Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 18, 1922, Postscript, Image 1

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UE.iuwwH.-i" v "ip? , . v '.i "". v. n ia!"!',T' ' ' .. . is .- - '-,? . . r i" 7 iw"v, fi-. - v . ' "i-iv j ,"
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liftltt possibly mixed with mew to te
night mid Thursday: trmpcrtitre nbev6
freezing Willi colder Thursday night.
tMiPKHATtmi: at KActr iiemt
ryrplinni.ua) n ai ai 4 I r, I
hnTnti fae l7 l7 1 r 1 Pi I
tjr-VOL. VHI. NO. 108
Mesignatien hrem aonaie can
net Be Leng Delayed, West-
' ern Chiefs Assert
iil.(.i,..reli. 1M.. -Inn. 1S. Wlintcver
Stnailnn cx!h;s today In Stntp politics
.b-larjcly due te the uncertainly -con
cerning United HIMM ncnuiur iu e
.u.rlenl rondltleti.
r Vhnt'er slttmtlen may exist in uic
hir future is ceiilliiKent upon Ids
rlwth. roHlpintien or ren:n. te nr ye
nirt c ration iii nil- ",i--"'"" '"'"
I It Is npeefary te write plnlnly ln-tUc
tlni,' rrisii.
k Senater f'rejv Is new tmderfieliiR a
t plmse of idiservittieir In tin- .Mercy
llpitnl I" "IH c"- '" '";', ,' ', ul
illsrererln;,' tin eiiiivp enur 01 ins long leng
J.i..iipiI ..xlmustlen the nttrndltic
fphyi-lciaiifl lire taking X-rays et hla
'in. I nrirnns.
.bills condition lins net Improved, net-
'WthstnnilliiB me epmijisiic xiniumuuin
from his bedside. The "few days of
trtst" whlcli bis friends insisted his con-
fltien denmnded hnve been extended
Inte wenry itml disappointing weeks.
itSennter Kilwln II. Vnrc wn ndver
;5eel te reach here Inte yesterday for n
conference with Senater Crew. He did
aet come beennje be was notified that
id Senater retild net see him.
.- lestcrilay mernlni; one of Senater
Ctewb eiiicn inena.s, uime'ii a uusi
itss, nnd certainly n political associate,
tin I. ml nhvnvH linlil thn encii sesame te
his elck room, was turned back at the
ktpltal doers.
Ilcslgnalleii Near, Is Relief
.;lt Is the opinion In Pittsburgh
meng politicians of all fartieiw that
Senater Crew will shortly be compelled
te resign in favor of n new appointee.
It cannot be long delayed.
The following facts itnnd out con cen con
iplcueufily :
i There Is" no compact between the
'Slatee-Lcslic people nnd the Vnrcs.
.'There is no explicit understanding
tun ns a basis for future combination.
', ;Hoever, there are "the making" of
inch an agreement which lindu expres
sion In the phrase, "A kindly feeling
;Thera has been no decision en tins
put et any combination of forces en
the governorship as yet. "When - it
tonus, it it nees, it will net be arrived
te Jehn A. Bell, president of the
Colonial Twist Company of this city.
H-1j acceptable te both the Leslie and
tte Oliver factions.
rftTeday the name of ex -Judge Iteed,
former law partner of 1. C. Kiien,
,M3 mentioned. Judge Heed was con-
wecreu once ler tne pince, but wok
dropped. Age is his handicap.
rer me govcrnei-Miin uic name et
Jehn S. Fisher. Ilunkliu; Ceiniiilhslmirr.
Ij about the only one heard here.
' "ii. i.. -ii'-;. i .
.q 19 u tii:)ii:iu limn llliu u Willi) '
Ntcm man for Governer next
time," Is im exprcsslru icgurding Com Cem Com
nbslener Fisher that I've lenid at
least a dozen times from nn1itllnni
Jein A. Bell is ni)t ii "iiliri-iintni'Iiil
VnnJIdate. He docs net want thp pest
nd I doubt If lie would even consider
The Itt'iilleinnn rnmllilni--.- lu nnl In
vlJenre. Xethlng Is hcniil of it here
In I'lltsburb.
i l-'OO at Ilabreclt Dinner
.Ihi) miirli -advert is. d testimonial din
Jr 'a ex-Mujer K. V. liubf .!;. of
II tkburgli, took plnce last night in ihe
fi f",S m"1 adjacent bide rooms of
tlie lllinm I'cnii Hetel.
il!,S,,"'l "f " "n""1 Kel-legetber of
Mate iHiHiiii.ni.-. le miIvi- the niixe.l
nd luminous nnliticnl siluntluu, It was
nifrch v wHI-tnsed hurriili. About
WW men 'iiul women jiir-e'it.
' It i'liv in- 'Ujejk" from the out
reunlK uml tin wind werkeis of ihc
"7.. i iimii.. e . i .i.. ,. .i.
niiini-it. nun purtlculiirlv nf-
mi i epinrtiiiilly te Senater fa
"'ies loiiewers l.i stayi
I A. .!!.... ..
j come-
' with an uppn!v
keep smiling"
I n"re w ere
II f fitl rntxit ..rt. . ...
I ich jii wri,. held in i-oirlders nnd e.l.I
U-..IV.-. in ii . ieijuv.
ii ri iiij j.t ii.. -
l.(Vi? N -i" ' ll."l 1,ai(,.v I line le get
IhIaii -r """ ""iciy lime In get
fn.L1"'1" "J11 amI U"M hi" cravat
ibirm, r ",M,l,a H",1""
Us jnz.
?f,,rf?tl','!"!U (;"vern,,r It-hllcnai, with
tfem,r,.,.::,fc .....' n:,,,,,-v y smt.
.: "" . in men n
ll mld-iifteruiieii.
k,,iiWi"iH " B""1 ,1',fl1 "f perfuiieltiry
tTi ! K "ml """ W!,H ""
wre wa
intiwr n..v :.. :. "B v." ' tuiiB-ie-
l...... .;;" -. every
1 01 iew was
lUQKIIIg llfl!'l- llis
r Ins own Interests.
Tnni 111.. I.- I i i
i0ry political 'J'
wan nt ii. ... . -"" mill IIIIIIW
E .."" ','" ''."f"' l'l bell, ea!s
oierinution, but (hey
went away with-
vu it.
W.av.,i" "..:" '.' '"owing cm-e
yiuuuuy itimwh
relltleul" " . 7' . "" """'I'U't. One
lnlfl "' '-1111111
'. r
ii ii mi iiur ii iii j.i......
I ruin ii
.Zli ""'J' was aske
if be was u
rWJ. " """"criuer. 'ihls was his
4LD1 III- ! i.nl.. II .... .
Il08fnr W,,,1t ,l0 '"" l,,k" "" rer. P.iv
Tucn iriiiii rut. .!...
Pnltlnrl. 7.11 ... """S'. '" till
eeck .; .i". .'. '"".'" "iii'tlier
...; . -.Mr. hi. n nr ,...
Majer nf
I'liiei i : "
i .,,. ..r .".."'"' "
iuMirm i i i '." I"1"'"! ire. ex n-
y,6.'" .1 !1,,s .t,",.lu" nmi ie.il. n:
ii,- mi iii iv iii in, muitixl
C fdr"lV,,;?IlM,.," V"!' "m!',ll(' '!
Aether il. ...."m" .bc,.". In'" down
lMiili. ,?", l"l Mriirl.. (
s I'ulf
U, Mil
!ml'"f'"ttei atdraeVVieiu1
aim. ii, ij.M-.iut Mu.Vl.jau,
uat any spectncuiur uanquet m,i'itts- night as slic rfnciieu.n lenvjy, f-peK near
burgh, or wilh n braw..baniHtiie Httty'inintWattr'oetffahflElihWood.'av Httty'inintWattr'eetffahflElihWood.'av Httty'inintWattr'oetffahflElihWeod.'av
fywrevuerStratfordlnrblladehbui.' niie while en htjr, way home from "M
IfBinater Crewrri tiresnectlve successor Mim-cli meetinir.
Unlercd as Second-Clam Matter at t'h'n.
unucr,.i-.ie Act or
mull 1u1.111.uu .- ' " -. . ,- . MBt'
ML FORCE Dili 2ign8ifcMBW '
b '. m: iMKj&k. ammmmmiiLmmj ., . vm
C " 4Jti jMwk m$m
Had Whole Dellar and Wanted te
De Something Wild
I''eur babcs-ln-thc-woeds were gath
ered In at a A. M. today by Sergeant
Seudcr, of the Sixty-first nnd Thomp
son streets station, as he was going
along City line near the Belmont
The four children, who were lest In
the thick growth nt this point, gave
their names as Jehn- Cunningham,
twelve, ar.aO Seuth Fifteenth btrcet;
Themas Vcnscy, eleven, a315 Chadwlck
street; AVllltam Andrick, twelve, SaiJi-
Seuth Seventeenth street, nnd Jesepu
McFndden, twelve, 2510 Seuth Fif
teenth street.
They explained nt the station house
that, having ns much ns a dollar in
change nmeng tliem last night, they had
decided te de something wild, nnd ac
cordingly took a Reute 03 trolley te the
end of the line.
Frem Carpenter btrcet, Mount Airy,
they wondered through the Park, ncress
the bridge nt City, line, nnd proceeded
te get lest in the weeds en the ether
Sergeant Souder bought them coffee
and buns, and they nil fell asleep en the
fleer, where they were Inter found by
their distracted parents.
Bites and Kicks Herself Free When
Grabbed Ntfar Sixty-ninth Street
Cntherinc Dugan, seventeen years
nlil. (Hi41 tflmwoed avenue, was nt-
ufeked by a man nbeut 10 o'clock last
Bv kleliinir and biting she ruannged
te free herself after n fifteen-minute
struggle. She ran te her home nnd fell
exhausted nt the front deer, with her
body bruised from blows'.
After she was revived sue ieiu ner
story te her father. Specinl Patrolman
Print?., with a posse of neighbors,
scoured the section until after mid-
The girl described the mnn as about
twenty -live years old. wearing a light
cup rind dark overcoat. He stepped
from behind a billboard and grnbbed her
bv the arm. She began te struggle nnd
it was fifteen minutes until, kicking und
biting furiously, she was" able te wrench
herself nwny und ran. The man pur
sued her for a short distuiiee. she said,
but gave up as she nenred home.
Breker Robinson Found Net Guilty
of Conspiracy te Defraud
Lancaster, Pa.. Jan. IS. (By A.
1.) Hebert Iloblnsen. loeul stock
broker, who was accused of conspiracy
te defraud bunk examiners in connec
tion with the Agricultural Trust Com Cem
puny fnilure in tills city, was found net
guilty by a jury this morning. Charles
I). Zell. the defaulting treasurer, was
the cbief witnesw for the Commonwealth,
und be alleged that Itobliiseu conspired
with III 1 1 1 te deceive the examiners.
Anether charge of conspiracy Is
pending against Itobliiseu.
Frank K. Herr, formerly nsslstnnt
treasurer of the trust company, was
found guilty yesterday of having imide
fraudulent entries en the books of the
corporation. The jury recommended
that the Court show mercy. The ver
dict came after the jury had delibernted
seven and ene-bulf hours.
Xell was the principal witness against
Elher He or Chltcherln te Head
Russian Delegation
Moscow. .Inn. IS. (By Al P.)
-F.ither Premier I.eiiine or Foreign Min
ister Cliitchciiu will head the ItuKslau
Soviet delegation te the Genea eco
nomic conference, it wus officially an an
iieunccil today.
The ether members of the delegation
ns ellieially listed, are Leonid Krnssin,
Heilel Minister eT '1 rude and Com
merce; M. Hukevsky, head of the
rUrnnlau Soviet ami member of the
Russian Soviet Central Committee ;
Maxim Litvlnev, chief of Soviet Lo Le
gut ions abroad; Ailelph Jeffe, Russian
Soviet, negotiator nt numerous prt -xieus
cenfen nces abroad ; M. Xiirliun Xiirliun
neff. chairman of the Council of Com Cem
iiilssurs of Azerbaijan; M. Shliapni Shliapni
keff, former Commissary of Laber ; M.
Saproiieff, ami M. Vorevsky, Sen id
Commissioner te Italy.
Bey, 13, Carries Infant Through
ciames and Smoke te Safety
Pntlstewii. Ph.. Jan. IS. -With his
bauds badly burned August, thirteen-joar-ehl
son of Geerge Itiellckl, living
near here, showed himself a here Inst
night when he curried from their burn
ing homejii sleeping infant.
e l.'aeld Imn.iL i " ;, ' Hie enimien were none in me Heuse
i-aem luiiids of beiiedlc-iniul Hie 1ml had sullied some coal oil
en the kitchen Heur after filling a lamp.
rled it through the smoke and llmnes te
a place of safety. The hpuse and all the
fiuullnre wete destroyed, causing )?.'lt00
tcuenittg publtc mb$zt
iolemco at 1'hlladelphU, l'n.
junrcli 8, lmu
rS , " cr'" ''TT"" X ' ' ' "l f
& r? . ft Yr t I
Seme of the Philadelphia and suburban folk who appeared last night
In "The Marrlnge Tax" nt the Academy of Music. Left te right:
Mrs. G. Harrison Frazlcr, Jr., Miss Cera G. Shields and Miss Alberta
P. Heath
Fliers Sent Broadcast in Hunt J
for Stock Promoters Cli-
ents Expose Practices
A receiver was nwned today for the!
Slmen-ScbenlTer Company, luc," hteek .
VAkew. ia00 Arch street.as filers were ,
sent out for the three missing organ-
Izers of the company nnd pntrens ills-
closed happenings en the dazzling and
slippery read of high finance.
Francis J. Walsh, attorney, with of
fices nt 1202 Pcnflehl Building, was
named receiver by Judge Thompson in
the United Stntes District Court. Walsh
estlmntes the cempnny's liabilities lire
Warrants were issued yesterday for
Harry A. Simen. 'J.11S Poplar street;
Maurice It. Sclieuffcr, 4021 Locust
street, ami Jehn J. Stein. 1101 Seuth
Peach street, suid te be organizers of
the concern which induced hundreds et
men and women te "Invest" their snv
lngp. Search in Several Cities
Tlie ulleged nsseeintcs are missing and I
a private detective agency, holding the
warrants, hnvc sent filers out te various
cities, giving descriptions, nnd usklng ,
tbut the men be held If caught.
According te private investigators,
represent!!!!! patrons of the company
the three men were seen nt !) o'clock
yesterdav morning in n Filbert street
hotel. They premised te mnke restitu
tion te some of the customers, but are
believed te have left the city an hour
Criminal action against the brokers'
was started yesterday shortly nfler
three creditors filed a petition in in
voluntary bankruptcy against the com
pany, in the Federal Court here.
The petitioners were: Henrietta K.
'.'..slii- Seventeenth street. above Arch;
Jehn Cbiirey. of this city.' and Mntlhew
lllllie. m iu is,,,,,,,. .,'..,......., iiiiu
branch ores In New erk. t levelnnd.
Harrisburg. Allentown nnd Millvllle,
' ' . ... ...
Seme of the allegeil mollieds prnc- ..:
snid she recently bought 100 shares ef,(,cnt t0 St. Agnes Hospital.
a widely Known nun i-uuiiiiuy siecu
from the concern and received a con cen con
f'umatieii of the purchase but no se
curities. '
Bmiglit Very "Lew"
Tin. sfeekiwns "sold" te her at 0.",
iilthnugb Beiiinmlii II. I.elternian. at
lerney for Mic petitioners '11111 c part
ner e'f the receiver, said tli" stoelj bus
neer sold at se low a figure In leeent
nienllHy He "aid it is quoted around
SI tndav.
Conrev' Invested iOO. hiijlnj: SOO .
shares of a coal company stock from '
(he concern new bankrupt.
He paid SI n slinre for the stock, and
Inter learned a friend had bought simi
lar stock nl fifty cents a share. The
coal company failed.
TPrlnce invested $."i7." in sleck with a
geed reputation en ,-the market. Up
watched the quotations closely and was
delighted when they showed he had
made JfltOO profits In a few da.M. lie
went te the Aieh street office witli an
order te sell se he could cash In Ills
lllll .e lllllll
"ulliit 1 get no stock, no profits nnd
no satisfaction," lie told the petitioners'.
i counsel.
i At Scbeafl'ei 's Locust street apart
ment today ins who was sweeping m
I be tune of a Jazzy fox trot pluyed en
n griiphopheiio when she was questioned
about her husband's whereabouts. A
girl about three cins old remiivd ubeut
en a. kiddle car.
Mrs. Sclieuffcr was astonished when
told of the bankruptcy proceedings and
the receivership. She said her husband
hnd never discussed ills business with'
her. She suid she believed he was tu
Allentown teduj. He made his head
quarters at the Allentown brunch, she
Laid, and only came home every wick or
.Mrs. Mi'liciUHT nddeii ner iiisbuml has
net been hmiin for u week. She bald he
wlreil un allowance te her from Allen- (
town a few days age. '
Hrubeanl IlerlJu. IJnulrd.
.Iruln Tl. , .,..
mi mxtru. fure thru In .lluml. .Itn.ui. u
IVUmnurK, I. It, n,. N. riilU,. w: n. 111.5
1 I
(enn-tlun less Cheilnut it;, Tc, Luq, C0T1.
w. ri I'f.i.LV i?.. nefurvmieiia. an.l m.
- - - a
Thugs Waylay Seuth Tenth St.
Man, Steal Twe Suitcase's
Full of Lace Goods
- -
ATTtnl nm nmi 101 r 0 '
'i'h'rec bandits, all well divn-'frt. nt-'
'"ked Alexander Sntldlx, Aty'lace Im- l
wm. at.Meyamenslng. .vviiman
i ummm
Carlisle street enrly this merning: nnd, M, wm,
nf"''' beating him lntonncenseloiisness. i This change in' wind direction, hew-
stele two sult-casescentnluliig lace unl, ever, spread the lire te -IIIOS Raybroe!?1
nLiiminil ! n n iintn..tilU
if-iMfvu in mi uu.wmuuiii' iiir rHtu wun
The lncc was
worth ?12fl0. I
... , ,, , ,
Saddix, who. lives at 12.14 Seuth
Tenth street, wus delivering goods In
the southern part of thn city. He -w'as,
obliged le make early deliveries te sev
eral customers who were preparing te
IVIll I' lill' l'll, . 1
nn.... .I.n ..I...
On leaving his establishment en Seuth
Tenth street. Snddlx noticed a large
touring car following him. Ills suspi
cions were nreused when n small search
light en the machine was turned en him
when lie readied a dnrk street. lie
out tbrniich n smnll street before rencli-
ing Carlisle, and for a time tluew his
pursuers off the track,
As he neared Carlisle street Saddix
noticed three men standing In front of
nn automobile. They were apparently
in gleeful mood nnd seemed te be eh
liviaus of the approach of Saddix. But
ns he was nbeut te pass the men one
of them tapped him en the1 shoulder.
"Leave the suitcases en the sidewalk
nnd keep mi walking," politely ordered
the stranger.
Saddix was about te show fight when
he noticed thut the ether two men had
him covered with revolvers.
i "If you sheet," snld Saddix, "you
i will attract (lie policeman en the next
I corner, m you'd better give It up."
i The assailants agreed with Saddix.
They put their revolvers away and drew
blackjacks. Saddix fought until lie was
,.nrn dffwn.
The rnbi,ers (led in the ear. and after
tllrnJllR J,,,, Meynmenslng avenue re-
ti-nceil their route nnd rode nnst Sndillx
Poisoned in Paris
M tntrrnalleiial
a mAN
'IIIH y-H' '-:Wm
:BHf ' I
1BKIBr -T4
HbIbIbBPBMbV ? '
bbIbW UbMbIbIbIbIbIbIbIbIbIh 4
Noted violinist and jirlre winiur of
the Iceiitnlnchlcau Consenatery,
who accuses lrr iiusband, Thuinas
S. Ityun, of forcing her tu tulin
poison, which. t If feared, may
result fatally
'1 ... . . . j u. . . ?.6i ,.
Shifting. Wind Threatens te De-
strey Beth Sides of West
Philadelphia Stree
Scvcn homes nnd a stnblc were burned
shortly ufter midnight en Snybroe't
avenue beyond Forty-ninth street. The
families were aroused nnd fled te the
cy street In their night clothing, nil
being cared for by neighbors. The fire
spread te the stable of the Harper, Dairy
Company, which was destroyed.
A high wind that shifted several
limes raused the flames te leap from
one dwelling te another until for a
linn the firemen feared the entire row
en both sides of the street would go.
i iiese homes were burned :
11)012 Sin brook nvviiiie. James Mul-
lellnnil. wife and six children.
1901 Saybrook avenue, James King
and bis wife.
-I0M1 Saybrook avenue. Fred Justes.
wife and ene child.
1008 Saybrook avenue, Geerge
Mehiuin, wife nnd three children.
4!tl 0 Saybrook nvenua, William
I.nrgen and his wife and n ledger,
James nicer.
lllia Saybrook avenue, Charles Mc
Devitt, wife and child.
4014 Saybrook avenue. Qanlcl Mc
Cnrnnll, wife and four children.
401(5-18 Saybrook avenue, stable of
the Harper Dairy Company.
""'" "UIIICU UUI ,.
,. c . . , , ,, ,i ..........". -.. -. j"- temnticaly raised.
'1 he fire started In u wall In the servant question must be based in ihel
I.argan beuse. Ulcer, the ledger, wns opinion of Mrs. Kilwnrd W. Illddlv. i Personal Equation Present
the first te notice tlic smoke. He ran i president of the Civle Club, who has bad .... , . , , , A, ,
te a rear room en the second fleer and long experience both in public and de- It is n matter into which the clement
found It In flames. Slamming the deer ' mestic nffalrs. i "f personality enters te a bigli degree,
shut, he drew en n few articles of I "There is no such thing. trictlv Flicre are no rules governing person
clothing, nnd then aided Largun and speaking, as the servant problem." she I n '"';. N nn innate quality, or com
his wlfe te reach the street. The Lar-ald. 'There exists. Instead, un liilinitv blnatieii of quulities and we ran only
gans have been married three months, of smalt lndiiduul preblenw. each of strlve, ,0, '"edlfi nnd develop It along
mill tlieir linnsf hnil henn tiirnlslierl new I
V " --. .- -T- -
from top te bottom.
It was completely
1 destroyed.
j All the houses In the row nre two
; story. The flames, fanned by the wind.
uml already npreiul te -III 1-: by tile time
the Ihenu'ii arrived. By the time water
wns turned en -Wl-I w blazing, then
the stable went. The liremen rnu Inte
xtnhlc mill reseiieil three homes
but the hay In the left was seen en
jre. anil lie stable was Durneti out.
,MCun lWlAtl'te
avenile; then, one n'ter the ether. 400(5,
truii ....l infte i.,t..i. 1. !.
," " """ '" " "",. ; .. ,
The street wn the scene of the wild-
,,,., ,.m,fsien. At the first sound of t.'ie
fire bells neighbors Muck their heads out
of the windows. The glare of the name
en window pnnes across tin street
frightened the entire neighborhood,
Bedlam Breaks Loese
The clanging of fire hells, flatter of
horses' hoofs, thumping of engines as i
they began pumping, shrieks of sirens I
nnd pounding of meters hud eery house
in the nelgnborlined emplleii. .Metners
rnu about calling for their children,
ye.ung men and women frantically
searched about in the crowd for their
parents, and little children shrieked
in excitement.
Seme of the people began moving
huge pieces of furniture from their
homes, forgetting the llglfter. mere val
uable articles. Others wrung their
bauds, and still ethers began checking
up te make sure no elderl.v persons nor
children bad been forgotten ami left
in the burning homes.
Kverybedy was accounted for. and
all the children were bundled into the
parlor of the limine at 201.'! Hut brook
avenue. I hose children squirmed
nbeut nt the windows, pressing their.
noses ngninst the glnsx and watched I
their homes burn with wld grins.
The street was dense with smoke, ami
Ice seen gnthcred en wires and pave
meats, adding te ditlicultics for the
firemen. Yeung men anil women n- ,
tinning home from dances -md iheati "s,
came running from all directions, and
the police hnd their linmN full keeping i
the crowd back.
Fire Fellows Second Floers (
The Lurgan home was completely
burned out. ss wus that at l!M2 In
the gthers the fire seemed te run along I
the second floors, the first floors being
damaged chiellv by smoke and water.'
Cars en Flftj -second street weie i
blocked b lines nf huse, and were
turned back Ml Woodland nveiiue. ,
Woodland avenue ears were held up a
half hour. Lines of hose kept bursting. '
sunning firemen and snectaiers alike. I
'and making the firemen suffer gieuth I
ft eiii wet und exposure. I
I he houses burned are mil m haw
been sold
ey ine .Munii esinli
having been Iihiil-Iii. m
Inst i
Ing te neighbors, by Jehn Steel, a ivn
1 estate niiin. I lie boiises aie anion
the eldest two-story dwellings in the
West Philadelphia section.
Anether 'ire late lust night .'ailed
In the 'umtblnek establishment nnd
dwelling of Walter Clark; ll."..", North
Fortieth street. Flames spn-ud te tin
awning of llltr., occupied h.t It. Robin Rebin
son nnd his family, who runs a bnti-r
ami egg stoic en the lin,t fleer. .
woodshed in the rear of the Robinson
place next II. nurd un anil spread the fue
le the home of Ale Wrlntruub, 11,'ili
North Fortieth street.
In ceiisciiuviice -Robinson ami his
wife und six children found theniselvi
hemmed in by flumes. INcupe seemed
impossible, when tin-meii arrived and
led them te safely. The jr,.s Wl,1(. ,,x.
1 ungmsiieu, uic 101111 tins heitig plm-cd
Means of Inducing Saving Is Urned 1
In Thrift Week '
mm." 1 ..ti.. 1 . , , I
i.i "' mmS .J1 B' ,,,,J '" ,l"' Nn-
I enal I hrift Week campaign. This Is
Ihn lint- At'hen finnllli.s in... 1 ... 1
I '''." ,- - "ii:ii 111 ueep 1
I mm " "iV .' i"i, '. "".'?'" ' """re. j
in "V 1 i-iiiicieu mat the
liublt of wise expenditure will be ere-
nieti iiiiii nuviiigs resuii
In connection with the plan, the Ccn
Uul Branch . M, U. A., 1421 Arch
fctrcet, will exhibit charts showing the
best dlvls lun of lucemp for the Taiieus
needs of tbe ftimlly,
I'ubllahcd ttally Kxwpt Hunday
Copyright. 102L'.
Fair Play for
Seen as Cure
lIrs. E. W . Biddlc Declares
Personal Eiualien Is Real
Crux of Difficulties
Square Deal for Domes
tics Called Best Wuy of
Assuring Efficiency
Simple ami Human Rules
far Employers le Fellow
your (crvaiith n-- Imiiumii
thorn respect you.
fairly with -thcin
Try te aid them in their dovel
Give them sufficient personal lib
Fester their self-rrsjiM't.
Keep in leiifh wilh our I en e
held affairs.
If ii'iii luirr titnii 11011 lltr rit'iii
iliiculmn. icii'l Hi i-in In.
This in the third of a scries of
articlex discii-jsin; the servant ques
tion, first, from the point of view
of the employer, then the servant,
and today, the neutral observer.
Tomorrow Miss Eatcllc Lauder, of
the Consumers' League, will suggest
a plan for the reorganization of the
present system of domestic service. ,
.... ., , .
Demestic senants are human beings ,
wboereentiiely responsive te a rei egtn-
tlen of ihut fact.
I hat is the underbills truth upon
,..,.. i , .., ,, .,.,,; .- .,.
wliieh most hi- nlilit'iiMrlieil in n illlferi-n,
It Is ubsiiid te deal in sweeping gen-
a . f . .. .
Keg.Ster OT Wills eays IMOrtn-
east Should Have Man in
the Judiciary
Register of Wi'ls Ciimpbeli genial
czar of the uertneast. i mil led.iy with
an hoiiest-to-goodnoss boom for .le-eph
M. Smith us -Judge Bregt s sm eliser
en the Common Pleas beueii.
The pepperj ' -.nler nf Hi. Twenty,
fifth Ward want te tell ihe world, be
says, that the gient neil hen -t is en
titled te recognition jn the bench, nnd
has none at present. He mj Mr.
Smith lias every qualification iiiii-mi'
tft innK-i' n pned .lllll",'
"The -great district .ili...- liir.inl
avenue ami east of Bread 'iiwi is a
mctroneiis in itself." s,iid RegKier
Cilinnbell. "'It bus neither Munii ipul
nor Common Pleas Court .Indue at pies
nt. Mr. Smith is a or, repntab'e
lawyer, we'l and faer.ibl. known m hi-"
nssccintes the Penusjh iiniii bar. lie
lias had a wide experience in civil prac
tice, lie would be an honor In the
bench if ao'ieinled."
Mr. Smith has elliees m the I'.miii
Siiuure Ruililing. In P.H." Mr. Cuum
bell, when inngistlutc. bnekeil hiin for
the State Senate agiiiusi Willium Wal
lace Smltli, a Vare man. wlm was
elected bill who iibseiiuetitl died
When ib,. Munii ii nl Conn wu .,r
gauized. Mr. Sinlt'i 'was the Caiiinln-ll
ouinliilnle for a juilgi'-irp In .' Im-i -
minute -lilt lie Inst eiii mi Uic -laic l
foriue .liuh'e Wheeler. Iiiiei ili-pns.
Uml sent te jail
Mr. Smith's friends will confer wnb
lioterner Sproul en the suggested an an
peiiitiuent. Of the various booms for
the judgeship vacancy. Mr. Smitl
eeilis te hnve tlie heftiest
backing at present.
Lint jits will 111 e 1 be (iotcrnei in
Igneip pi'rel.t political i-auilldates .nnl
te appoint an able, hluh -class l.iutei-.
In ti"w of the present liikettaii.i
relations between the Vine- nnd the
Het 'rner. il is fell thut the (Im m-
will be llliili' incliuee in fnl'iiu lh.
lean aim iniiiiiiaiu 1 no -laiidnril -et
11- im- iiiioeiui meni 111 iienrge ttlmiten
I'epl el- ii-i I'liltt'd Slates Selilltei
1 Set oral new names were thrown iuie
1 the discus ion of candidates tndat
Among lliein tteie fliiise of Owen .1
Jn'r'i-.uM'm st;;L,m' iis,,;;1
rrien.ls nf Clintmi Rogers WoedrulT.
new piesiilenl nf ihe ("it II Sert ice Cem -
1 mis-ien. iirgeu nun im- ihe t.ioauet.
Anether ineniinneil is Hnrr.t S. Mc-
iDetitt. new juiviil Telur.t t Cut-
11 nor 'Sproul
Vnrc men an- miking of Judge Rn.t -innnil
Mnc.Neille, of the Municipal
Court. Otbeis In tin- He'd of gessin
aie .li'hu II Maurer und Jeseph II
1 iiiiiii no. iissiNinin 1H-.111, 1 .ttnrnej s,
1 iiellbei uf liein is a Vine caudlilute
Declares Sergeants Hammered T've
Men te Death at Camp Merrltt
Dunlilili, X. ., .Ian IS. - (H.t .,
P 1 (icorge Wallers, of ibis cit. who
si'iteit in ine I'eii.t -uiiiiii intiuitrt ul
Cump Meintt will testify bifcie' tin
,'""1'' intcstigntiiig committee as te
acts of cruclt.t be claims te hate wit-
nessed in the guard house (here.
Wallers declares he saw two men
. , . 1 ., ., . . "'ii
iiiiiiiinereii 111 ueaiii wiui a ilc-ii hull
die n.t scrgciims. 1 ine prisoner was
clubbed because he railed te work fast
enough te suit the serijeant in scrub
bing the Heur wilh 11 toothbrush
b. Will-
ters nssertH
(iniiu iii:ai iit.ti; eriHui.Mis akk
KwiViJ mj tlliililB Utilil rlHH.incil Ural
lCntnle Tlntni;atlm Vnslyi la; 11 ami JU.
Autunivt-fejjriJIi'tij Ib. -'
8ucrlptlen rrlcn 10 a icar ey u.
by I'ublle IdRer Company
for Problems
,n a pffert t0 dispese of
mntter of such oemnlexlt.v. Fer every
woman who employs a servant there Is'
a corresponding problem : for every au-
dltlennl servant she employs there is an
ndditiennl preblc.n.
"KVcrv time n mistress nnd servant
arc brought into contact the question of
thllr ,lUltiidf toward each ether is au-
"" '" .'""
-i.iiiii iiim --.
When the personality of the mistress1
t emlnurtl en ruur 'rrnty-te. I olumne
Ralph Cesta's Methar Begs
Sen, Missing With Bank
Teller's Wife, te Return
New eih. Jan. 1.
been found of Mrs. i;i Arienc Mull
w-Ifc of a teller of the Harrlinun Na
tional Bank, who disappeared with seventeen-year-old
Ralph Cesta and her
little daughter.
At .veung Cesta's home in Ridgewood.
N. J., his mother, Mrs Jennie Cesta,
who has suffered n yeruiiis collapse
since her seu's disappearance, had no
exphinntleii te offer.
Mrs. ( 'usiu sobbed
bitterly and begged a icpeiter te write
that she wanted Ralph le return home.
She said ;
"Ralph loved Ills mellici lie was
an athletic be . He nevi r ineiitlened
Mrs-. Bull's nnine. -He enlv was serrv
.. . ,... , ., .....
I'M lll'l II...IIII-I- "1 lilt' ll'-l l IMl-ll.-ss (lljll
had afflicted her since her mother's
"The BuIN came e mir liniie when
they bought a car some time nge ami
i-l;ei Ralph te leach tliem te itm it,
lie took tliem iiiii often, bun Mr. Hull
'ills alwu,w iileng. Thev went 1-1111111 -'ug
In-1 summer .unl leek Raluh with
In in. I net or let mt children stuv
aunt from home. Itm the Hulls were
m 1 reiineil people. I ueier thought
I about aii.tibing happening."
(11 December .'11 Frank Cesln. efder
In nl her of Ralph.
brother set out In the Hull
11 r te meet
Mr. Lull in New Yerk, where thev were
ill te celebrate New Year's That was
""' laM itaipn - teiK iieiiru et uiui. or
Mr Itull nf hi- wife.
An intesi minion discliisiil 1 hit t Mrs.
I'nll had inickeil 11 11 1111k wln'e her maid
was nut nl the In 111 sc uml had it sent
aw. n Mrs Hull -mpped in Paterxm
mi lie- wat le New Yerk uml did some
lniiiiii", in 11 local ilenai tliient slme.
She ilr-tt no. 11 It SHHHI from the Citl
1 1- I'.nuU f Rnl'.ewend.
Il is alleged thai before she ili-tm -peiiied
.Mi- I'nll 1 nl ihe telephone
i' ires in her lieinc and hurtled all phe.
eg..iphs of herself
Columbia Avenue Robbers Onlv R-.
stneted in Loet by Length of Arms
Rubin 1 - 1 arli leilnt -iniislnil .1 ne'c
11 ihe i-ttelrt show window of lleriniin
W'ligcnlii'iin t'.i.'IT Celiiinhla ateinic,
wlieie siseiiil weilh of geld, (iltil iiiii nt
anil pic inns -limes were ilisplat eil. and
stele lewelit wiirlh between SlIMIII and
Apparenllt the mueuiil nf (In- I lift I
was limited unit lit the length of the
thieves' nrui" Thct took all Ihct could
reach Wageiiheliii. who lites ever the
store, slept through the w Iiiilnw -suinsh
ing and rebbert .
Patreliucn Cmier mid Dal.t, of ihe
Nineteenth and (Ixfeid streets stutinn.
saw the bieak in Ihe glass when the
passed the store at ." : ." o'clock tliis
morning The p.itreliueu found en
the patemeiit 11 pi if concrete
wrapped in newspaper and n strip ,,f
ilirpet. eviilenlly used te ilenilen the
sound when the glass wus broken. The
police believe the window was 10I1I101I
by skilled professionals, winking uitli
1111 aiiioiuemio.
Mn- 1 ...
r. agenheiiu sal, he hnd I.e.'.,.
n bbeil
enlj once before
in a dozen
'"JraiTluAl 8?P?i- "TOMOIIII.IJ MtU
Au"emVul0aUS,it1Sn.'v0,',', ,3 t' "
It -
State Senater "Ed" Pledges Hid
Own and Brether's Support
te Penrose's Successor
Hi a Staff Correspondent
Waslilnglmi. Jan. 18. Ne "pink
tea" served in high Mate along Embassy
Itow ever surpessed the party given by
Congressman Vnre In a downtown hotel
Inst night in honor of Senater Pepper,
Yet the gucstn witnessed a trugedy
. marked behind smiles. Fer It brought
, a reneunrement of cherished ambitions
-nn acknowledgment of the Impossibil
ity of their fulfillment.
Pink carnations littered the table,
threw u into disarray by twoscere ,
guests Plnk-shmled lamps east n soft '
glow ever beamed ceilings and dark dark
puneled walls. Chairs were moved back
and cigars were going strong.
."II0.1!.11" nlniespherc State Scna-
l?ir ..H ,Vure' 8,")rl' "erlil. the
boss of what wus recently called the
most cohesive force in Pennsylvania
politics, pronounced the requiem of
urethcr IJIJI's" senaterial hopes nnd
virtually pledged the support of both
brothers te Senntir Pepper for election
te succeed the late Senater Penrose.
He Fellows Orders
"Brether IM" passed up the Bnh Bnh
ceck dinner in Pittsburgh last night
te come down ns bis brother's guest.
...I'.f 'm nn 'er,er mun'' " ,u' explained.
When I get orders, I fellow them."
And se he came and sat opposite the
new junior Senater nt the long, bounti
ful table, artistically laid and elabo
rately served, while "Brether Bill"
played host.
Senater Vine spoke toward the cles
of the evening. There bad been feed
and oratory in abundance, until the
guests were sntlnted. a Most of thp
speeches were innocuous nfter-dlnnfr
pleasantries. There had been little
"kick" te thcnl. Finally "Brether
Bill" called "Brether Fd."
"mother Ld arose. His massive
i round bend and thick shoulders were
j net far above the taller guests sitting
, near him. lie looked nt the tnble, then
i glanced ncress It.
' "A Little Mere Training"
"I want te take this opportunity."
ne sain, HpenKing siewiy "te cengratu- m
late-our -new Sennter." , As long us jny id
Irce'Hier.finifdTJtjjc'll-and I knew he V
.wfe'tarleil there's no
ene-.-nn 'e
nta J il rather see
Senater tli'n
Opposite! !m "Brether BilL' and thf
new junior Senater sat slife-by-slde,
listening, their faces grave.
"Yeu have all the nblllty." Senater
Vare went en, looking directly nt Sen Sen
aeor Pepper, "and perhaps a little bit
mere than any ether man In the Stnte.
All you need' is n little training nnd
you'll Im' a real Senater."
There was nntliinz mere. That wn
his sole reference te the new Senater.
.u time iitislu,,, putting the incidents of the dinner
together, these close te the Vnrcs said
ufterwmd there was no question of their
support Thev will be for Pepper for
election te the remainder of the Pen
rose term, or Vare men en Ihe con
gressional delegation are much mis
taken. "BJ11" Vare. it was -.aid. ieillvcIy
will net run for the Hennte. IIe will
stay in, the Heuse. Thev will net wage
a hopeless fight.
Situation Net Se Serious
There were ether references te Sen Sen
aler Pepper iii the course of (be eve
ning, but none mere pointed or te which
greater significance was attached thnn
the short, lo-tho-peint utterance of
Senater Vare. He went en te say he
i did net
take the State situation se
ns "some ethers," referxine
inferent mll.t te Repiesentatite (.ralium,
of Philadelphia.
There had been considerable talk of
(o-eperatlon and unity of lu-tnui in the
Republican organization Senater Pop Pep
per had started it. lie uiaile It thf
I heme of his speech.
"All we need te i;et results." Hon Hen Hon
nter Vare snid afterward, "is some of
that MMi'te been talking about co
operation." XeierthcleNs (iriihniu leek a serieu
view of the situation. IIe began with
. , . .. 1 11 ..-ii, unl, I-,,..., ".I,, 1, ..iiiiiiji, in
plained teduj. bis,,,...,., ..-...., , ,m,H i, .,,.1,1 ,u t-lb.
.... i..,i ,. 1,1. ,1 ., ..1.... i
,,, tll ,.nv n.,iir(. Hinle -Pennvi-
t iinia" quoting -
"I Inte I he v- rocks und tills.
I love tin templed hill-.
My heart with rnpliiie thrills "
Musi (in fler Aetrs
l'.iil. Reproseiiliil it e I Srahain iniilied,
there will be II few thrills for I'onn I'enn
s.tlvilil'a Remilillcans unless t Id- 1 stir
up some eiii'i-g.t and go mil nfler vel-
next Net ember
'I ttuiil Id warn ten." he smd ihnt
r me nut in the midst nf e in eful
wnleis. Then is a wld" ilis-seuinuiimti
of discenleiil . Il I- ';niug te take edit-i-iilinn
propaganda and henesi wmk te
bring before the pentile I he a ' 1 1 1 1 -nicnls
nl' Ihe Reiiiiblican I'nrtt nnd
insi-ie the rc-elei tinti of a Republican
II was liuihiim who seuiided a dial-
''""S" " ""' '" niiler in assume
. 1 . . ,
Ihe pn ie':alites of leadership. He do de do
ilnietl he knew of "iie.iiinn who has n
ni'iie ideal 1 iiniliiiini inn of qualities
wheh g 10 make a gient Seuuler "
"Tin leuniit is at tour fni.' he
Taking up the sugge-tien dial Pepper
sii 1 into Sl.ile U'ln'eislili (irahani said,
lurniiig In the jiinim S. uiitni, he w
"glad in bear ten nre going in lake
mi tour shudders the lninli-ii of loader leader
ship in em eiira'pug luimweik."
"We no -I 11 leade(. ' he dei lined,
"There i" new no t u t -1 ti it. t i ii-x Stale
lender. There ure seveinl leaders,
Tln-re Is tin dominant lemlei- able fe
bring all the "leiuenls together one
who can pcisuitdc tliem te combine, te
iiiille, in llie iiiinni'iii interesl. nm
sure, from nit knew ledge of (he man,
I Is brave and gentle imttne. bis cotir cetir cotir
nge, that our new Seiuitiir b fully able
te assume that iehi.iui uf ItnderMlilii.
ml 1 inn rnu we shall hnvi 11 wir' untl
enoreuH leatiersiii 1 one w He 1 will
ltiersin p one w Uc!i
enable in le sfuiul titgethrr us cuif "
in !"'" "' iiiff, mi "i 111111 ier
t l..in-.r 1 h. s.sn,i 111 ,'..' .
'11... ill llllllt tl'llkl lllll lit I V Mil .... I B
'. nu veteran leglsluturH. niivlnar il,t.
Centlnunl en !' Tweidjr.twB, ftstwurt
. Tin .V wrMw
v ,-
X . (S
r v
..I I
1" .
l".rl, n T 1'..lfll,. 17. .
. t n