" t, , "Wrt" . . 1 , '' " ! V wiNlHtMttftTfl T t.AKkw'eiiH, X J. 17 ryiAiUKAi. surroundings of W -Ll picturesque beauty, In league yk 11 w'l' n ever-delinhtful climate, IVynfBMp I .nnke for happy, healthful out a ifi I deer life at Lakewood. Whether frUAKErVOODS lARCESr. FOREMOST HOTEL-90 MINUTES FOOM BROADWAY - LAKEVR30DrHOJELIiKSfc? irnu.uat entertainment feature! nnrl outdoor Sports. NOW UM)i:n TUB MANAOCMENT OF THE PINRS ltOTRI, CO. Te- resenatlnn; phone BOB I.afcewoed, or New Yerk Hooking Office i-t.-iMv .t'w, rF inr 1'iuTrHfeti nampnie' teEMBASSY (..It built and newly rurnlshed. All out '. rooms, rrlvale baths. Het unci cold Mint ater and telephones In all rooms. Sirlsn culslne. JMslc. Dancing. Grill 10 till III I" iwut'ie vvun' .... Ifciroed 331. New Yerk OfTlce Schuyler I -J 1 ATI. NTir i'lTV, N. J. mi Atlantic City, N. J. WINTER RATES (tietimber te January inclutivt) On American Plan, with Bath Twe People, Sh5. ?9.i, $112, end up fjne Persen, SfiO, $70, and up On nrrshlp Management JOSIAII Will IT. ft SONS COMPANY teWIDTcHIRB .rrnls v0 mMr jifitcn. jiunninK nier mi plnn $1 rcr day up. OCEIXIS liwtier X J COLLINS. Mgr. HOTEL CONTINENTAL in open aluule ready, terms moderate. rttl or phone. M WALSH DUXCAN. THP I firllST HIS. Pennijrleanla At. ntLUOUJI j. j,,.-!,. Attractive kd tiemel kc American plan. Slncle. 13.00 i ntlr lin-.n un (1 TMilhle 1.111 up wkll. aWettminalnt. Kentucky Ave nr. Ilech '" " Elevator prlate bathe. rnlnr wslfr. Open all ear. C. A. KOPP. Mii;m.i.K. x. c. aaaaiaiaraia'aiaiararaiajaEJSu' Wixmmat THE BIGGS SANITARIUM Ashcvillc, North Carolina Specializing in the A. C. Bias Efficiency Treatment write for free rupy of our booklet. JntereuUnt' and Instructive. PJSEIEBBlSJgJSJBJBiSJBraiBlBJBIrar AII-YFADDFCAflT WiweiTeurist" Headeu arf cjp.j vyiweriei efilwSai- civ 11 1 .T-r tRemAnpaJachiatvs 1 H..V."J,t.1u,e?.';'nl Wonderland. "In the : :;,' ' "" moire. in a 100-mll fi J0und A"nevll'e ' 64peaka6C0O ..,.'' "" ""'cneii 0,711, lop of uilern America." Twe hours by meter '""earl of Pl.gah National Ferest and Hihig,. ' '" a cre"" " i"i.UMJ A''I-TU1IP COM' COURSK t.hn'i?.",i!,.e'.0LF:"v-1".i'""-.'" a. 1;",",".w' v4 "men 01 una meter BlUinVA J . Pure water from 17.0fO acre n r-ewned water shed en Cragy Mnun. u,'.tni eastern slopes of Mt. Mitchell. 27.. xi cottages, uiinealewa; resi "nets. Hele and hnardleir.hni,. r.,.m. unexcelled. ifi!l' t0 Ah,fville !or 't. recreation. vSPm' W?"- Idl ter homes. C01 STi.- n,u. ' ,or 'rmlng. Trucking;, wl'vlng. Poultry and Swlne raising. "Iiitrsled Asiieville Pelier aad apeeiat neiei list irre. "etnle, el Ceraraeree, Asbeville. N. C. 11. i.uckncr, Meerelary Write for SPECIAL. Fall and Winter RATES BATTL'RY PARK HOTEL Asiieville, N. C. Stiphrr ejjjniniVrf'a for HI. RUIt. " Mtl.KVlON. s. p. VILLA iIAT?nT-Ti7.III'l'A Nnlen. ,. (. i,0(.lfJ ,n i,,,,,.,,.,,, . 'lierv p 'n" '"erl"0,""f "' harbor And SE'k Hi te for te-msand Iioeldet - I'lMI.HMI.I.K s ( EiheQTarelma" KtT, 4tJ;vlMCRVIUL.C . S.C. Kli & "unt.nC Uoemi thoreualilr hitted. IUIISAI K.HOUnBI llllniOM). VA muf(Meen la iT,"' 'A?01" slnale or ...."'. 'Ureniiii isi.sss . 5JfW hiukl-et ' en rV. AMEBfA'S iiJ"l.(.r.H. Mrr. 1I.INKN..,T TT ' ThaQ llPrfiln 4 'H...J,.l:",V,:itsVII.I.l!. I'A. " ths il'. J ';!! L . ical mid recups fH Ik. "'" li'suil t id recuperate, j ; 'M.,vvyv''iEiwf 1". J . f , UTNTT.lt KKflQItT; l-AKKWOOD. N'. J LAKEWOOD, RJ. Wetels efQIniqueVreaiigR and 'Distinctive Charm ,i;mirel house Jmurelpine 1 A.J.MURPHY-MWev: lilf FRANK. F. SHUTE-CVMURPHY-UrtWjfc ' Managcr- Dame Nature decreet skating, tobogganing and the varied cold er weather games, or the su premely invigorating golf which the average day provide here, the (pert "awaits the will of the sojourner. And delightful (octal environment and homelike charm, distinctive features at theie two tunerier hotels, make nlnasuraM.. the hours of relaxation which fellow the day's strenuous play. Brekers: Brumlcy, Chamberlin & Ce. On "The New Jency Tour, A Read of Never-Ending Delight" ,j.,.,i ,srr. Hi.- IT'," iiiiii 'iiVrwinVi. Ce; till (tl.f.m.i. am.uu U' IM1I.1, fu'i.C'l.ll. UhhK-bMI K,ii NDUCBMr.NTJl 'lO I'AR'riKH. CLthlB AND COJfVENTIONfir Wonderful feed. . Finest service, Danclnsr nlchtly In hallrnnm. Ainietie and Secial Directors. Indoor WINKLER'S" Tefmerly Rrlteln Ledge. Capacity 100, Reems en suite with private baths and runnlnjr water. Dietary laws strictly eberved. Telephone, Lakewood 201. MAX WINKLER. Freu. "A Geed Place te Heard" LA VASSAn HOUSE. LAKEWOOD, N. J. ' delect Clientele! Moderate Rate ATLANTIC CITY. X. .1 ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. DirtctlvcmtKe Oceaantmt AiAmaicanPtuiHotdefl)i5lincticii CAPACITY KX OARAOC MxNert7LBtaAj sspaaliisriasall BOTHWILL V'.Mgmb Ae. second house from Ileardwalk and Steel Pier. Every appointment. Highest I standard In cuisine and service, booklet. 14 dally. Special weekly. J. Dethwell Prep. HOME-LIKE ACCOMMODATIONS one block from boardwalk for a few refined peeple. Diet requirements given personal attention. Hates moderate. Mrs T 15 Helland. Hln I'aclflc a.. cer. Stales. Atlantic CUy. X J. SHOREHAM Virginia Ar. near llencb . . . . KUROPKAN FLAN Special reduced winter rates. Aleis Oruber. Hetel Rnacehel Kentucky Av. nr. haaca rate. Am. & E plain. Ph. 111. C.B.MARION New Clarien Kentucky Ae. Juet off MCW V-ianen Heardwallt. S.K. Boniface asiieville. x. c. 58&rt!Zki& A new. Intcrestlnc nml cffectlvn mptlirul nr rxinrhi, Uniii. nn.i vin. 3 iml InereBnlnp iihynlc.il, nervous nnd mental emclency. Tlie treatment Is m WsMy tpcclallzcd nnd adapted te each Individual case. Well equipped, Ej liberally manaceil nanltnrlum. hut nn tlreunnm rmitina it in m i.,.iii, 3 WASIII.M1TON. D C. SRP S HotelPetomac MEWjeB3eYA)C,4 C ST.SC vVA SHINGfTON. D.C. ene: jquahc Bp'uTM or cAPrre. Sime r1ra4trnVi'tad StatrA termirvatlMHaniiltOWsiwraw! ffl ResideiNTial ervdrrarsiert Meaified Amerarrlai- Wi eqmi DO rvl endmea ter Koema ewy Urvusucklly mederate r&tes R05T.N.PATTERSOKtva r ss WAVAN'NAII. HA. SWANNAM CAr lU'ROl'KAN 1'l.AN il riieius, WV nv llli bath, IS hole golf rauise irivllfge of gu.'sls, temus imirta, hi iculnii well water. Kained for cuisine llpeUlet en neiml H. C. I.ersslere. Mar, PINKIItlts". N. C. 1 BffjJQlji32L'Ky iWaw.fyW'VraaLBM m pintluu5t PH My NORTH CAROLINA M 9" Fer mera than a V. U quarter century the iS happy meeting place for IJ9 cood-fellewship and true HHfl sport. New improvements 1 and new attractions; while tHH Hetel rates have been sub- J5 atantially reduced. I BaBM A I ejrvsir ciefm h - nun urui LRsjy Helly 'Inn Opens .Tan. 10 Z HB Hetltshlre Openu Jun. 15 HB i:cry comfort and ti de- BpBH liKhtful Southern hospital- fel iiy at Pinehurst hotels. . vi WM Calf Tinnh, Trap. Vm A 1 Sheeting, Riflm Rant, MM llerBtbach Riding, UHl Racing, Driving, H Metering, Airplanlng E3 Championship events in ffljH every field of sport sched- L iS uled threuch the entire - KawN season! ihru l'nllin u liulj S52l Fer rote rvmtlenw, dd rets V( l Cst rsl OISh, Piatkanl, N. C. .$ X T" mvwmmM'wmMiwmmm&z: iMMBmmm-&vHA t-vLrK.p7..r : rr.vv. rrmrKr? -wr ,:;.;tff -..,, sbbs1ssssssssssb'J ' V" !& P c&trz ste0fh&r67fccC&en? wkerv. you raalec your reservatierva Efer prolervejed Wirvier visit te ike AStCoastepJiorida '-pHIS delightful series e( vacation resort wlllnercr disappoint you, Every spot en this sunny Coast Is always refreshing, always cheerlnf wivj real summertime activities. 0.0LF. OURP-DATIIINO. FIBHINQ. TENNIS Ana every etner outdoor summer ite St. Augustln Ortnend -en lh. Halifax Palm Beach Miami Kay Wait eater . . . . . . . fenca da Leen . Ormend Royal Pelncisna . . nreaVeri. Royal Palm Cata Marina . ... Lern Kay Lene Nay i.epsNey 1-ithincv.amp Naitau Colonial nahamalalands I Royal Victeria AlllMtlt mrt tttfltdt Iht Amitlcan plan Through Pullman trains from New Yerk direct ta all Bast Coast resorts Including Key West (or Havana: and from ether aectlens through Pullman te Jackson ville make close connections with Parler car and Sleep ing car tralna en the P. B. C, Ry. Through Sleeper, Bosten and Miami, daily. FLORIDA EAST COAST FUiltr Sysltm) New Yetk Office 3 Filth Avenue Telephones Madisen Bquar 9113 and Mil Oenerat Offices St. Augustine, Plerida Ml l JUXtOHEt BEAnRIXO, IXA. KENILWORTH LODGE SEBRING, FLORIDA ON BEAUTIFUL LAKE JACKSON Outstanding and unrivaled among Southern Resort Hotels. A picturesque and enchanting spot In Central Flerida. New and modern throughout. Season January te Apnl. Attractive Reems, each with Bath, Single, Ensuite. Natural springi of purest water en property. Gelf for the critical. Riding, Tennis, Fishing, HUGH J. FLYNN, Manager. )Ljm WEST TALM RnATII. FLA. WTlieTnn IP"" 'WrsTPALMDEACH.rLA CK DELIGHTFUL, modem, f"" Hetel, en the shore of Lake Werth, and over looking the Ocean. Attractive Moorish deiign. All outside rooms. Wonderful reef garden with dining room looking down en magnificentTreJ)icaI scenery. Terms- $5 te 8 daily. BOATING) BATHING. GOLF, FISHING, ETC. . Write for information Ownership Management by FRED. G. SCHWARZ LAKE COURT APARTMENTS ON THIS LAKE OPP03ITH THE ROYAL 1'OINCIANNA HOTEL Nlnetvrfine real homes! every modern oett- i-eiilence. Ineludlng Reef Garden and DlntnS Roem. Write for 'booklet. PALM REACH I.UARANTV CO. West Palm Reach. Flo. Brown & Wilcox Company WEST PALM REACH. FLA. Ilulldere uf Lake Court Apartments, also winter homes of Chester C. Rollen. Otte H. Kalm. Percy O Wllllems, Crank II. Clement. C L. Harding, Mr. Wm. Waller, Jr., and ether. Ontv first. elars work desired. I "Particular Buildeii for Particular People" Hetel Salt Air ?g.a West Palm Reach Strictly med. throughout. Elev., unsurpassed ocean bathing Booklet & rates en application fitraat ft Mnas, Preps PA LAI 1IKACH. FL. n. n.Th Hnlel Adjoins larsest hets). ralm ueacn netei Mert(!rn neMa 30o:eif. Iss formal mere med rates Warm eea bths. iach.ienvh.lt:. fi.a. Hetel Windser and ene of Flerida's Jacltsenvllle's largest hotel nnn or ! eriaa 3 nncsi. races beautiful Hemmlnir Park, ronvenlant te ie.itrrs and slienDlnB center, Ulrr. airy 1 bedroom turn parlors, unique dlr.lng rooms. JlODirt Ji Aivyer, rmi. J. 1: Kavnneugh, Manager Jacksonville, Fla. HOTEL ALBERT -JACKSONVILLE FLA In the ieart of everjthingi next Child' nestaursnt Steam heat, running water an' phene In all rooms. LIoater: attraetlvi lebby: parlor, perches, etc. Clean, com fertable beds Literature. 11.50 up. FORT I.AIIRKRDM.K. FI.A. Ne Ceal Bills te Pay It Is filorlens Semmrrtlme In FORT LAUDERDALE Flerida' Trnnlriil Wonderland IIOATJMi 1IVTI1INO IIHIUNO Send fur Illustrated Renhtet 8FCY. CllAMIIKIC OF COMMKlim FORT MYKRS FI, Hetel Royal PalmS'; 18-IIrle Oolf rishlng, Swlmmln Penl. Er Roem vilth Rath J. U NRI.EON, Ugr. STIIVMSIIII'M RKIIHIH SKirasSi JPHtWft f ft f isj&tk. T. OTFGHYBSEN5CAISHA jtrnvMlr mytftiEfmtwmm r-A a c .yfr'tf- -1 rnr. m jmm it c3 T miigCi Ml m 1 1 BertV"TrlWW VT W s.rt $? Al.hO llli:i(illT i-gi-s CMtlle te Far ICnsI Ferlnlthtly. New serk le the Orient sla Pan nnn Freeuentlj ., .. .. N,,v erk n Hrlllsh Indian Purls Monthly. ' ' '" Fer I'nrllnilufs nf Passage or Freight Apply In I'eniimny's OfHre Mnrltlme lliilldlng, 1-10 ifrldge btf. Ne V Yerk7 "" Rallwar Ktehing. Chleag. . Celman'Rallrllng, Bssttla. e(s'AIXUSTlrj mJx najm'v and always ally attraction New Open no ew Open New Open Opens Jan, 16 New Open New Open New Open New Open Open Jan. 14 New Open PKAnitlNO. TXA. ST, rKTKRHniTRO. 1'LA. I St. Petersburg ' Iixvites Yeu te "The Hunslilne City" of Flerida PPUCIAT, W1RB ! Tedays Temperature 76 The Sun Is Shining I Thousands of rooms ure avallablp at I upcclnl low prices ranging from $10 te M5 weekly for two persons, according ' te location and conveniences. Hundreds of new apartments te rent, 1160 for the Hcanen and up. according te location, size nnd conveniences ; also excellent hotel accommodations. WIRE OR WRITE Mayer Frank F. Pulver St. Petersburg, Flerida, Sunshine City Rosten Braves Will Train Here POINSETTIA HOTEL J0 Reoma I0O Rutin epean Plan A la Carte Dining Rec FLORONTON HOTEL Oierloeklnif Tampa Hay American Plan Medernlv r,e.ulpped ' U rile for Rale. Ownership-Management I 's - - - - , nRADHNTOWN. TUl. CjJm. 1 H v 1 1 1 1J w i P M t i ender county el the uenderlind of Florid. Tropic erdufe, rate plinn. Three briutiful little cities. Bradcntewn, Pilmttteind Slinc e. Bithmc, fiihine, beinnj, gell, reque, nne sute readi Acrommedationt for e cry rait and poclcibeoL In heart of gnatis; midvin ttr tccetable greuing lectien, Csnier orange and rjriptfruit grewingi melt productive gripe- "- . " lniirnlnili.UiA.N U'.l- JJ. -n come twain winter tmtere -J3ViLe nd larmeMettltrr. Cem -.and lee Write today fe iirce iiiuHratea Doewiet. r Ufit il Caul; Uasiimitr 5Be 786, Bradintsw 1 TARPON' HI'KINQS. FLA. Tarpen Inn Tarpen Springs. Flerida Oolf Music Private Hatha. J F Champlln DAYTONA IIKACH. 11. . DAYTONA BEACH HOTEL- . Ilread Verandas face the ocean. Thoreusb.lv 1 modern '"ulalne unexcelled. Rate 13 00 I te JU per day. American plan I HKU.KAIR HF.IOHTM. FI.A. .. ,T,y, ,IJHel;v and Cottages Rellealr Heights. Flerida. Open J a; FI.OKIIM r','t2L'n.).AT:,er Infer., write Infer Bureau. US W Day St. JacUsenWIle. Da. IlKUMl'DA HAMILTON HOTEL BERMUDA Uedern In Construction and Opsritloe I!50 Suites with Uath Flrsurjef Aicotnmedaltons for HOO Concerts bv Urltlsh Regimental Hand ?. 1. Olflce. Spur Travel Buraan , , 4Ifl nfh Axeniie fRoekletl Cable Addres "Held Rermuda" Jlnnagemrnt of .1. A. Slierrnrd Alse Ilelsl Preston. Reach Illuff, Mas. .(It i:ilKC. f'AXADV le CIIATICU FHONTENAC. DUKIIEO If jeu love real Wlnler Htrt, S I'K IMSIIII'I-RIORTS Fast Palatial Passenger Steamship of 21,000 tens te AND MANILA Frem Sdattle te Heng Keng via Yokohama, Kobe, Nagasaki, Shanghai and Manila MKRVICKn fcZiLiiXikjijasiSt .&iL Europe and the ai reasonable rates, GATES TOURS nw in: "ITarU IVe.,1 al JImmwUIs C-t" MS'Firth Ave., New Yerk Lwde Paris Rea fnr fn AMnts. "ABCala. Tn Mlmi TmU, th, Arjann Leaving Wintfr't Stormi California & Hawaii ' Our rd season of Superb Catlfer nla Tours Is new at It height. ' narturee via New Orleans, Apache Trail, Grand Canyon, Jan, 15. 30 Feb. n, and Departure via tlrand Canjen, Jan, IS, Feb. 1, 8, Mar , IB b later. Hawaii via Panama Our remarkable Cruise te California ft Hawaii via the West Indies & the Panama Canal leaea Teb. IS, by the luiurleu Matren Line H. H, "Hawkeye State ' Thl most de lightful cruise visit the most fas cinating of America' Tropical Tos Tes Tos sesslen3 a. perfect Winter' Holiday, Europe All Indication point te 1D22 a the hlggeet European ear since the old days Ixfere the war. We have made srransementa accordingly. Tours "In. the redlterrnnan ft Italy leae Ktb 21 Htid frequently thereafter. .Special Spanish Teura leave Mar 13 and Apr 22. General European Tours te the Mether Lands of all of us, leasing- Jlsr.. 25 ft often there after. Include the world-famous Fns Fns slen Play of Oberammcrirau. f!r. Alteg-ev'ier here Is the most brilliant f.nl program eer nffcred te the American public nnd Ilajmond-Whltceml' !-erlc8 for the Dlscrlmlnntlnir Tr-eler Is quite as important te sour pleasure as the delightful places vlalted Alt for the booklet of the Cruise or Tour that interest you. Raymond & Whiicemb Ce. 1338 Walnut Street PHILADELPHIA Tel. Filbert 3864 I 'lr FRANK'S Travel-irt-Comfert Teura, with Seuth America Visiting Peru, Chile, Argentine Brazil, Andes Mountains Panama, Havana T2 Dam, ll.KOO 00 I.eavlnp Feb 4 and March 1 Optional Tour Interior Belivia and Peru, Lake Titicaca nnd Ln Paz I)e luxe pertles eerythlnE first-. a lest en. I ilnie saBrailVV -Zr -j mm Trael-ln-Comfert Tours with ! ort Limited te 1.1 Members ti California-Honolulu leltlnrr Grand Canyon, Apache Trail, Colerado Reckies, Yeaemite Valley, etc. frequent departures Januei v I'llnunrv March He luxe parlies leuring 'n 1- fernln Resorts In 7 paerenger Anion r.ervt'ilng llrt-claas best train- host Ih'-i. Ilbi ml sighte-elng nn,l tltna for resting Cruiaea te West Indies, Cuba, Nassau, Jamaica, Panama, Venezuela, Perte 1 11 i .1 ben I fei templele infi rinnf .n 1,1 I 1 'a I FRANK TOURIST CO. 219 S. 15th Street, Philadelphia (Established 1873) Te Sheres world life under the Write for full Othtr Winter, nraunn ite ' . . U""'"""' America, 71 ,.., r v (T U ;? fti lf-A &T& IW V -iJ Oberammergau through Gates Tours NOT (or year ha such comfortable, congenial travel bean peselble, and coning near when the ptrlerraane e( OberamtnergkU are te be re vived, the present Galea Tour ar particularly attractive. Founded In ltM Oatea Teura hsv a eharaeter that makes them pleasant aqd congenial. Tour from 30 te 90 days Prices from $395 up With Hleami'.ilp. Hele! and ordinary alghtseeln xpenses Included In ene moderate charge. Bty r.r."whor;.,.'n17;22,rrav:,bn?eoaUrunv..ie (I!.'.1 Vivt&At te vl.lt Europe. Write .ted.y liltlnr various ether tour from 30 te 00 uv n I "gth ind editing from I80.V te fp.10 .Writ '.l-i...! .!., ... Tl.vmnnil.Wh tcemb Ce liniBB i,ijiiiiii'-iti j ww ''-"'-. t 188 'Walnut .f. Philadelphia. end l X" itmericaa BaUUAetd," for Sunihine Lands Flerida, Cuba, Nassau 1012 premises te be a great season for thl ecr vepular field. D partures for F erldn. Kast Ceaet Cuba and Naaeau Jan. 2T, Feb ,1 10. IT A 21. Departures for Tlerlda Knit H. West Coast and Lake Re glens Jan. 21 31. Feb T. 11. 21 -1 Seuth America Our only remaining tour te tie "Continent of Remance" In which there are aranrlt leave Mar. 1 Our wonderful Cruise-Tour te the Hast ft West Const leave Feb. I hv the beautiful new Steamship "Van Djck." Our Annual North Cnpe Cruise ("" an Ideal scenic reule. sail June 28 Our Small parties for Arabian Mfhts Africa, the nearest Orient, leae Jan. 2H. Feb. 2. Feb. 11 ft Mnr. 11 The treat Rnrmnnd - Vfhltromb Vfhltremb OrnrscN itkliinKten Cruise te rhe wonderlands of the .Mediterranean rails February 14. ?K2- TOURS Escort, Limited te Members Egypt Sailing S S. Adriatic ' Melting Feb 18 Madeira, Gibraltar, Algiers Riviera, Italy, Athens' 19 tai In, Kgypt and Jerusalem Returning April IS or with European Extension Italy, Italian Lakes, Switzerland, Paris and Londen. Returning S S "Anultanla" Mav 20. Ptop-eers permit! d In Furore sleamers and hotels liberal elghtselng fnr resting Rice, Bermuda, etc. iwn and un Itlnerarv of Tour led Hell Telephone, bpiiKe en, 12 $W5fc lhe Cruise Extraordinary the wonderlands, alentl the of the Blue Mediterranean where I lis- tery began and the Remance and color still lingers. Twe months of enchantment most ideal conditions. Wonderful vided ashore at Madeira, Cadiz, Gibraltar, Algiers, The Riviera.NapIes; Pompeii, Reme, Athens.Censtantinnnle.Pnl. cstine, Lgypt.and, as a special attraction exclusive te this Cruise, A TOUR OF THE ADRIATIC SHORES with old Venice and D'Annunzie's Fiume the objectives Sails from New Yerk, Feb. 11th S. S. C ARMANIA Cruise limited te 450. Reservations should Un mnrlr. . ,. information. Entire cruise under the exclu-' sive management et the American bxpress rt ttand teun under our management warni. i.HtH,i. .1 .. il,. t-j... ti " ; , -,----.., .. a, tnuiei, rtsriaa, 'i"iii. vur intra annual Crutie.Taur am from new Ytrk, February Wh, S.S. AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVEL DEPT. Jia-ue Meuth Rread Ht l'hlla. H'. kWa4lftJaW LmEmMmStiBtm RAG rt Taught BegHMiera In 20 Lessens OPEN EVEN1HC3 Adult Iltslnncra MlftttV TIME cm Adrnncn Cenrs It Yen New Flay I'lintiet Hnnire OOflT FOR ntr.K IIO0KM1T C1IIIISTENBKN. BCIIOOT, OP POP. MTIM0 ia0 Chestnut Ht. llAYw. TORLEY. irgr. C. TSCHOPP8,?:i?RSI: Mnndelln Ranje Guitar Zither I'HU.A. CONHKKVATORY eti uvme I), HKMIKIlk V.Y.I'.llMAn 1 II. VAN 1IKN I1EKMT Dlreeler tie Willi l ll unit Him.r, - IS. K. I'esl Ceneerraleir. All ltrumnu tuihti also veral eight alng. eleciit., ate. 8n N. Ilread. 1TH Chestnut. Ph. Catalog. FI S1F Mil I FR V0'11 Teerher. lleana HTKAMHHirS nr.HORTS isata1sWJai"'iTTI'' T T WB CRUISE TO pe i 16 DAYS $180andup The ItUnd of Enchant- mnt." Rtea cover H necessary expenses te and around Pette Rice and return te New Yerk. Steamer Is your hotel for entir veysg. PORTO RICO LINE 25 Broadway Nw Yerk Fall River Line Te Bosten AM) NEW KNfJLAND TOINTS Orchestra en each steamer I.t Pier U N. U. (Fulton at.) fii30 P. M. Dally TOFRS TRAVEL SER VICE Steamship Tickets for all Lines at Regular Tariff Rates. Feteign Railroad and sleeping-car tickets direct te destination. Itineraries prepared special ser vice in lecuring pajsperti. Independent Tours California, Cuba, West Indies, Europe. Secure booklet, "Winter Vacations." Bermuda Ail eapenjei, 75.50 and up. Conducted Tours CfJirw and Japan The Far Eajt age old lands of mystery, new in the public eyst aj never before. Ne tours mere fasci nating, mere timely; no travel mera comfortable. Four sailings in February and March. H'nfe for booklet. California Comprehensive, leuureljr tours te the California resorts and the Southwest. Departures ,flt fre quent intervals. Superior accom modation, including rooms with bath. Extrrurv use of automo biles. Expert leadership. Write for booklet. Flerida and Cuba Teura in January, February and March.viutingthe popular Flerida East Coast resorts ana Havana, re turning viaTampa and the Odd, waha River. The best everywhere. H'nte for boekltt. Europe Including winter tours te North Nerth em Africa and Egypt, Wintar Sports at St. Menti, Spring tours te Italy and Spain. Summer tours everywhere. Ober-Artuner-gau year. Boek early. AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVEL DEPARTMENT 113-115 S Ilread st . Phlla. 'llrlH Mulniit I CHI Sunn of its nlil trin! nrn. Travel Dept. ?"' T nr local nrrnt. IVa.- I fe WrHm for Jt yy I ? ""' ncf V9 fsTvI I 0m rfesertplr i(MiVii rft TtT'te' HS' IMart tun efrBjpffi.tuaX include Eurete, . UtrmuJa, n . LBRO. r U n mi iSKii nut t'ty ZUi'J'j (THOROUGH LANGUAGfe INSTRUCTION 'Th Hvllt Method mk It a simple matter te learn any modern lant-uase. Kntllsli Included, Skilled native teachtra personally supervise tour progress and ur atlsfaetery result In the shortest possible time. Private or Class Instruction, Day and Kvsnlnjr. Reasonable tuition. Ask for catalesu. r.wncii . -v LANGUAGES hiit. 1S78. Over tee Branches 1B41 ClIEclTNUT ST. (Entrance en leth Ht.) Telephone! ripruce 4(101 Pre-Accounting and leekkeeping for XtT and Women Essentials of Iloekkeeplna In Id weeks Tnre tvenlnts a nlt Nen' Class besln January Intenstvs Class Instruction Tuition rale moderate F.nrell new. Part tlohebirshtps for Hx-Rervta Stm Y. M. C. A. central nuir.DiNe . Wis U. M. ,4tl Artrll STREET ft lAayjnaw nirirevKDl GET neeViilnul SLFhlle. TTRA YER'S Th " Ruslnesa neh4 SIIWIEJ m CESTNUT HTf Petltlen rnaran'd. Rnter new. Day or nurfca. Yeung Men nnd Reya Tl'TOR Lew. Dental nnd Med. Prelim. IntcrvUwr no nhlhtatlan. A 807. Iilirr time Ycrnric Wemen nnd Olrts Become a Trained Nurse Tti noblest, best-paid profession open te euni women. Our horn study or Lespltal courses rlv rapid, thoreuB iralnlnr Send today for rtoeklet "A." FHILADRLPHIA SCHOOL FOR NCRE tSd and Chestnut Ute.. rhlladelnhla PABCEL POST Geed Werk Lew Prices We guarantee you satisfaction nml Painless Dentistry At Ixinest Cost In I'hll.i." Illllnr. fide A Ht Dr. Hyman Oils A iliirket nnd Rr uichee Buy your cigars direct from manufacturer. Class A 5c Cigars, $3.00 PZ Class B 8c Cigars, $5.00 rn Class C 10c Cigars, $7.00 PT, Highest grade iiuell'v and hand-made long filler cigars prepaid direct te jour deer R. A. Smith Cigar Ce. LindeR Ave, Hanover, Pqnna. RER1LITZ MmJr r.wncii . rsis? XM MSINE3 ?2i?.'sji MAYS ASBESTOS FIBER CEMENT COATING Makes Old Roefi Like NVw Any can in-ly this costing with brush, nla 01 sblns. un gsKeu cersrs W) nt. ft. suss lsaks ln any root sud Is guar- ssUsd te wesr 10 yesrs. rRBB CITY DEMVERT $1 per Gallen or 5 rallena, $4.50 VZ BILL TRX REST BED Ready Mixed Reef Paint 0K EARTH. 11.00 PIR OAXLON ROBERT A. MAYS 1242-1244 N. 16th St. XaUtUaksd IlSt. 'Pken., Fsp. 1941. Patented f'cb 1, tetl Shakclcss Cellars for Salt and Pepper Price, $1.25 a Pair, Parcel Pest Prepaid A natented tmr I ' eerv da needs te reliee every one v he usee salt and nepper from the anneancu of damp salt and tasteless pepper A.ways closed absolute praet -al and sni nary made of siher cemprsitmn Moisture germs dust or dirt cannot er'er llasv te operate no shaking ou alirp y pre, th button it sprnve out frreiv se mut'i as vcu wan' anil when . u w nt 1 1 re.n-n In liking irl shakrg is en. tiri e ni nated AliKN r NT1.I). Ideal Shakeless Cellar Ce. VIUTTON J b tvSM I 725-27 Walnut St., Phila ! Shopping Bag Made of auto lcath er, cretonne lined, with pouch. 13 x 1 i inches. 75c Imitation Beaded Baj 45c Shopping Bag and Beaded Bacr Beth $1.00 Shopping Bui; 9 ! inches . Chinese Sew ing Banket, decorated uitli r i u b, tael, beads and gen uine 1'hitiene m0ttv 65c e abie, 55 c A Combination Offer, Ne, Shopping Hag nnd Chinese Banket, both 2 $1 I'arrel prst frr A. W. POMEAN & CO. 1010 Gcrmnulutwi Ave., I'lilla, iLUM sSTvMlwSt?- A Cenibina 8 lien M Offer La ' - .''iw lik I ., jtf TTTOTMtNSMSlB 111 V A"-' flH It t "SrHsi r-mi h a i V . fc'i arV LAtfi. .' q 'i.i, aIH .::?. . f !-- HV.J aI-.Lvvs,!, HI u . ??? -v , &t