i w m ECONOMY BIG AIM ' ;NAllIflSATSHOW, -A 'Continued Trend Toward Com Com eort Alse Evidence In Ex hibit of 1922 Cars ORE ACCESSORIES ADDED i V i rrciW. 38 BJA Whlle few Innovations of n revoiu reveiu IfiifitMrr nature mark the exhlhltsnt the ' YlTwcetyflfrt Animal Automobile Shew P'J f. tM1n,t,.t..l.l.. 11. ..... a. 1 nf ,h I Commercial Museum, Saturday ntght. and continues nil thin week, there ts a j wealth of miner Improvement" te lndi- I pale the trend of automobile design for the, coming year. Bedy designs continue- In their low,' ntrenmllne effects, while the general tendency In meter construction runs along lines of greater llghtnci and flexibility, alining toward eeonemj et operation. It Is te be noted, nle. that mere and mere mnkers are awakening te the undeniable truth rhnt It is often the accessory that sells the car. This ear's !? e1'- therefer., arc notable for the completeness of their equipment. none makes being provided with almost very artlc'e new offered i n the market ',for the additional comfort nnd conven ience of motorists The show Itself hns bei n the occasion of much lngcnultj en tin part cf the " exhibitors In the dlspl.i of t'nlr prod ucts. One chnssl, in particular, is cleverly arranged, .the entire menr helne se laid enen te the public le.v that lta Interna) parts ar" lwealed In full operation, the whole being Incleed in n ginss cae crreiniiniiinB in i t te the water-jnrket. nnd Illuminated by mall electric llgnts. Seme Sawed In Half Others employ mirrors en the tloer ie show the operation of the crnnk ahaft In actunl settee, while ethers jbnvc Inld bare the inmost recess . f the engine by the simple expedient of awing the thing in half. One Innovation in coach work is wor thy of particular mentie-v net se much n account of the mechanical principle 'nvelved as beenuxe of its peculiar tdg uIQcance et the moment It Is nothing mere or less than n secret wine cabinet incorporated In the Interior coach work of uue f the mere expensive inclnstd ears. Te the unin itiated the thing gnes no hint of its possibilities, but te tin1 pi noticed touch It springs open, revealing a small reees in which rep"se Mich .-ttmulnuts ns the owner mny carry with him. The same maker exhibits a roadster which has a disappearing top arrange aicnt whereby the entire top may be lowered down into the body, a portion of which is then fastened down ever the orifice, leaving tlm lines of the tar unbroken. This same idea hm been carried our ey another mnker wuh i"- success, tn i opening eeing oevereu u .1 1.1. ,,........ .f-k-lA fnclnninl fltl-lll llflAfl flin nkif f " v.. i. .... " 1 i. .. ....... ..11.. devlce fastened Hush upon the body. R-t Disappearing Side Seat . 1 ! I U. t .? sb mtu 111 iiLiiri 1 run iiiii'iuii"ii m uu-a.- t- .... 1 . ii.i ...1.. 1. 1... 1 1 . . . - - . . ' dm is a dlsamieuring si.K- sent which , "" ',"""- ""ui-iier mu:m. ienl xrttu U(I, 0f course, but tnnt is gars uiisii j.arraci u un .,-ri ,. i- "'''"''."";""". vfl . Iln illllK , . that the Heeding of Philadelphia with cases are he'ng dally deemed te per WMW Wbeen breuX 01" in , s,,eela' bedv "'"? he,np Saturday nl.hr and ch . ;-.I rcrawying Hse'f. I don't be'c In Mere order and d Iwlp'ine . 'Iwo Inin- ' "'"nl, that tl t un... ilv ,. , ,u an nrgument against mnnent insanity." Nene of the lnsti mmM't h!?!ll T.0XiM ., .J" ' i ...,.,.." i -r because in,H.r was net r. adv. Th, rmlelM eenecllve.s for the rate of ex- dred nuxl'lsrle- left en route for Lng-'werk ahead is a ringing challenge te n'0MMtien' It. SUCCests It mnv he an lotions. It was further asserted, sesre- IISIfK. raT This seat, whl.- I-. n-evide. wit'- '""-n continued throucheut the rxc- ,.illinge. Hard work Is the only way. and lat night. acvvr; iewcr that a man an tlr.u' 1 r lirRmcnt nf:ainst license, and peln.ts gates its tubercular patients. I UlT 2 ...fertable Mdc arm folds ine the ln. lowenl lu'dnWbt he av d..n .. The pound sterling Is coming up It The P.lacK ami Tans face heavy cuts ,, en k. 'out that the Eighteenth Amendment has I An average profit of $300 en each pa- IJlW le the car when net in se -eueii Wuliln. until sh, wn-Mire he was S1.21 Saturday. in pav nn we'l as s.ihs,,..,it less of- "Third, thnt the Senate Itwdf pos-1cemo ,0 Htav becailse thc p-feple want it, tcns out 0f the 8W7.B0 nnnual main- im,1 ." belnc extracted from its hiding ,-l-; :,v ',"" M'"- ", -'" " a, "In our own woolen business it hns their 1bs when leaving Ireland. ie-,sed the oignniratien and equipment 0n the 0.)icr han,i, the Pennsylvania , tenanec fee paid by the Government Is fc:M)i Blsce hoi ever it rt i.ds 'rem tt,p , '"''I ""'" B'"- ,nn nt. nnd struck her ,IPen ntcessury during the Inst two The proU-nena! g..yernment Ih com- .ei.-i: for nccem.d hii:- sir it Division of the Association Against the shown In figures for the nine institu- mm Scbtsideef the car lmme-linte'v be'-m-' ' u-bnnd mer the hen-!. vcrs t0 (icture SOrt of unofficial posed m Mlet.ue" Cellins. I ( e- things but te make the machinery Prohibition Amendment puts out the I tiens of the State cited in the mtmer'al Hfif Se deer and a section ,.f t'e running-' M'" 'entimir.i t.. chop and pound him ; moratorium. The manufacturers httM- s-eve 1 anion Dupaan. Pntiict Hebiiii. unciieii well, the Ind viduulb must 1 argument that the "flood" of poison ns recently having been made pub'ic 'IJ ard which Is uniiftnched te the fend- "nl li- hp.i, re '..,1 e-1 t';- .eteh te l)(MM1 enrr.vng the jobbers along. New Flennn Ljncli. Jeseph McCrnth. ' n have plent of pluck, purpose nnd pa- I Uquer sold In Philadelphia is proof that ,i,v Dr. II. S. MacAyeal. director of the HrU iws Is tilted un nt the ame time ter'10 a""f- Lien then the did nut de- t ha? been decided te come te 11 show MncN I'l ind Kwln 'H!5S!,T' , ", rr,C,,)'",lV, , the people want liquor and de net wnnt State Welfare Department. The profit Si fenn a feet-et. The wlmle constitutes '"S ,,lnu N,1r's1'''' rhe ,?'l,(l' thl,r hL' , down, and wc nre pocketing our losses the exception of Mr. MneNeHI vim is Mr Pepper expect, te nturu te prohibition. They lij.ld thnt at least 80 ,)Cr rann ranged from $270.00 for the Si TtcW comfortable and safe sent. ii;,l tuwer ihrcate,, her life ngiln. I nn( beginning unew. Sinie we have the speaker of the Dail. and Mr. Linch. ashingten li u short time. , rcr eent of tlie population is opposed te Athena Stnte Hospital, te $320.0.1 for ' A verr ingenious enhrh et and n ve-r I ' nr "" rtr slie remnlnH iih the ,Ppn fn tl,ls -euntry. word has come of all thee are members of Mr. (.rlffith s the amendment. One of their emnhn- the Institution for the Fccb'cmluded. iBI rxpenslve one. Is bem; shown .inrl:nr'"",' ind then went te the uini- of ,., big jobbing firms who have paid Dull Cabinrt. Mr. Griflith hlmseU de- CQ0D POISONING EXPLAINED M'l n'ntfi thnt the amendment and , i hundreds of cases, It was asserted. ,1; the hlgher-priced cars. This "ieb." a- , e,r1V"",r' Ml"' ""'.T1'","1 l "' ? ' r' S1"" "it' crcd.lers what thc could and elded net te become 11 member et the uu" uwul""" .Al -""u JtB enfereins element, the Velstead Act. ! relatives are refusing te commit men- 'iV the bedymnkers call it. in n triumph nf , '"l"1 I,Pr H " and Parker and his wife , started out with clean shit. . previsional government in order te keep .,-!...... e I lmT, Inn',,P, r,rln,'nrt,H et t10 wh" take , (ni'j dlsiblcd veterans, who might be iwll fd'dlne The flerib'e rear, of eeurs.- ' "cump-inicil her bn"k te tie, L.srgn.i . "We are all placing great hopes in his premise te the De nlciaitcs that , Canners Blame Carelessness of Cen- even a drink of beer, wine or liquor, .restored te useful citlzenshln te con- fiflK folds down nnd eui of sictir. Th...rgi' ""''. Alu '.':.. -'.,ek Smidin n.,'n- the present Washington Conference. We lP w,,ld keen distinct the functions of , sumers and Wrong Diet I In ether words they he'd , the 'law d'tlens In the "contract" asylums, most ilK doers and half-reef, nimn the pr .pe " 'J'" l1,),ll,: re Informed that there 1 ,,re cheerful, confident, optimistic even , president of the Dall and chief of the Leu).ii.t, Kv ,Tnn iefuv A , nms criminals of the majority of men of which, the memerlnl said, are "110th- pp'icatlen. reveal .inexeeted joint- ' b'en a n3lit at the LWs 11s bees.. for a bright business future. I l.ellee previsional gevernmeut. Ihe govern- V" J'1 !; ,' ".", "' .u ,'J-' and women in tlu city. ing meru tlmn lock-ups." nbnut them which permit them te h. '"'. "i.ir in ip wu- nee.ieu. nen ti.'e t.P mihic economic rewiunu wiucn we lnent. however, tins mc power 10 mm 10 f ptemn,nc nolsenine ncce diilir te Fourteen Poison Deaths - 1 , . ,,, ,- , folded awav also, and the final result , .rri-.-, .Vv found Mrs. Liggln. and re experiencing In England is sure , tu. number of Its members at will . y h(; Sffl Sc.lg Vb! 1 eurteen I oisen ucatns I'elcral Prevision Lrged fiat the closed car has been converted ''"- Parkers, who celly hid the s.ery t be felt in the I'nitcd States." in interview yesrerdaj, Mkhael '"""' "f. el. " a,'.1 "' 'Al"" A" I Thej point te the fact thnt the hes- rru mn,rB ,,, nPnv,M r. .,, into nn open car with straight tlat ine Perhaps the most unusual ana un jiertnnt of the strictly me'hanlenl nov elties Is a ce'd weather stnrfln? device designed by epe of the mnkers n stund aid equipment. Gasiillne V.ii"riM By means of this nrrangemenr. whic iSiOpcrated bv e cctn-lti '''" "fls-'-ne 1 converted into a thick white vapor, or fog, which ignites instantlv. T ugency employed is n cell of chromium wires, set in mineral wool, which break .up the liquid -iaekeL la neimltted te esi ane. tl.un ncr mltting an eell distribution of the water, nnd better cooling rf the m -t .1 A meter designed te utilize te fullest Advantage the prewnt-day lew-ginde fuel, attracted considerable atteiitn-n. 11 J.1 an intake n.anifeld a designed as in trap and draw off Jli the uuvaperized fuel, which In then d stilled by hi at into a thoreughH combustible gas. Deuble cantilever springs p evide a 1" A neveltv In Rteerine n.heiu ii,U tli f fpekes inade of weed msiead of uietel, Tiiw increasing the ccdiert of these who drWe without gloves. Disc wheels, have been ndepted ni Atandanl euillniiiftit bv several manu facturers, for certain models, at least. w . 1 t,. ...... 1 . .. . . 1 , SJUS ,ie '. '"f ,tnnUt,truril " U ?fr"L"i 0I',L" ' 'i ,u'ler-rtng ir ??? i? IUlU"3 of BCCl,r'u In the uetnonstrauen 01 mis device -, t,,,i.,i , Finri.t,, ii...r ,1 """"."J "' '" .J . ", ., i.i ,,. ,i:, thnt wu mav usk hep trem southern -.u a 1 1 zva 011s in emerc ng tne c.igniccnin swassw, j's,:iK",, SH Si . i rSs "a s? s sft; & a ?&&-' - "m - - - j, -"--", -j- s smss- m. .. .... - "Wakerful of cigar smoke. i& 7 11 fiH ,-.h i'J ll l until SHO P M lat night. " Clayten, -U19 Parrish street, wns of arR,iments are that "booze" Is s,i Anether me, ham al improvement. I'It,"1 ',"" ,, , f .j ' f, ?d h.n Judge Sidney N. Iteove. in the -,(-,-, DCOMlTTCn among these brought te New Yerk en openly sold In Philadelphia nt the end Bhewn en one of the moderately high- ", 'Llir,s ' , 1ms , d- ,e ',r'""". "f I:il,r,'hi ?"'1 l'"''f.f"r U. S. STEEL PERMITTED ,h MsuUM transport Creek. of two M'ars of prohibition; that nn jirlced cars, is nn ntta. Iimmt te the ,"';- '"'"" 'ifne les uroseoution nnd defense, nsked then, damama PAMAI , ,, 7, ',, p ' L" J. fnr 1.1 my of bootleggers Is flooding the city coelngsystem whereby the steam whi.l, s,,em " . '" T , 1 rltur. t,,,. 'm' they steed as te numbers. J l.e TO Ubt MANAMA UANAL Lieutenant C uj ten, who wns a for- ! ..pnJt,m iiQ1,er." und geed, bad rt .! I.. .1... ..... .. .K ..... lO lIUIKlllg tie 1 llllr?!' .Mr ,rnw1 , ,. v., I Crnini... Will . .... -..,.. -nl IIIcl, finlinnt n,.lc,n ,lle,l . . 1 !...i.ir . ..Vl.l .. I .1... .!.... ,MIC1I UUkilCI III ll" I ill Ui III' 11 n'l , 1. . . 1 ,rt . .1.. i- .. I... .11... ii'l '-iiiiiii. . .... I neveity in suspension en one special- Wll,n,rt.. a..,, . wnn c.lnnnr. Mudie Heeve had it ter home, out wn- ner's report. 11 siisiaiueu uy me com- Oscar Metzner an Insnecter con- I .. .. . 1 bodied car of middle price. The theer.i Hu'b:nd s Arrest for Nen-Support Mimin0nw, ,, ,. and Mrs Demett mission, will settle the control ersy ' nc"tl with the Seuth Second Navy Yard i, Is that each equalize- the nctien of the Believed Cause of Tragedy ed for a definition of the trr.i "pre- hinging about that point. partment of the Philadelphia Customs Bids en six obsolete naval vetscle f uther, prtventlng excessive rebound in Hucl ensack. N. .1., Jan 10. i Oy.A. nimderancc et -v d.'nei- used in the .steamship lines, operating tnreugl Heuse, di-,' Saturday nftfrrnoen nt his will be opened today at the Philadelphia rlther direction, nnd nt the same time p. ,p. ,, p,e ,, ,iav ,1,01 and killed ease wbh n 'aneii te tne ins.ini' rle.i the canal, attacked the steel corpora Jeme. '1177 Mantua avenu" fullewing Navy Vnid. I Hddlng te the riding qualities. hiswiu m 1 ,-l.s weun.i.d hi- diiugh- tidvaneed for lien h. tien's right te participate In the bust- ,, n ! e nb u u en na5 The ships, which nre lying In the re- E New Window Tvne ""r Mr "',l ' "" -"knitted sublde at The Judge exp'ained this meant -vi- ess en the ground tlmt it was ulh. f" ' , ,, , ' . " t"n: rCrve basin at League Island, have an Ir--,,. .V. H . .. his lmm. , Little TerrN. ienee of flu greate,. we.ghr and ercd owner of 11 number of railroad 'ine Jty "' ta lx n" '"7Jt;? I nSRrcgate tennaRenf 41,0110, nnd ure the i;1. "Spilt side windows en em of the ex- ,.,,,.. r,((ll,v ,m, h,n arrested for .iUt. but said the j-ir mud consider home of which are engaged In trans- VA "T ,,,tn Vf'ut ear nen bad i third let of obsolete ones te be sold Et' 5'V, ?hn,,",h0f ,lmeJ"lm'' I,re,sn i'V noa-suppert, the pellee said, and the all th- , rlden-e m tt as. , berin;r continental traffic. been en" e he me-t active nnd r. or- ''e te wrecking companies and junk v Inged that the window may be left ,i,.,.. ,. .i,.,,.i .i,n. u... ....,..i mnn the msaimv nrnnesit'.in as w. The exam ner decided that none et the ltl," " wie. "lp-v ncllTe """. mer- . ,,.., il ftSiM f", ',nV J'". ,'r' llim "'' " ,0 ,h" lr"- "H ,,I '""',"l,l"r "' " d'i'ndant In corporation's rat reads e.,I.l be ion ..by pernie eusanem Ifurnethe The vessels te be sold today are the r&tfJUffn&S Lnre?,S sla ';? I'eP"'- wn. 'J.eik.. nineteen ,enrs 'he courtroom. sidered competitors for transit nwitiil Mfww Ih t "A ffi "ft'cshins Maine, bulk by Crump's in feAfefrf?LtBrr,'i.MK The '"i0 sflBtl,n rv"" .,0 tl10 ,J'n business and that m euneishlp of LJrarfuXn 1H01. nnd the Ml-seuri nnd Wlseensln ; Hfc'r 'ilMcent of the glass within the panel. .,,',. u .s t.,i. .1 . rn.n mwl nhuui ten mho ti mnr numiinnt vesse s bv the lnamitnetunn!; aioeu transiusiens, our jir. .Metzner .,. ,,.., , ,. ..... .....,."''! BeTOrat el the inukes exhibited show ..... ,.. ,.. 7.. . .,."...... ..,.i f. ,i, i.m.i , h i,.ih ,,., i..i..u.- l.n.l nnt hi en fei-hi.lilen In . siuck at iiis iiuiieu until itiur'Uay e , ' """".',.. ",'." :.""' ,V".'.'."' """ 1 m ' u mjwrf iwtiv vitrei . fe1ikH&.;,f JAS It provides n bread, comfortable base W.1 which the feet mai rest. Instead small button new In general use. In I Itajlwflnnl utena InulnflH nf Ih. aM -vIRIIWIIlllll '," ..v., v V..V W ' eMttaueus footboard en each side, have ItMine standard equipment with nn in- ivgjMnt pumber of manufacturerH. 'TWfe tnem go leather dust guards sus- ' iMd from the bottom of each fender. ;Ch of the cars which attracted attention ts an air-coeieu car In this cifj A large rlunrniim ult takes the air from the front AnnniietK if Imek ,.nd down nrV blinders, while a fan at the bottom ti, .,,!... .i,i, ,.r .1,.. ..,.., fi'JiA.. .i.t. r.- .,.A .ii i.,. iiitluua along dark and conservative J."M there Is little chunge in the ejtWfJd .carunce et most the Wh, w " V New Pastbr TIIK ltKV. EI)W BI H. SIIUV the will be Installed as pastor of the Ne. tli Preb terlan Church, Hniiul st. eel and Allegheii avenue, tonteirow u lira I PUBLIC AND CITY COUNCIL CO-OPERATE, SAYS WEGLEIN ' Year of Accomplishments Set Kerth , . , . in nnuai ncper A tplrit of co uperailen betwern Ce'inell nnd the City Adintnltrntlen 'i v exNtx. accerdlm; te Kichard Wee- leln. prrsid'iit of Council, in hi, an- aiJl report which ill be nibmitt'd te I'euncll Thursday. "Cit Council has m idn an euvinelc ..i.f.l tni ,1m i.xin lr'l " Air Wtr- iPm i,) jn sum'mtns up Its accomplish- ikhLh. As un cvMct e ,.t linrmen rtltb the Adm'nNtrutlen. he peiiind te Council's action en the S.YOIHMMH) r luestetl for the St'qui-CViiteniiluI. Mr. U'eglein enipliaied the willing ips. fif fimiiell tn tin .ill iii it imwer make the Seiui-Centenninl a mh en. He Mid the build:ng" Iieubl be f a peniinneut iharai-'cr. liie t euiicii president preeien u ei- fu1 ill be made In the 10l!.l l.egKln- fun 10 trip the I'.enrd of Educatlmi of t- tnx-levjing power. He commented n the forty-cent reduction made In I'le 1!22 city tax rnte and t-aM it was pnrtlj imllltied by the beard's ait'en i'i ti'iestliig the school rnte tlfteen eentv Mr Wesleir. said It was hop.-d the ''raesf il e'enteI niietien een would be -irnlglitened out. The gas prei- "in will he tiin n up f-peedl'j. he enid, is -mm ii urrmigi inents hnie been com cem ih inl fur nil, ration of the Trunk ford "L." IMLUO nUODHIHU Wlin HA - Wllmlnnlnn Wnnim Clnue Man Whn Threntrnert Hrr Llfr I nreaicnea ncr UllC Wilmington. Del . dim. HI Dcsper ie. se.. ,,,i in,, iinii ', pteiu III) UIUI : - . - liri.n'ennil r.i ki lu.r Alrw II ilt..ri I.h. ,.lnjl lM,rtwi:Mit eiiiv oil. eizid en . ..... 1 .. . I .. ....1 I ! I I . .1 ex M'sterdax in"rnln nnd killwl her 1 ...1 1 ...I.M. 1 . l !.... 1. 1 ii-iiiui wiiiie ne iaj n'ii'i en a eeufn. I Afiirdlnc te the wnfviMen the police "OTHER WOMAN" ARRESTED Mrs. Davis, Who Went en 7 Weeks' Trie With R. H. Arnwlns. in Jail .Mount Helly, N. ,T Jan. 1(! Mr Ca 1 lierlii' Lee Davis, who went with Ilebert II. Arnwlne en a set'ii weeks' joy fin ufter he left his wile and seen chl.lren penniless 0f their home tn JtriiWebore. nrw meditates at th- County .lall ever the high M,nt- of nn has sat'sfinl a de-Ire te hae nnni r' in done with Mrs Dats for 'he part he had In wricking tin Arnwlne home. When Arnlii" 1- tiken into letirt next Thuisii.i re .' an itm'u 10 iis rt'.ng ami in "ledlnu; I 1- fai. !.. Mr. iJnvl" will he iiir.iij'ud. A 1 a. n. hns nnt et beet able te gi t bn I KILLS WIFE AND HIMSELF mother. She wns b'leding freni four bullet wounds, lie curried Ik rout e' the house, hoping nMu, her. and she dud in Ihe snow While outside 1 111 house lie heard ether 1 shots and r uiriiul te tind his sistir, i neensi'iiins in ine Hieing rneni. no ran f'"' "'" I""""- " '"' I'- "-lurneil he (en,, ,K flllfr ,jPUI, , h(. fclt,.hMl. The daughter'- . ..uilitieu is .erieus. uncenselidis in the dicing mom. He ran POURS HOT WATER ON WIFE A u . ,.,,,., Angry Husband Scalds Weman and ner uaugnter ,.,, ,,nl v , ,, 1(1 ,,, . Llllen Hill. . il.. dnn. lu. (liy A e 'hs rh,?wu w darter, Theodere M. ledza was a'r- res ed here Inst night en a charge of assault r n,nr,i ,i.i,i. ,i..in,. n ivt IBs wife told the police he started quarrel en reuehing lieme, and when it the btcp-daughttr Interfered began throwing the furniture nreund. He then Milled the t-ianuciier irem ti.' seimi; nnd cas fillcil the room. Beth women te the kitchen, where ledza, I wife said, wized the kettle from s.ove nu rx , ei Sl a 1. . 1 1 . 1. - r l ,.,.....-.-. - , -. . inn inn 1 1111 nun 1111 11 1 i'acii I'liiriu ... .. ...!.. r nn iiirnsu 111 rpnirii iih nir ,---- . "" ..... ... . rfv. t,' -..-. --r 1 ialI ii'nni nini 1 anin n us i 1 n a -... n -. , 1 i- iui,h-''mi, . . 1- i. j i a uiiiiiii. 1 ' j. '& - . EVENING PUBMO "Pretty Geed Sign," Says One, "When 17 Speitd $5000 Each te Come te U. S." ARE GUESTS AT LUNCHEON, - i "It's i pretty geed sliii nf better I - . . t i tl-ii- i,. .. 1. .... , n-n(nfl(i ' mers in ureal nriuuii ani ii Scotsmen will spend S.'.OOO apiece for n business trli te America," said W. Trew Munro, Scetcli mill owner, to day in dlNeiiaMn.f the mlsnlen of the Scottish Woolen Trntlo-Merk Associa tion in thin country. Mr. Munro is spokesman for the ri rrw'Uatlves of this Scotch organi zation, which vc pregenia millions in l-ivesiel en' lt.il nnd half the wool out put of Scotland. The seventeen members of the dele gatien ire here for the two-fe d pur- I ee jf cementim; the tie of bUHiies t 1 friendship between their country nnd Ameilcn, nnd of taking steiis te prevent the substitution of besun goods for , gi nulne Scotch tweeds. WnnamXr, tore "St 10:30 Vcleek this The Scotch manufacturers visited the1 mernlnK. nnd at neon were received by Muer Moere in lN ..(Hce nt City Hall. Later they were luncheon cuests of C.-rnld fnmpbell. H.itt h Censul Oen- oral here.' This afternoon they nre , lilting the Klrrhhuum factory, nnd ten.gnt will drpnrt for New Yerk, The teventeeu niembers of the dele- gntien represent gein ration of Scotch millewners. The "seunsrst" of the . enteen factories thc represent has lv... t. iim ..ha t'..t.il1t (n ,Iipea t-nnprfi tinns. One member of the delegation, Tem II. Hal nntvne. is owner eE a famous factory which hi" nncester fmmiled .'1(111 enre ncn "England "and America must draw eleuer together," said Mr. Mupnre. 'MVi.i.n.1 nt Annn iteMtrev ns ex- tenive busi;ies relations with the Uiuted States ns pelble. We live by ,ur manufactures, uud n outlet must De found for them. "The feeing In England Is that wc hnvc turned the comer tn our affairs. jmssed through an awful six months Cond tiens ure better new Everything (s going down. Costs of production nre lessened, nnd quantity i" coming up. The coal trade is nn eTiimp'c. There un. ,-,00,000 fewer miner, jet they nrc ,..-.,iti nil, 1 (KlOftfld mere tens of coal n ueelc tlian before. I haen't ft thing: tny ngainst the real miner. The - ',' "r"V. :;.V" .i,',:;f T ttuc,iS te men in moehnnio.il trades en .., , nt nv, m.infli M'h'ell will llUVO s effect in btlll lecr prices. Houses . ,.. ! ,in,.. 'I'lie (internment bad ' ,11Ii,.r,ini. tn nnrtlv linnnie the build- 1,,,. ivnvl nnini.n'i! homes. If WAS . . i .,... .,.. A..ui..,. .. .....nl, LOuni 11 ai iih'm eii; iu-ii uik iuu uius-u, nml .h Government withdrew. Prlws illii V " ... . ,i.n..A,i i.iumiitlv. Thev will en down iui"'iu 1 .. .- . . c flr,ier d ..Ti.n .nx. nf etlmnmi la llll n nrnh. BURCH-KENNEDY MURDER ' JURY STILL DEADLOCKED , ,j j - . -- u. u . Divided Ten te Twe, but Hepe or Ultimate Agreement Ijes An-elcs. Cnlif., Jan. 10 fDy A I' 1 Heumntlen of dellbcrntler.' t da bv the ten women nnd two men emprline the jury In the trial of Ar- thur C Ilurch. charged with the inur- ,!,." of' J He ten Kennedy, found n ihev were d d'd t' n te le. 1 lie ,lud;e then asked if there wns nn lianee of nn ngrrement. Mrs. Grnhrim nml seveiiil ethers "Old they lii'ievnl ,ii. re u.'is. Only one, Mr-. Tui De- mil said s-hi thought tlif de eilnck was iiepe'esis. The jumrs r'tirei. after Judge 1 Heeie had directed tlnj x liekul in 1 for thj il"ht, but seen sent out word . thev wlstie,! I'lfiite nai nioriuinie'i. until morning KINDNESS WINS HIS PISTOL, Desperate Man Gives Up Weapon te Salvation Army Officer Coleiie' Arthur T. Hiewer. speaking in un- i nini'iiii nuuiiuriuui esier Inv. told w hut thpSn'intien Army was1 .!,.,.. ,.. .r,mil.,ifi..l ,ln. , rt,nr. ...,.,. " '" ''" v- " " I'eii. "A man cnii... t , ..no of our leeal of- fieers with a hard luck sterj." said the colonel. "He ceu'd net ebtuln we-k nd ,nKe.hd feed and shelter. Alter iieurms mn '"",", lu,; "w-r iirauism te p-evide for him. ..n-i.n.. .t. ...n.. ..n.i.. .n ' me v.e'. v-" tiiiniiiii, uiir oil ?i 'SCOTCH MILLERS .MX SE BIG BOOM i te treub e in England was Wlin iiic men 'ranftn iur ji-mmi. ,-nu n.t reruiai giceiini; uiuuy ,ni urn uiiin:uruiii:u i-niiaticipiun J iioeoeu un 111 iiiitun who came into the industry during the Tlritlsli nuti-erltles nt r)-ihHn C't 'e Jt tl)(, Suprcn1(1 Court of Pennsylvania liquor." that Is. liquor larcel) composed in'.. 1. .,r. ,i.n In ererr line ' nst Slltlin SV tinier llie .Ancie-iriMi loineriuu ui run i. ,iiuiiuii;i. ui uunu- . . . . . .. . . . rvviiuiuii, uiiu i uitii in 11.1 lull 4111- t. . 1 ...! .. J r ukv.ii vim.w iituiti'mn u m- .oektfrlir'riciuirch" t ? ' SlAZ wa8 d t0 BI , , ,c df(J l0 it ,.1,. l " - tJ?ken te a "fn "ale n . ,mehedv tenlnht. but vnn hnrn . ......... i.um. i,ii.i n ""a" r;, ' '"u ""'" r-i-nei Hrewer said tlm nrmv ni' . . .... .....t.. s00 en emergency rdicf for men .),n culd net obtain employment rwemher This was in uddittnn .m,q trnrlc nmnnc families his the AVOiniNO RAi;.KOAr wiiechh ,j-fn' S i vj "4 "1 i tfT Ji LEDGER-- I'HtLE&P&lA, MONDAY,- INFANT ABANDONED IN HOtfEL ROOM IS IIP? W 9S Wi fi - H. S lTBr ' - 'i-i , n ; sflBK.1 r; wwSaiBBBK c9iv tmmmigfmsh: "$ tes-.- i v' " TX.'i-A,lE :p The Iwiby was tlrst placed under the eare of "Mether" Mary Gallagher (right), matron of the Fifteenth nnd Locust streets police station, where it was itiUcn Sunday morning nfter Patrolman Jehn Clark (holding the baby) had been called te a Ilreatl street hotel. Today the abandoned child Is In the Philadelphia General Hospital GIVE DUBLIN CASTLE TO . t m Transfer te Previsional UOV- ernment Formally Made by British Lord Lieutenant I AUXILIARY POLICE MUTINY . ' Ily the Associated Press ! Dublin. .Tan. 10. The governmental ; rentv. Thetransfe-w-is-mn.lebv Vi 'count Fitzalnn, the Ixird Lieutenant, In tllO I'rlVl CeUIU'll ChnlllbCr. , Ren-M Cailr Dfimiteh Comrleht, lOlt Dublin. Jan. 10. DlKnffeetlen among .. ...... ... ,. 1. . the I'rlflsn 3UTI inr.V POIJCC HOW l)"llic w being .larnAKIllrtfifl inn fnueli n serimm " ". '". - - - us turn, The men. who are illsi-ntlMieii with the . It .! 1 ...... .... 1. ..., .a. I ...I.l. .1... l",',i terms of dlK'ninleymeut. ure understood . , , ' nave reiusci 10 euey urut:i ebey orders. official- Vsited Heg- Duhlln Cane rVlltn (Ullrl ! 1 "This 1b n governing committee in !... .!.., ,Vi members wl'l net l.ue ills- 1 t:nct portfolios, it m .juttc possible land quite likely thiH ". function inm be isslgned te iPdlildual -uctc'iera. ;w; mn may iek nfter home I affairs one week, for Instnnei, and d. fenae the next. There is no .iest, n ..f w-ckins the hteffu of the .x.uicg ue. pnrtments. , "It is the Intention of the previsional government te add men from the out- side who are net members of the Dail or i ine j3uums. .-......-..-. - ' ".-.v Commission Examiner Commerce Favorable te Operation of Ships Washington. Jan 10. il A. Pi The riuht of thu United St.ins Ste. Corporation through its subsnl urn - t .... 1.1 1.. . .. ,.e . .,. 1 1 operate sieuiiisiiipi e e "" "- ,,nmn Canal Is upheld in a tentutive report suliinittcd today te the Intet statc Commerce Commission bj the ex- 1 mnincr te iuke eimem-r. me exiuu- Congress. PRIEST'S BROTHER DIES 1 Father McCleskey Arrives in Teledo I After Death I After rceeh'ng telcu-rnm thnt Iain r'sr-patVi! X'ttU;:;:. - i,,.,' .",'i,,,r!,.b'J rbnreh. T.i'e.le. (i. I"' "T , . . ml... ,1 . l..i T una m ii uvini: couiiiiieii, ine mr. ii McCleskey. naster of the Church I ".' .i1.. L.V TtenVt ilnmlmv I 'ip " nvenue, Camden, left fe- the bed- 1,', "venl was r ceived yesterday from . ptsOT Met; esisey tnnt wncn ne ar H.e.1 bis brother was dead. 'reil Ills ununtr n u. - In tl0 nb"enee of tne pastor et tne ! hospital lu i-nueueipuia Mrs' Evelyn N. Granam In Cleveland. Jan. 16. M Mrs. Eielyn ne years old, ent Weman's tn i Vnrtnn liraham. reventv.ene 1 Js'evj Yerk Citv. nremlnent - . Ghrlstlan Temperance Union, werk-r , J and widow of Jeseph M, Graham, vice and widow Jf Jeseph m, uranam, vice .president jef the i3rla Railroad, died MO UWM.-WI IRISH MINISTERS ?- PEPPER SEES HARD WORK AS SENATOR i oinevnnin"e accruing ir-" ,;. ' of these cases In Statu Institutions, the 'aBt v canesuny uv '' ,'"", . years' operation of the prohibition law mcm0rial said. Is committing te ncr- a farm near Maple Glen. He la survived 'exists In every section. Te obtain data mancnt insanitv many of the victims by n son, William, who lives in Jen Successor te renrese, Mere from which Philadelphia might draw wi,0 1)V timcIy treatment probably could . kintewn. . . Ife nnan-n tn nn lnnll lint Int, IMSl.. 1 " ' I T.-ll n n BllriOrrV CnVCmtnt St First Time Since Inaugura tien, Pleased With Capital LIKES HIS C0LLEAG U ES Geerge Wharten Pepper, new Sen- nter from remisvlvnnla. was given n shukes and endure many friendly slnpti en the back from well-wishing mem bers of the bar. When nsked his Impression of the Senate during hU first work, Mr. ! Pepper said : "As 1 review my first xyeels In the ... . n 1 . .i. !.. i nenaie 1 nun mat 1 nuve iiircc ucuiiue I 1 . "".". r'"B-r, ,. . nc , impressions- III.!. ..1 'Plin t i U . CJnHA i.iB rw" ! n I FllSt. That the SenntOrS nS in- I dividuaN arc thoroughly in ean.est about their task nnd full of censidera- mini convention, meeting in conjunc tion with the Canning Machine nnd Supplies nnd the National Poed Pro Pre Vers' Association. Poed poisoning, it wns declared, is often due te Improper diet or careless handling of feed 011 the part of the con cen buniei. Deaths of a Day LIEUTENANT R. J. CLAYTON 11. 1 . iM.iii. ..s.. .......... U....V... ...... in a base hospital nt Savenuy, Trance, I(H !. r.l.l. UenlllelU mass Wi I HO cs'lebrnted in Our Mether of Sorrows' - Church, Forty-eighth street and I.an- nsler nveniie. 'I llesilnt miirntiic In 1 1 terment will be in Arlington Cemetery . ... .... . m . . . - . rne military services win lie oenmietod , ,v Greeley Pest Ne. 01, American 'legion. ' j uscar metzner last week, and death came unexpected ly. He was n bachelor and leaves two sitters and a brother. Mrs. Evallne E, Burgess Mrs. Kvnline 13. Burgess, widow of Giles J. Burgess, died Snturdaj, at 31 ' J" wai. elKhty oer - - Uert. Burd avenut, .Miroeurno. .Mrs. Bur rs old and well llnew" '" lue """'nienern section of ILO Cltl. j. - . . .... . ,. . 'r 'w,'--'i ?" , sp ,meu at Wllllnstpn street and Columbia avenue. where r'er ,,m,cnn1rt ftl5. V,0,i grocery store In 16bl. At his death she - """",. v-w --- " inn from business about fourteen years age. xi,,,i U mn-u..i i... .?.. '" '" " '""''.' ."-y. "e". 5 Mr" ben Menree E. Burgess, of JMWi Verth Seventeenth ntrect, and a daugliter . ucei.e u. ii&iwr, wne lived with at Mlllbeurne. William J. Orem William J. Orem, rctirrd Gieuecs- ter City btorekeepcr, died utculny after an illniss of two weeks at his l"n at 22i Bergen street. He is sur - vived bv two eons and two dnurhter.. He was a member of the Merchantvllle Ledge of Masens and of Welcome f!ir. 1a TlvsAl-llAwVl AAil $ A MA-l4lJ J O iJivWIWMWVU v MlUHMIt IfPPlf JANUARY 16, 1022 City, State and U. S. Forces te Co-eporato in Biggest Drive, It Is Said WARNING OF "POISON RUM Arrangements have been completed by prohibition ngcuta for the greatest drive against bootleggers ever made in this city, it beenme known today. Although preparations for new raids arc net admitted, it is said city, Hints and national authorities will co-operate in the campaign against all violators et the Eighteenth Amendment. "Ker the first time In the history of Pennsylvania the liquor supply In the State of Pennsylvania is new under ! Control " declared S. F. Iluttcr. Asse ciate Director of Prohibition Enforce ment in una sinic. nir. iuiiwt m-u declared the enforcement officials had reached the turning point In the battle against boet'eggers. "Ilcferc our arrival here," Mr. Itut ter said, "Pennsylvania was one of the wettest States in the Union. We found the State flooded with whisky and nlcohe1 Issued en genuine and forged jiermUs. Millions of gallons et liquor had been withdrawn en forged permits. Since last June wc have been I trying te plug up these sources of sup- ply. and nt last wc have succeeded by, F1"? P" .? 8.c.lc:." ."l 1 the present time we have the situation well in hand. Permits Cut Off "The Prohibition law never had a ir chance in Pennsylvania, hut In the i fair next two years I will predict that llAnniutvnnlfl vultl tin nnA (if file MrTCSt c.. ... i. tt-.i rru.ee tAn i holding permits te handle liquor nrc eiuit'a nt uiu ijiuv". j-nvDi; "" only reputneie. rename mismess neuses. Ne mere permits will be issued te boot legging firms In this State." . . V "" "---- -.-----, , Conflict of views ns 10 me eeneuis or made. Definite conclulens were dlfii-1 flttt-.rA. nitllntn trnrA flirt r 'H ilf I .trXr. ,',"".',",'.r..., '"'' these closets te the situation. I One nelnt of agreement en n't sides I was that in 1020, the first et the e- "g dlSK' TitSi i the number increased mere than 700(1 , -J .ft m0rC tha" A gecend pelnt nf aercement h that Chemists say that this brand of "liquor -should call for the death pen , ity for these who have put It en the 1 ,,,., Ilivl,li.ni: nm milhnrltv fur 1 the statem-nt that steadv usa of It wl'l brinB ubeut ln fihert tlmc nn appall- 1 . r- - .- in .i.-.i, iu, frnm fnrm ,n Hv " M.... ..-V ....- .. . -. ..,, I resembling Ilrlght's disease. nnl An,l-C.lnn T .nn,a n,lmll. 11.. ren(jIt0nH ln Philadelphia nrc "net ,,,, It dpnf however. the claim nitp's are trentlnc cases every day for I londltleiis resulting from the use of , " olsen liquor." It may be said that ; In thv last six months hospitals of "hi'adelnhla have treated I112 such uses, of which fourteen died. I The nnomeloui. situntlen as respects Stnte and Pederal laws creates n con- , dltien in Philadelphia, and all ether I eitle of the Slate, that docs net exist in ether States. This hns placed the city pelice authorities in a puzzling situation. Aside trem sporadic raids e en sn'enns. hotel and dining cafes. the police have net hitherto been ever 1 lu nmiiiert'iii. hiuei.j, uini iiius snuiu ure saloons which sell beer which. neem-iIOur In ninsiimem Is "Inst US geed ns ever wns 'served." Added 'that Is the warning of tihyslcinns th te nt n "new death" threatens thete who drink the "artificial whisky." OPEN BIDS ON SHIPS These Iwiiim have been Inspected ,y mere tlmn seventy-five representatives of shinbiii illnc ceniniinies. neelvlenn ninnnfaett.rers nnd wreckers, wlie con- ferred with nnval efficerw in rtcard te scrapping the vessels. Admiral Niilten, commander of the Phlladelphlii Nnvv Yard, who presided at the meeting, descried teday'n hale ns a form et eper.ment te deterinlne the utst way ter the (ieiernment te ills- i ....... . .. e .w. ,:::.. - - "; T ! ' UU" 000 tens, which It Intends te scrap. , , ... Z. ' , COL. J. W. GEARY RETURNS rii,ii,,i.ii,i, n..u e. m.u -, M..,i, r,um vidk te French Battlefields Colonel Jehn White Geary, of this city, who was in charge of the military intelligence department here during the wur, rf turned today by the Cunnrdcr Cu run n from a three months' trin tn ,h.. French battlefields and Centrul Lurepe. Hif. uife and daughter will stay In the southern pait of Burepe until tprlng. 1 He noted the Industrial netlv'tv In Ocrrauny was mere lutense and efficient i than In France and ,tbat Austria was In a bad way through unemployment and the lack of coal and geed feed, I BOOZE CLEAN-UP HERE IS PLANNED ueaui in iininciai Liiquer" 1 eiv nSinUtn r.raf Will He Snlrl mk 1"" r''Y Shet glim. Best Lrdek Chasers, Says Cortclyeu i Director Cortclyeu, Director of Public fiirfcty, commenting en crime In Philadelphia said teday: "The bandit squad, the men nrmed wlth;sawcd-eff 6hetguns for nightly touring of the city, has net yet had a cbance te get in lta geed work. Give It a week or se and watch heldMip men dUnppcar from the city. A determined tnnn behind a sawed-off shotgun docs net leek geed te n creek and these detectives, se armed, knew exactly what te le when a despernte situation cenfrpntvl them. Other cities hnva tried it and met with success. Wc, loe, will rid the city" of nlghthawks." HARDK TOLD Troatment of Mentally Disabled Men Declared D!sgrace te Natien nnirini7Pn STATE ASYLUMS CRITICIZED ny Uie Associated Prow WdftliliMten. .Tan. lt).-(Hv A. P.)- Mere than 8000 mentally disabled for mer service men new placed In the State Institutions nre victims of such "gross neg'ect, indifference and prell- teering" that It constitute n "black renreach en the honor of the Notion." i Hdita nuanpltnn rfia mArtn ,Aln. y by t.c'n iit..n. i . - , t. uiHHucii iviucricau rcicruns ei ine i VETERANS ABUSED World War in a memnrlnl presented te- streets. Tnc oey nau eca eimennj dnv te President Harding, and Imrnedi- from a weak heart, ate action bv the Government, loeking1 Paul .Tcndyk, ninety-two years old, te the treatment of nil such cases In ' died In the Abington Hospital from In l.'.i..i in-,i,..i,I- , ..--..i nt.-'--, 4...i. -eeeivei in n tail en me lea ,''"'' IIBUIUHIN-. inui.ni. .mull. Describing the condition of "con- . ,11 .. .1 ... re?1 cnf" " "9 c.nK" "lc.,n?11 of these In "prnctica'ly every State." ns et tne estate et uute as lynica the memorial asserted the Gevernm-nt had "farmed out the Insane ex-service men of Ohie te State asylums which ure noterlouslv overcrowded, undermanned i and inadequate te care for them." wh'lc, It has net nrevlded one Federal ,n.u. tutlen for this purpose In the state. Ohie Asylum Cited "Fer example." the memorial said, "In the Longview Asylum of Hamilton County. Ohie, there are forty-two gal- lnnt heldicrs who broke down mentally under the stress of war. although Leng-' view Is' se overcrowded thnt 2-0 of the inmates sleep en the fleer llke catfe every night." ' ff lV e-,n menfntlv dUnldr.l nlneed ln nil the institutions of the State, of wlmm. it wns mi nlnnlelnnn le'Ieve was taid. pltjslcians helcic lie .! .iri nm.,, n, .......... .;, .- . (-.-V ...... ihalf mghtl ' nni. Ihn nir.mnrll niurlml i,.ou m. I ceiv'ing "medlcnl treatment of uny kind ' - for his mental diseases, and curate, treatment of nil menial casn in Federal institutions the organization urged that the President use Ills Influence in scour. Ing early action bv Cenjiess en the pending measure te npproprlute 10, 000.000 for this purpose, citins the epert of the special Semite Committee that 4375 mere beds weru urgent1; needed, beyond what would be provided by exist'n." appropriation. During th? two years or mere before Federal facl'itles can be increased te take care of ull cases, the memo inl urged that "infinlte.'y mere rigid suner- vision" of "contract" Instltntlena lie nreiided by the Vcttrnns' Ilur-au and A th) plitrel wae returning the pc tlmt te co-operate ln this nn independ- ice heard loud voices from the hear of ent commission of former seivlce men 1 11 vacant heube nt 810 Lecu"t sheet. ie uppeinted In ench State. It further ' The, patrolmen rushcl into the heti' recommend d Unit ever institution re- I find found twenty-three men squattl!!? celving money from the Government for'nbeut thu ".iilleplng dominoes." tlie care of disabled seldiern und sailors 1 "be cqulrcd te spend every dollar re- . ,... ..,-. ccived for the benefit of Mich soldiers TRASK ESTATE FOR ARTISTS and sailors exclusive1-." Establishment ' of Government dispensaries us part of v,jj , , TM.f u Mr. tlie mer ncy system for treatment of Yaddo" In Left In Trust by Mn. mental cases and assistance of tin. finp. eriimedt in erganising it program of community social sen ice te co-epe. ate in that work ulse were urged. STRIKE NEAR END, IS BELIEF Garment Workers and Employers Expect Tentative Agreement New Verk, Jan. 10. (By A. P.) The garment workers' strike, which organized In 11100 by Mr. nnd Mrs. has disrupted tint adustry in New Yerk ,Trask te have charge of the estate after since Neiembcr 11 nml has kept thou- 'their deaths. The present directors of sands idle, is expected te be called off. Pine Garde Include Mr. Peabody, Miss Members of the strike committee of the ' Allena'G. Pardee, who was Mrs. Pea International LntlUV t.nrnient Werk- body's companion for yearn; Mrs. Inn ers I nlen will mctt tonight te con- Petter Sturgis. of Providence, It. I.! siller the t. tliallen. ,Henrv Van Dvke. ThnmAS Mett Os- Knch side te the controversy nppar- rntly is witlshed thnt it has wen ;i vie- tcry. Itcsumptinn of work under old 1 lAmllf IA11L Od tllnnnpl,l W.. C A.uj. f eiiiuiiiiiiihi u-, 01 ssi-mra uy ncerClUriCS Hoever nnd Davis, tenmernrllv eentin. ueu the forty. four hour week nnd wrek work, which the union desired, while I the imiileiers cxnect en inveutlvn, 'nn I of labor conditions, which, they acscrt, need remedying. Important Diamonds which may be mounted and re mounted te accord with chang ing desires and fashions, losing nothing in beauty nor in value with the passing years. J. E. Caldwell & Ce. Jewelry--Sllver Stationery Chestnut fie Juniper Street v j. ICY STREETS FATAL TO YESTERDAY Twe Other Deaths Result Frem Fire and Frem Heart Attack THREE INJURED COASTING Three children nnd two elderly mm met death yesterday In accidents in the city. Ceatlnir claimed the Ufe of ena bev and Ico-cented pavements were re sponsible for falls that were fatal for the two men. One lltt'e girl was burned te death and another boy fell dead while as- . -endln the steps of the "I," station at Fifty-second nnd Market streets . TClno-ycar-eld Edward Mooney, 2011 Itesehlll street, died In the JJntscepal Hospital early yesterday from Injuries, received when struck by a coaster's sled. . The bev was en bis wny te n motion metion motien "Icturo thentre Saturday night when he stepped a moment te watch chil drcn coasting nt O and Tusculum streets. A sled coming down the hill struck him. throwing him te the Ice. Franks Sweeney, thirteen years old, 272 C street, who was guiding the sled, nicked him up and accompanied him home. Although the lad insisted that he had only a slight headache and walk ed with his father te the Episcopal Hesnltal. It was found that he ivns suffering from a fractured Bkull. He died six hours later. ci.i-.v4 tilth n heart attack while walking with his father flip the steps of the "TV ' station at Flftv-eecend street , j yesterday, Philip Gallagher, ten years 1 'yesterday, Philip I old, R203 Hazel avenue, toppled ever and fell down several -steps, ue died .short time '"Sf.'" J-TrnV': - t,....1a Vlffv-neeOnd nnd Ptnn ti, u. mu"i - ; , . , Jul.,l:,v."'i. i.t. K--Jl -.!. Hancock street nnd Susquehanna ave- .. C- ttt ; I A nlffht. -I fiCOD UunLDtT. ;!""" ..l"- "$ Wf S..en,.ehflnna sixu j " rr; ,',:-ri, n.u.i avenue, died n tpKnal HesplUl ' yc'terday irem u '""'';" ",7Km Evelyn Harris, n ne yuan ed Isegre. died yesterday at the PWbterln Un- pital from Burns rccc.veu uei " fore in t he k'tchMi of tarkena la North I Iutten s reel nwrlepJar. eight-year-old boys te'thc hospital. At a..mnr nnd Junlncr avenues. Ln Mett a sled with two btnall boys, struck an automobile driven ey wiiee r. rex. bnnkcr. ClirlMepher Huber, eight years e'd. of ItMt1t'11rccel1T5,l i'Sji1 fracture of the bkull nnd Is In Ablngtea . Hospital. .,,. A sim'lar accident In Sumac street, Wibsahlcken, Injured eight-year-old Calvin Cooper, whose, sled struck the 1 automobile of Dr. " W"en. :UBV ' , , 7. f-..iVi ir7.rii,ni bruises and Is In Memerial Hospital. JianaiuiiR. .t "-y '.'.' ."".- . ' nflMMCM A fjn CRAP ARTISTS U"ClL "; L" . Snev unilD WIVC rUUIlC H due 1 nuwn Burglars Escape, but Twenty-three 'African Qolfere" Fall Inte Nat Pe'ica et the Fifteenth and' Locust Ktreets rtntlen had a busy hour last night with "shooters." Twe burglars escaped ufter n rcve ver br.ttle at Sl'l Walnut street. Iteturnins empty handed te the Motion, the detail dis covered and captured twccty-thrce dap- shooters. The burglars were discovered by Jehn Vil'nne and It. Verne, roemeis r-n tlic third iioer of the Wnlnvt street bul d 'ns. The fi-s-t fleer is eccinicd by Wil liam P.errelli's tailor shop. BerrehTs workrooms are en the second fleer. A few minutes before 10 o'clock last night Villano nnd Verne heard two men trying te break into the workrooms where be ts of cloth nnd suits of clothes In nil stnjes of manufacture are stored The roemc-3 leaned ever n ba'ur.tratle and opened fire. Crouched In the dim '"glit of the hallway, the Intruders re turned the shots. The reports were l.cnrd bv Patrolman Seuders, who tele tele nlieued for u detail and then climbed a lire-cscipe, rcve'ver In hand. The flitter of the patre man's bndje ins een by the Lurslars ns-he reached the swei'i. fleer 'cicl. Several shots were iired'nt him, but all missed. Sou Seu eri Jlazed a wny down the darkened hn'lwav. The patrol arrived at that moment. The buildlnz wus suireundcd. but the burclnni escnned through a ! skvllirht. Geerge F. Peabody Saratesa Springs, N. V., Jan. 10. "Yaddo," tlie beautiful and cxtennire estntu of thu late Mrs. Geerge Fester Peabody (formerly Mrs. SiicncerTrask), Is te be used "nit :i temporal y home or abli'ing pluce, from time te time, of these who have shown unquestioned nrtlstlc merit nnd premise of accon accen pllshmcnt, or actunl accomplishment." The property is under the legal own- erah!n nt ,hn itlree, nr nf Plnn rinnlA. borne. Kdgar T. Urackctt. Daniel Ches- ter French. Jehn II. Fin'ey. Acesta Nichols and the Itev. Udwin Knox .. a ailtCllCil. 1 1 .jIii.1?SrT;.S-Z5r7S5S ATXANTir CITY j u r,0,"'5in'd Tith0.Mn!fwiiriufnT.rh,Si"MW I C-'i Uatern, nui u ir- a nnininn val till June 1. iwuw. Atlantic City. :a.l M immm i it i .. -, m- dkuwii ...-.. , ...-... ..-av i. J M ,rv-- y ,1 ft', .,&, j , . y. tirrMm " , a '1'., ' '-J . t iV