V'Vf -i ? - ,-i' ;rTT5Pr: ' i f r ., ,v? , - ...$' ' v ., ". v " "-'. ' ' -"- ' 'ftp- ,,.. .',' ' .,,. ', .'., A , .fonmfe T'J S r . F T v ' ' . Tit' J M' IL 1 w T tfrir Tt.eivlV ;fa'T.HEWETHER ,(W)W Mil afternoon ondlenltht, tm&Hv heavy: Thursday fair niid ceWtti northeast te northwest winds. TK-MrK.TVKK AT HAritMiet'n i et EXTRA hT n loin nai i z i :i i 4 r.' rjr ,"7St . mu :2 y.K l.',:. ur, .tt f , , w -w , , , pu A''mm , i ifpttfttfl T-r- ii7iin Vx- i' H - . r I'VOL, VIII. NO, 102 - Kntered aa S.eceni.ClM MtUr,at thn Pot.len.ca at Philadelphia, r. Under Hi A- nf Mar!, a ite a-'il PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 192:2 lOpS CRASH ISTORM AND KILL MAN AI CROSSING - - u BS Approaches Tornado Ve- ft$6cHy and Dees Damage K tf in Three States fas BLOWN DOWN AND Inttrriu ie nHircntu W'.' r raWM TniHrhinrr! iKnrolnjte". lel., Jen. 11 Fer &flrat time In rcvcral decodes Mi nd turtles hove appeared In L'TMnwere River In January. y.This, fishermen say, Is n sure sign tf early spring. if". . , rubllahed Dally Eietpt Sunday. Subscription Price $1 ft Tear by Mali. P"i7Tf.I""l TWrt PTCMlW . ,' ' Cepyrlirht. 102?. hy Publle Imager Cempanr ri.ljXj 1 VYU U)l!rnq .;; ZIP! ANOTHER UMBRELLA QpNE Bt'nian believed te he C. T;. Tierce, iTtrentj-Beventh'nnd Brevn streets, li mi.,1 this nftcrnoen In the Storm Emoff nnil rnln vlilch Is expected te the forerunner 01 u t,u'-"""' """- Se heavy winds e the nftcrnoen, Uli driving nun, wiucn muue visiuh (cult for pedestrians unu inoLersi Ifi, were Diaineu ier me ucuiu 01 I ene reported victim. Mbeut 2 o'clock iiuger Alien, a tare, 01 lua jjuhuiit iximiiiiiuiim, Mtttnth and Seuth Btrects. and Harry E Van Nest, of 1723 Seuth ifMler street, ench driving autome- 4, icelllacil ni rucy-miii unu tiffin Ktreets. Tbe'twe machines npprenched at the t Intersection, ncuiier urivcr uchib te .tee tlic etner uniti tee laic, mnfhlneq cnnin. tOL-etlipr and fa. cmliie nn en tin; sidewalk. Ot mi who wes killed was cress- ;illtJUlin unuvuriBiiuii mw, Inr a trannversc course frein the i te Uin northwest corner. lie was itwtte'step en tlie sidewalk when the ilddinr meehineb struck and killed .Instantly. The drivers were ar- n police partly Identified the vie vie tlaJrem a watch charm lieerln? the MDie of C. I. Pierce and a wiles slip rtde ect in that name frmi) u plumb supply lirni. linn w.nu emti1nrf1 nH feri. HWiihtH about n week iire. HH fur- hr employers sam lie lind liven ai mi.i Xerth ltlnzeeld street. The body Is In lie JIprKlie, anu I lie police lire trjint; jft in much witii ins witf. The warnlnc of n blizzard tnnlirlit watt from both the local . and the fflVhlngteti weather bureaus.' Storm Imdltlens are expected le grew werm1 uteid of better lis the dav nrecrpSfced. Inth lower teipperaturcs and hlglier . v . . . :$&: Tb Merm warning iiasueu 'from irtlniten fellows : 1SwvtJ Auiiftvijr Diui.il uiiiiii nrfvvHr reinxcu ie wueic gaie nnungr,i ."AMaJitlc Coast at nnil near Vfr Capes nievlnc Nbrth'e'aVL Hhlft- inles this afternoon mid tenlclit. 'ititlCD ndvlced all vcscls." ' Befldes this wnrnlnirnf wlnrls ntliiln. Ill danpTens decIty the 'Waphingten Bureau forecasts heavy snows for the Mtire northeastern f-cctlen of (he United PUtef, with a probability tlmt the whole Middle Atlantic tler nf StnteM uniilil In. Weyllr blanketed by tomorrow. yjmreiMs reports Indicate that ships we far off the coast te make pert nre Ifldinz out in en. Iinnlnir iltlui- tn ml WTend reach of the censtnl illsturbanci. t. lean te have plenty of "hen ta te ride the expected blew. JFIrst flale' Warning of Year A "fffllp" In tlln nnrlnnnii ..f 4ln. fiVeitlie llnrnmi iKtniffll. 4j I.... I.. bewn ns the Ilcnufert i-calp menus a llnil ft frnm ftf.l tn elv.i. ...tl e.r. It Is surpassed in meteorological .vuicuuaiure emy uy n lornxde. Tills ViUtflrtt "gale" warning issued this W, and one of the few ever sent out tr the rather Bureau. I U would be hard te picture worse 'father condition tnnlirlit m,,i in,. M . . .-...r... uiti, .(.linn - p lean have prevailed since early jwr. Lan night tlin weatherwlse Pt-n te prophesy a gusty storm, when nemoen rode the heavens with n pre- r-u iiug uncircmii; it. lucre were EL Is t0 b,e hQcn within the golden F about the moon, which le son- Cinllnurd nn Page l'eurlern. Column Twe V FH' ff- y -'?" j)ffl .? v5 J KILLER, COWERING, TAKEN IN MANACLES BACK TO NEW YORK "They'll Kill Me, I Just Knew They 'will, Bess," Says Beddy te Belshaw SLAYER OF DETECTIVES x TREMBLES WITH FRIGHT This is what the wind did te many an umbrella during the storm today. This photograph was taken at Independence Snuare GANDH PRAISED i BY DISCIPLE HERE Indian Revolutionist Great but Modest Man, Says Haren . z dranath Maitra s PENNILESS, RICE HIS DIET .S. TRANSPORT SPRINGS LEAK 500 MILES AT SEA fwk, With Troops Frem Germany, Proceeds Under Own Steam W Yerk, Jan. 11. (By A. I.) sVl.r ' """i-iiiTi took, which is ""img American troops from (ier W, sprung a leak nbnut 450 miles tj,')w erl. hut the damage has dVraiIJernrll' repaired and she Is In r'nmediate dnnger, according te wire- m ,bmusl'i'iB gales reported off W f inniiprcllcnsie" regnrding the l:- "" pictau until she arrives W ne Is due Tridny. Vn i i ', "rrj nig u-t emcers, liVii,, i'ilinn Pawcngeis. Fermerlj ljj" "J ) uge, et duuu ions "ncten. .Inn. 11 flu. A n kin Sy. trnnsl"ft Creek, reported te Feri T. reS8' 500 mIles st of New L,,,t",ce,'t uulug te pert under her iW.i ffi'i1',0 Wnr Department was W officially today, Thcre was no Sri "1, M,,ln or tllu ""oops en .comprising contingents from the A'M,.(";Cllpnt'0,l ll1 Oermeny. lh. v ."' U, Croelj trnusmtttcd Wa,1 " linrtmcnt, hald the ves mt."' nrecenri .. .. ......i , 'Ul ihlrw i. i " """"'"iimuiwi, eui imZ, ,cl0!ic Ufexlnilty. Making iWwrv hn 7lr' 1JftnKL'r I'assed, mi r"'"y fad storms eie encountered." fAfilSTRATE HITS BAIL LAW "" te Held New Jersey Man en Nen.R, ,... ., "r he m.i ..i...., u f;a Iierfn.il ""reu ucorge . C. .w:rtX;A.r",,?i21' W. Jh... .y P.'8 w.'fe in New Jer mlfind n f"V"8l"y "Hacked as ta.C. V1,lc'' ferb Mm him ( n i..... &?ZtxWJ atop. ..1 "' '." "wie tun ueh..'"c" forbids him ill i.?ii uld like ,, ix 1(lb T l H ren , ""lr""Hve. But tlmt inera ? .'fe '? grates (e held 'tea brought l "ftU "" trivial Cbnatt.,,,re,l' IL'tWde the .State v"' i ib net rair." Mi W Mr, Meitr'a touches tle henrt nnd makes the lefty Ideals -of the Vcdas 0 practical rcligieu nnd poetry for the common peph (7. A". Chesterton. Mr. Mititra spenks JCugUsh perfectly. Ilroeklun Uagle, T1m'.e quntatlens, which nre from the cover of Ilnrendranath Maitrn' lec ture picgnim, pretty ndeqiintel- de sciibe him. Mr. Mnltrn Is n chauvinist or wiiat ever is the Hindu equivalent, nnd n piephct, injhtlc, M-er mid lecturer. Ahe he Is n disciples of the grcnt Gandhi. Indian revolutionist and nationalist leader, who. most of his followers be lieve, bus Minerniiturnl ihuktm Mr. Mnltrn will speak before meetings of the ThceMiphical Societ at the Art .Miiunee tins week, en Knrma Yega, Bhntkl Yezit and thliiL'x lik tlmt. Interviewed today nt his held, just ns he was with exquisite legerdemain winding his tegu for an 11 o'clock ap pointment, he calmly denounced the British Government nnd Occidental civilization. He is net se picturesque ns Itabln drnnnth Tagere, nor se compelling as Mrs. Besnnt, but, in his cvervday speech mere coniprehensiile than oither. He recalled hew Indlit, having been premised 11 substniitinl shnre of bclf gevcrnmctit by lier Secretary of State, Kine men nnil money handsehrdy te the light for democracy. Recalls Amlstnr Tragedy "With the result." he went en. "that ier no reasons, itnewii or unknown, the British shot nt nearly 2000 men, women nnd children assembled nt a niibl meeting 111 Amistnr, killing 500 of mem. "Indin" piecccded Mr. Mnitrn, "is getting desperately tired of nil this du plicity In Western politics. In India, thousands of young men have been Incnrcernteil for serving their country. Is it net time for the geicrnmcnts of the world te unite te step such uon uen bense? The Englishman enn serve hih country; that Is patrleth.m. The mo ment the Indinu dares de likewise. It is sedition." Service te Indin. .is Mr. Mnitra de fined It. means te free It of the shackles (hat bind it te Western Industrialism nnd money srnbbln;. This the Indians nrc Attempting te accomplish, through the practice of non-ee-operotinii or passive ipslstnncc. This policy is pur sued under the leadeixhip of Gandhi whose n'ime in the la-it couple of years has been kept in (lie mouth of (he world. Mr. Mnitrn said he knows Gnudhi well enough te dill him "mv rersMinl fiiend." "He Is the personification of virtue." said Mr. Mnitra. "He is the simplest iiiun I lava eer seen. Ills feed is a HAPPY NEW YEAR!' THEN SHOOTS GIRL Man hjeld ina$1 0,000 Ball for Twice Wounding Sweetheart Who Jilted Him IS SCORED BY MAGISTRATE ks uaftssusastsaj Continued en Pese Twe, Column I'lte DROP AIR. MAIL SERVICE $554,000,000 Postoffice Appropria tion Bill Reported te Heuse Washington, .Inn. 11. (By A. P.) With piovisiens for the air mall serv ice elimiiihled, (he nnnunl I'ostefllcc Appropiintleii Bill, currying approxi mately $." 1,000,000, was favorably re ported today by the Heuse Appropria tions Committee. As drafted by a subcommittee the measure provided $1,0,'!",000 for the air moll service during the lineal year be ginning next July 1. The full com cem mlttee, however, in approving the bill struck out this section. The telnl carried in tire measure is $24,707, 070 less than the appropria tions for the current fiscal year nnd SL 1.7:15. .101 less tliun the amount ie- quested by the Budget Bureau. OUHA. NASSAU. MIAMI ATMNTIO COAhT LINK, 'Havana Bpcclal" and MFIarlda flpwlal," Threuth rv!c Office. 1000 Uhettnut at.. Phlla, Ttl, Locust SSV9. '- .Teseph O. Guillcmette," 2222 TlU TlU weter street, wished Miss Helen Mc Olnnls, 2.";"0 Brown trcet, his sweet sweet l.eert, a "Happy New Year" lust night and then fired three shots at her, two of which caused wounds. The dioetlng occurred nt the entrance te Misj McGinnis' lieme as she was leluming from St. Francis Xnvler Church, Twenty-fourth and Green streets. The girl, pretty nnd a brunette, ap peared in Magistrate Gnrncj'i ceuit Ihls morning, supported by her arethcr-In-law nnd sister, Mr. and Mrs. .To .Te .To seph J. MK'nffery. She wns plainly frightened and near a nervous collapse. In n low voice bhe told the magistrate of the sheeting. "Happy New Year, Helen." Guillc ni'tte mild. "Snm. te you," replied the girl. ' Did you enjoy your ChristmesV" lie asked. "Very much. Hew nbeut ou?" slip countered. "I had a rotten time," he replied. "May I come te see, you?" "Ne, I don't believe se. I told you thVee months age I no longer desired your nttcntlens. The matter wa set tled at that time nnd I don't wish you te bother me ngaln." "Gulllemettc replied te this bv drnw- !n.B, a revolver." Miss McGinnis said. He fired three times. The first shot struck me in the left breast, the second en the hip und I dropped te the side- wuik just as ne nrcd tlie third time." tiuiiit'iiieite, who is n termcr soldier tied after firing. ' Detectives Muldewncy and Delan were sent In search of the fugitive and Io Ie cated him at the Benedict Club, IfiO North Fifteenth street. Magistrate Carney ordered him held in $10,000 ball for court, en charges of aggravated as snult and batterj. aggravated assault with intent te kill, carrying concealed weapons and wantonly pointing a pis- Mugistrate Carney said : "I am going te put jour ball high enough te prevent you from securing jour freedom. I de this because I fully believe jeu intended te kill your former sweelheai t. While jeu are in jail wait lug trial I am sure the girl will be free from harm se for uk you are concerned. "(iris of Philadelphia hove a right te cheese these whose attentions they desire. It is my Intention te protect them from such men as you if I can " In giving her testimony against the man Miss .McGinn is said Him ,,,. i... age she told Gulllemette she no longer desired his attentions. Since' that time she hed net seen nor heard from him until last night when he met her at lilt i-iiii unir in iiti lliilliu. Giilllcinctte, nccerdlng te Mrs Me Caffrey. had appeared nt the homo'be hemo'be home'be fore Miss McGinnis returned. He wns told the.girl wns net nt home. Gulllo Gullle Gulllo mette then waited in the vicinity until she returned. GIRLS IN NARROW ESCAPE Clt )ll Empleyes Endanjjered When Workmen Break Skylight Girl emplejcs in the office of Br A A. Cnlrns chief medical Inspector' Bureau of Public Health, narrowly es caped being cut by broken glass this morning when n skylight was shattered by workmen en the reef and the glass wiftt hurled into the ofilce en the scv cntli fiefr of City Hall, The workmen nre constructing ele vators in the northeast corner of the building und In moving e steel irirder broke the skylight. h ,cr Dr. Cairns was net at IiIh i-.i- i,..- fruginents of glnss narrow lv mlstm-i'vi,... Gertrude Lewis, his stenographer. UO ,YOU WANT A JOnr TIIEltH ARE nlinty of thm advert Urd in h Yielu -VanteiJ columns today en far 3i'-!jldi, , Luther Beddy, youthful Negrd.slaycr of two New Yerk detectives f as re turned te that city nt 11 o'cieck this morning te 'stand trlalt se shaken with fright thnt his knees knocked together and he scarcely could stand. .... Beddy slew Detective Sergcepts Buckley nnd Miller a week age. He came here in a woman's wig nnd dress, mwl -na nnntill-i-it lit' AtTIOS Scott. ISCgrO mnulHtrnte. nnd "Patrolman Benner Mendni morning in a house en Hedman street, where 'he spent the night. "I don't want te go beck te cw Yerk," he said, when Llcntcnnnt Bel show, head of the Philadelphia murder squad, went te the ccllroem nt JJ MO o'clock this morning e get bin:. "They've get it all fixed up for me, ' he protested, trembling with fear. 1 knew they're going te string me up when they get me there. Let me have my trial here in Philadelphia." Token Frem Cell The lieutenant took him from the cell room te the Sheriff's office en the fourth fleer. Werd that the, young murderer wns te be taken through the corridor spread around City Ilnll quickly, and when he appeared u great crowd surrounded hlin. City Hall guards and patrolmen cleared a way. He shrank up ugnlnst Lieuten ant Bclshnw, who tuek his arm. Other wise he would have fullcn, be completely unnerved was he. In the Sheriff's office Detective Ser geant Bdwlii S. England, In charge of the detail of New' Yerk detectives sent here, waited te receive the prisoner. Knglnnd produced a pair of hand cuffs, and slipped them en the prisoner. "You're my prisoner new," he said, "come en." Llcutennnt Bclshaw protested. "I have orders te bring him hack te Cap tain Souder," lie sulci, "and I"m going te de it. "I don't want te, he discourteous, hut I'm icsponsible for this prisoner until he Is out of the city." Sergeant England Insisted that the prisoner belonged te him, but Llcuten nnt Belshaw had his way und took Beddy back te Captain Seudcr's office. Sure Death Is en Way He was there for but a few minutes. Just, before the party left he turned te Captain Souder, kiV-K& t-,. ,, - -;,Yeuisxtbeen tfmeneKcaltnln,' be Mldr'KaJUM te sheke bauds If It dlu't asking tee unuch, me being lic ensed of this crime." "I don't hesitate te shake hands with you, my ney, said mc ciipinin, put ting out Ills hand. Then Captain Souder said: "Where's your overcoat?" The wind wns howl ing outside, with driving rain. Beddy wns clad in a thin nucr threadbare suit, with an old hat. "Ain't get no overcoat, captain," said Beddy, with n feeble grin. "Don't meke much difference unyhew. Get te die In that electric chair; might as well die of the old pneumonia." "Well, we won't let jeu die of pneu monia," sold the captain. He picked up a heuvy automobile robe in the office and wrapped It around Beddy 's -.boulders te protect him from the rain and snow en the way te the train. The prisoner protested until the last that he veuld hove no chance in New Yerk. On tli" w.iy across the street Beddv was followed by u great crowd, which ffii'mcd in Citv Hull courtyard nnd tramped through the slush. Beddv's het blew off and ene of tlie detectives retrieved It. Scigennt Fng hind attache! ene of Beddy's hand cuffs te his own wrM. The party went into the smoker nt the rear of the train. Itallreud detec tives helped the New Yerk men held the throng of curious per-ions back. Lieutenant Belshaw waited until the train puUcd out. Scott Is Threat rued Mnglstrate Scott, who helped capture Baddy, received a four-page threnteninir letter from New Yerk tei)u . addressed te him nt the First District stntien house. The letter called him n "dis grace te his race" and said Ills duys were inimbcied. "I'm ns much nfraid of that letter as I wns afraid when I went In nfter Beddy." said Scott. h turned the let ter ever te Lieutenant Keestcr, who sejit it te Director Cortcljeu. 'Yeu can't take bejs, learn them hew te kill nnd then opcet tliem te knew it ain't right anetlini time " i Thnt is the way the mother of Beddy excuses her son's action. Beddj's mother ennnet rend or write. In her home at Mentelnir, N. J., nfter hearing n neighbor reading of the man's ariett, she said : "That settles it. I'm snrrv tl,n,. caught mv bev and I'm snrrv lie done JOHNNY LUKAS UNKISSED; TALL AND HANDSOME, TOO Can It Be, Girls? Ge Easy, Be cause He Leads Penn's Boxers The late Alexander Dowle, founder of the Zlen Church, had a son vheee only claim te fame was flint he never had been kissed. The University of Pennsylvania beasts of a football star and expert boxer who has never felt the impact of a pair of rosy lips. He is Johnny Lukas, captain of the boxing team, a tall, handsome young man, the sort who makes the girls dose their eyes nnd utter a IewX"M-ni-in." Lukas Is twenty-one, comes from Hlicnnndoeh, and la n Junier In the dental school. The 10,i-peunder ad mits, insists in fact, that he nnd the kiss are strangers. Other .collegians who hnll from his home town buck him up. They nay he never took a girl te a denee or n movie in his life. New will you be geed, girls. SLAYER OFFERS TO PLEAD GUILTY IN SCHLEY MURDER Meadows Likely te Be Returned te W. Va. te Serve Life Term Andrew Meadows, charged with the murder of Dennis Schley nnd new en trial before Judge Mnxcy, mode an offer today through his attorney te plead Eiillty te murder In second dcKrcc. The offer was accepted and sentence will be imposed iTiduy. Schley was shot in n barroom qunr vcl at Nineteenth and FlUwatcr streets May 20, 1011). Aftci the hlioetlug .Meadows became n fugitive for nbeut two years, und was captured In nn abandoned coal mine In West Virginia by uetcctive Harry Hacnly niter a chase ever the jueuntains. The Sheriff of the county refused te aid In the ur- rest. At the time Meadows shot Schley he was out en parole nfter he had been convicted of murder nnd sentenced tn life Imprisonment. It is understood Meadows will be returned te West Vir ginia te complete his life sentence there. AUTO CRASH ENDS $250 JOB Smashed City Car Was Driven by Moter Equipment Inspector Tlie motorcar crash whlchfjcnt Wil Hum McDeunugh. 1(101 Arch street, te the hospital en January ,'l also cost nlm his city job as superintendent of meter equipment In the Highway Utircnu which pejs $250 a month. MeDoneugh was driving a city auto mobile when It collided with nnether machine nt 1 '.'10 A. M. at Sixtieth and Walnut streets. With him was Jeseph A. Iteber. Jr.. n street-cleaning inspec tor, who also was hurt. The car was wrecked. MeDoneugh wns n previsional ap peintee te the $2.j0-n-inenth job. He "was second en the eligible list for n per manent appointment. As he is still in the hospital and a superintendent Is needed. Director Cnvcn asked for a rc rc ccrtiticntien of cllxibles. , The Civil ScrvlcertJominls-ileii tj.liiv dl-qpallUecl'a;DjMiViJUjV sent . -the Director tnuAlV. KeefcY, r.0.j North Slxtcefah iHtrecT? UndGeergc G. Yeung. 2020-nace street. Yeung wns appointed provisionally. LENINE WON'T GO TO GENOA Lltvlneff, Krassln and Rakewsky Soviet Delegates Moscow. Jen. 11. (By A. P.) Maxim Lltvlneff, chief of the Uiisslun Soviet legations abroad; Leonid Kras sin. the Soviet trade renrcseiitathe. and M. Bukowsky. president of the Ukraine republic, are ccncrallv dis cussed ns likely te represent Soviet Bus sin ut the Genea economic conference. It Is considered unllkelj that Premier Lenine will go. Soviet efficiuls today pointed out that acceptance of the Genea Invitation wu made In principle mUit tliun In de tail. But there Is great jubilation In government circles ever having received uie imitation. HUSBAND MISSING 7 YEARS Teacher and Insurance Company Reach Agreement In Suit Because Frank J. Gallugher, her husband, has been missing seven jears and therefore is presumed by law te be dead, Mrs. Elizabeth M. Giilliigher, a teacher, today pressed a suit te obtain $1000 in Ufe insurance from the Jehn Hnncecl: Mutual Life Insurance Com pany. After nn Incempleted hearing before Judge Menaghnn and a jury, opposing counsel agreed en a settlement. A ver dict was returned for the company by the agreement. Mrs. Gllngher said her husband formerly wns u stenographer at a hotel in this city. Tin in sura nee company's attorney claimed tliej hud trace of the missing man as lute us 11120. DENIES WELFARE SHAKE-UP But Resignations Will Be Accepted, Says Warburton, New Director Any resignations of Department of Public Welfare omplejus "will be con sidered nnd no doubt accepted" Direc tor Warburton said today in doming he planned n shake-up ef'his stuff." He recently succeeded Ernest L Tnstin. THREE GIRLS HUR I, EIGHT DEFY DEATH Asks $50,000 for Scar AS 3 HOUSES BURN Family SHdes Down Awning Pole When Trapped in Ken sington Avenue Heme WEST PHILADELPHIA BLAST DRIVES NEIGHBORS IN SNOW Twe sNter were badly hurt early this morning when they became panic- stricken and leuped from their bedroom window in n fire nt the home of Jeseph Barnch, 2721 Glrard avenue. There were two ether sensational fires this morning. One at .1034 Kensington avenue resulted in the injury of a woman, the ether, nt 5781) Hunters nvc nue, West Philadelphia, drove four fam ilies out Inte the storm in their night clothes. Barnch, sleeping en the second fleer with his wife nnd daughter Katie, nine teen, discovered the fire in the kitchen about '2:20 tills morning. Barnch shouted Up the stairs te his son, Harry, twenty-eight, who slept en the third fleer, nsjdld.iMary, twenty-four, nnd Freda, twenty-sb Hnrry Baracn.'.ran down and found the flaraes'werejn the kitchen. He at tempted te beat thcmyiut with a choir, out seeing nis cneris would uc iruu less, only thnt Is through tlin linck deer, en no- I count of a store that Is in the front part of the three-story building. leaped Twelve Feet te Uoef hi,"-- -, i it . 1 j ?ss B i Six V V C& KlV V "AtfLlBBBBV&i' A MAKGUKKITK CLAYTON Film actress who lias su, r0. during Companies for Injuiics re ceived while working in storm scene CAPTAIN SERIOUSLY HURT IN FALL AT MINOR FIRE Ladder Found In Cellar Breaks and His Head Hits Concrete Fire Captain Themas J. Devine, of Engine Company 2.1, Seventh nnd Ner he turned In nn alarm. There is rls streets, was seriously hurt today at one wuy out of the house, and n trlfiliic tire In the cellar of Mrs. Anna Sehrelner's home, 225:, North Fifth street. .Mum Hclireincr, six jeni-s old. wns The reef of thU store extends out for sent en nil errand te the cellar. She, some distance and affords n mentis of es- ' carried a candle nnd It set fire te sem cope in an emergency. When. Frcd.i I paper and excelsior. flMfl A1H HJ A1 At-tAA el.H,....1. ... VC Cr.,".'' 7Z ""' , ", fni'tein Devine. wished te the meantime by their mother, father! and sister, was cut off te them. They could have get te the second fleer, hew ever, nnd walked out a window without danger, Panic-stricken, they thought only of the reef, and first one und then tlie ether jumped from the third story te the reef, a leap of about twelve feet. Mary suffered injuries te her spine and Freda received n broken collarbone and a badly lacerated right feet. Beth girls were unconscious and lny en the reef until the arrival of the firemen, who carried then) down the ludders. They were sent te the Laiikcnuu Hos pital, where Merj's condition Is scri ms. The origin of the blaze is a mystery. Air. Barach. sevm them wns no Urn In open a cellar window te let the smoke out nnd climbed en u lndder he found there. It broke and he fell heavily, striking his head en the concrete fleer. ills men cnrried lilm out und sent htm te St. Mary's Hospital. He was unconscious and did net respond te the efforts of the surgeons te revive him. He is being held for observntien, us tliej fear he may huve u fractured skull. CHARLES PREDICTS RETURN Says 32 1 4 FRENCH RIFT HALTS f SUPREM "I De Net Doubt Loyalty of Hungarian Natien" Budapest. Jan. 11. (By A. P.) regard Hungary as my fatherland. cny part of the house nnd the only ex- ' um uisocenvineeu unu i win return te planofien he enn offer is that mice ""UKnry. might have been 'nibbling, ntt matches. '"""er Lmpqrer Charles is quoted aiie.ilrej,'uR-conftned.tetie.Wtchen,and J,1" this dec oration te the cor cer the. damage probably --wllf" net - wceed tTin. ie.f .? i. 'qi- ""Mjpr, $500. iwhe interviewed him nt 1 unchul, Mu- Cl imbed Down Pele Abraham Weluer. his wife. Ida deira, where he Is in exile. I huve the Iiic best esteem fur Mm lojelty of Count Andrussv Count E COUNCIL: BRIAND FACES FOES Premier Checks Negotiations and Gees te Paris te Demand Showdown of Deputies BRITISH LINK SUBMARINE ISSUE IN DEFENSE PACT By thn Associated Press Cannes, France, Jan. 31. The d-" liberations of the Alljfd Kitpreme Council were suddenly suspended at neon today en the announcement by Premier Brlnnd that 1ip was obliged te return te Paris fe nppeer befere the Chamber of Deputies, which lias just reassembled. Aftei long consultations with his cel. leagues here the French Premier de cided be co-lid scarcely Ke en with ltd ltd ltd gotlatienx of such far-reaching im parlance ns these new pending without the strong support of the French Parliament. He therefore decided te go te Paris and have the question out with the opposition. M. Brlnnd left Cannes for Paris nt, o'clock this nftcrnoen. It is tils purpose net enljr te Inform the French ( abliiet as te the status of the nego tiations, but. also. It Is understood, te meet mid answer criticisms, jel certain groups of the opposition Kml'te demand that the Chamber of Deputies support or reject him. The principal dlffercncesrielwccn'the Premier and the opposition are with rpgnrd te the new terms of payment by Germnnj adopted by the council's ex perts, but net jet ratified by the full council. France, under these terms, would receive less than under previous arrangements, but u greater proportion la kind. Council Circles in Flurry Brinnd's departure, coming Immedi ately eftir the arrival of the German delegation und simultaneously with the giving out of the British memorandum en the Angle-French treaty negotiations, created nn intense flurry in council cir cles He expressed the hope of being buck In Cannes by Friday teresume th gotiutleiis here. The general nssumntien Ik thnt tl,. atmosphere of the Clmmecr of Deputies hi ii.- iru-ssi'muiing was sucn as te worry the Premier. Twe telegrams came te hlin jesterdny from parliamentary groups protesting against what they re- u gurded as the sacrifices he was making here en the reparations, issue. Besides the differences ever rcpani--Hen terms, rnuch ndverne criticism- of , Briand bus developed in his Cnb!net-.n , connection witji the proposed Angle- ' 1 rcnth defeiihlve nllinncc. Agrees te Defend France The British memorandum of elm nm. posed pact, which was telegraphed . ...... ,...,,. s ,..., .A....t. t: . . i . ll,...,. .. r ....... ..i.ii.i .i ji it in ii i nun i nun nii'i in fiiiri ii imi feri th"ei,l lil Mils" .,.,, Wei., (,,,unt Hmijndl. a faithful follower nf ' '"' ,n?a,(.l.v. .ai'nin te ,llrew in ,ler forces, nlnet, ' eac .' . t.fe Se, Invarl' ,1'" f,,p,,,"r l:",!',,r"r' '''- I sH te ""J." 1U"f "Trench soil is attacked minimi, icniui. ,n uie heutliwarl. , runehal. i)elllL. 11,1il1l. .J" ,' '" Naval rivalry must be avoid"d by the Centlivird en Vane reurtrrii. Column FeUr the high expenses of living there BASKETBALL SCORES Lewer Merlen II . Brown Prep . , . .21 0 Ti lends' Select ... 12 Tiegn All-Stnis 10 ARMY-NAVY MAY PLAY HERE, SAYS DENBY Franklin Field will be considered for the next Aimy and Navy football game if the projected enlargements of Fianklln Field can be completed in time, Secietniy of the Navy Denby wrote te Mayer Moere te this effect in a letter made public this ntteinoen. ADDITIONAL RACING RESULTS NEW ORLEANS Fii st Newatn. 109. Scobie. 7-2, 7-5. 7-10. wen; Kesle H., 107, Remanelli, 0-1, 2-1. even, second; Marjeiie Weed, 100. Bupike, 8-1, 3-1. 8-5. third Time, .36 4-5. Stene Age. Athlete. Lady Monmouth. Maigniet Lerettn, Lady Biettenluun, Piimqunna, Aium, Beb McCiay, Laura Gaffney also. ran. i XV HO IIIOil 111 n l(tiltlmnn l,ne..l.n1 wiiat lie um. I tliank (ied lie wasn't v.. Li,nl : . ' . 1 killed wIumi thby caught him He's get least lerti.'t '? cenlvmKa- time te pray for forgiveness and I'll , 'rTl lt"i'V,,m n l Pwnt." ihi iu- have time te pray for Win." i v! 'i!" K B,l,l,ml n,Vm rency when Miss Bertlm Pnlnmr ni, . GOBELIN ART PLEDGED Tapestry Collection Coming te U. S. as Security for $15,000,000 Lean Vienna. Ja-i. 10 (By A. P.i--The fomeus Gebelin tnpestry collection will I c sent te Aim ricn imuiedlntelj ns a Pledge for .1 loon of approximately S-lfi.OOO.OOO te the Austrian Govern ment. v Beplying te n pretest presented by representatives of Austrian ait socle secle ties, Alfred Gueitler, Minister of I'l nance. was quoted today as snjlng tlmt If fiirtlur agitation should defeat ether, wise impossible credit, then the rage of u peedy populace would be. turned ngalnst art Institutes. In that case, he di'clnnd, mere nrtistrv would be destroyed than the whele value of the Gebelin collection. JOHN D. PAYS UP Sends $391,698.32 Check for Line Income Tax New Yerk, Jan. 11. (Hy a Pipe P) Jehn D. Beckefeller today sent te the imsMtQ1 "i-i-'i-'IF ,leCl,eci tar $:il)l. (m,.l, which the Supreme Court do de clded he owed nH tnxes en Income from iujiu uiicb which una eeen transferred iu jiii ivuiiauics fiileiltlel stcnocriinher tn lw n:...,t,. losiKneil. te take effect January 1S Miss Palmer lives at 1127 Seuth Wil Wil eon street. Her position nnm Sistwi j ear and bonus. HAD 'DADDY' OF ALL STILLS Alleged Owner of 250-Gallen Ap-j paratus Is Held In $500 Bail ' Benjamin Brinan. 4,'il North Sixth I stjeet. was held in SfiOO ball for court, today by United States Commlssienei ! Mnnley en n charge of having in his possession the largest single still seized In thin State .-'' nh""' wlllc" ,ms a 'enpucity of ..ill gnllens. wns tn ken in ,. ,.l,l .... .1... 4, "I., 1 " " ...... llll III!" third fleer of a garage at the Sixth street address. 1 .., HAVANA RESULTS ".I.1"''.'0 "'e rrlixlliir of trfBrunli i, by thj Hterjn truulu of the rnnN T t Ihrlu und .New Orlruns (nil., ure drlnitd r 1115 r mack; lwu-ear-elU purse tUOO. a furlenm. ' :,'""''. .J.,r' KIW . 2-1 as a. ilnnwlthlm. lis. Pltlds ijj.j i? 3. Cur e Enrlquf, 113, l u uricn ... 7i"t ,.. 8PJT KVKRY I'UnSK HuTr nnt may b found 1 we "ouiiiries. sets lertn tlie memo- niiduni. which declares that sub- maiiii"s hnve proved in four years' cx l.erlence te be inapt either in naval at tncl; ',r defense, and can lie used only te pr upjn the nieichnnt murine. Niivul c-impetltlen. it is added, would 1 orreih ,ui.v accord. Uesiitnptien of trade relations with Kiisvl.i was declared bj the nicmornn nicmernn fiuni fe be iudispensuhle te the recovery nf Kureiie and the "ensen t of France ii U'isiun pariicipntleu in the eco nomic iio'jntiutlens wns made one of tlie fiuiditlens of acierd. Tlie British iiieniiininduni was h.inilcd te Premier 111 inii'l vesterdaj . I I lin 1I11111 f nnn fnCnrcinl tn I I. ,. , . ... i" iiiikiii i 11 1 tun Hi III HIV 1UIC I "Clint? Ik inti.M-KtlfN tint nnmiifntwliim . ---cs i4-i..' irv itiviiM'l tlllilillJI til the 'cent talk in londeii between I.le.vil lii)rgi nnil lin. mil The text of Hie pre esed trend bus net been made public, bin lis leiMiited i;enenil tonus have excited such heMilltj in the I'leinh picss ihut it wns ilciided by 1 'lent liiiiiiin te iniike public the text of tlc memorandum after the British version of it had been submitted te Premier Itriund.l (Jem go lli'rvcv. American Ambassa dor te (irent Britain, attended tedaj's session ,,f H. Supreme Council, having nlinet cmiipletelj recovered from the sh.uk he Miffcicd In nn aittomebllo nc- ident en Meudny. The members of the iiiiineil hmrtllv congratulated him en bin narrow cscupp. Itoprcsentntives of the German Gor Ger eriiinent, headed bj Dr. Wultr Blithe nun. were siimiiieneil te appear this ivenliu' befeic the Allied Bepurutlen I'ommiHsleii te explain (iermiinv's ln ubilitj te meet her Junuury mid Feb iiiurj repui at ions pnvnienis. delays will be accorded for tlie purpose of con. forcing with Merlin. The All'cd Supreme Cetniiil ordered I Vila l.j... . I , , r .1., ,. ....!. .. ......... I ....a ........, ,-, 11 I.--.UH 01 insistence 1 hj 1'reinlei Briand. who 11 called that I the Germ-ins lind failed te gue detailed . ufeiiniitinn -iiRht bv the commission iieiun- 1 no 1 iiristmus lielnlujs ns 11 pre ( imilnui'il 1111 r.ier I'liiirti'i-ii. Celiitnnrlve MME. SAMAR0FF TO SAIL Stokewski's Wife Coming Heme With New Daughter This Menth Mine ilga Sumiireff, noted pluniste nnd wife of Dr. Leepold Stokewski, en, In, ter of the Philadelphia Uniies till, expel t le sail for the I'nitcd SiateN ut lb,, end 0f the month, it wus li III tied teiluv Mine SunuireiT recently piesented her distinguish..,! hiihliand with a line baby .1,1 'el... ..L.i.i .. .. . 1 . . - k... .... ......I um,, m i,en,Mi lin the fathers desire. Dr. Stokewski liad planned te l'e ever te see 1 1,.. I...I... during the winter vacation, which he i1"1 new iiijeving He found, however, W0UNDEDJUSraTS0UQHTEXPL0SI0NWcl(ilJblj ...... . v STANDARD OIL GETS SIBERIAN CONCESSIONS LOS ANGELES. Jnn. 11. The Standard Oil Company of Cali fornia hns purchased a quai-tei interest iu the Washington A. Van clei Up syndicate which niOie than a yeai age lepeited the acquisi tion of vnsit concessions in the Kamchatka Feninsuln in Slbeila tiem the Russian Soviet Gevejnment, ncceuling te a story the Les Angeles Times published today. ITALY TO AID BANK'S FOREIGN BRANCHES ROME, Jnn. 11. The Italian Gevemmen h.i& decided te give any necessaiy, assistance te the feicign blanches ut the Baucn Itnliana Dl Sento te pieveut then- failuie 01 feicelT liquidation, ncceuling te the newspaper Epecn. The Bank et Naples is almost certain te intervene in ieanl te blanches m the Uuited States, either supplementing the assets of the Sconte Bank theie or abseibiug the bank's holdings se as te le-estaulisu Italy's ciedit and save emiginuts' deposits. rm lut ninUleim. out out APAnTMKNTS TO and meet tvery requly nnt mar b, quickly by ceniultlnr t AparUnVnU flca'lpa ea niwtr Bj" rfl t found ilaast- Police Watch Hospitals for Burglar ' w,, Believed Shet i-.yery Hospital In the citj is being "'"""J wiiivuvu uy pence in the liepe I ,. " ., ' " """ " " expinu that they inaj capture a mini thetiKht i !,V, . ."irP,,'s""n apartment. 71.1 We te have been wounded when he at- , ' sllr('lc,' '"'hiy shnttereii the wul itiiipieii in i-iuer I, 'lOIISP en Nernlm.-.!. Hircei near Ultncr, ut an early hour this morning. Neighbors in tlmt vicinity were e reused by several shots. On investiBu. tlen bloodstains were found iu an nlieywuy In the rear of 2401) lsemlnger street. 1 (s believed the shots were jlred.nt a i person , thought te have been rrrevA . about; the neighborhood. Shattered and Babv Hurler! Acress Apartment Chester. Pa., ,un II . ,.xnl.,.u.i. st n.l .. I...I r' .. "Hills ..... nui.mna in oil' SlrilitlllO mill hurled u twe-jear ul, ,iih , ress ,, room in n baby cnrrlege, the ehiM narrowly escaping death ROOMS ANO nOAItlllNlt TO TIT Tedays Developments at National Capital Heuse Appropriations Cemmltten dccideN te drop in r mull service. Debate en Truman II. Newberry' rigln te bis seat in Senate open with sharp colleipiy following attack en Michigan G. Caraway. f Arkansas. llll villi ,-Mr.r.i A IMHV O.VKHIAUK. O A I .Intftl nr Ullllhlna. mIh. f... .1,. i.-I.riV.? YOI'IJ i ...V ii-17. 1'.. i7' .T.tr ".'". I ' r i e i i t' . .! r, yx St.. ..... .M niimiim, tn pac -:idi." ...'" I'tC .:" ' ""w wn wwy !i K ,,,m T.S- 1 i-V !: y. . L. P.,." J. C" ei''' ' ,--a ,v )W, .i: "Vfi .r C V4l. tSf ' ft.-. . 'tf .