PTTOM fH.":-."-'''1''" - ' i EVENING PUBLIC ODGElRmilABiairai STAYiVJOTX lJp2.v"V' - (,..' Dempsey Isn't "Spoiling for a Fight," but Wouldn't Sidestep Beut With Carfcniife kJiack r; -Os 1 v' :t K ft i i a I U ft I H Si ES,- B BOX-OFFICE NEED LITTLE URGING, AS WITNESS GEORGES - f .1 r . 'Carpcnticr Flattens a "Cookie;' Then Picks "Tough" a One in Ted Lewis as Preliminary te Anether Crack kJL- at Jack Dempsey Dm Will Public Fall? IJy ROUKUT V.,MAXWEU, fipertt IMIIer Kirntnir Public ledger TT neESN'T tnkc much te encourage JL hox-edlcp fighter up nipnn n guy wlie fights with one en the box office And two feet In the ring. Meaning, i( eeure, none ether than (Jcerges Car licnllcr, lirnvywelglit chnmplen of Australia, England, Era nee -In fact, every place except .terecy t'ltj. X. .1. (itergei llntteneil a rumor named Cook, who nmdc a name for himself in Australia. Xobedy kiiewH what kind of u name it was nnd nobody cares. Cook Is n short way of mi; lug cookie, nnd that's enough. The Australian was Bdckcd M) tevrely en the chin that he dropped te the canvni. Then, arising te one knee, he get as clee as possible te the referee se he could net make the mistake of getting up befcre the referee counted ten. That would have been a serious mistake. There is safety in numbers, but they must he mere than ten. In ether words and he that as it may, Mr. Cook, neenrdlug te reports, took the high dive nnd performed the falling leaf in his battle with (ieerges the Gorgeous. He was knocked simple, or an J thing like that. He nu ex tremely wise guj. and when the going became tee fast and furious nnd the punches were bouncing off his chin like I. all off a tin reef the Australian took Jt en the hip. .Still, the spectators were perfectly satisfied. They sw a terrible bimbo extinguished before their very eyes and hailed Cnxpentler as n swell tighter. TliU was 'aslng, especially te Oeerces. A contender for his title had been removed, he bad again demonstrated his superiority nnd flit! net care whether his opponent had been u u-cller or net. And new for the big stuff. After the battle t'aipentier looked for some ether guy te knock out. Who did he pick en? Nene ether than t lint hard-hitting, young, rugged, speedy, husky battler named Ted "Kid" Lewis. Ted was almost knocked cookie by Steve Lntze, of Hazlcten; knocked out by Jack Hritten nnd outpeinted by Benny Leenard, se tleerges shows he doesn't care hew tough they come. The tougher the better. That's why he accepted the challenge of Lewis. "After I beat Lewis." sajs Carpcnticr, with much centidence, "I shall ngaln challenge Jack Dempsey." te bad yOT se bad. Geerge and Jacques drew a mob of 000 and the Frenchman received $200,000 ler his share. An ether of the same si:c tcill remove whiskers. Cook a False Alarm DEMPSEY Is net at all anxious te return te the ring. He does net like the wearv grind of the training camp and time nnd again he has threatened te retire. lie lias enough money, dislikes publicity nnd wnnts te settle down In some quiet place. However, if Carpcnticr will carry his fragile chin ever here again and match it against his maulers the chances are that he will light gain. lie would be a sucker if he didn't. k. Cook didn't mean nnj thing In the pugilistic world. He was nnether false alarm who received the build-up" just for one match. While he was training he socked the daylights out of his sparring partners, nnd the critics who visited his camp were much impressed Even Jack McAullffe. the old light weight chnmplen. said Cook would beat Carpentier. All of which was hokum. The Australian evidently Is n second edition of old Bill Squires. 'Way back in 100" Hill came here from Australia and had a great reputation. Xo Xe Xo eody in the antipodes ceuM stand before him. and he was In the United States te wallop Temmy Hums and go home with the heavyweight title. In his training bouts Squires knocked out nil of his sparring partners. Ills manager was afraid Hill would be arrested for murder before the day of the battle. He was the toughest guy that ever stepped en tw-e feet and swung two padded mitts. Everybody felt sorry for Temmy. lint it was different when the tight was staged. Temmy stepped around un.l In n few seconds discovered that Squires knew absolutely nothing about He couldn't stand properly and his hands seemed te be In the way. Temmy feinted. Dill dropped his guard and the fight was ever when Burnslanded n right smash te the chin. Squires lasted nbeut n minute. 'Twus the same with Cook. Carpentier bent him, but It is probable that Temmy (Jibbens. Gene Tunney, Ered Fulton, Bill Hrennan, Heb Martin and a let of ether second and third class heavyweights could have stepped the Australian. Therefore the victory means nothing. Geerges wen. but can't cash in en it. IU lllh elil stuff is m e7aiiu " mate vh rrith Demmcu irill hr en the dear old public will br fooled again! Introducing Mr. f M ivti .kivi-.k mii-t watch his stei in the he will h- knocked ,. off The same Rees for Soldier Hart Held and ether cuvs Hke that. The mnllman dropped the following in the office 1I1U morning, nnd we learn from Ray McCarnej that a real star is nmeng us. Have a leek and get the depe: "Don't knew whether you saw Mickey Walker beat Soldier Hart field the ether nlalit, but jii't want te write you a few Hues and let ett knew that there Is a welterweight right here in Philadelphia who can whip Walker ery easily, nnd that fellow Is Jimmy Gibben, of Grays Ferry. "Gibbous Is training every day getting himself in the best of .shape for bis next scrap, and I only hope that they pick Mr. Walker for him, for then I knew that Hritmn's next opponent after Shade won't be Wnlker- it will be none ether than Jimmy Gibbens. Gibbens, you nu doubt knew, is'ene of the cleverest welterweights around here, nnd is capable of making the be-t in the land extend themselves te the limit te get n. decision ever him; nn,l with re gards te hitting ability. Gibbens is no slouch nt that, neither, nnd the best proof that h can hit is Georgie Werner's words after his liSht with Gibbens when he uttered through braised lips, 'Gee, hew that Gibbens bits with his right hand : "ion knew- Mr. Werner is a boy who can take plentv. tee. but Gibbens ?i;-rnl '.n'f0 '" ,,,l'ir kp,'en,l bm"- 0f rf"'rsc- a t "f People think that Gibbens will be a set-up for Walker, but he will quickly dispel that 1 , K only given n chance in the same ring with Walker, and I hope this match 18 closed seen, se jeu can tee thnt Gibbens will vindicate all the thin-, I have just written about him nbee." QL II) tu meet Mr. diljhnns, and thanks for the introduction. " ( evvrivht. 10:!, lu Public l.tJetr Company WILLIE GREEN A WINNER ! Kensington Bey Has Better of Mar tin Judge In Cambria Wind-Up Willie Gieen, 11 pounds, and a for- ner Kensington lx-y, returned te hi ieme town U even!., ,, "VucSe Zl In, winning from Martin Judge. f Man- ayunk. ls pounds, in the wind-up at the Cumbria A. C Oreen showed lets of class in defeat- . j v-tt uiiiMiui tin. "3 ) rinsn j 4, i lng Jn,dBe. but also found his opponent eager 10 iai;e as wen as give. The bout was one of the best at the Cambria for Berne time. In the seinl-vvindup Hennv Hnss wen Uv simile ever Terry Ilanlen. Buss being extended te the limit te gain the decision The ether results : Yeung Mulllgun defeated Freddy Nitchie, Mckry Merris wen from Jimmy Baxter, and Eddie Murphy hailed Johnny Mc Kuy In the opening round. Y'S KRAX ' J01E RAY will de at least S per cent better per mile new. Railretul tax is tfff. . '. ' - i "7 tren'f im( the same irerdt," nays 'llughlc. "I'll spell 'em different." " riijllls says "bangs" co well with loud clothes. - IJl's funny that u winning boxer .always diaws. There report make h . 4e ihu i liitijn ikik rili'ill in ke w llanumlilru will he run In Up, ,i- ., i i... f the it,, i, ; ,. ill. " . '' ur presideni ; 11 W . I'eriin, Pine a ley, is smnethwa manlfuant tu the " '.' of tin light r-weiglitetl entries. .,,, ,lri,t,., , p,.,.u n w .V fia)n llestun thnt Jee Dutiun will , '"", '"''.luate l-uise, the Chatterbox p-icket. secretary and tren'sur.r asheil step with the lied Su,. ' ' b "w uniiuiciip are ether ' Tll F.vectlve Committee fellows;! S iiertfiv:1;11'" t" (,"m " ,""",m r- l ... .i .. . . . . . . UIIJ JIUlhUf Ut'll Illlicc I in ( hi r'ifi' ,.. i.i 'i . i .. ct, " v-''ii lle. il (.lit Urhrr Is net u tajl - 'OtrinUt. , , Te wonder thnt (. hliiiiiiiun cops the ii iii. ii. miiiiu firii i- rai un nun l'ln Uhu, suss-Hen. Farrcll. ' V lieir Waller Is getting married. Anether Dunn. i t Leenard and HinUatd smoke pipe of ' fence, which wns a pipe nil iiluny. .'J n fitlifa 1,1 SJ V it.n, V",.,,' t . ' "" '. ... ...v, ,. ... ...... bJ should rule against lisli in the nuarlums. 1 FIGHTERS n box-office lighter Hicm- ds iy the sting from the socks en the ,eiru tn'H he trimmed and another the cards Still, ire wonder if Jimmy Gibbens CHANCE FOR JOE NELSON Lecal Bantamweight Will Meet Rey Moere at National Tonight Hey .Moere, of St. Paul, arrived In 2" "teh, ,.,., Je,. Nrinin. "" bantamweight. " !' al,0"nI A -. Eleventh tnd atlinrlne streets, tonight. , Nulen 1,n'' h,Pvn """l"s ,ll"n- f'"- tl"' last few months in great fashion and, -J, ".' ' "" " l wnen ne taces vP,Lr,'i l.1'" ,',,'l-wlnd-iii Hebby Mehnels. the latest e V,)rij knocker- '"": "' , ,na'' ,us Phi!adelp,iu debut "'""- "'? ic.-iry, ei Maiiavunk in tue ether lien ts wlie knocked out Jee .. ,. .. V"nl,y "urinnn. niymplil Mendnv. meets V le lleii Johnnj Pnxsen Vpp s Pnt Kellv and Iteddy Jacksen battles IC. O. Leenurd. Tinntt mill ?,;, !!!!. btt(ldlc ' ' T,m Eellpse Highwflglit Handicap, SL'.'OO ndded, te be decided today at New Orleans, Is one of the best features , ,,, ,,., r, , n-aiiiiiH nf ih lnr r'ieunds meeting. High i est carries top weight of HIS pounds. Bunga Buck's burdui Is plnced nt E!-. Lucky B carriers VM. High Cost U the ideal bprlnter and the race Is at six furlongs. He may be aVe tn enrrv l,u handicap te victory. If he should fall II utiiiI.I no, liu u,.,...l i. .w It would net he surprising te see the are l'irst nice Daniel. Unable. I'rlnee i1' secentl Aleniiiler Hillililten, Ace of Aces, Ms Itankln; third Medcstv. i Omnipotent, Miriam Cooper; fifth , Hungu Hutk, S'ippery Elm. Merrlmae Mini- uepeiuer, High lieiir. I ii n Sen seventh Or. -Haider, Gourmend, Cete tl' At Hitvaiia: First lace- -Oh) Sinner, Mellora, Osgood ; second Tncela. .Mldian, larnscen; thlnl Cherry Tree, Levvellyn; fourth Miss O. Tmiiiiliel. Huiliice, tifth Ieuls A. I'.nd RIii ii. Mumbo Jumbo; slxtli Meudowerth. American Soldier, Aigrette; seventh , Ciindle Uslit, Elievvertb, flu lv.Hi, VUiimit Holtei V I iinrkii I'll Til i nnnu is ..i..i.i. lim NTRPBII in - - " .. . tr VI Kllllk.ll I Ml I I lllllll T - I i VIU1HII1I1II 1 I THAT GUILTIEST FEELING I sSSFsTv?) SvZ f Sgl ,ffl0ivS fenUH SMOOTH M.A lTA Mq?l ALONTG COARJ J . SOOTH ! USI" f UeLFCtOBS m Jt mm a i A "tjecVMizi THTi l vhes s fwcLL- I'm ) liesiMaiS , wqmen wiil MyAYs Be A GOOD iDGft J PAYIM6 VoeR PMVTIM.I.Y 1 IRlP- MAMiV A puZtLG Te MtT I TOO CAM T VMS MttfHK- S5 l EXPC(JCS ? i" PAVING MV, 1 MAMA,ThATS FltSURt? THVSM OUT-'THB SaMC AULC te "SOT lJ I VI u OW uAYHur UA COOP S IIAHAHA THIS VAORLO OUBR- gWRCASOfiABlC A LtTTLG AOV.F' ".J I,,'1ytLi? J7, ' E2 CXASReRATIrC t&m sp,lv L W ((Cift mi r see it HMNTiOv ) j ',. k jCw Tl. ' THINGS The ONLY TWO LOCALS AT U. S. G. A. I N. D. MacBcan and D. R. Meigs te Sit In for Philadelphia at National Gelf Session LOCALS MEET WEDNESDAY . By SANDY MrXIHIJCK I AX7IIEN" the white-fronted groups of I delegates nre called te order to te I night in Chicago for the annual meet ing of the United States Gelf Associa tion there will only be two rcprcscnta 1 tives of Philadelphia present. I They are Xerman !". MacP.ean. Old Yerk Bend, and Dwlght It. Meigs. Mer 1 Ien. Scnview and Hroekside. of I'otts I'etts I town. I'ti. Most of the ether local clubs will be represented by proxy. There nre two courses open te the , officials at the meeting, one being n whirlwind session, such a- was staged by ex-President Geerge Walker some jears nge. That fnnieus meeting was I one of the shortest un record. The business formalities of an annual unci ing were run through in iignining fa i- ion nnd the delegates were ii'tfu; fur two lumps in the coffee please, in the supper room outside before they knew what it was ull about. The ether niternathe u te ghe the .T'S'ites all the chance lu the world te talk ever the golf situation. Then- i n wlile arlnnce between Eastern and Western Ideas en golf rub's and sjMeins. a difference of opinion which lasl .war I threatened te cause u revolution against , the national body. I 1 May Demand Hearing . It is likely tonight that the West- erners will demand a hearing en their 1 systems. It may wind up in peaceful compromise or there is, the chance of a real thrilling battle. The prehabilit is. however, that all suL'sest ens will be Heaked up bj the Executive Committee, which will make final decisions en just what Is te be done about the rules in dispute at some Inter J''. The local delegates originally ll-ted te go are keenly disappointed, as the meet, ing was expected te develop many In- tervstiug Alan I. Wilsen. Mer- ieiU was unable te go, due te lllnis In me iiiiiui.t, iiiiu i.unis ,.. ..niii.! ..11- sidetracked, due te u strike in his bu-i ness, which Is net altogether confined te his duties of golf sei ret.try and "eon "een "eon structlen engineer" of the new Cricket Club course, strange as it may seem The strike K ever, and new Mr. War ner Is concentrating en I he annual meeting of the Gelf Assei latien of Phil, ndelphia. This session will lie held In the Bellcvue-Stratferd Hetel, Wednesday. January IS. nt S o'clock .,i si I' u "" V ".' ' ' "T,, . n : .... r:..!-i . .e .1... i..u ... .i.i. VnXin? & SberHre P mlt l te .mend?1 A fir attendance is eM.eete,l. se bounding in the enthusiasm ever golf hereabouts, particularly with respect te tin ing season Applications for dates nre alieady being received from individual clubs. nnd the rivalry for the championships is going te he very keen At least three most important sub- I..... ...'.It l. 1. ...... ..I. ,..! .... .. 1. 1.. I. 11 I., jeciu ill I"' ipiwji'ii'u .mi ,iic-i ii it. rumored spec. Iks nre new being pre- ,mr';" 'i """"rj '"! "5ie.-t.i te He soed' ""'' " p,',,l,,lllt tlmu I,r,,m,t0'1- J One Club Dcfunrt i It is nnneun 1 that the Hadden Country Club ccuseil te exist en He- ccmber ill. liil. and that its intere-U wilt n tnipti(il 1 v tint '1'it vl.( riiA? r.niti. try Club, the enij gulf borough of It- elf in tlie world. Einwned ' ' of Atlantic City, is cx...ted te be admitted edncsd.iy. On next Tuesday . before the district meeting, the reens sed Inn of Phllllde.1 nil in will held a meeting, called by Hugh Wl'.-eii, acting chairman in the absence of tieergP W. I'lkiiis. There will be nn chunge fn (lie main eiliceis of tlie local jj.iif association. I Tl" N""lnil,lle oimnittee lias sub- I milieu Hie iiiiiiiniii iiiki'I, WHICH will . i, ,.i,.,,.(i . R.r, v. i.,.-l,. . M,.ri.,. Atlantic ("it j : (Icei'jjc F. Briwn, lluntliiu mi nllev ; I,. F. Demllll!. liltemnrsii: i.. .. rurrj, unerten. Steps Fight, Then Starts All Over New llrilfnril M n. Jtn II ltrfri!e Met'arij, of Taunton meinieil tilt- inmn heut lefnrr the Ar'n A 1 n r whim Ileivy- I)nil of llpntgn, wirr t cenli-.t ,t in- reillij IMtllc 11 wns In the fnurlh riiiinil. and ilcelurliiB !! lUlner w, r fHltin, he nlil It viitu no Mime. 1. I'hen he mHrlul the rtBhi u ev,'r "i'i .mil u w.-ni nn reumi "" '"" or v "' " ve"' "c'- nsimn Frush Steps Thema3 VetiMCstimll. II.. Jn It- liirii1) i ruh, 'levUnd fKthrreluht Kneiled out Jee . ,j hemllti 0f Heclirater. N Y In the second ' round ur a stneauieu ten round bout Here. ME j.?"-"fa i nFMPSFY MAY RflX IIAST131N I.lUGUi: w. i.. y.c w. t,. r.e. C.wndrn 1 n I. OOO Wllhrtt.ll. 0 O .000 Trillion . 1 O 1.(10(1 hrrnnten. ( O .000 New lerk 1 e l.oen I'lilln ... n l ,oeo Hcldluc . 0 O .000 renteNv'la 0 S .000 srnr.mi.K ion tonight Trmtnii nt Mllkcs-Hnrr. I.NTi:itCOI.I.i:(iIATK IJUGUE '. i r.c. w. J r.r. Prlnretnn. 1 0 1.000 Cernell. .. n (I nnn ihirtin tn. I l .aoe lnir. e e Trim. . I) 0 .000 ( eliimlila. 0 0 . m iii:ihu: ion tonight .01)11 .000 Ynlr nt lrnn Iviiuln. Cernell lit Columbia. Last Night's Scores i:astjekv M'.uii'i: Trrnten. 42 Ceitnilllr, SB. isTi:iicei.i.r,(iiATi: i.uquis rrlnrrten. S7i Diirtmeutli, SO. OTIIKK HAMvKTItAI.I, K1SSCI.TS Vr Seli). KnlKlits of Columbus, 21 Merlen Krils, 'J.'. l'r.inklln rrlntliur. '.Ms I-e Climp, 21. Kunulii. 2X: M. i:il):llwlli. 21. M. Mlrluirls, I7i .Mount llrrmen. sj, St. Mincen. 'i'J; irnimnteun llrethrrH. 10. S!iiiiiiii Mrnicirlul. 22i Atles II. ('., 4, St. Ilrnrr'n I. ('.. 2lt Tueniletli Crn tiirj. I. St. I'ctrr's Irs., til Diuiiililn A. C.. 18. Anr.iisnn, lOi t. 1'iitrlrkn. 12. I V O II., ."; St. I'niniU .11lrr. 22. I A (I. II. Herrrrs, a.i nt. 1'ruiirls Xuvlrr ltcrrps, 20. llrth inv Trmelr, 48: Tiilirrnnrlr. 13. , 1'ertwrlshtli Unril, 20 st. Jiimrs, 13, 1 M. I.ukr's. Jr., II: lnill.nm Ulilrlulnd, I II. .Mount llrrmen, lOi Mount Airy, 10. Ir.ixrlrrx, 22: .lanirn, 21. I l.jiidrnliurst 1,'ii Irrcl Hill, 0. T GONTEST AT HOWIE i Seuth Philly Hebrews Only Bas- 1 ' J kctball Team te Lewer Celers of Nativity , PLAY AGAIN THIS EVENING rpiIE Xntivily basketball -- played sixteen games en team has the home court, -it Belgrade street and Allegheny avenue, this, season, nnd the record for the uptown quintet is fifteen wen and one lest. Included in the teams played werc a'l the Parting cluls of the city. The one defent sustained was at the bands of the Seuth Philly Hebrews and the same teams meet agaiu this evening en the Nativity iloer. , 'Che hist meeting of the sectional rivas resulted in 11 win for the Sphas iiy hip score ei ei te ,.u. ,atiitv lielng neseii out in I lie llnal ntt ecu seconds of play. The Seuth Phillies contend they are superior te Nativity and aie con", iident of sceiiuj another icterv to night. Manager Hill Sands will depend en his regular line-up of Hill Pike and Ed die Gallughur, forwards; Fussett, cen Mer: Douglass nnd Temple, cuards, wlille the Snhas will have Pnssnn nnd , Schneldermnn, ferwnids; Kletz, center, and Gottlieb nnd Black, guards. , Nativity lias a hard schedule for the ' J''' " "A ' f ' l '","'" '"' ''"'K ' "t St "''"?' nmI ll,,lnu,:,,lnl' 'l'tln. j Anether ler St. Henry remainder of the mouth, meeting Til- iin St I'he St. Henry biiskitial ti am wen Its twcnty-MMend Minesshe c.inie lasl veiling by defeating Twentieth Cen tury, leaders of the American I.cnguc. nt the lermer's hull, Fifth nm' C.ijugti streets, sceie '-'I te 17. Tin Saints completely eutclashcd t In n- league t J Mil-. The'tlais of I he came for St, Henry were Median and Oeujt. Betii inme through wit h three he'd goals, nnd two et the shots made by Meehnu were iitiilers, being from imm the tenter of the cage. The Knveula Catholic ri, n,det tr Its laurels lu taking Jimmy CelTev's St. Eli.abeth j).is,-eis into t amp m St. Eliznlieth's hall bv lb.- .ieie of lis te -L The lei-eis h.itl :, t i-s in i ompest of virtually all Eastern League play ers. Cuney at icnlci i,d .ji('uui r were the tars for K.ijeu'u. Toe .Much Harlow It. was a mm- of tee nun Ii Harlow in tlie Eastein League ;rmc ut Tienten latt cvenliij, in which the Petteis wen from Coatesville d'J te 'js. The Trenten gunrd hail an easy time of it and slipped down the fleer en no fewer than nine oicahieiih for field i'miI. Miiurke Tonic, his running mate, was net much behind, and si "ted tiw held s0"!s, the two plim-i m.iking just is iniinv itelnts as the entiie Coatt-s-ville outfit. The best,' e( tlie lesllli: OUtfit WHS done llV Ihe wlnnm Wlniilt Kinkiiide. lvinlv.ildi score. I three of I.U i,...,,,V i basketh. and his work wns even mere I outstanding than that of Gkii-ce, who was eicditcd with four. Jimmy Brown I W lis 'Ig.liu lllillble te p'a . Blown i Injured 111 ail exllihltluli IIIMtill nt Llih- , ir Ins! slen.lill "" ' Cage Victory Means Title One nf.lhe mett Imnerliint irump.. nf h flrst half bunli'liiKll urm iff i hi. renty - tlrst Ward t'hunh Leuuuc will he pluyeil this i-vi-naii,- at Msrunli I h 1 1 . .Munavunk, HAS LOST BU ONE vvlif ii lilk-nxer .vrjiiieiiiet meets Hi Mie i Thirteen ure pltiliers unin eievsii win rom rem nli. m'm. KliiMii'Zrr li.ia ii'r.vt'd Mix Lrsttiw nein fur rcL'uar tierths en thn lnfield Tour and wen tt" in a I Hi Mli pln-n'N h,is cap- luw vlr Ubnur wins tenluht It will euru them the first-halt title. ijreil live uut or vix nuinrs piavid. and If lually us GEORGESJN PARIS Return Beut With Carpentier in France Would Be Draw ing Card NO ATTRACTION HERE lllng followers, conceding with Tex Blckard thai another match in America between Jack Dempsey nnd Geerges Carpentier could net be made te pay, were Inclined te believe today thnt such 11 scrimmage might be Htagcd abroad xvlth fair piefit. There have been reports from time te time that the Frenchman again might like te face the world's heavyweight champion, and this was confirmed by dispntches from Cnrpentier's camp abroad, after his victory ever Cook, the heavy wtllglit. Demnscy's manager Fiild the chnmplen was ready te defend his title any time the guar antees were posted. BIcknrd, who put en the Jersey City battle hut July, admitted thnt there would be no money In another Dctnp-sey-Carpentier battle at least In the States. Hut Abroad? Carpeiuicr is still the, supcr-lighttr of Europe, having mewed down, In sen sational fashion, nil the English. French and Colonial heavyweights that could be found. Whlle the French man's decisive defiat by Dempsey came as something of 11 surprise te Europe, he has stated that If he were te meet the American again, he would adept dlffeicnt ring tactics. He Indicated he would box nt long lunge and endeavor te wear down his heavier opponent te n point where a knockout could be landed without the danger of retaliation in n toe-te-toe mix-up. Iteulizing the boxing skill nnd nmnz Ing bpecd nnd footwork of Carpentier, ninny of his supporters abroad nre In clined te back up his opinion that such a i-nuipaign might result In v 0- tlv ter Geerges, J lie appearance of Wells, Beckett, Cook and ether hcav 1CH. Leng-Range Baltic If Geerges adhered te his proposed plan of boxing Dempsey at long range, It is probable that European spectators would witness a contest lasting a greater number of rounds' than these In which the boxer has appealed In the past. Tliis would inuke ter, an attractive contest from the standpoint of tlie English or French devotee of boxing. Owing te the fiiuminl conditions, abroad the attendance and gate receipts could net be expected even te approach these, recorded In Jersey City. Dempsey. however, has no purtic itlar impulsive opponent tu skill ter a bout next sum mer and illicit be willing te box abroad for considerably less than h received fiem Rickard for facing Carpentier. There would be pltnly of precedent for si .ins Carpentier a return match. Jim Jeffries, after winning the hc.ivjwefjht title from Beb Fitzslni Fitzslni niens in eleven reum-j, gave him it cc t nd cliituct: ami knocked out "Ruby Rebert" In eilit round-. Jim C'eibett lest twice te JeTries, inif lu twenty-three rounds and later in ten. Jehn L. Sullivan' fought Charley Mllchell twice. Stanley Ketchcl met Bill Papke three times, wlnnlns u decision, being knock"! out und tnen returning' the knockout In the third li.ittle. Jimmy Britt nnd Buttling Nelsen feucK three times, aagregatiiii' u total of fifty-eight rounds. Y011114 Corbet t, alter knocking out tie Tei- lble Ti rrj McGevein, gave the Hroekyn Irittler a s-ceiiil optiertunlly, and "eiwatetl just 11s derisively ami the list ml'.'lit le continued iudeliuitel.v if ull weisht classes were Intituled. PLAN SENIOR A. A. U. MEET Te Be Held in Buffalo February 11. - Stars Entered IJulTiili), N. Y Jan. 1 1. Fer the first time in the history of the Ameri can Aiuuteur Athletic Union, the nu nu tienal senior Indoor track and field chiimpienHhlps will he held outside New Yerk Cltj. Till' annual classic will be stiiRt'd this 3 ear at tlie 17-ltli Itcelincnt Armery here Kebriinry 11. The uruiery trnck Is clBht laps te the tulle. Joie Cay, of the Illinois A. ('. ; Allan WoediiiiK. of S.vriiPUM' I'nlversity. and I.nrry llrevvn, holder of tlie outdoor 1000-yeid rectird, are expected te com pete. Thirteen Pitchers In Tiger Squad Detroit. Jan. H When the Detroit Amer I Icana LckIti tralnhu for the cuhilnu baiiri.ul I season, llilrtj-lhlec ilaera will be In ramp I at AuiruM.i, HCcerdliiK e thi eluh restrr i teen nf the total tri' ri'ei tills. Manager l nllj lias inmcatcu nn uruuauiy wnie rarrv twenly-tlireu men uflir tin opening of the inampiensnip svasun. wvi insey in leiciBii ring weuiti prove ters, and tinlslied live ynrtls elieail et , he was certain his letter said that an immense drawing card, for he would' her nenrest rival with a time of 1 inln- I could bring the Buccaneers u 'pennnn i . ., , ;,:-"u"i inveriie ute i i-.i sccenus. lie mentioned incit enta v that .Ti," -, ' ' , ".y , '" "',i""1 i,nzai)ciu necKcr, ei iiiiiuufipiu:i i lntner recently nail been hit bv an auto the ! renehinaii has ruled long odds-en Turngemeinde. finished becentl by less mobile nnd that he might have te sun tavetitc in his IlL'lts With Bombard er I (linn n tlnip linrelv nesir, nn ,.,..., . 1.., r.., ' FRED FULTON RING'S CRACK OUGHT-TO-BE Has Height, Weight, Reach, Speed and Wallop, But Lacks Durability Day of Four-Year Man en College Grid About Over. By GBAXTLAND RICK Ti Ner I hem Gelfer's "Mandalay" his big twtslils main lnck has been dur ... 0?ith.: ofeeur.;, the usualj . ..-....,. J ;'. .,S; By an old, bloem-bordcrcd fairway, loeKiit- southward te the tec. There e un-!ecpt bunker waitin' and J knew it thinks 0' inc. ler the wind is in the palm trees, and ' the soft pines seem te say: "Cema you Seuth, you frozen duffer, 'come you Seuth te leaf and play." Come you Seuth te leaf and play, Where the arange blossoms lay, Can't you hear the niblicks chunUn whercithe sand is in the way I On the read te leaf and play, Where the tnashlc shots held sway, And the head comes t; Iffcc thunder when a bunker stands at bay. Where the mist is in the pampas, 011J the sun is drepp'ln' slew, Whcrq you feel the brassie werkln', seven up and six te go, Where the yallcr sun fi Ain in a land e' pink and blue, Andyeu haven't get no troubles if you only fellow through. I am sick e' wasttn' leather en these slimy pavln' stones, And the blasted chilly drtesle wakes the fever in my bones. Though I see ten moving pictures from the Neme te the Strand, All they show's a let e' levln', but I'd rather have the sand. Ship me somewhere south e' Dixie, where the fairway's soft and green, Where the only set commandment is te watch your lifted bean. Fer the mevin' palms are callin', and it's there that I would be. In the land where Pur is passion, en the first or second tec. On the read te leaf and play Where the orange blossoms lay. Can't you hear these niblicks chunkin' where the sand is in the xcayt Wha'c you hear your rival say "Qimme three mere strokes today," And the head comes up like thunder where a bunker stands at bay. W Dempsey?" nsks nn exchnngc. He must hnvc nt least three things 1. Ability te take it. 'J. Speed. ,'1. Considerable socking power. But when you've said that, net very much Is left out. That's about all Dempsey has. RL. II. Serry, but we put in 10,000 miles nnd four months en the read Inst year nnd mere than one letter can go astray under these conditions. FRED FULTON Is the star Ought-te-Bc of the ring. He has height, weight, reach, speed nnd n wallop. In ETHELQLA BLEIBTREY SETS NEW MARK FOR 100 YARDS Establishes Middle Atlantic Mark In Negotiating Distance In 67 1-5 Sec. Miss Ethelda Blelbtrcj, premier woman swimmer of the world, who holds the record from fifty yards up te three miles, added still mere te her lnurels, by creating a new Middle At lantic A. A. V. record for 100 ynrds, in the big meet held ut the Columbia peel, nt Bread nnd Oxford streets, under the auspices of the Philadelphia S'winiming Club, last night. . Tlie falr-hnlred mennalil, who wns formerly the captain of the Women's Swimming Association of New Yerk, recognized as the leader in ItH branch of sport, easily eutruced her compel! Hessie Hjnn for second honors. Ilcrnice Custer wound up the field, u close teurth. Alexander Iturmnn, of the llyj;lca Swlniiuing Club, repented his victory lu this city n few weeks ttge, when he wen the men's 100 yards open scratch race. TIGER PASSERS WIN Dartmouth Beaten by Princeton In Basketball Game, 2726 Hanover, N. IL, .Tun. 14. Friday the thirteenth, proved u jinx for tlie Diirtmeutli live, and I'riiiccten carried away a ' win en the Hanover court, leading by one point, ns In last .vcar's (;iime here, IMnylng at n kllliiiK pace from the start, both teams were forced te take frequent rests, but ut no time ilurlns the plajlng wits there u let-up. When the hell ended the final period Dartmouth was in the middle of u top speetl dlrce, which brought It up from a live-point handicap in four min utes of phi.v, Nip nnd tuck till the way, the decision nS in doubt until the con test wus suddetily endvd by the vvfercc's blust. Early Start for White Sex Hurlers1 Clilenm, .Ian. II White Hex pitchers and citrheia will lenve for Het HnriitES, Ark . Ieliruaiv nj 01 v.'t. It bfcuma Known tniU Tlicv will ke from tliern te SceuIii. Tex . ihre thty mil join ether players before M. inli I I'lif lurii mum liuvn un vnrly mart MaiuKer IJlciicen said, because the flmt enhlblllnn "ami. litiHtcn the Sax and Hi. Sew Yur.k Uliuita Is bi I for Murch 12 lu Sun Antonie. Wi. 4s crw-; 'mijii ,-,.f' 1" ,' - . yif'trJ and the y.. " . I ....... .. .V. .' .....w, ... -. ..v- ...n ..... , UI t III." 11,11111, , i r .. 'w-'.:i I W;.s?V ' rmmm . 4rtMn! TJ'PsA WWW l I WW ir'Ahm ,he"' IP'Vf 5M1 m Rupp b'HM lllllllll We"' PI wel.lnew"l?A,lC't,rrynn, WMy of " them, although we uLThlL!.0 WM" In supply of t),e M lnn.?. VI e ,a f"." Bml fresl Veat CreLk and Hlue "e ni, J,lJUurlc,1' Illv " rev es, bins Island or eik iBlaml .v,t'2r. a, ,,arrHl ,of Hob Heb restaurant fs0 or." UinUeifS e,n,'0, ""y ,,etcl " whatever, veu don't i an ' n, .!!", ": for 'iny '"'aaen and we win ,unX ' L"" ' ? rem return. them te uh . Ti7niiPr3k-- a'p? mX . c-j vSe. y.1 !tS:lB'. i UUVflll 1. ftJ 1Sr lilt Ab iusi"iuiw .. n quitter might take n let of punish ment, it lie felt inclined, nnu tnni n brave man couldn't stand up under n rap en the Jaw. There are men who enn be lilt en the jaw or who enn break n llnccr without suffering any physical pain. With these it isn't. se much n matter of taking punish ment, nn it Is of net actually being punished. '" WE KNOW e one grcnt boxer who . went te bnttle with n knuckle of his right hand swollen and purple, "Hew could you keep going?" we risked Inter. "Aw, I hardly felt It," he said. Yet te the average, human thnt fight would have been 100 per cent agony. On mere thnn a few occasions iren-rlbbcd durability, insensibility te pain nnd couruge arc badly confused. Wl'l n football coach falls KelrTb few durable stars his path is easy. Having stnrs in the hospital isn't going te help n let. Bill Reper hntl the finest prospect of his career Inst fall, but of vhnt use were prospects with Keck, Lourle, Gnrrlty, Stlnsen or Wit mcr practically useless in certain Im portant guinea? "T CAN teke away two men from nny foetbnll team," snys Coach Yest, "nnd prnctlcnlly "wreck It. Take Aldrich and Jerdan away from .Ynle, Owen nnd Bucll fietn Harvard, Mc Millan and Roberts from Centre, Klllingcr nnd Wilsen from l'enn State, Keck nnd Lourle from Princeton, Stein nnd Erleksen from Washington nnd Jeffersen, Devlhe nnd Slater from Iowa, etc. All you need te de Is te pick the team leader, the mnn who Is usually the big personal factor en the field, nnd one mero tur. After that L you'd never knew It was the same team. That's why one or two in juries enn often turn n winning eleven Inte n second-rate affair. In the same way you can take whnt Is only nn ordinary team, ndd two stars nnd make It n winner." "TOOTBALL teams that play men -- four yearn have u tremendous ndvnntnge, for thnt extra experience Is 11 powerful nssct. 1 don't believe thnt feur-yenr men should ever be com pared with three-year men In naming all-stnr teams, nny mere thnn you would give n mnn n ten-ynrd start tn n 100-yard dash and call It a fair race upon even terms." THE day of the four-year man In Intercollegiate foetbnll Is nbeut eyer. There mny be u few survivors next jenr, but hardly ufter that. Covvrieht, 102!. .1(1 rlahts reserved HOST OF APPLICANTS SEEK JOB OF MASCOT Barney Dreyfuss Flooded by Letters for Berth With Pirates Pittsburgh. Pa., Jnn. IL With the transfer of Geerge Cutshnw from the Pittsburgh Nationals te the Detroit Americans, the Pirates will lese their mascot Mack Cutshnw, the second biibcman's youngster. Cejnment upon the less by I'lttsburgh's sports writers was sufficient te bring n Heed of letters te Barney Dreyfus, president of the' citin trem youthful nsptrants for the position. One lad of nine years, writing te .Mr. Dreyfuss. stated he would "work Ids head off." Through his ambition, his ability tn play baseball, nnd the fact that his father was "town constable. ic t his ISet only youths have applied for the job of bat boy it was said, hut several father's have made application for their sons. However. Secretin- Sam Waters said the selection of n mascot was en tiiely up te the team inemberi. Men's & Yeung Men's SUITS and Overcoats $ and see our 16 windows Peter Meran & Ce. Merchant Tailors S. L Cor. 9th & Arch Sts "If" aissn. A, nm. :,BH. Till U u'Cleil, lllllliiii'ieiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.tiiiiM,,,,,!!! ., . ' I' AMU US "I Robbing Tslnnrl OYSTERS Popular Oak Islands liri eliapin. MATTHEW J. RYAN n. ; K?b,',n,s Is,nd Oysters Wholesale Only Frent & Deck Sl. Hell I'linnei l.einliiril lo.'.en - . eieiif riiunri M.ihi 3M0 s. Jllllll TO TAKE ACTION ON Me3 Michigan te Decide en Invitation t ' ' Intercollegiate- Athletes Aim ArW, Midi., Jan. lk. beard In control of athletics nt ,i I University' of Micltlgnn met tedar .!'' take final action en t10 proposal tht'1 the Intercollegiate Association of Ah,. 3 tour Athletes of America be Invlte.i .1 ..old I.S1022 meet Ferry S,t The association Is understood u., i favorably upon the proposal te 11 Hs meet nt some mid - western cll, 1 ns n part e Its plan of extend?' I A W O. till. !.... JJ rcallrrovleUsctS tne-n Georgetown Reute 8t. Jesenh'. i .loKcieern proved no t01 't heavier aMmimrii J?,." '".' the n,K erndually widened th8 marBin" rnduAirM.".l.V,Kt "n' th horn. ,"!?, tet ArfVkJrV- ' )&4lrflIL ATI AWl"nrrrrrv n Directlveiv th OrAi hU ll. l " 7iV n. JT'r I"W.4 V1U. iuiyunmcaiFiaiiHoteiei Wstucti CAfVsCTTY OOO UHcrr.J3i eleVVIIjTWfmp' Vlrtflnla ave. near livacli. Ilunnlna .7T. Anii-r, plan. $1 icr day up. "" M HAM i:l,t.lH, Jivner. N. J. COI.MKa BOTHWirrr Vtrigiua Ave. second house from Ue-irHn nd Steel I'lcr. 13vry appllniineiiL fu$, ii"22?irJ1 Ln c.ulf Jne ,nnd ""vice, ffltt.' M dally.s;Pedalwetkly. J. Bethweii Set HOTEL CONTINENTAL A.'.n'.?y!l OPlMJ' "I"'" ready: terms medrli Write or phone. ill. VVAL.aU UUNCAH. THE LOCUST LE'nS and hemellka. American plan. Klnile. lii! tip dly. Hfl.50 up vvltlv. Ueulile 130 un iXZf SHOREHAM V'"SS' tlpcclnl reduced winter rates. Ateli (IrnbU. Westminster ?nmc,7 Avf' .nr- Bt" . wevatur: private biii,T running water. Open all-year. C, A. Kep netei Boacerjel g!f - nr. raten. Am. ft B, plain. Ph.117. K.K.MAniex New Clarien Jf JiS27,b -V't iu,,.. T.AKnUOQI), X. j. WEMBAS3Y Newly built and newly furnlihed. An nui. side reumK. 1'rlvate bntha. Het and cold runnlnc water and telephones In all roerai. iiunarinn cuisine, .music. Danclaz Oriil nnil billiard rooms. Iloeklet. TelenheM Lakewood 331. New Tork Odlca Schu,i.J 022S. vi:uNi:itsvn.i.K. j-.. WICKNIIItSVlI.I.i:. PA. A splendid resort te rest and rectiMtili 'i'n tue year rei no. ASIICVII.t.K N. C. a.siii:vii.i.i- N. c. Write Chamber of Commerce for III. BUl FLemrJA for infer . write Infnr. JJunii ijb v. nay at.. jacKsenvine. ina. erkkn cexy. srniNns. yrt. THE QUI-SI-SANA GREEN COVE BFRINOS. PLA. Latcd thirty mlUM seatM et JflffcTir"lBi Dtlllhtful Th.Orri-fll. ri-SI-Sena Is a -noeerv, trr riimsu. iemint. Northern eoektnir. Mralsarreendliwi P" ralmr itniLtcte, for theaa socking- eecnpUta rt or tpeeJti dlc The nklMt and IwffMt Sulpho-Matneela irrhiff In nerid-lth ntu and PubHe Pool Peol Poel (S00O gmllea belllnf flew porminnte). Itecrretktns: Nn Immlnr. Oolf, Teaaif, Iluntlnc, FUhlnr- Dsttdnr. muar rsus, eppir KUbtuc A. IIAKVN BilTnmep .aen tae Donmero He1 ul, ut, Duumuie. Tt Vi:.ST 1'AMI llKAril. 1I.A. Hetel Salt Air fiftfiji0 Wet I'alm Hearh. Strictly med. throufheot i;iev., unsurpassed ocean bathlnr lloekltt 1 rami en application Ktranl & Maas. rren LUCK I'OUIIT AI'ARTMrNTS. WKPT PAT.M linACH, Ft.A I1AYTONA IlKAril. TLA. DAYTONA BEACH HOTEL Ilrnnd Verandas face tlia ueean. Thoretllbl modern. Oulslnn unexcelled. Batti IIM te u per nay. American plan, MIAMI. VI,A. M'rlle tu Cluiiuuer of Ceinmrrre, ,I!AMI". -'I A., for frre llenHrt. ri.A. Hetel Clarenden. WJUXUY en Occam 3EABREEZE fleripA li.OHIDA .11ST COAST , Ter Iloeklet of IXOMIIA VAST COAJT ItrsurlH. write 243 Mil Ave.. New eili Till ll CALIFORNIA & HAWAII via Panama A ISayniond-YvMiltcemb Cruise, leaving New Yerk. Keb. 18. VIsltliiR C'ubJ, I'orte Itiee, Vligln iHlnnds. ranam ('anal, Kallna Ctuz mid Tehunntfixc In Mt-xlce, Leh Anireles. San Jron Jren Jron Cisce, the Hn.wall.-in Nntlenal Par ntnl the famous Active volcano Kllnuea, Illle anil Honolulu, return Iiib te San Krnnclsce Optional l.a vvanl trip by sea or rail, natel f"00 up. Raymond & Whltcemb Ce 1338 U'ulnut Htreet, l'hllttilelptil" Telephenr. l'llbrrt 3801 lluth Hexrs PRE-ACCOUNTING AND BOOKKEEPING IUI .lltll (II , li,cnllnls of llduUkffiiliic In lu wtem - Three evelilnst n vtcfk jpe New "' I. 'miliary . i CT .- i' i Html, le. "n. I'lir ' ,.;. '. fnm 1 aoe .mil lliimsn ...... . I . . a-. i CENTRAL PREPARATORY SCHOOL I Ihiy nnd Kirnlnir lf , ,.. I I'rfpnratery nnd Klruirnlnrr "y vui. Turin niifiis .liinunrV ii Individual und Chis Iiutrurllen TitlnrliiR In All llrnnrlirs Tallinn Unlet Moderate ., , Part Scholarships for llx-Servlce tit The Y. IV1. C. A. of Phila. 1121 .Mini STItKKT , STRAYER'S" Tl1' llrit """J'.'f J." ut Hrhtwl IT... nlfkl- I I'd. IHiin ennriinil. I.ntcr new. i'- "j. ' " Ynuna Men and lltirs IllllH I.ntv. Drntul tntrrvlrtv no nlilknlliin. iii..ii-J'raa3 HUT. I fin" - MIHItAI, INHTIUTTION -t I'lANO In.trnrtleii for lieslnners anil ! , inriliult'H ny rvierltniii inuy Mnuir mill enrnrnt rare slvrn. An 111. I.CIK.I.It IlinCl- - lllll.A. lO.NhhlOAIOIIY 01" ItL""' II. lli;Mlltll( I..1.IU1AN I , It. VAN lll'.N IIKC.VIT IHrrilef I'e (iiirni "nrn ktiikut w I til.MllMi Irs. in,, fn- ln-cliiners. I er."j nrniliirllnii. VII.. A.'ln ktiillll. 11 " te Henry Het. 1770 Clirktuut st. Sl'ruiH WINTBB Itr.SOHTH ATTNTin fllTV ' ' aM , . worlds Greatest Hetel S,,r I. $ "H ltf.A'- y j 'l ; '"ia L.-JigJAVV'' ,. iVtVAwss fa.f i.vtrv,.tt wfiMn