lh j& Wis ) .? ;'aj ;Jv?. mfVTy, i v Ji. . '.ft &J ' X $s MptihgPidurb of Impecunious Yeung lerne By j. p. mevey Man Taking Girl He it,OTS tlrl out of theatre nnd steers W in pat wnttlnc taxlcabs. Htirrks'ljcr by llgatwi snep winaews. Bailie lier by expensive enfe. Girl eugffcstH blte te rat. Yeung inan,ceuntcrs with sujgcstlen Mf Jet chScolnte. 8tccrt gi '"" uruR Mrc. AiVe hef what jhe'll Iinve, but holds L thought of chocolate ever her. find" n l)nrn nl" no nnD en,f a ft suggests taxi ns it la pettitwr late. i I young man expaumes en ecauties et go' Infe new car' will make just as ".'i!? nfmlc! of tnxls thev drive se am Al"'w " f-J Etcetera. ... , , IKJi gllMTl" -"J ""'"' Yeung man afraid no will be con- (fUtetd clicap. , H . . . -m fa M 4 A l1 MlHAB AA BftUCS UatK ill atui ""U lium i'J lSK?ng, lip 25 cente and CO cente extra Jltjins systematic eearch la all dockets ler mero unuitj. Kr;A. flftr.five crn(. 1luuf ,...., ..- ----- That's all there Is. Hc?umcs hypnotic star at meter. It has leaped magically te SO cenU. nin flO cents. Eolith keeps up gay chatter. e J new can sbe be se happy while be luffering line mis; l,jO "Hew much farther 1 It?" ''Just a little way." Dejpcrntcly raps en b1m. fiiiMt walkliia rest of war Beautiful night air will de us geed. Girl rcgaids him with strange light 3 hw eye. Mm centinucn te babble, keeping ked eye en meter. Hew li he going te get home If this r UP? rjKBPKRATELY hops out te pay bill. J Counts out exact change. "Twenty ci-nts for extra pasicnger.'' Had forgotten nbeut that. Gives driver last cent. Doesn't glve him nny Up. Driver gives him a nasty leek. Girl walks oil the rest of the way home juwt n little ahead of him with out speaking. They Anally make up et the deer after a long discussidh. Yeung man fortunately finds street car conductor who will trutt him. Gets home late plenty. IPe a hard life. AXeTnEn enirrma srenv Saturday. January 81. In the EvxmwcjY uc I.rpain. Adv. r A re .jmm ra jjj.1) - TTf. . jiw, ym-r .- iww -v;i , , i i lW;Mr ,L 7TT' -JL'' .,lff.St.A L i ':.,... ' - vluXilLia'ir,i.2Vf!:IiL'Jtt,?: &Xrt JtftadrtUU j I Open Every ' ; ' iigft JSW ' ' you : X pv-n i - kCli 4Ul t &J W &4 AAA A A AC ik AAA IAfHSIAAAI lARSflAB kmmmm (AMI AAIAACAF I " j. AAAl VJAratAB RAAaI ' .TaAAT raA-f m 9 9 iM tlffim tVVv '- , I .MI 1 f .. .'W i!Rv - ! jy M.v.f,Ai 'fryy;. L 'd: r A ,Y? A. , i it )L..:J.- trouble with your skin? Is li. red. rough, blotchy, itch i no? Relief and health lie In a jar of RESINOL Soelhinq and HeaJInq ; 1019-1021 Market St. hftt a. 'kid V(5rvrS. Starts Tomorrow! eun- 40c Luncheon 1H3Q A. It. te 3 1. 31. ZEISSE'S HOTEL 820 Walnut St. '" O. H. "-"f- Thoroughly competent book keeper, a years' experience, is desirous of connecting with a large corporation where ability ind initiative will be recognized. A 707, Ledger Ullice These Leng Winter Nights Comfert and cezincsa in the home arc provided by Incandescent Gas Light clear, mellow, restful. Te get the most enjoyment from geed gas light, care should be used in the selection of the lamp and shade. Our display of Lights, Fixtures and Shades is in keeping with the needs of this time of year. THE UNITED GAS IMPROVEMENT CO. The Sensation of 1922 Shave With Qiticura Seap New Way Without Mug (CIEVEIAND SIX) WIRING TA'H OK TTMI", 1AYMi:.VTH LINDSAY MILLS CO. riXTl'RK MIOUROOM AT 2019 Germantown Ave. Irk 1200 nr Diamond 4409 SPACE 1 AUTOMOBILE SHOW i:i,lf'i!,rsii';;',tiif-t'!,:i -' i,if;r.. u!ifiy:iLL-:i. m: tf'iStywtiru The Philadelphia Institute of Spinal Adjustment 1744 N. 16th St. rhene, KInmer.J 3810-J J$ iJ JvOli'A laSi Okteiitlilc I'lutlrlau llnlcal Dlreaer S DR. m. E. CA5SELL T E 9 FREE CLINIC i.if.i . ii nf "HI'INA! CUHVA- M.JH ' ...1. UI1 &lll'Pllf. le 10 A. M. j Icraturr, Vr mrnt upon rrcjerdt. ' CETnAL erricu ISjU CHESTNUT ST., Philtdelphi i iVhen. Lecu.t "ftn mmmamm:mmmiamimmmmmmmKmamKmBmammmmmtamwmKJamnBtmmmtiBmm 4 psmmwj!iiriiiaii!irii mm vm in mms The Best Way (e make this a real Thrift Week is te start new te de all your ureccrv sheimin.r . the & Aace Stores. You'll be sur prised ut the added satisfaction you will derive nnd the money you ill sac. Many families paid for Liberty Bend during the Mar with what they saved by taking advantage of our Economy Prices. WlIEIIlCdl H'Acrc your money geet the taithcat" gMaAtnimgii iiiiMMniiraiiiniiMiij u ra IISE SLOAN'S TO LAME BACKS m 0U r.-!nV fin inn. I,.,,!. .l..n .-,.. I back and every muscle aches witli ' 'retly triiktut .U;- -. . k....i... r a quick kiew of warmth and com- r.Y 'iut tlle lP rack nte you. , Geed for i:i..i.n...:.n. ..,.t ' trf'fWWi bpraina and stralna, " am pains, bruiics, stiff joints, leather after-cfTects. l'.r " ycare JSIean'u hae been the K.r ii "nnent in theiiEanda of W:' . . .. lm i ; u ,l tlca ioe leaving no "stains, muss or clogged pores. ' very odor- hi.-iltr, U.T .,:,,, i,- (5-uggcst8 the Reed it will de. up a bottle handy for you never ew when ou will need it. --"uniggthts-JSc, 70, J1.40. miment "l.R"upir (icrt uia fnelv evtllV I "'Jr. Iiobieri'fi Kfrim nintrntnt. 1 f B W ir Out of "w Wait Toe Leng Are your gums tender de they ever bleed when you brush your teeth? If sesee your dentist at once and start using Ferhan's Fer the Gums; Yeu have the first symp toms of Pyorrhea. Incredible as it seems, four people out of every five past the age of forty, and thousands younger, have Pyorrhea. If neglected Pyorrhea seen runs its deadly course. It loosens teeth until they drop out or must be pulled, and it causes these deadly pus pockets te which scientists new attribute se much serious illness. If you use Ferhan's Fpr the Gums consistently, and use it in time, you can prevent Pyorrhea or arrest its course. Brush your teeth with Ferhan's twice each day. It will keep your teeth and gums in a clean healthy condition. Don't delay longer. Four out of five fall victims te Pyorrhea because they waited tee long. 35c and 60c tubes, at your druggist's. f,nnnta tfR. J. Ftrhat, D. D. S. ?r& rPain'si encrny w4a eni.niV v( " l-l" vlitwnwnw ' raiJIi ' " rpna t th Quick (m ',,'!.'JI,"1 ether ik!njtrreble. iv '""en ii rtrcilylUir.eaiei. r.noJDsens esMaaaOintmcnt ' GREAT ANNUAL $500,000 STOCK "MM Mr.HilFs Guarantee Gees With Every Purchase (- V : '3F ' A v X nSBk I "US' S A f . i ib ' " tjm', m 'm r.i if -si T r an ' ' at r" ' "mMmmm: .' xr mmsmaatAir' mmWL S t JLF rm9mCtL!wml ? jut n vi kJ' H - If ' v $'"', fyW'rmWmM i SI ' ' ''.W'MmmW 11 Absolutely Without Reserve - yf 9r SUITS S OVERCOATS at Exactly Halt Price Tust as veu read Mr. Hill's entire stock, no matter hew low the prices new EXACTLY HALF PRICE! Talk about value- giving: lalk aDeut a sensation! Alan, tins is it, there ever was one! Ne matter what you need if it is Men's and Bevs' Clothing conic in here select t from our tremendous stock and PAY HALF PRICE! Ne Sale Can Equal Mr. Hill's Wonderful Event! Because thi is a bena-fidc reduction ' Everything tagged i 1 plain figures, and you pay exactly ON'E-HALF of their original prices. Man, realize shat this Half-Price Sale means it means that vnn ran hnv vnnr rlnthins tmw at ffn 1p5; thnti tliAc enmn vi ym j v ,gj wv " ""j -- u -- --.. . v..-.. V..X..V- .....v. Vsw'ifflHBBWKll "iiits and overcoats could be manufactured for. What m'" s, N .J$jjBljjPn''"''M iclJ be said. The prices talk for themsches. Thousands of OVERCOATS Thousands of fJfaLnts SUITS The Greatest Sacrifice of Costs and Profits Known in History! Most Stupendous Value-Giving Event! tjic, material a color that any mar. ci-Id uam nthcr .n a si'n l-i j erceat but tnat i.- emlr.t ! $, -tl OVERCOATS and SUITS $$& OVUftCOATS and SUITS OViiCOATS ciK U apd SUITS 2f OViRCOATS and SUITS There liii t any in this most phenomenal marked-down sale. Every man should share at once anticipate jour t'utun uaiit sell at these low pn- e-. ler clellnng could net bt Miaruiactured teda wVii'SCOATS a 'Hi SUITS i Jflj s Ferhan Company, New Yerk Cfin Ferhan'a, Limited. Montreal ITUt " I All BOYS9 CLOTHING AT HALF PRICE! $6.00 Suits, Overcoats and Mackinaws $3.00 $7.50 Suits, Overcoats and Mackinaws $3.75 $10.00 Suits, Overcoats and Mackinaws $5.00 $12.50 Suits, Overcoats and Mackinaws $6.25 $15.00 Suits, Overcoats and Mackinaws $7.50 $17.50 Suits, Overcoats and Mackinaws $8.75 Beys' $1.25 Pants 63c Beys' $1.50 Pant 75c Men's Trousers at Half Price Cheese here im thousand-, .i thtJiisuna's .f kvi-s the greac-r assertmc'i'- t- i 1rM1cs m . ctt . Men's $2.50 Trousers. . .$1.25 Men's $3.00 Trousers. . .$1.50 Men's $4.00 Trousers. . .$2.00 Men's $5.00 Trousers. . .$2.50 Men's $6.00 Trousers. . .$3.00 Men's $8.00 Trousers. . .$4.00 Men's $10 Trousers. . .$5.00 WfiiJftCOATS A Big Special Purchase! 1000 BOYS' SAMPLE $2.00 te $4.00 WASH SUITS In all the tinest of wash matt rials in plain and two-tone K : coin binatiens. Norfolk, Billy Be, Regulation, Temmv J uckir m j Ohei 1 wist eltects. 'vll mzcs up te vcars. (tWaL MeMMwan V!HBBaaaa Mnn &r -W& and SUITS Stere Orders Accepted 1019 Market St. Men's $7.50 Raincoats, S3.75 Men's 810 Raincoats, 35.00 Men's ,$10 Mackinaws, $5.00 Men's $15 Mackinaws, $7.50 Men's Fancy Vests... .$1.00 Open Every Night! b --Philadelphia's Largest Exclusive Men's & Beys' Clothing Stere 1021 Market St. w ,iM jf - 'hi .. u 'l i r . ' ' A ,' jl ;.. r 'H "ilLV ..J