Af" iT i E VJENIN& PUBltfO . LBbMI-BHILAElJBHtAr SAltM? " JANUARY1 lfc vlQ2 I' V -l . " ,v i J i ffltt: Qffi i m M IV i'.V U- Gtficfe Id Photoplays for the Cemng Week t.fX STARRS APPEALING ON LOCAL SCREENS NEXT WEEK -... ':Cv,, New Tlioteplays tt-MUNfjEY -'The Letus Rater," comedy J 'Slatlre. with Jehn Uarrvmere In the I ' Ti ' a . . . . . ..,,.,;w.ainfr role, iimi ns n yeutiR man, wne nnn nftvr nAn a wnmnn. ami lattr lis n blnse New Yerker, who 'drops from a balloon en a Seuth Sea Utopia. Geerge AJewrete the titles una Marshall Nellnn directed. A i Teny, Sarir Almanac, Daslree t.obov t.ebov t.obev ska, danseuse, and Kstelle Hughes eoletst, ether features. jiiJOADA"Deubllnff for Itomee." a "Will Ileser-i comedy, written by El me, jnce, hi -tjucii ine cpwoey Biari plays the part of a bashful lever who! .roes into thn inevl tn nlrnun liln i Bweethenrt Sylvia Oreamer plays the - rela of the latter, and Itaymend Hat v ten Is.' seen an a danner Krrtl.i rlirlr Tl9T.?Iiu "Trust 'Your YVIIV." with lwnenn(! aicnnnala, an a yeuns brlda who rocs teNew Yerk with Her husband who Id trying te put evr fc meneV-tnaklnfi1' 'an n tlm Vlns. David Winter and Charles Hlchma.i am the lead In ft men. TtEOES'T- "The ttuneli." screen adap ut nef a. ,crv b' Pcrrlval Wilde with Oareth HtiRhen In tlu re of n 1 young broker who Is a liellever In slgni te such an extent that h com Dreko and has all Mrts of trouble. JAJ'ITOI. "Ol't.Itl.-h.QuKk-AValllnK-ferd. Geerge Xt. f"-...n tas hit greeted by v .., HerzaR. with Sam ; .erman Kerry and Deris Km. en In the leudlng roles. Previously Rtvicv, cil J.LI)IS'E-"XVay Down Kapt," return of popular Griffith drama, baceil en pop ular play, with Richard Hirthelmes. Lillian (llih. Lewell Kate . Bruce and ethers In the leading roles In a story of a New Knclnnd farm with an Ice-Jam as the thrllllnir cli mav. BTAXTOX -"A ronnectlent Yankee lr Klnft Arthur's Court." .Murk Twain's lameus vemedy-satlrp. with Harrv -Myers ps the "Yankee." ntid Iekp Jiiary Theb. I'nullne Stntke and Charles clary In leading "Vis Last week. KARLTOX "Peter IMiet'nn. Pu Min rler love ldll. with Wallace Rei'l and Elsie Fergusen In the leadlnp roles, and a enst Including Mnntngtm l-Ove, Klltett l"xtr. Oeerge Kn,wet and Paul MrAH'ster I-an week FAIACE "The. Wonderful Th.m. Th.m. Th.m. oemedy. with Ncrinn T Imp dire n . daughter of nn American Hg Cing Who trie-) tn break Inte ar.KterraMC circles In England. LOCUST 1VO UEL3IOSI - Conflict story of a lumber cam-) In "lie Cnna dlan wilds, with the dynamiting -f a leg-Jam nn the climax Prls.:.lla Dan featured. titl'EKIA t. -'Over the Hill" story v mother lrve, based nn iee;ns a. Wl 13. Carleton, with Mnrv Ca-r n the sympathetic role of "Ma" 11ntnti C0L0X1AI. Menda. Tuesday and Wednesday, "Plaything- of p-st.nv " with Anita Stewart. Thur'dT- Fri day and Saturday. "White eal. " with William S. Hart CHiEAT .VOK77J?i?.V Mondej Ties day and Wednesday. "Playthmm e Destiny. ' with Anita Stewart Thurs 'day, Friday and Saturday. "Heme Stuff." with Vlel.i Dana -MARKET STI7EE1 Monday Tuesday and Wednesday. "Trallln'," with Ten. Mix. Thursday. Friday and Satur- ' day, "The Little Minister." with Betty Compson. J.MIA31BHA Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday. "Whlte Oak." with Wil liam S. Hart Klme Lincoln In per-! VrMAv nx.l Sat.irHnv '"Th Unurt Of HlO t'llI'MtlUlt .. .. ... -- . . . ' ' ul.i.n tkn. uiri," witu ueoe uuniels. COLISEUM Monday. Tuedsv an' Avednesday, "The Fex yarn. with Harry Carey Kriday apd Saturday. "Cenllict." with rrlscllta Deail. niVOLl Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesday, "The Voice In the Dark.' Thursday. Friday and Sat n't Neglect Your Wife, east. "v and Ttiedav. "The Pr ",-itKarl.-' foreign nev- '' .'(lav and Thnrsrt-iv an-- . for Sale," with May Mc nowe Frlilnv and Saturday W W jg.len," vlth Hoef (Gibsen. ..A-ry-.V;.V77 STREET - Monday Tuesday and Wednesday, "The Lit tle Minister." with fletty Compson Thursday Friday and Siiurdv ""A Prince There Was." with Thr'mae lelghan. LEADER Monday and Tuesday "Be "Be Jlde the Heiim- Rri..r riush'." wltu nenald f r!.-t. Wedn-sdnv and Thurs. . e.y. Leve, Hnte and a Weman." wth .nrace D.ivisfni. Fiidav nnd Satur-Pv- ' Cled's Country and the Lav.- ' r- Jjarrayp mm m I irii T m 'mMmtfSfrMmmmm&gffi mjsmmw i ifs5!s$gK&?iMiftv9 rBa WrtMMm m I IBWniplWmwW ii i'ii mm 'MiiiiTW t v , "tpiwt mtihd R. H .. BS lWMM8MMIWlfcrSaWgl m i W V01FE" Victer .e. Sl iL'A -K iMmm'smwE&&mmBMBK&. NSfewL ' i (I 1 will Rogers WMkvfm, W2& M mmmmWSmmWfM SilflNHH AICe!n K,CrT JSPltilkl5CIB DEN. "CDNFLICT" Locket. leMSRSH ARTHURS COURT "r MMMt Bctwetrtr, Celifum .... HBKl WR - . Wi!nmrESmmTmwmmk,tL- I mmm. v iWPIBl mmkTtmW$& HI I 9 NOKMAN KEPRTY, "GET-KICH-QUICk-ALLINGFORD CaiTitrel , "Village Follies" Announced "The fJrecnwich Vlllnee Follies of 11)21" will open its annual Philadelphia engagement at the Shubcrt Theatra Mimdny. January Hit. The name cast that presented the Will version In New Yerk will be seen here, including such favorites ns Irene Kniiiklin. Ted Lewis, .Tee K. Hrnwn. lla Sharen. Oonlen Doelev. Itlr.l Millman. llebert I'ltktn. Oennlil Kerr, (ireti-hen Kustinnn and Vnleilln A'eten. The production was devised and stneed bv Jehn Murray Aiiucrsen. WALLACE REIP PETER IBBETON - Kirltcni GACETH HUGHES. "THE MiliJCH 'Rerfenl- Engllsh Entertainer Here Milten Harps, one of the heatlliners en the Shubcrt vnmlevillp bill at the Chestnut Street Opern Heuse next week, is making his first nppeurnnrc in AMnrl enn vHiidt-vllle. II opened in Itosten and will go into New Yerk after his engage- Whitaker Uny. who has been manager " U "eWe 'l" nnV'V .'.'"i ? ." B. Z S?. "B' ' Street Opera Heuse iei)iirtiuent of the Slitibvrt interests-in "stiimn mnenli " nin c.n mn,nni. since that playhouse fume under Philadelphia. Ker iniiny yiirs he was tlnns and leeitnlinns. He Ik a war vet Shubert management three years go. press representative and iiiimuccr of i.rmi of iluiin.-ii.i.. wn r,mAi,i ' a Western '" hven tnrreA te tlie Duquesnc read companies for n number of big for the Vt C. and the D. S. C, nnd has Thursday rh-atrc. I'lttsburgli, where he will act producers. been awarded the latter. Whitaker Ray Transferred in the .same capacity for this house, recently acquired by the Sliuberls. Mr. als CHICAGO OPERA COMPANY ANNOUNCES A BIG SERIES Seven Performances te Be Qlven In This City Late In February Mary Garden Is about te launch n grand opera season In Philadelphia, by the Chicago Opera Association. Seven performances during tin week beginning February 27, arc te be given at the Metropolitan Opera Heuse. Since she, became dlrccter'gcnernl of the Chlcoge organization, she has Achieved one triumph after another. Next te Chicago, Philadelphia Is re garded by pioneer members of the or er or ganisateon as their Jjenic, I-orcmest among theso pioneers Is Miss Garden herself. She numbers hundreds of per sonal friends In thin city who are proud of her and for whom she cherishes warm affection. She waB given abundance of local encourngement for her season here provided (Oie would consent te be liberal with her own personal appearance. Hence she has agreed te de her four favorite roles. Iteportelro nnd lending principals tentatively announced are "Tann hncuscr," with Itaisa, SchwarU.Martln ; "Saleme," with Garden, Muratere, Van Gorden; "Le Jongleur dc Notre Dame," with Garden. Dufranne, Ln rcrlj "Pelleas et Mcllsande," with Garden, Mneucnat, Dufrannc; "Otcl "Otcl le," with lUnrHlmll, Itnlsn, Van Gor Ger Gor eon, Himlnl; "Menim Vanna," with Garden, Muratere, Iliiklnneff. Four Garden performances will be conducted by Polnece, tlie chief conductor of the Chicago Opera. The Philadelphia en gagement will be given by the full or ganization. INDOOR CIRCUS NEXT WEEK At Last Griffith Mas Made One Greater Than the "Birth of a Natien"! Says America "Far and away the finest screen drama ever seen in this country." (Frei Mclsaacs, Dramatic Editor Bosten American.) " 'Orphans of the Storm' is Griffith's masterpiece, the masterpiece of ill film productions te this moment," says Archie Bell, for twenty years preniikent, con cen servative and important dramatic critic of the Middle West, writulg m Cleveland Newt, He centinues: "It is the thrill of the year ... as usual, Griffith points the way . . . for Griffith is a supreme intellect . ,. . This story i3 mere vital, mere poignant, mere human than The Birth of a Natien ... "A tear and a smile mingle in the action . . . but it does net tear at the heart strings mere than a second, a flash, and then there s a smile . . . Ah, Ihle uallsman-" ship is masterly'. . . such as made Warfield's "Music Master' and Mrs. Carter's 'DuBarry.' "This i. SOMETHING BEYOND THE EMOTION OF THE STAGE . something bigger than melodrama and pantomime Greater New Yerk Hippodrome Shows at First Regiment Armery llcglnnlng with n matinee next Mon day, tiic Greater New Yerk Hippodrome Shows and Whiter Circus will continue for one week, giving two performances daily In tJie First Regiment Armery. Weather conditions permitting, there will be n street pnriide from the Armery te Uread nnd Diamond streets, counter march te Itread and Wharten streets, then back te the Armery. The show will include acts from the leading circuses from mnuy different parts' of the country and Cuba. Orrln Davenport, clown artist from Hing lings', with his riders and clown per formers, will be one of the ninny fea tures of this show, which nlse includes Will Ie. better known as "Lucifer," with n dozen clowns ; the Clnrksenians, flying trapeze performers;, the Yokeyp Japs,' from the New Yerk Hippodreme: Seven Mangean Family, acrobats; Mile. DeMerce. with a collection of baboons nnd penies: the sensational Patricks, with pole stunts; the skating bears, from Kliigllng Urethers: Andrew Downie'H educated elephants, horses, ponies, kicking mule, monkeys and dogs. Frank Manrcr's ex-Service Men's Hand will contribute te the musical program during the week and lead the purade. Comedy Hit at Orpheum "Three Live Ghosts," the comedy built around the ml ventures of n shell shocked English soldier who cannot re member his name, will be presented nt the Orpheum Theatre next week. Thin , play, a recent hit in New Yerk, hnsl never been presented here nnd was se- 'cured with difficulty for stock. Dwiglit . Meade, Until Hoblnsen, Jehn W. T.ett. , Gertrude IUtelile, Melly Kisher. Harry Wilgus nnd ether favorites of the coin- J pany will play the principal roles. I - I urdaj with JIM' f-'bj. Likes te Make 'Em Laugh and Cry Edward Douglas, who plays one nl the lending roles In "Ladies' Night,"' !; the Turkish bath fa ice by Ave-y Hep- weed anil iiiitnn Andrew, new a ing nt the Lyric Theatre, j played In serious roles. He is un Eng lishman nnd acted in Louden in "Grumpj" with Cyril Maude , for three t years with Sir Herbert Tree In Shakes pearean renerteire. and In the Si James Matthew Uarrle plays produced at the Duke of Yerk Theatre. He came tn th's euntry te play in "The Man Who Stayed nt Heme." nnd later appeared with Cyril Maude In "The Saving Grace. " Then lie acquired a taste for , comedy nnd appeared in "Cp in Mabel's Jtoem" nnd "The Girl In the Limousine." ) CHESTNUT PHILADELPHIA'S LEADING THEATRES-DIRECTION OF LEE 4 J. J. SHUDERT name for Griffith films Grifedrama . .. meaning something distinctive and some- thing great te all the world. "This is history as it will be taught your children, and children's children . . . masterful in detail as well as in the great sweeping panoramas." "A new triumph . . . onlookers enthralled by the marvels" (Phils. Recerd.) "Anether milestone mere spectacular than ever." (AT. Y. Pest.) "The most spectacular, the most atmospheric screen production yet made." (Phila. North' American.) "Wonderful exciting." (Bosten Glebe.) "Probably the greatest photoplay . . . thrill fellows thrill." (N. Y. Tribunt.) "The magic that makes Griffith supreme." (N. Y. Mail.) "The best motion picture en or off Broadway." (N. Y. Evening World.) "Griffith master of all . . . his most finished, most powerful work." (Bdstin Transcript.) "Amazing . . . gorgeous." (N. Y. Telegraph.) "Stirring Gripping." ' (N. Y. Times.) "Thrills the largest dynamic magnificent." (N. Y. Herald.) "Tremendous forward step." (N. Y. Journal.) "National epic." (N. Y, Telegram.) D. W. GRIFFITH'S ORPHANS OF THE STORM OR "THE TWO ORPHANS" FORREST THEATRE Twice Daily, 2 and 8 Symphony Orchestra 1 &w l Branden Tynan an Auther Tlrnnden Tynnn, who lmpei.iinatpd "David Belnsce" r the 7Ai-g(eii I'Velic show with Will lingers new playing at the Uarriek Theatre, is the ntither of many plays, including "Hob "Heb crt Emmet," "The Meledy of Youth," "The Mandarin" and "Glorious Jletsy." ivs an actor he appeared In Ibsen repcrteirp with Mia Nazimova. ' In the all-stnr revival of 'Trlby." with .Tehn Drew in "Majer PendennlH," in "The Manpils de Preiela" and "The I'urple Mask" with Lee TJltrieh'tttn. "The "Wanderer. " "Success," "Hebeid the Man" and "The Tyranny of Leve." )Ie was born in Dublin but educated in , the New Yerk public schools Uelasce was bis first dramatic teacher. "Passing Shew" Take-Offs Philadelphia Iibr kcm all but one "of pe plays trnvpstied m "The Pmalnz Shew tft 1021," which enters en ita final week at the Shubcrt Theatre next Monday. "Little OM Yerk " "The Bad Man," "Mcva,'' "The Hat," "The Charm Scheel" and ' "Spanish Leve" have nil plm-ed en eagements here, but the citv has vet te ?f,e. tJ,e, ,I?."B ,r,ln recorder. breaker "LlRhtnln ." and e hns te take Willie Heward's clever burlesque of "Light -nln' lllll Jenes" for wanted. The "Spanish Leve" travety. with Will I I'hlllbrick wunderlnR up and down the nUles loeklut; for his "little hrewu dtrby," is one of the most popular. Frltzl Scheff's Csreer ntVDA TTrMTGV Chiswut m miev m... irffc JLJk-WTJfc, V Vfc4 FW1I WHWt,T iJO fl JWAllttlWlt w Aexr-XR. SSf JSSSpr . BtOBB -yar JtSL BOBS 1 m wenrn BEST DA I LV MATS" AT' 3. EVES. AT 8 BG RECORD Bn (MiSAi .m -. fjhP Of MUSICAL COMEDY mmtut Or THE QOLDE.N VOICE. AND INSPIRED VIOLIN VAUDLVILLfS YOUNGtST STAR. Nq I twm VITH HI8 SELECTED SLXTETTt AND HtLENE THE. SCRANTONS I FORD & TRULY BOB NELSON IN SMILE.P" NIP 6- FLETCHER TORINO FIRST AMERICAN APPEARANCE. OF THE KINGS JESTER MILTON HAYES THE. LAUGHSrAITH WITH A PHILOSOPHY 5HUB E.RT NEWS EVENTS PRICES-NIGnT5-275075HOO 'S'." DAILY MATS 275C' feiAMft mmmMmmm KC .VJ (C Wir Mia LYRIC -2 SSStSffiJSe tt Wz BbA Aorevs ngagMW eunerv :fmk (im 'Vr 'V"k.'Ct U-'-n. ' v SfP ' 7 mmw IN ATURKJ58H BATH AVEfcY HOPVOOD -a-ucl CHARLTON ANOBEWS ItEONS Of PAS SylOCAl PfiSS SM SfraBlQFDT NIGHTS AT 8 SHARP-MAT I AST TJMMPMAkr VfK MSr 6 PPFOPM4CS FML CfANCES7V S t TM UHTt .i-li'An'je-i; Mwriswp&S'&Q&$ Pep. Mat S.WED.6-SAT. AT t S Mr r ' T OV "r . ?l.50 jtifttiii' nfaKiJMMRMb,. NiiiL W Y I ., ilNW 7 ifei Wmh I T'iU-iII Wtftert&$. I II f ,1 i II uilicc Scenes ZOO Singers. Dancers c-Cemedians-26 Colossal ' BGGSr M0SOU SPCZ4CEi 2300 Cesfumes Wr MOHDAV JAN. 23 5 SEATS THUES "Mimem N0M W O.VA1AHS, NO. Announce- Greenwich "WH&ge Teities All 5tAR CAST INCLUDES TED LEWIS, IRENE FRANKLIN. JOE E.BROWN ULA SHARON, CORDOH DOOLEY. BIRD MILLMAN ,r. , 30 AArsrs A0S 7Aa innuat and Grpat'rjf Troduchen.) jinaW.lllV.IIL7JIIX7.lll7IHX7:ill.Vlll.VIII.VHI.V.III.V mM.m 11I1T Jl. intrMlu. rmmmw m walsjt st. at wmth BEGINNING MONDAY NIGHT C nix am J? Bradxj (in ASSOCIATION WITH REAHOtAN.LTD, LONDON) 2 I v J P Btu'JY 30LC OWNf, C CWANAMAKt .UN. CH 8 3 Jr 9 P M V 31 ll I H xLV"Av w nLI INT A TDAI.rAMFV l I "HD' .' "-"t rl unilfr Hiiy lit c .c" un it mn.i ... -" O'-'il curtain." I. VKMM I.1.1X1KK. "Ailcllrme cutiuiNeil; flux remimnyi array of tvmlntnlt) Inipenliii;." ItKCOUlt. "Kxcellrnt rust. alTurili. iniirli nrtilril rrluxalldii In tlir ery irylns tlinA," I.VCJ I MKnaipy plu t rontlniieiiM runr e i.I.prrilutlen iku ,r e,.nt,, I'luicliln, "it tli luiiil. rut-rii'klni; tjne of mini.. IM mil I.K!1(,,( A M'StfOWM(?fMC:arS WmmM &tPPlAffl;Z r A TDAI.rAMFV IUy A .eiAjrjfclWYll: ntf mwjfiwrmm iei-iaBTiJMr n mr ' j. A Londen &- New Yerk Success Produced by Basil Dean g JANE GREY a ss iAnd a EnrflisK Cat of Lorvdea ylrlisia k- SPECIAL SCALE. OF PRICES 3 NIGHTS ( VVED. MAT. $4 ((( SAT. MAT. g set te e.oe)Ji be3t aEAT3 l. ill se' te ,5e q IA,iuvviiivviiryiiiyviiiA,urA,ni'vMn,A,iivviu,s.Mii,A,ir GiirsMmmwi0W00KkWBMMmmmmWtK rilLLiO: MAIN 1'I.OOK. $1.00. A LI, OTHHinvnfflJtfflflJIrWIQWaJHIILMHHHIH UnSERVED. SEATS NOW SELLING. r mis I'lieiirrriON with its jirsic ami TiuuinNneim htaee kf- FKOTS C'ANMIT UK I'ltODlt l;i) O.N ANY UTIIUlt l'IIII,AI)KI,l'HIA KTAOL'. ACADEMY OF MUSIC Thursday Evening, Jan. 19 NEWYORKSYMPHONY ORCHESTRA ALBERT COATES Guest Conductor ituiUii SILO 1 1 ,'i""it Tit !! Ht Ar-ilrnn mill IIpdhen BTHE ACADEMY OF MUSIC Bag t?J Tl lll.Y KVH.. .IAN. 17. AT Kill! fg m "THE MARRIAGE TAX" m S A Munlriil ('ninthly for tlie llenrllt of S j thi. riimrn' Cliiirrli lnlllnlf Ig 3 Tl'KSDAY, .IANUAKY m 3 Philadelphia Operatic Society 3 S A SSI I.I I.Kl'S, Conductor Is t "The Queen's Lace Handkerchief" & Ilemiintlr Oixr.i In a Art LEJ 1.. Inl U,. Ig Kxtrllrnt Cnt Cherlli & Tlcltrt flOi S?.l SJgliSenH rucl. A: llriiiir'x, II 10 'liriiiiilEiSJl tllKSTNl'T hT. uri:il. HOl'tfU Mm. rml.i. Tenleht h SHUBERT VAUDEVILLE AI.USTAIt HIM. bAM SHUBERT MAT- tuwv H JnuntRI TON1UFIT AT S PASSING SHOW e,i;.1T011 wii.mi: nnii r.i fiKM: ikiv.ui LYRIC matini:u TUUAV l.iiiw TONItr T AT 8 tiii: rvsieiH FAHfi: T.A1HKS' XKIIIT IX A TtltKIMH HATH ADFI PHI MATINKi: TllllAV AULLrfU TflXIIJHT AT h:m Till: DIMMATIf UM.. "THE BAT" WALNUT Last Mat.'Tbday I.AT TI.Mi: TIIXKIIIT Helbroek Dlynn in 'The Bad Man' XIIXT WIIKIl-MOAIN VOW HKI.I.1NU "THE SKIN GAME" Il.v .IIHIX (iAIAWOUTHY Willi JAXi: IIKAV i. ml r.xfnillninl (,.t . "V SFrlUI Seheff, henilllner next wenk a ft F. Keith's, Iibh lied n varied career Jh llttlft VlPiHiPae prima dennn enmi. itfll AracHra for Brand opera and gained i,MSiaerauie Huccess iib a inumtier of tlie 5Y v.ftnlmttan Company under the direction $iP'Clu.m llnmmufulfiln SJtnn. 1...H ..!. .I wn.i ..miHiiv.eniii. .'ill. u II1UII HUH run the ciumil of tlieutrlcnl enter- tMarecnt. nppearlns in huisI.-mI com cem rdlM. encrettHH, nl raielit i-oiniMlleq ft vaudeville, hievIhk pli'turet-nml, new. .Vaudeville ncaln. Klic nentlv imneare.l f; Jn.Gaerje 51. C'elian'w new nait-t. el coin. Wti '"Xiie O'Hrlen (ilrl, and will rtly le starred In n new musjcul pem-1 preparation. TliS.MAr.50 IT fMlfMPiftffitlfcffl SJMWtfGMMCOMS ,XO lUnfKFUB AT ABOVK TUEATUCii, A1TLY DENIU'tX BEIT., CHEaTNUT 8T. OrEKA UOTJbK lihDQ,, CIIEHTNUT, DKL Mil HT I'HONE WALNUT 0330, ij ALD'INE Chestnut at Hllh Ht - Ih. Sprue fJOO iiinctieii ritr.n ii. .v m. k, 1' 11 A. Af t'linllniieiii. Shorting 11 I" ( TODAY LAST TIMeT" GEORGE ARLISS in DISRAELr ' reIMi:.M'I.MI .MIINDAY " nnsT Tun: at iei-i i.aic Viih rm i), w. (iitirriTii'h .MANTiiiirii.-iF' "WAY DOWN EAST" Al'ADIIMY HI' .MINIt Jraveltalhs J-oier Views Motion Pictures Today at 2:30 ALASKA NEW M GARRICK POP. MAT. TODAY dH'kttint mill .lunliirr -AM'I. XIXOX-XIItlll.INGKIt iiiitiliiritN liutiuKrr WS LAST BUT ONE THE SENSATION OF THE TOWN! wmmw WITH THE ROPE-WHIR.LINQ WHIMSICAL WIT WlilKOffiS COMPAM ut lgu-2ltUrtLD IKOLIC BEAUTY CHORUS ")! tlic l'elllfh only iniiri" no." I.rtlrrr. ' All rry inuili le rfr.ibil.i 'M llUIn." llrctird. llpiiiity Rwrrnliiit nnil nenrinic te llif 1111)11011!," North American. ""'''' liruiliictlim of Us kind rrr rfii lifrf.'! inqnirer. BROAD POP. MAT. TODAY Next Week Last Week llrniul Hi-low l.niMit lltAMl MltlH.ISdllK HiialnrKH .M.iiiutrr 8am H.Harris rp PB-SC-MT JtlQBPGGZy COUG& tOMANC B(A TLTUiTYrvf sr?' SuS!&f!YA STORY ey "-KWLtfwe EATON.. VITU smAU rSVAN Staged By SAM FOPBEST HOMi:. SI ,x,t WlrWwlW AlX?JCgATp.TA3!fTfflrAaty1' ",,0, AKR K- BEGINNING MONDAY, JANUARY 23 at v . ... "A "MM WIIDNKHIIAY AXII NATIIHlilv T,IUn,",'1V a. i.. r.iti.AMinit. (haiii.ks ihiViV.v,ii.V .T1!?"'. . " ".'" r. .ir,iirr.i.ii, Jit., vntt" ILLIE BURKE IN IKJOTII TAJKINGTON-S GREATE8T COMBDY "THE INTIMATE STRANGERS" Av'yeaw. swftaOTtf " '"'""""'i'AM' AUVV'7""h P.' .M.""V l"'u'", " A inanHinWIIACAi)K.MY ir Mvmvmmsm UNIVERSITY MUSEUM ' P"s M,!i&,i,. "; I lU IT W MAM nnftAr. 5 7Z """'',""' 'i,rtiit tn-,.t.' M Al KB TrftveltalltB ku llu c.i.r vbf BROAsD,7T,P?.P4- Mnt' Tedtty ORPHEUM et..m.w ch.u.n-ffl irvTcS fi& Wh" ", m HAM II. IIAIIKIH Vu ' rtRPHCI IM Dl ";'i"r!"V. ' lS fl NEXT FR' W UlUHllin "ONLY 38" Mltli MAHY KYAX UAKIIKK I'lll. MATINKi; TOn7iT 2IEGFELD FROLIC with WiLL ROGERS ORPHEUM PLAYERS In" TI!'nl0U' "OUR WIVI7C tilt. H.lA I. Hat,. 'JUS DUMONT'S u;nr Aiiuii-uv, EMMETT WELCH WUttiK' SAT. MAT. ,AL Rttltht tiokteSbmkiM K fl.t(rt-''DOI!8 VAVA 1.0VH MAMA?'.' TROCADEROv ffll Z0MA A 80U.KRII V M- :'i'.Vv J X- in fj .f