Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 14, 1922, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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tymcy JFymc Regrets Death of Mr. Christian Hagen.
She Tells of the 'Sloans' Affair at the Bellevue-
Stratford Other Matters of Interest
TUB tlcnlh of ChrlMlan Ilugen yes
terday, "nftcr nn'lHnbM of several
Wcfk. lrltiic whlrh his friend; We
Ilrfdcfl between liope and fear for the
outcome, come ns n great norrew te
mnnv. for he was one of the ment
J.f t IllVnl.ln nt ItlAII
nepuinr mm "' .,"-,"',
?.:. nviirVeit nt the Methodist Hea-
iital, wlicrc he lind been for mere than
KS celts. There lind been n-Nlljiht
imnrevcmciit in his condition n couple
of da.V8 ure, nml tll "hcquent re;
Upwniid denth web a severe shock.
Ir IlnRcn worried, Mlwi Bylvla
VtsM, daiiRhtcr of the Inte Mr. an
Mr, Jehn Hernce" Fnssltt, of this city.
nnjitrnnddaHBlitcr of the late Mr. nnd
Mri Themas McCredJ', about fourteen
,,,;, nce. They had four sons, th6
eldest ofwhemMs eleven years of bbc.
Uncoil Is n sinter of Mrs.
Wharten nrchnian, of Chestnut Hill,
.n of Mr. .TehnH. I'nssltt, who mar-
M Im Margaret Hlahely. IW
his whin w and children Mr. Ilajcn Is
"" i.j l.v n brother. Arthur Hnircn.
lie was a first' cousin of Mr. William
lllrft, of Havcrferd.
fvcrybedv Uked Chris Hagen, he
w.i F0 whele henied, fine and straight,
lie win a treat lever of Miert and used
t ride a great deal nml belonged te a
number of the hunt clubs. He will be
greatly missed by an unusually large
circle of friends.
THI3 Uurrews Sloans' tlancd for
Klcnnnr at the Hcllcvue-Stratferd
last night was n very pretty affair.
Ten knew Adallne Cerey was te have
flmred the honors with Kleaner, ns the
fiirtv was given for both debutantes,
till Ada ine tieciticu ie ''CB", " ....
party for a wedding party nil te licr
Mlfnii.1 NorrIsk.Hendcreii,,niHl they
went down te Klltten nml were married
..... i. v,in remember. They urn
new in the Seuth and were net prcseiit
it the fiance. ,
1'inniwir looked nwfully sweet in n
t i. f u-iiiin mid nllver broende,
finished with a silver girdle and n
bunch of diver (trapes which were ar
ranged nt the side of the waistline. The
skirt was of uneven length having a
straight pnnel en nc side. The bodice
Oepveless and she held a darling
little old-fashioned bouquet.
Jlrs. Sienn wero u very hnndseinc
town of bind; sequins nnd llnisbed with
n clrdlc of jet. It was most becoming
.. i...- imiiiini, lmr lnelt cxtrnnnllnnrily
fair, nud the American ncautlcs she
held wane receiving tier n","-"" mj'c
just the right touch of color. The
party ns in the Ilese Gardens, which
were beautifully nnd tastefully decor
ated v i greens ami painm. .1, . ..-..-
were about -'M giief-lb.
Tim Saturday Evening Dancing Clnss
will meet tonight In the foyer of
the Academy. The bevs who will lead
the germnn will be Jehn Kennedy. .id,
Aleck t'elesberry. Jr., Farnham War
rlner, Edwin Yen nnd Reynolds
Drewn, Jr The ladies who will re
ceive will be Mrs. Charlton nrnall,
f..i l:i.nrmi Stllfirl l'llttOrSOtl. Ml-S.
ilarritigcr. Mrs. Ernnklln Petipcr. Mrs.
Paul Mills and Mrs. Percy Chirk.
met lnt night nt the Bellevue-
Stratford. It wits great fun, the boys
nnd girls love it nml have Mirh a geed
iime 'rim I'litnmlllee of boys for that
clit-s was changed last night, and the
Wi'u "he ran things and who will
ad for several ether clnses included
llnlnh 1'iiriiliniii. Stniisbury Miller,
iilMiinl Xnrrls. Jr'.. Arthur Hacker,
,lr,. Kinrd McCaleli, Jack Van Hern
and J:uk De Coursey.
Sixteenth, te be followed by , a break
fast at the -4Ht-Cnrltoe. .
Mrs. Francis I. flu Pent, of 1424
Spruce striqt, will leave In February
for Flerida, where she will spend sev
eral weeks. Mr. and Mrs. du Pent
Will kIve a scries of dinners during
Mr. and Mrs. Rowland CadwalJder
wvans; or 1702 rina 'street, will leave
the ary part of February for u, trip
te Flerida. They will spend n, few
WMks at Miami and Palm Beach and
will return the latter part of the month.
Mrs. J. Lawrcnce Pancoast, of Bryn
Jiawr, will entertain at a small In
formal card party at her home en
Wednesday afternoon, January 18.
Miss Vlrirlnln Hcclsscher, debutante
daughter of Mr. nnd, Mrs. Ledyard
Heckscher, of UollnRbreko, Iladner. and
2123 Spruce street, Is spending a fort
night in Atinntle City.
Mrs. Fnela Ellis Schuyler, of the
Bellevup-Stratferd, snlled lat week en
the Adriatic for a trip around the
world. She oxdecIh te uncmi the win.
ter en the nivlera and will return In
the autumn.
.''"""J Mrs. Abram AVInterstcen, of
2214 De Lancey place, will be at home
informally, en Sundays In January nnd
e-il. ""m uW0 Sunday'' In February,
win ,Wl" be. mUBl- Amens these who
VI !iii,aJ.ari to"10,rrew evening- will be
qJ"cn 8'ade, violinist, and Mrs. Hale,
soprano. Ne cards have been Bent out.
drhiS lc, thT? e8aRement of their
npAri. 'h O. Orleb, son of Mr. and Mrs.
acersa F. Orleb. also of Glenslde.
iVA'-nnd MrB- Charles K. Illday, of
si 10 Wayne avenue, nnneunce the en
gagement of their daughter. Mildred
Alice, tp Mr. J. Stecle Pcarce. son of
..... mm .urn, liugxme ll. I'carce, also
el Clermantewn.
Mr. and Mra David K. Xclffer. of
mis city, have announced the engage
ment of their daughter, Mrs. Marie
f.lT. BAlndcr' t0 Mr- James H. Clem
ens, of 30 East Seymour street.
Mrs. Clarence Kenderdine. of BG08
I'.mlen street, announces the engage engage
"en,?f her daughter. Miss Winnie Mil
ler U elhcnmaycr, and Mr. C. Merrltt
amtlbell. Of Hnnhitntvn HT,t
,. .. .. ::
i- r.""". rs- "ewara c. story, of
i ? .eetvlew etrcet. will lcave Phila
delphia shortly for Miami, Flerida,
where Uiey will visit friends at Blscayne
ir??1"' 1"d JIra J- w- Alexnnder, of
4B31 Merris street. cntertnined Mr.
nlcksen Cleveland, of Bosten, en Tues
day at dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. O. Kettcrer, of 4BJ
West Uringhurst strvet. will occupy
apartments at the Blenheim, Seven
teenth nnd Chestnut strcetB, for the
w inter.
'':4'flKti ' '.--it
Letters te the Editor
The engagement of Miss Ivicey, of
C027 Malcolm street, ie Mr. Paul
J. Nichols, of Delmnr, Md., has
been anneuncctl
bridge club at luncheon at her home
en Wednesday afternoon when her
guests were. sirs. u. u. iiarr, aire. Carl
Chaffee, Mrs. Bamuel M. Dedd. Mrs.
Walter Durnall, MrB. Jehn C. Harper,
Mrs. A. F, Jacksen, Mrs. Jeseph Perry,
Mrs. Jehn W. Pltteck. Mrs. Ooerga
Simmons, Mrs. Leuis Skinner nnd Mrs.
Albert Stanford.
A musical program nnd tea followed
the meeting of the Weman's Club of
Media en Wednesday afternoon, after
inn mm en ".Nursing ns n I'roresslen,"
glv?n by Miss Frances Maltby The'
afternoon was In charge of Mrs. Alfred
I Hawkins nnd Mrs. M. P. Dlckeseu.
Mrs. Samuel S. Evans Is the club hos
tess for the month.
Miss Mllllcent MacDade, daughter of
iijr. anu uru. Aiucri uuuen AiaeUade,
of Chester, will be the hostess at the
meeting1 of the Junier New Century
Club, of Chester, en January 17.
Mrs. Earl V. Denne entertained at a
brldge party at her home In nidley
Park en Tuesday afternoon.
Miss Adnlyn Schecnfeld, of 3137
Diamond "street, lias returned te Cor Cer
nell University, after spending the hell.
days at home. Mr. Lster Schecnfeld
haa returned te Ihlgh University.
Miss Esther Hosenthal, of Bridgcten,
M". J., Is the Buest of Mr. and Mrs.
William M. Lewis, of 1914 North Thirty-second
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hnbcr nnd
daughter, Miss Beatrlce Hnber, of 1883
North Natrona street, have returned
home nffer spending- the holidays In
Atlantic City.
rJ,L sfer1'l Ambler, of Ablngten. has
returned te the Unlversltv nt wi.irn.i.
sin. after spending the holidays at his i her home.
Miss Nera Walsh, of West Mnln
street, entertained nt a card party at
incroiwere iiztecu cueats.
Mr Wllllnm Trilinnr,!,. em.I fl.. T..K-
Prof. Burlington and his family have Kllmartln, cf 337 Kant Oak street, have
luiurneu irurn.il Hiny in iiarnsuurg,1 I'u,
OTIir.lt was busily teachlns Fred-
(He lllhlii hlnterv. He was awfully
interited in the story of the Deluge,
nnd listened intently te hew tne nrit
was bul't. nnd who ircnt Inte It. and
hew many sons Neah had nnd nil about
it. The next day mother thought n few
questions en the subject would show
just hew much he lind learned, nnd se
she asked n few. The answers were
fine, but when she asked whnt the dove
hreueht linek te the nrk after it was
ent out, he get n bit mixed. Know Knew
Inc. however, that olives and such
were sened en the table and net ie-
raemlierlng the name of the ellvri, he
theusht of semetlilngClse, and suid lie:
"A picuie brnncu."
An emriireinent of Interest In New
Tork nnd tins city Is that of Miss Alice
iwanelil Di'iin, unumucr or .ir. miu
Mrs. Philln .s. Dean. te Mr. Uebcrt Tt
Uvlngstuii, son of Jlrn. Rebert R. Liv
ingston, f Nirthwoed, Clerment. Co
lumbia County, N Y Miss Dean was
related te the late Bishop Petter, of
New Yerk Mr Livingston in a brother
of Sirs. II wlnnd S Davis, and n nephew
or .Mr .siinvnr Taller, Mr. lsuwam no
FeyMer Livmirsten and Mr. Goedllne
Livingston The wedding will tnke iilace
nt month.
Mr. nnd Mrs. R. Winder Jehnsen, of
Oermantewn iwenue nud Bells Mill
read, I'licstiuit H 11, will entertain at a
dinner mi Krl'ey evening, January 20,
la hQner or MIh.i Clarlfse Claiborne,
daughttr r.f Mri Fernand ClnlboTne. of
Ntw Orl. ai s who li the guest for sev-
fral weeks t.f Mr. and MrB. Jeseph Sill
Clark, nt Kate's Hall, Chestnut Hill
The (meats will later attend the ball
Mr and Mrs (iinham Dougherty, ff
Crossroad--, Wyncen. will glve In honor
et Mrs DeuRhertVH slst'-r. Miss Isabel
iV-'razer M'ss Clniborne nnd Mrs. Clnl-
iern l ie ricently leturned fiein a
jear's -t.ij in Constantinople.
Cautu n Wllllnm Hell Will! nt Vew
Yerk, h,,-t Issued Invitations for u thea-
fe pans, te be followed by ti supper,
a honor of h'H debutrfnte niece. Miss
Uliabeth It. Buttles, daughter of Mr.
Lnd Mil- Vruittr ltuftl 4t "f.7 Mnn,h
'Ineteentli stieet, en Wednesday after-
Rie liu tin. LMieut of henrr nt a small
pinner te be i(r;-cn by her nurcnts en
'urfa.ii i-vi'iilntf. January 19, at their
r,tne' I'ffore the ball te b.j given by
miss Hnltseher and Mr. llustave lleck
FCnep in ,i... ii. -...!. i.. ,
ffl. ,. l,,u Vlft-Vill nun in iKinur cu
Wfi Vi..,.hi, i lr....i. i.i...
".'"H"! r of Mr nml Mrs. Ledvard
"eckseher. of 2123 SSnrn,-i. utr.nt
MIA.S Il,..iiini- AniAll .U....I..... ..
fln.1 t -"'"." '.."nil, U..UHUIUI 111 .III,
2ns ,T "'"'am Woodwind Arnett, of
!i!iii m" 8t""jt' wl" enteitalu at a
7t,,J ,,,lfwm"l lunchecn m her home en
hSnn- , ""'''neon, Jammiy 31, In
ilu?Let ?llHi Curollne C. Kiu-llsn.
?tt?P'jr "' Mra. Chancellor O. Knulish.
en tV.. h'"'.1ic? street, who Is bailing
- -.iuarj .a rer a trip abroad.
?!lain1'1Ul!':"0UTSl,il.H",akur' daughter of
WW ,,r r i.'- ei "u I'l'iteit aiioe-l-reok
.. J.81' Shuwoeil read, Over
PWy'B ier,a.lnea ut ",l "uctlen bridge
In La... le.home yesterday afternoon
wen, i ,',"eJ' KWM AIrH- 13'twnrd H
rvnilly of Sn, ,,,..,. kt t
P'lO L'lluu.. .. ' u .
rnturned te Ablngten, after spending
seme time at Oswego, N. Y.
Mrs. Jehn Sims Wilsen, Miss Mary
i ,n.?n.a 5Ir- Jhn Slean Wilsen have
v..w un.lr oeuniry pince, near Ambler,
and are at their home en North College
avenue, until the early spring.
i,.I'i98 Klsa. E'ter entertained at a
luncheon at her home. Forty-second and
Spruce streets, Thursday.
Mrs. Samuel Carse Meglnnls, of 5012
i arpenter street, announces the cngace cngace
ment of her daughter. Helen Mareucrltc,
te Mr. J. Newton Klnsey, of this city.
Miss Florence Shecmnker, cf 0300
bherwerrd read, entertained at bridge
jestcrday In honor of Mrs. Edward B.
Iwembly, of Summit. N. J.
M.r- uand JIrs- Frnest G. Holllngs Helllngs Holllngs
wertli have returned from their wedding
trip nnd are nt home at C25.T Osage
avenue. Mrs. Holllngswerth will be Te-
WeY.ht'de.'.a? MftrJ' """ 0t
Miss Joseiihine Yates, of Newark.
N. J . Is visiting Miss Alice Stauffcr. of
000 De Kalb street.
Miss Helen Miller, of 326 West Mar
shall street, has left en a she weeks'
trip te Buffalo, Niagara Falls and
Merchants Should Ute Heme Pert
Te tht Editor of tht Eventne Tuelle ttaetr!
Sir I was particularly interested In
an editorial nppcarlnz In your paper
last evening, urging a concerted nt
tempi en the part of merchants te at
tract -dilpplnj nnd freight te this pert.
U- hAiri Ihn fnrllltlnil nt till POrt tO
attract nt least. CO per cent mere bu el
new than has ever been handled, but
efforts must be made te urge merchants
te Impert and expert through Philadel
phia. , . ,
As an evidence of the present-day
tendener of our merchants there occurs
te me the cuse of nn nttempt that was
mrtde a short time nse te establish a
direct scrvlce between Philadelphia nnd
Barcelena. A ship was put en the
berth, but her ngents failed te fccurn
teifBcIcnt cargo nnd wcre compelled te
send her te New Yerk te finish. I
thfnk It is a mntter of record that much
of the cnrie secured upon her arrival
at New Yerk came overland from Phil
adelphia. New If our merchants have
net civic pride enough te ure the facili
ties offered them at their own pert our
butfnesa cannot be Increased.
The pert of Philadelphia offers won
derful facllltien, and, as your editorial
very properly trtntcs, cargo can nc
hiimiliei tmrn much "hentfer and) mero
expeditiously than nt New Yerk, or, In
fact, any ether United States pert of
which I have knowledge. Ilrlnglng Je
he nMnntlen of tJin ntlhllc tllO dlfilOUl
lies under which we are new laboring,
as you have done, is bcuntl te attract
attention te our pert and facilities.
Director Department of Wiiarves,
Deck nnd Ferries.
Philadelphia, Janunry 12, 1022.
High Theatre Prices
Te Me Editor of the Evtnine PvlUe Ledger:
Hlrr-Ceme en, theatricnl managers,
and forget your war prices, and give
tin amusement at popular prices, as
before the war. We want te go te the
theatre. We can't nfferd it nt the
prices new prevailing. Help ub out.
We will apprcclate it. nnd again bc bc bc
come your patrons. M. L-. II.
Philadelphia, January 8, 1022.
Opposes Parkway Site
Te tin Editor of the Evening Pullle I.tdetr:
Sir I notice en artlele in your paper
regarding the site for the coming
Sesqul-Ccntcnnlnl, In which it is sug
gested that the Parkway should be utert.
I think this would be n most undesirable
silo. It would ranr the beauty of our
city, and we have been in hopes that
this l'nrkway would be llnlshcd U.v the
time the fair was held here in order that
wc could point it out ns ene of out
beauty spots.
There would net be room en the
Parkway for this Scsqul-Centennlal if
it reaches the proportion that we hope
it will. There would be no chnnce for
pictureKluencss, nnd, besides, all that
has been accomplished nleng that drive
way would be held up ler ut least ten
years mere. It would be easy of access,
it is true, but it would he a little tee
easy te conveniently handle the crewilr
that are likely te attend nnd nlse allow
buBlncH te he conducted thnt linn te
cress the Kectlen.
It would he intcreting te have the
projectors of this site explain hew it
weu'd be possible te build an ndeitunle
Is Ours Really a "City of Brotherly Leve"?
Indifferent Attitude te Stranger
Te the Editor of tht Evtnlng 1'ublte Ledger:
,. 8'r Leave -it te n woman te tnngle
tilings up. Aa I distinctly remember,
"i W&Jent nrgument in the Forum
J 'I? f .m.a comparison of the celdnexs
of the Phllndclphlan with the inhabit
ants of ether cities. New the females
?. .i. "'c3- through n few indignanr
i ,'. ,mve '"locked our perfectly
geed illHMumlen in nine different ill-
nCninH., 0ne ,n,,, ln Particular casts
unconipUmentary remarks about the
tilclcs from the "r;ephcr" tewiiM. Then
i.L,i "S. S" en another (nngent nml
defeniN Philadelphia when the rlty It
ftii.E?" Tet Pflcr 'Hficusslen, but Its
inhabitants. Civic pride is a fine thing.
,,.i,tc"lz'!n ".''""hi claim that honor
lYini,i. n.et a Kobs c,v'e pride
Mlcltlng out nil ever him. However,
t'1,11- iip1 .nt alter the fact that the
I hiladclphlan Is Indifferent net enlv te
strangers from out -' t'-vn but te
'very ene outside the t..
clique. The ntrangcr does m.v ..xpect
te be met at the station with n brass
nlnl I,"'"; l0M CXnCCt VOry rilHri-
1,".,',n8h "P nml M l)im, but
?. , ,Ie."' for wnnt he has been ac
customed te receiving elsewhere n civil
answer and ordinary jielltcnws.
qiiD,?ui'10 ?ct lt?. tIlc centrnry.
v ?,?' , .'.'sk n tca honest-te-goodness
I I ladelphinn n slmple qucslfen, the
latter stares nt him a If he were a
W,or Uelvhevlk or a man who
? iu. ?n l!10 Snbbath, and turn's
coldly nnd mnjestlcnlly' away. In on en
Mvcr te the lady nbove mentioned. If
f.he Hheultl nslc anybody who hay been
about n bit" she will learn thnt tlic
...S51 V.'1"7', "T, me't K"lllble jay, is
net the "geplier" town cut-un. but the
clty-rnlnril hiek, yt n g
I hlladelpliin, .Tnimnry 0, 1022.
We Recelve as We Give
Te the Editor of the Evening FulHc ledger:
Hlr Frem (line te time I have read
communications In the People's Forum
whose- writers sought te settle the old
question of Phllndelphl.i's attitude to
ward the stranger within her gates,
hach correspondent settled the matter
te his or her own satisfaction no
broader settlement than that will .ever
be achieved. The- soul of n city Is
a subtle tiling. nnd I believe the dis dis dis
ousslen In this Instance te be quite
futile, but cannot resist adding te It
by n brief comment en one of the let
ters. ln your issue of January 10 appears
a letter from Mr. K. M. Merrltt (the
"Mr." by courtesy only I de. net
knew I) te certain statements of which
I wish te call the attention et your
readers. Te quote one sentence : ' I
have net been especially anxious te
make friends here, but am living ln
the thought of getting nwny ns seen
nf. possible" I would like te remind
this critic thnt wherever we go we are
most opt te notlce the things we hnve
been prepared te expect, nnd mere,
thnt wc are nlmest sure te receive, ln
proportion, as we are willing te give.
H. M. Merritt came te Philadelphia
prejudiced and self-confessedly disin
clined te give What could he expect
te receive? And regarding n further
statement in his letter, there nrc ln
every city ln the world two clnsses of
neetilc these " mtinMp of Ji.
..riii;; p.wUSUrt. - .". ...
visits te their, art .ilbrics nim ether
centers of culttwe, and these who are
net, and, consequently, de net go. I
strongly suspect that either E. M.
Merrltt's duties or his inclinations, or
perhaps both, hove established his as
sociations with the latter clas.i ln
Philadelphia. J. T. T.
Philadelphia, January 11, 1022.
AorepUne." If alia writes short, stories for
the macnxlnes. He lives In New Tork.
The Victory Medal
Te tin Editor of the Evening Public Ledgerl
Hlr 1 n American boy who served In
the Canadian Army during the war entitled
te a Victory Medal? 0. C. V.
Philadelphia, January 10, 1022.
Unlens a man aerved with the United
Mate troops at eome ierle4 during the war
he la net entitled te the Victory Medal.
The Delaware Boundary
Te the Editor of the Evening 'uMle Ledger:
Hlr Pleaae explain te tne why the peculiar
arch oceura In the northern boundary be
tween Delaware and Pennaylvanla.
OKOWli: T. FEI.r.EP.S.
Philadelphia, January 10, 1022.
Aftr Penn had obtained the srant of
Pennrvlvanla he waa riealreus of buying the
J land nn the weetern bank of the Delaware
uiver ie me eea. in lueii nc precurru irem
the Duke of Yerk a release of alt hi title
and chtlms te New Caitle and twelve miles
arnund It. and te the land between thta tract
and the aea. A line that wn the are of a
circle of twelve miles' radio waa then run
from New Caatle as a center. When the
three lower counties en the Dqlanvu-e became
a H tn te they retained this original boundary.
Protection Frem' Gases
Te the Editor of the Evening PuMte Ledger:
Hlr I will appreciate It If you can tell me
.. ....,r . Af ,,. ,.,. ,r, .,.( ran h'
Philadelphia. January 10, 1022.
Protection from saaea can be made almost
I perieci ine lem or lire zrem ran la una
te damage of mask or gas-proof clothing,
te aurprlse tacilea, te carelessness, or te
the continuing quality of the gac.
Ity heart I new bleeding te Its Innei
, core. , 't
1-lleen Allaima, atlis Asjliere.
An Ehthuslastle "Reader
Te the Jittlter of tht Evening 1'ttblte Ltagtrl
. v tnv wiiiiir vi f ,, rtvtmjig t nvna rnywTf 3 ' js
Blr As a rule I would never read th,, " -
Pl'iu.te l.anesn except en Sunday, but mh,i)
day my cousin came te our house and tltl ';
us that he was trylntr te win n Iltek t, j,
j.cnuir nicj-cm ami asaea us 10 miDenB)t
tn the nrg.MKa PtM.ip I.ineicn and se wa, ,'
did. I ran new very truthfully say ttat.,-
1 will never m able M thank hltn enntMii "
for ashing ua ns I naver ml reading tKa'd'
I'eopie-e Forum, arfd all the ether Inter. A&
estlng things which your wonderful paperiS;
certains. W ti
I new want te trr te help one of vow,J v1!
adera, J. H. Timb, of Chester. Ta., wb, Y - l
All Bosten Net That Way
Te the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger:
Sir We hnvc rend with Interest nnd
net a llttle nmuHcmrnt the arguments
about our city. There is some justice
in the criticisms, but is it entirely fuir
te censure us because we choew? te
pick our friends nml nsseclntes?
King Geerge's Power
Te the Editor of the Evening ruMie Lede'r-
Sir What Is the power of King O'erge,
as the sovereign of the British Kmplref
It. H. A.
Phlladetphl 1, January 10, 1022.
The powers of the King of England ln ln
elude In cenral: Appointment te office, th
disposition of land and naval forces, t
calling, opening and proroguing of Parll
I mom. Thn King la also the eource of
i nere nns 1110 "11110110 ' uei'li lilil-
ing hat he has never met nn.i one nblc "rternard r." The-best plan would b te
te discuss topics of the dny, music, art. e te the office where you "made appllea
Ctc.V It does net speak well for the'"" for cltlaenshln paprs" nnd ask thrm
class of llMPcintes he attracts I te direct you what te de te sctirn another
It Is In.Ie...! neiva tr. mnnv lhlln,lM. ' registration card, stating nil the facta In
., . . . --.. - i ........y.. thn case tn thm.
pninns te icnrn that they hail never
read Shakespeare j did net even knew
who he was. Ilns his contact with such
lowbrows cracked his veneer of llosteu
culture te a degree that permits liitn
auch nn unmannerly outburst?
it is te De hepetl that, In justice te
Is desirous of necurlne- the stansus of thi,f
poem canen "I ijvn Teu, Mether," or
"Which Ijved Pest?"
Trusting this la the poem he want, t
1021 Pine street. Phlla., Jan. 0, 1032.,
"I lore reu mother." aald little Jehn.
Tlun. forgetting his Werk, Ills ear wentea.
Ana n vraa err te the garden swing,
leaving his mother th9 weed te brlnr,
"I love yen, mother." aald resr Kail.
"I love you better than tongue ean tall."
Then eh tesaed and nouted halt the day,
Till oil ruelced whan she went te play.
"1 love you, mother." aald little Sanl
"T1 I will helD vett alt t cam
tu. Ainu
She rocked
the babe, till It
ai 5
i s
Then stepping softly, she brought the broom
And swept the fleer, and tidied the room I
Busy and happy nil day waa she,
Helpful and happy ns child could b.
"I Iffie you. mother," again they said
Three little children going te bed.
Hew de you suppose thnt mother guesatd .
Which of thsm really loved her best?
(Alse tent In by illss Anna Cray, Jym Jym Jym
bortillle. V. J.)
the case te them.
'V,'. Jj. V " nsk for the peern. "On Ml ,
way Prem Nazareth te Dethlehem." Th
first line Is: ''l
"The long read loiters late along Its urgent ,j
"O ir. I1.M atks for the poem "The
Bread Thief" nnd the words of the song,
"Tin Dime Museum by the Hlertrlc Light." 4"
"W. c r." wlnlies a poem entltlsd
"letii of Fun Upen a l-'aim."
Aftcr-Dinner Tricks
Poems and Songs Desired
"Why Must We Meet?'
sm; j?.LA?E"? r -- r :sr.p:
city by this Ictte"r of one of her sons.
Philadelphia, January 10, 1022.
liens nre supplemented by parental in
telligence. Tills condition is worse to
day tann it has been nt any time be
cause of the housing situation.
It l thn dutv of thn rninmnnltw tn
supplement the home with opportunities
for the clt.in and healthful occupation
i f leiMire. It Is this work that Ik being
done by the settlement and boys' clubs,
Him Hey Scouts of this citv. In the most
practical form pnislblc and with demon
strable geed results.
Philadelphia, December 110, 1021.
Is Uncle Bim Saved?
Te court this Widow Zander;
V by you could save him much nbuse,
Frem that old bird that gander.
By having Min bring en her mint,
Frem Maine, mayhap, or Tcxni,
Just spenk te Him, we knew he cunt
Refuse, or surely he'll vex us.
Have Carles wed this stately dame,
(Come en, new, be a nice iiintn.
viu 11 place you in the Hall of Fame,
If you have he wed the iceman.
one crse or which Is as fellows
I "Why must we met, why must w pirt.
I Why must we bear this yoke of must,
Without our lene, or askrd or given,
; By tyrant Kate en victim thrust?
l' A. L. D
Philadelphia. January 8. 1W2.
I Regarding Seng
Te the Editor of the Evening Public I.rdatr: I
Sir Let me nuete a verse of nn old
I scng:
"The King of Trance vnt up the hill
With twenty thousand m-n
i The King of France came dnwn the hill
And ne'er went ui again."
In the revised edition of Ilartlett's Quo Que
I tstler.s It Is stated thnt thrsu lines are
I I . .i .- . ,-
i t r,y ' t
i if
D D :;.
f'llew weu d you ke te be the ice- ca"td 0,d ,Trl" -u"ng' in "Pig c
,(,) iVtltltv t- vr vii- ' rantcej or Newea fr.-m th N'. rtn." a quar
,,, v. """i L. Mil.tK. linrt printert In Londen In 1042
Lnimlcn, X. J., January 10. 1022. ' Tan any ene furnish the additional stanzi
Ne. nil A Pnzzle Willi Matches
A nent little puzzle Is te lay seven-
quarto teen matches ns shown nbove. Thn
problem is tn tuke away live matched '
Wants Blm te Marry
Te the Editor of the Evening PuMfc Ledger
Opposes the Widow Zander
Te the Editor of the Evening Public Ledgri
air uy no means should Uncle Htm
if r.r.r.hTn. .V1 leave ,l,n.e.perfect Squares
of the poem.
formation rejsrdlng the historic cient te
which the fiords refer"
I'hlledelphla, December 20.
H W. L.
"I The miliiilen is sbewu in the second
CevvHght, 1123, bu Public I.eJgrr Company
Sir-We nil read with much inler-st Tc ",L ll'nJtZ iiT1 M, ,h,P ,bwt
nml pleesure "The flumps" la Ihf uLT'l i1""'11" ,lfrll',',llw5'
Ev,:n,.v., PirnLie Lr.n, and are I "b' "" "J:, VI h. '"' '.'
Has the Music
Te the Editor of th Evening Public Ledger-
nnd Mrs. Hernce Roberts, of
-ee .1 , i , -...... .. .urn.., iii.iL uiuiu ui iurcii .inanna
lint nnt ,. AIpv I.""" '. "' ''" '"' ailgllteil en. and lm, words. It was publlshe
nut the
IlIlM 1nQt fir tUn fit,,.. .1... .
y..ii create some rne ;,, .i. :.. "" ,,re"er "re
Heeten Hall, will entertain a number
or tneir irienas tnis evening'.
Miss Miriam ItORers entertained thn
Girls' Club at her home en West Main
street en Monday evening.
The Ilev. and Mrs. Shaltelferd Dauerty
nre spending u. few days at Sharen
Hill, Pit.
Mrs. Heberton Williams, of Chester
avenue, was the hostess nt a party given
for the ladles of Trinity parish In the
parish heuse last Monday afternoon.
The members of the Eastern Star irave
a large reception In the Masonic Hall en
AVednebdny evening. Guests were pres
ent from Mount Helly, Merchantvine
and Camden.
nn.i n... . " ' - i- '", mm nil in ,. .-...- . i . .... . ..... ,
exposition nt Rich a site. It would lienuiirh "xcited new ever I'ncle Illm nml I,?"? ".TLrl"!' .f0?, 1"ftt"r,,'1 W I note an Innulry for a song I hiie ,h
iiei-i".siirj- te icnce en tuc greuuus, in , .Mrs. xnm or. I should 1 ke Ie me" , h """--""iicu iiiumer, tunc i music
erunr te prent tureugu numissiens, anil l m-i Him married
hew could t!ii be done in tlic tenter uf Xnndcr. fnn't vm
flu, ,,lfi ivlflirmt niml 1 ti,.fi,i,..)nlnnr, t , I... . 1.1 1... ... , ,
.... ...... ...k......b k.ii.v .......... ...v.... i .ii.ii wx'iii, in iiiiir,. ,. tin, in,, tin ,,n nn, r., . . .
I te the public In having te se around i Mm? A woman of Mrs. 7.nmlir' tipe',,, nK,! ,"il nwn; Please, from the In-
iiincitH ei snucc Denrueil up te reach a , would marry him for enlv what . h,. " t ' ejes nnti no will mmw
domination? . ,(,,i R(.t t of l.im. iWt mhi think "WHkcn t0 ,l correct knowledge of mnt-
I rliinu the he,t eniee IIiiih fur men- i L,i' uuiv I i vr ci'i.-ni uiv ins.
tinned Is the. t-trlp of land between thf i'hiliidul'iihlti, 'j'anuarv 12 1022
lower end of the city nnt League Is- i '
land, which would bring an incen- Andv vs Blm vs 2-inHer
, ,.ni,,t,,.n i ,.i.nii.- n.,.i .t,... .1... nay vs. uim vs. anaer
i i iuiiiii.1. r iiuuiriij , it 4(i it lit.li; lie
Eggs you can lie sure of
Mre. Fred Hehblns. at 2527 Seuth
Garnet street, will entertain this eve
ning at a dinner nnd bridge pnrty. The
guests w II Inchiiln t .i' n.i: ,ii'..
W. Crandall. Mr. and Mrs Walter I congratulated en the blr
SamaiiH, Mr. and Mrs. Geeree Carr Mi- I Henjamln Vardley Heans
nnt Tru T-l., n t VI 6 T,, -l1, tltrt Rett
.... ....c.. Atiuiiiua uruuirriinn . aiiaiidh, v...
Commander and .Mrs. I. C. Shutte. Lieu
tenant Commander and Mrs. Wllllnm
dower. Dr. and Mrs. Clelghten Turner
and Mr. and Mrs. Jeseph Harrlman.
by William Pnml
Si Ce., mu!e publishers, r,7 Broadway. New
V.irlt. nnd 39 Vnlen seuare, New Yerk. ler
hups they h.ivc the words Its date Is 1H7G.
Narberth. Ia.. January Ji, 1022.
Th. words of the sentr have been fur-
nisn.-u uy i..iara iarrlitan. tVllmlncten
grounds are already laid out for stir!. Te "'' ':,'iler' 'c Vvmtng Pniiic Ledge,
. MI,RS Florence Morehouse, of 102S
.Ncrtll Cllll.'ic ntreet. l-i. i.n,niir. n.-
wcel:-end as the guest of f: lends ln
Atlantic City.
A Hal Masque was given Inst evening
by the "Hamstnrmers," a dnimatle so se
clety of Ilidlcy Park, in the Auditorium.
Mrs. Prank Shnttuclt, chairman of hos hes
pltallty, and Mltw Helen Hays wcre In
chnrge of the affair.
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Jessup, of
Swarthmore, entertained infermallv nt I
a brldge parly and supper en Friday
evening. Their guests Included the
members of their brldge club, whom
Mr. nnd Mrs. Iwls Kinmeiw will en
tertain en January 20.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heans are being
birth of a son.
en Sunday,
Mr. Alfred D.inser has been in the
Seuth for the last few weeks en a busi
ness trip.
Mrs. Ruth Harper Is confined te her
home by Illness.
Swimmer-Chalkln Wedding
Miss Sephia f'halUIn, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Merris Challtln, of Chcs
ter. will be married te Mr. Maurice
Swimmer, seu of Mrs. 13. Swimmer, at
the Congregation Ohcl Sheleni Syna
gogue, Third and Lloyd streets, tomor
row afternoon at -t o'clock. A reception
will fellow the ceremony at 2(128 West
Third street. Chester. Mr. and Mrs
Swimmer will be at home nfter Febru
ary 1 at 143- West Fifth street. Chester.
A wedding of interest will take place
at 7 iv o'clock this ovenlng in the
Kplscepul Chuich of St. Luke nnd the
Kplphany, when Miss Hewer Kelly,
daughter of Mrs. W. J. Kelly, of 1C2.1
Spruce stroet, will beceme the brldn nf
Mrs. Frank G. Sweeny will entertain Mr Clinten Jheipe, of Haverford.
the Ijelaware Ceuntv rhniiie,- . .,, I The I lev. Dr. David M. Stewle re..
Daughters of the Amerlcan Revolution I ur e tllu church, will perform the cero cere
nt her home In Chester en Mendav meny.
afternoon. Mls-i Henrletta Sweenv A small reception will fellow nt the
... ' iiii.i,. ill ml, n in H mniiiAn rn. .. .
.. . in.;.,,1,1. u '"e im-
Smlth, fnve I'm-le Him
mlv (iuinn.
t-er i. uetter nun ter .Min,
Ple.'iHi; rescue them, don't be a chump,
Why they're nil worried thin.'
We knew that I'ncle llim's a gne.e.
. The I'eeiile's Forum will unprnr dnllv
In the l.rrntnir 1'elille I.pilsrr iiimI nltii
In the Nundir rntillr J'tlcrr I.ellrrs
dlsriiKelnc timely tnnlrs lll br nrlntrd,
ns ell ns ri'iliestrd imeins, nml noes nees noes
liens of senrrjl liilerrst Mill he unstirred.
a show, with the exception of the.. .77,
nlnntlnn- nf treew tn n,bl In Ifu tin.intv l'l'ar All'
nml tlitu Lnmn ll.li,,. .n,,l,l I,..,., , ,. 1, Atl ll-MlOmill iOUS flttC
done If the Pnrkwnv location Mieu'il I- ' '' 'urblng his me-.t foolish whim,
ncoepted. I should like te hear from ! "efere It Is tee late.
ethers en this point of utllUine Hit . We're henrt and soul for
iiirKivn.v. diin.x i. miiii.ui.
Philadelphia, Janiiai-y 11, Ui2l,
About "The Silver King"
Te the Editor of the ilvendie- Public Ledger:
Sir I heerd some one remark that j
they saw nn innulry in your paner ns i
te who wrote "The Silver King." I de I
net knew thnt it has been nnewereil, but '
will send you the particulars in ease '
no one has given the correct reply.
The piny was written by Henry ,
Arthur Jenes and Henry Herman, nnd
first played at the Princess Theatre. I
Londen, under the direction of Wilsen
Harrett, Thursday. November 1(1, 1SS2.
Mr. Ilnrrett as the Sliver King, Mlis
F.astlaltc as rscllle. lilt wife, the
Mitres m, Atheren nml ('. Iltirten as
At-y and Ned. their children, be
sides twenty-foue ether cli:ir:ietei-.s.
Saturday evening, .Tiinuary li", 18S.'l, it
was first played nt Wallnek's Theiitre,
New Yerk, with OmueiuI Tearle as the
Silver King, Ueae Ceghlnn, ns
.M'liie, ii win1, anil
Ned. Uieli
Carne Klberta
play rrm for several years ln all the iw.-iiamnn-mtein "Mirneii-s nf M.inhutjn
leading cities of the United States. T.-"nr!,!;a!! S'M!""'." ".,,,.!,'' "I i'l.i
Annthnr innn u-lmun .,,.,n I ... . '' Marshall Vllan a "lllt of l.lfr
Anetlier man. whene name I cannot H - MaiUe Kennedy in "Tin. lllBli.t Hhlilrr
recall, who iilnyed the Silver Klni?
died a few yenrti age en Stnten Islnmi ADPAHIA chustni-t n
He'll come around nil riM.t ni I ,:,.. J'
then, tlieugh he may bike it back once I ' ....... jrTAV.v..
mere te the land oft he bucbwlincker and ' EJt-nn.N am.an.va
Jimtilllg kuilgaroe Australia. Hlleen Allanna, Eileen Asthore
V T'FIJIT T i Llsht of my soul, arid Its que(n eierniera
Mauch Chunk, Pa.. .Innuary 11, le!2.
Questions Answered
About Sinclair Lewis
7"e the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger-
It seems j i-ars haie linuered since last w
did part,
nileen Allunna, the pride, of my heart.
Oh! darlini; leid une, juur dear smile I miss,
My lips seem te cling- te the fn, partini
M.iveurneen, thv dear face I ,, at the Joer
i;ile-n AUanna. asus Asthore.
c,aTrrTewirthte!"uTh,,ert0meth'nS C"0" '- faithful Ml Is te XtZn I adore
ru'r 783. at" t", ' K""n Allnn0' - '"
In 10H. Mr !.li !?,,... "" Th ixean's blus waters wash l. the shore
Pirter for .'fvei'e.'a,"::,: recall ? eX" ' "" thU
Wr;m-0-r'--rh: -VraTeruL- T" '"" "I"n ','' "" ,h" "r!"
Jeb.- "Th. innoeents- a'n, -Kar.TK ,7 thw &' ', m II Z-
Strictly Fresh
1 Eggs
I Carten m C
of twelve fcjlffBj.
Sold only in our Stores
wwiwriSiaiiEii' iim'iu, h inuHmimni mriimniiiiiffl'iKi
.eusiKUl'afaw Wppklll Pltnfmtlrtll fltlirtr, 11'f. C T in . w . . . "
fi.AJ' " ; ,-""'" '' "- ' ' ie jan. -ji. subject te Change r
I j&lanZtU, J The following theatres obtain their picturei through the STANLEY Cemnn ( a , - - J"aJ2fuli?7Sk
Z i. a guarantee of early .hewiK of the finest production,. A.k f rt fTh..,S " 'your t.lT" M X.l
i"B Plf' ugh the Stanley Company of Americn. lOCUly bla,n' xSS
" 'liil
.. e5ST
a ,j!
,-. 1
'" &
"r w
"' w
e K
i. h
1,4 iS
wife, and An$y and A POT 1 O B2D Thompson s1
children, by the MiMes : V,1" ,i- , ,MAT,'-s.Ir l'tV.-
i nml Vnv Vevm.in 'nil Vl -Are nnd Vaent.ne In "The hi-lk'
4 nml .W t.Cl neil. Ibis T Ayres nnd Va'eitlie In "The "ln-IW
1 re
. mewArt In 'Piitilnu -. n.ti...
I (j, - - - - ... ('(((es s'i -'
,'. A Stewart In "I'lurthlni of lli-stlnj
i vui ?'"" '" "l'luthlns nf lrtln
,'. .!,a V l,uv "' "Hnnie Muff"
i 0-'0,'1 ',-""1 In "Hume tnff
.1 -Melu Jjnna In Hump stuff
ril' IMPERIAL T."--V;Nc
SHERWOnn "' Humnietv Av
i . .:" . .. TT --A I .' M'K i; tn
v ai raa T. i i-..i...i ... . . .. .
T Ail k tV '"'"""" m "i Hi "MiriK
K . A.r" H VaNMiTtn in "Hit. MifIL"
. O.Lhbn 1T1 laltA TI.... 11..."
ti : ,' Minr ifir !
leKh.in In "A I'rlnr Ihire n"
Mi1lr .n 'n.m'i nn i .. i..i. '.
M M 't Jn II Hurt fill Me I.lttlr tllrl
LEADER 41ST x ' -XN x vl
eldr Hi,
.1 U
Itennl.. Hr. . it..Li.
Iliiiinle llrirr llnl."
I. ,'. "".' .1 ""' ..ll,K u'"' " MHrtll
tHi ,.., '"" l.,u,.' "d " MeitMn'
'l mililri unit the Inn"
. ",iiur nun ,,. i ,,
Mniiirhf pi nf Citlnnpl nnr! tt-u UiA.B.
Is In Haltlmere, where alie will be en ' medlate famlllea of the brlde and brlde
leiiuiiieii mr u innniftni uy ner ceusltiH,
Mr. nnd Mrc Illchnrd Going,
Mrn. Merris 13. Smith entertained Iter
On tlielr return from a wedillnn- trln
Mr. and Mrs. Thoipe will be ut home at
s:)5 Marlyn read. Ovetbroek. l
Wl Ms n .W.ei Ml " r''lman Selltns
m l'.n.laV" ?e". . -MrH. IJuvlii
Mmy m' ",', ln,f,,; M"-h Atme r.
lr, iii f.. M'," ,1""r i:dard I'.'uli I'.'uli
Birltie H "lj".lie Jiuiluier, .MlMh Katli-
und Mi
iiilertii,. . ,v ".vntie, uveiiirueh, win I .'eml fur tin' growing pnrentH. e I lie
Hill III lllllllI.H .. 1.. I.. . .... " . 1. I I. l I -. .1
cf nri , .iiiuu-H uny i nn nun, jr
. ;, - in ii
'try 28 i."" " l'''-lday eienniB, .lun-
Kbmlln.7 ", "u"er r .UHa .limep i uu
ilai M0nn dtuifhter of Mr. ami Mi
Mnth ...Jlom,l"s.en' "r 4 Keuth Klf-
'Twwiaa iVi-i. ,V102,'rrlaKe te Ur
lk."i!Alel'.f 1717 Hlne Htreet. will
PlUmuen .- ,13 3U L,let:1 " Saturday
g t ---,. ! wvvufc DttVWk Muyvu
Hew I Raised My Parents
By an Ex-Child : :
Hew I Kept
t My rnrrnts in Geed Health i sitting btill In my buggy and lettltur it
Through Kxerclse ' ,-emV t0 mt-
.lieu, iii! never wanted tn nn ...
t .i. ,ii .".- .iii-i i...uhe j Mum i-vfiiiiiii.1. nui i ciiniigeii that wil,.,,
t I ..I H... ..n........ ,!..!.. ...... I, I lil'MI I tliniii-hl 1,. .......1 , '. " 11' 11-
and inex
'l.l I, 1 IMiiitrt .....I .1... , ... lit
. & . . - --'.....,, ., r , i, a .
1 '.-M elAiNLEY M-tKi:T at it.ru I nrrcr . - im, , ,
7 . .. -' n i m -. ii is r i LULLM '-.' .x:" .l"' ' - .i.i.tm . l -7.;
Needef Clean Recreation !!! S in" "OS? .?,&' f:! SS f' K S "?f - " & - J. ',' ,V .? '? .V 3 1
Te the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger: J8.-WHI Itetier In "IXn.l.lIng for Humr.." I -aWcl, Fe J .ffi!"? ...V,1,, f ,." Hill'-' ' n-"m". -The ulnl: Vu"r" i " l-s'. ','"" " "nill! I" ffi
iiffew KagorieV'ii ASTOR raAN,MAT,f:vuu KARLTON u?? STANTON",'- -vh NIXON ' ''r -,. "
Itentl te Ulllll. ' la te bocemilii'iided fn,' i'.'.,Jl.K,n.'., JT!M:,",.I,,I,,i5!' .V-"."" "' rirusen lr?'"l-uter lhl..t...n' V '.' """ y I" Klne rtlmrS (', ,, M- sr ,v . . ., , -' " nd 8 tr 1
it, emplmslH upon the voMpenslbllii,- of 'Tv -WtTtrS' l.Cfni - n.'fd 'ln!i V-;su"en '." "'' ''"" ' -uZ Wft' '," V1."- '!'"- "" Ji ,"' " ' '"' - ? t'SrXl til?," - I
parents for the character and ceml,,,- T-An".B&t.i!'"M?thrn,. nf nesti..;; r -1 , .'f fc'&Te',? 2 ? Vl'l'V""'-'. ,', '""" "& in hinf ?tll: 'u',!" n - - in c V., "" '"'" "- I
of tie r Clillren. The writer is tleubt. !' Anita Htewait. "l'luthlnB. of llistliu" I' Hel.l ri,, J,f,2n' i" ...Jl: W,'U" ' " n. iMnkre In Kliii rlliurr i.V.YJ..- I-- -i. Hit,.. .'"""""' Iniili- It
leas risht when he siiy, that "pnr"!! H A""a S"War'' "J24.V.,,""." "-'"," s -"'' "" """" in" '&& ?t?. ' - "l" '"" " liKS .Vrlnu'r-". ,Cri" - - U A- wr'mTS!: Ill IZl , I
run fin morn In Itf-en t liclr elitlilf.its .!. - at nnt r ms-. r t- n. ut hat rivniip -.-. .e. . 31 N,1 A fl! """t' .t . ul? f i. . r. i y-. ...... Hi
cent than all ll.e aw, I ever ee, ive, AL 1 UVlUKt "iV; 7, i hV.T jut LIBLK 1Y lm'rl v i'l '"..' ''jr K1VULI """ V .7. 1N TV ?' 7" i, " E
by man and reformer." ""' , ; $ $$ &H$XlS $ " Mf t r 'iX ?inn "nfY '-'-"'-" ; - rV,,'.-1'V. !'" r1 aK ' ', ""' ""- '" U '' L
Hut when tills hn.s been nltl there I V -fin. iin.l Valentine m "Tt shX- w -r'.m 'I Sw2nn In n!' ! l" :'nihln J . '"" .mik in -Inl'll,,- u -a M1rr,,",".,1 ..";" '' !. JMil." ,, M
remain certain considerations nnn T 8vila Ureamer In "I iiseeii reriTi" r Hetly ( jtni,,en , , .'ti! '.T.'1.1 ,:"r,,,,ln i- 1 ' '" PH"n "Thl' M't'e MinUIrr" p Alhtn. ,., -ii,,,,"! '.i "."'. """' . 9
! $ iiiryer ns' IS,. "T , ff ::Ks;,Bai s si:" j i vSz t "WSvr l " ' " w-' "-.'' x ! Sir '''' 8IK .' I
riillndelphlu there are theiibaiuN f j ... . J arnum in n,r Den Htthin" 'pTADM miukit vt , n-rii e-r- ' "" ' si,H't - Wit' -l
home eeonemically Incojiahle of pre OI UFRIRH 1,reR" Hu.iuehnim ORIENT Woodland Aie nt ii-m s, . "-' UKIA ' ,.' , ' "'.; nT" OV I H S 1 . Jh'l"-n- 1 i ,,,, ii
.t.lliin, tin- lin u- inlnuini.. ,,ln,.fl ill-.. J-L,VJ1D1IL' rnnlliiii.ma ' until 11 WIIL1 1 r " "- 1 hi i K l, !,,,., .,.... .''.'..'.. ..'.'. -M M i " . .- ' ' I t ill
of the children, even where gn.l ,. T' ILk "t:n.n.," -f .'!"" r,,V ",! V tl " 'M" ' " ' ' "W nV ,J,,'i '. '.".",' ': g jjltt" !, f
: . . . . W Henart rtosnerth In "Hhlte lliinil." -' -nsirtnce rlmH,Ue ', miJ K.f.V.. . 1.. ,'. . '."'.' "1 ril . 1 ;. ,'- ' ll M- sh ,, - i l,'.' ,..' .". '. 11" 'Irr'.' f T
J ' i,l,, llllir tn-- i ,,..r
K Ml I rill
ut my parentH win (heir jeuth lever 1 thought he needed a nCp J.'.iC
experience. I could en very te the corner, I would threw mv bnttle
iliilcUly that they were unused te haviiiK i "" the lloer he he would have te Jn
babies that 1 wan probably the first one I te the drugstore te get anther Or l
thev had and they didn't knew quite ou Id chew the end off my iiiin'0 ,. ,
what te de with me. would nplll nil my Infiuita' f00( '
I could (innrcclate their position
somewhat and sympathize with them,
for (hey were the first parents that
I had had, nud I didn't knew quite
what te de with them, either.
At first I despaired of doing any
thing with Heugh Face. He looked
like a hopeless mens, but I wild te
injself: "After all. he Is my father,
und one ewes a duty te ene's father.
Never be It said that I neglected my
ilut.i." Se I steeled myself and leek
lilm' in luiiid.
fSV. of the iery first tilings that I
netk-eil wiih Ills need for exercise.
New, exeiclse, as every baby knows, Is
teriniiii'il te give him plenty of it. Kvery
Sunday morning, when he would want
te sit around and read the paper I
would tuke him out for a walk. Tlmt
is te sny, 1 would go out, but he would
ile the walking.
This wan as It should be. He needed
thu- walk, whereon all I needed waa
air, and I could cot mero of that by
wasn't getting the
TTIVKN then lie
J-i exercise he hheultl have Rn t
started my night class. Kver'v ,,.h
for two months I persuaded Mm te
walk wl h me for an hour or two l,
tween midnight nml daybreak "
I don't belleve he reullv imniw.i,... i
what I was doing fr him." ' 0 ' "1
te give mn the most villainous leeks
and he kept saying things that sounded
very much like what Hwnet l'nce wi
as she knelt nt my bed evenings hefi rP
sin, went te sleep. lleMever. even tr.
mj inexperienced ear the sounds ..",
te be arranged semewhnt dlfferen iV
and they, were said with a great leai
mere determination and earnestness
Ilut I llriuly eentiniieti u,y preglam
nnd. ns n result, nftcr a few month,
of my training I liad ene of the heultl -left
Heugh races in our block. All
my young friends would compliment
me en Jilin when we would meet In our
buggies. Hew proud I wnsl
New weelc, Chapter IIT "I Oat I
Seme. Teeth te Amuse My l'arents." '
It stays fresh ever Sunday
M. unuw in "IHveniler und Old I.iki-
- M na mi in t.tnml nir ".lniirni.y'M l.iiil"
H (,'nnwny Twirle in "ft-r .Mldnlslit"
i i M Hetty I'nmiisnn In "The I.lttlr MlnUter"
iT--lltty Cenipsnr. In "The I.lttlr Mlnlsirr"
IV Hetty I'omi'seii in "The Little MluUtri"
T -Thenuis MsnrhHii. "A I'rlnre Thrrr U'.ih"
I' Tin man .MelKhaii " V I'rliire Thrre VI in"
-mourns Me trnnn V ITlnee Tlierr V.is
V.""V"",I1' ralnin. 8 in '(ioe.i luf,.- ' 7.--
i- juiii jii in "iii ir. ..!. wi ... v.v
t.,... in. ..:" "ii if in i ii it n"
-llir I"-yU IMnmeiui
Tern Mix
riis,r imr ii r..
"Irimi iur wife'
GRANT --- - '-i aj.
I His tkx I
1 Lf sTl I
It ss H T
re a t.
I Sold only in our Stores
fiminnMiiiii 1 R
ovlrbreok fl3D ah p ;r':;.." ,.,
"tlu-r the 1 1 1 1 -
"llii-r the lllir-
"lllrr llir lll-
"Out the Hill"
'lirr the HIM"
"ier the Hill"
II I Iff tl .. k
i j!r!"" .!!"' "
V I'rinir llirrr U s
II 111 I
''wn I I,
I T i- Mi
1 in inmu"
I xl I he tnmii"
' ll'.T-Ihe ninu'
' hlln I1..1.
"Millie nU"
I CAPITOL V;rTT,i7,- PALACE ,:,10 AM,,:T, rJ'-''' ' theatres "-"ly nrnnr rnr r miS
B W -"l!rt Klrli lliilfk Wiilllnefenl" M v t, n f ',", ..? f. J? ""'.'"I'M 1 ltln" n. , ' ' l ' ' M n. 1 1 i- m A I I ,, '
S3 t 'lift Ulrh I nlrk Vtn I nsfenl" T - Ti,nn nTs in "t i,T ii- "' ','"."' Thlnn" ,., ' "' " enllli-f muaSSaaOr V,' , V . " 8,h
Hl-'. "Hit ltlrh tlnlt-k Vtnlllmrferil" - s -r n"L'! ll TuT 0IJ"rIM Tlt'ng" ,'. ' . " ''" '" " n:liit" m ,.,,,,,"" .?. ,"' i V U'f,
m u "i: ltti. ii.,i..l ti'niiin-..i,i .. :: '.'iniaiitfe in I he WumUpfui n. .... u I " i h l..u i in ,..,,n. ... . u- '' "' iM tin hi i,..n
.. .' .... ...... .. ,. .. n , .....nib.,.. U .. .'! 'I'r,,.. .... ... ..mi ... --..... IIIIIE , .. .'...1I..1 l.iu.. i.ll.
H . .. . " " -tne iviiniterfnl Thine" :- . "' '" '" t'lntllet" -i , " ' , . . . 1,
I COLONIAL ""IrnTS'rn REGENT hT ,TT1I iu ':::,; " -ffi" , j-. "..;,", '.
TV XJTr;VnWM?LVr" ri;5S: t' ;.'.- ;.;;; T; !'; -;9 .V: V..!,.: , Germantown
ffl - -- " tinritn nutfiiAft In The IliiiirJi' !'. U, i ' .. rnVH 'ltr' " M- i. - , ,
wwrr,, ."x.tii,,,- r , ,,',',
' '.I.-, i, I- i r
'l'i A lira r-l A
MATlN'Cr Mill v
Miiei. Naalmiii i .i "liuiilllr"
Mine Nazlmein In "'unillr"
SiielBl (.'Ht In 'The II irli.irl.in
M -A
llCltMANTOW V V -M ,..
f.l Tl I t-F'lllli KV sr
T Hetty Cemnsnn in "l.nillrs Must .itr
-Uiisene ir linen In "Cl Hull trs"
Unhurt llesw.irtli in "Whlte Hands"
...wv . ., in r inn i in -!'. ui.i.i..
1 A Aires A It Anlrntltlu ,,. "Tl e s lirlk-
I' - l"' VrXli " I '"iiiV '" 4 lleliT r'
I i. ,.'?'. '" HumU ef llestlni'
s 1 ITtJemk j, "K,4 0 ii".
COLISEUM V,;i:k",' r, "'"
M " i.r' " ' ' " " "fnmii"
M I'"" "iu li..i, ln (nailltC-
1 .' s K I ii i
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"I'M lrell.tr a
" I ! Idillnr."
nn i m t ,!. t-nre"
'"il tv ( nn.rlerit-n'!
min t iiii-liuirs'' ,
"i " ' A
111 I .11 lilllf
"f.lnil'lr" .
"' "liil', '
itin.iii i ,n Mnn r.l1
"" -ii nml llinni i
""-'I Ne Mini IfA!,,,.'. i
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ii.. ' .,:'."". .. !". MUM !, .j. 4
w... ws .MATIN K : DAILY JMVUI t r. I . . "iiu.i r ti T7)r riiii.n i .. .-.n i m, Mr , lf,rrf(j. 4 f8
I -" tfV. ? "?': ,?ft1'.A
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.ftvyttv ... ri2 V tei4&MS U,.