iff.'.-. t l 78BVt, iiWRW," y wv v'flf. r,A ' I ;-i ' .. (, h EVE&I PTJBLIO . MDGEISrr-PHILAteljPHiA, ay, j&m?ibitte 'n r " nvtr' ' r 3f7f 'H M' .. J KMi' . IV ' " MdJSm '. ;. & JWI V,r: ; tf y? l ttittnrc in tltn Editor j ,..-. .w My "Cemitiendi Railroad Editorial 9 : -i. ... . .. . ,..- n..t.ll f f.lnrr! leliu nauer or rawiin m.,..v .-... Sir l'ermit me. te express n word of brnmcnriitten of the wilcmllcl "0; appearing In Um KviaiiJiii iLlWc , LkdOkr of this evening unuer ..v i j .KDORiteI t'l ever is :u .u . ' -utne in oiei. "......, , Around." ... . nffnr.ip.i j LWJK"5ln1!l n'rffet T,0 position taken by jeiir W"""" it, rVmgtilzlnif the effort beliis. .put li) ;mu iiuniiieii i.""" -. m 'in recognizing the e ' ,artii oil the railroads te protect these L-'3 Vnd of veiir MippertliiB n pellrj of if h, wlttlnc practlnil railreadunen free pla) for their judgment imii " '"'"-. I eperatlnc the railroad trancportatlen linvc my ib-ep ipprccmtien 1-ours singly. vnTjU,.f-UY Vice I'resl.lent 1'.VU- ;., adelphia, January 1... U n. it. Te Bring Musical Culture Here , the Editor e the L'venlne t'ub.ic l.r,luer: SlrI was much intereMed in -ev enlu lir. ""'"' "'" !.!.!.. .. .. O.lt- ' Kit, and the were an wun u.i..... ing certain reasons, but the re.i rei , ten was the tnumen-iici: "'""','--'.; , the box etlice auvance .. ranting tlieir appear.uuv. ,1V1 .,, There are. ninny of us. who hay pu Inte the xubject with eiisitl. niblj- n terest. who might be able te a-l I';..,... i. we mav be wrong an.. therefore it is net -ur ebje-1 t'j rti controversy, ji ........ "ii. - controversy ver, that one reason is uie iiuiii i' -' f our munteipal gevernmint in " ending a helping hand t enceuraj," ever, e lendinir .. ...,:....! .r..1.H.t. ill elder tlmt the great amount of ta ent new imii n few leaders, who m.ikejt tlieir misi . .......;.,.. i,.,!i. iflnrtH in .1 II. i' reV 1 lie n v l.ieh thev tliemhehc, M.u row lint, in ,'""" " interest aim prent. Unfortunate it is that f fevv of our wealth people and the-e seilali" . i... ..ill ...inn forward te llf.P BWtem et liic eeumrj. , brought te rciiu.e nun. uiviu i. "- It is my -'wllnij thnt enb hcn Mtf n ll0th B,,k.,. nt. , -,rp ..niitiRli .. The Commandments In Verse jrens ructlve pc i e; In mleptc.1 b , ni Mm l . ,., , s MmTelh infrp8tH cone med vnii V IU" " V fur l,iu iw,in . ninl lie turneii 10 ine ,. ,. ,. . . . . x: --- , ... ,,- r,il rnml Urel) 4 .. " ..--. -- , , , i.,ir- mr mm is h irfin cir ertn 01 icn i nc i - sound solution of e ur r ui emi ir . (jn (, ,, 101. f,lt ln lc,lM Cemil,andm,n , ,,. lems, and for the contribution iiwi jour i Jn )(p m,n. mnKl.p. nt please , ,.ln ,ou ,v0 l0 me ,-n ou nlcrc,llnir editor nl lliaken tnttlini i-' " i-r,. Snilih .lmit t It 111 set ill'e I l'toele's l'erum? ml lei ers that cm prlutc.1 in the I -. ;--- iSniTvfltiiiii rcBardmi: tl"'. "ou " Elialblllty te Become President mcht te brine mere mu-leal "llu"; , f, , re 7ir h;l.:r of the r, 1111 i''if l.r.tatr- riilladelphla by a meeting tills S,rl"- i H r ivin.ll ni s-mt ih- fed-wiin: iu. -tien, of the musical organisatiens of tine ln , .,0P,P-, ivrui.i culumn e' ur al- itv tn further our interest in tlmt ''" uible pillar, unl .du,. CitJ te iuriuir uui I Ib n)( h ( uf Amri,Hn ,tr.rtaB' X-''' ... ,ir.rit of US horn In a f.n tRi c. jnir. iluMll. f r the I am Hiire tin- K ' , , i. . il.-,..i I'reeldercy (if fU- n I S A ' i' i' recognize that HiiUi.le'p luu I u: j " TlLZ n J J-.n. u. 1022 - a'xtei) b.vkward in miiMe. at ai in u Aetwult r.ums .m-s Ii the n- the Inst ten M-arc. It hi'" J11!,t "l"" ,0 ents are merely tn.xc.mir abroad, tin r w .ul 1 nv? attention that utthln a month no f. no i lestb.n of .i.mii.. but if lMne ,,bnn four treat art.s ntineililied nl.re.iJ it weull I- . ercum.MWP e t IA fewer than teurj,niii nu m....... .........i .. .i, t, . njiti..n h 11 thus K"3i in the Arailcuu 01 ..in- y U-V....-U. .. -... - - r T-v dormant lien? ler tne warn m " ri"" tunlt mnj get an otipertunii : and. Dccentl, te the ine inatien et our peep.c te net think for themselves, hut tel.. iiR-enerprise-that will re., ly mean tin Te t.,e i:iuore the fc, e-Uc vUW I... j l,5..fl",.T. - ...Mln I...... mi elTett te Slr--Is there nr.y district In "us euitiins uii v.i ....... " -, -- " , us?i.st our young nrtists; and te um. no interest in niiytliing except it i- backed by a limited set. who seem te btra dominant power, and who arc renllv curbing insteati of lielpin; te nleCO OUC city in the line with etliel rlrir.. in niusical de.elepment. All of Its X r I nterestc.l truM the forth- WHO urt. "'"'l lv i . i, ,,, coming trus'cal week Is go i w: te t.t ... rrrit benefit te us. I-. 1 l'hllade'pliia, January 10. 111'. Is Uncle Bim Saved? dim Should Bury the "Hatchet" V y Te the fd.'ler e the Crrnine Public Lidatr: air I am a constant rentier ei me Gumps, and I enjoy them very much. I think Inele Him is very f.--. te waste his time with a person like Mrs. JSander. Any one who reads tills knows he only wants Uncle Win's mount-. I nLse agree with Mln ami Andy In, what tliey saitl about the widow. "Why doesn't Uncle lllm go" buck t Hn nnd Andy nnd litt'e Chester anil be happy with them? Or why doesn't lie take them home with him for u trip? S. 15. Philadelphia, January 11, JU'J'J. Suggestion for "Gump" Cartoen3 Te ihe HdUe" of the Kvenine i'ub.'lc I.rdeer: Sir What de jeu think of the fel- lewing: Unele l!im in.ites Mrs. .ailder te go te it Kweil restaurant in New Yerk. As they are sitting in the restaurant Is Ours Really a "City A Merc Suggestion Te fii E'l.ler of the n-ciii fi I'uMt- .'iff Hlr Permit tne te express my thunks find aiiprcciatlen of thy learned author of the article "What De They Kxpeet?" in your paper dated January f. l!)2'J. Perchance our friend does net take Jnf6 consideration that if We leek back u few hundred jears witli iinsellish in- Sir I unite iuree with the .titn- nt telligence home of us. of keener per- Philadelphia te the .fleet that tln r.t contien, will icullze that, after all, we ladies it-, name. I have found thul it till descend frfun "foreigners and is net it eltv nf "de unto ntlm a jeu btrangers." . would be dime bv." but te tin slmnij If It were net for our ancestors who b. ii'ldeil. "but tle it lirt." for it M-ems were at one time. tee. strangers, jiu.. te tne tlmt the I'liilad. 'i hiun whom I bibly most of us would net b here te lme nut luu.- been ea' for what they tlrnw our lndividiiiil nelusiens, nnd can (ji t out of me. ratb our social privileges, excluding these I lime never felt ilii.i..'s e j.l.i.nly wlle arc net m fortiiiiute an te fall helri diplaved a in this . r . r. m.it'i te bthers fruit of tell. when 1 hive ne.l. Tli. -i llislini ss Is : Ileally Is It se er difficult te ccn- dlephljid fi"L) ti. e'tii,- i- ilmv n te i tmre n peer stranger" or foreigner and the peel rn.m.' ou ean bi.v friend WcJ( him unkindly when ou are se- ship iiere, but evety one "eni. te liatf euro ln jour own sei-Iul and financial "'t a prm , and if you ar- net willing dominion-' , te pay you are net allowed te plu. rs lt magnanimous te sneer nt a ' hn never situ -e .am li disrep et Ftranger In our city because lie is un- Pf'i'l te the aged and te women as in acquainted with our exacting cut-tem Philadi Iphtti. Its men are most ills and individual taste? Why then de com te.ni". and the. jnlv ecu-' I have We hypocritically preach Americuiiizu- te make for tin in is that their women tlen? have taught them te be this v ay through I suggest that we endeavor te teai h ' their own hick of con deratien Neither three Mratigcrs our customs nnd take huve I seen ' inuiii d.veurte'.y dls thfm nmeng us te be treated with liu- Phi.ved as i- placed in ev '.denee nt jour man respect and sineere kindness Dees cenrertu, wli.-n the men and women net our democracy tea. li that "all men 'nine and go as they please, no matter nre created eiiual"? Let us be true te whose pleusuni tlu-y mav iuterruiit by our teachings. Let us iuoclate these 'heir rudeness. The same hi true in utrnngcrs and foreigners with us in '"ur tliratres, wlieie the patrons hnve order te help us build a greater eltv ' consideration for these who sit a truer detnecracj based upon hluhcr within their hearing. It U shown in Ideals, of unselfishness and geed will te t!'e stores uml en the streets our fellowman.' J. V. W. 1 nm "r,t suii'iisftl tlmt there nre Philadelphia, January 0. 102. plentj of w-rltets willing te rush tn Philadelphia's: defease, for It is only Leyal te Philadelphia the guilty ones wh ne-d te defend them- Te thi Editor of the Evcnine fubHe Ledger: seltes. I have l)"cn living here for three Sir Last evening, wliile reading the i" and feel that 1 am able te judge, Teeple's Keruin I netl 1 under the !"', ,)l' '?'" '"e; ,",' """gnnt nere' leading. "Is This Henllv a City of 'Jisjilnteil by PliiladelphiniiH make you Uretherly I.eve?" a letter from one who "el fKat lf ou ,,a" n,K among them and I'lgna himself K. 51. Mprritt. lie write-" '',',' hll"'y J'"1 "jul(' iVV nwhue. that he has jet te meet the Philade'. Ilicre ar" cxl,?rntl.0,,,',v l c2!lrTsS', - jibrnn who Is fumillar witli the work ct WlinKexpenre. Allew me te say te Sir. Merritt that be doubt the pcri-ens with whom he i acquainted nre of tlie chins who euro .'or-pething but pleawire: thu kind that -"lH( nvarnn 1 h 1 1 ., .1 ..I ..1 . 1 ..,.1.1 ..... "fl-i-. IrYi ts.i4t.u & ..t.1,.1. -ij'.i.uu IV'illl.l lull ',- 'W'W'iate with for fenr of centnniinat- f .W Jiiinseit Sir. sicrritt intiMt he of '. class, otherwlte he would net (is- - tMlile Willi Reme R Mr. Merrltt farther etalcs that 7.ri rl. ''""tf'cciit of the rcNldeiits of thN clj , wiW fiever tIbUciI the Academy of the L ' Vine Arts: nr li.nnl (lie 1'lillllilf.li.lii, V ' ( 1 Am1.miIm 11 .1.1.. ....... .1... ....... .1... vivi?tu tl mm vvi'iu (liu l.iei- ll.e iltNidemy of the pint. ArtH and th" 'hjJirlelphla Orchestra would net exist. Ci. Merrltt Is no prejiullccil uRalm-t lliilelphiit. why docs he rrmnlii in I clty"r Ills answer, no doubt, will f'butlneas." and business it is isuilelnhln I bnntvn nn "Tim Werlr. Mpi;t)4.th8 World," ,;yet X de net scell PEOPLtS FORUM he tells her hew sweet nnd girlish hIiv i leeks". Then he notices n Httle nnrty nt nn nn ether table a mnii, lilf wife nnd four children. "Ah! Hew I envy Hint man." Mr. Zander turns te Ien':. Hup turns imle uniler her niukc-up. (Any peer rartoeniHt miii. tlritw blushlne, It taken n Reed one te "depict pallor.) iie of the riii dren e"i ner nim pipes. ..(,, leek. DmM '. There's grnminfu. TnbIenu, ONK OP YOl'R CMKXTS. 1'hUadelph.a. January 13, 1.KB. Feels Serry for Uncle Dim r ,;, Ktittaref the l.Vvnme rulllc T.ede'r: Tie (U,xr !(I s0n from Austrnllu Is ttntUn lt ,,iuiu't u, tuin t!i l.reper path bnwien low and tiiitx. it n mm ,)e (0iji(i e). ,lui ,f ,. t.elM vAVi, ,,.v ncd and lie.- the reuntr and take tie i jev out of our lift. We b.-l:ee if he I pltVes hlniM.'.f entirely ' the hatuUt of Sir. Smltli l'is fourth volume uill hi- ' ii hum le m"" , S;,J'; - ! l'hilndelphia. January M. t!-'-'. Questions Answered Philadelphia Mayer's Office Te the K,Wr e' the M u I'ubUe 1 ,t sir Klnd.v t.'l ' here uas tic !e ' s office of l'lillndp'pli u ie. iie.l Ifln me ll Hull s lnii t. llnium I. "iu nnwer In th .ni.-.- m s . lis re"vH ' 1 thank seu fi.r the ..itne WILLI VM ltr.RVANSn.S Cllenstde. I'a . J mu..ry 12. 1"--rollewlrc ths Revolution .1 Ci 111' ' .-,. ...i ,.. k-ifih .....i .- .im,t.irHi.. .hh Bh"n!,npJ , ,-, our , M ,v, Humphrey Meney h..e0r. was uii. op 1 ln ln01 by winin-n rmi 'rr i.mi .i .v -r te t'ccup the ftbove-uivntlen'.! ' tv m ii was Jehn Il.irc.la. m. . vvhlih tim . . h.t had forty-sis .Miners. iiur tli't M ..r under the city chart. v i L.livi. t 1 j ; tier T'i? l'lftli and ,h"inut sir. is n.'. was ued until ls."l I, the Cllv t'eu . i ten th city and dletrlets rensuiid.i ! m he Councils moved Inte lh .tut H ue iidjelnlni; where the rmali.. ! u' ' 1 M prcnt City Kali .n cemrt-ted l. Mn. or s nlTle,- was c'itnud in 'h- tee ii 1UU at l'fth and ('-.eti ut tre.t Location of Erdcnlieim ram.d Urd'nhcira If s-. h- ' nrlBlii of (t? willi.iam "i pi I'nJeirhln. January U. 1P2- The lirdenhelm eectlen Is Chvstnut Hill, tn Mon'Bemery t i s r.amed for the Krd.'nt.eim fnrni in l nnt.arsh V.ill'v. Mon'irenier. v uien which wns bunt the p .-sent . . ' f-r Orphan O.rl, !..;. en e u -1 fr here r.nlns. Thu hrlt. li0m atm wag nftmc() fe. Ka ettne. Referred te Readers Te the l.dtter e the Kr. tuna J'ntillc l.cdpr, Sir Will veu P'.e IS" U'.l -..' i. ere I a trade whoet tn rhlladelphlu te leirn m.v . hlne euttln- en clethl'irf or any e'hr wa: hew tj bi.ccrne a cJtter en clethlij;. , a iti:.ui:n Philadelphia. January 10, lUUJ Poems and Songs Desired Where 'Can Lines Be Found? 'Je the I. llter uf f.e j:iving Public Lulger. Sir Can utiv one t -.1 iw whvrc the fi. levtr. lines c-n be found -' Iewr t the marsh vvhere roameth th bittern NathMi. Iho soulless one. h.is w th h.i slthern. Sits all dlsjnselat. friendless and fcr !uHS. Mturnlni? his htavy fate Nathan, the t, less " mrs w l annur.. Phll.td-'phia, Jnnufcry b, 1!2.' Wants Peem re 'he Ed.ter of the Becnmu ."ub.'tc .'..-c'jfi - wt.ne i-in I ebta-n a -n -t ixnni ir -l-.tatien itt'.tl-d 'Iho lw.' eri of Brotherly Leve"? hew tliey could retain this title if rlie resident of that city are as desi-nued by Mr. Meriitt. A I.OYAL l'HII.ADKI.rillAN. I'liiladelphia, January VJ. l'.C'. Our "Brotherly Leve" Te the hditer of the Vvemau I'ul'tc l.rriv SIRS V. L. TII.MAN. Philadelphia, January 13, lil22. TOI US CALIFORNIA & HAWAII via Panama A Ttuymond-Wliitcemb c rulne leaving ew Yerk. Feb 18 Vlaltlnif Cuba. Perte Illco. Virgin Isliiiuls, Panama I'annl, Sulira i iuz nn.l Tehunntipee tn Mexico, J.eh Angel, h. &nn Fran Fran claee, the Hawaiian National Parlt an.l the fimeuH Actlvn voliune Kll.Leen. lllle and Honolulu, return. Hu; te ban Francisce Optional Kast- warn trip by tca or run. Hates I7C0 up. Raymond & Whltcemb Ce 1338 Walnut Street, Philadelphia Telephone, Filbert 3801 far never armen. u Tt )e Thrce U'lshfa"? H It, brleflyi th utery if a mull who bartrra his seu te tlia lfvll (or thrce wlthea which the latter screen tn i erant him. I de net knew the author or co. lectien in Mhldi it npiwarK. II. I.. II. ralladalphl.t. January 0, 11)21. ' Old Seng Desired 7e (ic Tiiltter e the i.'vmliia I'ulHc l.tdeen Sir Fer the benefit of n numb r of chll drtn, lll jeu ultase tiubllnh the tterdu of the old unntr ennt. lining I nn Amburjj Is tlia tmn who becs te alt tht hens He crawls Inte tb lien's den and Mis you an nt uneuK. This son ws iuhk In tlvp1 circus many Mars iike. and If uu will ! klml cneueh tn publish the werda. the courtesy will be iry much aprrtclaicd by i A CONSTANT ItUADini. rhadclphli. Januarj tl, lO.'S. We de net hae a. copy of this sene. Can I a reader supply It? ' j MKS. i: riillndelphla, lann.try t), 101".'. 1 Theu no cods shult he b n M". 2 lief ere no Idel t"tiil th. kn.e 1 T.ike net the mnie nf Lrnd In nin t Part net Iho Habbilh d.u pref in . .". (1Im belli tny patents honor due. H. T-irf.i heed lh.it thou im Miuidi-r de. " Ahlali from er.l nnd deed um Inn s. H'.etil net, th. unh thou lx Im ir . id incin l Make net r ' i.tful lie. ncr low It 10 What Is ths n. uhber's de net reet llie Teuplc's 1'cruni will ippr.lr dulh In the I'Arnlni: I'ubllr Lrtlcrr. nnd nlnn In the Mund i t'ubl Lcleer, letter .IKcillns tlnirlt tuples "III be printed n Hell lis rrnnexteil iioenis, nnd utir. tlnminf irrnrml Interest m II I be answered Ri:SOUT -sTi.AMMUl'S -for that "IrOnc de ferred 'acatien. Art investment in health that will add years te your life. A Winter Paradise. Average temp. 71 : no sudden chnnses; Gelf, Bathinft, Sailing, Fishing. Cliarminrj British Colony. Splendid Hotels. ' "Weekly sailings. Lonve New Yerk Saturday, arriv ing Nassau. Tuesday. S. S. MUNARGO S. S. MUNAMAR MUNSON STEAMSHIP LINES Drcxcl Bidg., Phila., Pa 7 'all Sf Ne- Yn-' a7-lTIIT-,J-JT.'llT.Ta i. euai:. l BAHAMAS - ii On Tropic Seas te Mli'i ) I . Mi" -' hf "iMMfUitfiYi 8wKhitji.iitfi.t - - UMVki ..-u.. w. CURRENT PROGRAMS ' INCLUDE Seuth America. A cruise-tour nmidst scenery unex ce'lKd f'.r firundeur and beauty, by Grace Liner "Santa K'isa," sailin from New erk Feb. 4. Bermuda-West Indies Panama Central America. Inclusive rate tours nnd cruises of end less interval and entertainment at frequent intervals throughout the season. California Honolulu. Next departure January 10th; itinerary includes Grand Canyon, Southern Cali fornia, Coast Iteserts, Sin Francisce, Apache Trail.Ncw Orleans, etc. Other departures, January 81 February 1 G 'i7 and later choice of route by sea (Panama Canal) or land. Extension te Honolulu, Hile, Etc. Egypt The Nile Palestine. Large selection of itineraries for Escorted or Individual travel. Departures February and March. Japan China. Spring Tours, exceptionally well planned. Departures from Pacific Coast Feb. 2 21; March 4 2.5 Europe Seuth of France Italy. Escorted or Individual travel covering all routes. Reservations for the Passion Play at Ober-Ammergau. Thes. Cook & Sen, Official Foreign AgcnUJ Full Information and Literature en Request , THOS. COOK & SON 225 Seuth Bread St. (below Walnut St.), Philadelphia Telephone Walnut 0300 and 2032 ISO Offices Throughout tht World ) winter hrsenTR ATLANTIC CITY eUdt! ATLANTIC CITY. N.J. DirectX v en the Oceafclrwit MAmfricanPiinHotdefPislinclkn CAPACITY 00 U&XerS.ZtCA OAJ7AOE S?vGWIlbTvyHIRB Vlrpinla nff. near llcach. Ilunnlne watr. Alnnr. tilnn. ftt tie iliv tin. . SAMfKi.MH. Onner. N. J. COLLINS. Mr. lUlarlboreuijhlcnMTn . ATLANTIC ClTY.fi.J. JeafnrtAVnUa Sana Cemptny HOTEL CONTINENTAL Ahvajs op- n v4 reid ler moderate Write or phens. M. WALSH UUNCAN. I4ntnl Rnsrnltcl Kentucky A. nr. hc rates Am. i. V. pla.n. I'h 117. K.K.MARIO.N KlKIAVOOl), N. J. "A flood l'lacc te llesrd" LA VAB8AI1 IIOt'HK. LAKKWOOD, N. J. SeVet Clleni'e, Mo.lerate Hates KltXr.KXVII.I.n. TA. HKKNintSVlLLC. TA. A spiendl.l icsert te rest and recuperats Own the ear rn nd. itirmtnxn. a. '092C77 Met mictilllrrnt hotel In the Miith. KnetiiH slnctc nr en idle, with mil without belli. Kurepenn pl.in. 11 Inslrntrd booklet en re-n-,et. e, l' wrimnfR. Mrr. asih:vii.m;. n, r. Write for SPECIAL Fall and Winter RATES ' BATTERY PARK HOTEL Aslietille, N. C. TOUT LAltJKUll.M.i:. n.A. Ne Ceal Bills te Pay It Is r.lnrlsus Summertime In FORT LAUDERDALE Flerida's Trnnenl Wewlerl tnd iieATiMi nvniiNti nsniNe send for lllnstratril Itnnklet erty riiMi'F or iwuiritrn I'tlllT MlTKSjl.l, Hetel Royal Palm2K." M-Hel flelf I'lihlns. Swlmmlns: l'enl. Kvsrj Roem with P .th J. 1 NKLSON. UVr a (TOSfcv ! W! TO RICO There is no lovelier spot for a winter holiday than this "Island of Enchant ment. "A climate soft as Junejcities and harbors vivid with the glamour of Old World life; mess-grown fortresses; grace ful Moorish architecture. 16 DAY CRUISE $1QA and ALL EXPENSES lOU up There is just the right amount of shore-going te lend in terest te the entire cruise. Yeu make th- trip en large, 10.000 -.en steamers especieUy designed and luxuriously fitted for aervice in the tropics. There Is a wide choice of n-conime lat.ens ranging from comfortable staterooms at minimum rates te suites with private bath. The steamer is your he el for the entire trip and the rate covers alt ne-ery expenses te and around the Isla-vd and return te New Yerk Deck golf and ether amusements. New Condade-Vonderbilt Hetel opens Jan. 1st. IVVite for beautifully illustrate! booklet Addres PORTO RICO LINE 25 Dreadftrny New Yerk nr f n I ukL fafiyiittcX1 "kB?TTwl TOI Its $S &j vv wiNTitn nr.tORTfl IlKHMODA HAMILTON HOTEL BERMUDA Uarn In Construction and Opsritlea 530 Suites with . Dth FlrppeX Accommodations for nne Concerts by Iirltlsh It'slmenul nnd N. y." Oltlre. Hmir Tnrel nurraa 428 nth Arenne moeklttt Cable Address "Hetel rtsrmudk' Msnnrrment f J. A. Pherrnrt Alse lintel !eitan. Ttesch IllulT. XUsa, HVvAhv. OANAI Fer the Real Tiling in Winter Sports Geed Cheer Life Merriment CEaieau m t QUEBEC CANADA Red letter days for old and young- with an old French-Canadian setting. Vigorous outdoor sport en glistening hill and crystal ice; evenings of jelly companionship round great open fire places; dances and mas querades. Triple chute tobegpan slides, Curling in the Chateau Court, Ski jumping en Citadel Hill, epii-air Skating all close at hand. Swiss Hki instructor uf international reputation. Heckey games und snow nhec tramps. Curling Bensptel in l'ebruary. CONVENTIONS The Win ter sport season is 'an ideal time for Conventions nt Que bec. The pleasure of keen sport amid bright and novel surrounding adds zest te business. 'bt can u comfortable trip via Montreal. Ruervatiena through CANADIAN PACIFIC HOTELS C'l) Chestnut St., I'lillu. or CItATUAU rilONTUN.VC, .itieiitc, inn. IN .MI-JMOULVM t'Ti EEPEfl In memory it my tmlevcd hu i. l.i,w.uu i Ki.r.i'iiL who de- par"- 1 his ;,fe Jnnuan HI. 1018 'tl." l.ght of his deiir llfe went down As sinks behind a hill The glory of u settlrg .ter Calm, suddenly nnd e til 1 LAURA M. HTREEPER. .GRIFFITH. In memory nf DAVID R GRIFFITH. January 10. 100J. eatfig , AIKEN Jan. 13 mvm " . husband of Mary Atken (nee .McMillan), aged B7. Reta- live-i und frlcndu. ilw Fame Ledge, Ne, 778. I. O. O. F i Oulidlm; Htm Ledge, Ne. J03, L O L. tnvlttd te HTtkes, Tues.. 2 P. SL. ; late residence. 3811 N nth -t. Int. private, Urconineunt Om. Viewing Jlen. eve. I ALLCIIIN. Jen. 12. ILLIASI F ALI. 'CHIN, Funeral eervics Tues . 2 P. St.. 121 , Mendela ave, Uryn Stawr, I'n Int. ItHdr.er M. E. Cm. Friends may call Stun., aftr 7 'P. SL RALDWIN On Jan 14. 1022. AARON XV. UALDWIN. husband of Jennie S. Raid. win. agid .13. Servle-s en Tuesday after- neon lit 2 o'clock, at B.14U Larchwued aN'e St Jehn's Assemblv. N'e. 28. A. O. M. P.. Invited. Int. private. Remains' may Ui viewed en Monday, niter a 1. JI. HELTON At Sloerestown. N. J . Jnn. 11. 1021! JOHN C. HELTON, Hr huseand of I AI co ll neunn. j.riu.ivea nne rrienus, also Ilur. Ce. l"unernl Directors' Ansoclntlen, nre Invited te attend tunerul. Slen , 2 P. St., Si cm his late residence 230 XV. Slain at., Slcorcstewn. Int. private. RENDER. At West Chester Pa . nn Jan. 14. 1022. LILLIAN MAY. wife of Jeseph It Render. Relatives und frlends, also Unity Chanter. Ne. 2ld, (). E. S . Pennu. ! Commander-,, Ladles Auxlllars (I. I. A te 11 of L E. und Liulles' Aid Hecbty wentuanu aw, vi. i. uiircn. are invueu te tne servicue, en vtt-uiiei.ua uiiurnoen, nt O cinun. "1 ilvl ....' iv.i'iniiu, lllil n Mst Ht . I'hlla. interment lit Fernvvoed t'emetr Frlends may view remalne Tuesday owning. RIDDLE At llerwyn. Th Jan. 1.1. MARY Sb KINNEY, widow- of Samuel Hid- .1 c in her bilih year Funeral from the ' residence of her granddaughter. Mrs. Wnlter lleavei. C'tiitral nve., Ibrven Wed., 2 P. St. I Int Ureut Valley Raetlst Cem , IILTJSI Jan. 12. m.AN'l'HE IH.mr (n .Mill) wlfe of Frank Itlum Relatives and friends ure irrvlted te services. Monday, 1 p, SL. at her late reijdenee. 12Ci N 1.1th st, Interment etr'ctly prlvutc. Viewing Hundaj evening HO.M.ER On Jan. 14, HARAH A., widow of Jlltll.H Ilenler. llged 00. ItAlailvOR nm llrlen.lH invited te funernl en W-dnehday at 1 2 n'clei It from her latu rialdnce, 7012 llreweti r rve Friends ir nv .all en Tn... ida, 7 te 0 P. SL Interment Fimwoed Ceme tery. IK) t.;f-v .-, . .m.n ........... iiii... i .-..j M.1I1 it. j'j . n nax.i. I v. blew of Hennan lieenulrg. Rdatlvex and frlindr, ulsu L. r of A , Semerret Circle, .... 10 nr, inviii.i vy niienu lunerai serv- I lies, lues., i v. ,vt.. ruiiuenee, Liu N 4th st Int private. Ureonmeunt Cem. Viewing I Sten tee. , . HORN" At the r.sldence of her daughter. Mrs. William St, Wagner. 1310 S 47th St., Jan. 13. CATHARINE ROHN aged 77. Funeral servlces and interm nt prlvst- , IIREOY. Jan. IS. FRANCOIS AS1EDEE 1IEEOY Relatives and friends, nlsj mem-1-ers of the Ocn. F D Ilaker Pest, Ne. 8, I O. A. R., urj invltetl te attend funeral serv ices, Wed , 11 A. SI . at the Church of the ' I .carnation. Proud and .TefferMiu st" Re mains may Im aen. 10 A SI precisely, at his lute residence, 203S N Ilread st Int. I provlnte. HRENNAN Jan 13, 1022. ANNA SI , be. I loved wlfe uf Francis J. llrennau .nee Hail), . Relatives und friends Invited te funeral, Tues., 8 30 A SL, from her late residence. 5012 Redman at Requiem muss at Church of i t m Transtlgurutlun, le A. St Int. at Hely 1 Cress rem. i 1IRINTON Jan. 11 at her residence. r.nr.b siark.- st . Florence rhinten. Rtlatlves un.i friends, also Camp Ne. ti.1, P. O. of A ure t-ivlted te attend funeral serv ices, Tues , 1.30 V, SI , resident e of brother, Frnnk Hunsberry, 1442 Cuyuju st. Int. prl vnte, Chelten Hills Cim. Frhr.ds call Men. cve. tiiTnir-ca Tt....l ..n in. . . ..... LI.NiE E. UURQESH. at iier lu's re'slde'nce CONDY. Jan 12 WILLIAM ll cnNnv Funeral servlces St' it 1 I .ii. et tne par ters of (' A. Qulnbv A Hen IA4B V st Int. Odd Fellevvt,' Cum. Viewing Hun eve CORCORAN -Jan IL' JA.MES E CeV CORAN, agel 0.1 Relutfv.H and friends, also Printing Pressmen s Union, Ne. 1. in. vited te attend funeral Wed , 8.30 A SI residence, 3703 Woodland uve Solemn re int" HolyttCresV' Ja"'9"' ChUrCh 10 A M CRl!iAME'R.--5lan, 13. 1022. JAStB.3 fC., sod of Cburlw T. ana lite LUly Jl, crvatner, yeih mtenac IIUROESS. Parsed en. Jun 14. EVA- LjeJJJ'l-Hft.i,?n1?;, ."' V' Sl. .h.T ' LI.NiIJ E. UUROESH. at iier In", residence , J1 f"-., I?.1,, J,?,"V. Vf,reRALWc z: 31 Uurd eve. Slllll.eurns Reiatlvts unii ! ,Tv',. ' ' aerge M. Kite. Funeral friends invited te funeral services, Tuts., I p itvViTT t,, ,e ,.,,,., " V. M . at Armstrong's. 107. m v iirna.i I .R0". Jn ! ELIZABETH B . vvlfe it Int private .--.- ... ... ( or lfT(H, Jvlu, jimernl SIisi . 2 30 P M , CLAYTON. First Lieutenant ROOEli I residence 38 13 Frankford ave Int. Orecn CLAYTON died li. Frame .Muy "l, 1010 m,,l"1U ltlnalns '""V te viewed Sun., after Hue iiollee of fun-i-a vv.ll be s-leri ! ' imw amp-ii u,m,i.i,. , BKATHS aired 20. Relatives and friends, also Ann; wnn Tribe, Ne. 270, F . R. it., are Invited te attend fufnersl. Wed.. 1:30 V. M.. 42' Church t.. . Ambler, I'a. Services In Arrbler Presbyterian Church 2:X0 1 M Take 1:03 V. ,M. train from Readme Term inal te Ambler. Int. Resehlll Cem. Friends may call Tues.. from 7 te 0 1'. At. CROMIE On Jan. 13. 1022. OIL11ERT, seu et tht lata Themas D. and Mary A. Cremle, aaed (10. rune rat services en Mon day, at 2:30 1. M resldsnce of Harah J. Mnjlltnn, Church , lane, Yeoden. DeI. Ce I'll, Int. private Fernvvoed Cem, Friends may cnll Hundny, 8 te 10 I', M UUHMUR. Jan. 12. PtlOKIlB BOHN, vvlfe of Herbert D. Crosier. Relatives and friends of the family nre Invited te attend funeral services, Men 2 1. M., late rest, dence, 44 Essex ave.. Lansdevvnc, I'a. Int. Calvary Cem , Rockdale. la DANA1IKR. Suddenly, en Jan. 13. 1022. UUl'ilBMIA. wlfe of Michael J. Danahcr and daughter et th late Jehn nnd Mary Atc.Vvey. Hervlce en Monday afternoon, at 2 n'c eclt. at the Oliver II. ltalr llldr.. 1H''0 . Chestnut at. Interment private. OAVIB. At the residence of her brother brether lnlavv, Uusen Vlckcrs, 420 North l'resten let., nn jap. la. iu-j, CAHUI.l.NB M., widow of Oconto' W. Davis, formerly of Faell. I Relatives and friends are Invited te the services en Tuesday afternoon at 2:80 .o'clock, At rirst llaptlst Unurch, Matvern, t'enna. friends may call Monday evening. iiivvt.i'.. jan. ia. JSVjij.EiT w,, hus band et Jennie T. Uevvees. Relatives and friends nre Invited te attend funeral cerv ices. Tues . 2 V M. precisely, late residence, ,.'i;i N. 3d at. Int. private. DIBTRR. At remborten. N, J Jan. 13. 1022, OIIOROB. husband of Kdlth Dieter (nee Holllnirsvv'erth), Philadelphia Saenser. I.rles Hoclety and One-Vearly Bpclety. 'are Invited te services. Tues., 2 P. M., at the residence of his aunt. Mrs. I-Vederlelc Hmllh . 170 W. Nerrls St.. Philadelphia. Int. pri- vate, llelvue Cern, Friends may call Meu DICTZ Jan. 13. 1IRLTIM P., daunhter of Hmll nnd Augusta -Diets (nee R-lnauer), attrd 24. Relatives nnd friends. Sodality of St. Stephen's Church, ere Invited te attend fu neral, Wed., 8:30 A. M., from the apart- iiiuiiia u, .luriilU ii i.lUlllKiill. luin i-i. i.i... 'Uormantevvn ave, Kolemn requiem high mass at Ht. Htephcn's Church 10 A. M. Int. Hely Sepulchre Cem. DOHL'RTV. Jan. 12, 1022. KATHARINK II.. vvtfe of James J, Behertv (nee O Leary). Relatives and friends Invited te attend fu neral, Tues., 7:30 A-M.. from her late reel deuce. .1001 Aramlmrn nve. Solemn reuulem mass at Church of Nativity I) A. M. Int. New Cathedral Cem. DONOIIUQHHILL. Jan. 12. MAR Gnirr J., vvlfe of William J. Danehusii (nee Fivulkneri. Relatives nnd friends, also members uf Washing en f'ump. Nn. 120. V, O. of A., are invited te attend funeral serv ices, Mnn 1 V. M., nt 482 K. Thompson st. Int. hforthvveod Tem. Prlends may call ie in i-. n. ef'gSeTaaVfr, SM W efE i? 2$28UUruv??r' ft nt.-r.XlS;?i ? A j ,n,'e" " C-" Lutheran Cem. Friends mav call Bun. eve DRESS Jan. IB. SARAH I'.. widow of Antheny J Dress, Funernl servlcs Tues.. H I'. St., at late resld'nce. 3818 N. 10th st, tnt. prlvntn. Charles Evans' Cem., R ndlng Pa . Wcdncsdny. rilSEN. Jan. H. 1022 HENRY LODOE. husband et the late CnUicrlne Ebseti. aged Si. Relatives and friends Invited te funer.il services, AVcd., at 2 P. St.. nt son-in-law's residence, August Ktarlce, 018 S (10th st Friends may call Tues , after 7:30 P. SI. Omit flnvvers. Int. private. EILEN11EROKR Jan. 14. FREDERICK !'.. husband of Ella T. Ellcnbcrger. Funeral services Wed.. 1:30 P. St.. at nls late riu. dcrce, 1217 XV. feltzer st Int. strictly pri vate. Omit- (lowers. ERWIN .nee Weed). Jan. 13. 1022. StARY L.. vv'dew of Otorge Ervvln and daughter of the late Jehn and Slargsrct Weed. Relatives and friends are Invited te attend funeral. Tu-s 8 A. SI., from her late residence, 2342 XV. Cumberland st. Sol emn reiiu'em mass, St Columba's Church, 0 A. St. Int. Hely Sepulchre Cem. Funeral director. Jehn F. SIcCurrnn ESIIER. Jan. if. HARRY L. husband nf lnllA &f lA.li.. ni.,H f.7 TlataflLtt. nnd I friends, also members of Independent Coun ell. Ne. 8. F. P. A. nnd I'hlle Fire D - ipartment ln,vlted te funernl servlces. Wed., '2 P. SL. from his breth-r'e rosldence. Wm. ,Ehor, 2007 Oxford st Int. prlvnte, Stonu Stenu ment Cum. Friends may call Tues. evening. from 7 te 0 o'clock. EVANS On Jnn. 12 1022 SASIL'EL J., son of Divld J, and Sallle Evuna. aged 1.1 years. Relatives and friends ure Invited te the service en Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at parents' residence. 770 North 22d st. Interment prlvnte, at Sit. Slerlah Ceme tery. Frlenda may call Tuesday morning alter 10 o'clock. FARRELL. Jnn. 14, SARAH LOUISA, vvlfe of the late Washington Farrell, In her 82d year. Relatives and friends Invited te I n.tenu runerai, rues . - i .n.. irem ner i 'nte residence. Hustleten nvp above Rhawn St., Hustleten, Phlla Further services, 8 IP, SL. at fit. Luke'a Church.-Ruitleten. '.Int. ndjelnlng grounds, Cemevances will Vnect tre'.leys at lirldcu St.. Frankford from I'l it 1 :3il P. M. I FERGFSON. On Jan 14, 1922. SARAH A. FERf.USON (nee Cliff), widow of Jehn O, FurBusen. Rvlatlves nnd friends nre Invited te the service en Wednesday afternoon nt 2 .o'clock at her residence. 201(1 East Tiega st. .Interment 'private. Friends muy call Tues- Idav evening. 7 ie ft o'clock. 1 FEY. Jan. 13th. CHARLES R husband of Elizabeth J. Iy. aged 00 years. Rela tives and friends, also Lincoln Circle Ne. 8, I'enna. Hrotherheod of America ure Invited te nttend funeral services, Tuesday. 2 P, St., '2832 XV. Albert st. Im. Northwood Cem. I FITTERS. Dlisi suddenly, en. Jan. 12. 11122. at her late residence 032 XV. H Hrhln' I eon St.. SUSAN IDA, wlfe of Edivln litters t,...i.-.'- ..,' ,ri..'t. r.n.i ..ii .i...i... .. wl.tcli she was u member. Invited te funernl ervlres en Tuesday, at 2 P. SI. parlors or v- j. l'nniips. ins ,-. nun st. viewing Mendnv evening. 7 te 10. IfR. iteunt Vernen Cem OII.SON. At WoshliiEten. T C. Jnn. 14. JAMES A., husband of Amanda Olloen. and seu of the late James J. and Emma Ullsen, formerly of Philadelphia. Funeral nnd Int. Wed . .nt Washington. 1. C. OIVENS. Jan. 14. 1022. at her residence, RR1S N. Lawrence st . ELIZAUETH OIV ENS, widow of Rebert Olvens and dnughter (if Jacob nnd the late Elizabeth Kramer (nee Slaver), aged 42 Relatives nnd friends lire Invited te attend funeral services. Tues., 2 P SL. nt the funeral home of Jehn C. Kim in., rl.. t Sens 212B-27 N. Bread st. Int. ....... . .--- .--,.- i.;. . ..- - .. --.- ueiri'i-iv-i , jnn, ij, uiti&Aisruu GOEPFERT (nee XwierJ. aged 00. Ite.n- tlves nnd friends lnviic.1 te fun-rnl, Tues , s 30 A. SL. from her late residence. 30.11 Ulrard nve. High mass of requiem at St. I.udwlg's Church 0 30 A. SI. Int. ut Hely . roes Cem OOULD, Jan. II, 1022. DENNIS OOULD. Relatives end friends Invited te funsral. Wed . 8 30 A. St , from the residence of his daughter Sirs. SInry Smith, 40.1 IS. Cambria st Solemn requiem rnssa Church of the Visi tation in A SI. Int. Hely Sepulchre Cem. Oil NT Jan. 18. 1022. HARRY A,, husbund of Ro-e Orant (nee Fltzpatrlek). Itein'lves and irienus are inviieil te intend funeral, Tues., 8:30 A. SL. from triether's residence. 2018 N. Heiisall st. Solemn high ' reuule i mRs Ht. Columba's Church 10 A. M li . Helv Redeemer Cam. (jREEN Jan 13. CORA B., daughter of the late Jehn St. and Aratielta R. Green llilatlves and friends, empleyes of Curtis Publishing Company. Invited te funeral ncrv Ices, Slen., 8 P, SI, preolselv, res'dence of '.rnitier 10J Perter at. Int. Iottstewn, Pa. Tues.. 0:21) A. SI. train, Ilread Sttxct Sta tion ORIES Jan. 14. EDITH L . daughter of Jacob and Emma Dries, nged 2 vrs, 3 mes Relatives nnd friends nre Invited te nttend fun.'ial, Tu.-h u A. SI., from her pirenu lesidm e.iii N lutn et. int. nrlvnte. (1RUMLEY. Jan. 13. H ORVILLE. son of William il. and Jeanna O. urumlev (nee efiO.iffer), uged 18. Funeral services Sten.. 2 p M from Ills patents' residence. 3303 Federal st camaen, ?.-. J. int. privatl. Vrllnuten Cem HAflEN lun. 13. 1P22. CHRISTIAN A . eon of late Arthur Hagen, tn thu 43th year nf li.s agi. Funeral servlees ut Church of Ojr Sloth, r of Ooed Ceunel, Uryn Sluwr." Sten le A SI Conveyance) will iniet 0:13 A SI train from Uread St Station at Uryn Stavvr Int. private. J1AUAN. Jan IS. WINIFRED, widow of Jitnea Hagun (re's Lynch). Relatives and friends nre Inv ted te attend funeral. Tues day. 8 30 A SL, rosldenco of her nephew, Edward Celeman, 23.14 Cedar st. Solemn requiem mass St Ann's Church, 10 A, SL Interment Ilelj Cress ("emetery, HAINES At Sit. Helly. N J.. Jan. 13. 1022. H. T!IA()CARA, hustwnj of Clara B. Haines, aged SI Relatlven und friends, also till le.liri.,1 nf whleh tin unn n tnAtntw. In. , vttd te fun-ral from his late residence. 42s High st . Stt. Helly N. J.. Tues., 2:30 P. Sf Int Sit Helly Cem HASH Ll ON --Jan 11. MICHAHT. .n. . bnnd of Hannah Hamilton Helutlvna ,.n,t ... ," 7 ...... j .. '..-".. ." "-.' T- ' iii.nui. rvr. lilt ii.-ri in Hiinnii iun.rni. 30 A. M.. from his late teldenen I Ciunbrldre at High mass of rjqulem St t' laiicn .nvier n vnurcn 10 A. SL Int. Helv C,?rvvFvlT,,, it irimt...! . v . .1.,'iVNh'?,,'Ja,n 13, THOSIAU husband of LunlnT,.J1"7 1.lRn;,'.,Iu'alj'' nd friends, SISO L1IV Jl. A (J. II. InvltPO In f.lnnr.l Te. k-Ki i Uf ; k L--i...- . 7i' .."' i. ?.i, :u.h"V?J1,f1-.. lerm reiulem mass at Cliiin-h of th N-utluliu in a t i.. N. ... W.i j , rt .... .v ... ... ,., ?"' Cathedral Cm. IIKAI.Y III I' runrn. Viv in into JOHN HEALY. Private.: Ce. It. 110th ikt. Relatives and friends lnvitri 'tn r..n...i from the residence of his aunt, Sirs. Mar garet Cenner. 21(1 Harmony at,, Ceuteavtlle. Pa., Tues . Jan. 17. 1022. Sleet et the house at 8 A SI .Mass at St. Cecilia Church 10 A SI. Int. St. Cecilia Cem. HOKE Jan. 14, lt'.'2. FRANCIS be loved son of FrenelH a, nnd Msry Keke (n-e Re.venkamp) aged S. Funra! Tues., p SI . inreMi' nsldcnce, 2220 N Delhi ut Int j.rlvate JONES. Suddenly. Jan. 13, 1322, WIL LIASI E.. huetianii of late Susan Jenes. Relatives und friends Invited te funeral servi "V1. T.'.1C"' '- ' ' "' hi" lit residence 2103 XV. Ontar e st. Int. strictly private KEI.IIY Jnn if.. El.Wixiri n .', ."... of Mary M Kelby. Ilelatlvei aid fr'end. I ,.,?r..A."V V?:??'VV. J an la. 1022 - , in.a miiiefV iinimi.,... .;.., ..rr-T.V"".'"! ' Li...Lin..i. i i ...;. ; "- -. --..". ...r.. NorthwevU tern vault, viewing jien 8 te pamuei .i nice, inn-rai services .vinn., -10 p SI P. SL. bl E, Oarfleld st,. Oermantewn. Int. J V M . ftt his Utt rrnlflene, 1511 Wern rath my it rnnirrirn mi tirfitniA .... n.nunii i'Jc. S1U, l imU A HT., Iltld en jiimuiiin imii ntner organizations of which hu vvus u in mbir. nre Inv Hed te ittind funerut servlces, at his late residence. 114 Ferrest ave. Nurberth. Ia Men r precisely. Int. private. Sit. Peace Csm Train leaves Ilread St. Station for Narberlh L .P M' rlntl iny call Bun., 7 te 0 P.. M. . rjVUDESIAN. Jan, 14, TIIILIP LAUDE JUH Retative, and frlsed. Invited . te) fu nKATHS neral servlces. Wed.. 2 P. M.. 200! Dickin Dickin eon st. InL'Prlvate. Friends may call Tuea. evenlnir, . .-, LAilER. Jan. 14. at Wayne Apts., 1B3 Drewn st.. DAVID U husband of 8. Jennie Lauer. Relatives and friends Invited te sorvlce, 1530 Kalrmeunt ave,, Tues,, 1:30 T t Tnt tirlvafj. 'lA)NO. Jan. 14.' DMKATinTlt.M., wldetv or James n. unn. agca u, i.eiaiives mm rlends Invited te funeral, Tues., 2:3(1 P. M. from residence of J. C. Clair. 817 Kuclld ave.. Ambler. Int. nrlvate. Take the 1:02 train from Reading Terminal te Ambler. Re mains may be seen Men 7 te 0 1. St. LOUOIIRAN. Jan. 14. MAY AONI3S, wlf of llernnrd J. Lemhran (nee ICamllteiV Relntlvu and friends nre Invited te attend funeral, Wed., 8:30 A. St.. father's reil-il-nce, 1318 J'erter st. Solemn high mis LPtphany Church 10 A. 31. Int. Hely Cress CMbc1NT!RE. Jn. IB, 1022, DANIEL W. StacINTIRB, Relatives and friends, also tlrlcklavers' Anse. nnd Independent Circle, Ne. 38, 11. of A., nre Invited te attend fu neral, Ved 1 P. St., from 030 N. 10th st. Int. Woodlands Cem. Remains viewed Tues., MacPIIEliaON. At his residence, Stair Stair nella. N. J., en Jan. 14. 1022. WILLIAM CHARLES, beloved husband of Slnriruerlts St. MacPhcrsen (nee Coffey). Announcement MAHOL Jnn.'ll. CHARLES, husband ei Martha StaRRl (nee Cummlnca). eon of Kate and late Themas SUr-kI, Relatives and friends Invited te funeral. Sten.. .2- P.. St.. late restdence. 2BS1 8, Heward st. Int. Fern- WMcCLOu'D, Jan. 11, KATHERINB C, wlfe of Harry J. StcCleud. Relatives nnd friends are Invited te services. Jlen., 2 P.. SI at residence of her son. L. W. Kearns, 183(1 N. Aldcn st. Int. private. Sit. Peace Cem Friends may call Bun. eve StcaOUOlL Jan. l4. JAStES. husband of Stary SlcOeugh (nee Kane) Relatives nnd friends Invlte.l te funeral. Wed,, 8:34 A. M from into residence. (1118 Pentridge st. Hluh mass of rcnulem nt Church of St. Francis de Bales 10 A. SI. Int. Hely Cress Cem. McKEEVEIv.VJan. 12. 102V. TJIOMAP ,T. husband of the late Elizabeth A. SIcKcevar (nee MrLauuhlln). .Relatives and friends, also William O. Warden Hen. Assn. em em peoyes of the Atlantic Refining Ce., nnd iaaue of the Sacred Heart of Bt. Charles' Church, ere Invited te attend funeral, Tues,, fl-30 A. SL, from his late rosldence, 2312 Lembard st. Solemn renulem mess St. Pat rick's Church 10 A. SI. Int. Hely Cress C McMACKIN.-Jan. 12. PATRICK Sic StACKIN. aged 73 Relatives and friends Invited te funeral, Tues.. 8 A. St.. from the par ors or n. i-. rimnniniu nom, n.iuu Vine t. Stass Church nf the Victory. Bllh and Vine, 0 A. St. Int. Helv Cress Cem, MnWILLIAMS. On Jan. 14. ELtZAUETH daughter of the late 1 rands and Ann Stc: Williams (nee SteVelgh). Relatives and friends Invited te funeral en Wednesday, at s-.til A. St., reslJence of sister-ln-lavv, Oath- MOORE. Jan. 13 1022. StAROARET. be loved wife of Jehn Stoere. daughter of the late Patrick and Stargaret Limb. Re'nttves -.i t.inrt lire Invited te attend funum Wed.. 8:30 A. Sf.. Inte residence. 1B12 Chjrch st . FranKieru. euimnn reqvi.em mnes ni. Joachim's Church. 10 A. SI. Interment Bt. Deminic's Cem-tery. "SIOROAN. Jan. 13. 1022. ELIZA JIAR LIN, vflfe of lata Jehn Slnrgan. Relatives and .r.,t invited tn funernl. Men.. 1 '30 I. M. late resilience. 1810 S. Vegijes st. Int. at Sit MORRISON Jan. 12. StARIE EARLEY wlfe of Frank Slorrlsen and daughter of Jehn and Slary Qllllgan. Relatives nnd friends, also If. V. SI. Sedalltv uf the Im maculate Conceet'on Church, nre Invited te attend funeral Tues., 8:30 A. SL. from her parerts' residence. 134 XV. Wlldey st. Sol emn requiem mass nt the Immaculate Con Cen Con ceptlen Church 10 A. SI. Int. Hely Sepulchre "sTyERS. On Jan. 13. 1022. CHARLES A., son of Slary E. Slyers, aged Tl years telativts and friends are Invited te the services en Wednesdny nfternoen ut 2 o'clock, nt the Oliver If. Ilalr llhlg.. 1820 Chestnut nt, Interment private. nuiv.m-;!.. Jan. ii. umcak m.tzmi;ii, of 4177 Slantui ave. Due notlce of funernl will be given. O'DONNELL. Jan. 13. 1022. ELLEN, widow of Terrunce O'Donnell. Relatives and frlends are Invited tu attend funeral. Tues. 8:3i) A. SL. from parlors of T. J, Carrell 1100 Fayette ut.. Conshehockcn, Pa. Solemn requiem masu nt St, .Matthew's Church 10 A. M int. Ml. MniineH-s. PATTON. At 3311 "erth CSd St.. en Jan. I II. 1022. ELLA, wife of William T. Pat I ten. Servlces en Wednesday afternoon, a . 1 o'clock, ut the Oliver II. Ilalr Rldg.. 1820 I Chestnut st. Interment private. i PEARHALL. On Jan. .14. after a sher ' Illness of pneumnnln, ANN WARDER, daugh ter of the late Rebert and Eleaner II l'cur sail, Funernl services en Tuesday, Jin. 17 at 11 o'clock. Ht her late residence, lis Valley read. Aromere. interment private. I Is requested that no flowers be sent. POMROY. Jan. 14. E.MS1A S.. wlfe of the late Jehn II. Pomroy. Relatives und trlends are Invited te uttend funeral s-rvlras, Wul . 1:30 P. SI., at her late rcs'dence. 201 Sllflllr hi. Int. North Cedar Hill Cem PEEL. Jan. J3. EL1ZARETH, widow of Rebert Peel, used 01. Relatives and friends, also Hellman Council. Ne. 110, S. and D. of . .fli,. West Ledge s-e a"u H It ' 01 the A C8t LeOUgtf. N0. U.U, D, Ol WIsatnemhiB Heme. Ne. 0. H. of A.. ... . r. ,,,n..nl ...vl... W-,.,! ' t I.. ; star 11.. and nre lnvltvi te funeral services. Weil.. 2 I SI., at Frankford Ave. SI. E. Church. Re malru may be viewed Tues. eve., at H)l)3 Foulkrod et. Frankford. Int. .Oakund Cem lrii:n Jan. 13. JOHN bested husband of Nellie Plpei ' SlanlliK). fvlutlve ind friends, also St. Lawrence Council. KnlK t rf Celumbus: Hely Nniue Society. Oidir if r. ne. N'e. hi: a tttr Carriers nnd erinloye "t Falrhlll Stitkn. are Invited te nttend funeral, ill Ills lote rcsldi lice. u33 W L.'hiuh nve,, v'ji., ...u .i, ... j.j..... i.iu"vj ass it St Edward's Church ut 0 A. Kfnt. Hely Cress Cem TllI)MON-D. Jan. 12. 1022. JAMES J son uf the late Jumes unl Slary Redmond j Relatives and friends are Invited te attend I funeral Tues.. 8.30 A. St.. from his late j resldmce. 1012 H. 20th st. Salt inn requlem mass at Church et St. Edmend 10 A. Sf. Int. Hely Cress Cem. HEINHARDT. Jan. 14. SEVILLA A widow of Reuben F. Reinhardt. Funeral services Wedmsday, 2 P. St.. nt late reel reel dence 12tl Droekllne boulevard, UroeklLiiu, Del. Ce.. Pa. Int. private. Itlv;!. Jan. u. iAnuiii-a. wir.nvr rl . . . .i. , - . ... . uvaie xii.nas nifcy can aui. ev. RILEY On Jan. 12. 1022. SIAT1LDA .1 I RILEY (nee Harbison), wife uf Frederick W. . Riley. Re'atlves und friends, also Ce von ait Chapter. Ne. 100. O. E S.. are Invited te the services, en Stenday nfternoen, at 2.30 o'Ueclt. nt her residence. C027 Race st. Inter ment at Sit Slarlali Cem. Frlends may cal Sun lay evening. lteniNSON. Suddenly, Jan. 14, WALTE" ROBINSON, aged 0.1. Relatives and frlerds iilfe Alfred the Great Iodge, Ne. 23 O S of St. a . are Invited te attend funeral services. Tues . 2 1. St.. res.dence. 20" Snder nve. Int. private, rernwoed Cem. Viewing Stun eve. ROSENTHAL. Jin. IB. 1022. lfGRREnT. beloved husband of Starth-i Rosenthal (nre Hadra). Relatives and friends are Invited te attend funeral services. Tues., 10.30 A St., Inte residence 470.1 Wayr.e ave. Int rrlvnte. Sit. Slnal Cem. Kindly emit flowers llaltlmer". Pittsburgh and New Yerk papers pliare copy, 1UJHHELL. Jan. 12, MARTHA J. SSIART. wife of the late J. Russell. Rela tives and friends nre Invited te nttend fu neral. Tues.. 8 A. M . from the residence f Andrew Smart 2114 S. Philip st. High ninBs of renulem Church of Our Lady of Sit Carmel 0.30 A. SI. precisely. Int. He t Cress fern nUlllA'rkiKU. un Jin. 1... I'.UWIN irAITItinil. son nf Snmiml end llh..rer, scheckter, aged 20 months. Interment prl- vnte. BCIISIITZ Jan. 11. TILLIE. belnved daughter of the late Henry and H.irmlna behmltz. Relatives and friends Invited t nttend the funeral cervices, Sten., 8 P. SI., at rosldenie uf EdivaaJ A. Dletz, 3033 N. 8th st Funeral Tues. in A Sf. Int. Egg Harbr Cem. Egg Harber. N. J. Eg Harber and Atlantis Clt papers please copy UCHOENLEDER lim 13. 1022, MARY (nei Stelger), beloved wife of Wllllera Scheenleber. Relatlves pml friends, alie Ladles' Aid of Jehn A. Koltes Cum.i. Ne 228. S. of V , b. of V Aux . Ne. 80, ef Abrahnm Lincoln Camp, Ne. 30, are invited te attend funeral servlces, Wed . 2 P, SI at lur slater's residence, 418 W. Cumber land st Int. private. West Lalurel Hill ..im ii-inmna nmy ne vieweii -ixes. eve BEIVARD. At Laurel Springs, N. J., Jan. 1 I'l"'.. I'AT.VIfC If h.i.hnn.l rtf tJi.l. .-. 1 u. .m... -r---- .," - I . . . ... U. eivatu. iieiuuvra anu irienas, iitse em em peoyes of Vucuum Oil Ce.! Hadden Heights Ledge Ne. 101. F. end A. SL: Excelsior Con sistory, tl. R M : Cretcint Temple, A. A O K-. M S. : Senatus I.ortee. I. e r tr. . s nnd Invited te funernl, Slen.. 3 P. SI. lite reel Tues I dence. Laurel Springs, N. J. Int. private. 2718 1 RerUn. N. J. Remains may be vlewed Sun. m Ht. evn. HIIEPPAHD Jan. 14. ItAnnv T. Biiren 'fARD. Relatives and frlendi are Invited . te nttend funeral servlcee. rue,. 11 A SI picclsely. at ths David H. 8chu5er llldg . ll.nn.t anit n in.An.1 ... T . . . . "'"."" ""'.V-''.'." "..".-'.. ". '"! " SHIRU. At the resldence of his dauih .Iim.. ii vi.'.i;.'.!:."1 .r; iSJ?.""1?S"'vt ..T.ii., .-, ... .uvruiiniiu, .mil VJnesinul St. ,en Jan. 14. 1022. iirmjamim p airii.i airs. i-. ii. juaci-arinnd. itnin rh.tinni ion Jan. 14, 1022. HENJASHN F. HHIRE Iti.in.i.... ...,. ......,. . . ..... .'.... V. r: ' ee in Mendliy nVenlnV.V'V'eV..'On "" utiver it. unr mag., 1820 Chestnut st. Interment at the convenience efthe family SHIRLEY. Jan. 14, nt her lata residence, 222.1 Slltflln st.. VIRGINIA, wife of Mils Shirley. Due notice 8ISIPSON JOSEPHINE SISfPSON, sued 77, at Woedeldo Summit Hill, Saturday January 14, 1022 Funernl service Tuesday nfternoen at 2 o'clock, at late home. In. ten .vnt In Urand Army Cemetery, Summit Hill Relatlves and friends Invited. fSUTH.-Jan. 13, 1022. NELLIE F. . wlf ry Jehn Smith und daughter of the late tllllam and Ilebccui llarett Relatives, and friends Invited te funeral. Wed., 8:30 A SI from brother-in-law's residence, O N Sn.l'h 014 Ridge ave,. Darby. Pa. High mass Church uf lllessed Virgin Slary le A. SI Int. Hely Cress Cem. " H.MITIL Jan. ll.-ISARELLA. widow of Charles Smith. Relatives and fr'ends are Invited te attend funeral service, Tuesday 2 P St.. ut her lata leeldence, 7043 SIo SIe Cutlum st., Sleunt Airy. Interment Ivy Hill Cemetery. BS1ITH Jan. IB, StOnRLS. husband of Hannah .1 Smith, aged 03 Rolatlvea and fr mds are invited te attend funernl serv. b-es, Wed,, 2 P SI late residence, 2128 N 0th st Int Adath Jeshumn, UNDERTAUnnS C lW BROAD An S DIAMOND nKATHS . 8PKNCKR. On Jan. IB. 1022. mT a., wiuow.er iicnry H, Bpeneer tne Vi...'W. Del.). Relatives and friends iV. M''l"i, te the services en Mnml.v .i..JA lnlttd o'clock, nt the Oliver ,1L 11a r in,? J" . ' . .'A' KNilUntlLll. Jan. u. wit,... 1 1 1 r. t. sic. son or Arthur A nnd Msrin i!1At 1 Stcrnbereer. aged 7 weeks "iei.'Sr, nt. private. . aUAISIIfillS. Jan. 14 1022, StAnm I it.ii. h.i ia,i . ma. i..ii tiicri Jes" an.l friend, are Invlted'Ifc. I neral, U'wJ., 0:30 A. M., frni her i.Id rtencr. 32 N. IBth at. Itequtem JV? tMH "' V'"ll " ,'' U int. .T :v-. st i ni. n0l;v DCjJuiciirw vruii TALLEY. -On Jnn. 18. 1022. ratiih S TALLEY. Funeral services lit, &'& A. near Jehnsen's Cemer. Del. Ce, pi , !ff,ee. f rla, 1 n'rtrv.lt. Itt, trill .... TlltlrS. .1 at Ilrandywlne Summit and bu at jlhiU'8' 3 Cerre- "'"mat.,. TOWN.-T-On Jan. 10, 1022. ANDnrw . t Town. Announcement of funeral later '.'- - HNIilt. Jan. ll. 1022, maiiv widow of llenlnmln F. Turner si Yi ? Fur.eral from the residence of her son Pr. ' Dnnlil C. Davis. Beweil. W J., TiiiJ ,na!f ' Ircat the house. 2 P. SI.' Int. Ulas.be; 4 'VAN AKEN. Jan. IB, 1022. HENn...' ' son of late Henry P. and Sliry vkn l.V 1 Funeral services Wed,, 2 P, SI., nt J..?" dence, 1424 N. 10th st. 'int. Liurll Vim WALLACE. At Pnlmvra, N. j. ,, ,, SAMUEL C. WALLACE, in M i flwnJi' neiAtives and f rends nre Invite! .u.f.r. funeral. Tues.. 2 P, St rcslderce nf villi A. Snover, 311 li, Bread at., ParJInJt Vl N. .T WARRtCK. Jan. 13. mtSIA Jnvjs-. ft nldnw of Iho ale W Ham vV.i. J0:;E8'! ---. .j ... -. .n.l f.l.M.1. Int.111 .- ..,..' . ItCli. I Ve'rVlcesr tJ... . li" A. SL tnfl dencn.eher n. Dr. WlllUm If. wjrnvv"? at W. .llirvejr sL. Clermantewn. Ain?: " mny call Sten. eve., after 7 p. M. fnt B,V, James the Less. Atlantic City papers pie $ WERER. Suddenly, Jan. 12. jeitv , isbnnd of Slargaret Weber, aged 02 t' neral Sten . 2 P, SL. residence, BI4 15 -n lard st. Int. Oakland Cem. Remains Si: be viewed Sun., after 7 P. SI. " mi" WEIlER.-ttnn. 14, ROSE, wife of .iv II. Wiser, ngea in, nciatives and f rien,i I are Invited te attend funeral. Tues.. n v I Inte residence. 4JKK1 N. Cnmac st inL ' I ivanill jeautiimi .... - ,-wiiuir emit no-rep WE1N. Jan. 13. -MARIA. WEIN. njf,' tlves and friends ure Invited te attend tl neral. Monday. 2 P. St.. res'd"nce. 22ia 8. Felten st. lntermem .Mount Slerlah Cem. cterv. . Ilnds may call Sunday evenlnV WHELKN. Jan. 14. WM. J." ion . T-tmntliv and the late nilzabelh lv.t ', SI , neral. vvca., e:ou a. .11 . ;i Qrern Vl Solemn renulem 'mass t Francis a..i!Ji 10 A. SI. Int. Bt. Slary 'em. " WltlLDEN. Sudden! Jan. 11. Tllin. DEUH.V.. husband of Catherine Wt, jjC (nee Kennedy). Relatives and friends,,! Invited te attend funeral servlces. Slen. J M,, residence. 1220 8. Bonsall at. Int. Lseil burg, N. J. WHITE. Sudd -nil-. Jan. 13, RICIIABn HOWARD, husband of Ida Whit-, (?m Maw son), son of Wm. nnd Alnry II. Wh In his SBth ear. Relatives and friends, in, Oerusalem Iidge Ne. B00. F. & a. SI kens. IliBten 1 ircie. . ''. 01 ... tentennlsl Tues, evening 0 te 10, WOOD. Jnn. IB. SARAH LOUISE, ttlf, of the late Arne d Weed. In her 01st yar Ite'ntlves and frlenda nre InvttH te ntttn.i funernl services. Wed . 2 P. SI. at her Tats iceldence. 20"0 N. 13th st. Int. pr'vate WYATT. Oil Jan. 13. 1025. HAr a i loved wife of James II. Wyett. Rela'tl,., and frlends nre Invited tn nttend funeral services, en Tueday. nt 2 P. SL. at her !... services, en Tueday. nt 2 raaldence. 1S10 West Chesl residence. 1S10 West Chester pike. Klrkiyn. I"rlends mav cnll Slenday evening. PARCEL POST DR. MOSES . hkntu. specia i' t Origin ter In this illy nf "SWEET AIR" SIrthed of ainleu Extraction cf Teeth nfe as Bleep Ne pnln or nniz-er. Just the thlnt; far 0 veuy people. Ne i.l eltects fo.te.. 4 use. 11 llrunehrs. Ne connection with any ice of similar name. Established ilnie in Ptrsenally In charge. S. E. Cor. 7th & Market St.. 'enncrlu en BtafJ of prominent 7ejjHlnl DIAMONDS BOUGHT Ch paid t once. A McCUTCHEON Otllcr. 031 Ileal Kstate Tr.tst Illilr.. Ilreid t ' ,.ktniit Nli. IInru 111 tit 4 1 ClirMnut wth. "n r Vt tn 4 I. ....a...... . L Anether DAY&FRH ' NOVELTY BORAX SOAi GIFT SPECIAL ftWttj:tliiiMi,n?r lUilAHOl SAVE 5 WRAPPERS ' Set of Yz dozen Genuine China Cups & Saucers in beautiful , Delft Blue Pattern given with only 5 NOVELTY BORAX Wrappers and $1 cash. Simply mail us 5 Novelty wrappers and $1 cash, we, will deliver direct te your home anywhere in Phila delphia. DAY & FRICK Gift department 1760 Heward St. Offer geed during January DON'T MISS THIS ONE Help Wanted Situation Wanted Employment Agencies and Lest and Found Advertising will be found en Page 26 Weleh). aged 22. Relatives and frlendi. Vu St. JTftneis Hely Name. Dlv. 13, A. e ii0 and P. R- Telegraphic- Union. Invlte.1 ik . : t a. ...a rn ...... rnnH nr r. .1 i evernnev Ledge. I. O. O. F.. SI. W hiti Fashioned Hosiery Knitters' Union invited te funeral service. Wed.. 1:30 p. j, 34JS a m Int. .ertll cc.iar 11111 Cem v JA I -I Lr.:. V 'yl"V . A Ijj'ia-. jr ;