r"'TV 5, :,i r r ', ..- r -T j v- . r ' Ar , i 'y v i Generally cloudy today followed by' POSTSCRIPT unsettled Tuesday, puss bly lltht snow; littie chan&e In tctnpenituie. TKWlLHAJtUti AT ). II HOUR rsTe 4 i 1CK 11 12 , 1 2 3 4 B k 51 J j 28 128 20 20 3en rn r-i J" V X T ' jv '-'M ' J r ' i!W'. ' viP-4H "fyJtf' '' - '. J' - ' ''' "F publtc megger r - 4t r -W ,1 ' JriUH ?iucuuiy VOL. VIII. NO. 106 i BLASTS AND FIRE i DRIVE OUT SCORES hlSCANMJIRE t J Rumer Probed That Bootleg Still Caused Blaze at Sac tv end and SeutrrStreets " Iapparatusteund LENDS x COLOR TO RUM RUMORS Fifteen families were driven from (heir homes tv n three-nlnrm b'nzc which started with a scries of dpld dpld rlens and destroyed a four-story brick factory building near Second lyid Seuth streets shortly after 0 o'clock this morn ing. The flames, which arc believed te have been started and fed by alcohol In 'a boetJcc still, leaped te such extraordi nary heights ifd were se whirled in every direction by n brisk wind off the river that it looked for a time as though I the whole block was deemed. i It was mere' than an hour before the 5 'firemen could enter the building. They fought It from the root of adjelnln,! Structures durlnc that tlme. The bulldine 1 In Arber alley, a narrow street which runs cast and west between Frent and Second streets, south W of Seuth, street. It Is In the center of i a mnze of n!lcyw-ays. most of which are wa'Icd with small dwellings. The ground and second floors are occupied by a shop e the Globe-'Wcrnlcke Com pany, manufacturers of office furniture, j wuij a renin sierc in uuesinui street. j- The third fleer Id used as a factory by t the Mass Pnnts Company and the fourth Js a! storage room. k. Saw Man Fleeing ' Persistent rumors among the neigh bors that the building was used secretly as a distillery had patrolmen nnd de tectives investigating even while the flames wcre .reddening their forms as they pounded en the doers of nearby Spouses te reuso inmates. A large ran, said te have been filled with alcohol, was found In the street ghostly after the pollce and firemen ar rive. Neighbors said It had been thrown from one of the upper windows ehertly after the first explosion. Ne one waa supposed te be in the structure, hat neighbors tell n tale of seeing a man running wildly from it just after the flames started sheeting from the win dows and reef. When the firemen finally were able te igcV into the building they worked (liclrwnyCupstalrs This was accom plished with great difficulty because thp reef had fallen In shert'y nfter the fire ,. Marled. On whutejkltvUcypjvas-theJ uiiru uoer me nieincn ieuna a long copper cell. This was thrown into the Mveet and left for Government agents te" determine whether or net it whs part of a still. names Shet Inte Air Patrolmen Ferd. Nealen and Caster, of the Third and De Lanccy street station, wcre standing at the corner of Prent and Seuth streets when a rear, followed by two explosions, attracted their attention toward the factory building. Almest Instantly the sky was reddened se that the glow could be seen all ever the city nnd bright flames were leaping tkywatd for at least fifty feet. When the police get te the scene thr- fire was leaping from the third und .fourth story windows nnd from the 'reef. v The noise of "the explosions had also Attracted ether patrolmen, and all of tliera Immediately bejan the task of , arousing these inhabitants of ncarbv l'eracs who had net already been nwnk- tned by the blast?. Among these who , were forced te leave their homes and tnke refuse .with neighbors were Sirs. Rebert went and three children; Mr. and Mrs. Jeseph Carney, with two children ; Mrs. Annn Pickering, with her seventeen -month -old baby, and , Mrs. Bss te Knnchlk, with thice chi.-- dren. Most of these peeple lived in ' Bethany court or Hancock street. Rueben Cemer, who conducts a grocery store en the northeast corner of Second nnd Seuth streets, ran te the assistance of Mrs. Annla Nevalina, who mes at C08 Seuth Frent btreet. She has seven children. Her husband hai just left for his work and Cemer as sisted In getting the little ones out Ha carried out Jehn, ten years old; Charles, eight, and Catherine, eighteen months. His mother is caring for them temporarily. Narrow Alleys Hamper Fl!it Tha narrow al r.vs In which the fire n had te work hampered them. ilaras weie Jumping across the strict e all ldes of the bulldlirg. Jehn Do De an, of Enjlne Ne. 3, waa overcome, lut tevivcd en the spot. It was noted early In the progress of the blaze that the wate- which poured from the flaming structure was heavily ""ed with oil, .jiving rlbc te the theory jnnt th; flre might have originated in ome oil that was stored there. Specu Specu latlen en what caused the explosions, ft0.";;1"- Gradually sett'ed down te the ' still theory as seen as the neighbor. nod rume e become known. w There are persistent rumors that some men occupied ether parts of the structure and conducted come sort of business that necessitated much going ' M coming late at night. Autes leaded nitli boxes nnd barrels have been teen lipping up te and away from the place Jt all hours of the night. Many large tin containers were found, and two v nrty.gallen "coolers' were rcmoved In The building Is owned -by a Mrs. Elizabeth Buckley and Is said te be fully insured. The less will be virtu ally the tital value of the building, firemen said. BEST SKATING HERE TO STAY J "Celd Wave" Starts, hut End of Week Will See Sneyv tn?e be?t KltUnc of the year prevails f ?ftn.v en thtc,ty nark lnke' and Indlca. . i8.."0 nt u will remain for the ? r .pa e tn' wce, with lower , temperatures predicted, y ' ernil? 6tari .of anther "cold wave" was experienced last night, end the weather. i S.T? Predicts fnfr and considerably i colder weather today nd tomerro" y 1 MH ZV ' fi',My 1" '- t'"' latter l7. ,.i llMlV wbcn fie mercury will use again, the ferci aster says. nllS,?SXtu5's obev,e. n08' Pro Pre it Sk yisterday..veachlng a high point h t nlrhf gr nil' b,,t wnnln Bodily 5htt lbe mercury averaged four Mta abeve. nerma, Iff - ' . . v ' Dntered as 6etend.Cla Matter t . Under ttra Act Partial List of Victims .Of New Bandit Wave Oscar B. Lanslngcr. 2213 North Sixteenth street; shot In side nt Sixteenth and Wallace streets while "resisting highwaymen. Theodere Preoled, 0155 De Lan ccy, street; held upjby meter bandits ,ncnr Gleneldcn when his tnxlcab broke down; beaten and robbed of $5180. Lloyd Ely, 0G52 Gcrmantewn ato mic ; he'd up by five men In automo bile nt Pc'haui nnd Herttcr strccte and "' ' " 1 of geld watch, muffler 1 (Ji.GO. SeVen .ncn in reurlng car held up home of Themas Lcary, 103 Fitz gerald street. Lcary reported te the police that nothing was fnken. Safe blown open In Jewelry store of Charles Hcfllcr at .115 Rltncr street. Robbers escape with $2000 in Jewelry and $1800. The clothing rtete of Maurice Grccnburs, Broadway nnd Ferry avenue, Camden, entered early yes terday nnd 'lethlng valued nt'$1500 taken. Th' robbers used an automo bile ecariiig a Pennsylvania license tog. MAN SAVED AS WIFE JUMPS IN FRONT OF POINTED PISTOL Then Restaurant Keener Shet Strantjer In Defense He Says -TVhen Mrs. Theresa Madsen. 2127 North Trent street, rushed a man hold held inff a pointed revolver nt her husband. Olaf, this morning, she probably saved his life. At the same tlme Madsen drew his gun and fired five shots nt hln alleged assailant, Frank McGarvcy, H071 Kensington nvenue, one of which took effect. McGarvey is in the Epis copal Hospital with a bullet in his stomach and may die. The pWtel duel, according te Mad sen, followed nn argument- in his res taurant. At nn early hour this morn ing n crowd of men, seme of whom were intoxicated, according te Mndscn, entered the place and started te quar rel. Fists began te fly in no uncertain manner. Mndscn says he tried te quiet the men when ene struck nt him. Madsen retaliated by hitting ene man, who nftcrward left the place. Shortly after McGarvcy Is said te have entered, nnd, walklug up te Mad sen, said: "Are you the man who Jilt my friend?" . Madsen replied he was nnd McGar vcy pulled his gun. Madsen's wife incn mtcriereu long enough te -permit her husband an equal chance. Five shots rnng out. Madsen was placed under arrest and charged with nggr-i-vated assault wftli Intent te kill. FORMER MISS ELKINS WINS DIY0R.CE; WEDSJJtfOtJRS Traction Magnate's Helresa New Mrs. Paul laccacf, Breker 'Wlf e Mrs. Marie Loulse'El'klhs de Gulgne. Ilinrhlrr nt thn tnln Tl'lUInn, T. Vlb!.. Jr.. formerly of thlsflt.v, wen a divorce decree from her husband in San Matee, (.urn., ami iweniy-ieur neurs later married Pnnl Tlinvnr TniviiW wnnltliv New Yerk broker. The present Mrs. Iaccacl wen her di vorce en grounds of desertion and the weddlnc fellmvpi! nf 'w VnrV Hnf. urday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Iaccacl are new en their way te the coast after a honey moon spent at Gedney Farms, West Chester County, N. Y. Mrs. Iaccacl, who is twenty-nine, is the heiress te a $2,000,000 fortune left by her grandfather, William Elklns. traction magnate of this cltv. She was the wife of Charles Jeseph Christian de Gulcne. member of an aristocratic fam ly. ' They had one child, Charles Jo Je seph Christian de Guigno, 3d, who is nine. According te the divorce decree granted Friday In San Matee, the child cannot be taken from California with out the permission of the court. While living -in this city Mrs. lac caci, then Miss Elkins, wn3 prominent In social circles. A stir wns created earl yin 1011 when he mother appealed te .hidge Selley, at Norristown, te In In SeAa!S,ber daushter's nllowance te 5J0.000 a year, bajlns It was necessary for a girl te spend that much te live properly. ELLIS RESIGNS Compiles With Warburton's Order, Effectlve February 1 Colonel Themas Biddle Killer, nfslst ant director of the Department of Wcl-fa-e. handed In his resignation te Dl rector Warburton today. It takes effect February 1. The director requested the resignation Saturday. The pest pays 4200 a year, und there Is .much specu'aten ae te who will get It. Colonel Ellis said he would munie his law jractlce. Il0 6peiiks teuight "Pen "Welfare." before the Pnwelten Civic Association in Sk Andrew's P. E. parish house at Twenty-sixth and Pearl streets. Anether man slated te go is William F. Mennghan. chief clerk of the De partment of Welfare Director War War burten has asked for his resignation, S250OVa eCabrr.Uar 1 Tb'3 P8t pay3 UNABLE TO QUIT HOSPITAL Seven Bryn Athyn Wreck Victims Still Being Treatetl Six weeks after the wrick at Bryn Athvn. en the Newtown dhlsjen of the Rending Railway, seven pert-ens hurt In the crash of the two passenger trains are still under treatment in the Abing Abing ten Memerial Hospital. They are Miss Anne Fitzpatrfck. Southampton; Mrs. J. Frederick Kruscn, Newtown; Miss Elsie Hart matin. Churchville; Miss Helen Reek. Rlchbore; James Reek, Newtown; J?,0?,"?,0, ?!lcr and Jehn Truitt, of Philadelphia. CONNECTICUTJJARFARE CUT Tokens Three for a Quarter te Ro Re place 10-Cant Rate New Haven, Conn,. Jan. 10. A r. duotlen of 10 ncr cent In trnl'ey.fare rates en the lines of the Connecticut company throughout the State was announced tonight by Lucius S. Sterrs, president. It will be effective en MetIi 1. ,, Instead of the jirtsent ten-cent fnre. the company will hell "token or tuetal tlcketn. at three for twenty five cents, mnklng the ordinary cltv tie'ley ride cost eight and one-third centB. a lire ael.Tqp AKMenrNa na srliT b found in tl "HP Wnt4 eeliia n p S3. Vf ' f. the roiteffle t Philadelphia, P. of Mureh 8, 1BTB- - CRIMEWAVEGR1PS CITY AS THUGS GET Men Are Shet, Beaten and Robbed Safes Are Wrecfted CHAIN STORE OWNER CLUBBED LOSES $5000 Thieves, bnndits, burglars and thugs resumed operations en a large scale ever the week-end, sheeting and beating victims, blowing safes, holding men up nnd getting nwny with thousands of dollars' worth of loot. Theodere Preoled, part owner In a chain of stores in this dty. Trenten. Wilmington and Chester, was held up, beaten and robbed of $318(1 early yes terday morning as he was riding from Chester te this city In a taxtenb. With him was Sara Shero. manager of Proe Preo Proe lod's Chester afore. Preoled had been collecting money all day from his various stores, nnd wns en his wnv te this city in a tAxicab driven by Jphn Beasen, of Wilmington, 'the enme man wne nnu driven mm en nts collecting trips for months past. When the taxlcab nrrfved near Glen olden, Delaware County, something Hpemcd te e wrong with the meter, and Bcaoen cot out te fix it. Beth Preoled and Shero were asleep. Just nt this moment a touring car containing live yeuug men drove up. Man is Beaten Beaten was ordered te threw up his hands, nnd Pcroled and Shere were awakened, ordered te cet out' of the cnb. and put up their hands. The bandltN get $3 from Shero nnd some small cmng3 from the chauffeur. Pre Pre Pre oeod put his hands down before he waa told aud was severely beaten. The robbery wns reported te the Stnte police nt GleneWen, who detained Ben Ben eon, and for three hours grilled hlra. He stucK te his story that he did net knew 'the rebberB. and his automobile had really broken down. A safe in the home of Charles Hefflcr, 31R RItner street, was demolished Sat urday ntghfand $1800 in cash, $300 in Liberty Bends and Jewe'ry valued nt $2000 were 6telen. According te mem here of the family. U wcic ns'eep when the safe was robbed. None wcre awnkencd by the noise. Hefner took the money from a bnnk Saturday, hesseid, te pay the seml npnljal dlyjdend en ete'ck held by mem mem mem oera'.ef.' a corporation , of. which he s tTcasurer.' The "safe is In the dining room, Ileffler'B office, belng-in the front of 'tiio,Jieu6frShofc,idoor,,nart been' drJUcdj. bent back and, thdinner deer tern off--'-,'. , ., Themas M,unllH, 'Lyndherst, N. J,, ndmlttcd te police, of the Belgrade und Clearfield streets station, he wns wanted for a robbery nt Plnevlllc, N. J. He hud a knife nnd'rcvelver in bis pockets. He was taken te City Hall. Five Aute Bandits Reb Man Five men in nn automdWle carae upon Lloyd Ely, COJ52 Gerninnwwn ave nue, early yesterday at Pelhare and Hertr street, and With pistols pointed, eidered him te threw up his hands. They took a muffler, a geld watch and $4.00. Seven armed men raided the home of Thema3 Lcnry, 103 Fitzgerald street, early yesterday. One bandit struck Mr. Leary In the fnce. They left with out taking anything. Robbers who used a touring car bear ing Pennsylvania license tags early jesterday robbed the clothing stere" of Maurice Greenberg, at Broadway and Ferry avenue, Camden, of $1500 worth of goods. Greenberg was aroused from bis sleep after the robbers Jumped into the ma chine und drove eust en Fcrrv avenue Twe young men who entered the gto gte cery store of Cenrad Lamabnel, 1-127 Seuth Ninth street, Cnrauen, as he was about te clese last night, "looked suspl suspl cleus" te him nnd as he wns held up and robbed of $4 two months age, he blazed away with a pistol, wounding both In the legs. The Injured men arc Alexander Themas, twenty-four, "CO Sycamore street, nnd Jehn Smith, twenty-two, 000 B nnch street, both Ne groes. They were sent te Cooper Hos Hes pltal, but are net seriously Injured "I w;as net going te take "any chances," said the grocer te the police as be was locked up te await Investiga tion. Beats .Thugs With Cane Although, as a reeult of the cane he wielded curly yesterday morning when two held-up men attacked him, Oscar B. Lauslnger. 2213 North Sixteenth street, saved his money and ether val uables, he landed in the Hahnemann Hospital with a bullet wound' from ene of the guns of the bandits. Lansinger wds walking en Wallace btreet, swinging his cane. When he came te the corner nt Sixteenth street two men with pointed guns spranc nt Mm. Without waiting te hear Uieir demand, Lansinger hreught his cane into play, wielding it with such telllui effect en the hends of the bandits that they took te their heels. Tim bandits Centlnntd en I'age 'ElthUtn. Column Four HUNT MAN WHO LEFT BABY IN BAG UNDER HOTEL BED Infant's Lips Found Sealed With Adhesive Tape Evcrr effort is bclnar mode today te locate the man who left a baby In a hnndbiw beneath a bed In the Llttn H"tcl. 22r Seuth Bmad street, wltlrtt lips f.ijteneil together with ndheUve tnpe. When found by a maht the babv. which is a boy, three weeks old, was b'ue In the face. The baby was left at the hotel bv a tall. weM-dr-wed mun of middle age He registered as Jehn Barnct, Spring-' fie'd, Mass., paid for his room, remained two hours and left. Then the baby was found by the maid, who heard a slight sound beneath the bed. The child had bv Its efforts partially loes-ncd the i8P.t "tS?.?0"?," ltH, 'IP3, " wns '"ken te the Fifteenth and Locust streets sta. tlen, then te the Philadelphia Hospital. West Chester Wires Still Down West Chester, Jen. 10, The Pertal Huffennir from tl$tfterni of Wednesday jAnt. Net a pfe le working te Wt tw.ft.tufu vvuijpnujf-y UIUUV I1C U 8 PtlH THOUSANDS IN LOOT viicii vn "7 liuuii, n UHqe worst ,orceK n HCTyieeKin tija history 'of the ceMpaxylB thls.wctloaef ths $Ut, r ' PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1922 Servants Want Toe Much Is Housewives 9 Complaint Unreasonable as te Wages and Living Conditions Demanded, ' Women Say But Employers Admit Trouble Is Partly Due te Themselves i Thia ia the first of- e ecrica of i articles discussinff the domestic servant problem from the viewpoint of the housewife, the servant and the neutral observer. Today the views of the employer are presented. Tomorrow the servant's side will be given. What ar6 the causes of the domestic servant problem, and what is Ita solu tion? ' Are the servants te blame? Are the mistresses te blame? Or is the Eysten) te blame? Many domestic scrvanta feel that their working conditions and mode of life place them' at a perpetual disad vantage. ... ., Many of the employers of domestic servants believe that there is something wrong with this particular branch of labor which leads te Incessant diffi culty between employer and empleye. uoservcrs wne nave siuaicu uiu uu vvovtikie imiu iiv mw i - r . I mi BaL. u ilSK r, n" K i. u'..i-.iiJ ...- in UlIDIUUII v&Uli The nersenal i ;..inin. t ir!n ftt JLH aS 1 al T? w g housewives, chosen out the city, are presented here, Hard te Keep en Geed Terms "Frem the employer's point of view," eald Mrs. William H. Teller, 1713 Green street, "the servant prob lem IB that of getting high-class help in (he first place and then getting along wlth'lt en geed terms. "I find that there has been a great LT OFFER IS PUT UP Ti Opinions Sought Frem Service Bedy en Detail of Operation MITTEN AND WEGLEIN JOIN 12 Oneratlert of the city-owned Erank Erank ferd elevated by the P. R. T. Company moved nearer today ns u petition was forwarded te thp Public Service Cem1 ml'xlen nfllnrrisburg. The petition asked the Commission s views en paragraphs of the proposed encrntlng agreement. Although it was sl'cnt en the rental question it out lined eth"r Important items of the pro pre pored lease. Public Service Commissioner Clem ent suggested this move 'ast Thursday at a conference attended bv R'rlmnl Wecleln. president of Council ; City So licitor Smyth and Celeman j. .iovce. counsel for the P. R. T. Cemnany. The document sent te Harrlsburg was slsned bv Mr. Weclcln and Themas E Mitten, president of the P. R. T.. nnd indicated that a working agreement hnd been reached en the baIn of the outlined rarairnphs. A single fare from the Prldt'c sfcet .terminal of the Frankford e'evated te the Sixtv-n'nth street terminal of the Market street subway-e'evntcd was ene of the tenta tive agreements. The elevated fare pronesed Is te be the sarae as that charTe en the com cem nnnv's surface, 'incs nt nrpent seven cents cash, or four ticke for twent five cents. Trnnsfer privi'eges arc te be nccerded Frnnkferd "L" riders and the cltv-bullt BtiRtIeeu surface line is te have two fare zones. Mr. Mitten's rental offer would yield the cltv nothing for the first yeur of operation of the-- Prank ford "h." In the second venr the cltv we'ild rece've 1 per cent en Its $15.000 000 Invest ment. This weuM be increased hv 1 per cent yearly until a maximum refhrn of 5 per cent was reached hi the sixth j car of operation. Wegleln Issues Statement Mr. Wegleln today Issued thia etatcr ment: "Pursuant te the agreement reached at the meeting in mv oflice last Thurs- flnv n netltlnn vrill ht nrftunlArl tA Iha "'. .r t- ' .!. --"'. " "" I'ublle Service L'ommlRSlen slttlncr nH Harrlsburg, for an opinion as te the1 Continued en Time rJulitrrn. Column Te GETS 15 YEARS BY MISTAKE Prl.nnrr rriinli Hfr fn C.nr,r. -.".... Errer Should Be Flve Years B""use of a clerical error in com mitment papers that would mean the serving of fifteen years in the Western l'en'tentlary, AVilmer Allbricht, Ronr Renr incr Snrings, Pa., was breusht te Phila delphia today and an attempt will be mane te correct tne intstaKe. Al'brhsht was sentenced in Pittsbureh , ?" hfan"f.aRSa",1iIn",' assault. lie tlve years en te run cencu papers read LINDSAY HEADS ART CLUB Is Elected Over De Kraft, With 213 Vetes Out of 370 E'lwned C. Lludsai has been chosen pret-ldent of t,he Art Club In tin pIpc tlen which wns net determined until early veMerday uiernlns. Jlr Lindsay received 211 vote of :i"0 cast and Wd-( 'lain deKruft 153. Charles F. Rnehmann and Oeeicp Olhbs u uim-r uiiii-ltp eii-eii'ii weijr the artist, vice presidents; Rebert M. Sttnsen. twmiier: Snmiie1 W Oner secretary: Extcutlve Committee, three- trusteea of the, art fuud e'ected were CharWW. Oese?cr and WilllatdJIl 0 COMMISSIONERS ... -. ....,,..,. tu.wu.uus I ut tiiiniiuc city, was reported te he in was triieu from four te'! New Yerk tertuv. n l ,.,- i: i each charge the f-ntences . Street September 10. 1920, when the irrently. The commitment disastrous and still mysterious tomb "succeively." explosion occnrre.l nnA Jl , .i.."1. . ' jenr terms, icema' 11. lentin. IU- pectea ociero tne end of the day. e'even V-U"'"B. "" uirccis trauic at tierman- Trenten " J . tomorrow m-t.i lt .." """ i'V,nc'",f n sermeti In M wanlW. Redlleld. Rnlnh T. Senter prospective jurers-twb women and nine ,,own and " I'ark uveniw The U ," . nccre , 1? hV fl lntr , ,h'' "kt t'ahy Church at Et J nnd WUrnrall. Ms ers; two- j ear term 1 men-havliw been accepted toraperarili Renv -WM. ce,,ectd bv MaBltrate the. death ! ouse s ,MCned t h,r 1" I''urCh , "l Charles AV. Bajl h. Ine fol'ewlns bf both State and defense at the cfeii ,Ue'; Twenty ..evend street and Hunt- ? V-A nnxieul te n He ',t lb iii'" , Tl!u htnent,B. (W TheinM. UUfr were elected members of the Library of the flr.t week's activities Saturday 1 ,nSv.I!lV;LSnCnpe,,?V,t,en, , . The N-re nurderer hn8 net s own am Che,hUck ""' . 0ertt,,J Gtet "$ ? OymmJtte; Jeseph Menree. Mantle WitlHjury selection ended, testimony ,? T?l1?,1i,ni S0111" J0 U,f masi:" reptntance for the killina of the n,fi "ncstace a.idlen amplifier tumj,,,! TleldinK and Edw n M. Smuekcr. Tin. tak uar is exnected te h h. " .rny trate that U lick tpecded bv the 6cmn. m,im sining ei tue kube E,.r, wer.i fcBI,iv ,u.tl5Z5!lXi V 1 Opuica. T Causes Housewives Givq for the Servant Problem They blame their own careless ness. . ., , They blame the servants' living conditions. They blame the Independence of the servant. They dcplo're the lack of mutual understanding en both sides. In the opfnleu of the employers, neither they nor their servants are suffi ciently tolerant of each ether's f-hortcemlngs. you have had a unique experi ence in the servant queitien, or can offer a solution, for the problem, write te this paper. betterment In the quality of the help whjch has been available since the war. Yeu knew, while se many et the war industries wcre in operation, there was n great demand for labor, and the wages offered for the essential work wcre se high that they nttractcd many people from their normal work. "The result wa that these available for housework wcre net of the highest tjpe. and, in addition, they demanded mero than they had ever gotten before, and mere than they wcre worth. "AH that is changed new, however. Slest of theso positions created by the war de net exist new, nn,d the girls have returned te their former occupa tions. "But their standnrde have risen. Their experiences in ether lines, where they had mero money than ever before, accustomed them te setter living cenui tlens. which they continue te-deraand. "An'1 t only right, tee. Se many, mistresses treat their servants like ma-' chines, without fccllne or human In clinatiens; it Is no wonder that the girla are often dissatisfied. Geed Wages; Geed Quarters "My advlce is te treat the girl fajrly; ghe her geed wages, geed living quar ters and ask in return that she de uer Continued en Tace rear. Column Twe E. D. DIER & GQ. PUT N. Y. Brokers, With Offices Here, Owe $5,000,000, Fed eral Court Is Told BANKRUPTCY IS ' ALLEGED fir" .K!" An - Involuntary petition Ih ', tank untcy wasliicd In Ncv Tdrk aHy egainst 13. D. DJcr & Ce., stock brek. ers, with a branch at 1-135 Walnut treet. this city. Reports place the 'Inb'llties nt JJS.OOO.OOO. TIie petition was filed in the United States District Court. Judge Julian W. Mack : appointed Menfred W. Chrlch, n luwyer, ns recelcr for the alleged bankrupt. The petition was s'gned by S. S. Myers, of CO Wall street, and A. G. Hayes. 43 Exchange place, New Yerk, who p'aced the liabilities nt 5-1,-000.000, described as "fur in excels of cstcte." There were reports here that the liabl ittcs of the local branch total $1, 000,000 mere. Klmerc D. DIcr. of Ardmere, Harry J. Lawrence. Jr., and Lawrence Starr are th 9 members of the firm. Many Branch Houses The alleged bankrupts l:ae branches in Trenten, Lancaster, Alleutewn. Al Al Al toenn, Pittsburgh, Ilngerstewn, Cleve land. Chicago nnd Milwaukee. They den t extensively lu minmg and oil stocks. The local offices were opened this mernlnj, but empleyes satd no business was done. There had been rumors for 1ii.b that the firm's affair were ap-I'l-eachlnc; n crisis. About 1030 o'clock the empleyes read ou n ticker that a 'cccivcr had bten renuestcd Empleyes Jiere immediat' y tele phoned the main office in N Yeik for liirttructlens. A half dozen custom ers were In the boardroom and quota tions continued te be eet up en the beard. Crash Has Bcsu Expected According te traders here, the firm i i - .. . . . '. . " ueeu en tne nnanciai (.10 nor beard c,vf Blucc last jeer, when E. D. Dler .q. was lermeu aa tee successor of Hughes & Dicr. Henry D. Hughes, then senior mem ber of the firm. wn- expel 'ed from mem bership en the Philadelphia Stock Ex- i""". lVr "'egCU MOlUtlOH Of Article --v of the Lxchance constitution. ITn i was, found guilty of nets detrimcntur te ,. - --..... -.., tue interests el the Lxchange. After his expulsion, Mr. Hughes withdrew from the iirm nnd Mr. Dler iireceeacu te reorganize it They had, been associated In the brokerage bufil- ncss for nine rinra t- II.,I., k..j I been a member of the Phihidc nhln Stock Cjelmn t .. ....'.'" L.M.p,.?'c5 l a,here l,em: inoctien eccnrrpil nnH im, ttr.i about iu the great crowd, hut cscuped injury. ' FATTY'S ORDEAL RESUMED Second Week of Trial Likely te Be Marked by Opening of Testimony . pM.rrTi.'r:' j '.Ja"-..iU ty I trial of Rosceo O. (Tatty) Arbuckle film comedian, accused of mnns'aughtcr UD UIJIIII lll'HK fT VI1A CAAk.I ""is uui ui inu ueatu at n linli-1 party here last September e' Miss irlnln Ttnnr, r.a.n,l i,. c.....', "' " " I 1"IJ at t 1UBL LlUllII'inriUP tr lllnr I'l RECEVER'S HAND ... -.-r,.Ut u.vum tu auucriur court i . l i '"" " i,i."uih tui a today. v ""hearty laugh he hnd j eMerdax. Thp Thft cnmnlKtinn nf iVc J . . ' --- .-...,.,..... w. vuc jury was ex- rERHAVS.THB VKBV ARTICLK von ... ---..4.-.... w. mc jufy was ex- f,.ui.. -u . -.----- -- .i-.iuau .I'liin , nr in in, rnt., r Un.. . div.d,tncu. kSt.i rrww lecKUir rem 11 in th ivi h,";. ." V. Apparent Smash-Up of His Al-1 llance With Magee by Sproul i Give3 Situation New Celer LEADERS TO ATTEND DINNER. TO FORMER MAYOR BABC0CK ' Senater Vare, according te present plans, will leave for Pitt-urgh tonight je confer with United Stntes Senater Crew and attend the gathering of State leaders at the dinner tomorrow night In honor of the cx-Mnyer, E. V. Bab cock. Vare's trip west, where the tide of politics is uga'n tnking it cnur Is the first open move in a week which premists te be productive of Important results en such questions u the make up of the new State organisatien. State ticket, successor of th late Senater Penrose as Republican National Com mitteeman from Pennsyhania and for mation of a new State rombinttien. Week before last, following th dfath of Senater Penrose, the State limit r assembled In Phfiadclphlu. Everything. wun mrewn into tne memng per tue nmmuens of rival lenders nnd th i. niftn for new combines but no fusion was ob- tainablc. Then came the appointment '. by Gevcrapr Sproul of Geerge Wharten i Pepper us United Stntes Senater te. e. . .n '-.... Wcr us I n I ted States Smut. ake the scat of Penrew, and all ions plans of leaders were kn pre- galley west awl something of an Im nnntfn petus was given te atate harmenj. Vare..Mageet Combine Cracked, Belief - In this connection Is the fart that Governer Sproul engineered u dashing trip te Pittsburgh nnd apparently broke hi J. MnJ ,1 Vi. .Jul' iJST ,"n,c,c -j avi.....A ... wu... .. ,i.u uuiiii i&, nun, the multi-millionaire of Western Penn syhania, who wants te be a United States Senater Mr Bell financed the Magee major majer alty campaign nnd is regarded by the Governer as the real boss of the Magee Leslie organization In Allegheny County. New Senater Vare also gees West, either te repair his damaged lines or te organize and consolidate new posi tions. The Vares lest the United States sen sen atershtp for Congressman Vnre, and Inst reports were that the Congressman would net think of opposing Senater l'eppcr for election, 'lhe ores, hew- ever, want something out of the Mtua- Hen Hence once mere, this 'time at Pittsburgh everything will be thrown Inte tKeltlng VetTud Tth'e ftlltlcia is AJtdI-th VdrtH-haVc net Irrevocably Jteken with, the e, rcmer,v they are net' as clec with thp Qommenwcttlth's Chief , iJr'X.'"" " . ! . ' 1,J A "" s". Ihc ares are ennklnsr en Senater Crew i The'ares arc bnnklns en Snat0r Crew W-ffi&CT Hespltil, Pltt'bursh. It is net tee I much te say thnt the Vares see the riMng of it .new State oreiinizntien which will be dominated b' Crew, and with thensehes nnd the Baker-Bcldle-nian group iv Dauphin County and ethers as Important and integral parte. On the ether hand, Governer Sproul. who Is new at arms 'engtn, ee far n the Varcj are concerned, is also friend ly and clesj te Crew. But the Varcn nnd W. Harry Baker, cecretaiy of the Slate Committee, apparently think they are closer te Crew thtr the Governer. Opposition te Vare State Bedy vwenHa ne Mm-nr Vnr fMi i. i rural districts will rise m against any- I thing like a Vnre S'atc crsanizatien. end are talking hopeful y of .xpeetclt re-u'ts from the recent runfriitlntit between the Governer and ,Ii senh R. tGmndv. p'c-ldcnt f tin l,ennlvanlii Publlhd Dell' ExicA fiay. Copyright. 1022 VARE HIKES WEST SEEKING GROWS AIO IN NEW OFFENSIVE Manufacturers' AMwIatien, mid be- Chicago Girl Vows She's In Leve t tii:e .Mrcir n,i .(.,. Urieni r I Wlth M.rnrm, There is talk of .al'i.K .i meeting, , , WLth McCermck of former Pcnrefe State l.ader under i r,l,case: Jan- 1G Marr Landen the autplces of the Governer. It is Bakcr' uhe 1(ft AlliMer Mt Cermlck held significant that heru and there '"'""Iiir nt the i-hureh." .-y tin v will throughout the State fermp- l'.nr I e raarrlcd after u'l A 'ter a California leaders are booming Sproul for national L"P .bl,' wj, ta'l r-b-imr L Mc committeeman te Miccfed Piuree. t.it ', I'm'f,1 Mlll.C(1 e"rda.v. and called en Vares arc for Senuter trew for na-nllSh.H"ke J-t h-fe-e ! went aben-d ttenal committeeman and failing iu that. ' , ' Au(.'. in?jbc,eu ,1,,nk l W!,sU l they are for Baker happj. Miss Baker said. "I vUi te Baker himself, i't is aid. fceN that ,,,appx tbat, -'""''"'t think of anv of Crew should be the national commit-l U10 ."n.' r ua,","I te tel' him tecman because it is thp custom ter the P,n l et anybody tell jeu that I'm net senior Senater te held that uflkc lhi '"s?"', VU 'Vi"' T l'm " . Mccormick wild ji:.t befire he snllel Continued en Twe r.lchutn. Column Turte that the inarria-jc would take nlnce In " GIRL IN BOY'S 'GARB IS FOUND IN BOX CAR A Sf'vonteen-yeni-oUl ri:1. w taring bey'i. clothing- lmt a weninu shoes, nnd with hn long l.nir tucket'. uiuKi a caj. was tnhen by the police fiem -x lex mi in n treight yaid tin, meinnit; nnd nt te City Hnll. Shi te 11 tlu police Mip m ndpii Trnvifi. but would net answer ethci iiucst.ni , YOUNG PHILA. J0YRIDI-RS ARRESTED IN JERSEY Thife boys, nil et ri.mktui i. um i.u,'m ,n Cl.iien. N. J . thi- liieniiiig chnigt-d with bi-iku,q me a stele nail httnlmji clothing anil cigaicttes. Polie, say they weie in n stolen uuto uute uuto niebilc i.i ;i joyriile fiem Phil u ilphta te Atlintlc City Th -y aj, Jacob SchiebH. fifteen ye.ns. old. Bnij.iimii Noiwlcke. wxtt-cn yean. old, and Stephen Usher. biMet-u x.ns old. ALLIED DEBT REFUNDING .BILL APPROVED WASHINGTON. Jan. lG.-Tnc allied JcU u funding bill was approved today by the Senate Fin.uie,. Cuiuniittec- nftci most of lhe previsions objected te by Sicrct.uy Mellen et the Tieatuiy Ui pnitineiit hud been ehni.nated D uieciatK' mmbei t;t the cyui wiittn' vetnl ajjalii'at the bill .it it ptiteaeU tuira. $7.50 FOR A LAUGH But This Motorist Ha-Ha-ed at Traffic Policeman " . wv uwseiiii L IIL'K. Mlf.l 1 nffll N nth street. X7..V1 hl. -.,!.. rl- ,"."" ""Kim e iick, -iiMi :erth ISUKh was flirected nt Pnir.,U, f,.u,.. u . -.----- -- ....,, i'Mv unu k itcii l 111 11 in itriiii inrnnrt 111 S-cnpMen Pr i 1ft a Tear by Mmll, by Publle Ledwr Company In $100,000 Suit MRS. ALICE PRINCE Central figure In an extraerdlnarv family tangle. Herlitisbatid, riiarlei Prince, alleges he was Ittdnapped by Jeseph Patcrae, her brother-In law, whom lie is suing for Sltm.oeo. charging he stele Mrs. PrinreV lei . .. .. a.i -ba., 9 rOWtKb AUAIIM lAUKLb TAD CAOTCDM nilCCTinMC r,4H I.M1 I llll. ULII il I llllltl ., ......... . w ..-..-. Greup Holds First Session Today , Since January 5 Washington, Jan. 10. (By A. IU Still awaiting the re npt bj the Japa nese delegation of its instructions from Teklo which are cxprrtM te permit completion of the nuul limitation trcatJ' u,e Arms -nltrenre today pre; pared te turn again te tbe ttudy of Fnr Eastern and PartfiV questions. The delegations of the nine Powers participating In the di-xusMens of the-e questions were called te meet at 11:30 e cieck in tne ur-t sesMen 10 ue neiu by thnt portion of the Conference since Jnuiiarj 3. Prier te the meeting, tb heads of delegation" of the live nuvnl Powers held another session and the American dcUgatien met RESUME RAIL CONFERENCES Executives and Brotherhood Heads Attend Washington Meeting "iigien, jan. lu.-tw .. i'.) C(?.Tl ?UY3n rallrTd ccu,tlv,,s "H1! 1,ea,Iers Jf railway empleyes' unlQns, 50hn 'B.S,? "nh5 controversies, were resumed today with executives rcprc.-entfnc the principal reads of the country In attendance along Washington, Jan. 10. (J$y A. P.) w-iin uenns et tne lour oretiiurnoous. DODGE BULLETS IN ESCAPE Four Convicts In Detroit Heuse of Correction Gain Freedom Detroit. Jan. 10. I Bv A'. P 1 Four inmates of the Detroit Houfe et .Correction e-apd this morning by tearing the iron liars from a corridor window and dudting a fusillade of The M '.mj'.i,ii. . rtA nriseners were blns taken te break - fftst unaii The fugitives are Frank Wvsecki.' servne (if teen cnr, for hi.rrfnrr . i Tinr;,i TTnt nr.. iu..a i .... "".,' ke .n fi.n ,.n f.,- ti,tl c '..... mobile, and Dan Wunieck, tluee vears for felonious asuult. MICC RfllfCR 4RRFPQ Tfl WPn Illda BHrri rtUHttb IU WtU ' LIVELY TO DIE TOMORROW Negro Slayer Will Pay Penalty for Child Murder In Chair IaiiiU r Hir il... v. I MiH I i..t1 IU.. ' . .'..- M" '.' "". -'glO fluttr et iiiiii ,"i itU"). the nevrn i , , ni.i Mnorwiewn. X .1 iri .n i.i '".r .".' ' ..i. ..... , . . . " . "" " in iih ,-,, Maria Lively, wlfe of the condemned fefir' 2 fnHVcv 2Hb1 ' rS' ' '"" ! K-4-'?' is z- v m JKm , HPIs rKr' sE M iH PRICE TWO CEUTi'1 . w PREMIER POINCA ONE W&i j M DESCHANELTO 0 I luff', j QF's rc irHi rri anvflirf k I ' 'I i Ex-President, New Senater RetJ .... D.l!('.n Ul'ft, nnmniU.', I'l ' for Interpellation iiiq 'NFW MINISTRY EXCLUDES "l SOCIALISTS AND RIGHTISTS By the Aftsfrlii'eil Pres j Paris. 4 Jan. 10. The icw Cnblnei't 'under Rnuneud Pe'ncare went Inte power today with the publication & the Official Journal of nineteen prcsl' ilentinl decrees, one for each minister' nnd rndcr-Sciretftrv of State. Senater Paul Dewhniitl, who waljf Presirlent of Frnncr for n few monthly , in 1020, resigning en ncceuut of 111 li.'iiltlr. li.is filed it ilcinnnd In the Senate", I for an Interpellation en the foreign, "Jj ! - a ulllntlnii Alirk T)lnfVMAI ? M. Dt'tchanel suggeAs thn- an exchange1 '31 I'MMT til IIUI IIIL.I11 1111 IU L111 -ItUIJbit. J et views Is indU.pciirnble in the prwent' 'irrumstnnces. " Senater Deschancl's speech en his in terpellation will be his ilrht fclne'e.hlrf) resiRuatlen from the prtidcney In 'Sep? terabfr, 1020 Announcing the rccev- , ery of his ueaitti, ne wa ciccica te I the Scnutc a yuir uge, but his artlritlltt I in tbnt body lmve been confined to,ec- i .!,...i t..if ,n...ri f-.n, i.ia cm.' . VUOIUUUl UIU I lUUBttl'1 .iviu inn t.H.. Personnel of New Cabinet D'cs-hniipl's resignation from thT prc-ldne li one eF the trngi-Ciiniei dies of Ur-nrh politics. His health wrs shatii'ud by fnlllns from nn open window in the sleeping compartment ft the president! il train, later walk ills' mere than a mile, clad only la pajamas, ur the fnrten ministers jn thn new' si ; Cabinet, four are Senntors-Peincarf, Pejrennet, Strauss und Cehreu and' ten ar members of the Chamber or iJnputlc. All the unuer -secretarial are t i deputies. AH the groups te ming ins 'ft hide of Parliament are represented. The Socialists and the ' " " -q"""-v. ' Rightists are net represented. lhe Cabinet, lis It .in.t .tn.ifta !' Premier end Minister of l'erclgnAf' fnirs Raymond Pelncarc ' Virs Premier. Mlnl'tT of Justice nnd, ' for Alsace -Lerrnlnce Leuis Bariheti. Minister of War and Pensions Aa- are Mnglnet. Minipicr of Marine M. Raibertl. Minister of Finance Charles de1 LusteVrie. " ,'J Minister of Interiors M. "Mnnnnury.W Minlster-nf Education Leenl Berand. Minister et Public We'rksMi TAA Trecquer. iN AUnmpr of Agriculture wepty . Minister of Colenics Albert Sarrflnt-,.7. ." Vftnlulf.p nf rnniniArir.fif.tpti DI1I1& A"" Minister of Liberated Regions -H Rebel. - Mlnicter of Laber1 M. PeyrennV Minister of Ilea th M. Straus. i The fellow ins Under Secretaries fit State also are announced : Attached te the Premier. M. Ce'rat; Merchant Ma irlne.'M. Rie: Pebts and Telegraph. IM. Laffont; Technical Edticattpn, M, ' Vidal ; Aeronautics, M. Eynac. I High Commissioners Ruled Out I M. Peincarc announces that "MI the i High Commissioners in the previous Cabinet are suppressed and also four Under Secretaries of State. This Is for, 1 T PurP0,,! f shew'nR ff'm e be i Binnng 0ar sincere effort te practic CO ',"" t u j i.v The new Premier achieved a noUbe ' supcs in limiung the in material crisis ,te three days, but falleil te accemDlisb lhc l tslre "'VV"'1101' Ile "credited of , fermlns' a Cabinet of wide national union en the lines of the. Cabinets n j ,n -1, D"1' ,,. ' v?.,0 "J" President et the republic. Net that he. could be expected te include the BO- ' -"l'V," wue were reprehcnteii in tnose ministries, fei their press has seized upon the return of Pelncnre te power te ivq thrlr rharses that he personally was responsible for the war. r HiHI'urtial failure ns explained by Le Petit Punslen may be attributed, lu I"rt te the fact that the situation, 'heugh grave, cannot he compared te 'hat existins In 1014 and lfUS. The l u'in"r ,c mc(l m U1U emprises It maieritj known ns the national bloc, "hich is in e'earcut opposition as re- L'in's 'hterual pelic. te the Socialist na,'.-nl group which vreMeusly was I'.h-Ti'imw ra0,l lll'!,erIaut sreup '" the Lliamher Although it i- generally uccentM'thnt M Peiucare told Mr. Lle.l Geerge that I I ranee would up rrprrscntcd at the pconein'c conference at CJpnea. her nar I if"ipstieii is b no uipuns nccepted by the prc's as obltguterj and lncvlUbli1. t Wasliincten, Jan 10 M. Surfiut, ' head of the French trim delegation, !ee,t'rdav received an imitation from i M. Polncare, the upw Premier, te con i tinue in his prcmit pest of Colonial I MluNter, aud at once cabled lib ap , eeptance. i U. S. TROOPS PASS BASEL 'Company En Reute te Rome te Par tlclpatn In Ccrimenies I Itc'iie. Switierlind, ,lnn 10. Thi ''"inpenj of troeixj from tne Vieerlcar,- teriiM it German, en it- way te Italy , e take .j,irt in th con innnie incident 10 the bivtwnl of the iiicrieun Cen , crcsirn tl Medal of Herr en the Ital ifi unVniiv n keMi.t i.v Mujei Gencrul ' Henry T. Allen en Ji.nu.iry IS, arrived ,i a it BaU-1 and pree-feded toward j Itwne. Th- rifle and nil ether arms cf thp iHtuchni'iit wire pael in a rcpnrfltO; ' linii-airp car as required by the SwlM I fiullierit.es. "WIRELESS PHONE" SERMOl I Haverford Students Hear PrefesMf ' Preaching at East Pittsburgh KtndintM of Haverfnrd C el'cgc, whni!t,( listcnlns cut the lrVs telephone Jn Slinrp'pH Hull. laM night, heard a fa uii'inr ve.cp, The elcn. it Wan later '"irned, nan thut of Dr Kufus M, vlllUB, piuit-nnur ui imuiugy u, LUO COI ir.i ruLl 1 t nrntrKcl. r- . 2 unit vvcu fclic IUIIU UL LUG VOIPf tlbif M . til .....,,. , rf , z j .UH.ri m w IK - ubA - v' fci A ttM xi ?i .. j rf.''Vi . s)U ,1-' Tfl HiA- .r i,irtir(iry. . ' - - ..vi iH..i...