r mi j) , : .vv V Si. " . i 0. fr . Hd 3 i .1 ilJIW i '' iBiif VITAGRAPH MOVING TO COAST SOON, OUR CONNIE SAYS By CONSTANCE l'ALMEK Hollywood, Cnlif. TT HAS bee n. rumerdd for the loot jear jl that the Vltasraph Company is plan Mnr te meve Its entire orcnnlzatlert ittetn New Yerk te the West Const ?hls rumor Is net officially cenlirmcd i, yet, but tlie facts point te its mi Umnt. Albert E. Smith, president of the VI- ngraph organization, lins icmntei) iken up his residence en the Oent. (an Palge, his wife, accompanied him ,-em isew lerk iter pictures win ue lade here in future. Alice Calhoun preceded Mr. and Mrs. "mlth bv a. month, nnd has been en lged in playing "Lady nebble" In the ltairnnh production of 'The I.lttie Klnister." Earle Williams is taking n i lert rest between plumes, but expect. i t start work seen William Duncan' id Edith Jehnsen, hi wife, are co i jrrlng, and .Tlmmy Aubre is making 'orcel comedies. The only Vltagrnph stars who are net t the West Const new are Cerinix ifflth and Alice .Tejve. The latter l retired temporarily frriiu pletuies lowing the birth if a daughter, b-it sn Griffith ii heading the enlj rem ly working at the New Yerk studio. d, Incidentally, let us send thought theught res te the person who selects Miss 'ce's stories. She Is n geed actress, 1 has an engaging manner and an estlng persenaltt. Why should they k te kill her professionally by ns ning her the clap-tran In which they uent her te the public eye? She's rth spending mere money en. It Is net Improbable that Antonie irene will start n new serial befere ir, although this is net official. If It is finally decided te meve Miss Iffith and Miss Joyce te the Coast, will make Vitagraph one of the larg larg Btudles in Hollywood, Itself ranking :t te Lasky nnd Metre, besides nuM ; two notably capable actresses te aggregation of scintillating brilliance 't Is new generally Known that l,u e Carlisle latelj eume en from New k again te play lends In I.nrrj ion's comedies. Her new contract s, te the best of the writer's knew I e, for two program comedies nnd one mcledrnmntic spectacle that ion Is planning te make. 'his cxteniive Vitagraph program ns te give the lie te the mero or prevalent feeling that we are pass through another slump. While, it true that two of the large studies 'e curtailed operations temporarily !dwyn and Metre it H genernllj jwn thnt this is preparatory te big ngs in the cenllng jear. THE MOVIE FAN'S LETTER-BOX nv IIEXIIY M. Jere Daniels, Jenkhitew n Yes ; I nv I haven't answered ur (ut' a yet But when rett dig up nn nt history and nbeut n player who cr was prominent nnywuy you st give me a little leewny. I don't lly knew as much ns 1 pretend nnd sometimes I bae te send the stlens te ether people. Tbere nrc kinds of knfwledge. jen knew ; one te have it in your heau and the ether te knew where te get it. Mine Is i latter kind. Just hnve n little t dence. 4- 5 . D. II . tience. Mount Airy, writes: "I ink it wa jut spite that made you p 'The Sheik' from that list of J best pictures you published in the Victise I'l'niie IiEnefcn "I really thought 'The hhclk' (leav j X Valentine out of the question, al ; lugh I liked Mm n let) was the best' 1 'Hurc I've seen for two years. Can ii tell me who directed it.' i "And 1 thought 'Peck's Bad Bey s the funniest ceraedv I cer saw 'ter even than 'The K.d,' which jeul . 'lutled in your list "Then there was 'Through the Bne'c or' of Mary Pickford nnd eh! Mr. ely, dldn t you really think thnt bet than 'I.lttie Lord Fauntlero"' 'Se ray list would include thee three 1 sIbe 'Dangerous Curve Ahead,' Ich your list gave honorable men ; 'Sentimental Temmy,' 'The G tent 1 personatien,' with Janus KirUvwed; i imraa's Affnlr.' ith Constnnee Tal I dge; 'Sign en the Doer,' with her I ter. Nerma . 'The Branding Iren.' he Three Musketeers' nnd 'The Queen Shcba.' ' 3 (I've been .veiled of eeiytblng ex 5'pt fcpitP. se. new that 1 m cenhted J that, let's go. It's prububly unent- S 'US. 5 As we stated very frankly "hen we 9 bllshed the list, of the pictures that S i thought best, it is enlj u, matter of i inlen and we er ckarlv initcd the' S'is te contradict it If they wanted te. tr ether words, we get our alibi nil tj 'Ay before the charge whs made, ir g s Geerge Melferd who directed "Thu g slk." New for jour ether qucs- 8 ns: fulla Swayue Gorden is still in pie- 1 es. She was in the cast of "hy 4 'ls Leae Heme," which ii still te be 3 n in this city. J ilarry Merey Is at nresent working tn 2 plcture called "Beyond the Hnin- ' a v." belnc directed by William Chris- Cabanne In New 'ierk. "The Little Minister" has been led three tlmej Twe of the r r- ' ns, the Kainnus-Lasky and the Vila inh. starring Bettv (Vininvni mid ice Calhoun, respeetnelv. hiue re- ntly been seen here An old tw- ieler was made bj Vitagraph with 2 ara Kimball Yeung Yes, Charles lta appenrrj In two ICturca b'ferp "llie (,,'enunl. Thi'j ."se "String JJcatu iinu I he flii'r- ' Sen " All risht; no II rrmt Ihcoderp Kei. I! picture ns een rm v,-p can get eund It. lif was iprteinlr lini' in Foel's rnrndisp " Se you mid I ncrer i that, teu, us well uh en m kiiKh Ink.) M"aurine TeneM Admlrrr !'' 111N M your letter asking nheut Mnurlm1 wcrs, but, h 1 rrmembcr It, tln'he fni ii iwrr four quchtimib; iii;i eevcntcxii ; lght, fic fert two Inulics, wi-lgbt, nety-slx peundH, blonde, with blur ts; nddiejs, 'riierndki Hetel, linS est FUty-slxtli street, New Yerk. If tat decsnt cover -tlie bill, let ini knew 'id I'll get the rest for uii or ou n wrlte lier jeurtelf Sbt-'d be very lad te huar freui an admirer, an be 1m Ifcw in iik'tures uud little eneeurugc- ' ents like tiiat count n let. Ardent Header C'rn u ford Kent has ist finished work with Uuge llnllln in pleture temporarily called "'1 he Lux- y Tax," (bough I hope the title will i changed, lie was born in England id educated there, and was In liuisl. I il comedy befoie he went into pic iren. IIe has been seen in "Thais."' IXhe Danger Murk." "Ordeal of esetta." "l'rlnre Cesni" '(Jeed Jracleiis, Annabellp '' llreadiiy tines." "Cnrepr of K.itlienne Uusli," ICemc Out of the Kitchen " "Kiltlan t Storm," 'Other Mphs Shew." triieu Shalt Net." "Slnnrr. ' "J hoi 'Jaytbluir of cCfk Dailf Mevie Magazine COMEDIES ARE AS THH old dnrq n comedy preduc j- ti tien dldn r c"t much In the wnv of pesfumes nnd venerj . They were the Inst things thought of. Any old junk nbeut the studio could be thrown to gether te make n ballroom scene, nnd, if it showed n let of Incongruities, se i-.uch the better, in the opinion of the ceiiedy director. Hut nowadays the demand of the fans for realism has extended te comedies, nnd such cnmp!es ns "The Kid" and "A Connecticut Yankee" show hew the producers nre listening t t' e fins' wlhe. Here is one of the met e'nberate sets ever built fr cemedj It shown n scene in "Melly O." with Mnbel Nermnnd in the foreground Nntu.e net only the costly set. but the e'ob e'eb e'ob eratenevs of the costuming of stars ani' the hundreds of etrn. Uelew is n picture one of the few in existence showing the famous Mack Sennett himself. He is gutng h.s O K te a shot en location for "M"llv O ' NTKr.Y Broadway." "Dellnrs nnd the Wemnn anil "Youthful Telly." He Is fin feet ren inches tall, weighs 1.V5 pounds und has dark blown hnlr nnd dnrk gray pes. His address is the Lnmbs' Club, West l-'orty-feur'h street. New Yerk. "2t Hunks." Miameiilii Oh. jes . , Wnnda is man led. se 1 doubt if 'liO would ncccpt jour invitation. Her husband, J. Burten I law ley, who owns n big garage in Hollywood, can prob preb nblv gm her all the automebiling she flndi times fe- I". A. II.. JO, Slhrr striM-t That'i' a gee. eiiu Where did jeu CM'r get the idea that Wnll Heu pajs te appear in pieturis'' It ts -aid mi prett gen.l nutheritj ilmt liu wl.tr j 1 wunewl.Mre nreund 520M a week. Ne. Ben Tor Ter pin isn't blngle. He ran vny ns Will Rogers does in the Frolic. ' I'm ene of the few men in pictures who has the sami' wife he started out with " Mrs, Turpiu was here with Ben when be was making personal appearunecs m thi. clt. 15. S . U.U7 North Twrnls siiend strict Veuis is the enl l.in letter I haie recehed ulucli ndmitt that 1 may pessib! kinni something about .u'tmg nnd that when 1 form nn uiif.iveiahle opinion it isn't heenufce I'm prejudiced or jealous or spiteful. Se I tl.auk .ou ' from the lxjttem of my breVcn heart. But ns you nnd 1 nre in the mineitt? nbeut this. ,ve must be wrong. m Anna IcAlecr Yes; Dick Barthel- ' mess lus bei'ii n stur for sei . time, though we haven't n senn his lirel pleture, "Tel'uble D.nld," from the .Teiph HergeBheimer sterj It has ;ut been relenwd in New erh nnd hns been most enthiisiasticallj piaised by the critics there Ills scerni picture. "All ut Sin " wns written 1. I'erter Kmerj-en Brnwiic, who wrote thi.t crnckcrjnck play. "Th Bad .Man," which is nt the Walnut Stieet Theatre This pleture lias jur been i.nt nn J titled. Iich is new working in lit: third nt the Blegraph fctudies m Ni w Yerk new company was formed te star iiiin mi can address him In their dire Inspiration IVturi..-, TiO , Fifth nwnu. New Yerk Dick h mother 13 nlwnjs delighted re hear whnt the funs think of his work, and I'm sure the would be mero than n'eu&eil i te hear from ene who admires iilm us ou de Address her ns Mrs. Careline Bnitlx'.mebs, 4i West Forty-ninth btreet. i f'idiinililiie writes "Anether who h nn expert in lus line is Lew Cedy, "i'iic ethers ou hnn been spiuking of are nil en the Mirfncc -nothing Mibtlu. rcj line weik, jun plain leve-mnking. Lew Cedy Is nn iiitbt. us an mif din hei who knew s niii tiling uheut the sub ject. Theie is a whole let b.icl, of wh.it l,c does There is n hnish In his art, if you knew whnt I nvin. n 1 1 i I tluuk reu ,, for f, btrilx nm ns biiu,' beincwhat knowing in tliP'-e affairs. "Oh, y. anybedj ran limk at it girl nnd rrn put M iinn nreund Iier nnd kiss Iier. but n innn erwd in tucli nflnlrn brinjn out the liner peiutH by net nlwms doing whnt I-. txpioted or doing it diff'T"litly or with sump 1 i f tit new wnj That it th" wn Lew Cnilv giieD about it , but iniin seem tj think that juft tin n pi !,; old thing l, nil Hint n glii lll.es 'lint de jeu think ubuut it'" (I.lus- our bpart, inv dear girl, whal should J knew about It? I nepr made love In my life He I can't bv expected te appreciate the fine points) of Cedy's methods. It alwns hceined te me thlit be knew iuit wlint he was about. It 1 menn, but well, inn jeu uct wlmt iiiidersland I'm net biiffipienth faiiilllnr with the etandanh te make iinnpnri sons. And, when ,ou toy a girl IIUps te imvu thefe things iione inherently i or with "sonie little new way," de ou ! ineuu that most girls knew all about i the old ways and have get tired of tlam? And, when a man puts his mm around jeu nnd Kisses jeu. de jeu watch his tPchnlc, as a musician would watch the bewiu; and lingering of n violinist ' 1 never thought there was that Hindi te learn nbeut making lee And, pcrfeiiiillj, I tn Mite I should he loe nervous te think about it at a, I. nut I agree with jeu that Cedy is u fine acter.J f.y? ; . , i EVENING PUBLIC , ELABORATE AS DRAMAS THESE DAYS HCVKlaHT?, JSmfjzJn .iZlL7fei' 4?r - wmmmfflmMmrimti& f .nriamB HMrv4&faL ytfJB. 1 SI rD , jtii "k V4Jn gaMMMEMMffltssmm mmm m&imm TO CUT MUMMERS' CAKES Prize Comic Club Arranges Jollifica tion for Thi3 Evening The Daniel R. CVnuld New- Year Association will cut the cakt-s It wen New Year'? Eaj , when n'.se it wns aw-arded first prize in the comic clubs, nt a bij jolllllcntiert tcniyht in Ntw 1 Auditorium Hull, Seventh rt-c t and Siiule- avenue. U02 CHESTNUT LADIES' DEPARTMENT SPECIAL unusual L J fli . 'LEDGER-PBfflABELHIA; FRIDAY, SmsWKsmkW(?iS3t f g J ' Sl Kdwird JCny in rrcldert of the ns ns ns soclntien nnd will cut the biggest of the ci.ke. Thore nre fe mnny smaller ene3 te be cut up that it is hnlf n day's Jeb. Iveen Ueedelsheimer. ene of the nctive members of tlie cemmittre. nnd well 1 newn in City Hall, is carving his way tl leugli the iirellminnries In ndvaore of the bis bout with the cartwheel cakes lenight. Mnnv prominent city efllclals bnvt In r n invited te the cuke nittlnj carni- Mll & 8LKS STREET garments and furnishings for nnd dependable. TOP COATS AND SUITS HuddersfieM Enslieh Tweeds, Camel's Hair nnd Fleeces thnt nre confined te us ns te fabric and models THE SPRING styles nre ready. WAISTS AND SHIRTS Plain tailored made in nr or te order nil fnhrics. NEW CAPES Huddersfirld EhrIiiIi live in thj new inedrl. fnbr WOOL HOSIERY Importntiene Scetcli makers. nre still OTHER FURNISHINGS lWHPHIWSM-SVHHSmaiM Lndies' Underwear, Silk Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Mannish Neckwear, Gloves, etc., nil with n touch of somo semo some thine different nnd of unusual nlue. MANN & 1102 CHESTNUT STREET DREAMLANp ADVENTURES Wolves tn the Weeds vr DADDY . Jeeh and Janet go coasttne tctih the rabbits in the moonlit woedi. Tice strange animals offer te draw them te the top of the hill. The rabbits fire. Toe late, Jack and Janet find that the antmel are tcelvM. Dame Instinet sas the tell help them. CHAITER V Dame Instinct's Trick N2 rEAItDU sounded the bowls of the volt rack. The two nntraals, drag- Hnn Tnb nn,1 .Tnnet. 1lt1 the hills On their sleds, turned slightly aside ns if te avoid the howling beasts. "Perhaps these two nniraals nrcn t wolves after nil." whispered Janet. "They are wolves, I nm aure," an swered Jack. "They nre trying te dodge the pack because they want te gobble us by themselves. Wolves are prnAlr " "Jack is right," wmspcrc u uamv m stlnct. Hying beside them like a ilurrj of snow. "Yeu will bave te escape before these wolves reach the top of the " ..-. . Lla....1 Thb.& Tn uurrj e before these wolves rcncli the top or tnc bill." "Hew?" nsked Janet. "Take off your coats," whispered Dame Instinct. "Stuff them with bushes, leave them en the sleds in your plnccs, then drop off nnd hide." Thnt wnwi't n very ensy thing te de. Jack and Jnnet had n let of trouble taking off their coats ns the sleds jounced behind the two galeping wolves. "3? Don't wait for tirine te heal that rash Resinol Seap and Ointment have given comfort and permanent relief te thousands of skin 5ufferers Why derft veuive them a chance te heal yeurskin? 5oelhinq &nd Hcalinq in:niffiiJEffiii!ii:;ra;i:iii:iaiii,ii;!UJrai:ii!fflKiiii;ii!ii!iiiiir,!i!ii!iy Made from pure, Pasteur ized Sweet Cream Sold only In our Stores rjBIMfMPl!i'ifl LJiSiyL BataI la VjsV k Butter I 245 1 fiiimi'&aaiiiiiUMiiiiraraii'raffliuiw.i'iiiii Indies and misses that nrc our workrooms, ready te -thnt nrr most nttrnc- coming te us from the best v ". ' V X&NTJ. 13, 1922 Tliey had still mero trouble grabbing bushes ns they flew along. Jack had string In his pocket nnd ha quickly 'led the stuffed cents te the sleds. "Drep off nnd hlde," wbtspercdDame Instinct ns they drew near a rocky corner. Jack nnd Jnnet threw them selves from the sleds nnd rolled behind the rocks. The wolves darted ahead ns the weight of the children left the alcdn. They looked nreund In mirprlse te sce what had made their lead lighter. They saw the two stuffed cents en the sled, theneht them tn Itn Jack nnd Jnnet, nnd se went en tewnrd the top of the hill. Jnck and Jnnet cowered low, They didn't knew whether te stay where they Take Advantage of these Savings in Children's Girls' & Beys' Shoes "Shoer-Tred" Russia Calfskin Shoes Sizes 8 te 11, New $4.85 Sizes life te 2, New 5.85 Sizes 2jte 8, New 6.85 Misses', Girls' & Beys' Shoes (J QA . A' Clean-up of odd lets at j (Ne 1230 Market St. Shoes and Stockings for all the family I The Si 19 Seuth 11th St. (Quick Service Men's Shep) Every Feet Professionally Fitted Three Geuting Brethers Supervising PHOTOPLAYS AIL 1 18th. Merris rassyurjV Avs. Alhambra m" iVmiy t -i k. onto GEORGE WALSH in "Tin: sisitr-XAiT;!: MLEGHENY ' iSWyt- nA.'Sf.T5 MT.fi Ai. rev. '"0l,'tr,TJn, "OVER THE HILL" A"D'rn7T"MD TIIOMI'BOV" 8T3. fArULLU MATINEE DAU.Y GEORGE WALSH in -Tin: si:nKN.ui"" -T-i r. rllUfcTXlIT Hfl. 10TI! AKUAU1A iu a. m te it is i'. u MARION DAVIES in "nn; inniu:'K i'i.a- A"crrre i'Iia'nki.i.n & aniAnD ave. A51UK MATIN KB DAILY CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG In "WHAT NO MAN lusuwn BALTIMORE 61ST 4 IIALTIMORK Uvu. 11 311 Sat. Mt. EARLE WILLIAMS In "UTKY 'Ann' hi I lrOIDH llrned b Bupquehsnna DLUU.ellxL' Cnntlntmii : until 11 MAE MURRAY in 'en w rnnriir.jiANi'ir' BROADWAY l"en:!.n WrAM mtcim. rev I'lionifTieN "OVER THE HILL" CAll 1 UL. 10 A M te 11 15 I. M M'l.t lAi. i fr iii "A MAN'S HOME" colonial au$ju::rt tr& CHARLES RAY in -rin; MinvuJiTjjr.i.L" DARBY THEATRE , EUGENE O'BRIEN . in "run last noeii . rMvTbDrrcQ ilmn st"m.nay'unu i GEORGE WALSH !JJT',: r.Kin:NAin:" i FAIRMOUNT 'iyA-.YA.LY' I WILLIAM DESMOND In "HVXOr.UOl'H T()S" iTa'aim V thuatiu: ! lUll Mnrkst Ft r-ivui-i 8 A M TO MIDNIGHT DORALDINE ln "!JHM)N 1 IIU1T" cZt-ij ct 'nn:A'riii-rV.ew irruct 3D 1 Tl J 1 . MAT1NTS DAII Y JACK HOLT and LILA LEE in "APir.it Tin: snow" r CXX1 tl'0J MAHhhT KT. " VjL.V-tJLj .' 'Ill an I 0 111 te 11 ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN In "Ui:miiusi:i.ih i.nr." GREAT NORTHERN TTVV$ SIT.fl.M. IO I'lKHH 1OS "OVER THE HILL" 'IMPERIAI 'i'i'1'" WALNUT "UTS TOM MIX In. "TKAILIN COMPANY y J , 3L fc'tu.ui ; 4 were or run down the hill'. 'Xhs howls of the wolf pack neuhricd nenrer. They couldn't liope te outrun theso fleet beasts. They had better stay where they were. .... Jufit when they made up their minds te de this they heard n ilcrce marling nbove them. The -two wolves drawing the sleds lind turned te gebble the chil dren. And the two wolves had met with n surprise. They had expected te And two plump youngsters rendy te be cntcn. And Instend they had found two cents stuffed with bushc nnd weeds. And bushes nrtil weeds de net make very geed eating, even for hungry wolves. The wolves, when they found they had been tricked, were lighting mntl. "We should hnve gobbled these chil dren at the feet of the, hill instead of Beys' Sturdy, Dressy Shoes, New $4.65 Market St. Stere ONLY Exchanges) JL js jMk MiWilPRONOUNC teres of Famous Shoes I niorepr.Ai The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Com pany of America. KARLTON,, Mi:."TM I' Arrna IinOAD 111 111 V M lev II 15 r M Wallace Reid & Elsie Fergusen iii "ri:Ti:it iiii:tm)N" Lehigh Palace A'mMt EUGENE O'BRIEN . . ln "M0lll.OAlltT 1 1RPRTV HllOAO A I'fll.l MMA AV. L'"-"-lxl MXTIVKP. PAI1 Y JUSTINE JOHNSTONE iniii.ini rti i.r.i" OR1FNT eut-'LAMi avijnFb w.i.i(i: m:in nmi r,ieiii mvansen Don't Tell Everything" OVERRROOK""""0 MARIE PREVOST' In I'MOJl.M.lfinr I0I.L1I." I r-VL-rI4 ie a M te 11 IS 1'. ..-iAMivj ei.m.it i itwneivs "Tlie Flower of the North" ir PRINCESS- 10IS MAHKKT STItni-JT f .10 A M ie 11 15 I'. M 'RUSE OF THE RATTLER" REGENT S'A"K.VV1M v:'Tr7T "iJi'lrl1.1 J.'-L"""'1 i:i i:Nni: rir.ms GIRLS DON'T GAMBLE" RIALTO ur'UHVIOWN AVIJNLB '"nU1U AT n I1T.IIOUKIJN B BT CHARLES RAY in "iiii; iii.e suiumi.v nei.r." RUBY MAnl"'i1 .-h1:lev"7t'h ivju i ' v M te 11 1.1 1'. M DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS . laJMNIn W 1IAIIMCHS' SAVOY 1211 MUtKET HTItKLT 8 A M 10 Mtdnliht ,ITI fl.'I.CIALf.Wr In "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" SHERWOOD "W, " 'e Vs'e ETHEL CLAYTON , in "i:vir nn; u" STANLEY "WgOrOTT II A M tn 11 1.1 1 Hir "ri i.n.i.iiti iii IneCenquenng Power" STANTON tJ.WU1,? "A CONNECTICUT YANKEE .in iiM!Ainiii it's ( in I. r" 333 MARKETS 'f ifi THOMAS MEIGHAN " '"" ruiNfi: Turin: ws- victeria wrT;:?Bv. DUSTIN FARNUM I" "THI1IMII. IVirillS" RIALTO. nt WEST "CHESTER POLA NEGRI In "KM: Ml Mf.nv. GRANT i.'lr'r, ','""' Ai- m-" ii.ir" liij IN it (irmw i,;, ciXi, H "theMl'o'Fb'a'bylen" i IfUI.1'11 .M,.TISO In working se hard bringing them here." vclecd ene. ' "And if we had dens se, thei d winiiu nuve iii-aru us una uetn nfi.. us." howled- the olher. ,n,M ''Thcre Is only" ene thing te de ka thnt is te chase down ths hill ',?,ii them," yelped the first wolf. And Hi.. the sleds nnd dashing d6wn the U thcr Hew past Jeck nnd Janet crc-iitS ' n ttuui. iui ,."1. u.u. iici snenv a The two sleds, left by themselves i,.! gnn te sllde down hill. The tnff.i cents were stUI tied ta them, jffij reached out and grabbed the sleds. , (Tomorrow will be told hew they .. ..& nM Mnlima l.ntiln.1 ,1 " velvcs In front of them.) and "Shoer-TYed" Scheel and Play Shoes Sizes 6, te 8, New $3.85 Sizes 8 te 11; New 4,35 Sizes 1U te 2, New 4.85 Sizes 2h te 7, New 5.85 1308 Chestnut St. Shoes and Stockings for all the family EDGYT1NGJ PHOTOPIjWS H0TIPLAY, COMPANY r . OrAMCHltA The NIXON-NIRDLINCER THEATRES BELMONT 6-D ABOVE MAHUKT THE GOLDEN SNARE" CEDAR O0Ta CEDAR AVENUi ENID BENNETT In "KBKMXO Lr WITH LIZZIE- COLISEUM Mar,,et M B0,h 4 COl "JJ'.'Vi WiuiTV rAnNNirs "THE BARRICADE" JUMBO Kn0?T T aiKAIlD AVU. ''"' Jumbo June en I'rsnlcferd "V "NO.WOMAKNOWS" LEADER I8r & LANCASTER AVt 7.. 1.3(le8 7 loll WILLIAM S. HART In "WHITK OAK" LOCUSTS? AliV I-OCU8T PTnEBTI PAULINE FREDERICK In "TUB I.UHK OF JADK" NIXON 62D AiSD MARKET hH WILL ROGERS In "flUILn OV 03IKN ' RIVOI I B2D AND 8ANSOJ1 ST wvvyji i no imn a an, e ai w ii MAY McAVOY In "MOKALS" 69TH ST Thestre Opp. "J.'Trm ' 1UJ1, can. 7 nn a r w ETHEL CLAYTON . In "KXIT TUB VA3IP" STR ANH Ctrmsntewn A v. at VsnssW J K IAMINU , 30 7 ,nrt n r CONSTANCE BINNEY 111 "KOOM AND HOARD" AT OTHER THEATRES MEMBERS OF M. P. T. O. A. Ambassador TtAltlmnra A.a m KfltB Dallv. 1 B0le4 307lellP.l' HOBART BOSWORTH In "H'HITU HANDS" CiPrminlnwn 65, Osrmantewn AJ vjcrmnniewn matinri: daiut A wit, nix ritoinrneN "OVER THE HILL" JEFr'ERSON'WlNu,;'."Mu: PAULINE FREDERICK m riin 1 1 itBjir ,inr" , PARI' RIDI11J AVU" DAl'l'HlN It I -Irv ii,.. , u,.- u 1.1 m II j CLARA KIMBALL YOUNCJ it In "WHAT NO MA KN0W1" f.' "Mv i l i , m i hi i