Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 20, 1922, Postscript, Page 13, Image 13

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faves tlccipcs for' praised
liver arid Onions and Utlier
Colonial Dishes
.. urns M. A. WILSON
!. !- - -'
iri.M. is'i. ... " i. !'. a
?' rtehf rtttrvta
SriilB young and thriving Qunfecr city
1 en the banks of the Ddaware wm
;. j nmf imnreTcmcuta wcre sadly
needed te frtcllltnte the mnrljetlnit of
feedstuffs, nnd te this end, an ndtll-
tien was mini en u.e -u
Birtet, th extending- the market
Lf, te Owlnr btrtet; which la new
Seuth street. Bchnrf nnd Wcstcetl,
h the HlMery of Philadelphia, tell us
tbe wRslcrn moiety et uu murai.
M nppreprlntcd te the country folks.
In.-' vw ttell vr&a ready te hang
rtt'y In August, 1810. Mlstre Se-
pile Price tens in ner, umry e me
.linn. Alse she telle of n special
Tbinksglvlng Dinner tlmt was given
tbU yer ,n ene or lnc lttmew W
..Mm. n n befitting token of the
Jfr'g srntltude for the bountiful har-
Ytst and prosperity.
As was the custom in uie Kariy
Colonial days, this dinner was for the
re established and clty-drwscd meat
ri'mirchnring a nuarter of beef and
lure her rcclpe for preparlne an old-
falhlonea MUCH uinnur which i win
BM I0r 1119 OUimi'J muuii wtei, I'""'
.t.. - tnenii tnr Rnmlev fcaturinc the
old-tlme Colonial dlahca.
( Sunday Breakfast
Stinmertyl Prune
CUtes' Liter Smothered "With Onlone
Bacen unrnimi rnta x-oiniue
Bread Batter Coffee
Stmday Dinner
Bean Hnup
Boiled Beef Boiled Potatoes
Braleed Cabbnge
fi'Tcet Snleed Beets
imle Pleat Vanilla Sauce
AFP Coffee
Sunday Kvcnlns Tea
Celd CutB of Cern Beef
Pntnte and Celery Snlnd
Apple and Prune Held
,Tta market bn3ket for thl3 menu
111 require:
'Deans, pi-unes, hominy gritft, calves'
llrer, bnrnn. com beef, onions, petn-
nitar. Relntln' and the UMinl weekly
SMcet a rolled ln-lket of corned beef, j
wwh the meat nnd place In deep sauec
Mn. cover with cold water and bring1
llewly te a bell : cook ulewlv, allowing
... mimilKs tn l)ii nniind. If Ten .
live a flreless cooker you will find It
vlll cook thh ment te perfccMen.
If you feel that the cnlf'a llver I" te0
eipenslre, you may use lamb's liver,
ihd if you cook It nicely your family
e&net tell the difference. Beef liver
ray b!e be iicd If you cannot nur
clasc cither the calf's or lamb'n liver.
Braked IMw Kniethcred with Onions
"Wine the liver with a damn cloth
end nit In thin nllre: If reu une cither
tie' lamb or beef liver, remove the skin
bMere elleing.
'Dip eacn Mice In Heur atw Brown
enlchlv in n nki'lrt. w'th tilcntv of
looking het fat : lift the slices no fat
a thev nre cooked te a nlatf. When
tie liver Is nil browned, drain off the
Int. leaving about threu tablcHpoens of
tie fat In the pan nnd add four tab'e tab'e
epfiens of Heur and brown, then add ene
and one-hnlf Clips of cold water and tlr
until It eomen te boiling point. Cook
for a few mluutcs then tula tlie Drowned
liver and
One tcainoen of salt,
One-half rro.ipeoit e pepper.
Tiny pinch of thyme.
Three tablespoons of t'iitejar.
.Cever nnd plnre where it will just
timmer for fe'ty mlnntis.
Te smother the onions :
rccl and ellee twelve larce onions.
W pliipe In n nklllet one-half cup of
rlertmlng njnd when het add the onions,
it'r, nnd just ns thev begin te brown
im ene cup boiling wnter. Cever close cleso clese
U nd let slmine- for fifteen minutes.
tn remove the cover and turn und toss
until the onions nie nicely lrewned ;
iw te garnish the liver.
U raised Cabbase
'Pnrehase two hends of cahbnge and
JM the heart for the slaw. Cenk the
balance In boiling water, und when trn
ctr, drain und chop Una. New mince
ene-nunrter neund of f-nlt perk fine
(tee Colonial housewife used corned
Wrk). nrewn the perk In n skillet nnd
fld enc-hnjf cup of finely chopped
Milons, Cook slowly for n few minutes,
then add the cabbece, M'Ureii well, nnd
esii nnd turn Klewfy, adding thvee ta ta ta
Lfspoens of vlncffar. Cook for fifteen
nlnutes tlettly. Turn Inte a het dish.
Sweet Pickled Beets
Wash, nnd coel: the beets in the skins.
tfiO tllPll ft mlf. ,ilnA iinrlft thr rnlil
ter te voel. llemevc the xkins uud
cut in iilece.i. Place In it saucepan
One nip of xcate.r it which the lects
re coeWrf,
Ore-half cup of ihnrp cider vinegar,
Thvi MArtpoem of flour,
Btir te dibsolve the Heur and bring te
0 bell. Coel; fur five minutes, then add
TArce foMcajieons of baeen fat,
Tice teaipeana of suit.
Three-quarter teaspoon of pepper,
?ke onions yre.tcd,
Bimmcr slowly for twenty mlnutcu.
Apple Fleat
PnPA fniii. ..., 1 ...... ,.. .
l"5. rincc in a paueennti
Ona cup of tug,ir,
ihnc-fjuutter cup of teetcr.
Tlrln,. .. .. !...!! 1 ,. ...
.--, i... ii nun nun UUI1K IOi- me
Dlnntpn ili.i -,1.1 .!. .. i i
m place where they will simmer
:", until clear nnd trunrparcnt.
"u may Flmke the saucepan occasion -iliv.
but de net stir or disturb.
i. , ,, a" eld-faRlilniwI bread pudding
mJi ,",';, f,0llk htft,u brentl ,n ''0,3
rli,V i ." t"'1' l"r'1 "i iv piece of
ill. etMnnd l'rm t,r5'' rl,b through
i,,",",1 "ta-ii-e one cup or tins pre-
nd mid
fue eu, of milk,
Vnc-hilf cup of sueur,
te egm,
nib'nL''11,' tl10 CR bcn'cr te blend:
anSfi7i "ifi1 fl",H "lth m,1ted butter
Wfiii ulti, tbu puddlns mlxtiire; bake
tftn t?w "n, ntll Ket. Let cool nnd
Bi? ,l .knlf" nbeut tke f..h'e of the
vin nnllla tunes.
A IV ise Darisinn
ttefi clfTUn n.re merc censclent leii5
of th ,' ",'.,eCBgiiCB, is the verdle
the henil of one i?jSe New yerk
- i
T ' . ' "
Organ plays at 9, 11 aiti 4:Jp
L'hlmei nt Noen
Shopping in Wanamaker's Down Stairs Stere 'Means
Meney Saved en Dependable Merchandise
Ammal Fiar
Every Fur Ceat and Every
Fur Neckpiece at 25
Per Cent Less
Cheap fur coats and neckpieces arc plentiful, but te be able
te get dopendable furs of Wannmalter quality nt a aaving of a
fourth is an event.
Every pelt effered for sale in the Wanamakcr stere is of
unquestioned quality. The real nnme of every fur is marked
plainly en the ticket and there arc no masquerades. Yeu buy
frith your eyes open, sure of quality and value.
Fur Coats a Fourth Less
This includes every fur coat in stock marmot, pony, muBk
rat and ncarseal (dyed coney) at hew low prices ranging
from $67 for n pony coat te $160 for a ncaracal (dyed ceney)
coat trimmed with soft gray equirrcl.
Fur Neckpieces a Fourth Less
Fqx icarfs lit taupe, brown nnd black, $18 td $40
Japancae cress fox scarf, $13.00
Small Animal Scarfs
Natural opossum, $0 te $13
Natural squirrel, $11 and $22
Mink, $15 te S33
Fitch, $11 te $30
Stene marten, $11 te $30
r . J I. I t mmmmmmm
$5 , $5
Cheer and Gaiety in New
$5 Hats
They seem be gay and light hearted that surely it will make a
woman's outlook brighter te wear one! Such a hat gives a new
Interest te ene's qntire wardrobe.
A bright little affair is of scarlet crepe de chine with a four
quarter crown nnd tiny ecashells en the upturned brim, which is faced
inside with navy .itrew.
Other cheery hats bIiew combinations of soft straw or hair cloth
with taffetas, poplins and crepes de chine in American Beauty, henna,
jade, Copenhagen, etc.
Mfich fruit and flowers ero used en the lighter hats, while severe
3uil'- - feather pompena are about the only adornment seen en the
ark- ones.
New Frecks With Spring Freshness
$10, $13.50, $15 te $25
$2S $13.50 $25
What a gathering of dclightfulncss!
What freshness and charm I It's a joy te leek at the new things,
fcel tlia crisp new taffetas and contcmplate the lovely colorings.
Silk Frecks as Lew as $10
Simple slip frocks of Canten crepe and crepe de chine are made in
pretty models that will leek well en young women.
Velour, twill and tricetinc, tee, in about twenty models at this price.
Weel Jersey Dresses, $10 and $13.50
Deth are one-piece styles in reindeer, henna, navy and brown. One
style has a top cellar and cuffs of crepe de chine; the ether, which is
sketched, has a novel braid trimming of pompon braid.
Rustling New Taffeta Frecks
As Spring-like as Pussywillews
$15, $16.50 te $25
Here are bouffant new frocks of great charm. Seme are embroid
ered with colored wools, some have applique flowers or fruit, and nearly
all are ruffled, frilled und corded.
A particularly lovely frock ha3 insets of Paisley printed silk capping
the sleeves and banding the hips. $25. .
Anether, with an old-fashioned surplice bodice, has n fluffy skirt,
corded ever the hips and made with a scalloped flounce and hem. $25.
, fl
Corsage Bouquets, 25c
Lewest prlce of the season for
the.se clusters of fruit, flowers and
feliage in pretty lavender boxes.
A dainty touch of color that
amazingly brightens Winter cos
tumes. Women's Fabric Gleve
$1 te $1.50
Chamois lisle se firmly weven
that it leeks like suede and in the
season's popular shades.
Strap-wnat, eight, twelve and
sixteen button lengths, priced ac
cording te length. Champagne,
sand, white, cafe, grouse, mode,
black and brown in the let,
though perhaps net in every style.
Charming New Hats
Arc $3.85
Mebtly in close-fitting turban
shapes in brown, light or dark
blue, black, gieen and ether
wanted colors.
One especially pretty model Is
of black taffeta silk and has a
brim faced with white straw, fin
ished with an audacious "dangly"
ornament of black and white
bends directly in front.
Children's Steckines, 25c
Blnck ribbed cotton ones in
medium weight first quality.
Sizes 6'i te 10.
Cellar and Cuff Sets, 50c
Bound or straight cellars with
matching cuifs in white leath
erette stitched in red or blnck,
also ombreidorod linene and pique,
eyelet cmbreidrry and combina
tions of net and imitation Vcnise
Brassieres and Bandeaux,
35c and 50c
Odds and ends of poplin, web
cloth, satin nnd ether materials in
many different styles.
13th Street Aisle
Jewelry Novelties, 10c te $1
Wide range of attractive novel
ties, including wooden bead
gltdlcs, necklaces of beads or
beads combined with mctul links,,
cuff links, hatpins and ornaments,
fancy combs and earrings in many
nretty styles and color combina
tions. Lincne Scarfs, 25c
17xB0-inch scarfs of white
linene scalloped in white, rese or
CerscU, $1.50 and $2
Pink ceutll ones in tepless style
for blender figures or longer mere
heavily boned btyle for average
figures,.$J..GO. Pink cotton breche
corsets in topless style, $ii.
Women's Flannelet
85c and $1
Warm, fleeced gowns arc raade
with long sleeves, double yokes
and ;plaln high round necks or
with cellars. Trimmed with satin,
hemstitching or featherstitching.
Pink or blue stripes at 85c; plain
white or stripes nt 1.
Bleemers, 50c
Tlain white or striped flannelet
with elastic at the waibt and
Extra-Size Batiste
Bleemers, 75c
Pink or white, cut full enough
for comfort nnd well reinforced.
$3.85 for Extra-Geed
Uniforms for Maids
JIaterialh are of unusunl qual
ity nnd, as the uniforms were
made in our own workrooms, we
can vouch for the workmanship.
They are in the regulation belted
btyle in plnin blue, pink or lav
ender chambray and black-and-white
or blue-and-white btripes.
35c for fine pcrcale apren3 in
slip-ever bib effect,
Spring Blouses, $L1S
Amazingly fresh and pretty for
the small price! Striped voiles
in the colors of the crocus
lavender, pink, yellow; crisp
organdies in peach color, plain
white voiles and white blouses
touched with color such are the
refreshing new things.
All have long clccvc3 nnd are
made with tapes nt the waist,
as se many women like them.
Cellars are particularly attractive.
Altogether thcre is a refreshing
air of Spring about them.
Women's Sweaters
At Average Half Price
A great variety of sweaters of wool, mohair and 3ilk in a wide
range of colorings, but net all colors in any ene style or size. In the
collection are plenty of browns nnd tan3 as well as navy blue, black,
white, gvcen, orange and pink.
?H' or Elceyee8S wel slip-er.3 and" tuxedo wool sweaters.
j..50 for tuxedo wool sweaters of a very soft quality in navy blue.
2.e .ter surplice tie-back sweaters of light-weight mohair and
513.C0 for pure 3llk tuxedo sweaters in navy blue and black.
Brushed wool scarfs in a wide variety, an average half
pnee at $1.50 te $5.
Any Number of Geed Winter Coats
Fer Women and Yeung Women
$20, $25 and $29
Lew prices, indeed, for practical Winter coats that are net
?& m rh IeB5 nd rough weather. Every coat is lined
with silk and meat of them are interlined.
Special at $20
A group of coats which huve been several dollars mero in
?;,lr st0,c's- VL ,w hiUre hut a few of a hind nnd in sizej
lb te 38 only, se they have all been gathered together at $20.
Mostly veleurs and Belivlas.
Chinchilla Coats, $25
r me new cnincnuin coats in navy blue nnd cinnamon brown
They are strictly tailored and just
wemen like.
"ti s&i lfrM w,
if L RuM
I J i t i if tS If X. villi
If T px$
y i ft w-.'
l fir
i f 1 ,, i( .
hm i JJt $25
rv i
vl rVwjv.'a! " " w "iiiiviiiiiii coma in ns
'ILIW J-wrth Plnln color silk linings. They
fft'lwV&y the BOrt coate t'181 young wome)
'( IM 17in,..11n..nJ r . anrf
a ui-vuueicu V.UU18, ip&e
Blue and brown velour and cut Belivia ceata with flgurcd
silk linings und cape collare of beavcrettc.
Conservative Coats, $29
Many women like
suede veleurs, without trimmimrs
coats of this type. They are of geed
? . i.i ' vv''" "",' ,J'Bt "U1 wuu mue ana wen cut.
au 4iuy uiuu uuu urewii, sin: nnea.
Fur-Trimmed Coats, $39 te $65
Seft, luxurious coats with cellars of skunk-opossum, Aus
trallan opossum, rnccoen, nutrin, wolf, beaver nnd squirrel,
rhe finest nnd meat faoliienablo coating mntorinle are used, and
the linings are of pretty silks.
The coat sketched, at ?.J7.C0, is of brown Belivia with n
cellar of nutria iur.
Men's All-Weel Overcoats
$21.50 $29 $35
An all-wool overcoat la the only kind te buy. That may seem a high-handed
Btatcment but it la full of wisdom. It is only wool that gives warmth and real pro
tection and that is what an overcoat ia for. Why carry excess weight from your
shoulders weight that doesn't mean a thing toward warmth, protection or ser
viceability? An all-wool overcoat is the only kind te buy.
These are all big, warm, double-breasted ulsterettes, some with half belts
and some belted all around,. Seme of the thick coatings have plaid or contrasting
Many of the overcoats are specially priced and the actual money saving is
enough te count.
Yeung Men's All- Weel Suits at $25
Mixed cheviets are in tones of gray and brown and the suits arc well tailored
and carefully put together.
Men's Brogue Oxfords
Men fs Half Hese
2ec for artificial silk-plated half hose
in black, navy and cordovan, "seconds. '
50c for heavy ribbed wool half hese
in heather mixtures.
85c for full-fashioned fancy wool half
hose in striped effects.
51 for full-fashioned black silk half
hose, "seconds."
"Where did you get these oxfords?" men
ask ethers who wear them. Most men ere
amazed when they learn the price.
Twe styles nre of brown leather with deuble
welted soles with inlaid light fiber. One has
saddle straps and straight tip3 and the ether
has full wing tip3. Beth ohew many perfora
tions. Seme have rubber heels. All sizes.
(Oallirr, MnrUet)
Children's Flannelet
Pajamas, SOc
Pink or blue striped flannelet
makes warm and cozy sleeping
garments for children of 0 te 1-1
years. The pajamas are in one
piece style with a pecket nnd
rufllca at the ankles.
22-inch Linen
Napkins, $5 dozen
Five different patterns.
Sports Skirts, $5
Bex-pleated skirts of wool
plaids and striked prunella arc in
Inns, browns and blues with here
nnd there a touch of bright color.
Tan prunellas with checked
stripes are especially pretty with
brown or tan sweaters.
Beys' All-Weel Suits
With Twe Pair of Trousers
Special at $13.75
Thoroughly reliable suits the parents who shop for their boys
seen find that out.
AH arc Norfelks with box, side and knife pleats of various kinds,
and are of brown or gray mixed cheviot, all-wool and closely woven.
The suits are well tailored. The coats are fully lined with
mohair. Beth pair of trousers are lined throughout and every seam
is taped. Wnat is mero, they nre well reinforced. Their nppcarance
equals their durability, which is saying a great deal.
Sizes 8 te 18 ycarr.
Big Beys' Shoes, 2.75
A special price for geed shoes of black and tan leathers in
straight-lace style en English lasts. The soles nre welted and the
heels arc bread nnd low. Sizes 1 te 6.
(Oallerj-. Mnrliet)
This Is the Time of Year When AH
Girls Need Clethes
It seems the tag-end of everything. Last Winter's coat is shabby,
dressc3 all seem te be giving out nt once. There aren't enough middies te
be euro of a clean one for gym and, quite likely, there's the graduation
frock te think of! The Junier Stere is prepared for just such an emer
gency with inexpensive clethes made especially te fill girls' present
Coats in the Style Sketched, $17.50
The material is a fine dark blue overceating, warm and durable and
nicely tailored. The coats nre lined throughout. Sizes 15 and 17 yeard.
Other coats for junior girls are 10.76 te $20.
Girls' Jersey Frecks at $5.75
Fine for school! Henna jersey dresses with white linen cellars and
cufFs are in sfze3 12 te 16 years.
Velveteen Frecks Lowered in Price
57.60 for velveteen frocks in sizes 10 te 14 years. They are in blue
nnd brown, prettily trimmed. One ia sketched.
512.50 and $16.50 for velveteen frocks in sizes 14 and 16 ye3ra. Most
of them are en the straight youthful lines that are se becoming te girls of
these ages.
45c Yard
Think of itl Beautiful silky dress gingham of the
quality for which you'd expect te pay a great deal mere,
marked only .15c. Celers are lovely brown, green, pink,
light blue, navy, black, red and lavender checks. 1)2 inches
These traveling southward will want it for frocks, hats,
etc. And fercsighted women uill want it for Summer
frocks, blouses and hats; and fashion whispers that the
newest handkerchiefs are being made of it.
New Oxfords of Exactly the Kinds
That Women Want
Most of them will be worn with wool stockings for the rest of the Winter,
are heavy enough for everyday wear and the lines are excellent.
for black kidikin Oxfords en Mender lasts with
simulated wing tips, welted sele3 and medium
for sports Oxfords of tan grained leather with
full wing tips with decorative cutting and perfora
tions and brass eyelets. The thick welted soles
are outlined, with white stitching and the heels are
very low.
for two kinds of tan calfskin Oxfords. Heth have
low heels and welted soles. One has a straight tip
and the ether a simulate J saddle ntiap with
Geed Cheesing Among Women's
High Shoes at $3
Beth black and tan leather fcheei arc here in
conservative styleb with welted s,olea and medium
or low hceK Net ull sizes in every kind.
Dark Brown Leather Shoes
Special at $4.75
Seme have applied straight tipi and ethers
have simulated square wing tips with perforations.
The medium heels are finished with rubber and the
welted selcn ave outlined with white stitching.
Children's Sturdy Brown Shoes
Special at $2.90
Sura li te 'J in high brown leather shoes with
niu.:ru vecs, unisneu wiin tipa, and thick selus.
Sale of 2000 Pair of
Women's Silk Stockings at 85c
Special purchRBe from a dealer who vaa oveuteeked with UiU pauicular grn
brand featured elsewhere m the city nt a considerably h'gr-r prlct. Closely uev.
tide. A btandard
nil fthiutr lliirwl
t'nltrm 1nnn uml inl... .t ...1 .. .I.... .1......1.1.. c . . .
All sizes, 8 te 10. Plenty of navy a.dV-onleva,; ,7s w .11 blacL ' Wm'a "'"
(Cent rut)
tilk net fiber and with mercerized
! H
Lt ii