u - ' l. . '- -..i.' 1-J2-2 ' ' ' : ' ' u " .. ewJli I f r FORTUNE HUNTER By RVBY M. AYRES Auther of "The Bacheler, Huiband," "The On Unwanted," etc. Copyright by Wheeler Syndicate, itie. jms nceiNS tiik STenv tin vua and oeoa-iooKno w '" IK TW,.7.U5X-T.M itimtrr rune en I? heir. n' :. X. iii.; .Mf (.(i rfiamm. I'?"!?.... ih dewf man7 ldnlltv et e ncrtfjj 6. ;?m the dead man'e Identity O'""?..? l.J tnllm In lu teifh An M fmll' M'".;i. J-t inliM MIAlHlt MOl (0 """'-.l...!., tftfihhnr. Ferule. ff'iL..i.uidtnHtv, enrt latn Ifcet h "lM,"iJuMrS. AM affirm her faith tiK'HStue Th Fortune Hunter te.ieal W'Jif rith Oteffrv Pouter, a refected Whir toMan.iientd, "Irente." and be- K .mi Aihltn nae Known "B"!""'J I' r'i2 ilr the Fortune Hunter te f"!l SPr In Londen, On the icav te the b'V r.rnlertceanies Mm ae the man llteM W?. ,7 , a mrreman jn e !! V.. "..iih n crrtnte amount e IfaX-JvYhira lame turn p money in Kr i, mm1 fhft eatne nmeunt tun ,.e 5irrIi'i Ofafrv Fetf"". " .lhreeln It 'ffirtXi T 1SnTerielih IM. fcnoieIMM Jer r;KVt..?.'rV... ..; l '!.Ji.ii.i en lendWO Wm mpnti Misraie" "..;- ...,.- nnit thW r. I fr MXwe.rVlM .Yr ' .claim, IJiW'3! 11,11 eoncemwe ir ".V,1V. , atom cU(re "i"' ,'A'J? j"-;r,.i . a Ulltr fine tntnna 'itecSi! th r!a Smith hafinad Anne Hwrfeas. pe ,e Len' tdAH en . t.lM tftt 1iinlni HE looked up nv uiu. ". "" SnLilVrnt. HhC COtllll net KfTfi, et fold of his mouth or the It it dr of his eyes, as Bhe broke out $emetimc'a I wonder why you ever Pmi. Fortune Hunter made no nn & he Smlil hear her quick, shnrp rcVth nn-1 could feel nor cjc uF11 u.... I'J. rears te bclieve In you, nnd-nnd rv.'iVthat when we met ngmn every fei jeliwed te premlM In your let- MP V.i rteht when he uncd te tell WF. Alt ieu ever came back It would R.TWMreB knew I wanted "Don't mnke n Joke of It, Gnrryl It's net n Jeke It's a tragedy, and I tell you that I'd gladly glte the rent of my life If I could wlpe it out or end It honorably." Garry raised his brews. . "Like that. Is It?" he said sympa thetically. "Well, let's hear about It." The Fortune Hunter threw the end of his cigarette en te the read and ground it down with his licel. "It will sound Impossible when I try te tell you," he said unevenly. "Seme, times It seems llke a dream te me, and aa If It can never really have hap pened I I wish te Ged It hadn't nel I don't mean that I It's been the only happiness I'm ever likely te knew It's just n month age new I'd been tramping England for some time I came back from Frisce after I left you you remember? There's a flve-barrcd gate- ever there" he pointed across the flcld " and I was sitting en top of it one evening count ing my last elght-and-twcnty shillings, and wondering where the devil the next was te ceme from, when I had the curious sort of feeling that something was going te happen. "I'm net a fanciful chap, you knew that! but, sure enough, as I walked en through the weeds, I came across a dead man lying In the bracken. "He had no papers en him by which he could be Identlllcd, as far as I could eco. and I was going back te fetch the police when I saw n pocket case lying en the path. "I opened it, mere with an idea of. trying te find out who the peer devil was than from mere curiosity, and the name Jehn Smith was written en the flyleaf. There was n letter from n girl, tee RCVCrnl lPftcri. lint T didn't rlml Ikm all n girl he was cvldcutlv cenilne home te mnrry "neil, I went en: the read led by the river bank and I was lust In tlmp te get a boy out of the water who had pitched in from n punt. He wai a cripple a peer, miserable llttle worm and and he had a girl with him his sister!" The Fortune Hunter's voice lauereu n little, ana he paused for a moment. !',? ,?"" ,9ax?y Prompted him. . wcllr"we,,S !t wn8 e Slrl in the letter the girl that peer devil In the weed wns coming home te. She she asked me te go home with them I was U'pr thrmiM. a! Mit. t i, a.i .... ......., 4 iuuim de j. iveiui vnn she asked me mv name. What did it matter what I told her? I've had hun- .?? of ,nnmes In the test fifteen years I said my name was 'Jehn Rmiiii1 and she believed me! She thought I Was the otlier fritniv." T l,i..i et Garry Cnnnen for the first time, his face het and ashamed. "I give you mv word that the whole thing was forced unen me I'd no time te deny It, or ex ex nleln She she we'l I staved I was very much like the dead man. Afterward, when I went through hii things I found photographs and things. 2 I S!u,(1 sce the likfe's for invec'f S-ta Srtt-. ...bis''' ? i .'a-'rir? 3 M" Tu",'M,.'".. Vr "" , " n.nvkl, :.'"'" """.' - waited for him ten . i .' ""' 1 1 nt ,ir'!t x "'ennt te ten her the truth, or clear nut then then I put it off. till till I didn't want te tell her " His voice broke. nd Garry Cannen couched sympathetically. "Humiih! Well, is 'that all?" he asked, nfter n moment. "Ne (hides lietrnil tn rn nrnn'.. nl ninni. .. . . .:",,,' ' because ecn I weuldn t niir M.ucu."r" ::.. m,i m K n'1 "etrUC , ntllst n te him fte 7r believe him. but new ,kL' umtier you had died than have iTAunTM'hiB face bleak with Sffl. tee. would rather have itied " he Mid nenrseiy. Wi . iv iL i. nn.ild mnre or an- .'eThlB, he had turned and rushed SSj.U her down the ,j ndlng .read tMt ,eu iu ii, ,, ,i,m. ude his tragic "wj " nlStvM blind with the strength of his Lte emotions, sick te the beui whii the tragedy of It, nil. se that he never OtlCCtli a Olg llllieuaniu ui i..u. ..... I...1,... r tlin renduli 0. or ft htOUt. .. .i....,i mnn whit -viis Ktnndlnc nt i.nn ioer. looking up nnd down the M.a nnpprtninlv. until he enred out THE; GVMPSReturn Frem Anether Precinct By Sidney Smith w AW.eV StOE OF XH CAstE ME IS GETTM& tREP OF flAXM6 SECOND .WIX T0 THE A)SWAUN IHERe?. GOT te BE t HOW1OWH- WEU.- VtfftNPW. V- 0 CXAME HECVt iS OVER THERe TeNlGHT- OrPOE SO TOU4WIN0 UfrV COUPLE OF VON LOAP jeat swevs voe vHcr MONEX tot$- VI y THCf OLT TEHCA.N COUUPN'T OUST l CrVRVET IP HE PT)tTT HVE POOQW- Wee tf .ofie Vi 1 WMOM SHE POESN'T CARE Veti HIM- SUtMi TOtt MEBO A "P02EN TIMES - tAU6HEt tKX HrA- WP,tOLEX HAA 1 REMEMBER 5NET TIME I CA.Ll.Ef VP AMP SHE T0Lt ME MO, COULPHT COME OUT- THE PEfcT Vae COMING Vt HE TOLt? ME- SHE CANCELLED MY'EHOAdEMEHT HEV TEAM'S EVE IHOVOH AHp WEHT OUT V41TH HM- LATEUY VfiV ETEP ME LKE IULL COUUECTOR- "V sr 3 JDT er UIM BW HER- LET HIM BMOWETi WEfc WTH ?RECVOV)S (HFTS- LET HIM kEE1 VHE CAMVX TACTORY WKIHO H16HTS- ANt EXTA HEAT IN THE GREEN HOWES - LET HIM PXM3 HER BNCK TO AUSTRALIA - BUT HER HEART VU1LU BE BACK.IH THE STATES, JUST THE SAME-. :edi rPre I Q. O O e SOMEBODY'S STENOGMis'a O'Flage Is Sane Again (?) Yes. I'm all seurtb agaia boss : fiEE.FROM WHAT THEf TELt- ME p J. VUD' nnv& -- i cu i LlkE. A A1UT' EE-A1A6IM GOIW' OFF MV AlOOt-E Cepjrlrtl, 1022. by Public Ledger Company By Hayward JUST BECAUSE I WAS WILLED A MERE 3QOO WELL i ALL SAtfE AG A Duchess im S(JR fiLAD 1 1 WAS WORPlE&l Bw t I'm r w a iaim r " 1 JL fc1 1 I i Jl ' L r -" -wjj I ! AiOVi.ViHAT ARE YOU ACTUALLV ffOIAJS TO DO VWTH 1&OR 3000 ? ViELL , IT TAKES SOME THOU6HT DOAlT IT ! YOU ACTUALLV 1 6emQ TO De Vi 3000 ?J -s' w v n r AFTER I BUV A SPORT V CAR AMD PAY OFF POPS 1 MORTGAGE AMD SET A MOTOR LAUMCH FOR VACATIOAJS I SUPPOSE I 0U6HT TO IVEST -liiiu.f I P tT vs-sUNnAu ,-l-, v- ir.-w jHiL w-0 rrv jr 5 h$fy-- WOULb YOU Ceajsider Selling your BU5IAESS? --r. fifes V) P ? V r ? yry V-PJ- r 'r E MAfWARO The Yeung Lady Acress the Way I Ml. l,e Vrnlre'nff ulth ft PCllOOlbeyibll fell of delight eh the I-'ertuiic Hunter mLi round. "Hy Oud! if it l-n t frnlnglmm ! Hew m tlie iiaini-' I .1! fhflf'U II UP 111(1 YUll V.VI IIV11. It. i.trndn netess the read, his ft jpi wreiithed in Fini'en of Hlieer ilc i.u liix linnd III n erytiKiic new - t V 1-4. ..iIa.iiii A ,inrn(ipn(U'ii in nearly wnejim.-. The 1 ortuue Hunter f.toeu iikc u muii n.,t tn ktnm. l in crimien bloeil rib- Bj slowly te his face s when he spoke ill TOlCe wns nervous mm ji-rny. lOPntinnn! finnd llellVClli! Who WOUlll itc theucht of reeliiR you here?' He Me,! nulcklv un nnd down the lone. nt it wns deserted, and after the bniest filiatien, lie took the liami neiu out je Ira. "fly Jove! And kucii n dwcii. oe." 'nuc litis mere imiurituj uuw mr Tftii ilnnn if?" uarry minion laugucu Knowingly nd winked. v "Ymi don't leek be bad vourfelf. etald with a ulayful dlr at the Fer un Hunter s rib. "lallen en our eel nt lnst-reh' like me! Yea. I'm m of tli new rich for the time being Be rlnnprd back nt thc linnd'eme and try new car. "Wliat de jeu tnuiK et t7 Inn't flic a beauty?" "And jour ery own.'" thc Fortune unter nsked skeptically. My erv own. mv be.v, nnd paid fir," h chuckled. "Ilenestlv, tee," t added mere nrnvlr. "Tlint'H a sur- Wdtt, I'n't It? Whj. the leNt time I ieu, .lirninghiiiii " The Fortune Hunter Intrrruntcd. Tint's net mv nnmc new. if It's all' we some te ion; I'm Jehn Smith, nnd pppeet! te he mere or IfRs respectable, t sailed with hitler Intonation. Tnhn Smith!" the ether echoed re Mthelv. "Well, thev'rn a hie family. hose Smiths! I've known lets of 'em iray time, but why didn't jeu cheese faethlnit mere uncommon? I llke a rlety myself." The Fortune Hunter fduugged hit) ewlders. I den t knew that T had much olce In the niutte'-." he said drjlv. Amnv, that's my naiuc, se if you're i'ln? here " "Hlcs lour lienrt. Tm net. This is nlfe much of a hele for me w hut de call It, SumnierMde?" Spmnici ten It's a mcttv little ifp " ell. T'm nlllv linsyln'- Hirnnnli liw l'nelnnd in ntvle, jeu knew." d h( W'lfllcpil nivntti nlmnrllv Vtiv it? i0 v " C0,nln''' alejiu with me for -. i iij- inn irt me run up te town "nnumV of dins'' Til stnnil nil ttir. '" A clintlKe tlilll. eh! It's iiIuhih IJJi jeu nhe'M. iinld the piper." I can't. llmnkH nil the same. I'm 'mii l m fled uji here for the pros 'i. Iiiter en. pciliniiH. if mu're nnv. w;c about, I may be glad te leek jeu 7. There was u nole of constraint In the Zl llc1' tlie Qtlicr ,U1"1 "(lti lulck te "Oft in Hill' tl'nnliln nl.l linn T ffi'" 1,c !nM 'mnently.' "If jeu' are. -". niijiiuiiR i can de; hut I don't '! tO tell OU. Ynil'vn iel mn mil A UCllt Cllrnpl tnnrA Ihni) MinA " rpi... P. , - ...w. ...U.I. ,.ll... Ull(.l J-liU "f'l'ie Hunter cut him short. ,vnsc, i-m all rleht, at least If U i i n"'i'i"-i "'in iur II iiiiiiilKUl iu. '' ,nwny (,n,s ,ID nulct lane. vns In tieuble, dMperntc trouble. .. i., ' nu mm man and no nnin tar. t18 In a ni,ccr sort of wny ffu tillc "."U1" ue reiK1: te u nule nburd'V' '"..,BU ",enp' ft ,'enc.1 ll! Iniiiv i . '"" uul u"" " nbsureu ei mil 'ntficht nnd Hymnnthy. ItAZl San.n.?n wnB " r01"?1' diamond. '..! ldlculeuH in his exponsiie nti!.' "'." 1,lr8e diamond horseshoe 11 rlBllf nlnn .,J I... .. .. . 6ii h . r i':"lt """ 'lu un suirurc !JW " he laid a hund ou the For Fer ?', A1.11" fr'H arm. .vWh hear what It is. old bev! I ?n . t "? t,ew, en 3ur luck e '..'Ji Mt (, "u you. I biippehi !Tnlency )y t,lfi Cllt f Joer teit BV.J"10W ,ln'"ed well it can't be 1 1 i . J0U ,uscr ,oelt ,lt iM T&Fortiine Hunter lauithed reushly. vT" nu a wninniiV" m ...!,.. ..1 riUrtlmc!.i',e' fl,lrry' n ""' i '"'fj tniinnn ,.i...t.i 1.1.. n... .... "I il..,.. ii"'-ii inn uiii into a 'V,,rnwi' '"It Whlstle. '''V.en't'i'r.!'1 ,M " e tte.nl... 'MuLJh'iV""1 "'" hni e jeu 'M It V Iho Bu''l N".' who deemi't most nt once, of course! I did mv best te fiml out nil about the real Smith, but it was difficult. Then there nan n ivemnn in Londen, and she wrote, nnd I hed te open the letter. Sha was a sport in hop own way she hMned me for a consideration." Iliq voice ivu.i bitter. "Meney?" the ether man asked bluntly. "Yes ten thousand pounds. I don't blame her she had te leek after her self, and she told me mere than I could ever have found out from any one else. The fellow iveb rich, but a swine Up h dead, nnd Oed knows I'm net imlginir him, but I'm no worse than he was." "And they still think you're the man?" l den t knew; sometimes I can't- nn sure, inere s an uncle n decent old Chun nnd the bev Temmy! a mean spirited little devil. What. ere jeu star tup nt?" "Nethlns, I theucht I saw some one in the hedge behind you. but I think It was a horse in the field. Ge en." Thc Fortune Hunter finished his s-ferv; he fi'led In nil the details he could remember, sparing himself noth neth Inc. making the worst of hl own wise. "And new she's heginnlne te distrust me, he ended, with n mirthless laugh. "Lately eiervthlrnr's roiie awrv, and se I thought If I tried Indifference lettine hrr think I didn't eare " "When veu de care llke the vcrv devil!" (lurry Cannen intercepted shrewdlv. The Fortune Hunter made no answer. fJnrry laid a kindly hand en M arm. "I suppose jeu want iny udvlce. eh veu've told me se much, old son." lie said trrniely. "Well, here It is ion tell that Kill the truth! Tell her 'the truth as inu'ie told it te me. and if she inres a tinker's cune about jeu " The Fortune Hunter shook his fileiid's hand nwnv. "I can't -mv fJed, I can't! Te tell her I'm u finud nnd n liar it's impe-sihle. I tell jeu I lan't de it." There wns n profound silence, then Gnrn rnnueii snld drjly. "Well I don't pretend te under tnnd wenien soed women, nt legist' I ii t if I were jeu, tliet's what I'd de The ether way xeur nuj sounds lerv cruel, and that's my opinion. It mlRlit break her heart te tind jeu're net the utiKel she seems te think jeu are, hut I'm net se sure! Women like a man with a splec of thc blackguard nheut him hut ifs n hun died te one It's Knlns te brenk her heart if ion let her think jeu'ie had enough of her." He smoothed a crense in one of tin ery new gloves, frowning homily, thru he broke out again: "Yeu're n lielieier In luck! Yeu're ahvajs lammed that fact down my threat ever since we llrnt met. Well, whv don't leu belleve ieur luck will held new? I belleve it wilU Stick it, old hey! Stick it out, and something will turn up ; but don't go en In your way ! It's a rotten trick te let a girl think jeu're fed up with her: it hurts 'em mera tlinn an) thing else getn their pride en the raw. se te speuk." The Fortune Hunter shook his head "Mj luck's down and out." hn said, "and it's all I deserve. Thunks fur listening te my whining, nil the Mime, Lut the best thing jeu can de in te for get it. I knew I can trust you, any ii a v." "Yeu can!" said flurry Cannen olo elo ole n.uent)y. He fumbled in one of (lie many pockets of hlu expcnslie over coat, and produced a card. "The address en there will always find me if jeu want a hnl," he said. "And it it's money that iilll help Uy the way. hew did you pay the woman off? Th ene w)e wrote from Londen. The Fortune Hunter flushed. "I lini i ew ed two thousand, nml sent her that There's u fortune uniting for me te spend If only I'd get the puck, but somehow eien I &tlek nt that." "Well, jeu knew iihcre te ceme if tneiiey'a going te help you out." CONTINUED MONDAY p . . The young lady across the way sajs their coal dealer seems te be Mich a nice man and she is sure ei cry ten he sells contains thc full 1300 pounds. EXTRA SPECIAL OPERA GLASSES By FONTAINE FOX 5e -CHAT frit fen aeY vHe HAS Te sit ir4 TrtiS te SCAT CAK SC SeHtfHlHG of YH& SHev SCflOOL DAYS pt$ v ew lfe KAHg A p wenAN PETEYThe Shocking Stocking i ,, & cTA WMtr HBrlfci KHEjalT -' ' By C. A. Voight MYMAEL, NWHAnTHE IDfA, 1HC Clcr, V1CAW- 'LOOWtlJ STn"UillL w "'i' vimiii wm OH .These are1 3U&TTHETH1K16 pep VHtVllNTet?. RPECIALt. lUlttS SMOW J GASOLINE ALLEY- WjW. vm. y "A Mem if 1 Ihe snow is V arrmttj' MRrB A Vete, I nzsr" -A Thirty-Year Program I I vc BttN "sTOKINfe VwiTU CeLfRH AND dRAPePRUlT ane Spinach but Ne Foeo- reK. me WFCKS Awr iir LOST JufeT SIX miM-P.i ALL TMe EVEROSC I'VE HAD FOR. A Menth is wnwne TWe Cleck i Hi iil x I 7.i -T W) 1 M If M K "V 7'4t. ti " XX By King ive Cot Te me Something Mere strcmueus Something- Te Turn mm sropee up calerics into MOP-SCPOlWBft AND DEUELOP Mf tXOORAsNCE HOW IF I Keep eh Dewer THlS ElERf DAW I'LL STILL BE ABLE TO Oe IT WHEN VOU RE MV Sue". Skeczjv! ,' ,i '4 By DWIG - l 4- ! ,ten . ii. .: mmw 'cm. i n i Hunter roughly. v -JJ Ml t Mi ri'.i- ft.-r i i