Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 13, 1922, Final, Page 2, Image 2

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    ".', H,W
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Dinner te Babcock in Pitts
burgh May Bring Succcs
. ser te Penrose
dntcrner Sprnul will be In touch next
Wednesday with Kepublienu national
leaders, Including President Harding,
and )rtny clarify the s'ttiiilien arising
front the National Committee v.icnnc)
caused by Senater Penrose's death.
The tli.verner pitted purl of Hip da
nt his private iifllce. 1."1'J Chestnut
street, and met evcuil iielltietu letid-
crs. He was iiniici mniitlal iiheut die
National Committee enl . although it Is i
ah open secret he would 'Ike II hlni'eir.
Mr: Sproul manifested Interest when
told Lieutenant lieverimr ltclillenitin is
In the city fijine te ilium up Interest
In his (inventership boom.
.Silent mi (tnvcriiiirshlp
"I hne nothing whatever te -ny en
the Governorship at this time." he said.
"It might be well te let tilings rest for
a while until wc get our bearings."
'The (ieicinnr was !ikil about the
National Committee viunnev. It will
be fil'ed bv the Hepubllran Stale Cem-
"t haven't given that am linn .'h'
Mr. Sproul rep'lcd In the next mo
ment. n though fnlb wins the trend e"
Ills thought, he Mild be bail accepted
pn invitnlbn te allend a dinner In
"Washington next Wcilue-iliiv whir!.
Srcretnrv of the Treaun Mell u is g
ing te Pi-c-ldeut llarein;:. Mrs. Sproul
xvill :n--sntnp.lii. the (ievcrnnr
Se rotary Mellen hails from Pitts
burgh, and I' as interested a- uiiv one
in the iie..linn if a -in ces-nr te Semi
ter Penrose lu the iuitl"ii.il uuniclN of
the pac.v.
The Uoverner Is going te llnri-Mmrif
Sunday and Tuesday pvcnln: will it
tcmi a dinner in l'itMmrgh In honor,.
of K. V. Ilabeeek. who retired as M.ijer ,
of Pittsburgli .Tnnuaiy 1
Pour xeiirs a-;e Me Sproul. th-n i
Stile Senater, was at a dinner at Put -burgh
in honor of .lio-celi li. Aim
strong, who had just re iiupiMc d tin
.u r . . r ,... I... I. .... I .. . .
elliee or .Miner m riiiMiiu-gu. ami "iii
.necpcded bv Itnln'eck
There was n Inrge gathering of big
and little leaders at the dinner four
years age. Senater Penrose was there,
its was Senater Crew, then, as new.
nepulilli'nn Slate chairman. During
Hie confluences preceding and follow
ing the dinner Mr. Sproul was ugiecd
upon as the Republic nn candidate for
Governer. Crew withdrawing In his
Dinner Maj Clarify Affairs
Se a simi'ar dinner next week will
find Mr. Sproul again at the political
cross-reads with his future, a matter
of speculation. In that crowded period
he was n candidate for the Itepnbllcau
nomination for President, and lie has
turned aside the temptation of reaching
the I'lilted States Semite bj making a
dettf and stepping out of the Governor
ship. , ,
,nl,- innln. Hi., Ceieriuir nml Ills enllers
dlscusseil today. There are 1000 Ke.1-
rrsl iebs with xearlv salaries tetalling
about S'J.riOil.OtKI. which are still hrld
by I'ennsjhunla temeernts.
A fillip was glrn te the rather dull
local situation b. a lalkfct llarrs J
Trainer and Jeseph C. Tiulncr had with
Cennclluiuii Ila'l. In the Is-t two (l
three jcars the Trainers ami Hall were
lielltical fees of the deepest die, al
though furltier back in local lii-terv
the Traluerx run with the "rcRulur"
IH'li of Jelih DNplcate
Dut times have changed ami the
Trainers are said te be di-satlsfied with
appointments or the lack of Uietn un
der the Moere Administration. It tt
leseph C. Trainer who humiliated Con Cen
cremmau Vare te the extent of tuistlus
him iih Citj- I'eiumltteeman from the
Twentj -sixth Ward.
Lieutenant Gem rticr Ilcid'einan con cen
fetfed here jc-tcrihiv Willi Seiiiltni
Vnre. but get little enciiiirasem "it, ac.
cording te reports Vare Is nil IIKil.v
te ceiiiinit bnnelf until lie confers with
Senater (Vew at Pitt-l urjli -uiie d-n
next W,,,U. Senalnr Vare nl-e will In
jit the Palme!; iliiincr. lleiilleinaii to
day bud n talk with the Tritiuirs.
Corena, Who Killed Stepfather, Gets
Off Easy, Judge Says
Ntlirr Inreiiil. twc.il -f ill- eiir
old. iil4 leiiiiiain street, who km in
wait for 111 -tepfather. Viuchue Nlm
lettl, one inii'tiiiiic ciirh lust Aueiit.
V'llPIl the obi luuc w.i- jelr,; te cliunli.
nnd shot I mi u , ,i, i. w.i- lei
villi u lemii'iiiu nt MMunnry math
slaiiibti'i- tuilai
The jur rci i.eiiiii'inln i i.ui, .l"i,.."
Pnvls In tjiiinter S. - ! n- miii ii i.I
the verdict in llm-lf u n i inrt :m I
pave ('reii,. "iM.ii umIm- v..t- hi
tbe I ". a -1 i ti l' mi' iiM.n .
Thg defendant's wife, siamiiiis m t'.ic
linck of the ,'iciitrneiii, heard the erdM
and began te n ream.
Sentences were imposed in two ether
homicide in-". Samuel lli.ndslicrrj . a
N'egre, who killed liN su.'i'th.'.irt. Cera
Smallwoeil. wii- found giiilli of second
degree murder bj a jurj and seuiemeij
te from feuiteen te twentx jear. I'.liner
Klnmer, also a Ncre. get from ihii
jears and Six nmtit li. te live jears In
the rJnstern Penitcntiaij ter the shij -llig
of his wife.
Andrew Meadows, a Nesre. wa sen
tviiced te fi'ui. Itftecu tu twciiti jeur- it
(lie Eastern Peniteiitinrj it ft -r he had
pleaded cuilt te seieinl-degree iiuirder
In the death of Dennis Sc lilcj .
UDjecuonaeie rtuies te ue laKen up
With Federal Beard
Clilnue. Jan HI. - ill) A P i -Ilnllreiul
shop iicleii eihcuiis le lnn-1
today there w mid be no strike eic at
ptesent ever werk.ng rules r,ceni!) pin
mulKHtrd b" 'hi I'tiitfil States ltuil
rttntl Laber 1 ten id .
I'he new rules, which replaced the
national agreement mude under Fed
crnl control, will net be accepted in
tete by the sl shop crafts, hut In
stead of taklnj a strike vote, an at
tempt will be made te obtain a teliear
ilig before the bnaid en ceitaiu regu
lations which have met with the most
Taken Frem Hetel by Armed Men
After Alleged Confession
Tulsa, Ohhi.. Jan. 1.1 --(llj A. P. i
A Negro be' but at a local hole! was
tthrt today by llflecu armed and un
jnaskfd men,, carried bj automobile two
itllles Jierth of Dawsen stripped te the
wnlst nml horsewhipped.
a ne; wini ping toi'ewed u confession
irfH-'lVC cgre. luyeruing le the lit-
(rJ?rilf 'vvysi per here, that be
"''"k""1 ll( "'
ri .iranict ut the
, Husband, Here, Is Sure Weman
Had Ne Part In Attack
1 Mrs. Amelia Whann. of ,'iKtl North
Tlilnl street, was mriH'il ever te
Armstrong County detectives by Judge
Amlcurlfd teilnj .
Mrs. Whiitin ! accused of conspiracy.
rclnnieus assault ami arson, in con
neetleii with nn attack upon her htis
liatul. Dr. .lelni A. W'h.iiin. In his home
nt Ciilckitsiiw. l'a.. December 11. lie
wan Mritck ever tlir- lienil with an Iren
bur, lil fktill fractured, ntul a jrc
stnrted In the house.
Dr Whmin wits in rnurt today ready
te testify for his wife. He was net
railed, because t lie .Indue ruled ngitltist
hearing tcstimetij in the ease The
deel ,r "it if 1 iirlwitch he had talked te
his wife our the lenj-dl-tiince tele
phone tiic da) of the attack, ami she
could net have reached Chickasaw 111
lime te hau' taken un part In it.
M. Ihigcne Stitir., a .voting Cuban
whom Dr. Whann and his wife had
be rleuded. was arrested January ,'t nil
suspicion cf having phiiineil the attack.
County Detective ltet, who came here
for Mrs. Whann. alleges Snnr. Impll
rated .Urn. linmi. It win for
renen Itest urit'sted Mr. Whunii
Jatiunrj II.
Miss Pauline Wlmiin. nineteen-year-old
daughter of Mrs. Whann, whs In
court tndiiv . She announced .slip would
Se te Chlckaiivv with her mother and
sec her through the trial.
Judge Halts Trial te Swear Him In
as Mercantile Appraiser
A 1 1 1 ti I before .In Ige Patterson was
interiiipli"l for the minutes leday while
the out li was administered te Max
Majer, as Met'i'iintile AtiprHlser le sue
ieii Tllelun, P. Wlllsiin. new City
Tien-uner. f
Prlends of liijir tr.mpnl Inte the
court for the brief ceremem Mnjer Is
chief of the Hllre.m of Weights and
.Measures ami eaes t hit I SitHM) job to te to
met row te begin his new duties Moil Meil
' He will get about $7100 a jeur In
Mnjer is the Vare leader of tlie Thlr- '
leentb Ward ami was baikrd bj Sena-I
ter Vare s Watsen'" iii cesser. The
appointment was made by the State
Auditor lieucral and the Citj Trcas-
iirer. nelitig Jelnll) . '
.leseph ,. Kellj . Vnre leader of the!
Km i j -fourth Ward, is shileil for the,
Sllllld phli-c. 'I'he eflii'e of Depiltj Chief
f Weigliis niid Meamiies Is meant ami '
it Is rumored Pliiueits T. lireen. Kliv. !
,, '....
win gei me jeii. wlileli pnjs
.f.'IOtlil mid bonus. (Jreeti Is new
Inspector ui the bureau.
Winner of Annual Clan Contest, Is
Given Trophy
r:iu Taai... '.
Acting Prewist .Iesah Pcnnimnn. of
tlie I'nlxersltj of Peniisjlviinin, tndnv
presented a large wooden howl te tbe
Phi Kappa ltcta Junier Secletv te be
awarded anniiallj te the winner of the
freshman-sophomore class contests.
He ,-uld at the inosculation In
Welglitnuin I lull he was giving the bowl
with tlie theiiRlit of enceiirai:liiB ntli-
letics te replace the new forbidden class,
"Khts. .
Jehn Miecdy. president of the senior
class, pave the bowl te the Junier se-
clety 1 he ciiard an. Pau Hartenstcin,
r-cehed it en beliHlf of the secietj.
,.'ll" l,"' " Dvcntj -sevpn inehc. In
iliameter. four inchcH deep and light
The bowl (s
oak In color. A silver plate fastened te
It deerlhcs who presented It and the
purpose. I in- numerals of the
speithe classes winning It will be
cribed en the plate.
i Thieves Get $800 In "Smokes' by
I Forcing Garage Doer
i Grorire Puikc". 1,H0 North Camae
-l reel, I" considered bv thieves as the
i most accommodating of men. I.ate jc-
1 tcrdnv afternoon Mr. Parker leaded
lii- -mall delit ery truck with cigars
allied nt S'sllll. The iiutiunebile was
locked In a garage, adjoining the fm -
leirj. Seme t line during the night the
gang" deer wax jimmied and the truck
and contents stolen.
Kvideiu c that III" thieve intended te
make a second trip was found this
morning, when several large package- of
cigars were found at the deer of the
fncterv. The thtcs nre believed te
have bci eiuc frightened bi fore making
tin, -ece'id trip.
The 11 nek via- found at Seventh and
Dauphin siicets tedi.j .
Severe Penalties for Trie Convicted
of Hosiery -Robbery
Twe men icecivul severe entpiwe
n tul i bev w.'i- s. ut te the Huntingdon
Itcformatert today bj Judge I'littcrwen
fur being Involved in the rehb rj of the
l intuitu Dicing rempinv, at Itei-pr .iii.I
tinlarie -tree'-, of he-..crv valued at
n roe than "sl.'f O'lii. Disiinb.r is, lli'Jl
iiiin-r Slephe-en. 1 S.V.I Nertli Hlev
puth stis't, wa- given net less than
ivin vars nor i t'.nn tci. jiai- in
ti. r.t-ti-ni Peiiitcntiai v : Allvrt
'liuffiu, "It West S 'Hen .treel, re
ic e, net les- iluii ihe jears nor mere
I ' ,11 .Pll.tleil, ,II1I
'' Ninth Sixth
tne llutitn gdeii Ho He
C epi r. Ill) Poplar
"i" pmbaiien tup two
Mil.,' of ihe -teleii
Motion Pictures Will Be Used te
Aid' Drive for Relief Fund
I'Miid'tieiis if t limine- and destruction
t li in exlt in di-trnts of Itussi.u will be
show n in minion piitu e- at a public
ii.ictmg nt ilie Pene-t Theutre, Sunday
evening. Januarj 'J'J.
The meeting Is te he under the
nil-pices of the American Jewish Itellef
Apical, which is raisins $11,000,000
for iclief m Itui.i und reconstruction
in P.a-teru Puiejie. The local cam
piugn. of nhieh Dr. Cjnis Adler Is
luilrmsii, lias $1,0(10.0110 as its ehjec-
the. it will begin en .Isnuury ;!0, te
( entiniiejintu hebruwy (I.
Norrlstewn Man Succeeds Newhall
as Railroad President
Themas New hall has lesignrd as
pi'isident of the Philadelphia and West
(in Kiiilvvn.v Cenipnnj, owing te in.)
billtj In celli illiif, te devote all his tittle
te I lie i orpeiiitiou's affiilis. Mr. New
hull lias eiiteied the firm of Drexel A.
i Ce. lie retuins hi. stock Interest In
Philadelphia and Western and his po
sition mi tlie beard of directors ami ex
ecutive iiiiniiiittce.
i .1. I.. Adams, resident at Norrlstewn
succeeds .Mr. .Newhall as
the company.
president of
1 nil -i Vi l III t"i
.l.i-cp i 1.' b e I'.
IIC' W.I- s, t .,
fcl I n'el . .In k
-'rn t, wa- I
ic.ir- f.ir buv.tig
- - - - - i hit uumeiiiiii. nenm Neville, resulted
Themas McKeever Dies , "!'li,y.1Jln n m'll,'t "f -t-le.tMJO for the
.... .... , . , ' plnlntlfl.
heinns M.Ixcever. ninety ) ears nil., .NVville was struck bv a freight train
!MI,I Lembard street, one of the erir-l..nH ii..i.i..i,, ii '.:...i ... .,." ....'.'
Hull settlers of the district known a.
settlers of Hie district known lis
tne scnilJIXItl. i en at home nst n elit
., ..I.I..
after n long illness, lie was an uncle
, of Dejmty
l orener (icerge JcIxeevcr.,fettv vearH old. .1
Mr, Mr
Krever wan emnlevrd fertv.twn
jrara uninc Atlantic iivnnin- tjem
puny, tvOtine five year age un a peu
i liri 1M
, rs&'ln.
sleu. til leaves one daughter and two
Wtb m r
Central fitjurrs today at 1 lit prrseiittitlnn 'of tbe IVnniniaii bowl te (be
wlmiers of (be hiiiuihI sophemore-fie.sliiiian cnutrsts. I'Yem left le
right are lelin Slieedy, president of the senior riant; Paul It. llurtf lutein
anil Acting Provest J, II. Pciinlinmi, deiiur of llte bowl
Tells Judge Four Children Have
Been Foodless Since Father
Was Jailed
Judge Patterson tedai let a mother's
tears for her children wash nut the two-.
,1"?,!:" lllbls plajmn.e. Stanley l.askewskl. b.
leased Jehn M. Shaw en parole.
- - . - . -i- .. -
Shaw, father nf four children, was
convicted of blcalin because be tnar-
il-led Miss Plnrence'.lecler. "'-J'-' North
Penrth street. Ne ember i."J last, after
u brief cnurt'-hiii.
Ills real wile lirczed .niiise retter-i
.:?.? ;",1,,:.7'v. '"f.rr,,,r:J,,,v;.l::",!. 'r,4;"; !
te t went -three te twentv-feur months
in the Kastet u Penitentiary.
Slmw was Jf'rvinc his llrst d.u In the I
.ticnllenllnrv today when the mother, a
' frni utfe'wemnn. came once mere te
,, if ,IP roll, nrt Spf .,ne relief for
-. ". . ".. .
icrself and her children. She went
le -pp Probation Otllccr Hackney and
told her sterj .
"What am I In de?" be a-ked. "I
bate no means of supporting my chil
dren. One of them, in? little three-jear-ehl
girl, is critically ill with pneu
monia. My husband was our enlj sup
pen. He used te be geed te lis."
The probation eflieer wajbild Judge
Pattetsen when the morning session of
court vtiis ever, and with bis pcrmls
slnn brought Mrs. Sbavv into bis i num
bers. The Judge heard the woman s plea
for her children. It moved Ihe Jiulg"
hh it had moved the probation officer.
When she hud finished he said:
"I'm going te de something that 1
had never Intended te de. I am going
te parole jour hu-bnml for two jears.
lint if he does net behave, I'll scud
him back te serve his full term. I.ct
me knew hew veu get along. And new
i mi home te veur sick babj and take
nod cure of her."
The mother left weeping for jej .
Syndicate Headed by Cleveland H.
Dedge Purchases Paper
New Yerlt, Jan. II!.--Themas W.
Lament has sold the livening Pet te s
s.vmllcate headed bv Cleveland II.
Dndge. Kstlin.tles of the -ule price varj
from .l.7."i().000 te S'J.OnO.oeO.
These acquiring Mr I.anient's Inter
ests include men well known in busi
ness nid civic effaits. Tlie hr-t fol fel
low s :
Charles C. nurliughaui, Jumes It.vrne,
Nerman II. Davis. Ilenrj S. Deuiu-eii.
Cleveland II. Dedge. MHrslmll I'leld.
lMvvln V. (iaj, Mnltland P. lirlggs.
'August lleckscher. (icerge II. llewuid,
Ilenry James, Sam A I.ewl-ehn, (icerge
(I. Max. Van II Meilc-Smnh. (ierrish
II. Mllllken. William Chiinh (l-beiu,
Rebert P Perkins, Krnnk I.. Polk.
Hareld I. Pratt. Jehn T. Prutt. U.dau I
I,. Itednietid. Praukliii D. Iteu-etelt,
Jeseph II. Schaffner. Donald Scitt. Kin-
I lev .1 Sheiiard. Je-eph 1". Stcrrett.
Hareld Phelps Stoke-. Mr- Willard
Straight. Sa unci Thnrne, Jr.. Martin
Vogel, Paul M. Warburg, t icerge YV.
Wlekersliani, Clarence M Woolley ami
Owen D. Yeung
l'Muin P. (lay will remain as presi
dent or the Kvcning Pest Cernpanv,
Mr. I.umniit. who i- n p.irtncr of J.
1. Morgan K Ce.. pun based the Pest
.from Oswald (iarrlsen Vlllurd and ether
'stockholders en August 1, IMS, for
Murder Case May Ge te Jury Late
I,os tigeles, Jan. l.'i.--illj A. P.)
District Alternej Wenlwlne began the
final urgiiment tednj in the trial of
Arthur C Ilureh. cliarged with tlie
murder of J. Ile'tun Kenned). He
asked that a verdict of guilt) in the
first degree be returned and the "ex
treme penaltj ."
Atterne)N before leurt expressed tlie
belief there was "m geed chance" of
the case being siibmitted te the Jttrv
lute this afternoon.
"I feel absolute) certuin I sliell be
acquitted. Ilureh said.
Court Find Agalmt P. R. R. in 3ult
Over Death of Themas Neville I
The suit before Judge McCullen of
.Mrs. Norn Nevl le. n uiiinu. ..in. ... ..
V " agunist the Pennsylvania
liiiilreail te recover for the death of
Ve.llle h..,l been ., ,i;, "J. .. ' .' ,'Cl':
.....'... ....''"'" "" " Bl"lVI
... .i. in.n.ii.,i.i.. i..r..".:' '.'.. -"-",
w, 1"" r U.V'i' Ve' " m , , '
VAi 11"'" . .u ltner -win wiin
will wnt la
irtV' pfir
In ih MKL'iillH
lead A Ijal AIV' lh Am
Mnirniln Bctleu of Dxt Bundi'
Pciua LivacR.-sXdv,
i -i 1 1
, Dead Youth's Mether Screams, the new Msh Government nude
Miriflnli iimllnie. Sir r.rnes
I in Pretest as Jury Brings
Elizabeth lance is freed
Alexander Veiiilerslice. fifteen, was
,i..tnrx.i ,i.,i -,.iii,- ,,r h, ,i nt
September, te the., ccempaulmetit of the i Il!rl, 'rp (lb ,p( cied. and until
aceuslng iriew of the dead boy's nielher. , rCrns the work can continue only
, The mother and sister of the dead boy 'partially. The new Government is ec
hini been 1m ceuit dining the trial and ! nerted te haxc protested against the re-
waited extdtedly for the verdict.
1ipm ilm nw rmnimn nfm,- ii,n
jti.ncu ,,a,i dei,w.c,i brim,-.
01lt )(,1"l nnd clear "Net pulltj," Mrs.
l.askewskl spreiiR te her feet and,
..,,. :,, vil,,liii. i,..,.,..,i . ,ii.. :..
.,. 'UkillUI 'IIVIlPi II . Ill- I".
SlllltJ : he is pulltj."
The wiimaii broke into u stnnn nf
nsmiircd wecpliiB. Court nt I i-ml.tii t -.
at a tied friuii the .IuiIkc spriiiiL- tu the
woman s side uud
le in.
I hif f i out Ihe
Then the ilniiglitci . a jeiing uiil.
fined t lie j urj nnd cicami m lliem;
"Sii'suie as tlietc Is a (toil in Heiiveu.
he Is4:ui!i) nn, will be puni-hed.; ,
, Other court officers closed in en tiic
Sill, and shit was In! with her melhep
ti the ciiipidiir As tlicv pas.ed the
jurj box the women shook ilndr list-
'and ceiilinucd te n-spit lemllv Unit the
boy was guilt).
i In I In. coprider Hie v omen continued
le scream, pretesting: the bm jui i c
encpated was guilt) and -leu'ld M. pun
ished. A great cpewd quicklv untlieicd.
attraclcd by the women's rle- am! fel-
, lowed thcln curietislv down the corri
dor. The Vandersllce bev was clasped in
bis mother's nrms aftep he Imd been
neilllJtU'll. He tirPVKPil ilnn It. !.,... .iL
the angry screams of the ether inethe'r I
penetrated te tlie courtroom. Court at
lenduntH conducted Mi-. Vandprsllce.
her son nnd ether irtatives out through
anetlier wa), se llieie would lie no dan
ger of their n ting Mr-. I.askevvski.
r altering, frightened, almost speech
less at times by the gmlY questions of
the ( eitrt. pale ami pntlv little Angela
Hlspe. srxtcen nml tlnee u'ars a bride
told Judge Mdxey thK morning hew she
happened te kill her si-tep-in-law.
Aftep bearing her. Judge Maxev or er
dt red the jury te return a verdict of
"net guilty."
Tlie charge against the gnl was man
slaughter. Mere than two vears age.
when she was hut a sheit time married
te MJelinrl HUne and living with him
ui -'.".ill Kast Thompson -tied, she was
examining a revolver that belonged te
the husband. It went off am! the bullet
killed lllkebeth Itispe.
Jurisdiction Disputed
The Juvenile Court ilalned the right
le try Angela, but the Dl-tii, t Attop Attep
liey's office contested this i 'aim Tbev
' brought the matter, ns a test iilhn- ,e.
fepe Judge McCiillrn. who tided uv -enlles
charged with maiisniig'bter
should be tried in a Quarter Sessions
Wlien slip Bteppnl te the -.1 n ml the
jury, en which were two women, re
i garded hep i onipiis-leuately. Her child
ish figure, hep fai e coleple-s nml off
setting se markedly hep heavj black
lilllr, gnve lier something of the leek of
i one of Murllle's figures, nnd made It
hard for them te le'ievc she had been
three years, niarrled.
After her acqnUt.il. Angela was taken
before Judge PiPewu and disclinrgcd.
She wept.
Michael IU-pe wa- hi rnurt but did
net testify. She had net been living
with li 1 in for iiiiiiij months,
i William .1. Hi uuiinntid. an eleven-jenr-eld
boy, who wes iliaigul vvltli
niiirder and manslaughter befeie Judge
Mnxey, In causing the death Mf a iey
I'limpauieu, vvliem lie pushed during ii
I'liuie of marbles, causing Mm t fit 1 1 and
fracture his skull, was found net gulltv
Girl Is
Lucille Water, a Iwrlvc-jcar-eld
cn'ered girl of Mill Seuth Mnth street,
was ucipilttrd of murder In sheeting
Hllvunu Harrison The evldeme show
id t lint tlie sheeting was accidental,
A vciillil of nut guilt) also freed
Jilfues (illllngher. of Hill) IMtiggeld
sticet, chargei with luaiislnughicr for
(lie shoeliug of (iPbcit Mlllllgiiu, Jan
uiir 10. Ill'-'O.
France Asks Ferd if lie
Will liny Buttlvships
Washington, Jan. 1.". c Ily A.
P.) The French Clev ment has
nppreiiclied Ilenr) Feul by cable
asking If lie would consider IC pur
chase of battleships.
In iinnmimliiR tlie rcipiest here
tmlaj. Mr. Ferd said he had replied
t lint unless he could bit) the entire
French Navy b" would net bfl n
trrutcd in Jeb lets. Ne answer tu
tils ceble has been tcceU'cd, (
Freeing of "War" Prisoners Is
Most-Welcomed Dovelopment
in Situation
Uy the Associated Press
Duhllii. Jan. 1.!.-Materialization, of
; the amtipMy of political prisoners In
I Ireland has elicited mere eiitwnnl en-
flimdasin here than any ether develop-
inent In the pence nctlvltlcs.
It mn be remarked In pnssing that
the choice of the phrase "act of
oblivion" rather than rtn "act of
elemeney" in the aiiiieuneemciit In
t or agnized as n tinppv diplemntlc
Huhlln's clllrns Indulged III lively
demonstrations last night, a large
crowd outside Mottntjey prison wel
coming the successive batches of liber,
nled nrisnnrrs with loud cheers, while
i a huppv atmosphere generally pervaded
the etrecN. Kiml'iir scenes were
enacted In Cerk nml Unlcrli'k, where
etliers were relraseil.
AitIe IVeiii ICnglaml
It Is mulct Meed that a number of
nidi fc.ied from priens in Hnglalld will
'nrrlve Mdaj. when filrlher dcinenrtra-
I tbms arc certain. Popular demnmls
ngnidllig the pllsemrs, hdwever, Will
i it.it be wholly srtlslled until the am
nesty Is extended le these arrested In
1 Img'iand for Illegal acts there. An edi
torial in tedaj's Irish Independent Is
ivplcal if this feelihs. It says:
I " "11'indrr.N of Irlsliineii lime been
sent te prison for pnlltlcal ticilvllles In
Knglaiid a-llvllk'i) which ristilled from
Ihe s,im- motives ns these which In-
( spirnl IliPir ceuiltrjnien at home. Thews
I must he ideascd itnmriU.tlely."
Meanwhile, lireparnllens for the
iiiinm'er of adm ntstintlve atilberlty m
ri nn i
'ruder s t.ny for ireinmi in tim
Ilrltlsh '.lineriiincnt Hi rived here last
:iight. it is believed :n euneciiim with
the transfer. It Is beslnnlns te be
icnll.-d that even with the greatest
:iiii.i, iiiniinrc. nil' i.riiesi ' iihk.
. . , !....!.
either as rcgatds (lib civil or mllltury
Cellins Going le iMiulund
It is understood Michael Cellins will
... I-.. ..I... ..I ul.ni.l1i , r nrntifte llptrillu
ihevhI of the documents trem uuulln
Castle te Hnglaiul, with the result that
the movement has been temporarily sits
pended. ... . . .
With regard te the military with
ilrnwiil. It is net aiillcipatcd that the
work will be completed for some time,
perhaps for months. Shipment of the
troops, variously estimated te number
ft out iSO.OOO te fiO.000. is the least purl
of the undertaking, ns after they have
gene II will br necessary te dispose of
Immense quantities, of stores and food feed
stuffs, besides militutj- buildings, in.
eluding hospitals and barracks, and
lands occupied for nil'ltary purposes.
High "school boys see
Hear Weman Lawyer Argue and
Are Locked Up in Cells
Thirty Central High Scheel seniors
were spectators In the Pulled Stales
Ciiciiit Court of Appeals lu the Pedernl
Iliilldlug this afternoon when tlie first
woman lavvjer te argue an appeal be
fore that august tribunal was heard.
Judges lturtingten, Weeley and Davis
heard u htiukrunlcy case argued by
Miss S. M. It. O'llara. of Wllkes-
The boys teinnined an hour, snell
bound, listeners. Later thev visited
ether offices in Hie Federal lttiildlng.
notably the prohibition iifllce. The bej si
were a little disappointed because thcrclHavnes will take up the Pennsylvania
vvasn t a single seln-d still en view.
However, the) made nil for this by a
treat In the Marshal s office, lleie
ihey were nil locked up In the cells,
just te see what it felt like. The.
were willing prisoners, but in for tcinis
of about u minute.
Court Orders Rehearing In Move te
Break $40,000,000 Will
Pittsburgh, -fan. !.".--lily A. P. 11
Kebuklng the trustees of the IMO.OOU.- '
(100 estate of the late William Pcnn
Sn.vder. Ireiitnaster. for their failure te
offer testimony te combat the effort of
his daughter. Mrs. Mary Snyder Drew.1
te break the will, Judge Themas P.
Trimble today appointed Arthur I,. '
Over trustee te represent the bene- I
tlclarles and ordered a rehearing. '
(Jcerge P.. Alter whs named as his
Mrs. Drew: at the original hearing.
produced testliuenj te show- that when
the will was made her father was net
of testamentary ciipnclt). Counsel for
the trustees presented no testimony.
"The. trustees ewe te the court a duty
te produce all of the relevant evidence
reasonably obtainable which in any
manner nertuins te the decedent's men
tal condition at tlie time he signed the
will." said .Judge Trimble. Judge
Trimble directed the trustees te give te
Ihe new trustee full access te nil the
records and papers which they have.
Contractors Told te Ge Ahead
Philadelphia Pier
Tlie Delawai'c Hlver llrldgc C'onimis C'enimis C'onimis
sien tedaj ordered ull centiiictuis un
titled that work can new helii en the
I'lilladclpliia pier of the bridge, All
leiptired legal stepi have been com
pleted. The commission met at its efllces In
Ihe WideniT Building nnd passed en
routine misincss.
Contract for demolition of buildings
in the situ of the I'lillhiteliilil.i n .,,.!, ,...
r,,.,. f II, n 1,1.1,1,, ., ,... '....I.., ...
..i i r, ii ,. miiii-ii
i iiuries j.. iiciiv.v i eiiiiiany, vvnicii lilil
'i'he commission enve formal aiinrnvnl
le n contract with the Kcj stone Statu
Elkton Marriage Licenses
ICIIilen, Mil., .Ian. 1.'!. Mnnliise li.
lenses issued here tedaj le liei)-(;e
Knniily, New Verk, and Louise A Vln.
cent. lhlliidenhlu; Kalvatoie llenedelt,
IMgfwned. Mil., ami Cetisluiifc It. hn.
mini. l'hlllfdelPlilh t Jeseph Wolf and
Olga Buwirtlnt-hj ntbehcm, and Jehn
lii-nuie nrnijLmuiin iarUllt, Wuiics-
I lie t ennui iiixe fjiuuei t-viuuis v i-u - . Xhchlni-tnii threlich rnnirrci..
the Priler.il llulhll.ig annually. They r' . ' ', PrX nrln-l the week two
were ncsmipniiled by Professer Hen - , "Lr , ."'les have filed protects
Judge numnuen. , . . ettablislicd since the "dry"
fill.. ,, .....I 1II..I. Li. I.-.-I ,-..1 . I !. I
."r, 'il iV"iii,,,"i'."."l'v , ' :"-""- te;:f..d-,",8Vrp?i;ri:Biu,vveVV
I llbet iV ItnllillH ( Oliip.lliy for the erec- U.in- .Ml'Jl S'. 3d st luiernitiu piliai.
tlen of the bridge piers ut a Vest of , ,,hViH'HJ!f. 'r "iWhi.1?' iMv" V" f
stl mm ntin ' liii-i.. wire of wiiinni j ijniiuiuii; i
fM'U'M'W". (nee Tuutkner) tftsilvea unit rknda. a.,i
" i nienibers of Waaltlnuteti ".amp. S'e. l.'O I'
JANUARY 13, 1922
.ii4ii. r it ' m tm
Will W6d Rescuer
Of Ciiinden. who was saved from
drowning and Inter Iniixlit te swim
liy iMlUninl G. Cooper, of this
city. Their wftajceineiil has been
i mil rtiir-ii i turn nr ppi ICD
Pulled Frem Ocean by Hair Has It
Bobbed Reason?
The culmination of u romance which
began with the rescue of a "mrrinnlil"
came today when cards weie sent out
announcing the engagement of Miss
T.ettle alliums, 2S0 Sjcamerc street.
Ceiiiden. am) Kdvvard (!. Cooper. 07127
Pemberton streel. West Philadelphia.
The story began tit Atlantic City pn
the last dny of the pageant. Miss hi hi
mens appeared In the pageant as a liter
Inn id ami wen honorable mention.
In celebration she gave a dinner,
which turned Inte n beach pnVty. Ihe
mil Ire group denned their bathing fcillls
ii ml went down for a moonlight dip.
Among the guesls was Mr. Cooper, a
"wallllewer" fop (lie lime, as he did
uel have en a bathing Miil.
Miss Simons get hcjenil her depth.
It developed right then, that the "mer
maid" could net swim.
Mr. C-oeicr plunged Inte the breakers.
The girl was fighting him. se he wound
htr thick hair areiiml his wrist nml
towed her tu the shore and safety.
P.avLv the next morning Mr. Cooper
called en Mis Simons. He ordered her;
Inte h bathing wilt niid Informed her
II was Hie day she was going te learn
te swim.
While in the water. Mr. Cooper pro pre
posed and well, the engagement Is
announced. One significant fact enlj
remains te be told. Directly after that '
swimming proposal Mlsi biniens bad
her hair bobbed.
Back Sutherland for Prohibition
Director Since Penrose's Death
Hu rt St"! Corri)ieiirfie
Washington, Jan. Hi. Powerful po
litical Inflticiu'cs In Pennsylvania, aided
by the "wets." ere said te be seeking te
prevent the appeintniPtit of Slate Hep-
respntatle Jehn T. Davis, of Todlena
('initie, as Pcdrral prohibition director
for Pennsylvania. i
I Davis bus the backing of the "drys" ,
and the Anti-Saleen League, and was
In line for appointment by Prohibition '
Commissioner He j ties when Senater
Penrose died. It has been sold since ,
tliiit Penrose approved Davis ami that'
the resignation of Willlum C. McCen-
nell. ns Prohibition Director, was, nt
the time of the Senater's death, n mat
ter of only ii few days.
Prohibition officials staled today Mc Mc
Ceuncll's. resignation cepld be expected
"at an curly date." Similar reports
have come from official sources for sc -eral
weeks mist.
Western Pennsylvania political lend-
ers are backing J. Chester Sutherland, I
. ,--i. !...-.. r... ,l. ....!. 11. t I
'nl WmJilntTtnn fount v. for the nrebibl
tlen directorship.
it is understood Commissioner
situation in the next few da)s. He will
probably communicate with Senators
Crew and Pepper before taking any
drastic action. ,
Meanwhile complaints against tlie
management of the Philadelphia office
by Mclrmnell and icuttcr continue te
agents have taken chtirgc.
Bangs Mere Comfortable
i Atlantic City. Jan. Kl. Jehn Ken
drlck Hangs, who suffered n relapse jcs-
I ...!.... .. .. ...AHn ..,...r..l..l.l 1... ..Int.,
n iun,i, ,1 up iiiui t- iiiniiui iihmi; laru infill,
his pli.vsiidan, Ur. . li. btevvart, said,
UAtll.sf. (In 1'rldAV. Jnnunrv l.lili
1 rtllttSTIAN A. mm of Hie Inte Ariliui
llmtfn In tlm l.'illi fnr of till hie
i MM iN At Iit res Unirs. pttf Seuth
i imII si. en .fun. VI. Wi'i. XIAtltiAI.l.NA
lrtn uf ltlchriJ Nixon. Announcement of
i fiit'Tiil later.
SUI'IN Jan. 11, 102'.'. NATHAN, lei t
band of Heglna Stsln. Itetatlvsu and frlsnils
aIke Cluvra Aliavatli T'liesed. are invltrd in
?renV J'VVri'dsnT: 'iVft V xW m. I
li-nifcnt .tieunt farnKl cinetfrj,
WlIAI.r.N Lin 8. WILLIAM. Iiiiibaml '
ef Il.irrll 1 Whalsn Iteliil vru nml frlei.'ls
iilse Kenslniten Iidce. Nn. 41. r. O )1 also
tin, Tdpcttry I'ariKt Weilnrx' L'nlen. Ne g
are Invlteil te sllOtul funsral. falnnlav, in ,
A M . from his Ifti rsililsnee, tl"2'J Tullii
pt. Internipnt rerntvenii t'eiiietsr . It -mains
itinv t vlfwfd lTtilnv rvcnlnE
.H'NKirU - Jan. 1L'. JOHN ' Imlnvsil
liusband of dory C Junksr Inse Miign re),
and buii of Juln nnd Alnii Junksr Itelu
lives and frliulH Hrs Invited te attend fu
neral en Mnndiiv. S Me A M., from his late
lenlil.nc-. 333V N tlrau st. t'eleiiin le-
eilein nrtisii I'liunli of inn I ndy of llelv
Seuls in A. M. Ii-ieini'iu Heb tJcnulclirt) '
"lllletn '
Ill.Mll.LAnti - Jan. 11, I.r.NQttV. widow
nf tharles IteinlUard. runsml. te vvlilch i
rP'Miiiin aii'i irirnus ere invueii, .MOmlm. '
S3n A. M, fimii late risldrnce, .'dan H ,
Hum Icr i fculmitr muss uf iiiuini I'liurili i
of St. MenliM 10 A M. Interment llelv '
l rues t'emeieri
I.VI'HAr'll Jan 11. SAt.I.Ii; , ,yy
of Tllnlilnun l.ruiliaili ltrlHllra and frlenda
are InvlKil te altend fuiierul eirvlees st the ,
rcsldeiirii f tier iieplieH, "Iftl N I'ild hi
Biturda) 10 .1u A t Inreriiitnt iirlvatu
h'l ANiiI Kit. At KlrUwencl. N J j.m
11. lie.".' JIVItltY I. . Iiubind of ihe into ,
Careline Htunjler nae.l 1'.'. .Serviced Suiidrtv. i
7 I'. M . fruni lute residence, Klrkneud, N
,1 Iiiiernieiil llieenwoed iVnieicry. l'fria I
diilpntK' Menilav, I J e'elnek neon
Jiuri'ir Jan. ., iic.'ii, at '.3111 Vf. Of
fer'' .'',
ISAAT JKiri-lT. IlelatlieH ulnl
Irlends are linlti'd tu niKml funeral eerv-
Iits. Mendav. '2 V. M, llil'J Celuailjla ai
Interment inhale '
unt'Ml.KY.-Jiiii 13, r.. AltVll.l.l hmi
I"'" '.I'111" ..' ""'I Jnnurj llruiiilsy Mir
!iiunucr, nveii is. i'unaiHi servnes ,v
uteri, even is. ''unaiai servnes .viiniiii
. ip .11 . in ins nun-ins rt'biut'nt'c iiju.i i'ii
i nil si, I'amde.i, N. J, liiteiincnt pru.ilu
ArlliiKl'in t'ein.leiy
in;vvi.i;s Jan. ia. 1'vi.hi:tt V , hun
,,1. I'., 1,111, 11 11 , llUrl
liewei's. Itelalli. n Hud
f A., nr Invltci te intend tune nl
kpivIcis. Monday I I' At at 3'J Kast
'I huiii'K'iii "' Inlerment Nurihwund, rrlends
miiv rail Huiulai 7 lu 111 I" M,
HAUIvN On l'rlila) Jmi. 13 rilH
TIAN A son of ihe hi Arthur llsum in
the Uth Itur of his ate
WlI.t.tAMS, Al pilinati, N J,, Ju a
I.UTltBU.A. VVII.I.IAilS. lined 78. It, a
HVtl ima frlind ure Invltnl te iitletlil fUricfsl
rVlc. MenUr, 1 V, M.. St the. SI.
Ueuci et Ills kce. Clet no U, W'llllama, Hit
Wfat lien uve,, ritmn. N. J. Htfrmtnti
nlv'it, KrlcuUs' Ilurylnt Qnvm&Yt Halcm,
I'm-; .mmx i
KW,Mk: , -i .
Jelltlli I
.. ' , .
Three Alse Injured When Pillare
in Seuth Scranton Ce til
Pit Qlve Way
prcfrtf nhraldh le
: Htrnhfim. Pn..
7,'ittlllite rwMte Mitner
Jan. 111. Sis mine
. werkem tire brticvcil te have been en-
tembrd when a serious cavc-ln occurred
Hniitb Hcranten today; tbe disturbance
, shook tbe surfaee llhe an rnrlliriuake,
. ilettreylnj jnanj- homes, An urea of
three clly blocks V0" affected.
' Uiirly this afternoon three Injured bad
been taken te the surface and tent te
hospitals. V. Inslls, (jenernl man-
tt(,'er of the Aldcn Company, has cn-
Itered the mine and Is directing the work
of rescue.
Pour of the si men believed te have
I been either crushed by the cave or trap
i red behlhd It, arc Michael Kelly, Jehn
i Itarrelt, Albeit Kcctc and Kdgar
riic uuureii nre -leiui ivcavney, .tames
I Deilcherlv nnd Antheilv Pallett.
several hundred ineli. women and chll-
dren have crowded nreund the bend of
the shaft, pleading with the ellicltils for
news as te their loved ones.
Mtnl-v nvnllntilft iilnlillliinre in the
elly has been rushed te the mine, the I
Moses Tnjler Hospital, managed by the
Cilen Ahlen Ceal Company, has been
told te prepare te receive many pa
tients. Detnlls of poh'e have been sent
Inte the mine cave zone.
The surface continues le settle and
many pet boles have occurred In the
streets and yards, causing untold dam
age le I be highway and private prop
erty, snapping gtiH and water mains
and dropping telegrnph and telephone
nqd electric light lines.
The cave is said te have taken place
in the Dtinnierc Ne. 12, bring second
from the lowest In the mine. When
the plllnrs in NIT 415 slope gave way
tbev brought the veins overlying along
with them find the surface began te
Hundreds of school children became
panlt'-strlckcn when the earth Com
menced te tremble under them. Classes
$.30 Suits and
$3!i Suits and
$40 Suits and
$45 Suits and
$i0 Suits and
$" Suits and
$()0 Siits and
( Suits and
$70 Suits and
$75 Suits and
were tiufckty tllMnUsed mid tfiA
BlPi'. Iiileldi.it it. (UI. I..!!'" u
.lames Hinltb, Iicml of the City vJ
Cnve ilurcitii. who entered tUi'.1
neon, mine tip the hhnft ":&
sn (I the I'ltve. had caiisA.I i..i..: 'Y M
Dininierc vein. Dne en... ,.I-C ?M
ninny feet by tlm force of 'C al. It!
gathered" ns (hi rhef tnv .." r "
concrcte enlnc houses aldng ii? '.HH
ways were crushed as if l,r., 8i
made of miner. lJ "
Mayer Jehn V, t)nrkan, whn tj !il
light Iti Hit, r,i8lnlure Mm, hi a
sreure inc cnaeinienr nr n. i.'i'
Icr tnlnective laww new nn i!
statue books, Is conducting n .3
linestlgatlen at the mine "V!1
Thres Mlaslng, Twelve
StrahQO Acqldent at Ashley, p'.i
A. .P.) Thrce men arc mlsshuTi?
n Ihe wnrklnsfi of Hie Nhttdttal Mlile, c'7Ml,!,,ii,rlS!ill?"fc illc, r(,"'t of
,r ,i.k ,n... am,., r.-.. r.-.M.. i., "' n ffc'Blit twin backliiR into A Ifclil?
. .inn .nun wi v.u.ii,,v story irunie stoecheuso In the a.
yards nt Ashley tedar
Tin lnlX
men nre: Moses Ileffma
regci nun vv iiiuim Tiiqmns.
A Lnckawniitm train from VlittiS
irg, N. .7,; te Hcrnnten broke awffi
Cfittllllr flnifii llm
Thirty Picn were, en th i,pMr,J
of t be storehouse, which wis iS
Ished. vswei.
, mountain ana';
The pride of the
Strictly Fresh
of twelve
Sold only in our Stores
Jeweled Breeches
including new breeches of black onyx
in non-conventional shapes, with con
trasting ornamentation of diamonds.
J. ECaldwell & Ce.
Chestnut and Juniper Streets
;a the lit ,
V CHAnTCRr.D fit I
l UrtuxriTini
Tkere is still time
Se that these who wish te open accounts, in the
Savings Department of the First National may
net c penalized for lack of knowledge of this
new service of ours, deposits, made up te the
15th day of January will hear interest from
the first of January.
Savings Department
First National Bank
of Philadelphia
ppert unity comes
Once te every Man '
J An outstanding instance of "opportunity" is ufterdcJ
m our Jitiiuary Repricing Sale, which permit, one
t" liny Suits ami Oveieeats mailc of the choicest
fabrics ami in Reed's Standaid of Tailenng at
prices much less than usual.
J 'I'he repriced ligurcs arc:
Oveieeats repriced ?J4
Overcoats repriced 528
and Overcoats icrjriccd $.U
uvcrceats repriced S.iO
repriced $40
repriced $44
lepiiccd $48
repriced $52
icpriccd $56
repriced $60
I l'incr Overcoats are also repriced as follews: $80
qualities nic $M; $S? rcducc.l te $(iK; $90 te $72;
W te ,S76, and $100 te $80. ('I'he Ovetceat
prices appy te garments in r Clothing Depait
nient, and aU the Knglish Coats sold in our
Specialty Shep en the third lloer.)
Cf Alterations chaigejl for at cost.
ad 1 1 Ha
-.-si.?. '
m "'
? A.