Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 14, 1922, Night Extra, Page 15, Image 15

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A'cie Play by Jehn Galsworthy the Only Novelty for Next Week
in the Legitimate Houses Gossip of Shows That Remain
NEXT week wilt net be n busy enet se fnr as new shows are concerned, but
thcre are enough geed plays holding ever te keep the nverage thentro-geer
well (supplied. The ncwcemcr'ls Jehn Galsworthy's "Skin Game," which comes
te the Walnut, succeeding Ilolbreok Winn In "The Bad Man." Shows that
remain are "The Pacing Shew," at the Shubcrt; "Ladles' Night," at the
Lyric: "The Hat" (naturally), at the Adclphlj "Only 38,'' at the Bread; the
Zlcgfcld Frolic, with Will Ilegcrs, at the Oarrlck, and Griffith's latest film
masterpiece, "Orphnns of the Storm," at the Ferrest.
m w
There will be nn nil-English cast In
' "The Skin Geme," with the exception
of the leading woman, Jnne Grey. The
play has much the
Something About same theme that
dalstcerihy'n Gnlswejthy ,, t
ciln name" Inte his novel,
'Skin eame Patrlclnn."
a Mliiui Mil il
il.a. a thorn
one represents centuries of culture mid
affluence; the ether Is n product of to te
5nv The one suffers from gout; the
JXr at all. ,,"1 haven't the gout,
ttrn tL 1
-. ..- nllflltBtnrH
llornblewer has ceme te n village in
he reuntry district of England nnd
settled down. He manufactures things.
The Illllcrlsts have been there for n
hundred yenrs or mere mid thev,Jtve
en the wealth that has been hnnded
down te them by their mere nctlve-nn-eesters.
They have also Inhcilted the
rout. They nre snobs kindly, sentl
mental snobs, but snobs nevertheless.
Mrs Hlllcrist snubs her new neighbor.
That starts trouble. The result is a
long, tlerce battle, In which both tern-
llornblewer Is n brainy. rclcntlcs
Micniy. Ha is n realist. If he is net
te be accepted by the Hillrrlst. he will
drive them out by surrounding their
borne with brooking, smelly factories.
Mr. Hlllcrist Is tee much of a gentle
man te fight very aggressively; Mrs.
Hlllcrist isn't. It was she who snubbed
the Hornblewcrs': It is she who w 11
fight them. She, hns particularly
snubbed their daughter-in-law, Chloe
(Miss Grey).
llornblewer mnueges te buy a piec
of land right next te the II llcrists mid
lets them knew he will build nn obnox
ious factory there. But Mrs. Hlllcrist
U it fighter, tee. She has discovered
that Chloe has a past that would never
Cfls the neard of Censers, and her use
of that past as n weapon makes the
tery of the nlny'.
,lnnc Grey is almost as well known in
moving pictures ns she is en the stage.
In fact, there is scirccly n show that
cnmis here that doesn't Include in its
mst-semc one who is familiar en. the
fiber sheet. Miss Grey has made three
fonture pictures each summer for the
last four summers. On the stage she
hns been seen as the ingenue in Hit
Tirh.teln's "The Concert." In Charles
"rehmnn's production. "Conspiracy.
co-Marred with . Hriire Mcltiie in
' Nearh Married, with Jehn Barry Barry
mere when he played his first serious
pert In the melodrama "Kick In." ns
Mlrnndn in "The Tempest." In Ilnm
mer'telii's "De. Luxe Annie," with
Pltrlehstein again in "The Mnnpiis
de Priola" and new In "The Skin
THOSE who have seen this week in
the theatre programs an advertise
ment announcing the coming of Laurette
Tayler te the liread en January 23
may be surprised at the newspaper an
nouncements that Jiillic. liurke tcill plav
that date. It was suddenly decided this
fn ciidJli Taiiler iltrecLUL te
at the llrea
AH the stage-struck little girls who
drcain of n theatrical career us a be.l
of rn'-cs ought te have jobs in the
Zlegfeld Fiolle, nt the Gnrrlck. U
vteuld ghe them some Iden of the decid
edly unremantlc hard work that Is
necessary te put such a show ns tills
In shape. And It would also open their
yes te the thought and labor and enre
that go into it.
Lat Sundny everybody reported for
rehearsal at 7 :30 in the evening. They
rehearsed steadily until ft :I50 Monday
morning. They were bnck et neon,
find worked until dinner time, and then
returned at 7:30 nnd worked until 3:80
Tuesday morning. Thcre were special
numbers which wcre called for rcnear
nl Tuesday afternoon, nnd the show
erened Tuesday night.
Of course, It wns found te be much
tee long. Such immense productions
nlwnys nre nt first. Se everybody' 1ms
been rehearsing every afternoon , while
tho'e In chnrgu hoe cut out stuff and
condensed ether btuff and tightened up
the performance generally. On Tues
tisy, the opening night, the f-hew let
out at 12:10. On Wednesday It closed
et H:15. On Thursday It was still
further curtailed ns te material, but
the better performance rnUed mero
laughs, which caused delays, nnd the
(honor version took mere time, se that
it didn't clese until 11 :23.
Geerge V. Ilebnrt. the humorist nnd
playwright, is ever here doing sonie of
the rewriting, Italph Spence, who re
wrote this vear's Follies and who is
ene of the best-known title writers In
neung pictures ("Connecticut inn
jee ' is largely his work I. is here te
le!p Hobart. And Plnrenz Zlegfeld,
nhe made chorus girls famous, or vice
tersa or something, has been heiV, slm
plv lKing with the show day and night
Bad working harder than anybody else.
s the Frolic stands new it will
probably remain for the re6t of the sea sea
(en. Leen Lrrel. who "staged" the show,
Ns been ene of the busiest men In New
jerk this senHen. He hns continued te
pirn his part in "Sally," thnt record recerd
lirenkcr, and has also found time te
fnge live ether bhews. The list in
cludes the Frolic, the Midnight Frolic
"' guen in New Yerk, nnd "The Ulue
Kttlen "
(J,na 'fiywnrd. the charming singer of
Hie Passing Shew" at the Shubcrt,
rave me a new slant nt the song IiupI
rs this week. And It will prebnblv be
new te theatregeers who attend nuiBlcnl
remetiy shows nnd wonder whv the
eniK'Ts use seiu;h which nre nlready
1'liere's enlv nun irar tn kin.. ,,
m hc said, "ami that is te write
inein and copyright them yourself mid
jet have them published until ou are
none with them. Almest all the sue
cestui musical comedies hne long
Ii1 "l X.ew Yerk' ur b0Ka lH lH lH
come pepulnr there nnd nre nt onee
luulWi.d and put out In phonograph
fiords and by the time our show
r;iehes Philadelphia nnd Ilaltlmere nnd
"osliuigten and ether cities everybody
miewh the songs and has been dancing
'e the iniiMc for months. Se, when
y ung them, people think we nru
fne'I16 0,tl. H"K wll(,- ns ' matter of
ihe ' W. "tr"ll"','' the songs and gnie
tnvii- pepuiuriiy.
JlU'Y say along the local Illulte that
the sensational appearance nf a hat
1l?? Jhe ?pera nt the Academy of
, , ?T'H' "ht "''" "" another
tiuinph for fawnseml Walsh, the ,.
Y""j' ecnllcmnn who does such things
Z . '"iw nt "c Mrlnhi. flesiii,
n.f , c"rr,e. ' tiaincl hat with him
n m lf'ea?c, " i" various places of
E?''i B?,.h.X!Ha' '" "et Prepared te
WM e household) word here.
Shows That Are Coming
te Philadelphia Soen
January 23 "The In tlme. te
Strangeris" with Blllle Durke,
iirend. "The Greenwich village
Thnt's n tremendously thrilling
cavalry ride thet Griffith has pictured
in "urpnaiu ei tnc storm" at tnc
in 'Ufnrans me tim uuarcirc
18 Thrilling Brew tenser and
tenser and almost
rise te Its feet with excitement ns Mente
Blue, playing Danton, led his troop en
the dramatic charge through the Streets
of old Paris until they arrived nt the
guillotine lust In time te save the .fair
head of Lillian Glsh. And I wondered
hew many In the theatre hed the
slightest Idea of the work Involved in
photographing such n "sequence," ns It
Is technically called.
The Impression given Is. of course,
that the action was continuous and that
there were enmerns stationed every here
and there along the way te "sheet"
the troop as it ciinrgcd past. But it
can't be done thnt way nt all. It takes
many days trf complete n scnuence of
this kind find its entire dramatic ap
peal from the screen depends en hew
the various siets are afterward cut and
joined together long Bhets alternating
with close-ups with Inserts showing
flnshes of horses' hoofs and faces of
men nnd every new nnd then n cut-bnek
te the guillotine scene showing LUllan
strapped te the block and the huge ex
ecutioner there with his hand en the
rope, ready te spring the fatal trigger.
I happened te be spending the day
at Griffith's studio nt Maninreneck, en
Leng Island, when they (.het all the
scenes In this guillotining episode, In
cluding the charge down the street by
Monte nnd his men. There were no
amateur riders tu tha.t outfit. Griffith
hnd had assigned te him n troop of
I'nlted States regular cavalrymen and
they camped en the grounds of his
studio for nbeut two weeks, drawing
thtir urmy pay. plus .$5 a day, plus
meetlng hundreds of mighty pretty girls
engaged for the mob scenes nnd gener
ally having the time of their lives.
But when they were called Inte no
tion they dropped all the fun. They
were soldiers then nnd they rode like
soldiers. Mente had his right leg badly
hurt that day when his horse nnd the
horse of the man riding next te him
swung together nnd crushed his knec
They mnde the charge half n dozen
times, with Lillian first strnpped with
her face te the camera nnd then with
her bnck te It for the long shots, and
then with Griffith nnd the cameramen In
nn automobile keeping just bnrcly In
front of them for the close-ups. It was
even mero thrilling than it nppcars In
the picture. During one of these Intter
charges I steed en the platform of the
uinetinewith my camera and the
And Lillian was just about n nervous
wreck nt the end of the day. She
spent n tetnl of nbeut two hours under
that knlfe for various shots nnd, while
the knlfe was net n heavy blnde, it
was made of metal and the block te
which It was attached was heavy enough
te glve It n fnst drop. If an accident
had happened and the blnde had fallen
It would lncvltnbly have been fatal.
Griffith himself felt the strain, for he
frequently called n warning te the ex
ecutioners te be careful and every new
nnd then called out, "Are you all right,
Miss GishV"
"Yeu can't tell mc," Lilllnn said te
me nfterward, "that these people went
te their" executions lnughlng nonchal
antly. I don't believe u humnn being
could de it."
50HH notes of shows ice' in seen.
"Hull Deg Drummond" and "Hill
of Divorcement," arc both making big
hits in Xcw Yerk. "Happy
Qe Lucky," trhich didn't de se well
here, has been rcramncd and is playing
its fourth week in lloxten with every
indication of a successful tour. "
' glad te say that "Afgar" has
starved te death and teas buried in
Bosten last Saturday. It renews my
respect for the geed taste of my fellow
men. "Face Value" irajn't
successful in New Yerk, se Lee
Ditriehstcin ten revtved "The Orcat
Lever" and iclll tour with it all the
way te the Pacific- Coast.
Jehn Arthur never intended te be n
humnn mirth -qunkc. 'When he started
In, he had very serious ideas about the
... drah-mah. He has
Jehn Arthur 'vm ct. in fnct. In
Wants te Be splte of the funny
Serious Acter , Plays be's been in
nnd the riot of
laughter he causes new in "Ladles
Night" at the Lyric. He really wants
te de serious stuff, but It Is doubtful
if he'll ever be given u chance new.
CMdly enough, Philadelphia figures Im
portantly In Ills career and it Is a ie ie
mnrkuble coincidence that Mrs. Stuart
ltebsnn plays the funny fat wemnn who
wnnts te rcduce In the Turkish bath In
his present farce.
Arthur was born in Scettsdnle, Pa.,
nnd get a Jeb ns n page bev in the
Heuse of Itcpresentntlves in Washing
ton. On n trip te Philadelphia, he saw
Stuart ltebsnn In "The Twe Drtmiles"
nnd thn stage microbe immediately en
tered his system nnd developed fast.
He hunted up Mrs. Hobsen nnd begged
her te get lilm a chnncn In the eempnnv.
Hnlien reiuscti nun peint-nimiK.
cot en the stnge by going out
te the Pacific Coast nnd getting u ieb
with n small 6teck company In I.Oj
He -was vnthcr Fcrleus-miudcd then,
remember. Ills playing of the pnrt of
the IJehcmliiii lnbercr with Guy Hates
Pest in "The Uridge" showed thnt he
wns. He get into New Yerk with "The
Ambitious Mrs. Alcott" with Lee
Ditrlchsteln, played lti "Hefore and
After" with Ditrlchsteln again, thn
Jap in "Paid In Full." "Seven Days"
with Wlllinm Cellier in "Take My Ad
vice," with Douglas Fairbanks In "Of
ficer tiOO." nnd with Leu Tellegcn In
"Maria ltesn."
Then came his drift into pure fnrce
with "Fuir nnd Warmer," "Pnrler,
lledroem nnd Until," "Up in Mabel's
Itoem" and "The Girl in the Limou
sine." There's another Philadelphia end te
"Ladles' Night," tee and n mighty
nttructhe end It Is. Yeu remember the
two show girls who get most of the
lnughs by their snappy comment en
everybody In the Turkish bath? The
black-haired ene, who saVs her only
Inheritance from her metier was her
shape, Is Floreiyre Ittllly, who was beru
RrytHHKJk v'.sHHbPv wIkvHA sl.dBflH , . :jM
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SBBBli V'' ,? ? ' BBBBBjMBji
in 'West Philadelphia, and who at
tended the Echoel known ns the North
west Grnmmnr, nenr Fifteenth and
Itncc streets, later used by the Heard
of Lducatlen. Miis Itcilly's home Is new
In Atlantic City.
She studied singing nnd dancing hcuc
nnd then spent two years with the A.
Seymour lirewii vaudeville net with
which she played this city several times.
Prem there, she get Inte the Zlegfcld
Midnight Frolic, nnd from thcre te her
present engagement. But her work in
the bath scene Is net all she has te de
with the company by any means. She
is general utidcrsjudy for nil of the
feminine principals of the cast and Is
prepared te step Inte any of the parts
at u moment's notice. Next season she
wants te go back te musical comedy.
the eldest and youngest members of the
cast, nnd neither of thce Is n stnr or
even n featured player. Hut that N
the situation nt the Hrend Sticet The
atre, where Mary Itynn is nppcnrlng in
"Only .'IS." The individual hits are
made by Neil Martin, ns Miss Itynn's
son, nnd Percy Pollock, as Miss Ityun's
father. Yeung Martin Is a genuine,
living boy. lie isn't mi ncter acting
like a boy. He is rcnl and every little
trick that he uws te accentuate his
particular period of youth censes te be be be
ceme a trick when he docs it and Is,
instead, the perfectly natural thing for
n boy of tunc age te de and exactly the
thing thnt yen and I and our boyhood
friends used te de.
Last season, In the snme theatre, a
young fellow named Glenn Hunter made
a big lilt in a boy's part In Tnrklng Tnrklng
ten's "Clnrence," and it resulted in
Hunter's being starred in motion pic
tures nnd featured this year with liilllc
liurke in "Intimate Strangers." Oddly
enough, Hunter will fellow Martin new
at the Hrend when "Only 38" leaves.
Martin and Pollock just about dlvlde
the laughs in "Ouly 38." Pollock's
career en the stage furnishes one of
these odd Instances of ft man showing
such nptltude for ene particular type
of character that managers won't let
liim play anything; else. He made such
a hit playing old men's roles in stock
cempnnlcs a generation nge that he's
still playing them, though his original
ambition was te be the handseme young
leading man.
Pollock hasn't been seen In this city
much. In fact, his only nppenrance
(luring the Inst decade was with Weber
nnd Fields In "Back Again." He
started as n child actor. He .nnd his
sister Emma played the two children
with Jeseph Jeffersen in "Itlp Van
Winkle," nnd, peculiarly enough, he
played the girl and his sister played the
boy. This sister, by the way, later
beenme famous us the original Maggie
Murphy nnd was with Edward Hani
gan for many yenrs.
Desmond Players In "Virginian"
Mno Desmond nnd her stock nlnversl
will present next week nt the Metropoli Metrepoli Metropeli
an Opera Heuso "The Virginian,"
Owen Wistcr's famous story of the
Western plains, in which Dustln Far
num wns starred. Miss Desmond plnys
the rele of Melly Weed, the young
'Vchoelmnrm" from Vermont, with
whom the breezy "Vlrglnlnn" falls In
love. Frank Fleldcc plnya the title role,
nnd ether favorites of the company, In
cluding Frnnk Camp ns Trampns, the
bad man, hnve congenial roles.
Harry BreTrhe a Screen Star, Toe
Harrv C. Browne, lending-mnu with
Mnry Itynn In "Only 38," the A. K.
Thenins comedy which entered upon Its
second nnd tlnul week nt the nread
Street Theatie Monday, Is as ,vell
known en the screen ns he Is en the
stnge. His first pleture was "The
Kngle's Mnte" with Mary Plckferd. a
number of ycaru age, mid since that
tlme he hns played with Deris Kcinen,
Hazel Dawn, Mno Murrny, Viela Dann,
Constanca Tnlmndge mid Pearl White,
nnd just before joining the "Only 3S"
company he completed a picture with
Corlnne Griffith.
Travesties at Dumont's
T?mmntf W'nlali nml lln
minstrels will ngnin present the "Mr.
mm .me. uuucaiiua next Weelf. mid
have arranged a varied program in addi
tion, which includes Chnrlie Heyden and
Richard Lee, In their "New Police
man"; Hennle Franklin and Hnpftr
Thompson, In "My Irish-American
Girl." unci Leslie Lu M.ir. Cnrl Ash Ash
weed, Dnve Barnes nnd William Shel Shel
eon hi nn efferlug e( vocal specialties.
Emmett Welsh, with new song hits,
heads the Ih'Bt-pnrt' bill.
--v 9 : raxmn:i. r. iBHUn .. .. .
bbWBBRv!V tMBk'ME$'J3 i
Theatrical Billboard
for the Coming Week
New Attractions
WALXUT "The Skin Game," Jehn
Galsworthy drama, with Jnne Grey
nnd a sudder Mnc cost of English nc-
,p)Aer ccniuct rjeiwcen
MfanlP.m'iilA plnhjlu
YlflVX i
utn'yiiat Itciualn
QAItlllCE Zlecfcld Frolic, with Will
Ilegcrs an chlCT-Iun-maker, nnd n cast
et comedlansflSBd beauties1 that con cen
talnn ninny filvOTltes. A new version
of New Yerk's famous reef show.
LYRIC "Ladles' Night." Turkish bath
fprce, by Avery Hopwood nnd Chnrl Chnrl
ten Andrews, with a. cast thnt Includes
Jehn Arthur and Allyn King.
FORREST "Orphans of thei Storm."
newest Griffith spectacle. Based en
Kate Cloxten'B play, with Lillian nnd
Dorethy Glsh In the lending roles,
and scenes In Paris during the Revo
lution te provide the thrills.
SIIUUHRT "Passing Shew of 19;i.'"
latest Winter Garden BUccess, with
Wlllle and Eugene Heward and n big
cast, La'st'Week.
BROAD "Only 38," comedy by A. E
Thcrmns, with Mary Hynn as a widow
of thirty-eight, who tries te be young
attain. Last week.
ADELPllI "The Hat." mystery thriller
continuing Its trlumphnnt way with
cast headed by Helen Dauvray.
0RPIIEVH "Three LIe Ghosts." com
edy with nccnes laid nftcr the wnr,
seen here for the first tlme. telling the
story of a shell-shocked English sol
dier and his nm slng adventurea.
Dwight Meade, ituth Itoblnsen, Jehn
Lett nnd ether company faverlts In
congenial parts.
"Th Virginian," Owen Wistcr's famous
story, with Mae Desmond as the lltfTa lltfTa lltfTa
schoel teacher from Vermont nnd
Krank Fielder ns the Virginian, nnd
Frank Camp ns Trampns. the bad
man. An old faorlte with careful
nnd adequate staging and presenta
tion, Vniideillle
n n r.''Trr'v rvi,-i cni,n i-i
comedy nnd operatic favorite, returni
te 'audcvllle with new repcitolre of I
song hits. .Valerie, Perners In story i
et t-ar Kas
Cook, cemij
ties; aiarg
tuiuur xjruwMMHHHMBHSSVSSHpisispijsf
Kliby, Qulnn and Anger, comedy btt:
.uvii uim utjty utuyur IWUIllieitl
Century' Hevue" ; Peggy Carhart, vlo vle vlo
llnlHte, and ethers.
"Nenette," gpsy vlellnlste, with
unusual offering , Nnt Nazurre, Jr.
singing and dancing and ether enter
tainment Milten Hnyes, English en
tertainer. In a pleasing net ; Heb Nol Nel
son, fresh from musical ccmedy. with
songs; Ferd and Truly, big novelty
net, with unusual animal tricks ,
Harry nnd Anna Set anion, songs,
dances, acrobatics nnd wlre work, and
lett Trie, unusual song hendlincr;
"Annnbelle," miniature musical com
edy of claborate natuie, with a big
company; Tern Mix, in IiIh newest
Western feature called "Trnllln' " ; the
Skatells, Ringing, dancing and roller
skating; Canartus and Clee, Illusion
ists and magicians ; VIb and Telly
acrobatic! act, Leenard Iluffus, singer,
dancer nnd comedian, and two-part
Bcroen comedy, "Business Is Uusi
ness." QLOUE Lew Cooper, fun nnd comedy
songs. Is next week's heudllner. Hon
eymoon Inn, mlnlature farte. with
songs presented by Jack Marcus;
y " Arn'. novelty net ; Mnrle Rus
."' wlt,h "Sambo," skit; ",nty
iJ . Ul'' fltrCQ comedy, with
I rank Ferd; Ilcnn nnd Leng, comedy
skit, and many otherj
ALLEGHENY "The I.ove Nest." mln mln
..u.re..mus.,cnl comedy, heads the bill.
i,ihmDJm TeU Ever thing." featur
Vwi?iS!na wa"sen' Wallace Iteld and
VH thSPf61" ae "Ploteula. Alse
hdlth Helena, vocalist; I'cck and nut
ler, comedians; "Cupid's Cleso-Un '
comedy playlet; Jussle and Ossle
athletes, and ethers.
BROADWAY Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday, Vle Richards and cSm-
uixey, in hendllner. Photoplay fca.
ture Is "Little Minister," wfili lleUy
iiPni?t. ' ' rt.anceHi Matthews nnd
Ulnltclr, comedy ehlt and ethers.
Tl ursday. Friday and Saturday,
"Maids in Phllly," mrrdern mlnstreu,
hendlincr. Film Is "A Prince Tlieic
Wm "
CIO.ss KEYS Mendav. Tuesday and
Wednesday. 'The Divided Wemnn"
thrilling lllutlen presented by Hal
Ollxer aillettp Sisters, "Pongs and
Dances Frem Life" ; Dennett and I.ee,
songs nnd chatter . Eddle White, farce,
nnd r-thcrs Thursday, Friday nnd
Saturday, Virginia Hennlngs. legiti
mate comedienne, In a comedy play
let, "The Xcw Matren," and big sup
porting bill.
WILLIAM PENN Monday. Tuesday
and Wednesday, Itcne Arneld nnd
Sammy Westen, nwv skit with senjtf
and dances "Clay Dollars," with
Eugcne O'Drlen, picture. Ceorge llel.
land and nilly Kelly, farce; Evan
geline nnd Kathleen Murrav, seugi
and dancep, nnd ethers. Thursday
Friday nnd Saturday, Jeseph K, Wat Wat
eon, comedian, with new songs nnd
stories, nnd "The Child Theu Gavest
Me." film.
NINON "Spirit cf the Mnrdl . Gras."
musical offering, with company of
twelve; Charles nnd Adnlnlde Wllklns,
comedy plavlet; Tm KMIy. monolog menolog monelog
Ist; Flo and Ollle Walters. "Twe Sun
beams": Ulns nnd tirllW, gymnasts
nnd "The Great Lever," feature dim.
Change of bill Thursdnv. w fill "Gar
ments of Truth" as film.
NIXON'S GRAND Harry Hay den, le
gitimate Juvenlle star, with n capable
cast, In a romantic cemedv. "TTTf
I.ove Game," James Mullen and Anna
Francis, comedy and songs ; Hud
Snyder nnd Jee MfMIne and company
fun-makers nnd trick cyclists; Geerge
Yecman nnd I.lrzie In nn unusual
comedy; Elm Cltv Four pengs; Jehn
I3oy)e and V rglnla Dennett, dancing
nnd photoplays
KEYSTONE Geerge Alexander and
company. In ceine,i -ketch, "Pre
ferred Stock." head ti lull Alse
Sliaplrrt and Jerdan 'T'e Glrfs ,nd
a Piane"; Deb Murplu .mil Elmer
Whlte, tunes and liuphs. Mrs Jee
Weed. In "The Mimic World." musi
cal comedy; Lane and Whalen, acro acre
bata, and usual photoplays, Including
"The Whlte Eagle " w ith Iluth Do De
land. WALTON ROOF Gladys and Venus
'The French Girls," novelty turn"!
Grnce Carlisle, scried of songs; Ver Ver
nens, versatlle dancers; Marlen Sakl
nnd Geerge Tierce, dancers unlnue
nnd ethers.
CASINO "Felly Tr-wn ' ptesentcd hv
James F. Cooper, with a cast of forty
nnd sixteen different and elaborate
sets. These upjie.iring Include- GTje
1-ay, .Tohnnle Walker I -ter rerr
Lynn Canter. James Helly. Leda i:rrel
and mnny ethers
TROCADERO "Hell C.liK with y-ed
Caby and Ern Hack,,,,,,, ,h Mtjnedinns
nnd a big bupprrtmg , net Little
Jackie- Fields. Or em 1 d.,,,e- t,
sneclal ml.lni nn.. ... . ,. ' .
mrtn.. ,l.n . . ,111 tij
...wm man ptuv pr $
p lar sa-
nnl., . ",,. " .... i , eiaD.
,V.. T . r. , -,-,
FnuiKlJ,, nnd lMt; ,,l,t,"t
".yfy Irish
Famous "Bacchanal" New In "hlla
delphlan's Gallery
New Yerlc. Jn. 1,1 Purc.hn, of
the Bacchanal." famous painting of
the -Venetian Scheel of the fifteenth
century, by Jeseph :. Wldcner, of Phil
adelphia, was announced here yester
day. The purchase prlce was mt mam
Public but is believed te run Inte
hundreds of thousands (if dollars. The
painting already has been placed in
Mr. -H idnner's gallery in Philadelphia
where millions of dollars worth of art
treasures repose.
Tien!'.?. ''n,y;',lm,ll,r w pnlutci i,y
Hcllinl nt the elder of the Imke of
Fernira. It is snld te hai- been
yverhed upon by several et Helllni's
students, ene of yyhem, Titian, later
beenme famous himself: The !,..
cl.annl' was brought te this count!
thrce yenrs nge and yvas cyl.lblt.sl ,u
the Metropolitan Museum of Art in
Cengressmnn Fess te Be .Heard at
Annual Gathering
niV1! inV?llnA l,,nnfl,lrt "t the North
philndclphlii Hcalty Heard will be held
thin eveuing lu the Hellevue Stratford
lhe guest et honor will be Cengicssma i
Simeon Fess. of Ohie. M-wmii
Edward V, Cobb, elected te the pres-
s.eeiCsy ,1 ' l'??nl "loeeotI LeiSs J
miens, will preside.
THD present" Bensen of grand opera In
Philadelphia is the. best that the
city has ever hnd, nnd ,it premises te
contlnue se te the close. Mr. Oniie
opened with three weeks of popular
priced epcrn, which, nftcr the first
wcclf, was well attended and In a way
mnrked a ncv ei'ech In the operatic
llfe of the city. . , , .
Then, Mr. Gnttl-CasaMa has, In
part nt least, reversed his policy to
ward Philadelphia', and for se early In
the eeiiben we have hnd ii' number of
medcfli and yet thoroughly accepted
epera, which hnve made the Metropoli
tan Bensen thus, far n delight. Out of
the six operas given or announced thcre
hns been but ene which might be con
sidered ns of the "hackneyed" class,
and that was en the opening night nt
the sensen, when "Lucia," palpably
given as n familiar nnd convenient ve
hicle for the exploitation of the colora
tura powers of Mine. Gnlli-Curci, was
performed. x , ,ir.
rri.n ifhnra riven heVO been tit'
nawui.iv . jr'" ", 7, r.hMn-
Llirci, uiure iniv..wi -- ...
pine, the great ItusBlan bnt.e, who win
sing lnllerls."
UT if these wcre net eneugn, aien
comes the dynamic .Mary i-t( "
UJ lliuuii. .......
and announces a wceK et opera . "i y"
rhlcnee Oncra Company In this city
h.iC?f i.V?..n,v 'PI n retiorteire which
will be presented in nbent the nnw
nearcd 111 it under the IlnmniriMcin
vniimn "Te Tenclcur de Netie Dame
regime. I.C .lengRui"; .,,
hud "Menna nllnn. I ' e er i
operas te be given by tnc ceiniuiny mu -ing
tin; week nre cimully nttiactue te
IT IS te be hOJlOU tunc Jii-' "lururu e
.. f ,U .,,,,,m.lr line
Iiresentntlen of this nnpimgly IltU'
rT IS te be hejictl thnt Mi't i.arden's
rcnerlelre will be cord ally nselveil l)J'
r iperieirt "" i' -.... , ,..
, P..,, ..,j,lnllnl, nt illt ktllnnfllO
nnu n inn iii"" """,: ' ,,. '
rnnrosentntien of the Metropolitan rep-
crtelre nnd nrtlsts, which he hail given
te lis tllUS tnr tins year, iv is jn-i ii-
well for the operatic health of the city
that his company hnve some worthy op-
position. Only tiie Chlcnge Opera '
pnny can give It and by a lllwral
a liberal pnv-
;nnne of this orcanizntien en Its up-
peiiraucc here. I'hllndclphlans will be
nerklnir for their muslcnl geed ns well
u ...h "- . .. ., . ., ,
as for the artistic reputation 01 mcir
One of the leaders of the mexement
which brought the Sun Carle Cmupnm
te this city tells the writer that Mr.
VlUllO IS CIHIli-lllimill I), urn; i,.. ......-,
next season, lie will make 11 fatal mls-
tnke if this is cnrtled Inte effect. The
nttendnnce of the second and especially
the third week of the sen-en which he
has just closed should he the answer
tc this 111 n two wok-' seu-eu u
week of bad weather, miWi us the ban
nnni," virtually n neielty, If an nged
enctn in years; "Le Itel d Ys," given
for the first lime hi Philadelphia;
"Louise." "Lohengrin" nnd (te come)
..t. ... rTni iiiinir ' ' i.rnriTii iviih im- . .... . -.... ft........ iiv..i n'ni.i' .-
cliil fnr Tltte KllITe. who, niter nil iu'- phony awl nieharrt Hirnum' tone reem. ; ";" - "-" "" . ....
ylvcil ter iiiie yi""v ' gtnc thci T)uth nnd TraniflKuratien." srr thr Or- of the people, their p'caMtrcB nnd na
treuble had been tak en t0.. ?;"cf " I chtr i. numbers. The raiemt. Myr irs ' ture vic.a' wcre alt dwelt en by the
opera, was prevented by llh cs s fro n ( plar)lllt , p,ay th. Schumann cen.ert0 , iceturcr
S?PNwe r-der rhf,lflr..n fmeU, n,,..n ' The lecture will be repented this .ft-
UOrin uuuuimui ... -.: . lUin mtriiiiruiBiiun .-.e. i vii.i n.n.-, i..,,l ,..., Inrlnnlr M ih hahllB
unlmilil lltfl nn Iflllllt" I RHHR. Hnnin HDurnriiiiu) llll IIIO JlfliniUUI- I l.liiiiuiii tiJiii Jblltin ui im, i".nv "
Ul !!c7n'?en r eek's im ' 1" ' fne iK.irJSn "of ",r '"Fiif ue" n,r . dltien of Gounod's "Second Mass efths
CMlsrraraT?n herself will make four I SffK'cJi a.w,ftert.Uro'r,rlSi,PeBnt Orpheenls.es" tomorrow morning. The
ntitwnrnntTs encniUC In til" title lele I lain, W-lVn Seng; by Hue ..lf th musical servlce Will begin Ht 1 1 o'clock.
S?Xmo"TndBep,.car,,,s nK '" icXPn'nCnnOJ" ,nf Vhh'.tri""."" f, This mnM ns written bv Gounod
l..ll.i9 ,.t Mi'lisnildc. .wliK'h na- net Kenirs tircdemlnate. inrludlne Ue .-leehes ler tile Orphean, Ihe famous singing
J-. fji I.. since Mivs (.urd.-n up- jn;! Vr.d0"n".?LI,eb"Vl..n.'l.,ll-.''' re , society of Paris.
liitr im i:l'k iiiu ..,.u...j nr,nm ATnrrw,M W armnnn 1 . n -nH
the ncrse'i WHO Wisnce m k'1' "" "i i" ine :iiu-niy rnv-r en ;unrifn .........i ,.f ? u,, i.,,- 1. ,1,-
r ..,..: ,iinl. They lire " Innn- afternoon January 21 un Wr thn ausWcea An unusual eyent in burlesque is the
of operatic doings. ll in . '.. of ,no ivderated Musi- luh, ; jv'f,'. presentntlen nt the Casine next week of
hni'iiser" with Kesn Ilnlsn nnd """ vanis cf which Diiwbeih H00.1 ltta is "Fellv Town'- ene of the most i-'sb-uiiii
Unln Charles Mnr-hnll ami pusldent. , u'"'i .? .. m, TL 7
..J. .mm . ..ti, Tw.rftirmanc- has ! orate shows en the circuit The show',
Hiiiflnl. The seventh p rfain an lis n-xt preBram of th- Matinee Musiei presented hv James K. Cooper, has a
net vet been nnnOUllCCd, but t lui- littn 1 r lub will be ennnn-d tn wnrks of American '!,... t.nt Indiidp. BMrh fnvnrlfea nu fii,
,-.,.,,, ,i,t It ill tiieba bh composers The- ep-ra "Shanl' , cusr. llinr includes Nlicn ia ernes ns UllS
said uiieihcinlly thnt it wdl liemii. p Waken.I(I cdmn ,;iir i met aN 'Fny. Johnnie Walker. Lester Derr,
if 'iL'Amerc del Arc lie. 11 11 ' .tfacthely presented. nrwlci bj a croup of , Mi. Lvnn Cnnter Jhines Hellvv Ids
nn.li1i te cct n greater variety of soprano, rlane and c le i.nlt-ilens TIB i , , 111 1 ' 11 t'1 f?
pe'situe te gee 11 h"-"1 . ;. u club crchestrn will assist Th.. renert win Hrrel. Lucille Hnrruen, Hen Jess. Jim
dramatic opera into n W .,, , . n in th iiem pir- th Beiievue-iHnll. Ituth Koiemend and Harry Burt.
ins net been the geed fortune et 1 una- , Stratford next Tu.-sd aftrnenn. At 11 i ,i, n,,,i-,.iit ,,- ,1,. .,..,,i.
11 i,n n lmn that cxneriencf. o'clock Aimea Clune Quinun win cn0 at, In the roudcvllle pnrt of the entertain-
delphlans te have that cxpiruu illustrated talk en opere. us,i.teu by eiub ment will be such nets ns Vireinln Wart
. ..,.!.. 1 . n ,,fiLi . .t:i. .:. .v: .". iv-' ' ".,,,,. .
. mcinucra
1'hlludelplllll. ,wii i""' 'T,'"'' , Quterl. Cera Tee. the Marchioness, ' Eva
nnces bv Miss UnrUeil nersiu. mm 1 A. Hitter f Chris W Oraham will sin the
Tiiniihiieiiser" nild "(Jtclle" thrown 1 WW, and Den Quix' te. Minister of War. I
1 innniiiiiiisii " in he ln thn kecninit of otte K. Hess
in. se te spenh, in '"''"'' ,,.'",: r-rntj H MacCaln win aprear as the danctnn- ment at (he Wnliiut Street Theatre
1 Ml Indent te meet the expectations OI I master and ethers in the cast are Dr. Jehn MeniHv nlcht hns w-rlttpn nnrlv ns
, riVlireclris nf thn Chicago (tinipany. HecW D 1. Mathews Jr Charles D -""""ay niglll. nns written nearly ns
I the tlirectiess 01 111; '""",'...'..'.. ienir, D- Kranic e Hitter and Herbert mnny successful nln.vs as he has novels.
we might ns wl Bive "H hi - u. Mrdi Among theiM. seen in this country ars
season "'hntoi.ce'''pn"nl '', .i"", " Tc The w.enint., cenrt .f the Trehie aef 'Justice.- ill which Jehn Harrymer
event will eyer be reallz id. un tne rh n iiTlZt& mudc Huch n hit. ..Thc Meb t d
ether hand, nn adequate patronage lieileviie-stratferd 'edr.esda, Februiry a I in industrial relations' "Thii Pltrenn '
nileht easily lend te n two or three rhe asslstl nic nrtlst lll b. willlarr. . WHIecke. "q. ",,'.. , ,,, .cl tsi.. .n 5" 'i-
mignt lasiiy ""' crlllst. The preaetd of th concert will co Strife nnd 'The Sliver Hex," la
weeks' season nct year. te ,hu bettiement Mu c Scheel. which Hthel Barrymere played,
w-itli nil dun resnect te Mr. until . '
tarie nnu during as. ni 'ck. wi.ui. . The n1nlh r ?un,.KX .,frnnn renrrrt
preve fatal. Mr. finlle s opera gaiueil at thi AcadTnv of Pm rts wi 1 I rl'r
support dnily as the season progressed t?mo''re" nftrrnoen at a o'clock This will be
nnd the Philadelphia opera -leWng. pub- 'V' '.l ?&$$ Fe'Sn'
lie, mnde pardonably suspicious by being Anceilna cianriamn, pianist: Pasnualina
"stung" mnny times, realized that the n""1'""1" l0J.lnl?t.K,,.v'1 GeerB Qantier
season would be finished. All this gain , l?Z,ffiW,teCZl? AeetZ&
will be thrown away bv a shortening of I exhibition mav t- nt te Mrs Herbert L.
the next season. Hut Messrs. Albrecht, Clttxk' treasurer. 201 2 Spruce street
Ilnmmcr nnd the ethers will knew hew 1 . . . . ,,"TT .,,..
hecr tn meet l,lu ciMmtinn ' Th ehrlr of Old J( Peter's Church an-
DCSC te meet tills Situation. reunces a public iec,tal te be cKen Wednes-
'dav eenlnr. February in. t Itherspoon
PHILADKT.I'HI V'S iiiii-n- -nsnn lm "all. This choir .emlnn.il of thlrtv-flvn
iuijaur.1,1 iii.v . 11111-iL season lias maip vor. under the ica()er,hip t Ilir
been net fur from ideal There have,0'11 w- atlbcrt. t
M?!cbCCM V'0! """V l"rV"'","!""ii "''! Awre.,.,ekt rresram w I l Cn,n rt T M
these which hnve been glsen hae had P M. Sundav at the snend Vresbtertnn
n high degree of eeleetlii-m. Wn haie rDurcu' .Twenty -first end Walnut streets
heard the greatest lh.ng German and .r erdenU",u 'nVTru-0' DYmuils'1'' .
tne grcntCSt living Ficnrh tompesers Kastalskj. "Tn the t.er.l Deth Mv Heul Re-1
cenducthcir own werlis with our own ' J8?1rc,'..fj0da 'f-H'S?- ' ,sTiu,''t.Kil,niKTh?;
erchestrn, which conies net l.ir from $!?.& tta'r'Scn' 'rh:"7nst?Sm.n?a0lJ SS
being the greatest orchestra of them all. 1 b.fl.ra , ""' p "The swan " Saint-ften
U ludy ns colldiiflei-H Is almost, ldeiiti- ejery Sunday evenlnir bv Frederic Owk.
cnl with the differences b. twevn them 1 lellniBt' an1 v'nnt ratieiu. harpis
us composers. TnLs difftiene U c- ! -.v , ,
reminlly racial nnd traditional ,.n.l only .hT,hr"ornue.ld'Ri,-pT.:f,Brn,s ,,nhi?ChS,Thi,,.iv .'n
in n leaser decree lndividuili Ml miss. I Im streets tomerreu- niEht wl'l lr, hide
wniii uie iiiitiuieiiH beluiid 111 n .f that
"iiii, t.n'ui i-i ceiiiiKi-i 1 s ir 11 Mien
te Brnhnis, which made the mi-n il his
trv Of the w,.riil ter iiieie 1 '1 1 1 two
centimes, has ihe teiinuii ii ,1 l.-tr.i-tien
nntl new (although ii"' '.i,i me
1,-IW.lt,., ....v.... . ,. .
l.'iillU UKIM a l-OItlnine t in -I.. 1
1 which is want ng tu the I'm . .
I peseis.
Cn tr
-' '
i wi.eie ns hiil "niniueaT
i mm in an tilings and h s r '
"Lin Ilelilenlehin" was fur
limit thin that of the Mi-ti , .
u.icter, Men lelberc I) Ind. I i
nuiductef i .,1 ,iS n eoume-er i- .
the ncademli inn His Mlc ei , i
ing, llhe his Mmm of compesit.nii 1- i
lined end scholastic. Lll.e Sfni Sfni
there Is no waste motion, but what i
tlen theie is does net mean se mu, i
witli "Uichard II."
ND yet both composers stem ha -te
Hnch, as (un te this tnnei m,.-.
every composer who adds te the perma
nent repertoire of music Strauss Is -,i
by tradition, nnd d'lndy bv his i.nl
strict centnpuntnl studies and the tutlu tutlu
ence of hiH master. Cesar Franek Ii
new seems renseunbly certain that the
symphonic poems of Strnuss. nt lnt
up te "Lin lleldcnleben," will remain
In tie orchestral repertoire for a gnat
many years; what of d'lndy will h,,i.
se long n life Is net new certain lnrgi U
becnuse of the seere and net infre
quently complex- nature of mnny et hi hi
werUs, In which intclleetuiil (iiiulltie
nisj displayed nt the ces; 0f the eino eine
1 ennl ones. In this tespect he i 1.U
Heger, In a talk with the writer, M. d'fmU
voiced nn utterance v,.i worthy of th'e
wrlter of the biography of (V-ar
rnnck nnd the masterly "Hectlnnen
Htographte Critique." ene of thc most
vnunbe books en Ueetheven ever i
printed ln any language. "We." he
snld (referring tn the modern Prench i
composers. Including Trnnek, Debussy
and Havel) "nre nil of the same stream!
which came originally from Hnch If
there, nre brooklets which seem te (low
off from that btream they nre simply
the Individual expression of the com
posers ami erp net radically different
from the, pnreiit body When them 1st
n tetnl separation nnd the modern coin
poser cutH hlnneir nlT fr .-.. ih milj,t
stream he li'i'mntv ,mi i ,.,,. ,. i,,,, i
puddle, nnd seen dries up and exists i
He longer."
rri.nn. la miiM, fnA.l tnt. il,e,,t.t .. I
tlie ultra-medcrnlsta In these pithy
words of the great French composer nntl
crltlS. Music, like everything clse In
llfe, cannot stand still. There must be
motion, whether It be progress' Or ret
rogression. But the sun of Time Is
powerful nnd In ccrtnln Instances the
drylng-up process referred te by M.
d'lndy seems nlready te have begun
perhaps for the geed of the art.
Th Nw Yerk Hvmpheny frcneatra will
he heard In the fourth concert of Us eerlea In
the Academy of Music en Thursday evenlnir,
when Albert Ceatea will make hla flret an an
pearance here na jruet conductor and
Alexander Blletl, the Jluialan plnnlet. will be
the eo'elet. Mr. Slletl will piny Hchubert'a
"Wanderer Fantasy" from the arrangement
by I,ttt. Mr. Ceatea will conduct the ever-tu-e.
"Nezin dl 1'lgare," hy .Mozart, fantasy fantasy
eertur, "nomee and Jullet." by Techal
kpwaky, and Symphony Ne. 3. "t Oevln
roeme," by Bcrlablne.
The Philadelphia Orchestra will resume
Its cencerta nt the Academy en Friday after
noon and Saturdny eyenlmr next In .Mr
Stokewskl'a- ahence the Orehestra will be
directed bv Dr. men. uninmarK a "MaKun
Itan Opera Company In his ureal role. Ik)rls
aoduneff. made a sensational Impr lnn.
win de neara in inie reie ai ine Acaaemv
of Music Tuesday. January .'4 It win be
ine cnamb'r music Association meeting te-
morrow afternoon. Januarv in Their pre-
trim will consist of Dim IUlheen Ounrtet
tn b fiat major, n rnnntasv Quartet by
Kugene Goessens and the Quartet In D major.
op. 01, Ne. S. of Haydn
Mmf( Merirarft MatznAur
Krank l. Fotbe. a Mexican folk senir a
th Keiruidllla from "Carmen rempieie t
program. , Mme Matr-naucr will hae
rcetnpanBt (erpeR yauct., n0 .i pi
Moszkewskl's Spanish Caprlep
liorcnee Macbeth will appear i i
M.L . ,, .l.
I -music en Tuesday , venli.c .lunuary 31. The
east Includes 1.1 inn Tal? fren,,. the
-sTaV, U'n..n U . .-. ... . . .
iir.i,.'w ."";" "" al Ja' cnr
wJi' '"? ,'n the Academy of Music, mis
Vemaie'Veme, fren? .TuiheSn JUiwet
"iu rum., ruran in Aetmns.il .Minn.
, dei,,ehn s ?af rail elT'TueJiaefenine'
Januarv in in s, Pmi . rv , .,
1 Venanin. strMts The presentation et the
a. " -" -'- -. r. Iiuivtl, UIUIU. UU'l
",r u 2.V.n "VJ .l ' "p cle2.".n,n V.intr rencert
1 i:thei mEht"r "ion; , .opfane. Kitht.'i
1 KUiabe-h Neli .ontraite. neorre Hareld
'inner, terjur nn.l ILtn.a t-m.a l.n.t......
Th w,ci..ty wiii iV. asVi.reti by twenty mem-
urrn '" ,no 1 niiuueumia urrnestra and ll
'f me uyetiien or James B. Han-
I j, ,, ,;,,h nnrnnn rUni,t rlll ,, lhP
"' 'i i-nnamipn Urchestra ar
iis i ij n-t i r hi Tn nuwrt in nr 1 ..-. .
inia n.,xt v-dne-day eeninc. sh ui
EJen. len,c"'tu '' G n"n," b Saint-
Mtss Acnes r.unj Qulnlan win cie hr
er,Ure Current Events in Music before
e HHrtdnn 1 crtnlshtly Club en Thursday
-"""""y l
,,:"" l,,"1" .r",lirl " appUli. ,,n
liarltnnfi sole "rtlest Be Theu ' 'Oaine'
., ",m, J Mil'!' f Deum l.audamus
iMartlni tenor sole "Alenn With Tie
iKuriM) Wharten W Wen
' 1 11 usl 1
I Un 1 II' 1 til.
1 1 1 ' 4 1
S" r I, at ii r, ( 1
I ' ' ax m ri
ji. I ' 1 m 1
X'hcstnut Street
ii li ill
ine j-nnaueipnia uprai sec.etv will'1'1 " " -, " uuumuu iu me ut
?rc"'n' thC, "Parkllne pen, The Queen's icherus. is ntiether feature.
iACn Handkerchief' at the Academy of -
MONDAY-First Time at Popular Prices"
It'V.'J0. TSirvrei11 win
hert lnlrumentI irelud, bmlnnln M
o'cleok. and will iw under the dlrxtU
II. Alexander AUtthewa
Thn jAniiftpv Ttinllii' Cencnrt of thA 8
tlcment .'iule Hclioel will b hld tti'iS
auditorium of the nchoel en HunOur atm
neon at U:fle o'clock. At thla concert la
am prerm sjll na .iiayeu.aa mat.
be riven th ncxr uav in in rexar r
Academy of Mulc for the aubicrlher
the organization n acnepi unnau
series of three sonata recitals feri.
ana piano, ceennr me, iiisierirm
1nnt nt thn nnnatn. A shOrl t
analysis of the sonates played, will pri
aarh nrntfrnm. Kfr. Jehn Ornlle. Viel
and Miss Kthet Drummond and Mr. Iai
mm i
J7m. t:
MM, .D
At ,
TU .
nrst recital will be clven en the second Bifi j
day In 1 ebruary, ' t.
I .it-M QUmki. l..ii. . AUalii. Im 'l
First Program
Alaska was the subject of the Traref
talk eiven last nlcht nt the Academy of
i Music by Vt. .M Newman, as the first
of his lOfierlcs.
The audience was shown striking
views of the frozen nerthlnndn. Includ
ing moving pictures nnd a number of.
f0lew beiry; given Friday evenings .J
I ,,..?? . ' U
) "-..
gouned-s mass te be sune
Mark's Choir te Be Heard In
Annual Rendition
The men's choir of St. Mark's Epls-
I copal Church, Locust street above Six-
innrcw nccier win ne tne erxnn-
iM. The choir will be under the dlree-
I tl0" et I'cwis A. Wndlew
"Felly Town" at Casine
nnd the California Trie. A double aunr-
,ft nt lenlfl ....Innn In nil.lltlnn tn 41. t.ta.
' -.. ... n,
uauweriny a t-iays
Jehn Gnlswerthy. nuther of "Ths
Skin Onme," which opens nn cneuge-
iiu.ii. nieia" , -rm-w...
Helle Girls at Trocadero
T,hp attraction nt the Trocadero next
"' win ue mc llt'lie itiris, Willi
Jackie Fields, in a scries of Oriental
,nnC("- ns, n" nd'lp1 fentnre The coat
or. 1 up iicne vnris inciuues mien
. . . . -.---
popular favorites ns Fred Cuby. Erb
Hackman. Thclma Snvllle. Mnr Hell.
Mabel McCloud and Jee Carr. The
pregrntn consists of a twrt-act musical
. . . -..
'"nicuy nnd u number or vnrie.i vnude-
vine item. . i-mirnt. ui mure mi
twenty Is n feature.
"Intimate Strangers" Cemlnf
innnimwrnnit l.ne li.f Unnn me
', ...,. .."-..!, 11 1 - jiii-l iiiei
that "Tlie Intimate Strancers." Heet.
Tarknigten's latest ceruedj. with Blllle
Iturkp In the leadinc role, will come te
the Uread Street Theatre beginning
Monday. .Tanunry H.'l. Alfred Lunt
,Jnil GfPnn 1Iunlr rc , tbe Buppert
t '
iW,L' 'T. ."'"?. I fennth. will rlre ( fiffK nnnnal een.
laainmuDurjuiiinuiiii ;
g You'll taste thc dilTcrcncc! I 1
! J
i Of I
1 MJ I
I Sold only in our Stores! I
if- p K
SI K K . .,.,.
nt 19th. Direction nf Fred D. nnd M. E. Felt
s MIOV IN(,tl !
D. W. GRII- Jh ITH Vn Bent s
lH iteh. W jd. f f v Bt the
Tax Included .'"SOcnr 7Sc
. . , ' " '' -J I
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