;. l-JBJ 0OVIEGRAMS WmEWEEK ,. , 1 Jehn D'arrymerc in "Lelas Eater" Next IPcelc Stars of Stage Often Fail en Screen 'Way Down East'" Here Again Other Film News The coined) n new hi i iiiiiiucipiiiu nun n in iu TMly different artists ns Jehn Unrrymerc nnd Will He of It collectively) Iim s1iewntCEJtUaWfc ," Ipjyf Hnrmnerc comedy is -niptig J7eiuii"T,u(.er, nnd Stanley, ltegers will be fccen in "Deublln; for Shaltcsncnrc nnd n let of mevle-miiklng) nt flic Area tl be tbe "piece de resistance" of "Way Dpwn COMEDY, betb untlrlc and buffoening in diameter, will vle wlttf a tempestuous lee jam en downtei screens here next week. The comedy is new 10 i-iiiinucipnia nn is in me nullum liniult or Midi Itezers. 1 be ice (sneaking re. Unrrymerc cerneiiy is wur JaHUh T.uier, nnd win be Miewn at tnc Stanley, ltegers will be keen m "lJeublln; for llomre" (illicit tins some ircnum, wnne me ice -jam win East" warn tbat Griffith spectacle opens nt tlie Aldlnc. Five years age best reckoned en tbe film calendar ns before the dnys when the Triangle three-ring circus In Cnll- fernln seemed bent Screen Una Wen en draining bnlf the Over Ment theatrical forces et n.trr flars Ureaduny the SUQC biars ceuli, ce(U)t ",? recruits MllWc stars of the spoken "tagc en the fingers of ug-jhand. New the "01i:T.Wil-Never.Ap-n.ar'liefeic-lhe-CamcrnT' old guard of th? stnge- has dwindled & scant dev.cn .ml the Fcerchlng sun cvfci)ie film mng- pm"eiit en mcil- bertcst order. Untul WnrlicTii. tbiicch atnrr. .ienn mew. Maude Aunins, .in in .uumu.-. iTcnrv Miller nnd n hnndtul of lesser llehts tlicse nrc tlic faithful few who remain, for one reason or another, Im mune. (Jrerge M. f'elinn. Ulnnche llntes, rthcl Iinrrjmere. Margnrct llllngten, Fdlth Wjiuie MathlKen. I.cnere Ulric, Tahnstene I'erbcs Robertsen they hnve tried their hnnd nt the film Rnme, nnd have nppnicntly' been disillusioned, for they have net appeared In many moons en the screen. decree Ailiss. Ofs Skinner and one or two ethers nrc novices Irving their i... if U i ii tie inst jenr uciere ramern. i-i.i. T'...rcnii. FlnrcnKUOTrweliii -.i i innel Hnrmnerc. lyrenc rower " .i ..r. nnnilipr list, these who hnve continued with mere or less rcgulnrlty te mnkc excursions Inte fllmdem. con tinuing lhIr singe worlds they did se. A fv wp did net real be hew few b(,fnrc,lcscrtcd the footlights for getid snd all for flic mere powerful Kllcg lielilf. Ueuglns Fnlibnnks wns etic, Pauline Frederick nnethcr. Mnrgucr.tc Clark (before she ictlred) n tlilid. There are. of course, manv ether", (ddlliens te nil the above lists, whom the ebicrnnt nnd fnlthful fnns will ,,iik out nt encp. but the above-mentioned give n pretty fnir ideas ns te ,.- .Hn.nl ultnnttnn. .leim llarnmere Is lelntlvcly one of the pioneers in picture. Hy that is net mennt that he was one of the. brut, the fxnleriiiB clns. but thnt he wns one of the first of the big stage folk te suc cumb At the t'mc thnt he plnjed in "n American Citfren." mere thnn six years age. he was still ".lack" Unrry Unrry were. popular In "The Tet tunc Hunter en the stngc. with his well-trimmed mustache nnd his adiuirublc comedy mugging. ,. . , ell real screen faiiJiall remember his "Arc Yeu n Masen?" "Man Frem Mexico." "Itcd Widow." "Here Cdincs the Jlrldc" nnd "The Dictator." Then B.irrMiieie plnyed in Galsworthy's ".luMhc." heciinc "Jehn" nnd famous. The lilni thnt marked the transition s "Itafllcs" nnd then "The Test of Hener." "Dr. .Iek II nnd Mr. Hyde" was the I'.in.imerc of "The Jest,"nd "ltlchnrd II" vnilctj. Vew. he's icNcrtlng a Lit. Perhaps Ten iniglit call il n vacation, siiuc It is Letus Eater," including Wesley Barry, Celcen Moeic. Anna Nilsseu ami llur ney Sherry. Geerge Ade wreic tue sub titles and Marshall Ncllnn directed it. TO l'AUSE a moment en that ques tion of stnec stars en the screen, the foolish fallacy of certain picture pro duce comes te mind. Certain of these seem nlwnys te have belle. cd thnt n stnge star, no lunttcr who or whnt he was, would be a valuable nssct for them. This linn been disproved se often (linl1 they nrc beginning te wnue up te their mistake. Hernet cry fine stage people nrc Im possible for tbe M'rcen because they cannot film properly. Seme character- . ,. . . I'"'' f fce or They Could gesture, that i h iVef Screen ncer even noticed Well Enough before thp feet- lights, lenders them out of the question before the fierce, mi pitying eyes of the enmcrn. I could nnme several Who have bad screen tests inndc, with contracts at enormous fig ures ready nnd waiting te be signed, only te find that their particular en dowments in regard te face or expression barred them from screen success. Hut besides this comparatively small much larger one com pucU el stage ceieuritics wne nnvc mauc their screen debuts, perhaps hnve proved eminently satisfactory, but who hnve net succeeded in winning their way Inte the very pceuliar affections of tbe movie fans. There was, for example, Geerge M. Cehan, whose "Ilrendwny' Jenes," "Seven Keys te Bnldpnte" nnd "Hit-thc-Trnll Hellldny" were three corking geed comedies in which lie was a rent delight, but the picture fnns did net Seem te wnrm. nnd new Cehan declnrcs he will stick te the stage. Ethel Bar Bar rymere is an even mere striking cx nmnlc. Sim did some snlcndid nlc- i turcs. including "I.ndy Frederick" nnd "The White Deve, but somehow she did net quite seem te satisfy tnc I.erus of the Film Heuse"". The Triangle fiasco was largely caused by the fdelhardv And wholesale way in which the heads of the corpo cerpo corpe intlon signed up stnge atnrs without proper enre nnd choice in selection. Out of the horde of these who came te the Triangle studies Fairbnnks wns the eutstnndlng exception He was nn instant hit, while Helen Ware. Willie Cellier. De Wolfe Hepper, Eddie 1'ey, II. B. Warner. Mary Beland nnd ethcrn did each of thorn n picture or te nnd then gravitated back te the stage. Frank Kccnan while net of the tjpc te duplicate the success of Fair banks', initiated a new kind of nhote- .play part in "The Cewnrd." "Stepping Jt....A,.t' ...! ,l.nlM ..inAe. .....1 ....... OIUI111 illiu linn euiisun iiijvj itiii be clashed us a success. Other companies made bad gucscs in ctnrs nlse. Thcie was Edith Wjnnc Matthisen, whose "Governors Lady' rcdilrcs tbflf-'Wct Iho belCcf It will be ter tnctn nil, m ONE df the unfortunate pnrts -about . W. Griffith's mere pretentious jilcttiiCA Is that after their runs in legitimate houses, thyy scenr te dls nppenr In the thin nlr for a couple of. years; and when they de come te light In the mere modestly priced bbuscs, they tnkc n chance en being out of date or, nt lenst) old-fashioned In regard te .ceifaln details of technique. "War Down East" would net, In nil probability, 1-eceme old-fnshlened (Its stnge experience lias shown thnt), but ,,.., ., nevertheless Its dc- "Way Down but nt the Aldlnc Is Rant" Is a thing te be jvcl- Hack Again lemcd. It will give the fnns n geed chnnrp te compare Ijllllnn Olsh In the two roles of "Henricttc" in "Orphnns of (he Storm" nnd the much-persecuted heroine of "Wny Down Ensl." And there will be thp tjplcnlly Amerlcnn tnncilllnlty of ltlchnrd Bnrthclmess te be cdntrnsted with the foreign finesse of Jeseph Schildkinut. The Aldine, by the wny, is fe hnve Gulseppl Crentere ns the guest con cen con rtiteter of the house for the week of .Tnnunr.v .10. He la said te have been studying Iho question of music for movies, nml will demonstrate the re sult of his icsearch. The picture- for that week wl'l he "The Iren Trail," fine of Ilex Bench's Alnsknn ynrns. ' T HEBE'S n thert-recl subject en the Stnnten bill with the "Connecticut Ynnkcp" which is dccrvlhg of sncclal notice because it represents ni&nttcmpt te answer the complaint nbnjjjHfhc lack of really artistic ntmesplilp in our pictures. The film Is enllediRM'hc Bash ful Suiter," nifil it shows'shert story based upon the famous nnlntlntr liv Jesef Israels, which hangs In the Met ropelitan Museum of Art in Xcw Yerk. "The Bashful Suiter" Is the second HZ fflSEEii ftfflj IV in "m.rlpswlifcfi l)flrt"n fitierf time age with "The Beggar Maid," based iineil the well-known Burne-Jenes pointing, Tile object of these two-reel nuns is ie crenfe n greater general interest in (he dnmeus art masterpieces of the world, nnd. te nccempllsh this, a story is built around ench under the supervision of n committee of lending New Yerk nrtists. , WHEN Will Begcrs lcftlhe stnge for the screen cy cry body laughed nnd snld : I ... "Well, here is ene person who will ccrtnlnh never mnkc, geed en the screen' ' But Itoeer capitalized his homely fnee, has always Been te It thnt the suh-tftlc writer preserved fcemc of his famous witticisms nnd has pretty gen erally made geed. Sdme of his come dies hate net been quite up te the mark, but, as n whole, he has become n tilm favorite. aihi """. ' tichlcved thnt distinction, he just ns nenchnlantly skips bnck te uie singe, where lie Is te be seen nt th s very time nt the Garrlck. "Deubling for Bernee, " at tbe Arcadia, Is the next te last picture he has made. It tells of n bashful lever who, be cause of ills sweetheart's fondness for movie stars, enters the film game him self and essays, among ethers, the part of Shakcspcar's famous lever. Ju& -&i? Kt'l'f IT i I vi iimiwa forest (trd real, they were flsTer real nt nil. Tbe red cicctrie ngnt ouies 1,"B the .trees were very apparent , nnd the sjstcm of wires by which they fell against the. cabin containing the here and heroine were no secret. In the picture nil Hint will be dif ferent. I understand Universal l ob taining permission te burn n certain number of acres in n wild piece of country se thnt they will be en the spot with a real thing. A ery slmiliar slery is used in "Conflict," which will be shown all week nt the Locust nnd Belmont Theatres next week "Conflict" at nnd for three dnys Lecunt Has at the Coliseum. Ice Jam "e ; It l n leg Jam nnd Its dynamlttlng which furnish the geese-fleshy finale, with n rescue nt the cataract's edge In which lriscilla Dean is the chief figure. I'liscllln Dean, by the way, seems te hnve departed from the creek, under world type of play In which she gained mn fni, nli cillrrCEH. finrl in helnC COSt Hi the roles of out-of-doers heroines who J cause battle royals between brawny Him- i l.nH(nAf .....I .AliAmlritf ".III fMlAIVN. ! wMMWWihnrimmcA we a Lt hcrlncks nml sehcmlrte "city fellows And ngnln nature plaMi a big pnrt in Trnllln" with Tem Mix. which will be shown nt Fny's Knickerbocker. This time lt' the rolling pinlric (ai- I wnjs nn Ideal subject for the camera ' mnn) nnd n "young tenderfeet who. , .. .ll.. e bl...l len.l nt I J I1W leilUCnoei lluiu.ri.lll v". NAii nu is ci:rui....; - ; 1 0f tM0 diameter's rcmnrks) which, put Iho movies. Hew' mnnv of their together, mnkc nn out-of-doers picture, biggest thrills nnd their meflt vaunted ml, apparently, nnturc in n pepulnr effects nrc gnlncd by some close co- jj,),,,, wjln film audiences for thc.v til til til operatien en the part of Nature and a WIIH wc!corne nx and Hart nnd Buck shrewd director? ' Jenes nnd such thrillers ns hnve ben Mention has lust been made of the mentioned above. ice jam in "Wny Down J-.nsi nnii I word hns Just arrived of n spectacular .TTlCTOIt IIRRBKIIT proved se popu pepu popu preduction planned bv Universal of Unit , nn attrnrtinn nt tln Htnnley Enngden McCermlck thriller. J lie rcoenv thnt he Ib Peming back te thnt 'Stprm." On the stnge, that piny wns , ,10M(, for ,t, anniversary week, Wgln pretty terrible mcle." Even with the , January ,10. There is still no rcmni kabc details of stage crau. wu icu . n,me,lnC(.mcnt of t lit- feature picture te used te make the blizzard nnd the I b ,. nr tnc tme. e VZrMWMMMMM WWWWMWMWMWMW "The Ainu uf-ll.l.iHiu.. fm t IMs noer hcnllh islwnsnn "nlly line picture, but who indenting nn immedlntc return te the jnecr did nnether. Mnrgaret Jllingleii. liraw roles of the stage. "The Letus I who did just two pictures, which Im-Enli-V" is "The Fortune Iltintei" and ' mediately faded into ebscurity: Leu Tc,Hegnn, wne Had much the same ex perience, nnd many ethers. A mnn with n eicc ns soneious and magnificent ns William Fncrshnm or Tu-oiie Power may be a sciecn failure. These cry two actors, while they ucie decidedly net of themselves failures In se fnr ns their ncting wns concerned. were.ecrlninlv net pepulnr hits en the ft recti. Yet Powers' "Theu Shnlt Xet iiiiMHHl iim li.ui wwii m Jlexiee with n l-.-sf"Mr. Hde" iUrnlshed In the ire has a bit of neuibcr ncting nml dlfiemlt niuke-up. "Tiie Letus lieater lulls of u Ujrcd ew Yerker who. tiveH-jif living with tn uiifaithf'il wile, lnku a balloon trip and Is dieppcd en an inland Utopia in the Seuth Seas. In tills ceipn, tigers ulav nmeiie the Cevet,' with Knthrin Williams, nnd rliildren, .'lejihiiiits amble thieugb the "Jehn Xcedhnm's Deuble" were film Hrects, ex-New Yerk financiers become I lnnsterplcccs. chefs and Milud mixers in lhc Island' Scieen and stiU'e are ven; definitely cafc-i. nnd cenlviality reigns supieipe. as dlffeteut as sun and moon, nnd the '1 here's n ensf of clebntleH lu "The I sooner eveijbedy cenceined with both l Philadelphia Institution! CHESTNUT STRBET BELOW TWELFTH STREET A THIRD OF A CENTURY "PLAY1NC EXCLUSIVELY VAUDEVILLE'S BEST" Mt. A TIME-TABLE OF STARS! Night 2.05 2.10 2.25 IinUINMNO MONDAY NEM' ORCHESTRA ACSOP'S FABLES and TOPICS OF THE DAY Fr.nk FIVEK & JENNY Geerge "1 hi T'iiiuuhI Dun" llellr Sk.iter" .35 2.47 3.07 PEGGIE CARHART i Olfbiuted Cenci-it Vlellnlatit ' h!I.Ie llle'H I'epuldi I'leJilfei-Plnsci ' VALERIE BERGERE& CO.! In Tnn! 1'lav l ' O .Tey San" I KIRBY, QUINN and ANGER In the Cernr C'nmcih "On lli Strel" ' - -T- - I'lie Chiiitue Cem'uue 3.27 3.43 4.05 4.20 JOE COOK 4.35 4.45 4 55 'I '( Op, Mm Vmiil'vlll s un ALEXANDER" BROS. & EVELYN It jiDItlni. i Nev l "Ml HnllcM'D Vn1tdrt II t e'itiil I'einnl'enn MARGARET YOUNG lnnjii1m!tah!0l i J!': LAURA &" BILLY DREYER In 'I hlr L'nth Onlurv Ditnrw Heme PATHE NEWS EXIT MARCH 8.05 JklO 8.25 8.35 8.47 9.07 9.27 9.43 10.05 10.20 10.35 10.45 10.55 MulliiffK ll.irrpt Hntnrd.n anil llalldiitiii. 1000 Herein Hfntn. .lOri IWIO Irrhcktru Smt. ,'Sr, liuliiilinic lux. I.trnlui.ii I'ntlrr llrt Iliilien.v. Mti Kntlre riemJ Italian)-, ,10i i Onlirkiri vIh, $1.10 mill fl.M, Inrludlnc l.ix. Shown I1ail V iiikI H I M S.-a I'lm i -li In AiUnnre l'linn TIUmi J3' i 5f .Mn In. 2llS te 0:00 Rale. 17e. Orrli. 23c Inc. Tnx Except Hellduyn Grand nneAii as ii MiiNTnnMf.llV AVH. I'. (I. Mxnn.Mrdllncrr. (Irn'l Mrr. r,rn, 7i30 te lOll.l Orch. 40c. nnlc. 3.1c Inc. Tax SHurtliir t- Hnllilnn 2 F.Tcnlne Shows llftlnn'nr 130 Presenting B. F. KEITH'S POPULAR VAUDEVILLE hKVKN ACTS nml Hni.KCT I'lCTUIli: IMMllKAM A SHOW BEYOND COMPETITION AT POPULAR PRICES fhcHnmniM .lurnllr UAppv HAVnFN ftr PO '" "" Rnnuntlii Cemwlr lie noemrranir' -- m-- - "Tlie i-etc unmr" of "The noemrrang" The Elm City I'eur .loe Mellne Had HnjdfTvS Ce. .lelin nerle & Virginia Uennctt JUHT A W Ki: HIT mri'KIIKNT GEORGE YEOMAN & LIZZIE "The Killler of th- Amnmlniilnl rrf" rhlliitli.iililn'a fluii f nmeilr ollllle J.mei-MULLEN & FRANCIS Anna "Ain't r (let l'nn" "The Northern Trail" Mr.l I'hllii. Shelnr of A Sellg r.nnrU- rrndilHlnll 3 W fher (llrlw rnthn New Tepic of the Day Amni' Falilcn Tercliy A I.i Cnrte Tne-I'nrt Comedy MIIMIAY. TtKSDAV & KDKDAY ETHEL CLAYTON IN rMlAMOI'NT pif'Tt'Iti: EXIT THE VAMP TinnD. ntiDW n XTimiMY WILLIAM S. HART in "WHITE OAK" IT'S PARAMOUNT PICTUKr. NEXT WEEK m & tinrilQTM v r s.h ' '"' "" " C- iiH j3Sssssskk k'V' .iiik. -', XV NEXT WEEK U OMTl RT.cTlPTT.c;T STDBCtC&S tFGNIXOM-NIRDLINGER" 1 1--- M A N A. G 6 R - Kb. - . mEE, - BbLMONI r52ND ABOVE MARKET fM -SrflXON-NtRDUNGERl 7? AST m u , .. SmmM .' 4 tmsssm Y-O.U C-A-N P.A.R-K H-E-R-E STREET THEATRE Ill'l'OSm: TKHMINAI. MOM1W. TIKS.. Mfcl). BETTY COMPSON Ull'UK AIIMII' STACK SUC'CFSS "THE LITTLE MINISTER" II'n n 1'nrinneunl Picture Ihiir.cliiT. I rid A Hiiturday Themas Meighan In Paraninuut I'll lure rfs "A PRINCE THERE WAS" wiiiHeaavm iawmv- mm ntFM'm iiB V rft "" . 'VJ. X J --tf U IM', JL u r k,vesk iu n v vi',iiii'j..i a w ? If OT1 ! CTi;,n,:..i.,',,i?lSrfQflnL3fc tid&;i 9 it i ?r4?s;!i . Hw: xesjwmn isrrN&w ? , 'ffi'fiW-.i---;TT:SJ ". 7tST 'n'Sr - J. AVNK.U x TEi .JHR .K? -ln- SfiiMMiK. il fiyai' w.wwwv snawtv i " - .or m. jim-nx. ihi ii awwwwv .aVawwv K: K, H:.,; M 1 r 'u rAisevris v -- -, '. . "iiV.. 69 kTLVi HUNJH I D UqI MAIIKKT .sr. Uiii ill . t. f.enM KS. 7 i 9 MLVT WKKK 5 -BIG ACTS-5 or AALnr.Mi.i.i; 'n CLAIRE ADAMS "THE GREAT LOVER" Tuwtt .-.'D i SA.NSO.V bTH 11 A. M te 11 P. M. JIIIMiAY. TI'LSnVY A WIinNFnW DltA CAKl'AY nnd Vl.l.hV II M.l". In "THE VOICE IN THE DARK" IIIUIISDU, rillllW A .SA11 UDAY .Mnlel .liillenue Nielt nnd I rv slnue In mi-NT ,m;ii kit mm u mrf.' Mihi -t be l rieth I .10 3 30 0 30 te 11 CttUtim, .MONDAY. Tfnsil.W A lll,llrsltV HARRY CAREY in THE FOX" lliura.. Il. A Nat. I'rl.elli Ilrun In "CONFLICT" Met A- I.V.Ni VSTKH 1 30 te 5 00 7 te It unn. a. Tiien. M.It.SlAU C ST In "MSIDE THE BONNIE BRIER BUSH" "LOM".. IITK AND i in v.." ri. .&' kSjWucLqa fiUD S tlll'NTIt ND I HI" l. ONE WEEK QNLY COMMENCING MONDAY JOHN B4RKYM0BE 'irEWRSTcTIOlLcTTIICT LOTUS PTEFC MLBERTE4V50rlTERHUHES. 5TORYME IjME PERSONALLY DIRECTED BV- MRSH4LL NEIIN rOTU zr nTTTrNi&UTSHED CA5T IhfCLUDINGr- COLLEEN M00Ij4NNAQILI0N-ViEIJEY5 COMEDY FEATURE TONY SARG'S NEW CARTOON VOCAL FEATURE ESTELLE HUGHES, SOPRANO JANUARY 23 AGNES AYRES in "THE LANE THAT HAD NO TURNING" - - " ' " ' '" " " - - ' ".... H t. m iVivr, lir i V i AT 11 301 80 3 305 307.30 AND 0.39 STANTON MARKET STREET .ABOVE SIXTEENTH Dall) .l.'.c 50r Uenln Hal Mai nnj Ite 1'V ' I.JU JOc FOURTH AND FINAL WEEK STARTS MONDAY WILLIAM FOX SPECIAL CKNKECTICUTj' IP GlvW'lliiiw IN KING arthur's ceurtHb -W uv W Mark Twain'a greatest comic romance IMttjWMmlf vMWWA JANUARY 23 FIRST TIME AT POPULAR PRICES L THE FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE J CONTINUOUS It A. M. TO 11 80 1' M. Chestnut Street West of Breact- DAILY ."iOr r.VENINOS 7Cc Satn anil Holidays After 1 P. M. i:enlnB Prlcta i:NOAr.F..MKNT KXTHNPED rOUItTH AND LAST WnniC HCOINNINC MONDAY ELSIE MiiUMAWALLACEREID 11:30 1:30 3:30 5:30 7:30 9:30 Cast Includes: Elliett Dexttr Montague Leve DolereM Cattinelli Geerge FaWcett Barbara Dean iv PAnAJrtWNT.ncruni. & PETER IBBET50F A OIX)HOE KITJSMAUniCK PllODl C'TION rne.M NOVEL DY DU .MAt'Itinn JANUARY 23 BETTY COMPSON in "THE LAW AND THE WOMAN" in i "i ZZSMMMMMMM'W warn i..NCAHri:n a vk. iiki.hu ist MATH.. aslS LVC.H.. 7 i. II 5-BIG ACTS-5 Nivr m:i:ii- Arneld & Westen Rowland. Kelly & Ce. KianKeline and Kathleen Murray Henry and Adelaide I The Wards EUGENE O'BRIEN l rilisl MJ.ST PUII.A. SIIOMIM, "ULAY DOLLARS" HIM ( Iiphi'iI rl1mr..l v ;0 METOLOLITA MATS.. TUES.. THURS.. SAT.." 15c TO 50c -.v MATS.. TUES.. THURS.. SAL, 10 LVcNINGS. 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, iLLii UcCliv,. IU tuUbUAf kVESIHG AVA ,'A- im $1.00 TO I. GG Jiv I V5i-CMK sjl' ' AX -:imij.r 'aknfv1'! WQmFm ..t ".; WILNlfrlT tUKTH-MrinmE OAllY ONI. MClli (INLY liri.l.SMM, MIINDW MVTINKK I ; triable Win ml Cejtinj; hes'aal biagcil mill (intiturtt In i'ceii'j 0 Gortteu lltauty FOLLY TOWN M1II Gui Fay, Jelinnie Walker, Lynn Canter 1MI AN All 1.1 K SI PI'OiniMi t.T m$!R'& REFINED BNTERrAINMFNT DSfOOF HIi ft IM A DRAMATIZATION Of OWEN WISTERS FAMOUS NOVEL THE VIRGINIAN 'llihfla n 'Ihi-Hlfr wnil nimlifla' HniflU llm.hlw. AHmMW Trrma frtlir. ls i,..v l.',0 Clt GLADYS & VENUS inn niKNn (iiiti.s GRACE CARLISLE ( WIUIItMV .NKIIIriM.M r THE VERNONS M'.IISAIU.IDVNt l.lts MARION SAKfAGEORCE PEIRCE' TI1K DANCF.HS II.NiqiU '1 11 1 FIRST REGIMENT ARMORY Bread & Callowhill Slrf. 6 Days and Nights, Beg. Monday Matinee r UTKK.NOONS AT 1 P. M. MC.IITH AT H P. M. Grand Street Parade Tuei., it 10:30 A. M , en Bread St. Bet. Diamond & Wharten The Greater New Yerk Hippodrome Shows and Winter Circus ,iuni -M l ri.MMIt n imi Ul III). ItIA I I I'li.v ei ...... AVIS I.M.Il SS.MIII.M I OK U NlVit SWi'...i ,Ut l " l'l ii.J TrVe. l!,;?M,r, '..V.T.ln.V' .'.ntlN DK.NPIIIIT MIKOM, .lM Allin A fAtiirV miwI ,.,.. .'' our lVrniH i.reit I a Hit. ., Un Clrc iCZ "h ?!,,", ", ", ' , 'Ureilipp.ti.i,7mi " t ; MllItM.rs 1AMII.1 mi: UU DKIiis SIMN Ms,n i ;" 'u''l Wire W.lkaia W hlrUlnj "jer " ,' S,,,,,,,,,,,."",,,.. - -: OrAw.CIreu. , lUnRMnB UreU,tr fllrll, I llinullnf llrelh'i 1 I em Ml.l.r HKMli7r NDHKU IMIUMK'S iu';.l',', imlM..Vi.l' fcllll Ami hl..i:iMIANTS 1 1 ..mi. H ..Ma. .CVru. ' Kl KINH Ml l'V ,,S iiik sKAriMrfn:itH menmVVm nd 'iihns lliietubi ii Wniueii I'irciw Wulifi l Mum i rcua t i i.i. .. . .. rM.",r,ivv,w,y .'. ',..,,!!;;..'u T,,,. a l III I VI' Ilellsr knew ii km I I ( ii'l i, D Ills TUIIM IIUH.NH, I KINK M XrilFICs II. !-.- l ruriliukr uiir llikrla MIU tHrlir lurfnniiaiicra. I Iv, i.rnrr.,1 iiiiiiiiaiun. ii. n. HI. III. llM hf.Hlu li,l i.v i ii .i T . '" "..rJ'P. ARCADIA CHESTNUT ST 10 A M niJI.OWSIXTKENTII TO It If. P M HON OOl. Oil y-N 1 IH I MI jWINO WILL ROGERS Willi SYl.MA 1IHI. .il-". a J ItAY.Mfl.ND IIAITii.N n DOUBLING reRROMEO ou have iccn ill Rekci9 as a cowboy, as i hobo and a a Swede sailor here he is deublinK for the tcreatest lever the weild has eev known. VICTORIA MAIIKKT STREET I V A II TO ABOVK NINTH 11 IS P 11 VONDVT HHSr NATIONAI TTnCTION KATHERINE MacDONALD THR VMEIIK'A.N nEAt I T IV .TRUST A TOUR WIFE JC Mm i PALACE 10 .MARKET STREET SI TO 11 16 P M i iut nkt v:ijv NA I i in x . i i M TION NORMA TAEMADffi IN HER ' IFST I He 111 i T".N THE WONDERFUL THING .in: slum i IN V li' . m isn w ire i rei.i.y i I II U' liP.I VON COLONIAL OEHMXN 1 I III I IN .MONDAY Tl l,HIV A WKtiNl MW ANITA STEWART in "Playthings of Destiny" Ailcll IXIIITIIT UITI1KNS oprane IMPERIAL V5t Weak Milium I e rtOTH II K LOW WAI M'T jnOerp a REGENT MAItlvl r rr.i it IIKI. 17111 ' "THE HUNCH" yr7,,l&1";T" GLOBE maiikv:t .r at itniper iDB'ii.i.i' covriNueva 11 V M TO 1 P, M M"AT WKI'k I TE OF uR DATHS ' I.ADIKS FIP.NT LEW COOPER nn iii.ai k spvsm erruniNa OR I fllNM. .SON'US AND STUR I K3 IN IRS ADIil.D ATTRACTION rAHI.OID Ml'SIl M. I'OJIEUt "HONEYMOON INN" heniis, icKspncTTr eirls OTUF.R ACTS wejvni iTi rK BWiV ii i mi I y iv i nn ks CAPITOL N-' 'IWIKIiT SIIII.U I ' Shewint "GET RICH QUICK WALLINGF0RD" i rem :i pa. i hi. "i ii IMertherIN MONDM I 1 l.,llj A Anitn SlftAfx, I ill BROADWAf II iI) 4. t III! V I 1j I41DAY PI IIIINliM I 1 ST I N t N, li HlillMi A NDI,U AM "'" - l'Di:VII.I.V. iiBinm i.uw.N riNHriu 1 Till Ki 1 333 Market St. Theatre MVinda 1 utstij W d ari . TOM MIX la "TRAILIN' " VIC RICHARDS and COMPANY IN A Ni: ( OMKDV SkETi II BETTY COMPSON IN A PARAMOl N'T I'lCTfRC- PHK Little Minister J"U 'jANtTKpjTIlpRfcDAT " (R05SKEYJ MARKET ST HEl.. 60TU AND I1KWII nEmvn iWftU "DIVIDING A WOMAN"; I In full v.w of audienca a baauf ful n. i. mwpu m -iair VAUDBVII.LH CHANOBD THUiiiTDAT" ALLEGHEHY IllVNKreRU i 1 1 (Jiir.sr 1 FIVE ACTS "" OF VAUDEVILLE IN ( ONJl Nt lit Mm DON'T TELL EVERYTHING IMRWIOV ' I 1 ' 1 I ! n WALLACE REID GLORIA SWANSON ELLIOTT DEXTER imwn UAH V Ift 7 AND (1 ALMAMBRA Wr ...... , . m , -..r, -,,, rir"irv m. S. Hart. 'Wf.it. fialr' BLMO I.INIV.i IV Kiiar,i at' KS U'TM . AND eniiitl fir'ifp V i r' !$ ? 1 u A ...si 1-' &' ,, , tote