3SW .51 ' J,.' . W Tl,,f i'j .1 . J .,' jAi f.W ", "WW m' ' .-.: .itf U r aw.. ;e ENNA. TOWNS RESISTHAYS' PLAN fight te Keep Mall Delivery, Which Postmasrter General Would Drep Itockwe1, fit. Ctelr, S Hiapstlllc, Shtctahinny, ItrewiMvllle, Beutli Ferk. Spi of Btl a Staff Cemtpmdtnt ( ,i--j.inriea. Jen. 10. Membere .. ' Pennsyltnnln do'wnUen wll prcn "'J!1. which PestmaKtec Gem. VV jlnyfl wnnta te eliminate. In.i.TnrlvPd of (he Bcrvlce H HE! followed 'the recommendation W?nJr- tiBTB. Renteftcntatlve Orient jj the Het os follewn: AnnVlV. Arehbald. llellwoed, Ber- .. it i ii ii tinrrniiHiiiwii. nniniMe. ' " .". Mb wis Onte- rrnlrten. Clnrk" Hummit. ueai ,'. lrwcn-yinu Perry, Dunbar, Vitrtbeth. Ephfittn, icrerctf, raic KJ. dlMBPert. Green Cnntlc, Haw er. ElliifwlllCt Humtnelstewn, .Tramp. R?2!!!,nt 'wttltiwn. Likens Marl- fl;-'"' r Mlffllnhnnr. MlffllnN 1111! 1LUKMI ...--.....-- ... - nirw1 XfnfrfrimArv. lfrtmf 1 Mount Toceno, Myerntewn, No Ne flT' vniieiMnR. New Helland. , " Northureber'and, North Orwleflbar, Ogeeela Mllli, Pifkwbw'r. wcitTire, reneame, rtne SSST twnt Marien, Pertaw. Red gjj, H'd'cT Park. Rearina Spring. Bcllnssreve, , 3MIHI firing f'lfv. Hlresburtf, Summit Hill. Tfdleute. lower 'City, Trey. Watmnii.wn. Wcatherly. While Ilnven, WJMnrm.. I'tirc, Wniamstewn, Wrljthtavllle and Wyemlssing. Mr. GrleU han been Informed thnt 7RJ poMtefllcoa In the country get thte crvlce. He has tnade a careful can V08 rfhd feand it a together popular. "The reporte are ovetwhe mini." he Mid. "te the effect that malt delivery in theea towns la a proved huccchs, financially and economically, and of dtfl tjnet adrnntflffe te the Government und the people." "ThU system of the peitM tervicc." Mr. Grlcflt continued, "hns been very economically administered; It p'rediife a return te the Government net enlv l: a b'ls-lnera and financial nay, but through varleuH Indliect channeln, and ut thi name tlme provides cc.erity ami certainty In Wall nervlce te a clnN of rltlzennhlp which rcprocnte the high est standard of Amctlcan home nnd in duMtrlal Ideas. 'Tcwens who have net examined Inr. . the trftuntlen In these- tewni of 1000 te 10.000, wher. the new mal delivery xyttcm has been iM&Hcd will find upon Inquiry -hat the beneficial remilla from I lie Installation of the new tervlce have been surprisingly jrcat. "Onmjrpi Imc e'ven cify delivery t'-r-0,000,000 people nnd rural de'lv.'n fi ha'f ai many mee, nnd thore are manv iind MtlUeicnt rennene why Oengrew nheuld make lift! mere comfortable ami convenient for the millions nt peeple who rea'de in our nctlve nnd prosperous towne of lew than 10,000 population by continuing te nfferd them nmple mail facilities, the annual report of the' Postmaster General te the contrary not withstanding." ' U. i GOLD-MINING INDUST RY IN PERIL McFadden Warn3 Duty en Cya nide Salts Would Add te Unemployment Vv a Staff Garresvmfant Washington, Jan. 10. Several thou- Hand empleyes in cold mining nnd re- 'nted indnntrles, many of them In Pennsylvania, would be in danger of un employment if CenurcsB nheuld place if duty en cyuniue keuh, wnich are used In recovery of ireld. Chairman McFad den. of the Nanking nnd Currency Committee ha lnferniel Chairman Mc Cumber, of the Senate Flnnncn Com Cem mlttcs, in a letter asking that this item (0 te the free lift. Hb contended thnt jreld producers fannet absorb the proposed dutv en Viinnlde nails, as the Misar pre-lucer, for Instance, can absorb a duty en potash, since the pricO of geld U fixei' nnd doet net respond te the law of sup rlv and demand. Pointing out that the geld Inddatry has been hard hit, many mines havlnc "lesed. he nald: "It fellows that any Inn-caw In pro duction 06tH rcni'tlns from a dutv en cyanide wt'ts added new te the excep excep t'enaTlv hlsli e"sU) preval'lus will have the effect of forcing ether mines te hut tlewn nnd of postponing the time when these that have shut down may nj;nln become active picditccrH. Actually engaged In reducing cya nld in this country arc 250 men, but Mr; Met'addfn added: ,. "The American cynnimm uempnny, manufacturing cyanide in Canada, im perta all of its raw materials f rem tlie tJnlted Statct coal and ceke from Pt'iiniylvanla, llmeteck from Michigan and te t from New Yerk. "Thcre Is no question that tne tariff asked for by the DeevdCr & Hnsslachcr Company, the only mnpu', facturers of cyanide in the. United Statca, Is well dcMsncd te eliminate the competition of the American Cyanimhl Company. The imposition of thia tariff, therefore, will terminate the purchase a t(M..tAit maaI f.At ntifl tnlt In thin country by the American Cyntilmld Cem. tinny used In Uic manuiacture ni cy anlde for for this market and crcate un employment te thin extent.' Mr. MeFadden added that there are at lcaat ttl.OOO cold miners and mill men In addition who would be ucrleusly affected. Uncommon Sense ny JOHN' BLAKE A Great Friend Hunter H GIVES $100 TO WILSON FUND Governer Edward Flrat Jertcyman te. Contribute te Foundation Trenten, Jan. 10. With the for warding of a check for $100 today, Governer Edwards became the ilrst Jer Jer Nevmnn te make hl contribution te the Woodrew Wilsen Foundation campaign, A CONSIDERABLE part of the late Henry Watterse'n'B success was due te his abl lty as a friend collector. Wnttcrseu made frkndg oesl y bo be bo cauue he 'Iked men. All of them In tarvutbA t.im He ralnved studrliiK and converging with even the men whose opinions were violently opposed te nls When Watteroen had an opportunity te meet Important men he sat apart and studied them. He was always a geed llftcncr, evn though one of the met talkative of men. , . But he had the art of findlna out what was In ether men'e minds what they were thinking nnd hoping and dreaming about. lTn iKiuunl (mm 1m first that he was interested In them, that he liked them and enjoyed their teclety. That was the reason he se readily gained their confidence, nnd j;et what was the best from them all. e WATTERSON never hunted friends with the' purpese of making friend ship pay He hunted tJiem because he could net heli doing fe. because lie hua a cravinsr for friendship which mthlng apparently could satisfy. Politic, the ministry, the "tase. the nriae-flffht arena all supplied him as If he were sltfnjr and listening te the (onversalien of the author. PERHAPS mere than any ether , American, he had the talent for friendship, nnd made bril'lant use of it. He aided rreafv In hnstrnln? the blot ting out of the hatreds engendered by , tne uivii war. Ccnrieht 1HS i r . tiiref; r,Areic makkrs Bll Ferd. Itlnr V LaraniT nn1 Edgar White have centrtbutcl tlirj reed yarn for Mogeilno Sortien of nrxt Hunda's 1'ublle Ledrcr. Don't loll te read th;m. Adv. The Best Furs Reduced in Price Wr nsk the nubile net te confound our FURS at greatly reduced pricfrf with the kinds usually offered at special sales. The fut we offer arc our regular high-grade fura nnd arc exceptional values at present reduced prices. Jacques derher . lSlbHiaJnut St nihlnh herrnn thrnllehOUt tbfi State tO- .ltl. f,l...1. IT. .) hnl,r In nltr day. In a statement accompanying the vltn -M tjieM people, nnd from them contribution, which was received by , fl ne jcarned eemctbiftg. rranK u. ecnrciu, ctkuhvc evv.ciaij of the foundation, the Executive declared that he desired te be the first citizen of th State te honor the former Presi dent by promoting the perpetuation of his Ideals by the establishment of the 'oundatien. He wrete intcrestlnjly and lnteri gentty because he knew the. world of men's mindc His wrltlnss wire erc- dolly valuable bccaue the knowledge it dlBp aved was gained first hand, lie read boehs-in the Mime wnv. intlmatc'v. VJNSWEtTENED aperate" milk Berden Quality at the very same price as Ordinary Brands Fj&Hm B" i ORDEN'S Evaporated Milk is just pure country milk produced under the most rigid inspection and supervi sion. It is treated only by heat at low tempera ture which merely re moves the excess water by. evaporation and sterilizes the rich creamy milk that is left. Typical Berden Precautions Fer example, the herds from which the milk comes are specially inspected exam ined regularly by skilled veterinaries and kept thoroughly clean. In order that you may have milk that is of high average quality, the milk from different breeds is mixed se as te give the best all-around feed value. The cendensaries, where the milk is put up in sealed containers, are painstak ingly inspected and an extra-final test is made in our laboratories of each n,j y if batch of Borders Evap orated Milk before it is shipped te your grocer. Bordens Evaporated Milk always measures up te these special stand ards. Yeu knew it reaches your pantry in the same state of perfection. Hew your grocer serves you The production costs of Berden's Evaporated Milk are necessarily high in view of the extra precau tions taken in its manufacture. But American housewives quickly learn which brand te ask for. And nobody can afford te take chances en milk the most essential human feed. Your grocer knows thb and while at times he pays mere for Berden's than for many ether brands, he is seek ing always te supply his cus tomers with Evaporated Milk of established superiority. He sellsBerden's te you at no higher price. Yeu get Berden quality at the very same price you would pay for ordinary brands. THE BORDEN COMPANY Berden Building New Yerk Makers ahe of Berden's Eagle Brand Milk, Berden's Malted Milk and Berden's Confectioner): Big War Prices Continued with Mere Startling Reductions IN PHILADELPHIA, CAMDEN, READING, LANCASTER AND VICINITY ( Spcdafy (J) Coffee RedurcieCefiee Reduced in Price Quality still the highest. Cup Value unequaled. A trial will make you a Red Circle Coffee Drinker. 25 c lb FINE CANE GRANULATED LOWEST PRICE IN SEVEN YEARS Per Lb w ISHS c lb. Jc?tze4tf EvaperatedMilk "ffampgr BuHer 45 Fancy Creamery Butter 42c lb. CAKES KMAN u? fi ill s Save 8c Premier Salad Dressing Snve 8c a Bettle xGwWK&W$ rir Mm . Wl A . FinK Salmen iff 8c Mazela Oil ....... . X 19c Jell-0 pi 7c Strained Tomatoes u'S . . . . can sc A & P Macaroni or Spaghetti 3 for 25c Shaker Salt n 7c N. B. C. Cracker Specials Lerma Deenes 24c ChoceJate Puff Cakes . . B0KAR COFFEE SUPREME A &. P Sole DUtributer M 0RAKSEPSW 51vrEAfiJ ORANGE PEKOE TEA 14J Pkg4iel Lb Pl & ATLANTIC & PACIFIC '" The World's Largest Grocery Heuse-4981 Stores In the U. S. New Stores Opening This Week: t8733 ?af LA., O.U Lane I ."& P"k f- ,l$ i i ?K f, ii I : Ail- n I: ,W M mn 4 i f V m r i j ih. iM . ' tV 4. J. . D ,., ,.TO.,W JJ ) l '.' -. .' ' J'l'l1 I ' ' 'r v i ir r Win i .'h T '1 Wu y, . A m . .. .- , ) I . r -' r- - TT i 1- Am I i-itjri.!.'.