12 EVEimra PUBLIC OGEDaEE-PHrCABELPHM, FRIDAY, JANXTABY 1ST, 1922 m ft M V. Weman s Life and Leve Hy W1NIFKED HAItl'EIl COOLEV Slaves H A WOMAN murderer says, In nn in i lervlevv, tbnt oho literally was n Jave te love. Hbe was as bereft et reason, for clcht il. years, as if she hnd been n nianlac. The doctor whom I she killed was like Svcngnli, tier tnns tcr, whose slightest will the obeyed. Was It actual hyp- JIB-pi- jni neusmr xnac is !;& Jll what a iurv will ueclde. In nil levp hyp notism? Tlint Is n subject upon which nny of us can have nn opinion. AVhv nrp lrnmrn i'iS :r"r-vi nMK-4MMww VtN weak an water, malleable as wax, when nicy love.' It may be that they arc saue and sensible, even humorous and Kay. with the frlrnds of nrdlnnrv llfe jThey may be bright and piquant and jtn command of their charms and attrne attrne fttens, with most men. se that they de light and fascinate them. Ilpcaute the Jwetnnn Is net in levp with thcp ether men, she is natural, ami can be pleating Jsnd even flirtation. As slip laughingly recedes, the man fellows nrdentH nfter 'he time imuiemerlal maniirr of mn'.cs. ;She reallr.es thi. nnd knew? full well liat If she could ju-t nrt in this nt ' ractive war tewnnl the beloved, he. j oe. would pursue her with eagerness nd passion. Kneuilig this, why cannot she put t ',er knowledge Inte prnrtirc? Is l0Vp tself a deadly hypnotic sp-ll? Is the ' Vhelc emotion but a self-hypnosis n mirage, n drentit? Happy people who lave found their llfemntc, often pe through long viar. serene nnd ecstatic in the ceitaintv tlint lie 11 a here, n L'ed. whereas cvervhedv else knows liint ' IP is n commonplace, decent mill, willi ')e especial qualifications or chaim-. te J et him npart from the common garden i ricty male. Friends of the pair gaze Paul and iiy ih:li:na Wjmm mms & f. Wi Amatcuring ,'TTOI.Y maek'rpl '." 1'nul exploded, pane upon wliMi he bad e far been --J-"'ou don't menu te tell me that enraged eai(l forty n.liitits nunr-cd these people aerunlh charge thirtj streaked and mottled ili-grai, irnis ii wimiew .' irgini.i nodded. ' I I.nnw It's nwfullv high, dear, lut in tin. cold weather I ju-t simply can t wash I he win- ? y (lows myself. Jt r- L& makes tn.v bauds s" J v jlW terrlblv reil and " ? vV ek w?. "t dnii'f viniit von te de it, dearest." ' uniil I'fliil hastily. He .'.Twlftly made a mental calculation of the yeb. Eleven windows. T "'Three dollars and thirty cents!" he friclnlmed. Then lie laughed scorn fullv. , r 'Heavens te Betsy. I can de em nys.-.f n an h(?ur and a half and yej m.e be I'mn I will." ji Virginia stared douettuiiy. "But, Paul, washing window is Jmuch harder than you think. And what jrwill the neighbors bay?" , i "The neighbors? I should fret about twhat the neighbors say! I knew one, thing: I'm net going te pay any window Jeltaners thirty .cents a window. I hai s jflat. I can de the whole percirmiince an well, we'll say two hours. That i ?gIvestiUie ubeut tea minutes a w.n- f "It's awfudy hard work. warned uu:'... - .. . . ... . Jvlrglnin. "Tl ere tcem-j te be a seit fef unaek te it. f Pail shrugged and set nbeut gathering W the paraphernalia for the job. I She decided te remnlii away from '.the scene of operations. She had a presentiment and recently this pie .sentiment waved stronger as she heaul ttrance. Inarticulate sounds, sound. in- Jdlcatlve of a struggle. I "Say!" be finally shouted from Hie Jspaisi item where he had begun. "S.e . jVirglnia, what de thete wlnde.v fellewj use Instead of beap?" V Hut Virginia didn't Vnevv. ' The slruggl' progressed. S IVul wiped ,.ud rubbed, ,t'. ' t ! "evcrythlnir from nice, clean dish-tuvvcls J ,t.i the b.nii-u if ne Mirr'pni v n-i- Irewed from the bathroom. 1 he single z W jJZ 'vXS The Weman's Exchange T tl -V Call Up Locust 0500 ' (Te tin TTihter e Wenin'i j Crc'1 Dear Madam- I left t hoel wh'n I (was In the seventh grade Will vel, Jtlndlv direct me te the nearest night choel where 1 ma; finish inv hist j ear Vilghth giade as 1 want te go te a 'jUblncas lullege later en ' Gir.L, or ruTBKN. Call the Coard of relocation. Locust '"SOO and ask .ibnut this, g'vlng your ddress se that they can tell Just wlil-h ) choel tit ref, r von te Thev have a list i if all the schools and i an tell ou whether vnu ran git the uuur.'e ;ou jwant at the ene nearest you Te "A Constant Reader" Teu wrete me about wonting te d 'ivrtrm veur both. Krnni what you tll "me I llillik what von ically need Is mere feed I ocea butter cannot de nn' -ihlng Or ieu unless )U help it nbiig fa little bv citing mere fjts, goeil but ter, m Ik. eggs and tblng.i of that Kind that will niake von fatter nil mer. If you de this nnd take , v ri il"S, either at home or lu a gymnasium veu Weill (hid that veu gain w tight In h cemparatlvelv short tune It mnv fh two menthti for you le show a deedtd lmproveuicnt, but den t be dlhceuinged That'a a fhert tlnie compared te all ih" time SOU have been thin, you knew, and Jt's hard te get f.u In a hurrv t am KUre this fattening diet will help you If, you will Just stick te it until you gtt the result j jeu want Things You'll Leve te Make pWaxCeniQiTier ti3 1-13 , I'er this chnrinlrii; I ttle WAN i'i)N TAINRK CANUV llnN you will need fan Inexpensive wux container the kind In vAhlch many foeda nre putchused. Enamel tha ceutnluer. Decorate It with come flower In bright celnrs. Paste or Klue a plei.8 of silk arcund the upper outside edge. (First measure the s're of the allk. then make the seam I'se 'nlther ribbon, or line the etrln. If of ilk. Make a heading at the top, Itun fa ribbon through, h'lnlsli your lovely i nvAx CON,TA INl.lt CANOV IIOX by' pasting a iilecu of gnld lace ever the perisra, CUtHB p 1 ' (a.11 a or the eillc fiiq -ijiipw te Love with amazement upon them, marveling at their illusion. NOtt', is net this exactly what hap pens when a professional hypnotist puts n subject Inte a passive state? alie audience gnres surprised and timmed, at the manifestations of the one who is under the spell. They see clearly that nil thu objects de net exist except in the powerful Imagination, and the "suggestion" ; but nil the while, the en tranced subject is confident that certain conditions nre real! If love is self-hypnotism, nuto-in-texlcatlon. It is n blissful Illusion, but a dangerous one. The love-drunknrd may become excitable, and nbneriunl, and if crossed nnd abused, turn like a tigress, and rend the adored object asun der; The very passion et tworauen makes certain nn unusual vehemence In the lebeund. "Fer each man kills the thing lie loves," sang the poet. A horrible emotional Mate? Wp'I, what arp we going te de nbeut it? Ne one knows se well as we women, what feels we nre! Hut is the cold and calculating, the cynical and selfish woman, te be our ideal? "La Uclle Dame, sans mere!"? IT TAKES generations for servility te wear out of the human brain. A Wgre Is npt te hnvp times of terror or of cringing. Inreinpatib'p with his free and educated and prosperous present: slavery nnd terror are lu his bleed! Weman, tee. has been in bondage for many centuries. If her common sense nnd humor show her that the beloved object rcallv is common clav. perhaps she does net actually worship him, h'lndly. but Mie Is npt te worship n fied idea of line! Throughout a lifetime, she gees 'cntcH'ig. She longs for flic real inn'e lnitwinlicaily nnd sen timentally Ne matter hw iii.my men fat' her nnd show themselves ordinary or vicious. sli clings tenaciously te her belief In the perfect man 1 Virginia lunv eijant ' iuu" tic iiiiinri-n upon the threshold, disheveled, perspiring. nngrj . "Well. I'll sn. what tei t of things de thee cleaner fellows nave wren tney tome te de the wiudes' ' " Hi. they only her- row u nail and thev jusr wet the windows mid tak" a little sticu with rubber en it nnd well, that's all they de. Thev de II wind'" i'i about live iiiinutes," ndded Virginia l i . iui uttered a rueful pdnmatlen. "And thev iiuil.e us pny 'cm thirty tei u n window?" "tin. yes. "And 1 suppose thev de the whole job in about half an hour." U). n sjeuk times it takes the ,,, Ill)el flll j,,,,,,. , d , ,.. A dnngennis light glitt-rcd in Paul's vuallv mild brown eves. ".u then for that hour wc pav lM irr,..tlinty '; ' .,),, nodded Minpntlieiicallv. ,.W(,,U t ,...,. jaca.ated the amateur window -cleaner. II-1 glared nngiPy at thu one window upon which he bad bent ln efforts. "'"7 lwl 'jr""1 ; I" 'P'a ""I ' " deprentng. "Mb. well." be linal'.y sighed wearily Htm in full surrnid'T. "cull 'en up and te!l 'cm f ceni" en and b the jib." His geed temper was finally restored by a perfect ilium r. Their eyes met across the cloth rnd Paul chuckled. "Who Kiid the shnenuUcr should &ti-k f hit last, henev V" VltVlnia dimpled. eh, I Biipie-e it wr. Sh.ikcpearc, but I'm ne: .sure." "Mi. s.ild suiiicthliig. ibniest.' mur- mured Paul. '1 omurrew rrep.igaiid.1. Fer a Weak Heart Te Ihr 1 .Uttir 0 U Mlliiv a llvt. Ijear Madam !j thcre ,i tuie for a wciU lieart" if s. t'ometlmci a vvea't bent i.m be Ktti'cgthened at 1 hrjp.d b. mreful. I nulit llvtiijr. end plenty of sunshiny and I open air. If tl.,re Is a defc. t lu the heart, though, you should consult u. phy.j r'i ian or go te a, t linie ui teun as pos pes pos sible te ee Just what it la and hew It' an be cornet., I, if ,,, (tl ,, thing for it Perhaps jirt a little treat- will huve te be very careful of whati rl.dufur.R l0"f t""C- U W "01 wise rT safe, though, te let It go JIave a doctor leek you ever as toen ns possible. I The Quvstian Cerner lixl.ij's liimiiricH 1. "hat n the nire uceempllslimpnt of one American woman astrono mer ,' -. When ene wishes te give n small and daintily useful present te the new baby, what enn be mode? i .'i1 nu 'ximlsitply colored beaded bag fashlemd? I. What is the average weight for a hey tlnrtv-fhe inches tall, und for a girl of the mini! height? j. Describe n new stid sensible fea ture in the oxford tlint is used for street went'. i). In vvhut wav Is a marveleuslv ef ef fectlve scarf nnd hut set made? Yesterday's Answers 1. Great Ilrltaln Is said te have morn women workers In propor tion te population than any ether country. A sinnll niBclilne which slices veretables qulck'y nnd evenly by menus of passing them through a compartment worked bv turning n linndle is n new device for the kitchen which will lighten work for the housekeeper considerably. Jy painting n low. oblong wooden grocery box n slnty blue in color, and filling it with try r some ether low. growing green things, a cheerfully nttrnetlvn decoration for a vvnle window sill cnuN.be inscle. When children are between the ages ef twelve te fourteen years they should have from nlne te ten hours of sleep u dny. Ker afternoon frocks, shades of copper, brown and beige are de erred smartest at the present time. In a striking sort of wav. the trlmrnin? of long strands of crys tal bends en the bklrt of nn p'vp- nine frncl? of lilfielr fl,nimAeA f i. tl. repented en each sleeve, the sleeve iteelf bcfjJt lltcu ";(ili vvrj ruuri. Please Tell Me What te De By CYNTHIA Anether Girl Wrltee te Them Dear Cynthia Having read In your column the conceit of the two handseme young men (geed looking and hand some), I am forced te toy that Uiese two nre n line comedy. Dear boys, ou're missing nn oppor tunity of n. llfotlme by net taking a position with scrum beauty parlor or vanity union. If conceit was consump tion, you beys would be dead n low? time. I would net only suggest but ndvlse you te taUe geed bold en your vanity cases for fenr you will leso tlicm Twe men of your age and talking about yourselves as you liave! Well, tltore In remethliig loose. I wouldn't think It of the mule sex. In going Inte details, I would say that I have, met ninny goed-loolting men, but they never let the town knew It. I I loving te hnve theqileasure of meet i lug )ou two gentlemen sotue time, and I also hoping you don't itiMnv your i powder puff, but toy off the conceit ami nmue tlie worm safe for manhood, the stuff that Is needtd nation wide. ANALYZED. He Has Net Asked for Company lVnr Cynthia Fer the second time I wrlte te you for ndvlce und am hoping te get It. I ain going with n young man for about seven months, pretty steady. 15ut he has never ns vet nuked me te i'e steady of keep lempany. lie takes tee te bit borne ence In n while, ntii erv well acquainted with bis folks New Cynthia, what shall I de, as I don't kiurw whether te nsk him te wait as nil my friends and relathes knew that I'm going with him nnd they nlwajs ask me questions De jeu think. It la right from him net te tell me anything nbeut keeping company? I don't care te go with ether ftllews slnee going with hltn, us mv lad filend" all knew nbeut him oe 1 would net UKe nn gossip, l'le.isi Ml tre win' te de. 1 thank ou for the pn-t f.im ANXIOfS Over nod e " "E.i 'i ii''n.'. lias adliid Ritalnst 'udv company. Ten ought te be glad tills bey has net sought te tle ou down in hueh n. way, with out a promlse of marriage, as In nn engagement. De net speak te him en the matter, but de net go exclusively with him unless he nska jeu te beceme engaged. Question of Introduction Dear Cvnthia Ple.ise answer mn en thp follewing: 1' irst. Is It correct te USA thin form tf Introductien: "ill s ltee meet Jlr. Dee or what should be said? friend, hissed me against mv will. 1 ; accepted his apoiesv hihI continued en the same basis. Was it O. K. te de &e? Third. Anether friend is attached te I the habit of profanity. Is It O. K. te re. . nrove him when b becomes profane '".T,;;'?""'""' ?, ,. ,,,. ,,, , vrr?"lu ?tnVrVmJ:0,HI,rCb!rtl,da; oceui-1 In the near future. Can I re turn It rnUier. would it be proper te tle1 ?e hut can I give hlm lie deesn t rmekfi. detests boelvs, but Is athletic, evpintly geed In te'ii's Fifth. A hev friend when out wltti p alv, ayn Insists en vall;ing arm In a-m Is this impreDer" If e, hew EhPll I ebiec'u? OI'THV WZ'AAZD. FirRt. When introducing a man te n girl It s correct te ray, "Miss Hue. teny I nrcsfnt Mr. Dee" or "This Is Mr. I'e" Miss Kee." The Introduction Mu mentioned Is net considered j'jed form. second. Quite all ilg.it te accept the ap leg Stake him kep te II. Third. Insist tlint this boy step using profane language In your pretence. De net overlook It. Fourth. Snd him a fountain pen or a patented pene'l. Fifth. It's net geed form te wall: arm In arm. Dj net allow It. I Thinks Girl Was Mean Dear I'vnthU About four weiUs be- i fore I'l.rlstmai 1 tool. Mck with pneu monia and my girl friend (for about tuft venrs) wrote and told me ahe would come out if possible Vew this girl revi r laive out but In her n"t b"ter rfsked me te ceme ever as seen an 1 v!is ablp About n week bofero Christ m.is 1 van allowed u) but net out. se i I did net rend hi r a curd or give hex a present because 1 wanted te see If die tcjilly cured enough te send me a card See didn't send me a card, but New Vci m lny t took 1 er out a pres et t but he was net at home. New t really de net knew w'.iv I took the i present out, cseept that It was of no , iff te me and that 1 really cared for i the girl Wae It net her place, te come out nnd i see. tne or let me knew why she, couldn't . come? I Wait I! right for me te lr her thai I wav by net sending her a card? )a t de right by taking the piesent nut and leaving It at her henir? If J did, heuidn't she have written at leat a nete of thanks? Is it in; pla. e te 1 u rite and Unci out what the trouble, is or wait and sen wh.it happens" 1 BIM It is net customary for i-lrb te call en men. especianv it tiie man is m in peel. It would have been nice for her . ...it.. it. . ai . . i am i n 111.11 r i n kv u u im ;;'! "engaged te ,e,, .!, wa,' net called upon te go see you or sird ;-ou any tiling. Of course, nh4 should liave written and thanked veu for the pres lent, nnd she docs net peini te luv behivvd nicely. lietter Ut her alone , after this. Odd Appliqued Motif en Skirt of This Suit ny cekinm; www. When veu go heirn and think It ever, It's alwavB the woman iir the suit who jumns first out of the motnerv lr. Hiiita are new enjoy 1113 mere of 11 vegue than they did during the early part of the season, nnd they range from the tailored kind te the most tlaborate conceptions. The suit Introducing a cape motif In the cut of the coat is well represented. Here wc thevv It In dark blue tricetinc. IV till enltar nn'l Cllffa Of rnv encnmtl and nn npnllque of marine blue panne velvet en the iklrt y Y WMrm' r 111 THE CHAFING Or should it be the electric grill patty in Ihese advanced days? What ever It should be. you need n dressy npren for It. because therr'i nlways the chance of spilling something en a pretty frock. Seme dainty aprons arc described bdevv. CIlOSS-BAUnEn dimity is about as pretty for small, fancy aprons ns any material ene can cheese. Cut in a great variety of shapes such ns hearts, ovals, square or pointed. A tiny rosebud or ether flower embroidered in one comer or en tlie small pocket that Is a fcatuie of many of Ihcsu small nf- fairs adds te the benutv. I.ace inser- tln nnd cdciiiL' lire n( tractive. If there is blb u slleulj matp)l thu nl)re j s , ,np' . , , ...,, v. Sllt K'"Kl'an'. -i mn'l c.icpI; in blue nnd white, in one piece, with edges slightly gored nnd the bottom edge rather rounded. Then across the bottom n, up both sides cut the edges in scallops. It will rwpilre a little plan- "'"VJ " tl .Wl.' " "?", O"' distance nete s the bottom, plan for one scallop te conic lu the center nnd one nt e.icii corner, se mat unit or it is en the bottom of flic ntu'eu and the ether half nh the side. Then you can see what spare is left nciess the bot tom nnd get the right Mae of scnllep. A tiny saucer or cup might de for a marker. "The Marriage Gambler By 1IAZKL DUYO KATCIIIXOi: Ceryrie'it, t9Zl, Vu l'ull.c Ltdecr Lemtanj On of 7iTi6einic rrfitca yick 7rac; trice because the dec.i nnt teir him, hut tchen hc hears that hr A e.i become infatuated irith Haiiy Caattfteii. of "The Jelly Iievclcrs." Carel's irrliieu icercr. ami Wic trrirM te .Yfc. Uetcevei: trlirn lie i-etitcs te her, hr rcaliecs that ftc ier net lore hln. ami (' i enl.7 ytel's vnnaidttutinn that irpi her thravijh the eiiliul of jnemlsiwj te he its u'ifr. Aftcnranl, fhai hr pic trrti her u ith a gift, she ferei i Iter df te respond te hii ciicur. bit she realizes for the first time irhat it will mean te many a man without loc. When VJcfc gats te rr Jci(i for thi cm limr, she is ycinc rm docs nnt let him sinpcct that she has hunted te earc, CHAPnCIl XVI Confidences ArTEU Nick had gene. Dal'y snt still en the couch for a few moments, nnd then with a little ndmnuMiing shuke of her small body, she me abruptly, went te the deer et llie ueurenm nun iiuug jit open. There was no need of tijing i(e 1-cep secrets from Gmrgin and i.ucna; uvi" j Hlii wanted some one te talk te and she was retain of sympathy from the ether two girls. "Well!" she said dramatically, striking a pe0 ns r'm fIet,d en tbe threshold. "Well!" they naid In uniaen, eagerly, "what hnppennl, what did be want? Are ynu engared? "NK en tbnt stuff, he cams te say geed-by, w-bat de you knew about that?"' , "Daisy." I.uella xclalmcd indig nantly, "he didn't hnve the nerve te come. "nnd tell jeu it was all off." "Sure he did, that's just what hap pened." She eame Inte the room nnd threw herself down in a low wicker ehnlr, nnd the two girls stared at her, waiting for her te tell them mere. "I knew It as seen as I had seen his fore, the ether girl's come back." "Gee, he's a peer sfMt," suertrd Georgia. "Duln't lm bilng you any thing; didn't be offer le make tilings right with you?" . .'.,, ., "Of course net, be s net that kind," Uaisv returned. "He probably never thought of it." Luellu was staring at her with Twe Minutes Hy IIEKMAN The Business of Humanity TO GET really the me't out of llfe, thcre ate seme things besides; makln a living that we mutt de. " Whatever our pobitien or pobsessiens, we ought te make n business of humanity. Tlicte are many lines of this great business which we can cairy en ns ridelincs te our vegulnr Jeb. Such ns: The Chcerlug-Up Line. The Encouraging Line. The Lcnd-n-Hand Line. Ne matter hew limited your mcuns, no matter hew pressing your engage ments, jeu cau afford te be liberal with your smiles, unstinted with your encouragement, generous with kindliness by the wayside. There nre the things which bring harmony into life; and harmony Is power; harmony is etliclency ; harmony spells success. Writing n friendly letter, dropping a chcerlns congratulation, pouring out deserved words uf prnitp who can mensure thesi in dollars and ccntb nnd who can doubt Hint they ceme back te their donor in a thousand ways nnd give enduring satisfaction. Tills business of humanity Is the one business that never gets overcrowded; opportunities te get in are always plentiful; yet, paradoxically enough, the opportunities you ht slip today seldom return ngaln. Our foremost btntcsmen, our brilliant scientists, our Ingenious Inventors these men accomplish great things; but nfter nil, it, Im the things which come from the heart tlint menu the most and accomplish the most. The most important nb wii us most business of Immunity, ' Get into it. X Ai- DISH PARTY Thcfp scallops arc bound with bome contrasting color say white, if the cheek Is blue, or any ether color with white. There H n small bib with walloped top and the sash ends nre scalloped. A pretty fancy Is te mnke matching cuffs nnd cellar. The picture shows the Idea. Chintz aprons are qulte unusunl and most attract Ive. The gay colors nnd all-ever designs arc n little out cf the ordinary, but most effective. There Is a generous-sled bib te lhec aprons, cut with a low. square neck, twtend ing Inte straps that go ever the shoul ders mid down te the waistband in the back. The skirl part Is cut stralcht and comes te the edge of the dress. It is gathered across the top and id lnle a narrow baud that is llntslicd with sash ends in tlm back. IIip apron edges, nre linislied with n bias binding mi some plain color, and thete are large natch Dockets, which ndd te the at- I trnctlvrncss and usefulness of the miren. I Voile nnd cotton crepe are also made 1 Inte quite large aprons, decorated with I wool embroidery . shrewd dark eyes and the exclaimed suddenly . "Puisv you're Inking up for hltn. don't (ell me you really care, that it's going te mnke you unliappv." lhiisy nodded, slowly. "Yes, I care. Isn't It a n'reain. girls? IJut it's the tititli, and that's why I didn't hnvc the lieart te mtike it hard for him. Itut here's the point. I don't think she cares, and sonic day he's going te find it out ler himself. T think she's probably heard nbeut tuc. ami she's going te marry him te prevent him from limit ing u feel of himself. Well, some day when he llnds out the truth, he'll ip meinber me. and he'll ceme back. Yeu wnit nnd see." T.uelln scoffed. "You're nnt going te spoil your life waiting around for ioi'ie iei'ie thing like that te happen, nre you? I thought jeu had mere sense, "if you cure for him new you'll get ever" it, some one else will come along." "Oh. I'm net going te sit still with my hands folded, just waiting for something te happen, hut I'm going te hepe tbnt it will. Ien see I leve him, lie's different. After all he needn't have ceme back te tell in". I didn't have a thing en him. he's played square rijfht along, nnd I bud te be a sport. "Yeu're n sport all right," raid Geergln. "mere nf a sport thnn I'd be, If a mini had taken up ns much of my time as he has yours." IJut the soft ness in her veleeielled the sting in her word". She was fend of Dnisy. and she wasn't in leve with Nirk Trifcy. there fore she saw the entire mntter through different eyes1. In (Jeorgia's shrewd I It t le heart therp wprp such tilings as breach of premise casu with thousands et dollars in volved, und whether she had been in love with n man or net f,he would have mnde him pay in geed solid rash for trilling with her affections. "Think of the money you could have landed if you'd sued him!" she Hiig gested craftily. "I think yeu're cra.y." Daisy laughed a llttlu shakily. "Well, he'll knew there's ene cherm girl who isn't out for the money, nnyvwiv." "Yet. but precious little geed that'll de jeu," reminded Georgia piacllcally. Tomorrow Her Wedding Kve "Mether" Jenes III "Methet'' .Tenes, for many years a conspicuous figure in erganised labor circles, particularly in the affairs of thn mine workers, is buffering from nn attack of rheumatism, in ew 0f jj,,, fact tJmt she iu ninety -three years old. It Is considered doubt lul If -die ever will be able te resume hr nid-tliue activi ties in behalf of "her bevs," of Optimism J. STICH tniibijing putiucss in the world is the ., wWvV.u , t 9M, I It Takes a Very Unusual Girl Te Be Her Mether-in-Law's Bearder There Is Bound te Be Seme Friction When a Matt Takes His Wife Heme te Live With His Mether Separate Hemes Arc Better 1IIIEN they were first married they,befere Ms marriage, when '' lived with "his" parents. Ills wlfe was very fend of bcr mother-in-law, nnd the plan Fccmcd very nice te everybody for a while. But eh, that but that comes Inte everything llke this! there were some things en which the wlfe nnd her methcr-ln-law did net agree. They had no actual quarrels, but there wcre discussions and things were said en both sides which would net have beeu said tinder ether conditions. And the young brlde feels that she can never have qulte se much respect for her niether-ln-lnw after theso cer tain things that were said. This would never have happened If thev had net lived together. It is only nn exceptional woman who can live with her husband's family for longer than a visit nud "get nwny with It." Thc.re arc bound te be demnnds upon her patience and understanding that she cannot meet halfway. TJEU husbnnd's mother naturally -J-J- clings tn her little boy and the lltfle linr feeltnr- nbnllt lllm. She nnturally wnnts te knew nil nbeut dim just ns bhe nlwnys did, nnd wants te de things for him just ns she nlvynys did, and have him ceme te her nrst, just as he always did. New- he cannot de that, and she-enn-ret de that when he Is married and Ills wife is there with him. It is net rigkt that be should or that she should. , . . And his mother would knew that and remember It It he did net live right there In his own room, just as he always had. Somehow It seems just the same ns Adventures With a Purse Aim you tired of wearing your wrist watch en u ribbon? Would you llke n Jhnnge? Ter some tlme 1 have sceretlyPbincd for one of Hip si vpr straps. This strap Is a flexible silver band that clasps (e each side of your watch, and holds It fiim nnd in place en your wrist. The nice part of it is tlint you enn cheese from a number of widths. Yeu even can get one about an eighth nf nn inch wide, but the ones I like, and which I wither imagine will nppeal te you. tee, aie a full half or thrpe-quarters of an inch In width, nnd hnve an appearance of solidity that Is most, desirable. The price of these sterling silver straps Is ?3. T saw jome mighty nice-looking ster ling silver barpius the ether dny. They hip ery blender with n fineness nnd1 daintiness that mnke them very lacy nnd dpllcnte in iippearance. They arc i studded with twinkling white brllllnnls. nnd from their geed workmanship and pleasing leek, suggest the expensive. platinum nnd diamond pins. Knr naniM nf elinps mWrr Wnmm's Pace I'dltcr or iiliene Walnut 300(1 or Main KlOt Letwrrn tlie liniirn of 0 and 5. Read Your Character ny Meby Phillips Square Hands Again scientific fact squares up with popular pbrasco'esy. for the "square" hand denotes virtually what we cull the "square" type "f personality. The square hand, nn the chnrncter chnrncter nlegist defines It. jh linn, liirdlum-sle,, nnd squarely shaped. The fingernails, while net stubby, nre net long, nud nre rather square in shape. The thumb Is Erin und huge. I The owners of such hands aie "regu- I Inr" people of the pructicnl. industrious type, and you'll find that Ihey arc en- liable of considerable tenacity nnd per- ' sistence in carrying te n successful con- elusion the things thev undertake. They are inclined te be punctual nnd precise, but net overly se. in their habits, nnd find little synipnthy for ethers who nre shiftless and careless In their consider ation for ethers, Thn square linnd nhe marks a pre disposition for the enjoyment of do mestic lite, reasonable, practical ambi tion, with nbillties generally leaning toward mechanical und commercial pieblcms. Tomorrow Short Heads Antoinette Dennelly's Advice en Beauty P. A. Ti. ; I liave illustrated cxer- cites en hew te reduce the bust which, 1 win no giau te man 10 you it you will tend me a stumped, addrcbscd en velope. Query: I knew n woman with lovely golden brew n hair who uses the egg slinmpoe entirely, nnd I must confess she is a splendid indersement for it. Hut at the present cost of eggs it would seem the old rclinble soap anil wnter treatment is nn eccllcnl in stitution. She takes eight cgg. tcp. urates yell.s ami whites; first rubs the beaten yolks oil her dry head, rinses that off in hike warm water net het, remember, unless you vvniit them cooked; then rub thu whiten en for the bccnnd shampoo, nnd fellow this with ubeut t-lx ilriblngs. Ne soap is used. WII ATS WHAT Hr uw.uv 11r.n1: The quick modern method of "het. platter dinners" In gaining approval In many housihelds where each dinner Is sent In from the kitchen en Its own het plate Hut, wheiever the elder cub cub ten! of pushing dishes still prevails at a, fainllv table, the mother and father liave the llrst lulping. then the dlbhes nre puEted te the Juniors. Meat I frequently served alene cm the henteil plates after the soup plates liave been removed from each place. Salad also may bs In Individual dishes" se that If Js necessary te pass only the vegetables the bread and the condiments. ' The usual form of requett for passing tnuce, relishes, seasoning, etc u .e?'7 I treuble you for the vlnerar'"" ifni instance). IJut, where nOcry'one at the tabic pays attention te the wants of every ene else, any such request should be unnecessary, (specially 011 the 1 art things nre at ranged that way. A MAN never rcallrcs what a diffi cult situation he is making when he brings his wlfe te his own home te live. Ne matter hew sweet his wife, no matter bow senslble nnd bread-minded his mother, there Is nltnebt sure te be some friction, . A bey'n mother thinks there Is no ene closer te him than his mother. A man's wlfe thinks thcre is no ene closer te him thnn his wife. A dlffcrcnce of opinion arises, nnd Instantly all the Instinctive, Involun Invelun tary resentment of the ether's intrusion that each ene has kept carefully hid den comes uppermost. It's Inevitable. Heme' of the verr nicest friendships between daughter-in-law and metlier- In-lnw have been broken irremediably by the Inslstcnce of the husband nnd son en bringing his brlde Inte his own home. It Is the greatest mistake that he can make. If he cannot nrovlde a separate home for her it would Iks much better te wnlt and save n while longer until be can take her te their own home. TIIBUE she can cook potatoes with their jackets en if she wants te; there she can liave Rilly little dust catchlng shields for her telephone if she wnnts te; thcre she can have dinner in the middle of the day instead of at night if she wnnts te, nnd there she can have dim shndpil caudles en her dlulng dlulng dlulng roem Inble If she wnnts te without caus ing nny talk at nil. And from there she can go te see her mother-in-law, beceme great friends with her, nnd estnblish a deep and last ing affection that will de them both geid. Why can't husbands understand that? Philadelphia Atlantic City Baltimore Wilmington The M A Of Imported English Tivccds in the plaid and herring bone effects and all the wanted colors. 127 PHILADELPHIA 1337 S. 13th St. A Chestnut St. Boardwalk Shep Atlantic City Brighten Bleck r - 11 n .mi 1 .. . M stores co. m A , 1 '' ASCO The way le a man has been said le be through his stomach. One of the shortest routes is a geed cup of cedec. IL' there's one thing a man is par ticular about, one part of his meals he enjoys mere than the ethers, it is his coffee. Surprise "him" with a cup of the delicious Asce Coffee and see his face light up in a smile. 1SCQ Tatlt tht diffaenct? YsSSssSSSr s?vVi2T T he enticing fragrance, the rich, rare aroma, the little joy telegram that the tickled nerves wire te the brain from n cup et delicious Asce Coffee make a man start the day with a smile en his face and u song in his heart. & i Sld ?,n'r '" ,Ahee S0' ,ecatcd a" v" I'll". ad through threugh JjU' out I ennsvlvniiia, Mew JcrHey, Delaware und Murjluml. iSCO ASCO ' Women Workers In Birmingham, Ala., there am.j te be no form of labor from SI women nre excluded. The city m fl " women chauffeurs, fd"ur women cmnWi.' ,....., ..,v.,w-SiSUi engaged in semi -skilled operatives In fiteel mills 11 blast furnnccs, ten women listed as coil miners nnd ene woman who earns t.. .W...UVU u "i'iwu swiicuman. An Indian Weman The Begum of Phepal, who is te . tertnln the Prlnce of "Wales durln ,i ..t.U - T.ll la !. j nu hammedan ruler In the world"0 rit' Tlefflim In n hlffhW plleaA.1 "... la' woman, who speaks English' fluentu1 She Is fend of music nnd painting ii has written ene or two books, netabl? an account of her pllgrlmnge te Mecca OTMBIiM Kit?3 A reduction of 23c a auzen in-3 wecKsl carton of twelve Sold only in our Stoics ffl tfaiMii Strictly fresh Eggs 44c J9TOWKagr?ii Sheps of Sensible Prices Whee She Qees Travelling or Shopping, Ceuntrg-Clubbing or pursues h c r busi ness about town en feet nothing is better than English Tweeds. Made into a trig little coat suit with cape and hat te match, they form a combina tion that is smart, practical and pictur esque. Suiats, $39-75 Capes, Hats, te match $1 0.00 & Up ASCO heart s Coffee ASCO ' ASCO i, . -.; ue auiiciputcd.i 1 1 -' "- '"nl Ar" 'Ji I ! 1 Aiiiiin.fJ' 4t2iitf'IC. !.!'.''.fc''iaiH"H'',. , .. ...J1..tW,i.,A.... . . tiimk!aQx&& JSiaiT""' 1"-,TFre,.l..V.V