Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 14, 1922, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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Orgnn piayri at 9, U and 4:50
Chime nt Noen
Stere Opens at 9
Stere Closes at 5
I, l
A j
On Monday the Great Winter Clearaway Sale of Hosiery
Please Take Nete te Ge Slew
in Any Plan That Is
m) Irrevocable and unchangeable at any time or under any
circumstances after it begins.
It is a favorite maxim .'with some of us who, by
, experience, have found it- te be wise se te de, te make haste,
but te make haste slowly.
Te buy a home hastily with little money te pay down te
begin with, and make ironclad agreements for future
payments based upon uncertainty, is te buy a mountain of
inisery and worries. Get your money into a geed saving
fund, even littla by little, where you can draw it out, if you
wish, instantly without notice when necessary.
January U, 1022.
Filmy Lace Scarfs Are Much
A a matter of fact, they divide
honors with the mere brilliant
(pangtel scarfs for evening wear.
One thing is certain, a hnnd hnnd
Bemc lace scarf poes with any
gown and it never gees out of
Many Women Are Leeking at
Tweed Coats and Capes
It certainly does seem te bear
eilt the fashion reports that both
tweed coats and tweed capes arc
te be much worn for Spring.
There arc a number of styled
in both coats and capes at $57.50,
or of them just arrived. All
New's the Time te Plan for
Early Spring Dresses
And most women like a light
weight all-wool fabric for this
purpose. Among the newest ar
rivals which premise te be most
popular this year arc
Fine crepe poplin, 37 inches
iridc, at $1.50 a yard;
Special January Prices for
Custom Tailoring
Many women are taking ad
vantage of the January offer of
one-piece cloth tailored dresses
with long cloak te match made te
measure during this month at a
ipecial price of $60.
Many New Spring Blouses
feuften in Back
One" of the daintiest new
waists is of finest white crossbar
dimity with Irish picot-edged
cellar and cuffs in orchid, rose
nr blue. It buttons in back, but
has a row of tiny pearl buttons
down the front. Price $5.85.
Anether of dimity has. a be
coming frilly front nnd a trim
ming of Irish crochet and hand
Women Who
of a conservative type will find
every variety of this comfortable
black kidskin footwear here.
They are buttoned or laced;
nave full, round tees or narrower
tees; low, bread heels or higher
and smaller heels; cloth tops or
Wd tops. Seme have extra wide
tops. Seme arc extra wide ever
Maids' Dresses Are a
Specialty With Us
A large number of women regularly outfit their household
helpers here, because of the excellent materials nnd the unusually
geed making of our maids' dresses.
At $3.50 nre well-made morning dresses of geed CHAMF1RAY
n gray, blue or pink, with detachable white cellnrs; dresses of
plain blue ehnmbray with convertible self-cellurs; nnd dresses of
striped gingham.
At $3.85 are dresses of bluo-nnd-white or pink-and-white
Uiecked GINGHAM with detachable cellar and cuffs of hem
stitched white organdie; also, dresses of black-and-white
PfcKCALE with white organdie cellar and cuffs.
, BLACK DRESSES, with white cellar and cuffs, include
Eoisette at $3.85, poplin at $5.50, mohair at $7.85 and $9.50, sllk
poplin at $10 and $13.50, and u very fine soft and silky mohair
t $15. All ure exceptionally well made.
(Third Vloer)
ireotenc corsets of elastic and
ceutil are very light and soft, and
closed in the back. Price $1.25.
L. It. corsets include three top
l models two of light-weight
Pink broche, and one of heavier
Mecliu. Strongly boned. $3.50.
Sensible Frecks
, "egulutieu dresres of stout
Mown clmmbrny, braided with
I4.500 Und Inml '" f''0"t Priml
Regulation dresses of a vcrv
Iv-m?1?, u,llu'eucheil cotton drill
'rrii,2r'k 6ilk t!e nml Raiding.
l " , e
Imitation lace scarfs start as
low as $12. The real lace ones,
including lierre, Spanish lace,
Cnrrlckmacress, Limerick, ma
line and duchessu, arc from $45
te $120.
arc made of line English cloths in
plain colors or two-toned mix
tures. A few are in "custard"
color, which English women se
much favor.
The capes are made circular,
very full and very long with arm
slits and large pockets.
Weel Canten crepe, 37 inches
wide, at $2 a yard;
Navy blue or black serge, -48
inches wide, special, $1.50 a yaid;
Tricetine, 51 inches wide, spe
cial at $3.50 a yard, and in tan,
raisin, Copenhagen, mahogany
and navy.
Tailored suits of tweed or home
spun will also be made te measure
at $G0 during this month.
Dresses of various materials
arc made te measure at very rea
sonable pi'iccs.
embroidery. It is $6.85.
At $10.85 arc smart tailored
waists of white silk shirting, fast
ening in front, of course, with
pearl buttons.
At $13.50 are blouses of finest
white crepe de chine, with manv
rows of hand hemstitching, Irish
crochet, insertion nnd edging.
These button up the back.
Prefer Black
the joints. Seme arc narrow at
the heel and bread in the vamp.
Every prevision is made te suit
the feet that feels best in this
coinfertublc, sensible and good geed
looking kidskin footwear.
Prices are $9, $9.75, $10, $10.50,
$14 and $15.
Twe models pf Wannmaker
Specials. One topless of pink
broche for slender figures, ene
topless of heavier material.
$3.25 and $3, respectively.
Madame Lyra corsets of excel
lent quality of pink broche and
well boned. $4.
for Small Girls
Twe-piece regulation dresses
with brown chambruy skirt but
toned te white cotton drill waist.
They nre in fl te 14 year sizes,
extremely geed-looking nnd very
durable dresses.
a.. I
Such Exquisite Celers in These
Hats for the Seuth!
It is plain te be seen that they forecast the fashionable
gown shades for Spring, nnd any. One of them would be levftly
with white frocks. Their moderate prices are fr6m $18 te $24.
Fer example, a soft rose pink changeable silk turban em
broidered with wool and tinsel.
' A delicate beige Georgetto crepe with a touch, of color in
the flowers.
A navy blue straw braid with, large wool flowers and a
delightfully uneven brim.
There are also felt hats with wide crocheted scarfs and deep
fringe, and the neck scarf comes te match, in white or colors
at $25.
(Second Fleer)
vFer Yeung Women te Wear
Under Southern Skies
New silk-and-wool jersey dresses in a smart sports model, in
lovely shades of blue or green at $28.
New frocks of linen or cotton cpengc, in white, orchid, pink,
coral and .ether colors, most of them hand embroidered, at $22.50.
Dresses of the new silk-and-wool cpenge in a warm rust
color or soft old blue, effectively hand embroidered, at $48.
Many ether charming designs are constantly coming, all in
14 te 20 year sizes.
(Second Vloer)
Coats of Hudsen Seal
(Dyed Muskrat)
in the Sale
The coats which we call &taple are these from 36 te 45 inches
in length, nnd perfectly plain, or else cut very simply but enriched
by big cellars and cuffs of natural skunk, beaver or gray squirrel.
They have plain rich linings; as a rule, and are a wonderfully
geed investment for the woman who wants something at once
comfortable and fine, and feels like buying at the annual sale
prices. Prices are $2G2 te $550.
(Second Fleer)
Mirny Pretty Underthings in the
White Sale Are Fashioned
of Radium Silk
They turn it into a Rainbow Sale, with their lovely orchid and
blue and rose and peach-color tints. Radium silk tubs well and
is of a sturdy -wearing quality.
New in the sale Monday are hemstitched BLOOMERS of
satin-striped radium in orchid, pink or white, at $5.50; and new
radium silk CHEMISES in peach, orchid or pink, with a delicate
wreath of hand embroidery, nt $6.50.
The Sale is still rich in nightgowns, chemises, camisoles and
bloomers, of crepe dc chine, radium silk or satin, at low prices:
Silk nightgowns, $3.85 te $9.50.
Chemises, $2 te $6.50.
Camisoles, $1 te $2.25.
Bleemers, $2.35 te $5.50.
Many new and surprising values have just come in in cotton
underclothing, including drawers, at 75c te $2.25, and special
nightgowns, high and low neck, at $1.50.
(Flnt Fleer)
Fine Writing Paper for Less
Than Half Price
This is the remainder of a most fortunate purchase we made in
boxed stationery from one of the best mills in this country.
It is an excellent quality of paper in two finishes; five quires of paper
and fiye packages of envelopes for $2.50. On account of the very low
price it can be sold only in this quantity.
There was no doubt about the way people appreciated this paper
when it was here before. Many women, apparently, bought eneugh
for a year ahead. "u"b
(Main Fleer) .
A New Spanish Lace
has just arrived the seit which is 50 inches wide and which requires
only two yards te make a dress. It Is in gray, brown, green, tan, white,
sapphire blue and a strong turquolse, and the price is $5.25 a yard.
(Muln Vloer)
White Sale White Goods
Longcleth and nainsoek in ten-yard pieces.
The longcleth is $1.35, $1.55, $1.75, $2.25, $2.55 and $3.40 the picca
and is 30 inches wide.
The nainsoek is $1.55, $1.85 and $2.25 for the 36-inch width''
$4.25 for the 40-inch, nnd $4.75 for the 45-inch. '
(Vlrt Vloer)
Many People Are Fussy
. About Seap
They naturally wunt te be sure
of the purest and best. We fre
quently explain that the butt
beapa are net always the most
costly, as witness these examples:
Wanamnker bath tablets in vio
let, rose, verbena or cold cream
scents, 15c a cake or $1.50 a dozen.
Vcgetable oil soap, 15c a cake
or $1.65 a dozen.
Pcroxlde heap, 15c a cake or
$1.65 u dozen.
(Main Fleer)
Quilts at $5
Don't delay if you want ene.
The salespeople say "these
quilts ure just walking out."
Covered Jn sllkellne of a
very geed grade, patterned in
floral designs, they cotne in
pink, blue, lavenaer and yel
low. Filled with lamb's-wool.
Remarkable value at $5
(Hltlb Fleer)
$103,000 worth of goods for $50,000 taken
from stock and reduced te an average half this
week's prices.
This is the sale for which hundreds of people wait, te lay in a whole year's
supply of hosiery and underwear. '
It is the regular Winter clearance of the Wanamaker stocks of these goods
and includes. garments for every member of the family.
Odds and ends and discontinued lines, with net all sizes in every group but all
sizes in the let. With the exception of a small let of women's 50c union suits and a
few men's imported half hose at $1 and $1.50, every piece in the sale has been taken
from regular stocks and sharply reduced from its most recent price.
There are Winter and Summer garments in the clearaway, and many differ
ent styles and fabrics.
We reserve the right te refuse sales te dealers.
32,296 Pairs
a Dftlr. three pairs ler 91.
L'Kht-welnht black and colored
mercerized full-fnnhlened ntecklnga,
also extra-sized cotton stockings.
(rn Black, wiiite and colored, full
ut fiuhlened mercerized lisle, with
open clocks. Plain, openwork nnd
embroidered clocked mercerised lisle ;
full fashioned In cordovan. Fancy
colored mercerized, full-faslilened nnd
ribbed sports stockings. .
CE. Black, cordovan and
uuv vc
vertical onenwerk striped silk.
llble tops. Seconds. Plain black arti
ficial silk. Seconds.
(PI Bluck. white and colored silk
V-- stockings. Seme "seconds."
c1 rn Heather-colored wool
tpJLttJU silk-and-wool mixed.
$1.75, $2.50 and $3.50
A remarkable collection of hlKh-ffrndu
Hllk stock-inns in many styles, blncK.
white nnd colors : striped silk sports
HtecklnRS (some seconds) and fine
cashmere and wool stockings.
Children's Hese
12,646 Pairs
I A Three pairs for 2Sc Infante
AUL ribbed cotton In white ; black
and white three-quarter ec1r; plain
jml openwork tan cotton socks.
1 Ol P"lr' Black
white and
Jl Z-' brown rlblifd cotton
mercerized cotton.
10 Thrfe pairs fe 50c I1,kK
-LOC while and hrewn ilnlied co' ce' co'
len ant mercerized : fashioned feet
Seconds. Black, white und brown
Derby ribbed mercerized thrce-quiir-ter
hose. Black, white nnd rndit
Idue mercerized three-nuartf r socks,
some white with fancy tops. Plain
and fancv-tep mercerized socks in
white and colors.
a pair. Ul.ick. white and
brown ribbed stecklncs in
lisle and In plain und mercerized
OfZn Three pairs for J! Infants'
Out white fashioned wool utock uteck
Inge : girls' black, white and brown
full-fashioned mercerlzecl and cotton
a pair. InfuntH f.uie top
socks and three-aunrtwr hese:
fancy striped wool socks" : white,
cadet blue and tan socks with wlf wlf
clecks ; wool golf and thrct-uuni t r
tperts hose.
Htln a Pair. Black, white and
lOl brown ribbed wool stecklncs.
Olrla black and brown full-fashioned
wool stockings.
Nickel-plated chop dishes
with pyrex glass inserts, $5.
Nlckcl-plated pudding dishes
with white enameled pans,
Imported glass treys with
nickel rims nnd handle., S-.
Imported trivets, nickel
pluted, 11-inch size, opening te
14 inches, $8; the 9-inch size
opening te 12 inches, price, $t).
Chinese handy bnskets of
split bamboo, 0 inches deep,
HVa inches in diameter, Toe.
Chinese waste baskets, eOv
te $1.
Streng willow clothes bask
ets, $1.75 and $2.
(Fourth I'loer)
Scintillating LiglitCut
Most Of the light-CUt glu&aVN.Uc
we show comes from our own
workrooms, and this implies the
advantage of patterns of a spe
cially attractive kind, which can
only be obtained here.
Water sets, $2 te $15.
Grape juice sets, $2.50 te $.r.
Lomennde sets, $1JI,50 te $20.
Footed fruit bowls, $1 and
Flower bowls, $4.
Cracker and chcca- dUic,
$1.50 te $5.
Handled sandwich tvuvt, $1.7.'
te $4.50.
Flower baskets, Tet te $".
Flower vases, 25c te $7.50.
And scores of ether piccea.
(Fourth Fleer)
and Underwear
Men's Half Hese
24,312 Pairs
rteductlens average half, some, of
course, much greater.
10f a pn,r' three Pa,rs 'or 2 te
" Black and colored mercerized.
Broken sizes.
OKn a Pair. Black and colored
seamless silk half hese : sec
onds. 9Cj Three pairs for J I. )l.ither
mixed ribbed wool half hose.
a pair. Blacic and fancy silk
plated, heather-mixed rlhbed
wool and plain and 'fancy silk. Sec
onds .
75 C a palr' str'Ped 8lll' fancy
,tJK i3e fancv uoei, ribbed nnd
plain wool and plain-top golf hose.
a pair. Fancy wool half hose.
a pair. Black and colored lisle
wool and cotton half hose, with
clocks; plain and fancy silk, in sec
onds. $1.25
a pair. Fancy silk-and-
wool with embroidered
clocks; fancy-top golf hose.
a pair. Fancy French and
. English lisle, and wool golf
:i p.ilr. Fancy silk and
fancy-top wool golf hose
8200 Pieces
Three for $1. Black cotton
bloomers; cotton and me:-
cerized union suits,
Small tizas.
K(rt each garment. Cotten union
tUU suits, lace and shell trimmed
l.nee. regular and extra sires Col Cel Col
ten ests and tights, mercerized lisle
each garment Vests, tn ribbed
COttOn. hicll n,pk. Tnnir nn.1
three-quartpr sleexes; ankle-length
tights. High-necked, long-sleeved,
ankle-length suits. Corset covers In
ribbed cotton, and wool-and-cotton
mixed Mercerized bloomers.
each garment. Mercertzed cot-
.oet-ancl. cotton ests. low necked,
hlenvelctis; ribbed cotton union suiti,
low neck, knee or nnkl.- length
Small sizes'.
Bags at $10.50
Large, roomy bags of
smooth black and brown cow
hide with double handles,
leather linings and geed trim,
tilings. Seme in 3-piecc style
and ethers S-'picce.
Geed - looking, well - made
bags that were nearly a half
mere last month and that no
one need be ashamed te carry.
(Muln Fleer)
Fine Cheesing in the
Better Demestic Rugs
The finest Wilten rugs, are $120,
$105 and $84 for 9x12 ft. sire
$109 and $78.50 for 8.3M0.6 ft
and $2(W for 11.3x15 ft.
Bedy Brussels rugs are $60 for
9x12 ft. size.
Seamless velvet rugs are $48.50
for 9x12 ft.
Seamless Axminster rugs are
fr.-rn ""I i4(6;5-ftfer 912 ft. and
$52.50 and $42.50 for 8.3x10.6 ft
C'eteiith Fluer)
A Ten-Dellar Bill Has Its Old- Time
Power in Blankets
-oiling 8sfe" a"",!" I"""""-t0 """ ap of while
a fact "iSpl.-rda SSZl?
Merce iki!
neck, long sleeves, ankle length ;
Dutch neck, three-quarter sleeves,
ankle length; bodlce top, ankle and
knee lengths ; all-wool and wool-and-cotton
black tights ; size 4 only.
Spun silk vests; high
necked, short sleeved.
Q1 Qpr each garment. Bodice and
pl.OO opt,ra.tep pInj Kieve. silk
ests; open-mesh silk bloomers.
Fancy and lace-trlmmed
glove-silk vests.
OO rtc Colored wool spencers.
OO OCT Plain bodlce-top envelope
suits in pink glee bilk.
Pink glove-silk union suits;
plain bodice top.
4356 Pieces
1 Of Tnree t0T 25c- Cotten este,
v low neck, no sleeves.
9?f each garment.
vests and pants ;
Gnuze cotton
muslin waists.
OjTp each garment. Three for Jl.
White cotton and gray wool-and-cotton
shirts, pants and drawers.
Cft, each garment, nibbed white
u wool-and-cotton vests and
pants ; Infants' wool - and - cotton
wrappers and bands ; ribbed cotton
union eulti.
GiZn Beys' ribbed gray and ecru
cotton union suits.
r7fZn each garment. Infants' woel-nnd-cotton
wrappers; little
children's sllk-and-cotten vests aiid
wool-and-cotton union suits.
Men's Underwear
8696 Pieces
' White gauze cotton drawet-s
50P each garment. Fane striped
balbrlggan shirts and drawers ;
fcru ribbed Winter-weight cotton
chlrts and drawers: natural color
and camel's-halr color wool-and-cotton
shirts and drawers; checked
madras athletic shirts and drawers.
Specials in the
Sale of Lamps
Mahogany - finished candle
sticks, 15c, 35c and 50c each.
Japanese wicker lamp
shades in nine sizes, lined with
silk, in all colors, 35c te $2.40.
Old-fashioned single-burner
student oil lamps, $8.60.
(Fourth Fleer)
Irish Linen Napkins
at New Lew Prices
One let comprises heay, lu'.l
lilcachcd d.imask t.apkine, of
handsome lustrous appearance,
i.e 20x20 inches at $5.75 a demett.
Anether groue comprises rich,
satin-like napkins, woven of extra
fine flax yarn, size 22x22 inches,
at $8.75 a dozen.
The third .jreup in the ship
ment consists of tulver-blfached,
pure flax napkins, exceptionally
heavy and geed for any amount
of service, size 20x20 -nches at
$4.75 a dozen.
(Flrt Fluer)
CI K( eacu garment
Where te Find
the Sale Goods
Women's Stockings
West AMU
Children's Stockings
Iterutiir ftiriUn.
First Fleer, Market
Men's Half Hese
Ileeuler Section.
Slain Fleer, Market
Women's Underwear
i:.t Aiiu
Children's Underwear
RfKiilnr Section,
First Fleer, M.rk.t
Men's Underwear
IUculer Section,
Mln Fleer. Market
75C eRCh Kartnent Deuble-hrcasted
natural-color woel-atul-cbtton
thlrts; drawara te match. Natural,
color and camelVhalr-coler wool
and - cotton shlrta ,and drawer
TVhlte and cream colored ribbed cot cot
Ien union suits; white ribbed cotton
athletic suite; checked madras ath
letic Bulls ; cotton mesh athletic suits;
Plain gauze union suits.
85C Wnter-W!isht white and ecru
ribbed cotton union suits.
O Medium-weight ribbed whlta
v cotton suits: ecru balbrlggan
lUlta, Winter WKlirlif. ..i.-.r.i-
wclfflit :
madras athletic suits,
ribbed mercerized suits.
and whit
$1.50 -Vatural-coIer Winter-welght
v wool-and-cotton union suits :
jnlen suit ;
crcnm-coler miii
SUltS : light . weieht. ulinrt . .i....
mercerized lUIe union suits.
2 ch garment Medlum-welght
J white wool-and-cotton shirts and
drawers : medium-weight cotton union
.ulls ; heavy and medium weight nat-ural-coler
wool-and-cotton union
suits, light-weight ecru llsle union
ou,, B,e.veiess ana knee length, and
bhert Bleeved,
anwe length
$3.50 a'h srn1ent Medium an
r Winter weight pure wool
shirts and drawers; a)ae mercerize
cotton and worsted union suits
White silk-and-wool union suits'
DUre Wnfti linlnn nut,.. .i t
UOOl-aild.retlnn .,;,.. """I. "'"H!
athletic suit. Quantity limited.
faeh garment Pure caih-
Winter weight
i-ic niiina nnu uniu'rn
Quantity limited.
"Jazz Played
Musicians and music-levers;
generally think, hepe and pray
that the above caption, ax
found in a lending weekly, is
The new musu rolls
piayer-planes und dance rec
ords for phonographs beur it
out, as there is a neiahln ).
sence of the "jazzinesu" ence'
se prevalent.
We have about 1500 vecul
and instrumental music rolls
te sell at 25c euch the former
prices of which were three te
five times as much.
(Noeetitl (lall.rj i
New Brunswick
Records Released
This February release of
Brunswick records consists of
a beautiful selection of in
strumental and vocal music,
embracing delightful dancis
as well as the stuteller classics,
(Hecend Fleer)
blankets Hurt re
fe "" ' -SSUr MO.
' la
4) m
it jV
-y.v i
(- r,
' jAA
(tUUi Fleer)