Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 18, 1922, Postscript, AUTOMOBILE SECTION, Page 11, Image 35

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IP' " '
F AinnnMPTRniiPR
Official's Powers te Be Im
creased Under Bill Intro
duced In Maryland
I Annapolis, .Tnir US. Sweeping ex-
imten of the powers of the Stnte
Comptroller ! the etitstnuiltns pre
pesal of Governer iuutiic s m-urgum-wtlen
Hill. Introduced .In the Gcncrnl
Anjcmlilv last nlftht. ItcgreupliiB of ilfi-
i jmrtments is iirupewu w v- --
crrnsliiB of ctticieticy an" "'?
The Fewer KtrctleiiB I Jill. propeflnR
state nnd nullity biennial elections,
?,".... launched InM nliiht with the
1,i approval of the reorganization com cem
mjf ini-sien.
Ml The reformers and their fees divided
Ml mi control "f Heuse committees. n
announced Inst nWit. tiip nmi-rnee
inck forced control the Heuse Judicl
nt Ceinmltlcc. te which the Hull anil
licilluB mftiMire In" 1'W vefcrred nnd
tlie null prohlhltleii forces arc In the
majority en (he Temperance Committee,
ulilcli will pas-1 " the Dry hnforcc hnfercc
iiiinl Hill.
The chief chnnKCH piopesed by the
Itriirgaiilznllen Hill are:
The powers of oiiiptrellcr nic te be
Eicatlv increased and nutherlty is te be
entered In hint as head of the division
of financial review. lie is also given
lonlrel of the finance department, this
dlvMen Including the tatc Auditor,
Ulank t'oinnilMlener. Insurance Depart
ment, 'lav Commission and Central
Pnri'linelng Hiirenii.
The office of Deputy Insurance Corn, Cern, Corn,
minlencr in te be abolished, his duties
te he assumed by the Insurance Com Cem Com
mi.Mtlener. .... , .
Mentlilv accounting Is te be made te
Ciinptrelier and payment Is te be made
i,i Treasurer of nil "fecH. revenues,
collections nnd income of every kind
h all Stale departments. Exemptions,
however, may be made by the Comp
troller with approval of the Governer.
The terms of Comptroller and Treas
urer are te he increased from two years
te four, and the salary of the Comp
troller Is te be Increased from .S2.100 te
M00O. The last te be n constitutional
'ri.n sft.ii.. AilvlMfii'v Ilenrtl fit 1'nrnle
1 te he abolished anil be superseded by
n ramie coiiimissiencr xuin u sainry
of ?2."U0.
Tlie Slule Heard of Prison Control Is
also te be abolished. A Heard of Wel
fare Is te be established, te be headed
bv a chairman with a salary of $1000.
nnd te Include four unpaid associate
The State Lunacy Commission Is te
he nlielMicil and lts-ilntSc assumed by
:i i'oiiiiiil"sieiier of Mental Hygiene,
with a mlar of $'(!00, and an asso
ciate unpaid beard of six members.
The executive officer of tlie State
Heard of Health Is te be its chairman
Instead of its secretary, nnd te be
Known as Director of Health.
The office of State Architect, with a
falnr.v of ?ii0il. is te b created.
A Commissioner of Laber and Sta
tistics, with a mi I nr. of .?.''0()0, is te
Mipersede the present beard.
That act is te take effect .lanunry 1.
Effectivie at once
5-passenger Touring . . . $1295
4-passenger Scout .... 1345
2-passenger Roadster . . . 1345
5-passenger Sedan .. . . 2195
4-passenger Coupe .... 2195
f. e. b. factory
1 1 8-inch Wheelbase, Valve-in-head Moter, Cord Tires
These are rock bottom prices.
Compare the Specifications
Then compare the price
Petter-Diesinger Moter Ce.
2207-2209 Chestnut St.
Sales, Service and Parts Departments
DEALERS pioperly financed can make an exceptionally profitable connection in Eastern
Pemiii., Seuthern New Jersey nnd Delaware. Alse several sub-dealers will be appointed
m Philadelphia, Pa.
Elgin Six
-'r-ii-H; 5- ,Vutr
""" ' ETvfefetG krasitf' LtiBGIJilUpffltADELPHrA',- WEJDSEfeDiJLY,-
! , : " ' . . ' ' ' , . -.17-
10211, the terms of -Initial appointees
under the qct te rtm until May 1, 11)24.
ruuriccii -nuniinimrntien Dills cover
ing Democratic platform pledges wc.re
introduced Inst night. These provide for
greater representation for llaltlmere
city In the Assembly nud removal of
political disabilities of women. An
Administration bill calling for n mini
mum salary -if ?0,"0 for while teachers
throughout (lie State xvns also Intro
Shere Man Said te Have Forged and
Deposited Nete
Atlantic City. Jan. IS. Charged with
stealing n check for $075 from the mall
box at the shore home of Tlenjnmln
tloeth, forging the indersement and de
positing It te his own credit In a local
bank, Geerge Nnrmnn. of this city, was
l.nltl iimli.... SIRAft Itnll fn I.a n .,
.Tury by Magistrate Paxson this morn-'
Nerm in, who Is a former church
singer, xvas employed as a collector.
Finding nn accumulation of infill In the
letter bes nt the home of Beeth, which
has bccii closed for the beasen, it W
ellcgcd, he abstracted the letter. He
placed ?075 te bis own credit and later
drew :?;i23 against It. The check paired
through Beeth's Philadelphia bank,
xvherc he promptly repudiated the in in
eorsement. Nerman entered no de
Meets Transit Team at Its Head
quarters, 23d and Columbia Ave.
Tlie Northwest A. A. bowlers will
meet a team from the P. H. T. car
barn, Thirty-first and Hldge avenue,
this evening tit the former's hcadipur
tcrs nt Twenty-third street nnd Co
lombia avenue.
The following are the scoreu mnilp liv
the different teams of the Northwest oil I
Monday night :
rutsT ti:am
Kueiix ...
Gamble . .
707 7S0 701) 770
ian isr. i.i.. 172
140 144 ir,0 14A
184 184 171 107
127 17a 1.10 1(10
' 118 111 103 117
738 827 748 800
Zcarfflunx .
Oawnld . . .
ft. Donatien
J. Oonnheo
Total-, .
Adrfma . . . ,
Tetala . .
'lel 133
i 12U
1,1 J
801 7
735 800
j VMetl .
131 20.1 inn
18(1 201 1110
141 1r.11 107
i3t inn 100
132 IIS 124
Ijeula -
A. Donnhue
770 741 807 81(1
"Fere" Is Sufficient Warning
Chicago, Jan. 18. "Fere" is fair
warning in golf and it is up te the
players te watch out xxhcii they hear It
heuted, the Appellate Court decided
jestcrday lu upholding n Circuit Court
ruling thht Miss Harriet Stevens could
net recover damages as a result of being
hit by n golf ball driven by Kdward
Bethlehem Scheel Accepted
Bethlehem, la., Jan. 18, The City
Scheel Beard yesterday formally ac
cepted the new Lilierty High Scheel,
built by Cramp Company, of Phlladel-
i phla. at a cost of nearly $1.500.000.
ysh. ri-ivts .
' ,iji
Letters te the Editor
Werk and Married Women
Te tlit Editor 61 the CvhIh0 PubUe Ltdecr:
Sir In the People's Forum of a re
cent Issue of your paper VH. W. L."
condemns employers for net discharging
married women where the husbands of
the latter cam sufficient te ndceuatc!y
keep the1 family. This lie sccuis te feel
would be an important step toward
solving the unemployment problem.
The amount of unemployment, how
ever, relieved by such methods would
be extremely slight, and It Is very
ouestlenab,lo If the social gain would
offset the lesq resultlnc from the dis
charge of the married women new work?
'ng. All this is a very complex uffulr.
Te begin with, it must be remem
bered that It le most valuable socially
that capable married women, net bear
ing or rearing children, should be cm-
u, 1 T.ll.a.. it lit 1..U, tart Itt.tl fnlt j
IllOJCU. JUItlltffO in Jll.il un ueu ..
mnrried women
i os ler any etner cias
of society. Heretofore, there lias been ,
Z a... . . '
tee mucn willingness en me part 01 1
married women without small children
te accept their full economic suppeii
from their husbands. Jinny have been
perfectly willing te remain parasitic or
seml-parasitlc. That an Ineienslng
number refuse te longer accept support
from their husbands, but Insist upon
earning a part of the family fund, is n
most propitious and welcome sign. It
Ik an Imllcntlen that rimmed women r.rc
no longer satisfied le evade their shore
of (he economic maintenance of the
home. In most of such eases their em
pldyincnt is beciallj and individually
Nonetheless, It, is necessary tnat ilu.se
a . ir t. I .. ...I ?. 1
new out of work be cinple.wil. Pic!
dent, Harding, If will be iccalicd, in
slsted that his unemployment 1 emmis
klmi ri.ninmeii.l nn venllv liiiHic iTine
dies. That body whs te' content itcejf
with exhortations and palliatives.
L Ulll. It. Ve, ..uv,v. imt ,u,.v ,m.
1 1 .. . , ... . . .. M..ii-t.n.. ... .ii...., ni.ii :
will de little te eliminate iinempley
ment. Ground-fleer measures must no
taken. Among these of a basic char
acter the following may be listed :
Plrst. A thoroughgoing system of
national labor exchanges.
Second. liaising the age of work for
children nnd thorough enforcement of
existing child-labor laws.
Third. Shorter hours.
Fourth. Dovetailing of .seasonal oc
cupations. Fifth. Waving public work se far as
possible for slack times
Sixth. Unemployment insurance. t
euvi-'lHll. uiu ugu 11. m iiiv.iiji..,, iiuii-
Seme system for separating
the unemnlo.vebles from these capable
of employment, and prevision made for
the care of the former.
In dealing with unemployment, it
must be recognized Hint it is a prob
lem of industry, that it should be n
charge en Industry, just as Is the cost
of raw materials, interest en Invest
ment, nnd such things. Moreover, it
is csscutinl te remember that meie
scratching of the surface will be of little
avail. As a social problem, uiicmpiex t
ment must be thoroughly and funda
mentally studied, and then incnsurcs of
a basic character looking toward ittj
abolition courageously adopted.
Philadelphia, January 10. U)2L'.
Defends Dr. Krauskopf
Te Ihr L'diter of the I'venlna Public Ledger
Sir According te nil prohibitionists, !
' ' . t . . . : ,
Is Ours Really a "City
Why. ThlsOlaousBlen?
Te tilt Editor 0 I he VvtvliW PuUUe Udecr.
t..v. .... . . . . .i .t
a great city te liiniK 01 "r"Ve,V
love. iJiisinciM is 11 11 !'" unJ, "' " ,
iuIihIm 01 the peoelu. and It Is the gre. t I
slniggl.! for eslMcutc ii'id te bent the,
ether fellow that Is paramount. ,
rniiauciiiiiinns are no u iicru.n i.u, ,
Sir T sec he reason for this Heated "' w"' n ;rtflIt ,,'e O. W. L. . '' X -rvi?i TimVi . a r. M. prier of rriemi. mvitnl m mnii fprt ilvh -rai
discussion ns te whether Philadelphia I "hiln.i'elphlu. .Taiiunry !l 1022. Five Years ill U. S..antl Eng- jnji, ""."tM'W "tt ' &.& r&UKiVftx nulr&iMfm
is entitled te be called the "City of, - , . Ali . Iw , till . wii f Vv,. m .m mi n rnii.pu ,fi pn. 'fXu
ii .i i t - L,; 1 1, ink imv Friendships In a, City , and A tomalely i cev.-J.n M mss i.utitia. wiecw of . MrKKj.NE. J.m I7,j:ruut. b . wtff M,
Brotherly Leve.' I det;t think n ,;.;,,., ,, n- r, i,,. ,wwCe, In lir -SOth leir. Ilrlallves ali.t ult M Kpeip ltlallve.r sml frfn rtl
eltv Is entitled te such n broadly stated I " "" '""" " 'c Uvmlael'ubHc Ledger . ,'r r; x e f7nrial ." VIpp. ri.ur. a miiipd i er,lpps. IM . r1lj("Slj:-..u,"T."rf
ill is cnuiicii te r.ui.11 it uium, j , ui-i l,l0Vc that there exists just i, ji. at lir late rmirtenpp alias lllc-hnieii'l Wk of Iim fail..-. Johr I; n"';"'', !& t J
nlcki.atnc. Ileal brotherly love cannot ;,' ,' 0Hrcil friendly senlment In There will be no challenge for the it. hi. pnie'iMar r inn -; iiemin.i re,,i. ' iviii..w uwy &Jxt. "
exist In a great city. The c-en.pe ltlen J1,"', u8 Zhec, town or I Inteinatlenal Pole Cup tliift jrnr.. This "tf""? J&tfk ri.u.i, I V..Au1 rLSVl e''u?. afwl-lSf - ,
Ihnl Is iilwajs going en In ft city tends , , b rCiiuire a little was evident at tlie annual meeting of ,(tf ,i1(, rie w'liiimii n. and ""'." """, " t,.r H'ricc. , !
te selfishness. ' Vatlence t" find it. The trouble with the Pole Association held in New Yerk 'e ifn-n-i. . n Ue n - Ve"pAm ! . "'"rAni. ffi Vd .,'?.
I think, all cities are alike. e n nny J of , hnt c ,, net knew hew vcM(;ri,v. Tie Kngllsb player will ,?,.. 'xvV,lsV-..i,Bi ..!', ".iHera ..f Mbmi" v,v i i J' rilPA;V7'iK mi".J tfk
have wmiv ucaunir.tiiiicMi but xcij few , k , y. , K eurpcivca vote t,clr nttenrten te mtitclie- iignlnM ". ..-f''' 'L'"un', " "" lhulH ' nrrai. lliura. 7 111.,). M , tmm rpidn!..,r'nj J
true fronds There arc tce ;nnJ- nm hp M, , mt(.C,,c,i wc are apt te en- fam from the Argentine and nei- Mc,!!irl! M; ,7 niAm.p J ', ' V.VJS $$ "7u n".1 ,"
tee vailed arc the Ii"lU :&',' ' I counter the old adage that "familiarity My etic from India en the British field . band of Mary ruikn m-nwej ! - 5"," ," n,,u,ch " A' ' n m 7. r.l
ether people In this respect. Alie rus n c (,c t0 nmnil, t,t unfortu unfertu
niiiv he 11 little creator in rxew lerK ..,,..... .,.. .., ,i,,.i !. 1., i,n
.. I .",1.1... 1..... 1 A I.. .. llA.II MU In n M t'
1111(1 Illl'UKO, Ulll II IB V" livl . """',
ii,rgc city, and naturally lnsicmi 01
breeding "friendship It breeds nniblllen i
" .. ' 1 .1
te get en tn turn world, anu wncn sucn ;
II lllllis rinin, ncimn l ' ,. ,' ,,V '
.!.. ...!..&. (alam ulllll Ml linGI 11111 .
and net n renl part etine city h inc. ,
The only real friendships in 11 great ,
city are these that have been festered,
.!........ 1...... Ilf. nai.l .Ian e , aan , I aV.1 1( 'a
limnie ii lung jiiv, nun inv m, ,,.
rarely Is privileged te enjoy sucn I ricmi- lnl, flJp Mlf) (l.miCs t,nt he may
ships for the reason that he has net had wn. and then expect him te rccip-
time e Ingratiate lilnisclf Inte ptlier s r(.H,p 1( ml 1n,.k u,,. qitC8 he ad-
fc diirlne the brief period that this ,.,,... , ,, ., ,',, m, i,r,
etlici-lllecan ueglvcii tesuciia pas me ., f rie,,,!, ir begins te grew. It is a
as friendship. The best rule te follewj ,iwnUm of Htalleii In life that Is gen
ts te ma!;,, of friends bill n few, "'; I .-rally the pitfall. Yen leek for a -.ci-
uu- rem eiijejiiiciii cuier iihu mi; Pi-iiit,
of the city and ncccpt te yourself the
things It provides for jour plcnsurc. for
which you pay. Friendship is net pur
chasable. Acquaintanceship may be,
but real friendship never. II. W. L.
Philadelphia. .Inuuary in.O'Jli.
What's Become of "Raymond S."
(;ie vditer 0 ike i:vcia Public udaer:
Sir What lias become of "Uajmend
S"? I am disappointed In net seeing
him upheld his criticism regarding this
nlti nrrnlnaf lit.i italf ine ti'lirv lini'll
,.5ji.Ti,., ..!.- ....-i?iV 1. T fn.l 1
UUlltlll II llllll JUtllxJL iUUfcm.'t Ulll. - 11.XI
undeservedly. "Unymend" has ray
views exactly. The great majority of
Philadclphiaus are se contented with
thcinsciv-es that they never go elsewhere
te find out hew ether people' live. They
are se satisfied with their homes In this
"City of Hemes" that they x'ery rarely
xenturc out from them for. fear they
may have te rub shoulders with sum-
one else which seem:, te be 11 terrible
nfrlvnl for the average. Phlladclphian
if v
ou can break into their bem ,
which is a most ilimcult mnttcr. you
wj .j,,,' n,uny 0f tlcm fvuy Wenii j
xviiile, liut they seem se suspicious ijfin
everything nml everybody that one
xveuld almost think it xvas an inherited
condition xvhicli. is bred in "them from
the dnx-H when the true Amerienm)
isolated themseles from the Teries. Tlicj
seem te be living in the past, and love.
le feed you up en ancestry, ancient iii-
tery and the like, never once letting I
all who oppose tlielr views arc traitors,
thieves, aiders of bootleggers and in
general undesirable citizens. It's high
time that newsimpers step publishing
(lirru iilinpil nf llinsc u'lin nntidNP tire. '
hiblllen nud which se-called news uml I
Interviews come from Ant -Saleen .
League headquarters.
The answers of Bishop Berry nnd
11. M. I'hallaiit, editor nr til
Chalfaiit. editor of (he Antl
Hnloeu Ixiugue paper, te the views of
uahlil .lesf'iii ixrausKepi, as piiniislicil
In Menduy's papers, arc lusiiltiiig.
Tseth of tlieiie xxrilers Uy te eiiM n !
rcllcctieu upon Kiibbi Kruutl;eiir uhicl
1h net xviirrnnted by liiH lecture or lilt. '
vlcxvs en the facta in general. j
Ttubbl Krauskopf lint, been loe lern; in
Plilladclpbla nud, iin a mini, n citizen
nnd a patriotic American, he in tee
well known and loved b.x .Tew and gen- i
llln nil!,. Ii lin.-i. ulll iilni t-i'i... mil, In In
Mini., I--... ,., ' il, A,,ti.K,.ln.,
In,,.,. Xlni-.li- lu.v ll,..v. ..mi. t v
. ..' .....' .j.....Y .... ...... ......
l.iuv ........I ..,,....-.,.. n ............ ' .
comien III1U lllll 10 UOOllCKCcrs uucbll l
make U be.
Tn elnslnir ni-iv I snv t lull ! don't i
III CI0S1I1B, II1.IJ 1 t-n.x tll.lt I (ion I
knexx; Itnbbi Krauskopf perxjiially. or
um I a niembcr of Ins church. I ,de
Knew. Iiev.cx'1'r. that ma viewc. usBiien,
ln Mendny'H local papei-H. lire tlle-'C of
a thinker and a feed citizen
If the prohibitleulht xmimi'i Mich n
f-eltjslt itulinal he ueuld uudcitiinil that
ethers may have nnd exprct-t xlcws dif
ferent from hlb own XNltheul being u
drunkard, ti hoetreggci' or an nude-t-lrahlc
rhiladclphm, January 10, 1!'J'J.
! Te Help Rebuild Church
'Te the lUlller et the V.vcning Public Ledger:
CM.. IT. ..1.1 .1... ,! ...,!.. Wlin.ii
OU I 1,11 l. ll.V 11. U Ulilliv. . ...ii,..
is the lire? A church! Oh. my! And
one en xvhich the debt xxas recently
I paid, xeu nay! What a bhnmc! And!
the lias, our flair of America, net
burned'.' What is this. Icmeu te me?
I Our heys died for that Hair, us did
I my own dear father. And Christ died
for the church! I.ibtcn. I want te tell
I you something. I have given te the
French need, te Uussiu and Armenia,
, te the Sulvatien Army and Rescue
Workers, te everything a little, and
I liexx I xvant te join the bund of On
i ixard, Christiuu Soldier, nnd give my
i mite te help rebuild this church for an
Easter gift te our blest-el Master. Hew
many ether Christiana xvlll lend .a
i ha ud?
j Remembering xvhe il xvas that said :
' "It Is mero blessed te give than te
, receive."
Yours In work for the Master.
u. u. ;.
Philadelphia, January 11. W22.
Meney Inclesed has been forwarded
te the pastor of the cliurch. lMlter. I
Is Uncle 'Dim Saved?
Admires Anay uump
Sir One of the liiun.v treats yeui
paper nffertls Ua fortunate readers is ,
the ceilite p.-tjte. AllU til tlie lunilieH, i
he very host of all the soed Olies Is the i
iumpi.. I can't nuite make up my mind
iDeiii i neie nini s reinance. i iikc
Vndx. but I don't like Mln. I think
he's a cat. And bhe xvub certainly
And., but I don't like Mln. I thlnlv
shtH h cat. And bhe xvub certainly
nnbty enough tn Uncle Him after he had
Slven Mrs Zander the car. She tie-
serves te lese Tncle llllll S money, but
It's dlfl'ercilt about And. He SCCUIS te
1.0 a nice mail, and I suppose for Hint
reason It xeu d be a nlty ll the rich
unci,, mnrried Hip xvlilnu. Hut xvhnt-'
ever you de. please keep the Gumps in
our fine paper. MRS. U. T. 1-
Gerniantewn, .lamiar, 1 1, 1022.
Mln the Trouble-Maker
Te the li Uer el ihe ftl cm. g Public Ledger
I Sir Andy and Uncle Him xveuld have
I bren able te hae gotten together long
I age If lr had net been for the mls-
rhiciQijti Mln. Min Is bound te come
in at the xvreiis lime, and if Andy
diietjii't take the fninllj veins into his
bauds he xvill llnd hlnifdf done nut of
tl.nf II..I.I.I K- il.ife rn,.irlu lm"","T """' ' ' T." , "" e- ,
J, of many another Iten-pceked. New that ' rewilt of a lire, which vMimlnr m, I'henes Sprure veai JI JlXTjlJLal Mciaii mee . lark) iteiame,, d irn-,i. I MiKnTAliEitM a .tr-j,1 V
Andy ami ill.., Keen, te have buried the .l,re..h no of 'tin. poere.- c , r & 1 SK.Vrilcn. nr VSel"X'x tVVT ,'&- V . ITS. 'JiP '
-- ... .... .... ,. v m-. i fi;i rajiia uiifiniiiiiinsj in xinmin .... in i runvv 1'iriv -m ma m wm sal ua ik i r ui inn iLin 111 n m un.i i j -.... . --mmmmi
i i.-ir. L..I.A. i . . r ... .-e . - i, i , i e .. . . . n- ai 'i
tssMihr'iier' f r- - '" -""i.(Cl?,v, V. . ,i,v . .-., . : ,',i l . t .-..-J-, s':j,'. m a
tmmuHLJ. 1 L-Aj...m... .v ,tJ,VgifY,e "'t ' --'-vVi.r . ..-w ,n,,r,.. vi .. ,,'.:. .,1. y ' v 'r.-U. .:,. . .., ,J
of Brotherly Leve"?
mil fnnl tlinS llin Itpvnlllt loll. Hid Civil
' U'ar nml the World "War arc past, nnd
breeds contempt." Friendslilps must
come te you unsolicited.
Humn1 nn(llrt. tH ,l(HM1ir. Yeu must
work ff)r wnt lt whpUlCP it Is
, busIll0jH or ecln nfc. There arc
pnn.,i. crBeim of 11 friendly feeling In
1. .. " b...
ljcllt XVIIV .O LTlTlir it
out. Like can
iwaVs nml like if It
I perseveres, but
wlmt in one
may attract you. no
mnv fin1 vm 0bhcss anything
that Illll.V HttrilCt llllll
. .
,f ,.,, j,,,, of ,,.,min nnUlrc
J0. w, ,,asl)v b(1 nbk, ,0 ,i1((CPn, frera
,. ncqimintnnces these te whom you
. .... .
f.. n ,..,, 0r crFOII witl,
pe or person with wnem you
would associate, but you must give that
same person a corresponding privilege.
I believe patience always has its re
ward, and If .mmi will be sensible in the
.(i... .t... i.i f.,K-,i i, ,i..,i ii. rm imp Kfiriaii snunr iviaxcnui, tvci v ......,, .. .r..i... ., ,,i. invimi in r,.im mmhuii i ir k hk 'm !!
i in clil main1 mi anneal. l.'en t udmlrc
iinii.ni iiix- iiiiini iiivf i nnx uxivn
matter I am sine you will liud as much
brotherly love In l'bilndelphia as exists
j , anywhere, but jeu must net be unrci-t-onable
in jour expectations.
II. W. L.
Philadelphia. January 15, 11)212.
Includes Allentown
7 0 iie f-diler 0 the Evening Public Ledger
.Sir I hnve been l-cadine wltli Inter
est and disgust the letters tieeple -Imv?
sent in te your paper, knocking Phila
delphia intl its people. 1 wonder where
all these knockers hail from, anyway
And If they don't lle it bore, then wlij
don't they try Bosten or New Yerk.
Thev xvlll be mighty glad te get back te
Phillx If thex -le. I hax'c always been
treated well by the-..' who Ilvt lu Philly,
nnd have u zrent innnj fi lends there 1
have mere real -reed pals In Philadelphia
than I have In ny home texvii, which
.Pncns te be Providence. U. I., and
incie who khei k ydeti eki riuiiy win
take ;i ti-ij) there xvheii they haven't get
rny mere kiieckinj tr de, they xvlll find
rut that people don't rush out with
open arint nnd x. .'iconic them. Thej
don't le that in any rlty. But gixc me
Allentown, Pa., or Philadelphia nny
time. iajwaiu) i-'iii-7i('!ii:ic. .
Beveily. N. J., January 11. V.VS2.
cveiituaily be able te share In the Alls- 1
tralians millions. E. L. C
Philadelphia, January l."i. 1!V-.
Muzzle Min
'" "c '' 'or """ ''"'"'J ' LdUrr,
Mr xx e all love .iidy uumit. n
sucii a gentle, mui'h-abuscrllmiii. Wh:
can't Mr. Smith allow dear Amlj t get
. ... .- . i
in. .'.in, ..I hi- .,,,,,, . a ,ii n.i-i ,,i,
l,n inlliin ... It... ...... lilit. n, li.e.t ....
I nine, nj 111U7..IIIIS lil wile, w lin lias
licen the miircp of nil hi xxerrict.. l..vi;
liermcr. dear rcadcrx, nml you ulll find
llpr 111 iw.ssii, si imi .if ittiii- iiiiiiii..teii.t I,.
nfiKfinntii v .r ihe unmn,, ir,,hlnm,.Lni.
v -''""
M. 1.. T.
riiikidelpliiu, .Innuni'.v It, lil-JL'
fllin.tinii tiiimi'nrnel
Pearls Were Sent te Sherman
r',lhr Ldlter nl thr l.nmne Public Lrdarr,
B '-"' ."' ,0,lr "'"-" rerenilj Mlinteil
( i,10W i,ut lrei'iit nr emi. ml hud le-
univrn Hiiinn iK-uwiui! iic.nu treni me Khe- I
ule of Kn-nl. The nearl , rn k.-.it tn
General Shenuan In 1!7t ,- l-iT.". ahuut tlm
'"n" "f t,le ,11"rrl"Be "' hi .-hlest ,1-iuhh
, M(1 ,:1j,lU.t,, Hier,ni.. t.i I'Iieihuh
w. ,,,chi a .unnnllt , the (.11BlI1(.erfB
dpariiiiiiu of the nuv. ii.,. ter iii.m- toeli
rl.icn Ii, wnrhlnstnn, P f The uift unit
finally divided nincni; their dHiishti-n,, of
which. I think tliere en four. B.ili Mr.
nnd Mn. Fitch are new dead Tim former
retired from the iavy and wnx In liu-dnem,
at dltiorent iierleilu. uulh In M IjuIs and
PiltMiurRh. s A It,
Philadelphia, Jinuary lf, 10.2.
National Glass Budget
Te Ihr Vdilorel the Evrntne Public Lrden :
Sir XX'e would Ilke te find out the nddrci
nr me .-atiennl C.Iusb liudfet m-ekl re
view of the Amerlcan (Jlasa Industry pnnur.
... . ..
I'lilladeliihla, January II, 1022.
National CHate Iludset Geeme J Ulhcl.
cdller. Iludnet Publishlne Ce'iiiunv. 42(J
Peuith avenue. Ilttstmrsli. I'a.
Poems and Songs Desired
"Did Yeu Ever Hear the Wind?"
Te the ntlter el the .'i enlna Publr T.cile'r
!ir Could jeu kindly m i for mc .v piece
of poetry centalnlnc.
"Did veu ever heir the wind n ;oii-eo-oo'?
'Tla u pitiful found te henr.
It aeema te thrill j,eu Ihn.uKh and tlireush
XXIth u stranee and m emMilt f-si '
I have tried, but In vain, te Bet t 1
will appreelate any vffurt thai v eu in iv put
forth In mv behalf. MISS I. A A
Philadelphia. Junuarx- 12. 1022.
A Kipling Quotation
Je the Lditcr el the llttrnina Publlr I cdaer I
Sir The following verse "intrlBues ' me '
fin ou point me te thn nuther and iem' '
"I"n ua he trod that day te Ged, w vvulKcl
he from his birth
In slmplencBS and ircnilcneta and honor and
clean mirth." '
It was quoted In .,n editeilal in one of
veur editions about n. xear or sj ase. und
I have been intendlnc te ask you before .
I tl ank seu In advance. fe- th i -nirte 1
or a repiy in sour Iui rl.v'j I'nruni
nouneH uke kipuiu.-. qcahsier
rhllculphla. Jimutv 12 102."
...l1?. n"f," ,?"!; ,rc""l1'" d'd.eatien ef u ,.
J. 7. T0ZUTZm Zt
pirated Amerlcan editions emit ihr. lines
They refer te XVnlcett nalemier thr broth, r
"r KipUm'" wife, who eii.ibmatr 1 win,
- " --"
"The Heart I il-. , t..j.hu
jTe the ,:ditore, th, cen,
Biri-br m. iim- I hav been ,,.. ,0
imd a pem entltled "Tlin Heart I. ke a
Tendril Accustomed te CUhb. but mthnut
I succeea. I have been advltcrt te teek the
. '"'' c " . forum. j i. i
i. ""ideipiiia, January IS. in:
Ve are sorry rve de net huve tin. ivm
In our lollectlen. but prebablv u reai.ei can
supply ll.
Xf. Humphries asks fm ihe poem ei u, ed
' Peea ChrlstmiiH Cerns 'le.nehi" a, a
-cadtr supply If
Tha I'eenle'M l'n.iiin
Jilll appear dally
l.Urr. und also
111 His Ilteulntr 1'ulllle I,
In Hie . hllllday I'ubUii (
eiUer. la-iters
iilhcusi. nc llmrly Ienics villi be printed
in. well as rrniiestrd peeini, and que
tlnna of Kenenil Internal will be answered
Big Manila Fire; 5000 Homeless
UiHU-a., .inn . Mere, than r.nnn
JAMfrjftt 18,- 1922
Mi'if.itr iii i !
hllHIvlll 111
UI II II 1Mb. Ill
"i 'i "v ' - " ' ' . . :
pleiisbips go le the Point .ludill. Pole
Club, along with the regular teiirna-
inc.it of that organization le begin in
July and carry eer te Align.!. '
Tlie Meadow Broek Club, at eM-
bury, L. I., will again bold an Impert-
nut tournament ucginning .nny j. i no .
.- . . . ... ..
Reekawaj Hunting ( lub, tit l euar-
, . r , . . ... ,!. .......ni,..M
itirM. i,. ... n-uiri- iu im- -'"'l" ;,'' I
lim nil" it iiiurniiiiiciii- iiuui ...i... iu '
17 A stieidnl nrinv cliatnnintiHliiti is
. . , V . c '..".. r'!...'. i.
. , , . c, . , . , i ...
le be held at Sun Antonie beginning
April II. and there ub-e will be a lour- .
niiment at West Point en May lit le
June 10.
As xvns
te be expected. Themas I
IlltCheecK. dr.. l.euis ft. nieuuaru anu i
J. AVatsen Webb, of tlie victorious i
. . , ... , .. ...
..... . . . ii. ii l
American team, xverc ntixanceii in ine
linndican rating from nine geali te ten
This brings them te the same rating
as Devereux Mil burn.
The election of officers resulted as I
jllews: Chnlrman, Leuis E. Sted- i
I 1 . t,.,I.V.,.. ..1 ..Irmnn Willi,.,., X
111(1; honorary Chairman. XX llllaill A.
Hazard, xvlie has serx-ed as secretary-
,..., t!n.n 18'IS. Kprrctnrv W11.
treasurer siiicp 1.IS. secrttarx. -
Hani It. Grace; treasurer. J. Chccvcr
(.,... i!..
-"""'" ... .
Altogether a total et txienty-tliree
nlnltu ...it nf n inAinlinptnin nl tnrrv. i
. ,. L. "'.'"'".".. .V .i' .....:.
inn,' riiiiii n itu i-.'iuvrvi.i.i ii .-- iiivv.1- i
Inc. xxlilch wus one of the mn.t con
structlve tliat has been held slucc the
These elected te the Beard of Gov
ernors xverc: A. M. Cellins. W. C.
Ferbes. Devcreii.t Milburn. Rebert E.
Slraxvbridge, Hurry Payne Whitney.
William A. Hazard. xbe presided nt
the meeting: II. E. Talbelt, Jr.. and
J. Watsen Webb,
JONi:s. In lnvlnif mcmer of MA'RV U..
twieved wlfp of Owen J.wieg deprtrtcd this life
January is, PJU7. Net forifetlen.
N.- Jail 1.1. MArWAIU.C. wlfp of
in mm Jr. (uee Mugulrei rteUtles
'.(....-ll. I .III Jr. IHT-r- ..lllliuir'" Hl-lrtlHC3
ill.. ' . . 1 - . T --..-- ' T .
and Trirmin urn i lifii in uirrini rtmnr.
i , im!;r.tt itlen. I1T1.1I Jiii.tliir.i.n ,'fiTier iilnn
i ure invlixil te attrinl fun ral XX"pJ.. 12 nenn.
late ren ii -let?, iii'i .- r,aa nt. mt Jit. Cur
inei (. ni.
iir.ANDT -.inn i.i KATin:niNi; v.
liriAN'liT. ,l.iurfhtr nf late Jm D nnrt
Ainiiiiilii D Wiiltmi, rinlntlvcr mid frlendn
II .r. in n-r irrr.. , 1 nuri.. J - M at
ruflmenre ni nr H.ier. Anneim i; tjtalil.
-"J? " . .iciieina -n. jm. ptiihi.
ItnXnX-. Inn. If
rnxveus AMi:nt-iK
1JKt.i.n . iieiatu.M b'hi triendf, n ru mem
I ern of the Gen 11. IJ Jlaknr Te'l. Ne. R,
O. A 11.. are Invlt.d te att. inl f'inenil pcrv
Ivea. XX'ed., 11 A. JI . at the ( hurcli of the
IncHriiatlen. llreud nil .ltlpri.an pin. Re
mains may 1-e sern, 10 A M rreclnely, at
Ills late residence. "JO.I.I N Iliead ut. In
terment prlxatn.
IIROAU11KI.T - On J,i 111 11122.
widow of XX'llnier llreudb.it lllMtli--'i and
frlcnda. aim. meinter.i of the Rlehardiwn
Memerial riiun-h. are Invited te the hrv
Ice. en Thuradie afternn-'ti -it 2 o'clock, at
I er residence, (iie.x Ch.nr linr "t Interment
nt Media. Del. Ce . r rrlcnda m.iy tall
VWitnendav eienlin;
nt'CK.XWXN. Jan 1.'. 1022 JI1SSK, hus
band of Ira R lluckman. In his OSth vt.ir.
Relatle and friends. ale eriipleeH of N.
Snellctihiirir & Cn.'n nareheube. are Invited
tn Htlend funral. Ihuru. 2 1'. M.. real
ideni - e. North XVIIlew Orevr, r 'int North
. iiAnil Pixin
wpdil Pfin
I'AFUt. Jan Irt. llt'J: rUAIlI.US N'.
C'AJUl. Hffttics mul frlnd invited te fu
neral vervlcps. A"ed.. - 30 V J! nt late
rtsfdnc. 1710 N 15th t. Int private. Ke
mntn! mnv b towed Tlie cr
rATtnUina. Jan. 17 MAlUJAruVT.
Vi.V.T.!.''r-0,.,ia,t? . "nry anl! n!i C.r'1Jl,:li'
Prl . S.t-1 A. M.. tn.e r,-i.M,.n , lllll K.
n- iiuii"'. imij ii lUH'in iiiiiivi ixj luii'im
I.,... ...7. L...".r '..... .. ... .u. .
A mu. U i 111 I D. . c j, I '
' 1t.XYtV.N- 1 M-.v'M'iniif ,naV'e.
Pl.u i... rtrv.V... ,-',m .im.A.
r n
-.-- ....... .--a.v v -- - -
nml Ann a f fl.ttt.tn mn., Mixnix4 i
lleUtlvra and friends, also Orcelev 1vt Ne I -
v -v v Olllltu ill, VIUJWII IIVl i I .1 J in " ". .
-" -tv" -..vv .... ... --.
ill. AJiierlcan I.irflen X'eteranj ;,f 11,r-lini
War members of 3d DJv X I. r XX a r
Mether and all ether eriranlM.Inn, ..f vrhleh
he .tn a member ir. mvit.. ,i funeril
'I'l. .. L -1,1 . ......, -...-.-- t
Tl-uri. . :tll XI f r nn h
r- t.1 1 n e
Itetli lexea
The Rerlltz Method nukes i- a
simple matter te learn any mourn
language, Knslisll Included. Skll'ed
native teachcra rersenallj superuss
veur progress and assure satlafaiteiy
reeillt In the shortest posslble tune.
Trliate or Class Instruction Day .mil
HvenliiK. Heaeunablu tuition. Aa.i
Inr catalogue
SCHOO . -!.-
i,st 787S Over ZOO llranchen
(Ilnlrunce en t til Ii tt I
Telrpliene: Miruie Idel
EfylJVCi' riiwCL I M' LiOl I
BUSINESS J ''aD' niigtirXnODI
COLLEGE ioeialnut SLrtiiiM
STRAYER'S $$. """'' , i
l-o.lllen ennran'O. Ilmer'nL'iv.eriht.
....... uj ur niint.
Ynnnr Men .....I ,,.."
TITUIl Law. Itntulnnil Sled. ITrllms.
Intrrileiv no eblicutlan. A S01, Ledfrr (lltlc
Yennc Women anil tllrla
Become a Trained Nurse
-His noblest, bast-nuld profession opts
te jeung- wemsn. Our hem study or
hospital oeursts civ ranld. thoreum
training-. Snd today for Iloeklet "A"
riiii-Anni.rniA scnoeL reu srnsia
a.ld ana Chestnnt HI... l'hlladelnhla
Piane Playing
Taught Beginners
in 20 Lessens
Adult llrclnnere a.
Adr.inre Pours It
Mill II llflftllll.l II Ikll ,1 urtlier erv pec l. Therm ' i nijrce. n,u- .0u,-p iJi.tr ct. mil, r" , V,1,J tiVSSrri.ic
ll 1 1 II ' ini I I l n-amh, Va.. 3 I' ti . .,. Mill WnM nffiulrtlcftil Ctiifi. snrf thy IWiJtt ',
K I II I I I .1 I 111 I II 1 . I'ONWAV-Jn. 17. tfiL'S. MArtV 13.. w'ff , Ummetl Hrnncn.- tfti y.lrljh !,r71ini- Wl '
I III I I IllllllJI MUllU of ll Frnnels Ceiiwiij Kum-rsl Krl ineni- .Vip.l ""iinrr.-il. 3'rl., , Hfln A, t frw W
I JlmJ UUI !' IW 1W i inp. from lier late rprlilenpc. 42.10 Hpruce H into realepnc. till) U'rr.woeil hvp; helwn
Molenin rpfiuletn mnns At HI Fian-w d Hilr i ritnilf tn lilKl' im" l '0 A 71, "hj"Jl-. "4
Mnirpli 10 A. M. .... iNlcphfti nunc!) Int f New i.iineari j
Ii y one irem nun. .. ... ......... ... .;; -fr.- ;, - , ,-mi T'funprHl ra , '"V'71, .VT,llfl ,n VVVM- ,f.efWII.,iWl$
at Hurllngham. ,s:neA M . r-sidenr.. ir.v: f Hin.Biri , "ll'!" .T-J " ,), nTiav ucli) Viin"rl WiKl
AVIint the fat." of the fnl..;... West . 1 ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, rr-iule... HI nahi.l . Mjrn I. i IN Ine ned.lMl.F.iner.
Chester Cup will m- l problematical. , ViV -jVnM-!7 ' i:i.V.. .lANi: I'Ai i: n..MM..iirh Jt. i.rlUty. r.-iemi. ny c.U '
The Britons seek te have the cendi- luintlvta ,,nd frltn.W lnvlw.1 le f "'"; M'!Tr4ii;,n- A, ),,, rMi,iPncp. 1.122 '
(Ions changed. Tnej favor matches s'rvieP, .,nvidv Kfiefnwn . J .. h-k , .MII-.llinA,lf."Iy ''Vac'ii iT.-vJlK ,
nJnrr ilvi. vpnrs nl I eniiitcl x 111 the ? ' h"T .""'. ";"1'1!nce- -30' N ,',,'t "' ,f NHmuri MitphnU HelHiIvs nud (rlraAsy. i
pycrj llyj cnrs liliernaiei in n e icrmpnt ITlxntp. ir.ri,i jm H' rmialeH Ttiurnlnv whi.m. from S
United States nn-1 Lngland. 'I here is i uawi.wh-Jhm 0 ,. ;L. , n i rnin l. " ' ".',Kl,r f- isi-n fhp.tnm t, Int. . Axj
.l.n tinMltillltv Hint the ericilial deed of llnm U"r. acrd ftl IU- .ilUrs uml '''"'" ,pn, rfri,M' en frlilnv , ..,. V riJ1
tllC peSIUIIII llini in. eriguini ui.u '" , Hip lnxllr.1 te nileml fun-ml. Ill -' ! M v,)iJN. HucM-nu, nn Jn IT. JDJ?. J, J
gift may 1)0 .hanged, tllf- AmeiU'Olls or- ' fr,,m l.pr Int- resl.lnrr atns Tulu. t li nCHUI.Tl'l hiial-sml nt IIpIm. I. Molien in t x
ferine the MimpremNe or mutches ci cry i 'irp-nrneuntim. tvicndH may n n.u. ,v ,,n , r ,M;. .'lV,r. 'M.?
" h ', ' . Me (i r. M ftim.li, nle n-pinlw-rs of Hip Hr Inurnne , Ii
two or three cars. UAVrnON. At Ke DIpce e nl If Jan. tn ',',, ,rn', ninnVr. .' Thlli Tire DP. K '',
Se far as tin ...impctltlve. Masen In 11-22. ri.eiii;N,-n SAV. da.m.ip. -f iim d ,, r A.. nre ,nvl0,, th, ry:c, l
.ii ...... iu ., ..., ...I :l ..ill tnt. "I- Jeapli K. and Harali Davlfen lllallvp Wrdiif-idv vcninir at s - -lnrl ttt'Hn TJ' '
this country is concerned, it will lel- nd fr,.mn are Ir.vlled le ailpn.l funeral , VrivrV ir. l;a!r Hide. IJ'I htitmirit. ' '
low vlrtunllj the nunc schedule as that I "''". ,Krl.. II a.m.. t f he r"t"';f n'"-' :i'i'. .. i'n .N 'J , ,
of last year. Th- senior and op. XV, ."oerta'nie'i.r iW. MXNteK?" iJ&Z .?$& Vi
championships will be moved te the ate ,, j,ni.fr in hi. ain lcur ,l?ta,i'jj; i fll
lliiinn.ni Country Club nt Uumsen. N. nI'ti jSS.-V PT3 Tier" .'iPtiJiv?, VJlli'VuZT, I '
.L, in September. The junior cham- 'and friend ere Invite.! u. , t'tri f".11';'"1 ,Siu.r Tl iii.tr ViiUs . JS2'i .'lxi.it.ut m U "'
-'' . .-'ll1.."' .u'cm'' leaulem mwti Ht Hi. '(inwxitli win uf c.'u'x iin. I XlurT ti.V ir.l ' S IIAEI-Tlill On Jim 1M l-JIU. IU9-l;i.
lnlun.l.u'8 Church -jA M. Int. Hely S. pul. ,'';" '?."p Vrm "r tV" XvJ I xt ' BD'CA Ml" of M ll t-.a-tfer KunerRtV3
'h,r.'. T'.l'. c. t t he rent, eiu-e of Ills par.nl lil'liiv Xlir- -rilfM en Wwln-wlai. m HDP M . rwli OVt
l'OAI.IUl -On Jan. 11. PAIl.XH A., ivideir V V.1 T"",. , .,fc,i " SrUMe ilence of mm. t!chnrter I.VIIn' 1MIi,i 1
of J.UW llealir. ncc.l C3. UelatK-H anJ nr! vv'r.ril -Jn i l", I" IMA (- ui.ln.v nf " Tmlim leaxe rirefirl Htrert Station 10?2l'
frlei.ijji linltj.1 te funeral cm Wednesday t .wtuiam II '.MnweV Inh.V VM s-r rimerSl ' XI '"r Hrrlburi. HerMr... wl'l l MI,nU
ii o'l-leck from her late residence. 70 IS Sid nVJJliiv "PI from her lLT2 reScKSp . "' I""",h Church, ran of p-i,iibrek Thur.-r&
Ilrewxter nc. l'rlnds it ni rail en Tnp. i i.t'i"r.W5.;. .". J ' . ' r,r".'" i?'r..1,I,w.r"'J???.p . v. i .-in l. Xf Iniprini-Tit Simen . fhurrii. ".
...-.' ' '." ....-. w ...- .. l.,ritl,,. I i. ,,,,, .,,..,. t l-lill . V.M, ,1 Vtll 1. ' Ilfli 1.
day. 7 te 1 V. M. luteimcnt Irimoed Ome- f. "''. ";V"",U" "" """" "' """'" c.rnetery 'flrffV
lerv i.l'N'Tl'ttT Ian HI at Cnnrnrilillln P.. I M ' '1T - Jan Hi li(IIIi:itT 1iUIkIIiJ Of 1(1
llODHK Jin 17 lyi'-.'. AARON' I ,iu. jei'K1H huMmml of ll, ii?,1 1 0?i'iitV?i I MHrgaiet II Se.nt. rw,1 .-.7 ll-l mve, ndM .
il. .! of th lete .Xllnna ISbd-U. . Re.,t.v?i , fsSlkiA e. ami f r,en,l nn iTlVl' m f uner, "LlA1: frUndf. um! inninher. of l.-ncln I. n. U, .
eml ir. m u. alM.i meMDera or llunTarl.in ' i p...ru . i m -.. ...rinvu ...... i x.i "-, ln-ilp,l in fur.eiul n"r u Thur..lJHi ' '
dwathh .
1Mb Parrlah r.t. Boleinn requiem tnnsa at
iVurcli of fiur .Methi-r of Ke.rii.- in A, M
CI.EAVEII..- Jan. 10. HKNniKTTA. widow
of Wlllliini l. qu.vr (nor UnrnJit). nK,l 1)1
of Wlllliini I. CJt.tver (nep llnrpjit). nKii hi.
nmfral. Krl.. 1 J' M,. from.llerlim. I
l'url her nsrv Ictn St. Thenii 8' niirce. niu-
;....... ... A ,Aa eilLVII A
I'fitivi'j.i. i,,.n xvaiinn). wliliw of .Inriirt I
ir,rBvl?,7uiMu.r'br 'lat.' uiti ! h hi.-I lai?meiii,i
"T.i. .:-.. ..
av. im. tViie. irri"n'd mi-."it '"' ,
.".i- .,jrS5:i;,lVn,C.,,:,.;"v,.i.l
nerai rvieest Kn . V. M. iiiia" '' "" '
tSeriiinntnwn. Int private. It'iiiii"
t,u, b
vleed Ttiurn . from , te !i
miciiaui. uke. husiiand f M.riir
i,,i, (iiii.ii i .uu,lll, ...in ..
neuichrrty (nee rtpnuHni
Sednlltv. I.eRtnJo.ef th Hae;,., p-art. II"I '
IIIIIUi, HIBU ll.VlilU'-l i. ,',
r .nu.. n re iiieiiiu-rr, 'i ."- - . i
the II V
. - nnie mocieiv -r til iir.n m inin.ri. i.x,ii..T
Tribe Ne 111 I O H. M ir-- lnUd m '
lln.l funrr.,1. Thin.. S R" M. f'"iV
nuenu lunrr.ti. I num.. - .." i hi . " i.
i.ia iat. renidrnce. sin h i.mii ., .,.. mn
.ni. of reiu!.)tn Kt .si itr. -u m n
':Ahi HuIiSniViMi. 17. anvx. ..m
of Hinry Ha.rp, eccd SI Itclallvi nnd
f.r'ndA..u" Jr.?.1 V. ll'llJ.Y.P' "'.,"',".
Min - ln - law J. XX'. Ji. urr,, 4.122 N lit.'-
Int. prlrnie Frienda mm' eH Tl.ura e'
Tiiin.'IM. Ia . npra PlLann cop-.
UT,'0 1' I I.i ai X. 4t. ". iiv .'-'tu'iix' -'
r.MUI'.r. Jnn. lc, ai.ili: jieiuup..
of Clinrlea O. rjn.crv. nelatle u.d frln.l
invited te funeril BPrvlees. Tliurn.. 2 1. M .
Inte realdence. 309 Maple ne I'nnttlinmr"
De'annre Count). I'a. Int. private Arlln
ten C,m. Train for Swarthrrere 1-ave. Ilread
Et - atntl,n '
PAUSTi:.V Suddenlv. en Jr.n 1.1. 122.
CI AHA , FAUSTKN (nee X.lirrmernmtf,.
lidew of Charles ii. Paunteti. ii'iames
, n.J fr'pnne. alee 1. XV. '. uf lied ( run. re
i tnvltetl te funeral. Tlmr-d.i' at l 1 M
from the rpdence of n H.-hren nw.i N
'llth nt. Interment Mount I'tnr- ivmetrry.
Prlcnda may call XX'edredHy enlns. 8 te 10
khank. Jan. te J ...m. i.uhI.eimI f the
irte .xmrtna sranic need , i'iinr,n rr-
Meet! Thura.. .1 P. .XI. lit
.11 1 (ixmrd nve .
Hurhnlmr. Int t)rlvnt
Uiumt-w Cem .
Friend, mav call XVid . 7 te I) I- M
OIL.I.IAUO Jnn HI. IjAIsY dnut'iter of
Millie and the t.-te Httrn ItemaiiM UlMlard
nelatlvea and frlende. alxe ftur of Prl.-nd-
ship Indite. Ne. 121. O S of I. Invlied te
funeral. Thurn 1 P .XI fr m inethpi
lealdenee 2122 H 1.1th (. Inl. al Jit
M",1!?1!. lJ;m' ,,l,,",s ma ''" n'"'-- s!
lu ' ... .
Pul'!enl. Jan I."
CHAnLKS A. hoi-band nf C,i roll tie i
,..M.n. -si i 7-;.., n, ., ,.., nriti.n' ' 30 A M Irem h-r late ipM.l.nc- nin8.,r,
f'? Tt-ii in V i.m- .in nJn;!"!!' " S'emi lewule- max at St I'raneK ,'
UI.MH Jan 1.1 I!'--- XIAIIX. ilJUUhlrr . SkIpk' Cneri-li 10 A XI Int New i'
of late Pet.-r nnd Xlary illaul. R-Utlvpe I .",r" ,'.' n' rch' ln A ' ,nt- WBWrf4,V
nnd frlende. alr th- I.adla Aid Serli-tj . ""i'dii rm .i,"
St. Mars', (.'hunh. are united t., ,,H-nd fj- RAPP. sud !. Uy. J ,n 10 -.1 UTKOnDSBJ'-
aiiintetti r Kunrral Thurn
in A. M
nt-ml. Thuri 8:30 A M . fmni he- lain rei
. ..... . -. . . ...
unrp .... iivriniiHfc:r pi , .MttiiuyunK ur- . i nn. nu-i iri,n. mi -. .iima.,,.",. m.
lulem inii.R Ht. M.r'.H Chureh le A M .Carp. V-. '! P O S of A ciementen. y
Int St MHrs' IN J i.i I nnplejp" uf J'ulille ipip 1!ic-
GeTUIAM. Uii Jan. 17. 11122. CliniSTO- ' irl.- remp.in . are lnled te utie,,.i funeral. &,,
rili:ll M UUIUtAM1. hual uml of 11." iHte.Kii. 2 P M.. Hie tesldeii. e I . -1 ic av,, ,'".
XlarkMrpt J ilnrh.itii in.ee XX'ulkeri. ltelatlven Xtapln Shade N J. I'rlend. i iv cali".''
and frlfiidH. hImi ciiiuIe'ipm of IVntM H. P. Timm. T , .1 P M mi
lute u.vltrd te tin H-ril.e. nn Prlduv afier
'","" 'll -.,"''
.4.., '.., ., ..?
"" "l his rHHiiU'iic-e. .-,ui. H
prlxiiii. lluiiKer. Jle
tuhfTl, t,l
-- ....'.
IWAHI.. .l.m
. ltrkclbach. a. .in t.i-rmaninii n ni , uer.
Ilread a' i Int juiiati. Northvined (m
l-rlend tiuv rail XX inl eve
HAM. Jan 17. 1022 TOHI1IMI 11 hu -band
.if llllzilnxlli SlcIJer Ha. I. 'iired .17
ll liitlve ind (ilnd hi- Invltwl In .ittend
funeral eervlces. t'jt . 2 P .XI n- hu lire
r-bl'ien.'- 1 1."1 Hradlev je., (invt-n. N
J. Int ,-vrlvat' . HHrl"ich Cim. l-"i leudj miv
u i"-, "j v r. ii
IAllijR11AVi:.i -Nr.ir lirlHiel. Ta .la-,
II. 1H22. .'UIU.'Tri!.lJI I imbanl uf Smhi.,
nnd eon of AUce jnd the late i;,.u rt Hir-
llettler ltrl Ulven jnd frlenda invited t
s,rvlce. XVed.. Jan. !S 2 '.-. .XI, fro .
imld-ni-e i'l'.'l N Newklrk Jt. lit Nun- -v
,-e,t 'em- (ei-y.
1,,'vsi i..n 1-. , irv ,. ..i.i
... --" --. ---.-. - . i, mi iv ,ii
.i""l'i ii-r. .Kc-i .: irtt ier.ii erv,-,'
llmra. 2 J' .XI. smi n i.MdH".. Th. m ,-
H,-vn. into ..euikrud H . IranltVrd In.
(iiikln.nil Om
HILOK.Jnn. in pi22, IvATHIIR'.vi: be
"Ji"i "ii" '- i.i ii- i v. jiiik-e ini-i l-eilti
1'el.itlvcs and frlnids also I.adiei Acxlliarv
nf tbn Manselliul Lutheran Hnh Trlimv
( hurch pre invited te atien.l fuiinru ,.,v-
leys. Thur' 2 P. M , at her lain reidence
I''10'. ii Hi"',"''- J"e l.!1'1."."1" '"" ''n""l''
ii-ay j-nU XX -il . , te a V M
IHI.INl Jail 1,1. MARX ( rt unM,.,. nf
latA Charles and Mary Ann JfT--u iwitnc
Hi-latlyifs nnd friends in itM t- funerdl st-rv-
TulpehwKen K,
lri M. JI A. M . Ittte ri'Hiilfn'r, n'l V
x.ri iiiuiituvi n. i ii i nri vxj tn
... ........ . i... , .
linnu v i .. .... . -..-
., ""i" ;"':',, ...,.".. '"..';. " "".XIl.X
.'.' "."' " ' "I" ...... i lienuann Blfrd 7-'
'"r V1 "",', "al1 xVpU, s, le l0 p ' "
'.-Kr LV.0, JT."ld",i':. M.T.",V ' '.?"-il'.
-...-.,..,. .. v 'IK rtClCT. 1'H. ftl
l Ullirn-pii, r iii l ll ill 1 1 v
firvnriii ''.
ut.M'IUV, .It 11 l-t. J'vLI. Hlituli I rt
nnil Iri . i 4. invited tn x- rv"ees ThuiT
30 P M a., icsldf in-e of It .Vrv ,' i-Lf.
xVa.hln.ieii tine and el nve Int "m
.... v ..un ..,. inl. ,-t.
' '.
Hin x iinvnip JvnurMI Utfiil fj Ilfrttivrs
JLXXVr.r. f-ijdilnli al Kxanviun f"
I Jan 1,1 1-.122. 1C IH'.RIN'II KkNDAI I
wtfeefRrv P L J. w,.. nf Mdm i'a !
I ernl inl bu-i.il jt ICvanXrc .t,.,, ji
i Kr.I.l.UV Jan. 17 HI jIi: Xt.x X Mif-nf
I rank Ke lei . Jr .-ml itmi.tn .. ..
, und Ulirab-ih Mans Miteh.-ll aued ! tiV,
'notice of funeral will be s vcn. from hr
-iite reiilence. 111.1 tftraifeid ale M,-lr0.i
Ptiry Vn
liLANK Jan 10 nuddenlv HDXVXIttx
' urbiii'l nf Suan liluik (nee Mil ).r- i',,
pfr.il Thurs from 22.".: N Delhi at it
Kith and Dauphin. lVlind, m.ly "an XVed
KCUINIO Jan. Irt Jtll.VI'.T. huliai,ri nr
the late lifter K'eenlrr m.-e HarM. R.uii,M
and friends, also Hamilton IwIk- ,, iV-V
V. and A M Slurnet Revnl Arch 'rhnniir
Ne 211 XlPrv Cnnmiatiileri. Ne. -1(1 K T
I.U l.u Ten pie. A A O N AI s XVa'li. r
He'lerv XXJerkers' .-e Invited i, ! ,,J
jervjees rfat 2 P M. la,, reildene' "Tl-j,
all vn eve r'tr" -'"'. Pricida ,,' .!
lvl HI Middenlv Ian 11 i'l"- wii
1.1XM V hUHband "f Sarah Iv,!,) , .
-ln ml ltpiatlia . nd frlendi. m,n i .j
It . nplev-s aid all seiiciks nt hirh I i
;a a ,ii-i-iber inxit-u le funeral T'niri.
1' X resi'leiic 1.11.1 N 17,1, ,, N-, r,n'
vvn.l i en nunaiiiK in-- t. net,, ej s
te "e IM
1 XM Ian 17 I '12.' liArilMtlM-
idei .f VreilerlcU I am . .ia,l ,T, ic,a, , , '.
.lid friends me liml.,1 ,, HM n. tuneral
.. r '-it ni lit'l lain resident n ntnv . ,.(,(.
'"1 '.'',-r", 7. K' J! ''.' Int' fir. en-
Thurs ' 7 .0 10'P xt" '"""" " ca"
, "lVan
?.'. '- Jhf'
--lan it 1T12.' JiiHN A ..i
ernas atid Illleti I.inuan Itnln
,,ves and friends are Invite.! t.i n,i,,.,i r,.
ner.l' finni hU late ri-Vdi-lire 20(1 17 Me,.
i maui lane. i nesiiiui 11 i. I'ri
- ' .1 -. ,.!. . II... ... v ...
-x'H.liiii ' ijviiriii ll in 99 !iiy I l1J ( Mlirrli
XI. Airv in A M Ini New .'atlu'dral
Mhilll'.lH Ou Jan 1.1 XV1I.I.1XM J
husband of l.lzlti L Mm lluah fnrin-r v of
I x 11,1 H.-latliea ami frleinU i.ivn.d ,,,
funr.il servnee, Thurwda.v hi 2 I XI at
resideme. nf his daughfr Xlrh I" ii. inner
12.1 Mi Pleasant ave M, m-J "ln"
Vnrthee.l i em r ,n'
MXHI.K -.Inn HI Xllll.lirj husband
of Kaihrvn Xliieen me., Har.nvi lllat "",
and frleniN ura imitmj ti, ,u, ,,, iu.,(..ai
Thu," in X M iwren.s re. deni e. ,xn,i
S 4411, si heleinn hlKh lllasn uf r i,ul,ii
St Pian.la da Sales ..'bun b 11) X XI In,
H.ilv , r t". i em
MXIll.l'x Jan 1(1 1022 I'l-TI 't .
'uj.bah.l nf XIarv l'rvlln Xlirlii end s n ,.r
the I, le IV , and , e. e U M , rl. i R. I
flvit nil fl ii-lldj HIP invited d, .,,ten. in
i era' I'n t. xn A M fr,,,,, ni, '.,, ,, '
.fill 1H" l N 'lit M f. leinii ,-,lu,, , ,
a' "-' I iMleilii Him , te v M i
I nit e. Imi ' ni
M'Al.I. 1'icd lau 1.1, villi, 1
I. mm t f'mivmnn.
-.-- .......... nniNip rr ru, itih v l.n ,,,ii r ......
ire.iv.H. in Ills r0tn .-ar Itelailvrs and , ,Hnr Hill .-,
frleivH -.e ln.vlt.-d te .iltend funera', from i .iai:p ldn 1.1 Ifl""' l'RA""K SHARP 'I
-ii?.,'" enL'ir0' im'"'i.,,',,,!!nH,n ''''" l----J h.bn,l (' Arauitiiia I.ewa HharrC i&
1 ' m-T-rn-a , t , cut c n.i?-d , C, ',- 11. IdiC-i and fileml.. alre Wn.irrlel 1,0,1m. 7
IH.Tri.LiU -AI.KI RT (- . i.rlvjtf ,1d rep' inn,-. 1, n. n 1- ar.- Invlied te attend
panv. 1'cnn.u-e'n. pen of Mr. und .Mn. r.nnl-. ........ n, i..u ..i.. r.a... .- m". itur-iM. .ni
eel iBBtMaTiMBI- .111 .L.l. illl'll IMU 111 ( I I I I 1 I . I .
H U J " . I . .7 . .1. T .. ........... I I
OBATIIH ,,. .... ji
fl. , H cftr 1 7 1 i an, Merris t-ul
niuiew myM at 'I1'1'1' .,. Vr.!.1.' d
Atiultia.. l A. . Int. ItJlv jj e"" Ai
McOeUliAM.. Jn in, THOMAS
McDetHJAM.. Jitti in. ,THOJIAwj,firr
llntlvn nml frlcnil. nle 'r'mlipr or J1
e Cc nixir el. i'iiui(.. m Hi's
MrOOWA N'.- Jim. In
M.lMN. ,w!M r4
ilniitiives an
.t.rmrnl iriair.
duuzht'T f tut.- XfiuMi and r.i'.ntipin ami" '
Im lllniU unl frlil InMUd fimjf! T
Thur- 7 10 A. M Inl . r. -I ln'.' i'313 .i -
V'M ri Sel inn in.jn,. in m.,H mi ijWUm "
mi . hiin Ii !i A xr In" ". ' aihedrnlflij
' "sV.r;'.Ni:il -.Inn It OS' Alt Nr.TZNBlt.,
It. Intl-r. ntrl frlPlwlK. hIk, St Jelm I-edlM. 1
Ne. II".. P. md A. M Pni.'rli .'burner.
It A i'. Waahlnirtnn Camp. Ne .7. P. O.
, f A Mbcrty Council. 3.". J
u u, A.
If nnd
a, . innfi i;n ampmeni r -
,nri nv of V K. .''imnini nod memheri. of JJ;
w wmh, m , le.h ir.i:.l I. ait-nd f- ,,
Ml 1.1.IN Jjn 1 . I.'-'. J '-!' .,.'! ..i
i'l fri!. e Thur- I- M" !! mtiy. l '
Hi- nsrieit .f Mnrnii tli. nl'ers'p .en 20011
N Urenrt si Ii t. Adntli Jrfhurun Cem (p,
K.nd'r emit flewere ,,
!'ATZIfl--On Jnn in 1022 KATJf A- ,
I.1NU ivlfr nf 1 1m iM'e Pefr t 1.vtrl aittd i
ill venn-, tjrvic-i en Thuradiiv ntt-rnoen. t iff
.3" e clertt. at Mr int, reBieenee. iiHAtffi,
r.l.t. ., 1n....mMit Alt tnrlfili r.mtBrv.n
t"riend may call WeOnesd-iy evei inif. at
I'AYVTS-lt .Inn 10 JOSBPtl m hu-il
, Innd nf Mar A nnd son nf lul- Jeneph M. ,
i Mnd KII7-1 payiiter. Pufiernl ervlceg. te '
, which rMaliei and friends nre Invited.
ij"" JiS, in.lttW a'e Int atrlc
,nte. Mt M"rih rem Prietid-i m
vd after C. P M
pp-rrtT. I'lrst Menth 1 7th. 10..2.
Thurn . 1:30 P M, nt hit. late riidene7, jn'
iciiv pri- in
may call " .
r ..i.i... .. r.n...... w ln.fli lri.ln1lv -
and f, ;en1 tnn mil Rlxlh-la' from 10 te
' 12 A. M. lnte r l,lMnc Hill llansberry Bt .'Alt'"
Ormminwn In, private Jt47
lf)IlTi:il J.-.n l. xu ANNI1-J C.1M .
prill rr:H fnmierlv of '.-1 1 h nnd ( iirpenter'x;
1 M. Klntlii nrd freni ure inv U.l tn"JJJ
I ni, -nd funnn' 'lhur s .1" X M. from
r-'.'' " ' r'" '""' '.-" .". '"''." . 'I 'IZ
"J r''1'l'i",'r "- ,,n,' ' '"I"-1- " !"' '"""w "
A XI. Inr iKIv Lresi. Cc-n
PIHi-iSjiT l.m 1 1. P'2J ' hicar. W"
1 l)i;.Nj:. hiiI.Mnd f KIkIp 11 S PreKrcy and nyr
ken nf KPn . and II )Hte A--i)iiir Preipy. .
lS(rlie. - l ,nd In nrlx t . i,i the Daptlut';
M'n.n.. Ua Identle'd. N. J. Oll
RAMSPAl T!i:it Jn. tr. l-ii'-.' .IIMAT., nf
nM..,. rt .In,., an tjlnaiinplier (fnti..,l .llfl.A
"- - - ' "- " ' ..""- .1
iriPnee aife ail eei'ie,in e- v nir.i n. -waj,
mrmlrr nr. Inllx1 le jttind funeral. Sat., v
v ,.i.m ti'- a. .
'" . hu.'nl of P-nr.lii Itupc ibp.1 33, J-V
....... .. , .....t- .1... iv..i,i..i.d "irr'
IlKIIMAN'N Jnn in f.AHOI.IM: wife of Z
into .leapnli Itel.mann. llplnMv.a mil frlrnda.-T1
,,,i,,,i ,u ,,i luiieriil rn I. et. Thurs . 'J
1 M. lute reMdeiin'. 14.13 V 12lll ft Int MH
rninn mnv 111 . 'i
"(I 1 M at li'i. la 10 i--Ii1piii
f.30 AV. It!
S.-lfWlrk l .Mt Alrv In- l-.
K.-inalnf u i v I-, vi. w il Xv'i-d r
Hill Cetn. :,
hCNMIMAN On Jan 10 1022 I1MMA
1. SI'NSIC.XIAN ervirp , n Thurnduv after- Xir
iiii-n ai 2 ii ,-ln. k. al the -jliv.-r If llnlr W
Uldff. Ik2ii hen,ui rt Int . m .it iirlvat.
Hll.N i'. rill Jim. 1(1 XVII. I. IAM liuabjin-i
nf lat" Ante.iieii smilrir. I; nn-es and
frlenuH aim. I'niied clt-le. N . 17 11 of
X , .vn I T-u Knit-hie I udi.-e V J2H. K. of
I , uik livded :e ri.-rric.e Thuri 2 I. M Itf
d, late rei.l-.nie ne.l) IiruJdiKk 'I I'rlnd
n iv -i xx .. I. afir s P M Int North
l.. rnurs . 1 1 A .xi. nit. Mtrii'tiv iirn.-xie. a
i Miuiur.x um ii xni'iiNiA .xr wit i
I nt Illlla J thli I."' und dintier-r Hnre M.i f
H.id l-ite Chhr.cs J Murray. Ilrlatlvea andii,'--,
t ... I. . ..I 1 TI... k In . '"
.. :. :. .... . .. ...... .i - t.
iri.i(i inii-'u 'i,, nn' in. jiiu , e.iu
tOO A.
XI frmn mnilie, n n-nlir --22 MOTIIn at
' R(iulem h'h mass nun i -f - Kdlnurid
-I in XI. urn .ili . In, lli.lv t r iiu. ("m
rii-r..v tun ir nnmii ,ir. nt
. harles XX'. Sea(as'(iir Lepd'cl ' 11-latlyes ?Wfl4l
mil ir.rniif. invn-,1- m iun.nl Hervicea On 3
Mitiirdav iXtermmn ut 2 i uli k ut her Iftte JiJ.
i . -IiIlih .'(i.'V N P.rk .it Interment "
XX'est I.iurel Hi'1 C-met. rv 11.
SMITH. X.I ), r r.mtl.-n,e 17IT. Flr,T
mount im . m Im 1.1. 1H22 MAIIV JaSai,!
linv t ,;,lu,n j smh -,P, ,
f l .. r.. . ....n. .. ...In... rf .l.-,mA
im...r ir ii.m Cniui .- ijrt t ..-i.x... V
ii,t-rmtnt iirltt- '
SMITH .I-n 1.". TO:r.S t-iMhniul nt fit
..- .-. - ..- ..-- .. -. '- "
"""inn I i-ikiw fit t, I
-il 1 llelauies anditJ s
allenil tu.i-.ral aervi fTv
hie r. nldenie 2128 N.
I ,... h it hi.inn .crnii i'i
, i ie iiiiiiii ii im"" i. i"i n '
Ir rnds n re til vile. In
, n XVrit " r M
' " "" AdJtli -I-shnnie ,'U
- HM'Tl' . f-. 'A-..'' M.-?. iTir..,et nf,
IOOIa!I iOlJItlv I mill TF lll-l If) 1! VM "
Relatlvx "'
mre 8.'I10 t(
....I ... . I j t 1 . , I i.i fun. Wit I I h....
"I ' lr ....- . .a '"'" ' "
1 r.allllim.1 iif Hltillir "J V I
Olrllll' I -mif!. tnufl t Ju
int i Atn- in ui
Tl.lsriA.'H lap
15 rtlTe husband .is
f.f p u Si inbaeli .ieil lU Kelauira and
frb 'ids .ilai" all uritaiilsai i"li uf which ti
w i.. a ii.eiiiii.-r. tnwii'-i te runeiai ivid 3 p
XI ..i -i'" ni- n 'l.-ip.i :i-i.1l l- imhictef,
hv lit a- v.iiklni'1 i'n ItHiualn, mnv bit
viewed Tiies .. ft. r 7 P M ,
I -TitiliHXXI I in 17. iP.X , t-TOCK'ty
I AM ill' i -i - I "i ni i
SlOi-kllaili lull, l.n reri.i.K l-'i .
lite 1 1 nli-ni'.- I'-'.'id llmi.f.? aw
J .1 1 ii 1 n-1 I
P M-.
umdiin, -,
SXX ,:NKH1t In Norr.rievvn Jnn H.-JTI
IIXSNXll AN i' Mew uf l-atll J tivenkr,-i
U'-iall-e. M 'I I rl. ml .Hilled te illend fUi V
neral fiem ht r liie ivHldancn 12IK) Pevrt la'
r.nri.ei-1111 i-'1. . . i ini
In, nrlirutk .Bi'
TAl'I'AN - MA11Y Pli:ilSuN Hl'MN'risn' '
wife of th" lutt. Jtieiiilah Nelsen rjppan and A
daughter of ihe late lltiny Spencer, en Yf'
Mnndav . Jnn 111 111'.".' at In r resldtnc. f
l.i.l XXaverliv pla " New Verl . FunarM,,,',
Trlint Chaiiel. 2 :' Thur.duj Jan. 'l,,'
1H22. ' III?
TATUM Jan. II JO.-M'II l.usbanfl efii
ihe late Jane Ta'a.n Relativen and f rltndi, .v
also llrebla 1'ebi N" 1(1 (I A It empleyts W
nf th SehuvlkilL AriiBl are invited te 4t-i:.
nnd fumeil lluik t-ae A M late rail l . i
. .. . .i...n ,,. .. ,. i, , u.i. ,.,,. .....l.k. 1...' t f
1,1 111 '. I ".il - Ii r- I' n I' i, r i v m , r-lUI.III
1. 1. ni hii.li nf (be Annum IjU . 10 A. U.''
It,, New "aili.ili f'i- am
i iieiii''iN I " ' .-' '"' Summit. ,L
Xl XtXtlX I. v if., of I i.e Mfied ThnmB. -e
-ni fun,,. H. if ".n i -inn I'h i Relatives I
,--il tux nli inv ii I lu mi.nl funeral. Kri.,i.ii
i I- .xf t-ein. mu xi i itun.il I,,,, vfm, ;7
1'enu i 'pin v.
'IOVXN I'll 1.11. in lir.-J ,XNrJRl5WJ lit
II.XXN f lllll I,"u'"",f: llllalJVMSnJl
imu fticnl ..'se Indu-trv ty.ii.n- 191,. ST
1' and A M ..n-l enu.'.i.v , ,.f AnKrlcnil'
Ralivvav Iiii-k e net. invited te th ai
lervl.e mi Tlinri-rt.v in r. lug i, I '';l0':k,,J. ,
hi il,.- in h. II Ha
ni'ij it"(i ,'hestltut '
at Intiinvi-i nrlu(
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in.'.- MAiinAnrc-r i.. m,ti
l . ...... . . r t.f latn l-hlllt. ,liH l'n.n..ln. n..
lii.M.i.- .-- - - -..',,,, 1Q7,
funeral fi mi Hie r. sldenv- nf i,-r brother.
l-'iln-srd 1 T v 1MI1 X I'a, Itlr l ThUr.
Si leimi r.iim ni mass hi ( hurrh of tlie Hely
huilU Id X XI In' inn ale ' ' M
Tit' ml -u I'iPl.h 'ii .Inr, 17 tMt
ilIiiMXs IiijmIi ml nf Hie la,- Harah A
'Irmii' iif.,'1 "-' in lu-lii.ii-. aurt mands,
IllMl .iehlUfcl i mull N" 3.1.1 P. fl. . ,f.
nf A nf ll -ni.rf I';. aid Piling J II t'l
M , A pip lnvii.il t il ii sirine nn Bgt.HO
uid.i' alter,, mi . t 2 ei, i-i. a, the resldenae ri.
f lit. si.i.-ln i -v Ikli. und l .rout, HT1TT'I
I.Ud'niv t IMprmen. al x.imgten Cern.'lfli
t rie.ids ma i l ,n. ilna Cr duv uvrnlns"-.)
RCHillliB. Pa paiiei, i,.a.le .I1H '
i. nin "I -lain". I-, XX lull- RrUtlypt, and "I
(.lends a.-.' ii vH'd tn He si riln ., Wellngs ...
,1,1 ivenllik' ai , " ' ' leeli n.t liir tile
i.sidvMi,- ii'-' .." Uni'x " interment iin
....I.. I'j i ii In ri!t-i t
. "viHA'l t.ei IKH, wlfa'' '
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