, t AAm -t WP r . H l.t f m j .1 '1 V- ' . , . v . ) " "u '.H . . n ' ' ' . .j-&m a. ?! -i. t'JVei'L . IV -. ii. ' -a .. l jr r&x Vt ' . .-' ' . AL ftraratepi ' . r I ' il ., ."'-'r , '; Wm& aassia ATkatasMr V 1 t'si s sfcusrii sm- Gpti&i 'i'V juisjst 5 ' , U' ' A it . r ' .t . I vy s VTTPSFh e, " 3; "I ITO TRADE SHOW RE AOY FOR OPENING fj0vy Cars and Accosserios te , Be Shewri Moter Enthusi asts Tonight DIS'PLAY WORTH $1,000,000 The I'hlladelnhla Automobile -Trnde Auoelallen will open the twrrit.v-flrHt '"!:..i nfntnnh p uliew nt 7 e clock nn" "".,. .i.ini.ii Mm. flffirty-fetirlli street below Spruce. nis ly of Koedi conservatively valued nt. nearly si.uuu,wu win ecvuiiy imr hi .1 - L..lMltll There will be pcvonty-feor different mkci of cars exhibited nnd fifty nc JJmmj cxhlbltc. Tlicre will be nnvcral .' ears breuclit eii' especially te MtmpllfT trend te meet the do de do euimls of the metering pnb lie. The show committee hnd cvcrythlns In rcadlnesn thla morning for the In In .(Uatlen of the various exhibits. Comprchcnslve data on'liew te get he roost out of n ear In winter weather, hew te protect the automo bile as well at n thorough digest of the meter laws of 1'eiinH.vlynnln, the re re finrecnl moterlnc privileges of every iinte In the Union nnd the customary rulM i of the read will be distributed fa en nttrnetlve booklet. FUR COAT STOLEN Weman Returns te Find Heme Ran sacked Valued at $iuoe mired liv Mrs. Anna l'iznjne. 007 Seiith Thirteenth street, nt $1001), has MCn BlUI'-li. .-v". ........... ...., l,c left her home yesterday en u shop shep nin trip. She bad been sene one hour. Returning, she found the place bad besn ransacked. aMJ3i;ffi3!:ffl!i!i;;!iiiii-TiiiiJiiimiiraBiJiiiiiiraiii'ii:i'ii;iJiii!iiiiiiiD'iH Exquisite! ipiattSia!Hiiii!iiiiii:i;i.Ti3iEiafJM:iiii::!i;!iii,TiEai!ij!!iiiiiii!iii1iii;i,g Butter Today 45 C lb. Sold only in our Stores GIRL, 7J3IES OF BURNS Mether and Neighbor' Scorched In Attempt te Smother Flames f Kvu (larsen. seven mr old, OIK iltnn uticet, died in Mount Hlnnl Hos pital lute yesterday from burns received when her clothing ciiurIiI lire nt the Kiiriicn range. When her mother heard her (.creams, she attempted te bent out the flames. She was badly burned. Mrs. Gnrsen rr.rrlrd her daiiRhler te the Mrect with the child's cJethlnK still wneldering. Mrs. Menna, n neishber, nssistcd nnd was slightly burned. A pntrelmnn took the child te the hospital, where she died hcveral hours later. Damaue estimated at $."00 was caused Inst night when rhlldren plnylnc with matches set lire te n rtiB in the dlnlnc room of Hie home of Mrs. Catherine Urcnnnn, JIL'OO Hpemr terrace. BAPTIST WOMEN TO MEET Mrs. Andrew MacLelsh, of Chicago, te Address Sessions Here A mnss-meetlnR for Haptist women of Philadelphia nnd vicinity will be held next Friday in the Flri-t Haptist Church, Seventeenth btrcct below Chest nut. - The sneakers wlll he Mrs. Andrew Mncl.clsli, of Chicago, nnd Mrs. Geerge W. Celeman, of Uobten. Mrs. Mac Lelsh Is president of the Weman's American Uaptlst Foreign Mission So ciety. HO YOi; WANT A USED AUTOMOBILE? The clnaxMel column of the Public Ledsrer list tome of the beat bargains te be found en pagd l!2. Adv. nrxtotePH wmcrat. Mit re: ITAMAN nAVTIRT CHURCH lEth and TasWer ata, , , Ilev. ADI.DOMBNICA. H. D raster. , 10.30 Servlce In Italian. , . .. I 7i4S SerlcO In English. Subject. "Traitor I of ssir. McCLEES GALLERIES 1507 WAT.NCT HT. Mezzotints, Etchings Rellning & Restoring 'no Framing a .Specially Itl.l.inKIUS NOTIC1M MIc.llnnpei .MAIIY WAHK HlNXTT will eralt en "The night te Control rarpntlioea." Alne MAUDE YOUNOKU en "Th Araena Cliarta for Women," followed by Ulscileslen. Sunday. Jan. 13. a P. M.. Ilread St. ThKOtre. Aunplcea Yeuiiir Uemocrecy. .llitlP-iiitn lirp, I.V-TOIMlV VeiCOine. Ml.r,TiN(is I'eii uiiu.i:-i...m-.i.t) Of Intereat te thenn who P'lt the nible flrat. .Muhlect January in "I'lllNCIt'AI.I TinH AND I'OWUIW IN Till: ilhAVBi I.inH," Mfntlnas ivory Sunday. 3 1'. M,. tnpltl.l Hnll nt7 V fllnM nv. Inspirational Lectures By Prof. Charles R. Erdman, D.D. in the Old First Presbyterian Church, Washington Square . (Seventh nnd Locust Sts.), every evening from Jan. 16th te 20th," at 8 o'clock. Seng Service Begins at 7:45 People of all Churches and the Public invited. Seats reserved for delegations. These lectures arc preparatory te the Simultaneous Evangelistic Meetings te be conducted under the auspices of the Presbytery of Phila delphia in 100 Churches by 100 men from ether cities, Feb. 11 te26. GARRICK THEATRE TOMORROW AFTERNOON, 3:15 W. JOHN MURRAY, OF NEW YORK CITY AUTHOR AND 1,1. CTUIlI.lt Subject; "THE EFFECTIVE REMEDY" op W&t&t&n!r """ l!CCI19 "l3 ",,nd Deers Open 2:30 Organ Recital at 3 o'CIeck VITO I,. -MONACO AT TIIC OKOAN AM. Wl.r.COMK r THK TEJH'LK , nread and IJerka ata (1000 N.) 8000 teata. ., , " Hnmff of lh Grace naptlal Chureli ItUMSKI.I. H, CONWKLu Paater, WH, DYHR McCUnDY. Aaaoclate Paito. J. Marvin ltanna. Mualeal Director, Frederick K. Starke. Oraanlat. Mr. Conwell preachea Sunday. at 10:30 A. M.r and 7:15 P. M. Temple Clierua alnga at both aervlcea. Illble Scheel. Je re I,. Creaae. aupt. 2)0 V. M. Chrlat'an r.ndeaver 0:30 P. M. Church prayer meet- m Friday 'at S P. M. . Klhlal Society ACADK.MY OF MUSIC 11 A. M. . SNGI.t., of Londen, will apeak en "Jeaua Secial Reformer or Prepht7" Frienita CONFETIENCB. 18th and Tlace ata. 11:40. "Our Krlenda' Bchoeta," leader, Kdn-ard O, wllaen. or Krienaa arnoei, iiammere. i 8KRVICKS AUK I1KL1I at U o'tleck every Jrirataay (rtuneayi morning hi ine ut'i Quaker Meeting Iteusn en Montiemery rlke. Merlen, Pa. Thla Meetlrtr vraa eatab llahed In 10S2. It waa here William Penn worshiped. Vltttera cordially Invited te pttend. Mcthedlat Itplacepal Nenrtis 8vabe m. e. crruitar win horn lie eervlcea in St. llarnabaa' Pariah Keuae, Sd and Uauphtn ata. Services. 1U:30 and 7:4H! Sunday Scheel, 3:18. Preehrterlan SECOND rrtEHnYTEllUVN CHURCH 21at and Walnut ata, IleV. ALEXANDER MacCOI.U V. D JtevJ'AtvtN 11. OUnLEY. Aeslatant. Dr. MacCell win preach at 11 and 8 o'clock. Morning- subject la sixth aermen In eerie en "The Lord's Prayer" "Fer rive U Our Debta aa We Forgive Our Debtera." (Why de aome Chrlatlana aa "debta" and aeme "treapasaeea"? la for fer Elveneaa tn Oed dependent upon forgHe neaa.ln man7") , , Evenlng aublect: "Jfelh. Iluat and Thieves .Seme Dans-era te Sound Investmenta In the Modern Age.", , Muale at both services requested by mom. bera of congregatien: 11 A. If. "I Will Bet His Dominion," Parkt "If I Wre a Voice" (alto sole). Woodward 7:30 P.M. Nune Dlmlttls Kaatalslcy "Jn the Ijrd Deth My Seul Jtejelce." nalaUlrefT Itvmn of Faith Krrmsrr "Ued Is Ixive" Shelle Inatrumental numbera, Sunday Scheel and IJlbls Class at 10 o'clock. , ..-.,, . Mid-week service at 8 P. M. Wednesday In Pariah lleuae. Addreai by Dr. MacCell VISITORS WELCOME. ARCH 8TBEET CHURCH. 18th and Arch, ("Will jeu net please aeme day preach n aermen en the Jeys of the Christian Life" 7) In answer te thla request. Dr. Macartney will preach at 10:411 en ".teya That Through All Time Abide." 12 lllble Scheel and Men's Claaa. 7 C. U, 7:30 Ree'tal en the Turner organ. 8 "The Morality of the Oeapel." The fourth aermen It the airles en "Why Christianity la True." If the morality la perfect, ex. tending te the whole area of man's life and meetlnir the deepeat hunger of hla aeul. then the rel'glen must be Divine, Can Chrlatlanlty meet thla teat? . IIBTHLKHEM rnEfmYTEIUAN CHURCH. Ilread and Diamond ata. Itev7 WILLIAM T.. MrCORMICIC, Paster. Rev. 8. R. CURRY, Aaaletant. Sunday. January in. 1022. 10:31) A. M. Sermon. "The Church In I hllad-lphla." ...., , "30 P. M Gbbalh Scheel. "4.1 P. M hrlallan K.ndeaer 7:43 I!. M. "Net Far Frem me ixinsdem." Pretectant Kplarepal CHURCH OP HT. JUDE Nmvm. N. W. cer 11th and Ml. Vernen ata. ilev . JAMEH COPE CROSHON. Hecter. "THE CHURCH THAT'S ALIVE." W1IY7 CONfU AND SEE. 10:30 A. M. "The Land of Beginning 7B:45np. JL "Who Is Your Partner." Everybody la sure of a cerd'al welcome. MEJHIRIAL CHAPEL Ol THE HOLY COMMUNION. 27th and Wharten fts. 8 A. M. and 10:30 A. M.. a special and particular place where ptnjers may be erfered for the heallnir of the mind, the heart and the body; built as an eerlaat; Ing memorial te the Healing Power of Jeaus Chrlt. - ST. PETER'S lVev.nEDw'?IlD"M. JEFFIIDYS. S. T. D Recter, , 7:30 A. Jf. Hely Communion. 11:00 A. M. Morning scrlc and sermon hv the Recter. Th- Choir will sing: T Deum In E Parker "The Rlsln of th Sun" Onaelev R P. M. Brief Service. Short Address and Recital by the Choir. "Sing. O Heavens'' .............. "Come. O Theu Traeler Unknew "Bleat JVs Theu" ... Te Deum In C . . . . "Alene With Theu" ..Tours n," Neble .Oalnea .Martin . .Uallev Unitarian Parents! Hew Are Yeu Bringing Up Your Children? Be Sure te Read "Is Parenthood Becoming a Lest Art?" Featured Tomorrow in the Magazine Section of the Sunday Public Ledger ' Every mother and father will be interested vitally in the startling facts pre sented by these nationally prominent persens: MRS. CAIAIN COOLIDGE, wife of the Vice President and mother of two boys. MISS ALICE ROBERTSON, the only woman in the National Congress. JUDGE KATHRYN SELLERS, 'first woman Federal Judge. MRS. HENRY C. WALLACE, wife of Secretary of Agriculture and 'mother of the biggest family in the President's Cabinet. COLONEL THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Assistant Secretary of the Navy. SENATOR HOWARD SUTHERLAND, W. Va father of the largest family in Congress. CONGRESSMAN HORACE MANN TOWNER, Iowa, joint author of the famous Sheppard-Tewner Maternity Bill. Hcmeinbcr this remarkable series of interviews en the all-important question of the hour appears TOMORROW, January 15, in the PUBLIC LEDGER Ring W. Lardner Funnier Than Ever He gave up "knocking oft between -10 nuil f0 pills per day before it became a habit" and tells hew te hantlle the Mnekurs who go out between acts. Don't miss "Hew te Divorce Lady Nicotine" in next Sunday's Public Ledger. Six Pages of Comics in Celers Kvcrybedy says: "They're the 'funniest funnies' I've ecr seen." And little wonder, with such mirthmakers as "The Gumps," "Mutt and Jeff," "Beeb McNutt," "Hair breadth Harry," "Betty," Walt and Skcczix in "Gasoline Alley." i hij i, ii it444 uc ii yiviu, aiiiiuii aiiHiiiiu a ruuuv uvuivrvunsim MflJlandpeintNciyg, Features, Comics, Sports and Advertising Order your carrier or newsdealer te reserve your copy new. SUNDAY PUBLICgl&LEDGER of Philadelphia It will be a great exlitien Sunday's Public Ledgercensidered from every WIST UNITAMAN CHURCH , 2125 Chetnut at. Rev. FREDERICK n. GRIFFIN. Mlnlater , 11A.M.- Mr. GrlfTln will prenrh. Sub- lect: "Will the Church Endurer; i NITAKIAN CHURCH OF OKItMANTOWN Sunday. Jahusfy 13. Service at It A. M. Re"; ROGER S. KORI1BS..' Minister, Subject: "What '.Maeter' Means te U." .Sunday Scheel In parish Heuse at 11 A M, ALL ARE INVITED. CTRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER 3 J SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR MONDAY Please Bear in Mind That the , Merchandise in the January Clearance and Quick Turnover Sales is Marked at Further Reductions from the Recently Established Lewer Price Level DHERE is net much hope that regular pricjes will be lower in the near future. Nearly every kind of merchandise has come down te a fairly stabilized basis. That is te say, prices in general are as low as they can be at present as based upon cost of material, labor, transportation, etc. That is proved by the fact that very few kinds of goods have shown any decline recently, and that some things show a tendency te go a little higher in the manufacturing market. Therefore, it may readily be seen that it is wise te take advantage of every SPECIAL OPPOR TUNITY that is presented for buying goods at REDUCED PRICES. There are many such oppertu- ' nities in our gi'eat January Sales seasonable Apparel and ether merchandise te be closed out before invenfely or before the close of the season; odd lets and lines net te be re-ordered; special purchases from manufacturers who also are adjusting or reducing or clearing stocks. Besides these are the great Annual Events for which we have made advance preparations the Sales of Muslin Underwear, Negligees, Corsets, etc. Household and Decer',ive Linens, Blankets, Com Cem Com eortables anci Sheets, at iess than prcecnL iuUj-IvI jjilces. Read our announcements in the Monday morning newspapers for mere extended descriptions of the following SPECIAL OPPORTUNITIES: FOR MONDAY WOMEN'S Finest Winter Suits reduced te a fraction of former prices ; fur-trimmed and embroidered Suits of the finest materials, including many single exclusive models, reduced nearly one half new $85.00 te S200.00. Mere prac tical Suits of duvet de lainc, duvet melange, meussyne and veldync new $05.00 te $75.00. NEW Afternoon and Evening Gowns of all the new silks and novelty materials, $65.00 te $150.00. including the fashionable sleeveless White Evening Gowns. New Linen and Andersen Gingham Frecks for southern wear, $25.00 and $32.50. Crepe de Chine and Canten Crepe Dresses, special, $20.00 te $25.00. And Weel Dresses, special at $25.00. WONDERFUL Sale of Women's Coats Mannish Coats- of plaid-back cloaking, new $27.50. Fur-cellar Coats, new $35.00 and $37.50. Fine Belivia Coats, plain and fur-trimmed, $50.00. Odd let of Coats, nearly all fur-trimmed, $67.50. And high-grade Coats with cellar and cuffs of beaver or gray squirrel, new $105.00. XTECK FURS at Great RecUic- J- tiens the kinds you'll want when coats arc laid aside. All fashionable 1 urs, Gelden Special, Monday 3600 Pairs of Women's Ingrain SILK STOCKINGS Werth Nearly Deuble At $1.75 An extraordinary saving for women who share in this wonder ful Gelden Special. Full-fashioned, fine Ingrain Silk Stockings silk from top te tee in, black and in white. They arc slightly irregular in finish, just a scarcely perceptible thinning or thick ening of the thread, nothing that will impair wearing quality or appearance. Sizes 8', 4 te 10 '. Werth nearly twice this Gelden Special price of $l-73 a pair. Vir Strawbndse 4 Clothier Alle A. Centre Q. FOR MONDAY A Sale of Silverware CSelid and Plated) Starts Monday Special purchases augmented by many lines from our own stock marked at reduced prices. Silver-plated Hellew-ware One-fourth te One-third Under Price. Rogers Silver-plated Flatware at Half Price. Sterling Silver Hellew-ware about 20 per Cent. Under rice ) y Strawbrldce . Cleihler Market btreet Cress Aisle ceais arc laiu usiuu. u nl nrnnliwillv nil nriccs- than regular. -every price less FINE Showing of New Millinery the gay little Hats, some that will travel Seuth, ethers te be the most dis tinguishing bit of fashion in Northern winter wardrobes. Prices $5.00 te $le!00. ODD Lets of Silk Over-Blouses, new $6.75, $7.50 and $8.75 the most fashionable Crepe Georgette and Crepe de Chine Over-Blouses of the season. TTSED PIANOS, New Pianos and new Player-Pianos at greatly reduced prices, prier te inventory, afford many remarkable opportunities for music levers and home furnishers. BRUSSELS RUGS, 10-wire, 9x12 feet, at $26.50 one of the many attractive January values in the Department of Lewer-priced Fleer Coverings. BOYS' CHEVIOT SUITS with 2 pairs of knickerbockers at $11.75 one of the- money-saving attractions await ing parents who come here Monday. BLOCH Pullman Baby Coaches, one of the new styles, of split reed finished in cream, gray and white. The special price is $34.50. The Reduction Sale of Mens and Yeung Mens Suits and Overcoats There's no indication whatever thai Clothing prices will be lower than they were this season. Thi3 is assured se far as spring prices arc concerned manufacturers can go no lower, nor can retail merchants. Therefore, any man or young man who needs Clothing had better buy NOW, for cvery'ene of these pncc3 is far BELOW THE SEASON'S REGULAR PRICES: Suits and Overcoats new .$23.50, $28.50, .$32.50, $38.50 and $46.50 Hundreds of fine Suits and Overcoats the products of our regular suppliers, including practically every correct s'yle and every desirable fabric of the present season. Suits with Extra Trousers $23.50, $29.50 i $32.50 new Men's and young men's Suits of ersted, eaisimercs and of blue serge. Twe pairs of trousers te ejry suit insure extra wear, while these special January prices insure extra savings. M Inand!fnV,,nerC0TatS ? Cr?,mbie and ther imDerterl fabrics, 554.50 and 562.50. Londen-tailored Storm Coats and Storm d S7S SeParate Trousers, new $2.45, $4.45, $5.45. $6.45 ana 57.45. v strnnbrldce A. Clothier Second n ,or ii The Gelf Courts Will Be Ready Monday Free instruction by a well-known professional. Use of Courts, Clubs and Balls. -V Strairbrldre & Clothier Fleer l,, rilbert Street THE SALE OF NOTIONS will start Monday with great savings en Notions, Buttens and Sewing Supplies. Beth amateur and professional dressmakers may share in these values everything needed for your spring sewing in the Sale. CORSETS in the January Sale at remarkably low prices. Nutne Self-Reducing Corsets, new model AiA, at a new low price, $4.00. Neme Circlet Bras sieres for stout figures, special at $1.00. Alse special purchases and reduced 'lets of Corsets and Brassieres for women of all types of figure, representing rare savings. lVfUSLIN UNDERWEAR is an -- important feature of the January Sale. The third week uf the Sale starts with special lets at remarkably low prices. Beth Silk and Muslin Underwear included in great variety. . PHILIPPINE LINGERIE - includes an exceptionally interesting group of Night Gowns and Envelope Chemises at $3.95. All are exquisitely hand-embroidered and hand-made. A won derful variety from which te select, at the January Sale price of $3.5)5. CILK NEGLIGEES, in the J French Salen at far less than regular price's. Breakfast Coats, Quilted Silk Bath Robes, N.gligees and Japanese Kimonos of rare beauty $15.00 te $125.00. fJOUSE DRESSES in the Sale x include a smart new model of checked gingham with low waist-line and saucy sash. A remarkable value at $2.95. TVTUSLIN SHEETS, Pillow XTA Cases and Bed Spreads at January Sale prices present unusual opportunities for homemakers te save en these household necessities. Q UTUKG FLANNEL, of stand- - ard quality at a new low price. Attractive striped patterns at the January Sale price of 121 .,. n yard. WOMEN'S SHOES -Seft, comfort styles of J. J. Glever's Sens' make, wonderful value at $4.95. and Strap Pumps and Oxfords of Laird, Schober & Ce. make at $9.45. TROUBLE DAMASK TABLE i- Linen, 70 inches wide, in beautiful new designs. A clear saving of a dollar a yard at $3.50. This and many ether attrac tions in the Linen Sale. STRAWBRIDGB & CLOTHIER II ' II ' I u " I - 1' ri 'J I ti A Sfti KM Sl bh rri u i 'M u U M i sasHa-"" - BiBHsVsM fPtri K t ' -'v'. .-u ,Ny ..AfP -K ' . aitiw ( Tl xjsr Lti.M..t..KiV', n.F'Y v i' Z.