Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 13, 1922, Final, Page 5, Image 5

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J;.llmerilal Dinner 1 New Police
P'Oftielal at Manufacturers' Club
f tidisc'tlen In ,nnile by Jehn 1 I:.;or,
L.iiti.nl ut tlic .Mnnufncturcrs' Club.
ftftnt n fclandlni,' reward of $1000 be of
cd by cHlscns for lira capture of any
Sfiie wlie kllled ft 1'bllndclphln pollro pellro pollre
Vt!. lifn en duty. The recent kllllns
Kfipark CJuard Ilaulcy succcstcd the
P Sir; Flsler's remarks wcre made at a
cml meniat uinurr kivi-h mh hibul ie
tfantain rsicuems w'-7. rummy
finnoletcd assistant euperinlcndcnt of
iff...- I... tlm fnYfllA tnnntlfrtptiirnrn I.
Mha Manufacturers' Club. Tlicnffuir was
Ken the police ferce of this city tslnce
ISfU nnd (he distinction with which lie
Wtvcd in tlie Kn.iulidi. American War.
Ainyur Moerv, who dcidlncd en ac ac
teittit of liN rt-crnt liercavrmcnt, sent n
letter 4 Which he fieriy nrnlscd Contain
ieiiny. Anions ihe sneakers were
..miles i.. vAiru-iyeu, uiticter of I'tib
11c tfafuty; Wllllnm U. Mills, Super
intendent of Police, mid David J.
Smyth, City Solicitor.
Baby Saye Mere
---eih. -"-I ----
'Tills Is a sale directly te the public from the maker.
There are many models and different fura for your
clioeslnK. Prices have been greatly reduced te lessen our
overstock, caused by backward season.
Bay Seal Coats
Spert Medels, $47.80. Knee Length, $67.50
Bay Seal Coats trimmed with Squirrel. ...$115
Bay Seal Ceata trimmed with Beaver. ...... 115
Bay Seal Coats trimmed with Skunk 1 10
Natural Muskrat Coats 117
French Seal Delmans with embroidered lining 125
Cem and Btr our many tew-rrlced Fur Ceata. If rreret U.
thU pac won't penult our Icllliie jnu mers about tticnt.
L. HERMAN 9e waihut 4
J Mt
noe.M Timisn
ai ' V '-' Small Deposit Holds A ny Garment 32S
Pf rX ) A Buying Opportunity il
11 Jl ! I Each Week! I
3ThbC7 III Watch I
"fa SALES! I
Jll At a Lowered Price J
I Grewing Girls' I
SJll Norwegian Tan ,rf; llllm
li Winter Beets r I I II
I tr" 7C I I J I I
iff O J 1 I
lfl Just the e h e e Mv'&ZS-M Ill
III for outdoors de- JS!r sjlEti M
Sill signed for the cel- jsC sB WIS
I III legre Blrl'a trelf. V. III
jll skatlni; or heavy f '-' lllS
m weather "-f, I i-z--0'
I Sizes from 23 te 7. ff" ' llj
f Children's Black .
i Calf Lace Shoes lil
Ml 200 pairs in sizes 8ta fij HC M
ijjl te 2 at this very special Jj -4 O llf
Ijll price Weltcd soles. tj' ll
I Fetir Feera IFitft Seating Capacity for 000
Afcii, ll'emcii, iljeaea, iejj k(Z Children
1204-06-08 Market Street
Exacting Cleanliness
There is mere te the bakinj? of bread,
from our point of view, than the selection
of pure ingredients and scientific baking.
We consider cleanliness throughout the
entire process a vital factor.
E"cn ihe air before entering
our dough rooms is carefully
and scientifically screened,
making it dustproef and fly-proof.
Victer Bread
i Vd
1 ii
. Hi
9 r1
Is your home one of the hundreds of
thousands of particular homes where
these big golden brown leaves of goodness
are served regularly?
Quality and Quantity
Sold only in Asce Stores, located all ever PJilIa. and through- '
mi I'cnnsyivania. New Jersey, ueiaware una iMaryiand.
iaRacxaKsi u
9 TO 5:30
Anether Busy Saturday Insured by These January Reductions
The New Hats of Silk and
Satins, Fruits and Flowers
$5.00, $6.00, $8.00, $10.00, $12.00
IItfndred3 of them in flaming s'hades, deep, intensive blues,
neutral tene3 flashing with beads in jewel effects, or dark blues and
browns and blncks gorgeously trimmed in color. These are the
kind of Hats you sec, flashing in nnd out of Wintcr-garbcd crowds
the lints that seem se inconsequential in the hand and are se
Important n fnshien feature en the head.
Beautiful Showing of the New Cire Satin
Hats in New Small Shapes, $3.50 and $5.00
Fj-- Strawbrldffe & Clothier Second rioer. JTnrket Street. Wttt
Women's Worsted
Jersey Suits
A Typical January Sale Value
Belted medclg, plain and plnitcd, of fine worsted jersey in plain
black, navy and brown, and in hcathcr-mlxed green, brown, blue and
oxford gray.
Tweed Suits, Special, $27.50
High-grade tweeds, in blues, grays nnd browns. Belted models,
ethers en long, slightly fitted lines without belt. Lined with high-
grade peaU de cygnc. la-. StrawbrlOca & Clelliler Second Fleer. Centre
Women's Fur Coats Reduced
One of the finest collections of Fur Coats in this city, marked
at straight reductions of many dollars from original prices.
Natural Muskrat Coats new $135.00 ie $350.00
Wcre $105.00 te $425.00. Lengths SO te 45 indies. Sema
Natural Raccoon Coats new $285.00 te $595.00
Were $325.00 te $635.00. Excellent for metering.
Ocelot and Natural Leepard Cat Coats Reduced
new $150.00 te $265.00
Were $175.00 te $285.00. Trimmed with beaver, skunk, opossum
and raccoon.
Russian Marmet Coats new $100.00 te $150.00
Were $135.00 te $185.00. Seme beautifully trimmed with natural
Fine Nearseal Coats new $100.00 te $300.00
In several lengths. Seme models trimmed with skunk.
c-;-- Straw brMfte & Clothier 3eceiid IMoer, I'llbcrt S.riet
Madeira-embroidered Lineris
Werth One-third Mere Than Sale Prices
A special purchase of these exquisite decorative Linens arrived
in time for the January Sale. All of line Irish-linen, beautifully
embroidered in Madeira hand-work.
Centrepieces, 18-inch, new $1.50; 35-inch, new $5
Lunch Cleths, 44-inch, new $8.50; 53-inch, new $12
Lunch Sets of 13 pieces new $6.50 a set
Ty Strawbrldffs L Clothier A?l 11, Centra
MfJi .mtSrWr
Ne Scheel
Parents, of
course, will
want te take
advantage e f
the holiday te
prelit by the
r e m a r k able
January s a v
i n g in the
Beys' Clothing-
S t e r e.
Nete well,
p leas e, hew
well we have
Beys' Suits with Twe Pairs of
Knickerbockers, $11.75
Extraordinary Value Tomorrow
Handsome new nil-wool Suits, in 'desirable colorings, all with
plaited back und patch pocket'., and all with two pnirs et full-lined
Knickerbockers. Sizes 8 te 17 years $11.75.
Beys' Mackinaws-$10. 75 &$12. 75
Notch or shawl cellar. Sizes 8 te 13 jcarg, at $10.75; 14 te
10 years, at $12.75.
Beys' Makinos"new $10.75
Our own exclusive comfort-length Winter Ceatfe. Yeke and
belted backs; muff and side pockets. Sizes 9 te IS years.
Chinchilla Cleth Coats $8.75
Small Beys' Overcoats, of all-wool chinchilla cloth, in navy
blue, gray, tan nnd brown. Sizes 3 te 9 years.
Large Beys' Winter Overcoats
new $13. 75, $18. 75, $21.50, $24.50
Well-made Overcoats, of all-wool fabrics, at .sharp reductions
frcm regular prices. Sizes 8 te 13 ycara $13.75; U te 12 years
$18.75; 14 te 17 years $21.50 and $24.50.
Small Beys' Sample Wash
. Suits new $2.95 and $3.45
Aw'de variety of styles and sizes for boys 3 te 8 years. Werth
enc-third nnd one-half mero than these special prices
sft-- UtrHivUMse Clothier 3ner.il l-uer, 1rtll.er. BtrM. Kai.
It Means Much te Any Man te Knew
The Clothing in the January Sale is Marked at
Prices Far Belew the New Lew Level
Surely it is of very great importance te most men and young men that this Winter's regular prices for Clothing
average fully ONE-THIRD LESS than the. high level, and that THE PRICES IN THIS SALE are STILL FURTHER
REDUCED. In ether words, the prices en these wonderfully attractive groups leek like before-thc-near prices. There
will be a throng here again te-morrow please try te be early. i
Reduced Prices for Suits are $23.50 te $46.50
Reduced Prices for Overcoats are $23.50 te $62.50
The least you can save is $10.00 and in many instances savings are close te $20.00. All our regular suppliers are
well represented Stein-Blech Ce., Hart, Schaffner & Marx, the "Alce" and "Wickham" shops. All the season's newest
and beat styles for men and young men. All sizes and proportions.
Separate Trousers $2.45, $4.45, $5.45, $6.45, $7.45
The great Sale continues. The average saving is mero than FORTY PER CENT. Thousands of pairs, includ.
ing every desirable fabric and style and all sizes for men and young men.
Suits with Twe Pairs of Trousers ; Londen-made Overcoats, new $49.50
$23.50. S29.50 and S32.50 yterm Cents and Ster' Ul-tcra, typically British in style, tvell
Men's and young men's suits of worsted, cassimcrc and of blue
sorge. Lvery Suit a very unusual value.
Fine Overcoats, $54.50 and $62.50
Handsome overcoats of Crembie- nnd ether imported fabrics.
Faultless in tailoring and style.
Unusual Value for
Women Selecting
At $3.95
The pretty
sketched. Of
Beacon blan
ket fabric fig
ured in lovely
patterns nnd
trimmed with
satin ribbon as
At $5.00
A 1 1 r active
colorings nnd
designs in this
gteup of Bea
con Bl a n k e t
Bath Robet-,
worth one-half
mere. All ate
trimmed with
wide satin ribbon.
At $6.75
Widc-wale t-crcliuey Hath
Kobes lined with si'e. In rose,
Cepctihagen blue, icterv led
and wistaria.
Embossed Cordurev
ISrcakfnsl Coats. Neatly
Lined, new 51.05
S'tn.ubrldRs A- t IhUiIt -Third
l'loer, IVlcrt S'.rcit, Went
w : i . it
Baby Coaches
and Cribs
in the Sale
Coaches new $32.75
Bleck Stroller Coaches, of
reed some of our newest and
most attractive styles.
Ge-Carts new $19.50
Stroller Ge - Carts, w i t h
heed, reclining back and geed
roomy foetwoll. Very attrac
tive and exceptional value.
"Kumfy Kribs"
$24.00 and $30.00
With adjustable wire bed
that can be raised or lowered;
and with drop sides. Side en
closed with screening. Equip
ped with rubber-tired wheels.
Htrnvbrldge & Clothier fourth l'loer
New Gloves
two-clasp, washable, pique pique
sewn; in mode, gray and brown
black capeskin, regular knit
lined $4.00.
gray and tan calfskin, regular
knit-lined; very full ami ait
bread $3.00.
Women's Wash Fabric
Gloves, Special, SOc
Strap-wriht Gloves in gray
and mode. Straw brl.lke (, . iM-hl-r
Alj.ea 12 ri,j jj, MurU,-! Mireet
Rugs, 0x9 feet $19.50
Rugs, 9x12 feel 537.50
Rugs, 11.3x12 S 47.50
-'ru i't Mtri f. I iiiihir -ruurt'i
r Went
Rugs, 9x12 feet 529.50
.'tru'-rl Ic f. I .'Mit -l'uurtli
!: ii. I iitu-t ireet
Silk Petticoats
An excellent range of clu.. ce
in black and colored Vctliuvui
of taireta, inossnline and silk
jersey. As for the alue it'j
wonderfully geed at :?3.i;e.
Flowered Saline
Petticoats Half I'rice
new 51.00
White Saline Petticoats
Unusual Value 85c
MiTiubrliirfn i i, t,,-r
Snoot. il y.iiei . West
Tires for
Ferd" Cars
- $11.50
And a Schradcr Tire
Gauge FREE
Fresh, new Tires, first nual
ity perfect in every wuy and
fully guaranteed nt the re
markably low price of $11..'.
And a Schradcr Tire Gauge
Moter Robes 517.75
Imported all-wool Robes, full
size, with fringe cuds; doublr deublr
faced plaids, or plaid with
plain back. A taxing of about
$10.00 en each Rebo at SI 7.75.
Hlmwl.r'i'Bn & i .utlil r -IVjiib. I-, u-
Ten-yard Pieces of
Leng- e-i err
Cleth 4J-.00
An oxfiienr. quality for
making undergarment. 'I r.
January Sale prire mnkcb tln-
desirable I.eny Cleth all th'
mere interesting $l..r5 a
Mi-nv bride- H i lethl'r
Alsle III, Centre
Sale of Damaged Beeks Continues
Thousands of Nevels by the favored authors of the day
excellent choice, new 3Sc te 00c each.
' S.ra trllfc-e 1 Coeler K Ib-ri Mrect i rmj Xl c
Cedar Chests in the Sale
$20.00, $22.50, $25.00, $27.50
Four handsome derigns in this group of about 100 Cedar Chests
at January Sale savings. Rich in coloring, of the best cabinet con-structien-thcy
are a wonderful value. As a practical storage ehe,t
and a beautiful piece of furniture, women will prize these Cedar
te S-l7 B0They WlU b de"-'tl t0 " then, at these rifes$ae.Ou
9" ' -gi---Straw brMita i. I'lev'.iler Tl.lr-I ri,,r ivntre
nfadc of Scotch llceced fabrics
Fur-lined Overcoats new
$75.00, $135.00, $175.00, $235.00
Our entire stock of fur-lined Ox-crceats nexv reduced in price.
fr-y Strawbrldie & Clothier Second Fleer. East,
Men's Suits
Men xvhe xx-ere unable te take earlier advantage of this unusual
opportunity, may de se to-merroxx, as there still remains an excel
lent assortment of suitings for satisfactory selection. Te repeat i
A cancellation by a x-cstern Custom Tailoring Heuse
was responsible for our securing some very line woolen
suitings at a grent price concession, which enables us te
make up a limited number of Suits at the remarkably low
price of $43.50. These woolens are in the smartest nnd latest
styles and patterns for Winter and early Spring, 1922. Every
detail of the work will be executed by our own Custom Tailor
ing Staff with whose skill you arc, no doubt, familiar.
t-- StroM-brldce Cletnler Second Fleer. Kt
Misses' and Girls' Apparel
In the January Sale
75 Misses' New Dresses
Special at $18,50
Werth Much Mere
C'h.efly navy tricelettc and Peirct twill, in
tailored coat s-tyle, or beaded and embroidered
e -xvaist and straight-line cifects, some smartly
biaid-tnmmcd. Only a fexv of each model, but
ail beautiful models and all greatly under price.
!Sir 1(5 nnd IS year.-.
Girls' Jersey
Dresses Special
Made in the Style Sketched
'I " e-piece Belted Dresses, in henna, blue,
brown and tan; white linen cellar and cuffs.
Sizes 12, 14 nnd 10 years.
Misses' New
Skirts Special
ed Skirts of striticd lmmella anrl oxernl.-iifls. T.pni'lhn "H
te 33 inehef. Beautiful coloring.'-.
Misses' Coats, Special at S23.30 and $29.50
Smart models of veft all-xvoel cloaking?, in light and dnrk
shades. Sizes 1 1 te 18 year-.
Misses' Coats Under Price $42.50 te $65.00
,. sne special, some reduced. Loese-back, belted nnd wrap-like
J-eats of fine Belivia, Normendie, Erminie nnd soft novelty cloak
ing, ncarlx. nil xvith fur cellars-, : ome fur-trimmed
New Convertible Middies at $2.00
Regulation v-ke Middits, can 1
bloiibe. Sizes 10 te 20 x-eai -
- ;
. I r'.l
worn full-length or as a 3hert
i ifr--..,i,iij I' e.ir. Meike: Strwt
Silk Blouses Under Price
Man.ifai uirer, -urplus acekf and brek-n lets from our regular
stek- -all greatly under regular prices:
(.rope clc Chine and Crepe (Jcergette Over-Bleuscs S3 85
.senii-tailered Striped and Plaid Silk Uleuses S3.95
Kkick and Colored lignenetle Over-Hleuses 53 95
Small Semi-tailored Crepe de Chine Blouses 5500
(rope de Chine Oyer-Hleuses. li-IU and dark shades, 55.75
Headed trepe de Chine Kimene Over-HIeuscs 50.75
Sale of Pongee meuses at $2.65 Continues
,.-.e 6 f, .hler-Pc, ,,! ,,,wr , mitr.
Gelden Special Te
V ft 1
450 Women's
Tailored Weel
Amazing- Value
At $16.50
lour ht.mired and fifty NEW DRESSES, fresh from the manu
facturer, md in the latest styles of the htasen, at a reduction of
one-third ami mere. Basque models with circular klrt, panel
coat and straight- .no styles. Trimmed with bending, meta thread
st.tcl.ing. bead and silk embroidery and smart braiding-seme with
a fashionable touch of color in the trimming.
Duvet de lane, trienthu. ntwr e ...lu t.i,.
dark brown. hl,. ,.., V, "i" "If ... V '.' "BCK1 nayy
-...., ,. .vmuuti, -f-..mikirem au te an.
rbr.Uf ' i,J-Koend rioer, ji.rhrf Ht,Mt
(,-- Hlrn
i !
' 1 ('I
tJiiT "in- .tl l J v'lrVa
4' k -