' "rPyjv ' " '- 1 fi&r-'y WW '- )!? J -gti --mvv--vJ,'-..v "fjtf-MvT x? ?Tieja5? V 8 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FttlDAY, JANUAUY 13, 1922 Tr11W(,1Sj!,f,(,.iVTiT'iS'"" flDnCDQ DAI I UflilflC1 pcPP'2 Te "Peppy" Ibettle barrage net mHTxi UKUtKe eALL Hilt -. I WAY t.me. JliDGE ina ?-r!..8fe I 0 YIELD N. J. Commlssienor of Institu tions Throatens Suit te Annul Rights PREJUDICE, IS ANSWER &i.. k. .' jnrv -'v sr'X ,'M"s.,5vs.'u" n- . ItOSh TII.IA Win t!!ln'l Hl.0 llir mldillslil ' sririindr of Giuseppe t'eppr, 180.1 .Seuth Seventh street. ;iml told tiim mi. Thru I'rppi' put mnre "pp" i In t linnln; l.v throwing Uitllen i'l lnr limne. lit." Sears strert. "Peine lienih." Mild Jutljrc Aitilen- i rleil DUNBAR SLATED FOR JOB Auditor General te "Take Care" of Secretary te Penrose Snui'iil Dutiliiir. ulm .Weliiped n iil' ii-ipiiiiiitiiiK'i' wiiii I'dlitlniiin- as, i si.iTi-iMi-v hove fur Sn:itnr Pcnfe-u. it -.Int".! fur ii ,i'i'i In tin' niiTi'iiiitllc , iiinialr's effivr either here or hi liar iiliiirs. 'I'lii'iippnititment "ill be mide tlireusli Ai'-lilir-Cciii'i-al !.'!. vim ai n Invnl fiiilmver of 'iiivi' nml !m l"- ..f Piinlwr. The lilveil n.s a Inn by Penrnii. st ii.i-'.l iteii'igiaiiln nun I'wiit un'l.v wu- iii.iile tin- i'li:i t .r I'iiilinl'l piii'i i""ti jr.i . !:mlinr is in iln tininlln; 1 ;!.'. (i r 'I 'i futivn i'i obtain 'p.; h itn"- wl.V p'-remr.. ie ilu' Senati". HOUSEHOLD GOODS Ui; le: u lia lutt rc-!hJ f"e;n meraen I no. .i.l tit bee'.H i'l. ; '.ii- uifnn.'j ani u".ir heuseri .-! rvii'l Mil" ' " 'I rif ''ft of cs' ti Morrison Sterajre Ce. !C!i M.MIM.T r. ! Ilpfn Kvrnli.na. I'lienr llrlinuni HHil t trnl.i(i till' lnislei of IV Mnrv .1. Hall Hem nml Pay VuNerv 174:1 Master Jtreet. Cniuilen. Mtrren.le" thir charier, liiirdettc f!. I.ewlv "i:ninls- ' .ilener of Iiitlnit!nn! anil Aiene't' efi JCew .ferey, ilcl.lrex he "vill brllii? ipi" warrante nrocredlncs ujalns-t the In stitution te annul the charter. Cnmmtalmirr t.cwl innile tin ilrmnirl for the surrender of the charter n) tin? conclusion of I lie three weeUV tt'stlinenv In the Invrfifigntlen of liew the home ' lux been renriiietcil. The Commissioner issued a tate meiit extilninliijr Ml aeftnn. U fo'lewn: "We hnp reiieheil a point in t'.ie In In Ttl;at!en wlien- It U n'l'piwnry te tak very defilrf action. The Mary .1. I'M! Heme and Day Nitrvery lm mntinued in an uiue?eierate unto cut ihnv 1I)le. as proved by the tfitlinmiv tulten in thU eae. The prt-ent deplorable conditions are net of recent eilciti. Tlif Heard of Ti'tilee.i lias left t!i" w'io'e inanacement nf the home te Ir. HiclinriNnn and th" Heard of Manager nominated by IV. Ttli'ha'den nml formally ehnen by the t.-unc. Wrnitn Statu te Art 'Till' niannxi'ra. with iw exrptioi exrptiei exrptioi ef thene who made this fight, hay.' been rentent nitlier le .r e" te ri"i!:n in- utrnd of mnnacini the home or Minus ir" te 'inke rare Jlke n P.eard of M-maur" wnuul be ex- former eii t-tary a pected te art. I'nle"! the tleard of Trustees mrrrnd"r lt eli.iiter vol vel iintiirllv iiii:.iediate'. I sluill nrp!v te the Attorney liener.il of th' Stale of jeu Jersey te b"i;ln oil" wiirratite pro pre cei'rtltiRS te annul thin rh.irter whleh prrmiti if te exist. "I il1 aUe eall en the 15eard of I Trustees te surrender the rlii'ilreti iai niediatelv te th" Se.-iety for Prevention of Cruel'tv te rblldren. The testimony i showed tiat these rhlM'-en luiild net b" left another horn under the uintrel and eustedy of IV. U'-aard'en. "I .1111. tlieiefei-". dil'ei'llll.I t'l.V Anna Mnrn. Willmm K'-ed. Artaar Ilwd and Petet Nnpsflniiki he In In pernrily fi'nt f the Ceimlen Heme ter Kricndleis ('hililrcn. The MMren that are in the home nhw I'm ''i"K l ' the trujit'e!, te surrender te the Society for the pri"-i ntien of Cruelty te Chil dren." lescph P.eik T.ile-. eeunse) for ihe home, said in reply : "TV, iimcl.imen of lhe invest ig.it io: ie: by Mr. I.ewl nul h... stnie:n"ti; i'at the hen'e should be closed are Jttit what wa te )e "peeted. "It ear. beeamc apparent that t'nre run no linM- of an i'npnrt'.al invostisti investisti invostisti tlen In this war, i ii" roniTnisMen'i Itnii 110 pev er te efese lhe li.ive. nt'i it It fortunate that be cnnet de se. : it would res ilt in pev In.iieiiee. Sir !i lerrr 1 properly iincsfd iu a jndh'iil tribunal. "The totiir.'.lwleiier lies n i,ip'ihre netliini. iilthenrh U lias -,ient ini)il:i moue;, , and ha done the enue of eha--ity In this remmunit mid the villain nf tluse ebi'dren a stent injil-tiie. Tlie tiustee', for some time have witl'drawn Miy i.pi'Ort of this InveMiuiiitnii. nr.'! the roniPM!-ieiier hn been inrrei-.'!' Ity a '1'nUe of hjpeeiil.'s li.i i.bje. I was "e ltre te utisfj t'ier )nrsenn'. vn'ilty. If they wa'itej t i 'ie!p i',,i - clilldren there were many oppei -tutilflen te de co. bur none were nri-eptlil) e. The n-bhr "le'iid m I'fnrl judgment tinill t"i. matter i i" vrstlpnte.i properly anil itnpnrfla'ly. The trustees woimime any impa't...! i..- esilsratien.' "Tli trusti w i'l meet ami ;i'" upon tlie .uj2es,lnn of the iiurmlsKien fr, and from tlm lush siumiir:"; ,iin, (hnraeter of tl es.j trestees r 1 1 ji'iniie e-sii rest assured that tiny will de .vh.v -CTfr is best for the ibitdren Fire Captain Injured in Fall Captain .lainen Petilsnn. of ln;ine Company Ne. Ii", Illxhland avenue ami Twenty-srventli street. Chestnut Hill, wan tdlghtly Injured in a fall from a reef at a tire in the home of K. A. Hepkins. Highland and HeinineI ave nueH, last nii;ht. Tli' lire, wuli-h started nbent S:IM) o'ceik, partlv tie tie btreyed the house. CAT SHOW. nttST REfiMIKVT AI'.MO'n Rrnad C'nlleiThlll. Today A Tomer. t..' . ( ,"T ' I !""rt A..-MP5rlHWlPa4sf I t''".JS(W .Arr?J . - . I --. I. ..I r.lt.1 I.II1...1 Toe-Ardent Suiter Has Peace Bends) "f " ""-' ui'ii'i"""'- ""l ' " ' Irtr.rncrrt h AuHrnrlrl I t ....t. .!,,. t .. tf ..-.q t pk! Iflnit tlmv I'tnptv rpiart bittt!e, Biillnrd, bunk-1 1 enid iwe shots llred, but net one notes and threats) were nil nilted in;iveiild nvi-nr be av the accused fire the WP0I115 theer. of (TuiKi'Ppe Peppe, ' his revolver, n burlier nf 1SI1.". itnntli Sir-veulti stri-et. " " ne-'erdin? te rvlil. uee this tnet.ii.if. l 'HUSKY TEAMSTER QUAILED ivrr !lll'lkl' .liII.'lll'', (iiiiMi'ppc'R warm heart thrilled at the uglit of little Kme Tilly, a dark-haired ii'tiH who liven at t4." Sears si reel. Tlielr baeltyiirds adjoin. Hut Une told .ludse Audenrled that "life in h barber shop I net her idea of iiunanee," and he must have told (tiuseppe enn'tliliiR s,m llar, for hi mnthed of woeltiR eluinci'd. At tii-st In- would try te win his love with InnKubdiitig leek's, soft semts In the night with a simmmin; Riiltar for nreemiianlnient, and swret whlsiiereil words of iiffeetien. A Hese eiinflnued cold be tried the Aimlean method nud displayed n roll of banknotes. Still tindiiiL' her nnimpresMiil be began bottle, threwliip. That was juut as uniiecess. fill, se he frnnttly nibl her. she sr.yi. t tint "if she did tint mnrv him he would ilt her Inte li'tle plee." Last .Vevember Maplstrate Carlin held him in S:t(l() bends in !;e p the peaee for tlivue inenilis. (iiii'i'pp wn In lei.rt in have the bend lifted. Instead, .IiuIbe Audeiirieil increased the bumln te WOO te keep the peaee for one year. SHOTS FLY N RESTAURANT trouble In the rcatnurniit wlileli wn net mviiiis the l.cnvy enr n DlVlP m nnri , n rn , nini -ml up by the hearing, which fol-.ether macl.lti.' and the DURING QUARREL OVER G RL lowed tlid arrest-, before' Magistrate rendered. - - Roberts, who held ueerje tUiltlecK, Pretty Cauee of Affray Falls te!U07 I mrert, KonRltmlen. In !?S00 bail, A 1 11 !anl Kre'l Slmm, 1.VJ1 Pratt street, Appear In Police Court In front of the men In It siir- The limine natlel of the N'lneleenth ' lienrlin'. and Otfiii-il sttwtrt station, turned Intei Af d-.'tn nVlnek ihbi innrnlnc the desk the path of n teurln.'X em' Just about t , nt the rmllee station received A nrctty yetine woman, nnld'le be the? Indirect cause of the slioetlnu, wa.i nut nrexent nt the bearlni nnd the ninals- l'Vankfeid, in $300 ball for a further irate fixed Sunday for the further hear- lug ke hIie could loll her story. Sea .a Captain Elehty.flve Yiara qU Hcnjwiiln V. Allen, n rctiie.i ,2 .i- trtin ntul 0110 of tin- few nurvfvlng f wltnesscH of the hlHterle ilchr 1... tlie ,Ionlter and tlie Jlcrilmae .t. uateit Ms elshty-iifji, birthday l.J? J' uiij at ins ijeiiii' in iTespect Park ACQUITTED OF SHOOTING Ne One Saw Man Fire, but Several Heard Shots lesep'.i III Ma ire, thin.', m.is ir- illiitteil tei'in i ihii;;i. of 11. ie- .laughter nud iiviid'r" in ri'tmeetlen BEFORE RED HAIR AND A GUN JeBepli Callahan Wasn't Ashamed Even If Weman Held Revolver A'slx-fepf man c.ime off aecend be.st In a tilt wltli a sixty-Inch woman be- 1 I'ofe .ludse Aiideiirlcd today. .le.eph C'allnhnti. 11 carter, told the court the defendant had threatened te sheet lilm. Kery one in the courtroom looked nt the defendant. Stella t'nnn ' small and frail, wlmre piiuelpal cliarac-1 ti'ilstic wan hair of fiery line. j The story wan that Mr. Conn, who lives in that dbtrlel known as "The, Neds." RUitnls some property of her, landlord. The prepejty ndjelns Mrs. I Conn's home nnd Cnlialian wai usiltig It for a depository for ashes. .Mr. Conn fnrl'l.l the duinpini; of the cinders nnd tin argument ensued, in whleh the color of Mrs-. Conn's hnir UK- j ured. She had him arvet.ted p.nd be was fined $10. He retaliated and she I wnt In court today cbarced with threats j ie sheet. "Yeu weren't afraid of ber, were veil'"" asked the .ludse. "I'm afraid of 11 gun." tcplied Calla han. . , ... "Well, well, n bip man like you! What weti'd become of Ireland If every Irishman wan as timid as you are?" commented the dudge, as he dismissed the cese. unrt uwny, proven an elTecUve block le tctonlteno enlf from Stevens" Zene, I -CT-Tk -WSkv T aPH TTH l &. Iff tf t .... ,1 r e 1 i . . i . iiii' 11 nil ih:r mill niniiii or miiii. from the Liberty lies inrant. nt Mil!) 1 ... 11..1. i.n .,.i, ii, n.i. IO III' 111 1111-11 II I I I II I II I I I I II" II III II 111! ' I'lm ,s .,. 1.1. Leiiimuin nvciiue. . , There was 11 uiyslerleiiM aspect of (he! arrived. police chauffeur GOOD, WHOLESOME and TASTY there you have the reasons that regularly fill the bread-boxes of se many families surrounding any Meenehan Bakery. GOOD bread or rolls or cake or cinnamon buns sometimes a bit mere in price, but oodles better in quality. MEENEHAN'S Electric Bakeries 18 Seuth 52d Street 14 Seuth (iOth St. 2G04 (tcrmantewn Ave. 4009 Market Street ssszaziuassiuzsg; hVM Seuth St.rsnszr: ALL KINDS AND SIZES Frem the smallest, and cheapest Memorandum te the larger sizes of Journals, Ledgers and Minute Beeks JWrffergJici.l I i Me llU-J.i 'IniEril InTHTiTU Yee&L UKENS 12 N. 13th SL 719 Walnut St. 'Stationers, Printers & Blank Boek Mfrs. I 0. TeMted crncnen ipread vrilh toetluomo Ancre Checie ipread a ipell of enchantment ever everybody's appetite. Your fam fam fam ily.toe.will delight in its smooth smeoth smoeth ne3i,richneiiand woeinf flavor. Ai'. Ceatt't. fnf 'ary " rrpvr INCREr flifA ffip G(vwinp,?oqtpferrrdi &r Madt by SHARPLESS. Phlla a . V iiiTiiii! I' Mi1'. "Ii! -i-"i.t .ttlitu .til '! dif l.f'-t.t " ,, '.i.ye 1 Bie:, meaty fellows! 1 strict I v Fresh 2 l : i gj V la Carten J C I of twelve fi a I Sold only in our Stores $ THE Pfiiladelpliia Art Galleries S. E. Cerner 13lh asd Clieifr.tjt Streets, Phila. REED . WALMER, Auctioneer Expert General Appraisers AN UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE (F VOKB THAN ORIUVVnY TMPCinTAVCB inn t:vn.s:K vnd vkhy vai.iapii: i-,iit:niNas of ni:AUTirft. Ms'smAiJn a r.Titf:Mt:i y pake Early American and English Furmture Porcelains, Textiles and Art Objects Paintings, Prints and Engravings Highboys, Lowboys, Pic Crust, Drep Leaf and ether Tables; Sofas, Chairs. Bureau and Bookcase Dcslts, Casc3 of Drawers, Cupboards, Sideboards, Mirrors, etc., representative of the best of early American Craftmanship of the Pcnna. Dutch, William and Mary, Queen Anne, Chippendale and Sheraton Periods OLD WORCESTER & ENGLISH LOWESTOFT rein ,'i .;s .i i ' rn KD''wir' t '-s wi nrMiiKr'f : n ' s rrrp. ' p.. 1.' T1"V UK I ' .ti;i;h English-American Blue and White Historical Chin I V VLlll ri.-n7' .sTcvrM'V A? li i.M'c.p.r ntt.KY a HtK!VAV l.'( I li'Vlt COLONIAL SPREADS, SAMPLES AND TEXTILES AMERICAN, IRISH AND ENGLISH GLASS PHI' Mini r-i;-1 n i t.RtsT'il, n ,.'i'i-:,,-' i:ii FLASKS, OLD PEWTER. BRAS5F5 AND COFFER RARE OLD CLOCKS AMERICAN AND ENGLISH SOliD SILVER ANTIQUE JEWEL!" VI PV And Many Other HISTORICAL ANTIQUES Will Be Sold at PEREMPTORY SALE ON MONDAY, TUESDAY, VEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY JANUARY 16TH, 17TH, 1STH, 19TH, 20TH, 21ST & 23D, 1922 vx.-if vfiMjvn t ii oci,eru BY ORDER OF THE WELL-KNOWN EXPERT AND COLLECTOR MR. J. L. ISAACS I'Kiii'fKieii or Tin: PHILADELPHIA ANTIQUE CO., 628 CHESTNUT ST. r-i vacvi'K Tin: z- ; TIM KM TU MAM: 3z!SqS. T.T.tlUKIt Ilf(t.!)l.1. .'Q S?sKft NOW ON EXHIBITION Wmfjf) tt vri'-iv ' srn.&y IS) sTeSStsA vtli' 1' '. i rtXfisi j iv v ill v.r.y TH I rm: ' TT1K.D fil ' ' ' OC fi nt.tr a . i-'MP-.r-rr, i7Tirii umtti it.ti -in AMi l"V' fltP'llilV.s '- N'V.V srmit AM IVM.I. III. MAH.J.U Pfi.ll'Alll ri'OX Hril'KIIT OF I'lTTV I'K.S'T - -1019-21 Market St ireatesl ire MP t2s, sef Our Entire Stocks Without Reserve- uuvnrarc!XiDuvejstxi)irrjLw)vvinviiMtjta Keun Jed jp 16,' TSlB e: lnaui;urntc(i the One-I'ricc Sj.ilem in lfjl C. J. Heppe & Sen Downtown 1 117-1119 Chestnut Street Uptown N. W. Cor. 6th ik Thompson Streets Hareld Bauer tVin nm ! n.iii ..rr..is,. n! . s,, SUH.II..H UUXiL 11' ani?t. whe'se reputation ia Known an ever um world, and whose ability is recejniized ly the world's greatest musical authorities, new makes record rolls exclusively for the Due-Art Reproducing Piane and in addition in his cenccrl work he uses? e clusivcly the world's greatest grand piano, the Masen & Hamlin Piane We are fortunate in being the Philadel phia representative for each of these great instruments. Ilnrfiniii Depart) rut Used Pianos and Players "V new have an un usually lar'e l:st of rebuilt pianos nnd claycr-pianes, m our harcain dcpurtnu'iit. These iriJitrunK'nts are guar anteed for f,"e. years ami are cschaiiReabie any time within one year. Here are a few special values: "A Victrela or Nene ) l telecl 1 &ndi 2 Pair. Paaralrf m Briggs l.ljei.y , nr.all tr.f $160 uO'f I or. Thi Hcppc List of Due-Art Rcpreducinu Pianos includes: Steinway Weber Stcck Wlicelech Stroud Aeolian Price? from $833 up The Ifrppe IJut nf Grand Pianeu ivelurlr.i: Masen & Hamlin Henry F. Miller Weber Stcck Edeward Jules i Ileppe II. C. Scherjackcr Kardman Chickering ntinny; il.n f. Miller alnn! full kl.'.l $185 $180 SOrnl leuc. oeil teni $245 Hcppe t in u . $290 myii or tj Regent Alatiiicany : tlisbliy $245 IIVil De net be influenced te buy an inferior talking machine. "If it is net a Victrela it will be a disappointment." Buy Your Victrela New at Heppcs Ifcppe salesmen can only sell you a genuine Victer Victrela. We car ry no ether, it is safe te buy at such a store. Victrela s $25 te $350 25J Mail Thin Coupon for i'ull Information f I hVnn f rm i lni'vr.nnvn 1117 W fti'titriiit v , V..J.IIC)pt,C.jOll ,(,, VA.. mii&ThompiienPiy. I ' "' Without any obligation en my part please sent full iiifui inatien about (mark X below): liana i 0 I'laycr-I'innes Q VictreUi Schemacker H3 neif j'.iy'r Mendelsehn fiS note plsjfr, $400 lliuhei,'.'!!) $325 iirihei-imy. Mr. Hill's Guarantee (iecs With Every Purchase I Absolute Savings op te Half! Man, realize that these are reductions en Mr. Hill's always Kealize that the savings are ab solute and bona title. Yeu see ether rm.v mmwm Tt.fl ti ft U fX'Cf'. V i WMVjiVjrtTrTCrVW. ' ' ilUrA'C.VP.'. t'.riQ'.'IMIS1 i c f. 1 llli-fr Evwy Celer- I WWa It W$rt.$Wfflih ; sv-'lf!f m " ' ' VI K M v vlrVi!ftau. can,t ,i,,(1 il anywhere else in ir . H..AI" -mmim trf '4 ''WSMi e hi ,1 ii, Cem i N, 1,K ,,n'K- e mntter what his " '" '4'mW 'voncer u 'idnMn," V l0day' teniht "r tomorrow. Phure ... sales imitating Mr. Hill's even copying his style a n d lettering but there is no sale that can cenv the values or the clothing new possible at these low prices. Largest Stocks in the City It e m e m b e r here you cheese from stocks that fill this entire fJ-tery building. Stocks- that are double the size of any ether clothing store stocks that embrace every kind of a suit or over coat that a man could want. Every Style Every Pattern Every P$ateriai Open Evenings tb I " r- Li Jf.j lur fit Philadelphia's Lrr. Erahnive Mcn'a and Beya' Clothing Sc-c uxt ftj I :"v4Cy --M vm r-H,-:i ) 'M AiJi NfciSSCK. m & ft m m JV'Ut r-VA J-V IN Vi--& IUiaft Stere Orders Accepted i ' r' jn tZtiziuiii&jiZ Philadelphia's Ivarpest Exclusive Men's nnd Ueys' Clothing Stere. S I. 1 l". Vi Pricti from filO up '' 1Q1Q-1Q31 Iarket Street - f J fl&l t.ndnttHttiUlitgiwi&AXi