7J .ij, .,,-. , V, " J,.'.i.v ' , .r '.',i T i( . rt k tn.sn -'"ii iv r '. sir -A ': 'V' t'y$W i " r- "T ,"J? ' ;?$ ..fi. 'k H- r EVJLSXING lyUlHG LEDU15R IJH1LADELIHIA; yEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1922 t i MUSSES 1 i 0 PREDICT BIG DEMAND FOR LIGHT CARS IN FUTURE WEAR ON TREAD TROLLEY I OF TIRE IS SLOW l Passengers During1921 IANY TRUCKS ARE NEEDED HOl'SANDS of nmiei truck "ill be nnp.li.il tnr lma lines, mill tliniltntllls Irwire Will be sold te Inilii-trlitl tnnrerm 4il result of iiuulj.iiis tliclr hulnpCK. nOldlliR te spnkrr tit tli' meeting of the motertruck inniiiifiictiireii of t he ICntlen.il Automobile Cliamber of Coin Cein Hl'rrrc. held In New erk The moterbui mi be n iitiiut nid te electric rnilunj Meiii iiihI i ren dering nucli u sen ii'i- in n number of cemraunltii'-, m'it'llni.' '" Walter .lack .lack neil, renciillins I'ligmn'i of Mount A'er ndn. N, Where the innteibiiv icliev ren Station lit peuk tin Hit i'e.iihI- If It mites the Kiee(l e1" (lie Ml cel mi" enlr ertp mile per hour, it i. tlirivbj eiublm? (lie railue te g 'l 10 pel rent or oierc wirk out f its men iiml inllm; tueU Kiibiirluiii leiiti'H i nn he eteil b.r moterlms when it would net be worth Tvllllc for the clOitrV i mennr te bulbl pur lines for 1UIU trntlie The eoin eein paulcs can tipcrntp -in I, uiic a feed ers te the main mil ilne. or . .111 -morale tbreilRb 1ms service at higher fare. "Moterbii are a' -nmetiine ,uoflt ,ueflt able when the quel ion of ietracka;e has te be cetislileicd I'he investment needed for the moiei xehi'-les may well be far less than the mi of rebuilding the read". epoeiall when the traflii en the partuuliir line 1- net especially heavy. ilnny nn rlcirii Imp i'i -praker in (Heated, could de well in rat" organ ized innlubu sjteii' nn 1 iheicbx pro tect th mseives itgunt t nroietisible Jitney oninpeiitlnn. Mr. .luek'en made an ovtp.ided tudv of the trulHbii-. or tnn.lr - nelle. in England lie doc net hclie t'lit tin form of t'ansportatlen ha" tin d,tur" of the biif- because of lt lack f (Icai blltty. Like the trolley it is tied down nnd cannot go in;e eflur iiart.s of the city te welc husine-ts when trade is dull in Heme right of wax Mr. Jacksen pictured a crcat grew th In the motorbus businev m thl-j coun try, pointing out that T.onden ha a bus system which riirried close te l.OOO.OOt), 000 passenger in 191M : that Birmingham has mere t.ian 'JOO bus routes radiating through sixteen countries. timated te Be Nine Ton Ten Millionths of Inch I Tide Flowing In Direction of Great Economy At n recent nicotine of the Society of Aufomethe Knclncers it was prephe sied thnt the automobile of the future .. I t 1 .1 1ll.i fLl -.l ...J 1. I . fj ,t would DC Xlie ligmwcinni vari nnu ji. 1 ... k,ff uonden Velvcles Were Able te ventured the following predictiens: (Rubber Deposit Along Read Es M J f ff ' 1V'11 1,Ut -ll-II UrUil Ullll Vnrry UIOSO TO I ,uuu(uuuiuuu up uiirnuint, nor upon ungm ier us lurnl design nnd new material, upon bnlanee, proportion anil spring mis- pension. Kxccss weight is causing enormous nnd unnecessary drains e"iMIRRnnnPF Tnfl P.flARP power cnergj. whether gasoline, clcc- IYlllnU5UUrt I UU LUMhit trlclt or steam. ' "The tide of dtcIepment in metdr 1 1 1 .1 . if transpo.tatien Hews Irresistibly In the U0U tar s'10"1'1 tllp ,rcaJ ,f ,nn direction of the car of greater economy nutomebllc tire run? IViday of operntlen greater ea-e of hnndling, chcniistH have discovered u method of better riding qualities the car that I compounding tread rubber that gives will Impe-e a smaller tax en Its owner 'It. under normal conditions fifteen te and upon the communities whose reads I twenty thousand miles life. The tread it travels ( wears away se slowly that were the l3fti ft f 1 lest tread stock evenly distributed ever the read, only the width of the tread, it would be but nine tcn-mlllienths of. an Inch in thickness. Even the most powerful microscope ran magnify but 0000 times, which is far tee coarse te detect se minute a rubber film. Consider that this rub ber deposit nleng the roadway com pares in thickness te nn Inch na the distance from New Yerk te Denver compares with the distance of the earth' from' the sun. "When the motorist considers thnt this wonderful wear-resisting trend is merely n .compound of the milk of the rubber trees combined with n few pigments, such as sulphur, zinc oxide nnd lnmp black, he Is mere thnn ever nmar.cd. As n matter of fact, while trend rubber sloughs off at the rata described, It Is actually deposited In small particles nnd pieces Instend of evenly as a film. It is only in this way thnt tread wear can be detected. It Is the policy of jealously guard ing by constantly testing treads with rivals under actual read conditions that is larcelyV rcsnenslble fer keeping the Miller tire factory running at full ca pacity today, uempnrative mileage is indeed the true test of tire quality nnd decides the public acceptance of a tire. Most Want Endurance A ccnRUs conducted br the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce shows that endurance is what most automobile owners seek in a car. Other considerations in order of preference are J Ecopemy, comfort, price, appear ance, service, hlll-cllmbing ability, flex ibility, Indersement of ethers, specifi cations, speed and appointments. 19,000,000 Car Buyers I Only about 10,000,000 persons In the United funics mar be classed in the group of actual or potential, automobile owners, according te Leenard l Aycrs, Cleveland banker. Nearly half of these already own machines. A large part of the remainder will buy smaller, cheaper cars, he sajs. Automobile Schools IPWTT! I I L1 P F JBSBBHMSbMI Tt-A7WP IV W vu Jti. tJliililiHI KilB Will lit l fiffulLQmtiE ij u , L NEW DIAMOND TIRE Gripping Power Feature of Cord Addition te Line The Diamond Rubber IVirupam Inc . announces the addition of a new cord tire te the Diamond line An official of the company siid "The new tread, upon which the Company lays great cmplm-i-. h some thing mere than a trade design. The Diamond engineers point out that It has special read-gripping power which Krcatly increases sccuritv against side, forward and backward skidding. An An other important characteristic is that these nensKId qualities endure through out the entire life ef the tread. "'Though it grips the read tena ciously, nnu. in fact, in modeled en the Jiijes nnd principles of the tractor wheel, it is noiseless in action '"The new cord is the pride of our en tire organization. It Is worthy of being termed the triumph of our twcntj-iunc years of tlre-meklng It is nn expres sion of Diamond knowledge, ideas, ex perience nnd experiments " Cause of Moter Growth The increase in nutomebllc is an Index of growing demand fee transpor tation rather than a sign of withdrawal of business from rail lines nrcerdlng te Philip H. Warren, of Stene & Web ntr, speaking before n convention of investment bankers In New Ori.nni Riding In street rallwav cars is much heavier per capita today than It was! live years age. and very much heavier than fifteen jcars age. indicating thnt demand for all kinds of tra(l facilities It Increasing. French Racers Coming Va lit. II-.. II... ..!. . I. .. 1. . wr uiv iirai i nnu Willi c IJlt l'riniinK i ., f the war. French racing rnt. willi;!; hfl entered in flic Tndtannpeljv race this !Z year. The race will be for two liter engines, of 122 cubic inch diplacement. ; two-thirds the size of n Ferd engine.!'' The French cars will he of the Helland I :.: IHllaln tvnn nod will h Hriven In v ,. 1'? ter Hemcry and Albert Guyet , i.w . ,..-'. ESsSjZSBSSE Automotive Electrical Repairmen Are In Demand WE TRAIN MEN TO BECOME IGNITION EXPERTS ' BATTERY REPAIRMEN' AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRICIANS "Ask Any Student" The course includes Magneto Werk, Battery Type Ignition Systems, Generator and Starting Moter Re pairs, Armature and Ceil Winding, Battery Rebuild ing, Car Wiring and a short course in the Mechani cal Section. It is possible te take any part or all of the course. Te any person interested in the work we extend a cordial invitation te come up and leek ever the equipment, attend a class. This does net obligate you in any way. The Philadelphia Scheel of Automotive Electrical Engineering 1616-1618 Vine Street Philadelphia, Pa. Locust 0100 Loek for our exhibit at the Aute Shew, Beeth B-2, Accessories Dept. GASOLINE SUBSTITUTE Big Prizes Offered for Best Product In' France The rapid increase In the use of auto mobiles, motertrucks nnd meter-propelled agricultural machinery, together with the high cost of gasoline in France, has brought about much study of the possible use of ether motive fuels which might be manufactured from na tive mnterinm at lower cost te, the 'con Burner thnn gasoline. At tnc annum meeting of the Agri- culturnl Society nt Bcilcre, n commit tee wns authorized te ergnnize a com petition with it view te discovering 11 practical nnd economical meter fuel with nlcohel n the basis of Its com position. Prizes totaling 200,000 francs have been placed at the disposition of the committee, of which amount 100,000 francs will be nw aided te the competi tor whe'c product gives the best re sults. The competition will be open from .January te Murch. While the meter fuel sought for Is In tended fe. consumption In the existing 5 ! type of meter engines, n product whi.it ' could be employed In a modified tvn, ..!... ...Ill !. .,..IJ...l lJl'i Millions for lieads States nnd "counties of the United States hnve recently authorized 5035 . 000,000 bends for rend construction much of it of concrete, $301,000,000 bends are passing through process of authorization, nnd the Federal Govern ment has appropriated $200,000,000 to te ward read construction, making a total fund of mere than $1,200,000,000 for geed reads. , 1 it. ill - i 'HsHBHHKflHBHnHBHBHsSBnBHIHMBMHSHBBESBBBBtSHHH :: -.'.I ra . . .Bailey-Built All SUil Pert.il. Build uii "d Gartfei BSF3SIULED PAYMENTS IP DKSrKBD I EDWARD J. BAILEY & SON BUS E. MeDtteimry Atc. Kta. 0263 iiHHStk I mm lli&( t el FParlrin Mapnete Attachment FOR FORD CARS .? r. en's vi Utanu'acturtd (v THE HARRY PARKIN MAGNETO SERVICE COMPANY 525-7 '. 15th St . rtilla . r AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL SPRING GARDEN INSTITUTE N. E. Cor. Bread and Spring Garden Streets DAY CLASS 2 Months' Intensive Training, Including Shep Repairs Classes open first of every month. NIGHT CLASSES Mechanical and Electrical Appliances 3 months two nights per week Open April 3, 1922 Large equipment, exceptional facilities Phene Poplar 3106 ; i : .'. 5 .: a t i Send for Booklet itCfc5 R1 nfi r. i V TT am racists Fer Garages Machine Sheps Engine oema, Etc. We have larfe stock which we must move quickly we also have some larger heists in stock at special prices. I ' tan rapacity Kr, prir I i.wi. Q 00 Oar price, each V4 ten rapacity. Be. price Ml. CO. ft f.b Our price, each 1 ten en parity Ke. prlcn s:s.oe. 1.W, Oer price, each E. M. HANSON & CO. ISO N, 4th St, y ,y, MiW ThePbilai Learn te Repair Automobiles in a school where instructors are first-class mechanics who cpn really tea'ch; where students de real, practical work, and because of small classes, get the maximum e individual attention from instructors, quicklj learning the "Hew" and "Why" of Automotive Mechanics, Automotive Electricity, Learn te Knew Your Car Repair Shep Practice Storage Battery Werk Send or Call for Polder D.r and ETtninf Cluiet Open Firit Monday of Etcb Mqetb AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL "The Scheel Yeu Can Depend Upen" 1421 Arch Street 1624 Ludlow Street Endowed by The Philadelphia Aute Trade Association THE Philadelphia Mechanical and Electrical Scheel 614-18 BROWN ST. i'iiem:: maiwkt :s:i S. E. COR. BROAD AND SPRING GARDEN STS. I'HOMii rerr.Ais ;5.t GREETINGS! It alTerdi' us great pleasure te announce that becau.-c of tin- confidence of the public in our Scheel the Day and N'igln Classes in the Automobile Department arc filled te capacity, and that while we will net be able te receive enrollments new, we hope te be in a position te accommodate our friends by admitting them in these classes again in the course of a Tew months. Studentb in Sign Painting and Shew-Card Writing will be received New in Day and Evening Classes, nnd in Blue Print Heading in Evening Classes. R. 0. GILKES, Founder L. G. CRATER, Principal SfflRflfflrlfflrWW FREE AUTO EXPENSE RECORD CARDS Enable you te keep "tab" en your cost per mile averaged from total expense for gas, oil, tires, miscellaneous supplies, etc. Send Postal te AUTOMOBILE DEPARTMENT THE PUBLIC LEDGER Sixth and Chestnut Streets Philadelphia, P. THE UNIVERSAL CAR 6 Attention, Ferd Owners! Ferd parts, like almost everything else worth while, are counter feited. The manufacturers of these imitation parts are obviously net as interested as we are in maintaining the high standard of quality and the complete satisfaction of Ferd owners. Imitation parts are manufactured te sell at the highest possible rate of profit and the grades of steel used are consequently net the same high quality, specially heat-treated alley steels specified in Ferd formulas for the manufacture of GENUINE FORD PARTS. Don't be misldd Insist upon GENUINE FORD PARTS made by the Ferd Moter Company. By se doing you will get from 35 ie 100 per cent mere wear from them, and you will pay the lowest possible cost the same everywhere. 50 of GENUINE FORD PARTS Retail for Less Than 10c Eacn. ASK FOR PARTS PRICE LIST When your Ferd car, truck, or Fordson tractor needs attention, call en any one of the following authorized Ferd dealers who are properly equipped, employ competent mechanics, and use Genuine Ferd and Fordson parts in all repair work,: Authorized Philadelphia Ferd Dealers tiiii !l!) HOiri.IlY COMPANY 3410 Seuth M. , Sprure 8150 I Mnnni .teni:h, Inr. A200 Woodbine Avr. Otrrbroek 40(M t KOIXLU-GRKKNWOOD CO. Keg. (WSWln (irnnimtetrn At. (erniunteun 1025-3G North 0(11)2 MAnCli:illlM IIOTOK C(. Turk nend iiml City 1.ln (Ink l-une 1USO THUS. B. MAKTINTIA1.I5 .1137-13 North Bre.il M. 1Ien 4J70-77 Park 5.173 wamkr rntcn ,!!Hh A Yerk HU. Diamond S003 hOCnnVESTKUN AH1SNOY CM A nHltlmere Ave. Woodland 4807-OH Wt 1020 SPKBZEf. & SCHWARTZ 7241-17 Market St.. I'lilln.. Pit. AIA'IN A. SWKNSON tlUt-M) KrnHlniten Me. Prnnkferd 27S7-88 rati K. :n::i lurinc 1231 M. ItARTMnr 4310 llrewn St. Weat 20.1(1 PNivr.nsAr. meter aekncy 3)27 Chestnut St. I'rmten 3281 Wfst 17C!l WAC.nR A KAItl'l.l.r.S .()lh Chrxtnul M. Ilflment 3231 Went 1717 WKS.T CIRAIII) AOl-.SCY , 2517.10 V. filmrd Air, Peplur fi37J Hues .Tlftl AM'.XANni'.R ALLAN 10 lllclilnml Ar. Chrstnut Kill 1KIO I1ANIIAM MOTOR COMPANY Itldre Me. & Uupent St. Roxberoucli 0770 Jehn n.nin:i: 031 lliiKtlrtnn Plkn Iluntlrteii 030 cenns cRKr.rc moterh 7210 W'oedlnnd Are. Woodland 8215 T. A. CCNNINOIIAJI ltsn-37 youth llre.nl St. tlreiteii 4377 Uace CJ51 ROHEitT n. rouLKuen "II0.SI RMnir Sim Air. Vnintiferd 4587 HARRY s. 1RKNCII. Inr. .. , 1312 lVnnkferiS Mr. Hrnilngten 2778-70 VmiI 72IU 1IKNUY ft OHNKLi: 031-3Q Nnrlli llrnnd hi. Wyemlnr 6780 R. F. ITOKKMAN IncorpernUil 321 North l!rend St. Spru 0043 Knee ;i am The Sign of Genuine Moter Satisfaction O R E power that's what every driver wants. BETHOLINE is sure U . A 1 1 1. me: dii&wer. nna in aaaitien, mere miles per gallon, no carbon accumulations, a quick start as this wonderful fuel takes the spark instantly, no -matter hew cold the weather may be. Don't take our word for it BETHOLINE stations are conveniently located every whereput some in the next time and we'll let you be the judge of the general all-around improvement in the action of your meter. You'll never again be satisfied with just ordinary gasoline, when you can get BETHOLINE. Loek for the BETHO LINE Pumps they show the way te 100 meter efficiency. SHERWOOD BROTHERS Plant and Office 21st and Meyamensing Ave., Philadelphia Telephone.: Oregon 8170 : Race 2763 Opportunities for Distributors Dealer, in d.kj.-.e, J k.r. . tar. no di.UibuUr will Cd j, tWr .,,,., . . . . .,. , .aala I I " " -- - m-w 3S .&! v ""J w ir t1 rmprwA iK - WfTi. FW . j ., - J lh It a- J . - "1 , "f - A Hr f U"J a ' -L iWfil t5 mKi V