Ifafe's Swimming and I' i..- HUSKY TUNNEY GRABS TITLE FROM LEVINSKY Greenwich Village Youth Breezes te Victory Over 'Philadelphia Battler DRAW FOR FULTON By LOUIS II. JAFFK js'ew VeiU. .Inn. 11. 1'rldey, the 13th, fulled te prove n Jinx for the no ne rfllleil experts of fisticuff, and the dope tvti" upheld when Gene Tunney, twen ty. three-year-old IiunUv jeutii of Getham's Greenwich Village section, awnkenrd this morning America' litlit-heavywelglit chii.nviien. At the jnme time, booster of I'red Fulton, the phe-rocieu" one. for n crad; at Jjek Dnnp'cy'H title arc (tlfinnpeintPil. Tunney depised the veteran. lint tllng I.evlnsky, of Philadelphia, for the 175-pound diadem in thcs. States United, while n game, rugged battler. Bart'cy Madden by iiiimp, handicapped by thirty-five pounds in welglit. six Inches In height and about eight lnrhes In reach, fooled n large gatlierlng nt the Garden liere lait night by earning t draw. Much te the surprl-e of every one there, decisions by the judges nnd ref eree met with the approval of the funs. There was no doubt nt-nut Tunne,'t youth being served rgalnr-t I.cvlmky, antl. although I'tilten un'ienrcil te have lieen a victor by a flliht margin ever the Itart'ey battler, the la tr's gilt I nd his brilliant rally In the lnt few rounds served te earn the SMumithy of. the spectators In the even -Stephen er diet. Dtmpvcy Should Werry One .1. Demnvy dect net linve te err.i In the least about having n blt Fulton en the chin. It s.'enis In be the cenrnsM that, n little gnj ll'se Tem 'llitiAiiu Ah f fail nilk I iii r.Ati lint ... I. f ,ave the champleifthnt bn'ther. liven a rnw fistic recruit like Madden ihesc gnmcncfs the only illumtmitlii" That luil.pned In the tenth muiM, wueti Hartley wi.hed ever n wild llglit-hiuu! J mlns en I ii ten rather prominent rhln and he started te slink? fvim head te feet like a telegraph pole lu the recent Mnrm However. Madden was tiled and reu'd nfl fellow up vlt'i. nnnthrr wnltep itifDciently barl.cii with knockdown pow er. Fulton's jiinnl was dr.wi he was reeling fti the iopes with a slck'y g-ln en his fa e and looked ns II h" were all ret te tnkc It -ii the chin, but Madden failed te one tlirntizli, or. rather, did IiOt lme tlm stuff te int ever the punch in ll.e I'lnrh. The crowd went into nn tnrnar nt the sensational dare of the badly battered Hart'e.i. Tteth of Mndden's ces were bleeding profusely from deep gashes nnd there Is no doubt that Mich a spectacle la riilliiilc'phl'i would have been rea son 'for the referee stepping the mntch. Dut Kid Mci'artlaiid. the third man in the iln?, paid no attention te the n'aiiglilcr-heiiM' scene, nnd Madden con cen timin'ly t re into tlie tewerlnu Fulton. Hartley kept up his rally, nltlieujh he appeareii ureu lu the eleventh and I tweirtii rounds tinishln no with the elongated Wevterner heldlui; en te liiBiFlfty-jaril swim, (lentlincr and He'st. much smaller nntasenist for nil he was I'enn; flaus and Selley. Yale; 100- j erth. yard swim. Onthner nnd HeNt. I'enn: After last nlshl s exhibition of I-ul- ' tnn It's n pliieli Unit (.niiiK imp pIrk will hme te be (.clectcil ns sn onnenent for clininplen Dempsey. l-ti'tfin'u upiclit H'n nntiniinrpil nt 2l2',i and Madden tipped the benm at . 177, . t ...u,. i m.. Tunnej nreczes te Ictery There ih tint hi mi; mucli te the de- threnement of Levinky. It wns just i csmi of Hnriiev's experience beliiR in- I afficlnet te held 'oft the rushes of his younger fee, who wns the aRsresser throuKheut and punched oftener and harder. Tunney leek I.evinsky s left taha eiiriv in ti, ,iti i,.it n, i.nttii.,,. rervm wns nimble te Keep up his left - ,- ...,..., ...v......r. handed attack and Tunney breezed !.l,,c,, ."nrcli. lui. Having wen Mxty Mxty threugh vlctorle.iNly virtunllv with ensc- ',v'' eonsecntlve biiium, Is read, te jilay iv r,,. . i- i - i... t..t. ..i,, .1 ( resb Ilch Scheel, of atcrbury. ll- It'll- neldhlsewn. Then beginning with the' ( "" nu,; r,!1"S ,() ,'",cst A- "loed.jnre the e nlj two M-hoels in the league lUth n new champion wns almost a er- i ,,;1' ' t,,n'- ., ,, , ";. wl ."". "'f "".. 0,lr ,0M et talnty. Tunney had Levinsky buck . "1( 'tH "' Vi ,l" ,' ,b "'a,!l i. '",sli work during tlie regulnr scu- Inte his own corner n few t-cennds he- j'nnunry Ii and IK ami relirtmry.. ''. sai.l .Mr. .Mertenscn this morn fore il.p i,ii c i.i .,.ii. n, .(,i, h6wcver, ceiilllct with two games w h ch I "iK i clvln? the reason Seuth rlillir- retlllll mill illl.1 nu Imp f",nir ilnfi'Tll Gene nenne,: n riehr bnn.lnr nff ii.n- i Nnw .Icrsey Intcrscheliistlc League. Tin Jiev'K pliln Ti... bnll ..,..,,1 i.n.-.'n.Lv dersey team has two league games. of the buys tee inuch am from a rather uncomfertnb'c nretllrn- 1 'vy. "$. In '1""".""-v '. l-'cbniery. "H. " N iml fajornble ent-mnlml.lv n k,.npl.-iln .,. nt is wlllliis te take en tlie Water-! dents tifSeiithein. r..m ii... .11 .i. 11.... 1 ii... .. burv team nnd inn ke 11 double. Inmlpr Hi1 hum 11 peer t the. cong endmz the scheduled twe've-I round tilt It wns nil Tunney's. He kept piling into Levinsky. directing his ttack nt Hnrnev'H body nnd switching! oeeaslenally te thn head. I I-evinsky evidently knew he wni. shtlng nn uphill battle because in the' lust few reundH he opened up nud took I innncci with liglit-hnnd lends te tlie jnw. Velerun's ISIens Kick Terre The veteran's judgment of distune- vl and the blows landed en their , but net with enough fenc In ' fas geed wark len the tearlng-in New Yerker nmney weighed in at K''j pound. while tlie dethroned titleholder wns a Pound nnd a half overweight. Ttinnev. """ ' ""7'u "lhl, "p ":"" Anether llght-heavyweight who came 1 In fur nulte a socking wns Fuv Kelser. neweer. refused te tnke the forfeit. !.. wee was siam-nnngeit n .nmmv Oarey, a Ilumnnlnn, 111'. in eight jrlieihiled rounds. Kelser was whipped In ccry round. Jee Hene, n premising lightweight from Irenton, N. J.. Kcercd nn lm- inn ...i. 11 . .' presme elslit-reund win eer Phil Del Dient. n V. v " " n.V. "i" . , " "KKt-n iiMU'uiuuil. On,. f tlie biggest crowds of the ,- en at the Sipinii witnessed the show, .'" nun iL'.ntm beng picsent. It w . --..-.... ui i,i, I'll 'III. II 11 II 4 r"i nun I'l'oinet lomplete sell-out, MK1 hut Promoter '1'ex Itlcl.nnl b,.,l ,, . iiti.a.In 11 "" " '. 0. n. u. e OFC. . C asen R-ni.iL , , , v "son, Gettlelb & Black Scores ' T n i,,i. 1 v"Ut in, tLVtt 'k" !:f,'ntfb,,,, T 'ti.eT.-i.f. ' til K Was 1 7.J',"'",,'k- ln,i' "'.lit when It was lie-1 feated vuitrii i,y t 1(, J.1HiSQI1 C.fHnlb e. XI ack niiliiti In ..I., 1 .1 ' , " tW .1 Icdcr in the Aniericnu 'MSlie. bj the score of U!) te .'.'. ,Iher team nuinnsed te sen e for the (Jin1.'".". ",L",I,(,S "t !'". Then Jack IHmJ, ' " nt iiiiij. I lieu .Me. uiasbciitt. fm in, ,. (i,..n.. I.. 1 1... f,(ir, mndn t, r,BI, ,n, ,.,,.., ., '', fU '.' "" " .'' 'Mint COIIIIt. Tills WHS1 In ' TV, , 1" ,l,l",1,,c ' ) n He'd goal twin . -v.B,iM After this the P. C 11 lhne V ""V '" "'" l"111 plnCII !- t one limp In Iim tn,,.,.l .....I... 1 1nt1t int.. il... i ii. . IS. 1 """- liiiiu III IP SUCO III lierlOtl , the ls tnrs I...I 1.. 1 ......'..r"1"1 ! 1. -. .. --.. 1111 111 lllllll'l'll III1M1IU feinteen neints. ." l"0) I'll n gl Put game for , nurehea with llmmv Murpln. The nth.r ne leseih in the second half, us did ,71"'lb"r Jnnrh?,n"V ;Te,? 'jnena nnu Bnll f l,1B .flw'' rll"v' mn,k' "-"' """'te kcerel 1 ,Kll0tt,.r'l'lt. and Virtually Jf. 'blil. Knnaa. want; 10 fahl Dnm cored nil the pe nlu in the sffceiul hnlf 1SCrnnler.0.r, nnv,,f th leel baniamn Kan 1 .inn, in mi s.Liiiiii nnu. mat ,n f ,i,. nnlnlen that h a eljlu would be J(iliplini.,.. ..i. 1 .' ' . lllnicd (1 Cient pmhip fur . Iowa te Run Against State "III. i'e.iJv'.' "" .' n" 'onieia Iowa lr:!,"p" w" 10"' ;, Wyfr nmt Herman 'hi naUniH' wVm'1" ly '"". which aet I J"'1': 0," Jinuiiry 111. ami ii undecided tha ifrii"' ""'''nor mera for th a eiem a i .-te h ch one he ulll take. th5 Vvm .f. '?, ,"J.n' !' repreieut landirS bJ5,.lr,,,l f n" " '' '' . laatern There are lettfra the .perta ilepart ruia . i?r.' . A a.peelal twe-mlle relay ment for J'mnty Han en. Jea Milter. Jnhnnv (TV1 .Nw fork iw, n .lalen Bguare Oardtn. I.efiua. nay McCainey, Tempile deary. Jack k UIW Ainl.iiS'I ' "" a "f tha Hanlen. Wlllla Kdwarda. Al Waner ana a, Athlctle (.tub camei. Herman Tay or, Gfina Tunney Entered ' Boxing Ranks for Fun (.one Tunney, the Greenwich Vil lage boy, the new American llght l.cnvywclght boxing champion, Ret Ills start In pugilism threiigh n do de ulrc, while net bimy Hwnpplng !...!.. . ' "r --- I" l'rnnce. te entertain Ills buddies be hind the buttle line. When boxing became- the kins of A. 13, 1 npertH, Tnnney entered, for the fun of it. He hogged all the fun connected with the beutH lie entered, for his opponents never were nble te plant a real hard blew en him. Gene went en te become champion at his weight of all thu glevc-iwlngiiig nrtNts in the Amer ican forces in France. COLLEGE HEN RACE HERE IODAY Expect New Records in Penn Tank in Meet With Yale's Veteran Team WATER POLO CONTEST I "JKV IN en Intercollegiate swimming rec erds arc expected In this nfter- I'meir met between the University of I P'inMvnnla and Yale In Weight man . Hull peel. The first race Is due te get ,'l'suinr rares me lieu and nine and tli(M Ilulldeg water pole teams will b;tft!c for victory, A victory today nnd Venn will be en its way te n championship in the tnnk for the first time In many years. I.nM year Venn wns twice the loser lu meets with the Ilulldeg aquatic ag gregation. This jeur's chnnces for n victory nre better than they have been for many jcar'-. The addition of Gcntlmer and Heist, fieshmen lu-t .ciir. greatly enhances the strength of I'enn, particularly In the relay race which premises te be the featiire'evcnr of the meet. Kehler nnd Hursk, the I'enn plung ers, have been doing seventy-five feet in prnctlce within u minute, nnd should give Weed nnd Guernsey, of the Ynlc team, a keen battle for the honors. Weed iceentlv broke the intercollegiate plunge record lu n meet with (J. I". X. Y. by iiliiiigiti? seventy-eight feet, one toot licttei Minn tli tlinn the receid made lu Lehman, of IVnn, In 1010. I he complete entry list fo'lews: leiiiuc nnu niewiiru. imp; ii-vaiil i swim, Tratt nnd Tewn'cnd, nle: 20-yiinl i Jlnrtyr and Hechtel, I'enn ; fancy dive, i AriustruiiK nnd Welnncr, I'enn; (! raves and l'riest. Ynlc: pluiie. Weed and ! Ouernsey. Ynlc ; V. Kehler and Hursk, I'enn; telay, I'enn. .Martir. Arm- strens, iieiMt. tientnner; i tiie, he lU'ti, GausSi 1pit (n(, Jclliffe DACCAIP IO MCIITDAI rHaeHIb 15 IMtlU I nttL Unbeaten Team Will Meet Any One Under "Neutral Terms" .. . .. . T -. . ra.ssalc, N. J., .inn. H. I'as-iuc Hifh Scheel, undefeated In bn-ketball ... ' . .. . . I'nsMnlc has te play tlie Northern I of ,we.(,r ! IC lell.,u 8n,m's 1 Hn-n 1", 1 Lenne(;,le"' eimmpiena in """& , "h"n the lcasue games arc encc." Hl''' ( "!,,ch ,,u011 this morning. "I'as. Kn,, V1' ''nfv ""' l,'B whoel" with "'Urn amcinls en neutral courts under ""Ti11 (,'''",s l,ml 'vcrytliing else ncu- ""." Cresby High Scheel wns the rnnnne. up in the National Inform hnlnsfic tour nament held in CIiIculm Inst ..,.- ..... - --aw-- -.. ,1 v ii a 111111, has entered the lnterschelnstic teunm- ini'iit te be held bj the Cniversltv of l'enii'-ylinnin starting February IS. Scraps About Scrappers Irerjcc Hiinnm. brother of i- r 'e hnn Ktnrt',1 Iralnlne and eipccla neon V, , i able m tase his Ureiher-i place n 11 ,J )US" ",lc world S,t.e Corbel t. a leeiil nmnteur liai ,e-tM-il te tiirn pre nt.l will been Hn at one ijf the lecnl c ulm In the neui future. DM. I'errj will be In tine almpe n,PM i,e cue tn Hi pest with Jiihnnj O'lliire. nt tin Aiiillterlum neit Thuradaj. I..".r.r - t "'"i, "I"'.. I elth lh IU inii.iiweiKiM ..11 i""i Jimniv llaninn. the l U'J ZuTVr1' "' "" " . 1 .. - .'-- ." ' Til I r.uik'e Mder. who hiia been tr.ilnluk " T. V. ?L 2. " . ':""" .. nn 1 r"A iy ' f 11 1 .Tnr'.LftM or A unit tf l It, .... ' ' ? ' ' ' n-ri liaiinmrJIK TM n I hi " ' " " " -- iu m .-ierrcti rtllleile'l lil.l m'II be "'l r ira iue.1 I S'rni Vnrk rext Wedii'Sdm s.1,1 Teurxiljj at ".".."'ttLj. ..'?",e"l.,'llr "'"'.'r Tnuinnniem ni i'i ..... u-i- P4U.I" lHrnen. h the fel low nic Slineii pun-a- r.ve Bl 1 cl.-si Mans Hummer. rti ce-jmr. 1 ih 1.,, it,,, ,. weluht, rieildll Nlte'ia. Curfj Club feather weiRiit inn iiarnn JIrn lowbrenk ciuh ;!eu. m'KuTcVini,,. i!l cVuu!'' '?''". V'.' hfH-."' -w Yei't Mill make Ill" erai ii'UUi asainsi ii"i rrnM.'hettMii the 'etnl - ln(l - up at the Olniiun Mnnd ,j W, .ett.er Muuii-n are iim. uwii, V J Yerk. ni.lv Dyti- 'fiuiiiri Murrix "SS-i. ' ""' 1,l'u",e' " Uehhy , .. . ,-... in'innv wrnarn, or Ai'entnwn, ui.n ,i. feateil Heduv Mctnnn en New V. ar Pal. I looked U ml A Wlllla at IMn-.m. J :'"'"1"" .'" i:jlii' W"l"h bir..nten; en ,1 V . "' lOMHvme, nn Thursday iletilile wlnil-nn l en tan at Pniaee or Tue'dav nlcht. (l,-,r,. .... n.. - . -. n......nu .1.1.. .. .: llw. b-e O of ' ? " " " ",; hik"i. nenri."' I'l - ann ll minute wlt. , ,, nP, iieieiHnu. nnu jnnnny .neniy w II j.. . . Ka '..- nnnehea with llmmv Hnnii puzzle, te Kramer. It-M Smith Basketball Itwseu Keliciisun. trainer of the University traclt team, yesterday stajtcd tlie first of a series of competitions. The pole Miullcr Is'Ncctlsj Francis took part in tlie javelin threw, nnd tlie husky jeutlf swinging tlie hammer. Is Strauss. Kobertsen is shown nt tlie right LOCAL HIGH FIVES Ti West Phila., Germantown, Cen tral and Frankford Enter Basketball Competition SOUTHERN CLINCHES TITLE Ity PAV'Ii l'llHI' TTlOrit of the schools in the Ju- ter'-chelnstlc League will he icpie- sented In the second unniinl Intel n-he-la--t'c basketball tournament te be lie'i ' , .. ,'nllqnV,w r n. i'i.,.,.v.il .. " 10 "l,s,,'c!.,,f V. , I'ennsylvanla nt ttidghtnmu Hull tnrt- f Iiir 1'cbriiari H und liihtlus about iiir I curuari ift anil iiisuus niieut tlirce ttwlm therefrem. West l.'uiluil 'lulii i High. Oermantewn HIrIi. V ntrnl Hisli and Frankford HIrIi nre the InstitutieiH that will particlpnte in the teurne. rrnnuierd jiirii ami west riiiimiei pliiu HIrIi were the first two institu tions te cjler. Frankford sent in its entrj s-evuinl weeks ure. while the Specdbedys entered only leecntly. Frankford was in la-t jeiir's toiiruu teiiruu ment. Dr. Matthew ('. O'ilrlen announced this metuiliR thnt his Central HIrIi team had cut civil Otte Fultcrmaycr. of (icruiniitnwn, suiil tliat while the (irceu und White had net entered ns jet, its name will be en the list before to te to ineirow, which is the cle'diiR dutc for entiles Southern High. and Northeast High .. .1 I. .......! I. !.. .1.- I ....' de'l'hl.i will net enter tlie teiirne,. "A tournament like 1 nut tuxes the strength I burnt! them te the stu- cam tils .car nnd we- Imvc cerj thing te lese und nothing te gain," J)r. (!criiey rcnlieii nfter being asked Northeast'! reasons for net entering the teurnumcut. "Then, tee, a physical Instructor Is paid by tlie Heard of Lducatien te tench lfiO buj.s or mere and net te tnke charge of enl five." A tournament like the one the 11 ti ! 1 .. t nlvcrs t of lVnns-ilviiiiiu Is holding h what scholastic sports has neci ed ' r . .!... 1 1 1. 1 . . . . - - f --. J"''' ' ,lml ' ' te Miy ",, ,""1 " t,'nm I " ,',",,1P 'j01'1 ,lnst rn,r- IiIh " Hr. () Hrlen s icw en the teurnnmeiit. , nil Mum- linn-. 1 11 muni' 01 11 yen ' West Phllly Fleps Ccrmnntewn High unset West Phil ndclphin High's hopes for the Inter- schelasllc IlusKctball Letiguc iiieuship .M'stcrdn.v afternoon chain- ' 11 the 1 r Sieedhes gj muiisium. The tinul score wns :il'-:hi. , "SI" Liiugieu wns the star of tlie, game. The Cliveden center, who new is plnjlng gunrd because of an injur I te ills ankle, ill epped eight Meld goal's Inte the net. lie nise siercd 11 pair of foul tosses. The fnlluie of Captain Heward Ste- piiseu te make his free shuts count 1 teM tlie game for the Orange nnd Ulm. The Westerners' cuplnln had his worst luck of the jcar nt the 1ft-foet uinrk, getting only IO points out of '.'It tries, "Pet" Llliett. the lank Specdbey (enter, tried Ills hardest te w'ln the gnme, netting the. lull four times from tin field, but ills efforts were in wiln. Tlie Spcedhejs' scieud team tied the Cllvedi'iis' Reserves for the Itcsene League ehaiupleitshlp bj winning, L'd te lil. UUlltr-cr 11 mi Uiirreughs staned for the West Philadelphia second- trins team. Southern Hl?h, by winning from Central High. -11 te HI, dim-hed the Intcrschelastlc League championship. This was ninth iie-islble bj the defeat of West Philadelphia. (ieimaiilnwii Fiieiids beat St. Luke's Scheel, !IS-L'l; Friends' Cen- trill will eped Chestnut HI Acifdemr. I 10-10 : 1'ppcr Daiby High socked Had nor I Ugh, 211-21 . and Ilrinvn Prep was mobbed bj Temple Prep, 2I)-.'I, in the ether Important gnmes of the daj. .8 Louisville Signs Lecal Semi-Pre I.iiiiNiIIIp. !., .Inn II Jen IMiern n nltcher mill J.vm.in I.ainh, 11 . ilhu il,u, h.ie hcen nurcheaM li the l.eulalPe 1I11I1 nf th" Ainerliaii AnKKhilUm from the HI I.euIh Aiuer'entiH. accnrdlni te a teUKiuin rccei.eu ner" uuii irnni niiiDin .vein, lm. ' nena manuicr. wne non la In Penmmla, I lu. I hur en W.cilithnl. u P)illini,iiiihf.i hiiui-piiureiuii,ii nise ima ueen au'ureu vy 1 thO I.OUlaMllv dull it It llllliulilir.il Aquinas te Play at Shere 'tin Ariulim bankitliall train rill lruil te AtUntic t'lty (h h u.enhiK mid olio thu ICnlihta of Celunitiun AuuhmH tnrt M .N'lcli .N'lcli elat, another atiere fe, taut wreli und wen an exrltlPK caine. ManuEer Hid Umlth will hava hla bat line-up In uotlen In order te Kaln a triumph uver tlie Knlghta, PENN DURNEY Teams Engage Perin 4 PENN ATHLETES ON FRANKLIN FIELD ".t : FOOTBALL'PLAYERS STAR IN PENN TRACK MEET Wlttmer, Hamer and Genthner Win First Places In First Weekly Events Foetbnll plejcrs nt I'enn snatched the lien's share of the honors in the first weekly meet for Pcun!s trackmen yesterday afternoon. The chill wind that blew across the ice and snow cev-1 ered field held no terrors for almost I a hundred uthletcs who engaged In tlie seven events. The meet was held en the outdoor wooden track. r Tex Hamer, the husky backficld mem-1 her of the varsity gridiron team durlusj the Inst fall, proved that he has as much sliced ns strength ey winning the slxty-jnnl ilnsli from n speedy 'field. Tex cantered the distance in (! 1 -fi sec-. finiTb. nitp.tifMi linttpt Hum tin. ifit1ilw iccercl. Ilnmcr. heweer. is net credited I with nti record-breaking performance, for he had sixteen fret handicap. Al Wlttmer. one t.f the many backficld ' piujiTs ei inn last sea&enr captured , cn.'1i,,,rc-1 ii1 A ""J'! by Conch the .iUU j unit novice event 1 MM'undH, cenildernl fai-t time Hohertten for one unacipialntcd with I truck work. Wlttmer took the lend almost from the Mart nnd never re linquished it. I Tlie third gridiron liiminurv te edce In with n win wns (Jig Onthner, who wen the discus threw by henvlng the pellet D.'lVi feet, which included n twelve-feet hnndienp. Sutherland, tackle en the eleven, finished second lu this event. Sam Kerr, the former Salt Lake City hid. who lininlicd second In tin. froth. Minn urn.d .ml... ., nliiin.iiln.iI.In .. .. .. .....i. i iu-a-uiiiiii i imiiijriiriisiuii, llll uie mill run in excellent, nine irem tlie l.l. . . .. A .1. Tl- I 1 .t l . " V .'. . ... ' "',,., '- : "" " ' l le V.,nP out Fischer, the former Newark High lllllllllUS .It.l-.l M-VIMIIIS. DCUUIIZ ncnnei inn. nise a trcsiimaii, by live . arils. Kerr wen the race In a lulzhtx sprint en thn last lap, durins which he passed at least ten runners. 1. I) Ilerr. one of Itobertsen's cross cress cross eountry runners, wen the half mile in i! minutes 1 seconds from the thlrty-IHe-jard mark, which was the scratch mark, several of the varsity runners electing net te run. Herr ran bril liantly from the stnrt and breasted the tane u geed live jnids nhcnil of Jar reil. the second man. C.eergp Hrendcr. en whom tlie lied und Hltic will iilnce lets of dependeuce lu the Intercellegintcs, came within n few inches e'f brenkins the Middle At lantic States slintput record for the twelve-pound pellet. Frem scratch, the ' '"inm iv-m -i iitii n till. II, IIM Itrnekljn M'Uth henved tlie Iren bnll .-,! fp..( si it,piw,u uPi. i.,iini iwU n.-.. 1111,- JI'H inm' 1 i at 1 .i Willi! i( linndicnp, and Frank llr brother of Ceorge. was third, Shrrrell wen t,he pole vnult thn ri.i.nnl llninpp una spppii.1 : .: -- ' .v. iiiuii with render. from scratch by clearing 11 feet. Owen, with 11 feet., which Included a fix-Inch han dicap, wns second, with Temple nnd set'(li llcu ,or iii.ru nt iu teet u inches school Ljeun standings 1 F I I " 1 . And Yesterday's Results K IN I'KKSCHOl.ASTIC I.RAill'U W. I,. IT .'ititU'n S n oue West Illtl.Jelpllll ... ' 3 II.-V (leriu into in I 1 .11111 V.' I. 1M Cf ntrnl I ,-,n() I'r-inkturl 1 II ,11a Nui theaNt . .1 11 1 j,i YLSrKHOAVS HUSUI.TS 8iutlurn Hleli. 41. C'enttat Hlali, at -rnmntewii lllitli. ;il. Weal Philadelphia, ni:si:iivu i.kaciui: w. ei I'hllidelrHa . 11 (,, rnruit.iun it .Southern :, i, r c 2 7".n 2 7.111 :i II lj I.. V' .S73 I .I'JU 7 .000 'c.utrni W. I'lnnltfnnl .'i Nert enn. e yi:.sti:upat .- m:sui.T4 A'u lll-lt.. .1 - ..1.1 . 1.1-U fkl r. . I , ' . '.. ' iimu.-.i'iii i 111 -ii, .ii, uirinuniQwn IIl3h. 21 'eutbuln Illah. l!l. Central Hl.h, 11 r-'A I'HOI.IC l.KAOl'i: imu.pii,. fli je.pii .Viiianen V H . I 0 W. . e . 0 PC 1 0,111 .SOO )ili) PC .0111 .oue Wejt Cathells r-nlesUmuu ,. . YEirKniiAva ni:.siTi,T.s .".'.1I,,7P'' I'rin. 24. Vlllnnevx Prep, lath.ill: lllah 111. Sat L'athullc in !lljh, Wet c-ithelle lllsh SeenU. HI. II'B . Secend 1 1 Cathullij OTii3n 7ii:sl-i.iV Oerinnnteivi, (Yimita, J8, St t.uke. "I, T"1.'1,' e ?i. ' Urat,n Prep. 3 I'ipur jiauuiinipiiii iikii, nn, Ulnw rater Mich. 2S 1 'oMIiiBaweod 17 I Ml rU, "'. i", ilHllll nnr lllrh ! ' llleh. 11. Woodbur JilBh. 1 . w.r.a,i?s? Ksfi,.:', At'Vi'Ail: i 10 . . w I'lU-Pd.' Hoeimd. 10. " ' loere0n !.' Te Lenrl M- fh-mnut iiiii acji:- I aiKUB' nnsvi.T.s Narbarth lll-h, 8:i; linddenflcld lllsh 10 iuSf,wiihSi,llr. S,V WecJbury ifflh. 11. ' maim uit, 24; upper unrby High, 13 l.. i . CATHOLIC HIGH IN 1 9-18 VICTORY I i West Catholics Threw Scare '"te Championship Dreams in 40-Minute Struggle LOGAN IN STELLAR ROLE West Cnthelie High Scheel threw quite a scare Inte the f'ntlinlip TIiliVj championship dreams when they bewe I ,i, i, . ,-.,,.. . . te tlie I'urple and (iehl five nfter a lice- i l" 'ri.i -minute struggle .xcsteruaj afternoon in tlie Second Hegimcnt Ar- merv. which ended In n 1.1J v!,.(.... for I e iVil ! !t " n 1J 1S Ul t,)1J ,.,Af.,.cr llnIlUK Cab 111 iteH te a Ii n.l.,T,RPore..nt ,l,p eml et llc 'I " half the "Iturrs" played nip nnd tuck with in: nilllllTH. flllfl flip enmn 1,'nu ... .1.. cided until ten nccendH before the final I w1,I,,H,,'.'.wl,cn 'c'lc'irv fouled a Cnth- ' iii i K1 "mn nM(1 I-Sil. the fathelic I iiKii ierwan . Ike : inm Mnri-n converted the penalty into the point which gave his team the win and sated the day. It wns the third straight league .Ic .Ic eory for the Catholic High team. West tatliel'e before the game staited was net considered tn Imve much of n chance with the five which defeated Southern lllf'll II ,l n.M n.. I l -l . ' " v ' ub"i "III lUCll pill. CCr- '""". urn mnrtie tlie followers of the Ti ikuL .....t ..1 . 1 1 . . 1 W-' "1. ' l!"" ' '" """ ,"01" asping ' Legan. ni has been the Vase In I ."HlillllHl 1 1 1 1' I'MIirP ClllltlM ."" . "'j'tii. 01 me games nined hi sunied" hoVftller lilp"'""'.."."".'''-:;. ' ,.,N"V YerK- ,dn ' ' l:,l"""r'1 K"" off his ...ark in slMH.tini: fm, U, I,."' .-.'! ! l'11.. '" """' ''.'"''"1 l'"-. "' net mark. tin. i.li,m.nt,.,i ii,i... . ---- --- ,1 , ' --' ' ' .1 ..iiiii-i.' iimi tiie'V 'id "" tIli 1,v uu "'k in Closest Win of Season Four times lie sent the bnll spinning through the net from the field, and three of thiAc were slnK ,it., ucre delivered from the m'dill. f ,,P 0()ri Alse lie wns equal te the nccasi,,,, when the foul was made in the hist moments of the game, and which hi cenveitcd "letlin point which gim the Pur de and old its closest win of the M.n"en. Mullln nnd McIIenrj . the two mem bers of the Blue and White who per- fermi'il n Int. . ' . 1 ' ; . : " ?' .i'ir s Piminp nnsliui tenm. w-ern tin i,i.. .1 '.'.' 1 defeated out,,,.. " """" '"' '" I Out of the six field p.wiK i.i, i. registered by the Wceterners. tl.se tw.. plnyers were responsible for te f ii .1 " u," "'"" "ii centered u' inum nnu iupv fn t 11 l(i liTi., .....a hi erry noeut (luring tlie en tire gnme. Iletli Mullln nud l.egan were nw.n off in their foul-goal s,oei,n.. the feriner get I ling slv out of tin. teen t --...iu uu- uiucr made enu Ih 1 enlj lip out of nit (iniiitpil t In. iiuirieeii III tempts "inning point fore. os has been staled be- Catholics Outscere Opponents Catholics outscored their fiicinllv up. pencnts from across the Sihi.IKill bv one held goal, the former making spp, while the latter tallied si I'tem this one can rcnli7e the closeness nf the lruggle between the two hus. whicli Is always the case when the-e unins meet in the bui-Kctbnll ceuit. in the ether lengu when that period termliinlcl However, in the tinal half. Vill.in.ua eutplnxetl nnd outscored the lemU mil ' pt up te within four points i St Jee, but was unable te pt.t our the r.ccesMiry punch te cop Hesey nnd Knne starred for the .Seventeenth nnd Stiles strectirs, while, Schnber did tlie lust weik fei the is King aggregation. TO COMPETE IN JAPAN Chlcaoe Track Team Will SS-I--....I -i 1.. n Take viicnidi 1 rip in summer Llilrnce. .Inn. 14. Tin. 1 '..,..,. of Chicago track team w.ll cump. u 111 the Drake nnd Illinois relax nrii vnls nml will 10 I., In., .'. .. . . ' " '." ""I"'" I" Ml"'! I lie ,l""". ". enl1"' ""e during the sum tnm It iL....imn 1...... .. 1.1 BIIl;r?Ifcw,ep I!,u;:a , Mo,,lt""-ef athletic nsseelnt en. who made the no probably will meet Stilufe.d r.iiie.sitv in C'allfeinla lu March. ., Ti1,p MuroeiiH will pet compete Ii: I'10 l cnn ctyH b-'""" the linst fallcip te Mippert the national Intercollegiate I outdoor meet bed here last Jti.us 1 "" I l Ul--1111 l- tll(lll IIIIIIH Here This i PENN OPENS LEAGUE SEASON TONIGHT Yale, Tail-Enders Last Year, Will Oppose McNichol's 'Champ' Quintet Here FRESH MEET CAMDEN H. S. IViiimtvanln ,?"!,, RiMniint. . . . . ferwnril . tenkin HunlilnBtT.'. .. ferwnril . H lioennnker fiMim rpnfpr . . Coenrr Mlltrr , Ktmnl llsss Veir II n Ktinrn Kfrnnn llrfrrrr Tem Tliore. i niuniiiiii. Lnipirr 20-mlniitr linlvrx. GelRCR, Temple. Time BNNQYLVANIA will pry the lid -L off the 10U2 Intereelleglntc league I I,el.ll.ll .rniun Innl.l., Ii, Wi.li.llt. I man Hall with Ynle. Thrce-tlmc win ners in succession and fnverlte for tlie 'title tins year, t lie iie.i ami isiue wu i i u .iin..tt t... ...l....tM tl.rt I crown this veer than they hed last. ' when tlifc final Rame of the ensen witli I "f the Pennsylvania State Soccer iDnrtmentli Rnve Kddic McNichol's nnln- il.eacue. 1 let the title. ..,., ,,. ,, The itaine will be plnyed en the Hnv Hnv Dartmeuth early in the week c it . .,..., .,., '.i..- , ,..., nwnv te n oil start ncnlnst Columbia. ia, rated as one of the strong-l tennis In the league, which means thnt (leerge 'nhn lins nnether upeeih live vlilfli ,T 'P. . l,Rl ' , Hwnrthmerc, while losing one Knme vii! iS,i,,i .u !, ihN vi-ir1'" Lafayette, nevertheless broke even ns'la" ffi? SS W v'finisrfn ! J" m"r ! "? ht in.f nlni.e tn Hie leiiLMii vtnmlin-K "merged with ns mnnv nelnts ns I.e- Durinf the Holidays 'liicj" drelMled'Clx I high, w Meb defeated the victorious La- ! LW,",nBS tetu'SrrS, , Tile Tattle Quakers hate l,e,d the games. Lack" of vctcrnns and failure of Hamplensh p cup for the .nut two ,e.irs. tie students te take tJ.e ruhip erIausly,b't wmild have rellnulshed imkmm I nt New Haven nre the rVei.M ! the "f ' this yenr wheii they were neH out peer caliber of the Kli piintet. I 'v I-nfavettc en December 1 , b a ii te A victory tonight will menu the ninth ' .Z ,,nM "?' Lph,B'1' who broke even 'straight for 15111 OrnNC and his mutes. "iH" the Qunkers near the first of the I On Wcdne-dnv tlev def.'atcd 1'itf burgh ' n"". d'fwncd the Knsteninns. by one point 'en Al Yegelnrs goal. In Swnrthmerc hns tiwl In three games I the last fifteen weeends of play. Lat "liN .nr. thus losing n chance te hang I night in practice the ttnm s'n.wcd te "H three mere points. I.ehlgh hns wen , hntte. ...i..e,.tnnn ti,i nt ..in ni-in. tw ice. lest once and broken een once ' I I' t IIUIUIHdkl- tllllll lib II.I.I TI. 111111 time this season. On Wcdnevdn afte.- plnjlng like cliiimplens in the first half the teamwork went te pieces in the second luilf nnd Grave nnd hi mates plaed like anything but titlcheldcrs. I'm .Miller, who despite Ills illness, played a great game opposed te Levin- I en. star of tlie l'nntheis. will 1p in I better shape tonight than he has been! since the hist game. l 1th I'es icady again nnd the remainder of the te.ini pniueii i'enn sueum uispuiy n 'ter lerm tonight than in tlie last two game- Cooper, captain of the Ynlc ipiliitet, nnd Kcrnnn, nre the enlj etcrnns in tlie I'll t-qund. Tlie ether three mem bers of tlie quintet were mVuibcis of tlie frclimnn tenm Inst je.ir. DENIES SHAWKEY RUMOR 'Colonel Ruppert Says That Yankees' Hurler Will Net Leave Team New Yetli, Jan. 1-1. Heb Shaw key, I pitcher of the Yankees. Is net going te I tlie Detroit Tigers or any etner clul) in the American League: He's ceinc teln"x'n5 V"' J" "'ynanica nail tal.ine th ',1,01'.- r,,,me,rs ..i',' no cncli, for .llll American League c - - - rumors or no rumors. each or . er Hiigglns nud tin hninpleiis next sce- Se snid Colonel .Inceb Ilttppert at the Yankee hemlipiarters. The Tig rs cun Imvc Johnny Mitchell, the shortstop, nnd nnether plujer or two m push, whichever thev piefcr. for tlie clouting Mr. Hebby Vcae'i, but If the deal is centuall made Heb tlie (job will net !'' 'ovtiHed. c "There Is hawkey Is s nothing te the rumor that going te be traded n one with Mitchell for Ilebb Vouch." dc ' clared Colonel Uuppcit. ns hi gnyed upon several nieces of stene that Imve been submitted for the Yankees' new stadium. "We lire anxious te add Yench tn our eitliehl and believe that lie would help tin club, but if the deal is innili Shawke. is one plajer who, will net be imelvcil in the transaction." FOREIGN CUEISTS DIIF . Edouard Reudll Will Come Direct te Thin r.ltv nn Arrlual iiniii ..... nmiiiim n ii . 1. .. I. ... ... 1-.. i in lll- lllll 11 1. - 1 lllllil.'li'll-lllll li JjM rope in i.)'(i, win nnu l,M,U up llic steamship Paris, whiili is xpected te (lock ut l'ier .1,, fiint nf West I if tcenth street. It is probable thin he will gn direct te Pliilndelphia. whcie h,. will l)(, u guest of the Miinuf.ictiirci s" Club, which will held the iutcmntmnnl amiiteiir chnmpienslilp nt l.S.'J b.ilklim. te begin February US. Ary Hes, of Amstenlnm, llnllnud. who is the present amateur billiard champion of Kurepp, and who will com pete in the international tuurnniueiil nt the Mnuiifiiciuicrs' ciuli, Philadel phl.t, will nrrixe en the -tpiruship Noerdiiin, u wireless messigp from which indiciites that sh.. will de, k nt the feet of Filth stieet, HubnUeu tn tn tn morrew afternoon AETNA TO PLAY AT HOME Will Use Court at Third and Brown I Streets for Cage Contests ' The A-tiu Pi lfesslunuls. r jinh I a one of tip. i.t tr.nclni" lu-K, tli.ill teams in II c Stale, nine ,.,.ciin 1,. p M lieiiii contests in mhlitien te th n the read. The first home game wi'l U i,i"?."'l,V.!1.'1'"tw'," '''''"I'lS Ul Muipln s Hall, Ihird nnd Ittewii sticcts with strong St. fccilin C. C. The following TupmIii ceiiing piIUI will plnj the Adenis ('. f , win. h re,i tescnts St Ann's, nt one limp the leading dt-li 111 tip, ,.t, nnc ,,. ,0ni.4 clinnipien .f the Catholic lt.islu-tl.all League. The Aetna aggregation ,. ,,, us iiie-pp mn ,,lr.u of ,11(,( (lf ,hi HB MM MefrlM jM Afternoon -ii i - i r - . TITLE SOCCER TILT ON NEUTRAL FIELDS . . Lnmcrn una awarrniTiare ivmnT ' ---I ..-...... . . - . " for State League Honors at Haverford ENDED SEASON IN TIE Nivn rth mere Tut . . . Kal llrnth .right fulllinrk Ililih Urewfr .Mrnui-n f'nrir r iiue-n irri ruinrK .,..-. tiu rtnlit Imlfl.ark. wnlr hs'flinrk left Imirbnek .eutnlde rlxlit Ineldc rklit eenter forward .outside Irft .Inside left OafllM. T.lnpmnrn- wiiiir iV,.. Whltn'lf iinmnsen , IVitt ' Oslrr (SniiMlMi Mnrrtir "' IVrnandea Waltera I Haandra J. Shnr , Ntybl-r llrlrTtr I), nml J. Cennrll. Lehlxh nnd Swnrtlimerc soccer teams lncpt ,,, nffcrnoen nt o.ne O.cleck , Illlc Plnr- Kme for the championship IV."" " ."I"" '" l-I',": "' .1""" '"',"? i !,,... i aH H...,i , i. i i.. V' ' "I "",""'" ,1 ".'"' "."". " ., . m .. . , , , the outcome of the trlnnguler mix-up "t "" f , VnveMe? cliigii, uwnrtiunerc nnu l,a . . 'J' betli tenms emerge nt the c!ec of "f the t-easen with five points DespitP the snow nnd cod of the Inst "k Coach Dunn hns hnd his Qunker nassers out en the field hardening up for the championship centevt. Notre Dame In Eastern Meets smith lUnd. Ind.. Jan. 14 Th T'nlraltv of Notre Dame 111 ! reprcnt(l bv four JS3S5-I3SS1 S" Te ",. hi rrlai turn In lh p'fl hv fllA ptrnnrtl Itnn A. C at w Yer th. Rn.inn thtil ABoeIatlon unil th N"narK AMilftlr Akso Akse Akso rlatlen Pantaln CliPt Wnn will l ntercd In th h'Kli hurillfa. Aubum Drh In the low hurdle nnd dnh Jehn Murphy In lh hlBh Jump and William Hae In the d'hi" The relay team -n net jet been picked. Abe Friedman Awarded Decision Pall Rlier. Mna. Jiin II Abe Fried man of tionten von his (en-round bout at the Casine A. A. here asalnit Johnny Cur tin. of New Jeraey. It v a, a JudKes' de ctslen. Pat McCarthy Scores Decisive Win Hnsten, Man... Jan 14 Pnt McCarthy of rtexburv, wen In tei round from PhI lted of Framlnuham. at the Commercial A C iTnnriirmi an 1 1 t n v lecl.ili martin - - 30E30E 30E30I:aOE30E O n e COME HAVE DINNER AT SUNDAY SPECIALS Lebtter Dinner, $1.50 Halt Ureilrd J.nbsttr Dtvlltd Clam I uct 0 Bele Tartars Sauce IJarbrcurd Ousters UaKcil Petate Chicken and Waffle Dinner SI. 50 Half Brelted Spring Chicken Waffles Imperial Sued Potatoes French Peas Sirloin Platter, $1.00 Iluast Sirloin of Beet F esh Mushrooms Haled Petate Strineless Beans Fish Platter, $1.00 PlJu0r2?..iSh,?d, ,r fricd Xcallevs Tartare Snur F ihci fritd Potatoes Junc ,.ia, Cele Slav II 0 Chicken Salad, Fried Oysters. . OC30E-" our nrmd net,,, ries and Fast, jr. ;;n;..,i bu p, sti-miiii MiTims BLACK DIAMOND REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE Te Rotterdam AntwerpAmsterdam S S "NtiW BRITAIN" saiiK Jan ,7 S S "EASTERN DAWN" (l S. S. U.) . . Smlinc Jan 28 S S "EDGE HILL" (C. S. S. B.) . S.ulin- Feb 9 SS "STORM KING" (I. S. S. B.) Sailing Feb. 'A Fer Rates and Particulars, Apply GeyeBin & Company. Inc., pq. Am, 108 Seuth Fourth Lembard 5144 MALLORY TRANSPORT LINES, Inc. Regular Freight Service Te GENOA. NAPLES. BARCELONA, MARSEILLES SS "CITY OF ST. JOSEPH" (I, S-rt "CARENCO" (I . S. S. B.) Fer Rates and ieveun &. iempanv. inc.. ni- 108 Seuth Fourth Lembard 5144 v v T' 1 ill HUUl'nO & MM TMAMI'TiV HITM ' b -8 Mnr Jl iimrrM r. 1 pr. !i.i u i nHtl"M.ISI Mn8il Junc SO Jul) DIRECT IRISH SERVICES N 1 'J ' s( TIII I HNI KMIIIIM 1 Ssr V S . l.I Utl'mlt .Inn. JO tVli IS Mur ti IVIi. IS Apr 1 - Mur. 11 S, ' 1 ItllliMiuiUll & lll.AMil l MI.1UIV Jan. il Apr. f Mu 1 s-. ui Mar. 17 . HA! 1KAA lJN!JUN)i.Hnv AM) Ul ASUOW "l ni ikw i'i wim hi IulP 1 no vnd irMiu nu Jan '.'I ,.r 1 1 r;; '""- I'fli I pr IK Mnj Ji rd mid Vnrtinr strunialilu n,H .inlrr, IS00 Wulnnt Strrrl. 'nu it (inire. lliuirer Hide I'lilu -'J I i)U HvULANn AMERICA UNE br Mn I'lVmuuili, lloiileiiir-Sir.Mpr Noerduiu . Jan. i I tb, J j ,ur 1 ltndata . . .. . Ib. 4 Jl'r il bv' is N Ainali-rdaiu . . Ib. IB Mar. SS Apr -S nettrrdam Apr. A May IS Jan. 17 I Ptiieeccr Offict. 1S31 WtJ.Mt Su. Pl. " -. ... ' .J r VVIJSsefum tTrfQfr and Tenigi ii - . -. ... - . - - J.,,.g.J . , 1 1 .1 ,) I TO HONOR W. & J. ELEVRK '. , , I Critics and Newspapermen Frore,AfI sections te Attena lieienrauen , isliincten. Pa., .Inn. 14. UpeH nfrlfnl litimn vnhlnrftnV nt imA,' 'nslilnetnn nnd .leffersen Celiegn fet bnll tenm from l'nHrylcnn. Calif., plM were rniiiii etec tirnci en r ler a cnac j inunlty cclebrntlen for tlie eleven M!V'J , x nursi in.v n c ir. r i T . . Henry Newman, of ChlcagOi 'or"ill' W. nnd .1. tackle, will net ns teRf' i untrr at n lunipiet Incident te HM y Newspaper men nnd fytetball crltte A irem many sections of the country Jiv accented invitations te nttend the cele brntien. Bey Skat6rs te Be Picked Clilfnue, Jf U. rh cke achoelbor wninin niiu will rrjirirni mc ciy in mwn wlltl New y"rU- t-''vel(l and Mllwauka. ,vl" " picKee irem inn winimri or tne nnala city-wlde akat iik Inert te be held hern " ' " . M. & H. Passers Trim P. R. R, The M. & H. haeketball five defeated th P It. Ii Y. M C A. laat evenlna; at Forty flrnt nnd Mnntua In an Intereatlna- cam or the acorn of I'll Id in McMenamln and - 'VoV'the'lesV"."11 ''r "" vnn'Ta nrM a" BASKETBALL Pennsylvania-Yale Saturday, January 14th Itrarrirtl Hrnt. Kl.fte mill SW.00 . . "nirnii .iiiiiisiiiii, ai.vil Tlfkrta en aalr nt Ininklln flrldJit fllmbaU iirnrmi AlImllen. SI.n0 - i -r, . e LYMPI A Bread and Bainbridge MOM1A1 Ki:JA 1(1.1022 MATTV IKIIIIlY Detchter vs. Wolgast TI1MM1 nilNNV MURRAY vs. BASS iiu.r, mii.i v MASC0TT vs. DEVINE netinv Kill Ms e s Michaels vs. Franchetti llnrrv "Kill" H lllll MH JMtMV BROWN vs. HANL0N Snt nn nuIp. srliptc. if". 12th tlml ntlx-t si I'lieii-- I itii.i Itinn. N A T I O N A L A t:A Klrrenlli A rnlli irlnc TOMOIIT. S.SO s;p jei: neY NELSON vs. MOORE neniiv TOMMY MICHAELS vs. CLEARY Hebby Iltirniun u, Willie Allen l'nl Kell; i, Ielinii. I'uxaun Hritily Jacliaeii la. K, O l.eennril llee. heats. $1.30, $1. AiJmlaalen, SOe HAPPY, HEALTHFUL NEW YEAR TO ALL! 2(1 Treasons Itmlr Ilultdlni: $25 20 leanna rirah ItrilmltiE IS Lemens In HIIMMl iiunninv irnk. iinnniiiill (mi-t, si,.,,,.. PHILA JACK O'BRIEN 15th & Chestnut Sti. 30E30E MEENEHAN'S CAFE I G2D & WALNUT STS. Mcenehan'i Special, $1.50 Lebsttr ThermUler , Ilrvilttt Crab Filet of Helr Tan, , Hauce Ctam t nittie Saratoga Petate' 1 DucklinK Platter, $1.50 Keatit Voune Ducl.lt a lppl Have Hashed Potatoes Prusmls Survuts Lettuce and Tomate Naiad Lamb Platter, $1.00 Jleant Leg of Spring (.. b Hashed Petate's Surretash I.ettuc Salad, frtmli I ss ng . $1.00 H Hrrtrti OvuJOCIO rr'isiiu NTi( 1 s Street, Philadelphia Main 7620 S. S. B.) Jan. 10 I ast Half Jan. Particulars Apply Agents Street, Philadelphia Mam 7620 Dixie Steamship Lines PHILADELPHIA te Bristel, Manchester, Glasgow U. S. S. B. SS "OPELIKA" EXPECTED TO SAIl JAN. 14 U.S.S.BSS"W00DMANSIE" EXPECTED TO SAIL LATE JAN AT CONTKRKNcr II TM ' HBrnsB, Magill & Ce., Inc. '" .i-i Mala IBM COMMERCIAL! STEAMSHIP LINES " h r PHILADELPHIA te CORK, DUBLIN, BELFAST J AND LONDONDERRY SS "Bnlhain" tJn, ap MOORE and McCORMACK, Ic. 428 Beur.e BWg., Pltiln. i 1 ,1 ir 1.0BI0. 0585 Main 7513 .d c iJ2i- .,11. KtV.f. i . Mm 1 J I- 'A ,.ii . J. 1 " V i