, . II' f. i '. . r-X . ri. I. 1 . -- - . . ,' I' ' ' Bli hit Ow W -BX .A v ' V u. , r . r.i - . . . - REAL B8TATK TOR JAM 18 ACRES 1 COUNTRY HOME ONLY $11,000 11 minmei bv auto te statien: 10 room stone Colonial mansion; modern, het-witer he.it lawn, old shade; stable, garage electric lights: geed soil 3 acres of fruits; itnm dia-e possession. IIKALD k SON. West Chester I'a. WYNNKI'IKI.M Sraairaiifflj tunicinaiamrsiiiiniiniiii WYNNEFIELD l!i. atihiirhv Bf tlln mi can Imagine for such nr.rw.rl- This Is the home ne 11 recommend te fill - our. require g men!" en Gravers lane ., minutes a Irem the elation a atone iletn-had m home in a 70x140 ft !e liln g room dSnln room ean'r kpchen laundry and n-Mes.d S3 perch 4 bedrooms and bath i,n H the second fleer and 2 bedroe- . g and bath en the third modem g conveniences Ask for M l . a WmRWlLSON&Ce. j Merris Buhding I imBiMBiiMMini- REAL ESTATE SAL! JOR RE1M T03lTS. "3OTH ST. Whsrf railroad s'dlni:. I. m r,nl sb-ds fei eal yards e Tnilldiiiff 'vr '"-" C.F.SIMON. l!2S. 1 6th St. REAL ESTATE TOR RENT CITY Near Bread and Wallace Sts. i. 122 3 nincr. .x r An Automobile Sales or Service Station wii, b rected en le cen'sli nz J7 uO) feet anJ lixvin: 3 it"et fronts. A tenanl can s ue lease for ' ,ni'i. prepcrf or for one ei te unl.s ' i feet each or xn uf ,1 "in fw. I hve will all b en ih,v Nki tleui a,.d ha.e oeJ light HARRY T. SAUNDERS 31 8. I SI II ST lUUKDivri: pessessu-n 2424 SPRUCE ST. Th-ee-terv brick dwel'lns: Ten rooms ai.d hsth GIP.ARD TRUST COMPANY IlieJd and Chestnut sts llnslnea Prenertles nnil Stores RENT CENTRAL STORE (50 ft. north of Market St.) Ideal Retail Location Will Alter te Suit Tenant HEYMANN & BR0. WIDENER BLDG 3Cm.C.lminmirj'ITJU'Tirr'lI'!lrtilIi; WALNUT STREET i LOCATIONS srrrwiLK fop. a R.XI'RRS IIROKKRS I XDIFS XPPXRL.I. fl shops, ffriukrs, ktc. g 10 WALNUT. 20x100 3 1321 XVAI.TT entire hul.ding. S 11S W XI NUT. 23xl.'H S EDGAR G. CROSS I 1411 XVXI.NCT SI" S -iiii',ciiiiiii;t:a:ii!rii:i!unii:;iri.iiiij,!n!:!1in1 CIIKSTNLt ST. STORK XV-st of 13th Stie't l;xc. len' for anv high giaiia merman lis.ng busi ness ALBERT HALL-LAND TITLE BLDG. iiiinilBMi5 ROOM 20x90 HKAT KLKt Till' l.l'lll ' 17TH & LUDLOW STREETS JOHN G.U WILLIAMS OIJ UND TITLF. HLDO Schuylkill River. West Side Seuth of Chestnut jn . 21 OOii aquare fe, wharf, vlih rallr-nd 1 ding. C. F. Simen. 112 S. 16th St. 1R1I LL'DLOW ST. Three-story hi' hiillillnir suitable and lilOHI issuable location fur shop or business purposes leasonaeie reni . n , , J. C. FULLER. 10 S 1 .th it Factories. Warehouses. Xlnnufarliirlng Himrs 45,000 FT. FACTORY FLOOR SPAlK. HEM' 'KLEVXrOR SERVICE. NKAIt 3.U AND AlARlvKT WM. C. BENKERT. 1421 CHKSTNIT iag OFTIPKH. IIUSIXKfrl ROOAIS. F.I C iMiiiMiiiiiimnnnnT I i i ... ail II -am I OTIS BUILDING 16th & Sanson. Streets Spa co for Rent 250 square feet 000 sq. ft X. I80O;sq ft . 12 30 te 13.00 per loot. A. D. WARN0CK OTIS HUILDIXO SHUBERT BUILDING 250 S. Bread Street w i. VI1.T.AXOVA is- $ VILLANOVA fj Attractive brick rafdenca AJ and garage, with about one hJ acre of Itwni renulnlnr 12 rooms. W4 . M 3 hatha and 7 chambers; reason M r,. rl ably priced considering the leca- M rr' tt. HIRST & McMULLIN & 1 WEST END TRUST BLDOyO. g WAVNK I i $3 r-r ' lg II rjs 4. .5 rMl A Till A T. r-Lrk fM't. mi III tf f IllVf ;V Wpt 4kMt JWlf Wf f V III IMUIUX. V BERNHEIMER & SUNDHEIM 00 8. BROAD . i aT .c .W..J i REAL ESTATE TOR REN cirv erncca, . in. mnksj. boem8.kto, 23 H. 1STH ST. Dealrable. well-ltghted room; milt office or atudle rent t'i.eO per month, J. C. FULLER. 10 S. 18th at. wkht rmiADKi rniA aMBtWltBlliffilllllB DENTIST or DOCTOR Cor. 60TH& WALTON' Wll.l. llL'MODKr. TO SUIT FIVll ROOMS AND U VTIt KERSHAW & CROWL B 5L13 ClinSTNTT ST riiitnxi.iuuiiuJmi:ii.nn;ini:mkH.r-flHninkmKi.iiiii!U,iiiuni.iin;imH!ii;i!!iiiunu' 69TH ST. SECTION Rem I.'-ml n- tu Raraa. Inclesed ' kit. hen e id imi I., t l.lri 'instlle bt h fn -eje $'.ll l' IT Jlltb JJI. Al 'i .1 t.nth and Maikei t . P. O 0J( Phene t nsde n 2HV tnen S'tndav 4 - - rtjlt dimtir. licjkfasl ins. riAMiVI VM -riirnA k -rjir.nl,v AHIM.TOV iR MO. KVrKllENT 1.01VTION HERKNESS & STETSON 1 ,M TITLE III.1K1. nnn $25 TO $60 In Dar sem. rt- t . w n Phene ltl. Helm Pel- i tie 310-18 MX IN ST DXHFY PA SWOPE & SON MORTGAGES BUILDERS' ADVAN u"VjIS!5? er'Vm-V .Pn'W1"-' FRANK H. MOSS &C0. 518 Walnut St. MORTGAGES FOR SALE ON NfW PRilPf-IlTIES COMMISSION n li l f.ii v i..- . ..- ROBERT D. HAMILTON P.P.OM SI' XNU SOX'EKll t UA 31U.nl: V UN II XNU LUi FIRST Af.qe m de sFfflNn THIRD. ijC-XJlU 1I1IIM- AND LOAN MORTliAUKS I CAMERON &BARR,.,v.oI"3.h.e REAL JEST ATI, PORSALE tir -lll-JIO!) 21I7-21IH llltX.NHVW INK b I" I3U-IuJu-1..3u-1iOI .Ni.ttn st ., r -eiiis. .' Il-.'li:-l34.",-t347-.'l2. !'ilts 8ifl-n. i ..".i i.UO-lil tl-jll J.JH3 ilrreu. 1t:.'.,-1712-172.V172i Alt Xerini. l5llM'JJl-Jlll....iKH Wall.. ; ' IJ4-Jll-XV.7.'2-.'3.Vl .V H.lll l .Ii-M.i:l-S1A .N l7tli st IIOI-01V42I lerneri N IMh si 114,-vtll liurli.ri N .'21 1?1S Melen and 1310 I'e.f 10x71 lull Ridge m- , ster' and duel uw 101K Falnnnunl iue . tur. store . i.irl.iug 1U3J.2003 ( elumbia me sti.ies i I " 431 N T..M. Ill r. eins. e.is lerilis. la.rfl.t H.lu 1'enl.ir iiear Mriud t . 11 niius llinUKJtl) II WOUIlril.l. A Ctl 333 N l.th Xl.NK NKXIl '.fill .si'- 11 20U aq. tt . .U..I i Minis ''il lnjlue. 11.11 ten iied ni 13 11 a' S.'x'.lil le N tfll.li. s. j Suinm-c, n-ar liLh si 130S te r sire.i Uxinrl ni-a llrea.i s 01x00 .einer. S.iininer near loin si duxlun te i lire. In ile Heard 233 N 13th .11 N tlTH "II1 Ter., me s vi.it7in building 4 ' n wa eheu-e m tai 17x11 e l1 a urn . 10 h ..i t x vfl s.s . lur-i'eiv brie l.U 'litis hi ui nineDi.es .luxOII. i ' it ner near l.'l'.ti hi stury bn. i. bulldnu. J d cii-rn sts - Three ati ret from XRT1IUH IIOSXVKLI. M-ml-r of Phlad-lplun He.l K,iat Rear.l J.11 N. 1.1th st " 2037 "N0RRIS ST." .even rinni hi . bith hjt wstir !i-u .'.c i Matit: v.r nie-leta'tf i 1 1 - OXX'I.KX' '.'il Pin., si Ih07-O'l-1 I X XI.Nl T SI r.7xHD f't for Sinn ime 1.0S Ar. n si . .'II73 fet iei 17.x 000 20l7 Chesiriill st . S.'.li llell X up y I la v II II XV e I nl VIl'iT "' .1 11.11 K WKNSLKY ST. Te-slnr- bile duel1 nit t looms bath and she.l reitn nideM'slncl' 12IHI0 easv leim. Jl'i.ln ash .' blei ks from Allegh -n aie station I'ranU fnnl e'eiulej .pU Koeinil 4N lib si. UOii" CASH RKOI IRI'D t'firrh front. 0 rooms, tile ball, epi li tlieplace .ttriil: snd gas- .iut-war heat: .111.' N. Uth su ' 1 or particulars iall Weud.anu 41114 1. 1314 PARRLSH SI'. -Tin 'sterv dwelling. 1 r i-'.u rt heues let 20 t 1.5. A-l in- i .sitnent or buslm ss site L. Al. Sanders, I lllil Land Title llldg. Phene Lac. 28IQ. TtlRKK-STeKV leiniuer. ml huiiuitiK jd ."id llrewn, modern, newlv built, sultxb'e, for ( anv line of bu.ln-.-x. peis. .mlen luue s. ft I If.. n)i Fe'dmm 2"H Lincoln Iild.-. l.ARUK prepeltv. tilth and hpiuce, ..egintl location far phisnian or sparttrint liutike li ii'i Keldmsn 2fH I. ticeln Hldg I-SHAPKD LOT i otitrellltig leth nnd llai. sts. 12. a sq. ii rem. nnu i,i, price tl . ins) ARTHUR JlOSXVl.LL. a.I3N IJJtl. i-I3 N .'L' lli.'ht ricns uul iiath nrlinle d.ielll'iT Attn r.iiMirt. imir -n r.l. iilrexi xirp. jjh.' N 2d IVXRKHO SK 2'illli fll a i te of t'.c.s il i 0'jU I 1 h i tf Mai- i0741. HinANSUXl opposite Cust rn II fronts. 11x52 ier. des ra'.le .nimble Win ltalersl, k. 4M 1510 XV. HVZZ.RD Harg.. n room beuse ITillO ( ish XX'a . il' ii;T SUN 15iii J133 N CAAIA'" ST - l'. is modern nluml.ln fin.. , lllddle. I1ill I'nliimbla a' M.'AII leTH 1 (HUMID X' sen's J3L nst 111 loe t7 XltTlirfl IlllSXVKLL 2.11 .N l.lth at 3JD fiT . N. 1027 Ab I'rn dg 1 rooms xnd bath. 1 sq from Park. Applv K .1. ELLIOTT 1112 Chestnut t .I"llbeitBS38. OnDhlN' ST. 2'i.ltl S en 100ns liiln al, large rooms. e .tri' llahts. liciinlry tubs r l nl j: J Klllutt I M2 ch.-sinut Kil 3s3S X E COR UOCICLXND AND CAM XC XII ,. edern imernien ri.r. u u i.ir;ui.i. XIN.CnliUl Tiust I'll'.- lliOG V Al.XII. Iv I. ii med nnpi eiemenis II H Lleberman.Culi.in.il Tfist llldg Jllil ?i .' .Tif--T.u7l buv tlna mud liems nftee prjidng etjhersjn tow. Ill ir.iend 30ji 3uT.' 8UJ2 HOI"'.' 3iiS1 IIKLHIIXD'e. 1vU. A II. XVII, f l.X.XIS. 3J2 Wslllilt. THE KERNEL f. . r-X.'. -TrkA, T CiAOiiW. eO A.R6 ReCKtMG It. 10 UtAV. iet.fTmNG WFUL' X.'S . f.P,. .rYX. . '. hd A .r,. ' s k 1S y-rS 'I .l MeMEu-rs , SH .' fnv vSSrBfc fi !rMlr m V nHTit.! 1?IE '3 T 1 L mm, aMa.a " ' . A I 'vi . hi -.... bi... v I -.-. S '.erttJ ,sikvvI.jUj.-L irfiSJkite.', . itSJidkArr-.. . . . .. ..,): i i YENING -PUBftt REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY ItulMlnic Lela. Factory Htle. F.le. I WS.iil'M'E,v'ir,,n1cr" ,n V19.1, . W..r .J2"-ftJlln ...UclerlM' l ' low ).. a tul eanv f Arm . it.t-ii i ;"; .. ::j'p.u ... i th. railroad, r. nn:.. r.nd ncalli.r; szevv enil Tlsadlntf per acre and up. DIKTEHICH. 73" Walnut lliislnesx Properties nnil .Start j COHXER STORK. establlah7d43" years' as 1 u imlltV und g Ma" furnishing, nun buy stocks and fixture xerv ch-nu rent. ni deal era need applv P me, larger Office. -001 OKHALXXTOWNAVK.. Ver". and ether th huwM it-rinaiueun ave. properties in mm ai ctlen. Adams. 1)32 V Li'hMh. I ii niifarlurlng Floers textile cn hosiery .mill, "i.e.n. dim.. .e.0i ni ft fleer spice; power ulant. part pess'seltn. lulance within 1 vcar. IK YOli lme fnrterles, fleer spacn for sale or lent sen us. w ha clients wnltlnn. J I.Ki: PVITON. Ijlnreln . nil i .ii. luilll.w warehnusrs, rallreai's; can llnanc. DIKTi:iUClt.737Vlnul. rArTOIUKS. wareneu.es. floors, laiiil. J. U STKVIT.VHCIN ,t HO.V l.ind Tl'le Itlilif l Stores nnd llwelllnce i -31 V linAtSUAVi: I'nrcil' of loin.- ' fftahll'.el de'Ca'esaen business; n'lst be " "i AAULtst!- JlOWalnut t. TBN rooms and store, inwlern p.inili't h:'7,,r,.c ?"..,J'r.r-nk rtr' . '' 'tati.n. :: iSI2'' jwnnwen i' Wi:s r PIUI-MU:i.l'lll ; - l.tSS thsn rent pavs fixed iliar. ..", ,n"rtsa;e Insialltnent after sinsll ."" namiynt: you can't rveii tie this; One. perch. front home a , 810 te 3I mum iiaa;' c OH 2l nnd Maikei. ". ..!.. ,-Mtl '" ."'IU aui;iiktuv injs J"hestnnt IIIRKIJ-aTOitY direllin. Haurd-A H ' ttentlnir Presn IIjsu.iiI greiinl. ni; repaired throtiuheut EDWARD V. LANSDALE - . 712U MAT r XT 5717 CHESTER AVE. Sml dftach',1. In looms, het-watet ecirln MkIm tin I'.-ln refrlg-rater nmiirn nrv nietierii imprernient nr.u . i.imnTnH ft;ui - - ' 4423 SPRUCE ST. D. Inehe.I tin n. Lit II. A .-..I, l.n.. .1 ......... r h.iibs, cUeirp It. it en ll'nilra. price S M ilAYI-l-.Y. lHlllplti.sl 13011 CASH puis iuii In p.isssfen nf" iml- eru L'-iten uc.ic-h-fient dwelling, het Wdtt heAt. ni..p.. Hall's hardwood floors. t. .. no cliars- f.ir n.nani tng and mnnthlv cirnmi M UKAN . IlilLMAN i. ead and Che.tnut ..SJJ POP1 11 r . sterv. Ini-leseJ peich ; rooms ml a Ii hed. stationary wash tubs elr uiit nnd mnheganj finish. Dutch i iiaii .. ' .7J'. ' -V.i I"'-.""!' "nan -vl I 1180O .lrlm II In e r..'37 N 20th. ripsa 0J 10 I .1'", , ,.m e'm nuine minnrnnv jihil.uhh. Jlllsll Dill, h ha I .lee Jls.. 111(10 Cnlnr.l st hlld t 1 mr Itii.v fA.ilii, n. ....r... i , ...w. t. iiuiii i-i. i. i.ia. j .1. .'pvllle Ste- pheneirajrdJtl.ig O'.Ne.il. r,7;M Chester ave. .'.7 JltiXXi IMX I-HHIIAUK Tnix re.mV.mri bath mi drn flr.t-c airs penrtittn t..., t i.i.. i .......'".-"."'.." ..-." i;w. ivater heat tii'tniii Inundt v; ncwlv n'ilni.,i and Parn-.-d. rciMiuulu price ad'i or tir.tnle.s ' MUNTHH rt.ni"' sing, .ion, inm r.3lh at .ectlen siyiiii tow rr,.8 ,mr, ale. 10 O .'I 11 toad or pi one Oivn r eves Oiej-Urnnl: 79711 'ii nl'K ... in r ii"ni).rt.-H. .iHiii.i.erii 'mp 7 and m riietn.. slng.e ninl dn.ib'e carages. mutsiuhI .ftlen lin .Ma.", Klnir. n Stati n W.-m Phl'n.leiubi "S.X ntlTII T.ir .i.ir p..r.h-frenl it,.,- li i joins, -li . mv.nl"ii(- lu t ilnell. rf. I... " ' l!(ili:vns tun xvnlnut st. Pli'in.' xx'ainui ie;h lliillilin. 1 11U I'm ion .lir. Lie. COIINKR LOT f.in 3 ".lrr." hen"".,.- tlen XXfSt Phlli.lelphla xx til ,ak. op.,, atlen for about ) -ste-v .famllv houses r.B0iiRbe t-tin-. m,ed ihiince rer resien Mlble bullil.r. iiisi:ph fkldai xn iju. j.incein nid-. lif'.KMl.MllUN USUI LINCOLN DIHVi: Spacious s'nn heus with center lull i" until.. 3 bitll. iirK. cle'els. .i..i!. I.il-ilat-i heat, Kairm. l.irg.. let. n li- tijt.fiii f.eu In n beautiful lorat.en at nn attracili" ..A ANSI.KV UlyClliaTNl'T ST A I'KW yry "de.it.ibl-"dwellings; ilrnnns and bath, perch front, son', nil), .Wlrk H.htliiK. 132UU 10 lliiiin. iilheri 11 ip. het water. .;., tile li ir,lv,.,i, floors. ti , tr,iine It. PXKI.KR .. SPXKTII L'0 C,.t. ,, av.. xipen Sundais. pli.ue Hal. i.n ills" 1311.1O six rooms ur.I Inth el-c l'.ht l.iundi v tubs und and 4401 0 7 .-.)' Tl il I. all r conveniences Prene iui. I, in. '' I'fclll litis . iiii it hi i..Mi - ii-ii... ave 171 MANIIHIM ST I. jr ILulei i -i hi... li-li.M ae lleulej i story resi.ieiic.. rooms .xn.l hath. i-. iricifne insnitien all day Sunday: near. Sears. IlRllt. room fur gnrage .".'".".".""n .it s.t- il-lnent, XIIDDII J 1H"..SI:LL ll40 XXane Hie XX INDKH. 233 li FP"AL SI' ic.tn ) Tlirec-smt . mud em c irnr peicii h.'U." I bedtn.ins, 2 bhlllH sleejiIlK emch. I'lien- t.tti 2.'7s XX. FOR AIODKRX iip-ln-laie hguiM In Olnev ! HAUL 1'XHL 321U N. 3 1 s' XX je " ! ! .2.1-2.' . XX. I lIII.P." AX I -i rni. I. Il -l h.at. elec , llic'nel poi"". h " 7i -. !' P SUM V'li'l N 1.1 .t XVin .-,;..i( , $4700 Six i.eiii. nnl batn. he- it- ele.-trlO li-llt. D'ltcll h.lll i. lilt heat. TIlXlX RLAI.TY M 17th nl!riea . eii i m: OAK I.X.NK siucie. h -v garaife, let 2." li- ii lit if ul .e atlen modern bent, turitiieiiil ilnei , ne.ir xl.Ml (l!; I jn Mill IIFMIMI PXKK AUK veu looking for i hnm. I 'i tne lluntin. Ketn. 40lil N ;th t l l III K1IXN 7."ii).i llutihln.en st. Par . etllntl-" S PKNNXLVXN IHT.'.il Reduced frniii lefleiv Rockland st 2 si. ilKldUal garage Klinuer r, all ceni., in UKent ..n prein HXI.X CM .11 A1UDLRN IIO.MK... s-nsihl planned, gee 1 construction, tiuw tieau built readv l. .prim-, u It cnni'Mtil. in . a nd aicitnlunla tleiis for ieri. fmiili .' mm te X.'." OO'I WAI.TKR S Sf I III. III. X"- Ii llala Cinwid I'l.ene CinwMl 21.' 107 Xlsn'e a. IIXXMIIIU . . AlUDKRN ail-none ilvll. uns tu..n i pen ftrep'u. " dllillM ' 'kras' lentii. i-llclien. pante I I e iroet.is n bath abiinel, nillsbe.l a ltl. 11.'.'.' , i:i:e I, HAHNKS I20t Chestnilt XXil In"... ( iii.i.inc.dxi.x: III. 100 etc -DKTACIIKD 10-soem linn.e. elrctrlc. Ir Jit tnelhuusi , let 30x15" SWOPE & SON XI ."ili. is XI MN . T. jil I IIY I'A I'llMMN 117 . 4T1I Va.arit "te seti- ai.e'iiu. 7 rooms, h.alcr bath ta "t t'.ixlU'j te street, suit kui i; m.d-r.iie pncii and turnis. .WOPi: sON ..III M.n s' DaMH. DXItllX ..'nil' pa i g i h li i .en end cut 0 j r xpel sr list. ai leus b bull . SWOPE & SON K.l jour liem. gei hjeclal sale .uh vrlr Hl-11 AIAIN ST. I'XIlilV P.V side said home. . MOiei t s lurbi' 114 N .1) .S'l etn tr n l SXVDI'l 4 i .. n ei 10 XI S IN r.l I NslDF. l.L'ILD- NNINGER (IIBUIK PX Oi'P STAllpN HEA TlUlT.einer pi ,p. ru , let lr.xl.Vi. Meiie li is hnm p-iss nlbe cur ColenlJl inc.' em li..iue. 1711. XVAI T Li I'.OilKRTS e.V Uliiislde Pa prone .. RE.XIiJliKLKD a'l-brsek stu"c"ll -m. house better thai. ne old shade elegant loco loco Ien fdoeu bargain XV.XI I' II ROHF.RIS Ir yiA' i;iMi;.e. Pi I'h.jn.. Ojjmda2 JKNKINIIIUX FOR SXl.l.- i'Mipeitles ranging from IHUOO te 13 DOu .ii tlie i ry best le atlnna. thernughlv mlrn min.rs a-e Uaiing this secllim mil th properties will be .old lln pcSM'saien mi is r prb ea JKXKIXTUXXN 'IHFST COAIPA.NY Jeiiii.iitewn. I'a AREtA-C Yd rt al-. 1 ' .r. v,., . , .,- 'I - j ! v x" i jk i - err c .-" ... i . - ' REAL ESTATE E OR SALE nkiv jersey aunvnnAX llnllitlng !.. lONA 30x130: $273! "toss te -lallen. lahf. - -hln;. beating, fishing: hourly trains te Mt.n .... . riim . . .tirs't. wa "',aurv" j-vn . vwwB, "" 11th st. l'l.ene Walnut 1101. I'KNXHYI.VAXIA FAItM.S , S-ACltU equipped farm cend neil, with, hulldlnts, horse, cow, thickens, nnd ImpleJ menls Inc'ud d! enlv S2CV. with term f nrt s wllh 'J ts of liulldliiRs: lets. Implements and harveattd crepi Included, '300. .... i. Ici.ir .i equipped farm: II miles from cltv of V adln. weed seil: 3 hera, 4 ciwa and a I i rinlemi-iiis and cretis In hirnt nnly JBBilO. with 1 1 Sim down; ca-v term. II y farms 1 le :.'0i t,iei. SicMl 11t Just off pnai. jf. r. Dir.r.ei.K t)oyrtewn. I'a. m:i)KOnt) Ceunlv fru:i farm. 1.2 crai V-le-.m nniise. tMitiyewtvne:bsrn. 40x70, pactdn anO ateram bulldliiKi 1 huUd!n In "ic-H'-nt cor.dlilet.- It'll nppl.' " f,'!"u rP,rh e.'. income Ut year 122.000. Par- dfnwNvAvrr !ivf.ipmk.nt ceup'N 1 . Ill V urn n'n .. II r' -"' -' I'a. r,w4i:ni:Y faiims . STOP! a"R"e!aL SACRIFICE ,.ihnii.iiiiD: e-c'iards. atram. etc.: I3.0O: - .. irniXfi iiniiaa na m nrlH lb "111 1012 O'enwen-l, Ph. Cel. 1280, .. . 'i a ui. . tM-m1(r fnttn. 4-room house, hafn. a poultry, '?" ."' ,v!l .... ' .i,.i . ' mnntv fruit: don't delav, II. D Marl. 44 N. Hermltase nxe Tren- Inn. V .1 . 10 CrtES fruit bearlnie app'ei. ''.'' ".,-.v,.i,...i.. maiadam read: 11 miles Phlla. Albert .un..r.... - ii,.,l natnn. 1. .1. I7r"ci. "" ..". , -'- Fi.nmii. FLOrtlDA FIXIIIIDV te-acre farm", unusual oppor eppor opper uidt" man- e' our farmers are making IToeo to'.ienoo .nnuan;. en let, .acres of land that cost eniv -"" m- acres ethers are 'skins V IMnc en one and two ncres: bank &'. .l.c!.envl.lell:lghls mprexement I v e . nil ltl ll.late TriiarRI; 1P..IMU 111". .I.MHii. '.."'" Phlln. OHIO - r ..r .... ....... ."IfiiinihiA nete.iK. unnlet- l'V",'.' :: !c tii I'bus. 6. .must sell te close ,,J,'; nfMacv W"l"nlt. Pl.kerlnaten. O. , R. E SALE OR EXCHANGE ji v; ,ir will exrhang.. ier leptrai REAL ESTATE WANTED COl I.E w.nis te tent house for 2 e- .1 ,;,r.. starting prier te 3My I. with garage nr-'errel. location WvnneOeld. Haln. C n Siu " Main Line as far as Ilav-rfeid. Ad uiess ul'h full Information M 103. Led. Oil 1 X.M in the market for a house In some 1 earb" suburb, with, 3 or 4 bedrooms. Hh" a read; completed or te be j reeled n Hi. senr.g. eemethlng ier anpui ii.. In inDluns state price aril full details about n.e ,m v. fx-dger Office. IIAVi: client wlie , will pu row e r ear. ui i.i nreferred or ether sections If rip - nr ce inil-l n unit... -. -...-- pe feri marketing. J. W. CAMAC 02d and Woodland axe XV.N1F.D .'. T r. iiim 111 reiv section of l le l i,uiie state full particulars n. te 1,. attention will be paid. P 1315 I ff,. I rent O l.c,e SUBURBAN OWNERS; I CAN nesitliei F"ll our homes If strictly med- -rn andiir.ee I rlht Delker. 1012 Olrnnixid l'.al llsiale Mortgages Insitranca ARTHUR B0SWELL 213 N 13h st lleth phones. iveffli Ml.e-te rent" I v March 1 liouse In .i... ......... ...iir. i iittiretiins. u.ii'1 und M,M in lenly.tig stale ptb'e At lljil. I e Iger III re. . . XV XNT Til HL'V n iiiedliim-sled properly ii..'t-e.n 10th ?nd 20th. Walnut and P lie; will nuk- quick cash settlement for iluht I rnpetti X iniitrnngjt Ce ll'.'ti Hpntce at. iii!NTS cll-cted atinre. repairs a iieiiu-u If d.sid Jas. P. .. .... ... 1. ll.r..nn. 11 IV ut.i.e... t K. 20 1 h. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY I 3e0 ll"xRKIbON HT. OppesIM Fiankferd n'li Sihoel. modern ail-alun. heus open UecbiuK Ce. Ol.X) il. l.lLIICRMA.N, Cole- nl.il Tiust llldg .Of list OI04 lull RKNT llillil-vllati. posseasien lsne te .'linn square feel l r.iiKi.u Rank llldg. I 1 17xi setn st .117 PINK ST. C" M-i .eiu dwe ling, c.i. .',17 Chestnut st ier desirable 2 balhs. Apply 3-ster Pinna. iTxin" . 3rm7ir.1 bUh '".J...."'" iPJi,-tii" il'S XXe..dlat.du0lu. ue i-itzei: i.Tt 1l'.. lliisliiies Preiirrlleaiiiid stores juui) SI. FT. heay storage suace with rail e.i'i siding ami ienising p atierm, i.niutrt errice. ni'uleraie i fit. 2 years' alhe leas. or longer, BOUlllsanivin nT.iiei ui .. Il A. A.NSLKY. I-'H Chestnut st .,000 .'J. FT.. 1st ffnei, 143I-3S Ilrandywln st. tllread and Spring Oarl-n). high cell ing, big entrance, steam li-.at poss. at once -ry reasonable, ren I .J :tA.si:R 21 S 12th st. 14H N 32D ST. Stere and duelling, suit am bUHlnets, CIIARLKS K. WILLI VALS lain. i rule snag. VKRY .DKSlKAHLl. ".l ill " HIIOWROOAI1 VOSS HUnilKS 1II.IM1 21ST AND AIAItKLT STS. SKK A.II. IIILIIKIt'l i.N I'HLAIISKS .TORF 1()'-" n'e0'i 3 1 xIL. u-,, V. ,, AITKRS t 1 ..; i. near 11th nt .".'. HXItlH OARAOE. a strct fronts. 31x112 .lunli" r! St.. rtlmve 1UC. steam lie.t. lei trie l'gllt XRTHUR HOSWRLL. 23.1 X tlit sl'IT am business store, ettb, it uami.. 11.11 Racn st . enls 175 month excelb m c.n. Apply 022 i.'hestnm hi s.a-ejui rten 2ti03 X'. SFSQUEHANNX S eie. suitable for any b'isliiciia. Xiiul. lyju Su.qUd ha .na ,a. lljiilnesnl tl.'l AlODERN store. 1004 Somerset st.. low rent. busy Jeg i tlen. baunde s. 2710 Gin. aie AIODKRN STORK." S2U'i u ftTen'-XrcIi st". near 1,1th. .Xildre.s 1' 1215. ledger Offlcs '-.".UOTii.. J.?reheus, Maniif.irliirlng I'lners 2tlll-27l) H A.MEKICA.N Sixth II and base- ment: about 40ue sq ft aih. i-xielleiit d.-jllght- laig. elc .loiater lis modern flr. leuer. Immeillit. p lasuaslen, reaaenuble. M'U e.ter H. Uarrett, JSll 3.1 J'etlh phones XV.XRKllbuSE. Ill's Alarsi..". ':.'. . 3 rtoers, eieiater service, ralliead siding, rens.nsble lent. L. Al. S .NI .El'.. 1110 Land Title HJ.Lr. Phene I in u.l 21-0 liOl WALNUT SI' Fourth fleer, containing ...ft sq. ft MiHtbl fei studl. ei liiiht munufactuilng lent Jil'm nr jear. Estate of David Al He.s 0(14 Vlnutar. SECOND anl thlid ttoers of the .eri.ai building 114 t 2d st . sl"nt of llabt. all conveniences Pbeii. Imbird 27 HI. 122N-30 RACE ST 3 -STORY XIFO HLDll". ELEX'ATOR. OAS. KLF.C STEXAl HKAT I'KXXA., CM 7UT t; XXIII. ERECT hulidlng ".U.llilU in KMl.OUO si.l '.re feet Illh. ERICH 73? XVslr.ut st JIFFIUKS IIIIJKWOOXI .JKTr. ritwr ii!-iiM..Ai. iiinie . liu.i Chestnut st PROI.-ESS10.NAI. (JIl-ICl'S. will ennin rlril and a .co IHI8IXI-8S hide 725- II I III loers 203H Chn.tn.it st rooms and uff.ces fur rent- XValnut st c (,,,niin. Desk Roem DESIv SPACE, with etenexrsnhle serilCe llread ai.d teltplTene. and Chestnut sts 510 Libeily llldg Vel. f,FRlO Veil'U- nieiirti. 540 OUO -nu'tv in I30H te 37 N I , inier it . f-301 te 13 llavrrferd ave.. 3300 .';"" Westminster n je 402 4 N BBlh M !..K0. -!'. I Oxford st. 3248 .Florence J.. Pbilie K OstretT Commercial Trust lllnu- Htillea 1 J or ,1 rooms ne and cempleteli 1BTII AND CHKSTXITs ls tiiwlern efllte building, partitioning and dec. - . ,., ,, erallng will be liutalleii te suit t'nuiit .1. YOFXO COUPLE. Jewish. ISO - month, w I Cutler Fullur le H 11th at Spruce 00..4 Bhare b. autlfully furv.s bei i unie a' ." ' -in mi r..- i. r-, " .. ir- aertlen of Ingan: empen bedrnnm. luni'i .,.... n....... u.ik ... .... ..iivamui si., lire. , ... .. . i,i, ..lintm nnd kllcliell. tl-Cirn; proof l.ldg . .leiatnr ..vb- E .1. Elllutt. i ,',,UHi" 2i Vl 111 I e.lfr Offke 1112 C'hestrut st Phene Filbert 3S3H 'i?!-1' hP"' . 31 Ul.Le.iifr iinixe OKKTi-lTv7lihTrT-ir,---SiriM u ,As;,.ir;ulCp,!'url,.urfVrofe.,iena; cr.KTcH rXnrT cxr. vnfr. UR. V6E . ' Xt Cr.RE.:0. KX.6 PiBevi . te D0P PiSrtES Cl-iP OR. c- ' CXQ1' '. ,- ,- J .,, . K- !HIA,'':Bi D!klr, REAL ESTATE FOR RENT west riin.eKi.rniA ? N. 80TII Three-atery porchtfrent dwelh Inr. 11 rooms, all conveniences; larr let. (1, M. nohtnsen, 004 Walnut it. rhene w'alnut 1Q7. i 4103 CHUMTKR AVB. Cerner: 18x83: 10 looms, 2 baths, electricity, back perclfi freshly papered and painted. J. l'emberlen Kills. MO Victory Hide, inth nnd Chestnut. WYNNKWOOIl ItlJ,. 020 Kurn. 2-sty. n-r perch-front side-yard dwir.i h.-w, heat, itas and elec, hardwd. firs. Can tw seen only en an enlr from Penna. Ce., .117 Cheslnut, 1310 S. B8TII AT., 55; 4023 Woodland ave., 00i store. Onen Market t.. I23H, I.eneY. WOlttlBl.Tj. 00 0 0 Market s t . fsin- H. 38TH ST., 1381 4023 Woellanda., $30; alnre. coon Market et.. (230. l.eltOY WOltnni.U OOOO Market at. 422(1 MA1UCKT ST. Ir-8 lO.fo'em "house, 133 per menlli rent. Woodland 8013. 3723 POWI.I.TON AVU. Nlns rins , bath, perch:, Iflfl !,. D. lluehner, 3721 Lnn-nster Fartnrles. Warehouse" Mnmifartiirlna; Fleora 82I. 21 N. Space. 40x33, for ledae room. nrtlces or mfc, S3 33 monthly; Additienal1 spore If needed. ItlC'HAIII) P. POWnt.l.. 202 S. 32d. ; OKniAvnnyN 173 0033 Clli:V ST.. 8 rooms, bath, laun dry, het-water Knl. electric a'nt 40x100; newlv renovated A. II. MEEHAN. 0747 Ger- , "l".w.nJUg: f.OOAM ! CAIll.ISI.i; ST. below Hemervllle ave. New atene .'-sterv neuse, Willi Karaite: .- rn north of Legan St., car lines. 24. 83, 08: v axed noirs while enamel, tile hsth am) ahee.er; 1100 per month. nODEIlT D. 1 1 A M 1 1 .TON. 8300 X. llread at. XFAV JEHHF.V st'imitllAS Peit nKN'T Desirable rrrner dwelling or. high rltsr bank Drlince, N J.. epp.slt Andalusia, tares let; all rnnventijnces. Ceo Cee Iral Trus: Ce . Camden. N. J. MORTGAGES RIRST NfORTGXriE MO.NEv smeunts of 1S0.0U0 and e,' available In r. principals eniv. jlAr.lt s M I iiiiuw.vi:, uelhlenem, Pa. I. FUNDS I OH riRST AND SECOND ' M OKTGAGES .IA.MES D. WINCHEI.L N W. cer. 17lh nnd Sanspm sis. WE REPRESENT B of the largest building and loin associations and desire applica tions for flret, second and split mortgages In any section of the city or suburbs. XVI 1.I.IAM .IA.MK..1 KKOtlll, Land T le Rldg. FUNDt ri'xns IX ANY AMOUNT l.M.XIKDIATK SKTTLIIIH'.NT nrii.Dixn association .money DF.XIPS11Y St CO.. -.'f S. 10TII ST ARTHUR IlbsWELL ' Member of Philadelphia Real nslate Beard 233 N. l.-.TII ST. Meney for mortgage leans, rents collected In . u'l sections; tire Insurance. ' AVAU.A111.K ITNDS. "both private and building associations fir geed mertgacea SSt'sisft orA'er- "".' (XVal- 1ST AND 2D MORTOAlli: money available WAI.TI1II A. McCLATCIIY. 103U Land TitbllMg. Spruce .2034 FIRST, 2d. ,".d intgrs. en property eay 0b Inlned: reas. rates, strawberry -Mansion P.-Jlty Ce.. LM.10 N. -nth st. Diamond IK117 FUNDS FOR FIRST MORTOAQE Alllliljn IUU.MH CIIAS T. lrWN&c .7S.nread st. 11111 I'l.NU nseclatlnn. mnrlcages: Vulck re. pnepiew cnarges. ueiz h'en. IBtli Yerk WH. I1.M.L SON I 48SLANpTITLB HLDO. . IIUI. DIM ASSOCIATION funds for vceiul rreitc.i..s. S. C. Abemcthy 132S Chestnut SIONIIY for 1st nnd 2,1 mortgages. XvTllIS- ixnn:sTi:n co . 23 s. istii st. MONEY TO LOAN $300 te $10,000' 'Te Ivan en fl.-st and second mortgages; build li'g anil lean nssnclitlniis nnd heirs te estsics. piempt settlements. I' R. HAOnN. 1H12 X. 1.1th st. Peplir S1.13 "AU. ROOMS FOR RENT CHIISTNI'T. 2043 Suite. 2 furn slnjerni.h -w lit DIA.XIOND, 1H07 Weii.furiilsli.dT"heteTf room lunnlng nai.i. gentlemen; bath. sheivci phone. l"' SNYDKIl AVB.. 02"s Tnde7l7aW7fu7. ntshed front lenmii. llr.l fl,-. .. .... ' deciiir s efflie; also fumlshed be'droem busy prcfitable strentj rent reasonable. "AI..M i. iimje .ic.iv rur. rma eltc . Menls J0 p"i wkjPrca. . h.-iv. ht , 1237 XV. juni. .n . is:. HOTKi; m;im-inier near slnllen ana shopping district, beautt fullv furn looms; elec; spetless: med. rtV lkTII. N. 3.".4-Iledroem. living room, seml prualhxlh. cUH..rlcltyphenc. eit. 11A .... V.. i . . . . ;r'. I -...' ....r"rr." J"."7'J ,.,"J,'" hitcnen- -. - -' "iL".lu einuiii iinoii.rn:j;.asenable .in 1. 1. 1 luiniani-u room ler 1 or 2 :entic- men in private famllj . beard If desired; Icliilli' of 3.th and Cluster uic. p i.3u Ledger Office. .-e. i 1'ANDSOMKLY, furniaii.il rie.i. ""TaTTe iimdern private rairac, elcctilc lights in mlnuies te Cltv Hall . I'heh " I' lrnc : ii.i?x T I.XCIU'TIONAL opnerttiplly: room well furn. Jn med. Jiem cent.. Ceutlemaii.Lec. flOSS. ATTIIACTIVI3 furu. npts.. some heusekng Sherwoel Apt Aiienci. 13.11 XX'.ilnut CiT . S"'irpracl.. x. 3.1 Single rneinf7 gentleman: h -w lie at tiln H2.1 1 J XVKNT.I'IIILDKI.PIII LOCUM' AND lOTII N K. cer line or 2 outside rooms villi adjoining bath Seuth- .in exposure; mly.ite fiunilv. CKDAil AVI! . IH2I Attractlie' furnlsbe.i rooms for gentlem. n In private home, elei irlcllv: inlvate bull a. 1 cars reuxenli-nt IJil S. 45T1I XX'arm 3d-llr. front mom In leOn-d home, electric. seml-prlMite bath. PK.NNSYI.V M Sl'lll'llll N LOOAN Furn. ir uiil'nn. sms. bus. people; i block iraisit . trelleys: sef. XX ve. 3VJii J ROOMS WANTED WANT .YEARLY LEASE en looms eier a store; must b- suitable for heuiek-epinj. Dentist. 4310 XValnut st. JBOARDING bPRLCK" inTit Dcs.rabTfc loons n Uh .jeaul; teriiij medenlc, l'LNE, 4110 Seml-v linn iseni, s extn heat let wxt.'r: iread tili.jrcfs Allea II a ... I.'')tEAIKR"E. 0103"Yei.k read -Coinfertablo furuialid rooms with beard; reasonable Oak Lane 1333. . BOARD WANTED OOOD aeivlsh home ment of 2 children. for Al temporary place 11.'. Ledger Office APARTMENTS 1328-34 VKN.XMIO ST. Aledern 4-room-und-bath housekeeping apartment, steam hint el-itile llgt". ....... ... .... I.......I l,.n het AI.llEUT II. Oltl.K.NI'IELD .& CO, 15T1I AND CHESTS I 'TS. . 1001 PINK ST KENAIAR APARTA1KNTS Aledern. .', rooms aim I nth. recently reno vated througheut: elevator service. AL1IKRT At. GREENFIELD CO. 13TII AND CHESTNUT S IS . 4.00 HLOCI- X 11ROAD ST. Modern 3-ioem-usn l-hatli npartmenls; nara nara nara oed ttoers. steam heat n AI.HEIlT Al. HRF.E.Nl IEI.D . O. Plum i Hernia SPRUCE ut 0th, N E cer X'ery deslruble hk.g. iipl.. II r , and bath, unf.: H. L exp, Applv Penn.i. Ce . 517 Chestnut, llothjihenes THE KXOLKWOOD'i 32e"s "lllh "t. (Uth . Spruces ieu. i,-rin mi. i'r ", ;"":-' mul.L. A. Tauliine, Realtor 010 XX'Jlnut 5417" ANdORA 'TKRRAf'E llcautlfui entire I first fleer. Janitor, pretnl.es. DteV'i WE ' ,,vx OREftOFOLVX 5L.EE. V ' "" MUST B -a t . . V - TUS xrr- x. aJI-lUTS, rvf J caused iTI 1 SHfXLV. HAN& ie lie nki - I ", . t ) -iv.uk. ..-. ', raeVi J. RE vfflft APARTMENTS DUNCANNON ae. at -11th at,, beautiful apartments In finest section of l.eian, A or 7 roema and bath; every room facea street front. J. M. ZANB. Land Title Ilia..,, , Hpruprt 241W. Wyoming 031" h. APAIITJIENT, In newly, renovated old Col onial house; 2d fleer. 2 rooms and hatn; fireplace, with whlta mantel: electric jlfhta. shadea and curtains: aultabla for businesa cpupla or two en three lea: nU. eu'et ftleet, near 10th and Spruce., 809 H. BmM ly at. Week daya phone, Lembard 0882. Sunday or evenlnaa. Phena Locust 47ZQ; 0T1I ST.. N 027 IMur-roem P"11?'' hath, elec.. heat. aas - Market 03. AWK8T rillLAtlKt J1IIA AJ'ArtTMENT. 0 roema. teartv and IlJ1,5P'r,Je second fleer, aeuthem exposure. 1J"'. Ikht, het-air heat: can be "n,,r2rnJri: 3203 Itace at.: newly painted and .WKK3' 130 per menth: yearly lae. J" ,bg-ni Jr.. 00th and Market ata. Phene Lans- newne lmi. TlIIlKi: elerant, unfurnl;hea,iare --"; and bath: elec. eras and heat. 2d. wi"; month' aams en third fleer. 143. can seen en Sunday. 3808 Poweltenaj ATitivn rntmin ,i..ir furn sneu vi' ment. " moms nnd kitchenette medern: In West Phlladelphal: atata rental, P 181-'. l.enter Office. e , UNUSUALLY desirable. 1 rooms. 3 bed- rooms, private perch: shades, screens, , awn Ints. oak firs.: med. McDrlde.g23SHb;. 43 N. 03D Apartments. 8 rooms. Iteper Caldwell. Q-.'l Step"" tllrnrd Hldg- nF.RMANTOWN' . - 1100 AN UNUSUAL housekeeping "!"' ment. where the work I. cut down te a minimum; new and modern, with titeu uu. bu t-ln tub. shower, separate i"l"'" J.,. i frlgerater. etc.: ever an acre pi law" eiu ansae; l squara ie wv1"" i riitnN golf links. 2 squares te station. M-VU RAN. hOLMAN tc CO.. N. V. cer. Pread and Chestnut. 1MLA I-ROB llxlng room and bedroom, kite nen-, - -""" " ette and bath: furnished. Ph. tn. -'-TWO TnACIIERS W kitchen- ETIRNISHED APARTMENTS SrRIFO OAltDEN ST.. 2001 Twe room" bath, electric light, hardwood floors, uawu T. Nevln. f.2.1 N. 20th at. 18TII ST . N.. lf-2 Fr.ur-roein-o, ....? ...,,-.--..-, opt.: leasenable ownerp.ameno... ATIXTILCITY -- r T...i. .e.ritnttii . IlHAl'TI FULLY turn. Reardwalk ft"'.'";?"1 Wm. Kennard. 401 Chestnut st.. lhiia- HOUSEKEEPNGAyARTMENTS PRINO OARDHN ST.. 2004-Four rooms- nam. eie'iric nni, """V- Vii t at. David T. Neiln. 820 N. 20tns hea WF.ST PHH.AllKl.rHIA HANSOM. 8382 Second-fleer, en.",''.'? se 5 roema and bath: ax erase re tal. 137.30. RICHARD P. POXVLLL. -02 3. --J t A ii.tt.TV.TB WANTED WANTKD Stnall apartment. I te ' 'e0!"' and bath: must be In geed s-ct Ien . state full particulars In price or no attention win b paid. P 1311. Iugr! AIIDDLK-AOF.D couple wish "IVlVeTlli Illdc 3 rooms, bath kitchenette oil Otia Liiug. Phene Spruce 4720. APARTMENTHpTELS THE GLADSTONE 11TI1 AND PINK STS. ABSOLUTELY FIRKPROOF AFTH.. FURNISIIKD. FNFUnXIHIIKD I ONO AND SIigRTTlIt.lLlASJS HAMILTON COURT 33TII AND CHKSTNUT STS. " rooms and bath, wllh private hall; son housekeeping; anfurnlshed; yearly lease: din- "": ""it: II THATCIir.R. Manager. THE DELMAR-M0RRIS W. Chclten Avcnua (1i:rmantewn n MlNl'TKH TO 1IIIOAD ST. STATION Hetel' or tin furn suites heuselieenlnc npts. lUTTKNIIOFSll'HOTKL. 22d and Chestnut Vts. Ileautitul new npnrlmente, 2 rooms e,..i i.ili. 3 looms and bnlli. 4 roetrrs nnu hnihs: nil eutslda roema; bright. cheerful, nicely furnished: a convenient. Ideal leca- tlen: terms are met ntlractive. liOTKL CAAIDF.N. 2d st. nt Penn. Camden. N J 3 minutes' walk from ferry, facing en' Coeu-r Square: a trulv first-class helel. i-lth 1.10 remis and 70 biths; dally, weekly niid monthly rates; testaijrant xvlth real I en- c cnnklnj Telephone; Camden I .ISO. 'Tun SHKRXVOOD. 3Rlh above Chestnut. and S room suttes. with bath prlv. hill: ulae slle rm.l American plun. H.ir. 7HS. HOTKI. HA'AHLTON. 1334 Walnuf nt. (esst of IlreaiP A .quiet ceneerviitlv.. hetel: hcnuX-iillv I"r ilsh.'d nnd well conducted. ROYAL APr.i: 120- N. Iliiial at. 1'iir iilshed nnd urfurnlsh.d suites, :.e,ed for Its tine tablejind service: ref-rence required. HfiUMKllUniT. 1012 "Hnruce 1 nnd 3 rm. hkpT. apts . xilth b.lh. leant furn : ex- tu-mely clean, phone x niai'i srv.; i .en. irip, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES "POPLAR" ST. APT. HOUSE 117,300 cash, balance mortgages, buys prep , must be ever 23 ear of age! neat no ne ertv; 3d rooms. 13 balhs; fully furnl-hed. or Pearance. fair education, exceptional opnor epnor opner will rell geed Mill nnd rentJMi CnL l-'SO. J.u,0,,y 'or the iimbltleus man. Call Spiuce DKLiPATKSSKN nnd'gn-cery. doing" new te- urr'ng'0r.li2,vle. X230 weekly, should de net le-m than 1N00. i S.xl .KSAI.VN Agieeable, profltible a.sec o e PARKKR t SPAKT1I. 2012 "helten ae. , tlen Is ettered iell.il. e men cn lln we-klv Oren giindaia. Phene Oak Lnns.1118, I salary, plus llb-ml con Mission v.-'lh eppir- C1HAR. candy, statlentry nnu nniien nusi nes . nnd li-renm property for sale; doing line trade, iilmut i..ihj requireu ier duii M n cn 1 1 hi t er. 34Q0 X. 3th st. UFNTLL'XIAN xvlth flnnncbil connections wants te get In touch with meritorious prnpnajt liin iieeillng rapllal. A BU. Ld. Off. x".NTED hnciery fir mentifacfjrlng a iialenlnd leilhcr sele: 20x40, also base ment A 413. l.'il-r Ofllce. BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT AND AWN TICKETS FOR DIAAIO.3 KELLY & CO.. HR2 Chestnut at. Suite 2-22, second fleer, eier Chllda' Rlt, rnrrFI CO removed In 4 days: guaran- I I,V.ILLU tf?(j iinrsntes.. vanity bexe. alien away. .Peuimaru ui- ?,'" . . . i na. Real Estate state irxisij; "l-' .: -L2: DIAMONDS BOUGHT ....ivw mllTlt 717 SiNSOXl ST. T. alT7l and Il nil - .......... --. . -. URASS I ED nietul household goods repi ,..ul reflntalied: all worn guaranieeu ana .erii.'e K .istere Plating worm, cel 2071 MACHINERY AND TOOLS iMlXTIlICAL MOTORS. MACHINE TOOLS. Ll.l.i-ui"- ....... ijeiTiiiiinv-r "ue' OIIR1KX AlACHINERY CO.. 113 N. .ID ST. 1 OLD GOLD j iJurerr7ilver. p'Hllnum. Plated ware, old stile Jewelrv teeth elates bought for cash. , -,v'.r. 1 f'larl iM. Ol.T . ' jrftt ii4 ,.-. v.. ,.VI QMn.em. i STORAGE AND MOVING .'Tvn MONTirKHKi:. 1'-stai.ishj;dTh; THE EXCHANGE STORAGE CO. 1 120 N. RTH ST. .PIIO.NI HIAAIOXD 2471 VICTORY STORAGE n:nn FILuKHT. Phene Welntnt 40: for estimate Plerce-Arrew xana 'I HE JOHN HllOApS UOSlPAVv" Meriigi' Packing. Alniins, Carpet Cleaning W.st Phi.ti I137--i0 I..XNCASTKR AVE. MONARCH .. ILRAOB CO.. 3870 I.ANCA-. TEH AVE AUTO SERVICE SlORAaiQ. PACK1NH I O.-fl.IHSTAXCB MOVIXQ. I TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES 'l YFE WRITERS ''r sale, senalred and rt. built, 'ew prlc . Seniers'. 733 Arch st. I Tt4. t HELP WANTED rEKALB r COrtSET operators, experienced ?ri 6ld poof tlen. Apply True Ferm Carpet Ce.. 230 8. am st. HOUSEWORK, general, white. Perln" two adulta. anartmenti reference required I Haverford. Phene Ardinere 1030, between 0 and 12 A. M. ... I HAVE a dtunlned, lucrative and, perma nent oest for a, sensible young business woman:, aha must knew the Alain Line sec sec tlena and the, auburba of Weat and. North Phlla,. be of pleaelna- peraenalltv and knew hew te meet and eeeak with the women of well.to.de families: there Is a comm ss en for select hours or a salary and commission for full time, commensurate te the. time, fact and diligence devote 1. Address M 130, Hnser urnce SALESLADY Ther, . Apply aupt.. II. K. exp. in ealtlnit Deweea. 11J4 Ch alike. Chestnut. SALESLADIES De you want te connect with an oraanlxatlen where all are work ing together for the common geed? Her you are helped In your desire le rite and 5? 0.1?. .' "Tina; te push, you down. Apply 710 Wldener lli.lr.. n-an 'a. M. . STUKOORAPIIEIt and typlat wanted, ex. , perlenced careful in appearAnca and werk: 'n.'PO' atata age. experience, religion and I?i.Kry.expec,! attractive, ateady position 1 J. i r!pn,lb,', business house; excellent associations' and aurreundlngel we want a SZli, wln .'." .befeme Intereated In her work. P urn. T.eri.f nmc. fcTKNOailAPJICIl AdverlUement sgencv ...Srf'' permanent pcsltlen te mn experi enced and efflclir.t atcntgrapber: must P'.s !fm'!ti'il,l5" aVi'.,.,y, "OJ b capable of as !l.,.n.. .T,Per1B""le'" PUnee .fate full Je'L Off? "a ""ir5" 5lfO'l- 1302, OT(SK2S2AP,IE.R.- elnced Remington operator c Mbl. of Uklr raplddlct.t Ien Storage Ilattery Ce.. Ontario and C als. ST.OORAPIIKR. experienced; git a rnfer encea nnd .atata salary, p L80I. Lcdgar Off. TPiM?'T.Publlc icceuntanta redulra for .nfi!.,I,r?9. mnt,' UPlst familiar with !J,.?i.r. 'al7enta: calculating machine ?.', " aOx'antagei reply, stating age. "'ry and when available. - ihuii, Led.urt. 'iWTyii. . blah achenl n... Phii.-i.f.i. ...V.' . TeraAgency. 827 Perry ni'dg. ?i?IA"e,Wn ih.V" ,n "f'onlxatle'n where ne..iI2ra! .' rl cnance for .....," H- W1D Inei-: We need a woman who has proved her ability n the business werld: wa can offer .V" '...'"- I !. . . iMinlfeT fGture " c.Tie ;----,.. , -- - ..uiuitii application j w. 7,,""c '5-.?""u.1" "'.. "-? l.pply. Call MIm Olebern. Spwca 0U3, for . n.raltiat !- i... -''- who, ier Oenernl AtAKU MONKY AT HOME Yeu can earn from It te 12 an hour In veur .pare, time tvrllln show card: qu'cl'ly .l "". '. v ..-r new. simple method !. ...- . ... ..EI.L.US YOL'n SPARE TI.MR no xvtil train veu te writ. .h.......i. us for ..iii.anya,ln- or. olleltlne: we supply n ITi! ' "'?' werk: distance no object; vi V ?.r.".. '!.. e object; n r.xt mchmend. Terente. Canada. ..I. . jjnvicn examinations. Feb. and Mar., many vacancies: salary 11400-11800: write ter umr: lt. y i4, Ui 0'ni "' HELP WANTED MALE CCOUMANrS Experienced seniors for ,,.,M.mI,0i-ilry w.erk runted b n latge llrni til J.s.. .c .0U?tnIl!,-! .",ai" nl"' xiperlciK .. salary d'slied nnd when axnliab.c P 13M. Ledger Office HOYS, clal ment: ences. i . .?.ea.ra or ev"r' for R lar' mian mian institutien: opportunity for advance . .r.0."ly "i"'0 udui atlen und refei A fiat. Ledger Offl.;.. CAPAULB SALKSA'AN 1 R FURNITUIIB wxnled In tbe Cemlrs Oreat Sale Cnly KXPKP.lbNCLD furnliure m.n are de- tltiJ. Education, and culture will leiu; se will ktiewlcUa of ruis. draperies end fabricv Call In pern leduy ijr AIenda or te:eiihen, for eppelitment. li'ii eau of L'liir.nyjiient WAXAAIAKKP.'S MV,r.N "T,KD-oed man for cuttlng'dr. -nrt .: mu,t Vf "-capable designer of work shirts, ever.. Us nnd panta: must also ..',?"''. nt ""!'- or same line; ansiver. Sen ...if . r.9nc"' "P.erience had. nationality und when you will be ab e te iTegln work' rZi i.f,p0,..lu ",!,y. fcr !-t-,la.. man. and n.0JV.'',UJn l"' eed ami v. OLD DOAIINIO.N OARAIKNT CO.. INC.. Successors te Jobbers' Oi-rall Ce.. ii m; eurgj -a, .U.X.. e tllKX rllr.rL-n cf th. ni.iil e.f. .1. Iiartment of stcel-engraied letterhead and .ecliil station ry Innusfy; state cxpei lenc..-, iiferrncef.iii salary M.uiLd. Tha Rudelpn I . "-" .euiiiiig.. cincninTi. I. i RKPHKSKNTATIVKs7"hv "w . - i ::" ,,'f " n p-iri owner nf ...e uui .. nr.iueing riivnnceinciit te cx- .vutlie peslllcn. Air. Clesly. HO N. 11.1s SALKSAfEN XV want "aTfew high rad men te yell shares In a banking Instltu Instltu Hen up-State backed by men of clsaict and ability; beat commissions paid te right paity; experience net necessary; we also havs an opening for a man who can qualify te his ability te manage a branch eIc. Applv Reems 1315-17 enerij1!jg? SALKSAIEN XVANTKl) '' who are acquainted xv th the territory com mixing Pcnnsllvanla. cist of Pittsburgh n,i Delaware, who have a follewlrg wm, ,,.u partment and furniture stores, te tarrv " complete ltn of blankets Commission bisi. unt' worth la preied All correspe ,iie,f. tsealed atrlctly cenfldentlal. Address in. ledger Office. ULF.a.xiL'N- and aoilcltera aelllng"7T,7nrn i i a nil uli iiirss . i u i n a . ruin t m it . . - manufacturer, and merbharif. or ..'"! 'bends nreferred but net essential i.a bl;SHr: .nu nn net amhlllni.a .i .'". n; I ou ari net ambitieus-ami Td.term. ,. . i rla. . te the ten de net apply. exp.re,,c'1i'? I" :'.! r;i,u .."l . . . "he einent Tn.l" n. long position it iem nd lif.. ive .. . . ....!.. .I I e.,,n.iii'.." i-iedi. anil ruit lilannfj.... Is open for xD.rl.ncd men ,.". llr. must hal" reed lollewlnr i,-,i ..,. "i Applv P 1301. Ledge. Office. refee,Ce, eKuasj.iifl.-.ii xxi.xiui;n wanted fnr wnrl. Ann . Me 1T....I.. . '" night Jamrs Lees Sens Ce', lirldgejinri i'.'J'" "' SECURITY RAI.KS.MAN I need 10 experienced security Halesmen for out of lenn. our leaders ... ion'" j..reh,vurlarr.er,.,:.,i!anc neiab-e. "'Af1V.,,iW;vUg Sister Lib in Action 1 hew, aill ye-jr work and pay ou "sh ech whi : . -i"1 .,'".,cu",,,' nd booklet fren "t lv'r t,ATlc',n S0W Par. Scheel. --i mrtn llldg.. Toiento, Canada. rn rnnt Htiincr ni uniun innifinir rnr i nn i in wills .. u. .. . si. iiir rin at A.rv.wi-iS) 12 S. .T.M st.. sicei.d flcer. L"" XIR. AIiCARTHV. 1 '-".' I Wldener llliia-. .v. .... .. , ..VOail.XPHHR XX F.. . I.LENT OPIVU'lLNiTi- i-dii in VXXCKAIENl' FOR A yeNi. XlA . XX'I . iAiffivS,5gP lif lLA.V fi ?f l.KDUKR OFFICE. --i'-aiii. 1 ,)i8. ( -v.r-n $rt'i .; ,' ll . n : i,.,J , $ I M . t , r ,1 V Mvr'ami . ! . HELP WAfTDM- v wi. .uu'iiMs xvarttcd. AbpiV ..ur.t.u-epinning n,t Passat. rf. x.pt lrnt IntiHh "."..iy.,lf" '"". i w-int a ....:v 1 I NV.inl ..;'.') l ""?' - """ experlcnr. .nf .1 tll-tatlen and tynvwrlfr. wiiiin"' ,rWi '0rrll -nust have high scnoe I ducstl'i. ' ...... i . I, """" l "euros; apt is Sr ' if"'? 'll . rv geed enJ?-?.".l i.H i minis si'arj 22 rr viek in .. n"r werklna- hours 8 m r.. n-.I.-U.'.'lcei. . I.de.. OfOcc. """ '" ". I YOONfi MAN wllh t.t.h .. . i S.'rfh"f. t. J.W . win i.,Sw!S aid hrnd oemposltlon; under tSS".. m" W.7Ll& re".a"8 '"'llshl7rj1Su,,,!nl tl lecated: geed nav. while leaVJ,.!.'. "! J opportunity, a 030. Ldcer '(im'i ""1 Cleneral ve."il?.Y-BJ.'.?X" "s.u.eaTrTru77?l veKiiiuiiA, ,i. menin y, write 7 "n list of Mslllens new open . i!LJ"l 1 ,' elJil .rvl.M "nlnr).ni ";, nidg.. Waahlngten. D. C. .iilai CIVIL SKRVICn examlnitrr TTT- - . jar.i many vacancies; salary iiAx" write tar aamn teats, ii iV. '.'0-i "" . -t. 1I i SIT TTATIONB WANTEDll?PTi i ii. ii ii j. . i i i i I 1 1 Hen whem peraenalltv and e.S.i.i.r'i lly are sa.niral, A gn. fcdVAA'.ff , l BTKNOartAPIIKIl KfOclent s'tTiTi and typist desires place; frninJn qualined for work In law office' rM'." A 810. Ledger'Offlne. " "siwermiM, ' SITUATIONS WANTin-Zrs ?uS:f..Ai. ?.-vr. ?i"p? ACCOUNTANl' oeoKKeeper pntthl. r D..i- .... ...v . ...... .Ull connect wllh nn arceuntl r 'en.ce.rmi !! st once, .x 'i. ,eage ABSI8TANT EXKCUTIVK. exn. In r!r chasing and production- Tiiii ?'- my worth. A 808. Ledger Office U j? CAPAHLK. well.educale.1 .... TT range of experience, desires m .! . with established firm. Nam. ths ;',tt nil It." A 431. Ledger Office? e 8b' FARM KR. married, wishes poslilen. 7 class references. Heath ,i'B "" Cheltenham rostefflce. - "er"ili.l FIRIVAIAX An expert nreman boilers, age 40 vears. with New c" and Ohie license, wishes position . a a H. .1. XV.. 22G S. 3d st. t'",'t""'- Mit, FORKMAX. prcsroem dMre, n..ni,.. executlve xvlth house doing first i.B ' logue and color xvnrk. A 320, Lcdgrr "'n1 OFFICK MAN. married, thoroughly . inced In rencral erflce work, payroll. "J! I.slri'8 rtiltlen rf any kind; xvinfili i ."' for .mull aalary: Cm furnish ex"e. . crencts. P 1300. Ledger Office. ' " tea PRIVATH flECRETARY Alatur- e, efficient nsslstnnt. A 317. I., dr.. JS) SALK3MAN Capable tlrsi-rlass ..uTT with 10 years' cM'erl.ncc. desires no.,! Inside or eutside: I xvant nn (.perlunti. demonstrate te some concern that ii pay ihcm te lake me en: reference. . ability and Intcgrlly furnlahcd. am m te etart with modest wages uml am J , te stick. Address L. Prescn. 3J:il a.ii. St. Phene Woedlnnd 40.VI j. " A3J STUDKNT In Dlble gchoel. wllh In .;:. hotel experience, desires a position' i of references. A 422. Ledger Office. ' ? .-TUDKNT In IJIblc Scheel. With 10 yr. Mlrtl...l 1.I1 HVtkAtlllS.lk ..... .. . " iiuiwiiiuune vai'xh ten r, mn u r i vi n .c .Till keM. cirw clean, A M. I.y0.- iVl YOUNO JIAN. 51. knewleilse of automeb iii-i.-iiiiiei. vvuiiiiH hj Piari ai Mi, YyaeM; thoreuahly tlepfntlable. a & l.fir-r Ofrif- ' v LOST AND FOUND j CAT Lest, or alrayed black Angera n white spots en neck;, suitable reward returned te 337 Allen lane. Mount Air Phene Chestnut IIUI '.'739. RING Lest, aqua-murlne In hand-ctri ring; engagement r.ng. Stanten Thuti Reward. Pner.x.. Roxberougli 4274. . SCARF Lest, at West Phlladelpblx sut, en January grav silk acarf with clite monogram K. S.: 13 reward If return . IRIS XX'nlnnt st. . PERSONALS l WILL NOT be responsible for bills i - less contracted by myself. Alarlj XTti 4003 Taienv at.. Trankferd. USED AUTOMOBILES Dl irT cejpe. 1020' I Iful cend.li """""lirlrj light fe. n Royal motorcar Ca , 020 X e'lier, ten rexd. pes iiiian RI IIPIC ,01S C01""' vcrr reasonable, ! PU1X.IV Httnter.Stutz Agency.tlO.l X.Rr; Dl JIPI KHt'e 4 S-pistengar murine, 11 D llr ,., re!llinnai,"0 ,.fffr tai;, t. Mr. Hunter. Stutg Agency. 000 X. Tlread Dl lipj touring car. 0 cyl., excellen! p UWll.t fUdnn; f30e PARKXVAY. 200 V. Pread st PAHIF I AT X,0,'I "" "i'an; xeryeln U.rtLllalartX rH. ,vlJ crlc. p., Aloter Car Ce . 020 X. llread. Pesilsr UK PI FVFF AND 10:;1 eurlng. prsctlci lx.vi,iinu fWi ,. cMh. , terms. Royal Aloter Ce.. 020 X. Erei Poplar 0030 Open .'unlay nnd evenlrft. Cleveland 03 rtnH' practicaiir in. Car Ce.. 020 X. Rread at. Poplar 10 fOI F Aree 8 teur'"ll'ln; bargain ta' . ,. ".ever Reval Alolor Car Ce, I Xltread st Poplar 0020, nnnfiK """ie nn(' sedan. 020; b innil.l : '...A I..1 Alntercur Ce 020 N. llread'. Open evenings and Sunday. terms. ! Poplar ' D0DGF Coul': ln,a model; 1250. bt!u i. . J I"'"1" . Koyal Aloter CarCe..! -J 23L Pet'. 0030 Open evenings t Stuii FORD ?ll"0; 'till' equipped: eirel. ri I xiL bargain. 'Parkway. 200 X, Urn HUD. ON CeuP. 1020; beaullfui Jeb; i eri. ""lece. Royal Aletcr Car C lix! 020 N llread at Poplar 0II'.'6 HUDSON SKD.XN. run 2000 -nlle. en r.,., nrY "l" crlfl.. ROYAL M07( .-.tLP-.'. N. Hread t Poplar 6t:. RFVFRF ',cc1- cend.: UK. new; no m rxiaV L,II offer ref. Park-y. 200.V. Brai STUTZ ,eurlr"" tt,11 roadsters, all nedi , . thoreiuhlv overhauled n i flnlslicd: cxc-ntleiiBlt..' '1W priced- eih . ' "' I . iIr- 1Il'""r' stu,!! Agency. I STUTZ 4'ptt" ! '" ,or "al" b)r owl" ir.. . c. n,"t bargain In Phlla. SH Hunter.-. St utz Agency, titlll N Bresd it USED I10DIKS FOR SALK-Plercs le. car bodies, HI17 Locemotlle landau bedba. 1IU7 Locemobile llmeuilne tell. t rane simplex limousine bedl a. 1000 Pir rii umeuslne i.edles. ..LEX WOI.FIA I EQ-NN lllth and Huttonweod t. wFSTrnTI "dan. 'n wonderful con' ..LJILUl i ten. wlu -.-,, Seli HuiUer, Slut Agency. 000 N Ilresd it WE ! finance tara sold by lnalilduals te l xlduals en termajiullable te purchaitr. F tValnut 120O Call .211 Chestnu. Ibwrn ! .'(COO WORTH of United Sin. r Cornerlti stnrl. for nuonieblle. Woodland IUI XVantcl XVAXTEfj X Feril leuring or "sedan: dii ensmer unless nbselutelv In A-l " tlen A llegsrs. 020 W. Olrard an, lln 1010 A!i-ket. OR SALE COMPLETE untlque mahogany dlnlnr ra)" Circassian walnut bedrepm and unhelitm IMng loom suits, kitchen cabinet, chain I" table, wicker petch furniture, gray rim ceiered hammock, iron stand oed canii bookcases, books, pictures, brlc-a-eric! nearly new. 321 pine st. FOR RALF. Flerida heme-mads cans airs 1.23 per gallon In gallon cans; ll.M. ralien In quart cans; Flerida pecan .null nnv quantity. I can (111 all erd'ri I Flerida produce. Write for price Hit' full Information. Hex .144. Starke Fla OFFICK rURXITURF. , , Large let of desks, safes, files cablnttl u general office furnlturj, store flituru. , AiTe buy. sell and exchanas. pTrc-t FURNiTimi: ru. locust 4Q7B ii7 Arch st. rtACEM. FULL Ll.NE of Imported hand-embreltai linen: must be seen le ba appreclatw, few fur coats left. 321 Plne CI)CK Mahogany hall clock, $13: Pf running order. Fer ivppelnlmenl W' XX'vnmlng 1BU J. KLUOTT-riSHKR. .bookkeeping , latest model, slightly used, for sail i ill. sacrlflce. Apply P 1218. Ladgsr Ofne PATKNTED valuable "wlrr macmtl vice Mllilia, 1820 8. Sd et. 'Jj. AlKAT MARKF.T and rece-v store for '; Very eheap. Charles AilcklasJjgOJJ1 IHJLPIT CHAIRS, pedestals and cbr yews CHAIR EXCHAXOE. tAj!L: POOL tables-neught, sold n6jspalft4 Klefer., 3'.'n-W. Olrard av Tr. Ksna. FfUTTER" and egg store for sale Unt I" Oc: low rent 1232 S. 17th st . ITPB. presses and cuttersi bli bafj' PhMa. Printers' Supply. 14 S, tn " DRESSMAKING and MItIi j AicDOXVKLL'H COURBF. seen make, f ' expert; learn a. l deubla jour .w I rtai snd evenlntr sf.innl III"-' m "- WANTED KNirrERS XVant I..... is. .tnell fOH ..nil. lu iimj 1'. ..,,.. nchtnea Rlrln Kll HIM ." necktie mac I 78 r'"b""lf Tl I "rnnlilln. N. Y. , f.; '.'.-.:. ..'-. . i ui.isui.xu-enure nouasnenj .'":3,n,t 1 Boethwark FUrn. Ce.. .J 3. 18iiwj x WN( j