Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 21, 1922, Postscript Closing Stock Prices, Page 11, Image 11

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Adventures With
a Purse
HERB Is R rather unusual tiling te
tell you about, butone which will
i of reat lntercst, I believe, te tiic
woman who keeps R maid and who takes
pride in her neat, trim appearance. At
one hop I saw maids' dresses of black
kefsette. They are plainly and neatly
m.de with long sleeves and the blouse
3'd, TdeVn the front. Plain white
iellar and cuffs finish oft the dresses
ilfislnglv and add te their (feed appear
ance. Thcse dresses are repriced at
The blouses I saw are made of JEnjllsh
.rOM.barrcd dimity. . Hut although I
htll describe thcra carefully I shall be
unable te picture the charm of their
simplicity. They open down the back
Mid have Peter Pan cellars, frill edged.
They come in gray, brown, lavender,
ttten and white. Thus I have described
therti and they sound net unlike many
nether bleuse you will see at jeu shop
about. Sound like ethers, It is true, but
leek like them they de net. I derTt
knew what It is their cut, their color.
..n.thlnr. an elusive smartness about
thtm that makes you pnusn in passing l
them te price them. And when you ,
find that they arc only $L'.05 you w 111 i
undoubtedly euy one
Soethinq And Healinq
Monetints, Etchings
Rellnlng & Restoring
Fine Framing a UpcctaHp
Active and Healthy
With Cuticura Seap
Sj.01iiin;nl,T;teiim,J nttjmfen rermTM
.ddri:CatUitLtbrUr1i,D.pH, IuW,lUii.
Tr name or hft aildrfM
Idlter or phfine Walnut SOOO
htwrn tha hour of 0 .-Mid (
Weman' Inxe
or .Mnln Inei
OrnnmcKtnl nnd Mlnctl-N
lunreijH iron
fll nnd Krpnlrs of nil
Ijlu. Ollnr Deem. Slrft
Mtlrity, rluln X 1 ftlirl
iRttd. viruclurjl Mulrrl.il
for Ilulldln.
Iren & Steel Ce.
918 Berka St.
In a seclnl group even In the house
hold circle, which Is, or should be, the
most geclnl of all groups no one should
nit with his back turned te the ethers
without first apologizing for the neces
i.ity of thin apparent rejection of them.
With the apology, a word of explana
tion should be tendered, such n the
duty of writing, the convenience of read
ing, etc.
This phase of etiquette dates bark te
the earliest ages, when a man fneed
his friends and tuined his back upon
his enemies. We have become mere
(netful with our enemies In thee times,
nnd the old rule of face-tt-fac friend
ship Is extended neuadajs te these
whom we dislike.
Teurm rar "iulprd ullh ltaralr Sheck
AIerbra, dmetintbl rlm npare the.
apet llihl nnd extra Reed rulilur
P.ntlrr New Ilcnr .lu( Injitnlttd
Applv or call after 7 V. M, at
Baltimore Garage
56th and Baltimore Ave.
I'lienrt Woodland 0IC7
A alt for Sir, Harm
The Question Cerner
Today's Inquiries
1. Where is the furlhct north hos
pital en the Aiuvilt-un continent'
2. What 1h the best way te put
liquid en a plant in order te kill
3. If a room that is carpeted in
striking block linoleum Is changed
in its color scheme, hew con the
fleer be mnde te harmonize with
out changing the linoleum?
1. Hew .heavy should it boy of forty
two Indies be? What should be
the v eight of n girl of this height?
.". In place of the short, tight sleeve,
what type is becoming mere pop
ular? (5. Hew nte some of the newer and
eiy geed-looking capes nintle?
esterday'. Answers
1. A convenient set of trays for the
eflirp desk is arranged te fit en n
tnll toil which keeps them In n
crtiral inw se that papers nre
l.ept nenl but easy te get at.
2 .Shep trees enn be uwl Instead of
Mec'ting hoards te keep thp shape
of woolen stockings when they
are drying after being washed.
.", Semp new oilcloth dollies nre
made in black or blown with
yellow flowers as n contrast,
which nre just na pretty as the
white ones and will keep clean
1 A boy of forty-one inches should
weigh -10.5 peunds: n girl of this
height should weigh .'t0.!.
.i. Dotted Swiss with coleted dots
makes a dainty cellar nnd vest
which give an unexpected note te
a dark frock.
tl. The very newest vanity case is
made like u flat purse of moire
silk and is carried like n wrist
watch en a strap about the wrist.
you will net only be inter
ested in our great variety
of Flowers, but the
Century Flower Shep
112 S. 12th St.
11 Jehn S. Trower's Sens
H frnianteiTn ,v-. -n,l riirllrn Afe.
U ni.N.MlHS
K Lunehnen lltBO A, M, te 3 P. M.
iimnn s r. si, te S r, M.
A I Carte 11 A. M. le 11 1', si.
i. ji- i i i -tW A
v 4
Annual January Sale of Men s Shirts, Neckties, Mufflers
and Nightwear at Lewer Prices Begins en Monday
Wanamaker's Down Stairs Stere
Lewer prices en the kind of things that men need every day geed, sound shirts start
ing at 90c, neckties in a wide variety, starting at 25c, nightshirts at 85c, pajamas at $1.65 and
all sorts of mufflers beginning, as low as 50c. ( .
Everything in the collection is Wanamaker merchandise made for everyday wear and
long service.
Prices, in every instance, represent real money saving.
Percale Shirts. 90c and $1.15
Stripes in endless color combinations, widths and group
ings. All are of soed quality and have soft cuffs.
480 shirts at 90c some slightly soiled.
1440 shirts at $1.15 all fresh and new.
Heavy Jersey Shirts, $1.15
Fine werk'shirls of heavy jersey in brown or navy blue;
cellars attached.
Mufflers, 50c te $2.50
(Average Half Price)
Net many of any one kind, but all sorts of
geed colors among these mufflers.
58c for artificial silk-and-cotton mufflers in
two-tone effects.
$1.35 for brushed-wool mufflers in stripes
and plain colors.
$1.50 for artificial silk mufflers.
$2.50 for crochet silk mufflers in plain colors.
Belts 50c snap-button style, some "sec
onds" among them.
85c $1.65
85c for demct flannel night
shirts. $1.65 for demct flannel
pajamas of excellent quality.
$2 for pajamas of striped
percale and madras and plain
color mercerized cotton materials.
Shirts at $1.45 and $1.75
$1.45 for big assortment tf shirts, some from our own
stocks, some specially bought. Mostly of woven madras and
cheviot and some printed madras in stripes and plain white.
.$1.75 for woven madras shirts of firm, clo3cly-weven
quality in all sorts of pin stripes, pencil stripes and cluster
stripes. Alse some plain tan mercerized shirts with soft
attached cellars and wristband cuffs fine for out-deer wear.
Specials for Beys
Sweaters, $5
The best values that we have ever had in
boys' sweaters. Very heavy wool sweaters in
V-neck pullrever style or in coat style with roll
cellars. In maroon, gray and navy.
Pajamas, $1 ; Nightshirts, 65c
Beth are of warm demet flannel, cut just
like their fathers'. Sizes for boys of 8 te 18
years in the group.
Madras Shirts, 85c
Blue grounds with white stripes, the most
desirable kind of shirts for boys. Sizes 12 te
14 neckbands.
(O.llffT. Mnrkt)
9771 Neckties
Special at 25c and 55c
All of them have been marked considerably higher
in our own stocks. Knitted ties and open-end four-in-hands
in stripes, plain colors and every imaginable fig
ured design. Ne end te the color combinations.
Lined Corduroy Robes
nv a
Reliable Optometrist
3017-27 Ruth St.
Knilnjcten and Orleans)
Thirty Yearn' Kinrrlrnra
Higbcit Clm Merchindiiinf Service
There is no easy way
te make sales. But
direct-by-mail will help
a let.
rat. Jen 18. 1011
"Ne Splash in Sink"
"Positive Shut Off"
N.atfj "SAVILL" m Fuct
"Alh yar ptambtr"
Thema SavilPs Sens, Mfr.
igigug.l WM SJ.. PhlU.
Owen Letter's Sens
Largat Ceal Ymi in Philaitlpliia
Bell, Frankferd2150
Keystone, East 7754
I That's
This graceful, loemy robe of silky, wldc
wale corduroy comes in silvery rose,
American Beauty nnd crape, and is lined
throughout with silk mull.
Anether Style at $6.50
is of embossed corduroy in Copenhagen,
pink, orchid, grope, American Beauty and
lese. It, tee, is lined throughout.
Extra-Size Blanket Bathrobes
A little special let, en which prices have
been higher. Big, comfy, warm robes,
mostly in dark colors trimmed with satin.
Extra-Size Heuse Dresses, $3
Twe becoming styles' arc cut plenty full
and nicely made. Of blue, green or black
checked gingham, piped with white pique
or trimmed with organdie. Sizes 44 te 54.
Bathrobes for Small
Children, $1.50
Warm blanket robes in 4 te 6 year sizes.
Light floral or dark Indian designs, made
with cellar, pocket and cord girdle.
Bedspreads, te Be
Embroidered, $2.75
These are 2'4x2?i feel;,
stamped in a delightful basket
pattern and enough for n bolster
roll is included. They are te be
embieidercd with large French
knots nnd the work gees surpris
ingly fast.
Scrim Curtains
85c Pair
Neat white scrim curtains with
hemstitched borders are 24
yards long.
3000 Yardi of 36-inch
White Marquisette, Special
at 20c a Yard
Silvertene Pole Coats, $25
Wcll-sct-up coats in the warm tone of brown known as chew!
The model shows two box pleats in back and two interesting
buckles en the belt. The coats have plain-color silk linings in
harmonizing tone.
Dark or Light Fur Cellars en
Splendid Coats at $27.50
We arc particularly proud of both these models. i
One is of brown, Sorrento and reindeer belivia with a hhawl
cellar of glistening skunk-dyed opehsum. Twe box pleats, three
rows of covered buttons nnd decorative stitching adorn the back.
The lining is of flowered silk and there is a warm interlining.
The ether is a gracefully full free-back coat of reindeer cut
belivia with a cellar of Australian opossum. The figured bilk
lining is exceptionally striking.
Here Come the First
Spring Suits
in Delicious Celers
$25 te $29
Tweeds the color of the sky en a June
day; tweeds with the pinkish lavender
tint of an orchid; tweeds in soft, warm
tans, crushed strawberry and sea-shell
Surely pussy willows must be in bud
and crocuses almost up!
Plain-Celer Jackets and
Checked Skirts
arc premised a great vogue this season.
A light blue jacket has a skirt of tan-and-blue
check, the checked material
used," also, ns a binding for the jacket.
Such is the uit sketched. ?2!).
Other new suits show pleated backs,
narrow belts, interesting pockets and
jackets of slightly longer cut. All are
prettily lined with harmonizing silks.
It's almost as geed as a trip te the
Seuth just te leek at these pretty things.
r 1
120 Wonderful New Dresses at $3. 65
100 New Dresses Equally Amazing at $5
200 Silk Twill or Jersey Dresses at $10
50 Handsome Sample Frecks at $39
iiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiMiikn . mm
Cmm J 1 vThey weren't y 11
f2fc C I &uif te endure 7 1
''I only in our Stores f $TABILATOIl$ I
g ip or rump iniiiev 9
MJLflBIM I VI a Jehn Wurr.n Vt'aUen Cnmpnn U
jft5gr5rarl S J :tb taeuit HI. FhlL. H
wjtEmeMi I iL J
the program Monday in Wanamakcr's Down Stairs Stere!
$10 j $16.50 $3.65 $5 y $3.65 I
Canten Crepe, Taffeta
and Peiret Twill Frecks
at $16. 50
Canten crnpe Spring frocks with moire
libben braiding.
Taffeta with seutache braid.
Taffeta with faney braid.
Taffeta with scalloped skiits faced with
bright color.
Peiret twill in navy and blnljk embroid
ered each side of the front and with round
neck tied with n ribbon. A quiet, well well
tnilercd frock that would be interesting nt
half again ms much.
Sizes 14 te 40 in the silk flecks.
16 te 44 in these of Peiret twill.
Sample Frecks at $k39
Frem a New Maker
Beautifully heavy Canten crepe, rich
satin-back crepe and fine taffeta. Com
bined with colorful wooden beads and
Egyptian embroideries, or slender and
plain and with long lines. Artistic colors
sufficiently audacious te be interesting.
Usually only ene or two of a kind in sizes
10 te 40. These arc the first models we
have had from this fine maker, but we
de net believe they will be the last!
Everything new. Almest every style different. Each dress effective in
style. Each dress made of really geed material. Each dress astonish
ingly well made. Sizes up te 44 among them and plenty of fetching
styles for the younger folk who wear sizes 16 te 38.
Nearly all arc Spring models. In fact, practically every dress in
Wanamaker's Down Stairs Stere is a new Spring style. Hardly a Winter
frock is left at any price. That means that these marvelously inexpen
sive GOOD frocks are net leftovers, but are fascinatingly new and suit
able te be worn away into next Summer.
120 Dresses at $3.65
Half the Early Season Price
Six styles of velour frocks in sizes from 16 te 42. Netico that the eleur is of
excellent quality and comes in navy, brown, reindeer nnd Sorrento. Twe are pictured
One has a diamond-pointed skirt with block motifs of embroidery and long lines
of chain stitching reaching te the low waistline. Anether has smart bindings of
velour in contrasting color and tiny nickel but
tens, uiners nnc coierca novelty bralu or
mere elaborate embroidery. Yes, at $3.65! Ne
woman would want te duplicate them for ae.
such price ne knew!
100 Dresses at $5
C'hoice of (Wiiirt checked velour that nlways
leeks mere expensive and u geed plait) wool pop
lin of which one does net tire. These of poplin
are trimmed with braid nnd have nickel-colored
ornaments. These of checked velour have simple
cellars and cuffs of suede-like material pr they
have elaborately braided underaleeves and trim
mings of the same leather-like velour. Sizes
16 te 38.
200 Dresses at $10
Mostly a Third Less
Illustrnted is a dress of fine Peiret twill with
insets of gray crepe de chine at the ankles and
interesting bindings nnd vestee of the same
Quaker-like color. Gray nnd navy embroidery
gives a further touch of rich elnborntien uncom
mon in such n low-priced frock.
Weel Jersey frocks at $10 are the pepulnr
strnight-line affairs high school girls like; these
are somewhat different and very practical. They
have crepe de chine cellars and cuffs and usual
A few charming evening frocks of taffeta
nnd street frocks of crepe de chine are also in
cluded at $10 almost half less than the recent
price in our own stock.
kM ?"
Central lisle
Woolen Sports Stockings
Medium-weight ones of arti
ficial silk-and-wool n combina
tion many women prefer.
Cordovan, green and ethee
heather mixtures in drep-stiU-h
effect. First quality.
Women's Sateen
Petticoats, $1
White ones with deep ruflled
flounces and double panels front
and back.
Or straight-line ones scalloped
around the ankle in King's blue,
navy, purple, green and black.
Hit-and-Miss Rag Rugs
40c te $1.50
Firmly woven rugs made of
bright, cheery colors in hit-and-miss
Prices range from 40c for these
18x36 inches te $1.50 for theso
3x6 feet. A
Women's Cotten Vests
35c (3 for $L)
Finely ribbed white cotton one
in bodice-top ..style "seconds" of
a mere expense e kind.
Women's Cotten Crepe
Bleemers, 50c
W ell-cut bloomers of pink ser
pentine crepe with blue flewcra.
Brown Leather
Handbags, $3
Square or envelope shape of '
brew'n cowhide finished te resem
ble Hllnli' T'lntn nr ivltli Imlta.
tien hand tooling. i
Fiber-Silk Scarfs
$3 te $5.50
Plain or fancy weaves in solid
colors, Reman.stripes and striped
effects. Henna, burnt orange,
Mohawk, Copenhagen blue, bhtcfc
and navy.
W' i
H..I . ,i"JtJ,r'
X- ' ?