Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 18, 1922, Postscript, Page 14, Image 14

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Themas, Signed by Baker, Pitched for Albany's Cellar
Champs, and James Richard, Mack's Hireling,
Hurled Yanks te Pennant Last Season
'nnnn enhnrnnv :
SfcIieuis Cards and Braves Adept Wise Policy in Abandoning
,i $ , y AtfwWsf i iixr , .-.lb? ''irid. '''-' ' V "4 s . " . "V " ' V; ' V
,ca,x, uxtlujlavx vle xt'' ' ' ' s i . -mm
; - IJHBi
Their Spring Series of GanH
l , ; - VI
('hllndcltihin next
tlie Athletics mid
Nwrt Aliter r.ienln I'ubllc I.rditrr
milK Sullivan uill be j-nunlly divided lit two parti In
JL snnsnn linxchnllicntlv Nncnkllm. Otir-lmlf Will CO te
the remainder te the I'h.lc. The name which uiik made fiimeux by Jehn (..
nnd ether will he represented en tin- inenntl. for nil of the Sulliviws nre
pltchem. Se fnr ns 1 known, neither knows the ether. Therefore they hitve
hnd no opperttmltv te offer condolences.
Themas "Lefty" Sullivan has been captured by the Phils. He wiw with
the Albnny cltib of the Kaxtern t.engtte Inst jwr and should be perfectly nt
hnic In his new job, because Albany finished lnt.
.(nine diehard Sullivan, dr.. twirled for Melinc lnt t.eiten nnd catne
te the A'h In September. .dimes inndc history en Satnrdaj. October 1. when
he pitched the Yankees te victory .In the gnme which cinched the tDUl pen
nant. Mr. Hnth and his clouting companions drove the Until spike Inte the
pennant pole that nfternoen, which ciuied se much joy In New Yerk. Alse
increased .Mr. Sullivan's popularity.
Cennie grabbed his portion of the Sulllvnn futility after a game in Melinc
en July 4. Jnmes Uichard was en the mound and had the Cedar KnphN
Athletes swinging atrociously. Ilefere the game was ever he had fanned
eighteen batters nnd wns looking for mere after the Inst innn had been put
out. That feat was geed enough te get him n job In the majors, or what
ever they are called.
Sullivan does net have te pla btf-eball, 'tis said. He is president of the
Sulllvnn Lumber Company, of Paytes. Vn.. and business s said te be geed.
He started lrt the Ulue Uldge League In UUtl and was promoted te Baltimore.
Up did net prosper became he had no control out his line of stuff and wns
shipped te Melinc. If he has become tamed he should de well with the A's,
if that means any tiling.
The Sullivan of the Chile has been introduced bj au author of Seuth
Bosten, who writes as follews:
"This- Is just a reminder of the inr southpaw and licnvi hlttitts pitcher
that Philadelphia will have en the 11121' hurling staff. Inclesed ou will lind
a photo of said person, and here's hoping he will hne a successful scuen.
If you publish nn.vthing please let tue knew, se I can purchase one (1) copy
or mere."
Lefty plnycd en the sand lets of Seuth Bosten and was picked up there
bj a scout from Albany. Last cnr be wen six nnd let nine games en the
tnil-cnd club, but this did net mean nuytblng. Manager Wllhelm piuchn-ed
hini, anywaj. Lefty Is twenty-two years old and weighs 170 pounds.
7 HE Siillirans are ambiluilii and aurieus te luvcccd in majur limjue
baicball. That'i the reawu thry me starting at the bottom.
Browns-Cards Series Off
have decided te make a strong bid toward w lulling a
lleth the Cards nnd the Itrewus, having tini-lied third
Fleisher and Hardwick & Ma
gee in Clese Race for
League Lead
Industrial Soccer
League Standings
Tmin W. t T) V
Kii.sher Tarn t' J. J?.
I.'ic. Ster.it( Ilatlcry I'e L' H
Art Imm Mills 2 " - "
I'rnn Serer Cenrli and rrrKlilfnt of IVnnsl
Minia unit i:sitirn Dlstrlit I enllmll
T in St. Lese they
euplc of pennants.
in their respective leagues bst season, believe thej will have a better chance
If they kick in some geed baseball at the start instead of waiting until the
finish. Therefore the spring series games have been officially railed off.
Kvery jenr the Cards nnd the Hrnwns used te mingle in n seven-game
set the first week in April. The fans came out In huge Mecks, much legal
tender flowed Inte the box e'thce and the series wns n profitable one. This was
because the St. Leuislnns always were sure of seeing one of the home clubs
win. They hud te take tee ninny chances in the regular season.
The idea is te keep both clubs down in the Sunny Seuth until a collide
of- days before the 'easen opens. The men will have lets of pep and lie all
steamed up for the opening battles instead of spoiling their arms in the
exhibition games. The spring sdies used te take the edge off the player
and they did net recover for a month.
Fer exnmple. take last year. The Cards looked exceptionally geed nnd
loomed up as the strongest team In the National League. Sluggers like
Hornsby, Founder, Stock. McHenry. Henthcete and Clemens were expected
te drive in enough runs te win a couple of pennants, nnd the pitching staff
was net te be sneezed nt.
The llrewns also shaped up well and much wns expected of them. How
ever, they flopped nfr'jhe start of the heaeii nnd nftcr one month of piny were
located in sixth place, with a record of ten victories and thirteen defeats.
The Cnrds were worse thnn that. They wen only five of the first twenty
games, nnd even went se fnr as te push the Phillies out of last place. They
remained there n few days and then started te climb upward. Near the end
of the schedule Itickey had the best team in the Nntlenul League, but the
peer start prevented him from finishing better than third.
Toe many early games are bad for big league clubs. Detroit nnd the
Bosten Ilnives used te four the Seuth and play for two or three weeks and.
although they collected a let of money, they lest it when the attendance nt
the home games began te fall off. One year the Tigers established n record
for consecutive defeats.
'VIIH Itrewns ana" the Cards are making a true meriii lallnif off
the games, which meant nothing. This move trill be watched trith
interest hy ether club owners.
Introducing Mickey W'elgast
MUh. OIlhhMIALM, who has mannged some of the best boxer
Philadelphia fnr years, including Kddle O'Keefc when Kddie
1.1- l -. I.. I.. ... ..!.! .1 , . , , ... ...
ui iiriiuc, is hi nKain wiin uneiuer Diuiinm wne, nc says, win secle tlic day
'lights out of everybody who has the nerve te fare him. The nnme of the
K. O. nrtist is Mickey Welgnst, n member of the United States Mnrines in
Reed Rtnnding. Mickey is stntiened here nnd is anxious te keep en fighting,
1 just te avoid getting out of condition.
"Mickey." says Mee. "Is the goods, nnd all 1 want te de U prove it.
He knocked Bebby Abrams coekoo In five rounds nt the National the ether
night, and nlse flnttend Yeung Jack Malene nnd Terry O'Urlen. Perhaps
you don't knew who tVv arc, but take it from me, they are geed.
"W'elgast hns been boxing for five years nnd nppenrcd in bout- nil ever
the country. He wns overseas for three years nnd did some geed battling en
the ether side. Mickey Is awful geed nnd all of the murines nre anxious te
sec htm fight again."
AS AN outcome of the effort en the
part of the vntieus industrial plants
In and around Philadelphia te en
courage healthy recreation among their
empleyes n number of teams were got
ten up and the Industrial Soccer League
organized in the fall of 101. with HI HI
weed Cadwallader as president. Theo Theo
eore Oeehsle as vice president. Jehn
Thornten as treasurer nnd Themas
Scott us secrctnry ,
The tennis in the league at the be
ginning were Hlcetrle Storage llnttery
Company, Cressen Merris Company.
Mnrtex Tewel. Festers's Sens' Com
pany, Hohlfeld Manufacturim: Com
pany, David (.Upton's Sens'' Company .
Cramps' Shipyard and Standard (teller
IJciuiinr Company. Most of these teams
were falily strong, two or three of
them being strong enough te held their
own with the best teams in the city.
The rules of the league were care-
fully framed and the organization was'
well hnudled and wns ipilte successful,
until the last year or se, when a period
of Industrial depression set in which ,
considerably handicapped the plants in '
their efforts te put teams In the field.
I Of the original members of the league
Storage ll.ittery and Hohlfeld A: Lup Lup
teti are the inly ones new in the organ-
izntlen uud only the Storage Battery
actively. I
' The actiie members of the league nt .
' nri'sent are estlnglieuse l.ectric,
! Fleet rlc Steraire (lattery. S. II. & It.
V. Fleisher. Hardwick & Mugee. Art I
I Leem Mills. .1. (5 Stetson Company.
I N. Snellenburg Company, Barrett Com
pany with Hohlfeld Manufacturing
Company and Fleisher Reserves as,
I associate members.
I 1 llfT71l&Mfl
7a 7at v.
Hk H
' -
I I, Knew tucy 7
VCftT""0,J5''ri j4-
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A. s?UtDEsJ
-v IS
rrii im
frffSy zSbrr yiLt
WtNj J if
Of All Crown-W 'carers in Spert, a Links Titlehem
Has Least Chance te Repeat Odds at Least 1
Six te One
Matter of Municipal Links
Likely te Be Brought Up at
Gelf Association Meeting
Play fur Hohlfeld Cup
Herman Hohlfeld is the donor of the
Hohlfeld Cup, which is competed for
nnnunlly in the Hohlfeld Cup compel 1-
, tieti. nnd is intensely uueresieu in ine
I development of the game in this vicln
1 ity. He wns the first mnn ever te have
i tlic privilege of taking the kickoff In
I an international match in Philadelphia.
' the occasion being that of the game
1 last Jitlv between Philadelphia nnd the
'All-Scots, s i
The Fleisher tenm is one of the best
I Industrial teams which has ever played
In Philadelphia. lr just missed.
threned accident in the seuu-tilial. get
i ting into the final for tin
I Cup last season, and its prospects
was in
I f-rnwl f,.T rrinlfi! tlirnniHi this si-nsnii.
The team is made up of a number of
I handy players, who play a geed, clean
. mime.
I A grent deal of credit Is due thi-
I concern for the interest it takes in its
1 various nthletics er in particular.
In the national cup competition Fleish
er Jient the Hibernians and was only i
put out of the competition by the Phil
adelphia professional team.
In the Industrial League cempetl- i
tlen it is running Hardwick & Mage:
close for the lead, with 1!) points anil
I six games te play . as against Hardwick !
I & Mngcc with '- points and five games ,
te play. Hardwick .V Mngee has lest
ene came se fnr, while Fleisher has ,
' lest none but draw n one.
I Hardwick & Mngee plays a nice
I gnme when in the lend, but shows n
tendency when losing te resort te
I rough tactics, which is peer policy.
Storage (lattery (s (ianie '
' ttf 1VK us mere public golf courses."
I vJ This cr.v Is beine taken un nil
i along the hval links loop with ecr- ,
I increasing enthusiasm lately nnd things j
have come te such a pass that it leeks i
ns though CItv Council would linvc
i te act in the matter, despite, its np- .
Iiirent reluctance.
"The greatest golf need in this city I
at the present time, snid one of the
officials of the local golf association
this morning, "is mere public golf
ci urses. (t Is a shame thnt thousands
nre deprived of (he health -giving' nunl-
itle. the spe"rt nnd the general geed
of the garni- of golf. The jam nt Cobb's
Creek all the time virtually takes till
the pleasure out of the game.
"It's an outrage that this city only
has one course. It is far behind ether
cities, some of them half its size."
Meeting Tonight
The annual meeting of the flelf As
sociation of Philadelphia will be held
tonight nt S o'clock in the Bellevue-
Hehlfehl ' Stratford. It is confidently expected
me it hilt the matter et panne courses win
Many Cities Have Mere
Public Links Than Phila.
Philadelphia is much in tlic renr
of ether cities, smaller than itself
sonic of them, in the matter of pub
lic courses. Chicago leads the list
with live.
New Yerk, with three ceursese
took In n total of $MI,IK.':i last year,
and the upkeep of the courses cost
S-Jfl.000, a profit te the city of
$2:1,1)2:1. Despite this, the fees have
been doubled, which has caused a
furore ever there.
One object of the boosted fees is
te relieve the congestion, 'tis said.
The American .Geld (Jiiide publishes
the following list of cities which
hnvc mere than one course
Chlcjiore . . .
NVw Yerk . ,
Omstia . .
Husten . . . .
.". St I.eul . . ,
1 Mlmieutiells .. ,
.'I Cincinnati . .
3 MlluHtikpr
.1 I-n Miiliip.i .
:i SDrlnKflpirt. III.
2 Rochester
The Title. llunlcTfi
(A forecast for 1022)
Ne. 2. Gelf
f'neasy is the Ulnnly bean
That wears a golfing crown;
One flutter en a rolling green.
One slice tKat takes a wild carctn,
One sudden terench of wrath or spleen,
And all -comes tumbling down.
Today the star is close te 3's,
By next week everything is cheese.
OF ALL the crown -wearers of snort,
the champion golfer stands closer
the guillotine of fate than any one
..ie odds against his repenting arc
never le than 0 te 1 , nnd often higher.
There are tee many geed ones, nnd
the game itself Ih tee elusive te be ceu
' trolled by any lndtvldiiul star.
I In the mien clmmtilenshln J. J, Mc-
I Hcrinett buck in 1HB2 wns the last
, champion te defend his title.
I i, tin, immtpiir eliiiiniiletisbin. Jerry
'iv..,...ra l ltn:i wim the last te held the
jiiiii-, .." ...... ... - -
' heights for the second successive time.
i As a rule, when the champion attempts
t.. stem the tide. Ills fall sounds like a
barrel of crockery being rolled down the
cellar steps.
Five Lending Defenders
THHRH nre live American citizens
who will have the time of their lives
1 1 !... 1....,1 t1.-nilt1t HI
which they T garnered in the harvest of T.lg?i!..I.?.l,,l.y.V..? ZS'.A .!-
lent Bostenlqn will be harder tn'tJ
than ever. Ifl
In nrl.lUtrt,, - l.t it..- -.In .(
his stamina will be a lending fnCt8,
lie iB likely te be the .frcshwt in..'
the Held after the third round, h't
no gets ey cany opposition. j
Guilferd's lone ranee nn,l vi..'.
putting touch combine te give his dtb
sivc stand a first-clnss clinncc, j
But facing Evans, Oulmct, jl
Gardner, Hunter, Johnsten in(j ,
or eight ethers, one bnd round t, ,
ways enough te close the book, 'a
is no predicting any golf result. 1
iiiniv.ui (iuim;. in i-eiireiy tee retl
wltli sttrprlslni turn-evers te be fin
In nilvnnrn. 1 t
be brought up. It will tie remem
bered that the district association did
much te bring about the building of a
uuirse at Cobbs Creek.
A cemmitter of the local association
conferred with the Park Commission,
which wns brought ever te the project.
Ground was purchased at Cibbs Creek
rnd the course laid out by ardent work
ers of the type of Geerge Klnuder nnd
A I) Smith, who gave their personal
time te the work till It wns finished.
H. T. Stetcsbury. of the Park
Commission, drove off the first bnll en
Decoration Day six or seven years nge.
It wns the first bull he'd ever driven.
nnd, ns one efiicinl f"cetieuly sulci. If
Mr. Stetcsbury had missed that ball
the course might net have been opened.
This municipal ceuw-c was thus
started nnd actively unshed by the Gelf
Association of Philadelphia, which hns
net stepped nt this lone success.
It bus been constantly in leuen wun
Failure te Respond for Fourth
Round Gives Chaney Tech
nical Knockout
Oulmct wen his first fame in UnJ
line, in JOl.'t, when he stepped Yi3
nnil Ttnt nlwl If ,1,0.. l.A ....?. ., mtm
...... ...j, ...,u .I iiiev uu ever tne u
turf thnt he comes bnck te ghnr "
could certainly pick no indlvldud'i
with better thnn an even chnncc'te!
him. Oulmct Blindcs the field if
iuiicb, vjiiiuercj nun wvnns de
uiiiiuneu in. ins liens,
MISS HOLLINS and Mis, Still
ere f he two prime favorites fet
weiiien's chnmpleuslilp with ji
(flennn Collett only a stride nvnr,
Helllns had her grentest year In'lj)
nnd if sin; maintains this snmc tj
Miss Stirling must come bnck te
ccbtftil. Ynrieus fentures of the move
ment will doubtless be discussed to
night. ,
According te the Atnericnn Gelf
Guide for 1021, there are fifty-six pub
lic golf courses in the I'liltcd States.
At least n score of ether courses nre
tinder construction,' finished or being
planned since that list was compiled.
It has just been iinneuuceil In Hai
ti mere that another course' will be built
In that city in new property purchased
licnr West 1-erest and Heward I'ark.
j Buffalo, another of the smaller cities,
I is planning te. add two mere courses.
te the two public links It has already.
I And se forth,
i The rates in Philadelphia for playing
at Cobbs Creek arc different from most
of the ether courses listed. At fifteen
of the fifty-six there -is no charge what
ever for the public te piny golf.
Ne inforuintlen Is printed about
eleven ethers. Of the rcmnlnlng thirty
it is interesting te note that only one,
Van Cortland, is listed with n higher
dally fee than Philadelphia. The New
Yerk charge Is said te be "one buck."
Here the registry fee is $1. with a fee
for the day without that of fifty cents.
Rates Differ
At eight courses the yearly fee Is $10.
two charge $11, five $.", the rest from .$H
te .$1 per year. Nine charge fifty cents
per ilny, eight twenty-live cents mm the
mere, scored n technical knockout
ever Alex Hart, of Cleveland, in the
windup nt the Ice Palace last night.
Hurt after the third round c'ninieii
Chaney had hit him low. Referee Floyd
did net listen te his appeal -and called
the club physician, who, nftcr nn ex ex
nmlnntlen. stated that a foul hnd net
been committed. The bell sounded be
fore the examination was completed,
with Hnrt still in his corner.
"The fight's efT." said Floyd. ,"Ilart
did net answer the bull mill thnt ends
the contest. The show's ever."
Chnney pulled en his robe nnd left
the ring, while Hnrt remained sen ted
in his corner. He remained In his cor
ner for three minutes nnd then moved
across the ring te the nlsle lending te
the dressing rooms, while the crowd
vented ttu tINtilnitsitrn
.... t... ...... w. ,.... ... T f ,,.
The punch, clnlnied by Unrt te nave stars ns lingcn, liutciuseii. .i. . a."'
been foul, wns delivered by Chnney ler. Sandy Herd, Freddie McLeeil. Alex
after the hell had sounded. Beth men Smith. "Chick" Evnjis, Bebby .lencs,
11)21. The list follews:
Jeck Hutchisen British open chum-
Jiin Itarncs United Stuteu open
Jesse Guilferd Amateur champion.
Miss Marien llellins Women's
champion. , ,
Waller Hegen Profcsslennl cham
pion (at match piny). '
Hew ninny of these will be en top of
the tower a year from today? It Is even
money Hint net a one will survive.
The odds against Hutchisen, if he
gees bnck te defend bis crown, will be
nt least 12 te 1. .,,,,
The odds ngnlnst Barnes nt fikektc
will be T te 1. ,. , , . n ,.
The odds against Guilferd at Brook Broek
line will be Our 7 te 1.
The odds against Miss llellins will be
The odds against Ilagcn will be 5 te 1.
Odds here are net mentioned as bet
ting possibilities, but its a matter of
showing hew heavy the handicap Is.
Few Survivors
THE above titles fr.em 10-0, net
champion survived for 10-1.
Duncan. Bay. Evans, Miss Stirling nun
Hutchisen were all suceceucu ey new
claimants te the throne.
It will be a miracle If Hutchisen re
peats across the water, in case he gees
eer. L .
11,,1-nnu trt win must outscero such
perlence, won't be fnr awny. Urn
nlse improved Immensely Inst yeArJi
by next October she will be a ferml'di
factor. Miss Stirling will piny lcM
this season, nnd that means she will
better golf, nil the former chnmplen or
plnycd herself between May nnd f
CovvrleM. 101!. AU rights rMfrnffl
Tomorrow Baseball
. the Commission en the subject of ether , rest from fifteen cents down te nothing.
.s a sporty course leuus i. reei:
probably ranks with any. The incessant
iiiKiMmuBu isiie-i. ""', 1U" '" i courses, nnd two mete courses are
its games mainly because of losing men nnMin,,v ini.i 0, en ,1P ,.,. ne nt
and putting ii weal; t-nni in the tie d V ,. f...p(lk nn(i ,i,c ntM,,r nf Tn-
Pnrk. ineir tiutiiiing is u uiai-
vi fight that tn
-ti. is Ma
ten vi niiierie and Mickey seen
r hope he trill be accommodated .
cd i auxmm ler a
the new players signed by the Chicago Cubs for the 1022 season
irtln Dumevick. a semi-tire nitcher who hurls with his left lmmi.
sWender hew long lr will be before the accent will be placed nn the first
Hyllable of his last name?
und they nr
has kicked in with n fleck of non
e appreciated. .Miieli obliged. Etl.
Copyright. 1012. by PulHr l.tdair i m many
taxable ailln slinu passfs.
La Salle and St. Jeseph's Will Meet
Ia Salle nnd St. Jeseph's will meet
tonight In one of the most important
games en the schedule of the two old
time rivals. The Bread nnd Stiles
streets college recently resinned has
kctball. and hns nn excellent ipiintet te
Tilaco en the fleer against the Seven
teenth and Stiles streets celleg". I
The game tonight will be n battle
between two former Fniverslty of
.Pennsylvania stars. Jimmy Connelly'
and Johnny Lavtn. both of whom were
; members of Eddie McNichol's team be- ,
fore the war. Lavtn is the coach of j
St. Jeseph's and' Connelly of Ln Snlle.
Knnc, a recent addition te the suund I
at La Salle, has shown such rapid I
impreveuterft that he probably will stnrtl
ln tonight's gnme. He is n former I
member of the Doyicstewn High Scheel ,
tram, nnd also played for a while with I
1'enn fresh a couple of years age.
La Salle bus secured .the armory nt
Bread and Diamond streets for hII
home gnnies.
Sheul of "Fere" Ruled
Fair Warning en Links
Chicago, Jan. IS. "Fere" is fair
wnrnlng in golf and it is up te the
players te watch out when they hear
it shouted, the Appellate Court de
cided yesterday in upholding u Cir
cuit Court ruling that Miss Harriet
Stevens could net recover dnmnges ns
n result of being hit by a golf ball
driven by Edward Gallagher. Miss
Stevens hnd charged assault and
battery with a golf ball, but thn
Court held that Gallagher bad used
due prcautien In calling "Tern'."
Fair Orient, Roseate, Goodhope; sixth,
Yellow Wossem, Dan, Baby Faust.
rather than dropping out. The policy Is
a geed one nnd will redound te the
credit of the management when things
improve in their line of business. The
same condition applies te Art Leem,
although the team there is probably net
us strong as Storage Battery.
With the reutni of better conditions
many of the old elevens are expected
te make their reaappenriince, together
with combinations from Fex Moter
Cempnjiy nnd ether plants und the pros
pects for next season seem bright.
Last season Hardwick & Mngee team
wen the Hohlfeld Challenge Cup, bent-
I itig out Hohlfeld in the final and Fleish-
I " .1 1 ,-.....! I. t S!.l
I'r luc st-iiu - mini nun iriuiii- iiuiii nii'L-
son and tin- Snellenburg plants. An the
League competition is ne.iring Its end
the cup competition again will come te
the fore with entries expected from the
present contenders in the League us well
us from Hohlfeld. ISariett, Stetson,
Lupteusr and the etherb.
ter of finances.
The Pnrk Commission is said te
favor heartily the plans of the Gelf
Association nnd Is new earnestly seek
ing the wherewithal te finance the
Chief Interested
Ne mere earnest
subject of municipal
citv Is te be found
Lesley, iircsideiit et
rO.it inn Sir. Lesley
n ,wl dllizeiitlv "en the job" nnd be
licves that the cainpuign will be sue-
worker en the
courses for the
than Rebert W.
the district nsse-
has liecn strictly
drive nnd steady march of feet, hew
ever, hns Hindu it illtlicult te Keep up
the greens and de neccssery work in
spite of the best efforts et these in
charge. The local course is very dif
ficult for the beginner.
At San Antonin, Breckenridge Park
is Mich u test that the big winter open
teurnnment will be stnged there. It's n
fine course, the river crossing it In
fifteen different places.
Philadelphia, with its one course,
ranks with such cities as Cleveland,
Newark, Louisville, Washington, Syra
cuse, Bridgeport, Worcester and the
The time is ilpe for ineie.
Scraps About Scrappers
Beets and Saddle
T - '
Thimble appears te have an easy task
in the jllWO purse race teduy nt n
mile and a sixteenth, which is the fea
ture of the New Orleans enrd. Irish
Kiss and Duke Jehn appear te be the
formidable contenders.
JTIerMs which seem best In ether rnres
nre: First race. (Sold Ferk. Patrolman.
Stnneage; second. Madge F., Paul Cen-
lielly. Role; third, S weepy, tlrace i
JUJ'n, jiriiunni. ny , nun. mmu,
ICuiinuel, Slsle'r Fle: sixth. Stevenson,
Wtfukeug, Midnight Sun ; seventh, Lady
lxjpgfellew, The Colleen' Bnwti, Miss
At Havana: First rare. True Flyer,
S". II. rlle. of Knnms City, lias leased
frnm Josepli i: Wliliritr of Phlliideli-hlii
Ter en i yuar th Ihurnuslibrad amnion Mnnt
d Orr II. lie will I.,. hIlpmiI from' I,nlriten
tndiiv in ili.irtf.- of Huns Mci'nv le VpIIs I
I urmi it Ulue SprinKn, Me. Amur wit i
Ien- no ihi t-o-ii,ir-eld Ally hy Knir 11 a v
I.adv Teiesa, by htur Short. I.ndy Ter h.i
Ik the da 11 jf l.jd I)e,i Thu .wmnRsiui
vraii Injured In Jllrnplnir a. fence nnd cannot
are, but "III li reercd for linedeiB pur- I
nea Ment d t'r II Is un eli-Min-year-u' 1 '
llerne. feaVd In rriiite II,. i., hi Vr.i
ur en or "iniw risX. hihi ms dam ih i
I.niHlinem half ller te St. Wolfe a win-I
hit In Unland. by A)ridur. Ment d'Or II
wan a wlnne- In Krmicfl and Ihn Untied I
Mates, '''he flrat of lila produce, new iwi-Jiar-eldn,
are likely looking lierues, Klva
earunira ty mm at tr.c .winter farm ln,r
nin Hti... v-j ,.i uiinnitiii ii, ai,,rti Ulli;v, .M
Hurry Mcfinith I'ft tlili mernlnc with
half a dozen le-at buxi ri who will rom rem
peti, In thu Interdty Ixjxim; tourney at Muill Muill
en Square (Janli-u tonight and tomorrow
Ilia party lnt.liided I'lflBht Marty Hum
niera f'urilB lub. barilaniueluht. Treddle
Nltehle. ' urtla ;iub, featherwc-lk'ht. Dan
fiartln Meudowbruek Club and national
champion llghiu, mlit. Jeph Urnckney,
unattached welti rweluht Ham Dlarkliten,
I'urtta Club inlddleHi'iKht Unicst Martin,
Artie Mrf .inn. one of th" premlalnit of the
jeunt'er lianiHiim hiiIb lu nieet lllli fie
I vine Teinmv Murray or Je Dersey. lis Is
after a reiurn imut with Jlllly 1'lmpua.
Temin leitElinin. tlm downtown middle
uuisht. mad. .1 trip te New Yerk, entered
u ijethain eni and beied aeainst auch np
linnunta in Mlk- McTlftue, Panama Jee Clans
and Jack uriitnn. .new no la out with
detl te any mlddluwelght In the weild
I'rril I'nriltl .han tinned Hrtlcles for Dixie
Allen of Alabdtnu te box Jlriimj Iliinlnn, nf
DihNer at the lc Palate m ilui near
.Inlinn.i lliirns, i.f the C'amlii l.i A f, luia
'inured M Verbei.lien and X'liuint Ixipez as
Ihe Ind-up for hia lub en Friduy night.
VeiiiiK Mhlerh will take llii place et I.'ddla
Keley mtaliiHt I'barlle u'Oeiinell In the wind
up at the llljeu tenlKhl. 'I'll, te will be two
ether buntH K O Kid ilreeH will meet
Yeuii Delaii and CJ-eruu Tullv, a brother
of Jimmy Murplit will box K. O. I'jlnier.
Fermer Teammates en Opposing
Teams in Heckey Game
Ttv) of the best Ice hockey pin em
who ever have represented this city will
oppose c.lt'll etner tomorrow nigni whvii
St. Nicholas meets tjiie'ter t Ity in n
United States Amateur Heckey Asso
ciation same which will 2e n len wav
toward decldlne the iiideiiendent cham
pions of Philiulclphl.i. Cddle Kill for
mer Quaker Cllv star and new with St.
Nicholas, will be the headllner with St.
Nicks, while the youthful stnr, Werner
Schnnrr. will pla the leaillnj; vole in
the QunUcr City line-up.
(,ust yenr it wns Schnnrr and ((ill
who did' much te keep Quaker City in
the siun'i in tin; i lushes with the Fill
cons, world's 'iinmplens. Schnnrr luw
held hla own nsninsl the world's stent
est tenms, nnd u iiuiuber of Canadian
stars who nave opposed ine eiuiiieen-jcnr-eld
plnyer say he has the making
of the irrcatest player In the (jnme.
Srlinurr, still ti student at Br.wi
Athyn Iihh had offers Irem Piinccten.
I'cnn and ether colleges where Ice liockex
Ileiuishrs. Then I" n strenc chain e
tliiit I'rlnceten will net him , and Schnarr
Is certain te till the shoes enen lilled by
bj the llltistreiis Ilebey (taker.
Ilebhy Itiirinun, who last week stepped
l.u. Mumlt.ll til thn UlvmillH. and Ix.u , Willi,,
in umH.ir.inr,. . ., .." .... . ... --- -- ....... . . ... ........
Cey said that about twenty murea will h. I Allen, at the .National, may tm mulched with
la traren, according '!u.r,ulu.,,' ".',
Successfully Defends His Metropol
itan Titles In Championship Games
New Yerk, Jan. 18. Benne Wefcrs,
,Ti.. of the New Yerk A. C, wns .tlic
individual stur of the Metropolitan
track and field championships decided
nt Mndisen Square Garden last nicht.
Wefers successfully defended bis titles
In the 00 nnd .'100 yard dashes, defeat
ing fine fields in both events.
Princeton Fniverslty mnde a clean
sweep of the 70-tird high hurdle event.
Pill Mnwsey was tins winner and S.
Harrison Thomsen beat Tevis Iliilin by
inches for the place. This trio ran
fairly even until ncaring the finish,
when Massey forged te the front. There
were niue starters.
Willie Plant, of the Merningsiilc A.
C, fifteen -mile American champion anil
tecerd -holder, added the one-mile walk
title te hlH collection, defeating Jee
Pearmnn, of the N. Y. A. C, by nearly
half a lap. Willie new holds no less
than six titles, the two-mile, champion
ship being the only thing left for him
te sheet nt.
"Tre Oumpi." "llalrbrealh Harry."
"netty." "Beeb McNutt " "daaellne Allty"
and "Mutt und Jeff"- all In Comic Hfctlen
of next Hunday's Public I.eduer. Ait..
were mixing it at n lively gait ami
neither heard the gong. It wns neces
sary te extinguish the lights before they
stepped bnttllng. The lust punch was a
left te the heart by Chaney. Hurt did
net sny anything, but walked te his cor
ner and .sat down. Then he motioned
te Floyd, who paid no attention te him.
At thu end of the second round
Ilnrt's seconds clnimed n foul nlse. This
punch, tee. was u fitir blew and It wns
uppnrcnt that Hurt was net hurt.
I'p until the third round both hey.
fought hard, with Chaney's blows
carrying mere force. Hart wincing en
several ocensiens. The first round wns
even, while Chnney took the second.
Hurt led in the third round, which
proved te he the .finnl stnn.a.
In the seml-wind-up Johnny Mcnley,
of this city, walloped Jimmy Murphy,
of West Philadelphia, in n fast eight
rounder. Menley's right worked with
accuracy nnd mere thnn once Murphv
was rocked. The brickluyer drew bleed
In the fourth found and hud Murphv
tdlghtl groggy In the fifth. The final
tlircc stanzas showed hard hitting by
both boxers, with Mcnley huvln? the
better of the exchnnges.
Jee Chnney, brother of the famous
K. O. King, beat Jee (Coens, of Phlln
delphln In n slew bout. Chancy took
the first four rounds easily. The fifth
round was n draw, while the sixth went
te Keens. Chnney didn't seem te be
able te get te Keens nenr the end, but
his early lend gave him the battle.
Billy Plmpus, of Atlantic City, scored
n technical knockout ever Billy Deyle,
of Philadelphia, when Uefere'e Flevd
wisely stepped the bout in the sixth
round. Deyle, while gnme, wiib net able
te defend himself.
In the opening bout Biiddv Fit.
(Serald, of West Philadelphia, out -pointed
(iebb.v Itehldcnii, of this citi.
In six last rounds. Fit.geruld wen till
but thn fifth round, which went te
Itebindcnii,by i) small margin.
Sutten's Illness Cancels Match
'J ha billiard mutches between Georite 11
Sutten, the handless wonder, and Kojl Ya
mada, the Jnp atnr, at Alllnner'H yesterday
were canceUd when the former player w.ii
taken III. Qeorse tipeura plujed Yumada In
the afternoon and lest, I'M) te (14, while the
numiuur 1111 eei;uHiiiuii luurney wim
nt plant Mnearman. with .
nf live, defeated Tayler In
Cvril Walker, Beb Alcuenniu anil a
host of ethers. The three lenders te be
wutched nre Bnniex, Iliusen nnd llutch llutch
ihen. They have been thu main tour teur
nuiiient fucters ever here in the Inst
few years. But it may be nbput time
for liji ainatciir te kick in ns Oulmct.
Trnvcrs nnd Evans did in 101.1, lOlu
'""l 101(I- , , i, n. ,. 1
The tippenriincc of J. II. layler and
Sandy Herd will contribute the intcr intcr
nutiennl spice, for both nre grent golf
ers, still cnpnblc of brilliant play.
The Amateur Test
CUILFOUD, nt Broeklinc, n course
that suits him nil the way, will be
no soft nnd gentle picking.
Having broken through, the big, si-
TeurlnK car equipped with Hastier EbJ
Absorbers, demeuntable rlma, apui HrJ
spot llsht and extra soed rubber.
Kntlre New lleur Jtmt InnUllel
Apply or call after T I. M. it
Baltimore Garage
56th and Baltimore Ave.1
l'henei Wemllund 0187
Ask 'for Mr. Halts
Stearns-Knight Ceupl
,Only $2100
In A-1 condition because it hnU
driven only Buue miles by a careful
Paint. UDheIstery and mechanical i
tfen excellent. Has Weitlngheuie iJ
absorbers. Five geed cord tires. Bi
value than the same money InveitJ
a new car. i
See or call J. II. Diver, Mgr. Vi
iar ucpi.
Franklin Moter Car Ce.
C. G. Heck. President
2314-22 Market St., Philidelfi
A'nuaei spruce oeoi
ILLIAX RUSSEIili is new nn
She always wns a
9 W
Hat Xclvni had te pay Se.'iO te scr'a j
in- r7i QuakerCitvvs.St.Nichebi
COOd sV ' fLeirua Centaitl I
;,jinfi show in Chicago. That was the
hiudest blew of his carcct
unllnliihed run
C'lllMH II. fill n
Id. nnd Hellman wen from Harreen in n...
A. a.1 te 22.
Anether Brether Battle
IlcE.in Is bound le liu .n the In-tier nf the
liny ut cenle In Iho Kama at .MurpiS Hull
'llilrd nnd lli.iwn Uriels. tenli.-lit between
Immariiltn fnnepptini and Kn"etil.i This 'a
1 canine ikiUi of tliD placers at tenter arc
lleuens, .nd breibera ni Unit, Lie Renin
will loe the plwititl mark, for fnimaculuti)
pnil "Ink'" Iteeun uill Jun p fur Kayeula.
ilialrmun of the conunlaalen.
Own Guessing Contest What
of (he jear did Geerge. Wash
spend the wiutcr nt Valley
Bootlegger's Motte (f nt first
don't Fiiccccd, dry, dry again.
UUe KOlfers, need
let of
Munv ullilrtrN earn
lieplnE tn ln by ii bare
n ralililt's feet.
brtd In Jtent d'Oir J.I this
le prcnent plans.
National en
In enu of
January '.'S.
the beuta at the
Hurry SueiiUrr. u premlHlne Wesl I'hliii
i lianlumweiKh' Mt aunri be bai In hurniaa
lafi'i' n Ionic li.y-elf I lj la anxeuu le mutt
bit-y Uuike.
Hunslcker Named Soccer Captain
"Uill" Huns.i-ker lias Imcn elieen an up.
lain fur Itie 111.".! Ilitverterd elevtn linn
aleker ene Urns captained a team when at In the seinl-llnal at the Cambria en Kr.
I'rlenda' Select Scheel, and .consistently put day nlnht Johnny Huuber wilt pair oft with
UP the hardest name for the Scarlet and while Kemusen. The ether bouts l-'rankle
, Ulavk eleven in the last season I'er inana- I K U, Smith vs Temmy Devlin, Ueem
I ger the squad picked out "Olekv ' Ileyer Stark" vs, Wlllle Mcaeiern. Tele Ileae und
, -V ............ '"V.' . . ' , vne is nu'v wurnmi. en inn nuneiiuie ier next I Hilly lanuii
rVtnf.trlO linruitlti.' HCtll l,eiHOIIJ SCCOIIII, lear. mid a ins nsmstant wieb' Harry. .. , ,, .
'r' , iiiB.l,I - Slid Otrl Bitter Biting t l 'rh "Jt w awarded te tlie fnllawlnit men, I Johnny SfrlaiiiKhlln, the dewntnwn middle
t , -Ml".uy s,',u,..l,,r.1: , ,,lIer ,i.V"; Wilbur. l,cedu. Ilucknell. McKlnler. Hun- welaht Is ready for artlnn and s anxious
-nsjrsi ueufKV t, .umiviu, iiumvi sicker. Bna,der. iieg, while numerals were te mm uarny vPar; nuse uuewfl or Ml
Itmmki'QsVfttvr Amrat, Leghorn (fifth, clvjh (e lyjncstreth. Janney and Knowlten, I.MeTlriie. .
Italian Cyclists te Invade U
( IiIiure. Jan. IS Giiteane nellenl, read
raclnw eliamelun of Italy, and three ether
Italian blcre racers, will sail from Italy.
January 2S. It win learned today, te compete
In the six-day race which starts here i-eb-
ruary 1".
Harry Wills Beats Sam Langford i
I'erllund. (Ire.. Jan. 18. Ilarrv WIIIm.
Nearn heavywelsht. en an easy ten-reimd i
ileelslun ever Sum Luiiaferd. of fhlcaae,
here "list iilslit. .Wills did net niake iniuh
if an effort analnst I.ariKfer. but landed
wltU lefts and rights almost at Will.
Goldstein Knocks Out Frnkle Fiy ,
New Yerk, Jan. 18, Abe Goldstein
knocked out I'raukle Kay In tlieseventh
55 at the Pioneer Hpertlnif Club sat ,
iihilit. A seen us the bell rami for this I
round. Oeldaleln rushyd fnn hl,.f?;P1' S
hooked a left te.thj Jw and rlsht te the
body that tMCfi ly
FOP MltHONAtltf.
AND , "'',,
'l , - in- "'
&' si.e fc jst si m m m mrmrmm
'rrj'- 'FXr) ' '"
jmmm :
ill ;
Kill1 '"''
1 Vi, ' '
Men's & Yeung Men's
and sec our 1G windows
Peter Meran & Ce.
Merchant Tailors
S. E. Cor. 9th & Arch Sts.
Open Men, A Bat. Ei. Till
W'ihnii (.hili it nil) ami Wilsen
(Tiiimilh both burred in many States.
Though I hey my he can't make
Teudler'n weight, Leenard Is mire
milking Lew wait.
It's n geed yarn If you don't stretch
A's should sear at Kagle Pass,
Kermerlv one came home drunk new one
leaves home drunk.
The .liee men tire meeting here seen;
wonder hew they'll like our vamps?
"Smoking moms iiit boxing clubs" is
new a burning question.
e v
Query Hew can I pick up a girl en
a public park skating pendt If, J,
(Wait till she falls for you,.
IT. a
flntercelleiUte Xesme OtmO
rublle Skatlnr after Otmn
Competent Inttrueteit at AU SmAs
t'remlnent IMilIudelphU branch
hus epenlnKT for two flrst-clasi oil
enreil men who ten show ueca
record In sales, (live full Inform
In renly as IihkIn for nn Inttnl
a r,ie, fj-:iKiKii (iiriti:
'.'0 I.DhSUNH IIOKV HI'll.DIMl (tlfi
:n i.r.Mse.VH ii.icsii itEiii'ciMi Jstm
Kunnliic Track, Handball Ceurta, faJ
inn mni.i.sK siiei
TONIGHT. 3 Star Beulj
Charlie 0'Dennell vs. Eddie FrJ
YOl'NO I10I.AN vs. K. O. KIU 0W
Ii. O. r.l,MKIl m. (IKIHUIK TIM
ivlL' ilrliuiiv It.f.r.s '
.Mlddleuelslit ('huinnlnn of MIctjM
401 H. IlltOAI) HT. UI'l'.N TIIXM"!
Shee Sale
Evcrv eair of mcnil
shoes, liicrh or IeWiJ
CLAFLIN, 1107 Chestnui
. . A . V.
'X U,e