trt.t " vw," " r-a-te t VAT'S" ' ,vJ f'""-lV 11 ,fut 1 ' '1 J Mm rr- ,' 3Lt ". '' R. - ". ' " ( . " , , ir ii- '" " """ " " ' ' " . i-- I isritt. misetfs CAKE If jS GUUU AlVU &AZX. Important Points Arc the Right Oven and Hew Leng te Leave It In -""m jy MRS. M. A. WILSON AVEIIi-BAKBD cake, nicely Iced, Is always tlie nlm of every houscwlfe, ut often the heuufwlfA will, after mnk ins every effort that she can, find the Miilts of cnke-mnklnR very disappoint ing Indeed. The mum for failure may be summed up In three dletlnct divisions as follews: .The recipe. The mixing or compounding. And finally the biking. . Te measure correctly, first sift all dry ingredient into a bowl find then fill the ctin with a rpoen, plllnc hleh and levellne the cup with the Iwck of a knife, cream butter befere mwsurlnpt nnd park solid In the cup. Standard Ira and table spoons are used for the i. ftnd table spoon measurement and i ft be u-ed absolutely level. Successful cakee are baked in the middle of Iho even. -EMa means that the sum i !" ""' tv"" ...v..e from the bottom of the even. Speng? ind butterlesH cnUei are best baked at 5 temperature of 250 te 257 degree Fahrenheit. This is known as a slew 0 t '- nml sheet cakes arc baked In a ' medcmtelv het even and the tempera tire Venuired for this is 350 degrees raiirenueu. . , Jelly roll requires a het even, the ttmntraturc of 4 'legrecs Fahrenheit. leaf and rich cakes require a tern ncrnture of .100 degrees Fahrenheit. The sIm of the pan also has a coti ceti i rolling Influence as te the length of time that the cake requires te bake, be when Martini: te bake the cake it is well le take this into consideration. Determine that the cake is fully baked befere removing from the even. Several methods may be used te test the baked cake as follews: Inserting a clean broom straw, and if the straw does net hare anv of the cake batter clinging te It the enke is baked. Pressing gently en .the top of the baked cake, and If the impression of finger springs back the cake Is baked; but should the depression remain then the cake must be returned te the even and allowed te bake longer. Cakes must be cold befere icing, nnd bt results are obtained when the cake h made one day nnd iced the next. Imperial Calie Tlace In a mixing bowl One and onc-quarter cups of sugar, One-half cup of butter, Yolks of six eggs, (.'ream until light nnd fluffy. New add Tire and three-quarters cups of flour, I'eur level teaspoons of baking pow der. Seven-eighths cup of mtlk or water, Grated rind of one-quarter lemon, One teaspoon of flavoring. Heat te n smooth bnttcr, and then cut and fold In the htlflly beaten whites of two cch; turn in n well greased and floured pan with n tube In the center and bnke In a inodernte even for fifty five minutes. Let Ftnnd in the pan for ten minutes then turn out en a wire eikc raek te cool. Ice this cake with water king. This recipe Is made te care for the yolks of the eggs left ever from the angel rake recipe. Tlir I,".yer Cake Organ Plays at 9, '11 nnd 4:50 Chime nt Noen riat-e iu - ' ... Tice cups of sugar, Tice-thirds cup of butter, Yolks of four eggs. Victim well and then add 1'efir chm of flour, Vive leicl teaspoons of baking pow der. One ami enr-quarter cups of uelcr. One teaspoon of flavoring. Ttrat hard te blend nnd then cut nnd fold in the fetidly beaten whites of three prrs; turn in three well greased and Homed lajer cake pnns nnd bake as directed for lajer enken. Nete Te hae the lajers even, spread the bnttcr higher in (he sides of the puns. Water Icing Mace In n mixing bowl 'W package of confectienos' X.X.'X sugar, and ndd i'tre tablespoon of cornstarch, One Iraspoen of flavoring and sufficient boiling water te make an Idns that will spread nicely: bca( for a few minutes, ' nnd it Ir then ready In use. If ynu desire this icing te b mewy white then use milk In place of tlie water. Cooked Icing "Ince In n saucepan Ttce npj of granulated sugar, One. half cup of white corn sirup, One-half cup of water. Heat slowly and stir te dissolve the msar, and then cook te 245 degrees, Ming the candy thermometer te test the sirup with: new place In n law bowl a itlflly beaten white of an egg and pour the simp en, beatini; hard: favor, nnd as this icing cools spread 01 the cake. Special Pcvll Filling 1'lace two teaspoons of gelntln in four teaspoons of cold water te soak for ten minutes: then place the cup with the gelatin in a pan of water and urat sinwiy te melt. Tluce white of an K In bowl nnd add One half glass of apple jelly. Heat, usIhk the dever style eggbeater. iid whip until the mixture will held its nape: then beat in the melted gelatin and three. fourths cup of marshmal marshmal lew whip, bentlng hard te blend: let !u !!,,"" ,lft0,, minutes and use for tie Idling between the layers. Clear Baby's Skin With Cuticura Seap and Talcum Wvmmmmmmmmmmam i The finest butter in America! Sold only in our Stores .Menu?1! i nudkicra MUM IWIIiffitllM WANAMAKER'S DOWN STAIRS STORE WANAMAKER'S WEATHER Unsettled Wanamaker's Down Stairs Stere Has an Important Part in the Great Sale of Hosiery and Underwear $18 $5 $10 $23.50 $15 $10 $16.50 Silk Dresses for Spring Weel Creee Dresses for Hundreds of delightful new Spring frocks marked at $5 te $39 a geed deal less than dejected Winter leftovers are being sold for that s another big news item Monday. $10 Spring $5 The reason for this collection of early Spring frocks at se much less is that most of them were purchased in the manufacturers' stockrooms when a near blizzard was raging outside. Naturally there was net much business, se the makers ''concentrated their efforts and turned ever all sorts of new Weel Crepe Dresses With Heavy Crepe de Chine, $5 Kcal "Spring songs"! Pretty straight-line frocks of navy blue combined with henna or Copen hagen Canten crepe and having narrow tic sash of wool crepe. Limited quantity. . .. ..tun. cuiGia. Dresses, $10 Fourteen months age such frocks would have been consider ably mere ( than double. One is pictured te show its youthful btyle, with its gay frillings and corsage flower. Navy blue only. Weel Jersey Dresses $10 Distinctive straight-line dresses of wool jersey, geed-looking enough te wear anywhere. Navy, henna or brown with feather stitching of the same color and cellar and cuffs of white crope de chine. Finished with black rib bon necktie. Frecks Made Specially in c'ize3 36 te 42 $U U6.50 $18 Fine .Ine and serge, some with clc j. embroidery, all in long-line cea styles, arc $)R ' f' ' s emDrui.-.j a. Puppyskin taffeta vn g line?, fringed sashes and e. iroid ireid ered crepe vests are most uncom mon at $18. smart creations te us at large discounts from Spring prices just in order te "de something" that stormy clay. Down Stairs Stere visitors arc invited te sec the col lections Monday and judge if the fashions, materials and prices are net the most exciting ones of the season. Many Few-of-a-Kind Frecks, $18 te $39 Levely Canten crepe in gray, beige and ciel blue with self-colored fageting at) $18. "Sizes 10 te 36 only. Taffeta with corded girdle at 523.50. The new epengc silk crepe cem-,i-,.t black Canten at $25. te3 of orchid and tan gerine .r. Canten crepe at $30. Even heavier qualities of Can Can eon with steel beads at $37.50, or with embroidery at $39. Velvet and Velveteen Frecks Marked Down te $10 and $25 Just as 'real Winter comes and velvet is the mode, the prices drop en these one and two of a kind frocks. Beaded, embroidered nnd very simple fashions, especially among these of chiffon velvet. ' New Peter Pan Frecks, $10 Brown pr Copenhagen wool jer sey in two-piece frocks with white leather cellar and cutfs effectively trimmed te match the jersey. Instead of belts they are finished at the waist with several rows of elastic. Sizes 11 te 18 only. Smart Silk Frecks $15 Plenty of fashionable Canten crepe frocks elaborately embroid ered. Plenty of tnffeta frocks with old-fashioned round corsage bou quets and quantities of moire rib bons in two-color combinations. Nevel crepe de chine frocks with the new lacquered braid Ubed like ribbons. Taffeta with velvet flowers, slashed fclceves with quaint elbow cuffs and silk underbedices. Each of these designed for the younger set who wenr sizes up te 20. Half Price and Less in a Curtain Clearaway 50c te $3 a Pair There are some wonderful opportunities among them, especially at 50c and $3 a pair, for most of these curtains are marked con siderably under half their original prices. ' These curtains are all from our own stock and most of them were used as samples. Seme curtains will need washing before they can be used, ethers will need a pressing. Many, in lets of two, three or four pair, will need the one half sample curtain laundered while the rest are quite fresh. Included Are Plain hemstitched scrim and marquisette curtains; Delightful ruffled curtains of scrim, Swiss, grenadinc3 and muslin; Net curtains with geed Cluny lace nnd insertions; Marie. Antoinette curtains, nnd many ethers. (Clientnul) (Market) Blankets for Winter Beds The coldest part of the Winter is ahead, se we are told, and there are many nights when the cry for "mere covers" will go up! All-Weel Blankets at $7.50 Warm as toast! They are 06x80 inches, in gray with line plaids of red, brown, pink or blue quite pretty! Bleck-Plaid Blankets at $8.50 All-wool blankets, 68x80 inches, are in block plaids of pink, blue, tan or gray. Larger All-Weel Blankets at $10 They are 70x80 inches, in block plaids of pink, blue or tan. Scotch Plaid Blanketa, All-Weel, at $12 As colorful as they arc warm and as decerative as they are com fortable which is saying considerable! 72x84 inches. White Weel-Mixed Blankets, $5 They arc 60x80 inches nnd have pink or blue borders. $8.50 for white wool mixed blankets with pink berdeis, 70x80 inches. (Ontral) Seft and Luxurious Winter Coats Trimmed With Fine Furs $39 te $65 .$55 $50 Materials are a delight te the touch, linings are of soft peau de cygne and crepe, colorings run te beaver, reindeer, black, navy and dark brown. And furs what luxurious cellars they have! Here a cellar of glistening golden beaver, there one of softest gray squirrel. The wolf cellars are se soft that nine out of ten people would think them fox. Blouse lines, wrap lines and plain, straight coats smartly belted are among them, offering suitable Winter coats for women of all types and ages. It's a charming collection of coats of the better typer most mod erately priced. A straight-line coat of black belivia with a squirrel cellar is sketched at $55. A blouse-back coat of navy belivia with a beaver cellar is sketched at $50. Geed Winter Coats at $16.50 and $20 $10.50 for some jaunty new sports coats for young women. Many of the coats nre deuble faced, showing stripes of plaids en the inside. Mostly in heather mixtures of brown, green and gray. $20 for some uncommonly fine coats herringbones and snlt-nnd-pepper mix tures. Theso are lined throughout with silk and are marked nt little mere than half the original prices for coats of this type. (Market) A Fine Collection at $25 Veleur coats with bcuvcrettc cellars Chinchilla spurts cents in two models uellvla nnd cut-behvin coats with without fur cellars. Most of these coats are lined through out with silk, and they are in n geed range of colors with plenty in navy and brown. or 9780 Pair of Hosiery, 10c te $1. 75 8100 Pieces of Underwear, 1206c P at Average Half Price Astonishingly low prices en seasonable hosiery and underwear for all the family. Virtually every piece is from our own stocks ' and marked at about half the original prices. Stockings are se low in price that it makes one wonder if time spent in darning isn't entirely wasted. Underwear is marked se low that no one need shiver again this Winter. Wise people will lay in supplies for the next six months or even a whole year. Women's Hosiery 2ec plain and open-work silk stockings, broken lines of "firsts" and "secenda." Black cotton hose, "seconds," in regular and extra sizes. HOc mercerized black cotton stockings, full-fashienedand semi-fashioned, "seconds." 50c part wool hose in red heather mix tures, "seconds." SI first and second quality of full fashioned and semi-fashioned silk stockings in black and colors. $1.50 broken lines of silk stockings with open-work or self-embroidered clocks. $1.75 full-fashioned all-silk stockings in black and colors, "seconds." Children's Hosiery 10c, 3 pair for 25c infants' white cot ton stockings ; also mercerized black' cotton socks. 18c, 3 pair for 50c broken lines of ribbed cotton stockings in black, white and cordovan. 35c, 3 pair for $1 part-wool sports hose with colored turn-ever tops. Men 's Half Hese 10c, 3 pair for 25c plain black cotton and mercerized cotton, "firsts" and "sec onds." 18c, 3 pair for 50c part-wool gray half hose, "seconds." 25c broken lines of artificial silk-plated half hose; also full-fashioned mercerized half hose in colors. 50c full-fashioned black and vertical stripe silk-plated half hose. 50c heavy ribbed wool in heather mix tures. $1.25 golf hose in brown, green, tan and gray with fancy tops. ' Many of thete goods will b Women's Underwear 25c ribbed white cotton tights with tight knee. 35c, 3 for $1 ribbed cotton combina tion suits, medium weight. Alse fine light weight suits of ribbed cotton. "Firsts" and "seconds." 50c heavy ribbed cotton vests; medium weight part-wool combination suits in regu lar sizes. "Seconds." $1 medium-weight part-wool combina tion suits, ankle length with low necks and short sleeves. Regular sizes. Children's Underwear 12ViC first and second quality of low neck sleeveless vests of ribbed white cotton. 35c, 3 for" $1 for boys' unbleached ribbed cotton combination suits. 35c, 3 for $1 for bleached ribbed cot ton vests and drawers. 35c, 3 for $1 for gray part-wool shirts, pants and drawers. 50c for part-wool wrappers for infants. 50c for part-wool vests and pants. G5c for ribbed part-wool combination suits. 65c for boys' cotton combination suits. Men's Underwear 50c for sleeveless knee-length combi nation suits. 50c for heavy ribbed unbleached cot ton shirts and drawers. 75c for gray part-wool shirts and drawers. 85c for medium and heavy ribbed cot ten combination suits. $1 for heavy ribbed part-wool combi nation suits in large sizes. found en the Central Aitlc 1173 Wemen9 s Sweaters and Scarfs at Average flalf Price There is a geed assortment of light and dark colors among the sweaters and plenty of the high-neck sweaters with which young women like te wear Peter Pan cellars. The scarfs, both fiber and wool, are ex ceptional value. $1.50 for wool slip-ens in a variety of colors. Alse sleeveless pull-evers. $1.50 for pretty brushed-wool and arti ficial silk scarfs. $2 for striped wool scarfs with pockets and belts. $2.50 for wool slip-ens and mohair and zephyr tuxedo sweaters. $2.75 for surplice tie-backs of mohair or alpaca. $3 for wool scarfs with checked borders, pockets and belts. $5 for very wide and soft alpaca scarfs with stripes of contrasting colors. They are very large. (Crntrnh Women's Fur Coats and Fur Neckpieces One-Fourth Less This Annual Sale in the Wanamaker Down Stairs Fur Shep has made a sensation. The fur coats are exception ally geed at exceptionally small prices. The fur neckpieces are the smart kinds and lengths at prices mostly under fifty dollars. (MarUM) i ' iL Opp en the BTPl I O tl fa n . n hirteenth Mreet Aisle Flannelet Nightgowns, 85c Warm Hnnnelet nightgowns, m pink , blue stripes, have hemstitched double yokes, long sleeves and are cut full. Sateen Pantalettes. Si They are m black, navy, Copenhagen, purple and rcen, with elahtie at the waists and double elastic g below the knees. White Muslin Nightgowns at 85c With square necks, trimmed with pretty late and insertion, thev an rxcil!,.nf mi,,., .. .i.. i ' V --- ..-.v.....h i U U I1L Lillet III t is sturdy. price, for they are cut full and the muslin Crepe Bleemers at 85c trimmed with lnce or blun Men's Oxfords Special at $5.25 This Winter mere men nre wearing oxfords than ever befere and finding them ery comfortable with wool socks. The style with the applied saddle straps and straight tips is of dark brown leather and has rub ber heels. The ether, with the full wing tips, is of medium tan lenther. lleth have strips of light fiber the full length of the heavy welted soles. 500 Pair of Beys' Shoes Special at $2.75 Made of durable black or brown leather with heavy leather welted soles, they are en English lasts with straight tips. Sizes 1 te 5 Vs. -which will fit most boys of 9 te 15 years. (Gallery, Murkit) In pink or white, stitctnng and ruffle. Crepe Nightgowns at $1.50 K.Ur.,8tyles. ,f pink an'1 "hlt0 c"'Pe or line quality that will launder well nnd need no ironing! Snowy Neckwear at 50c .Sets nnd cellar, of many kinds ila'., n.und, Ieter Fan, ctc.-are of lace, pique, embroidery and be en. All are unusual at 50 Cut Lengths of Veiling, 35c All sorts of fashionable oiling in navy, taupe, black, brown and desirable combinations. Children's Flannelet Nightdrawers and Nightgowns at 75c The nightdrawers have feet and the nightgowns have high necks. Heth are of warm striped Jlnn nelet in sizei, 2 te 0 years. Fer Older Children there are Billie Durke pajamas of striped flannelet. in siues G te 14 years, at 00c. ' V.t . e"ii ttf ht , rtif. " jfflbV"' S'i' ,-. fi A; u q ", m . , a M ? a 41 - r 'i M rj i i H i i pi n IF I ' vi h- "M .i ' (i ' 1- 1 I u I