1H3g i''jii .,-- ' ' i;1 GOSSIP OF THE STREET linn, fnr no Ptcptf have been taken liy ether large producer.) te gt ready for production. It In feil In nenu nuaiv tern that the mii plus of tlie metal In till", "The American people have ucnitlne cium for thnnkFBlviiifi flint th outlook for 1022 Is he much brlglitcr tlinn v'nH jlic oulleol,of 1021," unys William A. I.nw, president of the First National Hunk. In cnmmentlnit en the btiItifs nnd financial outlook. "Bnbtc condl cendl condl tleiiR nrc essential y neunder." he n.v, "nnd with preRrOwlve (Strengthening of the country's credit frtructure nnd the icmnrknblp improvement In the bank iwltien, the nation U much better for tilled te work out lt. economic ?n vntteti In this yenr of revived co.irnare. We nre rearing the lienrfitR of cotiHletent deflation, nnd while the preecnH ha, net lcti completed, the prospect In highly iiremlslns for sustained pregrcm In 'thle direction. The probability li, therefore, thnt 1022 nil wltncFH n return of In dustry te i-'imctlilng like neriunl oper ations. This Is very Imnortent, for i21 was lnraely n ynr of liquidation, lli20 one of cpeculutlvc Inllntlnn, nnd JiIn e period of cautious rcndJiiHtment 'fellow Inj the excited vlcteiy mnrketH of 1018. Ne ether Minllnr period 111 American finance has been mere pro pre .(.I id of Dtrlklns change; than the "" ,i" .i.. i... ..ia. .t...... t.n.iiu. rexpect. i 9(,n" !." .. ui. Vi..".iVi7.. r ti. V i. I tnlneil. the country ns n whole will have Anaconda te llcstime .Mining found In the short-term note and bend markets. While the lower rates are expected te drive out-of-town funds away from New Yerk, still It Is pointed out that ,whcn they nre returned te the various localities from which they originated It will net be long before such monies will come hack te New Yerk money market channels bccniise out-of-town Institu tions Will sce the nflvantages of pur chasing securities upon which the yield Is much greater than Is posslble'of real! .anion through the leaning of money, either en time or ca'l. Ills .country fnr (Intni-iiltf finiiuiimntlivtt Is still somewhat rgcr thnn necessary under present conditions, and the re sumption should therefore be delayed for u month or two longer. Itnllrend Wnge Confcrence Improvement In rnlhead shares cre ated some comment after the close of buslncHi en Haturday'iutd tills was said te hate been the fecult of the expecta tion of it fiivliriihhi niiteeturi nf llin con ference between Secretary Hoever, Brokers' Opinions rnl'rend labor organizations and rep- Newburger, Hendersen & Lecb rcsentntlvps of the railway executives "Readjustments of various sorts lncl- lUUUJ II MllH Ul'lll-rill criHKIII 111 llllllll- tlcm lO rilP nriVfMir nf tlm Mn.. fnnf clnl circles that Secretary Hoever had unquestionably would answer for the been approached by some of the labor ragged movement of the stock nuirket ' leaders with u view te affecting some last week. Inasmuch as they are en- , mm ui mi iiiiiiihuiu iuijiiriniuiii ui me iiiti) uiuitwu:ine(i wuii utulnmentnl i diffeicnccs which have arisen between forces therefore can hardly cxcrcitei mero than mementnry lntluence upon j the couri-e of. security values. Alto gether. the week's market gave n vcry TEACHING GIRL SCOUT COMMANDERS TO TIE KNOTS the rallreuds and their emplejea with respect te the wnee situation. If this be true. It Is nulte n reversal1 from the previous altitude of labor ceed account of itse t' ninl ulit fnrilmr i leaders, who out a Ions period of Irregularity ma' be experienced it has I tlme past have displaced an attitude ' been conclusively ' demonstrated the of arrogance which has been littla short trend of the security values Is still ills- i of Intolerable. Kventuul-- It Is felt thict'y upward. The crux of construe- that the labor situation will undergo tive program Is unquestionable found In i iirnninni iniiiiiAt'nmntit fit itnuin ninnr Kditiiuiiv iiiiii uiuim.. i" in i UK um;iiv complete restoration of nurinhlcy In tills respect. hen m.eh a Hltuatleu ou ,K c a,i with the slgniu, of the nrn.i. B" ," tl?e in iuie. j . 9 tlse Hueyant Bend Market The bend market Inst week under. Anaconda Copper Mining Ceintuiny i went what wns popularly termed a rignt-aueut-rare. rriccs moved up ..iiliin n few davn will begin work en nrrrnrlng Its properties for 'regular ! OTcratlens. Umciuls or the company licfere the mines arc icedy for pre ductien en tnc normal scnic, ns a pro longed shutdown nlweys brings with It sharply and there was n bigger demand in evidence Obviously, for bends than hnd Ijei-n unto that it will tnke several months previously for several da.vs ''"- .. ..i . l.. :i- ,. .... . .. . ....." inu nnver nieiiny ruics were inirumcntui te a large extent In inllueueliig such n result, ns call inenev drenned te Ihc n considerable amount of work before I lowest level recorded slnce August. 1011). operations can be started In nit cconem leal auu ciucirni. iiiuiuii'i. However, this preparatory work will nlee bring with it un output of copper en a smull teale, and it is estimated in circles in clete touch with Anaconda's while time money aim wns established en u new low interest basis. The In dications nre that both call nnd time funds will he eisy for some tlme te ceme and this In itnelf spells better con ditions In the bund market. When thu banks are unable te put out their un the easy money conditions, the tierimi- nence of which Is reflected in the bread Investment demand. It Is generally rececnlzed easy money retirements con- 'traction in business, but It 'is well te bear in mind it Is alhe thu resit t ei very extensive nnd continued liquida tion. At the. same time It fnims the i-ornerslenc in the new business struc ture which is, being built upon a sounder nnd saner basis than ever before ex perienced In this country. The pet ' wnr lessens have net been Iiarncd In, vnln. but have blazoned a path for nn i early return of n wholesome prosperity. Moves nnd counter moves engineered by the professionals mny. for the time be ing, confuse the outlook but thu broader aspects of the bituatien in our oiiluien, will eventually be the niUng force and during the current yenr cirry thu letu' of security values te u much higher plane." llecurr v co. me enect ei easier nffnirn that In the months of nrepnra tery work thu company will be able te ! emplejcd funds at a reasonable rate of money is gradually bring nIiewii In the turn out approximately II, 000,000 te Interest their attention uaiurnll.v Is ill- nnnreciatlen of bends and ilhldend- 6,000.000 pounds of the red metnl reeled te avenues which afford the most 1 paying stocks. Then these eludes of monthly. i lucrative income, and this is new te be securities rise te a price where they aBSuKKL $155,0110 RAISED T IN ZI0N1S DRIVEJ Menoy Pours in at Twe Masa- Meetings Held Here Yoaterday r '7 ONE CHECK FOR $100,000 Ah ii vintrlbutlPii from the .lew r' riii'nde'phla te Ue I'nlest'ne rei-ndu-(inn Fund a check for JJ100.OCK) wn lurned ever ( tle rale-tine Commls Cemmls inn last night. Thi money wns raided 'it two iihim meeting .MMterdny. One was held In the Brand wnv Theatre in Uie nfrer norm nml the ether last nlrht in the MMrm illinn Orii-rn Hmiw. Cash .en- tilbntlens t-itn'eil .f.'.'.OOO. The pledged Investments ' Ci Baker, Yeung & Cempt7? JOF.ri( W. SWAIN, Jr., Slanwre Land Title Bldg. IMilUdelphl L-r Cestcn nNANPIAI. B. Willliim Mrs. Flera It. Mundy, national training school dlrerter of the Girl SciJuts of America, demonstrating l'w knits nre tied before n croup of Philadelphia leaders. The commanders nrc (left te right) Miss Gertrude Geld. Miss Viela MacGewa'n, .Miss LIlKan E. ('. Watt, Miss Knclern Fester, Mlv Anna Hltc. Miss Frances f lark. Miss Dorethy lllgglnsen, .Miss Mary Coyne, .Mrs. W. V. Berg and Miss Gertrude Kllng i.uf'iihi liv iiremlnent .lews "IgiH'd tin- i heck. These men nrn K. ('. K rails, Jeseph W Sains, .Inceli (Slnsbiirr. A. M. Kills, M'lUi'iin n i.rnf it. r. .Miller, r. rimiiinw Iir M. Itleliinnii. h. '. G'as, l)r I. Gordnn. I. Itethmaii M. Lewis. An impassioned plea for material ui.l in the recenHtrnctlim of ra'ccllne was made last night by Nnhiin Sukolew. ri-giiriled as the world's greatest .Ii-wi-li Htiitesliuili. The cause nf Zleni-ui. he nid. wns line of right and justice, which hed eeasml te be n tiifr'l si-nti-inental preposition nnd wu new a con structive one which, lie felt sure, would Llirf.f.Oll of I'llU'siine. I te mi: neMiKits ok S Collateral Trust Sinking Funil et Condi of ! THE SYRACUSE LIGHT & POWER C0 ntK jci.y i. ten TUP. UQflTAlir.t: THUBT COMPANT OV WW vritil am tifftinr ta tnft TUVJP- reinillnder of the S OtMl'lO whs reilPANT OK aMKIIIOA Trustei undyf thj i II. . ,i,l tin. illfrprenpp '1 "' Tru.t .if Hie Bynicu.s L1ht nu ill pnrt lllltl tin- UlllereniP ,, Company letI April ill. J007. hrrt' unu inv t. nreixiri a for me nam eii . " mti lK)!irt riuri-il tlirtby n will n,i Itie Mim tit N nfltpnn fntmrA Klve !'" rtri'l Thlrti-sln Dellari. nni! Hlyriln OjnW IIIi f.se ru, In (ipce diici with th BlnKIOB Flint rrevlilmis .r thu .! Vita of Ttust Srul 1 prep'imta will hr nnilifd nt. tna mie rf tl unJriinl Ne aT Wall trt. New Vnrk f'liy. t 12 o'clock neon, en.is u tr- 10. II2. ant bIiej 1 l tn(1erl "Tro "Tre "Tro nentn 'n Hi- Mnl.-'nii Hind nf th Brratutj l.lcht ft Pew.r Company " rrepja1a aneula r nMr,p'ci tu tli TruKt Departmrnt i Tim rlRht la t'narvvil tu rJtt any anil ill l riinil. Pripenln of h .Mem unlmewn te ti TrOI iff m-jHt 1 a cempanlcil Ly iattfactery rffrrcnrrH. . run i:QutTnr.r. ttiust tempanv op NKW YOUK. 'Irume liy LYMAN nilOAUKH. Vice PrcalJent. nntp.l NVw Y'i'k. N Y Jnnuarv II. 1PIS. I National Bank of Commerce in. NewYerk ESTAUL1SHED 1833 STATEMENT OF CONDITION DECEMBER 31, 1921 will net prove attractive, speculative, intention will lie retitcred en the better I i cliis of indiisti IiiIm and railroad". Then- are many railroad combination!! which nrc bciliK worked out and the dovirn devirn nient Is favorable te many of them par ticularly became of the fact Hint hi-sli termlnnl charges arc n considerable factor in the operation of the reads. If these nre lessened there Is better chance for lower rates. TIIK TltADKU. Tin. rnlnllllllni niil. "is a necessity nf the hour and -griTHK, IIAMJ or of generations. Mr Koknlew ill"! net spenl; Ml mi' Atnunl jilccllncii , .MIIITII ASIKU1CA Phllmli'lPli 1 January 1'.! 1073, At tle Annual MnetlnB of the f !oal:heldr. i "- , . ,, rii j Junuiry H' U'-4 irir iimuniiii Ren1 nilPEimr frr II fl nn nilTI m hf fllMOT afternoon meetinit. as hi- was f itlsu e. tlMIlen rr. ,.r,e,i uiroctera of thl. Uanlt CHINESE SEE U. S. DR. BUTLER AGAINST se:kcS.&k mm; mmz I H'e.l.,,.n- Tir. Alniiiiili-r (iii'dsti-in. r v..r. i.m,r Wlllla-n K Ilcad Jr. wir- ryisir t-a YltLUINIi IU JAPAN! EDUGATI ON BUREAU COAL BEVE LDPMENT Nippon's Trade Monopoly in Sees Dangers In Bureaucracy Far East Will Exclude Amer- Supplanting Natural Teach icans, Editor Says ing Systems Leam U. S. Resources and Discounts Certificates of in debtedness, Victory Notes, and Liberty Bends Other Bends and Securities 0. S. Government Securi ties Borrowed Stock of Federal Reserve Bank ' Banking Heuse Cash, Exchanges, and due from : Federal Reserve Bank Due from Banks and Bankers Interest Accrued., Customers' Liability, under Letters of Credit and Acceptances ........ $'e7.783,549.5!) .14.56(3.967.(1.1 7,029,185.27 2,500.000.00 1.500.000.00' 4.000,000.00 94,817.15624 6,357.690.40 1.253,996.90 32.333.865.25 5452,147,410.70 Liabilities Capital Paid up $25,000,000. i Surnlus. UfidiWdcd Profits Deposits U. S. Jfievcrntnent Securi ties Borrowed Rcscncd for Interest nnd Taxes Accrued Dividends Payable Jan. 3, 1922 (Regular 3?e and extra V( ) Unearned Discount Letters of Credit and ccptanccs Other Liabilities Ac- 25,000,000.00 9,763,226.56 340.536,915.29 2,500,000.00 2.975,912.56 1,750,000.00 1,381,803.03 ,33,31-1.553.26 9.925.000.00 $452,147,410.70 J. HOWARD ARORtY JOSEPH A. BRODERICK CUY EMERSON HARRY P. DARRAND LOUIS P. CHRISTENSON JAMES I. CLARKE JAMES S. ALEXANDER JOHN W. DAVIS WILLIAM A. DAY HENRY W. de FOREST rntmiecNT JAMES S. ALEXANDER VIOm-PHUaiOtHTB HCRDCRT P. HOWELL LOUIS A. KEIDCL OAVID H. O. PENNY JOHN E. ROVENSKY aacote vc-r3iDriT ELMORE F. HIGOINS ARCHIBALD F. MAXWELL FRANZ MEYER OAOHItH ROY H. PASSMORE OIHBOTOftO FORREST F. DRYDFN CHARLES E. DUNLAP HERBERT P. HOWELL RAPID ALASKA WANT TREATIES ANNULLED' URGES CLASSICAL REVIVAL ' WiLslihiRtim, .Inn. 10. Anicricn'i-1 N.... niJ Ik. Cnriiirr !f "'OIIOUll tntc-pitn nnd prc-tlp in avy te Decide in bpnng it ,.,llmi 1)1(IV MMin b H1.r0l.(l for .n,,n n. .j.-. .j. i e..xx::t Xr. , 'f tli U'liililnctnn Cenfi-n-ncc Hheiild wuipuL is euiiiuiciil iui rrflls(. , ,M,,I(.S ,,n (rentips f mt; Pacific Fleet DAILY YIELD OF 25 TDNSi TARIS R. nUSSELL STEVENSON E.WARD ROQER H. WILLIAMS EDWARD H. RAWL9 EVERETT E. RI8LEY HENRY C. STEVENS VALENTINE P. SNYDER HARRY D. THAYER JAMES TIMPSON THOMAS WILLIAMS I lii-twci-n I'iilnn nnd .Inpnn reultltK tretii .laimu'N t(-nt -one dcuiuuiN, nc ciiullii',' te CIiiiui; Sliu Kwcl, editor of i tin- ( IiIiii-m- Advecnti-. ; Tlinsc ili-tiinudh iuipi-rll American I trade in China tliKniirh .lunnncce demi- Jiiitlin. Tiil;t-. for instuiici-. tin- ili- U'lltlllflPtlill Inn Mi - Kpti-lun- '""I'd- Ui'Illlllir te til Ml-l-illll'd Seuth Wiwli'iiKtin. .Inn. li. - ", . Ml11(.,llli.,1 i() l:ilMrll 1im,,. M()I1. uiPiil of the .Mntnniiikti w 1 Ii"'1'! p. 'n. ,, tnnnil- cc-iire for the by the navy at the direction,' of .Inimiic-i- in tlie.e h-kIeiim the .i-IuMw CehitrcsM In nreceedliiB - wtlsfacturllv rl-'l't "f fiiimltiK. u'-iiVin:. minliu. in- , . , , , ,, .. , 1,1 . M-itiiii'iit nml euKaciii,' in bii-niu-i-i of i that dfiiclu's pxiii-i-t dcllnltp d-eWlen ()IJ Uin(1 ttlut(,v.r. -TtlPV i,imi the . vill be readied by nprlns ns te whether Chlni-i' Cevermnent te rtnilev no pe- il.cre Ik n de-iendii.V Himily of coal '' '. mllltury or finiiiiclnl advise"-, or , ., , , ., ,, ,r ... . . Instiiti-iern ntlier tlinn .InnimeM-. rhev in Ala-kn for he I'nelfl- H.-t. . m,erd .lniii the duplet.. ...ntr.d of A icportef the i.-nres-mnd '" Ne ,,. c,,,,,,, j n. hiiilan Hnilwnv and ember by tlie Nivv AIhk'.-t i ( e-il t) ,. Aitii!ic.MuKdeu Itnilwuy. the , ". mmVIen Mbleb !.; inn l-ct-n n- 11(, nf tnjp )n x.irtli Clilna. eived liv Scret'irv D-nbv. lle tint' Thoi-e detiiim.N. li n iicuiiescrd I" nt Cl'Ii'l.-nleen In the liitnniisl(n field. t. the 1'euei-. weul-M 'rtunlh prc-lude nnd at C ml Creck, win"-; liiliie niit-ru- j nn. i evHib.llty for ineiie.ins te carry tlniis "it'll are liard'v mere than In the en trade in Seuth Muii'huri.i and I-t - ' 'lrt tiicch nf d -Velfi'iinent. the nvern1:.- i-rn Inner Menuella. C.iuiuientlui; nil 1 'lal'j I'Ut'iul I" mere thnn teiit-tive .fupiini"-e inelhndi of lnilnes traiihac- ' tiins. t Cliiekn'nmi tij 1iiti. mere tlen". tin- eirice of tin- Anicrleiincein- t'lnn 0000 tuns have lu-eu produced. ' mi-reliil nttnehe te China in 1017, re- ' Tlie im-accrncsM of the ficiire nr ' imirkml, in part : 'tilerc-lin-.' in cnniieetluii with tli-i "rnfertuiiate'. , .latian's aetx in 'invj needs en the rnelfie Peir-t, but f'liinn niu net in any sen-e in keeping i the navy exuertx en the eriiiiinl milut with the representations made through out Hint iiiiiiiiiii.Imiiim nt thl tlinn nre her U4-nW lllld lilepuitlllldil III til.' mfnir Im"-ii"e of the nioneer Incc W'c own, offer and recommend Bends of the New Issue of ILLINOIS POWER COMPANY FIRST MORTGAGE 7 BONDS Due Dcccreber 1, 1936 Earnings ever 2xz times interest charges en total funded debt PRICE 100 AND INTEREST, YIELDING 7 Pennsylvania State Tax Refunded Descriptive Circular en Request Parsly Bres. & Ce, BANKERS 1421 CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA Mi:Mm:itb i'hilaimjm'iiia stelic j,ciia.m;i: , of the development. The lust D-cnI M-nr tlie isvnn of cnnl M 11 1 I'moIHe millions wns ,'!H.ai." l')ii-. I'e luitlnc i '.'."i.dllt). tlie nniiiiiiit u -.ed liv th hr.t 1 tU-Kiilii". wlil.-li hue been t r lii-fi-i r-.l te the Atlniiti-- lie -t te he reiih'' il en the Viicllic by oil burner-.. 'J'i '!!." tuns U the estimate f. tin. mii i-.-'.i ear. At Chiekaloeii, tin- epeits rstimtitr tin- navv iiim .'illD.OOO tmis of e,il In slcht with the nmnuiil ulilm.iu-'y iivn'l- ' able an uuknewii nunntii.. At Ceal 'Creek tin- po-sihle extent of the oe.il diyiOKilH N llxf-il nt mere than ."0.()00,- 000 tetiH. KiiiB IJiver. nn nre.i net opened, lias three beds ninijlni; in liiiik uess from tilt ee te seven fe.t. vhile Anthracite ltldRc. another eeiien nor tlinreiiRlily Mirveyed, .-niitiiius one lied , of anthracite tliirty-eiuht fi et tliick and ' ther exinsed ve'lis of hltuiiilunti- enill. i Then- Ik M llij; Mipplj ilNn in the Hi-rill'' i 'lelil llMlihlble, if tcMM te he innile next , summer iudieate a cr.ide of (eal com cem plvini; with imv ii'iiii.'meuts, Witll the supply llsMJI.il lit tlie lllltll's i in A.nhii the ether 1 1 1 i i 1 1 the com mission and the nv liepuiliuent is eudemeriii'j te iinswer is th nupiira- the nis of Alnskiin null iimiI West yjr. Kiiua and l'eiinslvani,i ie.il. l'ennsjl vunl.i and Wwl ViiKlnia coal id'si Sill.."." n ten la'd d.iwn ut SatidieKn. iTlbiirnu, Hremerteii or IVarl Harber," and S1I1.0." te .S12I '.". hilil iluun m Te I Senater liillfi lln.iin nml r'.i. I,j. lti.....u ..t ..n ' ........ i......i. ...... . .IV ...lull!-,- 111 II" New Yerk, .Tan. HV e.tnbilli a Nutlnnn1 lliin-nu of I'duea tlen is chnnicterli.eil bv Nleh hs Mur dii.v.llut'i'r. preshlcnl of Columbia I'nl I'nl veti'f, -in bin nuuuul report, mnde public jchterdny, as a prepu-i.! te "1m reaucratlze and briiiK Inte uniform. t the odiii'ntlenn system of Hie wlml Cnlted Stnte whi'e making the inn. t solemn iissuranre that nethim; -.f tue k'nd Is intended."' lie urges the c iiitiliuanii of "the free nnd natural stem of odueutien that Iiiih j;i!vn up iiiuens us," HaUiis "the slnrv and sueeesseh f iducntlui In tlie fnit.d States nre due te iti n -ileetlen te the.need-i and ambitions un 1 a";i(!tiis of leenl eeiiimiiiilties, ?t te Its beln kept in close nnd lenstan' touch Mlth the poep'e tiii'in-cht-s " Jle sum n s iiniveis'tllj if knew I edited liuit tlie 'iiuhapp dee lue In (St-ruuin uni.'i-ll fiecdem and effic tlveness, nnd th pially unhappy sub jection of the educated I'lut-CH te the dii'tntes of the pe itical and military nil int; ureups were the ilireet ii'stilt of tlie hlgiil. centralized end ellieicit eon een tr I from llerdn of the iiiitiun's fclieuls and universities." Te set up Mich u stem here he 'deflnrus. would be te tup the IVderul TreaHiiry in tlie (juice of, nidliic the States te establish numri un aimy of bureauerals in hinsten ami te aid "In rlTci'tliiR se criiit n revolution in our Aflicrlcnn form of (.owiriMent us one dny te i'ii.Iiiiik. its peipi tulty " Advii'ii'Ing a wirhi r mwi! of i las-i- mi fiiiuj. it. i in. ii. i nun m : i.i.Ii' i I eiiee l.iniiiL.'e limit' In Leepold C. fJlans nnd Mn-rls llit'ietl-bei-K, of New Yerk Cit. Tlie epenki rs at the evening meetlne. in addition te Mr. Sokelow, were Prof. Wn-li-ira. I'r. (lelilHteiu nnd Jeseph W . Sal'.c Wll 'luin M. Lew Is pres.ded. Amenj; tliese who .ubs.-nh.-l el ii'inlReil amounts te tin- fund were: Dr. MerrlH Itiehmiin. MiOOO . tin llrith Sholem. Sin.OOO: Abrrtlinin I.l lis. S2.-i0(; I'enn Chabrow . .Jl.Vlf). the llultz llesMiinbla Henelle.al Ashoc'ii Ashec'ii Ashoc'ii tlen. Kl'KVT: the ItHth A'diim. ?2."()0 : Mirnhum IHeet. 100it : the Itiimnninn Werklnsmcn'H Henetielnl Association, SI 000: the Waist and Dress Manufac turers Association, .-?100(l : North Phil riie plan te melplil,i JCien Ul-tri. r. Sl-JlMi; Ilurrj I'ult'lcker, .f'U(Xi . M us ifrntlicr, SI OOO; ltoslener Ilen'tleial Vssociatien, S1000 nnd Sinltlcr Heiietielnl Afsocia Afsecia Afsocia lien, $1000 Chri-tmn ' riiKr I llnv,-.l rumpilnKH V Prrey Htmpien I nnr.l T. tlrill Mnri n A Nrlnd' Iim-it U C. HfnJcra fc.tf r II Kiii-nmaiiHKirU ltrr Brbrn i . ' ik.v I am I. H fvlnnard mmeri 'liurlv II Dunn tlnrrv S. Knrct At a mei-lln of tl. Ilimclerc. hitlJ thl rtby th le.eiwirc ufticrm wer una- a,ir1Vt-Mir''l'A.sSM01u:. fr..Mit ' KICHAItli S M.'KiN'I.KY. lc I'rcildMt I'., M UIIOMUH. (Jritlil'ir . , w'll.I.lA.M J Ail'ltl'Hl. As"t Cfhr i'iiahi.k m ritisci: Aunt iHiuitr JlllIN XV VWIIT1MJ Ais't Coilller , iier.N j Ilili Ml in fnunicl . JOHN J m'THKIIl'iJUD Notary I'uhlta At a pp-1iJ n.ccllnz of the Ktocliheldtrs ih. IncrriKV In ti.e cap IhI iteik (rum M.0OU uej le .' ICO Of)0 v ri uld a s KKUMEIt (,mlilr. rJ" tiik &r CIVIL WAR, BANKRUPTCY LOOM ON CHINA'S HORIZON & T,,B l'i.N.NMI.VAMA tKNTOAIi ItUKWINO O. Thr trtfiits-feunli Annum Mretms of tt n'n ).' nMcr ut (his company m til be held at the n.rril iifllie of in cimrRny, Ne. 41 Ver h Sonth m Hrriinten l'a Friday. ,1-nui rj -0. Wi'i, nt 2 I. M.. (ei the nlec i'.n .: hrerturii nnd tlm traniT.ic'.len of nuati ether I11n.u1.s3 uu mv rami' hofer the . tlti' W. U HAItDlNOi' Kery -T eeji. Mkciiank.h inslua:vcu niMI'AM' SOIKim Wulnut St. I'hllarlciihli,. IJ,c 1.1, 1021. Ttie Ann-jal MictuiB uf t.i atockhelder if thin cmitMiiy for tiie -lecticn of dlircter ui I fr th trannHi'tliiti el i(h u'hri bul n. t h mi prepeny co-ii befure th meet-, Inc ui'l Iv l.'ld i' the nnnclpnl eltlce' of the cemplin- ril'O.'.l)'.' Wivlnut ktrimt, 1'hlU 1'hlU le ihm I'll i-n Mendi). Jumury 10. IKS, jl 11 o'clerlc nn'in. JOHN' A. HXYDKR Hi-crtrjr. IN l'IHUI)KI.l'IIIA ' Th annual m-iln of the Cnrpnretlen will 1 h-'ld n Tnnda. Jnnunrr 17 1033. 4t ih- ll.ii.plmt. at a I' M. whan an election will te he d for Im Truiti.i te rie .for fhr" rr IMnters of Ciirurlnutiiic .;iiureh .in 1 nil ether pfrnenH lentrttii-tiniT t Ihr, Hee. iili.il U'lii no or innie jarj or t'.nOO at an' , i tun- i i members of the I'ori-eration and tnti'tfrd te vote nt thl ineetirc. VM. ir.CAdTI.Ej S-crctarj 23T l'rlnrleil Olllc lima. . J Th Annuii' Mwjltnr nf i-ila teinpanj una !Z 1'MrriI -ttrrrt January IH, 11)22, of th. Htovkheidrrit i n e'tctien for di nt 'jm h, held I'n'tcd States. Here in China .lupun is ileinu ecr.Mlilnt lx.ssible te block Americaii eiit'r rs.. nml te force Amerlenn trade with China through J.ipanes.. .-huniicls." The Amerieuu t'hnmlier of Commerce In SIuiukIiiiI. In n leti,'r te Dr. 1'aul S. Iteiliseli. then Aiiu-i l.-iin Mlliisler te Chinii. iminlL-l out tin- siisiiitii-tiuee of Leinnlnj: should In- iJupanese domination. 1'nrt of the let- Jewnrd lepairiu' lie , ter. dnt. d December 1(1. lOI12. l'-.nlr.: un- imst gcuorniien s tlei;li 't e tlie "What .iapane mtrel of nuluiijs. elasst. i,. mitosis that Athi.is it- jwharvcH nnd eusteuis houses would self micht become "the eTeetn,. i enter ' mean has, we Mibuiit, iieeii iimpl i lus-- "f a new remisiaiie,., ,.f n tw.-iitieth trat"il In D.ilnj nnd Manchuria, wlierr centurj reviuil of mtetest m the eri- theie are practieallj no prespn'ts what- pus and eM-elli'iiees of man's :ntel- ,eer of Ainerlean or ether fnien;n par- le'tuiil and hpiritunl nihi.-M inents," i tl.-lpntinn In biirlnesH whuli heuld be Since tlie Civil Wnr, lie -ins there i open te nil." ' m-sl keen a tendenej in mis leuntrj te The nature of the demand and the ,0"k upon the eellej;e ' ns th,. Most m- unfair method, of Japanese merchants vitiin; uml satisfactory lerin of ceuntr uiiiMitiit). u lliiKrnnt viulntl.'ii of Hie '."'" u'"" incidental fin I'ltn s f .r wiiil- ."j; nun sn nv . 1 1 iimuks "iiin i.ss inurlciill (incn-ilinir imllci in the l'ur . Knst. Tliese demands nre'alsu im direi t i-nntllf't with ihe Itoel piiniiplis, the Ink of which Is SL-tuce!) di'.. Amei'iea's Uii-ipiliM-eiuv In these demands nt tliib time will net eiil lii'lie its npon-denr poll.' Its protect of l'.H," nnd the Heet lermiiln, but will also cie .lapan the Impn-sieii tiiat its lmperhillsite poll -v in Clilna can be ni'eiiiiipl.l'"l in the deliancc of un nation. "no uiiiuiiiiiiis parents for of thiN notion, whirl, if,s ! .. ht- Slew til b.i i'ie rapid ! , eleetiie "-vst,.,,, f stilies the spread i aided IU ' .1 ..t 'i... Tli risii't bus ,e,. OPPOSES FOUR-POWER PACT dueed fiela France Indicates He Will Net Sunnerl F.ir F.iaf Tr.-,tv it rates, effective In October. ii.m "., ,.... ... ,. . tlu-e iiurehavc been , educed S'J I p. ' " .."Vi' .'":.. 4V " . ..' .. , - - ' IIIUl l IM" I ill II" il" Mneheil te perpeiiinte llntih 1'reneli nnd .lapani'se Iniperlii'lsin tl.nnu'lieiit the. world." f'nJtml Stntis S'i initei- nut, "iliut side b s,,. w itn : i devoted mid hiRli.iiiliid.il id.i i-elleRi. Rriiduntes. theie mis' into Amerlenn life n uti Critllll Of tllllse u,,, fl,. .ui lliKHOs hill who lite. I i ,i and purposes. llK utidls, ni, ,i i dueiitiil. both in mind nml i H llie hnd i lije,ed im ,,. wiia lever " , . Ills ' III s- if 'H! tf "l!" ' 1 t it -I II Ii 1.1 1 d ...lli'S- I Pi I 1 Is ii,.! nil - I lis i lutnji s Annual Day of Settlement Finds Banks Short Pekln Threste.i3 Nli.'in;:lial. .Inn 1!. Tie entire eeo eee eeo iiemie Htr'ii turi- of Ch'tia is t itleri.iR us the nnnu.il dnii "f sett'enient the Ch'ne-i- Ni w Vear helldav approach. The (leveriiinent's lniibi'lti te meet itn i b'icatlens, general business i ondltiens nnd widespread t.pe'ti1ntieu liave nil iniublued I i brlns about what jironi jireni Iiuiit ine!ii1)P"s of the Chines,. UniikerH' "'ilit' ill'1 the writ crihls in tlie ins ins fefj it model n 'hiiia. New tl'ieats of ci!ll war nre iilse nieniirini; the I'ehln lierernnient. The I ill'lliei it is nperu-i. lias reuiieii in s?.,:i.xn AIIK HlVI'It It VII.ItllAU .VNX) ihe uitimatui'i if tacneral u Pel I u iC nn mil; (OlllMNV ileehir'nq it wl.l net iesin. Oeneral Wu has larRe military f.irc.-H 'ii llupeh under lii cemmiind and it. known te lie Meking nllinnies Mlth ini'iius ether ml'itarj governors. There are ropeitis nlt-e that lie may join forces with Dr. Sun Yat Sen, bend of the Seuth China ICetiublic In bis ultl in it inn. (Si-neiiil 'u said If the Cnblm-t wliieh he iiccum's of helnj; pro-.Tnpanese, did net r sIbii in- would innreh again t Pi-kin In ihe . i.iuein. sitiin'ien. howeier, lmnleis lure se- peril te China even Kieu'er thnn i ivll war. bi-uiii- the crush win' It the four is nt hand will hit the wi.el,. . in ion The banks f Sl.aiisl.ni face a short Mice en sert'eniellf d.r of S"." 000 (I'MI This 1 liirRcl due te ev.r Iratts by the Pekln lieverniin nl Pel: n bunk's nre heavlli invn.iPil with (ieverntuenl lianer. The loin' I iewrnment nvei drafts en native Chinese hmks is tied at .S7.ViOO.UOO, none of which the i,u eminent is in jio-ltien te i:i . .Many of thu Inmost industrial enpi tallsts of China me known te be ciiimpeir fei funds and aie fauns liipii liipii dntien. MEXICANS FREE AMERICAN Eandits VJhe Held Mine Owner for Ransom Flee Frem Soldiers I'd Pis), lev.. .Lin 10 i P., A p , T. St Ii . ..:' i.ij. mm. i i ii i !-iii,' i wi.i r ni n i., i, i nt sniitn iir,,i !, c i li ihr. i. veserilti ". iiuul niwsil t'i 1 I his i,r the I ,,,. ,, A in i ! mi. fi'ei i .Mi.inii lin'idif- A 1 i ii tn nrM ter cn niuinir nar. un .L, ,hlH eftlce. cjn fnndilr. Khninry li. 10?, at u:se etiwk n. .u. I.RWIH NKU.HO.V Hrrtari'. esprini annual mkktinh or this mi nitni Tr mei'ntain uAir.niAi NI COM. t'OMl'AN vlll N hld at Mi r,m,.p of tnr rtmpuny. 1ft 3 lOlli at Phtla, .1"llivli e. Tum.'il. Kbrurj- 7, 192, at 1? n-pleck nern, when un kclen will be hrld t-i i'lrcn - fur ih .lunln yiar, J l i.pii.mi.i:v, Bi" elary. TJW-' IMlhl'KMIF.NfK'TNSfKANcL "' t-S? TOM!' V Th AhewkI ;."i.lnij i.. s'.i'.ihnldrlfer h Klntli'i "f eir,srii unci il rrle' and for t'i fer-li1cr- en of 'Jli e"ifr bualUeia nn pm i' ipt'i 1 h-.-irfh' irfoie 'h mi. Iru v e 1 hf' 1 at '! I". !.. "n Wrdma ilu. relirunry 13. 1H2. at 1S3 Walnut 'ri "t. rMlfi.teh' Ui:.MIT I IIIIOW:: PrmitiWnt. AntiniJ Klrftlenn Cs- Till! SIXlll NXTIO.NAI, lMt. l'hllnJutiih'n Jn l'l 102 Vt tl.n ,nul lllrotlen l.i'l nn th 10th tt the rul ewlni: Mecihui lr or uninl uninl rr.eui.ly e .c-J Olrecters for th cr.iulae 'ii ' . , . i;,n i-rt7i r v. rami tic I F'ninU rtan-j -ni. Hn .nkr 1m ''1 Ha r ! liu,,.. i ! ,i i j . i r sil.n lnn.l I HiHernutl II .t-j n 1. ,l'' J !" 'j.rv'' 1V l,,fix n'(. In of llin itlri-ter hM I thtl f li a na off! i-ra or, ui i-tmcuilr i ti, ten I'. i Ni IT i . ml, ' i Hi" i . ' -h.i !l. ten MOW. ' im I MUNICIPAL BONDS YIELDING 7 M.ilurhiE I'riiiu I lu 10 Irur V. W. MILLS & CO. Stock Exch.anse Building l'IIW..l!)I.U'll,A Un Hetldl Sniltherr. Pirrl A. CkAK AUntic Si Danville First U, 1948 J-enigJ, Pewir Sc 6s, 1927 Csftrnl Dht. Tslsphenn 5s, 1943 ' Arthur C. Richards & Ce. ' 'lelclil nn In itj Yerk n.if i ..l's-'xcl Huildliij,' ""I. lem, p3e Kw.ten., Ml T1 Mi niiu.il. jv.j.s.uw i: Beles s-Westvoed MtmibeiS Phila. jSleck Exchange INVESTMENT SECURITIES Lmd.Ti.lGjm Philadelphia PHONE Uffiittfn W I We Specialize in Equipment Trust Obligations Biddle & Henry 104 SOUTH FIFTH ST. I iEGHEMOC&O&GO Ccrtilied rublic AtceuhUnu Drttt Bufldliur, Pkiltcllhi GE0.A.HUHN & SONS S ret-UN AMI 1IOMW Minitirrn of Hi- l'lill.i.lrlilil ., N'r.v erl nn.l CIiIcku MerU Kvrliiinii'H lurk Cntliiii racll.lillii- Cemnilts'cn Orderi executed" In All the Principal Market Liberty Bend Bought nnd Sold Ikllevue Court llldx,, Jt8 Wulnut HI, X, V., Ill llreadvray Mntauui-ltn f'unl di'livcii-d in SIiitiji'iiR Ileiid vessel would raiine several did. 'ar. a tnn liluhi-i- laid down at tliuse ' nai stations, hut nilieers mij , mnj iilller i an mrrj (hi- uml ftuin aiii-iinr-iiki'i Alin.l;ii. te I'uiiet Suund fm- SI! n tun. while tlie i-is ti the l'lilhini lies w until he $7 'M. COLLEGE COURSE ENDLESS J Perpetual Student Has Deen Going Streng for Forty-one Yenre New Yulli. .Inn. III. il5 A. i' 1 l'url -eiin .eais nun William fallen 'I'Mint K. inn hri nni' a stiuli"it t ruluuibln T'nlci"-ltj. 'I'diIii: li" i- -t ill i i nil. ut, ami hasn't missed a session, Iluvili,: studied iM'rMhlii" '.ith .hile and (xliuiiMul all of the nlui'.1 ' Kviiiji. who Is neurit dt! je.irs old, i sKlidlnK hi- time III - .ar en tiiileu. '.'eeKii.nhh- deehiitui.it of Nm .h Amer lea. lit- lia many ihrecs, ini'lndini; a "D. 1'. M.," "de der of iieriiutunl mo th n," t'enfened b hN fellow studentH. Sump -.iy tiiat William wouldn't stml when n Inn, mi a wl un le It ft a wil' i iirewdni-; for linn .is leni; ns he was a icrfu'nrly enrolled iiuhi-i-dtx student Kemp won't talk. enl te sir, : ''l'he mere jnn learn the nwie ou Knew " i rune" intlniiiteil slieuyl,! Insi niK'i' thai lie would oppeM- the iiitrain' "f the 1 tilted Suites Inre tin f.,ii --r,iwer tieat. wiili riitflim.l. l'i , ti,-.- i.. id nnau The Seiiiiter tiniile th! si.tf nu nt in n i address hi.feie the 'riirn.'i. In Vi.r Maerts ie t). .nh AiikH'mii 1,'un-iiastli- I'liien. "Will I be in fawn nf Aimii-i tn& Inte the fiiur-I'ewi-r tn.it-'" Seuiifnr Kraiiee usKis, ",Mj tiMi'r tiiat I am un Anu'ilnm, nml no AiueiUnn w il,. If he nm hi-lp jr. nllew li'.s leiutrv te join a mulltieu of empires "I'n von Ii i i,l nintliliiK in (he fear fear lewir i.i'.itj nhei.t th,. . im tciien r thu llmlli-liiiidi- llldlfs nf tin. i.i.nn'i. ..f in id V X'i d St nt, mhi.iis ter tin- ui't'i nub i riuhts of ul! thu peep'e of the wnild." ii vl.'i In i I Knr.eil or ether piuN nf tin- w of reuiM- luit. 'I'll,. I'liltc ini.ils Ter tin- iii'i'i nnh t ri i peep'e of the wnild." ADMIT MOTHER, NOT BABY CHELSEA BLOCK SOLD Boardwalk Property Brings $.740 000. Setting New High Price Atlantic City, .l.u, n; .,,,' , nicti rei-i'id tur rii,.i,,.u i,.. i, ntej ert wtis ..staldlslie 1 ..stin-,i .. it was anneuneed tlmt u plot . f IlliUU' th" Heimlwall. between TumiI, and Alhinn iui.mii. lmd linen ,,! f, vT-IIMMHI 'J hi. Iim.l a, ns tlte pr.i.HiM ei the Che',.. a Itenehfreiit Iiiri,. ii.ent t'n'iipiiii.i inn! the niir-li.isi . ,, IU-rf. I'lrle iV. (iibhniis. .i,iiii 'iM-uue lea ter It Is uiiileiatu,,,! n,.,, tin- no v ewneis w,;t ,.llt ,, , K Inte bulMinv lets, Tlie iireperty has h, ,.., ,, ,, lim,.tet for several !er. ,, t one time n w s te liuve been the sit,. t u ni.i tiim, .- t hotel, tin- toiindntleiH of wh..'i Weri Mirtnl when tin- pinje t i el'iiini, d HIS DOG TOO GOOD FOR JAIL I Mil. S, II ', lis tour i ii n in I I 'I Mil 1 11,11 II 1 1 MO II" (ii . n.l ih liiitn'iii I in M.'le. resiili nt ,iinii'ii;er nf th- a i-ii'.itiirid lasi 'rimi-sihi' lit i ri-ie-. i Iir V- y rl nnr I' 1' i nh' ! J i IhWjm ' ai.llwr. I ..ii .-t.tir .',tHr, Ir sn i , r j i i - M - vi ri. Mihltr Ulililriiils who lie III iliiiid Sill, (Mill fm 1 1 m'. v .is i,.ktii t. mmp Morosce Heldinc Cernnanv. Inc. n-'d a I' ti.t v is v lit. s II w l lu oil" r . Tin- I.iinr t ' 111 Hi's te 1 l.e I -i .1 in I'i'it '.iti!: i te . .l.'d (' s'ii tie r tie T.K.i- l.n-,iii , ,i i'i ihi"ihii i. Mi i or ' n i It il-ili.i s, nt mi ''ii..' .'iirr'-.B li'.;,ts ,s nfdi're.i lil 'M 'I'" I K nllll I si, 'ill 'I s i in- nl I ns ),,! ,v id. ri -i i, I.. i , , I ! i I . Ill .' II nl IM.HI I', il I" Ml. As t' . i , .i ii-' il ' ii r- .id. i ,s il. I ' i I I hi . I nm - it"; ll. d. 1 li- le ' M- i. i). ,.. 1 le 'll li tin n . ii-ii i I 1..' ! i'i., ,' HtiKK nn; in in-.: '. r. 4 . '-ill.. r nuaf." J.l.'. .1 (it l,00 im Ihe l-re'er - h'K't and t $1 (it) e r kI-i.is un th- Common has litH-t ! ,r 'I tu utui'k nldtra ut ' nt tu- i .i t l'in-i. Januury 1, V i.m.u'i Irlirunr; I, Itri". I'll .Vis! 1 I'N'L T'.VM'rtt Trimurf, . . -t.i"i . I'd 'im 1 I .11 im. niT-iii nun ' - - vikoijea ltU.M I HM1 N i ii HM l'l . I- .' . illlk,n 10 , i . . i . f ' i in .i. artnl a. . i im i f .iii i.ihI un. liiir iik, pr (eat ,. i i ii ' ' v .- .iiiip.ini' ter - ' I l i i .i. mjl pay ' . rilirin r "H. IIU! i h'i sne ara et . ,r.i i- ii r e . i , . 1,1 February Bends for Investment t Irrelir Ui,in llfiinrst rii, ni,.! pt (tM I n. . Mi pil'rj i'lilhnlili.lil Utl CI'i-stiiMt p. Atln'li- TUT .-i la. .1.-11, The National City Company PellBh-American Weman Distracted at Ellin Island Ruling i .su-w xeru, .niu. iti. - . ruling liy IIIIIIUK...IKHI OllieiaiM nt I'.MlN ...I. ..It. I.... ll.. 1,1 t I ... . iiu.iuiiiiih ..im i'e'ui.ui siiirunnicn a trstdetit of f'l.leni fir eleven ve.irs, mid th-i'i' ii le el lldreii hut i. eliidliiu her thire limnth--elil Infant. '"in in I'e' nni. I. ...inn- tli imiuiKia .in iiintii ter I'e'atid h.ul been ex - ."-.'i I. hi ri'lled several .'.elfarc ci - il. it mis te her aid. it..- iiiiualN for the Imbv liiiilni. Put Wealthy Chlcagean Stays There Himself Clilnisu, .Inn. 1(1 -(.terse II. nil., wea'th) riili'itci In-uriiiui' lireKer. wns lihn.l willltl-' ' In jail Saturda.v nlulii. niu in- preit'sicu iiKaliiht Hint dii bi'ini! Inlll'ts'.l upon IiIh due. Hi ....I I e .i -.ii.iiirn iiii-mis in ii, isc nun , r lt "I I l.i- di'R. I'lllH ilrnve hi- mi- ...null ;,, ..... a en; .M.ehiLai, I, nileviti'd and win, I , K 'd un dK. Iltlel- .. J, ;'nn e ti'l- Ullw us: enurs fei leveivl h' t.isetlii r . Ith hi" 1 1 ... i ,1,,. ,ii.. ,. ,...i ,. ' . " in ui itn iiipii in ii-ii nun iii.r ii i ri rf,. '-u.ai ...i i.,., . ... ....... . .,. r.iiu U'i,.,.i ii. ,i ... V. ..."' . ' h" . 7"V". .."" ''. ""'" ' ""' "nun : - .'n i.niii'ii wne nn i nn l'l. II lit Kf.llt .ii- .A.t i.YJ '.I"'. ".",''. ' " l".' '' ' "" terckted In the caw cxneet " '..:i r"V.:. . ."..' ?:"."'. '. T me tiuuuew. Ittllflll t . inn. .1 l.i.s L. i-Ernnfii ,i-l..,.1. .n..i.t wil. ..-..... t ... . . ,. ... veupht then. Saturday. jicrVen" In.'. II. and "l iV dan ' ' 'l. " ..lV, ' .'' Tim dllC VVIU balled nut eiirlv vim. idey merling- Kill (.fuwi ba rein thu HtenuMilp 111 IIICIU Kil i'd in the ci lr ,ilfnse jteday. GERMANY HARDENED Dttnand for War Ceiminnls Caucei Ne Special Walling ISeriin. .luii l'i A." list '..,1 u, !i iln.li." In p il in-ill lmiiilisli Is 'In. I. liiin its in,.), or 1..SM nfl-ih n id i I v ll.. 1 m. l.u . the lusi ,. imiii Mi I t le v li ' il i 4-1 se, li l -p, i ial wn.l liu'. ill I'll l s 1 1 1 1 1 v el te til. Tli M nt' tin Sunn nr ('mini 1 h War t'riuux ( eniiuitree in m,. t,,. leriiK r Kiiih i'. M.iisluil I.-i l.-inlni-IT uml i-i'i.is I'vtui1 and trlml nbren.I "l. I. -i fill les -,, . , !(, .(. (-.,, Ii iii md thi t tl . ' i'sii,s,U , in,, ,. 'I'h.- '"end i!in i p1' i ul",'. u Hi mi ,,', VMirl.i'ii' nnd middle ,.,i.,., ulll j'K.anS tie si. vi i nun k lout hu uene It metiiiH tl.'it hi, i I m 'I .'ll t nl,. ut liv. outs , n uud f i w , 1 i. . uiniiii; tlm-i ii. tri dlll'.v l'i s'utt il imii'i. a wu.i. ,if uniet, ii (i. n, hi nnd str lti-. Th. i lev. 1 1 1 in i.t I I niii.iiu ih, j;(1. tente f I ll . H'nn nl ii'" ,. It,. id ,,,l, sinv - i . , . .1 i' i ii, -imii v n l'l lis of Iiuul. . ililliiiii; n is ,,,,, ,,f ,0 innii) innliinii's of ihe Knteni..'K huhcs in uiec-i; tin- reiuli llitiiiien Tim lllenil Ineri.nu. u tliuu uhi'ii tliw was uvery npcwlty for tfjii'g te .yed deiibliiiK tle? t'i'Jci tl VI irtl '1,1' rttary, WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC S MAM rUTIJUMi tOUI'aNl . in - ' e' .' vtr rnit n.ne pjr liar) i i. i 1 1 il' S 1 1 U I h i mpani', for i n .il rn. n.-, .inn ai lijji, .mi u i 1 liinu t at, VU". n nteckh)d m ,: i . s t ti ,i ..- ii21 i' i v nn. ireaiutrJ - . t i ,!. in 'i-1 . , la ' 1'riil'.. ,il - nil 1( I' 111" "" mi" un Miu i' ui.ii) or T.wag ll.i I ii.i.. ii.,.,,, ir... I'HIIAl I WI.V .'.nun. i 10 IIIL-D, tnt . ' i. ie -r -iii:.-. mi' I. rn veil ih, .111. IMl. J-'nuurj an, ID3T, at t n't In. I. I'. WH '" ' 'J0!r '" u ' ,,l'" rJict anfr iinl . tTI'J' in i. ' . nl l-.il net in il r.i i ..-- , 'i ii . I'urtfHt ui'im mutt b of ni Ui, WithAhu -.da ift.i,t furni-jvj and .il,- niiial b iitf Vb !- Il's t .' 1 ' ni. .niu ,., i i v iii I. i nt . Ut i IH' ' ll I . I - .ri ,l i IIP i 1 HI 1 l I J i'i. .1 I.t- n, nn I ' I"" -' ' Ul i b.l i rtt in ' ' 'Mil , , .je.. ' i.tl' 'in': r-'l-li - i i I .ll, 'ln 1. 1.' tl !. 1'.,.' I , nun ll Si, ' 11, II l . I Hen. v.r.i a' '"i" ta i s In ln una v Uii-v .m m mar "'.'t fnuai w vr iliw lie k iiiihcs l.. 1 vititirat mail ih -C'-umpunl.d i. of (leriiiiin etrllfi'lll lliat K tuiid U lsn fl 1 l7 " "cr"""' I Law lpartnnnt' l'rit,l ty Or&Eb ti COliH-M at let Cpunjlli, .lat4 Mai- , lif; vrmf By pMur of W i,e rt j ' ViK Hi I' .VtjVUvlit. UhRUj u: i fcv' . J : t ! C - 11 IT f -1 'A m v A f.n-Tf. tnt Jf'in- . .1 t ,- ., i n . .. lilt's. ilixi- yV ' Al taCixUAVl iiUlis L - '-t'tji. -viiA.w.2irij.-1, Mi 'i ....