"f;' T,vAwiTfl F , -' ' 6 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADlilLPHIiV, MONDAY, JANUABY 10, 1922 r f Vyc -- m m 'I Bl C in Si ii amS H j'n hvv Why mm 'v IH Pun,s'1 yur IS ;,";' K wife 4I ' H i1' I Si ? m m m m m m m I 3 H Hi 2E Kaa aica f I iTABiiXrepS U y tH fr ! bUy '!( H -jenn nrrfn wniMin rempniv aw I m m m wrm H i WILSON ADDRESSES SHE'S READY FOR THE CIRCUS 51 L EAGU n PAIN AGES YOU , Sloans for rbewnatism lumbago sciatica neuralgia sprains strains weak backs stiff joints AteUdruj;stt',3Sf.0, !.Q Stoats Linimeniisa Warns Fees te Bewaro in His First Formal Address Since 1919 DENIES LEAGUE IS DEAD' Waihtiijclen, .Tun. 1(5. D.vlarinjrl nf.pw his eentlilcnee in the "vltallt at t the iAntii' ei NiitlnnH, former rresl rient Wilsen yesfrrdny wnrned nn Jin- ' prenintii pntlirritijLT et IiIn lieme en H (Ktrcet tiiiit these who oppeMit the I., ncue would I:iic te "loeli net fur i tl.ejnM'iw.j." It wt Mr. WHuen'n llr.' furinnl Tee. 'i inee hi- lienlfh broken ilewn j.-'i'ilpjnhr 1W. 1!)U, nt Wieltltn. Kan. Mr. Wll'eti eneke te full)- iWOO per-i-nhs. 1ii criiwili'il the liwviiH nrul pave ment! for (i Me.'k iireiiriil the luue. At 1 'ait Jutlf 't 1" iTewd hud innrelietl tnun tin- Xiitlennl Thrntre, where earlier n the afternoon. There hnl bevn n j .-cat iK'Mionstriitlen in honor of "Sir. Wilsen. Tl.c ir..iMs.:.Ti'tinR in the theatre wan 'w the lmriie-f of ursntilKitii; the I1-tr!..-t f CnliiinMa iir'Cieh of the Wood Weod Woed nn WIUnu t'oandrttleii. J"v r!e I'MwtiI HiL-sel' presMed, n:rl thore v.fri Hjti"'he hv Hamilton Il.'lt. Ir. .Sa::.u.'l T. Kl-et. Colemd Ji.hn 'IVir.ple (iruviv ntnl Sam irl tie-. iiir-. A htuse be: was illled with wmiulcl eldiei'M from Walter Hwil lliiviiltnl, a'id ether buxe iw well a--"iit' en tlie .li!je wtru eu'uplcd by r tnineiit Demoerntie men and ve-nen. , iiKiudltiR l'nit"d States Srtiuterj und ter.iifr Lamnet enieer. (ie.il of I). C. Drive Is $33,000 1 H ' J9teSi . LiiMrHHiaArn ucn I MIm Agne.t Dren nan, ene of (he "nulmals" te np pear 1 n the huge rtiertis, a pax-t of the Teer Illchanl C'ltilb's annual .Velte. It v-ill be spaced tomorrow nUht at (he Helle uie-Strafferd UN IS KILLED BY PLANE ON ICE Homo-Made Craft Runs Wild in Crowd at Red Bank, New Jorrsey HER BROTHER LOSES ARM P Mr. Wllen. who had first steed in the strength and a long lifu of hupplnuss and MiecPM." Uamllteti Helt t-f.iii mat if the spirit manifested at the meeting here yesterday wan lx-liiK phuun in t!i ferty-elcnt .States of the Union, the !$l,O0t),O00 suiisht would be oversubscribed many ..AI.. .. Ik.l 1 I 111...... M i.fll.1 t... .n r.M.l ... .1.1 S.-..I.IHIO, I ... . ..... A I......... ! .A ...l...l..lLA....1 t,,. i:.n ntnlunut M I u . mtlr'. X wU'lnpten theninshfRre.s I He looked w n.ri- he ,1I. in the r...,,",i.t"l,,," .hV'a" ..t,U'"t' h.? .i Vl..mitn rintnh..- nf . n-COHt V IUlt)lMlll( TUlOtOLTnT)! UlMCtX OH '"'V: ' " ' """""ft V""""1 ." ""- J,. ...' - v . I " ., , - . . '. . 1 r.ieiiueiii mm 10 me me ana slm(0w of the Colonial perch pillars, vor el Mr. ilsai'. v hose flnir- I i n. ... i..... ...-I. - .. 1 , . ,k , ' . .. it V",.UVll IU IIIU l 11 lUWLT FIUII III l ..raped portrait adorned the ftniw. i Ri10tc,i re(,UCflt flPm t)l) cr(1W(L T1e .wl JlWi?!'! ,"f'?.,i,w . -, . ...., effort, but vas net assisted by the ..-VIV.;:!"c,fS..VrSI,i.:"r .V.'i. """"I i JuiiwheW attendant until the demon- riM ,, ;i?i 'I A- u.llluaLtu.l imtv IS Wc. kJis ThetormreetiVInltch OtOpS T wlWjuicklj-UreUereaby ltclllllrf nppiilna liefer fstirinr. CtTil!' Dr.lIcIrtenEesm-r Clint- DIITl WMt Onuef Df.5IettaV I Troubles raaly Itsajs ji. LI3r.Hobseii NKczemaOiiitinexxts netida : Il'ttrri. of f.-eia. and ! th.- doerstei.. of the S street hes, en hi . I . "" ,'K"' t.",es "" !?,"; Wals!.. ,.f Mentana. Man Oe.ne- "y-nmi WrthilM. ,11 ey. s were "' ' - j; ": "H'elt iai" iiMr m.-mher- of (Vnc-ess attended clear and he spelf erisply. in a voice I x ..,,"? " "T i . i . ., ,, reimi.irs et i eiij..is.s unci luct. . Brnn.. vbleh M-irlie.l il He Im made a reat cx-rn'Miknt. - -omdatlen nvKIr.S and joined in ,'r h nIj rtren.. v leh r,. d the , sJ m pmmi, n(b,n Ijlk(, in (.einoiiKtrntlen later. euwhw m tin en i. j. iini t.ie , ummtle he haq feuiht a ci-eat The. eonvieMon of the former Pi-sl- -V?". t I. e n"Hhr .?l ,: Brj t. , &Wlh 5am lent that the Lchruu of Nations htilll"""-' "'""',' '"""'" " ""' ."r ' iin with him -iml be counted." i ,.!i u !,v .,!,. i ,i, r.n. .-.t Rtcp. murhed him aimrt from the 1- "'' ;'''' il'm;mu .r''r'l.V' ,. .,..1 rnm.ifind wih i-nnrei. in reHiione te . sc" ,"1 " ' . .... District of Uel'imbla will be owned nt Is Your Kitchen Ware Shabby? Even with prices lower than ever our Annual January 20 off Sale is new en. This means 20 off the regular tagged prices. Numberless aluminum, glass, copper, iron and tin ware the Miller qual ity, all of it, and with the Miller guarantee, tee a real saving for the careful housekeeper. Ice chests, kitchen cabi nets, spotless topped tables, etc., arc en the list. Phene if you cannot come. Deliveries made o-emptly. welcome evteniiifl in behalf of the1 ire Mtirer p.eanure tvi!eli the oe-I ,.,.n ff,nf..,v r.n.1 mttntin tnv dm hreiis by Snniucl tiempers, president easien save him appeared in the faee of week. Itehvrl X. Woolley, formerly of t.f the Amerlean Uederatien of Laber i the former President, and he lingered ns tle InterMatc tkunmerce Commission ami uni of the "lading spirits in l!.c Ions as Mrs. Wilsen permitted him te nij chairman of Uie local committee, f. -judutlen project. drink In the cheers of the crowd and U0,l that from neon until 1 o'clock te- (iratllled bv Itecerilien yoeiferens ir.imitestoMen et Reed will ! ,iay would be -Wilsen hour," when ..w ';!.;;, ; ,T1J. ..i ... 'fL,r i,In i,lcultt '"1 h,lM r1"??.- ;en lD inl believers hi his policies will he given Mr t.emp.ra and Mlew c thens. the face of a new order in WaM.ini.ten ' the opportunity te come forward with "'""I1,. V m i?c' s i Li U . n'"1 pv,,,0"ce " :npletlen of n new i "widow's mite or millionaire's check." weight of his left side Mlghtly lestlnc pregrum for the settlement of world en h cane, I neeu harulv tell you affair). that Mich a demonstration and the i-vl- ' ,.lilrril n "Mr Plv:lIln', denee of friendship makes me ver; ' ,.. ',"" "S Ir 1T,I,,ent , lUpr)V. "S e have net eensed te remember "Tliere can le re doubt of the vital- .v". B. begap Mr. (lompers. "or te ity of the League of Nations. It wi!'. feel in our minds that wc should nudrets take care of itself. These that den't r ' Mr. President, regard it will have te leek out for! "Today we have held a great mass thrmwlvcH h.i that I have no r.nnre. gathering in honor of you. sir. and tti ' . ----- .,.. . ..,-. ,ii 1'en-tfi.ti or nnvlety ue that score. My gteat aenievemenis which tiave come te ' ,1,,,,. public welfare, 'lb'-ral eniv a;i"ty h te s.w our people turn jeu aim 10 our pcopie. , t, j t nR(j ,, . tlir0UKh justice." iiivi. iiiiT iii nn- wmii uiicviiuii null -it is net neccssarr new te reic i - much les te make uuntlen of the pur- ' n, ... nn. , rer nr muaeuIMP pescM for which our great gatlurlng. PLAN COLLEGE OF WASHING was called together. It w.-. veluutarv - - in "';f;'"y, ld;:s',ul1'; '''''; VLaundrymen te Establish Scheel for e ir aeilvities are ami will be direct. d , , Isae the world understand, net iiemcers Near v-nicnge ! New I'erlt, .Tan. 10.- A meeting Willi j he held in this city today at Town j Hall as tin- beginning of a campaign i fe raise $1,000,000 for the Woedrowj I Wilsen Foundation. licginnlng at neon j i contributions will be received toward I the fund, th" income from which, it i explained, will W hum! te endow awards ' ler "mentorleuv i-crvlce in nenait ei i.ieve with irrtsistible force. I than you heartily for all this. I tin .net rte-'erve it, but I enjoy it just the Mime." The s.-tting in wiii.'h Mr. WiUen cpi'ke was iniiiresive. l-.r.rly In the aft te fcankiin ernoen automobile le.ided with persons , merely for today, that tlw prlin lpb-s Pittsburgh, Jan. It". Seientille in who hud be.li told the demonstration and the ideals for whldi Woedrnv ,,,,": :,' i,ln.l..rir u'H be clvrn in Wilsen ml aiel lives whl e en ai.il , , , 7 , .... ,, , en and in time shall be nvegnlrwl as permuntnt seheul te be esliliUsl.ei the guiilliig spirit of the whole world. near Chicago, according te W. U. Fitch, "It would have ilorie jeu geed Mr. one 0f the members of the beard te President, te have heard il, sentimint .... , , ,, . , tV, tn,, e::pre.ed in that great gathering. May whiea has been del( gated the task of I say this: that the psychology man!- making p'.ans for the Institution Hnd frste'd clearly that the l.eacr.c of Na- which hrld a conference in the William tlens is net dead. " " ' 'l'.nn Hetel here. Mr. Pitch explntncrt Applnuse (ireet1? Slatnneut 'teduv that impertunt leseareh v.erk in Here applause broke into Mr. tleai- '' i"unilry industry has been done in pcr.V speech, and men in the irewd111"" "1,nn leltute of the University waved their liats wildly. of Pittsburgh und that it will be con- "And that whether it he in a small "nueii uhu-t un- ui i i" '"" act or n treaty, or whether it be in n ,Ir' wcrs National Association until treaty or live, or wiirtlitr it be'1"" "'' n'ueui l ri'"-V,i , , ,n t,e n,.tien ,.f tl.,. vnri.i !... "Tin American Institute of Lr.un- . " ""I v. - . . . . -. ,. ... .,,.. ,. leiing nas neen lorinee ie vmuuiisii an Mas ie taxe piace icgan :irr:ing in the vleirtlty of the Wilsen house, and the former President and members of li's family 7. ere apprised of what was com in;. Th. n. archers, headed l.y a band playing "Onward Christian Se'diers." and augmented en route by hundreds who l.aii net attended the foundation Dieting but appeared eager te pu flbute te Mr Wilsen, urrhed about G o'lle.'k. Mr. fieinj.ers, who had spoken at the r.-etln,' and had expressf,l iimse!,! for cibly upon the Ix'hgue of Nations In a eulogy of Mr. n ilsen ..s the originator I' pact or among . . . . - m nuiiii: ,iu Lilt et . nenu movement ler jKMiee, was ,nitllll Ml,.,, IlUf. been taken, and ou l iiu..ii-ii t'j..u.i 'in .ur. il"Ml niilir In the doorway, clad in nn everc pushed f.i.'vnrd ib Mr. Wilsen Hppeurrii ,;. l,uve laid the way. and il.e League institution, Hiipperted by the national """'. I of Nations must L- iln- actual living i association, where iaum.r owners may Heuscfiirnlshmg Stere i ........ . HI. i ... I II--. . r. , . , a l.,,.,jl..rt f a,lMl., hl...... ' riiiB u m. i ui linn ir.oreugaiy pre- ' opportunity anu organization la eur'R" il pcrieun ui i.n..r..t i...i....k uiuhk . imici iu .ii.vj" me tiT;u!is n;m uu- general inc. n-.,-uhhi ....i.. .us a... m, .dress the crowd. i "T nm nure. sir. without further I of the progress ..being made in ether Kyes Clear and Volie Clear Mn,. Wiben steed with her husband women hen- ascembl'-d, I general Utc. "'"" """ " "" ' "", " 1 "I am sure, sir, without further or the progress t being made in . trespassing upon your time, that I ex- Hn" of activity, satd Mr. i itch, press the opinion of th men and the "The school will be Ie-uted in or have Chicago. near i Xf.wl..,.. l(ihitfnl.i,I..L ...III l.n ' 11Ull.,4 ...WW. .,.'. n... ,. l.; thi-ougheut the il.monilrutIen and was ' nia'rehed all the wav from the National provided and the school will also help visibly nffected by thu enthusiasm of , Theatre, where the great gathering ' te develop the technical side of the , the crowd. IWerc Mr. Gemners spoke w-ns held, when I wish jeu health huiI I lauudry business." NV-w Yerk, Jan. 1(1. Mrs. Timethy It. Hounihan, of lied llank, N. J., wae kilhrt yesterday by the propeller of nn nirplnne which had n'lehtert en the lee nf the North Shrewsbury ltlver nt Ilcd nank, In th ntldt of Fevtrnl hundred people who hart conic te the. river te skate ntnl te watch the icebenln. Sirs, Ileunihan's brother, Lawrcuee Cenkiev, trleil te p.ill hid nfster nwny fcem the blades and the propeller cut off his right nrm Just below the elbow, while mere than twenty men who hnd tried te seize the circling machine wcre Knocked down by the wings r.s It twisted te ene side in the wind rniwrt by tli" propeller. Nene of these, how hew erer. wnn hurt. The lindane, nfter sirlklni? 'Mra. 'Hounihan nnrt (Vinkley, went nhenrt I several yards before the ftvlntcr, .Tnmen Casey, of aiircwsbue'. could get Inte 1 the pilot scat and hrinr l( te a step. The uivhlcnt canned fremepdeus ex citement nmenz the ernvd that filled I the rive and lined the bank skating I nml watching the Iceheals slip up and down, nml a djwn women fninted and j had tj he faktn home In atitot.ieblles. i The skaters left the center of the , river dear for the airplane. Cancy j brought the machine te the ice nn'd jumped from the pilot Pent. The i sknterM, together with many who hur ried out ireni rue bnnK where they had been watching the npert, gathered around the machine, several hunting In number. The river la Bhnllew at the point where Casey landed his machine, and men who Knew the Bhrewsbury. were afraid that the ice might brenk. Mrs. Hounihan wan brenthlng when several men reached her nfti-r (hi nir. plane had been stepped by Ciucv and she was huriicd te the office of Dr. Kdward Tield, but died a few minutes 1 later. Conkley was sent in an auto- mobile te the Memeilnl Hospital nt Monmouth, where his unu was ampu tated nt the shoulder. Oasey s machine wes u home-made one, censtructtd by him and his brother after he hnd returned from i' ranee, wneve lie served ns an aviator with the American Army. Thev had been using the airplane fe talie up passengers and the machine was a common cii.Mgh sight te the Hed Rank and Shrewsbury sectien-i of New Jersey. Casey ilew above the lee jnchta and skates en the North Shrewsbury for several hours yesterday, with excur sions ever the nearbv towns and weeds coming down te within 100 feet of the ice from where his friends wa-.cd at him. During the late afternoon Casey drove his machine en the ice acht cnuree several times and .they circled ever the heads of the skaters prepailng te lnnk1.' a landing. Phizes Inte Greup Twe or three of these men went out and told Casey that the ice was dan gerous for such a large crowd and for such a great weight as bin airplane, and .in neii unu ie mite uie machine away. Kven as they spoke the ice began te crack and bend, net enough te mnke it ' particularly dangerous, 'but enough te.j give u warning of what would happen ' if tin crowd stayed together. Se Caey ' decided te 11 y nway. j The crowd in front backed nwav and left a path for him, and he cranked the ' machine, starting the propeller. An- I parently Casey had left the throttle open, ler the airplane rtnrted lcferi I he could climb into the pilot neat. It plunged crally te the r!?ht, where Mrp. ' lleut.ihan, her two children, her hu- J land and her brother were sumding. I Hounihan sehed his children and shoved I them back out of danger, and Mrs. Hounihan nnd Conkley started te fel- ' low. but they wer tee late. I The propeller struck Mrs. Hounihan. I knocking her down, ripping almost nil I of her clothing off nnd mnngllng her I body below the neck. Cenklcy's arm ! was caught in the w'hlrllng blade ns j he renched ferwnrd te reach his sister and drng her out of danger. ' A number of iren tried te selzn (he wing of the machine and bring it te n I step as the crowns fought te get out of the way of the whirling propcller, but the airplane tilted te the right again nnd began te go nreund in a circle, knocking down the men who had tried te held the wing. Casey was arrested and later held In 1000 ball en a charge of manslaughter. MlMlMiMiiil January Sale Wilten Rugs &c Carpets Yeu have been awaiting this announcement our thorough preparations make it well worth your while. Exceptional Values Are Offered in the well-known French, Hardwick and Bundhar Wilten rugs (from our own looms) and en all grades of Velvet, Axminster and Tapestry Rugs and Carpets. Representative of these values we quote en our popular grade of Durable as Iren a Sale Pvice $9.75 15.00 26.00 32.00 Size 27x54 36x03 i.6xG . 4.6x7.0 4.0x9 . 39.00 4.0x12 T52.00 0x9 58.00 0.9x12 77.00 8.3x10.0 85.00 Size Sale Price 9x9 , $77.00 9x12 92.00 9x13.0 116.00 9x15 128.00 10.0x10.0 U2.00 10.0x12 ..' 128.00 10.6x13.6 145.00 11.3x12 128.00 11.3x15 160.00 The variety of patterns, the astonishingly wide range of regular, extra large and odd sizes, the splen did assortment of colorings, designs and grades make shopping here a pleasure and the money saving values make it profitable Bundhar Wilten Carpets, $5.00 a Yard . HiUlbVICK MAGEE Ce. I22Q MARKET ST. a BBBSsggSBaLBESfgfflffii Founded in 1863 The Heuse thai ieppe built Inaugurated the One-Price System in 1881 C. J. Heppe & Sen Downtown 1 117-1119 Chestnut Street Uptown N. W. Cor. 6th & Thompson Streets MHIMHI ! mill , m;-.' i , j '" '' "'V' if X genuine rf .s Oli;e Kline, the cele travel contralto, t'n her library. Mism Kline makes recertlu exclusive ly for the Yictrela. We have outfits at Heppe's sell Victer Victrelas At Heppe's the salesmen will net try te sell you nn inferior talking machine in preference te a Vic Vic trela. We Bell only the best in every line, hence we sell the Victrela e:c clupively. Aa music ex perts we knew the supe riority of the Vktrela. all prices. Cash, charge Extraordinary Piane Sale All the pianos taken in exchange during our Christmas season have been rebuilt and are new offered for sale. Each instrument is guaranteed for five years and exchangeable at full price paid any time within one year. Here are a few sample values: Steinway V Piane Ebony . ' account or rental-payment settlement accepted. A few Heppe Victrela Outfits Victrela Ne. IV, $30.10 wlUi 6 10-Inch deuble-face records Pay only 30c irecMy Victrela Ne. SO, $oe.l0 with C 10-Inch deuble-face rcceras 1'av only tl weeMy Victrela Ne. 80, $110 with $10 werUi et records i Pair antv fl.SQ xeetklv Victrela Ne. 90, $13G with 1 10 worth of records Pay only Jt.TS ipciMi Victrela Ne. 300, $205 with $1C worth of records Pail only (S weekly Victrela Ne. 130, $375 with 126 worth of record! I'ay only tS.11 teefcly prlK h tl Cable & Sen Upright $195 ' Piane Muheguny. . $185 Rutlcy Upright Piane j Jirgg3 Upright Piano Piane Ebony 85 j Ebony 160 Hardman - vDecjicr Bres. - Upright Piane-Ebony 185. Piane-Walnut 185 Jacob Bres. - Upright I Chickering p r i g h t Piane-Ebony 145 i Piane-Ebony 180 Bchr Bres. - u p : i K h t ) wdlingtenv p r i g h t Piane-Ebony 165 ! Piane Walnut 225 Cable & Sen - Upright i7 k Vprleht Piane Piane-Mahogany .. 185 ; Walnut 235 Steinhauev - Upright , p L. rf ht riane Pianofahegany .. 135 Mahogany 245 jsosieu riane te. i p- right Piane nlnut lg5 Schumann U pright Hcppc Mahogany Hcppc Mahogany Heppe Upright Piane $315 Upright Piane 305 Upright Piane Hardman Grand Piane -Eben' $345 Weber Concert Grand PInne Mahogany. . . 295 Billings & Ce. Upright Piane Walnut 135 Decker Bres. Upright Piane Ebony 110 Rencnt Upright Piane right Piane Maheg- Mahogany 245 un" 575 1 Hcppc Upright Piane Stuyrcsant Piane Ce. 'Mahogany 395 Player - Piane -r- Maheg-. De Itivas A Harris Un- Mahogany 355 Gee. Stcck & Ce. Up right Piane Wnlnut 325 Masen Hamlin Up- any 88-Nete 495 1 right Stuuvcsant Piane Ce. ' any., Chiclcrmy V priuii t Pluyer - Iiane Maheg- Francesca Piane Ebony 1 65 Piane Mahogany. . 240 Royal Upright Piane- Mahogany 250 Piane-Oal: 185, TJprightPiano-Ebeny 125 ""J11' Pi Winthrop-M pright -Mahogany .... 195 PlanoMahegany... 193 Lester Upright Piane I .' lue Ebony i qr Halle t & Davxsl pright New Yerk Piane Ce.-1 We-Walnut 225 Upright Piane Mnlteg- Henry F. Miller Up- any 210 "ght Piane Walnut 245 Leenard Upright Piane Hcppc Upright Piane Mahogany 225 Oak ..'. 290 any 88-Netc 495 bchemacker Angelus Player - Piane Mahog any 88-Nete 400 Mendelssohn Player Player Piane Mahogany 88 88 Nete 325 Aeriela Player-Piane Mahogany 88-Xote 350 Apelle Electric Repro ducing Piane Mahogany Like New ggc; Chickcring Grand Piane Ebony 355 Piane Maher?- 255 Upright riane .Mahogany.. 250 Marcellus Upright Piane Wnlnut efi5 Sterling Upright Piane Mahogany 235 Crown Upright Piane Mahogany 245 Francisca Upright Piane Mahogany... 275 Jules Upright Piane Mahogany Like New 34c Schemacker & Ce. Up right Piane Maheg. any tv- 2Q5 FACE THE FACTS fiJil'' U'ft -4J k NATIONAL THRIFT WEEK 1 January 17-23 Benjamiu Frandin's Bi'rthcltiv, January iyth MANY OF US slip along through LIFE, half assum ing that FORTUNE will take care of us ALL our days, whether we conduct our LIVES sensibly or net. Won't YOU-just THIS WEEK-face the FACTS of LIFE, and ADOPT certain SAFEGUARDS which mankind after many centuries has found WORTH WHILE? Tuesday, January 17 Thrift or Bank Day. Te stress the importance of having money in the bank. A living bank account is as important as a"living wage." MmyhsL .f Wednesday, January IS Budget Day. Keep a simple record of what you spend and you won't need te spend se much. Thursday, January 19-LifcInsurance Day. Give your family protection that will live en after you. Friday, January 20-Own Your Own Heme Day. Having a geed bank account is the first step in buy ing a home. -scgStrl Saturday, January 21-Pay Your Bills Promptly HEfzszi " "- w -"; ursu requisites te business success uuu uie respece or your tellew men. Sunday, January 22-Share With Others Day. Great men are generous. This attribute of greatness, at least, can be yours. Monday, January 23, Make A Will Day. Don't turn your family adrift without a rudder when you die. We shall be glad te give you further information or counsel en any subject connected with Thrift Week Ask for a copy of our booklet, "What America Owes branklin It will tell you things you have never known about him, and about his very important achieve mentthe successful promotion of Thrift. Fidelity Trust Company, 325 Chestnut St. 6324 Wnnrll-,,,,1 a opital?5,2eo,ooo wTEiJS"' Maeft. Fund, held in Tn,st merc ,hm 0,000,0'" 6'60,00 T1V9 fmlM g 4 I '4 $ 1 v- 1 n -j a f H HI 1 T ma U2My''JXi iA'i teuius,, ''' I ' $&, r ki Ka