Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 20, 1922, Postscript, Page 12, Image 12

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Weman s Life and Leve'
mt 1 ne journal
It I f
me FKNKTRATK the henrt of a little
B girl, thnt is lftdepd 11 umlnntlnc.
fHetv wonderful the first fluttering qucs-
1 1 e n I n g s, the
doubts ami nspirn nspirn
tlens and hopes of
life! Hew many
mnttire people re
call any of the
agonizing worries
of childhood, the
mom'nteus fears!
young folks and1
pass them lightly ,
by. Yet It Is youth
thnt experiences
real tragedy. ,
This season n
Jittle Austrian girl's diary lias been
.translated and published, and has!
crcaten n wave et entnusiasm even trem
conservative educators, because of Its
naive, and truthful utterances about nil1
the facts of life. In it one sees the
unfolding of the young mind, wholly
Unconscious of outside prying or criti
cism. Wp see the worries about the
'.trivial dally tasks, the lessens or con cen
fllcts'witk teachers nnd playmates. We
t'Fee the dnwn of curiosity In all Its
'manifestations, and the reaction of the
raedcst mind te the startling revelations
' Jet nature's Immense and mysterious plan
(for continuing the race.
6 Interspersed with the childish unim
portant details of dally events are bits
7ef real, searching philosophy, nnd ex ex
jclamatiens regarding the new truths
(Which all the young folks are groping te
The relations with parent and con
temporaries, and the love affairs with
tteachers and schoolmates, are n part of
childhood's experiences, in every coun
try nnd every stratum of society. This
Qlttle girl it highly bem nnd is shel
tered nnd protected, yet she is a part
jtif the undercurrent of young life- that
rgees en endlessly, unknown te the ma
ture world, where parents --id teachers
(discuss learnedly, nt just what nge
tyeung ieiks sneuitl be enlightened
rpRUTII cannot harm mankind, nnd
J J- It is time, that femininity .eized
aipen the strong, nebtp, scientific
'Jaetn nf evolution and craved te
'breed morbidly ever them In secret. It
as certein that little folks cannot en-
Paul and
Pets and
A with hli
let himself into the house
h latchkey the sound of lm-
activities emanated from the
kitchen nnd he hur
ried te the back of
the heue. His cu- i
rlesity wns aroused. ,
'Dinner Ml be1
rather late." said a I
voice from the pantry :
He edged into the
narrow doorway.
"Well, whnt in the1
world, honey?" he i
' The
shelves were bare and Virginia
down ever her shoulder from .
the top of the household s-tep-lnader.
"I'm Riving the kitchen n thorough
cleaning." she Mild calmly. "Dlt.ner
will be late, dear, and it will be u
ykked-up affair."
"But "
. "New don't start te vayjhe kitchen I
didn't need it. It did."
. "Hut why nei have that woman who
comes TucKln.v.s come in and c.'e this
drudgery, and " 1
Virginia turned nbeut. en her pre- .
cnrieiiH perch nnd sat down en the
step-lndder. She wiped the het suA
from her reddened hands. .
"New. isn't thnt just like a mnn?"i
he inquired of the world nt large. !
"I hate te Unp jei. de this drudg
ery," Paul insisted. Already he hud
shed his coat nnd began tying u huge
apron nbeut his middle.
"I'll help." he snid.
"Paul, jeu march riKiit ou! of fills
kitchen and stny out. If you arc icr
;rlbly hungry you can go en ever te the
grill ami hnvp your dinner. Or you
enn hnve some crackers nnd mllki and
there's some eheese in the ice-box." ,
Virginia glanced nbeut the denuded
thelves of her pantry. "I'm going te
finish cleaning this place up."
"Rut. henev. why didn't you stun
In the first thing this
morning, and i
have, n woman in te help,
and then it
3VeuIi! be done new, nnd '
"Oh. Paul, hush up! I didn't knew i
Jhls meriting I was going te de it."
She hegnn laying clean, white sheets
of papers en the shelve, smoothing aeh '
one out with her fingers with meticuleu.
. "I'll bet the plnce wasn't n bit J
Vlirty," said Paul.
The Weman's Exchange
Te Clean Duvetyn
Te the Editor et Weman'- I'ayt:
Dear Madam I We i la.rl: b'.ue
duvetyn dress which I slieul'l like te
)iave remeileird, but 1 aheu'iil l'U te
.clean the duvetyn first Will you
Jctndly enlighten me as hew te de no?
It you luive used gasoline for cloak
ing before, that would ! the ht thing
te use te sponge off the duvet) n But
Things Yeu II Leve te Make
If you are set'k.ng something ew '.n
the way tf a alanci- ter your livluv
f-.em ht iifiiiirb make this NuViiUi"
.TASSELUD VAt.NCE. Cut an elgtr-een-lnch
plece uf the material the
width of the window. Allew a bit for
Jieins, Cut each side Inte u, point, as
wide acresa the top as the width of the
Slatted Inslde hangings. Turn In thr
Vixt tsm aiIita n .1 Anl.iU I 11 ..-.
tij Srinse. The fringe may bu geld. ce:
V '. v" vui ui nuiv. ui i,n tinier ei euun
? )Olnt cut a circle two Inches In diameter.
n , .muionneie encu witn inreaa te matcn
f JB tn rringe. itun a Heavy rope of the
k It, en me mater'nl as the fringe threugn
t eacn pole. Tie ine repeu into ii Knet just
i) beew the jielnt i let u part hang plain i
i,; tntn tie unether knot, and tlnlsn with a
long tassel.
will leek stunning
i liiade of velvet with geld rope.
Y.M.nftA .
of a leung Uirl
F .M .
lighten ouch ether
no intelllccntlr.
wisely and decently, ns can sensible1
ln.lturp nersnns vet inntt nnrpntu Ii'iivm'
the vital Information te be Imparted
by excited and rulgar boys of the street,
Or leave the child te giey! about In
dictionaries and medical book?, whh a
sense of criminality and fenr of detec
tion. While educators are arguing ns te
what nn the horn and clrls should at-
tain, before being told of the centlnua-
and breeding? We' tlen of flower and animal life, andi
are apt te laugh nt Nature' marvelous methods, the young-1
the troubles OtiKtcr are nratlnc of sex. In n mero br
less morbid and terrorized manner be-1
hind closed doers, or arc recelvlng
shocks from the obscene lnnguage
some elder nnd somewhet depraved as
One must begin te Impart Informa
tion pretty enrly In a child's life In
order te fercstnll the youthful plny-
' ,. '
A HOVE nil. one should net carry out
an idea of horror and serey. of
shame and forbidding. Te consider the
ffiftH nf sat pvlfifpnw. pirnerlpnpp ei
hygiene, ns matters whellv npart from
all pise In human nctlvlty. is te set
them nnnrt. ns a mystic nnd merp or;
less unpleasant force, something te hide;
nnd all this is te lay undue emphasis
en It, ns apart from normal existing. If
one spoke mysteriously nnd darkly about
hunger and eating; If one exhorted the
child never te think of his digestion,
nor te permit the least reference te Its
processes, he would nt once conceive n
terror, or n fnnntlcal curiosity nbeut
digestion !
Ha. it 1 wisest for n mother te ns-
.urr.p ns snne nnd normal nnd agreeable
an attitude ns possible In instructing
her little girl nbeut the marvelous mys
tery of race-processes.
jXTODERN young
folks are
apt te
l'-- have considerable
common sense
nnd ent,e. We are told of nn amusing
incident that really happened. Parents
were worrying and stealthily discussing
just hew much Information should be
Imparted te their little boy. "Is it true
1 thntt hygiene is new being taught
in The public school?" Inquired the
father. "I think se," said the mother.
Then the little son spoke up brightly.
Sure, dad." he cried out. "they taught
us everything. hat is It you want te
"I didn't say it was."
"Then why "
"Oh, Paul, honey, you
stnnd. I just hnd te
don't un'ier-
get at this and de it.
Well, if it didn't
nred it, I don't sec
why "
''Ne a man
He pulled off the
apron nnd hung it en
Its necustemed n n 1 1
behind fhe Mhen
deer and snt down te
Irglnin arranged
the canned reeds en
the topmost shelves, carefully rang
ing them at. te size. Then she p it
away the spiers nnd the cereals, wiping
each crock nnd ennister carefully with
a dampened cloth. '
Frem time te time she stepped back. I
nnd her pretty hend cocked te one side.
surveyed ti)p artistic result of her nr
i.iiixi-iiiriu. luiicii ns a iariu-rnpe painter en. new ceuui yr-u uiiiiertnnn ne--senns
his work with the t.cene before I f'-e'ing for you. when you hn.ve ahe '
I'lm. lutely no feelln.-; in your innk"-iii. '
"I just love it." breathed Virginia, j Vim're .'old. it isn't In you te love an;,
mere te herself than te her audience, "ne." I
"Leve what?" ' And v nil.- he steed theie railing nt '
She clucked thnt odd sound a wom
an makes whose despair at ever malc-
in .M..r , n.tnn.i ,. i...i... '
"This:" She Indicated the breadth
of the kitchen with nn eloquent wave
of her hand.
"Rut it's such a waste et time If it
didn't need it." insisted the practical
She flashed him nn affectionate, em
bracing smile.
"Iliiney. dear. I might turn right
around and de the name thing tomorrow
morning. I might even get up nt mid
night and start te loving every pet jiiJ
pan in the place.
Somehow Paul hnd nn inkling just
n hint of n Hash of her meaning.
"I'eeauKC " he questioned.
"Iteeniise it's ray home." i..-tM Vir
ginia briskb. ns if te stifle the throb
of sentiment she knew would tincture
the futile inexpressive words.
Tomorrow -Man's Lej-alty te Ulan
It Is inflammable and
very carefully nnd In
must be
a place
thre is no posslnle chanc of its c'cn
Ini; fire or expledlnir. Carben tetra
."hlerldp Is almost as geed, nltheutrh It
reuulres a ltttle mero work than hc
rasellne. Put th dress en th Ironing
heard nnd sfxinge It en the rlchl s.de
with the oarben tetrHslilerlde en
e.'enn white cktU Then press the
dress en the wrong sld, rather !l?htly,
se as net te press down the nap This
v '; r-nev the jurtaw dirt nnd any
u i iliat ar no! tee old or deeply
embedded In the mnterlal.
Rust en Window Pane
''.. Kri'tar nf tVomen Pane.
hv Madarr. iMrase tell me If there
i a .y It'nd of a preparation for clean
ing rust from glass In a skylight
Thre should be no trouble nbeut net-
nr ;i y stains of th's kind elT a. wtn-
,i , u -c 'v.t'i sunn ar'i ua'-r Bu
f n - 's. ninn.er.la ei weed alcohol
' n umr c.eth w!'. remove It.
Skin Is Net
' e i Kit ter 0 W'evmr
iJenr Madam Mv
r.tln has been i
rerrral until new
New I' has become
e'!y ..nil Hi pore i hav enlarucd. 1
would I'ke te knew If by using cold
water or, ,. I can make the large pores
ieduii" themselves and my skin bwceme
rmrinnl again. AIsj. hew len would
this take" READER
1'reUih';- veu liae beun using tee
'Mich iinvder. This will coarsen the
i.nr'-M and rra'Ae the skin ugly nnd
eilv. L'sb n. geed nstrlnK.'nt cream te
refine your akin, and when bathing your
fac-. finish off with cold water and
linn v run u uiiu ice 10 nuiK win iierra . ,',i.., ,,.,, ,.,.n,l,.,.u i.,..i.. i
.mailer and the ekln mere smooth. "", '""Jf,? ' "Jn Un H"tn,c ,iH
Put en a touch of cold cream before a favorite wny of trimming the kashn
putting en any powder and de net use "r M'rK'' frocks. Ire braid in self -color
nny mere than. Just enough te tnke'ets efT the newest of tailennaclcs in
off the shine. I cannot tell you hew ' navy or grny or beige. Rlack mohair
lertg It will tuke te get your skin back diversities miiw late serge models. Oeld
te normal, a It depends upon hew (.eutache nnd geld cording nre recruited
fur It has gene "te the bad." But If for mnv , ,tl0 unek vt.m eents nn,)
HhnMenE. l'Xn"""""1 steadlly u ' suits. And even millinery avails itself
should net take long (jf brnl(, , th mn lf ,,, Mllnch().
Pimples will net leave any mark If y nrl. Hhewing today n black velvet
SSm Pri Sur8en.ntilea,d S? "fu 2 , f" !S!J,n 'r.K" e fe
Ing with them all the time. i m wMri' npprnr strips of line black
Carben tetrachloride will take off th
Ice-cream stain. Thank you for your i
' geed wishes. I hope you will always '
fintnu th rnltimn I
HjfeSfinsct vmm
-- - i,.; ,q.
"TRe Marriage
Copyright, lilt, bu J'ublfe Ltdutr Cempanv
Carel Hathbeurne, after having
refuted Xick Tract liclcc, changes
her mind lehcn the hears af his in
fatuatien (or Daisy Cnslleteii, of
"The Jettt) Itcvetrrs." .However,
she does net love him, and after war
riagc, she finds pretense harder than
she had anticipated, above all tchen
she discovers that Sich suspects the
true state of her feelings.
Husband ami Wife
plOR a long moment Nick held her
there against hh breast, and then
n ne tipped her head bark again)
ef'1' shoulder the lamplight fell en her
wri, ami no saw the expression en It.
. It wni pale and cold and lifelesn, licr
biue eyps wcra wide open, but the starry
expression was Bene, they were fright-
Sned. and there was ncrs!en in their
Instantly' he released her, and steed
nwny. His dnrk face had fallen Inte
heavy line, his pyes were dark ami
rami shivered In snite of herself
' 7"' ,'jrew hvr cloak up
around her
. '"';"".' .
. " "r " J'"" marry ine
V he nsl:cl
It w.6 the first time Carel had heard
that note In his voice, nnd she realized
at thnt iityent the completeness of her
fnl'ure te make geed. Her lips trembled
"Nick," she began, "don't speak te
m llk that. I can't bear It."
"Yeu don't love me, you never have
lf.ved me," he went en tenclely. com-
pletely Ignerlns her nppcnl
" ... .mi ,wu iii;iri mi'.'
"Hernuse I couldn't, benr te give you
up; don't you understand. Nick'""
Carel was tnlklns feverishly new. She
wnnted te mnke him understand. If she
could, exnetly hew she felt about It. '
l linil everything else te give you.
everything but thnt ene thtnsr, nnd I
hoped you could teach me that. I wn
sure thnt everything would be nil right
once we were married." Hhe stepped
suddenly, aware of the fact thnt she
wns mnkln; matters worse.
"And evidently I hnve failed. Whv.
it's a crime te touch you. Ne self
respecting tnnn could make love te n
woman knewlny vim shrank awny from
hia very touch. I'm a man, net n
li'Ute. I want your love. 1 don't wnnt
sufferance and endurance. Don't yen '
t i snppeMj I've realized the truth for :l
. long time? Did you think you could
, hide it from me? '
a Hhe quivered under the lnsh of hl
I words, and thA face thnt she raistxl '
! tf IiIh was very white. ,
! "Hut vel! wanted ine te'tnnn-v t.ih
Nick; you wild you would lake me en
nny terms." I
"I wns n feel." he nld bitterly. "I i
didn't .cnlize what mnrri.tge te yen '
ieu!d menn And bcwldes, you pre- I
teiwied te 'are j you deceived me. I
wn.i certnln thnt you loved me the day
we vri mnrrird."
"I've wnnted te rare. I've never
wnnted anything n much in my life."
Carel twisted her iWers together nerr nerr
eusly "I've tried. Oh, you don't
Knew hew hard I've triid. and I never
ine.tnt veu te knew. I meant ti kee
from von always."
"You've tried, nnd vr.u find It imnne-
sible. I thnt it?' He asked harshly.
fr-r-tr AW i-'fMjfM.W
the minute I teucli you. I con -ce (lie
leek of fear In your eyes when I whli-
per ymir nnmecnreiii-'.v. Il-.veeu:
mm t veu understand that, (ion t you?"
He ciusht her slim wrist in his tinger
thnt were like steel, nnd she did imt
Nhrlnk. She met bin srze bravely, but
after i moment he threw her arm nwny
from Ittm se reuchlv thnt she stnggereif.
"Rut. of our?e, you don't, wie
should 1 expect such n thlti.t?" he went
lier. nbfeiutelj liestilc himself. Carel
thought dumbly, "Is It true: inn I like I
.I...4 T I. . 11. 1 ,L., T It
' '" " i"i"iuie iniii i am mi
ferent from etner women, thnt I shnll
lever knew what !eve is?"
Tomnrrew Hni.sy Again
Variety of Trimming
Adorns Black Velvet
who fellow the march
jnsiiienB cannot help but Iw impressed
,( 1 ill' IIKWtt-t I) II 1 1 L. Jl ui 14111 I4PVU
eruiu nnu ciniireiuery lies gns wreugiu
of the same trimming. Rlack monkey
fur achieves ctius nnn cniinr nnd the
l.Mflf nf llin umnrt tmiinl lit ,li l.nnlr
" " "'" " ""
(n n
In the daytime a full rape of wool
duvctyn In n soft, becoming Ian Is
Just what you necit. The fur cellar
adds distinction, the gathers add warmth
and the straight gut Is graceful nnd
correct. Fer evening, ever n lacy frock,
the fur wrap Is mere comfortable, nnd
one of this kind, with A shawl cellar
that fastens In front, leaving the lower
part free te fall open, If It likes, Is
both practical nnd geed looking.
m w
Adventures With
a Purse
HAD it net been for the fact that I
had te go an errand, I never would
have seen the luncheon sets, nnd you
' would have missed a real bargain. I
was just poising the shop, nnd hap
pened te see them in the window. They
are thpse attractive blue nnd white
'sets, with the round centerpiece and
'tj)c ,WPiVP doilies of two different sizes.
T" "" " "ther different from most
of the blue nnd white sets, nnd is n
ibnsket pnttcrn. And if you please, the
.,,. BO,,,rteen nieces Is 7inlv SI.
The Question Cerner
Today's Inquiries
1. Describe a convenient set of trnys
for the desk in the office, which
keeps pnpers in order, but easy
te get nt.
''. Instend of stocking beards what
can be used te dry woolen stock
ings se thnt they will net lese
their shape?
.". Hew are some new oilcloth doilies
colored se thnt they are just ns
pretty as the white ones, but
net se quickly soiled?
4. Whnt is the correct weight for
n boy who Is forty -one inches
(nil. find hew heavy should a girl
of the snme height be?
,r. Of whnt dnlnty material is n
rellnr nnd vest mnde te give an
unexpected note te a darkjfreck?
0. Hew is the very newest vanity
case cnrrled?
Yesterday's Answers
1. A device which lifts n record
from the tnlking mnchine se thnt
It enn easily be removed is new
undergoing the process of comple
tion. ". Steel wool should be hung up te
dry after being used se thnt it
will net rust.
H. Te be entirely correct, dinner
napkins should be twenty-four
inches square.
I. A boy of forty Inches in height
should weigh thlrty-nlne pounds;
n girl the same height should be
thirty -eight pounds,
j. A utrlklng hat which retembles
rough straw has a brim of woven
white felt nnd a crown of black,
d. Re.d and violet are the two
shades which are largely taking
the place of the popular black.
Twe Minutes
Service and Results Net Hours or Dignity
itrNE of O. Henry's heroes," said the chief, as he lit another, "periodically
mnde n let of money selling te heusewives a kind of combination knife
that was nn tee pick, potato peeler, npple corer, corkscrew, button hook, nail
flic, screw driver, hammer, can opener, scissors, jimmy and maybe safety razor
and hnlr cutter and an ornament te nny gentleman's wntchr chain, all In one.
I don't knew whether this magic knife ever did every one of the many things
claimed for it, but the paying principle underlying its snle wns thnt while the
average woman appreciates the cutting finalities of a geed knife, she appreciates
even mere n knife that is net ashamed te de whatever comes along, but helps
out In every wny It can.
"The commodity," continued the chief, ns he puffed en, "that does mere
thnn is commonly expected of it Very seen enjoys n great snle nnd much pop pep
ulnrlty. And this often lends me te think hew much mere satisfaction the
nvernge empleye would give, nnd hew much mere satisfaction he would get, If,
like that combination knife, he hnd his specinl cutting edge, and nt the'same
time wns nlwnys rendy nnd willing te be useful in nny cupneity he could serve.
"There are entirely tOu many people who, the moment they rise the leiist
hit nbeve the rank nnd file, become se keenly nppreclntive of the dignity" of thfir
new work and se overwhelmed by their fancied added Importance that rather
than de anything net requiring the Incrensed skill or knowledge of the duties
they have latter!) been paid te perferin, they just leaf. Fer n late underling te
nssume such a strut is absolutely fntal
nnd .hcn n rPaiiy important man gets
him te shrink rnther thnn expand.
"It hns happened that our greatest editors have gene out nnd done n
reporter's work. Our most noted stntesmen nnd nutliers ni-p oftener than net
their own stenographer. Ki-I'residenf Wilsen is net ashamed te say that he
frequently pounds nut his own stuff. In n pinch our best engineers will grease
wheels. And nny corporation president who is as big ns his nnme Implies
would without a murmur gt out, get under, nnd if necessnry. help hU chauffeur
push, should the machine get btuck nr stalled.
"Yes, sirpc," concluded the chief, "bigness Is very often unthlns mere than
n readiness nnd willingness te pitch In and help out the fellow below. In tills
establishment nt any rate, from top te bottom from nine te live, every man keeps
continually busy, if net at the work he Is pntd te de, then nl something else.
We pay for service nnd results, net for bourn or dignity. And if n man ever gets
te the point where he feels he has nothing te de, he's quickly shown that he
can't de It here."
m.r af
New then. If that isn't
don't knew what Is.
bargain, I
Here's nnether specinl thnt should
Interest you, tee women's flannelette
Pajamas for SI. SO u nnlr. Doesn't that
impress you as being pnrtlculnrlyychenp?
They come in two styles, with the jnck-
ets thnt open down the front, nnd these
with V-necks thnt slip en ever the
bend. They nre for sale at, one of
Philadelphia's eldest nnd most reliable
shops, se that you can he assured that
their quality is excellent.
And speaking of $1.S0, nnether nhep
has fabric gloves for that pdee; long
gloves, I mean, net short encV They
nre elbow length, come In white, tan,
brown nnd grny, nnd nre' very heavy,
resembling suede se closely that unless
you leek at them very carefully you
will think that is what they are. This
Is just a special snle.
Fer mm of slmp addrrun AVemnn'n lre
Fdlter or phnne Wnlnut neon or Main 1S01
bttucen the hours of 0 nnd t.
Read Your Character
fl.V Dighy Phillips
The Imaginative "f"
What Is snid of the "f" in this in
I stance U nlre applicable te the- "p."
I "j" and "y."
It is through these four letters thnt
1 n person's handwriting may reveal te
I you whither lie or slie has n lively
j imagination or a quick, vivid fancy.
Yeu knew It when you see ihe loops
with which these letters nre finished off
i below the line nre well-rounded nnd
rather flourishing.
Th! fact thnt the lower loop-i of
I thess letters nre rounded, instead of Just
j en'ding off In an uncentinued down
stroke, indicates only in a mild wny
Hint the writer has convent leunl tastes
j and idens, with just nn inclination to te
! wnrd the fnnclful or emotiennl.
; Rut when the loon arc big nnd flour fleur
j ishlng you nre loeklnz nt the kind of
j person who is dominated by fnncy and
1 imagination rnther tluin by strict rea
j seiv nnd principles of business nnd
j order.
When the loops nre very long, se
I long as te extend iaite the line below,
you hnve this ehnrnctcrlstie developed
te such t point thnt the writer is like
ly nt any time It suits bis or her fnncy
te threw n "enventlnn overhenrd in
Ihe most- lljrht-lirnrted fashion.
Pee'ile who loop thcFe four letters
nre likely te be erislnnl in their no ne no
tlens. Women who de it arc the ones
who always keep abreast of ihe latest
fads. Uwally they are n hit restless,
nnd te them variety is indeed the spice
ei lite.
Tomorrow Conservative Writers
Afternoon Frecks
Either white or gray Is certainly the
popular choice for the formal afternoon
frock for Southern wear. Often these
white crepe dresses nre accompanied by
n cane, either of matching material or of
n ratine iikc tricetinc.
of Optimism
te his present or prnsuectivp progress,
that way his greater responsibilities cause
j mt ."; I1- g"7r'
. .. i j i
Please Tell Me
'i What te De
8ay Column Dees Geed
Dear Cynthln I Wve read your col
umn qulte frequently, mid It makes ine
wonder, at times, wnether or net you
fully reallie the geed you perform In
acting as u. mcui'ufn uiiuuhii vu.cii uie
Ideas of ethers may be expressed.
The publishing of, a letter such ne
that written by "The friend of All"
should de mero geed te the younger
generation than, could "a dozen oermens
Te tell us thnt she Is a, friend of the
whole world was net necessary we
could tell that she was after reading br
letter and she Is quite right concern
ing the renaen ter the modern girl s
Immodesty and lack of morals. Her
lowered status Is due, undoubtedly, te
bet' desire te plenie the opposite sex
but then, tee, It preves that the moral-
lt, -r Sia vnllnv mm nt IndflV IS in
perfect nllgnment with the morals of
jlhe modern girls. The fault lies with
the young man of today, and the sooner
we young men learn te fully appreciate
these things which are geed nnd notjie
In a young lady, that seen will sne
become the embodiment of all things
synonymous with geed women.
We nre the' pace-makers, boys, ahd It
Is time that we decrease the cadence a
little, se that our own sisters will net
be splashed with mud, as they n'J'"101
te keep step with us. A HIM.
Just Talk, Don't Question
Dear Cynthia Can you help me?
When b fellow and a girl go out for a
walk, who should start te talk? K It Is
the girl's place te tnlk, can you tell me
something I can talk about? My sister
and a fellow she knows come out with
us, but they walk back of us. The fel
low my sister walks with kids the fel
low I walk with because we invent
anything te say. He says, "I will start
you a conversation." Please print this
ns seen na possible. Because I might
go 6ut again. JENNIE M. R. D.
Suppose the next time you are going
walking you suggest te the young man
that you turn n dlfferent way, or ask
him te cell earlier for you than the
ether man will call for your sister. Take
several walks by yourselves and get
used te talking te each ether. Ask the
young man what he has been doing
elnce you last met. Tell him where you
Imvn hn. whnt tnevlp Vel! haVO seen.
what books you have read. Don't think
about It. JUSt talk. And nbeve all. den t
think "who should spenk first?" or
"whnt hnll I tnlk nhnnt?" "hew shall
I make conversation?" That will maker
you self-conscious at once. Just talk.
If you have te go out with your sister
and the ether young man walks ahead
and starts talking the same way. he
will seen feel at home and will talk
easily with you.
Shall 8he Drep Him?
Dear Cynthia I am a girl of nine
teen and I am attractive looking, have
dark eyes and. hair and I am going
with a rellew who is one year my senior
nnd lives in your city. New, dear Cyn
thia, as you have given geed advice te
ethers, I hope that you will help me
by answering a question. I have a
boy cousin who resides In Philadelphia
and' who knws my boy friend, but
somehow or ether they are net en
poed terms with each ethor and there
fore my cousin has a grudge against
him and tells me net te go with him
nnd many ether things nbeut him. Hut
I de net knew whether the things he
says are true, and he keeps en telling
me net te go with him nnd give him up.
I care for him and I knew he cares
for me, but since my cousin sneaks the
way he docs about him I am disgusted :
but then why should I be. when I de
net knew the truth of the whole thing?
Should I take my ceusn's advice nnd
forget my boy friend or should I still i
go with him, since I care? My cousin I
pays lets of attention te me lately and ,
perhaps he has reasons of his own for
talking nbeut my friend.
This Is the first time I have conie!
for your advlce nnd hope you will print
thin ns seen ns possible, nnd thanking
De net drop your friend from hear
say. Ixit him answer the things said
about him te you. Tell him all about
It. after having said te your cousin
that you Intend te find out If the accu
sations nre true. It Is net fair te any
one te condemn without a hearing.
The Individual "butter-pat" a dUh
the size of a dell's saucer Is net used
en modern tables. The bread-and-butter
plate n tine china plate net larger than
I the saucer or a teacup has taken Its
place. uutter eaus and sliced bread
are passed and are placed en the bread-and-butter
pinto. If rolls are served
Instead of bread at dinner, one of these
Is Inclesed In each dlnner-napkln.
Each slice of bread Is broken, net
cut, and the portion Is taken between
the thumb and first two fingers of the
let, hand, there te l,e used as a lever
te assist the cut feed en the plate te
the fork held In the right hand. Semi
hostesses de net serve butter nt dinner
but If It Is used, the portion of bread
' ' l1..I,1 k. Itlllla.. Ii.a.a .m. ....
ni.MMK. .' wwnww ,wt.,c, link alter
breaking It. Except In warm weather.
Ice Is net placed In the central dish of
butter balls.
Frem $160 Upward
08 W, Chltn Art.. Gtrmantewn
Phene.1 Oermnntetcn atlO
Pure as geld !
a 46
Sold only in our Stores
. I
1 "I
! 4PL
i .rgSSSSSRP' aSfeiY .
j jj2
.v. :, .i
."H. ' M
Xn. ,i, ')
Badfiadle Gtee VfrtriGfflH&Kitr
That Hi Yeung Sen Had Just Acquire
Children Expect Certain Things of Their Parents and Weiim
lie Disappointed if Mether
NOW whnt would you de In a ense
like this?
His son Is eighteen nnd lins been
smoking with permission for almost n
Hut his wlfp, the boy's mother,
doesn't like te have him smoke and
often requests him te step.
Nnturnlly having smoked only n short
time, he hnd net acquired thnt terrific
craving thnt boys a little elder thnn he
se often have or seem te hnve nnd the
hnblt litis net become like bread nnd
butter te bl in an It has te his father.
.Se. out of n elenr, blue sky, with a
fresh wind blowing nnd nn atmosphere
n-4 free of fog ns a clean piece of glass,
he shot his thunderbolt.
"Sny? dad," he remarked at din
ner. '"I'll 'give up smoking 'cigarettes
It you will."
New what would you de?
What could any conscientious, truth
loving parent de?
Dad snld. "All right," nnd dad gnve
up smoking cigarettes, the Jinblt of
twenty years or mere.
And nad Is sorry for himself.
Rut he suffers In n noble cause !
INNOCENT little sins that you hnve
never considered nnvthlng mere thnn
perfectly justifiable Indulgences n per
son hns te hnve tome fun loom up like
ships out of the mist when your chil
dren begin te notice things.
Yeu think It Is se nice te Inke them
Inte your life or. rnther, te try te live
Inte their lives; yourself.
And you nre se pleased when they
take you en.
Then something turns up that Is right
for you but wrong fe your-thirteen
year-old daughter.
Wcarlnc the hair un eh ten of the
TTead, for Instance, or having It mnr
ccled. Ne." you sny firmly, stepping out
of hrr life nnd pushing her out of yours.
"nut. methcrl she insists, planting
her feet firmly nnd sticking persist
ently In your nge, "you de It why
enn't I?"
"Rccnusc It. Isn't sultnblc for you.
you'd leek silly." you tell her, still
withdrawing nnd pushing.
"Well, mother." she pouts, still
hanging en, but shewln; definitely thnt
she belencs te a different time, "I don't
sce why."
Sharp Chetie ....25c lb., 4 lbi., 95c I Perk Lela for Roasting... TQc
Beit Table Cocea. 13c lb., 2 lbs., 25c ' Refnlar 'Smoked Ham. .. . "u.
Headquarters ler Maarict Rivtr Cove Oyittrt, all hind Ireth Fish and Sea Feed
Mmtf.mi.imt.tmmHmtt.t -LUI 1 Vlpg.
This Is a sale directly te the public trem the makers.
There are many models nnd different furs for your
cheesing. Prices have been grently reduced te lessen our
overstock, caused by Dackward season.
Bay Seal Coats
Spert Medels, $47.50. Knte Length, $67.50
Hay Scnl Coats trimmed with Squirrel. ...S115
Bay Seal Cents trimmed with Beaver 115
Bay Scnl Coats trimmed with Skunk 110
Natural Muskrat Coats 117
French Seal Delmans with embroidered lining 125
Come n and set our many lote-prtced Fur Coats. XV ream
this svact won't permit our telllne teu mere about fheiu.
L. HERMAN 90 walnut
miHUlgBj Small Deposit Holds Any Garment AJJVUJJJAU
,i i nn m i.i i rn i n ni m nn 1 1 n n 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Atlantic City
M, Vf S1 I
'" "W v-' " m irnaSu 1 111 x't
I S. 13th St. and Chestnut St
Boardwalk Shep Atlantic CityBrighten Bleck
. mri rn 1 1 n n nn n n 1:1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 11 iinriirmn m
I iliiiw.
and Father Faded Them
THERE'S no answer te Hint, fen
never was.
There never will be.
That's the reason our dnughtcrs m
sons nlwnyn bring It Inte the cenw
satlen just when things seem te b iH
going their way. "S
It takes se long te explain why ,
Indeed, there is nny explanation t
WHAT responsibility parents de hT
te carry I J
Net only In bringing up their thll.
i ren. but in living up te tliclr ch
dren's Idcnl of thun. - "V
The tender-hearted little boy wW
fnthcr snw through nnd turned a7f
the professional, weening, theatric
bt'ggnr. ,wns very skeptical. v
"Father, why didn't you give Vi
peer man something?" be, asked. .2
there wns almost reproach In his tm?
He didn't like te bcllev" ttl
fnthcr hnd been hnrd-henrted but iv!
"peer mnn" had said (hat his wife i
little children were crying for feed. ,
rvil, JT'S hnrd te de what they n!
V pect of you. nnd net fall short of
your own Ideals ' 01
Tust ns hnrd ns It Is in An ...i.., -.
&Lht withe,,t 'n,,,n "let 1
Foreign Women
Tew Turks, hnve mere thnn one wlfr'
although their law nllews them in h,
four. i"
Women prlMts demlnnte the Dinim
n curious tribe of peepTp inhnbitlnt ''
section of Rrltlsh North Bernee. U
In Persia, where parents nt one tltM'
were g ad te be rid of little girls. iS
willingly sold them for n few dollar?
there is new a strong desire for edu
cated womanhood, ns evidenced by til
estnbllshinent of. industrial and etW
schools for girls.
Saving Chins
Fer the sagging chin here Is a slrnpli
remedy thnt may be npplled In the dat.
time, Snturntc n cotton compress with
n liquid astringent. Fnstcn it nnile.. it
ejiln by menus of n cheese-cloth or linen
strap, ia'evi- it en ier iiuccn or twentr
minutes, nnd In extreme cases let It
remain for hnlf nn hour. This may bt
done twice dally. Dcllncnter.
urn i n 1 1 1 1 n n 1 1 1 1 n.n n niiiraTraiiTritrmia
The Sheps of Sensible Prices
JB!evedl 1
of the American girl
and her slim elder
sister her sports and
tailored togs! Se
fashion bxtsies herself
constantly with new
and picturesque sports
modes for Mademoi
selle. She has just sent ns
a straight one-piece
frock of Lionel tweed,
with cdpc and hat te
match, that is well!
you will say, it is
just tee darling ier
words! It comes in
stone, blue, rose, vio
let and tan. Sizes lh
te 20 years. Perfect
ly tailored at half the
price Mademoiselle
pay 8 her 'custom
Cape $1Q
Hat $1'
tiiiniTi rrtrirni rffTnrrrfrinjrfTTiiTHriTfntni i
1 ,
-. i'
a .rfl v.
- '"' '' Ua $
.iPiAljl!"!- d,tn.vVi.'.. i JU Aw-