""ivC :'.:i- '" V ' EVENING- PPBMO fcEDGEiaiCAPElli-nWBDkkgf) " JraH jJBM A '" J' ;i'" READING DEALERS PUT ON SHOW NEXT WEEK .Z-i.Si i':i With Space Doubled in ' f .... I.'V iVflfl) HnUdinir. I n-Stntn. ISJ.v .f Jir. dju.. 7P7... lTV , . MiW 4 n i-iuw uh; Jfeu&it OPTIMISM PREVAILS b 'i ' ; ' -' Dy JOHN .1. GARVIN i. Wlier Aula Oewlp and 1'nrm Nw :. TtcjulhiP. Pa.. .Tun IS WIIILB rl,l,a(,clPnln ' enjoin? the if : Rui. annum vUiinrr Kliy llliuwi"" pim onew ana nil that h cveni of tins Cfmrncter menns te eemmcrclnl nml in .diifttrial nctlvlties, Rending, the eepltiil of Berk's County, nml one of the No tion's lending Industrlnl nml ngrlftil- I ,turnl communities, is settlim rrndy ( welceme tln ferrnnl opening of tin Rending Autninebl'c Shew next Mnn lny, Jannnrj 151. Imniedintely fellow luj.' the close of the Philadelphia hIiew. Under (he nusplees of the Heading Aufe Trnde Afsocintien and the tirele- effort of .1. Miller Knlhaeln president mid ii. . i.utz, tJMti i v" v ir4 v'H . llP l .-! P ' -! ! - rv&-HWjpH-HV ji---B------i BUSINESS ON WAY BACK ON TIPTOES Prosperity Returning, but Net WitlvBang, Says Cole Head. Increases Shown WORKERS WILL SURVIVE J. MILLER UALUAC1I By .1. .1. COLE rrraldent Cela Moterc.f Company BUSINESS Is ceminc baek, but net with a bang. It has had n hard night, and is sneaking back en tip tee with its shoes in its hands. Fer n while reports generally were peiudmiHtlc. New, for the most part reports from erer the country are mere cnreurnglnir, nnd here and there we hear of eeneeniH that i are netunlly showing an Inereaie ever 1020. Take our own company for example Our October HhlpmentH were 100 ner rent ever October of last jear; No Ne 1 vetnber exceeded November of last enr b 00 per cent, nnd December bv nil per cent, niese increases arc mntle In will see, this week Are se much better than any you have ever seen before. In pausing, let me nssure you of one thing the nutomebila market is net vet saturated and it Is net going te be for years te come, Decrease Noted ' in Aute Thefts Continued from Fe One having recovered mere cars than she hnd stolen. ,. ' " - The Pacific Coast cities kept tip their 3 early geed work af recovery. There were 4877 cars stolen in Les Angeles, Han Frunclsce, Oakland, Portland nnd Henttle. nnd 4175 recovered. The un- recevercu cars wcre 10.4 per cent of the total stolen, or approximately f0 per cent of the average for the coun try. Pcnneylvania suffered 10.-173 thefts during 1021. It Is reported that 'JOO-l of tbcic tn.ichincs have been recovered. The rrcerd shows that the low-priced cars were favored by the thieves. One hundred .and forty-eight caw of one make were Ktolen en the satne day end only two high-priced machines were taken en that dnr. The figures compiled from official sources for the tweuty-elght cities for which the N. A. D. A. has thrcc-yenr statihtlcs. are as follews: WINTON SHOWS LATEST One Chassis Size, With 132-lnch ' ' Wheel Base The latest WInten Six IS' n one- chassis-sfee car, With 132-Inch wheel- base, mounted with n large variety of etfen and closed types of body, including seven-passenger touring, sport teurlngV four-passenger sedan, elx-scven-pes-senger four-deer llmousine sedan, six-seven-pasecnger French llmousine, four-passenger victeria and. seven, passenger three-quarter llmousine, The T chassis is' equipped with six cylinder Wlntelt design meter, detach" abla heads, easily accessible, the cylin ders being of 3'i-inch bere and r'i" lhch stroke. The S. A. B, horsepower rating Is 83.75. Heme ether mechanical features in cludp high-tension magneto, two-unit starting system, operated by gear te flywheel; full floating rear axle, worm and gear type of steering, etc. Extra long springs arc provided front nnd rear for easy riding. CONVENTIONAL HAND CONTROLS ON PREMIERS . Magnetic Gear .8hfte .Furnished at ' ExtralCbarge In addition te a number of mcchnnlcal advancements jn the new line of Premier cars the company announces that all models In the future will have thp con ventional hand control ns standard equipment. The magnetic gear shift la furnished nt extra charge. A toeinplcto- line -of open and ele.,i models is produced. An advance" Btcp In' 4 perfecting the. system employed 'In prep.' crly vnperlzlng the gasoline before it ' enters the carburetor nnd te secure proper enrburctien Is new applied te all new Scries 0-D Premier cars. Reflnemtnts Include large, well mounted beVrcl type headlamps In place of the ferme:4 Duplex type. It Is mntle ns n twe-pnsscngcr roadster; five-pas. sengcr touring; seven-passenger tour Ing ; coupe and sedan en a chassis 120 inches long, vitprnfnrv ( rnnuiirnr. til 1022 Reading Automobile Shew I den wth the denier This 13 ns It should , fnre of thp fact that 1020 was the ec- .v Yerk . will, without debut. be tin- biggest and i bi end bgReht yenr in our history. ' dmSu0 " t wicii season nun uj nusnirs Increases, the flehl gets larger, com cem com tctitlen grows keener, and lit t0 Jt will be the strong that will urlve nnd the weak won't be able te stand the strain." Spare W Deublel II. C. Lutz has been holding the sep retar.v-treusurership nortfelio for tev cral jenrs nnd it has been due te hi f best this community has ever sen Jn previous sears the greatest draw back has been for want of hpnec. but R large building, which Is te be devoted te the automobile business, was finished in tlme for the show. Twe floors aggregating :i total of 20,000 square feet of fleer space enables the Reading Automobile nnd Arccsj-erv Dealers te display their mcrchaiidit3 in n waj never before possible la prcAlens sears the ctilb!t hnd te be rraiumed Inte less than !)")() square feet, n difTcrruic that means wonders In nrmngiug an exhibit of this hind. President Hard Worker .T. Miller Knlhnrh, jul rernnllT ir 1ectcd president (f liir .Beading Aute Trade Aw-oclntien. fm 1022. i- lii-nding rery effort te make Hip 1022 mmseii the bC't ever experiptippd bj the mem bers of thp ssocliitieu. II" is aim ing te ghp it n geed Mnrt b giving the public an nutomeblle and apces-rr show that will cri'itle n iIpmtp for ti'-wer cars and ncepsserles that Increase the comfort and pleasure of metering Asked what he thought of the bui' AUTOMOBILES Stelen IP 111 1020 ... e.B.r ... 4,4(7 .. a, 48i . .,834 .. l.flSS ... 1.(11)1 1.51'S mi mere nrc eneugu oilier siniunr .ivi.i.,.h Instances te show conclusively that i i.e An.ele . business is much better. It has net vet ! W! .CHK' ..... .. . , i. . .- . I'eriiana. ure. . .u reroveree, out u is convalescing, jiut is nn'r 1.440 It headed tewnrd normal? Personally, I Fan Kranciace .. 1.834 hope It never gets back te normal, in g.'attf" . .' .". " iiih inn ni'cciueu sell"!" ei vne worm. Indlanapera Mint ue you mean ey normal What Nermal Means If normal means "as things used te aggressiveness nnr nnr snows nnci ein.;r b(?i" )r wetl(I bp n Pntnstrephc for the I e outs hi wuipii tup Hi-au ng Aim. iracip lltomebile business ever te become I A4wniMntii.n inu hitnii intftrcwtnil lifivn . . . . ..... .. .. .. ... ..,.. .. . ... " : : v nnrinui. wen in yuu wniu te see me I UUUH MJ Miri'l'HSlui. .U ruHL III!' ur.-il (imp enCP ion zrr.-u wiumi ii inciiiir ini' ntnunrr mere. Iipii n dpaler could mmi nnytliing en vIippIs. just se Hip meter would s-tart . when no real salps inanship was reuuired, and the order- speakltig nlmut iIip tiiriheeming tnker get fat and liii'iuiipetent because the going wns HO PHSJ .' llesistnncp is wlnit makps strpiigth, and the snips rpMMiiii' p hew being en- inent of the liitprpts of tlip A.ii'intien nnd lis lupmbcrs. In Automebili' Shew. Mr. Lutz mid: "If wp hnd spaces for 300 purs pr-. hop would bp Idled. I he Rending nn ncss dlirln? 1021. Mr. Knlhmli rnnlieil that "ncwennlly he had no room s, , opportunity te visit nil diplays. complain, and that en nn average ether "nusinens during 1021 was m't geed dealers had met with much success that in all lines of the nutometivp industrs rrinde the rlsht side of their ledgeis leek Itt-nillng occupies nn envinblp pesltlun gced. in tins ipspect. While ether seitlens "Ar te prospects in 1022,. Iip con- ' were decrying the peer times, this pom pem tinued, 1 believe that Indications petm numity because of its great diversity of r te sales e hetter cars and net e man industry enil agricultural pursuits, en- nutil nutomeblle show is becoming I" be peiintered is making the automobile in nn event that is looked forward In with dustry Mrengcr than It ever wus be ns much interest as any of the big feri. It is geed for salesmen te have town shows i tj tight for business. It is geed for "This sour our spuce Is double that factories te have te light for business, which wp havp ever hnd before. In pre- It makes salesmen think harder and chilis ps we had te split our shows, work harder; and It makes factories the passenger cars one place, and build better cars. I knew that the meter trucks at another. This ear we have tt car of 1022 Is the best in the history under one reef nnd ener every one the of the world. hen you go te tnc au tomebile Shew this week study the cars en pjchlbit, and seu will see what I mean. Weak Cars Are Going Ne, 1 don't want te see the automo bile industry get buck te wheie It used te be. This tivrled is ridding the in dustry of these .he were neer strong tloiten gait Ixke City (inUlanU. Calif. Omaha, Nb Columbus. Ohie Cincinnati, e Oklahoma Clu Altian. .V. Y Jlurtale. N y Ni-uperl, It. I rnrli l'a Oraml KapMs Itlrhirend, V Daten. Ohie.. Louell, Mas' t?anvlll", Ind Total? 1.S41 1,4!. 1,031 1,002 77rt 7(10 78t MO 8.'0 1111 1.111 II Id l III Isft i(i7 -JS :' 7'J r..i7u n.vT 3,8110 .,t)4U 1.034 ill 403 S38 l.lbd 788 1.008 1,1 i-g 4 SO fid. no I 1)114 MJ V."', .sn S7 7411 IS s 5fU lis HIS m 43 nrcer(f tein mife n.i-i a.447 g.BVl) l,7tU 1,303 704 1,378 1.187 1. till I 114 4 l.SOS (102 fise 73S 733 fil!7 873 'I3 70 101 700 n a 137 mi .13 17 . (18 .717 4,840 ..nea 1,703 l.lu'J 341 418 031 1.100 841 nun 833 207 f33 IHO (107 278 273 133 70 B07 12 R 230 113 217 7 4(1 j. of them. I fpel that In the future manu- abled business te keep going ahead n enough te earry respensihilits facturers will hnve te put forth n greater tiMial llciu'e 1022 held out xriy bright effort te br lid ns geed nn niitemnbilp. pie-pects for nil. as It Is possible te build, in the various "l'veiy day during -hew week ha price classes, and that manufacturers been set apart for eiiip particular or- with the necessnrr canital, the nm.t nni '.ii'ien Slendav. for the Chamber efficient organization, an Impartial of Commerce ; TuemIuv . the Rotary I they nre going te emerge from this sales distribution plan, the iiet nilver- ( luli: edncsuas. Klwnms. iiiur-uas. little unpleasantness stronger man ever tising plans, and last hut net le.T-t. tue thp unman s and guetn t luus; i ruins . Ami nil this is geed ter tnc ministry I'lic weak cars are going. The weak factories arc going. The weak ilea lets nnd salesmen uie going. Geed cars, j geed factories, geed dealer-! and geed Milcsmcn are having no seiioustreuble . 33. BOS 30.010 21,740 21,273 iwrux'ovuiiKe inie- S7R5--20 ppr rent nf numtv-r alelsn 1U20 S773 2I iT ufht of nunituT Ktel-n STANLEY ONLY STEAM CAR AT PHILADELPHIA SHOW Beiler Over Kerosene Burner Devel ops Steam for Power The Stanley Is the only .stcntu car shown, having been built as such since 1800. It is made in one chassis size of l.iO-inch wheclbase, with live beds types, viz , five-passenger touring, sqvcu-pnssunger touring, four-passenger coupe, seven -passenger sedan and n new twe-pusfenger lendster. The power is developed bv innMii" steam from wutcr in a holler ever a kerosene burner, the operation taking place without involving moving parts nnd Independently of the pngitip nml making pesslblp the storage of neuer above immediate requirements, the power being eontrelled b n throttle and applied te the rear aIe through a two- using pinnn. mm insi uui imi. n-n-i. i m- iuc iiiiinu m iiiiii v1""" ' mu-, i iiu.. .iui 1111 nn? i puuu nu nre muhhiij , -..ii,i ,iui .! .,-i., . i one that gives the ear owner the most, the Hks. and Saturdas. the Reading I s n whole, and ler the user of meter ;' X.' . , "1;?""', ' ",M'( "'''' ........ '"- f.-..- l'k. ..... ., ,,(, Xyj f 1 j .- honest for honest dollar vnlne anil a i Automobile Club. Te the club turning i cars, Teal service will get the maximum busi-'eut the large-t attendance will be pre- Bess. I seated a handsome prize. The Trade i "And further, the gre.ue-t bugaboo Association has also arranged te pre- tat confronts every new car dealer, tnc sent a prize te the boy nnd girl, mem If slnnrlc te irnsen that bnsiv tniinu. "-T u-.e umi I.arniiei le it. facture implies the slighting of quality I It also Is reasonable that, where there i Reductions Frem $150 te $1150 nre mere cars than prospects, u Price reduction en twenty-live of the It- aecessity of trading In used cars en new beis of the Heys and (lirln High Scheel, manufacturer is going te make the bet leading models of passenger' automobiles p ones, has come te the point where for the be-t casus en the Automobile product of which he is capable that's in the hist sear bine tanged fteiu $loll the nint(Uiacturer must sniue tins uur- snow. the principal reason wn.v tue iars jeu te mj.iii t mT F P -JW In. p m iw The Ten Proven Units MOTOR Continental Red Seal CARBURETOR Rayfield STARTER AND IGNITION Delce B VTTERY Exide CLUTCH Berg & Beck TRANSMISSION Brown-Lipe UNINERSAL JOINTS Spicer AXLES Tim ken RADIATOR Feddcrs Silver 5TEERING GEAI Geinmer Netice te Dealers As all this territory is new open, Mr. W. B. Richards will be in con stant attendance at the Philadelphia Automobile Shew te receive appli cations for territory nnd te explain the class A, B and C financing plans Sec Mr. Richards before leaving the Shew I njuut'tu'f Ovt: "II hj lh crnwd? Oh, I net, it's the Moen Beeth' Much obliged. That's what I was hekivg for. The growth of MOON business makes it necessary for us te appoint additional agencies The dealer who is looking for a clean cut contract for the sale of a car of unusual distinction and attract iveness will, in fairness te himself, carefully investigate the Moen at the Automobile Shew. He will also be deeply interested in the liberal fi nancing plans under which Moen Cars may be sold. Nationally and locally, the Moen organization is one with a record of which te be proud. The great popularity of the Moen Car de mands a big expansion in our organi zation many new agencies must be appointed. This same expansion makes it neces sary for Moen headquarters te se cure a mere commodious location. Mackin Meters Inc., therefore, wish te announce that en and after March 1st, 1922, they will be located at 855 North Bread Street, Philadelphia. l IjH . H-k liUtnin iiifiiiiiiin ' HVKk udl X Bj Itl Nothing bizarre just refreshing dignity and grace. Conceded wherever shown the 1 922 leader among smart meter cars. Moderately priced. Space 7 Aute Shew LA ROCHE MOTORS CO., 1214 North Bread St. mJL 1 W. I IT m m 1 'I fmrwvli . 1 I iL v f I I 3 " lfe Car with a Lenger Life NggEnm At the Shew! . Tle New Studebakcr Cars, new en display at the Shew, insure a continuance of Studebalcer leader ship in motorcar VALUE. In the New BIG-SIX you &et the wonderful performance of its 60 horsepower meter, the roominess of its seven-passenger Studebaker built body, its unusually easy feear shifting, and. steadiness en the read at all speeds. There is distinctiveness of ap pearance in its beaded ed&e body, tailored top, massive head lamps, graceful cowl parking lamps, and Loek for These Features in 60-H.P., 37ax5-in. meter with detachable head, Dry plate disc clutch which makes the shifting, e fcears unusually quiet and easy. Intermediate transmission. A new seven-passen&er body mounted en a sturdy chassis of 126-in. wheelbase, with heavy beaded edfee, graceful cowl, larger end higher heed; built complete 'in Studebaker plants. New one-piece rain-proof windshield that fcwes ftrreter vision. Windshield wiptr. Cowl narlinn lights, miniatures of headlights, in comers of windshield. THE STUDEBAKER SALES CO. of Fhila. 047 North BreBil Street Poplar 8400 N'W Servite Station, 13 IG Poplar St. (Juat off Bread) OPUN LVCNINCS THIS IS STUDEBAKER YEAR clear-vision, one-piece rain-proof windshield. But basically, the New BIG-SIX is the same dependable car that contributed much te making 1921 a Studebaker Year. If you pay mere than the price of theNewBIG-SIXy ou may buy mere weight, but is is impossible te &et finer materials or better workman ship. Its lifcht weight and the use of the highest quality materials, con tribute in making the New BIG SIX the greatest 7-passenger auto mobile value en the market today. the New Bi-Six at the Shew n ventilator, operated trem Uasn. (Jeurtrsy light en drtver'a left. Tenneau light with Missive and artistic headlights with improved deflecting and diiiUsing lenses. Deep, luxurious cushions upholstered in hand-bulled genuine leather. Large plate glass window in rear of tailored top. Teel kit in pocket ou left side of driver, locked wiihsama key that tits transmission lock and ignition switch. 33x4Hlnch cord tires. v ' J $1785 f, e. 6. ZJrfreil j Open Can, $1785. Closed Cars, $2785 Prices F. 0. B. Factory Get your Pointemeter at the Shew sserivn, ni'u.Knx 4t -- . - MANOtl llMJAf.i:. IV. II I Illl- I IliMlpInu l(lltriiliitii,f 4 llrffiii- (.ermuntnn IlIUlKll.. """ ...I -.,,,. . tl llnlllnmrn Ar. IjIIIMIeMIIO KVbIIW. I "llOV KV.MH rd.neV V-l" ""' HAnBIS IHOY A tl.AltK !W7 N. Ilrea.l HI. l'hlladfll'liU reni.iiAir.il, ma m.in Moteh t,e STIll-'i.". Uiilmil St,, Wf.t I'lilln. r i .J. ! WWfc 3 Moter Cars The car of the ten proven units. DM North Breed Street MACKIN MOTORS, Inc. JAY J. VANDERGRIFT, President tasKPH W. kACKIN, Vice Pretident. Telephone Poplar 1425 WM. B. RICHARDS, Secretary a1 KPX' t X :. - j ' - -,, i,f -v M '' "I ,r i n. - V . .,. . . . i, .".(., J." j-v "-"-' KrI' ' ' .JL.: : BiKuB I i r'i vr . i niij.nn1 'I I ' 1".ap,' """ , , s JUMiIwwK -ii... -----w--f--r-?r-rT.T.-cg-rT-.i-rrrr:lff?Jy-?y? IC & ji I .' I, I I , . ,. jit i .. . i ti-.tAr-j .ii-it(. : m.i w i - ---------!-. M .ww. ., ...,..-M1MfcifliY ...... ., ,- , w i , A -----Vi1! ''"flft-'f -t" a-JlAlKUr OfeLi