U ik ' vTT EVENING PdBLl(J IiEBUEJrimiiA!jJELiHiA, ttlxiAi, rAJN'uivi J.u, 'lUnJS V . v . 7 ' , aK'h' t I mi ' . 0 ' , 4. . if. 1 1aAv ".. 3 I VMV t 1 nee air .PanKJiuuppilncs Sftank Beeks . bound a loose leaf Lithe&rGphin& "Printing Enravin ratal t wimeimpanwl J29 Narket Street I VAN NESS REPEA L URGED BY EDWARDS Experienced KNIT GOODS SALESMAN Wanted Large manufacturer of .knit underwear and ether knit goods selling direct te retail trade lias opening for a capa ble and experienced salesman whose personal and business record will bear closest inves tigation. Salary and commis sion basis. Christian only. This is a splendid oppor tunity for first-class man. Send application at once, giv ing full information as te age, where employed during past ten years, and business and personal references, te Bex A 403, care Public Ledger, Philadelphia. i Jersey Covernor Calls Dry Law I "Instrument of Op- prossien" G. 0. P. RULES LEGISLATURE Srteeinl Dlsnitrh te Evmlrv Public Ltdatr: Tren(en, Jan. 10. Governer tM ivnnld, In Ills .innunl memngi lotlie New Jersey Legislature. which opened its 11122 lessien hern today, declared the Vnn Nes Prohibition Kuferccnirnt net an "Instrument of oppression" and urged its rensal. The Governer nil vited the substitution of a Ics drastic measure, which vveu'.l permit jury trials for nil nllegI violators. On this subject the Governer, in bis message, said "The belief tl.it the surest pietcc tien against judlrl.il and ether forms of i.ppreslen nnd tvrnnnv lie- in the right of trial l)j juiy is e well settled In the mind" of our people that attempts te encroach upon or destroy that privilege can have but e.ic effect, namely, te breed suspicion of the motive, of leg leg iMatern and contempt for Inw.' 'or One-Cent Go.sellno Tn L CLERKS FIGHT FOR 8-HOUR OAY Union Representatives in Chi cage Conference Alse Demand Pay for Overtime NEW RULES ARE OPPOSED n- the Associated Press Chicago. Jan. 10. Vxtra pay for overtime work nnil the eight hour day were the principal points sought by railroad clerks In controversies ever the rules of the clerks' national agreement which were up for consideration by the United States Railroad Laber Heard to day. The beard expected te complete, its draft of new rules within two weeks, and promulgation of a new set of rules te replace the agreement made under federal control is looked for bv Pebru ary 1. Eight rules of the old agreement affect the clerks" pa and thee rules have been the subject of the greatest disagreement In negotiations during the last few months TJke the national agreement of ether groups of railroad euiplejcs, the clerks' agreement was ordered replaced bv new rules which the beard directed the empleyes and the Ti.. ..i .mnuiitiiiui n r.. rnrriers te draw up by agreement. The olutlen te Congress, petitioning It te disagreements resulting from such ne- BANDIT, ELUDES PURSgiT "Hen" Qrcsn, Who Broke Jail at West Chester, Still at Large West Chester, Pa.. .Tan. 10. "Hen" Green, the "gold-teeth bandit," who made a sensational escape ever the walls of the jard of the Chester County Prison here yesterday in bread- day light, was still at large today and no trace of him has been received at the prison except a report that a man an swerlng hiH description wns seen, yes- crs In tlw fields near wawnsct. terday afternoon by n party of fox hunt- The wall ever which Grccu clambered is fifteen feet In height. Green get ever It while, ether prisoners were nbeut the ard. A State policeman fired upon n Negro named Procter, near Downiugtewn, to day nnd wounded him slightly iu the leg. As the trooper nppreached the fallen mnn his gun wns accidentally discharged and sent a bullet Inte his own hip. Procter was net wanted by the police. ' DINE r Scullys (krmantewnIve. Faultless Service, tfapoiHlmmbcfbeds. C&TERING Brewing,Kjng & Ce, Fine Men's Worsted Suits $33.50 - Twe hundred of these only. They were $50 and geed value at that price. BROWNING, KING fi CO., Makers I524-1526 CHESTNUT STREET r Diamond Wedding or Guard Ring Made of platinum and encircled wit It 19 diamonds of geed quality $100. These rings arc much admired and arc very popular. Our collection includes various widths with diamonds, some with sapphires, rubies, emeralds and onyx. ' ' V I S. Kind & Sens me chestnut st.. DIAMOND MERCHANTS J13AVKLEIIS SILVERSMITHS & tX'T rrl-! mmmwmvwmCharge Accounts InvUcdiDpMail Orders Ffllcchnnunu the State l"tlllt Heard, urged n tax agreements en llule Ne. p., calling for r MMi,irrTiliil!rlni!i;u,iiiiliirai!iiiiil!i!:i!:ii5iiMi;;iii!;iri,i,ii The finest butter in America! M P'rr 'I of one cent n gallon en eavellne for me- time and encliulf time alter eignt Hours - . . . . . .. 1. .. l.Hl, tlm nlni-lr il(.li rrut tnneil ter vehicles te provide aemtinnai reve- "" " " "" ,.: ".,",' nue for the State hlghwnj system: IJig lit reads hae agreed with their' -... ,.....i .1,. ..K..iiiin,, ,.f dm Mnn c erks te nay pre rata time after eight Police Act and tlm parage of a I hours, but ether carriers arc as-klng lnu enlllmr for trial before a State i no extra pay for tlm ninth hour, pre Chancellor for person- h n a result) rata for the tenth, nnil time nnd our of Inber troubles, are held In contempt ' half only after ten hours. ..f the Chancery Court. He also Mine , Tim arge major! of carriers desire turned an act which would prohibit , te abolish time and one-half for bun night work and preude for an eight- ln and holiday work. n!e except after hour clay for women in iuduftnes. ten hours. ,, , . . i ....( Monthly nnd weekly baFes of pay are Discussing his recommendation for n ,t t;v Ill)01t two. thirds of the legislative revolution te I i engres, , atk- . ,,,,, opposed te n daily ing that bed j te feibnl I cderal Judges! . . , , , h (Lr cmnle.ves nsk te be continued. Anether rule WHICH the Today Sold only in our Stoics g from hearing matters decided by the I"tillt lfeard. the (Jevernnr declared that if tlm cafe of tlm Public Service Hallway Company, which upon being denied increased rates by the Heard of Ctlllty Cnnml'ieners applied te the I'nited States li.trlct Ciirt for an In junction te restrain the heard from in terfering with the collection of its new i-'te". is allowed te become a precedent it will destrer tlm well-established power of the Legislature te fix tlm rates charged the people of the State hj pub lic utilities. The Kxecutlve asserted that, even though the injunction granted bj the lYdcrnl Judge was revoked with in a da. It seemed intolerable thnt a situation could exist under which it Is possible for n utilltv. dissatisfied with a unanimous decision of tlm legislative ..l. - .) I., l.n werrilnml nrnTHrlnB ' I"II1JHU,1? .IV l" l-l jt..v.. ,..v...ju, three hours' pa for two hours Wok for calls, and time nnd one-half- there after, when the full wceklv assignment of hours has net been worked. The reads seek elimination of any punitive pavment under tills rule. . Anether rule .peeifjing lime and one half for work done before and after the I regular work period was agreed te bvi enlv half of the reads bringing dis putes te the beard. The carriers who could net agree te this rule desire te te pav only pre rata pa for work con tiguous te the regular assignment. The eight-hour da. provided by Utile !S, has been agreed te bj twenty-five carrier", but twentj-nlne reads objected te certain features of the rule. Ihc u WMIMM I ngencj. te Ignore tlm courts of this mnj objection was m its application A WONDERFUL TONIC AND APPETIZER PEPTONA Made with cod liver extract, peptenized iron, malt, manganese, catcara, and ether valuable ingredients, all prescribed con stantly for enriching the bleed and tnvig tnvig erating the entire sys tem. Excellent for children, cenvales cents and sickly adults. I Regularly QQa Thit r t.2s yew Menth Pureteat RUBBING ALCOHOL f5 r mtnm alfnhnl I I lied as tf makft It yL for Internal nsr 7 hrfara. It Is free frit i Terr hnnr eev- UJ 9 nt Iut. Will de 11 PWE State and apply te n reder.il Court, which can assume te pass upon Mich piestienf. Recommendation was also made hy the (Joverner of a reasonable fee by I'tilities upon each issue of securities. He also suczested an anuronrlatlen he made te help the State fight applications nate all overtime nnd would apply main espi-clally In the case of men having light or Intermittent emplejnmnt. Other carriers nsk a nine or ten hour day. ' A large majority of reads indicated their desire te pa a straight menthlv salary for nil services in such cases of intermittent wers i ins weum ciiini- rha beat rrndn nlrnhnl M treitled as tf makn It aanc ler int aiitl thrfere. of fhe Terr h emraent Ijit. VII1 ierrthlns: the pure al ji ehl woelU rie. but mn I set be taken intrrnaiu full 50c Pint Bettle 36S DAYS' SERVICE The Symbol What yen reallr ea for when Ten hut a net Water ltettle Is serTlre. The Smbet. made In enr eifn far far terj, meulded from one niece, of hearr AterU with eitrn wide mouth for e a tllllnr Mill be replarrtl nt anv time durlinc one vear with u new bottle It It rieTeJeiw nor defect Rtgularlj 2.00 1.69 77u Menth HOSPITAL BRAND ABSORBENT COTTON lis utilities for Increa-ed rates. G. 0. P. ORGANIZES BOTH iV. . HOUSES ternili te all Is t agents nt small stations where the train service is infrequent, te gate men. announcers, train crew callers and bimilar empleves. DISBANDING OF N. J. BRIGADE IS ADVISED. n"vj' rt rati I tn r rn e Ptiii' t -ifijr Trenten, Jan. 1(1 Crowded gal'cries banks of flowers and palms and d's jilins of Hag nnil streamers greeted the organisatien of tlm Htith session of the N'ew .Ierse Legislature, in both Senate and Heuse, shortly after neon teday: In the galleries women predominated. uinii hnving been attracted for the first time ti, witness a legislative open ing Republicans are in absolute control of tlm new Legislature The Senate Is (vcunl DaealU te fir' i l,4d - Lcde". composed of sixteen Republicans and Trenten, Jan. 10. The Mucka Leg five Democrats, and the Assetnblv of islntlve Committee, which lias been m m fert v-the Republicans nnd fifteen IJcm- vetigatlng the nlTairs of the National ei rat- On joint ballet the Republican (iuard. tedaj submitted its n-pert te the miijiTiij it lerij-iiiic. ii is iriuauv i.esls ature. It recenunenils the lias- Legislature Alse Urged te Put Infantry Officers en Un- assigned List rluin . according te the Republican leaders, that State Treasurer William T Read, of Camden, will be re-elected for another tliree-jear term en joint ballet (loverner IMwnrds during the session will till iiiativ positions, includ ing appointments te the higher judl- laij. ceutilj courts ami State offices Mouses ((ulrhl.v Organize Jim organization if each house was liilikl.v effected. In the AssembI) the Heuse was called te order bv I'pten S. Jeffrevs, of Camden, selecti-d bv the majority aliens te lie Clerk of the Heuse, and the caucus slate wus put through, Assemblvmnn T ILirrv Row land, of Camden, being T-lieseu as Speaker of the Heuse AsveiilbljIUIHl William W. I'van-, of Passaic Ceunt.v. Is majeritv lender and Asseiiihlj man llenrv J (iacde, of Hudsen, minority leader Twe women members of the sseinbly, Mrs Margaret II. Laird, of Newark. Republican, an AssembI AssembI weman in the l'.l'Jl I., gislmuri . and Mis Kntheriiie W lliewn, of ,Ierej Cltv Deineirut. tlei led te the Assem bI v last full, received their creden tial. sage of an act ilndinmling the ptrsent Infuntry brignde of the National (iuard, the placing of Its officers en the un- i assigned list and the enactment of a law (Uitig the location of the units m mu nicipalities, where infantry units were located before the recent sweeeing' transfer of the IHth Regiment's head- I '(iinrters from Camden te Pntepsen .md battalion headiiuaiters of the command from Seuth Jer-ev te North Jersej. The repot t sexerelv critlci7i tJm election of Hrigailier (Jeneral Heward S. Ilerden. of Oceanic, a wealthv im'itla- man. as inrnmaiider of the State' in fantr brigade ever a World War veteran and finds that Ilerden'si elec tion "was forced In innuendo almost amounting te threats toward the i "lectors, the held efli ers of the 114th and the 11,'lth Regiments." The report declares that "the nieiale and etlii iencj of tli organizations of the infantrj brigade of the Stale have In en reducfd te the point wlure they i (ease te be a inllitnrv .mset ' nnd as-i serts further that "the praitire of ap- I pointing or eliding officers of the Na tienal (iuard who ile net possess the In the Senate Senater William I!.1 military riunlifi-atlens, nbilltv or ex I Bnew white, pure, perfertlr ahserblnr t ration, equjiUy fit for medlrlnnl a -well Mm H9unriiBia Mr inci lumiini uac. d-yQ per pound Interesting Prices 1M Reett's Emolslen lft Irerls , JJS father Jehn's Medlrlne 1.M Womnele's C L. Oil Kitra ji" t-ntirura illntment .SO Mrnttielnfam Ointment ,M Mutterele Ointment .Ii Heeeham'a I.lrrr 1'1'Js .TR Tarter-a I.lttle IWrr IMIIs. Ut Fellows' Hjrun Hype , 1.00 Vlnal . .Se rirome Heltter ,0 Ilixn'a Kldner rllln .... .49 Ktetcher'a Casterla 1.55 Cjude's renin Mnnrnn 1 e. HerllrU'a Malted Milk J.OO.I.Interlne. M os. ,7B Mellln's Feed . ... l.M nJel l.M Natated Iren l.M rinkhem's eEetable Cem poend .10 Sal llenntlrn I I no rt tSr tftr 10r 4flr 10c llle LSI S9r 4IVe 49c Me Hr "Op 10r (Mr Stc 70c Maekuv. of Itergeu, Repiildicnn, who has been inentieimd as a gubernatorial I pessihiht was elccud president, In nc nc I'erdunee with the cam us choice. Sen Sen aeor Charles I Whiti . of Atlantic fount, is majent lender and SenaUir U Minder Simpsen, of Ilud-en, minor miner i'v lender. fter the Heuse hid been called te iidi-r by t'lerk Jefirejs the Rev. L. L. Hand, pastor of the Parkslde M. V. i Imrch. of Camden, offered prayer.. Then followed roll-call, after which As- sfinbljinan daede. n Muster In Chan icr.v. administered tlm oath of office te AssetuhlniMti Philip I. Klliet, of Lssex. Mr. Klliet. in turn, adminis tered the oath te all the nieinbcru of the Heue. who arose nnd raled their right hands as thej repeated the oath of adherence te the State and national Constitutions in iiuiten. Mnjerlt.v Leader I'v litis nominated Mr. Rew fund for Speaker, and after his flectien bv u party vote, Assetn ldvmui llebart. of Ksscx : Plcrseti, of I nien, .mil Mrs llrevvn. of Hudsen, were named a eiiiinlttee te escort the .new Speaker te the chair Governer's Rtiilget Message t C.ric rnnr l.dward". in his annual' pcrieni e necessmy te innunaiid troops in the (mid is icsyoiislble for tins de plorable condition." In ncieid.mce with the findings of the cemmittie n bill for the disbandiiient el the present New Jersey Infant rv Ilri gade of the Natl null liuard was intro duced in llie Hoiike tixiin nt the in stuiue of Speaker Rowland, of Camden, a the opening of the Legislature. $250,000 PITTSBURGH FIRE i Smoke Clouds Hamper Firemen Dur ing Blaze In Retail District Pittsburgh. .Inn. 10. (R A. 1M Tire which swent the Kiehbaiim liulhl ing in tlm I'ifth avenue retail district leilnv 'aused damage estimated nt SJ.ri(l.ftfl ). Fer two hours after the fire, men responded te a general alarm the; were unable te enter the building, be ing driven hack nsain and .igaiu bv great volumes of dcusu meke which lolled from the floors occupied b ,i tie nnd ten-cent store The (latin's were finally hirmght tin -ei r cmlrel bj water poured from the tops of adjoining buildings !62) i , Ti 40r 'Mmmi) Seft i fDruq St rermsrlr KlUer Hesenian soe 8 Itread St rer. Siinire JSI0 slarUet !06 Market IKK Chestnut IM L'''",1nel M Market ' ' S' ''' SS54 N. Yxtmt. ft Tork (llHiilnilMl 371 tHrmantewn Are., nrnad Krle UHmUBIOWH.K lUCHtn m budget nn"iige recommended a total hi iitopiuitlen for tlie liscai ear end ing June .'tn. ilea, of ;i:i,s'j(i.-' ID.74, which i 51.:;."il.MK1.7.- less than the sum siimtieimd for Suite use during the present Slate vear. The budget 'bowed that the estimated avilhible Stale reve Mie for the next fiscal jear aie $13. $13. e.'JI.IHO. of wlleh S'J.TIO.MIl.tlt! repre seats the amount of preeiit apprnprlii apprnprlii dens from speeul funds, making the istiiunte el genei.il State lunui ?10, ."ifWl.S'lh 'H Since tlm foiegelng estiiunte was mndi' the I'xciutive declared, business and financial condition huve impreud, i. ml there seems ever reason te believe new thnt the State'ri icyenues for ihc preeent jcar, as well as for next ycai, will be in excess of the estimate of -4 ' thre month? age- VOLCANO SPREADS RUIN i Cocea Plante Deatreyed Grazing Lands Covered With Ashes San Juan Del Sur, Nicaragua, Jan. 10. (Uy A. P i The volcano Ome tene, en the Island of Ometepc. eight mileN from the western slime of Lake Nicaragua, Is In active eruption. Man., thousands of ocea plants have been I t'estrejed, large areas of gnuuig lauds are covered with ashes und mini cattle are dead. The inhabitants of the adjacent vll- luges, terrified b the internal rum bllngH are fleeing te zones of safety. i Considerable lava is flewiim down the 'ilOS-foet cone, but hnji as jet done no material damage. The eruption Is the worst since 1885. 1215 Chestnut Street Illustrated Fashion Felder Sent en Request eAe -JAfrUAftY Bale HIGH CHARACXERa 1922 cTVIODEL "i y 31 m "JaTTS TTTal M m 7 iaT fimr fjrj'j,"JFs)w l. Cj"saP'sa tXte. PeQent ffy N OT A SPECIAL PURCHASE FOR SALE PURPOSES- NOT A SEASON-END ACCUMULATION OF OLH SIZES AND LEFT OVERS NOT A RAG-TAG COLLEC TION OF FURS OF DOUBTFUL PEDIGREE BUT, ON THE CONTRARY, A MOMENTOUS STOCK DISPOSAL, WHICH HAS NO PARALLEL IN THE HIS TORY OF THE FUR BUSINESS IN PHILADELPHIA UTTERLY DISREGARDING COST, PROFIT AND FORMER SELLING PRICE. A Small Deposit Will Reserve Your Purchase in Our Storage Vaults Until Next Fall. Payments te Be Continued Monthly Through the Spring and Summer Marmet Coats Marmet Coats, Raccoon Trimmed. (30 inch). , (Si! inch).. Russian Peny Coats k W inch)... Russian Peny Coats, Opossum Trimmed (W inch).. , Australian Nutria Coats ( ch) . . French Seal Coats f ''"'' French Seal Coats, Nutria-Trimmed (m inch).. French Seal Coats C '.. French Seal Coats. Austr. Opossum Trimmed. . (w md,).. .French Seal Coats, Skunk-Trimmed f? inch).. French Seal Coats, Skunk-Trimmed (,e inch).. Leepard Cat Coats, Seal Trimmed (M wch).. Natural Muskrat Coats f- inch) . . Natural Muskrat Coats C0 ch).. . Us inch) . , inch) . , inch). , (36 inch).. (.',0 inch).. (.10 US (45 inch) . inch) . Moleskin Coats Moleskin Wraps . Hudsen Seal Coats Hudsen Seal Coats, Skunk-Trimmed Hudsen Seal Coats Hudsen Seal Coats. Skunk-Trimmed (W inch). uuusen seal wraps Hudsen Seal Wraps Hudsen Seal Wraps (-s inch) . . Hudsen Seal Circular Capes (is. inch).., Natural Raccoon Coats (se inch). . Natural Squirrel Ceas (se inch) . . Natural Squirrel Coats CQ inch) . . Natural Squirrel Wraps Cs inch).. Natural Squirrel Circular Capes (45 inch) . . Natural Squirrel Wraps (45 inch) . . Black Meire Caracul Wraps (45 inch) . , Taupe Caracul Wraps (45 inch).. Taupe Caracul Circular Capes (45 inch) . . Leepard Skin Coats, Reaver-Trimmed (se inch).. f)ttt 1 ') Persian Lamb Coats, Skunk-Trimmed . . Jap Mink Wraps Natural Mink Coats. . , Natural Mink Wrap Natural Mink Coats. . , Natural Mink Circular Cape Alaska Beaver Ceat (sg Ermine Wrap (45 Broadtail Wrap (45 Broadtail Wrap (45 (45 inch)... (45 inch).., (36 inch) , . Reduced from 75.00 150.00 75.00 135.00 98.50 120.00 150.00 165.00 185.00 180.00 200.00 120.00 150.00 215.00 ."100.00 .'100.00 3 10.00 375.00- .195.00 125.00 -150.00 525.00 000.00 750.00 350.00 450.00 525.00 750.00 825.00 900.00 150.00 700.00 900.00 150.00 525.00 750.00 750.00 (45 inch)... 1500.00 (38 (45 Extra Size Ceals and Wraps- mch)... 1075,00 inch)... 2000.00 inch)... 750.00 inch)... 1000.00 inch)... ?)00.00 inch )...2Qnnnn from 44 te 54 Dust Reduced te 49.50 98.50 49.50 89.50 49.50 79.50 79.50 89.50 115.00 119.50 129.75 79.50 98.50 129.75 195.00 195.00 225.00 245.00 245.00 265.Q0 295.00 345.00 395.00 495.00 225.00 292.50 315.00 495.00 545.00 595.00 295.00 595.00 595.00 295.00 345.00 495.00 495.00 995.00 745.00 1245.00 495.00 595.00 595.00 1245.00 Entire Stock of Chokers, Steles and Sets at Savings up te 50 per cent! JUMP te any en of 8,000 te j A 80,000 Cards .SHAW-WALKER CARD FILING DESK THE Shaw-Walker card filing desk places eight thousand te eight) thousand cartjs within easy reach. Saving 25 of the operator's time by combining n card cabinet with a flat top desk. Saving 50 of the fleer space by concentrating mere cdrds within arm's length than any ether method. Comfortably seated the operator works with greater accuracy and rapidity. The speed method of handling a large list. Write or 'phone today for folder en the Shaw -Walker 'Card-Filing Desk. "Built Like a Skyscraper1 HWfflraVUbWIIMN HAW-WALKEBtl 1010 Chestnut Sf., Philadelphia Fill)errl,72e6 Steel and Weed Files 6267 Card Index Equipment i.cuger uetn tilinc Hates ill 'PtiiiinjivwaiuiMaUBi I ? .s" i ?&? ,-.f- tr"1" T& Ai .a