output et u certain
iul, fni'tery. he would tell mu without
V.i. i"1,"' .fl1"1 "llh It by n couple of
e.,.n' . "'eusnnd tens. One of bis
0tlhlPH Inv- I,. !, .....!.. ii,.
tnnA Ii - " l,H,ru 4VUVIJ llliewu.r. l.v
made them se glibly, and with such nn
tv.?' nBSirence. that I get te de-
I thiT..8 ." mm' J,e ''a'1 traveled all ever
nB; "iry nna B0'l "'t et goods. It
knew .TiTA t0 m.? thB llld',t
nevv vb.at be was talklne about.
the Storm," hnH comedy In It In enltc
thnt life In n mighty Kcrleus propeKltlon
hed Letter stay home for n while nnd
Shouts That Arc Coming
te Philadelphia Soen
January 30 "Man Who Cume
Unclt," Walnut : "Welcome Htrftn.
Ker," with Ueurgc Hltlney, Oar-
i Ids. '
lhriinr.v (1 "The Whlte-Hcadccl
Hey," nrend : "Vee Ijve," with
William UedKe, Adelplil.
February 13 'The Geld DlgBers,"
Uelaseu comedy, Unrrieli. ,
CnmliiR "The Kquaw Mini," with
Wllllntn VaxcrHlinni, Iyrlci
"Under the Hninboe Tree." with
Uert Wllllnnis. Hhubcrt.
"Stuln Strcet," Adelplil.
KelliiTii und Mnrlowe lu icicr-
telre. .
Mich things. Kvcry one of tliesc things
must be kept en such a system tlint,
the moment the girls come off from one
number, the ceBtiuues for the next are
waiting for them. While they nre en
the nlnge iignln, the first costumes nre
put nun nnd these- for the suceedlug
number nre brought out.
Seme job. .thnt !
LIM.IAN r.lSH, speaking for
self nnd her sister Uoreth..
a speech In this city en Wednesdnv I
hiii. uniiiij iivupir u iui in nice iiiings
about "Orplifw. of the Storm," which
is in. tne I'erren. That stiitement re
ipilres some explanation because, in
:lMI. iiriinrp ijiniuii nor uoretliv wns
In Philadelphia Wednest!n night. Thi'v MJrcenwIch Village Follies nt the Shu
were In 1'itti.burcli. Yei. n ,m,,ln ,if I lierl Tlientre.
llmusninl people here lietird I, lllliin make I
her speech nnd were iiiterestvil in lien.-"1
her Mi) Jliut. while it was ii tremendous i
strain en her te make the cntllniitm
.... . : ........-,
of us wit In a room In u friend's house
In West I'hilndelpliin and heard eery
word distlnetl) en nn amateur Mt.
And goodness en, knows hew nuiii.
Minllnr nniiiteur vCN iheie are around,
here, nil listening nightlv te the con-
certs nnd enterfulniuent.s that nre sent
out from Pittsburgh, Lillian was an
extra added attraction en Wcdncsdin
night. And nil the wireless "hugs"
here linvc been talking about it ever
Ami. sneaking of the "Ornlinns."
tbnt's n clever stunt of tlie Mne Des- considered the best weik that Verdi ever
mom! stock company at the Mctiepnli- i composed.
tan te put en the ejd classic, "The Twe ' With due consideration for the opin epin
Orphnns." right new. It will ghe 1 ion of thee who held that the se-called
would-be scenario writers a chance toieeurtli Period of tlie erdian crcamc
,rc ... ft m.n kp i;r iBt , takes the
mnterlal of a story and adds le it nnd i
changes it and builds It up until it mils
me icfiuirenients of his pictures.
'A'Wn. the 1.1th. thirteen
people lenncetcd leitli "The Hat
cnmpanv "t the Adelphi, held a dinner j
ana jarmea I lie necrrt ana Honorable
Order of Jlats" just te show that they
didn't hellcec in koedoos. Twe daus
later then were notified that their lenfl
stay here would end after the weelc of I
January HO und that William Aeryr l
irifl sureerd them. This will prevent i
"The Hat" from hiraklny the oral i
rontinueus lime-niu reeerd, whieh wai I
established bi Mr. linage Himself. And
tf 17 teaeh these thirteen "itatr' te
treat hoodoos with mere respect in fic
Twe pln.ters wha made undoubted
hits Inst enr
in ISoetli Tnrklngten s
"Clarence" nt
I he Bread will be at
.. . the same thentw in
Rillie Burke Hie same author's
Tries te Be "Intimate Strnn-
Eldcrly k"'" with Billie.
Hurke next week.
Alfred I.tiiit. who plajed the part of
Plnrence. nnd (Slenii Hunter, who
h.r'ii nf hoi' ....m.i.i,'., T.,rl.-I.,i.,v
Played the )eung he.
ere Vlntli mnm
new plav. from nil advance accounts,
Kjrs the lnvel) and )euthfiil Miss
fluike a role It Is hnrd te imagine her
n She pln.is a spinster of uncertain
age, who tries te make herself leek nnd
net ex en elder than she Is.
The heroine's play name is Isabel
Stuart. She finds herself lnarnened by
a storm In n little shack of a New Eng
land railroad station with a cranky
elderly-young bachelor as n companion".
They have te make the best of the
situation. Tlie bachelor discloses his
hatred of modern young women, whom
he terms "brazen jeung hussies" until.
In the morning, one of the yeunfe hussies
nppears and attracts his attention. Ilut
l"l'l"' ."'' ..in I..H1UI
1 ll H ""r1 ,e. e " '" sm
Is the grnudnlcce of Miss Stuart
Isabel, piqued by his misunderstand
ing of her age and his temporary nttrnc nttrnc
tleii le tlie niece, spends the next two
acts trying te muke him believn she is
reall) as old us the possession of a
grnndnlecn would suggest. 3he refers
te her memories of long-dead presidents
and world's fairs nnd she hides the
fainllv Hlble, which has her renl nge In
scribed In it, and nltegnther makes him
miserable until she Is ready te reveal
the truth nnd accept his love.
IT'S been a great year for the Follies
Frolic Passing Shew kind of thine.
- rninc-i-uKsiiig nuiiw Kinil of
t-wlth wonderful stnge pictures
til wonderful stnge nictiires nml
plent) of prctt) girls nnd elaborate cos
tume effects nnd music nnd fun 'n
ever) thing. And next week we'll have
another with us in the third annual
Being Sure
"Se I made lilin nn executive nf u
big salaiy. He cebt us mero money than
I like te think about in the lirst two
months lie wus heie. New he is gene. I
wouldn't een send him back en the
read, geed salesman ns be wus, because
I emv't afford te have n ninn working
for us who Is net absolutely trust
worthy." MKN of this kind nre cry common
in business. Hut tliey never remnln
lung In linhnrtant placet. They nre nl
wii)s glib, but they nre never sine. It
Is tee much trouble for them te get ac
curate knowledge as thct go along.
They de well enough ip miner places.
Often their pleasant personalities con
ceal a vast deal of , slovenly thinking
nnd work.
Hut the minute tiey are given lm lm
peitant places, they rnvcnl the fact that
they knew nothing accurately. Anl the
worst pobslble handicap te any business
Is the man who lias no accurate knowl
edge of the subject with wblcb be is
OopirteMf. t iiti hi rubtte Ltdetr Oempanv
77"n ;r ;v . , - , , 'f
They premise n let of novelties, the
chief of which is a '"transformation'
Kcene, lind the.v'll have the llendn
musks ngalb : there will be dancing
. .1 .. ,. ..i ..ii r .
iniueiir linn sncn miuwm ran lur.
T ..,..-,.. ,, .... ,,,. ,
I . ' '""""""" "" """ "" "
- anniversary of Verdi's "Aidn" and. '
te judge from the popularity el nie
opera, II will easily go another hnlf ecu-
tury and prebubly a geed bit longer than
that. All things considered. "Aida" is
., . . ,, ,
he most popular opera u the Interna-
iienni repertoire, ami ii may wen ui-1
lie. WJ1IC1 11C UUes -UteilO unci "i'Ul
stnffe." is superior te nil) thing In
"Aldn." this nun- well lie doubted. The
admirers of the latest Verdi are chiefly
what may be termed operatic "sharks"
these who nre familiar with (lie regit
Inr repertoire nnd who. therefore. Iirr,
tlioreiighl) competent te express an in-
tclligent opinion. Hut back of nil this
lies the fact that tbev often hear "Alda'
and but seldom bear "Otello" and still
mere seldom "rnlstnffe." Therefore,
the admitted!) great beauties of thccc
Inter works seem mere imnressie than
thrj actual) arc when compared with
the'tale of the Kg) ptiiiu princess and the
Abtsslnian slae girl. .
n "Aida" Verdi realized the best of
h carl) period in meledj and. as a
matter of fact, he went but little bejend
"Aida" In orchestration ell tier in
"Otello" or "Falstaffe."
TIIKftK is a certain atmosphere In
both "Otello" and "Falstaffe"
which, te the Knellsh-spcnking races, is
pcriinps mere ivnuii.v iiiiut:iriuiiuuui.-,
than the cquall) Intense but relatively
1 ...... .!!.. .....Inn. tntwlnliln
unfamiliar atmosphere of Alda. le
Jh-T'i'nll1, nVnUi 1nr,eriVT,rrebUnHt!
that both et the latet ri.j "'" nl t
upon plays of Sliaki'speare, with wiueii
intelligent Kiigllbh -speaking people are
It speaks volumes for the nbllll) of
that iiKemparahle librettist, Arrlge
Heile. thnt he was able te maintain
this atmosphere hi libretti written
original!) In u language te which hu
was net born, but the spirit of which
he absorbed mere thoieiighl) than most
Knglb'li -speaking persons have ever
been a 1e te de. Verdi was one of
the monumental operatic geniuses of
all time, but he ewes much te the mar
velous libretti which Beite supplied
There wns no.er n man te capnhle
of making n perfect libretto as Holte.
Net only did he have full command of
n number of lnngungcu but he wns the
only librettist who ever lived who
wrote eperns himself, and yet recogniz
ing the greater genius of Verdi, he was
willing te gle up bin career as nn
operatic composer lit order te supply
the libretti for n greater tnlent. It
was a sacrifice of personal ambition
for art thnt is seldom found.
BUT "Alda" Is still very much alive
after fifty )ears, Hew many operas
can show a like record? Or, ter thnt
mntter, hew ninny compositions lu any
of the multitudinous musical forms
which were written fifty yenrs age are
still In tlie repertoire? Very few.
outside of the works of HrnhiuH, have I
been definitely and permanently placed
nnlnikuv mid the modern French school
-, ..till (ni. new- for ns te l.-nnw- wlint
un n.n, ..... .- - .. - - ....--.. ....
I heir p-niii "hi ...ue in uic nicrnuire
ei muBiu iiiii s.
IJebiisH) inn) prove le be nnetliei
Hncli, pointing- new pntlis, which will
he followed te the extinction of the
elder epes. In the time of Haelt there
was a inultitude of composers who
were considered te be far greater than
the mimity Sebastian ; but when his
music began te lie realized nt its real
value, many years after his death,
these composers promptly faded from
top peutiirleH will net he wllllncly re
hnrjulslied by the hundreds of thou theu
gnnds who l'ttvp come te knew nnd lore
With tiny inuMcnl rempnsitinn tnerc
Ik never u struKgle te Bv;t into the per
liuint'iit repel toil e. It 1h, in ev'ery ciihe,
n Hurvlval of the littcM. Any orches erches
trnl cnnilueter rim put n composition
en u pruKrnm for thn first time ; no
conductor, if he hn n fpflitiB for the
pulHO of hiw publlL'. can keep it there
iignlnet the will pf the public.
Thnt Ih ii matter which the music
pntrens mifbt decide for both conductor
and composer. If they wnnt te lienr u
composition frequently! they will, hi
geme manner, make trie fact known : il
the)r d net -want It In the repertoire
e skin t i3hvbzut wmllMMWmF ffimmJSSlM
game' abJHHb hMMh:tMML.fin2SM
I (ik ?V fiK ryv: INTIMATE STRANGERS Ti3xn.,
VJHEfW jnr:cncc: ZlEGFELD FROLIC mjE I'&sinWm'
SMir yRcxty gar rick ImrBtkr-. ieK'-PW -j.
"1 -S LVRIC. m ..'y. lll3JF
- -- i I I I I i .v ie b -y r"- ijp .Tly
Tx'eaca PieJelearyCae.eyia.Q'Rrvmr H
thn Hcenp. l'ernnps inn uitrn-meii- ArilUL. 10 a m. te U;ln i m i
CrilibtH will produce a Inter llltcli who' jt Pauline Starke In "SJjent yram" '
will hurl Inte extinction the work T -iuJIj.. 8irk. In . jt ..r.
which llfive ROIlft befere. Illll he will p,uiin0 Starke In H lent er"
llUVO HOli.0 J1 "'I 'lh hnilllH. The IllIlS- F. Pauline Starke In "Jllrnt Jeers
VU...?. J il, lnui t..,. ,i,l ....-. x Pauline Starke In "Silent tears" I
. -. : e- :",J: '-, . '..'''' -. rj ,.- '' ,,y v- '
3? :
- ; yv ..&:m;-.;. 1:C' . :r
or THE
Teas' HewaJth.
.., .,. ,.: .., ..
. "' "'" """ ""
m some, way, be made uppnrcnt.
i,,. - .' ." .." "".,. :?..:. . "' .V....u
tttiwtn ,., tVin nn.lu nf (hi, ennilnelnrM
nml tnc ,ml8,.i ,)Ube have been shown
In the last twenty or thirty )cars.
lTllJ' composers Involved were llrabms
and Anion Uruckncr. llrnliams had
fpw pnti1UKnslH tIieuKIi the most nble)
........,..-... of Kurene . itrllcbnCr
had the support of practically every
capcllmclster en the Continent.
There was a perfectly geed reason for
this conducterinl support of Uruckncr.
lie hnd n knowledge of the technical re
sources of composition, which lias been
at the command of but few composers
slnee Mozart, who possessed net only
the most perfected teelinliiie. but every
thing else that a composer mutt nave
te become immortal. In addition,
Uruckncr had nil the leseurces of med-
ern orchestration at his command. In
short, lie had everything te make bis
works interesting In score.
But there wus one great difference,
nnd thnt quality was evidently net ap
parent te the learned conductors, but
was instantly seized upon by the un
learned but musically discriminating
public: Brahms had human feeling
nnd spoke with the eice of bis time,
whereas Hruckner represented tbc
academician, who knew ever) thing mu
sieall). but could net voice the senti
ment of the ern In which he lived. The
result is apparent in the relative pro
portion teda) of the Brahms sympho
nies and tlie Uruckncr symphonies upon
s.Mnplienlc programs. And in this con.
licet ion, it must be considered that
llrabms wtete four symphonic and
ii-.,,,!.,,.,,. ,..-.
""tekner wrote nine
trpn,R ufe e musical composition is
"hselutely dependent upon the will
f , , , w, A , , h , t
arcadia ;;HA:sTrNL;r, w
rrtANKi.iN & (imAnn avk.
matinki; UAII.V
O'HO Sat Mel
I- -
I rI T ICDlDr. Uread
1L Simeuehannn
j-j ii p , a J
Continuous 2 until It
i M ..Kr.DlnBrl mil. Mirle"
T Mabel nailln in "r."".! inline -
W "Han't Tell F.verj-lhlnr"
T "IJen't Tell Kverjllin."
p "IKin't Tell KiinlW".-" ,. ..
A C K Yeunit In "WTiat Ne Mop Knows"
-1-M -NXI I AT Otn. & Maplewood Aves.
CULUlNll- 2:30, 7 nl 0 P. M
i There W"
.1 iiinnl A.
...:.7... . ....
M.Q HURnea in "iiermenis ni inun--
n Alien Lake In "Infamous Miss Sewell"
W - "Don't Tell Kvr-rlhln"
T "llen't Tell KverytliliiK"
V. Kfvel Clayten In "Kilt lite niiin'
S. -nusiln l'arnum In ".The Hevll W'lllilu"
fiATU CT THBATTtK Ilelnvv Spnice
-Mlrlan Cooper In "The Onlh
H W ' K. h:''- ii w&
BviXf H l-s ) K
I I ' I
APOLLO shJS'vZ GREAT NORTHERN ??i ent,. m SHERWOOD Hf J'iT" LEADER 418T , -V8"?. ";
VPeU Negri In "One rnlilnn Mclil" '; , Tel i Xearl In "(ne rnhlin Msht" M lett Compson In "Ladles, Mint I.lve. M. Ktnel r'layten In "Kvll Iho ame'
t'Zpe U NVrl In "One rnbliin Mlthl" , . . I nla. Nejrl In "line Arabian Mslil" ' B-lly fomuen 'n "Ladle, MukI J. re." T Rihel Cla'ten In "Kvlt the lm '
wj KlVkwcsirtV 'Thierrit ImiierMinljIlen' W. J'nln NwrJ In "One Xrablan Mht" ,VV .,Hr Allisen In "The l.ut anl." , VV -Harry Carey l" "Tne. Ill"'
TV.- B .Hart. "Three-Werd llrnnd 'f, lll , UeKera In "IHji.bllnir for lloiee-i T -May Allisen In "The I.aslt anl. " r Har Lare" !, "The l!e"
Vy S jiHrt "Three-Werd llrnnd" I I - III IleseM In "Iteiihllnic for Homee l" llllem S Hart In "Willie Oak." r ll-tiv (-orntisen "The I lllle MinUter
M ZVlarlen Davlea In "Kichniilmrnl" I -s -"'III Hefers In "Ih.ubllnr for Hnmn." William H. Hart In "While Oak" , -Belli i o.npsen "The I.IIII1- VlhiuEr
M spec Oast III Vic. Hukeh .iimirmrm
T spec Cast In Vie Hiiro's "Jhi Unienl"
- - See Cast III Me. lliilte-r ".linUnienl
'Hprc. Cast In Vlt. Huge a "JiulBiiieiit
THrec Cast In Vie Umbe s ".linUnienl
p. s..,. (-set In Vic JIUBU s --.iimikiucii;
S - Spec Cast In Vie Huge's ".linUnienl
M -renway Tearle In "liter M dnu 11
T -Conway Tearle In "After MlilnUhi"
WHpei'lal Cast In VA..M","B,.,Ielnr
T. Special Tast In "A .Man 's Heme
Fr Special Cast In "A .Miln's Hjinif
S.-"Speclal Cast 111 "A Jlan'a Heme"
M Ali.sinrl.nst "The Veire Irt the Hurl." '" ' etnpsnn in "l.ndles Mul Live"
'rCll Star Cast "The Voice In Hie Dark" 'W . Coinpsen In "Ij.dle, Vlnft I.lve"
WV J Scot "Hen't Neirlect lour Wife"1 T Kthel C'lav ten in "Kvlt. Hie unui"
TM .1." Scott. "Han't Nntleet nur Wife" ' -hurfene e'llrlcn In "Chiv IliillMra,"
1- Marshall Nellan s una 01 1 lie- ....in u n, --.i hiimi.v ,1
i.i, v,Alln'H "nllH nf f.lfe" -
I -- x. rMflf A 7 rtreflrl A RnVrlp A c
., . -.Tn-lmn( In "fArnltl."
M illlic, .-iiTiinw." - -,"'",,,,,
T -Mme. Nazlmeva 111 "Caiiillle"
tt'-Mnu. Nailmeva l.-i "Ciirellte"
n .raiin-d-rA In "Mamma's Affair"
,, j-. 'reimnit-r.. In "Mammn'n Affair"
S C Talmade In "Miimnm's Affair" ji
1 m-eM T'" MAHKET 8T '
T. Miriam "cooper in "Tne uatn"
W.C. Hay In "Nineteen and 1'hrllU"
T. Sltle .'oriusen in ."KoetluilitA
f. All-Star ffast. Don't NrclKt Yenr Wife'
,-Wm. 8. Hart n '"w le Oak"
"i -i "Wii, r -
analysis, the human feeling Is the pre
'dominant clement. Learning Is an lib
i solute essential. A coinpebcr may net
want te write fugues; If be Is wise
te the spirit of his limes, he will net
' write them. Hut the discipline, in iiiiihI-
1 enl (thought, which a sound command
or the technical resources of tne science
(the word Is used advisedly) of musical
composition involves. Is essential te
1 geed work.
The musical genius, whoever lie may
hnve been, who said : "Rules arc made
te be broken" expressed only it lialf
truth, the met dangerous of nil die-
turns. The greatest trouble with the
composers of today is that they de net
I show nn evidence that they knew the
rules which they break with such utter
1 abnnden
j There Is no concealing of tills: when
a line of composition or et form is
broken intentionally it Is apparent as lu
the Intt quartets of Kectlievcn. When
It Is broken through Ignorance of Its ex
istence, it Is equally apparent. But the
result of the first is piquant or fnscinnt
I lug, necerdlng te the milliner in which
I It Is done, or the sentiment which Is
expressed: The result of the second IsiL".; ',7'"? 'J",","1 V?,rtl,i!J?Jr itif!,Vr Um"
usually deplorable, for it reveals, net i OoVethv Johnsten naseieJ Mil. Florence
the limitations of tlie accepted forms j
binding llic genius of the composer, but
Indicates a, desire te compose without
proper picparatien. very much the
sniue ns though ii writer of prose or
peerty begnn te indite his thoughts
without n knowledge of the lnws et
This Is net nn cxnggeititieu. Many el
tbc ultru-medcrn compositions show the
same Ignerance of the rules of har
mony, te say nothing of counterpoint,
which a writer would show if lie began
a sentence; "they, which Is one," etc.
Until modern composition reaches the
point where It cun express Itself In
telligibly, there Is little hope for the
"music of the period."
The Russian bass fcoder Chaliapln will
Inn the title role of .Mnu'serpsky's "Deris
Godeunoff" at the Aacdemy Tuesday eve
ning The cast will da as follews: Deris,
Feeder Chillapln Teodore NMmende, De.
launels: Xenia, Kllen Daless) . the nurse
Kathleen Heward, sjcheulskv Ansel. Hada,
Tchelkalerf. Carl Hchlenel rireiher I'lmcnn,
Jesa Mardenes: Dlmltrl, Iiafaele Diaz; Ma
rina, Jfarzarete Matzenauer, Varlaum,
Paole Aimnlan. Mltsall. Pletre Audlsle. the
InnUeeper. Marie Stattfehl the simpleton,
(llordnne I'altrlnlerl. a police erflelal Ixiuls
d'Anifele: Levltskj Vlncenzj Ilcschlllan,
conductor, Oennare Pa pi
At the Philadelphia Orchesira next Trlday
afternoon and Saturday evening- the program
will consist et Tschalkewskv s fourth sj m m
pheny. thB symphonic poem of Mnussergsky.
"A Nhcht en Halil MeunUln ' and the I'nlo I'nle
vetskl dances from Iloredln s 'I'rlnie Iger."
Itepertelrr for the week of the Chicago
opera at the Metropolitan Opera 1(0113. In
taklne deflnlte shape "llomee et Juliette"
with Muralere and Kdllh Miisun in the title
nil Kdllh Masen in the title
nlteh Included OnNncceunt
demand for Hosa Ralsa In
the Madenna that hill Is
roles is new ue;i
or the insistent
"The Jewels of the Madenna thai hill I
te displace "Otello." The ether te operas
remain uncnangea as jet Tne are "Tann
haeuser," "Saleme " ' Pelieas et Mell
aande," "I Jongleur de Notre Dame" am
Wceklu Photoplay Guide Week of Jan. 23 te Jan. 28. Subject te Cliange
The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of America, which
is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtain
ing pictures through the Stanley Company of America.
Tfs. 'I QO TT.va 7 X. II
r Special Cast In "A "llnii's Heme"
r special Cast In "A Mnn Heme"
W hpeeial Cast In " Mnn'i Heme'
T Charlen nay In "The Mlilnlcht Hell"
P Charles Hav In "The Mldnlicht Hell"
H I harles Rav In "The Midnlfht Hell"
., lV'N D M I- It ISP. M
'I "lh' lMV tttul tltH Uiimnn
J Jhr Iw nml Hip Unmim"
T T!ii Imw und the Weman"
I "Tne aw nntl thr Weiunn"
I IRFRTV nneAD & con .rni av
1.HJ1.1X1 l SfATISUi: I'VIIY
JJ "Jelinnj Klnir und the Contain'.. sercl"
at fl"d St
'iIil 1
i "n jlrls
l,eTei Heme"
I.M1 IIaiii."
W"Whr filrls Iave llOHle
i "vvnj i.iris
T T .Melehan Jn "A Prince There M uiv"
r T Melahan trt " Prlnre There W.p."
S T. MeUhnn In "A lVlnre rherr Win."
rDdDnnf e.d a nwnn-
v iiuiwii 1-enn aye
M Hetty Compson In "Iidle Must Live"!
T Ilettv Cemn-n In "Iji.11... Mnr I lie"
! W C. Talmtdse In "Lessens In tire"
T C. Talmada-e In "lessens In Anr"
F K Perirusen In "The Sen of en"
H II M .Mlnter In "The Little Clown"
4 . V, lft A M ,0 U.S p Jf
M H Valentine. "Thr
r ii aieniinn, "ii
W n. Valentine. "Tl
T H Valentine. "The
r u vaieniine, "Ttv
t ii Valentine "Th
1 -' 11 A M In II P M
" Viela liana "There Are Ne Villains'
... vinln 'i-ns Tk. i v i i ,
,;,',m '" ..r.nrre re Ne, Mllnlns"
?EVS S S tt i i?g:
a v'"t "lr"'' Thrrr Arf a 'j!1;
it ai -r n nnnuivTeii-v .,.,....,
vieia nana "mere Are viiiins"
I K u ill ""..."... .Mi..M.t
lin. 1U iT TIM eu-imr..
ici'nv ST
i Ml iiMer"
ai lieitv v nninsnp " riii 1. lllle
T Hetty Ceir.nkiui "Th- ui.
W Sreelal Cast In "The Cemvr
T Sneelal Cast In "Tbe S-elTrr"
F"Heii' Tel MverMhlne"
, "iien-t leu r.VfrrthliOt"
l - r iinisnni in ", i-r nee There W'lh"
T,V Ta K'f1?1!?"- ".A.W.nt There Wiis"
W.T. Jlelghan. "A'.Prlnce Ttiere Wns"
T.-Chre nay In ,'lTlu, lHnlt Hell"
.. n. ...... , ... "... '- -...-.--.....
nv aiinnuint iieli"
- . -,r- - ..... -,.,
hb Hiamtn( ,in
mp ' - ',,.... ?'!wp!"w
- v1W0t . .-(- '. "". ,',
,, '.. ' .i'
jajnuaiu ai,
Hew I Raised
By an Ex
I Cut Heme Teeth te Amuse My rnrntls
AFTJ3K I hnd my new parents for
several months I noticed they
looked rather tired nnd worn.
This was only natural, as they spent
most of their time tryins te make un
do tblngii I" didn't w'rtut te de. 1 nw
Muncthln? had te be done te ninuwj
them. I'arenlH itre very parent Isli In
this way. Tbty muit be kept amutid
nnd Interested. ...,
I learned later that parents call this
(.bullishness, but children only 'let
dilldln'1 te Vinluse their parents. Yeu
will notice thnt when bnblcH nteet each
nilier tbev nre very sednte and dlgul-
lit d. TIiy don't chuck each ether under
the chin, 'and tickle each ether's feet
and don't "oeglo oeglc" each ether.'
Uut,M'licu paruitw meet bubles they
de nil these silly things.
OF COUKSI3, the reason is obvious.
It has been se long since parents
were children, they hnve forgotten hew
te apt. J am convinced the elder they
get the sillier they net.
Fer instance, parents think that
everybody should work for a living. This
In rldiculeuM Did ynu ever see nn
babies work for a llvlna? Ne. Docs
anybody get mere te cat or mere clothes
or better attention thun n bnbv?
Then wh) work'
UT since I (euldn't refeim m)
parents I felt it my dutj le keep
(hem amused. "
"ifnnna Vanim Mary Garden will appear
In the lam four There Is much demand for
her III "Thali. hut If thin opera nheulil
m clen II would lme In dliil.-iLe en- of the
four (liirdeu roles. ShIe uf neapeu UtKtlri
rer all freven or th eperaH op?ns Slendas
mernliiK hi Wijtnann's. Alreail a connlil cennlil
errhle nunilier of tKixea hac Ivi n insagrd
ler the sec.feii
Al the next Philharmonic Snciei concert
In the rndeniy en Februiify A the sn'nlsis
will he Hie me medal winners n II" :
(ictl's r,,ent ann"al coupetltlen Thca nre
Mat Soenefky. vlellnltt. and Man 6s Blitz
stein, rlanlri
An epein oiernewlng- with dellchifiji melo
dies "The yueen's I.ace Ifamlkerchlet. '
lll be revUnl hy the I'hlladelplila Operatic
Seelel nt the Academy of Mush en Tues
day January .11. Of special Interest win
h the appearance In Iho cast of Charlen .1
Shuttleuerth In the role of Samhe In the
role or the Queen will he ( era Irre ntiu
HiM.T'hrV," W. S:l i," '
tr Jehn II. Pecker as Cerunles I. I.
Mathews Jr.. Otte K. Hes as Den Quljiele.
Charles I) tjtiB. Or. I'T'nnU tl. nmer. Ilei
bert Heard and l"ffn It. JlacCaln arc In the
The concert of the Treble f'lef in tfie hall
loom of the nellevue-Stratferd r.!brunr 'J
will present as soloist one or the createsl
cellists In the country, Wlllem Wllleke I Ti,..(. .,- ,..,, wiw.Ls 1 c tr i 11 1) i II IT I'cb
Ile will plav the Schubert-Sen als Inntasle I "fntre 'or ve ,.'" ,, " " ' ' f
und a croup of smaller pieces i ruary 0. I III coined) wus one of
the succcses of the Abbe) Ilieutiv.
The I'hllnilelnhla Musle flue "ill nies nl
nn Interesting: pifiitnin In the tee llHirlmi
i die llilleue-Stratferrl en lanuar 21
(er.s silmc of Trench and I.'nciKh musle of
ini. rrtcntecnlh ana elahleetilh centuries
"' "igninmn .mih uum iiarrer
At th Acadcim of .Musle en Tlnralav
evening, .lanuarv 2fl Uenlzein's "Daughter
of the neglineiit" will be presented by the
Catholic Operatic. Perlel. The cast 'a com
posed of Miss Nan Woerner. Pauline Clave),
Uernaril Poland, Pletr Wlila. Nerman Ilarr
and Edward Walsh The will b assisted
bv a chorus of sixty-five nnd an orchestra
of thirty The Vrchhlshep Rvan Memerial
Institute for the Denf Is 10 be the beneficiary
Toder Ch.'illapln, liss Rpssla s greatest
singer, is te meke his en- concert appear
ance of the season In Philadelphia at the
Academy et Musle en Wednesday evening,
r binary 1
Clarence Whltehlll baritone, of the Metre
pelitan Oper-i. Cempanv. and Alexander !
Sihtnuller violinist w-,11 furnish the pre- j
gram for the fifth. Monday morning nvsleule
en January 30, I
Jehn McCormack will le heard In recital
for the second time this season nt the Metre
pelltan Opera Heuse Tuesday e- enlng.
IVbruary 14 Mr McCormack will have
as usual, thn assistance of Donald Mefleath
violinist, and Kdw-ln Schneider accompanist.
The third subscription concert of the
artist series, under the auspices of the
Federated Music Clubs of Pennsjlvanla, will
be the song recital b Florence Macbeth,
coloratura soprano of the Chicago Opera
Company, next Mnnd.iv afternoon at 3
o'clock In the Acadeni' feer Miss Mac
beth vvlll be assisted hj Ucorge Roberts',
Michel Tenha. cellist and Eliz-ibelh Heed
I.at(a, mezzo-soprano will be the artists
at the fourth subscription uincert of tlie
artist series In the fever of the Academy of
Music en Menda), l"rbruurv ij, at ,1 o'clock.
The Manufacturers' Club villi give the
third muslcale of the setsen next Monday,
at 1'.30. The illrh-Klndter-llanunann Trie
will play tries bv Ilrahni!'. Arensky and
A neignDornepn cenreri
1 'h' Settlement Music Silin
1 nl"?- Januarj L'.'. al SI
Program Is being arrans
neighborhood cenrert will be given al
11001 en Sunday eve-
l. n interesting
ced Mrs Jehn
Ilraun. In, which .Mr llruun will be the
tenor soloist.
The kpeelal program ai th S. end Pres
Vcnprt Avr
T f Keer Avres
W - ani-s Avres
T.- asiu'h A r .
P AKnen Ajrni
a A gne 1 A res
11 a m i" 11 n p m
"l.nnr Had Ne Turnlnc."
"Lime Hint Ne Turning.
"Lane Had Ne Tiirnliic.'
"Lane Had Ne Turning
"Lane Hail Ne Tiirnlne.
Lane Had Ne rurnliis
c-r a MT7-NM MAiiKtrr ai - 11.111
51 AN I ON i,," Tf ..I ' V '
M "P,,r llersen.en of the M.eeal,-pM. "
VV "lour llerit-.iiieii of the 11n1 ill, ee
P 'Tour Heremen of the Aie'nlie "
I I - 'four Horsemen of the ieralie "
"I.r!lHenien of the Miriilviir."
333 MARkETVrfji 7,n,'inM
M -Charles H
The MhtnUht Hell.
P Charles Hav
W Chaile na.
c II 1 Hstleter,
I I' -It ( iislleten, '
H - II 1 '11 hi elen,
rue MKInimit Hell."
The- Mldnl.ht Hell "
Chllit Theu (lnvf-t Vie
'Child Theu fiat est Me."
( Isi Id Theu (ui vel Vie."
v ' ' v-,rv,A n V 10
M Pearl While In " lrirln l'
(IT 1 1
1 1 l '. P M
IT -Peail While lu " Vlrn PflrallM"
W Pearl Whit in " Vlreln Piu-Bile"
IT Pearl White In " Vlriln Parnillse"
F Pcail White In " Vlnrln Pnrn.INe"
S Pearl Wh le In " Vlrnln l'nrnll-r"
I P.R ANT 40- ",rBrJ Ae
I VJ1M,I 1 Mats ren Weil !a'
I M C K Teuiib In "What Ne Man Knew-"
T C K Teuns In "What Ne Man Kne"
IW J. Hlwa In "llnrn T-mTs narne"
T .T nines in "Burn 'Km i'n llames"
I I W C Cabanne's "The Harrleede"
s W C Cabanne's "The HarTlcncle"
w l'- r j ae & n nn n .in in ii p r
" v i-ananne s "ine llarr cule" -
, -r w C Cabanne's "The ItarHe-.t"
" cw.SBvi'
' r Prank Maje In "The Shark Master"
S Prank Maye In "The Shark Master"
M - W. C Cabanne's "The IlanirMde"
i I I II IH I I VI "'"rae". " ei'tn nutr
,-n-,j-i';:3c-',-;iv1 .10 .10 n.se te II p M
tf All-Hlar (.ast "Hlscentenleil Wlv-es"
T -All-Mar Chsi "Hlscententeil W v-ei"
-.i. .-.it , Tmr.. -t: rzr-. -.-.
.N "7.""rrrt, .","' """. i'i Cientril Hearts
T Pauline Frederick "The I. ere of Jade"
K Frank Mno In "Dr. .Hm"
s FrsnU Mam In "Dr. Jim"
1UMRO ent st nmAnr"Avii:
jviviuv Jumbo .let en Frnnkfnril "I."
M -special Cast In "Heini Kevel"
T Mente niue In "The Jllrk'lin" ..
T. All-Btar, Cast In "IMs-neni e T-rre"
F. May MafeAvey in "Morals
8,-Helen Chadwlck In "Oedlta. Men"
Cennuer nie Power DI1V1V.J1N 1 i a,i a ie u . .r'.'Vri. lAl I Ualumere Ave at sum
ri urtVlT. s-rv inni't ,..i -
ie IflnauprliiB "!,,,, Harris in "Wern in in HI. Ti.,'i.. l MIHUasaa-iui Dam 1 10tet aoftTlel 11' M
le Cenniierlnir I'ner" .,--.'l' 'larr'" ."' .."nI111,n in Ilia llniir" ,, , .,,... "Tl, I'l.. .. ,u "....
r Ceniiuerln. Power;; . t JJ larr , ,,, '('rnn a !;; , T' ,.; r0' , -fhe ne,Y,r K or -e
Cennuer nir Power" J5 " VM ,!"" A" . .".I'l ' A" J.1" '.""'' W - Pure ie.I h "The I'levier of ,1.. vI .
lWJiVr" . rZi:. i;- ..Ji"; jKJ ?jm.n;; ;r Cunvoed's ;;The Tlevrer of he NJ h
HT i9ev. 17T11 f " - y f '" rm-n s purvrend tt "T ii llcmer nf
.. . . T. nurrvmAre In "lln. .!, tt n ''"' " ."' "rr ill llin nrtli
My Parents
- Child By J. P. MtEVQY
Se en? day 1 cut u teeth. It was u
mere nothing for me. Ilut my foellfli
parenh; seetnetl te th nk It Wm wonder-
fill, it eeriniiuy 'iu -
te umiise imrcnts,
After n llttlu villi tbc nnxelly were
off. mi I cut another. M" they
seemed istenlsbed. Tl.ey dldit't fuspec
that I co Jlil cut n let mere if I wkncil .
te. A . . . I
He ev"!.v ciiee In n while hr n I had ,
nothing else te de and theusht the)
"" etl a Hllle diversion 1 cut another
tmith. Their nuinirmien i n.-w .... ,
i tiic univ KIK1!! Miiiv ;a iiv-
Hnrelv ull piireiils can't be as fqel-
Is), ns this. 1 theusht. Hut ft, as i
talked it eer with in) fi lends when,
we met in the park, the) assined me
that all patents ure Just ns silly, It net
"If veu want te '.cc some irnl e -iltemeiit."
sold inV friend Oswald, win.
was several menliit. elder than nu a
the tine, "you w'ant te start le walk
Your pnrent.s will i'e plifinb era.) Fit
don't de It ten seen or the) will m-i
you for fe.i- : en will grew un bow
legged. Of ceiirhc. if )eii rf n be. It
won't make nil) (inference, but If )ou
. . , (.. C.. mm ..nf t .l.mt.. .Illilf
arc n gin in"i nne " y,n - '","
skirls when '. are elder, it v IP be
just naliirall) the ruination of viii.''
Thimbu lii'iivens I am n He) . u)s
I. And Oswald repi.il-d. Tliniik
liea ens I"
(Cl.aptcr 1 1 V-I Walli-T.. Ihr t'tler
Astenlslimcnt of A I nienls.)
I Icrlnn hurili 3uiu1y eenliif; M . an.
III lw music hy I'lillRdelphlM 'emi""
Thece reprinented arc H'nrv ' r lC,
Ilov M. HI p. H Alexnndcr Mnllhewa Iald
Weed N. I.lndiav Nerdcn. Itajpn "inuer
.lames Itawnend Duane and Camllle
rirl'ha MenHsclltli. winner of '.he Kuheptc
.Scclk sehelarshln. has rcluincil le rn la- ,
lelphln and Is asaln siudjlni; wllji I r'derlek
H. llahn at the Zctkwer lljhn Mjslral
I "Man Who Came Back" Again
Timi Imrilv tiercnnial. "The Man
Who Came Muck."' Jules Ikert (iei.d- ,
man's Stirling melodrama, n turns !
l'lilludclpblii Mendii). Jnnuiii) .'SO. le
pluv an engagement .it the Walnut
Street 'I lenire. .M'liuir .imiih nn i
Atln Mcnen arc the leading plinei In
the present cemplin).
"White-Headed Bey" Coming
Charles Dillingham's pinduciieu of
tlie "White Headed Hey. ' b) l.iuuex
Hobinsen. will cenn te the It read Street
Dublin, and has since plajeil long i-n-gageuients
al Maui'hr-ti'i Londen and
New Yerk.
: "
l Willi .Ill.ntlliaiUinunjnHlJllH'KUlIHIU'UntUllirailHtBHimnmSP.UnemiilJIHminiaUPf
You'll taste the difference! a
C ib
At all our Stores
wivTr.n, itr.spRTP
Sunset Ifynll
A splendid resort te rest and recuperate
Open the year round
Write Chamber of Cnmnrre for 111.
LOCUST S.-n AV' '-"'ist uriiKtM
V .?an" 9r" "Til" Mterimi Ulder"
r ane tlre s " The MtMrrleu, Hlilrr"
,J zne ilrev s "The Mjterieu Itldrr"
I ane (jrex s "The Mvtlrrieiis Itlder"
I ,ane ilrev "The MMrrteii. Itlder"
7-rni lirei h "The Ms lerleui. niHer"
, ' V 1 -t , " ' "-"''
V - ni.' hard rVlt." " .'.i,,bi,,,r '''-
III. hard Ta msdire In "Taklinr I Imnr.,
-R chard TtHiuadce in "Tuklne ( lianri-t
VI "Star las' In "Heiirt of the North
Ml hlar Cast in "Heart of the North
M-star i ust in "Heart of the North
11 l ..111
,.' --,Vm Nnrlmeva In "Cumlllr"
' M- Nazuneva In "Cumllle"
vv Mm" Virmma in " umllle
r - Mm. Nanmeia in "Ceinllle"
I Mme Na-imev i in "4 umllle"
Mme Nazimnia in "Cumllle"
fvQl W SI ineue Opp I
. . w . . !! 1(1 n ni )
'I "liet.lllrh.nulrk W'ulllnirfni.l"
T "liel-Hlch-Uulek Wnllliicfaril"
n "ne(.lllrh.l;,k Walllutrerd"
I Paul ite Starke in "Client Sears"
I -IMuiine Clarke t "silent tears"
- Psulli.e Sun ke It "Sfnt fRr...
STRAND uermaen'nnHnT ...-e ,yn.anM
the North"
5nm (le'inanleuu avb
iiatimb riAII Y
M William Farnum in "I'erinr,
T William Farnum in "Perlurj"
i" - Wl'limi Farnum In "I'rrJurv"
T T ni Mix In "TrnlUn' "
r Tem Ml. In "TrnlUn'"
S Tem Mix In J'TralUn' "
JEFFERSON" 1;.Ehj:. ,.
- Ilubve Da Ilemer Pller'nis nf the Nlchi
T rtubv, De Ilemer Pllsrlitu of the Nit
WHten charlvvlcli n, "i.mlle.. ,. '
T Ilelene Chailwlrk In "l.eillr.H Men"
I F - Inlinm Illnen "Hun, ';, nril,..
lb -.' r'lL,nlJ in "IUII th- .,,,,"
PARK ,lllafc: An. . duhi ,i
rVIMN. Mat 2 In Fvcs. (IMS te f'
M Johnni' Hlnes, "Hum Tin lii llurnrx '
T,i J,,nSn.. M,1"' V.,,u.r" '!:!'. I"'' ""
i'. l'Y""' i """mirin in -iiiinu iirarls"
T. Itebart Ttoswerth In "nilml Hearts"
i" ...,...-...'" :r .
r.nnn iinwnnn -,n ,
S3 I
3 I
' " 'i "i n inner l Here Wan" ".
P -r M-lsl.an In " Prince There Wa"" T Ar7?V.
W T Melirhan In "V Prince 1 here W as" 4Vr
T r Melahsn In " Prince There WW' & t
P T Mel.han In " Prince There ""
r Meuhan In " Prlwe Therr Was" i IppVVnl
Illlnd Me
White. jl
The finest retort hettte-.
either continent in ththkfit ,
. - " ' - rtj
7 At ft trWXC'"
S I J AV iiOlclv
,- ,
' ' ' " ) ,L "" J
i ATr.,TIC CITY, K.J.i , .
v i "ri-" is"- . .1
"Worlds Greatest Hetel Success f
Al Uril rf-l l.lyr ,
Directly en. f Kc Oafhmt ;
mr-rTV( Kl t
V'rignla Ae iecend IieUj from berd"tt
nd Htfel I'lar. Bvery appelntincnl. lllhil
taiidard In cultlns and nervlce. Jloekltt.
i 4 dally. Hrclal weekly J
i -r--- -.
iiuuiutn. i-rep.
Virginia ne neur Uiarh, K'jnn:ng wmrl
mr pIh. Jt ier dny up
SAM IV I, IS Owiifr N .1 COM INS. Mer
Alwayn open nlvue rfad" iirnn inwlrnte.
Write or phone. M. WALSH DUNCAN.
HetrJ Rosrnhel Kenlu. kv A nl. beach
rates Am. l K plan riill? A I". MAIltON
WORPHAM Vlrieltiln Ar. near Jleacb
3nUKtnMll KIIIOI'I'.W I'l.AN
Special reduced winter rates Aleis Oruher.
KentuiVv Ae nr reach
RIelaler erHale haths.
1 rtinnlnir water
Open all rr f IOPr,
Npw (Tint-inn Kentucky Ave. Just off
new t-ianen elirwl,k s K nenfaet
I.VKf.MOOl) S 4
Newly built and newly furnished All out
side rooms. I'm ate Laths Het and cold
running; water and telephones n all room.
Hungarian culslns Jrmlr Oam-lur Ortll
and billiard rooms lloeklet. Telephone
T.nkewoed 3S1 New Yerk Offlte Schuyler
mum vh Mii.r.s. n. ,i
Skating let-Beating
Pig'n Whistle Inn
ia( i:i.i.i:nt simian dinnkre,
l(i:iil I.AUIA Ifi.OO. NOW 1.30.
OuAcr CcKklnil
Itcvili i r rlcru Uurr 1 Ofll.cs
( ream of Chickrn .s.jijp
ViieiiTin I 1 ltd ChUltrn. Crniibrm; Sauce
Hwat Cllckrn, FllUnff, (reicii (Irmv
Ituexl I'rime Klbl of llcrf an jus
ilitilicd rotator riench Peas or
Ctinilt'il Sucrt I'ntatecs
( reamrd CtntHtteticr
l.rtlucf Salad, Dmtiue I
Het Winner I'tc Het Apple Pig
let Crram. ffe y'uiee Sniice
CeyTrp Tea IW:
run, kimrts nml S-Murilny night
illnner-ilnnies for Week-end guests.
Ilr.v. pine nlr. rest "nil geed feed for
cnnvnlrMent nml Invalids,
FLORIDA for Infer. write Irfer Bureau.
138 uay St. Jacksonville Fla.
siliiui:k.k. vijv.
On the famous e$t Coast
Directly en the Ocean and
OTerloektnp; one of the finest
lvcaclieB in the world. Excel
lent 18-Hele Gelf Course, with
Grass Greens, Sen Dsthing,
Flahln?, Tennis, Trapshoot Trapsheot Trapshoet
ing, Metering, Horseback
Bidinjr. TurWih Bath.
E. L. POTTER, President,
C. J. BOOT, Manager,
New Ybrk Boeldnjr Office,
1180 Broadway,
t.iiKKN ei: M'liiNr,!. i"i
Iratf- thirty niiltciQtb. JfttlUSOtW
Ddiahtfa ettaeaU
iSd 1 BjeroiTrrpreoritnionir
RctbcLH Nertharn roeking Ideal trarTeandln
for llva Mrklnc firnnlff tm! dp ineifti dlt
The eldit and Urfft Sqlph-MBf.i prie
in HerlfU -ith Vrliata ni T'nbhe Veol--
IVWA jt41n boiling f ew per minute)
Kf creation s Sn Immlnc, Ontf. TcnnU,
Ilnntlnx. FUliInK Dnnclnr.
TepuUr tM, apply ROSCOf; A MARVEL,
SamrrnT Muin
LtJi Dunmore Hettl, Lake Duomere Vt.
iiten m:rn n.
llread eraiilas fa e tne ueuu
modern I uislne unexcelled
te Jd per day snerlran plan
Halts J3.6
Hetel Salt Air 'iftrKt.0
West I'alm Ileaeh Slrl. tly med throuheut
i:iev., ilium pasted ocean haililne lioeklet
raiesen appliralln Sirsat . Mfcaa Preps.
LKnnrnT apartmrntb.
iinmnA last ceapt
lleserla write 24.1 mil We., Sty, Tork.
te the
Sailing Saturday, Jan. 28
Lithited te 350 Guest a
A fascinatine itinerary including
GREECE, etc.
A mall number vfbttlhi aratlabtt.
Rumalieni mutt t madt immediately.
s" HU,Ji,Ml:.rM:u!,M w.m..i
rs.-. -'--. ." "f'1"T' "
frirpnengi lWWIBt-l n
1 -
2U B
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