:-i iff' -vk?7T V iw,. "imr4'Wm; "sw . . 1 fe f! (t Ht4 V 41 - 1 P C wUgA- ... ,f MTirrv. fiv vhiihu jr-Tinx r ' A' flW .CKIXXD IAH IHf R ROVHMENT ' !i rtillsdelphla. Pa., Dec. 30. 1M1. ta th holders eftha 17.800,000 Blrtt Fer Lm two Tear .uoupen uem ! Hie United On Imprerement Company. Jited February 1, 1021. H'ued under !. A u.M.n ll.n Til UnltCa Ull improvement Company neL Bankers Truit. rjcemr.nr. Tru;t. , byrtn? ilk. , dat.i 'notice is nereey aiTen wiw vu;'r"rr . rt terms or tne Trim Adwretm r'"" s lerms ei ine .run rtiicriii -- ---. i United Oaa Improvement Company nl A,7iS.lTrdSU,8V.Vp.mrS;Say8 Any Industrial Conflict 1.-.. it. .. ant rrfm en FD i Company will pay oft and redeem .en i FJB; ny will pay. oft and nJNnm"S .fuary 1. 1022. at 1021 or par "Vi.iYt ! .jynterest. an or in mm """'?t,,v;'".."' ; 2jer Cent Twe Tear Coupon Oeld '" JStef a total authorized amount of. J'"','0??Is ckted February 1. 1021, ludt..u,ni.r,.S a WXT rmh0.d??. orMrNeT..'af .S3m'"?eV0?e;fnbprtU,;nr' , .Jftlce of Hankers Trust Company, trutse aforesaid 1(1 Wall Street Nw Tork &?Miih8.WWlM. . '""" " --.. ... TAV.PiiiifV 1. -lltacnea thereto, at .said : eraics r.-' ..Hi Z.'i . JJeien at the redemption prj P"1? "a ntrmsni will de ninue w " .."..--" -;-..- U.II1 IW m.,1A in inn Illllllc. a u ..... i7w lt T"E UNITED (IAS IMrnOVLJin.. - n. b it nedlne Trealdent. neferrlnir te th. fer.Mln nptlee. note. .leliVrY irS reminded of, the rMUlrernn i of ,he Idra. Income Tax Law 'that note" nre ,aented for pajment havlna- the r'L"!5,.,J ;522. coupon attached mutt be "jnipanled by an ewnerehlp certificate relatlnc te ald -"iUTl"E UNITED OAS IMPI10VKMKNT ) reMPAVY Tly H T Iledln PTeldnt jiPURKVKPenT "Ki; dorado pipe link "JTJR8T MORTUAiiKfl Pi ,rXLNK,N0 ruNii i:hiai. nei.ii iiemis "fieTICK OF CALL FOR SINKING FCND "The underplirneil Truntee yndr flret mert- fMn executed a of June ! 1021 ? "" K liue of 11250 000 Flr't MnrtRiure 8 Per Cent Slnkln. Fun.1 Geld Hen 1. of the fihrevepert Fl Derade Pipe Lin (.0 Ine Sreby lve notice that rurauant te the frrma e! Article IV of said merticape the j).yiLz.i-L v...i. t mttiA lain nm herebv rJO,,u,, ";-:"?- .iVii.i.. VA "pr and' i" "nWit ' en the" ni Say of Februarj 1022 Nes 1231 123B 3 SIB 1247 Sftld bend' aneum Le aepnFiiea 1022 n !. at lha ! of th. underslgni-. or Drierp ine iirni ua, u v, u, . in the , -' COMMERCIAL TRfST COMPANY ? TUFSTEr. Henry C Olben. Treaaurer. ..... tl njlhl. RnENfiifiie cuvl iumpanv FiiiHT , 1910RTOAOK 0 PW' C':"J''' "D,2 I Netice la hereby gUen that, pursuant te the Slnklnir Fund prevision , ""r"1' "ra" ."", ,N"'1 "',"" "" matec January 2 ion propeia win be mere than eight hours a day nnd the received ni ine -uicr .,. . ..... - --. rnmnnnv. Trustee Cltj Hall S'luarc. l-nua rtnlrh... for th sale t. tne 1 rusi-v 01 ufficlent numb'r f bendi te cenume the am or i- :'ju m "'".": "-'--: I t a once net tu esu-ej iv."i dc. i.m .mu icned Interest 11. rlBhi la res.-red Je Reject any or impeials In whole or In .. . n..M..I. aT.mil.1 W. Ald tin 1 i . . marked ''Proresals for the sile of Ilbenaiiure Ceal Onmnanv First Mertease iwas anu b 12 ,raani1 te the undersign".! "eiere o'clock neon en Tuesday. January 31et. 'BS2iv.MMF.RCIAI TRVaT COMPANY. if TRITSTCE Henry C. (Luten. Treasurer Philadelphia. January I. 1BJ2 Vet 4 VII fllAI. I'llMI'AVY FIRST .MORT- A-Tt. .... w... t .(,f'. nn. kl'ltl tl !e".'SStK"""""""'"t"' Xi&X i. 1017 ail bends of tn abxe iue out- , it'andlnit maturinc iarcn l 1U.M hmebren would combine the duties of head of lurch"! it.22 !".t"ieu. '"an" dued in" I WaMilngten. Jan. 20.-A nation- Jth the Moter Vehicle and State Po Pe term te 'hat date wide strike of bltumlnetii coal miners I llce Departments. X-ba"uchedll'.heuTd bepre.aiTe" f"r en April 1 new appears te be inevitable. It is contended by some of the strong payment at the office of Commercial Trust for Government ageiiciis see little hope "t advocates of the new force that its fehTaenVrfur March'' iw" 'en which obtaining an advance settlement of importance justifies the selection of n dat al. said bends beieme due and payable the dlfBc-tiltlcs between the cenl opera- ' sfparnte chief, with an ailequatc salarv. ad ail Jnt"i J?'0".".'.'."?.. ' ters nnd the miners. j This view already has been presented A. N. fcunMi.M, ireusurer 'OmCB OF KK STONE COMPANY for Special Netlcn te stecklMldera -Kettce Is i--ebv alven that In uursuance of a roselut n of the Heard nf Dirtiteri of this Company a special meetlm: of the Btockhelders of said Company wilt be h...d edl Frldiy the 21th day of M.trch. lets. it.the ertlce of said Company. 1420 Chest imt it Phi adelphla. Pa for the pur pose of tettn for or axalr.nt an Increase i .eithA Pnnlta. fteuk of said Cemuan fr.im ' Ua'n?e0 e'f .'jMUV't'hVTme'unt I Of I ISO 000 te ensist of 1300 hares of , rU JOSEPH V. Ml'RRAY. : Secretary thi tuir VAlun of SUM) eucn 1 Sneelnl Meetlnra 11F.LMONT TRUST COS1PANY Netice of Spec! il Mcctlnc of 43 ft " niochiieiucra fsjetlce la hereby KU en that a pciai .Ihwetlnir of t'le stockholders of the Belmont teusi -r.inpii " A Pusuant te TeSOlUllOn Ol inn iignru u. .ircciOTS nitldriid UNITED ROYALTIES '5 COMPANY . -The 22d regular 3C, month; dividend land 6th extra dividend of P, has been declared paable Feb 27. 13j J te stock holders of record Feb 1, ly22 C. . ROC.KR.s. Truster PF.NN TRAFFIC COJIPANY .J; 8. K. Cor. 5th i rhrsliuit sts. ' Philadelphia January 12. 1922. The Beard of Uliecters of I". nr Trainc Company hae this da de ..red a semi annual dividend of 49r. ra.nWe Februiiry 1st, 1022. te stockholder-, uf record January 10th. 1U22 Transfer betka remain open .Uhecka will b mailed ik ALFRED Jf CIRAT. Tr'-asurer rreiwisiils DEPARTMENT OF WllAltVKS. X VTi l-KHII w DOCKS $"" (ISO Ileurse Hulldlng- Phlladelph a. J.inuarv 13. 1B22 Eealsd proposals. Indorsed LMn for Eliy. trie Wiring for Chestnut Street Pier. Ne 4 Couth, Deiaare Rler " wl.i b- reclei until 12 e'cl cic neon Uednevlar, January S5. 1022. In the efflee of the Director of th. ipsriineiiv uln"'. '"' w, anu j-rrl POD ijourse uui.u.us nnfnd. and then publicly id blank form, upon 1 Plana. nrtflcatluns and arblch bids must b made can be obtained at UP Dllik" nvu.K i. t ;proof must b submitted the dpartmnt Tby. the centrac'ur that r.e has ucrepted the troMslens uf the Wurk ncmer. s 1 ompensatieu ct of June IS 101. re.atne tu werKln- ity thereunder or secured exempt en there- racu B rempeuBnuu uuu in.ureu nil Haul c Ne bid wtll be mnsldered unless uccomps uccemps 'tiled by a certilkate from the City Seli, .ter ef'tne City of I'hiladelph-a te fie effect tnat th previsions uf an urdlntinc. acpreted Ui, "89; 1SB0. reQUlrtnif proposal bends un a.l bid txfceedlng in amount isue havu u-en .ia;.ii vlth. The Director reserves te himself tnt nsn te reject any or all bids as he n , d i i ibest for the Interest of the City ct i n ladel pUla. (JEOROE F. apll' I'l.n Director. Annual Meetings f-3 HAKW1CK IRON i STKKI, rOMPAN 1 The Annual Meelinij: uf id, h'" rfheirl..rs of the Warwick Irun & Steel Cemi.any w , be held ln the I'h adelphla I'tlke nf ttit Company. Ne C-3 Chetnat -ti ei Tueda , : February 14tb. I'rii. nt 2 o'cleik I'. M.. , - tlie election of a Heard of Dire i.jrs te ser e Jer tha ensulnic sar. Transfer nooks of the Cempanj wi.i , ine, January 23th, and reopen February leili hS?' II F HAI.LMAN Secretary fSTHE , nd Free CI A.MAI, MEETING UF rill. MEETING rnnsrlvunln Heme Triclilnx s,,rleli ,e Clrcnlutlnir l.lbrury fur ij,m inin.i svlll ba held un edneml iy, Jiinii try 2Mb at 4lJ0 P. M. In Westminster Hal ui walnut airrei laAPEL w KENNhni -ft ir 3f?TIIE ANNUAL MEET IN), OI Till' . -kS(iMr ,f Till'. IIFNTISGDON AND IIROXD TOP MOFNTAIN RAILROAD ND COAL COMPANY will he h-id at tie eefOca of the rempery 3d S 10th M I'hlla J-iphla nn Tnesnliir, relinlary 7. 1022. at IS .0 clock neon, when un elictun nl.l be held for directors for tht. enuin y. ar. J U UOHMI.EV, j. Sec elarv Annual Elrrllens $3f At t PEOri.ES Tltlf-T COMPANY OF 1'IIIL di:i.imiia Junuury 17lh. Ill'j? At the Annual Meetlnu uf the stockholders ,f tb I'e'iples Trust Company of Fl Uila. the follewlne weie ununlmeusly Directors te si.re for the ensuing i'hlladel- y elected IK three U CHARLES EDWIN DUARNLY " JOSEPH J GRHER ALIinitT 11 ' ADNER, JR. S-Tic HARRY MlI.IiEU Jil HEHHERT P IIUIIIN'KON I. Junuary 18th. 1022 At a subsequent meetlnir of the Heard of rllrectera nf lh P op ea Trust Company of Yilladelphla. held this day. the fnllewlns vOMeera were unanimously re-elected' OKOROi: C llOWKiJII. President HARRIHON C REA Vice-President JOSEPH II Rt'lUN Vice-President i WILLIAM II VRUOMAN, Secretary & Treasurer. VtiLMAM U. VROOMAIf. 6cretar', ' L resolution Ol inn iignru u. directors at th ,smee of the Ielment Trust Company. 1820 bltum r.OUS coal fields, based upon the fr Sw Mrt mm t,. 1, '1.. i ! "?,'""' ""," "" j""1". Bu''' v Baltimore axenue. in the city of Phiiadsi. ,...,.i ..( ,i. it,fmin, -,,i rv,,. ,or w.mc ' nen amount wen spent, are ing the purchase price of the 111- r r'l'i..?.".Marfh.'?; J?-' "i.& ' mu, n. n Iv Presiilen V WlUen V?nta'"e'' "' '"' ,,nPn.l report. ' Mr. , pearl necklace of Catharine of iSJJT ..V... f iK; .Vin.TAi 5,'-? UTT .. ':..i.. ,.V inie "u.J.t:. ,..ii .r. auR"ran s"'"- A" 'xpeniutures nurchn-cil by Herace E. Dedge for bt Trust company frexn U3 uue te net . . Li. -J . . n.V.t. .., ,nti wer0 mn(lc n"cr. consultation with the wife, just previous te his death. r wir I.IAM- DIONA.V JR. have served notice they will net be re- ,1,; State lelice force was created he ir .. .i .. " y i '. KlalK," , 'iaEt. h. de victor, secretary. ,.e,i nn their i,r.mt term, n.-pren.i "lp &,n.tc ,01 Cp. Ier-e" ns criatctj tlie Heward Hloemor, chairman of the Hn.. ihsr, "50 nin " ' ' "w wvavac i.ttv U.U1...0 l.rsVriinr linrl ivifll lllu nntunnt hnn 1 1 t -,. ...... a. .. Boilcter nredurt en has cut into the otrerirteVs' len no ", lV,nm "i'Pn employed 1 0f Directors of Dedge Hrethcrs. n "--- ( l MINERS7 PRESIDENT ANSWERS HOOVERi Which Cemes Will Be Due te Operators miii -... ... . ....... "WILL UbrtND OURSELVES" ny the Associated rrcss ' Slmmehln, IM., Jan. 20.-"We arc net stnclnc iinv alfiinMnn." unlit .Inlin -- n e j .............. ...... .. ...... L. l.flwls. Intonintlennl prcslilent of the I United Mine Workers lnet night when shown tlisrmtches from Wnshlncten that I Secretary Hoever had (suited a warn i Iiir of nn Impending soft coal strike. "Wc haTe na desire nor inclination te provoke atr-jndustrlnl conflict," said Mr. Lewis. "If any conflict comes the responsibility will be upon the .operators who already hnve taken an arbitrary position nnd arc Insisting en a reduction in wages immediately. wiuieut giving any consideration te tne fair contentions of the niinern. "We propose te defend ourselves ngniiiM this arbitrary attitude. We ",- liniuutii-u inu unuui tonic have proponed the usual conferences following the expiration of the , acnlc." wage The anthracite wace scale. wMih prebablv will come before the conven tion tela , Is being worked out by the sub-cummlttee of the Wage Scale Cem. mittee. Delegates expect it will carry a deiunnd for a 15 te 20 per cent in- crease In wages, uniform wage rates., .,.. . ,. ,u. " 1.1 check -oft The ronwntlen acted en a number of resolutierm reported from the Rcseltl t(nn fVimmlitMi. tiens Committee The only one that caused a division! provided that Congress be urged te 1 modify the VeNtrad act se as te per- mlt the manufacture of beer. On n vote Mr. Lewis the is presld- ing. wn unable t. decide whether n able M decide whether n motion te table the resolution had car- ritl. A raising of hands also looked ' ' .,,p"rp1 nwn5" it tievciepeti yester yester deubtful te Mr. Lewis, and when a Un5l Vmt ft me.vc Pr?bRbly will be made .llUInn ivna nlle.1 fnr lir Btnnrllnn I '" take Control of the fOrCO WHy from vote" nnd the motion was tnhleil nnrl I VO .l.- -nAl..l J..J ...r v,uiul,un .luupirii. , grcss. tiuuiij in uiuuif ivv iii.uviti wne has had several conferences with mine i union leaders, said yesterdaj "the stage i is being set for a strike." I Deplorable conditions in the soft cenl industry brought about by the business i deprescten, Increased transportation I oest.s and the ever-expansion of tbe in- , ilipnti.fl. ivpn resnnnsllile fnr the. siritn. iiiiiin in iu iiuic, -hi. uireicr m- ". Wch Mymbaliaert certain te force operators nnd miners te a break net lls-lnilliir te the one which caused the i bituminous strike of 1010. J Government officials thus far, Secre tary Hoever said, have taken no defi nite steps te meet the threatened con tingency beyond desultory conferences 1 with de'nclied groups of miners, tend operators which have been in und out of Washington recently. I The nve-jear wage contracts in the. justness te such nn extent that, despite !:BS..P'!ir:'hrLSf,?U5JJn . me i.ii-rui a,i-1Cl m mc ;.- dence before them that their Industry was ever-developed during the wnr. Mineru in the unionized fields, which include the great central competitive iield of Western Pennsylvania, Ohie, In illnna and Illinois, en the ether hand, have suffered intensely from intermit tent employment, due te failure of the I iiilnes te operate in the face of no de- I mund. 1 REAL STARTON MEMORIAL Commissioner's Ordinance Calls for , Victory Hall Architect The first move looking definitely te the erertien of a Victory Hall as a memorial te the sons, uf Philadelphia who served injurious wars was taken hj tlie Ceuntj ('euiuiicsinniTK yesterday in tlie submission te Council of nn ordi nance authorizing the appointment of a special architect te ilruw plans fur the structure. The um of ,,"(). 000 is an- prepriuted for the preparing of plans, ,lml t'"' "rdiimnc- also specific thut nn architect net 111 the city's employ shall b appointed by Cltj Aichlteit Slnkler, with the Jlnjm and the County Com missioners approving. Tin' ordinance also definitely selects for the site nf the memorial the Park- u plot bounded by Hightecnth, Nine- ' teenth. Vine and Weed streets. The nrejecr is combined with the convention hall builillnir nutherl.ed some time age mid for which there Is .!, .'100, Olie avail- 'ibl" I and decided approval of the noble de- Cniiipetltien between architects teek-' sires of President Harding and is dls Ihg the appelntinent Is nlse specilied by posed te constitute the Washington the enllnance. The Vici,,rv Hall, which Minister said representative for the or in nil probability will mst millions, bltrutlen, regulated bj the United ili contain a grei.t u iiUterium suit- States of all differences arising out el nhle for conventions j the Treaty of Ancen." sac Features for I Public Ledger's Boek Pages! Geerge Gibbs, has written a Hergesheimer's concerning which raging. Alfred Stoddart has contributed a delightfully chatty review of "Radner Reminiscences," by J. Stanley Reeve. Charles Willis Thompson finds a human interest in the English language as brought out by Brander Matthews in his "Essays en English." ' IL-c EVTiTfVTTVYa. rTTTTT.Tri - t -waiax vji jl uxiixv v n .., '; ; 1 '' sW " 'kJ -( MIXING MACHINE SCENE AT TH!URT MUSlSUSt ClBilUMIlMlnawMiminwtiiLMniyii inn, ii i 'III I --,-MMr-,,-TTTTW1WTWMmnilLltUWllLIIllllllli H'llfll inimi iii'miiTirmTinwriifcj HIIW1HI IUI.JJ 'I Philadelphia's POLICE SEEKfN CHIEF te Take Control Frem ,. IVIOVO Moter Commissioner Under Way in Annapolis MAY AMFMn RITHHIP'Q Rll I mH ' Hml:l,lu nllOHIta BILL ,. ,. . , , ., ',"'"'?"? ".?" - "rc run q";rl ". ln "JJnr?. en l'T Vlnrymn'i T"Ke t. up. n."np?. en "T Mnrylnni f"",le ,pe" , ,n tne A. ,nt Atirmpe" B 'he Moter Vehicle Coinmriisiener. This wntiM Involve amendment of Governer ,,.:,- '"i.ii" nil! "Li.C & the creation of a Department of Public Safety, the director of which " ""nii umiui'. nun win ue uuiru "rengiy urged upon mm when his health " ri'Cevcred. Signs nre growing that strong pelitl- cal Influences will be put te work te pref"ht reappointment of E. Austin Ilnughmnn ns .Moter Vehicle Ceniiuts- slencr. lie is also head of the present eiiiur.ru iBtaic nonce. Mr. Hnuirhmiin uitrl thnf l,n ...r.,,1.1 .iAn...A .. n -t the Automobile Titling Department of his office, and which was provided for n.v n resonmen introduced into the Heuse of Delegates by William I'urnell Hull, delegate from the city. The rev enues of this department have been iied te mnlntain the Stnte police pending the formal creation of the body b) the Assembly. "The figures showing the nmeunt of money received, the expenditure, and ;. . i.nuw. , J ,, .. MARYLAND !.nd the accounts of all chaVgedr'S the State police." GIRL DIVERTS MAD BULL - a..r-,,m R..11... jlmu i Gees te Rescue of Brether With Stick and Saves Him Frem Gering j Columbus, N. .1.. Jan. L'O. Frank , u- .nu fr.Piliin- iIk tiw.rnn i,i,, fi 11111111 ,..." .- ..... ..Miuitu .Tersev bull when the animal charged him suddenly, knocked him down and attempted te gore him. Warner man- aired te keep Ills ..... .. hiiiv, iiinii body between the . nnlmnl's horns He was nearly exhausted when his sister. Sadie Warner, heard his cries and rushed te his aid nrmed only witb u stick. Jumping in front of tlie bull, the girl prodded the animal, which turned nnd n.,.,..l,0t lirtf Flint PllVn llAn I.FA.l.AH .. l..,.. n,1 .nnnlnln. I.I.. . I.. ! mnn.i tn irrnh tiu ch-iin fa..,,,'.! V the bull's nose nnd seen subdued him nnd fastened him te a fence. Warner wan badly bruised about the head and chest. APPROVE U. S. PROPOSAL Peru Indicates Desire te Settle Dif ferences With Chile Lima, Jan. 20. Peru replying te the note of the United Stutes (leveniment respecting settlement uf the dispute between Chile und Peru arising out of the Treaty of A neon, i-ajs: "The Peruvian Government is pleased te manifest whole-hearted sympathy Tomorrow's I II I the well-known novelist, brilliant review of Jeseph latest book, "Cytherea," a controversy is already I r VT.ttf t ..TrtaTT TOl'Wr a ..:' i iiv.i.yTJ'jiirr-' tm i i i jvi 7 i7 , " - ,f,.. Kiia Vi-.n'i i, .n ' i at new Iwine for nrt Is being hurried by PHYSICIANS TAKE SIDES I ON WHISKY AS MEDICINE I " 51 Per Cent Faver Its Use Ma J Jerlty Against Wine and Beer ' Chicago, Jnn. 20. Whisky ii a nec t'sinry therapeutic agent in tlie prac l tice of medicine, according te 51 per 1 cent of the 31,115 doctors who an swered the questionnaire issued by the I Journal of the American Medical As I sociatien.' Forty-nlne per cent dls 1 agreed. On the question of the mcdlcnl value of beer nnd wine, 74 per cent of the I physicians said brer was net necessary , and OS per cent wild wine had no value , in their practice. M I. n mtli ulin.Hu ..I.a(a,.. Gltliw .. .1 . a..,- utv Di.un iiiiit-ui-ll Ollliun UI1U I the District of Celiimblu favoring the iim; of whisky and twenty-nine States ' oppescii te it, wniie every state returned n negative vote en the beer nnd wine questions. The doctors favoring the use of whisky nre in the majority in tic cities, wnere in per cent voted for tne liquor I In the rural districts 51 per cent voted nenln.HI. I The North Atlnntlc and Seuth At- "J11"? sjtntes favored whisky, while the North Central nnd Seuth Central and estern states gave a majority against It. The fiftv largest cities .showed 5320 doctors, or (Up per cent of thos(e voting) favoring whisky nnd 3535 opposed te it. Only 33 per rent of the city puysicians favored beer Mid 48 per cent of then fnvered wine. Jersey City nnd Scranton were the only cities In the country where n ma jority of the doctors vete'd that beer was a necessary therapeutic agent, while seven cities favored wine. Twenty-two per cent of these reply ing, or (1432 doctors, said they knew of Instances In which "unnecessary suffer ing or death hnd resulted from the en forcement of prohibition." - In Philadelphia, 1.4 per cent of the doctors favored mere than 100 pre scription blanks every three months. SAYS RUSSIAN NECKLACE ener nnnec coec nnn uugl uuuuu .fuwiuuu Executer of Estate Tells Price of Empress Catharine's Pearls mud fated Russia, hi" has Beard from nd! S. " ?l. 1'UJ?! cst!u Ilennulat Brethers nre suing Car- tier, Inc.. of New Yerk, who made the hale for $3S0,000, which they claim is still due them ns their share of the profits in handling the necklace. They brought the necklace td this country from Kussin) wherB lt WIW a ,mrt e th'c Helshevlst spoils from the Itusslan cre '. , .. The local office of the Treasury De- , . . , ,. -, I'nrtmeiit Is interesting itself te learn f mll vns '',?!"," "', "e:K,"ce ",lc" was brought into tlie country. If l I 1 1 1 Ij. I hp necklace was smuggled suit may be, iireugnt against .Mrs. ueiigc ler 00 per cent of its value. If tills were collected it would bring the cost of the iiuunsiiut; iu i -'uib'; 41111 ui i $1,320,000. Persons close te Mrs. Dedge sny that she had no knowledge of the necklace being smuggled nnd they doubt if Mr. DOlljTe had "Inasmuch as wc hnve net been ad vised of nn entry in the customs' of duty paid en such a necklace wc are working en the nssuinptlen that there is cause for investigation," said P. II. Gardner, local United Stntes Treasury agent. "The Government could bring civil action against Mrs. Dedge If the pearls were smuggled." SEES RACE FUSION IN U. S. Princeton Professer Predicts Blend of Whites, Blacks and Yellows Princeton, N. .1., .Tan. 20. Within 200 years the United Stntes will be going abroad te buy one-half of Its feed supply, nccerdlng te statements made here yesterday in a public lecture by Prof. Kdwln Grant Cenklln. head of the department of biology in Prince ton University. He also predicted that within two centuries there will be no race question? in America, with the whites, biacKu anu yellows becoming fused. "Intellectual capacity of Americans has been declining steadily ln the past years," Dr. Cenklln said, "due parti) te the great birth rate of the lower I classes and te large Immigration. Means i te prevent this intellectual decline can be found. Agents of 4he Government should be stationed in Kurepeun ports e investigate te seme eitent their pedigree. Unsatisfactory types" should ..l!,. Immlsrsnt. her-nmi Insnne. te inspect prospective iiniiiigniuiH, unci I Records. snow that three times ns many , of these reach such n mental condition : 'u;, as nauve-uern Ainericnns. ine "Ji - ans are the most thrifty of Immigrants. .but the children of Seutlicastern Eu - rope maUe less progress along euuca- tienal lines. English Immigrants bIiew the highest mentnl capacity." "Y" GIRLS JO, TAX BEAUS Unchallenged Sefa Privilege te Cost Fifty Cents Toward Campaign Fund New Yerk, Jen. 20. Gallantry Is te be taxed ln the Harriet Judsen V. W. C. A. in Ilroekl.vn - The elrls nnneuncvd jesterdfty that. In 1 order te set contributions lu the Y. W. C. A. fund campaign, a luxury tax of ten cents a head would be levied en male cnllers, unchallenged possession of n sofa will cost fifty cents, sofas for four, tw;enty-flvc cents for each visitor. Tlie gins are airaiu some ciiiiers 'might try te beat the tax by Issuing in vitations te the movies. bii jf rn i . HwM '"'"i ISP'V"":' ? the contractors Aged Weman Who Walked Frem Seuth Dakota Expects Sen te Be Freed SENTENCED AS DESERTER Washington, Jan. 20. The prayers of an aged mother for her errant Heldler son fell en sympathetic cars at theWhite Heuse yesterday, and Mrs. Margaret Andersen, the slxty-threc-year-eld mother, who ninde her way largely afoot from Sioux Falls, S. D., te Washington, left the White Heuse strong with hopes that her son would seen he restored te her. After seeing the President yesterday Mrs. Andtrsen declared that- new she was sure help would speedily come for her ten, Jeseph, who In serving a two year sentence nt Leavenworth en n charge of desertion from the army. The boy, n private In Company Iv, Thirty-ninth Infantry of the Thirty fifth Division, was wounded and gassed at the Argonne. After his return from abroad he received n furlough but fnlled te return te his regiment. He then enlisted In n coast artillery unit undcf n different name, which constitutes de sertion under military law. Mrs. Andersen, ns she was being taken by n White Heuse messenger, nt the order of the President, te consult pardon attorneys at the Department of Justice, declared that her visit had net been In vain, that she had net tramped inany weary miles through snowy reads for nothing nnd that "everything is all right and I nm happy new." "I am sure the President will net disappoint me." Mrs. Andersen said. "And I nm going b going back te Fert Leaven- wert It te wait nt the gate. "When I went te the White Heusl- I did net expect te see the President, but was ushered right into his office, and when I found myself before President IMrdlng I wns nearly paralyzed." Mrs. Andersen said she would net walk back. LATIN AS ENGLISH HELP WLL BE PUT TO TEST Classes te Be Started te Determine Value of Etymology Latin, with ta numerous declensions, conjugations and complicated syntax, bugbears of high school days, will be given the onnertunltr te prove its value in increasing a student's knowledge efl Kugllsh words by n series of experi mental classes arranued bv the Investi Ulliiuu Vrfllllllllilll.-i: III tin. Iimviniii, cinsslcnl Iengue. Special clat-ses for gating Committee of the American subjecting the "dead" language te' BjcreHCOpicni examination will be or- UllLIUnVlMIIVMI -AIlllllll V1UI illll lv: (II .,., 1.. Central Hleh Scheel. Olrls' .!.. 1 1.. fine.s II .1, Unlinnl 111 1." mh hci1001. (Jermnntewn Illeh Scheel ' , , a,,,, tMiiln.lelnbln HIpIiI j y(.hee,( b'cginnng ln u fcw weeks nt the eueninc of the second semester. Four English clnsses will be stnrted in each school with the purpose, of determining the advantage of studying etymology and Latin for its English derivatives. One class will include i pupils in begliiulni; Latin in which no effort Is mnde te teach derivatives, one with pupils in beginning Latin In which definite derivative study Is given regu larly, enu of nen-Lntln pupils which will Include regular work in English j etymology nnd one of nrui-i.ntin pupils ln which no work In English etymology will be given. At the start of the experiment these four classes will be rated by intelligence tests, by specific tests In the knowledge of English words, and, as the work proceeds, the growth of each pupil will be tested in English vocabulary. The experiment is te run through three semesters. The work Is in charge of Albert A. Hamblen nnd llaymend I Haskell, graduute students In the De partment of Education of the Univer sity of Pennsylvania, who ere working under the direction of Profs. Arthur L. Jenes. A. Duncan Yneum, Harlan Up degraff nnd Lerey A. King. TO CUT TEXTILE WAGES Reduction of 20 Per Cent An nounced In New England Itosten, Jnn 20. A wage cut of 20 per cent is te be mnde in the New Eng lend textile Industry beginning Monday. Notices of the cut have already been posted In some of the mills affected. The wage agreements in the textile mills expired December 31 Insf, and ' " "l ' Time of nZZ- ,, 'ners'sav tha" wag"? I," 'w J'1"?.1""!1. "V"aBC r)".PCr t mere than nave nei been reneweii. u here has been ! "'.e heutnern mills, and mills in the N h t cem,)et'0 nt t,,e 'pent , ..,., T,e owners s, t. .i i,,t feBr a strike becauHe of t he cut hut t, (l ,,e lm, t c, fJ Yment 'lf '-ctenrr. te convince th wC.i ' that reductions nie necessary, HIS TEPEE ALSO CASTLE j Dry Raiders Can Search Only With Warrants Washington, Jan. 20. Inillnn tepees win ue ciesuu nercaiter, as hunting grounds for Government liquor scouts unless nrmed with senrih warrants, nc- online te liiHtruetleiiN sent nil I-Vd. ernl prohibition directors last night by CeniinisK en r Hiines. Mr. liuyni'H iiueted the section of the Supplemental Dry Act which makes the enrch of n private dwelling without a warrant u misdemeanor and called at tention te a recent ruling by Charles II. nurke, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, holding that this prevision of the law npplies te operations in Indian country, ' r 1 iiiiMrim--" -" " -w- --.-- .-.-... . PLEA OF MOTHER WINS PRESIDENI sk 'x:v A w . ,-t.j "'" frl l iir cirtimWi' k I 1 1 l l I li III III ll 11 1 CRUELTY 10 SLAVES Women and Children Pictured as Dying en. Roadsides in Abyssinian Drives URGE ACTION BY POWERS Londen, Jan. 20. In their conclud ing nrtlcle en conditions In Abyssinia, printed In the" Westminster Gazette. the two rerresnnridnnfa who recently I visited tlint qeuntry assert that elave "vi slave trading nave in in trensed by leaps nnd bounds In recent "It Is slaving in Its worst form open, cruel, fiendish sjnfettcred by iMiropenn Interference and scarcely dls dls cuntennnced by the European Foreign Offices," says the article. , "The slave gangs nre smaller than formerly, because the border districts1 e leceming depopulated, out uicy enn be witnessed by any traveler. In Southern Abyssinin there are te be seen men chained together nnd women and children dragging themselves painfully alongside them, many of them dylm? from exhnustlen by the roadside, lhcy are captured net only in Abyssinian territory, but In British East Africa nnd the Ai'S'e-Egyntlnn Su'dan. Ihclr comparative immunity tempts the rnid, erii te penetrate further nnd further, nnd en one occasion they ndvnnced 1U0 miles into British territory." The 'correspondents sny they fear there Is nn wnv nf nhnllshine the slave system except Jiy a demonstration by European authority of physical force. They ntld, however, that the one thing nosslble Is te prevent munitions reach ing the AbysslnlnnH, who possess mil lions of modem rifles but little ammu nition. "The French," It Is nssertcd, "nre net enthusiastic nbeut the arms con vention fslzned bv France. Grent Brit ain nnd Italy In 1010), which they contend they only accepted owing te British pressure; but they object te its Infringement by America, since if -nrtrldges are te be sold they bave plenty of their own 'for sale." The correspondents conclude by ex pressing the hope that the Londen nnd Wnshingten Governments will be aroused te the true state of affairs in Abyssinia. The Westminster Gazette in nn edi torial suggests that Great Britain take the Initiative In the situation nnd ask the support of the ether PewerH. It ndds that the remevnl of the scandal of slavery In Abyssinia is a matter which ought te be referred te the Lengne of Nations nnd America asked te collabo rate. WOMEN TO RUN BILTMORE 3000 te Manage N. Y. Hostelry In Fight en Tuberculosis New Yerk, Jan. liO. Three thousand women, many of them social leaders and directors of bcncvelent) and philan thropic projects, will take charge of the Blltmere February 20 and run it from top te bottom, for the benefit of the Society for the Prevention nnd Ilc "icf of Tuberculosis. They will wnlt en tnble in nil of the restnurants and tearooms from the rising of tlie sun until almost time for it te .get up again, and stunning uni forms have been designed te decorate nnd distinguish the volunteers for this particular task. read the Classified Advertising columns of the Public Ledger. If it isn't advertised there, put in an ad yourself. Just phone it te us today for insertion tomorrow. Bill will be mailed later. Phene Walnut 3000 mm or Main 1601 De It! .; Blllillllll1 M Te Get pjj H What ' ijj IOU Want I x m :' WSM W jm J ' , A " 1 ll: 1 vwi.at.ini POLICE AND FIREMM -. N WIN FIGHT FOR BONUS Atlantic City Commissioners Restore $100 In 1922 Budget Atlantic CHyT Jan. 20. Members of Jhc city ilre nnd police departments yes terday wen their fight for the restora tion of a bonus grnnlcd them following the war, but discontinued the first of the year. At thnt time the City Comjnls Cemjnls Comjnls sleucrs gave all members -of the de partments a flat rnlse of $100, half of the bonus. Thnt brought the average nav un te S1700. Under the law once granted this raise becomes permanent, On the same day fche lncreilse was mndc, however, the Commissioner rlcttatcd nil girl stenographers at City Hall te secretaryships. They .raised their salaries te $1800, se that they were drawing mere than, police or firemen, A pretest immediately followed, nnd STEAMSHIP NOTICF.fl WHITE STAR TO CIIEIH10URO flOUTHAMPTON OLYSiriO Feb. 18 Mar. 1 1 Apr. 1 ItnMF.R'O (new)... Mar. 1 Mar. 2B MAJESTIC (new)... May 20 June 17 m miini'nni. vi eriF.F.VSTflWV CEDRIC Jnn 23 Feb. 25 Mar. 25 VFDK1 (3d class)... Feb. 1 HAI.TIO Feb. 15 Mnr. IB Apr. 15 CK1.TK1 Mar. 4 Apr. 1 Apr. 20 ADRIATIC Apr. 8 May 57 MEDITERRANEAN VOYAOES Te Mndelrj, (ilhrnltnr. Algiers, Monace, Genea, Naples, Allien), Alexandria for Erypt nnd the Njf. . T.API.AND (18.505 tens) Feb. 4 ADRIATIC (24,511 Ions) Feb. 18 ARADIC (17,324 tens) Mnr. 8 PIirLADEI.FIHA.T.lVERrOOI. NEVISIAN ..Jan. 28 I NITONIAN ..Feb. 18 i T.KYIjAN'D LINE PIIir.ADEI.rilIA-MANCHESTER 'sjEYIHIAN ..Jan. 28 I NITONIAN ..Feb. 18 Fed Star Line T.1r YORK. PLYMOUTH, CIIICRIIOURO. ANTWERP Via HALIFAX 7.EF.LAND Jan. 28 .Mar. 4 'Apr. 20 FINLAND Feb. 11 Mar. 18 Apr. 22 GOTHLAND Feb. 18 Mnr. 25 ' KROONLAND ...Feb. 25 Apr, 1 L.PIND Apr. 8 Muy 13 lVllf net call nt Halifax. PHtLADnLPHIA-ANTirERP MARYLAND .Jan. 23 1 MAHOPAO ,,Feb. 4 MJuSSISSlPPI Feb. 1 MISSOURI . .Feb. 18 American Line NEW YORK HAMIIURO DANZIO MINNEKAIIDA (3d class) tJnn. 20 HAVERFORD 'Feb. O MANCHURIA tMar. 23 K'nlls nt l'lymeutli nnd Clierlienrit, 'Alse calls at (iueenstewn. PHILADELPH!AHAM!lURn ' MARYLAND ..Inn. 25 I IIARI1AD AN Feb. 15 MAHOPAO ..Feb. 4 SCYTHIAN ..Feb. 23 ATIWNT1C TRANSPORT LINE PHILADELPHIA-LONDON MIOSISHIPPI Feb. 1 I MISSOURI . Feb 18 SCYTHIAN Feb. 25 HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE PHILADELPHIA-ROTTERDAM HOEHTDYK Jan. 28 International mercantile Marine Ce. 120 KTKAMI31H, 1.300. 0O0 TONS Passenitrr (lalrc, 1310 IVnlniit St., IMilla. Frrltht ()flce, 403-414 Rourse Illdit., Fblla. fewllfbrk te Seutli America 01 u.d.igevernmentdlm Fastest Time te Rie de Janeiro, Montevideo and Buenes Aires. Finest ships-American service- American roea American comforts, sail- met rrem ner s, noueKen. Aeolus Feb. 2 Mar. 30 Huren '. Feb. 18 Apr. 13 American Legien ..Mar. 2 Apr. 27 Southern Cress ...Mar. 10 Mnnsen SteamsHeLinw 07 Wall St.. New Yerk City Philadelphia Orflce, Drexrl Hide. Jlanaelnp Operoferj for KERR LINES Sailings from Philadelphia FOR HAMBURG SS "CHICKASAW";u.S.S.B.) Sailing Jan. 24 SS "WESTBR00K" (U.S.S.B.) Sailing Feb. 14 HUDSON SHIPPING CO., Inc., Agent LAFAYETTE BUILDING PHILADELPHIA, PA. iximbard e20-5 Main siaa fCOMrv ERCI Al " wss.niiiMi.ir LinCO PHILADELPHIA te CORK, DUBLIN, BELFAST AND LONDONDERRY SS "Balsam" Jat 3 MOORE and McCORMACK, Inc. 428 Bourse Bldg., Phja , Lemb. 0585 Main 7513 Dixie Steamship Lines PHILADELPHIA te Bristel, Manchester, Glasgow U.S.S.B,SS"W00DMANSIE" EXPECTED TO SAIL JANUARY 28 AT CONFintENCH KATES Harms, Magill & Ce., Inc. 125 Lafayette Bldi?., Philadelphia embard 0220-1 Ulln JU GRACE LINE Peru-chile a NOCT SAILINGS m ii'i-js"-j-' w..aitiAbiisa ieb.4 v 1( Finest, faiteit set vice te Seuth 'C? Amlerlca. Comfortable outside 1 .--,., ...tcncucuiiinc ,Vt equ cnt direct sailings v a Panama Canal. GRACE LINE;.,..iiOil,fs,.iN.Y. riiz. rz: iv r vpruaervr ail Urulses, mom t-'VL-ry ereamship Line IrlfORMATlON CIIXBRFU1JY puiU. BSSSW tours CO. saSasisss l aTKEET. PlflU. V. S. SHIPPING BOARD ajJPJJS"1 1 --- -mr linn tim t sounds. The micclnl RtaiA 'T?vl permits the awarding of benu,l vldes thnt such awards mnct if I QJi or, before March IB of n 13 bonus ,e! $100 will I ba ,1," 1 firemen nnd rudicemcM' lintni,,u..i m Ideal Condltlensfor 8kl m..i ' ! av. 111. TrtM na m.. l s df snow Imported from naraSJa U"'atb rnake a skllnit holiday here BSnd""t win jvuuivfu un i no miue at ." 4. l Greva today, nnd efTIclMs in crurJJ ?lft rKiiuiini uiiniiiiJiuiiBiiip ieurnnmni i, i le opinion that cend union, win "ii Y.'m i liissa Wc Want Offerings Commercial Trust Company Stock BARNES & L0FLAND 147 8. 4TH ST., PIHI.A., pA, Tel. Lembard 4It2 Accurate Philq. Egg Prices ! Wired te Yeu Daily aviurv j. r. ai. -A fi34, LEDGER 'OFFI.CE BUSINESS Accetniii.,. " ----- --!,,- M r . ... A new cieaa will form at n.JI en February 1. 1022, fur In.imiV' In this Important branch of buS" Day Scheel. Nlsht Scheni " I2nn Walnut Ptreet ri u ".1.1.. ijjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj),, SALESIViANSHiP ion nre inyiiru m mirnu a rre c am u. day nenlnit, January 23 and 30 7-jJ sW Central Ilultdlnt, Roem 217 ' The Y, IV1- C. A. of Ph, STRAYLR'6 't'agS Position cunrnn'd. Enter new. DsrcrYikil Yeung Men and Bera lOlUlt Lull, uental und Med. Priiwl Ipurtlcw no ohllratlen. A 307. Lcdm eB Y'enrg Women nnd (llrls Become a Trained Nuri T.ie noblest, beat-paid profusion esta te. Jiuns women. Our home studr i Lespltal courses five rapid, thoreon tralnlnir. Send today for Ooekltt "Xj. PHIT ADELriHA SCHOOL FOR NTOVIl tt,1 nd rtiesn" ts TMin it.lnhu IN MEMORIAM I1URNS. In remprrrhmnn nf .k.a ..1 rxce.lerA centlAmnn. William ir n.Jve!1! 'of Krankferd. Phlia.. who entered im,. I WpIl-(firnA(i rnnnA nn Ten nn inin w ! Nitn, h. ijvrFijnir, JBeatfjg T liVN'ii'1 J J"; , L 1 7. CM FFORD FREh :'? ii","i, AiDeri.Li. anq TnecKIa Balls ...-,,. '"aiives nnu incnus are Invited is hi?2..fuPar?.l.."'rv,c"' at ,he residence i p-V i V ' ''Utier ei , sni., Sr. ,..u llllt private. .,-f.'AJMu,T-JnI. 1". 1022! GRACE U .muKiupr or trene and Clarence Harry, tfi .': ,ll,V"-tlv! ami friends are Invited te O lend funeral. Hat.. 2 P. M, from te Vfi'Ji '"""I'lence. 3118 O st Int Cettr ilv, fk-r.. ricniiH mav ca'l rrl t. . nf iiht'0JV'V?I"r1, ln- HANNAH A., nib Vr,mr'"d te "tla'd funaral service,, (it, Alr.y....,nt, Private. wni.J,,i,T5-J,an' iH- KATin K nlf of ,,l. n r,. . ..l . . ,c,"ti,r3 MIlU (UClNk i, v. '""k eneriunn, re. i, I. e, e, I: Mtpnell urnrrl r-A,,nn Va ,n d i.f ',' Jnvlrd ,0 funeral services, lum., I ii, . T"1'1'""- 2I8t i: Nerrls t. it jrhata. erth Cedar Hill Cent. Krleadirw cn,,JT ,?"."-, nfter 3 P II. t,.L"i0:iE!'I'--Jn- 17. WILLIAM B. ste K'""1 .nnneiia uaia Hlenell. Kelatlrei sal !..' J"0 ft" orcnnlzatlens, are Inrltel je attend funeral serMees. Sat U A. M., It nlA Inte rAuLlane. i a ivi ... L. i ULAKE. 'Jnn.' IS. in" tnttv nr.ivit Pc '..82i ,Rlatlvea nnd friends are lnrM 1 i?fcM.re,ycnc.c' B33 Selly ave . Fex Chui ll.J1"v S?rvlce at Iwer Dublin Bipcit I nA,Afi, ',"'A"'nuVn"- - JU ' M J iiniirrii-it '"x ' rienus mav ca'l m. en iT iHKI'PLN'-f)n Jn. 18, 1(122, T. WAI i,,.iV.. '" "l""'u "' i.iaia .ii neuimn las 1 e jyjr""1 .! B0 eers. r.-lntliei J iv,-,i j '?.u -"rnp ISO. -INI, p. e s. of V, 02!'ln,pd (Jeuneil. Ne. 17H. I" O. D. of A: . ii. n. ei jtener. n-a invltd te the vrh ices en Saturday afie-rnoen. at 2 o'clock. II . r. '? l0,ll,enc( 5V20 Jtarket ft. Wk nient nt Fortreeoil reineterv. Vlewlnr W rS.lrg' ,8 l" 10 o'clock. . IfOWEn Jan in. 1920. at st Jeh.t1ii "''""""I'hlla.. Jlra HAHA1I H rOHttl ;r ' --rrie Lincoln, rern 71 vr"n ninntlM t nsyB. nmeral rnivlres will h I eld In the chtrel of the Lewlsburic Ceeie- !.:....: l"e arrivei or the 1 2 r M. ma. inn '"V l'!r"a"d ncadl"K nallna, Mmu i.iiLt,?W,NJnn- 18. KATHl-imT.. wlfesf i.T.., "lu,vn, rermerly of nil wimen r. Relatives and friends Invited te funiril 5tti" 7i3? A- M lt residence, C83 Orui X.: uSeAc,nn reiulem masi St. Brjtf Lhurch. 0 A. M im riH ruhiitii Cm. ' . "y'n Jnn. If). ' ELIZAIIHTH. wife f '"o.iaie Jiawaril Byrne. Itel.-ulies and lrle '"""K i" tuneral. Hat . .?'J A. M.. w Krnnddauiiliter'M residence. Mrs. A .VUl tit T. lalrhlll st. Solemn mass of J fiulem in A M.. St.. Veronica's Church. New Cathedral Cem .i,A.,l,,:,.: At st l'etersburB. ria . J. H, WILLIAM V. CAKiu:, nited 01 Tmri I from his late residence, Mantua N J.. tA- 111 A. M. Int. JJellneten Cem.. C!l l.ure, N j. I CLOSE. Jan. 17. SAItAII R. wUe , '.uvvin A. Clese. Itelatlvea and frleMi w T M.. at her late residence ii,"ci in uitanil rnn.,ri.l wnil. BSU. i 033n urctnsi " 7.Vn.".11- Private. COLICS.- A, Pnlm.,.. KT r nn Tlrst Menth 10th. Ei.i.nx m . i.i 74vrs. BU tla hnrl pl.n.lu n. .... ...ii.. .... r.aTtfd- fully Invited te utlend funeral, from rf ,di-nc of Y h Udwards. uf Woedrtort 'ii- .'. Peventh-day, First Menth 21.l.' V. 31 Int Friends' Cem.. Woedstovn. l-.l.n.l. ....... .... .. . .... . 4....M IM . ..,! mav view me remains iiw " resldence of Gee. H, Clever. 014 aarfleld j Palmyra, .N. J., l-'rl. eve.. Jan 20, freal "ciujUTZ Jan. 17. KMMA II .wlM I I-iank (5-eutz. ejjed CH. HelntiM-s and lrl I are invlted te utlend funeral servlces, Frl,,! 1;. M preclsely, at her Inte n-sldence, 3 r,,S'.l.r.'.l'!le "' Interment prlva te . ! .CHIIiLUAU Jan e. CAIIOI IS'l.'. l'3 Frank Crlblear. aaed 03. Ilelatltei..? 'lends are Invited te attend funeral A"!1 1 P Jl., at her late residence 1M nntar e st. Int. Greenwood (K of P.) Ilemaliis may b viewed Sun ,,eve .. CI'LVUIl At Manasquan, N .1 . "-JJ I.OUIIJ riEALD. widow of MP M- 5 er. nela'tves and friends are lnlted t ' If nil funernl services, Sat., 1 P. M ' "? lesldcm-B of lier nephew. Dr lluM'lJr 1tale. 72 W, Tulrihuckcn st OermnJ i'hlla Int. Private. .,. Ti DALE.-Jan. 17. ELIZA JANE Diji Itelntlvea and .frlendu Invited te fafS eervlces en Friday afternoon at 2 ociejj at her late residence. 2301 N 17lh it. " ernient tirlvate. ...v-nrl DUNNISON. Jan. 17. ALBXANDg JKNNISON. Relatives and friends al ? tied te attsnrl ftmrnl Rwrvlcs r&t.. ' M . ut his late residence. 47th st n" ihnhecken ave Int private ,, it, DIAMOND. An anniversary mass ferw repoae et the soul of ANNA M P'AU,5 will be celebrated In the Church of '".'.I Child, Sat.. H A. Jl. Relatives and frlw are Invited .r. , l)OKItI.a. Jan. 17. OEOnClE IL DjP INC, llelatlvea and friends Tnvlied M IJ neral servlces, Frl,. 2 P. Jl "-7?i5rJ st.. Oerinatiteivn. int. pilvnte. "ffii mav be viewed Thurs. from 7 te U T DONALD At Edpewater Parji.-Si, ; ii. ms;:. ai.uaa.mji-k ',"V:t.uiii band of Annie Laurie Donald IwJJU and friends lira Invited te uttcnd WjSS from his late resldence. lleverly read Km U'.l.r tln.l. V T e .. II f inL - W'te' I'e'm ' Friends iniiy call Frl. 'Jj riNfiAnnn en ,in. nf 1U22 al j; ""."a n.iu nun;, aceu ii .".: ik en en Friday ufiernoe-i. at 2 o'clock, IT " Iver II. Hair Hide, 1820 Chestnut ", "iment nrlvatfl. Mt. Virnen Cemtterir. j ..aAN-J". in. IIAHItY T. Mffi imJ"..' ,nee aicuraiiii '",".. M l0 S 211b t. Helatlves nnd friends lunrose Hepubllcan Club Elubth WaM' Cem eninlejns of Hlirrlft'u uffice, lnvK(, ..ii, ."'!. '"!erai, sat . K 30 A .11. "Vim .'dM s Feiten at. Solemn hlah niaJ''u iiulem St llnrnabu' Church 10 A " net) i-reB Cem venl FAFNt E -Suddenly. Jan 17 , OWfi' W .son i,r Abraham L. .ml MntU.e ffiffj used 12 n.-lmivu nmi frifml.. Invl'r"! funi-ral, Sat a P M, brether's r""". eH? ." l'lln rt. Int llellevu "? I'Mfnii" may call Fri ye .if .. rillENa. O? Jan 19. 1022. SAItAH i V 1 EDUCATIONAL H0II1 Hexe jajLJVltS M '1 m .xew 1 Conn. I, I c. HJlENa (nee Uoedwln). widow of cnr; k A ' (, , rt.,., ..' ' ' " l i "H- " A ..( j,1l ,1.