IV, Ltf y 'V..''', ;, h&H. A?f ,. fflr ,'..,.; v !' ' . . . .h i 1i. ,i' ,iM f's- :t -- mrr. ,'. r v y-;r -.;, , 1x1 j IK ') 1 ph ,'. r A U!i4t&. ntPH! MAN NT COI.I.AT a. m IRO. A.?!. iricATfif ttlW. !."." r ?iant IDn. I.XO.OOO. e "SiXa II 10211. n ftf?'ti,.?Aii will tea.it I agreement, Sntrd 01 saie ccrim- ve eesn arawn d accrued In out ei money hiltr vvbleli l '?." i.riineates for m""1 cn! . Rtrri eSe If. 03. ". ie. us, nt. H J, A, ?,'. ball. 371. 287. 2s. . : 5 ; HI ill- 529- ! SIR- Sil- :, : K3' 8?i' U L 18, ll7, "" 8SB- MJM elfl 903. 003. l"8'' IUJ0 ' lMI. I0.'9-1 .!.,. nt certificates called ur netlc "r.Ji'f,h.ra as fa lows I IBS. Ti i'r,,i "h "nd 1008, 1"' HOT V.rifricates. w tn Ml unraiMirM Mtftl VAvlir.-. fi.ta nn rte Afl . IfM. .. IJjwW1"' r J""y "- -eHiCiMFm . w irnS of thi Mertjrattt of th Oh.b Lf.1 campiny. Mrch 1. 1011, te LXleft VaniJri:.Lv ,i riMttf, ihf :-... ht (. 4lrl T '' 'irAfrtrf-- "''' -5 'ikraVim ' - ' ' ' " : zrz ... ' ..-, ..... kap ,. WISCHUM. Jn. 12. CATliAiiJ'J.,!. . ivr-ciT riuii'r,... ... tiil.ii.,. n,l frlanda n Invited te ttnnti IN MBMBRAH loving . Memery of . SUTTTPhiKYf UtirhZ- ifTfi?1 E"a.KH'lb'S Burrretu fcv M0T,'-Eii AMD BisTEn. HUSBAND. UOH AND DAUOUTEnB. AIjI.CIIIN. Jn. 12. Wf I.I I am . itt A r"fl"7bvV.i?," " Pi.Int. lUdner MarthK IIriii (n rummlnca). son of Kat and latr Themta Mairil. lulnllvvn and friends Invited te funeral, Men,, 3 P. M,, may call Men.. after 7 P. t. VXi t0..si,,n1 .'" I "rvVrMen "' Sufi'"..1 h.' 'A" Mlnc, le5i N. Var" FrK54fffll'. ci uej. 8 te 10 p r ' niltte en Jar.u ? ie3. "hi fum of IJ3.U70 00. 'fne 'L.iim thiTifera Invite eRrln of .vVeeerdanc" wllh lh t.rma Of Bald L'J, ittfflcUnt te inks ud the wni men- "Vtltt THOST COMPANV.M .artDMii. January 13. 1632. Annual Eleelleni TvgTJKAMiK COJU-ANV OF NORTH AMtRICA . . . , Tlilrd ,nil wainui iirnu. ,, ,h. nnul election, held JanuarylO, it im follewlnr entimen wer eleeted PSbiTi t krv unl January, iwb: te" DWABD 1IOPKINSON OEOnOE II. MePADIJUN . HENRY w. HIIJDI.JS ! HARTMAN KUHN KpriNOHAM it. Monni BAJtUEI. 1). WARRINER ii . rnMtlng of the, I!erd of .Dlraewra. Uii thtJ d. me ioiiewi" "' , NJAUlN.nUSir. rre-l-Un. SrwN CATI-iN: St cend" Vic. 'Pmldlnl. SwaY C MORRlH. Third Vice Prea. S3 j ixjN.NO'n, Treasurer and At. Sec. IiiAd It. PORTER, AiUtant f,ycrtary. Secretary. , JJ, M. Int. urlvnt; SSI!. ri"8di,Bl,Slh i fVi vcV Mnn., 1 P. M 1,', Church l Wll'ew Clr,il Pa. Int. rrlvale, S'oMhnced Cem. vluZXl IlEittJiiy. Jan, 11. 1923. cilAtn Ve r C. BEOI.tY. late of 2514 Christian .t Vn" fWMI, RM., l!30P. MT, at Morten Vi'-' 00,h and CMharlne J1 InJStl sfirliS; BKTjTON, -At Mnnr'Metrn N 3 t. 1333. JOHN C. HELTON. 8r .' hti.hISi li illce n. llolten'. , n.latlve, and frhend.nd.SJ Hur. Ce. Ktineral D rectera' Aeeoelat ill Invited , te attend, funJMl. Me", 3 p' M frern hit Ute reeldence. 230 Weit Main at feViS.""' P te" r'l"" "" call lU.AIIl. On .Tan widow of William en .Pat.. Jti Itvai 11..J923. ELIZATTCTH. U.AL?-.":!f,hi?,KS "" grnUlKSMENS NAT10NAT. BANK rTB January 13. 102,2 ,, thi rmllr of the tocKlieMer.'i. hr ". in ie;2 lh rolieuina- nirecie S!M4te -era for the enaulrn year. Wit Biton Hayard Henry . K;'.rnMbfr Heward A. !.eeb iSffTiffi1.. 3d Vlrie. -rh.r ..Suth, Kurri". I:''"" ma Heliln H Wilbur IVIMlama .." a -. ii.aaJ j Tl .at( Aa it ih( mcel ntf ei in ivni i uni.nmi .. .L. . ..,.. nf fh fin r ini, iiirrii,. .. ------- --- - - ji Mi dAy. the roliewina- einccri were letlweutly elected- ... U'.yi ,.intm Vla I' lamuni ...... -...-i Vice lrnt I'reildent and ll e, buiittnhelm. Vlce Praeldent. wclti B. Dy AeilMAnt Caehler iniim O J"ll'v- Altant Caehler. l if Fruitll. Vftant Caehler. j, j,. '"l"-,;DMirNt) WILLIAMS. ' Oaehlr OItIlinRN TRUST COMPANY Ai !M, Vka Pree'dent and Pllem miurtr. WUIlim C Harler. r.tary. .. , . , KaneiD n. ivim, ,""lJ"'",.v .,, li'Ltmer Hejhurat. Aeet. Trutt Ofjcer. libert I, -rliaefir U-l Htntn nrnrr. lab9 THE Sl.Xfll .NATIONAL HANK. rW rhlladelphla, Jan. 13, 1U22 .. .. . . .......i.... k.i.i -... .... mil. It me Anr.UHi x.,?i;,,.ii. uii, u. ,e ,v..t it. tM following etocltheldere -vere unanl mlr elected dlrccteri for the ensuing -ry Bt-etellr", rhllnrtelphla. January 13. 1022. ANNUAL MKEllNH ;f , the IH, hem en January ntlrmwn uere eectf dflteier... era Win, of four- yeJre: lOCKHOLDniiH. held en January 11. 1B28. Unjemln W Flelsher Chanel . uura," William II T.. . L.Pvh, .Ijrrt1l I. VMUClHln h a JIEET1NO of the HOARD OF DI- XCTOnii hld thla day. tna fillewine or- W, Frederick Snider. President ,. , . KillUm H Curtis. Jr . Vice President and snee. G144 Wvaltielnff it Tn ., ' .v ffr )nA. iv i..iii.i ... ' Krivaie. HUTLER. Jan 12 1IJ22. ELEANnn jrlfe of Oeer. W, Uutlcr 7ne Jehne?")" Itelathes and frrends are Invited te attend funeral srylce. Men.. 2 P. M late reel, dence. 11 IS W. Tlea t int. nrlval Northtteod Cetn. Pi-Unda may call Sua. eve T.C;,V8?.rfJft"vtl. THERESA., wife of InUteVte fuheral e'n -.Men' "at VS? ""J? from 14) Reed st. Solemn hleli rnaVa Ht" Rita1. Church. 0 .10 A. M." Interm"" ITely ('rSr..m,lery- Vlewlna Sundnv evening-. rnOMIE. Jan. IB. 1022. aiLHERT aen of the late Thomaa D. and Mary A. rremUs SFa'a1 n" "W Mrv'e en Jrendav. ai 2-30 P. M, residence of Sarah J. Maiiftnn Church lane. Yeaden. Del. c'e , f'a. Int.?: miint Private. rWnwevt r.metety. rrliml may call Sunday. H te 10 P M rienu CROSIER. Jan. 12. PHOEnn SOHV wlfa of Herbert D Crejler Rtlntlvea anJ friend, of the family are Invited le a?tt"Sd funeral services, Men . 2 P. M . lata rr?i. derce. 41 Eescx ave . Lansclewne, Pa lnt Calvary Cem . Hecltdxle. Pa. DANAlIER. Or Jan. 13. 1022. UPHP. MIA, ii of Mlchael J. Danaher nnd daugn cr of the late Je n and Mary McAtey, at 1-ei- residence. 1008 ,S. Uread et. Relative end fronds nre Invited te the etnlrcs. in Mund-iy nltorneon at 2 o'clock, at the Oliver it. nair "Jtldir . I8f0 Chealnut ;t. imeri 'ent at Ml. Mirla: Cerretery. funeral. Mnn.. 7:Sn A. M.. ,irem law rt.i deSce. 740 B. Wlliard at. illah mas. at the Church of the Ascension 0 A. it. Ml. iieiy BeWYATTW'n. 13. ItAE Ajj, wlfa M James H, Vyatt. Puneral rervlca.Tuej.. 2 P. JI. ralO West Chester pike, Klrklyn. Friends may can wen, evenina. YETMAN. Jan. 12, 1022, WILLIAM It.. Hr? usbnnn; f Hrldet YeUflan (hee Coenoy). ne at vee and friends, "J,S'i EdwitrcVft Hety Neme Society., are Inylted te attend funeraJ, Men.. S.Ie A. M.. from Ste residence. 2810 N. 0th St. II h nsfs at St Edward'a Church 10 A. M. ML Hely Sepulchre Cem. . DAVIDSON- JOHN U DAVIDSON. Sr.. Trenten, S J Jan. 12. 1032. .Relatives and friends Invited te funeral senlcea, en Men.. Jan. 10. at 2:33 P. M from late residence 408 Hamilton ac. Trenten N. J, lnt Rlvervlew Cem . Trenten. N. J. DAVISON. At Fan Dlere, Cellf . .Tan. 1A. Il.ORENCU MAY. dxuithtcr of the late Joeph K, and Sarah Dalen. Due notlce. DEItRtCKSON Jim 12, ALICE J. lf of the late laalali J Derrlckeen. of SSSJ Wll Wll lewa nc., Phlladalrhln. Services ut 1 ranlt fnrd. De).. Hurt.. 2 V M. ' DEWEES. Jan. 13. EVERETT V hut band of Jennie T, Deweee, ltlatlien and friends are Imttfil tu attend funrral eerv Icni", Tuei , 2 P M. prcia,-!". late rc'diKc ri'.'t N 3d ut Int. private DONOHEaiMltLL Jan l. MAR GORET J, wlfe of WUIlim J Dennh-jirh Ince Knullmcr) Relatlves nnd friends, na iii'mler of Wialilrer en Camp, Nn. 120, P. ' .. nr i n t-a tn.'i.m, 1 1 n.ien . r...-i. i ai. furlla. lr. I , itrt . i, t H. ,.i t- n- -. ttlttrms of the follewlnc Directors held int ' N0rthvei tm. rrle'nda may cali .u. irw Snvdr William "-. Harba i nnprt'v nn t.i, te men itv-fr.rtL.r ieB PHUen. Jr. 'rhri?n iP.li!A ! wife, of Diemas I )tirfey.""vune'rnl Ien- jm moron ,,L,Ti. r v.,,Viutn .L n av A- " rviaence. Mr. N. I3d St. fiiun mn!i uur joiner or Berrows' unurcli 10 A. M Int Cathedral Cem Relatives and fr'snda Invited BVW4-On Jan 12, 10J2. S.VMUEL J. pin f Dald J. and Sillle Eans. aged Jli Jwiirs. Relbtlxei nrd f rii nds are Invite te the arvlces. en TueiJay nfternnen,. at 2 o'clock, nt larents reeldence, 770 N. 2Jd et. Interment printe, at Mt Merlah Cem Hr" Trlenda may call 'lueadiy mernlns Hit 10 e'cluclt .KERCLrsON.-Jin. 12. MARY IIIPSON. wlfe of William Toiirusen naed 70 Rela tlvei and friends nre Invited te attend fu neral servl-ei Men. 11 A. M. nt her lute reeldenc. 3230 Cbeatnut at. Int, private. FETTERS Suddenly en Jan. 12. 1022, at her lata reelifnce. 012 N. Hutchinson at , SUSAN IDA. wife of Edwin Fetters Rela tives, frlendi and all societies of which she w a member Invited te funeral aervlcnn nn Tufidny. 2 P. M. from parlors of XV J. Phllllpa. H4R N. 10th st. X'lewlnn Monday evenlni. 7 te 30 Interment Mount X'crnen Cemetery. , FRANCE Jan. 11. AMAMDA I'nVNCE tnee Ilurheuse). wife of Edward XV. Trance tlelatlvei nnd friends of the family Invited te attend funeraJ services, oil Men,, 2 P. M. precisely, from her late residence. 3344 N. I fit li at. Remains mav be viewed Pun . from & te ip P M. Int. West Laurl Hill Cem. aKRICKE.Wan 11, ELIZABETH. vUfe of Theodnre Oerricite. Reletlvea and friends are In; lied te atfnd furernf. Bat , 2 1. M., Kf-ldenje. 2232 8. Ovicreft at. Int Mt. Merlah. T OETZ Jan. 12. I.OUIS ImabHiid nt Pauline (Jet- Relatives and frlenda also Progressive Assembly Nei 2, Order of ArH.ani, Invited te fiuiaral services, Sat , 8 P. M. Aaher'e Dread St Chapel, 1100 N. nreart at. let at I enir Hranch. N .1, GRAHAM Jan U, at the 01,1 Iidiea' Ifnme. Wlsslnemlnir, Miss ANNIE B GRAHAM, nc til 05 Relatives nnd friends Invited te funeral services. Men 10 A M. prefllseiy. at tbe Heme. Int nt Magnelia "eltUMLET. Jan. 13. E ORVILLE, son of William G. and Jeanna O Urumley (non liriirer). rntea i. runert) servicee Men, l'. M . from hi uarent Federal st.. Camden N Normsn r . Tvea . frank Adims t'emly sijremeuer jfel UalrJ llutsall Wllset. ltH U. WIISOIJ j.viu ,. nu.eiuiui, iniien .. fiea "n; eimer rteerae Wilcox It a metin of the directors held this ti the follewlnc efficers wen iinanlmeuel DuUI Tlslrd. President Normsn C Ives, Vice President Cemly Shoemaker. Vlce Preildent Win. Silttr. Cashier. Win F Cuihlnir. Jr , Asslrtant Cashier. A. Ws'ter I.ukcns, Assistant Cashlur. im DicKty. Jr., solicitor. JAn Uaxler. Notary. , M rAivirin. .TTrrgr SECURITY HANK Phlladalnhla. Jnnuary llth. 1022. it th Annual Meeting of the stockholders. it m the lutn Intl.. tna iniiewinir namea lllemtn were elected Directors, te serve iniulm year J. JI. Drlppa fharle K. Schmidt Fred J. Flnlienauet Reuben Wlndlsch 1' XVIIIIam Deerr J. Edwin Rech It a meeting of the Directors, held ttili J, tht tollewlni einair. were unanlmeuilv rtlieted' J II DRirPS. President OEOnaK KESSLER Vice President W. )I. McKEE. Cashlei ?SSft?.S OVINGTON. Asst Cashier ARTilUR E. XVEIL. Solicitor w H. 51CKEK, Cash er Wff NATIONAI uilie II. Hern it Ktiter ll tl Allen hi Scheble Lilt T, Bradley EIGHTH NATIONAL HANK Phlladalehla. Jnmmrv 11 mnn At the Annual Eler.tlnn. hnM nn iM.Vnth mint, the following gentlemen were' elected iw,ui jur me ensuinif ear &P",'en Rebert S Irwin SiBi5ck. TI,ee- p- sriller f. 1. Montgomery David Halstead At a meeting of th Dlroctera held this iC'd'0 Onicers wera unanimously ,t,!L MONTGO-XrEnY. President 8SgSr?,B,TLfci'a Y,ice.Pre',i'dn,tnt Jfttnl t V . ,'',-'",c'. "-miliar wpniiis ' :'iiECK"Acii?;f:'ec0u,..ei - wtAKLKh H. COOKE Cashier. mlt a m...i '""""1"". ., ju ja. i U2 XV .1i?!l'' of the Heard ut Dlreetert. Mia.l,...S-B...f.elJ??'nJ WW K-'ALB' Pwldem! "nBU'nC '" President. ' A nKItHAHD.1 V?r" PrV.ldent it jTi.r.r.;""'? n"infs ms.u w. WHIUIIT Aaalstant Cashier. IRWIN riSHBH. cashier. Alinmit Vl,.,ln. WS, THE MECIIAMtlUtAMJir- teill'AM' S00-30J Mnlnut St. n. i . "t'-ueiitua. U9ct in. ln'M IS?. ?". Meeting of the atnckhnTd.r. ! rnmnnnt rtf sh i t -.. - -.-- A - .L-r"' UI . 0-i.nuii u ii rprnri uVtlOfU nnn0m,"5 J"rJ' 1. 1. JOHN a swum e. ' IUK v".MP:t':"i"aiisTTtai. itht i..,,.', '::.:"!" ..ii "". .t.w ffrt. v, . .fcnew an. ,- ui.ti , ari.Krn ..tun., . M . from his parents' residence, 3303 Jen X J Int nrlvate. Aninrten uem IIAOEN. Jen, 13 1022, CHRISTIAN A.. eon of late Arthur Hagen In .tbe 48th year of his nve Funeral services nt Church of Our Mether of Coimelatlon Hryn Mawr. Men . 10 A. M Cenvevancea will meet 0:15 A. M. tialn frpm Hread St. Station at Hryn Mawr Int. private HAINES At Mt Helly, if J.. Jan. It. 102.', S. THACKARA. husband of Clara E. Haines, aged 51. Helatlvea and friends, also all ledges of which he was a member. In vited te funeral from his late residence, 42A High st,. Mt Helly N. J . Tues . 2 80 P. It Int Mt Helly Cent HAGERTHEY Jan, 13. XVILDUR V. . huland of Ltjra Wels Hurcrlhey. Rein, lives and frlenls, a se r of H Ne 07, nnl lr. O. V A M , Ne 17 of X'lneantnvtn. N I. (nv'tej te fun i I T'-rs., IP M. frntn lila real leni" n. r X'lncentnvvn X, J. Au Au irrreblles will ne't U.32 A. M. tr.vln from 1 Mia. at Vlnenlewii HAMILTON.- Jnn 11. MICHAEL bus rand of Hannah Hamilton, Relatives nnd friends are Invited te attend funeral, Tues ft ,10 A M. from hla late residence. 2713 Cambridge st. High mass of reaulem at fit Francis Xavler Church 10 A M Int Hely Creat Cem HILLEaA" Jan 12 MARlIfV L HILLE GAS (nee Glessen), Iineial will b held Tnn , reldence of Im- tuisland Harry M. Hlllegas, 303 Crown Point read, fl XVettvllle Services at heure, 10.30 A. M Int private. JflNKS. Huddenlv Jan IX lfi2j WIL LIAM E . husband of late Huaan Jenes Hela Ivea ivnd frleide Invited l fun'ial aervlcea Tuee II M . at hla late realden- 210,1 XX' Ontaile ,t Interment strictly private Jl'NKEH Ian 12. JOH.V V, beloved husband of Mary (' Junker (nen Manulre) and son of Jules nnd Almee Junl.er Relt llvea nnd friends are Invited te attend fu. nernl. Mi n 30 A Jl from his late real real denre R33' N drat nt Solemn rniulem mnea Church of Our Lady of Hely Seuls 10 A M. Int Hely Sepulchre Cam KEEN On Jan. 10. 1022. ELI.IE F.. daughter of the Inte Jehn Eite and Ellen M H.en. funorel i-ervlc" en Saturdav after pi en, at 1 30 e'clnele at the Oliver H Hair Hldg . 1820 chestnut st Interinert prlvita hl.NUMVW "" Urt'Uir T IflNQ rOS' Hl itlve und friends also Phila Help Wanted . Situation Wanted Employment Agencies 1 and Lest and Found Advertising . 4 will be Jound en Page 20 gQR SAIfE TYPEWRITERS RENTED VISIBLE 3 MOB., JO 00 AND UP Factory Rebuilt Typcxvrltcra "See Our New Machine, the Century" XEA1V 1STAT JTOA BALK BEAT, 1sS'TA'r 0ALM- ' -... ' ' ' .T nfrutilvvnlvxl ,'t J lJ -. lata residence, 2331 8, Heward at. Int. Fern' weed cem, McCLOUD. Jan. 11, KATIIERINE C, wlfa of Harry J, McClnud. Relatives and friends are Invited te services, Mnn,, 2 P. M , at residence of her son, L. W, Kearns, IBIS N. Alden at, lnt, private, Mt. Peace Cem, Friends may call Bun eve 'McELXVEE Jan. 12, HniDGET, widow of Danlel"MeElwae, Relatives and friends, also Nativity Sacred Heart Society, ara In vited te attend funeral, Men,. 8 30 A. M.. from residence. 2040 Ann at. Solemn re quiem mast at the Church of the NUtlvlty 10 A. M. Int. Hely Cress Cem McOBE. Jan. 11, HUGH, eon of Mary and tha late Patrick McGee. Relatives and friends, also P. It. T. emoleyea Inv'ted te funeral en Monday. 8 30 A, M.. from his mother's residence. 843 a. Hilten st. Reanlem mass at the Assumption Church, 10 A, M. Interment Hely Sepulchre Cemetery. , McOHATH. Jan 12, 1022 JOHN J husband of Anna McGrnth. need 03. Rela tives and friends, also Dlv, Ne. It, A, O If., Invited te fur.eral, Men , 0 A M , from hi. late residence. Gwynedd Vallev, Pa. High requiem ina.a St Rese of Lima Church, North XVnie., Pa., ,11) A. M. Take 8-03 A, M. train from Readins; Termini! te Gwynedd Valley. Int. Lansdale fttT1VEln tnt, 1nS10J'J T1fftl husband of the, late Elltabctfi A. lfcKeeve'r (nee jieLAugmini. ueiKiiv-s ,ann rriends, nlse XVIIIIam O. XX'arden. Un. Ase.! em pleyw of the Atlonfe Rellnln Ce and League tl tha Bacrr-d Hart of St Charles' Church, are Invited te nttend funeral, Tuea , 8.30 A. M.. from. hi. late resldenee. 291. Iemrwrd at. Solemn requiem mass St. Patrick's phurch 10 A M. Int. Hely Crea. Cam Mclaughlin. Jan. i2. james son of Ellen and late Edward McLaughlin, funeral, te which relative, and friends Invited. Men . nt 8 A. M.. from his late residence. 203 Moere tit. Solemn mass of requiem at Churrh of the Sacred Heart 0.30 A. M pre cisely Int. Hels' Cress Cem McNAMARA On Jan. 10. 1022. MARIA, widow- late Patrick McNamara Funeral Sat 8 30 A. M.. replden.cS 010 N. 14th st. Solemn requiem mast Our Mether of Sorrows' Church 10 A. SI. Int. Hely Cress Cem Rela lives nnd friends lnlted MOrnT, Jan. 12 1022, at 2r.le XV Oxford St.. ISAAC MOrnT. Relative." and friends ara Invited te attend funeral, Men , 2 P. St.. 1912 Columbia ave. Int. private MOONEY Jan. 11. 11122. KATHIUNR. Mlr- if Mark Mooney (nan MeCttian.i, Hrlatlvea and friends are Invited te funeral. Sat.. 2 P. M . from her daughter'a residence 3221 jasper at. Int Private, North Cedar Hill Cem. Remains may tw viewed l'rl. eve SIOORE Jan. 12. XVINIFRED. wlfa of Herace Meera and daughter of Henrv nnd .Mary SIcCabe Relatives and frlendi are Invited tu atlcnd funeral. Sen, 10 A, s fiem her lata residence, aim N. Ce lege ave. H'ih tna" St. Elizabeth's Chureh U A SI. Int. Het Cress Cem MORRISON. Jan. 12 MARIE BARLEY wlfa of Frank Merr son and daughter of Jehn and Slary Ullllgan. . ..Relatives and mnAm nlan K. - M. Sedalltv nt fit. r.... maculaia Conception Church, ure Invited te attantl lunarai f" parens- reeiaajice n.n niH.ni masi ceptlen Church 10 A. SI. Int. Hely Sepulchre sv.m.K 343l" Sfaln 4205 ... - MOLLOY At Plnevllle. pft , .in ,2 I 1022. HARRY F. MOLLOY. aged 03. Re a' tlvea and friends Invited te ntterd runeral. from hla late residence, Sun , 2 P. SI lnt Rlchbore Cem. , I Mlll.l.l'. Jnn. 11. SUSAV I . ...I,l... I Gterce R. Stullen. nged 81 Funer.il eirvlcen ut her late repldenc", 1.2 Quen lane Gcr Gcr tnantewn Sat, 2 P. St Int erlvate NIXON. (On Jim. 12, ,.U'22. SIAGDA LENA, 'Vldevv lit Richard Nlxnn Services en SIcndny mernlnu. a 11 o'clock at lir lialdencn 021 S. Cecil St. Interment prl ote. lVIenlt may call Sundev cvenlntr O'KANE. Jan ,12. ,1022, ANNIE wife of tha late Patrick O'Kane Relative and friends and Leagun of the Sacred Henrt In vited te attend funeral Slen . fl 3n A. SI. from her late residence, 2Mt Tulip at. Helemn requiem mass St. Ann's Church 10 A. Sf. lnt New Cathedral Cem ORR Suddenly Jan It. HUJ. JOSEPH I. , husband of Ilerthn I) Orr Ri'l illvct nnd frlends also United Fellowship of leuth rhll ard empleyes of th Amenrsn Hank and Trust Ce. ere Invited te attend funeral fnrvlcea, Men . 2 P. St., at his late real real denile I22S Dslv st. Int nilate Tim vv"ed Cem Friends may call hun after PIERCE -On Jan. 11. 1022. CHAm.ES I MOVING STORAGE PACKING L. beloved husband uf Catharlne PI Tea , lv-' v IM,a .,, .I ,L (nee MacHtnln). Relatives and friends, also ' TELEPHONE LOCPIT 10OO xvatninsten camp ..e: noe. i: u. m et a.. and Fidelity Assembly. Ne 21. A. (I SI P are Invlttfl te the service, en Sat . at 2 , P. SI., nt his late residence. bt3 N Ringgold I si. nil. nrivate. i rienus may view remains Frldav cX'e POTT'J Jan. 12, SAI LIE CI. wlfe of Hiram II. Pitts nnd diuohter of 1h lata ltenjamln and Ellznbeth Crezci Grifllih Relatives and filetuls Invited te nttend fu imral services hat.. 2 P SI . at her let resldence, 2UJ2 De Lnrcc place, lnt prl Mite. RAE. At his late reldnte 4011 Larch weed nve . Jan 11 JOHN RAE Relatives and friends, also Olivet Lod.e Ne. 1107 I" and A St.- University R. A Cbnpter. Ne 230 nnd St Jehn's Cemmandcry. N i. 4 K. T , are lnvltd te attend funeral. Sit.. 2 P. SI , chaptl of Andrew J Hair A Sen Arch ard tilth sts. int. Woodlands Cem kahili.. jan James rtahUl (n. K 30 A M . fri W umbrlnnd at St. Columba's Church 10 A SI, lnt Xew cathedral com RANDALL Jnn 12. GEORGE H RAN DALL, in his 78th eir Relatives nnd friends Invited te funeral services Slim , 1 30 P. SI , at re denue of sen-in-luw. XVII llnni I'. S Ferry. BI11J Hunter's nve. Int pilvate Frlanda may call Sun eve. RESULLARD Jan. 11. LENORA, widow of Charles Remlllard runernl, te which relatives and friends are invited, .Menilu ZZ wttw-ii Vtiirj.nKi.rniA . wnT vimAvr.iA'WA , . . jJiamJHiia 7 , i , ' '" t- a , ; Ji ' ' , JK a. The Finest OVERBROOKHOMES ! JKUBBtJi Heuse in k Ut ifc ' ABmmmL Best Section jgSBP- -WSMBfh 'for Sate' -mlT, mt.W .-i. J-t'''ArhTit-3a g ,rwTssW,vtv,r-.,-:ie.i.."--. i , ,,. i.i i ., ,..., i iilij l, . II I I iiun ' urn invited te i ... . . i n irihfX.-y'Sr American Writing Machine Ca ass at the Immaculate ,en. . m)2 CHES1NUT ST. With Central Plant Heat which is unquestionably one of the greatest advances offered m hemc-bulldinp;; climinatinp; all dust and ashes, and proven te cost less than your ordinary coal bill. These Houses Have Been Re-Adjusted in Price Te Net Yeu a $2'000 Reduction The finest 2-story homes in Philadelphia; 20 feet xvidc; artistic stone fronts; 3 and 4 bedrooms; most modern appointments. Garages, etc. 407 Abjjotsferd Read, Germantown Near XVnyna Junction. Semi - detached, thoroughly modern, faclnu Fern Hill mrv Tin '- '"W.W.V meat Intercstlns prlte and jour I rms Take car 03 en Lull "t net oil ac vemin av walk 2 squares west, or tra'n te XVayne Junction. Apply te owner en prcmi.ea Sunday or phene Lansdowne 104 1 LOGAN LOGAN ON MarlynRead65thSt. NORTH ON LAN3DOXVNE AVE. (S00 HLOCK) MOSS & TAYLOR IJU1LDERS OF HOMES FOR THIRTY YEARS 'lake "I." or surface ears te Old utreet, pass north tn Lnns'dewne avenue, or surface cars Ne. 41 or tl. Walk unti hick west. One fare. STOBAOE AND MOVINO Leng-Distance Hauling ! Washington, Pittsburgh, Albany and Bosten 1 W?elt)y peel tanlead service for small ship 1 nients te Haltlmere and Washington. The Big 4 Transfer Ce., Inc." I 3ITII SIAnKET STS. PII. BAnlNa 1200. ESTABLISHED 1872 CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSES 20th St. ab. Chestnut APARTMENTS 1414-1416 Spruce Street Richelieu Apartments FOR RENT PiUieiur apartment of una and two rimnu w th liiilh Heuseketplns apart ments with three looms und bath sent K.iffliitti'miiii'Biiii' uwiiiiii MdiiiiB'iiwiiiiiini' iuuiiiui'e ii. : iiihi'M I 21ST& CHESTNUT STS. S N E. irrn-, nin ii rn ant., 2 loons, j bath nnd kltchunette, furnished s 8 JJ A. St.. from late residence. 2i3U S Si Beuvler st Selemtr miss uf rcqulim Church , S3 of St. Slenlcu 10 A. SI Internum Ilnly j cf?".9em!l'.rr- , .,,v. I & ling Ol Ifl L'Ornnrnl n ..III -JIV.'"'-.:' '.,."'":.. ..IV'V". .- iwirnu- iff PI Tuesday. Jmimirt 17 ibie it K IUN ."V "lV "-, ,i'""V . '""e Phlla ' Heipfiii i i il .. "".. i! ' lU-.8..nt a. n ,ia I.odke. Ne. T2. V and A X! mi,,.;;. 'Ithtld for t,n 'l' rust"." te seFve'fe'r f'.mr. Ne. Ml It A M Phil., Cem J?n Pastors of CiiniflViiiiFi. i i.!.'..k r mandcry. Ne "-' K T, Mnrrlsen Hepublli an luietlier persons co n trlbutinir tn thl1 Tfhe i lul. Third XWird Inv ted te attend fi neril ' ISO 00 or mere I ywirly or ll nh.',"V" Ht 2 P M, from his late residence 1 14, fesre men,b7r,Vt ,ne ".rWllS, ! IS ft'. ft lnt "rhat5- nwlm vlew'cd s-v. iv ini. ML IM a mfaiatiii - rii. r3 - 'SAi4rLH. Secretary. Till-. fl'NNMVI.VAMA MIMPANY" IK INSt UANt-KS (IN I.1VI S AMI HIT IV'T.Vn .;,..-hLt''7 ileafS :?;'P5.?' jVMS. e I.Ctafni street, en '5Ind ."i ' ?!. .rCle''n.ieVri fniuinn . ii. ;; v. i' . 1HE iula8tBV-- e's."LxvnIV,? ter SerrulBf.e 1 RANKi.iN TiiirTISis r . " " -w. .-i.."'.'"'' Kut , iuveniLer '.""". f' '0.1 for dlrvctera r";i,. ""I U lift III Itf Mia ,.p4- Z 1! Ia A t a .. . " I Ln TlltSkfln v " 0MU (rein pm,. 5'. :'1'EM'UIA ;.'i.T v.'! 5.-. 'lnyn.'ter il. 1321 4i wii ",. 'V "Mc of ihs 4-1 XXalnut st , Philadelphia iy, January 17, lei""""Pn",' ein 12 neon te 1 p. jr. tllB flM Kill XVILFRED HURTir. .iT-i'iry. .J". '.lln '.ehlgli AVVI,. .' -- -- ..l?ckhnder.-0f ".i:;" Vikl-ff . 2. HIITX clerk r of Ien of "'nee na" "?.,a; r.r,0R"'v.cem Juniiarr 30. in1" . .. J.'. ".. Ier th. JieniAn'r;:. "L.U 'l9rl 0 2 an, 1 fV.!. if .u ".recto a., ii HI N( 1 ethfr J IIURTO.V - Secretary. INBW-BMTKNt B TSlitiTilfcV; JIi.m,.i ,..., "'"'IM tl.n;-"..-"5"1 Of ste,he',lar.s rn- id.;r"r ssi .r."!-.,"". !, febVusry 15 'lei1 Sl" SF dnt. '' rWlsdelphlJ: "' nt 35 winni ': l. BROWN. PreeldipL RICE Jun. 13. CAROLINE, xvli'nw rf Samuel I Rici. lunernl services Sinn . '. P. SI.. 81 E Ourflela St., Gerinantewn. Int ' H'vnte Frlendi may cnll Hui. eve I Kll.i.i un Jan. 1-. jia.', wfttium ,. ItlLI- Y (nee Harbison), wlfe uf 1'rederMt XV. Riley ItelHtlves and friends, also Covenant Chapter, Ne 100, O. E S . are Invited u the aervlces, en Slenday lflernoen. at 2 3'j o'clock nt her realdmce. H0J7 Ua.cs st. Irter niant nt Sit. Slerlah Coin Frlinds mi) cnll Sun Jay evening. ROIIOLD Jan., 13 OTTO I huaband of Margaret llobeld (nee 1 ejne) Helatlves and friends, also Hnlv Name heetetj . In vited te funeral, from his lute residence. Id E. Gravera lane Chestnut Hill, 'lues 11 A SI Solemn requiem mass at Church of Our Slether of Consolation 10 A. SI Int. Hely Nepuicnre (.cm . , i-nn.ihe.i iir,niu T.m 11 iiAiiiix 1-. lie eveil 1 uriiineu husband of Hella llesera. Relatives nnd friends, nlse Phlla. Ledge Ne 54, I. O O. SI , and Heck. Engrnvlnx Ce arn Invited te view remains, hun . s te 10 P SI , at hi. late residence. 122J XV Hilten st Int. prl VUte ROSS. Jan 12, JOH husband of Emllln Pea (nee Sleti), need 39. Relatives and friends Invited te funeral Stqn.. 8 A. SI . 707 Cambria st Hlsh mass Ht. Hojimon Hejimon Hojimen turn's Church 0 30 A. SI Int. Hely Hepul Hepul chre Cem. RYAN. Jan 10 10J2. JOHN J . hus band uf Sarah J Ryan 'ive Cherrj) Rela tives, frlendi mil all soi.lt.tles of which he was a member Invited te lunernl en Satur day 8 311 A SI . Irem Ills late lesldence 2DII3 Tienten ave Solemn high mass at St. Anna Church et 10 A. Sf Interment Hnlv rieiiulihre 'eui"tery HCIIOONOVER Jan 12 MRS. FRAN CES EVER1TT SCHOONOVEH Funeral services nt residents of hnr nlete, Sirs. XVIIIIam SI X'temuna Chestnut Hill. Sun , 4 p M lilt at t'nlenvlllc N. X'. SHIltn At tha residence of hla daughter, Mrs F H MucLirland 201(1 chestnut tit , en Innuary 14, 10J2, .HENJASIIN F SHIHE llelatlvva and friends ara Invited te the itrvke en Slenday evinlne nt H e clock ut the Oliver II Hair Hldg.. 18J0 Chestnut t Interment at tha convenienco of the fauil y STANGLl 1. -t Klikvvmd N J .i.m 11 l'lJJ, HARRY L liusband of th late Ccrellni taniler aicd 7J Servlea Sun 7 p M lie resldence Knkvvoel N I Int. Ureenw it m I'hlli . SI n , 1J n.'m S1KIN lau 13 102.', NATHAN hur, hur, bend of Ruinii tei.i. Rv-latlves nnl friends, kIhd ''lievrii Ahv ith Chesed ire .nvitcd ic attend funeral. Sun . 2 P. M sharp late rtslileuc . 1317 XV Yerk ht lnt Sit Cirmtl Ct m 11IORXIAN Jan J2 ALBERT II. bus br.nd uf late Slary U Thnrnian Relatives and friends Invited te funeral services Sinn., 2 P M ut 3iX On en st lnl private Friends may call Hun eve TfOIlY-Jan 12 I XTHFRIVE wife of late Edward '1 uehy (nee lliiK.rtv) Funernl Men, 8 30 A M. from be- son's resldeiue 283J Chrlsllan st Solemn requiem mass Ht Anlhnnv's Chinch 10 A M Int Hely Creat XVA1.SH Jan 11, ATIIAUINE wife of Xlartlii Walsh, and daughter of XVIntfred and the late Anthenv l.j null, native or Kll innre Ce Sluvn Irelund HelnllveH Hnd friends nre Invited tn funeral Mini, .8 Je A M . from tbe resldence of lier uncle Michael SdGllnn. 1-0 N I.liidenwund st Solemn requiem maaa at Church of Our Lidi of X'lUnrv 10 A SI Int Hnlv Cresa Cent WARRICK Jan 11 , , EMSI.X JONF.H. widow of XVIIIIam XVnrrlck 31 XV. Harvey at iiermnntevvn Due nollce of f uni rul i W I le BIV, il I XVEI.IHNG Jnn 11 'I IIOXfAR J X EI.D 1 ING hut-biind of Ruse XV( Idtnir (nee I lube) HelallVea llliu liieii.n, inriieii III rillli rill EDGAR G. CROSS Jill XVALNUT ST JIDilll!!llll!llllll,llllilIIII!!l!lll1l.lll!llll!lllll1illl!llll!lllllll!ll li'llllJIillill'llli? McClatchys New Hemes Only 25 Minutes Frem 'City Hall te.frnftU fe; b S:; n Homei TITtyi. jJu. rir if 3 I XElfHOttE ItQAB I 2 35 Minutes from Oft Hall liHiiiiniimiii "lllllllllIIIIMIllllllllllll"IM'llllllil I I ltil KOXTH S3r STKEET Tins diagram tell you the story of the convenient nnd accessible location of the new 1,a lutchy homes new being built en Kenmore rend. Tnke Market Street Elevated te 63d, free transfer en Overbroek car te Lansdowne avenue (800 North), then walk 2 blocks west. Or Girard avenue car te 63d. Or Car 44 en Arch street and a free transfer te Lansdowne avenue. Price, $5350 $1000 Cash Fer interest, taxes and water rent you pny $31.60 a month. Add $12 a month for reducing your second mortgage and you begin owning your home. Yeu couldn't rent the same house under $60 a month, yet for $43.60 a month you are owning your own home and paying off the mortgage. A big paving. These new homes b.ive enn-detached perches with tile reefs, electric lights, built-in tu tn tiled bathroom, het-water heat, electric outlets in nil rooms, large, complete kitchen. I ALL-CqPPER GUTTERS AND R-MNSPOUTING. Leta 104 feet aeep; auto anyewuy unu K(1Ll prvuege in rear; neuses set back 43 feet from curb, mvini ou a lone .te y H." 1 6th St. LINDLEY TO DUNCANNON AVE. 5100 NORTH - 'Hi Wll fl I II asa!SBMaasl trolley lines and Legan marketing center SALES MADE IN THE LAST 2" DAYS Ml' NORTH JCT7I STREET r,13t NORTH 10TH STREET 311", NORTH 10TH STREET M37 NORTH KITH BTRKEr 3130 NORTH jmjf -THFH AND H K mil KITH Mil NCfUTH 1TH STREET Dl'.a JVUKTII 1HTH STHIJLT 1-.J2 DUNCANNON AVENt'H 321 DCNlA.VNON AVENCE T."i III'VI AWtIV AVLNll, ASP lll'NCANNO.N AVE If yetJ ate in the market for a geed - sized modern t xv o e story house xvith garage, tile bath with shower, -nd all the lal cst improve ments we can interest you. nf r Tk 1 1 HI II IiRll AND OWN pp. , .H. Uownsbreugh kssksex s ftb$Ss : OPEV EVENINGS FNT1L 0 O CLOCK GEnjlANTOXVN PEVNSYLX-ANIX irni'i 'iiwraiiiiniiiiMi'i.y, W: PHIL-ELLENA ST. I ll 1 m ( emplet'l- renovated threush- E out. thla rfBldenca presents a B 83 most attractive appe-irenen nrrl g ft Is a very geed buy for tbe pre. H ij asked The atone detached real JS E denre is plnred amid old ahad g m vvlfh harmonlers surroundings en gj Si a high a te There are 1(1 roe-rs p Bi 7 are bedrooms) and J baths w , 5" The appointments of the entire S Sf house ara most convenient and jjs 5i nttraetlve, electric light het-watr 3 S I "at large let nnd manj etti'r E S nitrnctlve features Ask for Sir ja i S Htndermser B I WffiH.WlLS0N&G). I g Merris Builoine a raniitiii'iiuiiiii'iiiii wiii!,nr li Titwiiiiniraiiiii raww iiiiiiiaiEr Bi-nt'ituxs JlllllMi OVERBROOK Attractix-e, stone, detached house, slate reef, central plant heat, all modern improvements, g geed condition. $21,000. MERION Detached, center-hall xvith garage. $19,000. heuse a THE IDEAL SMALL HOUSE XX ITH TViKAIt t.ARAijL PRAC1 ! XL IN PLAN ATTUAITIXE, IN DVlsl-JN READY FOR OCCUPANCY Mr WYNNEW00D g Nexx', detached, center-hall j heure, five bedrooms, three pi bath, hardxvoed floeis. het d xvater heat, let TO'xlOO'. I $23,000. 1 W. GORDON SMITH nished sample house open 8 Easy te Get Te- -Easy te Buy O UM'lJNSi: TCi YOf IN 1 I, X INC. YOl'R JIOIITU.M .1 .- JOHN H. McCLATCHY BUILDER OF HOMES 1 ET CS iil BLKVATHINH MAURAN, DOLMAN Sc CO. X r 1 OFt ltnnATl t HI -tTN' T 1623 SPRUCE STREET 3 ROOM1 AND HATH. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. REASONABLE RENT MEARS& BROWN aiVhfls, CITY WKiT PIIIKXDI.LPHIX I.I, REAL ESTATE TOR SALE AP A RifME"NT S 1 725 MT. VERNON ST. eee hrtlVMer heal til 'Mil 1606 MASTER ST. Finn for apts (Ire-escape let te st 10 000 181ft N. isth st , J npartntanta JM'O0 IhOIN IStli, for atts or home S ('Oil 2.118 Penlur st third (1'OX n"t 8,500. A. HEATON TBINNICK 1802 Glrnrd nve pi-en Pe-Me-r 01S0 OTHER APARTMENTS Hnlldlna; Iits. Fucterv .lea, BPKiiiwiirraffiiiiitiiiiiwriiiiiiiiiwii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii wuwnw ' i LOTS FOR BUILDERS XX'e hive n c olce llHt if re" e iu S lb-, ber- Ivcatlena en nnd n,ai 'h.i rf Itnnsa'.lt beulevard. Severul panels M with ill atrct Itnprevrment efterc 1 fd ut special prices for dutch sale 3 Call ei- see Mr. Stetl S 'eRwnmR L'Ot LEX'ARD UORNUl RISING m SUN AX'E lillllllllillllUillllllllillllllll'lUill I XX'EST PHILADELPHIA TO $30,000 nn'Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'a A COMPLETE MODERN ml:-- IILL ROAD ON THE PARKWAY g Valuible 4-atery prepem with let g 20J120 te rear street possession can ffi be Riven with most attractive terms lf3 for purchase rg &&& J I.ITH AND CHESTNUT S T: "S ll'UllliiQilllllillll'illlllll! he; AT 0VERHI SOUTH OF CHESTNUT ST. ffl (BOTH ST SECTION t 3 M IXX'O STORY SESII-DE1AI lll.I) S ffi INSPEC1IONI IH INVITkD S BJ APPLY ON PHVMfES Olt 1 i fi ROBERT K1LL0UGH f '1! XVavna and Duvnl ats Germ mt t ih SKHTniiKi'miUiiakrutnumiimmu fijmitiiiiminitiiiitMiiU'M'iEfiJuiJimiUinuriEi'rrii ir?t "Sillilllllill'l I ; IfjiaaiJian ii'i'iiim n!illil!!lilU!l!!l!lllllilllliniinilillilli!lllill!lliH FILBERT ST. NEAR 13TH XV II I icaind and In nctlve nghbor nghber I oed 'et 18x01, a bUB'nets prepeity vvltli e.vl value i HiSSTNI'T T I3T1I iiiii!i!i!i!!iiiiniiii!iii!!iiiiiii!i!:ii:!!eiiiin:i: $300'ONLY REQUIRED ATTRACTIVE HOME BXLANCE SXME S REM 1828-S. YEWDALLST. ritOROUGIILY RENOVATED MOUSE OPEN ALLEN & REED On premises or ISOt Lecus' st irilllll!lll'III1iil!li'l!!l!lllliIll!!ililil!lill!lllllklliMirill!illll!lfll,ll!lli'l RITE Suddenly. Jan, 11. nt her lat. residence 1018 Slaster st., BALI.IE X. MORE ION. wife of Geerge SI Kite. Funeral private KI.EINICNECHT Jan. 11, XVILIIXM. husband of Al.nn S( linber KU'nUnechl Helatlvea and filends alhe nn nibem ,f Pregrnsa Ledge Nc (IIH) F and A SI nnl all et er nririhiiattuna. nvlted tn innirni . -- - ..,.. .-- ..;.- 7' ,! '"!" ?' . -..' ...- '.,"""' ". -n at i :,-' i in M from alsl..r'u ri.i.:" int. inivite .-Noniivveiii uem rriends may ,",' A a en, Ht Hlirh imh i riir i ' cnll l'rl evenliv fiem 7 te I) o'clock '.'Ih,, ChurCi I A XI I u "? Hl KREAMER. Suddenly. Jan 18 1022 ,An' "' uiuniie C,ty nriera cm!i J C re" CHAHLEH E. husband of a Grace Kreiimer lel" ., . . "x i , ?,??, (nen Miller) Relatives and rrlenda also I XX'HALl.N. Jun 8 ILL1ASI. husband Sheklnah IdR0. 240. F and A Sr , and I "f Hairlit I. XXlinlen Helatlveu and all Stasonle nnd oilier organlintleiis of whlih friends also Ktnj limtun Ledge Ne u j. ha wua n m mbir. are Invited tn attend " ''"," l"1',1?,1 "' Wurkera' funarnl fervlcei at tils late realdenee 1 1 I Union Ne 2 are Invltnl te al-enr lutieml Ferrest ave Narberth. Pa Sinn,, 2 P SI S' 1(1 A M . rrem nta late u dein.e S72. Precisely im private Mt Peace Cem . lunpai. Only $250 Cash te Buy a Heme Anywhere in Philadelphia If ou want te bin u home come and te us; If ou buve SJ.XQ we will make veu a lean In pa the balance en )our house PHILA iltiXIH HUILDINO AND DEVEI.OPSIENT COSIPAN'Y Roem 303 Kes stone Aid Se. clety Hid- S. E cer Kith and Lembard sts Phlla Telephone Oregon 0201. Office hours I) A SI te 0 P SI iiuiiiiuiw:! NEW HOME GARAGE BARGAIN 1705 N. 59THST. ALSO CORNER FOR .1 XII ALLEN & REED On premises or 1301 Let jat llllini'llilMIIBIIb UXRGE PROPERTY Suitable for apartments or business 1032 SPRUCE STREET LOT 21 111111 XDJtHNS CORNER Lan be aelil near naaeaaineiit EDGAR G. CROSS niitiin mwiiiiii HlliMIIIM HIIIM IIIIUillLlli'iUii'ilillUiluB; At C9th St. End of Eluxated New Three-Story Side-Yard Hemes $9500 ,'V" 'muj.nu.1 i ,.i,u... k Hlg Stene Fiicplacc Xhiv unusual te be abl, i, Ii i ii thiee-Htery honre ut His pre en Chatliam Iteacl C9th nt ' Mnrket Sti. enlj (! mpiutps ie City Hall, oue into, no clianm of cars N'tnv linmef. liiti- com. pli'te in nxery vv iv i break lust nook, nn up n st iltvvny te .i l.xiC1 finlnlieii thitil-rioer room a lili; stene (Ireplitcc-, nll-LOpper gul tcu uni Kiln speutlnr- a reftir.v lempl'-i') lilti-heii , ev-iytlilrc in thlf. lien),! of tlte late.it tvpc Open a .X sr te 8 10 P M Small Amount Cash Bal ancc as Rent Jehn H. McClatcby Builder of IIemeF Office, 69th and Market 3203 WAX MI AXI. adl ilnlnc tba cernr of Hanjberrv street n par ticularly desirable property large roema and large let with rear entrance en Henry et first fleer rerept,en room llbrar dlnlne room kltuhtn an 1 UJn dr se. md fleer t r en . und bath third tl ier 1 rooms let ,Xxl71 u i i rjite unvenlent te tri,n and tre'lejs GERMANTOWN TRUST COMPANY ' 'teUen nrd (,ermintc n aves Uililinili lllll B,!IM II llllilll III Wil IDiUllAiili i.r-? .Wiia'iiiii,!iiiiiiiii;iji,i!ii,L,!iii,i!.i1Hiiiiiji;illinir!j!!iiiii!;;L';( MELROSE PARK 1 A 1 at ne dwelllpfc cnriye larc let i.n of the beat home. In this deitabt ful ae, ,in r.u-ht e7 X'urk reed aid surrounded bj beaut, ful homes. i). I . IvO.CkCrnC. "Xls ! VNfc. OPP STVT'tlX' ) i e Dale Lane a.-.ii Vt iiwiiiiiiiit uiiui lui'i uiihiiii hi iiiiiiiitiii'iiia'imwiiiraiiiiiiiitii'Miiiy Gin 'I sterv poi It saritf" t,r 1 1 l,"sn IMhum '. ledr v.a luseii jut vU, xarage prlv llegp 172X0 Otn atone. 1J ree is I ne r eiptlbjl lioed 4c)lVi a ba-c.iln IJ eui, i.tt new. r. l.clrennis J t uhs g, age. harming location 11 1 eimi etn attractlv Kreunl" "1 X c, 1,1 rooms girage- iiuu e tn nun uti one if th b. st ate i)T5 ; In-Iroeina 2 ith- SI lib ii G. M. RANDLE, 1309 Locust EAGLE HEIGHTS An Jal p!i. e f0r ilr herie pr e, I ite I s es inttjna plots gi irnr l.f. ' Ti - XX ,. i h.ster car rvt HO-b si -e Lane i id ' n 1 fire) th, --"M l ' r ' - l"X Ml in.x -Ti.l.S 1734 Re , 1 tiiie Iruat HI Ig ? M Alt Quefn I, tn' HtitUm Rtii trni'i N 4Ty Hdnnbfrry nt corner hi)uii a , 10 r wins 'J bath h t s,utr licit t tri llfht anil ifarace fur 'J . urn it r rnHjnablg ni Imnelmte GERMANTOWN TRUST CO. in i u. .. i.i.itxi rnvxN xxes NORWOOD, PA. Immed. Possession, Price $5300 iwi.tniv brr l-ne r-m d.in hd eturce J In. lis l. healer , ie "t 40x122 ft XPI tu X M MeXl Kill II3.X MehawU. Nnnveml Vj. Ph me ltij v Park 429 1IMA LOG XV $53.50 Monthly Expense hit $"00 cas1! pavment Beautiful Heme and Garage L.NEOl XLED X XI UE J'l St. VI. TER.XI3 Ih'ee t-n- bedioettia and .leepuig perch mia,m te 4 t edroems ,n ii,, tril in lusi.d front perch (heated). I'm! et level with living room, 4 I iw,h il ,i ra bitween unusually large k.'ihrn J wndews nnite enamel Mulsh. ti but h -nth built In tub and shower, bikk flrn i e eu The Finest Heating Plant in Legan epirit" at mlr In basement plastered , , s it b gb te ,ara heatera plumb ik .Is and lamenting guaranteed Tenth above Courtland St. Ju-. ulini 1 ulevai 1 and Iluntlnz Park, i PL.N 1V AND NIGHT S. C. ABERNETHY ll.M llfc'IMTliT 40.' I N 10TH. tf BALA Of Stnt a a I i Inster linus eon VA CI iilntig 10 t 'ne. 1 bath ti I X A LJ ihumbtrs ttumuihlj modern M Can be purrhased a' a verj rea r4 eenab price Immediate pos PJ MHIRST&McMULUN J? qe i",,T usi T.i s i iii. de y ( III'.l TI'.MI XXI $5500 vv reniiil " sampl" h m. npn for insp-e-11 in in the Ii ii. iful i be.tenhani He, 1 1, n f) re mis and bath hei-wnter beut e e. t'i lights laundrj ehed a l-narnel. d k la r,ine terra ed and stone per h front. mabeBa and whlle finish gara- pnv en .urrvlmr chaire $33 ',e p-r m .nth 710i. -h iheurna Wl"IV,t,"XDlt,kV '" 8 l'"" " ai" 0TT0STEINACKERIVt7tlV7ni'" ( HI VV X N Te Settle Partneiship Account a , r w, ....... .... 417 S 1th sr brlrk at l-- it I drlvew , i Sxvepe & Sen tn jfler it ft 1 t r,i , jitn ei - MM 'i XII ItlllS I ll Will eitn 69TH ST. SECTiG;-; J02S0 All-atene Colonial r.fildenra law tlla reef in room, real epn fireplace Willi &dWWIitaiANCE FOR MiTTlW iTTiITIiBM l aBBsTsaiHrjbL' lieu'ex f TTTnaVHBaVfM PTj nt" v ii lap. BBB. I s BTaTaTaTaTaTaffasiaw. ' s - 1 I 1 Perth Train leaves Ilrend St Station for Narb-rih 1 1ft P Sl Friends may tall Sun, 7 te tl V XI LANDIIEIIR Jan 12 THERESA I , beloved dauthtee of Anna XI and t tin late fteplwn I Landherr (nee Maag). In her 2lld ear Relallvas nnd filends, also meiiilrs of tba Hely Pamll, am Invited te attend fu nernl Slen 8 30 A. M , from the resXdenee of bee mother 2001 N 3d st Solemn rn naas ui ni iientiai-ea tnurcli 1( nil, lieiv iieeeemer ueni .iu i , niiieute .-if'" Henialtis mil) bi eulam mass I.AUHAi'11 jan ii, .i.M.i.it,' j vviuew Int Ft ruwoed vleweil Frl eve. XVII I ' VMS Xt Pl'nan. N J. j.u,. n Ll IIIEU V XX tLI.IA.XlS. ai,ctl 7h i, . lives .md fund imli-d tu funernl a-rvliea Men 1 P VI, ,.t issldiiuii of lil h S0, llarenie 1! XV llll ,n a 4.1.1 XV Melly ' Tim an N I lnt pilvaie Frlem s' Burs Irt, Grounds s il, i N J iiuiMiiiiii.r ltll XVALNUT ST lllllll healed garage, heavy til reef m hmia large iivinr ruein. rei open nreptace dlnlne room and very Intee Ultrlirii IMILIlrXKEIlS of Tllghman Umbatli. Relative, and friends are tuviieii iu uiitnu lunrrni aervires at tue residence of her neulieiv 2131 M, 22d st , Sat , I0 3O A .XI Int private SlacSIULLIN lan 12 EV1MA. wife of Henry D MneMulllll aged 07 Relatives nml friends Invited te funeral services, Men., 2 P. St., at her late resldenee. 3(130 Unruh st. Tnceny, Intt private Remains may be viewed Sun., T te 9 1 M. fefMTaXERsl! I iVfl BROAD aV4d IV DIAMOND 2327 N. PARK AVENUE 12 nmni" uiedern r. nevnted within lear FERDINVND HLOCK 1112 Chestnut at Building Leta, I'nrlerv Sllr ,tc CENTRAL LOCATION large piasiercu uuiaueu a targe uetiroema ti . bath vvltl) built-in tuba and shower, thud flier. large itninhed and hented room lirte front perch also large e(ond-aierv p in h cash leuulred tn imnhnu' It. iri. I l il i I lit It H t)in,ul( t bli ell ii ! -141 ni af ti s at ii tin H ,K and heL i nd ire ,11 ,i ,Xv, let , ,, r tl n .eat nn erlm ut, een .in,l n veil I, in.,) TileV Mulil 1'lr.i i 1 1 . .. 0 r " is nd Lull, .tntliii I $1500 ,;, ii ia i likhi' " tmli ) lis of th, ... ' If IS . f tw 1 I mi, he i A I tie p i. IUANKF0RD HOMES ON PILLING ST. I ti, k i 111 u DREBY & EVANS cu-i-Q7-i-rcrxcr2 sTiii ty New effi u k m N a I XTi JlFal A7 . ' irr' -' "i i " r W 1119 LJ n ie iiilnii. 1 i n 3 U !SMal L7 In'ls an i il .mt, r n i b t V-4 iltal LJ ln' r m ;, . lw , rl , re -X O st.- hear 'iri" ..l ,n 1 Br J U e'1 reaenablv nrlred nn early hi ,ffl Vj llisne 'ion Ih ti it . I W . mt V HIKST & McMl'LLIV ,V MM XX"'.-' i M' hum i.ldl. xx . Jli ,i in, .a ' . ' .is i i ij i i j l '3mWL i, .ll'NKIMHVVS ' ItHP t-alanie Inanrnli no chirge mernhiv luir charges I'.X. .1. jj MECEE Jr aim fiiai, ,-i I'ueiiiiiice nnu dovvne 120. Open Sunday. ii i nru n i, 'i i in , ,Bi, u I be i, en te I lie bun Willi i.irb ,le, I il l r e llll in I'llolle Llin. The Philadelphia Heme Building and Development Company i. In. I IIILIi I I. ..in .... ... ( III.SIM T llll I m COXIHINXTKIN l.l II.DIM1 hi IT, lltUEL VNI el'l ll 1 XIKll- 1' Nfl i ,-e n STREET FRONTh POSSEHMON l "3 lini'H' "ttl tIV.M "I sA 1 I VII RANGED ' Ul J. A. PATTERSON l lil'. I S Of, I iJ300-- SIOUERN 7nutu ueri.li front dwellln.r exrell.pt n. u hi ,, lni. i 'lifiirr ie funil ly lire hi e asi n uii.r uiijeiiiiiik linns, s r.ui i,n ad- Ill, inin u llllllur linns, s rut r.ll S.I", ll A GAUI 7028'VX iidli.nd i IliiuXl i Ml INI i iiiiii, i i mm ip i ip i. i , I , . , M ,., , Jit l ( E. Cor. 16th & Lembjfid Sts., Philadelphia. Pa. , b. n, Office h uih li nr. u ii ti , i XI i VERY DESIRABLE RESIDENCES I l HMMIh 1, ill, I v I I Mill) I, J0SFPH M. JENNINGS CO DETACHED DWELLING I U l f ) din K . butt r t I , ) t i ihh1( I Hiiilful ,if , V i I r j7.i "llERKNESS & STETSON I VMl TIT I I 1,1 Il h VJ i in-srvi i in i i i v 1 "i ii- i ii ,, l SEMI-DETACHED HOUSE llERKNESS & STETSON AND Till I. HI Iff Fer Other Advertising of All (Classifications See Advertisements Set in Small Type in Following Columns Hi .xrijf vff'i V 'PKlAjitft l,.,i , ,C,iv-,. i. vLi vt li