Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 11, 1922, Sports Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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Rain or anoie
f Organ Plws at 9, 11 and 4:50
Stere Opens at 9
Stere Closes at 5
Cliimci nv nn
Ueadu Tomorrow With the Expected Extraordinary
Wnnnmaker Winter Sale or
e Cut Loese Frem Habits
and Jtiurtrui r eepie
e-et closer te these who teach, inspire
and lead us into safer ways, is possible, but
Mm will te de se rests wholly with ourselves.
If you have the thought of breaking away
irnm hurtful people and their
rUIiwholesemeness you must be firm in your
0Wn mum " -- - T
and words.
Standing still under certain
circumstances is dangerous. The care of
yourself sneuid D.e your nrsr care
I January 11, 1022.
Sterling Silver Tableware
The marriage of a friend or relative ; the remembrance of
fbirthday or wedding anniversary; the gratification of one's
own silver neeus any 01 uiese occasions empnasizes tne
latisfactien 01 nnumg at one s disposal se large anu vaneu
collection or sterling silverware as win ee leunu nere.
Frem the best silversmiths in the country are their most
famous patterns in table 'dishes, tea and coffee services, and
Among favored designs are: The r-rencn patterns, umis
XIV and Maintenon ; the English patterns, Sheraton, Heppel
white, Lansdowne and Lady Mary; the American patterns,
Colonial, Portsmouth, Plymouth, Mary unnten, Newport
ind King Albert, designed in honor of the Belgian King.
(Main Iloer)
The French
Idea in
fj well illustrated in the neck
wear section, where dainty
hand-made puimpes from Paris
arc $G te 30. There arc high
cellars, low round necks, jabot
frills and many ether styles.
The lesser-priced domestic
guimpes, from S1.50 up, bor
row many ideas from these
finer imported ones.
(Mil I ii l'luur)
Silvery Slippers
That De Net
The newer slippers of
aluminum cloth de net tar
nish as cloth of silver does,
and are therefore much mere
lasting and durable.
Our dainty cloth of alumi
num slippers are fashioned
by hand by one of the famous
old-time shoemakers. They
are exquisitely light and
graceful in design, and have
one strap buttoned at the
side, and either low French
heel with medium tee and
vamp, or high French heel
with narrower tee and vamp.
Priced $10 and $17 a pair.
(I Irm J'luur)
The Brown Laes
Ee much worn in Paris this
easen will be found in the
-filling Section at from
1.50 te $12.50.
Brown veilinirs hv Hm
ard arc 50c te S1.50.
(Main I'leiir)
Handbags With
Silver Frames
French black velvet
checks, dots and moire
stripes is the fabric chiefly
used in these large bags,
though there are a few in
dull black pin seal.
The frames are heavy,
hand-pierced affairs of ster
ling silver.
Prices are $47.50 te $75.
(Main I'luer)
A Perfume of Paris
Frem Claire, the famous
French perfumer, comes the
delightful bouquet odor
Fleur d'Or, preferred by
many of our customers te
any ether fragrance. The
extract and toilet water are
each $6.50. and the delicate
face powders, in three tint
ings, are $1.50. All are ex
clusively here.
(Main riuer)
Colored organdie voile and
fleuncings with large eyelet
designs are 45 inches wide
and sell at $4.25 and $5 the
yard. The orchid, China
blue and apricot of the or
gandie patterns in particular
are lovely.
(I'lrHt riuer)
Drawer leggings, te be
precise. They are of white,
black or navy jersey, in two
te six year sizes, and priced
at $1.25 te $5.50.
(Tlilnl Fleer)
"The Best Underclothes
; Values in Town"
... ,Se women are Miyinjr of this Wnniimnker White Sale. Cer
n I 't i weul(1 1jc impossible te find nnywhere better qualities
nu stjles for the low prices prevailing heie this month. I
iu At 51-,"). niKhtRewna of nainsoek, square neck and kimono
icee, lace tummed, run with wide ribbon.
ilccu-l ' "'Khtgewns of flesh nainsoek, lace trimmed and
UmAt 7r'0, '"Plre gowns trimmed with fine embroidery, the
rcces set in.
mi i1, c"vcll'e chemises of white nainsoek, with ribbon-run
mbreidt.ry and ribbon shoulder straps.
?1.2e, lace-trimmed envelope chemises of white nainsoek.
300 Japanese Crepe Petticoats at $1.85
mbrediTc P'01'0 '" While' P'"k or b'UC'' s,enlleP-l!lEcd nd hand
O tiler rlnilWftfin nni'itinnfa in f nllntiin
-, . .. v y wi ifivilfu IIU fl i- fc 1110
'B'"Bevns, ?l te $9.50. Short
Chemises St )n r. r.i
Combinations. Si' in i 7r, $1.50.
petticoats, 85c te
ruUmw Kn.. In im r.n
1 ". iu 91.1111.
"loeniers, 50c te $1.75.
Leng petticoats, 85e te $5.
Corset covers, 85c te $2.25.
(Third Fluer)
Corsets in the White Sale
Onnl),,..:..! , . ., ..,... . .
fclnif 1 V ,a,tune meaei wun giKue top ana long skirt is or
r"K orecho and priced at $7. Discontinued models of the
wie make are $5 and $7.
I'Clitia corsets, also discontinued models. $15.50 te $10.
lrJVunmaker Specials, $1.50 te $5. These include ceutil,
rhe and nink Jan
(ii.li ' Specials two topless models of pink broche, and
nUier of lio.M.ie.. 1,,, c. r.n
I .Bandeaux and brassieres at 45c te $2 their normal
'a Would be nearly- twicp as much.
Novelty Wraps and Coats
in the Sale ei Furs
sapphire lining,
Here is n lovely mole
cnpe with a huge cellar of
platinum gray fox for
Anether mole wrap has
' the skins worked horizon
tally and a big muffler col cel
lar of mole. The price is
A Hudsen seal (dyed
muskrat) wrap with a
self cellar has fullness
above the elbows and an
enchanting geld and cop
per lining. Price $562.
Anether Hudsen seal
(dyed muskrat) is also of
the cape order. It has a
low waistline and a de
A third example of this
same fur has a kolinsky
cellar, bell sleeves and an
odd girdle, $562.
A Hudsen seal (dyed
muskrat) with a cellar of
natural black muskrat
and a rose and brown lin
ing, price $300.
A black caracul ceafhas
a gray squirrel cellar and
an old blue lining, price
These are just by way
of example of the charm
ing things one can buy for
25 per cent less than regu
lar prices.
(Second l'loer)
Women's Jersey Dresses
Only $22.50
A little let which in
cludes coat models and
tunic models and some
really delightful things
with accordion pleats run
ning from the beat-shaped
neck te the feet. Seme of
the dresses are embreid
ered. One coat style has
a circular skirt.
Celers are taupe, henna,
tan, navy, brown and'
Price $22.50.
(Flmt Doer)
Seme Pretty JNew Frecks
for Yeung Women Have
Come $22.50
One model is in crepe de
chine of geed quality, made in
the girlish round-neck and
kimono - sleeve fashion, the
waist fulled ever an elastic
girdle, and the sash orna
mented with chrysanthemums
made of the material. It is
hard te say if it is prettiest in
white crepe de chine, henna,
nnvy or brown.
Navy blue tricetine fashions
the ether model a straight
one-piece street dress, orna
mented only with hand em
broidering in black silk. The
underbedice is of pongee silk,
and the entire drqss is excep
tionally well made.
Each is in 14 te 20 year sizes,
and priced $22.50.
Women's Evening Capes and
Coats, New $100 and $200
Only twenty-five, however,
and they nre the last of the
season. A few of the gar
ments are made qf light
panne velvets burnt orange,
rose and sapphire, with plat
inum gray fox cellars and the
rest are the darker duvetyns
and bblivias in old blue, black
and browns, with cellars of
beaver and wolf.
At the present prices there
is a saving of $50 at least.
Children's Colored
Mussed from jhandling,
but mightily satisfactory te
mothers who don't mind
paying less because they
need a tubbing. Materials
are dotted swiss, gingham
and chambray, sizes two te
six years; prices, $1 te $5.50.
White dresses are included
in the let, $2 up.
(Third Fleer)
Just received from
Switzerland, and in many
colors dark grounds with
white dots, white grounds
with colored dots, white with
black and vice vers a.
Browns, blues and reds espe
cially are in evidence.
Width 80 inches.
Price $1.50.
(I'Ii-hI Fleer)
Wrinkles Lewer Prices en
These Waists
A little let of crumpled cotton waists that have been
higher-priced are new lowered te $5 and $6.85.
They include fine white batiste, and white, pink and
blue voile, in the excellent styles that will be most wanted
for Spring suits. A number of frilled fronts arc among
The savings en them are well worth the trouble of
tubbing them.
(Third Fleer)
Men's Fine Suits
It is a sale of 1100 mens suits
marked for disposal at $30, $35 and $40.
These prices represent savings of
all the way from $8 te $25.
But it is net the low prices and the
large savings that mean most.
The biggest thing is that these are
all-wool, hand-tailored suits of the
Wanamaker standard of the world
selection. '
It is net a job let and it is net a
clearaway. It is net a handing out te
late comers of things that have been
picked ever and turned down.
They are new suits, fine Winter
suits made direct te our order, and the
majority of them just received in stock.
There are all sorts of Winter fab
rics plenty of worsteds, for instance,
cheviets, cashmeres and fancy mix
tures. There are 192 suits priced
at $30
There are 491 suits priced
at $35
There are 41 7 suits priced
at $40
And they represent, past all doubt,
the best values in men's garments in
Sizes and fashions for all and sun
dry for young men, for elder men, for
long men, for short men, for "long
stouts," for "short stouts," for big men
and small men.
Plenty of double-breasted suits, as
well as the familiar
business suit.
(Third Fleer)
Men's White Shirts With or
Without Seft Cellars
There are white cheviot
shirts with or without soft
cellars attached for $2 and
And white poplin in the
same styles at $3.50.
At this same price, $3.50,
are fine white madras shirts
with self stripes and with
neckbands for separate col cel
lars. All have soft cuffs.
Heuse Furnishing Specials
French coffee grinders, nickel edcres. 50c each.
25c, 35c and 50c
English egg cabinets,
Racks te held cooking pet
lids, $1.
Alcohol percolators, nickel
and copper finish, $3.75
Glass trays with nickel
edges, 12-inch diameter, $2.
Nickel tea and coffee pets,
from one quart at $1.25 te
three quarts at $2.
Porcelain toasters with
Porcelain t r a y s with
nickel edges, $5.75 te $10.
Nickel-plated chop dishes,
one-quart size, pyrex insert.
Nickel-plated p u d d i n g
dishes, 3-pint size, $3.75.
Japanese t r a y s, oval
shaped, $4.25 te $5.75.
Chinese waste baskets-, 50c
and $1.
Weed-covered ash sifters
te fit ever barrels or boxes.
A Little Sale of Men's Very
Fine Footwear
(In (he Londen Shep)
The Men's Londen Shejf has out en sale 357 pair of
uncommonly fine beets and oxfords at decidedly lower
Black and tan shoes of Scotch grain, bearded Viking,
Russia calfskin. French calfskin and cordovan.
Seme are brogue .styles with long wing tips and per
forations and some are plainer styles. Among them a
few dress oxfords of patent leather.
The new prices are $10 and $12 a pair, which repre
sent rather remarkable savings.
( I'hr (ullf r,i i
1 1 eurlli Fleer)
200 Pair of Fine 42-Inch Velour
Doer Curtains $16.50 a Pair
Best Value in Years
Fresh, new goods, just out of the packages.
Of a beautiful quality of velour and made with
French seams.
All are 42 inches wide and 2'-. yards long.
Full variety of colors te select from blues, browns,
greens, taupe and se en.
Nothing se geed in merchandise of this kind in
Price $10.50 a pair.
( I Iflli I liv.n
New Saruk Rugs of Beauty and
Substance $90 te $185
Very heavy puce-, thee. in colors of much depth, luster
and richness, chiefh re-y retN, mahogany reds and various
blue shades, with ctu and unusual tones of yellow.
Fer substance and beauty, Saruks are unsurpassed, and
these are goedQSaruks.
Prices are very reaNenable, as prices 'go $90 te $185
for sizes 4.2x0.8 ft., or thereabouts.
These pieces are a wonderful combination of beauty and
substance; in fact, it would be hard te find a better one in
merchandise, or anything cIm.
( ' I'ntli I liier)
New Lets of Fine All-Weel
Blankets 40 Per Cent Less
I'll) pair of all-e.l plaid blankets, in blue, rose, gray
and tan, size Gl5.S4 inches, ,s) a pair.
in pair of the same grade of blankets, but in light rose
enl. and in size 70x82 inches-, $10 a pair.
l.")0 pair of white all-Weel blankets, 70x82 inches, with
wide s-triped border in rose and dark blue, $10 a pair.
All of thes-e. blankets are of excellent quality, geed look
ing and priced at least 10 per cent below today's ruling
n enlh 1 loer )
Linen Towels
Special at 50c and
75c Each
Twe of the best lets of
all-linen towels we have had
in years are new offered at
50c and 75c each.
The towels at 50c are of
full-bleached Scotch hucka
back, in a soft finish and
with hemmed ends, size 17x
34 inches, an unusually
generous size considering
the price and quality.
The towels at 75c are of
an extra geed quality of
huckaback, with a neat
damask border and carefully
hemstitched, size 20 x 35
If you need any towels of
cither kind, you will find it
very hard te equal these,
(Flrtt Fleer)
All Our Small Beys' Knitted-Cleth
Suits at One Lew Clearaway
Price $6 Each
This is a fine oppertunitj te secure knitted-cloth suits for little chaps of three
te ten years.
It is a regular clearaway from our own stocks and it also takes in a number
of suits that came in through a special purchase.
Every suit in the collection is new marked at ene low price $0, and this means
about one-third te one-half less than the regular value.
There are 01i or Twist, Middy and Junier Norfolk styles in a variety of tan,
greenish mixtures, brown and heather effects.
A small number of blue serge suits are included.
All told, there are about 300 suits,
me price $e eacn, in a te ) year size-.
(beiunU 1 luej)
eci one of Hum ;i wonderful wilne ai.
v as
N ' 1
a JA
(Third Fluer)