V-- ; JUST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE Nancy Wynne Tells of the Birth of aSen and Daughter j te Mr. and Mrs. Laurance Butlcr-r-She Sees Miss Neivlin Wearing a Very Smart Costume HAVE you heard tbdt the Lnurnnce Butlers haTe a wee 6eu and daugh ter, twins, born Just n few days oreV Thnt mnkca Percy Mndeftyi e double crandfuthcr, does it net? Still he'fl been a grandfather before, beeauna all three of Ma children lmvCfV darling youngster of their own. " Mrs. Butler was Marie Madeira, named after her mother, Mr. Madeira's first wife, who was Miss Marie Marie, of New Yerk. (There's an accent en the lat 13 of the last name, se It was pre nnniwl Mnrlur.) The Marie family .tins widely known In French circles in' New Yerk. There was Mr. Peter Marie, Mr. Jehn Mnrle, Miss Tiny Marie nnd Miss Jesephine, who died only recently. The first Mrs. Madeira died when her three children, Percy, Jr., Leuis nnd Mnrle, were very young, " The' Butler twins have n small sister , ml brother of six and four, who are perfectly dnrlbiB children. Mr. Butler IS 0 eOll OL iliu illiu .in. uuu line, tiuuu Merris Butler, who you remember used fy live nt. "Terrnre IJelmc" en Spring iv .- - . ... .. "i bkiiue, Ugenu. i.urs. isuucr, wee was Miss Sarah Cooker u daughter of Jay fueke. tue unancicr ei me uivn war, and a sister of the late Mrs. Charles Barney i went te ."Terrace Helme ' as a bride. After her death some years age, hrr children, who were all innrricd then with the exception of Allen, wild the old home. Allen later married Kutbryti Berden. .The eldest of Laiirauce Butler's sis ters, Elizabeth, rs Mrs. Eugene Uesen quest, of "Westchester, N. Y,, nnd Cluribse, the youngest sister, married Winifred, linger, and Is new living in Colerado. J no etner ureinrrs, iiurrj nd Merris Butler, murrlcd some year's I .n nn,i nrn living near New Yerk. Hew . family docs scatter bemctlmcsl They arc most attractive men nnd women, all of them. As for Mrs. Butler, .that Is, Mrs. Laiirnnce Butler (I've mentioned se many I would net blame you for being mixed), she Is ene of the sweetest women I knew, and that Is saying a leh. ADELAIDE NEWLIN" is se attrac tive, and she had en the best looking costume the ether day. She was wearing a small gray hat trimmed with squirrel fur nnd a velvet dress of n lovely shade of gray green. The skirt of the dress was of black velvet innde with panels of the green, and with the dress she were a long jet necklace. Yeu con imagine hew becoming It was te Adelaide, who has black hair nnd black eyes and lovely pink cheeks. She Is en gaged te Bill Paul, of Chestnut mil. One of Bill's brothers. Arthur Paul, Is tegaged te Betty Welsh. Speaking of the Paul family reminds me that 1 saw Adellne Pepper Paul, cv..t,. rtenree Wharten Pepper a .laughter and TJieodero Paul's wife, en h" street the ether day. She was wcar nc a suit of dark blue with bright blue embroidery trimming the edges of Its vide tdcetcs and the hem of the coat. Sb had n hat of cire eatln in black, i,iinnl with some bright coiervu new - r ou'- ---i- -- t . . . , i n ..."- ---. . . . thn I.. m. Tt' eri ncreaa iu iv...v, v - wus very becoming. THll "Marriuce Tax" at the Academy Inst night "was leads of fun. I theucht the men and girls did awfull well and it wai? a pretty, bright and .. nffu The rnst iimcs were lovely, 11 1 te brilliant and smnrt; nnd the girls , looked sweet and dainty in tneir unnccs. It's a pity they are net going te gnu n another night. ' ,, Seme of the costumes were really Mrikingly original. I thought the flowers werr wonderful, and was net Mrs. I'hll Dickinsen exquisite? My, tut she is pretty! Mrs. Victer Mather looked radiant as u'inl She has such wonderful poise nnd is be geed looking. All the girls who did net tuke purt in the actual Mrformunce ucic aides, selling pre-gran)-, and fudge und smokes. They erc all dressed lu white waists, skirts, dippers and stockings and looked per feetlj dear. rnHi;iiU' going te be another cn - l - gageintMit seen, bhc fair and sine s . . i crem and she'h u debutante nnu ane ib i awiuuy iMi iiKt'ti. nir limn - i, .....H.. .. .11 11I...1 fl'I.A mn( l(J nit1 II I Philadelphia und hp's very nttrnetivp. ' I liikt won't U'U who il if., but she's baira bin dance riven for ber and sue a teen Riven theatre parties and leti of dinners and who's had a wonderful time Kenerally. 1 knew it'N true, because, ou bee, the wee bird wan In the next rium when "he" talked with her ever the telephone recentl , and lclict me. tlierc Is no doubt of the ciiKnKemciit. Shn discussed when it would be nn nn nenni'pd with him, nnd It will be seen. New gucv,. VAXCY WYNNE. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES it guests wlm will nttend the dinner t"met row i-iMilnK 'which 5trB Ju&hua T.add Hewell f Ardmere, will glve ut j Uie Ult-c'ailtin In honor of Miss Pauline dr 'I' ,SuOKi. dubutante daugll- 't nt Mr nnd Mih Cliaileri C SuvaKO, j of Cu stnuc Hill, will Include Mlsu Mary I f VKcii. Mlsi Sainli Legan Hturi, Miss ' M.ii'jn (.i-ur'J. Mr. Hrundcn Uar nti Mp William IIeni l'.irlcur, Mr. wintweiih Jehnsen ami Mr. Charlei a.iKe The party will be chaperoned ''5 Mi ami Mr- .leceph T. Kims, of I'liestnut Hill Tlie Kiu-HtH will later at 'end llu hall whleli Mr Uuntuw A , iieclt. Iki will t;he ut the Dellevue-1 Watford u, honor of Mies Virginia. , iui-K--,'hei ii)utant ilauglitei el Mr kid Mi l.i.durd lli-t kbchci turtv she dined together en Mon Men Ji fvtningat the Curniantewii I'rleket 1 'iD liiiludcii mihh Marian (.'nhlr Den- Kl'lli M Irt HvelMl II lll-iLMiill MIsB Murj, j I- 1-urKe. Miss Uertrude A. : Invalids NO COOKING The Feed-Drink" for All Agc9. Quick Lunch atHome.Office.end Fountains. Ak for HORLIC1CS. -Avoid Imitations & Substitute Sports Suits Tep Coats & Capes $65 Te Your Measure Impert Material KIEFERLECO.,Inc. Sptcialitli le Theu Ovtr Avtragt Weight 133 S. 18th St. wKfftx&mmJnMr y T, Mj I : t H. OraJiath, Miss Emily l'eultnc and Mies Mary Marshall Hcett. of Baltimore ; J'r- nuncio Tatnall. Mr. William Beard, " Jehn Beard, lit. Edward Uenialez, Mr. Ldward Bayler and Mr. Hareld JlttUlZ. t A subscription dance for the bonefli ?f. ? ex:frvlc0 men who urn unem SJ0""1 .will be Riven en Thursday evening: February 0 at the Iloenevelt. Mrs. isaward OBberrrt Troth Is chairman .L... "raiiK in cnarge. The com cem com mltlce Includes Mrs. Henry 13. rrayten, IS;, Iilchar. Newbold, Mrs. -Klcharu Heckscher. Mrs. Ldvard Hecksenw, Mrs. Lambert Cadwalnder. Mrs. William Fhlller, Mm. Heward K. Hill. Mrs. Mar Mar madulce Tllden, Mrs. Jehn i Holltnffs Helltnffs Holltnffs werth, Mrs William Ilefln, Miss Nina Lea. Mrs.yp. Williams Heberts, Mre. A. DeRj-auw Warnock.. Mrs. Holllnsheed T,ayl0,r' -5Ir.?; William O. Hepkins. Mrs. Lrln in Godfrey Jr., Mrs. JSdwnrrt Trefh, J""',.,?1? Hunter- Scarlett, Mrs. Henry Si" lvl ftnd air- "obert Learning ..,. iwutii Aerrey. aira. 1arKcr Tu Mr. and Mm. I Tell In ah ami u Tnr .nfSiMartlna.Une' Chtnut Hill, will "i-MTOii ui u icu. en aunany tiiturnoen "jvw ut "' " o-ciec : te meet air. nnrt Mrn. Edward O. Troth, 'of 3U8 West 1'enn street, Germantewn. of Vnn"J Jfr. William L Geedman, or 88C0 Uormantewn avenue, Chestnut ni... u IraV en Friday for Atlantic end y W"1 ePcnd.the ' lieM5 w,rha.m Dougherty, of Cress n S rfi?7lc?te'wh0 hns bccn spendluK U w days In New Yerk, returned te nor home yeeterday. wmrinSvd M,n,,.c;?Ieb "' Kbx- or Ogontz. for iiX?Jh0T-.at,er.part of W me"h r2Lii '5lre' Fln-' w,iere they expect te remain for seme time. ,'?,n-,!inSuai,?U!bra'!0" of the General DfabJ!3rr"-f Maury Chapter, DauRhtc'rh of th8 renf v,. : ;"L"',.Su?i"0.r? Acorn Club tomorrow u ternoen. T business meeting will be at I o'clock" S? cwPtV ln oner of tne birthday ? e3SS? n n Luu W,U lleld " hnaIh-SV,,,i0,n. H- "eftnian, of this city. 55teMinnn1ayJnff at ,he Embassader ut Atlantic City for a few days. QERMANTOWN fnW&5vHle.Ilsr.ta V'3,UnB fr,cnds afternoon. The jmeuts mn T Mrs X W.h31;.,1;.' M. a!?rls. Mrs. . u ,u,, t imam Keyc nvr,.TA -"rnd Oramni, of DDU Pulaakl I SarTv i?S.i iR llinfheen and brldge I party larit nvirtn,.'""?"""" " " urQBe ent jwp Mrs.' ElcWberce?. SS KVeT ?rnH.nenry'- JIre- Themas Hen? v. Mrs William Jenes Mr n r,.i.n.. JV -'irB- SOUTH PHILADELPHIA .A'!"tcn.an.t Themas Calhoun, .tr of Mr -The ",ter." V'8'tln? W tr son fm. ;r ."""'" rr- et i- Jac. son street, for a. few duy'i, -uisa cecillu. If. Kenny I loe. .."., "- "' '"-,u ."'" momeers of her fn.r,i ,.i.,t. .:;.". I ,. : --- --n3,iny .ncrfiifTia,i ;vr " ",,ff Ul ilcr li0me- 131 last mcetlnir at l.er iT ."';."' l"V'r street. rerler ZdJ'Jrs:.. Bewcn. of 1224 she Is reeunMn", "." "md 'earn Klad ta ,.Mrt --".-.t, ,V em her lecent III- UCD3. avenge. aladJ;oIrIabZrZeatr0Mr125ohlJnn1,'r relatives in iNiagura Falls for u short time, Miss ldllzubetli Itcgan of 1Sib h.ii strtet. has returnn.t w,..0 TJ.SL9 , I vtedhcrBlslerMrr';i--" Chelsea. Mrs V Jfllll'SV rlf Vkn ..!.,.. Vlsltlnir nt in- h. .""-"". """j itt, in t Mrs. B -- " --T " ..v.litJ UL I1LT flmih.A-. ?er3aSnt.f 19" " - Mr. XlcheIuH J. llenian, of J 733 lelin -mihs uamllle Melir, Mla Florence iiipiV nor. Mn. William D. Cefrtn. mS? a nr ana Jira. Sephia Illclcncr. . I , &"i'V..JV.(.'II.MAKKKi ML v lllnrw 11 T -..""" . . fI0;,,M"'ne Sect ion of nt sSnauy-, fSwl LeJcef- Den l ta" ' " thtm.-Adv. wniift nave rnntrlKiit.l !.. .. . 'fcr in Liur nniip ntui i . "First en Your Shopping List" . Geerge Allen, inc. 1214 Chestnut Hats! Hats! Hats! Fer Aludam, MndomeiNcllc or the Little .Miss. Dressy Hats Inllercd Huts, Sperta Hats All Our Winter and Mid- ' Season Medels at AHtenlshingly Reduced Prices. $4.00 te $10.00 aiiiviAL. sL,Li vi TKl.M.MrJl' BI'OKIS HATS in Uu iiii, reivei, biik weaver at JJe.UU. Sale of Weel Sweater's- ATJ10.00. Mft,tl IJIack und Navy Blueb. Were $13.50 Tuxedo Style. AT 7.50. ThiH group includes some Hcavy-Weiirlit Sweaters for skating. Ited, Uluck nnd Huff. Slip-ever at vie Were $10.00. ' AT $4.50. Tuxedo Style in Nuvy, Gruy and Huff AT $3.50. Slip-Overs in Harding Illue nnd Huff.' Under and Outer WOMEN'S ALLENDALE UNION SUITS. Mule ww eially for uh, of the -.cry iinest yarns. All styles; Iiijh, 0v und Dutch necks; sleeveless, elbew-length or long sleeves- ankle or knee length. v ' Ttegular Si?cs, S2.00. Usually $3.00. Extra Sies. $2.25. Usually $3.50. WARM WOOL SCARFS AT $2.50. $3.50 Values English Weel $1.55 a Pair Heather Mixtures in wide choice of shudes. Full Fashioned with embroidered clex. Take udvuntuKe of this unusuul opportunity. a A Tewel. for 25c- ALL-LINEN DISH TOWELING AT 25c A YARD 50c Value. All whlte or bordered with blue or red. Heavy' sturdy quality, free from lint. TURKISH TOWELS AT 25c APIECE. We only have u Hinall let of these towels left in all-white with red "borders go we nre clearing them out at" this special price. -They ure 10c Values. -: 1 A Sub-Deb Photo by l'liote-Crattcro. MISS ALICE MOUICE The attract Ue daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. William N. Morire, of llallnar, St, Mnrtlns lane, Chest nut Hill STRAWBERRY MANSION Mr. and Mrs. Merris llaber, of 1627 North Thirty-third street, have left for an otundejl trip te. Cuba und ether Seuthern rceerts. Mr. and Mrs. Ie S. Harris, of 1725 North Thirty-third street, entertained the members of thelr brldge club at sup per, Mr, und Mrs. Harris will leave shortly for California for an Indefinite stay. WEST PHILADELPHIA The Rew and Mrs. Henry D. Flune gan, of 4827 Walten avenue, nnnounce the engagement of their daughter, Mar Inn Slean, te Mr. Charles V. Cut ner, of Williamsport. Mr. Hiram Godfrey Hallluger, of Forty-sixth und Spruce Btrcets, left to day for a trip te Seuth Atncrlca by way of the Panama Canal and will return ' February ta Jein Mrs. Hnllinger at Palm Beach. Mss Shlrley A. Hlbncr und MIsh Alury Heberts will cntcrtuln en Sunday eve ning next at the home of Miss Heberts, ' 428 Seuth Fifty-second strict. In honor of Mr. David A. Utnmcr nnd Mr. Harry! Cameren, of New Yerk. Theio will be forty gusta. Invitations have been issued by Miss Murlen Hawkins for a card party that , she will gle ut her home en Ponnsgrevo , Terrace, en Saturday afternoon, Febrw- i ury I, ln honor of Miss Helen Mullet- Mr. and Mrs. Wnlter Knlser, of 0512 n.rA ,..,- wm ...,,,.,ni.. . i, .1.1.. I etenlnir. Their guests will Include Miss r."," "'"1:''".':" "'. ' ,"' " "V. "? i i Kntnanne llarrerty. of aienslde. Pa. : Miss Mary C renny, Mr. und Mts. I'aul McCermlclc und Mr. M. AV. Wilkinson. H AIR DRESSING Narctl Waving by Men Exptrlt "INECTO" RAPID HAIR DYEING V.'n (.pcelalliB In transforniatlens 'and all kinds of hair work. Still Going Big! JANUARY REDUCTIONS Ifledams 835 Chestnut St. (zal'ricen Alicays Jlederate Street- -1214 Ne- Wear Reducedn Stockings I AT. W. THEE i V IIU SO. OTH UAf,. HU1 j Gene. I J 5 1 1 FRANKFORD Mr, and Mrs. V. T. ltarfoet and Miss Barfoot, of Saul and WakellnB Streets. are srendlne the winter In Flerida and the Bahama islands. Mrs. Jeseph Allen, of 4G63 Penn street, will entrtaln at a brldgb party at her home ou Wednesday afternoon, January 2C. Mr. Prank Wilsen, of 4G41 renn street, and Mr. Albert HtrnnKer, of 46C4 Grlscem street, are spendltitr the winter at Ht. Aumistlne. Mrs. 1. Barenden nnd Miss Baren Baren den, of Harrison street, are spending a fortnight In Illchmend, Va., where they are visiting Mr. nnd Mra Daniel l'attcrsen. Mr. arid Mrs. Charles Butten, of 4712 lelper stroet, have returned from a, stuy nt Atlantic City. A muslcale, followed by a dunce, will be given en Friday, January 27, by Mrs. Clarence Wllhelm, at the As- semeiy nan, ler me uenent or the Frunlcferd I'est. American legion. Mr. nnd Mr. Jehn Greenwood, of, 4718 Lelper street, have geno te Cali fornia te, spend the remainder of the winter. An Illustrated .talk en "Little Jour Jeur neys With an Amateur Photographer" GOWNS WRAPS SUITS . FURS BLOUSES LINGERIE HOSIERY Final January Reductions Tailored Suits Plan and Fur Trimmed. Formerly $45.00 te S8SJ10. Tailored Suits Fur Trimmed and Embroidered. Street Dresses Formerly $25.00 te $65.00 Afternoon & Evening Dresses Formerly $65.00 te $150.00 We specialize P5 Adjoining 4 the St. James 1222 ,!'in;i!t Fer Tomorrow and Friday Fur -Trimmed Coats and Wraps Reduced te Cost and Less They Were up te $210, Reduced te $95' - ; was given by Mr. William II. Hperry. in the rooms of the Krnnkferrt Camera Club, In Wright's Institute, Unity und Gilscem streets, yesterday. Miss Helen Gladlmr. of Orthodox ntreet. will irlrn a luncheon of tw I'lVO covers, followed by cards en Thursday afternoon, In" honor of her guest, Mlse Myrtle Hansen, or Cleveland, Ohie, MOORE8TOWN AT.. TcAtili 43nalsl1t ,if Chestnut street, rntertalned Inst Monday In honor of Mrs. Knwcett, of Oil, City, daughter of Mr, nnd Mrs. Jeshua Ber. ten, of North Main street. Mlns Mlldrrtl .InnUc, of West Main street, will entertain u few friends nt curds en Tuesday eenln(f, January 24, at 8: 30. Mrs. William K '.Stroud will attend the Weman's Auxlllnry Convention In Trenten today. Jtr. nnVl Mrs. Harlnian Burr, Jr. Nazareth, Pa., are spending some tuie In Moercstown. NORRISTOWN Mr ,nnd Mrs. Jehn W. Mnrklev, of JefferHonvllle, colebrated their fiftieth weddlng annlverwiry jit a rpt-eiillen given nt the home of thelr son-in-law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Ernest J. IHPORTBliK. DKRIONKRH AND tXKBJlS OF WOVMH'B AJfD CUIItDllEN'B APPAREL OF TIM niOIIBST OITABAOTIR rOX UORE TUAN TWBNTY-lltX TEARS If.. is Chestnut Cerner Twelfth tM Bm H JpP Formerly $89.50 le $125.00. $ 16. $ in apparel thai slenderizes the larger woman jiWUffiiiiill ililliliMi'il.w;1"!,!!!!;!!!!!!;,;" - 1224 Walnut Street A special group, including a splendid variety of the season's smartest models; they are trimmed with cellars and cuffs of caracul, beaver, wolf, fox and mole. The values have net been surpassed this season. r? Zellers. of Schuylkill avenue, Jenerson Jenersen Jenerson vllle. Mr. Markley lu oeventy-flve years of nge and Ills wife Is seventy. They liaVe seven children besides Mrs. Peller! Mis. Isaac trlser, of Philadelphia; Mrs. Charles C. Weber, of JeffersenvUle ; Mrs. Jehn Landls, of Terkes; Mrs. Harvey Lesher, of Hklppack; Mr, Henry and Mr. Irvln Markley, of Falrvjew. Mr. and Mrs. Markley have twenty grandchildren. ! v.,u Mvrlnl Alrev. daughter" of Ar- ,hUr , Alrey. of 226 Chain street, was the guest of honor at a surprlse party given in ceieoraiien ei ner urawmii birthday anniversary. These present Included Miss Mazle V. Faulkner, Mies Eleaner I)ett, Miss Ethel Houpt, Miss Barbara Le. MIbs Edith Hendricks, Miss Ellen CAssel, MIbh Vivian Altemus, Miss Nerma Alrey, Miss Marlen Cam plen, Miss Ida Mae Bean, Miss Eleaner Heefer, Miss Edith Hocfer, Miss Clara Herner, MJsh Myrtle Carr, Miss Eva O'NelI, Mint Deris Bates. Mies Louise Lukens, Mln Ornce Itelner Mls-s Huth Hcnnlng, Miss Dorethy Butter Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Lrrr.elere. of ' DelCalb street, spent oevcral days In ' Atlantic City. I CHEAT MT8TKR1 STOUY i "Tansls'l Trulls." by WUIUm IfAcIed Italne. outtier of "Thn Vukon Till." Urt Haturday, January 21. UrrsiWO I'UBLie t , LurxiCB. Adv, , SWEATERS MILLINERY SKIRTS PETTICOATS CHILDREN'S APPAREL NEGUGEES $29m '59.5Q se je 35 35 te $ iiiiiiiiiiliii;niiiiiiiiiiiiiiWM mil Walnat St. Between 12th & 13th .''l-'li: lilmliiM.ii.lilniiiiiiil,',!!! ' itiiuim.,..!. 1 m i IBML 1 ' DELAWARE COUNTY . A dlnncr-dance will be given en Sat' urdtty evening nt the.Rprlnghaven Coun try Club ut Walltnererd. Miss Martha Mcloy will entertain the members of the Chlo Club at her home In Drexel Hill en Tuesday evening, Jan uary 24, FORREST THEATRE1 TWICU DAIf.Y < 2 AND R D. W. GRIFFITH I'llESENTS niS I.ATKST ANI nilKATKSr H'OKI. rm a .fwi'H'A svMi'iteKV enriiK.sTitv i i BROAD Pop.MaLTeday ' ?"' As Breezy as Spring Itself AM M. KAN AI4 , 0 A fttIV CWMT SyA.e.TltanAS 1 ' OtMlNAt. AJ.V. CAST rOOOCTIO I NKXT i:i.K HI.ATi, TOMOMir.w BILLIE BURKE In IJoeth Tarklnirten h On-, r ri- v ! The INTIMATE STRANGERS i Garrick Pop.Mat.Tedny '" r l rkn !IH i PiriLA'fl IKA Iv, ,1 . . !,r DIHErTION ny I.I S w J I' CHESTNUT ST. OPERA HOUSE HI! DAILY MATS AT 2 EVES AT Q 111 NOHETTE I MMAyARRCV llll Of TOt COtDtN VOKt WITH HIS StLECTtD IIU AND IMSPIRIO VIOLIN I SEXTETTE AN MEUNt THE SCIIANTONH II HKI S. s Ml.h BOB NELSON NIP 6-FLETCHER I TORINO riim AMESIfAN APPtWN 0 THE KlflSJ JIVt MILTON HAYEIS AND A WOSOtRFUL SURROUN0IM0 6ILL tsmma EVES- Pep. Mat. Today, 50c te 31.50 CJUHEW Y0CK WINTER CARDM JInt Mnpnueu i-rnaiirimn Of m PHlQLa' mui'i arufc.i..t.u v., i.r.i M. Y. IHIh- SUTl TflHi'l I'tiM MAIL OHDLU 01l GREENWICH VILLAGE FOLLIES A ITH AN l S-TAR i AS tki) i.rAtis, ut km; KitANKi.iN. jei; K. IIIIOWV t I. silAKON. OOIIIJON DIMII. 1,1. IIIICI MII.I.MW. I r ' t't, c ir 'v d Unit i IVeriu. ' ' I nxjW mm ... lr g;.ii!i..' 2LZLlTZJ I I I IV M IUKIM1M HUTH iv AVW -dXXi (. CHARLTON NDV ADELPHI Krswr, '" ' A t.. hi ,' ill MAT. TOMOR. , $1.50 Tiiei'swns or rim aim 1 1'in ss iiavk .w.ur.vm m.i n thi kk MAHKAIII.K l'l M rilOlSAM)-? MONK HI LI, hn, IT 17TH TRIUMPHANT WEEK WALNUT MAT TODAY 50c te $1.00 plat vt I - ri s-i i :.it!i s Aibir-eM', i' rm ! L-- J , m- INuM Of lilt, .v A , -- 111 LM.NINii HfL.Il I In F .lehn f,ulerth'rt Mutrrnicre "THE SKIN GAME" CHICAGO OPERA COMPANY mli iinrei.n n ei'i.it.v nei sj; llrmid mill Poplar strret ENTIRE WEEK BEGINNING FEB. 27 ti Eenings and .sit. Matinee It! l'l ItKIIIll sulum,.. If Juimlriir ilp Notre Dnnii". Iliiiiu-e ,-t Jullrtle. IVllvitn el Mi'IUiiiiiIi-. Muiinii A uniiu, Tuiinhiiriinrr, Olli.Ili,. AUTISTS Mur (nirdiui (I up,rnr. une); I.ut li-n Mumter,' (3 up, Iiriirttiiresi ; lle-ui UuUiti f,u. t'Oiun Hlnilnl, l.ilnuril .liilinsiiii . t liurlPN MuriluiU; ,lerph Scliwurt Hi Inr Iliifrmuif-. iun uIht, ' SLASON SALE JAN. 23 TO FEB. I ut H'emuiin'x HUH ( lieslnut i. braen I'rlrm. SIlJe. SJA ."e. yj-. .. ?,'l .".(I. M), fit. li .Mi DUMONT'S T i m it Moti 1 ,. . i EMMETT WELCH Minstreis .r- I" l,l in imi r - TR0CADER0 Hi" lIHIe l.lrl, ii I.UII Jirkln llrld. SCHOOL OF COOKING l'r.. Ma. i . U 1M1 I11, l.nli . ,u Uiiu, d rflJnnifB Inm Tni!nreu.)H ilanln Ht'i.pHf r - t 1 h .rei. 1 ' -.ill ii. mil l'rn fi j,, 1 il 1 " ' j, nun t . 1 Free Demonstration Lectures Mary A. Wilsen Cooking Scheel 'ill hu. 'JHil ! l'liimn 'iirui. iiim -WOOL-BEADS-, -5i?;i: "iii Js. I 14c per oz. 10c Bunch Kmbreldery, Kiilltlne imil I'urr silk Irldlne Hrnmllirlilnc HadlnK I'lmtlne Kmbreldrrr sialleplne IIuIIeiih I'lirrrril lliillinilinlri NOVELTY. EMBROIDERY CO. it , ' ' jmj nlrtcllritilflueUir CqminBJt ir 't ilAIlknT AT NINETHftNTir Jl A It. TO 111' M. j A JOHN BARRYM0R1; IN KXrt.UMtVn FIJtKT PHOWlMftJ The Letus Eati ninnr-TiMi nv mauhhalu rwi Ana..! nbw teny pa no CAti vecai, rBATi'iu: ebtkm.u hi 1,1'IlilVHI' A t'OMJ'ANV OP DAt MA11KKT AT SIXTIJIINTIffiTItKCf' - Kct IlTIf AND TIVAIi h'kKIC OP i Hit I I .r If ix PIIODUCTIO.V I "A CONNEaiCUT ) YANKEE i in King Arthur's Court" , HAitK thaiv ani.ATnsT j Beginning Monday Next Firt Time al Popular Price 4 Ot-ASCO IBAMFz HORSEMEN of thc APOCALYPSE i -e m iu.d iir Rudelph Valentine 1 ii Turn, nit Mnr CHESTNUTSlBRQAD " 1 If . .T 0 30 LAST FOUR DAYS ..-U-SLI. WAUACE FERGUSON REID ' ' ' T r i ri ml Peter Ibbetson" i ' x r Menlajm At ij. ors I'awcett Commencing Monday Next '-! i iu -I NTATIOM BETTY COMPSON 'NNI ' MlAM-.l NT IMOTUnn THE LAW ;m WOMAN I ')M i r M,, j , r, j, Ti,n WOMAN I I HI . si PALACE I-' i rwjKr.T ht. '' -M i.j il in t St Nerma Talmadcre 1 "" wnvi.i uri "I niXG" ARCADIA IV Will Rogers ' M i M het, 10th ' ' '11 P. M UOI'HLINa l-OU tijMKO" VICTORIA rrTiT "Trust Your Wife" r ' K i III ri i Ni : MrDbNAr,TJ V-rtI UUL l'l V M .,11 IB P.M. "Get Rich Quick Wallingford" REGENT VAIIK, r ST Ilel. rjTtl ' i'i.tm uruHics ' tub HUNcrr GLOBE MAKKI.I vr JlNHKIl" II n 1 1 r NTINIIOU.S AI ril.MM.IJ LEW COOPER d MMfOW h r l.fTl I K I'UICE? BROADWAY rill. MJiHNYDEIl lw T Anif n A I inviI.LK AND Betty Compson in 'Little Minister' CROSS KEYS ' r" mahicut "THE DIVIDED WOMAN" ALDINE i b i u' ii r 111 Spnim I0O nirritlnn I 111 l II A 11 ;. I'KI.T ii f - im j m -i in ni. si. First Time at Popular Price II H (.1(11 1 IDI s M XsThlU'lJ'CIS Te Ii l'.M "r Tir flrr II I' M. Tux Inrl. -i.tur.lu, iwul IIiiIIiIiuh I trninic I'rlir firr I V M. A GIGANTIC WINTER CIRCUS AND HIPPODROME SHOW First Regt. Armery u i ' . i ... CIRCUS FEATURES i i .i r i,i. i illrrill liln.N.i.ill. t, ,, SI, 10. It. . Us li.il t,T. 81 its. Tl.kfU t i hulii-l. ( .mi iy' lIHInmsiriiifiirii Kllf (iirllei. .l,l.hl,i H ln H' H lilrlirr lUiL ami lt Hrm Vrmerr. R?B.F. KEITHS tHf5'NJ' Cf 'WELflH SK FMTJZf SCHEFF JOE COOK JJt "N VAUOlvlLtC DHOW MARGARET YOUNG KIRBY.QUINNfi'ANGEK. AlEXANPf R BR05. U EVELYN; OTHfM VALERJf:BtRGEtf8CO. JOV 3r Ml Hir . .. . . r.li N '"''"'"A III,, JV. V. jeii tln iif .wmui vuuiiuuin -."". BORIS GODUNOFF "Pfra Miih-k HiiUrn nirr, III luuneli llllllliril MM ( Il ll .!( ,t IU1I11 Mlrlhiu 1 1, ml l'aiil Ialar. .Muriluiirr lliklH Xr ml A ILimr I I II) thfl HI. Viiulrii nf Muilr lluirn,, ;, jan ,u NEW YORK SYMPHONY Orcbrri 1 Albert Ceatei r'r --. sileti "r.:;,;:r . sriii i, a llruiif HID C'hf (liiul. ORPHEUM " " ""'t" O1.1t.ru ORPHEUM PLAYERS' V irfxinftlMal." ff1 STANTON Trifon l&w! A. A 3 K ml K5 . Trupoze .iHMtlnK frlefe im : 1 '-''ii ij 1 M. I I 1 t . ... . r'H ' l)LM OI S LIVJb UHOSTS" -Js " -- - '-ii , Mac Deimend ImJfcSMA fi I f.: i i ,1 it n w m f' m !; l 1 ri i 1 il -J ' h jllllfflMTlllllfrillTrillllifililllllllllllllililillll'IIIIMIjlililllhlM lll'illli i-; 1 1 ....... ..-. HLuiimiwiMm,' ' CASINO SKmrnkfr ,1007 Filbert; Steh ,fWH'. .MiJ, A i(tlrf.?i.54Vi '',( Ki "wi ..' f.v T.'t '. A' "