M ' ' TBtmxtnliTrt ri-xTi-.T'' tf.wri!iT' .Wrr-m A-rVttT.-brrr A' Virmtam' A'V. iTA'fcrrf A'T:V iA 1ftO,9, ' 5"'T , xuvjLjjvr jruxjjuxu uujGiju-vrjciiv jrxixjj-.xx-ijrij-a., J.vw-tf -.,, - -v, - IK R'S MAD DASH SAVES BOY IN FIRE in Doer, Races Through Vlames te Lead Sen Frem Blazing Heme Slad WAS PLAYING ON FLOOR ( Through tlie quick Action et Samuel inl 701 Seuth Fifth street, his four fold son, Harry, wis saved from Lbl6 death during i flre at his Ue. shortly before midnight. Sul conducts a tailoring cstab .. i . nf flint nddrcss nnd uses the -,f of the establishment as a dwell nrv .. . i.i.i -.1-1,. I.'r WbllC no WUB Yeinii a i- '" ... -- l..l,t I- !.. bit. lerUit nijnr, are " ...- tba. Haul MW BmuKO p"""i'B "" U windows nnd remembered Harry JU alone in the 'house. Returning, he found the deer locked. tVMttlng he had the key In bin pocket, meeted through the narrow npcrture. ! iult. Groping his way through the nele and llarae te the rear of the P,.ji- nn feiinil Hnrrv ulnyln Jrfth wooden soldiers en the fleer. .. . .... ..him liln fnthpr. rut and bleed- t!iit...l ..iiclfitf in nxnlnln. ftniil !tktd the child up in hie nrms and SSjard. The lire caused about .$3000 4ime. . BANDITS SHUN VIOLENCE Put Camden Man te Sleep With . !--.. t5U tftn AMI. DfinK, I ncn euu iiini utiui Footpads and sncaK tmeves nave tnc formula for the latest held-up method, v. ..,. htnpklneks or suns. Ne mere reuihlng up their Intended victim. Just ilte them a drink out of n bottle, take K' valuable at leisure and let the lreltal de the rest. The newest stunt was triea en mi litm Corsen, 2025 River avenue. Cam la. last night. Corsen, who is re- (OTtPnC I" VUU--I iiuaiuui, iia luuuu iinconscleus en Newton avenue, near "Pfucc street, early this morning, when he recovered he said he had been stepped by two ncn, backed against a fence and forced te take a draught from a black bottle. That's the last he re membered. He reports the less of his watch and a small sum of money. Mrs. A. G. Griffith, 720 North Tenth street, reports that thieves entered her home last night, ransacked the place and left with ?G0 of her money. JJ SPRAY and PRUNE your fruit and shade trees and bushes new. They wilt give better rmilft thla VAir Wa have a oempleto line of spraying; ma chinery and spraying; material. Alse pruning shears, saws, pruning gloves, etc., for trce trimming. BUY SEEDS NOW and avoid the rush later en; stock ia fresh; assortment complete. Get a copy of ear 1928 Ctler It' free. Michell's hIe G18-516 MARKET ST. Specials for Today Asce Cern Flnkcs pkg7c Kellogg's Cern Flakes, pkg8c Asce Oleomargarine lb 20c Choice Sardines, 3 cans for 10c Asce Evap. Milk, tall can 10c Geld Seal Oats pkg8c Rich Creamy Cheese.... lb 23c P.&G. Naphtha Soap.Cake S'ic P. & G. Star Seap... Cake 5'c Fcls Naptha Seap... cake G'iC Ivery Seap ..' cake 7c, 12c It costs less te live when you deal at an Asce Stere Mitchell Fletcher Ce. mis E33fiItjC&J Plantation Ceylon Tea 75c Lb. Full strength Delicate) flavor 45c Burmah Brand -85c Ceylon Blend $2.50 Chin Sui Formosa 18th & Chestnut Sts. 12th & Market Sts. 5600 Germantown Ave. Atlantic City, N. J. K u . a Lxesisia CORSETS Kafiyeurfujure. young' Firurei JjIfISi Jf up SOLD IN PHILADELPHIA BY Strawbridge & Clothier LA RESfeTA CORSET CO. 431 Fifth Ave., New Yerk SewingMade a Pleasure - - "t -- i I .ytvHm sf FASCINATION Have you ever experienced the delight of effertlass sewing, wd while you pressed you feet slightly en the controller, watched the fabric glide mugically beneath the needle? Have you known the joy of silent sewing, se noiseless that one could rend aloud te you while you sew7 That is what the Electric Automatic does for you, and there is no bobbin te run out in the midst of the seam. There is no tension w adjust, for it automatically adjusts itself, while the seam it mukes is unexcelled in beauty nnd strength. ieu can sew upstairs or down, or en the perch, for it is PORTABLE. Tf. pfin hn rnrrlnrl with nnn hnnrt. H is the result of sixty years' experience, nnd is the Willcox & WD3 Sewing Machine Company's latest gift te womanhood. J'JJ IN UKMONNTKATK IT TO YOU. A H.MAI.I. PAY.M1J.X SEttHKS O.NE OI' THKKK: TII13 IIAI.ANC'K ON' 1JA8Y TKHMl illcex & Gibbs Sewing Machine Ce. T ItMH. 1709 Chestnut Street .COURTESY; (Phene, Spruce 2102) -SERVICE 'SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. FLORID A n; TIIDrntrii SUEPING CAR senviCE i. P'HIniere i,. R?i W.!f. V,' HM ", Klthmnnil r. Raltlirh- 1 Buth,l-n Pin.. Hnehurit . inmh r. c'i.;... S!&,,," W. t.f.k... rTs-?i"i.-." fcTSr".'"!" fey' J-JiSMnvlll, MifflW IIHfll 1 0.00 I'M i .no i-3,AJr 1;7 " Htl it . 1 I Ne. S01 1 Ne. S i Ne. rierlJ. IMM.StnlS..I,n., 1 Efficllft Cubt gpl Sp.ilil l.'i.l M.UJn. i. 11 8:40 Pill 2:05 I'Ml 12:80 AM 0311141 B:B8 iJ7 " 3:"J0 8:4T ' :I5 fl.80 " mS " UOi ' B.2S " I 7:2B " liiO ' 12:01 AMjj 8:15 " I 7:85 ' 8-85 " ia.35 " 4:10 rt 4:l A! 8:83 " AM 8-00 i n -as 11:40 7,f5 I'Ml 11-(1R 12:05 Ail :3ii H'iir. tM 10.00 " 0 55 AM 7.30 AM 7.40 " 8:80 " 7C Kit B.OO ' DUO 31 S no e II 11:10 1380 I'M 8 '35 7 -48 H 3U 8:5.1 " U'BO " 8:00 TO 8:45 8.54 9:40 8 JO 8:0$ U:0O AM, in or " 13:80 P4I 8:40 I'M, U.OO " uiin in.nn O-OD AM '4 7:80 7!40 8:80 J 7 a5""" C 80 ;1Q ' in nn pxi8 11.00 " -9 1 at AA1V 1,47 .in Pinehunt. N. C. iSeulhern Pines, N. C Camden, S. C. Savannah, Ga. Brunswick, Ga. Write NOW for ritm ilieni nd tDlbenlic inor iner inor inttieB. Boekleli. WlnUringlqthoflqeth," "nnntlni and llihlnr In iha (joelh? "Onir uni mbtr SperU" (ii1n roll nnd tcnnit lournemtDt llatri). J. Ctrl Jennien, 0. P. A, IB35 CliMinui St. rbiu.. r. New Yolk Oltc QUALITY VALUE SERVICE STRAWBKIDGE & CLOTHIER SIIOPPINP ' HOURS 9 TO fc:30 Many Under Price Purchases Added te January Sales I YT.ir-lKn-CfitrA TV.'fr.T Women's New Spring Dresses of Crepe de Chine At Special Sale Prices $13.50 $22.50 Yeu will marvel at the kind of Dresses $18.B0 and $22.50 rlll buy during this Sole NEW DRESSESi charmingly simple and se becoming. , At $1&.5D Ovor-bleuso DresBCS with plaited skirts, the bletue draped te form a crushed girdle and the sleeves nnd cellar finished with tiny plaited ruffle. Navy, black nnd brown. At $22.60, a plnlted-tunic model, straight and slim as a reed, nnd trimmed with slmple straight runs of novelty braiding in the effect of French plaiting. Navy, white, black nnd brown. Weel Jersey Dresses $15.00 Remarkable Value Mere- of the same kind that women wero se enthusiastic eveV, last weak. Panel and tunic models, in rust, navy, black, beaver and brown, braided and embroidered. -- Strawbrldi & Clothier 8ectmd Fleer, Cntr Petticoats Exceptional Value $1.50 Cotten taffeta made with tucked flounce finished with Slalting, in black with figured csigna. ' White Satine Petticoats Regular Sizes at 65c SPECIAL. Mede with tucked and plaited flounce. Strawbrlftn A Clothier Second Fleer. Wet January Sale Values in The Toilet Goods Stere Favorite Toilet Preparations at werth-while savings in the Sale: Djer Kiss Face Powder special at 45c Djer Kiss Talcum Powder special at 18c Arnica Cream, for chapped hands new 25c White Castile Seap, 4-pound bars new 85c Smelling Salts, in small fancy bottles new 35c S. & C. Lemen Cream, large jars, in the Sate 35c (?- Strawbrldcs & Cletbler Aides O and 10, Centre In the French Salen A Special Greup of New Hand-made BLOUSES $3.00 te $16.50 A wonderfully vnried group of fine bleuses of batiste, veile and dimity. Bewitching models with vests, deep frills lavishly trimmed with lace, novel col cel lars, some in Peter Pan 3tyle. As for trimmings the very smartest of embroidered nnd hemstitched designs, real filet, Irish and Valcnclenncs frills, edgings and insertions. Prices nre surprisingly mod erate for such Waists $3.00 te $16.50. Strawbrldjre & Clothier Third Fleer, West Among the Outstanding Features of the $200,000 Sale of Men's Clothing Men's and Yeung Men's. Qlllfc With Extra D 141 te Trousers $23-i2,$29;22,$32!2 A great, comprehensive collection, in cluding the season's smartest styles, for men and young men. Carefully tailored of cassimeres and smooth worsteds, in all manner of new stripes, checks, mixtures, herringbones and plain shades. All sizes and proportions are represented regular, stout, slender, short and tall. The two-trousers feature insures extra wear, and in January reductions provide savings of about one-third. Come and see $23.50, $29.50 and $32.50. Handsome Overcoats $23.50, $28.50, $32.50 Werth About One-half Mere Men's and young men's Overcoat In n wealth of styles and fabrics Ulsters, Ulstercttcs, Raglnns and Chesterfields. Splendid in overy detail of fabric and tailoring, and marked at the lowest prices in years. Fur-lined Overcoats $75, $135, $175, $235 Luxurious Overcoats at reductions of one-third te one-half from former prices. --- StrawbrldKe & Cleth, r Second fleer. Eat 1 e.i? !trp?fe 111 l iTMf 1 b. "V sypr t' Wa r Don't Miss This Sale of Women's Coats You'll get a new idea of what constitutes a great Sale, when you see the quantities and the values here: Anether Let of These I-jea aa Remarkably Geed Coats fU.UU Everybody likes them. They arc of soft, lustrous wool, made Blightly fitted and trimmed with stitching; silk-lined throughout. Blue, brown and black. Loese Belted Seal , $25.00 Plush Coats Closely resembling fur and made en the simple, smart lines of fur Cents. Smart Plain-Tailored $30.00 High-grade Coats Plain-tailored Coats beautiful tailoring and fine finish throughout. Well-setting cellars that can be worn high if desired. Silk-lined. Exceptionally Fine $40.00 Seft Weel Coats Seft, deop-pile wool fabric in blue, brown and black. Made with attractive loeso panel back, fringe-trimmed, and fringed threw cellnr. arSK?jsa?. $50-00 They are of Belivia, one of the meat fashienable materials: belted all around in the most approved style; well lined throughout with geed, sturdy silk Coats that you instinctively knew would net be priced ordinarily at $50.00. Only ene hundred in this lot let lot net a large quantity, considering the way we have been selling Coats during this sale. J -8trn.wbriaj & Clothier Soen4 Fleer, Centr Inexp A Special Purchase for the Sale ensive New Gingham Morning Frecks, $2.95, $5.00 New nna anterent ana cnarnuiiBiy ubwm"i are"these Dresses for house and morning wear. Of smart checked gingham in black-and-white, blue-and-white, lavender-and-whitc, brown-and-white and red-and-Whitc. In sizes 36 te 46 inches. A Waist-line Medel $2.95 With distinctive fashion features in cellnr nnd yoke of allover embroidery, flaring sleeves, wide gingham sash and novel patch pockets. A Leng-waisted Medel $5.00 The wonderfully attractive style sketched, trimmed with allover embroidery and pearl buttons. Barmen-make Heuse Dresses Sizes 48, 50, 52, 54 and 56 Fashioned for women who wear extra sizes. Adjustable at the waist-line, reinforced under the arms and with a concealed tuck under the hem. A collarless model of checked percale $2.4e Twe styles of striped percale, vest effect $2.95 Three models of checked and striped gingham $3.95 jyy StrawbrlJse & Clothier Third Fleer, Kllbrt Stwt, West J t Men's Shirts at $1.50 Lines incomplete in range of sizes and Shirts rumpled by handling assembled in a single group and marked at this low price for immediate clearance. ? Strawbrld t Clothier Eaet Btnrn, Eighth Strret 10,182 Pieces in the January Sale of Tossed And Tumbled Decorative Linens and Cottens This is the annual disposal of Decorative Linens and Cottens that are net quite as fresh as new. This year the assortment of styles and kinds is wonderful plain hemstitched and scalloped hems, trimmed with machine- and hand-made lncea and insertions, or beautifully hand-embroidered or machine-embroidered in white and colors; also some lovely hand-prints. Doilies, Centrepieces, Scarfs, Lunch Sets and Lunch Cleths AH nt clearance prices. In some instances only one or two of a design or quality, but 10,182 slngle pieces in the let. :g-. Strawbildt ft Clelliler Alile 11. Centre; and Market Street Crei AU1 January Sale Prices en Blankets and Comfertables Mean money in the pocket for all who fcharc in these values. COMFORTABLES Filled 'with pure wool, light but very warm. New $7.50-Covered with figured satine with plain ntine border; 72x78 inches. NOW $8.50 Size 7 2x84 inches, covered with figured Batine with plain satine border. NOW $16.50 With figured Japanese silk top, plain silk bor der and back; 72x78 inches. 2t - Mrewti BLANKETS New $5.75 Weel - mixed white Blnnkets, with dainty colored berderB. An excellent quality nt this low price; 60x80 inches $3.73 a pair. New $8.50 Silver gray Blankets, with pink or blue bor ders. Eighty per cent, wool, very soft and warm; 70x80 inches. New $12.00 Fine All-wool Plaid Blankets in lovely color- mgs; 70x80 inches. rldse ft Clothier Alile n. n trrt Stre-t January Brings Many Exceptional Rug Values The January Sales bring a wealth of remarkable money-saving opportunities for home furnishers especially in thu Fleer Cover ings Stores where hundreds of desirable Rugs hae been marked at appreciably less than former low pi ices. Fer instance: Nete These Lew Prices for Carpet-size Axminster Rugs Roxbury Standard Axminster Rugs, 8.3x10.6 $U0.00 Roxbury Standard Axminster Rugs. 9x12 feet SU.50 Extra-large Axminster Rugs, 11.3x12 feet $47.50 Other Axminster Rugs, 6x9 $19.50; 9x12 $37.50 Mere Than 100 Fine Wilten Rugs at Such Lew Prices as Superfine Wilten Rugs, 8.3x10.6 feet $92.50 Superfine Wilten Rugs, size 9x12 feet $97.50 Royal Wilten Rugs, 8.3x10.6 feet $61.00 Royal Wilten Rvgs, size 9x12 feet $63.00 -- Strnw'irldE i- Cleth'----! out n ( Wrt Among the Lewer-Priced Fleer Coverings Reversible Weel-and-Fibre Rvgs, 9x12 feet $11.75 Tapestry Brussels Rugs, 6x9 feet new $1.00; 7.6x9, $17.50; 8.3x10.6, $21.;3; 9x12, $25.00 Cook's Genuine Cerk Linoleum Rugs, 6x9 feet $5.75; 7.6x9, $7.00; 7.6x10.6, $8.25; 9x1 J. SI 1.75 Remnants of Inlaid Linoleum 95c a square yard. Rubber Stair Treads. 5x17 inches 75c a dozen tf-y S-rm li Jze 4 nthlir 1'eurth I' "or FiiDtit Stteet Beautiful Cretonnes, 40c Mill Ends in Lengths of One te Ten Yards, One-third Under Price Just received in time for the January Sale. Cretonnes woven in the much-desired heavy crash effect, printed in gorgeous color ings and designs, or in rich-looking, mere-subdued effects; 30 inches wide in the Sale 40c a yard. V - Mrawerldie 4 Cethl.i--Third Fleer. Centr, Beys' Shirts at Great Savings In r wide tange i patterns. All excellei value? in the Sale. FANCY STK1PED SII1HTS With ncck-hand Sl.00 With attached cellar $1.10 With attached cellar or neck-band M.5H Of woven-stripe Madras, with neck-band SI.75. $2.00. $2.30 WHITE SHIRTS. SPECIAL With neck-liand $1 50 and S2.00 With cellnr attached $2.00 t -y S uiDrOs. & . iier rtxeend Fleur, renins. Jifcmt JM Wonderful Assortment in These Lets of Muslin Underwear in the Sale Piles and piles of Undergarments, fresh and new, purchased specially for our great January Sale. All of them at substantial savings. These leta featured te-morrow : Nainsoek Night Gowns 75c te $5.00 Many styles trimmed with lace and embroidery. Nainsoek Combinations $1.00 te $3.95 Corset Cever with Skirt or DrawcrB, ome in Marcella style. Trimmed with lace nnd embioldery. Petticoats of Cambric 85d te $3.50 Trimmed with lace or cmbroldery. Nainsoek Envelope Chemises 75c te $2.50 Medels beautifully trimmed. With straps or regulation armholes Cambric Drawers 50c te $1.75 A Remarkable Purchase of Extra-size Underwear Still an excellent range of choice in lovely Undergarments away under price in the Sale. These werj a special purchase of the finer kinds of Lingerie, chiefly medelB beautifully trimmed, fashioned of wh(te nainsoek. Night Gowns $1.95 te $2.8& ! (L Sim v ""3T APH LJLP Silk Envelope Chemises $4.65 Envelope Chemises $1.95 te $2.85 , Corset Cevers special at 95c , SK- 8trwbrll 4 Clettiler Third Fleer, Wt Men's Linen Handkerchiefs 1200 at 25c each Alse mere than one thousand funcy Printed Handkerchiefs, at 18c, or 3 for 50c. Strawbriug & flethler Market Strut Cre Alula In the Rubber Goods Stere Practical supplies for the home or the medicine chest. Ever-Het Bags, $1.50 & $2 Te heat, pour in ene eunce of water und the Bag will re tain the heat 24 hours under cover. Electric Pads$5.50 Standard Electric Heating Pads, flexible and practical. Medicinal Atomizers 50c te $2 Rubber Het Water Dettles, special $1.00 Rubber Gloves 65c te $1.25 Strawbrldg A ClethUr ALU 10, Filbert 8tret Be Sure te See the Fashions for the Seuth New Being Displayed It it. as refreshing as the first whiff of the fruit- and llower llewer laden zephyrs of the Seuth, or the first breath of a Northern Springtime. Fer these are Spring Fashions, you knew -the choicest ones, accommodat ingly advanced for these who seek Spring in Winter, imk-i-Seuthern skies. Tailored Linen and Gay Cotten Freck Three-piece Spert Costumes ivith Captw Scarfs or Jackets New Silk Crepe Freck with Matching Wraps Skirts and Sweaters and Sports Blouses Beautiful New Millinery and Dress Accessories s, ... S &w. mn i. W1 rmm IIjmI 4. M5 m m -ia ? Wl '. a : im im M . M 43K m 'Mil WMl AflM iWJ $i ,m i m 7il ' 0;1Q " 142 W. 4!d St. tf 'r-l...!.!.. .' i . 11 .Ai I 11:30 1 t.n. i .."'!'.. IftHced KM.re. Allowiei rhlncien, u. c L-Ill WW 8t,,N, I 45- VStrbrldt 4 flethlr Stoend yioer" s .. . -1 ,!.. 1 ..'S 7T7 IZX& ,VI low uu 81 i42 " i mw r Sir1 rx'i lirflntz , t'-e r v 'J,is. m I ,.l - J'laan"