ifxji ."TCSTFK7 ffe ' . . .r ". riVSK' 7T " a'V"VFWji3II!?W!TBWIITTIW;.- '--1 ,"' . 7?raKrwW W! T T rTTW!raW'?T":"'il''V-'V hw W' tW :'Jr 3 77,-P? ... Vr-,',3&V', V . . ' ,W"MiS4MJmMZV 2.. j '7 14T,.i.I'V ' nh , 'eMMr' .,t X , 4. JW ?.. '- -i , .v-' . ;r(''V, . ,v? V V'StV .' vi.Hwrs" ,.', i MVr- : : -Vv' . 'i: - 1 jp "j" V'f'V,' s v.VMfr. xF'&W! M - ; ;. t? a: AOTpMQBlLE-AGCESSOBIES 1Etjentit0l9uhltt PHILADELPHIArWEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1321 V jAvte Shw Numher 192 Acces s or ies -Trucks '? 1 : a? fai Seoeet IT W mOTOR VEHICLES INCREASE ! FAf PRODUCTS' VALUE States Using Most Cars and Trucks Lead in Crep Wealth. Iowa First in Rural Registration THE SHOW OUTSIDE THE SHOW ;- T." KST.MLXr 111 meter transport aim ', 1 IiIitIi-vii'iip nreducts 20 hnnd in hnnd. lu (treenlliig te comparison of Government if Scares 011 crops nnd meter vehicle reg istratien en fnrms. Iowa. Texas. IIHiieIh. Missouri. Knn- ns und f"'ln n,,(! among the first ten Ptnt leading In vnluc of form products nnd nrc also among me nrst ten icnucrs ' In farm meter vehicle registration. Ievvn. In fnct. is n banner State ag riculturally nnd In meter transport. Ske r I first lii vnliic of fiirm products nnd T farni'ewnpil cars, third in nvcrnRC vnlne, of crops prr tnrm nnn niimurr 01 mrm owned inotertruckH nnd second In 'per rrningc of fnrnis owning cnrn. MotertrnekH en fnrm tetnled l.TlXiel en .Innnnry 1. 1020. IteRlitrntlnn of cenimcreiBl vehicles 1h henvlest in T'cnn nlvnnia nnd New Yerk. rcRlens which have n lieavy. trnck-RerdcnliK; business and uell-dcvc'lepcd read Hystems. Tin. re'ni belt Stntes nrc leadine nur- chnFPrH of triickn. but. their demiind itl Miiitll In proportion te tnc nuinDcr el . t farms. Mere 'I'linn One Car I'cr Kami Many farms use mere than one motei 4 vehicle' per fnrni. The Hurrnu of the CcnsiiH count nIiewh 'J.Mn.ulS pnsseiiRpr cars en l.H7n.."W fnrihs and 100,101) '. trucks en IIIIXmI farms. Mere than .",0 per cent of ull fnrms own cars, wlt.n 2 per coot owning trucks. The totals ere as of .Tnnunry 1. 1020. The I'nllrd States nurcnu of Public Ileiids reperlcil 11 Rain of 1K2 per cent In the registration of ull meter vehicle:, during the jenr 1ll"0. If the farm rcg- Ixtintieu Incrca'cil In tills ratio, the farm rrgistrutien of molercnrs today Is i '2,II.S.7-H. nnd or trucks Hi',!.""". NUes icnerts of car mnnufneturers. however, t' ludlcate that tlir licnvlest sales for lf)20 were in rural regions, se thnl tlie gen eral ratio is prebnbly tee light for the faint sections, nuil the total of motor meter cars and truck'! eji farms may be ns lilfh as ."..000.000. The ten Htntes lending in farm -wenlth 7. Ohie H. rnnvlvnnla n. VIcenln . . . 10 Indiana fendlnc In Cnr Rrclalrntlen en T'nnn State t. Iowa . . . , 2. Illinois ... :i. Ohie 4. Kanias . , n, Minnesota !. Texas , . . , 7. N'fliraclui , 5, Vt'lfcenln I. Mlnenurl . lu. C'Allferniu l.fndlne In Avcrimr Value of I'reducU lr . 1 arm 1. NVvnila .. l. WjemlnB . . it. low 4. I'allfernU r. Nv Jersey . . 'I. Nebranlin 7. Knn!a K. MnmnrllUfetln H. .Seuth Daltelu 10. New Teri; . . . - f . . 1 III IWW IIWIII " '" JIMIMJJIMIIILIIIIIII I ?? xifiX?. l' '' i. yiiar.:i!i 'i'i'Mii' ; ..,.,..w - . mi 1.1 :' yWrWf' '."..." '"".'" I.,"t. 'i:; ...'.'..'.." L-......-,1 . ", ' . ''".l" ""M ;aa.ti7i,enn 9,,49lISV4JRvlHliPI'$fiK TS!,lHHMHiil BiiKHHHKaSiBmklMililBiHSil 708.1(10,001) SMmmSBmwMfVY-fK'Tfm wFW?' iMiKiP :".tt,ih&jKiflLIIIH3VlLIILKHHLIIIIIH WBBtWIiaiiirffnlriTtiliftiiiiiilif'iiilitiiiiiiiriiwtiM Je. of cars In fnrmn 177..-..1S 139.0110 1'JH.HHI lii.er.s 107.821 101.2112 let. 4:.;. ns,S2ft Sn.221) 71. SIR Avcrare value of product per form 10,7H 7,874 n.snii n.r.sn A,nr7 n.4.r.i n,a72 4.772 4,nn:i 4.33S Mere than a million dollars Is represented fh automobiles inside the Commercial Museum, where the tHcnty-tlrst annual exhibition is being held. II Is estimated that nn equal ntneunt is represented in cara parked outside. The above picture shows the great wealth of visiting cars present FEW TIPS ABOUT lndlne In I'nrm Ketlitrntlcm nf Truck Ne Statu 1. Pminnvlvnrla 2. New Yerk a. Inwa. 4. Ohie H Nebraska ., n California 7. Illinois .. . 5. Toxin .... II. Missouri . 10. Michigan . . , trucka en farins n.72 H.2SII S.1UO 7,:illi n.r.ts 11. mi n.i:,i r.,3!l!l n.eriii 1 4.iS0 BLOWOUT PATCHES BUSSES ENABLE ROOTERS ' TO FOLLOW HOME CLUB 1 Automobiles Have Increased Creivds at Baseball Games and LIGHT TRUCK PAYS ALL YEAR ROUND Lending In I'cr Cent of I'nrm (Inning Curd, If Made Permanent They Are Very Likely te Ruin the Tires Have Contributed te Success of Twilight Tilts. Alse Big Aid te Players 1 TXDK ! 1 that brand nf the niitlenui sport ns UAUP "OUnCC" IHODCPTCn rurnlslinl by the semi-pros 11ml miner MMV t bHUtb INbr'tU I tU lcagues In the I'hlhulclphla territory, has . - I grown In leaps nnd bounds the lut few years, nna ncceniing te rim .1. nng mime, for nnd nutniniihllc registration, accord 1 11 ,'Ia vilrtniiu rIttH4ifi(.nl'lmiu fii'r. Nlinvv. Ii. Ct the following tables: ,?' ttndlnit In nIiK of Kurm rrcidiKU Stat IVr cent of furms nwnliiR cra 1. Nebraska 75.0 2. Iowa 7.1.1 :. Seuth U.ildXa K'i.4 4. Kana.is 112 f. MlnnttelK :7.t I North l.ikctu W.7 7. (r'nfernln , M.) S v'nloraile 47.3 I'. ,rl?.enu r..j mneivi. . t. .. ., . . . - .' "..: .. .. .. . . ".. 10. Nevada .... .. in. 1 ; ' I 'lv 1v ninKc a moweui paten no 1 gerty, milliliter or tiie .xntivit.v imieunii - tie 1(11 nf ill lilM-llinnnlil renn f lu n ICllln. tne WOIK criu M CCCSS til tne minri large measure te me inuitir- 1 ear. "I'eenle everywhere lust summer wee l.lwwi.. Iiln.l 1 1 r. . ETCnniCU lilt f- fit Limil .irt.. 41... Mn.. n.. 1 llwbl.l.- inn .! .4 ...,......! ....til..!., 1...,.1t.itl ... .ui .4.....V. . .. .. i n-.., .,- ..i.ri. ...ii, .in- itiii.. nut ' .niun III.- , ll 111 ..lll.ll l.lllnl " -'.nil 1 1 ',,,,, , 3 ft&XX, . .. .:.:.: !J!-i - PH,1.. it should be removed and I " I"'iu.tai' and my u?cr, a 10 I. -' " '.'.f,0""; ""'' l-,M,t,"s for :.. AriKenn fi.ai . ............... i Invnrlnb v s the automobile. Moter- ,l11' -"" """ Irem iimne. .Maryland 5 :. " "i;.r n. i.if. . ihchh iuis is ,.,. ,,, ;, ,,, mV(. done mere te " ' . . uiiiic inc cnsni" will imvn nne u-piik i lu.i.i it... ..... i... i. ...!.. spot tliat Is censUintlv srewinc weaker. ' tliln Commercial Car Is Geed Invest ment in Beth Summer and Winter By IMLIi TMMjAS ft iiifiilf. II nnu lit .Ciicillllc they were n paying preposition linnncliilb. When we trn civil te North ,. -., .. "" Phillies. Dobsen. Sbanul.au. Klcisher. . PROTECTS GOODS ON ROAD Seuth I'hilly Hebrews or liny Qf the1 nthep pltilm -p liml n bit following. . ....!.. t.. .... ..... ... T ....... i.niuinii in irr .mi in turnip til. iiiiik ' ' 'I . i Trucks iriiml -n- I.. ni.. it.nu fi'l.n il .... i..l. is ltie 111 ...., ... .lain ,,,1. .11,- MIL H1llll . $,v, . ,,,'r,.c7" of frmewnini: tn.el.slis n first -uid Ireiitinent te meet etner- . Dietrici '. r ( el union-! . Hi J . . ' "When Sunday games were stepped tt a . IXVKSTMKNT in a iiglit le- I Predicts that the saving in time ami en the home Held Nativity booked guinea ' f .. . .ii..t.in...ia I ln,K,r w,n w,,r,; wnders in the future outside of the city and en several ."-', .. " (nr n ,nlcl VT I . ' I" lirlnelnB the product of the fnr.ii caslens ns high as fifteen trucks, with ' n ,l" yr round, says C. If. Nclis. le tIp ,.0s,iier with much lc cext nt- TRACTOR IS NO LONGER A LUXURY ON FARMS tu Performs All Kinds of Werk and Eliminates Herse te Great Extent in Agricultural Duties Used by Industrial Concerns My .lO.SIill'll T. LAimLM' "rpiIK tnioter Is no longer n luxury , inclics nver all. The corn rows arf J- en the farm, ll i '.in nb-elutp ""iml about fnrt-te inches 1rH, iiece-xltv. The farmer with n tnuter ' j"id "i'li tlii. thirty-inch spread theft can produce mere than the ncrnrlnn , l" '""f' "''-' Inches .n ellher sldi... Th without one." Charles Heeb. I'hihidel. Jcwill i- no dnnmpe te the mm nrrtl phla distributor for tractors ut 1711 neitt r ci'iumiiieii. i Here Is also nmplw Vine street, wanned ur en his pet sub- 1 1 oein for any ether ki-nl of crepp,, fef lect of the value of the little glnnt nf , "'re is nn elchtpcn-iiuh elnoranre in the farm. the tractor." "And T de net confine myself te -"''r ?hin Hip farm end of th? funners nlenc. Industrinl fnneerns Hacler the complete once ever. Hetfh have found by experience thnl a tractor ',lni.p'' ,, 'iidustrle- that make use ft? I- worth mnny times nnv ether ineihed ""' ''" " ? ant nnd showed th.it It ha of moving things around." centiu.icd " '"'"vcnnl caMing. ' Ihc genial Mr. llccb. Clean L'p Snow "Te meet the present enmpp'itinn !) ,. jne,,. ,,at jast ycnp tj(, nmeng the farmers nnd It set keener , City of New Yerk ti'.rchnsed 100 trndS every year the man of the -oil umst'teis te haul the plows ever the snetv- , rave a trneier or ne is nm. i in- unu-, uuhtcu streets; l rucKs could net spent with heres en n farm and that make it nnd t,ie little tractor pullffl with a tractor show the difference be- these plows anil scrapers through snort"- tween a farmer of the modern school and i hanked "Meets with all the ruse of 'a one of the old. Time snlng I- the big I half hundred hertes. Other cities problem en the farm today. :k it i- with untuning the mntroielN have sccureirl any ether business, and the tractor tractors te nM them In the removal of selves it nil. Mlew- r(s -,. Herse w.nU ..-.....-'. u,s,-"nl ":"" "'' ever the i.niiuiii iiuve sp.nrcii tractors for snot- "Why. de you knew." nnd Mr. Heeb, ting rnilrenii cmis ai-tl drawing truflerj pointed his lirtger at us while his eyes,fiiim one buihlhis te ntiethcr The flashed, "that the fnrm tractor ellml-1 tractor In nn economical proi'ehltion nates 7e per cent of the herc work en iirtl for that rejtMin. if nothing else' ti farm nnd that the upet tractor. I l.ns an appeal Hint cannot be lest ' Mriif. which will shortly be placed en the. of. Service and saving are synonymeuii market, does nwny with fnrm work nl- turn- with most fnrmers and lui'invM together? Fact! 1'rmcd by these who ! r--iple. nnd the one-word tnicfnr Mf Imvi. trlcil. The un-te-dnte furmer'the bill for both pmlu nf tt,n -. predicts that the saving in time and 'ombii'ittlen. rerferius Many Dulles mere than a thousand rooters, followed I local branch manager of the Chevrolet . tncheil tlinn ever before, the plnjcrs. Ten years nge it was like j Moter Company. H.v this time Mr. Iieeh had risen te -"Modern oemmertinl ...11, nt.Pi-niP .,., I t"" Helmuts el Uls pre ess nn anil was well in winter ns in "-iiiumcr. They an """ "I'VIHIC - .:.. ..,!, U,1-K1, nM,.,tinl t-AMFItllUIII(, " Ull MiiieiiKiiuiM ' iii""i - As I said before the ample belt power nn a tractor makes it usrrul rtli tlie year around In nlmest cwrvthlns. enther conditions mean nothing In t lie tractor. It can iret mw imi.l.ii- fiehisf en muddy reads, deep with rut h. Nevada 1' rnllfernla 1U. Colerado .'...I I.h State I. lena .. L'. Texas .1 llllnnlii 4 Sllneurl iV. Kansnn II New Yerk The United States lSurcau of Crep 1 Er.tlniates, Ucpnrtment of Agriculture, 1 publishes the valuation of farm products. Value of f.irni prartucu Tabulation hv States of the numhnr of cars nnd trucks en farms is given in the news release of August 20, 1021, of the United States ltiirenu of the Census, Department of Commerce. Sl.'J.Vt.lilll.OUO l.ioi.llie.ooil 1.074.S7fU0 U41!.0n'.'.000 sss.o.in.eoo 870,07,000 TRUCK MEASURES T 0 UNIT VALUE Vehicles Net Only Used as Car riers of Cemmerce, but in Speeding Up Werk .PERFORMS MANY DUTIES THREE CASE MOTORS miew holds 110 terrors for it nor doe heat or re'tl. In read-bullding it can A blowout patch does net unite it 'diamond le the very doe.r of the plujer 1 crowd i.f rooters prc-enl te cheer the rnct. .sphere wentlicr e.speclallv self with the rubber stock in a tire. I, W'ZitZ 'inVe T'ffi',.,, J!- & , & thr em WmoweuTil-S I ""T th. ""I,r","rC f Ifandv for l'luvpiN ... .n.T ns 111 MiiuuiiT. i uc.v nn- . ,h( Ml)lrnt fp!ltuips of the mnehliiP h imiilc mi .uiflVi-ciicc where we ! """"Iiaiiipully dependable. They nreivivp namnhlets veie waved "entliusl- The aiitoinebile hns brought the ' plajcil, there was always a geed-sized etpiipped te meet nil conditions. In nstlcnlly toward the Interviewer te ' )(e t))fl ": ' f ' 'na "D" "'"iff it can il.ni. . tun icr empiiasize tne sircnsiii el 111s m..i !t. .'','",. " ',' '- vi; '"-1" .... 1 muies. in construction work can haul utility j """'" Hiieru tJmn two teams, can null a rail- remains separate, and. during the ' the uuiier-U . f the p.nveVs. " : , c ie phiy h,M .easeu hut fe, : and convenience Tm'hai'tlsT en Zl rt UrZ warping thnt takes plnce while the lire "Net only bus the car made it pessthlc' '.c fact that the.; pus I motorcars. " hen ether lines of twiifportatien ,hc tractor en tlie fnrm. It does in one where horses cannot trod P is in motion, chafes against the ragged ; for the ; p njer who is employed ilurln' "lint it is with the tennis connected an tip , )0 ,en tnK.,. .ll(, (ki . ,, Xv, t it tnkeM nr,p !ne tlnys te' "We like te be nsUe.l .'l,nt j .-.. I'tiges 01 uie cut in tne casing, in tine mc iiny te iiicki.v reacn inc scene 01 w.in tic various imiii-i riu. iciiguv . . . . . . , - , .,,,. tnn fpiu.rp U renllr no exiect n inwin, i-,. , t ' the hole reaches sueh i.ronertions that the game where he Is te i.ln.v. but it has 1 where th- unto moved lis grcnlct , r"r '" Plck ""''f way. 'Iheir route is de. and better, tee ri.ere Is real .v no V a trut orte.lo.' Ami then we It KnnnihflL .ItfTL.tiU If ... I n..n:i.l.. .. nlui i.n-il.1,.,1 Lit.. 1 f..w.1 1.. ......f,.. '.!.... TI 1.1..,. ..!... ..1 ,,1 ..III! MOT Illlliteil llV ktmil ivillk nTlmt- ,K. tw.f ' l'lll 111 I 1WI r IUMI I. lVLiiui,-! IHUIIUIl 11 IIUL iillIU?.1UI: III " 'Minimi HIIII t" WilMI 111 tIMIIllMl.'WIIUl. I lir HMMVIt - III IM,I in -----.....-.. w t- ...., !., l 1111, rejmlr. If it were net for the automobile mnnv the wnrkli.gim'ii'f teaiiw biMirlltnl lu drpend en expoeil wires for their pew- unrn n irr.ni cm ia responsible tei ' "l very uesc men en tile .Nntivit two wnjn. both mmins unu reiiik. u i cr -Vhen horses slin become oxlmiier! IMP rUnU'lllf til-n mnll wiv m ftuult I., 1 (Ml 111 IM.r VOIir Wftitlil litic.. Iwmti nun . n ..... !...!.. ..j..l ...il.tti In i1p..u nt usually a clean-cut hole. Severe te iilny with our club, ns their hIiu-p of .1,,, ,,l,..n .....1 i-i.tm-n .iftei- tin. cinne. 1 an1 Ies alunble time, the motertruck , - .. ., . -,- .,,.1 -- . 1 ..- - . 1 iii-uiscH eriiiiiiiru.v protiuce a raggci ciniuijineiii wns tee tar uisiant. 1 itv the ii"e of the motorcar tucv v. ere s"c haiciy nun securely 10 its iicstina- T ! Iieln W'lin.... fl.n r..l.nl.. lu ...... ..!.! .. .... . .'... .. i ' . i.. ... ,. .... .... Trie of Centlnent-il Tvnpii slmuin . t i 17 '"V"1' '"I uuses rei eiveti Team mist en le i ne g.ime iimi renirneu just ' non. it never gets turd. lien e her i no ei enimeniai i ypes anewn, turn npart. fabric separation is often i ,.,-, , ..... . .... ihi.i.ik- " ,., , i in 1 mi kii mi' innr i linen tin fit linn . .u- . i.i..i.j i t'liiivni u iii'f.w thii ir inn i ti i nnnniieii H.v I-'.'II. WILMAIS niMrlcl M.tmutrr of (lip Wlilt Company DAY by dnj, since the beginning of W-'l until the last pnge en the lalcmlnr was tern off, December the 'list, we hnvc been going forward te u better buflness; until new- with cal loused hands. (Inner step nnd clearer I vision, we hnvc arrived in 1U'J2 better Jirepnred te meet and hnndlc the prob lems of the future for the experience pained, and witit better business In- Slgllt During IfC'l long strides have been made In eliminating waste, nnd ineffl lient methods have been thrown te dls mid. Ilusincss men in sill lines of in- illlktrj' have coup thmntrli n ni-riiwl nf n Nui refill hiutlj ninl ndjiiMnicnt of their uiimucss in enier that tliejvjniRht be telter pivpaicd te sere their iiatrens. I lie motertruck and Its npplic.it ion I" tlie progressive business Institution has been carefully measured as te its unit "f Milne in the eflicient (enduet of their Iiuulage problems. The dependable motertruck bus btoed the test and proven its wilue. I!aeli j cur has brought a better uu lerstiindlng te the operator of th' motertruck. It is m, longer re Wriled as a medium of transportation te be operated under the same methods inul ginerueil the horse, but is (lis . liiitched without fear te many times the i istniife formerly cevdrd by hotse hetse iIiiijmi vehiehs. Today we haul Hie hay te the horse "ii motertrucks. They are being used t only ns carriers of (emmeice, but a many special ile'ds te speed up work i1t was lefmerly done bv hand. K mis htstii found in the application ". taoteiliucks in tniiiiy lines of busi ''' that the entlre organization ha nkeu en a faster gnit beeniibc of the "minion of motertrucks. One can scarcely pietuie the chaos ifiiit would result If the elevators In our Rfciit department stores were closed own, nnd their customers compelled t, u-c the stairway as of years age. Ir would indeed cause a tremendous leis n time te tlieir pntielis ns well as thcl.- "nployes, if thrie werd en'y half th" floors there are tednv. V (11.A!I,',1 M' w"ld be tlm case if we wen- '" mis lime compelled in resort le ' ,er'!10r methods of transportittlen. .Motertruck buyers mete and meic ti,!; ' .,.ap l,nlp v'"m te realization ' ii! L "'y l!,"Kt """'I'nt.p a dependable 1'ieicn product. Mippertcl by a nmiiu- initurer u.1ien. Ununclal resources as- IMrt, " '"'rV,r! fn,'1,l,,lh uni1 'PH'i- lenin1,,.,Ti,',,i,i '',!""' 1U"V1'" ,lll,t wnnoin wnnein fn, ., ',"' r;,,,"bJ( k,!" lw mu ""I l"' lid ir.ui, i triiciiH f correct design and built "f wei I nmterlnl by sMl'ed mechanlis I e fnct that tlellvcry and tiausiier- h i. J lV,,l7,'";lenls in practically ull i ki im. f' '",'K " ",'" '"''"s elvc" OlC i.itt ,,,,r(,,,, "'.'"'J' ""' atlentltiii Ii. i ih" I ,Y,,"'r,n,,"K DCi(,le"cy "d ceU. With Smart Bodies The Case car Is shown ngain tills j ear as a 'six -cj Under car using three lypes of Continental meter, namely 7-It, 0-N nnd fl-T. nnd Is built us a live-passenger touring, seven-passenger touring nnd u sedan. Delce ignition is used en all three, I!ijur starting and lighting en two models nnd Wcstlngheusu en the ether. The rear springs arc scmi-clllptic, the carburetor is qf liny make, thrce qunrtcr flouting rear axle is used en two models ami scml-lleating en the te the cntisp I l' "" Knew tnnt there were hull- "','.!,"' The standard make tires offered the Hre.Is of .Nnt vityroeters hist ear that motorists today will net blew out j wiiiiesseii virtual! ever game ineir prune n i ley nri' treiuru Jth ' " , ' v .... .... .. ,. .... 't. ....... i . . I 1 1111 11 V llf lll'.tn U'PI-n lillvv hllwIliiKw imut ilieipllltl rare. uriYing ever uvekcii truss, m ( . n Y ' ... ..... , -n.-i-llt:nn Lurus. ime ren.i i.e.es ,mu against r-Kn , !! tlie lastilnute as time 7ne int H,lt' Players always return te the shops is usunllv resiiens bh fop lns nf iirinipr ""l" l"L "'"' 'ininuii, as nine meant ...... '., ... . ., .... . , .. ,.' mileage. The safest waV is te have '" ".',? te ,,lu',n- utr jour tire Inspected legiilarly bv a tire,., ,.U l,l,alt', "',' ,i(,rcnee where Na luan. He can ciadicalc the c'ause of ' '"?' 1V"'C,, ,herc , alwa.ts several future trouble before It is tee lute. htinilred rooters nnd en muny occuslens i almost a thousand followers of the club n . . ... were en blind te cheer the bevs en te t-crmaneni uie uamp vieterv. Anil as far us Imsehnll Is con. have the trouble of liiL-irlinr their hue faun in s or seven dajs. while it takes a horse three weeks te cover the same ground. The tractor enn nlew. make I'l... ... f I !..... 1. 1.. I..... ..ll, -- " . - ' - .Hj-vmii.. nn- ll.-lll l l-uil . i.lT ML. Illli, Ull in.- MM - I IIP I. ..ID IS ill iiii-ni I1IIIIUII- Ul'll.'lll . , , ,. . i 1.. , l . , . the teams in our league." said I V1. ", te "m.ke lc,1'vfra''-- K" per-i taK. ma!. ditches and haul huy wagons. 1 the early missionary juyt nheut with all the sneed nf n RhnrS. work we used te de is something long snoeier. i Here is nothing that a tractor passed. Kvcry one realizes It just as cannot de. It jM one of the greatest we de. machines in the world." "A tractor can plow a hundred-nerc y t,.(l .lames Ilunter, secretary of the I'hila- iiiiliiiiiuut.irci's eiisc.iaii or- "After the games nrc emt nml they hn.l the iidvuutage of uih tlie cemiinny's shower baths un.l turn ing their uniforms eer te the club ........ru,. 4-... ....... i it i I. i. u . . ; ..i'l'. v in lvh ii ii uiiii.ii III tliill .S1..1I 11IU1 custedlun whose business It te have iu.slrP8 th suppl of fnrm pre.lu.ti. en thein ready for Ihe next gnme. I ,,.,.,,.,. .,.,... (I' ' . , I 'III Vni'iJ ml I Iwlilut I'lul tntiliiu ili, tin. .... .. ........ .................. ....... .... .,,,, --i iii'tiipriueri Ishable goods (julckly te market, te. The inipl? belt power en n tractor en uring in supplies. J nbles the machine te thrash. As n "In bitter cold and storms customers' matter of fact, It Is a pettable pewci hud it a distinct advnplage te deal , plant that enn be used in any one of a with a merchant who can deliver te ' hundred duties en n farm, their very doers. This binds tluir geed i . . ., will te him. And the public espcelnlh ,lc,,,lc ,u "" -nervier is wnat counts' te the tanner ns well as te the business man in the city. And there is nethini; In the nffenis pre- , mechanism of a furni that gives BMRV TROW r DUE 10 NEGLIGENCE Less Difficulty Will Fellow ff Owner Would Observe Few Instructions a ii in i. in en s i.re- iiiccminism or a lurni mat eves mere ,..!.... ... ... !.. ......!.... .. ..p .1.1 : I ..... ..... . i .ii...... ... . . : . - :-." v. -- v - -- -- --....- r. - -r. i.-i-ii.iu ie uiieiis in Uillisiiiiiiai.ini. 1 i'l nil.-, ruilli- M-r. ii-e iiiuii imp iriiprer. 111 uiiiieiiiiiiieu nt a ins ie ll rist move- i ernei . l nne it. mlil t nil tlm umm Imli : snee te the irumes ns in tin iliivs wlinn .n . t- .. :.. .i . .... i ni.. r.. ...i... i . .... ... .. .. ..ini.f tl.i-n,,,.!, I 'I,., lln. ,,..., I ... ,11 . ! .1 A 1 Vl I u i . n,i I "ra '.'l".l lllllll MlliriP I" I I'M 1 Mil I HI I I HV lllllll.-l Willi ll'IIIN, WHO ItUIKStllKI !nl nt 7vn te. ,, f "h,?f ,'., ' 'i ' lis "'i"0 '" ' "'v M'U 'f.Mnrl. for ! the league was hrst organized. Tlie n,l Koe.1h nre net cPen,l In Imn.llliii!. I who contrasts knows that the tractor Tr, . J .. fM. I, ! .1 I MiS11!?':!''" ".. N" !i,'1,J'. ,,,,,m r lnt V: .S ?R .tl,C "J"'" "rn,,l:V 'l0.ss,,,1 "l-nlnterrupted tra..sortatle means I Is the thing. This Is evidenced by the TESTS ARE M PORTA NT . . . . . . -. -" ." w.i.t i.i-ii iihiiiiiii twin iiiu i iiniui in w i win ii i ii vm iimi ii mi ii i i hi uu iiu-ir ri'iurii tiniiuri w niintir ' mt ntnr.i nin. itti.... 1 .....i;.. t .. i 1. i. 1...1 t 1 ,. -...: . . - - - - emcr. iietchKss drive is iiwlen two city park department, has established a dozen motertrucks carrying looters "."" .""" '"."" me iuuu nieiiei. perilinneill (te l.lll Illieill i mnii III one of lie seem, if tin. pvpiiI llin De.lics are all modern in (Icsign, the citj most beautiful recreation well finished und thoreuglity equipped. I centers. : .- . . . .sii..!..... iuiii.iiHiiii iiituu-. r i in iiintft. inin it r lUi'lP III IM till" half mil 011 their return depart without ' uninterrupted business mid profits. An I number that are being bought carlv. rs te hnvlng te be annoyed b carrjlng their, imestmcnt in nn efficient, well-equipped I "There h.ic alwns lpnn the' need' ..f own Uniform. I he nntn Is the liesl 11.., ,t ,ln, !.... I..,,. ..- .M. I- . 1, ..-..(... ..... ..!.i. ..' 1 . ..PI... ., li,i(.ii.... 111. .i t 1 1 f .1 y.ii. 1 1 , I. a. ;'p". .......... .... .M ii... 1.. uiinniM-. 1. uur hi vim n imrriMN iircuu ie go ..,, n.,,,1 -..,...,... ,, ,,, nml, in uu- i-niin.iPipuui .iiniiiune- insures prelituhle return twelve months down between the row W ,nt least u dozen of the citj s l,lg teams. Hirers' Uascball League." , the year." ,, trarter that his a srea e new ha ad cf thlrt.v CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY & REPAIRING I'.IS Ainericaii (irinding Ce.. 1001 Slininier St . Knerr A.- Iluckley (Huick Service). 7 S. ISlh St , Winter Aute Repairing Ce., 171'J Falriiieuiit Ae , llutt Service, nri S. -tLM St , Central Aute Hepnir .Siiep, Y2X .V. lfith St. (rear! , rhlla.lelphln Aute Itepalr Shep, nil-lfJ-IS X. LM St Heffman & Ilean. 1MU X. J2th St l-'ranklin .Service Station. 1!)1L' Cherr. St Mnrkwcll & Wilkie (Itulck Service), l.'tlO-IL'-H I'eplnr St I.eemird 1'. Coester, l.'l Itrliighurst St., (icruiautewn Andrew Itres.. KI'JU X. Murvinc St V. C. Weed. .Ir., ISta-IB Callowhill St Whltehriul-IIughcs Ce., IIL'7 X. Watts St Franklin Specialty Itepalr Shep, UllL'.'i Sanseiu St Kee Itepnir Simp. .1211 X. 27th St Completi .Moter Service, -HJ'tl X. Ilrend St s AUTO LENS Melet Uu Kens Kieei-g.. W '. Xecki, IIWI-OIJ Unce St i riee I.ens ( ri"e I, ens I'rolceter Ce. I, Camden, X. .1 ,,, 7 SUPPLIES New lira (iainge. :W.'ltl-.'l2 X. Bread St -, Iliggius Bres., -tnS4 llaverferd Ave " r I. A. Dwyer. 1(10(1 Siinsem St .1. II. McCuIIeukIi. 2.'i7-."D X. Bread St , (ieerge W. Xnck Ce.. l.'id-J-OO Itnce Si Stnhl's (iiiriiBC ;IS:ill-tli Hislng Sun Ave Hoebevelt Sales Ce.. ."tlO frezcr Biiildiiii; b'erd & Kendig. 1 I2S-:12 Callow hill St . . Reliable Aute Paris Ce , -1117-1!) Alnrket St Carcy-Mel'all Ce.. 21e-."S 13. Dauphin Si , Strauss & Certif.ld, 15(1 X. Bread St Charles K. Hires. 210 S. 21th Si .leppa Ala. bine A. Breu.e Ce.. S. V.. Cor. 12th nml Oxford Sis., Preferred. I'lilitles Ce., 112 X. Bread St ; vJux lluhbur Ce.. l.'l." I Knee St Alben I . Kiiv.'iisnn, 2d. 1.".'l!l Cherry St 7 K. M. Hansen & Ce.. VM X. It li Si Mngneln Jlervlce Ce., ,T2."i-27 X. Ititli St ,. c, Magneto Senlce Ce.. :t2.'-27 X. leth St ' e SHOCK ABSORBERS AND BUMPERS Hasfcler Shecli Miserbcr (llussler I'eiiusOinniii Ce.), .S72 N. Bread St.. ll Billev Spring llumprr (llerredlu Kubher Ce. 1, TBI X. Brend St .". TIRES llrrgeiigiiini 'I'lrc 1 llergiuicnnn Kubher Corporation 1. 7111 X. Bread Hi... ."1 I(rll Sii IiikIIcIiI (W. P. Slniininstuii Ce.). Bread und Yerk Stb ,"i (Jeei!) ear Tire (Hess, the Tire Maul. 'Mil Walnut St I ' .McClluteck Tlrn Ce,, r17 N. Brend St. 4 KcyMenc. Tire Ce.. JiUO-14 golIewhHl ,at..,. II I I ." :t s 1 r. r 11 ti s s I AUTO SCHOOLS Yeung Meii's (lirlstinn Nssoplalieu. 1(521 Ludlow St Spring Harden Institute. 15k.miI und Spring Cnrden Sts I'hila. Mrchnnicnl .t VA ctricnl Scheel. S. 10. Cor. Bread & Sp. (iarden Plilln. Scheel of Automotive Klectriinl Bnglnecrlng, 1(510 Yinc St FORD ACCESSORIES 1 mil Automobile Ce.. Kurd dealers I'lsher & .IuciiIh. I (12ft X. Sydenham St , '.'.'..'.. GAS AND OILS Bctheline (as 1 She, weed Bres.), 21st and .Alejameiisius Ave Crcw-I.cvicU (tVew-I.cvlck Ce.), Philii.lelphiu, Pi Atlantic (laseline (Atlnntic Itelinins Ce.). I'liilndclpliin. Oildag (Celinnn Ce.. Ltd.). 217 X 12th St , .' MOTOR TRUCKS B.'ssenwr .Moter '1 1 ticks, Helniesburg, Philnflelphla 1 ieneral Moter Truck Ce., 2X)5 X. 22d St '.'.!.!!.!!',! Bethlehem Sales A. Servl.-e'Ce.. 1 11 - Hi X. 22d St !.!!.'.'!!!.'.'!!!!!.'!! ! Muck liitcrnatletinl Moter Truck. 2I!0ft Chestnut St !!!.'.'!!!.'!! Vim Sales A: Service Ce., BVead un.l Huntingdon Sts. . . '. . ', . ', , , . .!. '. '. ' , ',' Sterling Moter Tiiuk Ce.. BIT-Ml X. 22.1 St !!!!!!.'!!!.!!! RADIATORS A . Aute Kudiaier Ce.. .'IKi.'S-.'Sft X. Bread St. Lincoln Aute Kndlater Ce., litCil! Wuliiut St !!.'!.'!!!!!!! Shapire Aute Kudiaier Weiks. .'CSltl X. Brend St !!!!'!!!!!.'!!!!! Billable Aute Kudlutdr Ce.. 1-I17-1II Kalrnniiint Ave!!..'!'.!".' Atlnntic Aute Kadialer Ce Bill." Kidge Ave .'........!..'.... SPRINGS Keystone Spring Weiks. BiUl-Bl Builonweod St Teuinic Spring Service. Inc., 2120 KaImeunt Ave !!!!!!!!!!!! Tnjler Spring A. L'quipiucnt Cor 1722-20 Knirmeunt Ave! !!!!!!!. ! AUTO INSURANCE AND LICENSES C. Tiuver lJuuliiiiii, Inc., 2-1(1-Is X. Bread St Themas It. Bailey. 1502 Abbett Building ! ! ! ! ! .1 . P. Moere. Sftft X Bread Sl AUTO GLASS Spiitig liiiulen Amu .V Hiiuipuirnl Ce.. 12th ami Spring C.arden Celuiiibln Stained (ilu Works, Mhl-OS X. 10th St U. M. Ven Xcss Ce.. !l.'!2 X. Bread Si !!!!!"!! Aute tilu Ce.. X. ll. Cor. Iftlh 11ml Weed Sts.. . . ..!!!!!.!!,! POLISH ProleipellMi-ANnlsh's t.Manufaclurer), B502-0I X. :;(J St Sl. AUTO BODIES wMrwmftr? .heuh. &s c 'jjm'm fvhgiw ;-J.vt..M,v!uJ a. qoisen,.-49rN. d stw. ..,:.,.... z:::"::::'' s ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (ierinantewii Service Station, fts. Maplewood Ave., (iermnntew n . . . A. llepktn. Jr.. Ce. Ulift Walnut St ' Automotive Batterj A. Lie. trn-.il Ce. BiUT Knee St !!!"' Ill iickner Bres.. 201 X. Bread St !.!..!.!!!!!! Philudclphlu Khvtric Ce. Supplj Depai tment. i:!0-:52 S. 11th St." Libertj .Storage liutter.v. :5:!1 X. lftth St !!!!!!" Lntieastcr Aute & Kepair. Cor. l.'.ih nml Lancaster Ave...!!! Ajnx Buttery A: Ignition Ce.. .140-12 X. ,12d St Harr.v T. Kidder. 222(5 X. Bre.ul St !, rraukrin K. Bickhurt. .5.1.'i7 2d St !...!!! ' Star Bntlery Ce., 200 X. lftth St ".! tleerge K. Stinger. UO.'S S. Brn.ul St !!!!!!!.!!!! ; Xevv Victeria Cur.ige, 10.12 X. Warn... k St ! . Marcus Polk Ce., 2001 X. Carlisle Si Moter Parts & Ignition Ce.. 1017 Master St !!!!!!!!!!!" ' AUTO TOPS, BODIES, PAINTING AND REFINISHING Ceniral Aute 'lop Ac Bedy Ce.. Bied-es Callowhill St. (. It. Lumpkin & Ce., 1212-1S Clip-timi St .!'' A. .1. ChreiiKter. X. K. Cor Kith nnd Ludlevj Sts. The Aute Tep Ce., Illlft-IT Wallaie St American Aute Tep & Bedy Ce.. 1 122 Kairmmmi Ave The Burmeister Ce.. 2110-21 21! W. Clenrtichl St. .lain-s Krnll. dr., (5021 Ludlow Si ' Rebert Xerrls. dr.. Olil -:!ft . nrul si vest I'liiintleiphia Aute Painting A. Itepairint; Ce.. 2s 2s Fertieth St. Aute Tep Ce.. -lOth and Chancellor Sis. i.nrsoii-iiiiisnieliilo Ce., M)0 X. Breiul St Lniplre Aute Tep Ce.. 222-2(1 X. 21st St Crown Aute Specialties Ce.. KnVviiie St .'"!!" !.!! AUTO PARKING Peniis.vlvaiua (image, :,2ll-.M.ftft S. ltiead St The Parking Place, 11.1 X. I.'lth St Stanten tiurage. 1010 .Murkct St... I'. S. M. C. (lariige, MOT-0!) Le.-us, St Lincoln Service (iaruge. Clierr.v St. east f Bread.!! Middle City Ciirage, M4I1. ID Cherry St Xew Hanover tiarage, H2.1-2T Cherrv St. Arneld-Campbell Moter Ce.. Iftllli-id Race St VEHICLE WASHERS Hc.k Bres., i .-,0 X, ,-,ii, st CARBURETORS lt.ij field Carburetor if. K. MacCurlei 1. 112.1 and Lu.llen Sis. . . .' MISCELLANEOUS Ne"'l?.il0n.!nrf.rt0r (Mc,ntlre-Gr'bc'n Moter Ce.), M04 Real i:KHte w ..,,,,,,t,, ....f.nn,,!,,. '10 X. ft.lth St.. . 7 i g.. LARL all battery troubles are due y'-! te tlie owners' failure te observe' n few- simpV instructions." The moteric who gp.s t;. greatest power, (he mejf service ad the longest lfc from h(s sternRc battery is tin one who is mil lions in the care of it nnd mnkes It "a practice te evtamiiie ir nt least enr.e every week in sumincr ami once evetr two weeks in winter te -op that the li'lUMl solulien 1, up te the proper IcvelJ These periodical tests are highly lip', perta nl. They enable jeu te tell n advance when jour battery Is in dang of being ruined through uudendiaretilt; or ever heating, when miner treublSt 111 the c'ectrical s.vstp,,, rt. draining the strength and endurance of jour bat tery, when nn incpen.vp freslienlng charge would save expensive dlsman tlmg and rehulhling Inter. j ,.IVre.-fl''," f,nv simple iuslructlercf. which, if fo'lewpd. will lengthen the UtJ, r jour butler and give mere sntlsfaei lery serv Ice. - Boiled nler Uen't De - I'nder 110 ciri'iinistanccs ip unjtlitile but pure distill.. I vvuter. "Belleip water will net de: It must he dlstlllal water from which all impurities wlileh would Injure the battery have been re "V,"',"'" ,f Vl,u ''" "e1 t,ar,, '" '"'J sl'' tilled water ,veurclf make urrunseniciifj with the nearest service station te de it for jeu. j Add or clectreljtP should never In milled except ,v an expert battery mans All inetal tuirls of connecters, whicli an. net lend -coined, should be kerrt cevpteil Willi 11 ti, ii, eeiiling f vaseline.: I. link nl jour Imllerv oecn-lena'ly, ami f. the solution )s siiin.v..d or Mtilllxi M lean with a moist sponge. ;' Keep Tep Clrjir lien't lav tools, or nnythiu-- clut ncn.ss tlie t ii nf jour baltcrj. T Itemember lluil j.nir butler) isn't, e pected te kceji spinning jour enrtnt tevpi-al miiiiiics at n time. It rfln tf it. but it Is bound le shorten the bat ten 's life, If veur eiisnip does net nf jirempilv w Iipii j en epernii. veuJ" starter, uial.c sine v.nir iKuitleu nu'lti'S Is luriiPil en and that jour carburctoi carburctei mlMiirp is rich enough he'jre using yeill- slut ter ngain ''. In .old weailif.- if veur enjliir lepsn't start preuinMv si-r whuther It li being suflicieiiilj "primed f ,lf veur huiierv is te stand Idle wjlS jour car out of cnn.iinleii f,.r a Mteiita or ineri- at a time, lake it out of tit). ur ami leuve it with a bcrtlca statlefc le be ynred for. if .veur iiKiits ur,. ,,, or therCtt ....j winrr 1M.11.1111011N innt jour batta is "run down' ll mnv le. .in. fact thnt you nrc riiuulng the MM. little te keep the buttery ehtrul , Ik. ..M..nlA.u- . -. T v . w '""J'.iiiiiie, ..psti.ciiiiuriimy net ue rnaraclHir' uuhw ierirp nwi. it. Mcrz, 4343rl Lancaster Ave.... " H cr,r or f w,r? Mert circuit . - -mi l lw,v.iJJi;.iVi h m. ,, 't ., t' '-.,' 't .'iir' ' ' n .' " -hi ft ' 9, f 1 ''m . 'ti . i -tA hi